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SDGs VisionIAS

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• The maximum gains been made in Goals 6 (clean water and sanitation), 9 (industry, innovation, and

infrastructure) and 7 (affordable and clean energy).

• However, nutrition and gender equality continue to be problem areas for India, requiring a more focused
approach from the government.


Kindly note – this is an indicative list that can be useful in answer-writing. Students are advised to go through
the list without having to worry out remembering small details.One can pick-up relevant points and data. This
serves as a summary of all the initiatives taken by the government that can be linked to different SDGs.
Goals & Major Targets Efforts Achievements Shortcomings and Way
SDG 1 (NO POVERTY) • Accelerated economic • Per capita income • Regional Variance as
Targets: growth and broader grew from USD 1,610 in much of India's poverty
• Eradicate extreme social safety nets 2015 to USD 2,020 in is concentrated in rural
poverty through National Social 2018. areas and in low-
• Reduce poverty by at Assistance Programme • According to national income States. For eg:
least 50% and MGNREGA. estimates, poverty Chhattisgarh has 39.9%
• Implement social • Access to Basic rate (including of people living below
protection systems Services through extreme poverty and poverty while the
and measures Pradhan Mantri Jan- multi-dimensional corresponding figure
• Equal rights to Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) poverty) in India for Andaman & Nicobar
ownership, basic Pradhan Mantri Jan declined from 37.2% in Islands is 1%.
services, technology Arogya Yojana (PMJAY) 2004-05 to 21.92% in • Feminisation of
and economic programme PMAY 2011-12. Poverty: especially in
resources (Pradhan Mantri Awas • Poverty reduction in rural areas.
• Build resilience to Yojana) etc. rural areas has • Rapid Urbanisation
environmental, • Strengthening outpaced that in urban increasingdemand-
economic and social Livelihood areas. supply gaps in housing,
disasters Opportunities and • India’s position in the infrastructure,
Score: for the country is Skilling Ecosystem Human Development employment, and
50 and ranges between through Stand Up Index improved by six other economic
28 and 72 for the States. India, Skill India, places between 2014 opportunities and
National and 2019 (129th). services.
Apprenticeship • Education,
Programme, and Employment and
National Rural and Human Resource
Urban Livelihood Development: There is
Mission, to double a need to refashion
farmers’ income by education and skill
2022 Interventions such development so that
as Pradhan Mantri Fasal the existing, emerging
Bima Yojana and and future labour force
Pradhan Mantri Krishi has the capability and
Sinchayee Yojana. requisite opportunities
to engage in
appropriately gainful
SDG 2 (ZERO HUNGER) • Ensuring Food security • 97.6% NFSA • Food wastage at
Targets: through National Food beneficiaries covered harvest, post-harvest,
• Universal access to Security Act (NFSA), in 2018-19 from 95.2% in distribution and
safe and nutritious 2013, Antyodaya Anna 2015-16 storage stages.
food Yojana (AAY), ‘One • 6 times increase in • Social structures also
• End all forms of Nation One Card’ food grain production determine food
malnutrition scheme. from 50 million tonnes availability, especially
• Double the • Reforms in PDS such as in 1950- 51 to more than for women, whose
productivity and 100% digitisation of 292 million tonnes in nutritional
incomes of small- ration card database, 2019-20 requirements are often
scale food producers computerisation of • 11.4 million hectares overlooked.
• Sustainable food supply chain have been brought • Continuing high levels
production and management, Aadhaar of malnutrition,

resilient agricultural seeding of ration cards, under micro-irrigation stunting and anaemia
practices automation of Fair in 2019. as per NFHS-4 (2015-16)
• Maintain the genetic Prices Shops and • Average productivity • Other issues such as
diversity in food installation of of fruits and access to nutritious
production electronic-Point of vegetables has food, water and
• Prevent agricultural Sales (PoS) machines. increased by about 11% sanitation,
trade restrictions, • Ensuring Nutrition between 2013-14 and micronutrient
market distortions security through 2017-18 deficiencies and
and export subsidies Anganwadi Services, • 2.5 times increase in inadequate awareness.
Score: The overall Index Pradhan Mantri Matru Land under certified • With climate change
Score for the country is 35 Vandana Yojana organic farming from looming large, to
and ranges between 22 (PMMVY), Scheme for 0.72 million hectares in sustain food security
and 76 for the States, and Adolescent Girls (SAG) 2013-14 to 1.78 million solution lies inclimate-
between 12 and 73 for the under the umbrella hectares by march smart agriculture.
UTs. Integrated Child 2018.
Development Services
Scheme (ICDS),
National Health Mission
(NHM), Poshan
Abhiyan (National
Nutrition Mission and
Mid-Day Meal (MDM)
for school-going
children among others.
• Agricultural
Productivity and
Farmers’ Income by
implementing a multi-
faceted strategy for
doubling farmers’
income by 2022, soil
health cards, Pradhan
Mantri Kisan Sampada
Yojana etc.
SDG 3 (GOOD HEALTH • Universal Health • Out of pocket • Affordability and the
AND WELL-BEING) Protection and expenditure (OoPE) as cost of healthcare:
Affordable Healthcare a percentage of total Paucity of regulation in
Targets: through schemes like health expenditure has the private sector and
• Reduce maternal Ayushman Bharat, declined from 64.2% in the consequent
mortality and end all Pradhan Mantri Jan 2013-14 to 58.7% in 2016- variation in quality and
preventable deaths Aarogya Yojana etc. 17. cost of services.
under 5 years of age • Enhancing Medical • Since 2014, 141 new • Health workforce
• Fight communicable Infrastructure: medical colleges have density: India has a
diseases and reduce programme for been sanctioned and doctor-population
mortality from non- upgrading health intake capacity ratio of 1:1456, against
communicable infrastructure - from increased. the WHO benchmark of
diseases and district hospitals to • MMR reduced from 1:1000.
promote mental medical colleges has 130 in 2014-16 to 122 in • Lack of Health
health been initiated. 2015-17, which puts it Awareness,
• Prevent and treat • Reducing Maternal on track to achieve inadequate preventive
substance abuse Mortality Ratio target of <70 by 2030. care and patient
• Reduce road injuries throughReproductive, • Institutional deliveries counselling in the
and deaths Maternal, Newborn, more than doubled health delivery system,
• Universal access to Child and Adolescent between 2005-06 and lower public priority to
sexual and Health (RMNCH+A) 2019-20 from 39% to health concerns and
reproductive care, strategy, Janani 94.3% weaker links between
family planning and Suraksha Yojana, • IMR declined from 37 education and health.
education Dakshata, LaQshya etc to 32 between 2015 and • India has a rich
• Achieve universal • Reducing Neonatal and 2018. tradition of alternative
health coverage Under Five Mortality • Under-5 Mortality Rate medicine, which needs
• Reduce illnesses and throughIntegrated has declined from 43 in to be researched and
deaths from Child Development tapped into as a part of

