Semester: II
General Instructions
(i) All Sections (A, B & C) are to be attempted.
(ii) Options, if any, are specified in respective section.
Section A
6. The Indian forests of the North-East and the Western Ghats are globally accepted
Hot Spots of Biodiversity (True/False)
9. The direction and force of wind experienced on a moving ship is termed as the
Apparent or Relative Wind (True/False)
Section B
12. Write at least two examples of Renewable and Non- renewable resources.
14. What are the reasons for variation in population growth rates in different
regions on Earth?
Section C
Answer any five out of seven questions, all questions of 10 marks each .
16. List out at least 5 major causes and 5 major effects of air pollution.
(10 marks)
19.Explain how the clouds are formed and classify clouds on the basis of heights
and explain about the clouds which produce heavy rain
(10 marks)
20. Explain about at least three most important causes of Global warming.
(10 marks)
21. Explain the role of an individual in the conservation of Natural Resources?
(10 marks)
22. What is meant by Environmental Ethics and state some possible solutions to the
issues concerning them. (10 marks)