Teacher Evaluation Tool
Teacher Evaluation Tool
Teacher Evaluation Tool
Glossary 3
Self-Assessment 11
Pre-Observation/Post-Observation Questions 14
Summary Report 24
Improvement Plan 28
In the spring of 2013, a District-wide committee was established to restructure the evaluation process and procedures. The
committee consisted of six (6) members, three (3) representing the Association and three (3) representing the Administration. The
committee developed the statement of purpose to guide its work.
The evaluation instruments are based on the Ohio Department of Education Teaching Standards. The instruments are designed to
promote effective leadership, quality teaching, and student learning while enhancing professional practice and leading to improved
instruction. All of the instruments and processes are designed to encourage professional growth, to be flexible and fair to the
persons being evaluated, and to serve as the foundation for the establishment of professional goals and identification of
professional development needs. The committee will survey all certified staff in the spring, 2014 to collect input and make revisions.
The teacher performance evaluation process will:
Serve as a measurement of performance for individual teachers;
Serve as a guide for teachers as they reflect upon and improve their effectiveness;
Serve as the basis for instructional improvement;
Focus the goals and objectives of schools and district as they support, monitor, and evaluate teachers;
Guide professional development for teachers;
Serve as a tool in developing coaching and mentoring programs for teachers;
Improve & enhance the implementation of the approved curriculum and teaching standards.
Evaluation Process
Administrator responsibility
Know and understand the Ohio Department of Education Teaching Standards.
Participate in training to understand and implement the Teacher Evaluation Process.
Supervise the Teacher Evaluation Process and ensure that all steps are conducted according to the approved
Identify the teacher’s strengths and areas for improvement and make recommendations for improving
Ensure that the contents of the Teacher Summary Evaluation Report contain accurate information and accurately
reflect the teacher’s performance.
Develop and supervise implementation of action plans as appropriate.
Teacher responsibility
Know and understand the Ohio Department of Education Professional Teaching Standards.
Participate in training to understand and implement the Teacher Evaluation Process (timeline and tools).
Understand the Greenville City Schools Teacher Evaluation Process.
Prepare for and fully participate in the evaluation process.
Gather data, artifacts and evidence to support performance in relation to standards and progress in attaining
Develop and implement strategies to improve personal performance/attain goals in areas individually or
collaboratively identified.
Teacher Background: (Briefly describe the teacher’s educational background, years of experience, teaching assignment, and
any other factors that may impact the evaluation.)
The Greenville Teacher Evaluation is based, in part, on informal and formal observations and conferences conducted on the following dates:
Activity Date Teacher Signature Evaluator Signature
Oct. 15
Professional Growth Plan Conference (p11-13)
Pre-Observation Conference (reference p 6-10, 14)
Suggested Source of Evidence: The teacher employs a variety Student learning needs are
Pre-Observation The teacher does not use a The teacher uses measures of of formal and informal accurately identified through
Post-Observation measure of student student performance but assessment techniques to an analysis of student data;
performance. does not appropriately vary collect evidence of students’ the teacher uses assessment
assessment approaches, or knowledge and skills and data to identify student
the teacher may have analyzes data to effectively strengths and areas for
difficulty analyzing data to inform instructional planning student growth.
effectively inform and delivery.
instructional planning and
The teacher’s lesson does not The teacher makes an The teacher makes clear and The teacher uses the input
build on or connect to attempt to connect the lesson coherent connections with and contributions of families,
students’ prior knowledge, or to students’ prior knowledge, students’ prior knowledge and colleagues and/or other
the teacher may find an to previous lessons or future future learning-both explicitly professionals in
explanation that is illogical or learning but it is not to students and within the understanding each learner’s
Prior Content inaccurate as to how the completely successful. lesson. prior knowledge and
Knowledge/ content connects to previous supporting their
Sequence/ and future learning. development. The teacher
makes meaningful and
Connections relevant connections between
(Standard 1: Students; lesson content and such
Standard 2: Content; Standard things as other disciplines and
4: Instruction) real-world experiences and
for students to apply learning
Suggested Source of Evidence: from different content areas
Pre-Observation to solve problems.
