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X( 1 s, S n.

) - S o c io lo s,-c / (GD I C CJ ) / C BCS

paper : GE/CC_I

(Introduction to Sociotog).)
Full Nlarks : 65
Condirlotes ot.e requirctl to gi\,t theit dn_\rers in their oi1,,t ttorcls
as /ar as practicable

EteffPi. 4?{i.?fr l"fai; fup t

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Please Torn Over r*

X( 1 st Sh.) -Sockto&1-G(GEt CCJ) I CBCS t2 )

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(s) ryq-tEF aii:d ils

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(ri) ful5 c6r'ta <t<5 <Ti,

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I Engtish \,ersion l

The lirl res itt thr nargitl indi(.dte.littt mdtks.

(;roup - _\

Ans$er 4nr. ,r.r qncsrjons.

1. E),plair the relari6nship bet\\een Sociologl and Anrhropotog\.


2. \\:rilc a role or Sociologr and (innuro. scnse 15

3. \\ta1 is associarion? Discuss llc difier.nces ber*cen associarion and insrirulion 5+10

1. Define social change. E\plain ihe rot. of cuilural facror irr socrat ahange

Group - B

5. Anss cr d4.frr queslions :

(a) \\]al are rlr. differcnlcs her\\ccn Sociolog\ and psvcholog):l
(b) Discuss thc nalure ol Sociotos\.
rcl \\:hal are thc cornponcnrs of cullure,,
(d) \\r}at is the difl-erenlc ben\ecn lbrmat grout and jn1-onnat group?
(e) Ircnlion the characlenstics oitrnnaq group.
{f) \\rjle a nolc on the rdc oI deniographic laclor in \ocjat chrngc.
(gl F\plaxr the rclaiionshlr berqee. indj\iduat and grouf.


(3 )

Group - C
6. .{ns\\'er dr-l..fl? qucstions :
(a) Deline Sociolog!
(b) Whal is soljat eloup l
(c) Nlenrjon fl\o difiirences bei\rccn culture and ci\itizarion.
(dl $har is Relcrencc grouFl
(el Gr\.e l\\o eranrpjes ofsocial institLrliorr.
(l \'{enlion t\\o djffer.nces bet\\e.n Sociotog\ and Itjsrorl
(g) Mcnrion t\\o lcamrcs of sccondirn sroup.


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