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Binghamton NY Press Grayscale 1912 - 1097

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(Continued from Page One.) fering from the shock of her experiences In escaping from the sinking Titanic, and particularly from grief 0 ver the loss of her husband. Vincent Astor and a few Intimate friends saw her during the day. Not.vithsjandlng their efforts to keep her from thinking or talking too much of the harrowing experiences, she related over and over again how he hail taken leave of her husband.without full realisation that he was going down to his death, of how the lifeboat she was In was almost under the stern of the Titanic as It sank, and of how she and other women were obliged to bail out the boat to keep It afloat.


Try this tonight! Chew Wrigley's SPAP*'t.vr> on your way home. Cleanse your mouthrefresh it. It makes you as hungry as a bearmakes you jsmnt food, then helps digest it. If everyone everywhere would chew it before and after eating, what fine appetites-fine digestions fine teethwe'd all have. And the green country seems very neat* while you enjoy this refreshing mint leaf juice, Try it tonight l Buy if by the Boi
of njr dealer. It c6to !**

Snatch Purse from Miss Walsh Revs. Lawrence and Doidge as She Passes Under Give Especially Strong SerDry Bridge mons on the Disaster

* v.-

Miss Helen M w Walsh of 35 Cllnt6n The loss of the Titanic was the which would require that 75 per c e n t deck crew of every American steamer street was held up on Saturday even- theme of several of the clergymen of be experinced seamen; that each pas- llng at about 10:30 o'clock and re- Binghamton In the various churches senger steamer be equipped with a f lleved of her purse by two boys at the and other places of worship yestersufficient number of lifeboats and that corner of Clinton and Front streets. effective and practical boat drills be As v Mlss Walsh with another girl were day. , going home and had passed under the held regularly. At the First Presbyterian Church Attention is also called to a bill now dry bridge "on Front street two youths Rev. Dr. J. J. Lawrence conducted a pending In Congress which .provides not older than 14 years, walked be- special memorial service in the evenfor the safeguard of the lives of pas- hind the girls and grabbed Miss ing which was very largely attended. sengers and crews ns demanded by Walsh's silver mesh shopping bag. He gave a realistic description of the the seamen's union and the American Immediately they disappeared run- soenea attendant on the terrible disning up*over th&.>SUackawanna rail- aster and drew from it the moral of Federation of Labor. road tracks. ~^ The whole performance was done so a powerful sermon. Ho said: "During the recent years man GERMANS TO INVESTIGATE quickly that Miss Walshordid notto have been making tremendous strides. has He time to even cry out try get help. When she finally did recover has quietly but confidently assumed LIFE SAVING EQUIPMENT herself sufficiently she gave them that he has conquered nature. He has Berlin, April 22.-r-The motion of- chase over the tracks, but they were bridged the rivers, tunneled the offered in the Rlchstag requesting the already too far ahead of her to be mountains, made the electric.currents SENATE COMMITTEE imperial chancellor to order an in- overtaken. Quite a sum of money was his messengers and competed with the vestigation to learn If German steam- In the purse at the time, but the exact birds for the conquest of the sky. RESUMES HEARINGS ships are equipped with sufficient life amount Is not known. "Wo have become proud and arroDetective Robert Stephenson was "Washington, April 22.The Senate saving appliances was considered notified Sunday morning and together gant. We have become eaten up with vanity. We have become strong with Investigation of the Titanic disaster, Saturday. Clemens Delbrueck, minister of the with Sergeant of Detectives Rummer, our own strength, and wise with our begun In New York last week upon started out to look for the youthful own wisdom. In our pride and arthe arrival of the Carpathia with the Interior and Vice-chancellor of the highwaymen. rogance we have felt little need of Empire, said that the Government A good description was furnished p.rayer, or Divine guidance. Now we survivors of the wreck, was resumed was already in communication with are suddenly made aware of the fact here today with J. Bruce Ismay, pres- th^-blg shipping companies and would them by Miss Walsh. that we have not conquered Nature. ident of the international Mercantile. see that everything necessary and posMARRIAGE LICENSES. . The Rev. William Doidge of the Marine Company; P. A. S. Franklin, sible would be done. Positive measMarriage licenses have been granted Plymouth Congregational Church In a vice-president of the White Star Line; ures, however, could not be proposed to George E. Tupper of Leroy a strong lesson H. T. Cotton, wireless operator of the before the details of the catastrophe street and Hazel Howland 105 36 St. virile address drew from the failure of for his congregation" to the Titanic had