The teacher plans and
The teacher plans and sequences instruction that
sequences instruction to reflects an understanding of
include the important the prerequisite relationships
The teacher does not attempt The teacher relies on a single The teacher supports the The teacher matches
to make the lesson accessible strategy or alternate set of learning needs of students strategies, materials, and/or
Differentiation and challenging for most materials to make the lesson through a variety of pacing to students’ individual
(Standard 1: Students; students, or attempts are accessible to most students strategies, materials, and/or needs, to make learning
Standard 4: Instruction) developmentally though some students may pacing that make learning accessible and challenging for
inappropriate. not be able to access certain accessible and challenging for all students in the classroom.
Suggested Source of Evidence: parts of the lesson and/or the group. The teacher effectively uses
Pre-Observation some may not be challenged. independent, collaborative
Formal Observation and whole class instruction to
Post-Observation support individual learning
goals and provides varied
options for how students will
demonstrate mastery.
Resources Instructional materials and The teacher uses appropriate Instructional materials and Instructional materials and
(Standard 2: Content; resources used for instruction instructional materials to resources are aligned to the resources are aligned to
Standard 4: Instruction) are not relevant to the lesson support learning goals, but instructional purposes and are instructional purposes, are
or are inappropriate for may not meet individual appropriate for students’ varied and appropriate to
Suggested Source of Evidence: students. students’ learning learning styles and needs, ability levels of students, and
Pre-Observation styles/needs or actively actively engaging students. actively engage them in
Formal Observation engage them in learning. ownership of their learning.
There is little or no evidence The teacher is fair in the The teacher has positive The teacher has positive
of a positive rapport between treatment of students and rapport with students and rapport with students and
the teacher and students. establishes a basic rapport demonstrates respect for and demonstrates respect for and
with them. interest in all students. interest in individual students’
experiences, thoughts and
There are no evident routines Routines and procedures are Routines and procedures run opinions.
or procedures; students seem in place, but the teacher may smoothly throughout the
unclear about what they inappropriately prompt or lesson, and students assume Routines are well-established
should be doing or are idle. direct students when they are age-appropriate levels of and orderly and students
unclear or idle. responsibility for the efficient initiate responsibility for the
operation of the classroom. efficient operation of the
Transitions are inefficient with The teacher transitions Transitions are efficient and
Classroom considerable instructional between learning activities, occur smoothly. There is Transitions are seamless as
Environment time lost. Lessons progress but occasionally loses some evidence of varied learning the teacher effectively
(Standard 1: Students; too quickly so students are instructional time in the situations (whole class, maximizes instructional time
Standard 5: Learning frequently disengaged. process. cooperative learning, small and combines independent,
Environment; group and independent work). collaborative, and whole-class
Standard 6: Collaboration and learning and development.
Communication) The teacher creates a learning The teacher engages in two-
environment that allows for The teacher welcomes way communication and A classroom management
Suggested Source of Evidence: little or no communication or communication from families offers a variety of volunteer system has been designed,
Pre-Observation engagement with families. and replies in a timely opportunities and activities implemented, and adjusted
Formal Observation manner. for families to support with student input and is
Post-Observation student learning. appropriate for the classroom
Expectations for behavior are and individual student needs.
not established or are A classroom management Students are actively
inappropriate and/or no Appropriate expectations for system has been encouraged to take
monitoring of behaviors behavior are established, but implemented that is responsibility for their
occurs/ The teacher responds some expectations are appropriate and responsive to behavior. The teacher uses
to misbehavior unclear or do not address the classroom and individual effective strategies to lessen
inappropriately. needs of individual students. needs of students. Clear disruptive behaviors and
The teacher consistently expectations for student reinforce positive behaviors.
monitors behavior. behavior are evident.
Management of student
behavior is consistent,
appropriate, and effective.