hazardous chemicals Services (ICDS) 2015 to 37 in 2017 (more the mainstream
and pollution Scheme, and Mission for girls). healthcare system.
Score: for the country is Indradhanush. • Neonatal mortality • Leverage technology
61, and ranges between • Eliminating rate declined from 25 for transforming the
29 and 82 for the States, Communicable in 2015 to 23 in 2017. public health scenario
and between 50 and 71 for Diseases through • Vaccinations of all in India.
the UTs National Vector Borne children aged between
Disease Control 9-11 months has
Programme (NVBDCP), increased from 88.66%
Swachh Bharat in 2016-17 to 91.76% in
Mission, National AIDS 2018-19.
Control Programme • Decline in the
(NACP) etc. incidence of TB cases
• With respect to Non (per 100,000
Communicable population) from 217
Diseases, India has set cases in 2015 to 204
target to bring down cases in 2017 – thereby
the burden of NCDs consistently moving
based mortality by 25% towards complete
by the year 2025, elimination of TB by
expanded National 2025.
Programme for
Prevention and Control
of Cancer, Diabetes,
Diseases and Stroke
(NPCDCS) to the entire
country and enacted
Mental Healthcare Act,
• The Government has
proposed to set up an
Ayurveda hospital in
each district with the
assistance of the
Ministry of Ayush.
SDG 4 (QUALITY • Early Childhood Care, • Gross Enrolment Ratio • Regional disparity in
EDUCATION) Development and at elementary, literacy and numeracy
Education through secondary, and higher skills and level of
Targets: National Early secondary and higher learning outcomes
• Equal access to Childhood Care and education levels was at • The perceptive bias
quality pre-primary Education Policy 2013, 91.64%, 79.6%, 58.6% against public sector
education Integrated Child and 26.3 respectively in primary education
• Free primary and Development Services 2018-19. requires consistent
secondary education (ICDS) Scheme, and • The dropout rates nation-wide efforts.
• Equal access to National Education reduced to 2.72% and • Higher education in
affordable technical, Policy. 9.74% respectively at India, still has a low
vocational and • Elementary and elementary and Gross Enrolment Ratio
higher education Secondary Education secondary levels in of 26.3% as of 2018-19,
• Eliminate all through Right of 2018-19. and needs to be made
discrimination in Children to Free and • Gender parity has more inclusive with
education Compulsory Education appreciably improved stronger incentives for
• Universal literacy (RTE) Act, 2009, at all three levels. enabling the research
and numeracy Samagra Shiksha • Between 2015-16 and and innovation
• Education for Abhiyan, Kasturba 2017-18, the proportion ecosystem.
sustainable Gandhi Balika of trained teachers • Lower enrolment of
development and Vidyalayas etc. increased. women in STEM,
global citizenship • Higher Education • School attendance of particularly in
• Increase the supply under Rashtriya children with engineering and
of qualified teachers Uchchatar Shiksha disabilities, increased technology, which
in developing Abhiyan (RUSA), India from 50.5% in 2001 to currently stands at 18%
countries has 993 universities, 61.1% in 2011. in IITs.

