lab 1
lab 1
lab 1
Lab. 1
وسام عدنان سامي.د
Patient's Examination
General Information
It makes the investigator familiar with the patient as it does contain
personal details of the patient such as; name, age, etc.
-Patient registration number: It helps the investigator in:
Record maintenance & Identification of the patient, billing purposes,
medicolegal aspect, survey and studies.
-Date: for the purpose of: Reference & record maintenance.
-Name: Knowing the name of the patient leads to:
• Identification & Record maintenance.
Community Dentistry
Lab. 1
وسام عدنان سامي.د
Community Dentistry
Lab. 1
وسام عدنان سامي.د
• Certain diseases are specific to the gender, such as hemophilia is
common in male and Iron Deficiency Anemia in females.
• Timing of eruption sequence of teeth also varies between males and
females. Eruption of teeth is slightly earlier in females. Hence, dental
caries in girls are more than boys.
• Likes and dislikes of child in behavior management technique may vary
depending on gender of the child. Boys like toys such as cars and airplanes
while girls like dolls.
•Drugs—during pregnancy, lactation—indicated/ contraindicated
Chief complaint
The chief complaint is established by asking the patient to describe the
problem for which he or she is seeking treatment. It is recorded in patient’s
own words as much as possible, and no practical language should be used.
It answers the question, ―Why are you
here today? ‖ It is primarily a statement of the patient’s signs and
symptoms. The chief complaint aids in the diagnosis and treatment
planning and should be given the first priority.
Common chief complaints include: Pain, bad taste, bleeding from gums,
loose teeth, hypersensitivity, burning sensation, recent occlusal problems,
delayed tooth eruptions, swelling, esthetic problems.
The questions can be asked in the manner:
– When did the problem start?
– What did you notice first?
– Did you have any problems or symptoms related to this?
– What makes the problem worse or better?
– Have any tests been performed before to diagnose this complaint?
– Have you consulted any other examiner for this problem?
– What have you done to treat this problem?
While recording the chief complaint, what appeared first should be
mentioned first. Example—if the patient complaints of fever from
Community Dentistry
Lab. 1
وسام عدنان سامي.د
yesterday, pain for 5 days and swelling began 2 days back. It should be
recorded are as follows:
– Pain from 5 days duration
– Swelling of 2 days duration
– Fever of 1-day duration
History Recording
-History of present illness: The history commences from the beginning of
the first symptom and extends to the time of the examination. It includes:
Onset.! Duration.! Type (Nature) of pain.! Severity of pain.! Location
and site.! Prior occurrence.! Exacerbating factors.! Relieving factors.!
Associated phenomenon (fever, malaise, nausea, etc)! Previous
-Past dental history: It includes the frequency of past dental visits, a
history of dental sensitivity, pain, infection, soft tissue lesions, bleeding,
swelling, age and condition of existing dental prostheses, and a history of
oral surgery or any other dental treatment.
-Obtaining past dental records, including radiographs, and consultation
with other dentists involved in the patient’s care should be considered.
- Medical history: It includes history of past illnesses. Medical history
• Diseases or conditions that contraindicate certain kind of dental
• Diseases that require special precautions or premedication prior to dental
treatment, e.g. myocardial infarction, hemophilia, etc.
• Diseases with medication that contraindicates the use of additional
medication. For example, Anticoagulants, steroid therapy, tranquilizers.
Community Dentistry
Lab. 1
وسام عدنان سامي.د
Community Dentistry
Lab. 1
وسام عدنان سامي.د
It helps to come to the final diagnosis. These are adjuvant methods of
examining the patient for further confirmation of the provisional diagnosis.
The common methods are: Radiographic investigations, Biochemical
Histopathological investigations, Pulp vitality testing, Hematological
investigations, Urine analysis, Microbiological investigations, Special
investigations like MRI, CT Scan, etc.
Final Diagnosis
All the records, clinical findings, the provisional diagnosis and
investigations are clubbed together to frame the final diagnosis on which
treatment is planned. The final diagnosis is first made on the chief
complaint of the patient and then other problems are considered. Patients
must be informed of their diagnosis and the nature, significance and
treatment of the health problem that has been clearly diagnosed.
Community Dentistry
Lab. 1
وسام عدنان سامي.د
Treatment planning
It is a schedule of procedures and appointments designed to restore, step
by step, a patient's oral health and eliminate or control etiologic factor. The
plan contains the advantages, disadvantages, costs, alternatives, and
prognosis of treatment. The goal of treatment planning is to devise the best
treatment for the patient. The diagnostic procedures help the clinician in
establishing a suitable treatment plan for the patient
Community Dentistry
Lab. 1
وسام عدنان سامي.د
• Diet advice/counseling
• Oral health education.
Phase IV: Curative phase: therapeutic phase Restoration includes:
• Endodontic therapy
• Periodontal therapy
• Extraction of teeth
• Oral surgical procedures
Phase V: Rehabilitation phase: In this phase, the goal is to restore the
mouth to full function using restorative and prosthodontic procedures.
Phase VI: Maintenance phase: It includes the steps such as recall, review
and reassessment of the oral conditions of the patient after the treatment.