The teacher rarely or never The teacher checks for The teacher checks for When an explanation is not
checks the students’ student understanding and understanding at key effectively leading students to
understanding of content. The makes attempts to adjust moments and makes understand the content, the
teacher fails to make accordingly, but these adjustments to instruction teacher adjusts quickly and
adjustments in the response adjustments may cause some (whole-class or individual seamlessly within the lesson
to student misunderstanding. additional misunderstanding. students). The teacher and uses an alternative way to
responds to student explain the concept.
misunderstandings by
Assessment of providing additional
Student Learning clarification.
By using student data from a
(Standard 3: Assessment)
The teacher persists in using a The teacher gathers and uses The teacher gathers and uses variety of sources, the teacher
particular strategy for student data from a few student data from a variety of appropriately adapts
Suggested Source of Evidence:
responding to sources to choose appropriate sources to choose and instructional methods and
misunderstandings, even instructional strategies for implement appropriate materials and paces learning
Formal Observation
when data suggest the groups of students. instructional strategies for activities to meet the needs of
approach is not succeeding. groups of students. individual students as well as
the whole class.
Ineffective Developing Skilled Accomplished
Professional The teacher fails to The teacher uses a variety of The teacher uses effective The teacher communicates
communicate clearly with strategies to communicate communication strategies effectively with students,
Responsibilities students and families or with students and families with students and families families, and colleagues. The
(Standard 6: Collaboration collaborate effectively with and collaborate with and works effectively with teacher collaborates with
and Communication; professional colleagues. colleagues, but these colleagues to examine colleagues to improve
Standard 7: Professional approaches may not always problems of practice, analyze personal and team practices
Responsibility and Growth) The teacher fails to be appropriate for a particular student work, and identify by facilitating professional
understand and follow situation of achieve the targeted strategies. dialogue, peer observation
Suggested Source of regulations, policies, and intended outcome. and feedback, peer coaching,
Evidence: Professional agreements. and other collegial learning
Development Plan activities.
Action Plan The teacher understands and
Pre-Observation The teacher fails to follows district policies and The teacher makes ethical and The teacher meets ethical and
Formal Observation demonstrate evidence of an state and federal regulations. professional responsibilities professional responsibilities
Post-Observation ability to accurately self- with integrity and honesty. and helps colleagues access
Daily interaction with others assess performance and to The teacher models and district policies and
appropriately identify areas upholds district policies and understand their implications
for professional development. state and federal regulations. in the classroom.
Instructions: Teachers should reflect on practice to indicate strengths and areas for growth for each standard. Then, look across
all of the standards holistically and identify two priorities for the upcoming year. Note these two priorities with check marks in
the far right column. * By October 15th, teachers will have completed a Self-Assessment and Growth Plan forms, provided a copy of each form
to the evaluator, and met with his or her evaluator.
Areas for Priorities
Ohio Standards For The Teaching Profession Strengths
Growth (check 2)
Standard 1: Students Knowledge of how students learn and of student development
Understanding of what students know and are able to do
High expectations for all students
Respect for all students
Identification, instruction and intervention for special populations
Standard 2: Content Knowledge of content
Use of content-specific instructional strategies to teach concepts and skills
Knowledge of school and district curriculum and/or Ohio Content Standards
Relationship of knowledge within the discipline to other content areas
Connection of content to like experiences and career opportunities
Standard 3: Assessment Knowledge of assessment types
Use of varied diagnostic, formative and summative assessments
Analysis of data to monitor student progress and to plan, differentiate, and
modify instruction
Communication of results
Inclusion of student self-assessment and goal-setting
Standard 4: Instruction Alignment to school and district curriculum and/or Ohio Content Standards
Use of student information to plan and deliver instruction
Communication of clear learning goals
Application of knowledge of how students learn to instructional design and
Differentiation of instruction to support learning need of all students
Use of activities to promote independence and problem-solving
Use of varied resources to support learner needs
Standard 5: Learning Fair and equitable treatment of all students
Environment Creation of a safe learning environment
Use of strategies to motivate students to work productively and assume
responsibility for learning
Creation of learning situations for independent and collaborative work
Maintenance an environment that is conductive to learning for all students
Standard 6: Collaboration & Clear and effective communication
Communication Shared responsibility with parents/caregivers to support student learning
Collaboration with other teachers, administrators, school and district staff
Collaboration with local community agencies
Standard 7: Professional Understanding of & adherence to professional ethics, policies & legal codes
Responsibility and Growth Engagement in continuous, purposeful professional development
Desire to serve as an agent of change, seeking positive impact on teaching
quality and student achievement
Teacher Notes:
Instructions: Please use the space below to provide a brief rationale for Growth/Improvement Goals making sure to reference any
relevant data that help demonstrate the importance of this goal to your professional growth or improvement.
