(UGC Care Group I Listed Journal) Vol-10 Issue-5 No. 4 May 2020
One of the most significant developments in the field of organizations in recent times
is the increasing importance given to human resource. People are vital to organizations as
they offer perspectives, values and attributes to organizational life; and when managed
effectively, these human traits can be of considerable benefits to the organization. Employee
performance is vital to all business enterprises in both developed and developing countries.
The success and failure of the business enterprise depends on its human resource. Finding the
right man for the job and developing him into valuable resources is an indispensable
requirement of every organization. The selection practices may have an effect on the
employee’s perceptions; Proper recruitment helps the line managers to work most effectively
in accomplishing the primary objective of the enterprise. The main idea behind conducting
this research was to examine the relationship between the perceptions on Recruitment and
selection practices and the demographic factors among the employees of hotel industry.
In an environment of hastily growing aggressive challenges, every company has to
invest across the value chain to attain outstanding aggressive capability in each of the busi-
nesses in its portfolio. The dream of every organization is now apparently the formation of
exclusive business models that encourage international. The recruitment and selection
process is one of the most important aspects of running new and established businesses alike.
The right employees can take the business to new heights. The wrong ones can hurt business
by missing sales, turning customers off and creating a toxic workplace environment
competitiveness of not only its business but also the entire value chain of which it is a part.
Recruitment and Selection plays an important role where it acts as a crypt to erect
Organisation’s competence by attracting efficient and potential candidates who can fulfil the
Review of Literature
Aruna S,2015). According to the paper “Recruitment and Selection in Public
Organizations In Nigeria: A Case Study of university of Nigeria, Nsukka” it is described that
in order to manage resources, money, men, and work and to maintain organisation, suitably
qualified people should be recruited in both non managerial and managerial functions
Tulauan, Mayra Madria(2014) studied “Perceived effectiveness of Recruitment and
Selection process for Uniformed Personnel of the Philippine National Police” and revealed
that organisations give more preference to hard technical skills instead considering their soft
behavioural skills which helps in understanding that the employees can be quickly trained
and their potential traits. Based on the paper “The Recruitment and Selection Process of
Pharmaceutical Companies in Bangladesh: A Case on GlaxoSmithKline Bangladesh
Limited”, says that while recruiting the candidates it is necessary to identify the prospective
candidate who can contribute to fulfil the strategic aim of the organisation.
The study of Opayemi, and Oyesola (2013) established the relevance of some
personal attributes or socio-demographic factors as influencing perception of the link
between selection interview, selection test and employee performance. The study revealed
that employees in the age range of 20-25 years reported the highest mean score on perception
of the link between selection interview, selection test and employee performance. Therefore,
recruitment/selection interview and recruitment/selection test are good predictors of
employee performance, if conducted in a standardized form.
Stephen, Cowgill, Hoffman and Housman (2013) studied impact of hiring through
referral using novel and detailed productivity and survey data from nine large firms in three
industries revealed that employee referrals allow firms to select workers that better suit for
particular jobs in the organization that firms benefit from referrals predominantly by selecting
workers with a better fit for the job, as opposed to referrals selecting workers with higher
overall quality. The study shows that employee referrals enhances monitoring and coaching
and makes work environment more enjoyable as they work with friends because workers
refer others like themselves, not only in characteristics but in behavior.
Table: 1, Reliability Co-Efficient and Test of Significance for the Questionnaire Used in
the Study
Sl. No Test of Levels of
Test N Reliability
Significance Significance
1. Perception on Recruitment
100 0.8930 3.43 0.01
and selection
Table-1 presents the data regarding the reliability co-efficient and test of significance for
the questionnaire used in the study.. The indicator of recruitment and selection has a liability
score of 0.8930 correlation co-efficient value and it is statistically significant as per the result
of ‛t’ test
Table: 2, Validity Co-Efficient and Test of Significance for the Questionnaire Used in
the Study
Test of Level of
Sl. No Test N Correlation
Significance Significance
1. Perception on
100 0.7468 7.76 0.01
Recruitment and selection
Table-.2 presents data regarding the validity co-efficient and test of significance for
the questionnaire used in the study.. The indicator of recruitment and selection has a validity
Further the ‛t’ test is applied and computed the ‛t’ value as 6.86which is higher
than the tabulated value at 5 per cent significant level. Hence, there is a significant difference
between the genders and their perception. It can be concluded that the male workers prefers
the present recruitment and selection process in their organization than their counter part.