Score: for the country is 39,931 colleges and • The positions of the
58, and ranges between 10,725 stand-alone country’s universities
19 and 81 for the States, institutions. in major global
and between 43 and 80 • Skill Development and university rankings,
for the UTs Vocational Education: fall short of the
through Skill India desirable.
mission and Pradhan
Mantri Kaushal Vikas
Yojana (PMKVY).
• Conducive Education
Facilities that are Child,
Disability and Gender
Sensitive: Ex. Beti
Bachao, Beti Padhao
SDG 5- (GENDER • Social Protection and • There are 10 million • Between 2015-16 and
EQUALITY) Livelihoods through bank-linked SHGs, with 2017-18, number of
MGNREGA and Self as many as 87.66% women engaged in
Targets: Help Groups (SHGs). being women- managerial positions
• End discrimination • Skilling and Financial exclusive. declined, from 173 to
and violence against Inclusion through • Of the 380 million 167, for every 1000
and exploitation of Pradhan Mantri Jan accounts opened so far persons.
women and girls Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), under PMJDY, 54% • Female labour force
• Eliminate forced Pradhan Mantri were owned by participation in India
marriages and Kaushal Vikas Yojana women. In 2017, has shown a declining
genital mutilation (PMKVY), MUDRA women's access to trend in recent years.
• Value unpaid care Yojana etc. bank accounts rose to • Sex ratio has dropped
and promote shared • Social Empowerment 77% from 43% in 2014 from 898 in 2014-16 to
domestic through Beti Bachao • During 2014-18, there 896 in 2015-17.
responsibilities Beti Padhao scheme, was a 97% rise in • The registered cases of
• Ensure full SABLA, Maternity women enrolling in crime against women
participation in Benefit Programme- long-term skill saw an uptick from
leadership and Pradhan Mantri Matru development courses. 53.9 per 1, 00,000
decision-making Vandana Yojana etc. • 50% of Pradhan Mantri female population in
• Promote • the number of States Kaushal Vikas Yojana 2015 to 58.8 in 2018.
empowerment of with a Gender Budget (PMKVY) beneficiaries • Absence of gender-
women through Cell has increased from are women. disaggregated data
technology 14 in 2015-16 to 23 in • 75% of the Mudra sets is a major
• Universal access to 2019-20. Yojana beneficiaries challenge which can
reproductive rights are women. help identify gaps and
and health • Representationof challenges.
Score: for the country is women in the lower • Access to resources: In
42, and ranges between house of the national rural India, while 75% of
26 and 52 for the States, parliament increased rural women workers
and between 27 and 53 for from 11.4% in 2014 to are engaged in
the UTs. 14.4% in 2019. agriculture, women's
• In 2019, women voter operational
turnout rose to 68%, landholding is only
tipping over that of 13.96%. Health and
men. nutrition of women
and girls is an area of
SDG 6 (CLEAN WATER • Safe and Affordable • As of July 2019, as • Localised data systems
AND SANITATION) Drinking Water for All many as 81.02% rural on water, which are
through Jal Jeevan habitations have been characterised by
Targets: Mission and Jal Shakti saturated with access limited coverage and
• Universal and Abhiyan . to 40 litres of drinking coordination, is one
equitable access to • Water Quality water per capita per significant challenge.
safe and affordable monitored by the The day (LPCD). • Water scarcity and
drinking water for all Central Ground Water • About 96% of insufficient
• End open defecation Board. Several households have maintenance
and provide access to programmes are access to an improved

sanitation and implemented under the source of drinking constrains the usage of
hygiene National River water. separate toilets.
• Improve wastewater Conservation Plan such • The country achieved o By 2030 water
treatment and safe as ‘Namami Gange’, open-defecation-free demand in the
reuse • Sanitation and Hygiene (ODF) status by country is
• Increase water use for All through Swachh constructing over 109 estimated to be
efficiency across all Bharat Mission, Clean million household and twice the available
sectors India Campaign and 10 community toilets water supply.
• Implement Year Rural Sanitation since October 2, 2014. • To improve the
integrated water Strategy (2019-2029). • As part of SBM, conditions of
resources separate toilets for sanitation workers
management girls have been built in further efforts are
• Protect and restore 97.43% schools across needed such as Re-
water-related the country. skillingand self-
ecosystems such as employment avenues
mountains, forests, for sanitation workers.
wetlands etc.
• Support and
strengthen the
participation of local
communities in
improving water and
Score: for the country is
88 and ranges between
69 and 96 for States, and
between 61 and 100 for
SDG 7 (AFFORDABLE AND • National Energy Policy • Nearly all households • Marked dependency
CLEAN ENERGY) endorses the core in all of India’s 603,175 on imports (>85%) in
Targets: elements of SDG 7 villages have been the case of solar panels
• Universal access to namely, universalising electrified. and equipment.
affordable, reliable access to electricity and • India’s ranking on the • Paucity of sufficient
and modern energy clean cooking fuel, parameter of ‘getting human resources,
services privileging renewable electricity’ on the capabilities,
• Double the energy in the energy World Bank’s Ease of technologies and
improvement in mix and enhancing Doing Business Index funds, for supporting
energy efficiency energy efficiency. has swiftly climbed renewable energy
• Enhance • Towards Universal from 137 in 2014 to 22 in domestic capacity
international Access to Electricity 2019. addition.
cooperation to through Pradhan • Renewable energy • Expanding supply of
promote access, Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har installed capacity has electricity at a faster
technology and Ghar Yojana – grown to 132 GW in rate to meet existing
investments in clean Saubhagya. March, 2020, from 75 unmet industry,
energy • Focus on Renewable GW in March, 2014. commerce, and
Score: for the country is Energy: target of 450 Globally, India stands household demand
70, and ranges between GW by 2030, as part of third in renewable and rising future
50 and 97 for the States, its Nationally power generation, demand.
and between 43 and 97 Determined fourth in wind power
for the UTs, Contributions to have and fifth in solar
40% of its cumulative power.
electric power installed • Renewable energy
capacity from non- cost is lowest in the
fossil fuel sources. Asia-Pacific region.
• Access to Clean • Saving of 47 billion
Cooking Energy kWh energy and
through Pradhan reduction of CO2
Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, emission to the tune of
National Biogas and 38 million tonne per
Manure Management year under UJALA
Programme, etc. scheme.