Goal 1 Rationale:
S.M.A.R.T Goal Strategies Indicator of Success
Goal 2 Rationale:
S.M.A.R.T Goal Strategies Indicator of Success
I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed it with my evaluator. My signature indicates that I have been advised of my
performance status; it does not necessarily imply that I agree with this evaluation.
Instructions: Please score the teacher’s performance at the standard level using the space provided to provide the teacher with
relevant evidence and any comments based on the evidence. Evaluators may choose to focus on specific elements reflected in
the Teacher’s Growth Plan. If so, circle the element(s) in the left hand column that are the focus of the observation.
Ineffective = I Developing = D Skilled = S Accomplished = A
Instructional Planning Evidence Comments/Score
Focus for Learning
(Standard 4: Instruction)
Evaluator Comments
I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed it with my evaluator. My signature indicates that I have been advised of my
performance status; it does not necessarily imply that I agree with this evaluation.
Instruction: Please comment/reflect on the observation and report. Form must be returned to the evaluator within five (5)
working days following the post-conference.
I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed it with my evaluator. My signature indicates that I have been advised of my
performance status; it does not necessarily imply that I agree with this evaluation.
Instructions: Please score the teacher’s performance at the standard level using the space provided to provide the teacher with
relevant evidence and any comments based on the evidence. Evaluators may choose to focus on specific elements reflected in
the Teacher’s Growth Plan. If so, circle the element(s) in the left hand column that are the focus of the observation.
Ineffective = I Developing = D Skilled = S Accomplished = A
Instructional Planning Evidence Comments/Score
Focus for Learning
(Standard 4: Instruction)
(Standard 2: Content;
Standard 4: Instruction)
Suggested Source of Evidence:
Formal Observation
Evaluator Comments
I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed it with my evaluator. My signature indicates that I have been advised of my
performance status; it does not necessarily imply that I agree with this evaluation.
Instruction: Please comment/reflect on the observation and report. Form must be returned to the evaluator within five (5)
working days following the post-conference.
I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed it with my evaluator. My signature indicates that I have been advised of my
performance status; it does not necessarily imply that I agree with this evaluation.
Instructions: Please score the teacher’s performance at the standard level using the space provided to provide the teacher with
relevant evidence and any comments based on the evidence. Evaluators may choose to focus on specific elements reflected in
the Teacher’s Growth Plan. If so, circle the element(s) in the left hand column that are the focus of the observation.
Ineffective = I Developing = D Skilled = S Accomplished = A
Instructional Planning Evidence Comments/Score
Focus for Learning
(Standard 4: Instruction)
Evaluator Comments
I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed it with my evaluator. My signature indicates that I have been advised of my
performance status; it does not necessarily imply that I agree with this evaluation.
I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed it with my evaluator. My signature indicates that I have been advised of my
performance status; it does not necessarily imply that I agree with this evaluation.
Assessment Data
Prior Content Knowledge/
Sequence/ Connections
Knowledge of Students
Instruction and
Instruction and Assessment Score:
Lesson Delivery Evaluator Comments
Classroom Environment
Assessment of Student
Please enter scores from each observation under each sub category. Average the scores under each of the
Professional Practice Areas to get a final score for the 4 Professional Practice Areas (round up to the nearest
tenth). Each of the 4 Professional Practice Areas will be weighted 25%. After you have entered a score for
each of the 4 Professional Practice Areas, add the 4 scores to determine the teacher’s annual Profession
Practice Rating and enter it in the space to the right. Use the chart to determine the teacher’s annual
Performance Practice Rating.
