Daniel Quinlan
Stuart Lloyd and Graham Bottley
AFF Adventure Creation System
Fighting Fantasy is © Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone all rights reserved
Fighting Fantasy, including the Fighting Fantasy shield, is a trademark of Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone and is used under license
Advanced Fighting Fantasy is © Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone all rights reserved
Cover Illustration is © copyright © 2015 Dean Spencer, used with permission. All rights reserved.
Internal illustrations are © copyright Alan Langford, Tony Hough, Nik Williams, Bill Houston, Bob Harvey and Russ Nicholson
Some artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission
Thank you to Mark Stanley, ELF Vesala and Glen Sharman for additional proofreading.
Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone hereby assert their moral right to be identified as the authors of Advanced Fighting Fantasy in
accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988.
No part of this book may be copied or reproduced without express wri�en permission from the copyright holders.
AFF Adventure Creation System
A few years ago Graham, myself and a few of our The Adventure Creation System splits the
friends (who have been invaluable in making this environment into three sections: Se�lements (cities,
book) were debating a topic which will be familiar to towns and villages), dungeons and the wilderness.
many people who enjoy roleplaying games - the For each type of environment, we provide the means
challenge of creating worlds and adventures, and to create unique and varied maps for your hero to
how much work the Director has to put in to deliver use, encounters to challenge them and people to
an adventure. Whilst opinions varied we all agreed meet.
that the task could be made a lot simpler and with the
proper resources solo play would also be possible. As Of course, a hero needs something to do in the world
I had already begun writing some rules covering they have created. This book provides a wide
encounters and maps in cities I offered to make an selection of villains to challenge your hero and a
a�empt - rashly imagining that it would be compendium of plots to work through, or be used as
reasonably straightforward - and several years later I part of your own campaigns, as well as a system to
am happy to report that our earlier debate now has a create more quests and missions.
conclusion, and I would like to welcome you to the
Advanced Fighting Fantasy Adventure Creation Armed with this book, a pencil, some paper and a few
System! In this book, we will set out advice and six sided dice, you can rapidly assemble everything
procedures that will let you create cities, dungeons you need to play Advanced Fighting Fantasy, either
and wilderness areas for you to use in your as a solo hero or as part of a group.
adventures and provide you with horrible villains
and plots to test your heroes abilities. All you will We hope that the rules and ideas in this book provide
need is some paper, a pen or pencil, a few six sided enormous assistance to you in your adventures,
dice and a sprinkling of imagination. whether they be a hero taking on the dangers of the
world single-handedly or a party of companions
This book can be used as the basis for solo adventures questing onwards to glory. However you wish to use
or as an aid for people playing in a group, with or it, enjoy your adventures!
without a Director. It provides the means for you to
quickly create playable environments in which you Daniel Quinlan, June 2024
can either set your own adventures or play out the
example missions and quests created using
randomised tables. Either way, the aim is to enhance
your time spent as a hero of Titan, so one general rule
should be stated right at the start - feel free to modify
anything you come across so it be�er suits your
vision of the world!
To Jane and Arthur,
for their love and patience
AFF Adventure Creation System
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
his book is intended to be used both as an Rulebooks
assistant for people in group games and as a This guidebook has been wri�en assuming that the
tool for solo-play adventures. As with any reader is familiar with the Advanced Fighting
roleplaying game the rules are subject to Fantasy Rulebook. Our aim is to be consistent with
interpretation and in this section we provide some other published material such as the Combat
ideas about how to handle key situations and some Companion and the Heroes Companion and we
reminders about the mechanics of AFF2e. would encourage you to seek out those books and
others to expand your options. Although not
In group games, the group will decide for themselves required, it is very much recommended that players
how to interpret the game rules and how to deal with have access to at least one of the bestiaries such as
specific situations, with the guidance of the Director. Out of the Pit, Return to the Pit or Beyond the Pit.
This often includes ‘house rules’ and other
interpretations. We would still recommend reading
Random Rolls vs Choosing
through this section and discussing how you wish to
This book contains a large number of tables to
play your game before you begin. This is often called
generate things such as encounters, religious
‘session zero’ and is useful to avoid arguments later
preferences, environments, diseases and many, many
more aspects of gameplay. The intention is that the
tables cover all the critical aspects you need to create
As solo players do not have access to a Director in this
your adventures without having to plan them out for
section we offer some guidance on how to deal with
yourself. However, they are meant to be an aid and
commonly occurring situations. Of course, this is
not a prison! If at any point you should decide that
simply guidance and as usual we recommend that
you disagree with the result of the roll or have a be�er
anyone using this book develops their own ideas and
idea, you should feel free to follow your preference.
interpretations, with the aim of enjoying the game as
much as possible. A solo player may wish to make a
From Game Book to Role Playing Game
list of their adjudications at the start of their
Whilst many people will be coming to this with prior
experience of RPG’s (Role Playing Games) some may
come directly from playing the Fighting Fantasy
This advice applies to cities, dungeons and the
‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ gamebooks, or similar
wilderness - gathering it in one place means we will
games and have less experience of how to play RPG’s.
not repeat it in each section.
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
slipped and fallen on his face and the crowd would have Example 2: Gruder is using his Ba�le Axe to fight a
mu�ered and dispersed, leaving him to nurse his pride Great Orc. Gruder has a SKILL of 7 and 2 points in
and bruises. ‘Axes’, for a total of 9 skill. Gruder rolls a 6 on 2d6
making his combat roll 9+6=15. The Great Orc has a
This skill test is the default way of resolving a SKILL of 7 and rolls 7 on 2d6 for a total combat roll of
challenge outside of combat and is used very widely 14 (most monsters do not have special skills) which
in Advanced Fighting Fantasy. Some examples means that Gruder wins this round of combat and can
include: roll 1d6 to see how much damage he does with his Ba�le
Axe. If the Great Orc had rolled 10 on 2d6 it would have
• To decide if a hero knows something, test a Lore a combat roll total of 16 and it would be the Great Orc
skill such as City Lore or Religion Lore rolling to see how much damage it did to Gruder.
• To help your hero survive in the wilderness test Common examples of using an opposed skill test
skills such as Forest Lore or Mountain Lore include:
• Resolving combat, the winner of the opposed
• To spot a concealed or hidden object (such as a
skill test gets to strike their opponent.
secret door) test Awareness
Example 1: Jay is chasing a goblin assassin across the Example: Jay ‘Fingers’ Finch is exploring a dungeon
rooftops - the goblin is a�empting to escape and he is when he comes to a deep chasm crossed by a narrow
trying to close the distance to a�ack him. Jay and the bridge, covered in muck and slime. Deciding to push
Goblin make opposed tests of their Acrobatics skill. Jay forward, Jay a�empts to make a crossing. The bridge is
has SKILL of 7, 1 point in the Acrobatics special skill slippery - an Acrobatics skill test is needed with a target
and rolls 2d6 for a disappointing 5 giving a total of number of 16. Jay has SKILL of 7 and 1 point in the
7+1+5 = 13. The goblin assassin has a SKILL of 6 and Acrobatics special skill. He rolls 2d6 ge�ing 9, for a
rolls a 9 for a total of 15! This night the goblin is be�er total of 7+1+9 = 17. He has beaten the target number
at dancing across the rooftops and, with a last mocking and, with a bit of slipping and sliding, has crossed the
gesture of defiance, skips away from Jay and into the bridge! If he got a total of 15 or less he would currently
darkness. be tumbling toward the bo�om of the chasm.
AFF Adventure Creation System
As a guideline, target numbers would be as follows: Refer to the core AFF rulebook for a description of
5 or less - a simple task that even a child could do; 10 each skill and limitations on their use. In general,
or less - a mundane task with a high chance of most skills can be a�empted without having any
success; 15 or less - a challenging task that requires points assigned to the special skill. So a hero with
either luck or training to succeed; 20 or more - a SKILL of 6 and zero points in Sea Lore could still try
heroic task that only a great hero will accomplish. to pass a Sea Lore skill test, they would need to roll 6
or less on 2d6.
Common uses of the target number skill test are:
• Coping with an environmental hazard such as The main exception to this rule are the ‘Magical’
scaling a cliff or leaping a chasm. special skills such as Magic-Wizardry or Second
Sight. These can only be a�empted by heroes that
• Dealing with a trap or lock (the be�er quality have at least one point in the special skill as they are
traps or locks have higher target numbers). considered to be unaware of the flows of magic
without some training.
• Uncovering a specific piece of information by
testing a Lore skill.
It can be difficult to decide which type of test to use
• Surviving harsh weather such as a great storm and if uncertain, a straight test of SKILL is the
on a mountainside standard position. In addition, it should be
remembered to apply bonuses or penalties. A hero
a�empting to use the Disguise skill to make
themselves look like a peasant would receive a bonus
- it isn’t hard to look like one of the common folk - but
a hero trying to impersonate a specific noble should
understand that a penalty would apply.
AFF Adventure Creation System
This is quite a long list of skills! At the discretion of Crafting: Woodworking - Almost everyone knows how
the Director, you can substitute a single skill to craft basic items from wood (and which type of
‘Wilderness Lore’ which covers all of these. Region wood to use) but not all develop that skill to the point
Lore determines how well the hero understands that where they can make complex works of carpentry
type of environment. Navigating across the world (such as a vaulted ceiling or the prow of a ship).
should be done using World Lore and specific actions Woodworkers also produce arrow shafts, weapon
such as hunting and fishing should be done using hafts, some types of armour (if metal is scarce),
those skills. If you are not certain which skill to use shields and so on.
whilst out in the wilderness, the Region Lore skill can
be used as a general ‘survival’ skill that covers most Crafting: Victualler (Cooking and brewing) - Often
bases. overlooked by a careless adventurer, food
preparation is a vital skill for survival. Although
Crafting: Advanced Fighting Fantasy is a game in nearly everyone knows enough to prepare food for
which heroes generally find equipment during their themselves and most know the basics of fermenting
adventures or purchase it with the gold they obtain, (even the smallest communities will have some sort
but you may wish to incorporate crafting into your of brewery), there are some who take their food and
campaign. The following categories for crafting are drink seriously and develop their skills accordingly.
suggested, you should feel free to add to or modify
this list. If you do allow crafting to have an impact on Crafting: Jeweler/Embellisher - Many people wear some
gameplay, it is strongly suggested you work out the form of jewelry, either purely for decoration or as a
limits in advance. How long does it take to craft an signal of something about their status. These things
item, what tools are needed and what materials come from specialised crafters who work away
required are all questions that need answering. A producing delicately precise pieces from the most
hero out in the wilderness cannot easily create a set of expensive materials and using the finest tools.
plate armour without access to a forge, plenty of
metal and a few weeks of labour! Crafting: Scribing - Amongst the peoples, rates of
literacy vary enormously but all cultures have some
Crafting: Blacksmithing - Creating metal weapons and that specialise in reading and writing both their
armour, plus other minor household items such as native script and those of other races. In addition,
horseshoes, pots and pans and so on. scribes will learn about the preparation of
parchments and vellums, making inks (or specialised
Crafting: Leatherworking - Create items out of hides, brushes and pens) and the creation and maintenance
furs and other animal products such as teeth or claws. of books, tablets or whatever means are used to mark
Useful in making leather armour, scabbards, words.
pouches, quivers, slings, packs, boots and so on.
Crafting: Inventing - Highly unusual an inventor
Crafting: Tailoring - Creating not just items out of cloth creates, repairs or disables mechanical devices such
but also the cloth itself, knowing how to harvest the as clockwork, pulleys & levers, spring or torsion
yarn and form it into threads. Tailors produce driven machinery and gunpowder (blackpowder)
clothing, cloaks, tapestry, embroidery and so on. devices if such things are allowed in your campaign.
Limited by the technology available (no, they cannot
build a machine gun in most se�ings!)
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
Crafting: Jack-of-all-trades: Some people may not wish Common Encounter and Action Options
to pursue a specific trade but it is impossible not to
pick up some knowledge. If a player doesn’t want to Whilst we certainly encourage heroes and Directors
make a specific choice they can become a jack-of-all- to come up with their own ideas of how to play the
trades and can a�empt any type of crafting but with game, there is no harm in providing a list of
a -3 skill test penalty. commonly used strategies or activities. As well as
providing inspiration you can refer back to these as
Dodge as a Universal Skill options for any encounter, provided some common
Under the rules described in Chapter 3 of the sense is applied. It is unlikely, for example, that an
Advanced Fighting Fantasy book, the Dodge skill can ogre will stand around waiting for you to finish
only be used to avoid damage in combat if the eating your rations before combat begins (though by
‘Swashbuckler’ talent is taken. We highly recommend the same token, an honourable opponent might allow
that the optional rule described in the Combat an injured hero to heal themselves…you will have to
Companion is used - this allows any hero to use the decide from the description of the encounter). Many
Dodge skill in place or armour in combat. The of these options are described in greater depth in the
Swashbuckler talent instead adds +1 to Dodge skill Advanced Fighting Fantasy rulebook and you should
rolls used to mitigate damage. refer back to it.
A hero may try to stop damage using their armour or Fight - Fairly obvious, you launch a violent assault
the Dodge skill, but not both. A shield can be upon your target. Make sure you have understood
combined with either. the rules for combat (the combat roll, damage roll,
armour or dodge roll etc) provided in the Advanced
The reasons for recommending this are simple: Fighting Fantasy rulebook and then begin.
• It seems reasonable that all heroes could learn to
avoid damage by trying to dodge out of the way. Flee - Fighting to the death might be valorous but it
is also futile and if a hero is at the point of defeat they
• It allows for the creation of lightly armoured
may choose to flee. To do so they can either test their
heroic archetypes, such as a barbarian warrior
LUCK or risk taking a ‘free hit’.
dressed in leathers, or an acrobatic elven ranger.
• It allows heroes that cannot wear armour If they choose to test their LUCK, a success means
(wizards) some chance of avoiding damage. they have used a momentary break in the fighting to
step away and run (perhaps their opponent trips
• It brings the Dodge special skill in line with over, or is distracted by inhaling a bee - something
other special skills, which can be used without that gives the hero a few seconds to turn and run). If
special talents. they fail, their opponent blocks their escape and
combat must continue as normal.
Remember that Dodge cannot be combined with an Taking a ‘free hit’ means exactly that - the hero turns
armour roll and that heroes that are wearing heavy and runs, knowing that they will get hit as they flee.
armour (chainmail, platemail) have a penalty to their Instead of normal combat their target automatically
movement skills - a hero in full plate mail is simply wins the combat round and rolls damage - the hero
not as nimble as an unarmoured hero. cannot use dodge, armour or a shield to reduce it.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Once a hero flees, where they end up depends on Sneaking is an opposed skill test - the hero rolls 2d6
what sort of environment they started in; and adds their Sneaking skill (or just SKILL if they
have no additional points) and their target also rolls
• A hero that flees in a se�lement moves to an 2d6 and adds their SKILL plus any points in
adjacent location and cannot return to the one they Awareness. It should never be assumed that the hero
fled from for the rest of the day. can automatically sneak up on an enemy.
• A hero that flees in a dungeon moves back to the Modifiers apply! Details are given in the core
start of their section. If they return within one hour rulebook. Most of the modifiers are penalties, due to
the monster will be waiting for them, otherwise it issues such as lighting or wearing heavy clanking
will go back to its usual behaviour. armour. Heroes are encouraged to be honest about
how likely it is they can sneak up on a target - if doors
• A hero that flees in the wilderness moves to the
or barriers have to be opened it may be impossible,
boundary edge of the area; they spend half a day
sneaking on horseback (whilst travelling in the
escaping from their encounter and must spend
wilderness) is also highly unlikely.
half a day moving back to where they were to
resume their mission or quest.
Endurance - a hero choosing to Sneak through a
This may affect the chance to complete a mission; dungeon is reasonable, the environment is extremely
such is the price of cowardice! dangerous and distances are short. However,
choosing to sneak for the whole of a ten day hike
through a jungle is unreasonable - unless you can
come up with a very good reason why your hero
would do this! If you wish to try, you should double
your travel times and apply a -3 penalty to your
Sneaking tests to reflect how difficult it is to stalk for
extended periods of time.
AFF Adventure Creation System
First Aid - A hero with the Healing special skill can Basic Encounter Options
make a test after a fight in which they are injured, if
they succeed they recover 2 points of STAMINA. From the list above we can come up with a shorter list
of ‘Standard’ encounter options which you should
Rest - Another way of restoring lost health is to rest keep in mind. These are:
overnight. A hero that gets a reasonable night's sleep
(uninterrupted by fighting) restores 4 points of Table 3.1.1 Standard Encounter Options
STAMINA. See descriptions in Chapter 3 for more details.
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
Using Magic
Heroic, magical fantasy such as Advanced Fighting
Fantasy would not be complete with wild sorcerers,
powerful mages and devoted priests hurling magic
about when the opportunity presents itself. This
should, of course, be encouraged although it can
create some challenges for the Director. Even simple
spells can have surprising applications and working
out what is allowed or intended can be difficult. In
general one should encourage the use of magic, as it
is a key and important part of the system and heroes
should not feel that it is somehow cheating or unfair.
On the other hand, in the interests of balance the
limits of magic use should be remembered. Spell
descriptions should be read carefully to ensure that
they are being applied properly.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Counterspelling and Dispelling Duration
Wizards have access to ‘Counterspell’ should they Spells should have their durations listed. In
choose to learn it. This powerful spell has two uses. Advanced Fighting Fantasy a combat round lasts 10
Firstly, the wizard can stop another caster from using seconds, so six combat rounds are one minute.
their magic, though this cannot be used against
priests as their abilities are not strictly speaking Area of Effect
spells. It also cannot stop monsters from using Spells that cover an area should have the extent listed
abilities that are like spells - it only works when in the spell description but if you are unsure limit the
someone is casting a spell. Secondly, Counterspell area to 1 metre per point of magical power (Arcane
can be used to dispel active magical effects, so they Power, Inner Strength, Devotion etc) that the hero
can get rid of spells that have a duration. The wizard has. So a Wizard with MAGIC 5 and Magic-Wizardry
should be aware of the magic and be able to see it of 3 has an Arcane Power of 8 - if a spell lacks details
working. Not all spells can be dispelled - for example for area of effect allow it to be no larger than a cube
the sorcerer spell GOB creates a goblin to fight on with sides of 8 metres. This can be useful for limiting
their behalf, it is ‘real’ once created and cannot be things such as illusions.
removed with a counterspell.
Stacking Spells
Dispelling the magic of items and places is also not It is generally recommended that heroes are not
possible (though the Director may allow this use of allowed to ‘stack’ spells by casting two or more spells
Counterspell if they choose). that have similar effects. So a hero under the effect of
Ironhand, which increases SKILL by 1 for three
Spell Ranges: Remember that magical effects have minutes, should not benefit from having Ironhand
ranges, usually self, touch or ranged. ‘Self’ spells only cast on them again, or having another spell which
work on the caster, touch spells require a contact increases SKILL cast on them.
which means an unwilling target will have to be
struck to cast the spell - this can be resolved by This does not apply to magical items, which is one of
making a combat roll between the caster and their the reasons they are so powerful.
target. The caster gets a bonus of +3 as they are trying
only to touch their target and not damage them. Casting Spells in Secret: Most uses of magic will be
Pu�ing points into the Brawling special skill can obvious to an observer. Wizards gesticulate and
improve your chance of touching a target. Targets intone, Sorcerers pull out strange components and
that are willing to be touched can be without making strain to summon mighty energies, priests call upon
a combat roll, provided the caster can reach them. their gods by reciting parts of their sacred text.
Ranged spells may have a limit - given in the spell However, there should be some leeway in deciding
description - or be limited by sight. It is generally exactly how obvious the use of magic is - a hero that
recommended that ‘sight’ also includes a limit of 100 wants to a�empt to use a spell with only subtle
metres, though this is up to the Director. They can let gestures should make a test of their Sleight of Hand
magic users cast spells from one mountain top to skill. To avoid speaking too obviously, a test of their
another if they so wish! The important thing is to be Con skill should be made. These cannot completely
consistent. If your hero can do it, so (potentially) can mask the use of magic, but will allow a hero to avoid
your opponent. arousing the suspicions of an untrained observer.
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
Specific Spell Notes Glimmer: Illuminates the area within arms-reach of
the caster.
Spell descriptions should be read carefully and these
notes are in addition to the text already provided in Hear: Gives a +2 bonus to Awareness tests to overhear
the main rulebook. Not every spell has been covered, a conversation.
it is hoped that this extra text will help players and
Directors to be�er understand how magic works in Heat: It will reduce any penalty that the character will
Advanced Fighting Fantasy and apply those have due to being cold (such as being in the cold
principles to other spells. Heroes are encouraged to north) by 2 and help resist exposure.
be creative with their use of magic.
Hold: Examples of uses - Stick a weapon: This can
Minor spells: only be done in the first round of combat. If the target
A�raction: Makes an unfriendly target neutral and a fails a SKILL roll, they cannot use that weapon for 30
neutral target friendly. It cannot affect hostile targets. seconds. Stick a boot to the ground: If the target fails
It requires a sleight of hand roll to successfully cast a SKILL roll, they will spend 1 round slipping out of
without the target noticing and ge�ing suspicious the boot. They cannot deal damage if they win the
(which would negate the effects of the spell). round. This can only be done as many times as the
target has feet with boots on. This is a very versatile
Burn: This spell can only damage the target if the cantrip and should be limited to small objects.
character takes them by surprise, has a range of touch
and does not ignite clothing, items etc that are worn.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Wizard spells:
Noise: One use for this spell is as a distraction. If the Befudle: Requires the caster to touch the target, see the
characters are trying to use stealth against someone, notes above regarding spells with the touch range.
they can use this spell to get a +1 bonus. There is no
roll to avoid this as the noises actually exist! Darkness: All participants in combat get a -6 penalty.
This cannot be reduced by Darkseeing unless the
Pied Piper: At the end of the duration, hostile vermin creature’s senses depend on something other than
will go back to being hostile. sight (so animals that rely on hearing or smell might
have a smaller penalty, those that sense by mystical
Push and slip: If the target fails to resist they suffer a -2 means such as life sensing might be unaffected).
penalty to combat and movement skill tests. If they
are near an edge they can test against their SKILL to Glowing eyes: Gives a +2 bonus to intimidation (Con
avoid falling over it. special skill) rolls.
Repulsion: Makes an friendly target neutral and a Ignite: Be�er than the burn cantrip because the object
neutral target unfriendly. It cannot affect hostile instantaneously catches fire. Also, it has a range.
NPCs. It requires a sleight of hand roll to successfully
cast without the target noticing and ge�ing Illusion: Can give a +1 bonus to social skill checks and
suspicious. stealth checks if the illusion is appropriate.
Ripen: Can restore 1 provisions worth or 2 meals Peace: Turns unfriendly NPCs into neutral NPCs. It
worth of spoiled food. cannot affect hostile NPCs.
Secrete: Grants a +2 bonus to Sleight of Hand rolls to Breach: Can destroy a door or other barrier.
pick a pocket or steal an object no bigger than a gold
piece. ESP: Can give a +2 bonus to social skill checks if used
at the start of the encounter.
