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1. Describe the pathogenesis & management of Attic Cholesteatoma

2. Describe the pathology & management of Glomus Jugulare Tumour
3. Discuss the clinical presentation, investigations and management in a case of
Vestibular Schwannoma
4. Discuss the physiology of Equilibrium
5. Discuss the pathogenesis and management of spontaneous perilymph fistula
6. Discuss the etiology and management of facial palsy

7. Discuss Bell’s Palsy

8. Discuss etiology, clinical features and management of Tympanosclerosis
9. Discuss the changing face of Audiological Investigations
10. Discuss the surgical anatomy of lateral semicircular canal
11. Discuss the recent advances in Hearing aids
12. Discuss the etiology and management of fractures of temporal bone

13. Describe the Anatomy of the Facial Nerve. Mention the topographic tests for
Nerve functions
14. physiology of inner ear with reference to cochlear implant
15. Pathology and mgt of glomus tumour of temporal bone
16. evaluate a child of speech non development (2and half years old) and counsel
the parents
17. Clinical presentation of cholesteatoma. Adv and disadv of open and close
cavity methods of mastoidectomy
18. Concepts, evaluation , selection criteria, techniques and problem associated
with CI surgery
19. Discuss the etiopathology and management of unilateral atretic ear
20. Describe paragangliomas of ear and their management
21. Discuss the surgical anatomy of middle ear cleft and the contribution in
physiology of hearing
22. Discuss the developmental anatomy of the external ear and middle ear cleft.
Briefly discuss the developmental abnormalities of middle ear cleft
23. Discuss the principles of meatoplasties in CWD mastoidectomy, in both end
aural and post aural approaches
24. Describe the anatomy of facial nerve. Discuss in detail the physiology of facial
nerve injuries
25. Discuss the etiopathogy, clinical features and management of Otosclerosis
26. Enumerate the complications of COM and describe the etiopathogenesis,
clinical anagement of lateral sinus thrombophlebitis
27. What is cochlear implant and how does it work. Discuss the assessment of a
cochlear implant candidate
28. C.S.F. otorrhea
1. Discuss the anatomy of Eustachian tube. Discuss the pathophysiology of Otitic

2. .Discuss etiopathogenesis, clinical features and mx of Meniere’s disease.

3. Discuss the methodology of pure tone audiometry in clinical practice.

4. Discuss the various theories in the formation of pri acquired cholesteotoma.

5. Classify causes of facial paralysis . Discuss in brief the topographic diagnostic


6. Discuss the role of labrynth in equilibrium.

7. Discuss the etiology & Rx of fistula of lat semicircular canal.

8. Discuss Rx of Meniere’s disease.

9. Discuss briefly various otologic , allergic manifestations. Discuss the role of

chemical labyrinthectomy in Rx of meniere’s disease.

10. Discuss the sx anatomy of lat semi circular canal.

11. Discuss the post tympanotomy & its applications.

12. Describe the vestibular apparatus & its central connections. Discuss the inv
that are carried out to assess its functions.

13. Describe the surgical anatomy of mastoid antrum and mention the major steps
of modifies radical mastoidectomy.

14. Discuss how will you investigate a case of tinnitus.

15. Describe the sx anatomy of internal auditory canal & discuss various sx
approaches to vestibular netrve.

16. What is wallerian degeneration. Discuss physiology of nerve injury with spl
reference of facial nerve palsy

17. Discuss the medical line of treatment in meniere’s disease

18. Discuss surgical management of the ‘congenital ear’

19. Course of facial nerve in temporal bone

20. Describe histology of normal middle ear cleft mucosa and discuss the
histopathological changes in C.S.O.M.

21. Mechanism of equilibrium

22. Mangt of cholesteatoma

23. Physiology of balance.

24. Mangt & assessment of deaf and mute child.

25. Etiology ,inv, mangt of attic cholesteatoma.

26. Surgical anatomy of mastoid bone (MUHS 2010)

27. Evaluation and management of Meniere’s disease (MUHS 2010

28. Evaluation and management of noise induced hearing loss (Grading 2010)

29. Discuss in detail Otosclerosis (MUHS 2011).

30. Discuss in detail Acquired Cholesteatoma. (MUHS 2011)

31. Physiology of equilibrium.(MUHS 2011)

32. Anatomy of cochlea, anomalies in relation to cochlear implant.( MUHS2011)

33. Development anatomy, innervations and applied importance of pinna and

external auditory canal.