• Improving Energy • Households using
Efficiency through the clean cooking fuel
National Mission for increased from 63.1% in
Enhanced Energy 2015-16 to 96.2% in
Efficiency (NMEEE), 2018-19.
BEE’s Super-Efficient
Equipment Programme
(SEEP), UJALA scheme
• Strengthening
Cooperation: Indo-
German Energy
Programme – Green
Energy Corridors (IGEN-
GEC), and
establishment of
International Solar
SDG 8 (DECENT WORK • Structural Reforms • From 2014-15 to 2019- • While agriculture
AND ECONOMIC through Goods and 20, in real terms, employs about 50% of
GROWTH) Services Tax regime, India’s economy grew India's workforce, it
Substantial reduction in at a CAGR of 7.01%. contributes less than
Targets: corporate tax, FDI • India has the third 20% to GDP. There is
• Sustainable liberalisation, largest thus a pressing need to
Economic Growth Insolvency and entrepreneurship increase agricultural
• Diversify, innovate Bankruptcy legislation ecosystem, and third productivity and
and upgrade for etc. highest number of create alternative
economic • Funding Small unicorns. channels of
productivity Enterprises through • Number of new firms employment.
• Promote policies to Start-up India, MUDRA in the formal sector • A population with
support job creation scheme etc. grew from 2014 to 2018 minimum educational
and growing • Ease of Doing Business at 12.2%. proficiency is
enterprises Reforms such as • The number of start- necessary to tap into
• End modern slavery, consistent ups increased from 503 the benefits of
trafficking, and child improvements in ease in 2015-16 to 32,577 in increased employment
labour of starting a business, 2019-20 opportunities.
• Protect labour easy access to power • Start-ups created • India fares poorly in
rights,promote safe and credit, resolving 60,000 directand 1.3- health indicators areas
working insolvency etc. 1.8 lakh indirect jobs. such as life-
environments and • Decent Work and • Loans amounting to expectancy, Infant
decent work with Labour Welfare: over more than INR 11.8 Mortality Rate, and
equal pay. 40 Central Acts, and trillion (USD 157.3 levels of stunting and
• Promote beneficial multiple State level billion) have already anaemia, especially
and sustainable Acts, govern labour been disbursed under among women thus
tourism that creates related matters MUDRA. affecting worker
jobs and promotes including some • Over 10 million productivity.
local culture and specifically catering to students have been • Nearly 80% of workers
products. the needs of women trained under the are employed in the
• Universal access to and children. National Skill unorganised sector
banking, insurance • Skilling Ecosystem Development Mission and more than 90% in
and financial services through National Skill and 8.7 million under informal employment
Development Mission, the PMKVY. which is not covered
Score: for the country is Pradhan Mantri • Trade across borders under the majority of
64, and ranges between Kaushal Vikas Yojana has led to meteoric labour laws.
27 and 82 for the States, (PMKVY) etc. jump of 79 positions in • Unemployment rate
and between 43 and 64 Ease of doing business (15-59 years) is quite
for the UTs ranking to 63 in 2019 high.
from 142 in 2014.
SDG 9- (INDUSTRY, • Design and Innovation • Examination and • There is moderation in
INNOVATION AND Ecosystem: The share registrations of growthof IIP from
INFRASTRUCTURE) of expenditure on R&D subdued

Targets: on Intellectual designs and patents manufacturing
• Develop sustainable, Properties Products to increased in 2018-19. activities due to slower
resilient and the GDP has increased • Per day Road credit flow, reduced
inclusive from 3.52% in 2015-16 to construction pace lending by NBFCs,
infrastructures 3.91% in 2017-18 and also increased to 29.7KM in tapering of domestic
• Promote inclusive strengthened the office 2018-19 from 17 km per demand etc.
and sustainable of Controller General of day in 2015-16, with • India’s material
industrialization Patents, Designs and total investment in the intensity is six times
• Upgrade all Trade Marks (CGPDTM) sector increasing by that of Germany’s.
industries and by the appointment of more than three times Understanding need to
infrastructures for a large number of between 2014-15 and be enhanced to
sustainability examiners and 2018-19. ascertain whether the
• Enhance research controllers, • Cargo handling major issues are
and upgrade engagement in active capacity of 13 major around efficiency or
industrial R&D collaboration with ports have increased technology or are
technologies more than 44 by 89% from 2014-15. structural in nature.
• Increase access to countries. • The turnaround time • Indian industry
financial services and • Start-up Ecosystem of ships, (key indicator consumes large
markets through Start-up India of efficiency) reduced quantities of water
• Universal access to programme. between 2010-11 and and generates billions
information and • Infrastructure 2018-19 from 4.67 days of tonnes of solid and
communications Development through to 2.48 days. hazardous waste.
technology Bharatmala • India’s rank has Significant increase in
Score: for the country is programme and improved: treatment and
65, and ranges between 8 Sagarmala project. o to 68 in 2019 in recycling capacities is
and 88 for the States, and • Telecommunications: Global needed
between 0 and 100 for the India's internet user Competitiveness • COVID-19 pandemic
UT base has exceeded 665 Index (WEF). has put forth severe
million by the end of o From 76 in 2014 to breaks on the
June 2019, as compared 52 in 2019 in The momentum of global
to 252 million in 2014. Global Innovation economic growth.
Total telephone Index (WIPO).
connections in India o 10 places from 54
grew by 18.8%, from in 2014 to 44 in
996 million in 2014-15 to 2018 in Logistics
1183 million in 2018-19. Performance
o Cheapest mobile Index (World
data at $0.26 per Bank),
GB, compared to • from 52 in 2015 to 34 in
global average of 2019 in Tourism
USD 8.53. Competitiveness Index
SDG 10 (REDUCED • Promoting Income • Gross Enrolment Ratio • Both the geography
INEQUALITIES) Growth through currently stands at 91.6 and demography of
MGNREGA, Pradhan and 79.6 per cent, for inequality and
Targets: Mantri Kisan Samman elementary and exclusion in India are
• Promote universal Nidhi (PM-KISAN), secondary levels, diverse, posing
social, economic and Code on Wages, 2019, respectively. challenges for
political inclusion Pradhan Mantri Garib • Dropout rates for the identification,
• Ensure equal Kalyan Yojana etc. same levels have monitoring, and
opportunities and • Promoting Equality of reduced to 2.72 per effective resolution.
end discrimination Opportunities and cent and 9.74 per cent, • Rising elderly people
• Adopt fiscal and Outcomes through The respectively, in 2018-19. population stepping up
social policies that Right to Free and • Under the Pradhan demand for a wide
promotes equality Compulsory Education Mantri MUDRA Yojana, variety of social
• Improved regulation (RTE) Act, 2002, in 2018-19, 22%, 26 % and protection and security
of global financial Samagra Shiksha 62% of the loan measures.
markets and programme, Pradhan accounts belonged to • Public service delivery,
institutions Mantri MUDRA Yojana SC/ST, OBC and women gets impeded due to a
• Enhanced etc. entrepreneurs range of issues
representation for • Expanding Social respectively. including human
developing countries Protection Measures resource capacity