t been learned. The Carpathia; four officers and 28 sailors motion was thereupon withdrawn. John avenue; Nelson H. Green of of man to cone with the powers of of the Titanic'8 crew waiting to be Herr Delbrueck declares that he Lower Lake, Pa., and Myra A. Rodg- Nature." He gave a graphic descripcalled as witnesses. had already instituted a revision of ers of 120 DeRussey street; Charles tion of the leviathan of the sea. havThe hearings are being conducted the German regulations as soon as Barle Rice and Jennie B. Johnson of ing seen It Immediately after its In the caucus room, the splendidly the first details of the Titanic dis- 32 Howard avenue. launching at Belfast. fitted "show" room of the Senate of- aster became known and in the imfice building. Although Chairman mediate future will' convoke a conWilliam Alden Smith and Senator ference of the shipping companies Newlanda were-the only members of and maritime associations. He says the sub-committee of the Senate he is convinced that the German capcommerce committee present when tains, shipping companies and conthe preliminary testimony" was taken structors whose responsibility and in New York, the full sub-committee care for the passengers and crews enwill be In attendance at all the hear- trusted to them are recooiized by the Jay R. WiUJams. i The flower bearers were Frank Bowings here. The other members are whole world, will find ways and means Senatore Perkins of California, Bur- to provide for everything necessary. Sidney, April 22.The funeral ser- en, Robert McMahon. Rev. Dr. Glynn 'ton of Ohio, Bourne of Oregon, SimTh question as to whether Inter- vices of the late Jay R. Williams of officiated. Burial was in St. Patrlck'8 Cemetery. mons of North Carolina, and Fletcher national regulation of the passenger Sidney were held at Hotel Sidney Levi Lomphere. of Florida. steamship traffic is. advisable has Levi Lamphere dled-Saturday Many, of the Titanlc's surviving pas- been already discussed by the Gar- Sunday at 3 p. m., and were largely ing. H e is survived by four evensengers will be called to give evidence man government and Germany is attended, the Rev. Yale Lyon of- and two daughters, Egbert sons and before the committee. It is expected ready to act on any proposition with ficiating. Bert of this city, William of Gilthat amoqg the notable witnesses will this end in view. Malta Commandery, No. 46, K. T bertsvllle, Frank of Little Meadows, be Mrs. John Jacob Aetor, Mrs. J. B. accompanied by the Norwich Band, Mrs. John Beardsley of Gllbertsville, Thayer and Colonel Archibald Gracle. had charge of the services and at- and Mrs. Edna Brockway of Utlca. tended In a body. The .funeral will be held at Mulford's PARDINAL BOURNE Sidney Lodge, No. 801, F. & A. M undertaking rooms at 10 o'clock the Knights of Pythias, and the Uni- Tuesday morning. HOME READY; FAMILY GIVES ABSOLUTION formed Rank K. of P., of Sidney, also 1 IS LOST ON TITANIC licLondon, April 22.In all the Catho- attended in a body. also a member of CharlesCharles C. Warner. 53 years, C. Warner, aged Mr. Williams was churches in the United Kingdom Pittsburgh, Pa., April 22 With a services were held today in memory Ctsenlngo Bodies and Kalurah Tem- died at his home in Port Dickinson home ready to receive his family, of the victims of the Titanic disaster. ple of Binghamton and of Vallonia yesterday afternoon'. He is survived i by his mother, Mrs. A. VanAmburgh John Panula, a native of Finland, liv- Westmipster Cathedral was thronged. Chapter of Afton. Mr. Williams had been one of Sid- of Port Dickinson and two sisters, A catafalque draped with purple had ing at Coal Center, near here, last ney's leading night, received news that his wife, been erected before the high altar. past 11 years, business men for tho Mrs. Mary Pratt of Binghamton, and and was highly re- Mrs. Port five sons and one daughter, had gone Cardinal Bourne officiated and gave spected by all who knew him. The son. George Beatty of be held DickinThe funeral will at the absolution. down with the Titanic. Panula did many floral tributes were evidence of home Wednesday afternoon at % not learn until yesterday that his the high esteem in which he was held o'clock. Burial will be in Chenango family had sailed on the Titanic, by a host of friends. Of his immedi- Valley Cemetery. HARTFORD COMPANIES ate family he leaves only his wife. Dr. John S. Hudson. Burial was in the .family plot In The funeral of Dr.. John S. Hudson HIT FOR $1,000,000 Prospect Hill Cemetery. CLAIM THEY SAW T W O / was held at Dibble's undertaking Ira C. Roberts. Hartford, Conn., April 22.The Titanic disaster will cost Insurance 82 years, died Rev. LOADED BOATS CAPSIZE companies of Hartford nearly $1,000,- at Ira C. Roberts, aged E. M. Roberts, roomsDr.thisB . afternoon W? 8 o'clock, ,J. Sweet offlclayng. Burthe home of hie son, Toledo, O., April 22.MrB. Barbara 000- according to statements by of- In Auburn Sunday. The funeral will ial was iri Floral Park Cemetery. EUzahetb, Olsa. Posan and her sister-in-law, Mrs. ficials of the company.. The loss will be held in Auburn on Tuesday and Florin Posan, with their children, who fall chiefly, it is stated,. onVthose. com- .the;.body brought to .this. olty. for , Elizaheth Olsay-the-infant,daughter were passengers on the rescue ship panies which do an accident business, burial. A funeral service will be held of'Mr.'