Weather protection:
Gives a +3 bonus Levitate: Negates any fall damage if the
to resist the characters are prepared to fall (for example,
effects of bad jumping into a pit). Note that it doesn’t
weather such as provide flight, only up and down movement.
exposure. Creatures that are dropped from a great height
(by casting it on them and dropping them) get
a test of SKILL or LUCK to avoid the spell.
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
Command: The spell can give a KID: Grants a +1 bonus to
single opponent a -4 penalty social checks and stealth
in combat for 30 seconds (3 checks if the illusion is
rounds). appropriate.
AFF Adventure Creation System
LUCK is a powerful and unique resource in Whether playing solo or as part of a group, someone
Advanced Fighting Fantasy and heroes should make has to take charge of the monsters and decide what
use of it, though always remembering that it is they are going to do. By monsters, we mean not just
difficult to recover points of LUCK. It has a variety of the obvious threats such as a skeleton set to guard a
uses, for example: tomb, but also intelligent humanoids, animals,
demons, creatures of chaos and so on. It’s up to you
• A hero that loses a round of combat can test how you ‘play’ the monsters, but there are some
LUCK to force a ‘roll’ of 1 for a damage roll against general factors to think about which can help you
them. decide what they do. The game will be more
interesting if your monsters act in interesting ways -
• A hero that wins a round of combat can test if they all simply stand there waiting to be hit,
LUCK to deal the maximum damage that a�ack encounters will become boring.
could normally do. Some of the factors to consider are:
• What equipment and items does it have to hand? Another way of looking at it is to talk about the
Natural creatures such as rats or snakes won’t monsters by type and generalise from that.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Humanoids Humanoids tend to be at least reasonably smart, social, territorial and afraid of dying. This means
that social skills can be used, even with hostile creatures (though a penalty of -3 to -6 may apply
to the test). Most humanoids rely on sight, so their lairs are likely to be illuminated in some way
and they will usually try to defend them. Humanoids also fight as groups and employ tactics
such as using ranged weapons, se�ing ambushes, building traps and so on.
Animals There is a huge range of animals, in general they have at least some ability to think and will
usually fight to defend a lair or their young. They can be tricked, especially with food and their
combat tactics come down to fight or flee. Animals use a variety of senses and most don’t light
their homes or arrange their possessions. Most animals are neutral or unfriendly.
Undead With a few exceptions the undead are of low intelligence, hostile to the living, fearless and
capable of sensing nearby life (though one may give them normal senses if you prefer). For the
most part they will a�ack as soon as possible and not relent until destroyed.
Great Beasts Creatures such as dragons, hydras, bloodbeasts and others with high SKILL and STAMINA can
be assumed to be more cunning, proud and vicious than other animals. They are used to being
top of the food chain and will act accordingly, which generally means a�acking on sight.
Demons Demons vary enormously as they have their own sinister purposes, but they also generally hate
mortals and wish to make them suffer. They are often intelligent or very intelligent and will use
tactics and strategy in combat. They may flee if they are overpowered and some can be bargained
with (though never fairly). Demons' senses often include darkvision or the ability to sense nearby
Elementals Elementals are not innately hostile or friendly to mortals. Generally their reactions are based on
what the mortals are doing. In particular, if their activities are interfered with or even if mortals
venture into their territory, they will become hostile. Elementals vary in intelligence from barely
capable of thought to highly intelligent; their senses are wildly different to our own and based on
their particular form. They will generally ignore social skills or bribery.
Other For other monsters you will need to look at the description given in the bestiary and try to work
out its behaviours based on what you read. If it is helpful, compare it to some of the examples
given above. For example a Brain Slayer could be considered as a humanoid / demon in its
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
Death and dying Table 3.1.3 - Mark of Death
Roll Mark
Titan is a dangerous world full of monsters, traps and 1 You have received a terrible scar, which gives
villains. If you are playing fairly, you might find that you a distinct appearance. You suffer -1 to
your hero runs out of luck (and LUCK) and dies. your Disguise special skill.
There are two possible ways of dealing with this 2 Your body is traumatised and more sensitive
situation. to shocks. If you are poisoned, suffer 1 point
of additional damage.
• Try again with a different hero 3 The brush with death has weakened your
Although one hero has fallen, another can rise up immune system. If you are suffering from a
to take their place. Go back to the character disease, uncontrollable shivering causes you a
creation process and start again, perhaps with a -1 penalty to all physical skill tests until you
different choice of skills and abilities. It will be up are cured.
to you to decide if this new hero has any 4 No ma�er how much you exercise, you have
connection with the deceased, or is a completely lost something of your previous vigour. You
fresh character. If you decide there is a connection, suffer -1 to your Strength special skill.
you may let your new hero pick up where the old 5 Your ordeal has left you shaken - literally.
one finished and carry on with whatever quests or Your hands have a noticeable tremble. You
missions you were undertaking. suffer -1 to your Sleight of Hand special skill.
6 You suffer no outward consequences, but
• The gods intervene your dreams are haunted by dark shadows.
Just as you fall in ba�le and exhale your last, you Spooky.
hear the cry of voices, by chance another group of
adventurers come to your salvation at the last
moment. They gather you up and escort you out of
danger to a temple (place your character on the
nearest Temple on the map). You are grievously
wounded but the priests agree to patch you up
and heal you..in return for a suitable donation of
AFF Adventure Creation System
Treasure & Encumbrance
A hero carrying more than their limit is encumbered; Throughout this book there will be missions and
they move at half pace and will suffer penalties to effects that refer to the passage of time. Details of the
skill tests including combat. A hero cannot carry Titan calendar are given in the sourcebook ‘Titan’
more than double their normal allowance. and it can be very helpful to use this to keep track of
how time is passing. For those without the book they
Pack animals such as mules, donkeys or horses can be can divide a year into twelve months of thirty days
considered to have 20 encumbrance slots, provided each, with seven days in a week.
they are equipped with saddlebags and the like in
which to store items. Very large animals will have Not everyone enjoys keeping an accurate track of
more - if your hero has managed to purchase an time as they adventure and time can be managed in
elephant and bring it with them on their adventures, an abstract way - simply stating that ‘some days or
they should be able to load it up with 60 weeks’ passes between adventures. The choice is up
encumbrance slots worth of items. to you, though it is worth noting that many of the
rules provided in this book assume that a reasonably
Of course, they must remember to feed and water accurate track of the date is kept.
their animals if they want them to survive the trip.
Many people who play campaigns like to keep track
of time and adventure progress by creating a journal
which records their activities.
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
Other rules and modifiers Dungeon - a series of connected rooms inside a
larger structure, not always underground.
The Advanced Fighting Fantasy core rules and Dungeons can be divided into smaller sections.
companion books contain many rules and ideas Dungeons often have a theme or an overall
regarding movement, combat, spellcasting, healing controller who is in charge of the dungeon.
etc. It is assumed that anyone using this book will be
Section - a small part of a dungeon consisting of
familiar with the rules of Advanced Fighting Fantasy
6+1d6 or more rooms. Breaking a dungeon into
and have decided which core and optional rules they
sections makes it more manageable.
intend to apply.
Social skills - Usually Etique�e, Con, Leadership,
It is recommended that players seek out books such Bargain but may include others which involve
as the Heroes Companion, Combat Companion and social interaction rather than combat or physical
the bestiaries as they offer a wide range of expanded action. If you are using the system for Social Rank
options for skills, magic, classes, equipment and this will apply modifiers to your social skill tests.
more which can alter your game in interesting and
exciting ways. Social Rank - a measure of your standing in
society based on how your hero is regarded by
Some Important definitions their peers, this optional mechanic is described in
Throughout this book we will give some words very Chapter 7.
specific meanings, either as part of our map creation
or as part of the mission system. A longer glossary of Encounter - a randomly generated encounter,
terms is provided in section 3.4 but some of the most usually based on the location, area or dungeon
common terms used in this book are worth level and divided into social, challenge or map
familiarising yourself with from the start. encounters whilst in a se�lement. Social
encounters can usually be dealt with peacefully,
Se�lement - a city, town or village. Any place challenge encounters require you to use your skills
where many people (not just humans but dwarves, to avoid harm and map encounters add a location
NPC - a Non Player Character, refers to a
Location - the places within this se�lement; i.e. the humanoid, monster or creature that may think
inn, temple, keep and so on. This is not just one and plan out their actions instead of reacting
building, but a district within your se�lement instinctively to the situation. Their actions are
which has a notable building or function for which determined by the Director based on factors such
your map. Maps are often broken into areas of completed to either gain a reward or to thwart
AFF Adventure Creation System
Opponent / Villain - the evil mastermind who this. The usual method is to drop or roll a dice onto
you have decided to pit your skills against to your map and see where it ends up - if it goes off the
prove your worth as a hero. Could also be referred map, roll it again. The place you want is the one
to as your adversary, nemesis, sworn enemy and under the dice, if it se�les on a boundary line then use
so on. your judgement to decide where you are going.
Henchman - a person who works for your The second method applies to cities only - use the
opponent, often sent to harass or intimidate you. ‘Random Location’ numbers on the locations table
4.1.5 - roll a 1d6 twice and refer to the numbers in that
column - a roll of 3 followed by a 2 would be the
Hospital. A roll of 5 followed by a 4 would need to be
Finding a random location / area / room
rerolled as there is no 5.4 on the list. For locations
Many of the missions require you to find a random
with more than one appearance (Inns for example)
place or your map - a random location in the city,
either roll again or use your judgement to decide
random area in the wilderness or random room in a
which one is most appropriate.
dungeon. There are a number of methods for doing
For example: If you roll a 2, followed by a 4 then a 3, the random wilderness area lies 5 areas away (50 miles) in the South
West direction. A roll of 4, 2 and 2 would mean it lies 7 areas away (70 miles) to the East.
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
3.2 Difficulty Level • When you use a table to generate an encounter
or challenge, roll twice and pick the one that best
One of the most challenging aspects of writing an suits your level of play.
adventure guide is se�ing the level of difficulty, as
• If you are playing as a group of heroes you may
there are a large range of possible users ranging from
want to have only one hero make skill tests ‘for the
a player with li�le experience of role playing games
group’ for encounters that require you to test non-
controlling a lone hero to a group of players with
combat skills such as Region Lore, Etique�e,
years of experience managing a well balanced party
Leadership and so on. This will depend on the
of hardened adventurers.
encounter. You can also allow other heroes to
assist, if it makes sense, and add a bonus to the
The encounters in this book are wri�en with the
intention of providing a challenge for a hero that has
been created according to the rules set out in the • If you are finding combat too easy, give your
Advanced Fighting Fantasy rulebook. They will have opponents a bonus to their SKILL and STAMINA,
started with eight improvement points - as described if you are finding it too hard apply a penalty.
in the AFF rulebook a hero starts with SKILL 4
STAMINA 8 LUCK 8 MAGIC 0 and receives eight • If encounters are too easy, increase the number
points to improve their characteristics (along with of opponents you face. If they are too hard,
some points in special skills and their talents). As substitute the listed encounters for some that have
your hero improves, using the experience point lower SKILL or STAMINA.
system in the AFF rulebook, they will gradually
outpace the encounters.
a few easy alterations - here are some tips on how you magic, either increase or decrease the number of
can do it. spells they cast. Spells that cast more magic points
are generally stronger.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
Using Monster Templates
Adding these templates to your monsters provides
In the Advanced Fighting Fantasy Combat extra variety and challenge. For more examples and a
Companion, rules are provided for ‘monster fuller explanation of how to use templates, look at the
templates’ which provide toughened versions of rules in the Combat Companion, but a small number
ordinary monsters based on their roles. For example can be quickly generated to add extra challenge to
a ‘berserker’ gets +1 SKILL, +2 Damage rolls and uses encounters.
a two-handed weapon, whereas a ‘scout’ gets +1
SKILL, 3 points in the Sneaking special skill.
Table 3.2.2 Simple Monster Templates - for more extensive rules see the AFF Combat Companion
1d6 Simple Template
1 Berserker - monster a�acks with wild ferocity. +1 SKILL, +2 Damage rolls.
2 Scout - monster is smart and sneaky. +1 SKILL, 3 points in Sneaking skill. Will a�empt to ambush.
3 Veteran - monster is toughened by combat. +2 STAMINA and +1 Armour or Dodge roll.
4 Large - monster is bigger than usual. +2 STAMINA and +1 Armour roll.
5 Toughened - monster is very hardy - reduces all damage by 1 point of STAMINA.
6 Powerful - monster hits hard - increase all damage caused by 1 point of STAMINA.
Selecting Monsters and Group Size and two competent heroes will treat it as fairly
Due to constraints of space we have only been able to routine. If the tables are turned and we have two
make use of a fraction of the monsters available in cavemen fighting one hero this will now be
AFF and by necessity we have focused on creatures somewhat difficult for our veteran and might well be
that will challenge the ‘veteran’ hero made using the beyond our competent or novice heroes, who could
normal hero creation rules. If you have started at a find themselves easily beaten.
different grade and you have access to the bestiaries,
you may want to select monsters that are more All of this has to be considered alongside other
appropriate to your hero grade. monster abilities such as additional a�acks (which
are very powerful against a lone hero as they add +2
Similarly, encounters have been wri�en with solo to the monster's combat roll) or special abilities such
heroes in mind. When playing with a group of heroes as flight, poison and so on.
the outnumbering bonus (+1 to combat rolls for every
extra a�acker) quickly becomes decisive and whilst All in all, using the bestiaries to come up with a wider
the simple solution is to increase the number of variety of monsters is hugely encouraged and you
monsters that you face, an alternative is to find will find that the more you use them, the be�er you
monsters that have a higher level of SKILL to begin become at choosing appropriate combatants.
with. Once again it must be stressed that this can only ever
be taken as guidance. The choices you make when
So, for example, a Caveman (Out of the Pit) has creating a hero, the availability of magical items, the
SKILL 7 STAMINA 7, meaning he would be a decent experience you have with Advanced Fighting
fight for a competent hero, easy for a veteran and Fantasy or other games will all play into the difficulty
trivial for an expert or master. If however we have level you experience when adventuring.
two novice heroes they should be able to take it on
AFF Adventure Creation System
Table 3.2.3 Monster Selection by Hero Grade and Group Size
Hero Grade Max Suggested Opponent Heroes > Monsters Monsters > Heroes
SKILL / MAGIC SKILL Ranges SKILL ranges SKILL ranges
Civilian 4/2 2-4 3-5 1-3
Novice 5/5 3-6 4-7 2-5
Competent 6/6 4-7 5-8 3-6
Veteran 7/7 5-9 6-10 4-8
Expert 8/8 6-10 7-11 5-9
Master 9/9 7-11 8-12 6-10
Champion 10 / 10 9-13 10-14 8-12
Possibly part ogre, Gruder is a huge man with a love of the alehouse and ba�le but who is just smart enough to
know when to get out. Gruder always looks out for number one!
Talent Strongarm
Special Skills
World Lore - 1, Mountain Lore - 1, Religion Lore - 1, Swim - 1, Common - 4, Axes -
2, Strength - 2, Armour - 2, Climb - 1, Brawling - 1, Ride - 1, Jump - 1, Dodge - 1,
Awareness - 1
Ba�le Axe, Breastplate, Lantern & Flask of Oil, Backpack, Provisions (2), Potion of STAMINA.
If Gruder is reduced to 4 Stamina or less he will a�empt to leave the fight. He doesn’t think dying is heroic in
the slightest!
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
Jay ‘Fingers’ Finch
A small man with darting eyes and hands, Jay Finch prefers to keep to the shadows. He is more at home in the
city than the wilderness, but will go wherever there is a chance for profit.
Talent Trapmaster
Special Skills
World Lore - 1, City Lore - 1, Religion Lore - 1, Acrobatics - 1, Common - 4, Sneaking - 2, Awareness - 2, Sleight
of Hand - 2, Swords - 1, Evaluate - 1, Climb - 1, Locks - 1, Dodge - 1, Trap Knowledge - 1
Short Sword, Lantern & Flask of Oil, Backpack, Provisions (2), Potion of LUCK.
Jay has a love of things bright and shiny, and can’t resist the opportunity to pilfer them when he gets close
enough. When his skills let him down his luck comes to the rescue.
Skurl Glintscale
A Black Elf, Skurl is always in search of new magical knowledge to study. She has travelled a long way from her
desert home to find new spells and enchantments.
Talent Dark Seeing, Arcane
Special Skills
Desert Lore - 1, Magic (Minor) - 2, Elvish - 4, Common - 2, Magic Wizardry - 2 (Arcane Power 10), Magic Lore -
2, Second Sight - 2, Staves -1, Awareness - 1, Dodge - 1, Etique�e - 1, City Lore - 1
Spellbook, Staff, Lantern & Flask of Oil, Backpack, Provisions (2), Potion of STAMINA.
Skurl has dedicated her life to the search for magical knowledge and will try to pursue this aim even if it puts
her friends in danger. She feels terrible about this, but still thinks it’s worth the risk!
AFF Adventure Creation System
Initiate Zadi Kellist
A Dwarven priest of Throff, Zadi Kellist has gone out to discover new and wondrous caverns which she intends
to document and share with other dwarves and explorers.
Talent Dark Seeing, Blessed
Powers Create food/water, Sanctuary, Heal and Throff’s special power: Earthquake.
Special Skills
Underground Lore - 2, Crafting - 1, Dwarfish - 4, Common - 2, Armour - 2, Clubs - 2, Magic-Priestly - 2 (Devotion
6), Healing - 1, Strength - 1, Religion Lore - 1, Climb - 1, Awareness - 1
Mace, Leather Hauberk, Large Shield, Lantern & Flask of Oil, Backpack, Provisions (2), Potion of STAMINA,
Holy Symbol, Robes (worn under the armour).
Zadi has a love of the underground and is miserable if forced to spend too long above ground. Given a choice,
she will always try to steer her friends towards exploring under the earth where it might be possible to spend a
day or two exploring an unknown cave.
Wyrdly Dume
Wyrdly is an orphan that was found wandering in the desert, near death, by a caravan of traders. He stayed with
them for several years as a guard and trader before leaving to discover his fate. He has grown into a wild eyed
human that struggles to control his powers and often travels alone.
Talent Fast Healer
Spells As with all sorcerers, Wyrdly has access to any spells for which he has the correct components.
Special Skills
World Lore - 1, Desert Lore - 1, Religion Lore - 1, Swim - 1, Common - 4, Polearms - 2, Armour - 2, Magic-Sorcery
- 2 (Inner Strength 6), Con - 1, Ride - 1, Awareness - 1, Second Sight - 1, Magic-Minor - 1, Bargain - 1
Halberd, Leather Cuirass, Lantern & Flask of Oil, Backpack, Provisions (2), Potion of STAMINA, One Giant
Molar, bamboo flute, nose plugs, a galehorn and a small stone.
Wyrdly is very loyal to his friends but is obsessed with finding answers to his own origins; he will seek to
investigate any sources of magical power no ma�er how dangerous they may be.
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
Janay the Just
Janay Holiver is a priestess of Libra, passionately dedicated to spreading ideas of Justice in an uncivilised world,
hopefully by persuasion. She is trying to balance her abilities as a preacher with her qualities as a warrior.
Talent Solid Defence
Powers Ward, Protection vs Criminals, bandits etc, Healing and Libra’s special power: Detect Lies
Special Skills
World Lore - 1, City Lore - 1, Religion Lore - 2, Ride - 1, Common - 4, Swords - 2, Armour - 2, Magic-Priestly - 2
(Devotion 7), Etique�e - 1, Leadership - 1, Awareness - 1, Healing - 1, Law - 1
Sword, Large Shield, Leather Cuirass, Lantern & Flask of Oil, Backpack, Provisions (2), Potion of STAMINA.
Janay prefers converts to corpses. If she believes it possible, she will try to convince her enemies to drop their
weapons and join the cause of good, taking the ‘Defensive’ combat option and talking sternly to them.
D’Sta Leafshadow
An elven ranger, D’Sta has decided to spend some time exploring the world and improving his talents as a
warrior and scout. Physically capable, he is somewhat naive in the ways of the world.
Talent Dark Seeing, Combat Reactions
Special Skills
Forest Lore - 1, Magic (Minor) - 1, Elvish - 4, Common - 2, Swords - 2, Bows - 2, Armour - 2, Ride -1, Awareness
- 1, Dodge - 1, Climb - 1, Jump - 1, Sneak - 1
Long Sword, Long Bow, Quiver of Arrows, Leather Hauberk, Large Shield, Backpack, Provisions (2), Potion of
D’Sta sees the world through elvish eyes and has li�le knowledge of how to behave amongst humans and
dwarves; this can get him and his friends into trouble.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Step 2. Finishing Off Our Hero with a social rank of 3. He already has a weapon and
For the purposes of this playthrough we will use the armour, so that part does not concern us. Rather than
elven ranger, D’Sta Leafshadow. Before beginning being called a soldier, we decide that the starting
our adventures, we are going to delve into his rank for an elf ranger is a ‘scout’ and we will worry
background. Using section 7.4 ‘Hero Backgrounds’ about other titles if and when he wins promotion.
(p260) we establish that he was born in the sixth
month, Warming, and that gives him the bonus of It is worth pointing out that these background details
‘Courga’s encouragement: You are a positive and are not required to begin your adventures, but they
optimistic person, you have a +2 bonus on tests to do help you to get an idea of who your hero is and
resist fear or terror.’ His starting wealth is average what they are doing on Titan.
(2d6gp, we roll 4), his childhood life experience is
‘You were visited by fairies - pick one minor magic Step 3. Establish your starting point
spell that you can cast 2xday without a casting roll or We could begin our adventures anywhere - in the
magic points’ for which we choose the spell ‘Hear’, as wilderness, outside the entrance of a dungeon, at a
it may be useful for a scout-type hero, his sworn se�lement or indeed anywhere else that you can
enemy are the Dark Elves (perhaps not surprising) think of (on a ship at sea, imprisoned in wizards
and his personality quirk is ‘You are embarrassed by tower and so on) but in the case of D’Sta Leafshadow
displays of emotion and like to maintain a calm we decide that he is freshly arrived at the city of
(some say icy) demeanour, particularly around Ludria - this is the city we have used as an example in
strangers’ so we know that he is a fairly reserved elf. chapter 4.
Looking at the rest of that section we decide that If you wish to start in a city of your own creation, this
D’Sta is of average build for an elf, with hazel eyes is a good point to create your map using the guidance
and nut brown hair, fairly young (70 years old, born given in chapter 4 to divide it into different locations,
in the year of the bat - +2 bonus to Animal Lore and such as ‘temple’ or ‘graveyard’.