34. Causes of snhl. Etiopathogenesis of nihl and mgt

35. OME – etiopathogenesis, cf, mgt

36. Cholesteatoma and mgt in adult

37. Facial nerve palsy causes inv and mgt


1. trautmans triangle
2. tubercular otitis media
3. RW rupture
4. Hennebert’s sign
5. pulsutile tinnitus
6. universal neonatal hearing screening
7. recent trend in CI candidacy
8. principle of mgt of OME in children
9. TM jnt dysfunction
10. ototoxic drugs
11. vestibular neuronitis
12. pre auricular sinus
13. impedance audiometry
14. acoustic neuroma
15. Formation and absorption of perilymph and endolymph
16. Middle ear spaces
17. Endolymphatic sac decompression
18. CAT
19. Tympanic neurectomy
20. Facial reinnervation
21. Mastoid tip removal
22. Universal neonatal hearing screening
23. Recent trends in cochlear implant candidacy
24. Current principles of management of OME in children
25. Diagnosis of Menieres disease
26. Retraction pocket
27. Ewald’s law
28. Otitic barotraumas
29. Bell’s palsy
30. C.P.angle and its surgical apprch.
31. Mondis dis
32. Microtia
33. Petrositis
34. ABR in infants
35. Epley maneuver
36. Local an. In ent
37. Post tympanum
38. Classifn of facial n palsy
39. Surgial pathology of obliterative otoslerosis
40. Acoustic reflex
41. I.A.M.
42. Styloid apparatus
43. Tympanic pexus
44. Pinna anatomy
45. Tympanicsclerosis
46. Stages of atelectasis
47. Tests malingerin
48. Traumatic otitis media
49. Surgical tt of meniers dis
50. Digital hearing aid
51. Cupulolithiasis
52. Fracture temporal bone
53. Electro cochleography
54. Mastoid antrum
55. U/L cong meatal atresia
56. Presbycusis
57. Lateral S.C.C. fistula
58. Clinical application of impedance audiometry
59. E. tube
60. Siegels speculum
61. Hearing aid
62. Acute S.N HL
63. Perilymph fistula
64. Perichondritis pinna
65. Evoked response audiometry
66. Evaluation of cochlear implant Characteristic of normal A.B. R.
67. Acoustic reflex
68. Schwartz sign
69. CL feature of bn abscess
70. Video nystagmogm
71. ET fn tests
72. Spine of henle
73. Recent adv in cochlear implant
74. Floating foot plate in stapes surgery
75. Medial wall of middle ear
76. Physiology of balance
77. Lat semi circular canal & its surgical significance
78. Middle ear muscles
79. Glomus jugulare stage
80. Circumscribed labyrynthitis
81. Trotter’s triad
82. Bone conduction
83. Acute necrotizing otitis media
84. Endaural incision
85. Mastoid antrum
86. Barotrauma
87. Otilic Hydrocephalus
88. Masking
89. Malignant Otistis Externa
90. Otomycosis
91. Bill’s bar
92. Bezold’s abcess
93. Therapeutics of vertigo in ENT
94. PTA
95. ABR screening for neonatal hearing loss
96. Masking in audiology
97. Malignant otitis externa
98. Cong anomalies of ear
99. Implants in otology
100. Glomus jugulare
101. Temporary threshold shift
102. Impedance audiometry
103. Alport syndrome
104. Facial palsy causes
105. Bell palsy
106. Mang otogenic abscess
107. Mang otitis media
108. Mastoid reconstruction
109. MEDIAL WALL OF Middle ear
110. Mang SN Hearing loss
111. Stages of acute otitis media