-and Mrs. Joseph Olsa, died Carpathia bound for Hungary, ar- while the companies issuing only life at the grave. Mr. Roberts isr survived yesterday afternoon at the home of by three, sons, Charles' VH. Roberts of her parents, No. 7 West street The rived home yesterday suffering from policies will have small loss. Binghamton, E. M. Roberts of Au- funeral w a s ' held this afternqon at the nervqus strain under which they burn, and F. C. Roberts of Modesta, 8 o'clock at the house. Burial was passed last week. The Posan women Cal., and one daughter, Mrs. F. O. in Calvary' cemetery. declare they saw two boats filled with MRS. AVA ASTOR COMING Dilley, of this city. ' l W. J. 'Edwards. women on Monday near where the Mrs. Fannie Stever. Titanic sank.. There were about 60 William Edwards, aged years, HERE TO BE WITH SON Mrs. Fannie SteVer, aged 41 years, died at hisJ.residence. No. 3189Stuyvewomen in the two boats, they said, London, April 22.Mrs. Ava Will- died at 10:30 o'clock yesterday morn- sant street last evening. Prayer servand none of them was able to steer the lifeboats. Soon they saw both ing Astor, the mqther of Vincent As- ing at her home, No. 5 Rush avenue. ice will'be held at the house Tuesday boats capsize and all were drowned. tor, has decided to proceed to New She is survived by her daughter, Miss morning at 9:30 o'clock. The body York to be with her, son. She will Lillian Raught, and five brothers, Del- will be taken to New York for bert and John Page of Deposit, Ed- burial. sail at the earliest possible moment. ward and Ard Page of Binghamton, v Mrs. C. i/..Ogden. The various relief funds for the as- and Jesse Page, of Susquehanna. The BECOMES INSANE OVER Mrs. C. L. Ogden, aged 72 years, sistance of sufferers by the Titanic funeral will be held at the home on to upwards of 3 o'clock and at home, of J. street at died o'clock TITANIC DISASTER disaster now amount at the mansion Tuesday afternoon at Avenue Baptist widow 69 Oak P. Ogden, 11:80 at her $.400,000. The fund 3:80 at the Park Sharon, Pa., April 22.John M. house alone at noon today amounted Church.. Burial will be in Glonwood today. She is survived by two sons, W. C. Ogden and C. H. Ogden of this to $300,000. Among Saturday's sub- Cemetery. Smith of Hickory township, a former city. She came to this city from Ilion scriptions to this latter fund are $10.sailor, became violently Insane last 000 from W. W. Astor- and $6,000 about five years ago, and has since Andrew J. Reynolds, . night after reading accounts of the from Lord Strathcona.. Andrew J. Reynolds, aged 66 years, made her home here. The funeral destruction of the Titanic. Smith had died at his home, 3 Thorpe street, this will be held Wednesday afternoon at walked several miles to get newspapmorning at 9 o'clock. He Is survived 2 o'clock at the home of her son, W. ers^contaihlng the news. by one daughter, HADDOCK DENIES SENDING Mrs.his' wife, Jane, and:this city. The C. Ogden, 47 Oak street Burial will be In Chenango Valley cemetery. H. D. Hummel, of funeral will be held at the residence Hildred Marie Crocker; FALSE TITANIC MESSAGE Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Hlldred Marie Crocker, aged ' three HELD IN TOLEDO AS body will be taken to Brooklyn, Pa., years and 10 months, only daughter London, April 22.-Captain Hadmorning for burial. . of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Crocker, died Line steamer TITANIC WITNESS dock of the White Star at Plymouth Wednesday Edward Gilsoii. at the home of her parents,, 20 Fay-, Olympic, on ' arriving Cleveland, O., April 22.Lewis from New York, denied that the The funeral of Edward Gilson was ette ,.8treet, Saturday; evening at 10 Klein, the Hungarian who claims to Olympic sen't out a wireless report to held at his home, 15 Carroll street, o'clock. She la survived by her, parhave been a member of the crew on the effect that' the Allan liner Vir- this morning a t 9 o'clock and at 9:30 ents and two brothers, Herold and The funeral the Titanic, is under arrest here un- ginian was towing tho 'Titanic and at St. Mary's Church. The pallbearers Herman. this afternoon was 2 held at i at o'clock, that all of the latter's passengers were Jeremiah Delaney, Charles Kil- the home der a technical charge 'of \ mutiny were safe. mer, James Van Hover, William-Scott Burial was in Floral Park Cemetery. pending the arrival of a subpoena of the Senate Investigating committee. He was arrested by direction of Senator William Alden Smith. Klein's story Interpreted by the Austrian vice-consul here 19 that the lookout, in the crow's nest of the Titanic was asleep when the collision occurred and that members of. the crew were .drunk from champagne that had been given them by stewards serving the late'dinner aboard. 'Klein asserts that he rang 'the alarm bell which apprised tha' third officer, who had Just ascended the bridge after dinner, of the danger ahead. *