Animal Handling tests for bats and bat like
creatures), that he hails from a typical elven D’Sta has entered through the city gate (2) location,
se�lement - a hidden village - somewhere in Allansia known simply as ‘the North Gate’ (see section 4.1 to
and that at this point he has no particular allies or see how we built our se�lement and section 4.5 for a
enemies to take note of. This can be updated after he full listing of the locations within Ludria) and has
has done some adventuring. spent last night at the Inn (2) location, ‘The Fair
Measure’, a decent enough watering hole, run by the
In terms of religious beliefs, D’Sta is not a paladin or Bramby family. As he only has 4gp to his name, it’s
priest so we don’t need to provide him with a specific probably a good idea to start his adventuring at once!
god to worship and can say that because he is from a
typical elven se�lement he reveres the gods of good, Firstly, D’Sta is going to pick up a mission from The
particularly Galana (known to the elves as Erillia), Adventurer’s Guild - see chapter 11. Rolling on the
though he is also comfortable with the neutral gods. table we discover that the guild agent (in this case a
Looking at section 7.2 ‘Social Status & Rank’ we wandering bard that is staying at the inn) wants him
decide that D’Sta is a member of a military type to ‘Clear the Catacombs. All manner of terrible
organisation - the elven rangers - and that for the creatures have been crawling out of the ground and
moment he has no particular rank, so he starts off harassing the peasantry!
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
Whilst some losses are acceptable, too many deaths without her the other nobles are already vying for
could lead to mass panic. Find a catacomb or power. Without something being done law and order
dungeon, enter it and clear it out (investigate at least could break down rapidly.’ which is part of the ‘Lust
six rooms) then return to the agent.’ D’Sta accepts this for Power’ domain. Using ‘Table 10.2 Combined
task - hopefully he can complete it as part of his other Mission & Villain by Domain’ we find out that our
adventures. first mission will be ‘Run the Gauntlet’ and that our
first villain will be ‘The House of Swords’.
Next we turn to ‘Chapter 10 Missions, Quests &
Adventures’ to begin (you can also start from Of course, none of these things has to be determined
‘Chapter 9 Villains’ if you prefer to base the mission randomly. You may already have an idea as to what
on the villain rather than the other way around) by your hero should do by planning out adventures of
rolling to see what event captures interest. your own or you may decide that they will simply
wander the world. It is entirely up to you. If you take
With a roll of 4 we discover that ‘A famed the option of following the results of the random
noblewoman has disappeared in mysterious tables you might want to pause after each adventure
circumstances. No one knows what has happened, or mission to see if the events can be formed into one
but she was regarded as a skilled peacemaker and larger story that your hero is following.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Step 4. Begin Your Adventures Devious Trap! (M16). The details for our encounter
We now have a hero, a map, a possible villain and a with the noblewomen are given in section 4.2
mission - it’s time to begin. Turning to section 10.1 we ‘Se�lement Social Encounters’. As we are in a hurry
read the details of the mission ‘Run the Gauntlet’, we can ignore the noblewomen but not the trap,
which is mission 20 of the example adventures possibly placed in our path by those trying to hurt the
provided in section 10.1 and involves protecting an informer. Looking at the encounter (M16 Devious
informer as they try to reach a safe-house, after which Trap is in Section 4.4 ‘Se�lement Map Encounters’)
they will provide us with information that might lead and rolling on the Trap Table 4.4.1 we get a 5, which
us to the villain who is behind it all. It is best to read is a poisoned dart - we need to take an Awareness
the entire mission first to ensure we understand what skill test to avoid it. We roll a 10 on 2d6 which is more
is happening (obviously if you are playing with a than D’Sta’s total of 8 Awareness, so he fails to spot
Director and a group of heroes, only the Director the trap and is hit for 3 points of STAMINA. We
should read the missions). would choose to test our LUCK to avoid it, but decide
that we don’t want to use up that resource at the
moment - LUCK does not always come back easily.
Mission Playthrough
To explain how a mission might work the following Now we must also look at the mission details and roll
is a detailed walkthrough of mission 20 ‘Run the to see what is a�acking us (the essence of this
Gauntlet’ from chapter 10. You can adjust any particular mission is that our hero will be a�acked
elements of the mission to suit your campaign and constantly as they move around the city) - a roll of 3
there are various optional rules to consider when means a sniper is about to fire. Again we need to test
adventuring in a city as described in section 4.1. Awareness and this time D’Sta succeeds with a roll of
6 against their skill of 8, so he pulls the informer out
Task 1 is merely to meet with the informer, which we of danger.
decide is going to happen at ‘The Fair Measure’ (IN2)
as that explains why we are being asked to help, The ‘Run the Gauntlet’ mission requires us to get a
though we could have rolled onto our map to find cumulative total of points which becomes more likely
another starting point. as we move through more locations though we
cannot yet achieve the required total of 25. We get 2d6
Task 2 is to ‘Shake the Tail’ which involves careening + 3 for every location we have passed through, so we
through Ludria at maximum speed, trying our best to need to survive a minimum of 5 before we check that.
either avoid encounters or keep them brief. Stepping
out of the inn our first roll is a 4, which means moving Having cleared the park location we check to see
west to the Park location. As we have entered a which way next and with a roll of 2 its east, so we are
different city location we need to roll an encounter - doubling back. Looking at the map of Ludria (section
see section 4.1 for the encounter tables divided by 4.1) we could go to several districts east from the park
different locations such as Park, Graveyard, Keep and and decide to head to MP2, ‘The Fayre’. Moving into
so on. We roll on the daytime encounters list (we that location D’Sta (dragging and guarding the
could do this mission at night if we wanted to, informer) rolls for an encounter using the
though that is generally more dangerous) and find Marketplace table, ge�ing a 14 - Catacombs Entrance
that we have encountered a Group of Noblewomen (M4) + Roll Again. He makes a note of this as he
(S26) and a ‘map’ encounter, which happens to be a wants to explore a catacomb to fulfil the Adventurers
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
Guild quest but he can’t stop at the moment. The ‘roll causing 3 points of damage. Yikes, they are reduced
again’ comes up as a Group of Traders (S5) which he from 10 to 7 STAMINA. In the fifth round D’Sta rolls
chooses not to interact with (one of the options is to a 5 for a total of 14 but the goblin only manages to roll
let them be) but as per the mission we must also roll a 6 on their 2d6 for a total of 12 - D’Sta finishes it off
to see who is trying to a�ack our ward. With a roll of with 3 points of damage from his long sword which
1, a Goblin Assassin steps from the shadows to a�ack. the goblin fails to stop with their armour. The goblin
It has SKILL 6 and STAMINA 7 and we must fight it is reduced to zero STAMINA and is defeated.
At this point D’Sta quickly searches this creature for
Combat proceeds as per the usual rules. D’Sta has valuables - remember that adventurers must earn
SKILL 7 and 2 points in Swords special skill (so 9 their keep by finding or looting treasure as they go.
Swords skill), the goblin has SKILL of 6. Both roll a Using the tables provided in Chapter 13 ‘Treasure’
2d6 and compare totals. In the first round D’Sta rolls we roll on the ‘Humanoid - Poor’ column and get a
6 for a combat total of 9+6=15 and the goblin rolls 8 result of ‘B1’ which is the coins table (we decide that
for a total combat roll of 14. D’Sta wins this round. He the goblin, if it has any treasure, was probably
makes a damage roll ge�ing a 4 which on the long carrying it). Rolling on column B1 of treasure table B
sword damage track means he does 3 points of we get a result of 6 which is 5sp. Not very much but
damage. The goblin has a leather cuirass but with an it’s a start. D’Sta also takes the goblins handaxe as it
armour roll of 3 they do not prevent any damage, so is always useful to have a spare weapon and he may
they reduce their STAMINA from 7 to 4. choose to sell it later.
It is worth pointing out that D’Sta could have used We have now completed two locations, so as per the
some of the combat options (defensive, all out a�ack mission requirements we still have more to do - our
and so on) or tested his LUCK to increase damage, as total is 6+2d6 towards completing the gauntlet and
per the core rulebook. with 25 needed to finish the task, we must pass
through a minimum of 3 more areas.
In the next round, both D’Sta and the goblin get
combat roll totals of 15, which is a draw so no Going back to the mission instructions we roll to see
damage is done. In the third round D’Sta rolls an 11 where we go next. This time we get a 4 which means
on his 2d6 for a total of 20 and the goblin gets a total move west and from our current location (MP2) we
of 16 - they could only have beaten D’Sta if they had could go to TH1 or KE, we decide on going to KE, the
rolled a double six and got a critical, which Keep.
automatically wins the round. In any case D’Sta rolls
a 6 meaning they do 4 points of STAMINA damage to Moving to the Keep we roll for encounters using the
the goblin, who rolls a 5 on their armour roll tables in section 4.1 ge�ing a total of 7 on our 3d6
preventing one point of it. They are now down to 1 which is ‘Map + Squire’. The squire is a social
point of STAMINA remaining but intend to fight on. encounter (S11) which we can ignore and the map
encounter is a Weaponsmith (M14), which we make a
In the fourth round the goblin rolls an 11 for a combat note of but don’t stop to interact with (the mission
total of 17 and D’Sta only manages a total of 16, losing requires that we don’t stop unless we have to,
the round. As per the mission instructions this means otherwise D’Sta could have stopped and maybe sold
the goblin hacks at our informer with their axe the handaxe he looted from the goblin). It is worth
AFF Adventure Creation System
making a note of the map encounters in case your Our next roll for direction is a 2, meaning east, so we
hero wants to come back and visit them later. could go to TE3, DD3 or TH2, deciding on DD3
(Drinking Den 3 ‘The Hole in the Wall’) as our next
On the mission table we roll a 3 which means another move. On the encounter table for this location our roll
sniper and an Awareness skill test to spot them. D’Sta of 15 is a Runaway Horse (C14) which is a challenge
rolls an 11, failing the test so the sniper hits our encounter that we cannot simply ignore. D’Sta
informer with a crossbow bolt for 2 points of damage decides to try and grab the reins of this errant animal
which brings their STAMINA down to 5. With and test his Ride skill. With a roll of 7 against his Ride
nothing further to do we move onto the next location, skill total of 8 he makes it! D’Sta heroically brings the
noting that our completion total is now at 9+2d6. animal to a stop and gains +1 to his next Leadership
skill roll as a result (we make a note of that
The next roll for direction is a 3, meaning we move somewhere). On the mission table we roll 1d6 and
south to location TE2 ‘The Lord’s Temple’. If we had find that another sniper has taken aim. Testing our
the time we might stop here and visit the temple to Awareness skill D’Sta rolls a 4, easily passing, and
pray or use one of the services but the ‘Run The pulls the informer out of the way.
Gauntlet’ mission requires us to be swift. D’Sta rolls
3d6 on the temple encounter table ge�ing an 11, We have now completed 6 locations with our ward so
which is an Acolyte (S19) who we can simply pass by. roll 2d6 + 18. With a roll of 7 we get what we need - 25
On the mission table we roll a 6 - All Clear! D’Sta - which means our informer is happy that we have
chooses to use this moment of calm to feed the shaken off the chasers and will lead us to the safe
informer one meal, restoring 2 points of STAMINA to house (which, as per the rules, is in this location - not
their ward bringing him up to 7. We have now in the drinking den but in a nearby shack).
cleared four locations and our completion total for
this task is 12+2d6. Checking the details of the ‘Run the Gauntlet’
mission in section 10.1 tells us that having kept our
The next roll for direction is a 1 for north, which informer safe we can now move onto task 3
could be KE, MP2 or JA. For the sake of variety we ‘Interrogating the Informer’. We must pick which
move to JA, the Jail. Going into that location we first skills we wish to test. D’Sta has no points in any social
roll for encounters, ge�ing a 10 which on the location skills (maybe that is something they can develop later
encounter table is either a Pie Seller (S23) or a Peasant with experience) but does have a +1 bonus to a
(S18). Rolling another 1d6 we find out it is a peasant, Leadership skill test from stopping the Runaway
who we choose to ignore. On the mission table we Horse, so he decides to roll Leadership first and then
roll a 2 which is another goblin assassin, bursting four a�empts with Etique�e. As with most skills in
from the shadows. D’Sta fights it as before but this Advanced Fighting Fantasy the fact that D’Sta has no
time defeats it without the goblin landing a blow on points in the special skills does not mean he cannot
the informer. Checking the body of the goblin we use a�empt to use them - he is simply not specialised in
the rules in chapter 13 to determine that this goblin these areas yet, but can roll against his base SKILL or,
had 14sp, which D’Sta takes. He has now cleared 5 for some skills, MAGIC. The use of base
locations and should check to see if the gauntlet is characteristics to roll skill tests is described in the
complete, as per the mission rules. With a roll of 8 on Advanced Fighting Fantasy Rulebook and in section
2d6 he has a total of 15+8 = 23 - very close to the 25 3.1 Guidance on Common Play Situations. In his case
needed but not enough. D’Sta rolls against SKILL.
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
With his 5 rolls he gets 4,4,6, 8 and 9. Three successes With one point in the Sneaking special skill for a total
against his SKILL of 7. As per the mission details of 8 D’Sta rolls 11 when entering TE3 ‘The Farmers
D’Sta picks 2,4 and 6 as his number and rolls 1d6 Shrines’ so must roll on the encounter table. Ge�ing
ge�ing a 6, a success! Although he won’t actually an eight his encounter is ‘Townsfolk + Roll Again’
know until he arrives at the location, the information and the second roll is a 9 for ‘Peasant’. We could now
given by the informant is good and when he goes to stop and engage with these people but our mission
the random location he will be facing his opponent, does not include much of a social element so D’Sta
the villanous Count Montagu de Hood. ignores them and moves on to MP2 (Sneaking roll of
a 6 so he has no encounters), MP2 (Sneaking roll of a
It is important to note that if he had not succeeded 5 so he has no encounters) to TH1 ‘The Red House’
with this task then D’Sta would be facing a henchman where he fails his sneaking roll so must check on the
when he arrived at the lair, but the mission would encounter table for a theatre location. He rolls a 10
still be considered a success as he got all the way which turns out to be a group of children, which he
through to the final confrontation. Missions are only chooses not to interact with, before coming to his
considered failures when your hero fails at some destination - location IN1, ‘The Mighty Elk’.
earlier part and isn’t able to force a confrontation
with either a henchman or your opponent. Interacting with social or map encounters is generally
optional but you should remember that doing so can
Section 9.1 ‘Example Villains’ tells us that for The provide you with bonuses or advantages later on.
House of Swords the leader (Count Montagu de
Hood) will have their lair in a house in a random The lair of our villain is not the inn itself but as per
location in the city, so we drop a dice onto our map the description of our opponent (see section 9.1) is a
(we could have rolled against the locations using the grand house that the count is renting out. At this
numbering system shown in the se�lement details point we should read the description given for the
sheet, section 4.5) which lands closest to IN1 ‘The leader of the House of Swords as it is unlikely to be a
Mighty Elk’. Note that the lair is not inside the inn, simple fight.
simply in the same part of the city.
Bursting into the house D’Sta finds the Count
To get there we must go from our current location Montagu de Hood ready and waiting to fight him.
(DD3) across the city map to IN1, which means They begin ba�le. The Count is very much a match
moving through a number of other locations. for D’Sta in terms of skill, so our hero may wish to
consider using combat options or testing their LUCK
The route is up to us to decide and we must also for extra damage when they hit. After several rounds
decide if we are rolling for encounters in every of fighting both D’Sta and the Count have taken some
location, using the ‘quiet city’ optional rule described damage when our elven ranger lands a heavy blow
in section 4.1 or trying to avoid encounters using reducing de Hood to 6 STAMINA. At this point, as
Sneaking or City Lore skills. In this case D’Sta decides per the rules described for the confrontation, the
to pass through TE3, MP2 and TH1 to get to The nobleman calls for the Watch to aid him, which they
Mighty Elk location and will a�empt to use his do 2 rounds later (he has bribed them to be nearby at
Sneaking skill to avoid encounters (he is in a hurry). all times). The guardsman grab D’Sta and the count
AFF Adventure Creation System
As described in the confrontation rules D’Sta can Next, D’Sta gets to roll on table 12.2 ‘Consequences of
now try to convince the Watch of his innocence by Success’. With a roll of 8 we find that he is ‘filled with
testing his Law skill (as he has no points in the special confidence’ and can +1 to one special skill for the next
skill Law, this is a straight roll against his base week’. We don’t have to decide what that is
SKILL). With a roll of an 10 D’Sta fails on this immediately, but should do so once D’Sta begins his
occasion to convince them and the next time he fights next adventure.
this opponent, the Count will still be able to call upon
the Watch to save him. However, D’Sta has wounded In terms of treasure D’Sta has only acquired a small
the nobleman and in their next combat Montagu de amount of money and one Handaxe, which he can
Hood will have his SKILL reduced from 9 to 8. sell using the usual rules (see section 3.1 for guidance
on using skills such as Bargain) so not enough to
This particular mission is over and although the make a big difference.
count escaped, it is still a success as D’Sta
Leafshadow completed all parts of it. Villains are not He did also pick up a quest from the Adventurers
supposed to be easily defeated at the first a�empt! Guild to clear a catacomb and he found an entrance
to one in the MP2 location ‘The Fayre’, so at this point
His first mission (Run the Gauntlet) is fairly hectic so he could go to that location and create a catacomb as
D’Sta has only defeated two creatures, two goblins, per the rules described for that map encounter - see
from which he has looted a Handaxe and 19sp. Not a section 4.4, encounter M4 ‘Catacombs entrance’, and
huge haul but the whole thing has taken less than a this could be a good source of treasure as these small
day to complete, so not so bad. dungeons generally contain monsters to defeat and
He has plenty of time to gather more treasure, either
by continuing to explore the city or heading out into On the downside, D’Sta will now be the target of
the wilderness where he might find more monsters or retaliation from the House of Swords as detailed in
perhaps a dungeon to explore. the villain description - he will have trouble with the
Watch. This will be an ongoing problem until he
either defeats the count or moves far enough away to
no longer be a target of their ire (Director’s discretion
Step 5. Mission Consequences and Next Steps as to how far that is).
Firstly, as the mission was a success (confronting
your opponent or a henchman is the aim, you are not To continue his fight against the ‘House of Swords’
expected to defeat them at the first a�empt) we we can either pick another suitable mission from
should look at Chapter 12 ‘Adventure Consequences Chapter 10 or go to the villain description in chapter
& Rewards’ to see what happens to D’Sta. 9 and roll on table for this enemy. Rolling a 5 means
the next mission is in the ‘Winds of Magic’ category,
Firstly we award some experience; although this so we look at Chapter 10 and table 10.1.1 to find that
mission has been brief it was also fairly dangerous (with a roll of 6) the next challenge is the
with a significant chance of failure, so we award him ‘Experimental Abberations’ mission. D’Sta can roll to
10 to 15 experience points to spend as he sees fit see if that is in the city, wilderness or a dungeon or
according to the rules given in the Advanced Fighting we can choose where he will have to go next.
Fantasy rulebook.
Chapter 3 - General Guidance
As an example, we could decide that he will take on Se�ing, Campaign - the world in which you set your
the ‘Experimental Abberations’ mission in a dungeon adventures. For Fighting Fantasy that world might
which, as per the guidance in this book, is 1d6 areas well be Titan but it doesn’t have to be. You can create
away from the city in a random direction. An your own or adapt one you are familiar with.
example map of the wilderness around Ludria is
provided in chapter 6 ‘Wilderness Creation and Alignment - A broad description of the morality of a
Adventures’ and if we determine that the dungeon is person, group or deity often broken down into
4 areas away from the city to the north east we could concepts such as good, neutral and evil.
place it in the jungle which is reached by travelling
Mechanic - a set of rules or instructions that allows a
across three areas of plains. Once there, we would use
hero to resolve an uncertain situation by rolling dice
the rules provided in chapter 5 ‘Dungeon Creation &
or consulting a set of outcomes. The use of mechanics
Adventures’ to build our dungeon, section by
determines what type of RPG you are playing.
section, until we have completed the mission.
d6 - a six sided dice. 1d6 means roll one six sided dice,
You can, of course, use this initial starting point to 2d6 means roll two six sided dice and add together
create your own missions and adventures. In chapter the totals, 2d6+3 means roll two six sided dice, add
10 we provide a number of suggestions as to how you together the totals and then add three, and so on.
might do this. Whatever you choose to do, D’Sta
Leafshadow has now bloodied his sword and begun Special Skill - different skills covering different areas
his adventures on Titan - we wish him the best of of aptitude such as climbing, knowledge of the law,
luck! hunting and so on. Heroes improve these special
skills by spending experience points.
Damage - anything that happens to a hero that Encounter - a randomly generated encounter,
reduces their STAMINA. Damage can be from usually based on the location, area or dungeon level
physical, magical, poison, disease or other sources. and divided into social, challenge or map encounters
whilst in a se�lement. Social encounters can usually
Monster - not just a slavering beast, but a general be dealt with peacefully, challenge encounters
term used to denote anything that you have to deal require you to use your skills to avoid harm and map
with through combat so can include humanoids, encounters add a location to your map.
undead, demons etc.
NPC - a Non Player Character, refers to a humanoid,
Se�lement - a city, town or village. Any place where monster or creature that may think and plan out their
many people (not just humans but dwarves, elves, actions instead of reacting instinctively to the
lizardmen and so on) gather and make shelter. situation. Their actions are determined by the
Director based on factors such as their intelligence,
Location - the places within this se�lement; i.e. the
type, desires and morality (if any).
inn, temple, keep and so on. This is not just one
building, but a district within your se�lement which Mission - a task or set of tasks that has to be
has a notable building or function for which it is completed to either gain a reward or to thwart your
known. opponent, also can be referred to as a quest or
Area - part of the wilderness which has a broadly
uniform environment occupying a distinct part of Opponent / Villain - the evil mastermind who you
your map. Maps are often broken into areas of about have decided to pit your skills against to prove your
10 miles across. worth as a hero. Could also be referred to as your
adversary, nemesis, sworn enemy and so on.
Dungeon - a series of connected rooms inside a larger
structure, not always underground. Dungeons can be Henchman - a person who works for your opponent,
divided into smaller sections. Dungeons often have a often sent to harass or intimidate you.
theme or an overall controller who is in charge of the
dungeon. Gold / Silver piece - wealth can be transported in
many ways on Titan, but the most common way is to
Section - a small part of a dungeon consisting of carry small gold or silver coins that are accepted
6+1d6 or more rooms. Breaking a dungeon into almost universally. One gold piece has the same
sections makes it more manageable. value as ten silver pieces.
3 - General
4 - Se�lements
4 - Se�lements
In this chapter we show how to create a map of a city, Some Important definitions
town or village to use for a number of purposes - a As a reminder, when building our se�lement we will
self-directed campaign, adventures generated by dice be using the following terms:
rolling, as support for your own campaign or even as
a se�ing for a contest between heroes to see who can • Se�lement - the city, town or village you are
be first to complete a mission or quest! Using these building and using for your adventures.
rules will allow you to generate a functioning
se�lement filled with encounters and alive with • Location - the places within this se�lement; ie
adversaries you must defeat to prove yourself a hero. the inn, temple, keep and so on. This is not just one
building, but a district within your se�lement
It is important to note that however you use the book, which has an important building or function.
it's up to you to use your imagination to fill in the
• Social skills - Etique�e, Con, Leadership,
gaps and make sense of the world. The descriptions
Bargain, affected by Social Rank.
given for the locations and encounters should be seen
as guides that allow you to play the role of the hero • Encounter - a randomly generated encounter,
and if you feel that something should be changed to usually based on the location and divided into
be�er fit your campaign, you should change it. social, challenge or map encounters. In general
social encounters can usually be dealt with
For those using these rules to generate a playable peacefully, challenge encounters require you to
campaign, the steps are as follows. use your skills to avoid harm and map encounters
add a location to your map.