Professional Ineffective(1) Developing(2) Skilled(3) Accomplished (4)
Practice Score 4-6 7-9 10-13 14-16
I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed it with my evaluator. My signature indicates that I have been advised of my performance status; it does not necessarily
imply that I agree with this evaluation.
Instructions: Use the space below to comment on the evaluation process and outcomes.
I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed it with my evaluator. My signature indicates that I have been advised of my
performance status; it does not necessarily imply that I agree with this evaluation.
Student Growth Data 50% Below Expected Growth Expected Growth Above Expected Growth
Cumulative Performance rating
(Holistic Rating using Performance Rubric)
Areas of reinforcement/refinement:
I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed it with my evaluator. My signature indicates that I have been advised of my
performance status; it does not necessarily imply that I agree with this evaluation.
The signatures above indicate that the teacher and evaluator have discussed the Summative Rating.
Note: The teacher may provide additional information to the evaluator within 10 working days of the receipt of this form, and may
requests a second conference with the evaluator. Any additional information will become part of the summative record. Challenges
may be made according to the local contract agreement.
Instructions: This form serves as a record of an informal walkthrough by the evaluator. The evaluator will likely not observe all
the teaching elements listed below in any one informal observation. This record, along with records of additional informal
observations, will be used to inform the summative evaluation of the teacher. This report will be provided to the teacher within
five workdays and prior to the formal evaluation.
Evaluator Observations
Instruction is developmentally appropriate Lesson content is linked to previous and future learning
Learning outcomes and goals are clearly Classroom learning environment is safe and conductive to
communicated to students learning
Varied instructional tools and strategies reflect
Teacher provides students with timely and responsive feedback
student needs and learning objectives
Content presented is accurate and grade
Instructional time is used effectively
Teacher connects lesson to real-life applications Routines support learning goals and activities
Instruction and lesson activities are accessible and Multiple methods of assessment of student learning are utilized
challenging for students to guide instruction
Other: Other:
I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed it with my evaluator. My signature indicates that I have been advised of my
performance status; it does not necessarily imply that I agree with this evaluation.
Instructions: Written improvement plans may be developed in the circumstances when an educator receives an overall ineffective
rating using the Ohio Standards for Teacher Performance (and not student growth data). The purpose of the improvement plan is
to identify specific deficiencies in performance and foster growth through professional development and targeted support. If
corrective actions are not made within the time as specified in the improvement plan, a recommendation may be made for non-
renewal or to continue the plan.
Section 1: Improvement Statement (List specific areas for improvement as related to the Ohio Standards for the
Teaching Profession. Attach documentation.)
Performance Standard(s) Date(s) Improvement Area or Specific Statement of the Concern:
Addressed in this Plan Concern Observed Areas of Improvement
Section 2: Desired Level of Performance (List specific measureable goals to improve performance. Indicate what will
be measured for each goal.)
Level of Performance
Beginning Date Ending Date
Specifically describe successful improvement target(s)
Section 3: Specific Plan of Action (Describe in detail specific plans of actions that must be taken by the teacher to
improve his/her performance. Indicate the sources of evidence that will be used to document the completion of the
improvement plan.
Actions to be Taken Sources of Evidence that will be Examined
Section 4: Assistance and Professional Development (Describe in detail specific supports that will be provided as well
as opportunities for professional development.
Instructions: The Improvement Plan will be evaluated at the end of the time specified in the plan. Outcomes from the
Improvement Plan demonstrate the following action being taken:
Non-Renewal is recommended.
Comments (provide justification for recommendation indicated above and attach evidence to support recommended
course of action):
I have reviewed this evaluation and discussed it with my evaluator. My signature indicates that I have been advised of my
performance status; it does not necessarily imply that I agree with this evaluation.