Since, the calculated value is higher than its tabulated value, the null hypothesis is rejected.
Variables Mean
Source of Variation SS df MS F F crit
Variation due to
recruitment and
selection process 30.0352 14 2.145371 267.2488 1.872588
Variation due to
educational status 6.669053 4 1.667263 207.6909 2.536579
Error 0.449547 56 0.008028
Total 37.1538 74
For further analysis, the ANOVAs two ways model is applied and the computed value is
267.24 which is higher than its tabulated value at 5 percent significant level. Hence, the
variation among the indicators of recruitment and selection is statistically significant. In an
additional point, the computed ANOVA value 207.69 is higher than the tabulated value at 5
percent significant level. Since, the calculated value is higher than its tabulated value at five
per cent significant level, the null hypothesis is rejected.
. Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the occupation and their
perception on recruitment and selection process.
Variables Mean
Recruits workers after positions are declared vacant 3.68 3.42 3.16 2.90 3.29
Internal and external sources of vacancy fulfillment 3.07 2.81 2.55 2.29 2.68
Recruitment policy 2.86 2.60 2.34 2.08 2.47
Publicity for existing job vacancies 2.60 2.34 2.08 1.82 2.21
The employees are involved in making decisions on
3.20 2.94 2.68 2.42 2.81
Transparency in the short listing of job aspirants 3.84 3.58 3.32 3.06 3.45
Involvement of heads in the screening process 2.49 2.23 1.97 1.71 2.10
Job aspirants with right skills were considered 2.75 2.49 2.23 1.97 2.36
The organization does not encourage the influence of
3.47 3.21 2.95 2.69 3.08
external forces during the selection process
The organization takes into consideration affirmative 2.95 2.69 2.43 2.17 2.56
Variables Mean
Source of Variation SS df MS F F crit
Variation due to
recruitment and
selection process 24.02816 14 1.716297 457.9312 1.935009
Variation due to
occupational status 4.417187 3 1.472396 392.855 2.827049
Error 0.157413 42 0.003748
Total 28.60276 59
For further analysis the ANOVAs two ways model is applied and computed the
ANOVA value as 457.93which is higher than the tabulated value at 5 percent significant
level. Hence, the variation among the indicators of recruitment and selection process is
statistically significant. In an additional point, the computed ANOVA value 392.85 is greater
than its tabulated value at 5 percent significant level. the null hypothesis is rejected.
Null Hypothesis: There is no significant difference between the experience and their
perception on recruitment and selection process.
Up to 5 years
10-15 years
15-20 years
5-10 years
Above 20
Variables Mean
Source of Variation SS df MS F F crit
Variation due to
recruitment and selection
process 29.61247 14 2.115177 168.0725 1.872588
Variation due to work
experience 10.17553 4 2.543881 202.1375 2.536579
Error 0.704755 56 0.012585
Total 40.49275 74
For further analysis ANOVA two-way model is applied and computed the ANOVA
value as 168.07which is higher than the tabulated value at 5 percent significant level. Hence,
the variation among the indicators of recruitment and selection is statistically significant. In
an additional point, the computed ANOVA value 202.13 is higher than its tabulated value at
5 percent significant level. the null hypothesis is rejected.
Recruitment and selection has the capacity to take up a key part of the process of managing
and leading people as a routine part of organizational life. It has become more important as
organizations increasingly regard their workforce as a source of competitive advantage. There
is evidence of increased interest in the utilization of employee selection methods which are
valid, reliable and fair.. Employers are surprised and disappointed when an appointment fails,
and often the person appointed is blamed rather than recognizing the weaknesses in the
process and methodology, even the soundest of techniques and best practice (in recruitment
&selection) contain scope for error. Some of this is due to the methods themselves, but the
main source is the frailty of the human decision makers. One result of effective recruitment
and selection is reduced labour turnover and good employee morale. Recruiting ineffectively
is costly, since poor recruits may perform badly and leave their employment.
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