• Decide on a place for your se�lement. Look at
the map of Titan and pick an area that is currently
blank on the map. When you think of your city,
you should consider the terrain - is it high in the
mountains, with buildings made of stone and
heaving under the weight of snowfall, or down in
a pleasant valley surrounded by orchards?
• Start adventuring!
AFF Adventure Creation System
4.1 Se�lement Creation Rules scruffy lean-to’s of the slums. Further back you think
you can make out the glint of water, so there may be
In this section we focus on how to create and use your a river or lake on one side of the city, it is hard to be
se�lement map, focusing on building something that sure. Now you are closer you can see men-at-arms
is quick to make but adds real depth and detail to patrolling its ba�lements.
your hero’s adventures.
Although you can’t make out much of the city inside
Se�lement Descriptions the walls you do see many rooftops and what looks to
For this book we have divided se�lements into three be a few large churches and perhaps a keep. The
categories; city, town and village. Cities have the smoke of many fires and the dust kicked up by the
greatest number of locations and resources, a village traffic going to and fro creates a haze which makes it
might be no more than a temple, tavern and a few impossible to pick out too many details. In order to
rough streets. It is generally recommended that when find out more, you’ll have to get inside. A steady
heroes are carrying out adventures in civilization (as stream of people, horses and carts is moving through
opposed to the wilderness or a dungeon) that they do the main gate and it looks like your only way in…
so in a city, to provide the full range of environments.
There are countless cities do�ed across the world. A
City few are famous, but most will be unknown to the
You’ve seen the smoke of the cookfires on the horizon traveller who must take their chances as they seek the
for some time and now, tired and weary from your safety of the walls. That is not to say that these
journey, you approach a city. The rough trail you se�lements are new - many are very ancient and may
have been following gives way first to a ru�ed farm have been built and rebuilt upon the same spot
track surrounded by walled fields and then to a wider several times over, but for all that their fame has not
paved road leading up to a great arched gate where spread far beyond the sight of their towers. It is in
you can just make out the glint of sunlight on the these cities that the bravest heroes will find a chance
guardsmen's armour. Around you the wilderness is at fame and fortune. There is danger and
now broken up by small farms and homesteads. skullduggery, thrills and sensations. Opportunities
can arise at any moment for those willing to take their
Coming over a small rise in the road you get a be�er chances, but beware for there are also those who wish
look at the city. Around its outskirts there are a large to waylay or harm the careless traveller.
number of small houses made from a mixture of
stone and wood, mostly hovels with the occasional
more impressive house. This slum reaches right up to Town
the first of the city walls. A raised bank with a stone As the woods give way to fields and fenced off
wall on top of it, some of the slum housing is leaning orchards, you realise that a small se�lement must lie
up against it and the few small towers that dot its ahead of you. Following a cart track to the crest of a
length. You note that whilst it looks solid enough hill you can see down the slope the gli�ering ribbon
there are places where it has been broken down and of a river upon the banks of which are lined up
not yet repaired. More impressive is the inner wall. several streets of thatched houses. Resting here for a
Fully 80 feet high in places with a series of round moment you can see a few larger buildings amongst
towers spaced along it, this fortification has a huge the dwellings - a temple certainly and what could be
sense of strength and stability as it looms over the an inn or perhaps a manor house. Even from this
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
distance you can see plenty of activity around the There is no outer wall but towards the outskirts you
town, with peasants moving about their tasks often can see a raised earthwork which, in places, has a dry
accompanied by livestock of one kind or another. A stone wall along it. However, even a quick inspection
pony-cart laden with some kind of root vegetable is makes you think these are just field boundaries rather
slowly making its way up the hill toward you, led than a serious a�empt at fortification.
along by a plump woman wearing so many layers of
clothing she has become almost round. A town is a big enough se�lement that it will have at
least a small variety of buildings and activities. There
The centre of the town seems to be a bridge from will be a temple, often built in some prominent place
which broader roads lead away on either bank, with near the centre, a marketplace, at least one inn or
most of the buildings clustered around this area. tavern and usually a grand house for whoever is in
charge. There may not be a lot to excite the
adventurer here, but it is usually a good spot to
rest, trade and maybe do a li�le bit of
The track you are following has gone along a
riverbank for a few miles and you have started
to notice some smaller tracks joining up. The
thick vegetation to either side of the path has
obscured your view until now but as it thins out
you start to see some buildings up ahead. There
are not many and none of them are too grand,
but there looks to be a temple of some kind.
Surrounding much of this se�lement is a thick,
thorny hedge, probably grown to provide some
defence against raiders. This village looks like a
good place to rest for a while.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Mapping Your City, Town or Village builders have been replaced wholesale by a different
group, probably as a result of conflict. Although it
Se�lement Origins doesn’t have to, knowing who were the original
The cities, towns and villages of Titan have been built inhabitants of your se�lement might influence how
by many types of creatures, but the most usual of you interpret and draw your map.
these are the humans, dwarves and elves. It is worth
remembering that in general se�lements have a Choose an origin or make a roll to see what is the
mixture of origins and in some places the original dominant architecture for your location.
*If you are creating se�lements in lands ruled by specific peoples, replace humans with the local dominant race. For example,
if you are mapping out the swamps ruled by the Lizardmen a result of 1-3 on this table means the se�lement was made by
the Lizardmen. In this situation, replace the Chaos / Evil Wrought result with humans.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Reason for Se�lement Placement
People rarely bother creating a city, town or village
simply on a whim! There is usually a reason for it
existing where it does, though it may have changed
or developed dramatically over time. You can invent
a reason that makes sense for your campaign or
adventure, or you can roll on the following table to
provide some inspiration.
Current Occupation For other se�lements you encounter, you can either
It is strongly suggested that you choose the current choose who lives there based on other factors (if you
occupation of your starting se�lement, or be find a village next to a mighty dwarven city, it is
prepared to come up with an explanation for why probably dwarves or humans that live there and not
you are there. Most commonly, your hero should orcs) or roll to see.
start at a city that is home to many types of people -
mostly humans, but with a fair number of dwarves
and elves either visiting or living there.
AFF Adventure Creation System
*If you are creating se�lements in lands ruled by specific peoples, replace humans with the local dominant race. For example,
if you are mapping out the swamps ruled by the Lizardmen, replace ‘human’ in this table with ‘Lizardman’. A Mixed City
will be a mostly human city with other races instead.
Generating a map
There are a large number of ways you can go about Borrow a map: With the popularity of role playing
creating a se�lement, the rules we are providing are games on the rise there are a huge number of maps
one example that should create an interesting, available online, many for free. Choose one that you
playable place for you to set your adventures in. If like and download or print it off - you can mark in the
you already have a preferred method in mind, or a important locations as you go.
map you have prepared yourself, use that instead but
remember - the encounters and missions might Use the ‘Dice Drop’ method: Described in the core
require specific locations, so you may have to adapt AFF rulebook or Blacksand as a means of creating a
to that as you play. Methods of creating a map dungeon, the dice drop method creates a random
include: pa�ern of locations which you then fill in using your
imagination. A piece of paper, pencil and some dice
Create a map: Either on paper or a computer, this are all that is required. Very useful when you are
simple and popular method requires only your time struggling for inspiration!
and imagination. You can make up the size and
features as you go along. For the purposes of this
book cities are divided into locations which cover a
number of streets, so you may wish to mark
important sites (temples, keeps etc) as you go.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Table 4.1.4 Map Creation Summary using the ‘dice drop’ method
Step Action
1 Decide what sort of se�lement you want to create - city, town or village and read the pages of this
book describing them and giving clues as to the origin and reason for the se�lement.
2 Get a piece of paper, some dice and a pen or pencil; the paper should be of decent size - A4 or larger -
unless your handwriting is very tiny.
3 Roll or drop a die onto the paper, and mark its location. As you do so, write in or mark locations from
the list of required locations for each se�lement; this ensures you have at least one of each important
type. A list of locations is given in Table 4.1.5 List of Se�lement Locations.’ to ‘Roll or drop a die onto the
paper, and mark its place. As you do so, write in or mark locations using table 4.1.5 ‘List of Se�lement
Locations’ making sure that you have at least one of each type of location needed for your se�lement -
table 4.1.5 shows the recommended number for different locations in cities, towns or villages.
4 Keep rolling dice and adding more locations until your se�lement reaches the size you want it to -
guidelines are provided for each type. So a city may end up with several temples, but a village will not.
Villages and towns have a maximum number of locations, but a city can be as large as you would like it
to be. The bigger the be�er!
5 At an appropriate place, mark a spot for the docks or custom house. Clearly it depends on whether or not
you want your se�lement to contain a body of water (river, lake, seafront). If it does you should put
down a docks, if not place a custom’s house at some point near the edge of your se�lement.
6 Using your imagination draw a se�lement boundary such as a wall or hedge (including gates if this is
a city) and a river or other body of water if it is appropriate for the terrain. You may also want to leave
some parts of your map as blank (unexplored) so that you can add more locations later.
7 Go around each location (temple, inn, theatre etc) and mark its boundaries; it’s best to do this lightly at
first in case of mistakes - your se�lement should end up looking like tiling; the size of each location
should roughly align with its type - a park should fill up more space than an inn. These ‘tiles’ will allow
you to move around the se�lement, so take care with this step. There should be no gaps left between tiles,
unless your se�lement contains a feature such as a river or pit.
8 Give your se�lement a
name! Once that is done,
you can start to use the
se�lement conditions and
rumours section to see
what is happening here.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Types of Location in a Se�lement The temple is simply the most important and busy
Within your se�lement, there are a number of building in this part of the se�lement. Not every
locations which can be found. These are not meant to se�lement has all the types of location - you will not
be a comprehensive list of all the buildings that exist usually find a College in a town or village (unless you
here, just some of the important landmarks that you particularly want one). The table below gives you a
might interact with as an adventurer. So, for example, guide as to the number and type of location you can
the ‘Temple’ location will include not just a large and find in each se�lement. For towns and villages some
notable temple, but also houses, accommodation for locations are given as chance on a roll. You may find
travelling pilgrims, places for them to eat, maybe a a College in a town (on a roll of a 1 on a 1d6) but it is
small graveyard and so on. unlikely.
*For a town or village, if these locations are available, they should be more specific than in a city. A College in a city will
teach many disciplines. A College in a town will be smaller and focused on one thing - maybe Plant Lore for a town
surrounded by fields, or Sea Lore for a town near the ocean. A jail in a Town will be there for a specific purpose - maybe they
have a problem with bandits that need to be held before transporting, or the town is used as a holding place for convicted
felons on their way to hard labour in the mines.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
As an example to show what you can quickly create Ludria is not intended to be part of any specific place
we have included here a map of the port city of within Titan, it is a generic fantasy city which shows
Ludria, generated using this method. You can see that you how these rules can be applied. You can of course
the map is not particularly detailed at this point - it’s use it in your campaigns should you wish to.
important to understand that you can start your
adventures using a fairly simple map and add more For Ludria we have used the map encounters to
detail later as you see fit. Your initial map doesn’t discover some features of each location and given an
need to include specific streets and buildings. On the example of how you may want to record these details
map we haven’t put in streets or place names to start - see ‘Section 4.5 Se�lement Details Sheet’. Exactly
with just simple shapes to show where districts start how much you want to write down is up to you, it
and end. These are marked up with the abbreviations will probably depend on how often you want to
shown in the Table 4.1.5 List of Se�lement Locations, return to a particular se�lement.
so ‘CG2’ is City Gate 2 and ‘MP1’ is market place 1.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Finishing Off Encounters in a Se�lement
When you have created your map, you should feel
free to customise it as you see fit. If, for example, you Having created a working map, it is now time to
have ended up with the garbage heap next to some venture into the city and start to meet its people. As
wealthy streets, you could swap some locations you enter each location you should look it up in the
around until you have a map that you are happy with ‘Locations’ section, to discover what you are going to
or add additional locations. If you want your city to meet there. For each type of location is given a
be a renowned home for scholars, you could use the description, any special rules and an encounter table
dice drop method to add another college or two. If that provides a broad selection of people and
you want it to be a highly religious city, add more incidents that your heroes can interact with. You
temples. You should keep tinkering with the map should make a roll on the table when you enter a new
until you have a se�lement that you feel happy with location or when you spend a long time- several
and remember to feel free to leave some parts of the hours at least - in one place.
map blank in case you wish to add more locations at
a later date. The encounters are described in sections 4.2
‘Se�lement Social Encounters’, 4.3 ‘Se�lement
Challenge Encounters’ and 4.4 ‘Se�lement Map
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Types of encounter Number of Encounters each day
Encounters are all divided into three broad The number of encounters you have each day is
categories: Social, Challenge or Map. difficult to gauge; too many and you can be
overwhelmed by simply moving around the
se�lement, too few and it feels empty and boring.
• Social encounters - See section ‘4.2 Se�lement
Social Encounters’: Although combat may be an It is suggested that you make a maximum of three
option, these encounters are primarily based on encounter rolls per day for any single location - one
using your social skills (Etique�e, Leadership, for the morning, one for the afternoon and one for the
Bargain, Con) but other rolls may be involved. night. This will keep your se�lement busy but not be
One important aspect of social encounters is that overwhelming.
the people you meet have a Social Rank which can
affect the skill rolls you make as part of the The encounter tables for each location are different
encounter. In the encounter tables they are marked and are designed to represent the type of people and
with an ‘S’, so the ‘Soldier’ encounter is S44. problems you might run into - the area around a
temple should have a different feel to it than the
• Challenge encounters - See section ‘4.3
garbage heap.
Se�lement Challenge Encounters’: Often combat
based but may also involve using some of your
Most of the encounters do not have a set duration and
other special skills in order to survive. You might
it will be largely up to you, the hero, to decide how
need to leap across a chasm or avoid some other
long they take and therefore how many encounters
type of danger. You do not, generally, make social
you can have during a day. Some will be longer than
skill tests in these encounters. In the encounter
others; saving a burning building could take several
tables they are marked with an ‘C’, so the ‘Ghoul’
hours, cha�ing to a peasant might only take minutes.
encounter is C8.
AFF Adventure Creation System
If you have to stay in a specific location for some time Example: Initiate Zadi Kellist is in Ludria and has spent
(a mission requires you to watch a location for a the night in ‘The Thresher’ (TA2 on the map) and now
number of hours for example) the skill test should be wants to move over to the ‘Paupers Pit’ as part of her
made with a -3 penalty as it is difficult to go current quest.
unnoticed for this long.
Looking at the map of Ludria she decides on a route she will
If you succeed with your test you can ignore one of take - through WS2 (The Silver Streets) to the docks, DO,
the encounters you roll for this location. You must then take the ferry across to ST3 (The Hill) and then into
decide if you are going to do this before you roll on GY2. Zadi is not trying to avoid encounters so we make a
the encounter table. roll to see what she meets in each location. In WS2 a roll on
the Wealthy Streets is a 7 so she meets a Toady (S7) and
Increasing Encounters discovers a map encounter which turns out to be a
It may be that you want to have additional Bathhouse (M27). She ignores the Toady and carries onto
encounters at a specific location, maybe as part of a the Docks, where (with a roll of 11 on the table) she meets
mission or quest. In that case you may make a skill a Group of Traders (S5).
test against one of Etique�e (asking around),
Awareness or City Lore (searching). Looking for Zadi decides to spend some time talking to them, buying a
encounters means spending some time at a location, round of drinks and in return ge�ing some useful
possibly just standing around waiting for something information. She takes the ferry (1gp fee) over to ST3, a
to happen. As a rule of thumb you can try this twice Streets location but decides to try and avoid an encounter
during the day (once for the morning, once for the by making a test of her City Lore skill. She rolls a 7 which
afternoon) and once at night, when se�lements are would usually be a failure, but the +2 bonus she received
generally quieter. from talking to the Group of Traders means she succeeds,
so she slips unnoticed through this location. Arriving at
the Graveyard she rolls a 15 and meets the Funeral Cortege
Optional Rule: The ‘Quiet City’ (C4) encounter! This could be a tough fight for our initiate,
The encounter system is designed to give your but hopefully she makes it through.
se�lements a lively, bustling feel - places where you
are having to shoulder your way through the crowd As you can see, this approach to moving around the
just to make headway and you never know what city makes it a lively and occasionally dangerous
may be around the next corner. However, some place. If this is too much for you, consider using the
people might prefer to move around more freely, so ‘quiet city’ optional rule to speed things up.
the ‘Quiet City’ option can be used. If your hero is
simply travelling through a location en route to Nigh�ime and Resting
somewhere else, roll encounters but ignore ‘social’ As night falls, most people will return to their homes
and ‘challenge’ encounters. Keep making a note of and lock up for the night. Torches and candles cost
‘map’ encounters as this helps build up your city for money and there is no street lighting on Titan! Once
future use. you have completed what you feel to be enough
encounters for one day, you will need to find a place
to bed down and sleep. You can do this at an inn,
tavern or drinking den - see the prices listed for those
locations - or you can sleep rough, by trying to find an
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
abandoned shack or quiet nook to rest in. Clearly, Finding a random location in your se�lement
sleeping outdoors in a teeming city has its own risks Many of the missions require you to pick a location in
that you should be aware of. If you choose to take the your city at random. There are two methods for doing
risk, choose odds or evens then roll a 1d6 - if you this. The usual method is to drop or roll a dice onto
correctly predict the outcome of the roll, your your map and see where it ends up - if it goes off the
judgement about where to sleep was good and you map, roll it again. The location you want is the one
get a full night's rest. If you are wrong, your sleep has under the dice, if it se�les on a boundary line then use
been disturbed and you must roll for an encounter. If your judgement to decide where you are going.
this encounter is dangerous, your opponents receive
+4 to their combat rolls and +2 to their damage rolls The second method is to use the ‘Random Location’
on the first round as you awake from your slumber. numbers on the locations table - roll a 1d6 twice and
refer to the numbers in that column - a roll of 3
Table 4.1.6 Rough Sleeping Encounters followed by a 2 would be the Hospital. A roll of 5
2d6 Encounter followed by a 4 would need to be rerolled as there is
2 C21 Troglodytes no 5.4 on the list. For locations with more than one
3-4 C9 Giant Rat appearance (inn’s for example) either roll again or
5-7 S35 Night Watchman use your judgement to decide which one is most
8-9 C16 Cu�hroats appropriate.
10-11 C17 Ratman
12 C20 Giant Spider
Location Descriptions/Encounter Tables
What is outside my se�lement?
For a town or village, when you leave the area of your For each of the different locations within a se�lement,
map you should use the rules for wilderness travel - a brief description is given including any special rules
the area just outside of a se�lement is likely to be that relate to that type of place and the random
farmed land, but could be any type of environment encounter tables are provided to bring it to life.
appropriate to the land you are adventuring in.
For a city, the area immediately outside the city A large heavily decorated building catches your eye.
should be treated as either Slum Alleys (1-5 on 1d6) Stone steps lead from the street up to a set of wooden
or Garbage Heap (6 on 1d6) locations. This is because double doors which are open and there are people
many of the poorer people, unable to afford lodgings coming in and out. Looking more closely you see that
within the city, will build dwellings close to the city there are religious symbols marked on the walls and
wall in the hope that they can flee inside when you guess that it is a temple of some kind. Given the
troubles come - which they always do. You should number and variety of gods on Titan, it is not clear if
break this area into a reasonable number of separate this temple is dedicated to one particular power, or
parts, based on the size of your city (this prevents several of them as is often the case. It is not unusual
heroes from taking a shortcut outside the city by to find a temple to Usrel that also has a small chapel
going out of one gate, around and back in another dedicated to Libra or a garden reserved for followers
gate). Further beyond this shanty town will be of Glantanka. It looks as if the temple is unguarded
farmland or wilderness - use the rules provided in the and welcoming to strangers, If you want to you can
wilderness section. enter and investigate further. Whilst the temple is the
AFF Adventure Creation System
most interesting building in this area, it is also Special: You may find a place to pray at the Temple.
surrounded by houses, accommodation for priests Make a Religion Lore roll with a +3 bonus to find a
and novices, and places for pilgrims and visiting suitable spot. If you succeed, you can spend some
worshippers to eat and stay. time in worship - roll 1d6. If you roll a 5, restore on
point of STAMINA, if you roll a 6 the gods smile on
Chapter 7, ‘Political Systems & Religions’ covers the you and restore one point of LUCK. You may only
generation of a random morality and religion for each receive this benefit once per week.
se�lement or region. If you have not decided which
god or gods are worshipped in this se�lement, use Special: If your hero wants to learn the Priestly
Table 7.1.2 ‘Religious Inclination of the Se�lement or Magic, they can do so at a temple. In addition to
Region’ and Table 7.1.3 ‘List of the Gods’ to spending the experience points, the hero will need to
determine what the religion and gods are, or you can a�end the temple every day for a week, spending the
simply assign it as a temple of ‘good’, ‘neutral’ or entire day praying (this will effectively stop them
‘evil’ as fits your campaign. from carrying out missions at this time) and they will
need to purchase 5gp worth of incense each day, to
If your hero is a priest of the same religion as the burn whilst they beseech their god to grant them
temple, they should automatically succeed in the powers. At the end of this period of worship the hero
Religion Lore rolls needed to use the services here, can spend their experience points to raise their
though they will be refused aid if they go to a temple Priestly Magic skill from zero to one.
that is of a different alignment (priests dedicated to
the gods of good will not be helped at neutral or evil
temples and so on).
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Table 4.1.7 Temple (TE) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 C30 Tomb Mist S46 Dying Man
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 C4 Funeral Cortege C30 Tomb Mist
6 S25 Suffering Penitent + Roll Again C17 Ratman
7 Map* + S38 Witchsniffer Map* + C8 Ghoul
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again C16 Cu�hroats
9 S18 Peasant + Roll Again C9 Giant Rat + Roll Again
10 S20 Priest S41 Beggar
11 S19 Acolyte S35 Night Watchman
12 S41 Beggar S19 Acolyte
13 Map* + S30 Nobleman C25 Skeleton
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance
15 S37 Friar Map* + S25 Suffering Penitent
16 S6 Wedding Party C27 Swarm of Rats
17 C3 Falling Nightsoil C2 Falling Masonry
18 C8 Ghoul C29 Chaos Horror
AFF Adventure Creation System
Garbage Heap room shack, in front of which sits a crusty old dwarf
Congratulations, you have found the town dump! In who is, you guess, the owner or guard of the dump.
truth, your nose had alerted you to its presence some He is si�ing in a broken old chair and is fast asleep,
time before you saw it, but now here it is in all its rat snoring loudly, with a tankard on the ground next to
infested glory. The alley you were passing down has him.
become a ru�ed mud track, carved up by the
numerous small carts of the rag-and-bone men who The most notable feature of this area is the large pile
use this trash heap daily. The dump itself is a fenced of rubbish and discarded things but there are also
off area that was perhaps at some time a quarry or some rundown shacks and other decaying buildings
natural sinkhole and is now filled to the brim (and - this whole part of the se�lement seems to be se�ling
then some) with all manner of rubbish. Fat, vicious back into the dirt.
looking rats scurry to and fro around the pile whilst
some miserable looking peasants, large baskets Special: The Watch rarely bothers coming here. If you
strapped to their backs, can be seen picking their way commit an unlawful action, add +3 to your roll on the
through the detritus in search of something to sell. Lawbreaker table.