in financial through The National • Life and personal • Rapid urbanisation,
institutions Social Assistance accident insurance and changing
• Responsible and Programme (NSAP), schemes (PMJJBY and settlement and
well-managed Pradhan Mantri Jeevan PMSBY together) have employment patterns
migration policies Jyoti Bima Yojana now achieved an interact with existing
Score: for the country is (PMJJBY) etc. outreach of 254.5 vulnerabilities to create
64, and ranges between • Empowering through million subscribers and complex problems.
19 and 94 for the States, Financial Inclusion: APY has more than 22.3
and between 33 and 94 Pradhan Mantri Jan million subscribers
for the UTs Dhan Yojana (PMJDY), (with increased
The Pradhan Mantri enrolment for
Mudra Yojana (PMMY) women).
etc. • 28.3% seats in State
• Promoting Sustainable legislative assemblies
Migration and a occupied by persons
Migrant-friendly belonging to SC/ ST
Support System communities and 44.4%
through Inter-State seats in panchayati raj
Migrant Workmen Act. institutions held by
SDG11 • Inclusive, safe, resilient • As of 2019-20, 96 per • Financial autonomy,
(SUSTAINABLE CITIES and sustainable Urban cent wards have 100 taxation powers and
AND COMMUNITIES) Transformation per cent door to door fund generation
through waste collection as capabilities of Urban
Targets: Atal Mission for compared to 41 per local bodies are the
• Safe and affordable Rejuvenation and cent in 2015-16. areas of concern.
housing Urban Transformation • Waste processing has • Climate change
• Affordable and (AMRUT), Smart Cities significantly impacts increase the
sustainable Mission (SCM) etc. increasedfrom 17.97 vulnerability of cities
transport systems • Housing for All under per cent in 2015-16 to and put further stress
• Inclusive and Pradhan Mantri Awas 60 per cent in 2019-20. on the adaptive
sustainable Yojana (PMAY). • Since the launch of the capacities of the poor
urbanization • Sustainable Smart Cities Mission, living in them.
• Protect the world's Urbanisation and 5,151 projects worth • Integrated and
cultural and natural Mobility through more than INR 2 spatially distributed
heritage National Urban trillion (USD 26.7 urbanisation with an
• Reduce the adverse Transport Policy billion) are at various emphasis on small and
effects of natural (NUTP) and National stages of medium cities and
disasters Mission on implementation. towns, along with
• Provide access to Transformative • Number of houses promotion of linkages
safe and inclusive Mobility. completed in urban with rural areas.
green and public areas increased from
spaces 0.727 million in 2015-16
Score: for the country is to 3.2 million in 2019-20
53, and ranges between
22 and 79 for the States,
and between 33 and 83
for the UTs.
SDG 12 (RESPONSIBLE • Sustainable Food • 100 % source • According to the FAO,
CONSUMPTION AND Systems through segregation of waste up to 40 per cent of the
PRODUCTION) National Mission on in 75% of municipal food produced in India
Targets: Sustainable Agriculture wards. is wasted, virtually
• Implement the 10- (NMSA), Soil Health • India ranks 9th in the frittering away a lot of
year sustainable Management (SHM) world in land under water, fertilizers, and
consumption and climate change organic agriculture. other resources that go
production strategies etc. into producing food.
framework • Sustainable Tourism: • Improvement of
• Achieve the Comprehensive sustainability by
sustainable Sustainable Tourism strengthening
management and Criteria for three major cooperation among all
efficient use of industry segments, producers and
natural resources. namely, tour operators, simultaneously raising