Obituary Notes


Look for the spear . The flavor lasts



Cor. S t a r r oafl Wat** i t a .

LgQAL, *s * :suptfBMto : C O U B T / v B r . o o m>^ : i ^ ^ S Henry B. Triy,; iti ^ a * r t f a r f " Notlc - is "hereby'glv^T t h i t ' ) ^ property describe J Mto\Uyi^m* tract or parcel of land,A HlMtte*&| city of 'Bfthatiuomveo^n%ot;^0 and State o!HeW :T<ta&m^WF3a


6t Soulre**- Subdivision> of.^l Farm/ made by the Chenango;

m m



Pure Lard

Tender, Juicy, Round Porterhouse

S t e a k ib. 1 4 c
Sirloin <* ** #fc


Hcmlngford, Neb., April 22. Because she dreamed she saw tho Titanic sinking, Mrs. B. O. Shepherd of Hemtngford sent word- to her husband in England to cancel bis reservation or that steamer and to return on another boat. Th<s fact that he did so! rrnbably saved his life. Th,e dream took place two months] "sro. Mrs. Shepherd first wrote her, husband asking him not to take tho T; tanlc home. She then sent a cable n\sage to him to tho same effect. Although he "had already taken passis:" on that steamer. Shepherd transferred to another White Star boat.