Off to one side you can see a tumbledown single
Table 4.1.8 Garbage Heap (GH) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 S46 Dying Man C30 Tomb Mist
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 C19 Ravenous Slime C26 Orc Raider
6 C28 Monstrous Fly + Roll Again C17 Ratman
7 Map* + C27 Swarm of Rats Map* + C19 Ravenous Slime
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again C16 Cu�hroats
9 S18 Peasant + Roll Again C9 Giant Rat + Roll Again
10 S1 Leper S41 Beggar
11 S27 Scavenger S27 Scavenger
12 S41 Beggar C23 Slave Takers
13 Map* + C23 Slave Takers S1 Leper
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + C27 Rat Swarm
15 S2 Escaped Slave Map* + S16 Burnt Out Building
16 S9 Hag C27 Swarm of Rats
17 C9 Giant Rat C20 Giant Spider
18 C8 Ghoul C29 Chaos Horror
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Slum Alleys see they are playing a game with what appears to be
Cobblestones have given way to mud and straw and a couple of dead rats.
well ordered buildings are replaced by lean-to shacks
and precariously designed houses where ro�ing You have passed into the slums. There is life and
timbers surround patched and hole ridden boards. opportunity here, but also danger, so beware.
A miasma of mould and refuse hangs thick in the air Special: The Watch rarely bothers coming here. If you
and the people you see scurry past with hunger worn commit an unlawful action, add +3 to your roll on the
into their pinched faces. A group of soot faced Lawbreaker table.
children stare at you and as you look back, you can
Table 4.1.9 Slum Alleys (SA) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 S46 Dying Man C21 Troglodytes
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 C11 Burning House C26 Orc Raider
6 C3 Falling Nightsoil + Roll Again S16 Burnt Out Building
7 Map* + S22 Rowdy Barbarian Map* + S35 Night Watchman
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again S22 Rowdy Barbarian
9 S14 Servant + Roll Again S35 Night Watchman + Roll Again
10 S40 Children S41 Beggar
11 S18 Peasant S18 Peasant
12 C16 Cu�hroats C23 Slave Takers
13 Map* + C12 Mass Brawl S27 Scavenger
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs + C10 Goblin Infiltrator
15 S4 Dwarf Pedlar Map* + S9 Hag
16 S9 Hag S17 Drunken Dwarf
17 S17 Drunken Dwarf C20 Giant Spider
18 S2 Escaped Slave C29 Chaos Horror
AFF Adventure Creation System
Wealthy Streets pay no a�ention to some scruffy looking mercenary
The houses here are large and well maintained; many such as you.
of them have walled gardens from which trees and
vines poke out or shady courtyards to sit and take In addition to fine houses there are a number of well
refreshment. The street is similarly ordered and the maintained buildings and spaces in this location,
cobblestones have been recently swept. There is even such as restaurants and clubs - the sort that don’t
a raised pavement on one side and some sort of want any scruffy heroes leaving mud on the
gu�ering to carry away the inevitable waste left by upholstery.
people and horses. You can hear the sounds of life
from inside the houses but there are few people out Special: The Watch is encouraged to patrol here
on the street itself and most of them seem to be frequently. If you commit an unlawful action, you
servants of one sort or another, hurrying to complete have a penalty of -2 to your roll on the Lawbreaker
their chores. Occasionally a noble rides past, but they table.
Table 4.1.10 Wealthy Streets (WS) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 S12 Desperate Chef C2 Falling Masonry
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 S34 Knight-Errant C1 Cutpurse
6 S26 Group of Noblewomen + Roll Again S39 Messenger
7 Map* + S7 Toady Map* + S18 Peasant
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again S30 Nobleman
9 S20 Priest + Roll Again S11 Squire + Roll Again
10 S30 Nobleman C1 Cutpurse
11 S14 Servant S35 Night Watchman
12 S15 Young Noble S14 Servant
13 Map* + S11 Squire S15 Brash Young Noble
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs + C3 Falling Nightsoil
15 S21 Surly Watchmen Map* + C8 Ghoul
16 S45 Con Artist C13 Hobgoblin Spy
17 S39 Messenger C22 Leaf Beast
18 C22 Leaf Beast C29 Chaos Horror
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Streets The streets consist of a partially cobbled track with
A row of houses either side of a paved way presents mud and plank walkways either side of it. People,
itself to you. Looking along you can see a variety of riders and carts jostle to make their way along it,
dwellings; Mostly timber frame houses with second whilst avoiding the worst of the muck and nightsoil
stories that hang out over the street and threaten to that inevitably builds up at the edges. The smells of
crash into each other - in places you could pass fires and cooking come from a variety of sources and
something from hand to hand through the upper the sounds of busy everyday life are all around you.
windows. There are some stone buildings too and
occasionally a small herb garden or pigsty breaks up The Streets are not just the place to find the houses of
the line and you can see that at the back of the row the common people - here you will find workshops,
there are narrow alleyways weaving between small warehouses and other buildings needed for
gardens, outhouses and other smaller constructions. everyday life.
Table 4.1.11 Streets (ST) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 S36 Tithe Collector C18 Fire Sprite Arsonist
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 S33 Artisan C15 Wrestling Contest
6 S32 Fur Trader + Roll Again Roll 1d6: 1-3: S9 Hag, 4-6: S44 Soldier
7 Map* + S5 Group of Traders Map* + C16 Cu�hroats
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again C10 Goblin Infiltrator
9 S24 Farmer + Roll Again C1 Cutpurse + Roll Again
10 S14 Servant S18 Peasant
11 S18 Peasant S35 Night Watchman
12 1d6: 1-3: S23 Pie Seller, 4-6: S3 Town Crier S27 Scavenger
13 Map* + S39 Messenger S15 Young Noble
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs + C28 Monstrous Fly
15 C14 Runaway Horse Map* + C3 Falling Nightsoil
16 S19 Acolyte S17 Drunken Dwarf
17 C7 Una�ended Stall C27 Swarm of Rats
18 S30 Nobleman C29 Chaos Horror
AFF Adventure Creation System
Jail the jail wall, probably to stop prisoners from
A sullen and dismal air pervades this neighbourhood a�empting an escape, but it gives the impression that
at the centre of which squats a large stone building, even the stones and timbers are afraid of what lies
surrounded by high stone walls - the jail. Even the amidst them. As you consider your next move you
sunlight seems to dim as you approach it, your fancy that you can hear wailing and the ra�ling of
wanderings disturbing a crow in its feasting on a chains coming from inside.
dead rat, making it flap up past your face caw-cawing
angrily. The few people that you see are downcast Whilst the Jail is the most important building
and move quickly past, avoiding conversation. Of the hereabouts, there are also houses, a watchhouse and
building itself you can see mostly the walls and the some rather depressing drinking dens and taverns.
imposing gatehouse which has two sombre guards
on duty. They eye you suspiciously, it is clear that Special: The Watch are constantly bringing poor
you should only approach if you have official unfortunates to and from the jail, so if you commit an
business. The other buildings and houses in this Unlawful Action here your roll on the Lawbreaker
vicinity have all left a gap between themselves and table has a -2 penalty.
Table 4.1.12 Jail (JA) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 S46 Dying Man C19 Ravenous Slime
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 S36 Tithe Collector S2 Escaped Slave
6 S8 Trumpeter + Roll Again C10 Goblin Infiltrator
7 Map* + S45 Con Artist Map* + S1 Leper
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again C9 Giant Rat
9 S44 Soldier + Roll Again S25 Suffering Penitent + Roll Again
10 1d6: 1-3: S23 Pie Seller, 4-6: S18 Peasant 1d6: 1-3: S31 Mummers, 4-6: S27 Scavenger
11 S21 Surly Watchmen S35 Night Watchman
12 S41 Beggar S9 Hag
13 Map* + S4 Dwarf Pedlar 1d6: 1-3: C1 Cutpurse, 4-6: C16 Cu�hroats
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + C24 Grannits
15 S3 Town Crier Map* + S22 Rowdy Barbarian
16 S38 Witchsniffer C7 Una�ended Stall
17 S20 Priest C28 Monstrous Fly
18 C8 Ghoul C29 Chaos Horror
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Inn the clink of cutlery on plates; a wonderful smell of
A large well maintained building stands before you. beer and fresh cooked food wafts across the road
It has a stone ground floor with a timber frame towards you.
second storey, atop which a thatched roof reaches
down to half-cover the upper, currently shu�ered, The Inn is not the only building in this area; there are
windows. There is a large wooden door which stands other places to eat and drink, houses and small shops
open and welcoming, next to which you can see the and workshops here, but this large and well
trapdoor entrance for what must be a cellar. To the appointed Inn is the most important and notable
side of the building there is an arched wooden establishment.
entrance to a cobbled stableyard, where you can see a
horse being brushed down and fed. Above the door Special: You can stop and rest at an Inn, single rooms
hangs a sign; the emblem of a black eagle on a white are 4gp a night, a meal is 3gp and stabling is 3gp a
background. As you stand for a moment and consider night.
your options you can hear the sound of cha�er and
Table 4.1.13 Inn (IN) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 C19 Ravenous Slime S46 Dying Man
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 S12 Desperate Chef S12 Desperate Chef
6 S34 Knight-Errant + Roll Again C1 Cutpurse
7 Map* + S26 Group of Noblewomen Map* + C28 Monstrous Fly
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again S41 Beggar
9 S33 Artisan + Roll Again S15 Young Noble + Roll Again
10 S18 Peasant S5 Group of Traders
11 S5 Group of Traders S35 Night Watchman
12 1d6: 1-3: S31 Mummers, 4-6: S7 Toady 1d6: 1-3: S31 Mummers, 4-6: S39 Messenger
13 Map* + S15 Young Noble S13 Glu�onous Merchant
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + C17 Ratman
15 S13 Glu�onous Merchant Map* + C12 Mass Brawl
16 1d6: 1-3: S45 Con Artist, 4-6: S39 Messenger S45 Con Artist
17 1d6: 1-3: S37 Friar, 4-6 S17 Drunken Dwarf C3 Falling Nightsoil
18 S6 Wedding Party C29 Chaos Horror
AFF Adventure Creation System
Tavern can see through the windows) seems to be a sleeping
Occupying a large corner house at the intersection of room divided up with cloth screens. In general this
two streets, you see a tavern. A sign painted on a seems like a decent place to get some food and rest.
wooden board proclaims it to be the ‘Rose & Crown’
and someone has indeed a�empted to paint both The Tavern is not the only building in this area; it is in
those objects in gaudy colours below the name. There fact simply the largest building in a row consisting of
are two doorways, both open, and outside on the houses, small shops and workshops. However, most
street a couple of benches are pushed up against the people know this area by reference to this tavern
wall. Both are occupied by labourers of some kind which has become a local landmark.
who are supping their ales and generally enjoying a
moment's rest from their work. The tavern has two Special: You can stop and rest at a Tavern, single
storeys and as you get closer you can see that the rooms are 3gp a night, a meal is 2gp and stabling is
bo�om level is taken up by two bar rooms, each with 2gp a night.
its own fireplace, whilst the top level (from what you
Table 4.1.14 Tavern (TA) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 C18 Fire Sprite Arsonist C11 Burning House
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 S38 Witchsniffer S12 Desperate Chef
6 C15 Wrestling Contest + Roll Again C12 Mass Brawl
7 Map* + S32 Fur Trader Map* + S19 Acolyte
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again S15 Young Noble
9 S37 Friar + Roll Again S22 Rowdy Barbarian + Roll Again
10 S18 Peasant S35 Night Watchman
11 S37 Friar + Roll Again S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again
12 S5 Group of Traders S5 Group of Traders
13 Map* + S10 Puppet Show 1d6: 1-3: S31 Mummers, 4-6: S45 Con Artist
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + C20 Giant Spider
15 S13 Glu�onous Merchant + Roll Again Map* + S17 Drunken Dwarf
16 C14 Runaway Horse C16 Cu�hroats
17 C7 Una�ended Stall S27 Scavenger
18 S6 Wedding Party C29 Chaos Horror
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Drinking Den He is singing lustily and in the firelight his face takes
You are passing a nondescript building when you on a demonic aspect - are you tempted to step inside?
notice the doorway is open. As you come close a It looks like a good place for a cheap meal and a
strong stench of beer, pipe smoke and stale sweat drink, but you doubt that trouble is hard to come by
assails you and you hear the sound of laughter and either. Whilst the Drinking Den is the most
out of tune singing. Looking more carefully you see noticeable part of this area there are also poor houses,
there is a painted wooden board nailed to the timbers ramshackle warehouses, bawdy houses etc.
above the doorway depicting a severed hand,
dripping blood onto three barrels. There is no Special: Make sure to pick a suitably horrible name
writing. Inside, the first floor of this building has been for this location when you create it. Something along
turned into a single long room with a fire at one end the lines of ‘The Hanged Rat’ or ‘The Bag of Brains’.
and a bar at the other. Straw and dirt covers the floor,
cheap looking wooden benches and stools are Special: You can stop and rest at a Drinking Den,
arranged haphazardly about the place and a number single rooms are 1gp a night, a meal is 1gp and
of labourers are slumped in their chairs slurping stabling is 1gp a night. If you do stay the night roll
down their ale. A large bald headed man with 1d6. On a result of 1, you lose a random item from
extraordinarily bushy red sideburns is carrying two your inventory.
handfuls of freshly filled tankards over to one group.
Table 4.1.15 Drinking Den (DD) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 C19 Ravenous Slime 1d6: 1-3: S46 Dying Man 4-6: C8 Ghoul
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 S31 Mummers 1d6: 1-3: C9 Giant Rat 4-6: C20 Giant Spider
6 C1 Cutpurse + Roll Again 1d6: 1-3: S43 Student 4-6: S19 Acolyte
7 Map* + S22 Rowdy Barbarian Map* + C1 Cutpurse
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again C15 Wrestling Contest
9 S21 Surly Watchmen + Roll Again C23 Slave Takers + Roll Again
10 1d6: 1-3: S44 Soldier 4-6: S40 Children C16 Cu�hroats
11 S18 Peasant S18 Peasant
12 C12 Mass Brawl + Roll Again C12 Mass Brawl
13 Map* + S23 Pie Seller S35 Night Watchman
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + C21 Troglodytes
15 C14 Runaway Horse Map* + C3 Falling Nightsoil
16 S17 Drunken Dwarf C7 Una�ended Stall
17 C11 Burning House C10 Goblin Infiltrator
18 C4 Funeral Cortege C29 Chaos Horror
Table 4.1.16 Graveyard (GY) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 S46 Dying Man C30 Tomb Mist
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 C25 Skeleton S1 Leper
6 S25 Suffering Penitent + Roll Again S25 Suffering Penitent
7 Map* + S9 Hag Map* + S9 Hag
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again S18 Peasant
9 S20 Priest + Roll Again S35 Night Watchman + Roll Again
10 S18 Peasant S27 Scavenger
11 S41 Beggar C27 Swarm of Rats
12 S19 Acolyte C28 Monstrous Fly
13 Map* + C27 Swarm of Rats C8 Ghoul
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + C25 Skeleton
15 C4 Funeral Cortege Map* + GIant Spider
16 C7 Una�ended Stall S19 Acolyte
17 Roll 1d6: 1-3: C8 Ghoul, 4-6: C9 Giant Rat C4 Funeral Cortege
18 C30 Tomb Mist C29 Chaos Horror
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Docks (or Customs House) Special: If you have decided that your city is near a
A sturdy palisade, interrupted by towers and a gate, river, lake or sea, this location is the docks and you
surrounds this area set aside for the arrival and will see from the outside the rows of masts and sail of
departure of trade goods. The taxes paid on these is the ships crowding the quays inside. Groups of
the reason for the barrier - for the nobility, controlling sailors come to and fro and the sound of sea shanties
that supply of gold is a major means of income and so can be heard day and night. If your city is not near to
it is taken very seriously indeed. This is a city within a large body of water, this is a customs house and
the city, with its own Watch and set of laws. Guards yard, where the trade caravans come through a
in uniforms look down on you from the towers and separate city gate and you will see dust coated wagon
although you are allowed to enter, you know you will handlers moving about in great numbers.
be asked about your purpose. The hassle could be
worth it though - there is a great buzz and scurry of Special: The security of trade is taken seriously. If
people bartering their wares, negotiating contracts you have to roll on the Lawbreaker table here, take a
and looking for work as porters or security. -2 penalty.
Special: Hauling goods is thirsty work. Roll 1d6 and Special: If this is a Docks, you can hire a ferryman to
place a tavern (1) or drinking den (2-3) next to the take you to any location in the se�lement that is also
docks as an additional map location. next to the water. The fee is 1gp.
Table 4.1.17 Docks or Customs House (DO) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 C6 Black Powder Explosion S46 Dying Man
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 C10 Goblin Infiltrator S41 Beggar
6 S4 Dwarf Pedlar + Roll Again C24 Grannits
7 Map* + S28 Apothecary Map* + C16 Cu�hroats
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again C9 Giant Rat
9 S33 Artisan + Roll Again C17 Ratman + Roll Again
10 Roll 1d6: 1-3: S14 Servant, 4-6: S18 Peasant S35 Night Watchman
11 S5 Group of Traders 1d6: 1-3: S39 Messenger, 4-6: S35 Watchman
12 1d6: 1-3: S39 Messenger, 4-6: S23 Pie Seller S5 Group of Traders
13 Map* + C14 Runaway Horse C13 Hobgoblin Spy
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs + S22 Rowdy Barbarian
15 S36 Tithe Collector + Roll Again Map* + C12 Mass Brawl
16 C13 Hobgoblin Spy C26 Orc Raider
17 S24 Farmer S2 Escaped Slave
18 C18 Fire Sprite Arsonist C29 Chaos Horror
*Docks (or Custom House) Map Encounter Table - Roll 1d6 then 1d6
Second d6
First d6 1-2 3-4 5-6
1-2 M25 Ta�oo Parlour M14 Weaponsmith M26 Workshop
3-4 M11 Cartographer's Shop M13 Armourer M28 Stables
5-6 M29 Auction House M18 Magic Door M5 Quiet Fishing Spot
AFF Adventure Creation System
College knowledge to the select few that can afford to spend
The area you are passing through is quieter and more their time learning rather than toiling. It is not a
refined than most of the city. There are no stalls and natural environment for adventurers but it is a place
the usual throng of townsfolk has diminished where you might find out information that is useful.
significantly. The streets here are cobbled with
gu�ered pavements and the occasional tree has been Special: It’s not illegal for you to be here without
to provide shade. Pausing for a moment you take a some form of enrollment or academic purpose, but
careful look around and spy a bearded scholar you are not entirely welcome either. You have a -1
making his way followed by several bored looking penalty to all social skills whilst here, unless you have
students each carrying books. As they pass, you hear a MAGIC skill of at least 3 (Sorcery, Wizardry or
the scholar explaining some obscure ma�er of local Priestly) or at least 3 points in one ‘Lore’ skill.
history. From the look on his students' faces, it is clear
that he finds the subject much more fascinating than Special: You may pay to use a library whilst here. For
they do. It seems as if you have wandered into a 5gp you can access a library for a day, gaining +1 to
college of some sort. A small precinct, created by the an appropriate Lore skill test. For 15gp you can hire a
priests of Hamaskis, in which the learned men and researcher for a day and gain a +2 bonus to an
women of this city can impart their precious jewels of appropriate Lore skill test.
Table 4.1.18 College (CO) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 C18 Fire Sprite Arsonist C30 Tomb Mist
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 1d6: 1-3: C1 Cutpurse 4-6: S3 Town Crier C6 Black Powder Explosion
6 S38 Witchsniffer + Roll Again C3 Falling Nightsoil
7 Map* + S14 Servant Map* + C2 Falling Masonry
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again C9 Giant Rat
9 S28 Apothecary + Roll Again S39 Messenger + Roll Again
10 S18 Peasant S35 Night Watchman
11 S43 Student S43 Student
12 1d6: 1-3: S20 Priest 4-6: S19 Acolyte 1d6: 1-3: S35 Watchman 4-6: S14 Servant
13 Map* + C2 Falling Masonry C10 Goblin Infiltrator
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + C25 Skeleton
15 S29 Wandering Elf Map* + C28 Monstrous Fly
16 S21 Surly Watchmen S9 Hag
17 S26 Group of Noblewomen C19 Ravenous Slime
18 S30 Nobleman C29 Chaos Horror
AFF Adventure Creation System
Table 4.1.19 Hospital (HO) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 S46 Dying Man C30 Tomb Mist
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 1d6: 1-3: S37 Friar 4-6: S24 Farmer C4 Funeral Cortege
6 S33 Artisan + Roll Again C8 Ghoul
7 Map* + S40 Children Map* + C27 Swarm of Rats
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again S41 Beggar
9 S14 Servant + Roll Again S1 Leper + Roll Again
10 S18 Peasant C17 Ratman
11 S19 Acolyte S35 Night Watchman
12 S43 Student S43 Student
13 Map* + S28 Apothecary S28 Apothecary
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + C25 Skeleton
15 S4 Dwarf Pedlar Map* + S9 Hag
16 S20 Priest C18 Fire Sprite Arsonist
17 C14 Runaway Horse C23 Slave Takers
18 C19 Ravenous Slime C29 Chaos Horror
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Marketplace your clothing, asking you to come see what their
Even before you got to the broad yard filled with parents have to have for sale as Watchmen move
stalls, you had been struggling past the crowds of through the crowd looking out for pick-pockets. You
carters, porters and street-hawkers that filled the see piles of vegetables on carts, chickens in cages,
streets. The shouts of trading, smells from the food yards of cloth laid out and many other things besides.
stalls and the goods piled high amounts to a sensory
overload that leaves you stunned. Gathering yourself Special: At the Marketplace it is assumed that you are
you press on and look around to see if there is able to buy any of the standard goods listed in the
anything of interest to you. The market is set up in a AFF rulebook and to sell any goods you no longer
large area at the confluence of many streets. Around require. Remember to make your Bargain skill tests
it there are houses and shops, and most have some (assume that the traders have Bargain 7). Trading like
form of stall or display at the front. Inside are kiosks, this does not count as an encounter, but should be
stalls, barrows and even carpets with goods laid out expected to take some time as you haggle over prices.
on them, arranged by the simple rule of seeing how
much you can squeeze into the space available whilst Special: The marketplace is so crowded that just by
still leaving paths for customers to walk down. wandering it, you can overhear a lot. If you wish to,
Traders guard their wares and shout out the prices of spend an hour eavesdropping and you can roll once
their stock in well practised calls. Children tug at on table 8.7 ‘Trivia & Gossip - Rumours & Events’.