Teacher Evaluation System Model Implementing the OTES Model: Holistic Rating
Developing: A rating of Accomplished
A rating of Skilled indicates indicates that the teacher is a
A rating of Developing that the teacher consistently leader and model in the
indicates that the teacher meets expectations for classroom, school, and district,
A rating of Ineffective indicates
demonstrates minimum performance and fully exceeding expectations for
that the teacher consistently
competency in many of the demonstrates most or all performance. The teacher
fails to demonstrate minimum
teaching standards, but may competencies. This rating is consistently strives to improve
competency in one or more
struggle with the rigorous, expected his or her instructional and
teaching standards. There is
others. The teacher is making performance level for most professional practice and
little or no improvement over
progress but requires ongoing experienced teachers. contributes to the school or
time. The teacher requires
professional support for district through the
immediate assistance and
necessary growth to occur. development and mentoring
needs to be placed on an
improvement plan. of colleagues.
Teacher Evaluation relies on two key evaluation components: a rating of Teacher-Performance and a rating of student
academic growth, each weighted at fifty percent of each evaluation. The following guidance speaks to the Teacher
Performance rating component, utilizing the state model Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric. The following is
suggested step-by-step guidance for evaluators to review and analyze multiple data points that inform teacher
performance ratings.
lb. Be consistent in gathering, recording, and sharing detailed, factual evidence. Capture enough detail to accurately
but succinctly describe the event, interaction, or behavior factually (without implied judgment or opinion in the
recording). Share the form with teachers throughout the year so that the information can be used as a basis for changes
in practice.
1c. Sort the evidence by standard area to determine where more information is needed. As the year progresses, holes
in evidence coverage across standard areas may emerge. If the evidence collected is organized by standard area after
each interaction, it will be automatically sorted by standard area and missing evidence will be apparent. Keep these
standard areas in mind during future interactions with the teacher, since all standard areas are important for effective
teaching practice.
2c. Repeat the process above for each standard area, and then consider patterns of performance across standard
areas. Once you determine a rating for each standard area, based on the available evidence from multiple interactions,
look at the larger picture of performance across all standard areas. Although all standard areas are important for
effective teacher practice, you may find it appropriate to more strongly weight patterns of behavior in one standard
area over another. For example, if the teacher demonstrates a pattern of Developing behavior in the standard areas of
Classroom Environment and Resources but exhibits solidly Proficient patterns of behavior in the standard area of
Knowledge of Students and Lesson Delivery, you may use your knowledge of the situation to make sense of this
information, finding that performance in the former two areas inhibits performance in other areas. As another
example, you may find that some of the lost instructional time observed within a classroom is offset by the teacher's
intense attention to individual student needs demonstrated throughout the class time and elsewhere. In a different
case, however, you might observe that a pattern of classroom management issues such as lost instructional time is
significant enough to overshadow the teacher's proficient performance in other categories. The key point is that no one
standard area of performance should be considered in isolation, but should be analyzed in relation to all other areas of
3b. Consider minimum thresholds of competency. Flag any instance of an Ineffective rating as you prepare to issue the
final performance rating. While the example of Ineffective behavior should be examined within the entire context of the
evidence collected for the teacher, consider that there are minimum thresholds of competency for each of the ten
standard areas described in the Teacher Performance Evaluation Rubric. It is possible that a serious deficiency in one
area can and should carry more weight than positive ratings in other areas. Rely on your professional judgment,
supported by the evidence you have gathered, to decide if this evidence of ineffective practice is grounds to issue a final
ineffective rating, taking into account how detrimental the displayed deficiency is to the teacher's classroom, colleagues
and school as a whole.
3c. Issue the final performance rating, summarize the supporting evidence, and offer areas of reinforcement and
refinement. Complete the performance rating process by documenting the final teacher performance rating. Support
your rating with evidence from formal and informal observations, artifacts provided by the teacher, and other
appropriate evidence collected throughout the evaluation cycle. Provide succinct, targeted feedback on what
professional growth needs to occur so that teachers have a clear understanding of the path to continuous growth and,
improvement and have concrete examples of supports that will help them improve practice.
IN YEAR ONE (2013-2014) all GCS teachers will use shared attribute data for student growth:
A1 & A2 Teachers – 24% district value-added and 26% teacher value-added
B Teachers – 40% district value-added and 10% vendor assessment
C Teachers – 50% district value-added
Teacher Performance
4 3 2 1
The teacher’s signature indicates only that he/she has seen this appraisal and does not necessarily indicate that he/she agrees in every instance with the evaluation.