Choice Corn

15c STEAK ">1 DC

a t pgga . will be'aoid by the undersigned,fJ.;, eree' at public auction, a t l h e f r ^ h l ^ e ^ ; - s of the Court House in t o e ; o f t y ^ j n i | w ^ hamton, In the county ot: Bf60tt&*teg^r o'clock in the afternoon o n tbe^ttte'djN^ of April, 1912. pursuant to the^judg-,t ment made, and- entered In i t h * i w ^ ^ ^ S entitled action, on thai. 80th . - . d a ^ e p ^ larch, 1915. s . . , '-'^w8 Dated April ; L i | l . ^ ^ ^ < ^ i g l . . .'; ~.'A->v\-,;:''. v.;^..Referee;' H A L A PARKER, attorney* foripjair . tiff. Office and P.- O. Address;'Olfef N. Y.


" '




'- ""



- . " t , - - - ' * - ' "

. . ' - .


Grocery Savings T
Untitled Document

hThe kind that is just like home* madeonly . . Large Juicy

Lean Pork " 4% f CHOPS, lb. I O C
Hamburg i| A .


<Ti!ongo, April 22.--Resolutions presented by the Lake Seamen's ''nion Intended to allay the danger of a disaster on the-groat lakes, similar Jo that of the Titanic, have been }'1r.r>tod n y , n c Chicago Federation of i^bor and will today be sent to all hke transportation companies oper-j "'ing passenger-carrying steamers; '"" of Chicago. I The resolutions demand legislation!

STEAK IOC Lemons Best Corn



BEEF, lb.







13c 4c 12



l-ccust Fence Posts Wanted.


Se<. advertisement on want or locust fence posts.Adv.