Table 4.1.20 Marketplace (MP) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 S36 Tithe Collector C30 Tomb Mist
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 1d6: 1-3: C7 Una�ended Stall 4-6: S7 Toady C6 Black Powder Explosion
6 C14 Runaway Horse + Roll Again C28 Monstrous Fly
7 Map* + S23 Pie Seller Map* + C27 Swarm of Rats
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again C16 Cu�hroats
9 S3 Town Crier + Roll Again C10 Goblin Infiltrator + Roll Again
10 1d6: 1-3: S18 Peasant 4-6: S41 Beggar S41 Beggar
11 S5 Group of Traders S35 Night Watchman
12 S14 Servant + Roll Again S27 Scavenger + Roll Again
13 Map* + S33 Artisan C27 Swarm of Rats
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + C9 Giant Rat
15 1d6: 1-3: S24 Farmer 4-6: S13 Merchant Map* + C13 Hobgoblin Spy
16 1d6: 1-3: C1 Cutpurse 4-6: S30 Nobleman S17 Drunken Dwarf
17 S32 Fur Trader C12 Mass Brawl
18 C5 Archery Contest C29 Chaos Horror
*Marketplace Map Encounter Table - Roll 1d6 then 1d6
Second d6
First d6 1-2 3-4 5-6
1-2 M23 Alchemist's Laboratory M9 Latrine M26 Workshop
3-4 M14 Weaponsmith M13 Armourer M28 Stables
5-6 M22 Sorcerer's Wyrd M15 Magical Curiosity Shop M29 Auction House
AFF Adventure Creation System
City Gate (Wall) Whilst the City Gate dominates this part of the
You’ve seen it looming on the skyline for some time se�lement, it is also surrounded by houses,
now, so it’s no surprise when you turn a corner and workshops and small places to eat and drink.
find yourself staring at the base of the city wall.
Looking up you can see the edge of the ba�lements Special: With so many guards about, if you take an
and can hear the tramping of the guards boots as they Unlawful Action at this location, you must take a
make their endless circuits. Passing along a small penalty of -3 for your roll on the Lawbreaker table.
alley past some lean-to shacks you find yourself
approaching a gate house. It is a formidable structure Special: The Gate is shut at night. If you approach
- the equal of any castle tower, with an inner and this location at night, you cannot pass through the
outer gate protected by guards that use their halberds gate.
to poke and prod at the carts rolling by. Occasionally
they stop someone and pull them over for a closer Special: A tariff is occasionally charged on gate
inspection, but they don’t look too interested in the traffic. Roll a 1d6. On a 1, you must pay 2gp to pass
job, mostly doing it to keep happy the captain that is through the gate. If you don’t have the gold, you are
sat on a chair at the door of the guardhouse, a tankard turned back.
resting on his belly.
Table 4.1.21 City Gate (CG) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 S38 Witchsniffer C30 Tomb Mist
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 C6 Black Powder Explosion C11 Burning House
6 C14 Runaway Horse + Roll Again C3 Falling Nightsoil
7 Map* + S24 Farmer Map* + S41 Beggar
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again C13 Hobgoblin Spy
9 S8 Trumpeter + Roll Again S39 Messenger + Roll Again
10 S18 Peasant S35 Night Watchman
11 S21 Surly Watchmen S35 Night Watchman
12 1d6: 1-3: S44 Soldier 4-6: S21 Watchmen S44 Soldier
13 Map* + S39 Messenger C9 Giant Rat
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + C20 Giant Spider
15 S23 Pie Seller Map* + C3 Falling Nightsoil
16 S37 Friar C10 Goblin Infiltrator
17 C2 Falling Masonry C26 Orc Raider
18 S34 Knight-Errant C29 Chaos Horror
As you pause here and decide if you should go in or Special: If you need to, you can sleep rough here and
not, you can see a number of people, alone or in small it is a li�le bit safer than doing so on the street. To do
groups, are strolling through the park and enjoying so you will need to succeed in a Climb skill roll (to
the scenery though you also note a couple of destitute find a way in after dark). If you fail the roll you
peasants huddled in their rags under the shade of a haven’t found a way in and must sleep somewhere
tree, begging for alms from the wanderers. It might else. If you do sleep in the park, roll a 1d6 and choose
be a nice place to stop and rest, if you have the time. high or low - if you choose high, you only get an
encounter on a 1 or 2. If you choose low you only get
Whilst most of the land within the city walls is filled an encounter on a 5 or 6. Use the usual sleeping rough
with closely packed buildings of one sort or another, encounter table if you have chosen a bad spot to rest.
some land has been set aside as a place to relax and
take a moment to sit or walk in relative peace. It
might once have been a nobles garden, made open to
the public as an act of generosity or perhaps the
grounds of a temple that have been set aside for
AFF Adventure Creation System
Table 4.1.22 Park (PA) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 C19 Ravenous Slime S46 Dying Man
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 S3 Town Crier C24 Grannits
6 S8 Trumpeter + Roll Again C12 Mass Brawl
7 Map* + C15 Wrestling Contest Map* + C15 Wrestling Contest
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again S2 Escaped Slave
9 C5 Archery Contest + Roll Again S9 Hag + Roll Again
10 S18 Peasant S35 Night Watchman
11 S40 Children C20 Giant Spider
12 S29 Wandering Elf S29 Wandering Elf
13 Map* + S26 Group of Noblewomen S41 Beggar
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + C25 Skeleton
15 S10 Puppet Show Map* + C22 Leaf Beast
16 S34 Knight-Errant C26 Orc Raider
17 1d6: 1-3: S37 Friar 4-6: S6 Wedding Party C21 Troglodytes
18 C22 Leaf Beast C29 Chaos Horror
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Keep the ba�lements. At the main gate there are more
The narrow streets open up ahead of you into a wide guards and a small knot of soldiers and traders
courtyard, at the far side of which stands the haggling over something or other whilst a squad of
forbidding bulk of the keep. A large building of recruits practises a combat drill in the outer
neatly cut grey stone, it has an outer wall with courtyard, watched over by a grey haired instructor.
crenellated ba�lements, a watchtower at each corner The clang of sword on shield is punctuated only by
and a single main gate large enough to accommodate his words of advice to the young menof the garrison.
wagons or, more importantly, a squad of soldiers.
The doors of the gate are currently open and you can Around the edge of this area, a li�le back from the
see past the guardsmen to the inner courtyard and keep, life carries on as normal with peasants and
the keep itself - a severe looking block of thick stone servants hurrying about their business and even a
pierced by narrow windows and recessed heavy oak couple of hawkers trying to interest the soldiers in a
doors. Unsurprisingly there is a lot of activity here - pie or an ale. Although not as busy as the
at the inner courtyard you can see a wagoneer marketplace, this is still a hub of activity.
unloading barrels with the help of some uniformed
servants, atop the outer wall there are guards on Special: It is inadvisable to break the law here - if you
lookout, resting their crossbows against the tops of do so, take a -4 penalty to the Lawbreaker roll.
Table 4.1.23 Keep (KE) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 C1 Cutpurse C30 Tomb Mist
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 C6 Black Powder Explosion C3 Falling Nightsoil
6 S38 Witchsniffer + Roll Again S11 Squire
7 Map* + S11 Squire Map* + S22 Rowdy Barbarian
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again S41 Beggar
9 S18 Peasant + Roll Again C13 Hobgoblin Spy + Roll Again
10 S21 Surly Watchmen S44 Soldier
11 S44 Soldier S35 Night Watchman
12 1d6: 1-3 S39 Messenger 4-6: S3 Town Crier 1d6: 1-3 S39 Messenger 4-6: S8 Trumpeter
13 Map* + S30 Nobleman S9 Hag
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + C8 Ghoul
15 C14 Runaway Horse Map* + C27 Swarm of Rats
16 C14 Runaway Horse 1d6: 1-3 S27 Scavenger 4-6: C17 Ratman
17 S10 Puppet Show C21 Troglodytes
18 S36 Tithe Collector C29 Chaos Horror
Around and about the Theatre there are other smaller meal for 2gp. For a more refined performance you can
venues and entertainments as this area is rich with watch a play (1gp) or even spend a night at the opera
nightlife, though there are also houses both rich and (5gp and you are expected to be clean and well
poor. This is one of the most varied locations in the dressed).
Special: If your city is particularly barbaric or cruel,
Special: You may indeed visit the Theatre, which is you might want to replace the theatre location with
ready to take your coin both day and night. For 2sp an arena for gladiatorial combat. If your city is not the
you can spend a few hours enjoying a number of acts sort of place that would have a permanent theatre,
- singers, dancers, acrobats, comedians and so on you can leave this location as an open area such as a
make their way across the stage. Drinks and food can square, plaza or park that could be used as a place to
be bought here too, Ale (or similar) for 3sp and a hot hold circuses or events.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Table 4.1.24 Theatre (TH) Location Encounters. Duplicate encounters should be re-rolled.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 S46 Dying Man C30 Tomb Mist
4 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again
5 1d6: 1-3: S7 Toady 4-6: C1 Cutpurse 1d6: 1-3: C16 Cu�hroats 4-6: C1 Cutpurse
6 S45 Con Artist + Roll Again C3 Falling Nightsoil
7 Map* + S26 Group of Noblewomen Map* + S17 Drunken Dwarf
8 S42 Townsfolk + Roll Again C28 Monstrous Fly
9 S37 Friar + Roll Again C12 Mass Brawl + Roll Again
10 1d6: 1-3: S18 Peasant 4-6: S40 Children S41 Beggar
11 S31 Mummers + Roll Again S31 Mummers
12 1d6: 1-3: S11 Squire 4-6: S8 Trumpeter 1d6: 1-3: S43 Student 4-6: S39 Messenger
13 Map* + S15 Young Noble S35 Night Watchman
14 M4 Catacombs Entrance + Roll Again M4 Catacombs Entrance + C20 Giant Spider
15 S10 Puppet Show Map* + S15 Young Noble
16 S13 Glu�onous Merchant S12 Desperate Chef
17 S34 Knight-Errant 1d6: 1-3: C23 Slave Takers 4-6: S23 Pie Seller
18 S29 Wandering Elf C29 Chaos Horror
AFF Adventure Creation System
Catacombs Entrance Generating a Catacomb
Many of the cities of Titan are very old and over the A catacomb is essentially a mini dungeon and you
span of centuries people have often simply built on should read ‘Chapter 5. Dungeon Creation &
top of older structures rather than bother clearing Encounters’ to see what options are available to you,
them away. In addition, there are sewers, dungeons, but the intention of a catacomb is to make a small
covered over streams, crypts, caves and all manner of structure containing 3+1d6 rooms - just one dungeon
cellars, tunnels and delvings. Sometimes these section. After clearing all these rooms you can test
underground spaces join up to create a hidden city against your Underground Lore skill to discover
under the feet of the unknowing surface dwellers. more and if you succeed you find a way to access
Collectively these places are known as catacombs, another 1d6 rooms (maybe you find a collapsing wall
where all manner of dark and sinister activities take or a concealed tunnel that leads deeper into the caves
place. Most of the time the people block up or seal the and so on). You can keep trying to discover more
entrances to these dangerous places, but sometimes a areas, but each subsequent test of Underground Lore
natural collapse, or something digging out from has a penalty of -3, then -6 and so on.
inside the catacomb, opens them up again. Having
discovered a way into a catacomb you may now, if If you wish to explore the catacomb, you have two
you wish, venture inside and explore it. choices. You can use the detailed options provided in
Chapter 5 ‘Dungeon Creation & Encounters’ or, if
you do not want to create a separate map, you can
treat it as a series of rooms with ‘abbreviated’
dungeon creation rules. Simply assume that each
room is connected to the next in a fairly obvious
manner and use the following tables to find out what
each contains. Roll 1d6 on each table for each room
and proceed as far as you dare!
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Table 4.1.25 Catacomb Origin. Roll once for the whole catacomb.
1d6 Origin Monsters (if encountered, see
encounters table below)*.
1 Cellars - This was once a cellar or basement of a great house that has 1 - C19 Ravenous Slime,
been long abandoned and fallen into disrepair. The environment was 2 - C25 Skeleton,
built for people but it is also li�ered with the rubbish and detritus, 3-4 - C9 Giant Rat
such as broken bits of furniture, that got shoved down here before 5-6 - C20 Giant Spider
it was forgo�en.
2 Cave - You have stumbled into part of a natural cave system, which 1 - C20 Giant Spider
has been built over as the city grew. The tunnels and rooms are 2 - C25 Skeleton
unworked and there are places where you have to squeeze through 3-4 - C21 Troglodytes
narrow gaps to move forward. 5 - C24 Grannits
6 - C17 Ratman
3 Lair - this place has been excavated by some creature or group of 1 - C21 Troglodytes
creatures as its home. Looking at the huge claw marks on the walls, 2 - C24 Grannits
you can’t help wondering if they are still about... 3-4 - C9 Giant Rat
5-6 - C20 Giant Spider
4 Sewer - This was once part of the sewerage system and for all you 1 - C19 Ravenous Slime
know, it might still be connected in places. A nasty miasma fills the 2 - C20 Giant Spider
air and the squeaking of rats can be heard in the darkness. The 3-4 - C9 Giant Rat
floor is a mixture of mud and slime - remember to clean your boots later. 5-6 - C17 Ratman
6 Crypt - this was once a religious place used to house the remains of 1 - C9 Giant Rat
the dead. Tomb raiders have visited and the once carefully organised 2- C20 Giant Spider
tombs have been broken into and pillaged. As you step forward you 3-4 - C8 Ghoul
can feel bones crunching underfoot. 5-6 - C25 Skeleton
*For a more extensive variety of monsters, use the encounter tables in the Advanced Fighting Fantasy core rulebook or
bestiaries such as Out of the Pit or Return to the Pit, or refer to the appropriate dungeon level encounters from Chapter 5
‘Dungeon Creation & Encounters’.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Table 4.1.26 Catacomb Condition.
1d6 Condition
1 Crumbling - this place is falling apart! Bits of stone and masonry are peeling off the walls and ceilings
and your stomping around is only making things worse. Every round of combat you must roll a 1d6. On
a result of one, a piece of the ceiling has dislodged and is falling on you. You must make a test against
SKILL with a +2 bonus or suffer one point of STAMINA damage.
2 Slimy - Moisture hangs heavy in the air, condensation dripping from the walls and ceiling and leaving
fetid pools filled with foul smelling slime on every floor. Each time you are struck in combat you must
make a SKILL roll with a +2 bonus or slip on the muck and find yourself prone (-4 to combat until you
spend a round ge�ing up).
3 Unholy - at some point this place was the site of a temple of evil and traces of that time linger on. If you
use magic to heal yourself you will heal one less point of stamina than normal.
4 Infernal - strange heat courses through the floor and walls in this area and pools of bubbling hot water
have to be stepped around carefully. If you are in combat, roll a 2d6 each round - on a roll of a 2 a blast
of steam has vented from a nearby crack in the masonry and you suffer 2 points of STAMINA damage.
On the good side, once you have dealt with the encounters in this area you can bathe in a warm pool.
5 Well lit - Most Catacombs are near pitch black dark, but in this case a strange fungus covers the walls
and ceilings, giving off a weird purple glow. You don’t need torches here but Sneak skill has a -1 penalty.
6 Consecrated - This area is located at a site that was once a temple of a benevolent god. If you use any
healing magic in here, you gain an additional +1 STAMINA points in recovery.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Table 4.1.28 Catacomb Encounters. For more variety, refer to the tables and advice given in Chapter 5.
1d6 Roll once as you enter each room.
1 This area is empty - you investigate carefully, but there is neither treasure, trap nor monster to be found.
The quiet here is unse�ling and you have no desire to stay longer.
2 Trapped - roll on the Devious Trap (M16) - to move through this area. There are no monsters here.
3-4 Monster - roll on the table above to see what is lurking down here in the darkness
5 Monster + Trap - roll on the table to see what you meet and in addition you must roll on the Devious Trap
(M16). You must deal with the trap before you proceed to the fight.
6 Monster and Treasure - in addition to meeting something you need to fight, you have found a hoard of
treasure - you must defeat the encounter before you get to loot the hoard (see the Forgo�en Stash Map
encounter M21).
Example: Skurl Glintscale has found a catacombs entrance Special: Catacombs do not have a separate encounter
in one of the ‘streets’ locations in Ludria. In this case part table. The encounters will be inside, should you
of a house has collapsed, revealing a narrow entrance into venture there. In addition, The Watch never enters
a chamber that lies below street level. Deciding that we the Catacombs, so no encounters here will require
don’t want to create a complete dungeon, we use the you to roll on the Lawbreaker table.
abbreviated rules to make a few rooms to explore.
Special: The general citizenry do not like leaving
Firstly we roll to see how big the catacomb is - a roll of 3 open an entrance to a dangerous underground world
means we have 6 rooms to explore. Next we roll for its near to their house or business. A Catacombs
origin and another 3 tells us that this is a lair - excavated entrance should be marked on your map, but should
by some animal, though they may not live here anymore. be removed after 1d6+3 days - at some point the locals
Next we roll to see what condition our lair is in. A 5 get together and board it up or fill it in with rubble.
indicates that it is well lit, with a luminous fungus Make this roll when you find the entrance and make
providing sufficient light that a torch is not needed. The a note of when to remove it.
next step is to check the creature's condition and a roll of 4
means they are ‘plagued’, which means we will have to Se�lement Specific Rules
check for disease after each fight. Yuck.
There are some things that apply to adventuring
With that done we can proceed to explore room by room. within a se�lement but not to dungeons or the wilds,
Each time we roll on the Catacomb Encounters table to see mostly down to interactions with ‘the Watch’ or
what we are faced with - an empty room, a trap, or a whatever local law enforcement exists in the city,
monster. Skurl can explore the whole catacomb or retreat town or village. These rules are intended to cover
after dealing with a few rooms. If he does clear every room those interactions.
he can make a test of his Underground Lore skill to try and
find a further 1d6 rooms to explore. Fighting in the Streets
Some encounters and missions require you to fight in
Whatever we decide to do, we should make a note of where the streets (or taverns) of Titan; you might be
the entrance is but bear in mind that it will only exist for wondering how the ‘street environment’ affects these
1d6+3 days. combats. As an optional rule, you can roll on the
following table to see if there are any other factors to
AFF Adventure Creation System
Table 4.1.29 Street Factors
2d6 Factor
2 The Watch appear and they are not happy with this fighting. They swarm you and your opponent,
dragging you apart and stopping the fight. Make a test of your Law skill - if you succeed they let you go
after ten minutes interrogation, if you fail they drag you to the Jail location where you must spend the
night, though you get all your gear back in the morning.
3 The mob turns on you - other people nearby decide you are a troublemaker and pelt you with
improvised weapons. You have to fight with -1 to all skill tests as you dodge the barrage of muck.
4 Mud & Muck - the street is slippery with mud from a recent storm or ro�ing food and waste (you don’t
have time to check which) - any tests of Acrobatics, Running, Climbing or Jumping have a -2 penalty here
as you slip and slide.
5 Small - the street is small and cramped, you cannot use a missile weapon here and Sneaking is at -3.
6 As combat begins, someone throws a bucket of nightsoil from a window above you; test your Dodge skill
or get hit. If you do get covered with indescribable muck you have -3 to your combat rolls for the first
two rounds as you cough and splu�er. Later on, you may want to take a bath.
7 The streets are quiet..the fight proceeds as normal and without interruption.
8 A group of drinkers stumble out of a nearby establishment and watch with interest. If you make a test of
your Leadership skill some will come and help you, giving you +1 to your Combat skill rolls.
9 Unusual Layout - this street has an odd shape,
you can use it to your advantage ge�ing +3
once to one skill roll from Sneaking,
Awareness or combat. If you use a ranged
weapon you can shoot twice before your foe
reaches you.
10 The crowd goes wild! Other people on the
streets see you are in trouble and decide to
help, pelting your opponent with items such
as cabbages, bricks etc. Each round they dish
out one point of damage to your foe.
11 You spot some rickety crates in a perfect
location; you can hide behind them (+3
Sneaking) or you can climb on them to gain +2
to your combat roll by having the higher
ground, but if you fumble an a�ack the
crates break and you fall to the floor, leaving
you prone for one round.
12 A passing adventurer pitches in to help you.
She has SKILL 8 STAMINA 12 Weapon: Mace
Armour: Shield and Chain Hauberk - she
fights alongside you until this combat is over,
then hurries off to pursue her own quests.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Unlawful Actions Can I fight The Watch?
Although most heroes try to behave decently, it is The short answer is no. You have to accept the result
possible to play as a brute that achieves their aims of the roll - if you get a bad result it is assumed that
whilst also terrorising the locals. To that end, nearly enough Watchmen or militia have turned up to
all NPC’s have their characteristics listed, meaning subdue even the strongest heroes. There are however
you can a�ack them if you wish to. It’s important to some ways you can influence the result, but these
note three things: carry the risk of making things worse.
• If you are going to a�ack them, you must decide • Test your LUCK: If successful, add 4 to your roll.
this at the start of the encounter. You cannot use If unsuccessful, deduct 2.
their dialogue options if you decide to fight them.
• A�empt to talk your way out of it: Make a test
• Once the combat has been resolved, you must against your Con special skill or Law special skill.
check to see if a�acking them was an unlawful If you succeed, add 2 to your roll, if unsuccessful,
action (it will be stated alongside their deduct 2.
characteristics). If it was, you now need to roll on
the Lawbreaker table to see what happens to you. • Flee! Before making the roll, you take the most
direct route possible out of your se�lement (deal
• If you are playing a mission or campaign, you with encounters as required) and leave. For every
can still obtain information from them, it is day you sleep rough outside the city, add 1 to your
assumed you are intimidating them into speaking. roll, but remember you need rations and must roll
on the rough sleeping encounter table each night.
• Most civilians (unless stated otherwise in their
description) will a�empt to flee after the first
round of combat. If they get away, you still get to
roll for their treasure (if any) and still have to roll
on the Lawbreaker table.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
9 You are confronted by the Watch and a large number of crossbows pointed at you convince you to
surrender. You are frogmarched to the jail (this is your new location) and spend the rest of the day
‘negotiating’ with a captain, whilst other Watchmen are sent out to check up on you. You are let off with
a fine of 4d6 gold pieces, but rumours of your skullduggery have been spread far and wide. Your next
three Social skill rolls are at a penalty of -3. At the end of the day you are released from the jail and must
make your way through the city at nigh�ime. Adjust encounters accordingly.
10 A group of guardsmen have been alerted to your whereabouts and confront you on the street. They are
heavily armed and armoured, and the hisses and boos you hear from passersby make it clear they have
the support of the peasants. You decide to be nice and concede to their demands, which in this case is
only a fine - deduct 3d6 gold pieces from your total.
11 The Watch has apprehended you! Also, the Watch are exceedingly drunk! You can’t really work out what
they are celebrating, but they are certainly taking the need to celebrate it very seriously. You quickly
realise that you can get away with your crimes rather easily on this occasion. A round of drinks sets you
back 1 gold piece, after which it is agreed that everything was a big misunderstanding. On your way!