• Halve global per accommodation and awareness and
capita food waste beaches, backwaters, consciousness among
• Responsible lakes and rivers sectors. consumers about
management of In addition, integrating sustainable
chemicals and waste tourism with local consumption choices.
• Substantially reduce culture and economic
waste generation development,
through prevention, promoting community
reduction, recycling participation.
and reuse. • Sustainable
• Promote sustainable Construction and
public procurement Buildings through The
practices Green Rating for
• Promote universal Integrated Habitat
understanding of Assessment (GRIHA),
sustainable lifestyles Energy Conservation
• Remove market Building Code (ECBC)
distortions that etc.
encourage wasteful • Resource Efficiency:
consumption control over resource
Score: for the country is extraction rate and
55, and ranges between improving material
30 and 100 for the States, productivity, reduce
and between 39 and 77 import dependency for
for the UTs. the majority of the
‘most critical’ materials,
such as, cobalt, copper
and lithium.
• NITI Aayog initiated the
process with the
formulation of the
Draft National
Resource Efficiency
Policy (NREP).
SDG 13 (CLIMATE ACTION) • Climate Action in • India is ranked among • Improving Disaster
Policies, Strategies and the top ten countries Resilience: there is a
Targets: Planning throughthe in the Climate Change growing need for
• Strengthen National Action Plan on Performance Index technology-driven
resilience and Climate Change 2020 on account of low response systems as
adaptive capacity to (NAPCC) and State levels of per capita well as resilient
climate-related Action Plan for Climate emissions and energy infrastructure – power
disasters Change (SAPCC). use, and ‘well-below- and telecom, rural
• Integrate climate • India and Global 2°C’ renewable energy connectivity and
change measures Responsibilities: India targets. transport, and housing
into national actively participates in • Reduction in emission and storage.
policies, strategies the United Nations intensity of GDP by 21 • Gender mainstreaming
and planning. Framework Convention per cent. in the State Action Plan
• Improve education, on Climate Change • 7.43 bn kwh energy for Climate Change
awareness-raising (UNFCCC), Paris savings per year under (SAPCC) needs further
and human and Agreement in 2015 and street lighting program expansion, especially in
institutional spearheaded the and 5.12mn tonnes of the climate adaptation
capacity to meet International Solar CO2 Annual GHG programmes.
climate change Alliance (ISA). emission reduction. • Emergent issues of
• Implement UN • Generating Clean ethics, equity and
Framework Energy by promoting inclusivity would have
Convention on solar energy through to be addressed while
Climate Change various fiscal and moving towards the
Score: for the country is promotional incentives, new wave of
60, and ranges between green cess on coal, industrialisation with
27 and 71 for the States, Perform, Achieve and focus on digitalisation
and between 30 and 100 Trade (PAT) scheme, and automation.
for the UTs.

Renewable Energy
Certificate (REC) etc.
• Reducing Emission
Electricity Policy, 2018,
Bharat Standards for
vehicle emission norms,
ethanol blending etc.
• Improving Disaster
Risk Reduction and
Preparedness through
National Cyclone Risk
Mitigation Project,
International Coalition
for Disaster Resilient
Infrastructure (CDRI)
SDG 14 (LIFE BELOW • Containing Marine • Maximum sustainable • As the Living Planet
WATER ) Pollution yield in fishing Report 2018 points out,
• Reduce marine along the country’s increased from 3.7 the oceans around India
pollution coastline through the million tonnes per year are experiencing high
• Protect and restore Coastal Ocean in 2015-17 to 5.3 million fishing intensity;
marine and coastal Monitoring and tonnes per year in 2017- declining catch faced by
ecosystems Prediction System, 18. the fisherfolk across the
• Reduce ocean Online Oil Spill Advisory • Area under mangroves shoreline. The key future
acidification System, National Oil increased to 4975 sq. objective is to improve
• Promote sustainable Spill Disaster km in 2019 from 4740 sustainability in the
fishing and end Contingency Plan,2014. sq. km in 2015. sector.
subsidies • Protecting Marine and • India is the fourth • There is increasing
contributing to Coastal Ecosystems: biggest seafood awareness of new
overfishing India has 25 MPAs in the exporter. sustainability practices
• Increase the peninsular region and in fishing around the
economic benefits 106 in islands, Indian coast but the
from sustainable use collectively spanning same needs scaling up.
of marine resources about 10,000 sq.km. • Sustainability
• Increase scientific • Conserving Mangroves certification of fishing
knowledge, research and Coral Reefs practices is a new area in
and technology for through Mangrove For which substantial
ocean health the Future (MFF), breakthrough is needed.
• Implement and Wildlife Protection Act, It provides the
enforce 1972, Environmental opportunity of increasing
international sea law Protection Act, 1986, market access at the
Score: for the nine coastal Coral Bleaching Alert international level and of
States ranges between 23 System (CBAS) etc. improving long-term
and 65. • Promoting Sustainable sustainability in fishing
Marine Fishing operations.
through establishment • Building up domestic
of a Potential Fishing institutional capacity for
Zone Advisory auditing, certification
programme, Integrated and labelling, which can
National Fisheries considerably bring down
Action Plan, National the costs.
Marine Fisheries Policy, • The graduation from
2017 etc. artisanal vessels to
mechanised boats has
not led to sustained
enhanced earnings, or
better working
conditions or greater
control over the market
dynamics, leading to

