ss unit 5
ss unit 5
ss unit 5
Work-place Skills
Lecture – 27
Leadership Qualities, Impact
Leadership qualities
Leadership is the act of motivating other people towards a
common goal. People that have leadership skills showcase
a strong personality and interpersonal skills to lead others
in their direction.
6. Help others
Lastly, helping others in our organization will help
improve our leadership skills, too. This is because through
assisting others with their needs, we will be able to
empathize with them, see their struggles or successes and
build a relationship and trust with them, as well. Being
available to help others when they need it is a great way
to improve our communication skills and general
leadership skills.
Why are leadership skills important?
A good listener is someone who listens to the speaker to
receive and interpret messages accurately. No one likes
to communicate with a person who cares only about
what they have to say. That’s why, to become a good
communicator, we need to be a good listener too.
Listening is the key to all effective communication.
Without the ability to listen effectively, messages are
easily misunderstood. As a result, communication breaks
down and the sender of the message can easily become
frustrated or irritated. The listening process involves four
stages: receiving, understanding, evaluating and
responding. In the first stage, receiving, the listener hears
the speaker and tries to make sense of the message.
This requires the listener to pay attention and to be able to
process the information. In the second stage,
understanding, the listener tries to interpret the meaning
of the message. This requires the listener to have some
background knowledge and to be able to make
inferences. In the third stage, evaluating, the listener
makes a judgement about the message. This requires the
listener to have some standards or criteria by which to
judge the message. In the fourth stage, responding, the
listener takes some action in response to the message.
This might involve giving feedback to the speaker or
taking some other action. Completion of all these stages is
necessary. Good listening skills make workers more
productive. By being active listeners workers can
understand their assignments in a much better way and
can give their best outputs
Leaders need to be good listeners:
By continuous listening a leader can help build a healthy
and productive work environment.
Managing Stress
Stress can be defined as the degree to which we feel
overwhelmed or unable to cope as a result of pressures that
are unmanageable. In simple words, stress is a mental
situation in which people feel pressure to perform or act.
There are two main types of stress:
1. Mindfulness Meditation
5. Self-Care
The well-known saying, ‘Health is Wealth’, is so true as
without taking good care of health, one cannot work
properly. So, when it comes to managing stress, taking care
of self is vital. One needs to maintain a healthy diet and
take adequate sleep to function properly and to keep
physical ailments at bay. Resorting to substance abuse such
as alcohol or drugs should be prohibited as it further
worsens stress. Thus, the role of a healthy lifestyle and
good habits cannot be undermined in curbing stress.
6. Maintain a ‘Stress Diary’
It is important to emit out the negative emotions, and one
can write down all the negative feelings in a diary as a way
to let them go. Also, listing down positive emotions would
help to shift the attention, and one can think of memories to
be grateful for. In this way, negativity is ward off and
replaced by positive thoughts.
7. Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy uses essential oils/scents to treat one’s
mood. So, the use of essential oils or aroma candles helps
in reducing stress. Many research studies have shown that
aroma oils having a calming effect and help in lowering
anxiety and improving sleep.
8. Tune in to Music
Researchers confirm that listening to calm and soothing
music helps to lower down the heart rate and blood
pressure, thus reducing ‘cortisol’, the stress hormone.
Therefore, listening to good music is an easy escape to
9. Reading Books
What better way to stay away from the stressors than
picking up a good book to read. Reading improves
concentration and keeps the mind away from stressful
thoughts. It diverts the mind and thus is an effective
method to lessen stress.
10. Socializing with Friends and Family
Being in the company of loved ones helps to relax and
enables one to share their concerns or problems. This
allows for freeing up the feelings and garnering emotional
support. Studies reveal that socializing helps in the release
of the hormone called ‘Oxytocin’, which is a stress reliever.
11. Get a Hobby
Getting our time into some good hobby like painting,
dancing or fishing enables our mind to take a break from
stressful thoughts and keeping it engaged. Thus, it not only
acts as a de-stressor but also engages our mind to use the
time productively.
12. Befriend Nature
Exposure to nature helps reduce anger, anxiety, and stress.
Being in the company of nature enhances pleasant and
positive feelings, thus, reducing stress hormones.
13. Consult a Psychologist/Counsellor
Nowadays, many people seek professional help to
manage stress. Therefore, seeking treatment or getting
counselling sessions can also prove beneficial to manage