12 Your heart sinks as you see the Watch approaching at a trot but soars again a moment later as you
recognise the lead woman. She’s an old friend from back home, you never expected to run into her here.
She recognises you too and is delighted to see you again. The problems you’ve caused are quickly
forgo�en as you both agree to meet up for a drink sometime. Move along to your next encounter with a
broad grin on your face.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Stealing and thievery Disguise and Con - the scam
Whilst not very heroic, some players may want to try In this scenario, you have decided to extort or con
their hand at larceny and the criminal life. There are people into handing their money over. First of all you
two possible ways to go about this - using Sleight of must create a disguise, which costs you 1gp in
Hand or Disguise and Con special skills. (This is materials for every day that you use it. Dressed up as
separate from the brute force method of a�acking perhaps a tax collector or tithe taker, you are now
them with a weapon!) ready for your scam. As with pickpocketing, you may
only a�empt this on social encounters. You cannot
Sleight of Hand - pickpocketing. scam/pickpocket the same target and if you a�empt
Should you wish to pickpocket your way around to scam someone, you cannot use their other options.
Titan, the following rules apply. Firstly, this can only
be used in a social encounter - you can’t pickpocket a Firstly, make a Disguise skill roll - if you fail, they
goblin that is trying to stab you. Secondly, if you realise something is ‘off’ about you and leave before
choose this option it replaces other dialogue options. you can even start your pa�er. Next make a Con roll
You can’t a�empt to pickpocket someone and then but with a -3 penalty as you are trying to get them to
stand around having a chat with them, even if you are hand over money. If you succeed, they are convinced
successful. and hand over 1d6 gold pieces, and you may move
on. If you fail, they have seen through this charade
To make an a�empt, you should use an opposed and will tell you to leave them alone. Once this
SKILL test as detailed in the core rulebook. For the happens, news gets around and it will not be possible
civilian their Awareness = their SKILL + 2. So if you to a�empt it again for one week. If you critically fail
tried to pickpocket an Acolyte, you would test your your Con roll they are sure this is criminal and cry
Sleight of Hand skill against their Awareness of 5+2 = ‘Watch! Watch!” Roll on the Lawbreaker table.
7, using the ‘contested skill test’ rules. A critical
failure on your part (rolling double one) or a critical Other restrictions
success by them (rolling double six) means you have Clearly you must be sensible regarding your choice of
failed, no ma�er what your skill levels are! victims. Trying to pickpocket a drunken dwarf is fine,
trying to pickpocket or scam a leper is just
Should you succeed, you have made off with 1d6 unreasonable. Only one scam or pickpocket a�empt
gold pieces, completely unnoticed by your victim. may be made per location per day.
Should you fail, they have noticed your knavery and The fast moving world of Titan
will proceed to loudly cry ‘thief! thief!’ in an a�empt As you move around your location, you should end
to rouse the watch. You must test your LUCK. If up with various bonuses or penalties to skills such as
successful you get away before the guards arrive - Bargain or Etique�e, which reflect your
move your hero to an adjacent map location. If you understanding of the layout of this place and the lives
fail, the watch has arrived and you must roll on the of its people. However, Titan is a fast moving and
Lawbreaker table to see what happens to you. unpredictable world and the people's memories are
short when it comes to showering them with praise or
holding grudges. Should you leave a location for a
day or more, you lose all these bonuses and penalties
and start again with a fresh slate.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
4.2 Se�lement Social Encounters combat rolls for them according to the standard rules
and they will mimic the hero - if the hero flees, they
In this section are the ‘social encounters’, so called flee too.
because it is usually possible to avoid combat and
success is achieved by using social skills - Etique�e, Important note: This feature is intended to provide
Con, Bargain, Leadership and a few others. some assistance to the heroes, not allow them to build
up an army of followers! You should only have one of
Each person you meet has a ‘Social Rank’. For more each type of person available to help you - so if you
details on social rank and how it is used, see section have already met a peasant today and persuaded
7.2 ‘Social Status & Rank’. The important point to them to help you, no more will be persuaded to help
remember is that the difference in social rank acts as you until you have used their services.
a modifier to skill tests for Etique�e, Con, Bargain or
Leadership rolls. If your hero has a social rank of 5
and they are talking to a Leper with social rank 2, Table 4.2.1 Se�lement Social Encounters
they have a +3 bonus to their skill tests. If however S1 Leper S24 Farmer
they are talking to a Young Noble who has social rank S2 Escaped Slave S25 Suffering
7, they have a -2 penalty. Heroes start their Penitent
adventures with a social rank of 3. Progress is made S3 Town Crier S26 Group of
by completing adventures. Noblewomen
S4 Dwarf Pedlar S27 Scavenger
Heroes should also consider how long it takes to S5 Group of Traders S28 Apothecary
complete an encounter - if you are in hot pursuit of a S6 Wedding Party S29 Wandering Elf
villain, you may not have time to spend half an hour S7 Toady S30 Nobleman
to an hour cha�ing with a washerwoman. S8 Trumpeter S31 Mummers
S9 Hag S32 Fur Trader
Temporary skill bonuses and penalties: Many of the S10 Puppet Show S33 Artisan
encounters give you an opportunity to gain a bonus S11 Squire S34 Knight-Errant
to a future skill use, though often at the risk of S12 Desperate Chef S35 Night
suffering a penalty. Such bonuses and penalties last Watchman
until you use them (usually by making a skill test) or S13 Glu�onous Merchant S36 Tithe Collector
leave that se�lement for a day or more. Remember S14 Servant S37 Friar
that if you want to retire to an inn or drinking den to S15 Young Noble S38 Witchsniffer
‘wait it out’, you have to pay the cost of food and S16 Burnt Out Building S39 Messenger
lodging. S17 Drunken Dwarf S40 Children
S18 Peasant S41 Beggar
Call for Aid! S19 Acolyte S42 Townsfolk
From time to time heroes might come across people S20 Priest S43 Student
they can convince to join their cause. This will be S21 Surly Watchmen S44 Soldier
described in the text as ‘So-and-so says you may call S22 Rowdy Barbarian S45 Con Artist
upon their aid’. The hero may ask this person to fight S23 Pie Seller S46 Dying Man
alongside them, usually for one encounter only (as
described in the text). The hero will have to make the
AFF Adventure Creation System
Standard Encounter Options S1 Leper
As a reminder, in Chapter 3 we detailed a number of SKILL 4
encounter options. A hero may wish to use this (or STAMINA 5
others they can think of) to deal with the challenges Social Rank: 2
they face. Armour: None
Weapon: Unarmed
Table 3.1.1 Standard Encounter Options - A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
see descriptions in Chapter 3 for more details.
Option Action Hunched against the side of a building with their
Fight Begin combat and resolve it using the begging bowl next to them is the sad figure of a leper.
normal combat rules, you may use a His hands and face are wrapped in dirty bandages
ranged weapon or spell in the first that do not quite conceal the ravages of the disease.
round if you have spo�ed your target.
Flee Run from combat; test your LUCK to A small bell is tied on a rope around their neck, to
escape or suffer a ‘free hit’. warn strangers not to approach too closely. As you
Sneak A�empt to use Sneaking to get past pass by, they reach out a hand and ask if you can
your target, consider what bonuses or spare a coin or two. What do you do?
penalties apply.
Talk Use a social skill, you must share a ● This man has a terrible affliction and you are fearful
means of communication with your of it. Pulling your cape across your face and holding
target. your breath, you scurry past as quickly as possible.
Trick A�empt to Trick your target in some ● This terrible affliction has no cure, but you can ease
way, a variety their suffering. Being careful
of means not to touch them, you place 2
including gold pieces into their begging
magic can be bowl and offer up a prayer to
used. whatever gods may be
Bribe Offer your listening. The leper thanks
target an you; you may call upon their
amount of aid once whilst in this city,
gold to ignore but only if you are in Slum
your actions. Alley, Graveyard, Dump or
Feed Offer an Infirmary locations.
animal food in ● Their very presence
order to threatens you and everyone
distract it. else! You curse them and
strike out with your weapon,
telling them to begone! The
leper cries out and, grabbing
his bowl, shuffles off in a
pathetic fashion.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
S2 Escaped Slave S3 Town Crier
Social Rank: 2 Social Rank: 3
Armour: None Armour: None
Weapon: Unarmed Weapon: Dagger
A�acking this person is not an Unlawful Action. A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
A pathetic whimpering noise catches your a�ention. Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The town crier is making his
You look around and realise that what you thought rounds just as you happen to be passing by. Clanging
was a pile of refuse is a person, dressed in ta�ered his bell to announce the start, he has news to tell of
rags and with a set of heavy manacles on their wrists. goings on in this place and also from the wider lands
hereabout. The fellow is wide of belly and red of face,
You can see they have been branded on their face and dressed up in a ta�y livery that has definitely seen
arms, meaning that they must be an escaped slave. be�er days. His voice is strong though and a small
They look up at you and plead for a li�le bit of food crowd of people stop to listen to his pronouncements.
or gold, for they are starving. What do you do? What do you do?
● Pass them a bit of food (deduct one rations from ● Sit and listen for a while. This could be a moment to
your inventory) and move on. You don’t have time to eat some rations, or just rest your weary legs. You
deal with their troubles. may roll on the ‘Trivia & Gossip - Rumours & Events’
● The manacles are large but ill-made. You offer to try table (Chapter 8), this applies in addition to other
and break them off - make a SKILL test using the rumours & events you are experiencing
Strength or Locks special skill. If you succeed the ● You listen to the Crier but also decide to work the
slave is truly grateful and you may call upon their aid crowd a bit to find out what people think of today's
once at a later point, when in the slums or garbage news. You may make an Etique�e Special Skill roll. If
heap locations. successful you gain +1 to your next City lore skill test
● Slavery is a ro�en from your information collection work.
business, but not ● You listen half-heartedly but you are mostly
your business. thinking about turning this to your advantage. As he
Sighing, you move finishes you approach the Crier and offer him a bribe
on to your next to include news of your heroism in his next
encounter. announcement! Make a Bribery Special Skill roll. If
● An escaped slave successful you must deduct 2d6gp but your next two
is probably a Leadership or Etique�e skill rolls will gain a bonus of
criminal. You draw +2 as news of your valour travels around the city.
your weapon and ● You have no time to listen to ti�le-ta�le. Shoving
move to a�ack. Due your way through the crowd you head onward.
to their status in ● You decide to take advantage of a distracted crowd
society this is not to do a bit of pickpocketing. Make a test of your
treated as an Sleight of Hand skill. If you succeed, gain 2d6gp but
Unlawful Action. if you fail roll on the Lawbreaker table.
AFF Adventure Creation System
S4 Dwarf Pedlar S5 Group of Traders
SKILL 6 (Three Traders in all)
Social Rank: 3 STAMINA 7
Armour: Mail Cuirass Social Rank: 5
Weapon: Handaxe Armour: None
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. Weapon: Club
A�acking these people is an Unlawful Action.
From the corner of your eye you spot what appears to
be a living backpack. Huffing and clanking along is a You come across a group of local traders and
large leather pack festooned with all manner of craftsmen, who are having a spot of lunch and a few
things; bits of armour, pots and pans, some no doubt well earned tankards of ale whilst
tradesman's tools and at least one sword. discussing business ma�ers. Although not at their
stalls, this could be a good opportunity to get to know
Looking more closely you can see a pair of hobnail some of them and find out how the local economy is
boots shuffling away underneath and above them going, or just pick up some gossip. What do you do?
what may be the tip of a shaggy beard. This strange
creature stops next to a stone bench and with a huge ● They seem to be happy on their own and you don’t
sigh the dwarven pedlar puts down the pack that had feel like cha�ing. Leave them be and move on to your
almost entirely hidden him. next encounter.
● Ask if you can join them for a bit. Deduct one ration
He takes a swig of something from a flask, lays out a or pay 2gp for your meal. You may make an Etique�e
ta�y blanket on the ground and quickly starts placing special skill roll to see how well you get along - if
his wares upon it. What do you do? successful you have got the inside track on a few
deals and may have a +2 bonus to your next Bargain
● You have no need for knick-knacks such as these. special skill roll.
You pass quickly on to your next encounter. ● You are not interested in trading but these people
● There’s no harm in having a look. You stop and must know their way around. Offer to buy them a
browse his wares. You may purchase any piece of drink whilst you pump them for information. Deduct
‘general equipment’ here at the normal cost, or sell 2gp but add +2 to your next City Lore roll
any small items you have up to a value of 5gp ● These soft goldmongers don’t know the dangers
● This fellow must know a thing or two about the you face to protect their way of life and it’s past time
world - you decide to engage him in conversation. they got a taste of it! Smash your fist onto their table
Make an Etique�e skill roll, with a +2 bonus if you are and with a hoarse growl let them know how lucky
willing to offer him one of your rations. If successful they are. Make a Con Special skill roll. If successful,
you gain a +2 bonus on your next City Lore skill roll gain a +1 bonus to your next Bargain Special Skill roll
due to your fearsome reputation.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
S6 Wedding party S7 Toady
(6 peasants in all) SKILL 4
STAMINA 6 Social Rank: 5 (+1 if a bribe of 1d6gp is offered)
Social Rank: 3 Armour: None
Armour: None Weapon: Dagger
Weapon: Unarmed If a�acked, the Toady will a�empt to flee on the first
A�acking these people is an Unlawful Action. round. See below.
In a world full of horror and misery it is pleasant to A well dressed man catches your eye, even though he
come across a merry sight from time to time. A seems to be trying to lurk in the shadows. He is
wedding ceremony has just finished and the party, all looking around nervously and rubbing his hands
in good spirits, are making their way to some house together as if suffering from the cold and seems to be
or inn to continue the celebrations. The bride and giving furtive glances left and right as though he is
groom are at the centre of the group, holding hands expecting someone. Looking him up and down you
and smiling at each other whilst all around them their note that the clothes are well made but also well used,
friends and relations chat and laugh. What do you and have patches in some places and his skin is pallid
do? and sickly. Still, the fellow might be a useful source of
information. Perhaps you should question him?
● Curse them for their happiness and spit at the feet
of the revellers. They look at you for a moment, ● He looks too shifty to trust, leave him about his
shocked by your rudeness, before moving away business and move on to your next encounter.
hurriedly. Lose 1 point of LUCK, but your next Con ● A�empt to engage him in conversation by
skill roll gains a +2 bonus as word of your vicious pretending that you know what he is up to; make a
nature spreads. roll using the Con special skill. If successful you learn
● Cheered by this sight you step forward and press something to your advantage and gain a +2 bonus to
2d6 gold coins into the hands of the newlyweds, your next City Lore roll, though if you fail the Con
wishing them all happiness. Gain 1 point of LUCK. skill test the toady lies to you and your next City Lore
● Although a pleasant thing, it's really none of your roll has a -2 penalty.
business. Ignore them and move onto your next ● Hand on weapon, you try to corner this chump -
encounter. but he has no stomach for this sort of thing and flees,
● A wedding means valuable presents, right? You flinging a small coin purse at you as a distraction.
may a�empt a Sleight of Hand special skill roll to rob Gain 1d6 gold pieces and Move on to your next
one of them as they pass. There is a penalty of -2 to encounter. He is too much of a coward to report you,
a�empt this theft due to the size of the crowd. If you so you don’t need to roll on the Lawbreaker table
succeed, gain 1d6 gold pieces. If you fail you are unless you encounter the toady a second time in this
spo�ed and given some hard kicks before you location.
manage to escape - lose 1d3 points of STAMINA.
AFF Adventure Creation System
S8 Trumpeter S9 Hag
Social Rank: 4 MAGIC 3 (Devotion 5)
Armour: None Social Rank: 2
Weapon: Club Armour: None
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. Weapon: Dagger
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
You spy a young man, dressed in livery and carrying
a trumpet. Clearly some sort of herald, he is currently What seems to be a pile of rags turns out on closer
taking his leisure and enjoying a mug of small ale inspection to be an elderly woman, si�ing on a low
whilst watching the world go by. Not a particularly stool, clothed in layer after layer of patched and
unusual sight, but it occurs to you that a herald could repaired robes. She is giving you a toothless grin and
overhear a lot of things in the course of his work and beckoning you over. ‘Come and have your fortune
might be a good source of information. What do you told, traveller’ she rasps at you with a voice like the
do? crackling of dried leaves, flourishing a ta�ered pack
of tarot cards in her other hand. What do you do?
● March over and knock the mug of ale away, making
it clear that he needs to spill the beans or there will be ● You don’t believe in this sort of baloney. Move on
trouble. Make a Con skill roll. If successful you gain a to your next encounter.
+2 bonus to your next City Lore roll in this location. If ● You are intrigued. Si�ing next to her, you pass her
unsuccessful the lad walks away smirking at you, a gold piece. She shuffles her Tarot expertly and lays
take a -2 penalty to your next social skill roll in this out the cards, explaining as she goes, showing you a
location. glimpse of what fortune has in store for you. Roll 1d6:
● You give him a li�le nod to say hello but otherwise 1-2 your future looks troubled and you must deduct
leave him alone to enjoy his day. Move on to your one LUCK point. 3-5 the cards reveal a rosy outlook
next encounter. and you may restore one LUCK point. On a 6, a
● Stop and join him for a drink a�empting to engage glorious career awaits you. Restore one LUCK and
him in conversation. Make a skill roll (Bargain may be you gain +1 to your SKILL in your next combat.
used). If successful you gain some useful tidbit of ● You go over, but tell her you would rather have
information that will give you a +2 on your next social information than your fortune told. She still asks you
Skill roll. If unsuccessful the conversation goes to cross her palm with gold and if you do so will
nowhere and he eventually makes his excuses and reveal some of her secrets. You gain +2 on your next
leaves, leaving you with a 3gp bill for the drinks. City Lore Special Skill roll.
● Hire his services? Make a Bargain skill roll, if you ● She’s a witch! Get her! You draw your weapon and
succeed he will, for a 2gp fee, accompany you for the advance grimly on this servant of darkness. Her eyes
rest of the day and announce your presence with a widen and she gives out a scream before fleeing with
fanfare, granting you a +2 bonus to any two Etique�e surprising speed for one so ancient. This is an
or Leadership skill tests but making it impossible to Unlawful Action and you must now immediately
use the Sneaking skill. You can dismiss him at any leave this location or roll on the Lawbreaker table. If
time. If you fail the Bargain skill test he is too busy to you encounter the Witchsniffer you may give him the
help you out. location of this hag to avoid him.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
S10 Puppet Show S11 Squire
(Two A�endants ) (Puppeteer) SKILL 5
STAMINA 7 9 Social Rank: 4
Social Rank: 3 3 Armour: None
Armour: None Leather Cuirass Weapon: Dagger
Weapon: Unarmed Club A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
A�acking these people is an Unlawful Action.
One of the best jobs for a boy is to be apprenticed to a
The squeak-squeak cries of ‘that's the way you do it!’ noble as their squire. A general servant and dogsbody
and a red and white pin-striped booth warns you that who will run around after them and in return learn
someone has set up a puppet show to ‘entertain’ the the social and martial skills needed to be a member of
children of the area. A small crowd of excited the upper class of society. It is not uncommon to see
youngsters has indeed gathered and seem to be them around town, noticeable by their a�ire, and you
enjoying the show whilst bored parents stand around have spo�ed one such lad hurrying about his
the edges of the crowd, gossiping amongst errands. For a moment he notices you and pauses,
themselves. A grubbily dressed boy moves amongst probably wondering if you are a strangely dressed
them holding out a hat and asking for pennies. peasant or somebody that he should be bowing to.
What do you do? The confused look on his face is quite comical. What
do you do?
● This sort of thing just annoys you. Shuffle past as
quickly as possible. Move on to your next encounter. ● You doubt that a child could be of any help to you.
● Stop and watch the show for a while. Make an Move on to your next encounter.
Awareness skill test. If successful you notice that as ● You decide to tease him a bit. Quickly drawing
the boy goes around asking for pennies there is a girl yourself up straight you play the role of an affronted
moving amongst the crowd picking pockets! You noble, telling him off and demanding an apology for
may sound the alarm or ignore it. If you ignore it, his rudeness. Make a Con skill roll, if you succeed he
move on to your next encounter. If you cry ‘Thief! is convinced and grovels before you! The squire
Thief!’ the girl and boy make a dash for it, quickly offers to help you for a while. At your next location,
slipping away into the crowd, but the ‘actor’ in the instead of rolling randomly for an encounter, you
booth comes out with a club in hand and charges at may choose a specific social (not map or challenge)
you! You must fight. If you defeat him you win the encounter, as the squire fetches a person to meet you.
thanks of the crowd for your honesty and the extra If you fail the Con roll, he is unconvinced by your
entertainment of the fight. Add +2 to your next social performance and simply nods at you before moving
skill roll as your reputation spreads. If you failed off.
your Awareness test, you are unfortunately a victim ● Although he is but a child, he is out and about in the
of the ‘dipper’ and must deduct 1g from your cash. city and talks to the other squires as well. You greet
What a show! him and ask him what he is up to. Make an Etique�e
skill roll. If you succeed you draw them into
conversation and may add +1 to your next City Lore
roll. If you fail, they are suspicious and shuffle off
before you can learn anything.
AFF Adventure Creation System
S12 Desperate Chef S13 Glu�onous Merchant
(Three Dwarven Cooks) SKILL 5
STAMINA 8 Social Rank: 7
Social Rank: 4 Armour: None
Armour: None Weapon: Club
Weapon: Cleaver (Hand Axe) A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
You are taking a moment on a bench seat to quietly
You are walking along a cobbled street when a nearby recover from the strains of the adventuring life when
door flies open. Coming through it is a dwarf dressed you are disturbed by the plompf of a heavy weight
in chef’s clothing - an apron covered in food stains landing on the other end. You crack open your eyes
and a huge white hat that is barely staying on his enough to see that a very large man dressed in the
head. In his hand he carries a cleaver dripping with a�ire of a merchant has sat down next to you and is
meat juices. A waft of cooking smells blows out with busy tucking into a large pla�er of food - roast bird,
him making your mouth water. The cook looks bread, a bit of stew and gravy, steamed cabbage -
around, fixes his eyes on you and says ‘You there! The there seems to be a bit of everything in this pile. The
Earl has arrived for lunch and we’re shorthanded merchant already has a bit of grease dribbling down
help us out for a few hours and I’ll treat you to the his chin, but he offers you a cheery hello and seems
tastiest supper you’ve had!’ What do you do? willing to talk (between mouthfuls). He even offers
you a bit of his dinner to share. What do you do?
● You’re an adventurer not a kitchen hand! Wave this
bothersome cook away and carry on with your day. ● Accept the food and the offer of some company.