112. Pharm of local anaes use in ENT
113. Causes of proptosis, mang
114. Physiology of hearing
115. Mang of otospongiosis
116. Otogenic brain abscess
117. Mang retromolar ulcer
118. Physiology of balance
119. Function ET its role in middle ear disease
120. Pathophysiology of menier disease
121. Modern concept in reconstructive surg of middle ear
122. Mang recurrent polyposis
123. Effects of congential Abnorm of Esophaeus on normal deglutition
124. Cold caloric test
125. Role of allergy in otology
126. Current status of Cochlear implant
127. Trotter’s Traid
128. Lermeyez Syndrome
129. Killian’s Dehiscence
130. Cinnarizince
131. Mhelkersson – Resenthal Syndrome
132. Laryngofissure
133. Dental Cyst
134. Approaches to the patrons apex
135. Tympanic Neurectomy
136. Principles in Management of Meniere’s Disease
137. Stewart’s granulomatosis
138. Atropine
139. Approaches to the internal Auditory Canal
140. Laryngioma Stridulous
141. Dohiman’s operation
142. Glyceral Test
143. Vacuum headache
144. Laryngocode
145. Webers test
146. Sitting of Temporal bone laboratory
147. Oto-acoustic emissions
148. Carhart’s notch
149. Cochlear implants
150. E.N.T. Munifestations of AIDS
151. Thyroplasty
152. Cochlear implants
153. Tullio phenomenon
154. Middle ear cleft mucosa
155. Pre-epiglottic space
156. Styloid process
157. Manual Garcia
158. Surgical pathology of Tubercle
159. Surgical pathology of Russells body
160. Xylocaine
161. Scoline
162. Macewan’s triangle
163. Koroner’s septum
164. Crocodile tears
165. Bat ears
166. Dental cyst
167. Acute epiglottitis
168. Peritonesilites
169. Tracheo Oesaphageal fistula
170. Auditory Cortex
171. Posterior Tympanatomy
172. Midline lethal granuloma
173. Carotid ligation
174. Genetics and deafness
175. Oro-endoscopy
176. Facial Palsy in Head Injury
177. Brachy therapy
178. Genetics and deafness
179. Oto-endoscopy
180. Facial Palsy in Head Injury
181. Scoline
182. SISI
183. Hearing Aids.( MUHS 2010)
184. Simple mastoid operation.( MUHS 2010)
185. Cone of Light.( MUHS2010)
186. Recruitment.( MUHS 2010)
187. Ramsay Hunt syndrome.( MUHS 2010)
188. Patch Test.( MUHS 2010)
189. Combined approach tympanoplasty.( Grading 2011)
190. Tuberculous otitis media. ( Grading 2011)
191. Treachers Collins syndrome ( Grading 2011)
192. Complications of stapedectomy( Grading 2011)
193. Developmental anomalies of ear. ( Grading 2011)
194. Beksey Audiometry.( MUHS 2011)
195. Mastoid antrum.( MUHS 2011)
196. Window reflex.( MUHS 2011)
197. Masking Phenomenon.( MUHS 2011)
198. Prusaacks Space.( MUHS 2011)
199. Perilymph fistula.( MUHS 2011)
200. Rectruitment.( MUHS 2011)
201. Caloric test.( MUHS 2011)
202. BAHA
203. Eustachian tube anatomy and functions
204. Cone of light
205. Tuning fork
206. Graft in ear surgery
207. Classify and describe otitis externa
208. Cochlear implant
209. Caloric test
210. Lateral semicircular canal fistula
211. Ototoxic drugs
212. Types of tympanoplasty
213. Preauricular sinus

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