higher levels of
SDG 15 LIFE ON LAND • Managing Forests • Area covered under • Problems of chemical
through The National different afforestation contamination and
Targets: Afforestation Programme schemes increased pollution, plastic
• Conserve and restore (NAP), National Mission from 1.38 million ha in invasion and rapid
terrestrial and for a Green India (GIM), 2015-16 to 1.68 million extraction of natural
freshwater Joint Forest Management hectare in 2017-18. resources must be met
ecosystems (JFM) etc. • India has exceeded the by sustainable
• End deforestation • Conserving Wetlands and terrestrial component industrialisation
and restore Water bodies through of 17 per cent of Aichi strategies.
degraded forests Forest Act, 1972; the target 11, and 20 per • Increased technology
• End desertification Wildlife (Protection) Act, cent of corresponding alternatives,
and restore 1972; the Water NBT relating to areas infrastructure
degraded land (Prevention and Control under biodiversity development and
• Ensure conservation of Pollution) Act, 1974; management. efficient resource
of mountain Wetland (Conservation • Only 0.08 per cent of mobilisation need to be
ecosystems and Management) Rules the species recorded in rolled out to
• Protect biodiversity 2017 etc. India are critically sufficiently advance
and natural habitats • Combating endangered as against green industrialisation
• Protect access to Desertification through 0.3 per cent of all choices.
genetic resources Integrated Watershed species recorded • Challenges remain in
and fair sharing of Management globally. terms of development
the benefits Programme, the National • The number of of necessary
• Eliminate poaching Afforestation Programme Protected Areas has knowledge and skills,
and trafficking of and the National Mission increased from 759 to preparation/adoption
protected species for Green India. 903 and number of of norms and protocols
• Prevent invasive • Conserving Biodiversity: Community Reserves for various geo-
alien species on land The National Biodiversity has increased from 44 ecological zones.
and in water Authority operationalises to 163 in the last five
ecosystems the access and benefit- years, improving the
• Integrate ecosystem sharing provisions of the scope for community
and biodiversity in CBD through a national participation in wildlife
governmental network of Biodiversity protection.
planning Management Committees
Score: for the country is and People Biodiversity
66, and ranges between Registers.
40 and 100 for the States,
and between 37 and 100
for the UTs.
SDG 16 (PEACE, JUSTICE • Reducing Violence: • Between 2015 and • Inadequacy of
AND STRONG India has ratified the 2018, the crime rate comprehensive and
INSTITUTIONS ) UN Convention on the per lakh population disaggregated data.
Targets: Rights of the Child has dropped by 34 per • Internet access and
• Reduce all forms of (CRC). cent. digital literacy need
violence and related • Access to Justice • Over 90% population further improvement.
death rates through The Rights of covered under • Concerns about data
everywhere. Persons with Aadhaar unique privacy and security in
• Protect children from Disabilities Act, 2016 identity system. Aadhaar.
abuse, exploitation, • Accountable • Digital Payment
trafficking and violence Institutions : An Transactions increased
• Promote the rule of law independent judiciary to 38 billion in 2019-20
at the national and the Comptroller and from 21 billion in 2017-
international levels and Auditor General (CAG) 18.
ensure equal access to of India, Lokpals and
justice for all. Lokayuktas.
• Combat organized • Transparent and
crime and illicit participatory
financial and arms governance through
flows The Right to
• Substantially reduce Information Act, 2005,
corruption and bribery
• Ensure responsive, Digital India campaign,
inclusive and PRAGATI platform etc.
representative • Ethics in Governance
decision-making through statutes like
• Strengthen the the Prevention of
participation in global Corruption Act, the
governance Whistle blowers
• Ensure public access to Protection Act,
information and • Fugitive Economic
protect fundamental Offenders Act, 2018 etc.
freedoms • Legal Identity for all
Score: for the country is through Aadhaar
72, and ranges between
52 and 86 for the States,
and between 64 and 94
for the UTs.
SDG 17 (PARTNERSHIPS • Augmenting Domestic • India has improved its • Subjective
FOR THE GOALS ) Resource Mobilisation: tax-to-GDP ratio in the assessments of the
Targets: through Multilateral last six years, to 17-17.5 Indian policy and
• Mobilize resources Convention on Mutual per cent. regulatory
to improve domestic Administrative • Direct Benefit environment by global
revenue collection Assistance in Tax Transfers (DBT) has financial institutions
• Implement all Matters (MCMAATM) helped eliminating and rating agencies
development and allied initiatives for leakages worth INR 1.7 raise the costs of
assistance information sharing and trillion (USD 23 billion) private financial flows
commitments other cooperation • FDI equity inflows in to India affecting long-
• Assist developing among countries. India stood at USD term finance for
countries in attaining • Improving Public 456.79 billion during infrastructure and
debt sustainability Expenditure Efficiency: the period from April other investments that
• Invest in and through monitorable 2000 to December are crucial for
strengthen the Output-Outcome 2019, achieving the SDGs.
science, technology Monitoring framework • India was among the • There is need for
and innovation (OOMF) Public Finance top 10 recipients of FDI international
capacity for least- Management System in 2019. cooperation for
developed countries (PFMS) and Integrated • India has committed a curbing illicit financial
• Knowledge sharing Financial Management total of USD 150 million flows, defining aid
and cooperation for System (GIFMIS). over a decade to the unambiguously and
access to science, • Promoting India-UN Development establishing robust
technology and Entrepreneurship and Partnership Fund. systems for monitoring
innovation the Private Sector: by • More than 300 Lines of commitments made by
• Promote a universal amending the Patent Credit (LoC) totalling donor countries.
trading system under Rules, 2003 and Trade USD 30.66 billion to 64 • High-income nations
the WTO Mark Rules, 2017. countries so far. that are a part of the
• Increase the exports • Strengthening South- • A grant assistance Development
of developing South Cooperation fund of USD 600 Assistance Committee
countries and through Indian million established. (DAC) need to honour
remove trade Technical & Economic their commitments of
barriers for least- Cooperation (ITEC) providing 0.7 per cent
developed countries programme in 160 of GNI as ODA that is
• Enhance global countries, Line of credits critical to provision of
macroeconomic and ODA, e-VidyaBharati global public goods
stability project, IBSA Fund etc. such as climate change
• Enhance the global • Coalition Based mitigation,
partnership for Approach: through conservation of
sustainable Coalition for Disaster ecosystems and
development Resilient Infrastructure biodiversity as well as
• Further develop (CDRI), International management of
measurements of Solar Alliance (ISA). pandemics like the
progress • COVID-19 and India’s COVID-19.
Global Response:
deployment of Rapid
Response Teams, a

COVID-19 Emergency
Information Exchange
Platform (COINEX)
• Improving Data,
Monitoring and
Accountability: National
Indicator Framework
(NIF) has been adopted
to monitor the progress
and NITI Aayog has
developed the SDG India
Index to measure and
rank the performance of
States and UTs.