Andes nnd Pittaton Ranges at Fol- j *onyA. 125 Washington streetAdv. I

67c 26-28 Chenango St

Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

SURROGATE'S COURT, Broom*'<J6jwM tyIn the matter of th* dUfioSlttoti et'i the real estate of Pranaia O. B u M l m m the payment of his debts :and funer 8UPRteME COURT, Broome County expenses.. . ' '.'"-'- -::J^-'i,^V-' 'AV. height of ooe amhttfon t to By Sidney. Welles Thompson, et. ano., exe- gato's virtue of_ a^ decree j>f the Sirt ffupply yon tilth that greatest of Co^ty.ot Btoomf^C^niVfriTi all luxuries, pare, wholesome, delU cutors, etc., plaintiffs, against Henry above entitled proceeding,,made .oji'theS ...d entioa' d o u * confection. Ask your dealer for E, Prey, et. al.. defendants.13th day of April,, 1912, and;.entered;; p tho kind mad* tur HOFTON. ~"igtaV NOTICE IS HEREBY OPVEN, that Couhty office of the Surrogate 'd?in > In the of Broome on that'dj^y^j,i the the real property described as follows: Couhty of Bi ;day All that tract or parcel offand, situate a d m i n i s t r a t r i x named lb safd UVSIOT nmnuu in amu. deefeei In the city of Binghamton, county of shall sell at public auction at. the;*rent PROPOSALS. Broome, and State of Now York, being door of the Court House, in the city of State of New York. lot No. 92 as laid down on a map of Binghamton"; Broome county, New York, State Hospital Commtsiton. Squires' Subdlvlson of the Kress Farm the real estate described in said deo'rae. Purchasing Committee for State Hos- made by the Chenango . Engineering and therein directed to be sold, .oh' the>.>i| pitals, Room 188, Capitol, Company July, 1S9S. and recorded In 31et day of May, 1912, at 10 e J e e % s M | g Albany, N. V. Rroome County Clerk's Office, Decem- the forenoon of that day . 8^ald r ^ t i M f f Seared proposals addressed . to the 1903. in Book of committee will be received until 1 p. ber 7. 29; will be aold Maps No. 2,'at estate Is described substantially as fol '.'.-' S<&A m., MAy 7. 1912, at the above address, page. referee at public by the under- lows: signed at "All that tract or parcel of land sitfor supplying the N'ow York Stato Hos- front door of the Court auction, In the House pitals for the Insane with narp^t nnd cttv of Binghamton, in the county the uate in the town of Chenango, county; of ruRrs for a period of one year trnm Rroome, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon. of Broome, and State of. N e * - Y b r & May 7, 1912, In accordance wth speci- on the 1st day of May, 1912, pursuant briefly described as follows: BeinK In fications. By applying to thf Purchas- to the Judgment made and entered In tho northwest cornsr of the south n a ing Committee prospective bidders may the a b o v entitled action, on the 6th of lot number one hundre* and three (103) in the Chenango Township of-the ^ obtAln copies of specifications and ln> day of April. 1912. Boston Purcha8^ described as f o l t o t t a ^ i llni formation regarding qualities and Commencing in the center of t h a . h l f h - ^ ' Dated, April 8th, 1912. standards, way leading from the Castle Creak read > H. J. HENNESSEY, Purchasing Committee for State Hos< to. the town of Union, at the horthwMt; Referee. pltals, by HILL * PARKER. Attorneys for Plain- corner of the south half ot the"" P. A. WHREIiER, tiff, off lee and P. O. address. Owego, aforesaid, thence running aouth? Secretary. teen (18) rod* to an oak stake N. V.. stones near a maple tree; thence TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OP NOTICBlfb CREDITORS. twenty-two (22) rods to a ohes COMPUTIN'O-TAPlLATIN'ato an order Hon. Robert stones; to, _ HKCORDINa CO. S. Pursuant Surrogate ofofthe county- of stake andaforesaid, themes' north conta PArsons. supposed to Notice Is hereby given that th5 an- Rroome, notice Is hereby given to all highway three fourth* acres and nual meeting of the stockholders of this persons bavin* claims against the es- one and land more or less. Being t company, for the election of directors tate of Rhoda E. Johnjon. late of the rods of premises conveyed by r same and for such other business as shall city of Rfnghamton, In said county, de- Bishop to Burrill Nlmroona by d come before said meeting, will h held ceased, that they are required to pre- recorded in tha office of lha Clerk at Us office In Endleott, New York, at sent the same, with the vouchers there- Broome county in tha hook of deeda noon on the 23d day of April, 1912. at page H5. and conveyed Dated. Kndle.ott^k. Y., April Sth. 1917. of, to the undersigned, the executors'of Carver, referee, to Mary 3. by Eldon the last wHl and testament of said deJohnson COMPCTlNO-TAPfLATlN'Oceased, at the IAW offices of Charles 1L a deed recorded in said Clerk's oft! . RECORDING CO.. Stc-wart, "Security Mutual Rulldlng. In and by said Mary J. Johhaon <tonVeju. Rv H M. Sadler, Secretary. the city of Binghamton. In said county, to said Francis IX Burrill by deed reon or before the 13th day of July, ll. corded in said Clerk's office tft hook 'of\ fjf.-.i.s.rv:;. Dated Januffty , 1912. deeds 20 at page-181.V C. F. PECK. The terms of said sale are eaah. USE PRESS WANT ADS L.C, ROWB, EMMA O. LIPPACHEft, V Executors. Administratrix. CH rot , BRING BEST, RESULTS F ^u^r^ BWART. Attorney for JNO. P. WHEELER. Attorney at. Administratrix. Binghamton, N.


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