SDG • KUDUMBASHREEis the poverty eradication and women empowerment programme implemented by
1 Keralajointly with the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development. The Mission has over the last
two decades drastically transformed the lives of women through grassroots level initiatives that have
empowered them economically and socially.
SDG • BREAST MILK BANK was established in the Aspirational District of Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu to provide
2 access to breast milk for low birth weight, pre-term and orphan babies. The initiative helped improve rates
of breastfeeding in the district.
• CENTRALISED KITCHENS FOR BETTER NUTRITION: In the Aspirational District of Nandurbar, Maharashtra,
central kitchen has been set up by the Tribal Development Department of the State Government to provide
hot and nutritious meals to children in residential schools, known as Ashram Shalas. This central kitchen
caters to 28 ashram schools with a capacity up to 10,000 students.
SDG • YSR AAROGYASRI SCHEME Towards achievement of universal health coverage for BPL families, the
3 Government of Andhra Pradesh is implementing the YSR Aarogyasri Health Insurance Scheme. The scheme
has established a demand-side mechanism that mobilises and channels additional public financing to health,
introduced an explicit benefits package, pioneered cashless care and fostered public private partnerships.
SDG • UNNAYAN BANKA SMART CLASSROOM MODEL Unnayan Banka implemented in the Aspirational District
4 of Banka, Bihar, is an initiative that envisages ‘quality education for all’, using latest technologies. In Banka,
learning outcomes improved from 17% to 54% with 90% attendance. Following the success of this innovation,
the model has now been successfully implemented in all districts of Bihar and other Aspirational Districts
such as Godda (Jharkhand), Ramgarh (Jharkhand), Dhubri (Assam), Namsai (Arunachal Pradesh) and
Dhenkanal (Odisha).
SDG • Children First: The Child Protection Unit in the Aspirational District of Muzzafarpur performs an integrated
5 role in child rights, health and education. This unit mobilises the community and emphasises the importance
of gender equality, reduction of mortality rates and relevant indicators pertaining to children and women.
Such activities have been drawing a large number of people, especially girls and women.
SDG • ‘TAANKA’ TECHNIQUE FOR WATER CONSERVATION: The Aspirational District of Sonbhadra became the
6 first district in Uttar Pradesh to employ the traditional taanka technique to propel its efforts for rainwater
harvesting and water conservation, popular in the water-parched state of Rajasthan.
• SUBSURFACE DAMS: To address the issue of water shortage, the Aspirational District of Y.S.R Kadappa,
Andhra Pradesh, has constructed sub surface dams on river Papagni. After the intervention, water
percolation of the surface runoff to the sand layers, and in the adjoining alluvium along the river has
increased the water table, resulting in increased water availability for sustainable irrigation practices.
SDG • SURYASHAKTI KISAN YOJANA (SKY): The Government of Gujarat has launched a solar power scheme for
7 farmers - Suryashakti Kisan Yojana (SKY) enabling them to generate electricity for their captive
consumption and to sell the surplus power to the grid for augmenting income.
SDG • EASE OF DOING BUSINESS IN MUMBAI AND DELHI - construction permits Municipal Corporation of Delhi
9 and Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai have introduced fast track approval systems for issuing
building permits with features such as Common Application Form (CAF), provision of using digital signature
and online scrutiny of building plans. Doing Business 2018 and 2019 reports, showed that the time for
construction permits reduced from 128.5 to 99 days in Mumbai, and from 157.5 to 91 days in Delhi, between
the years.
SDG • SWEEKRUTI SCHEME: The scheme was formulated by the Government of Odisha to provide equal
10 opportunities and protect the rights of the transgender community through scholarships, skill upgradation

and entrepreneurship development, training, support for critical health care and group insurance support,
legal aid, counselling and guidance services for the community.
SDG • BHUBANESWAR ONE, ODISHA Implemented by Bhubaneswar Smart City Limited (BSCL), Bhubaneswar
11 One, is an e-portal that integrates geo-spatial data from all the Government and private organisations for
providing easy and hassle-free information to residents and tourists.
• MANGROVE BOARDWALK PANAJI, GOA Panaji Smart City Development Limited, the Smart City SPV of the
Government of Goa has developed a ‘Boardwalk’ in the midst of mangroves in Panaji creating ecologically
sustainable green spaces.
12 coordination with district Suchitwa Mission (Cleanliness Mission), implements a project called ‘Nirmala
Bhavanam Nirmala Nagaram’ (Clean Homes, Clean City). The project focuses on decentralised solid waste
management through segregation and treatment of wet waste at the source. The project has received
global recognition from the UNEP and the city has been recognised as one of the five top model cities in
the world for sustainable management of solid waste.
SDG • The SINDHUDURG MAINSTREAMING PROJECT in Maharashtra has invested heavily in a multi-pronged
14 approach to improve the sustainability of fisheries, protect the rights of access of artisanal fishers, act
against illegal fishing activities, and build sectoral partnerships to diversify and improve the livelihoods of
coastal communities.
• ECO-LABELLING initiatives are being promoted for sustainably managing marine fisheries. An eco-labelling
intervention in Kerala seeks to harness consumer power to bring about positive change in the fisheries
SDG • POLICE UNCLE TUTORIAL: Launched in 2019, Police Uncle Tutorial is a one of a kind initiative by the Police
16 Department in the Aspirational District of Simdega in Jharkhand. This unique concept targets dropouts and
academically weak students of Grade X, in the left-wing extremism affected areas of the district, where
children are more susceptible to crime.

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