Move on to your next encounter. You spend the rest of the day talking, drinking and
● Sounds like a good deal...you pitch in with the eating with this merchant who has many tales to tell
chopping, pot-washing and stirring for the afternoon. you about the coming and goings of the local
The other kitchen staff are very cha�y dwarves and economy. Deduct 1g for the food and drink, but gain
are happy to talk about the local area. This a 50% discount on your next non-magical purchase
knowledge means you may re-roll your next from his tips.
encounter, plus the chef does reward you with a ● This merchant should have let you rest. With a
hearty meal! In addition, if you succeed in a great heave you flip the bench seat up and over
Leadership roll you spend the evening thrilling the causing the blusterer to sprawl across the floor of the
cooks with tales of your heroism - you may call upon inn, landing atop his dinner. Make a Con roll. If
the aid of a dwarven cook once whilst in the Streets, successful he apologises profusely for disturbing you
Wealthy Streets, Tavern or Inn locations. and scu�les off to clean himself up. Add +1 to your
● You accept the offer and chuckle evilly to yourself next Con roll as your reputation gets around.
as you go into the kitchen. This dwarf will pay for not ● No one should be so bold as to approach a killer like
recognising your status. You deliberately put too you so casually. A�ack him immediately - but he is
much salt in the soup, stir some muck into the sauce no fighter and flees at the sight of your weapon. The
and ‘accidentally’ knock over the waiter carrying the kerfuffle has disturbed some of the locals and you can
roast. By the end of the day the chef is in tears and an hear them mu�ering about calling the Watch. Move
angry argument can be heard from the restaurant. on to another location before things get serious.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
S14 Servant S15 Young Noble
Social Rank: 3 Social Rank: 7
Armour: None Armour: None
Weapon: Club Weapon: Short Sword
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
It is not unusual to see servants, alone or in groups, Before you stands a young man dressed in the
hurrying about completing chores for their masters. expensive clothing of a noble: A blue silk shirt,
Most of the time you ignore them but this woman has leather trousers and boots, a belt with a silver buckle
caught your a�ention. and a dark velvet cloak. He has a fencing sword
strapped at his hip and an expression of mild
She is dressed in the usual servant garb - leather contempt on his face. His every movement tells you
boots, woollen clothing in several layers, a cloth cap that he is looking for an opportunity to show off his
and is carrying a lidded basket which probably swordsmanship. What do you do?
contains firewood or clothes for washing, you can’t
tell at the moment. ● Compliment him on his fashion sense - test your
Etique�e, if successful the noble will offer to buy you
Something about her manner is unusual, she is a bit a drink! If you meet another noble on this visit to
bolder than most of the downtrodden workers you civilization, add +1 to any social rolls as your good
see and isn’t put off by your obvious aura of danger. name has circulated. If you fail, your a�empted
As you look over, you see that she is also looking compliment backfires and he insults you - your next
back at you with curiosity. What do you do? social skill roll is at -1 due to embarrassment.
● Insult him - make a Con roll - if successful he
● People stare at you all the time, mostly due to the scurries away, but if you fail, he a�acks you and you
scars and weapons. Pay her no mind and continue must fight (It is not Unlawful to defend yourself).
with your day. ● Challenge him to a duel: He will readily accept,
● Servants are a good source of information. You swishing his sword around with anticipation. You
approach and try to make small talk. Make a test can ask for or offer surrender at any point - he will
using the Etique�e skill. If successful you may roll on surrender if below 4 STAMINA. If you surrender he
Table 8.7 Trivia & Gossip - Rumours & Events and will accept but viciously cut your face as he does so -
gain +1 to your next City Lore test in this location. you suffer -1 Etique�e for a week as it heals. If you
● It’s rude of her to stare. You snarl at her and make duel to the death it is an Unlawful Action and you
a motion as if you are about to draw your weapons. will need to roll on the ‘Lawbreaker’ table.
Make a test against Etique�e. If you succeed she ● A�empt to inspire him with your tales of
drops her basket and runs off. If you fail she is adventure: Make a Leadership roll. If you succeed
startled, but simply turns away. Either way, it is you can call upon his aid once whilst in the Streets,
unclear what you have achieved. Wealthy Streets, Inn or Tavern locations. He will fight
with you for one combat. If you fail, he mocks your
puny achievements and saunters off to tell his friends
about you. Your next Leadership skill test is at -1.
AFF Adventure Creation System
S16 Burnt Out building S17 Drunken Dwarf
Your nose alerts you to something of interest before STAMINA 9
you see it. A strong smell of smoke is wafting up from Social Rank: 3
the smouldering remains of what was probably a Armour: Mail Cuirass
small house or shop. It has collapsed in upon itself, or Weapon: Warhammer
been knocked down by fire wardens to prevent the A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
fire from spreading and is now a chaotic pile of
broken and burnt timbers, wall sections, tiling and You hear a noise that you think at first might be
furniture. You have clearly arrived some time after someone choking, but it turns out to be a red-faced
the fire was extinguished as the only people paying dwarf, singing loudly and waving around a half-full
a�ention to this mess at the moment are you and a tankard of ale. In his other hand he holds a small cask
few soot covered children picking away at the from which he occasionally takes a top up. It is clear
wreckage. There are no immediate signs of the from his staggering approach that he has been
former occupants. What would you like to do? celebrating for some time and is feeling the effects. He
is dressed in a blue co�on shirt and breeches tucked
● This is just some sort of domestic accident, not of underneath a chainmail shirt. A heavy warhammer
any interest - move on to your next encounter. hangs from a loop on his belt. He has a large foam
● Some poor family lost their home today. Talking to flecked beard of curly red whiskers, and a mop of
the children you find out that they know them, so you curly hair above a pair of twinkling citrine coloured
offer a couple of gold pieces from your pouch, eyes. The dwarf is clearly in a very good mood and
trusting them to pass it on. Deduct 2 GP from your offers you a hearty greeting. What do you do?
inventory. Word of your generosity spreads fast and
you may add +2 to your next Etique�e test in this ● Accept his greeting and share a drink with him,
se�lement. telling each other tales of adventure. Make an
● Maybe these children are onto something? Pulling Etique�e skill roll, on a success he will gift you his
a bit of cloth across your face you start to hunt around tankard. It is a heavy pewter tankard, embossed with
in the wreckage. Make an Awareness special skill test. pictures of dwarves ba�ling goblins and has the
If you succeed you find a keepsake worth 1sp. Taking le�ers ‘MM’ inscribed on the base. On a failure, you
your loot you sidle off, leaving behind a trail of ash depart as friends but with no exchange of gifts.
and smuts. You may want to clean your boots at some ● Acknowledge his greeting but slide away at the first
point. opportunity; move on to your next encounter.
● Perhaps the gods will help? You stop, get down to ● Cuff him away and insult his singing; make a Con
your knees and spend a few minutes in thoughtful skill roll; if successful he gulps down a big swallow of
prayer, asking the gods to intercede. Roll 1d6 - on a ale and scurries away, on a failure he throws the
roll of 5 or 6, this house will be rebuilt as a workshop remains of his cup in your face and walks off
(encounter M26) within 2d6 days. You may choose laughing. Your next Con roll is at -1.
the type of workshop and will always receive a 20% ● Throwing your arm around him, you decide to join
discount when using its services. in the party. The rest of the night is lost to a haze of
alcohol and song, you wake up the next day in a
random location in the city. Miraculously unharmed
but with 3d6gp less in your pocket.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
S18 Peasant S19 Acolyte
Social Rank: 3 Social Rank: 3
Armour: None Armour: None
Weapon: Club Weapon: Dagger
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
The world is teeming with peasants - those people Hurrying past you so close that you have to take a
who are just scraping by through a combination of step aside to avoid a collision, a robed woman catches
common skills and physical labour, whether it be your eye. She stops to apologise for her haste and
assisting a craftsman, digging the crops or just quickly explains that she has some urgent duties at
standing in a field minding the pigs, most people you the Temple, and that the gods must not be kept
pass in the street fall into this category. In general you waiting. You notice that she has some symbols
go by with just a nod or greeting, but sometimes you stitched into her clothing and some jewellery that
stop for a longer chat. On this occasion you have might or might not have a deeper meaning - make a
come across a likely fellow, leaning up against a post Religion Lore roll with a +2 bonus. If you succeed,
with a pot of small beer in one hand and the general you have identified which god she serves and have +2
air of a man who is looking for a lost goat, but taking to all social skill tests for this encounter (or, if you are
his time about it. What do you do? the same religion, automatically succeed). To find
out what religion they belong to, refer to section 7.1
● No harm in taking a break. You decide to stop and which sets out how to choose a specific god for a
chat with them about nothing in particular - you can temple or priest, or you can simply choose a religion
make a roll on the Trivia & Gossip - Rumours & that is appropriate for your se�ing. As she has now
Events tables. stopped to talk to you, what do you want to do?
● This lad might have seen something interesting
whilst he was standing here. Make an Etique�e roll. ● Her god is not your god. You ask her to watch
If successful he turns out to be a mine of useful where she is going in future and you move on.
information and you gain a +1 bonus to your next ● Engage her in conversation about her faith. Make
City Lore or Etique�e roll. If unsuccessful, all you get an Etique�e special skill roll. If you succeed she is so
out of him is a series of drawn out ‘yaarrs’ as it pleased by this conversation she promises to pray for
becomes clear he has had a few too many beers. you at her Temple. During your next combat, you
● Many peasants dream of living the adventuring life, gain +1 bonus to your combat rolls from this blessing.
maybe this one is up for it. You decide to inspire ● Religion is for the weak willed, a fact you can use to
them, telling tales of daring feats, terrible combat and your advantage. Make a Con roll. If you succeed, you
rich rewards. Make a Leadership roll. If you succeed, have convinced her that you are also a follower and
they will help you for a short time - they will assist on a secret mission that needs her help. She will offer
you by providing either a +1 to your combat roll or you either a donation of 2d6 gold pieces or the chance
social skills rolls in this location for the rest of today, to call upon her aid. You must choose one option
after which they will get back to whatever duties their now. If you fail your Con roll, she sees through your
employer requires. If you leave this location, the ruse and turns away haughtily, promising to warn
bonus is lost as they go back to their work. others about you. Lose 1 point of LUCK.
AFF Adventure Creation System
S20 Priest ● Falling to one knee, you profess your joy at meeting
SKILL 7 a true servant of the gods; you offer him a donation of
STAMINA 10 2d6 gold pieces for his Temple (deduct this from your
MAGIC 4 (Devotion 6) total). The old priest places his hand on your head
Social Rank: 6 (see below) and offers up a prayer of blessing; roll 1d6 - on a 5 or
Armour: Leather Hauberk 6 the gods have listened and you gain +1 point of
Weapon: Staff LUCK.
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. ● He may look friendly, but priests are known to be
cunning and greedy too! You nod at him before
You spy an older man dressed in long pa�erned robes swiftly moving on to your next encounter.
and a similarly decorated satin hat. He is holding a
carved staff and talking to a group of nervous looking
peasants. After a few moments he dismisses them
and, as he turns to leave, notices you studying him.
His clothes and staff mark him out as a person of
distinction, but behind the hefty grey beard a
welcoming smile has appeared and it looks like you
have a chance to talk to him before he moves on.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
S21 Surly Watchmen S22 Rowdy Barbarian
Social Rank: 3 Social Rank: 2
Armour: Mail Hauberk Armour: Leather Hauberk
Weapon: Halberd Weapon: Great Axe
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
You have inadvertently caught the a�ention of two It is hard to ignore the extremely large wild haired
watchmen, who were standing about carefully man, dressed in furs and leather, that is striding
avoiding any trouble to disturb their day. Dressed in toward you. Across his shoulders lies a large and
armour and each carrying a wicked looking halberd, wicked looking axe and as he approaches you he
they saunter over and ask you what your business is. takes an enormous gulp of beer from a tankard before
They don’t seem particularly aggressive, just a bit tossing it carelessly over his shoulder.
bored but interested in what a stranger like you is up
to. What do you do? Pulling his axe down to his side and stamping it onto
the ground the barbarian points at you and speaks.
● Tell them you are a simple traveller going about ‘You there, adventurer - come and show your worth!
your business and promise you aren’t going to cause Stand and fight me if you dare!’.
any problems. Move on to your next encounter.
● Tell them you are a bit lost and ask them for You notice a small crowd of bored peasants has
directions - make an Etique�e roll. If successful they appeared, seemingly from nowhere, to watch this
give you a few directions and you gain +1 to your exciting turn of events. What do you do?
next City Lore roll. If unsuccessful they give you just
one direction - be on your way. ● Oh, this looks bad. Before things have a chance to
● Ge�ing The Watch on your side would be very get worse, you turn and shove your way through the
helpful - you explain your predicament and try to crowd and dash away as the laughter of the barbarian
convince them to help you. It is difficult, as they echoes in your ears. Move to your next location.
would rather go to a tavern than help a dangerous ● Smiling, you offer a terse ‘very well’ and accept the
adventurer. Make a Law skill roll with a -3 penalty. If challenge. Fight 4 rounds of combat with the
successful you may call upon the aid of one barbarian. Whoever has lost the most STAMINA in
watchman once in this se�lement (but not in the that time is the loser. If you win, the barbarian thanks
Catacombs). If unsuccessful they are suspicious of you for the challenge and offers to buy you a drink.
your plans and demand you move on immediately - Gain +2 to your next Leadership skill roll. If you lose,
you must move to another location at once. the barbarian still offers to buy you a drink and you
part as friends. In the case of a draw, you may either
move on to your next encounter or fight another 3
rounds of combat.
● Snarling, you draw your weapons. This fool should
not have disturbed you and now they will pay. You
fight the barbarian to the death. The crowd of
peasants was excited by the prospect of some action,
AFF Adventure Creation System
but left horrified at the casual manner in which you ● You’ve no need for food just now, so you move on
dispatched your opponent. Add +2 to your next Con to your next encounter with a grumbling stomach.
roll as word of your savage nature gets around the ● Buy a delicious pie, of course! For the cost of 1gp
local area. you can acquire a large and tasty meat pie. Roll a 1d6
● You are a poet, not a fighter: You try to persuade when you eat it - on a roll of 1 you have unfortunately
this hefty drunkard to put down his weapons and ended up with a bit more sewer rat in your pie than
come for a drink. Make an Etique�e skill roll with a expected, and you spit it out in disgust (the pie seller
+3 bonus if you have any alcohol to offer him as a has moved on by this point - no refunds). On a 2-6
bribe. If you succeed, he recognises you as some kind you get a delicious pie which restores 3 points of
of bard and agrees to swap life stories: you gain +2 to stamina (and counts as one of your meals for today).
your next Forest or Mountain Lore roll. If you fail, he Yum yum.
is angered by your a�empt at friendliness. He grabs
you mid sentence and hurls you across the ground
leaving you in a crumpled heap. Your next
Leadership skill roll is at -2 as your confidence also
● You want a pie but don’t feel like paying for it. You
can a�empt a Con skill roll with a -3 penalty to
wheedle a free pie out of her. If you fail, she is
disgusted with your begging and moves on. If you
S23 Pie Seller get a pie, make a roll as above.
SKILL 4 ● You wait a moment and watch. As people jostle
STAMINA 6 around her, salivating at the prospect of a well
Social Rank: 3 cooked pie, you could try to pinch one. Sliding into
Armour: None the crowd, you may make a Sleight of Hand skill roll.
Weapon: Improvised (Hot Pies, scalding gravy If you succeed, you manage to sneak away with an
causes 1 point of burning damage each illicit pie (make a roll as above to determine the
hit) quality) but if you fail, your larceny is spo�ed. The
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. pie seller slaps your hand away and the crowd looks
at you suspiciously - you must slink away to another
‘Pies for sale! Hot pies for sale! Get’em before they’re ● For whatever malicious reason, you have taken a
cold, get’em before they’re all sold!’ Comes the cry of dislike to this purveyor of baked meats. Rushing up
a wandering pie seller. Dressed in peasant garb, but to her, you whack your hand underneath the tray
with a greasy apron across the front, a young woman sending pies spinning in every direction. A look of
is carrying a cloth lined wooden tray filled to the brim shock on her face is quickly replaced by tears as she
with a wide selection of pastry topped pies. They are scrabbles around picking up the ones that are intact.
evidently freshly cooked as steam rises from them It is time for you to move on, but with a penalty of -1
and a mouth-watering smell of cooked meat and to your next etique�e roll as word of your viciousness
pastry fills the air. What do you do? gets around.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
S24 Farmer S25 Suffering Penitent
Social Rank: 4 Social Rank: 3
Armour: None Armour: None
Weapon: Club Weapon: Club
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
A brawny farmer has brought his cartload of You were trying to avoid the shuffling chanting figure
cabbages and turnips to market and is busy trading but unfortunately as you pass you catch his eye.
them to hungry peasants. His cart is almost empty of Stopping in his tracks the man reaches out his hands
vegetables but despite that he seems to be grumbling towards you and implores you to abandon your path
about something and generally a bit upset with the and look to the gods for salvation, lest ye be damned,
world, stamping around in the mud in his thick work damned!
boots and pushing and slapping at his ass, which
stands forlornly in the harness. What do you do? Now that you are caught by his intense gaze, you can
get a be�er look. Before you stands an older man with
● Neither cabbages nor turnips are of use to you now. a bald head and a scraggly grey beard. He is dressed
Being careful not to catch his eye, you slide past while in ta�ered clothing that has been crudely repaired in
he is distracted and move on to your next encounter. many places.
● Try to cheer him up with a bit of light conversation
and stories about your heroism. Make an Etique�e Most noticeably he has several large ropes and chains
roll with a +2 bonus. If you succeed it seems to take tied around his body in ways that look designed to be
his mind off his problems and in return he provides uncomfortable and you can see that the bare skin
you with an explanation of the local farming around his neck and chest is chafed and bloody from
conditions and best varieties of turnip and cabbage the punishment. He is clearly some kind of religious
that should be planted. Gain 1 point in Region Lore - zealot who has taken it upon themselves to purify
Plains (you can only gain this benefit once per himself through suffering. Perhaps he wants you to
planting season). If you fail he is just annoyed by join him? What do you do?
your boasts and waves you off, move on to your next
encounter. ● Shaking yourself free from his grasping, bony
● Ask him what the problem is? He quickly tells you hands you stammer something about how much you
that his cart has got stuck in the mud and he can’t respect all the gods and quickly move on before he
shift it. If you want to help you can make a Strength can grab you again. Carry on forward to your next
skill roll to help him shift it (if you don’t want to help encounter.
you can make your excuses and leave). If you fail, you ● Filthy Cur! How dare this madman put his hands
are embarrassed and must move on to the next on you - with a snarl you shove him away and let out
encounter. if you succeed you shove the cart out of a string of curses. As he falls back he makes a strange
the mud and he thanks you with a bag of assorted sign in the air toward you before scu�ling away. Roll
vegetables - gain two meals and you may Call Upon 1d6 - on a roll of a 1 you have angered the gods and
the Aid of this NPC once, but only when you are in lose one point of LUCK. On a roll of a 6 you have
the Marketplace or outside the city walls. pleased some deity and gain one point of LUCK.
AFF Adventure Creation System
● This man is clearly troubled by life and it may help S26 Group of Noblewomen
him if you at least listen. You find a quiet spot nearby (All 3)
and let him explain his message. He rambles on for SKILL 4
some time, speaking intensely about his grand vision STAMINA 7
of the universe and how best to serve the gods, before Social Rank: 7
eventually tiring to the point of near silence. He Armour: None
thanks you for listening, then gets up and shuffles off, Weapon: Dagger
seemingly drained by the effort of talking. The next A�acking these people is an Unlawful Action.
time you visit a Temple, restore one point of LUCK as
the gods acknowledge your act of charity. However, Swishing along in thick skirts of good cloth are three
close contact with this man comes with peril. Roll a young women, cha�ering to one another about
1d6 - on a 1 or 2 you have caught a disease. Roll on something that is, judging by their laughter, highly
Table 4.3.2 ‘Diseases’ to see what has befallen you. amusing. You are so dazzled to see a small island of
colour and mirth that only a last minute side-step
stops you from crashing into the middle of the group.
The women look up, startled by your sudden
presence and their conversation comes to a halt as
crashing as the one you just executed. They do not
seem impressed - what do you do?
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
S27 Scavenger S28 Apothecary
Social Rank: 2 Social Rank: 6
Armour: None Armour: None
Weapon: Dagger Weapon: Dagger
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
Almost blending into the rubbish piled up in the A middle-aged woman is bustling along with the
corner you spy a shambling figure dressed in rags look of someone in the midst of a busy and
and leather patches, with a woven basket strapped to demanding day. A faint clinking noise comes from
her back. She is poking around with a stick and from one of the several pouches a�ached to her belt and
time to time hooking something up to deposit in her you notice that her clothes are well made and at least
stash. Although dirty and unkempt, she has a kind moderately expensive. She is a few steps past you
face and you wonder what she might have overheard when she turns around and points her finger towards
in her travels around the city. What do you do? your chest saying ‘You there! Are you here with my
deliveries? I need them urgently.’ What do you do?
● As kind as she may be, that’s not the help you are
looking for. Move on to your next encounter. ● Mumbling something about ‘heroic deeds’ and ‘end
● Smiling, you go over and strike up a conversation of the world’ you move off to your next encounter.
about life in the city. Make an Etique�e roll. If you ● Intrigued, you ask her about these deliveries. She is
succeed, you chat for a while and add +1 to your next annoyed that you are not her courier, but explains
City Lore roll. If you fail...even this lonely person that she is in need of rare herbs and ingredients. She
would rather pick through trash than talk to you. asks you to keep an eye out for rare plants - if you do
● This woman could be of use to you. You sound her encounter any, you can roll a Healing or Herb Lore
out about some light spying duties - make a Con skill skill roll and if successful, take a sample that you can
roll with a +2 bonus if you are willing to part with one sell to this apothecary for 5gp each (maximum three
of your meals. You can have an additional bonus of +1 samples) the next time you meet her.
for every 1gp you are willing to offer her. If you ● Spying an opportunity you tell her that you have
succeed, she is willing to keep an eye out for you. The her deliveries, but you have put them somewhere
next time you need to make an Awareness check in safe for the moment. Make a Con skill roll - If you
this city, you can succeed automatically as you have succeed she pays you 5gp and says she will wait here
been ‘tipped off’. You can’t use that service again whilst you retrieve them. You must take your illicit
until you randomly meet another Scavenger. money and move to a new location. If you fail, she is
● This could be a cunning disguise...avoiding her eye, suspicious and refuses to pay up. Your next Con skill
you shimmy over until you are right behind her and roll is at -1 as you question your ability to deceive.
wrestle the basket off her back to see what she is ● You politely explain that you are not here with
really collecting! Unfortunately, it is mostly junk and deliveries but you might be interested in her services.
a tussle ensues before you let her get away - you grab She is willing to listen. You may purchase a healing
one item (make a roll on the Everyday Items treasure salve for 10gp that will either restore 2 points of
table) but the embarrassment causes you a -1 penalty stamina or cure one disease. It needs to be used when
to your next Leadership skill roll. fresh (within the next three days).
AFF Adventure Creation System
S29 Wandering Elf S30 Nobleman
Social Rank: 4 Social Rank: 8
Armour: Leather Cuirass Armour: Breastplate
Weapon: Sword Weapon: Sword
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
The elven are a reclusive people and whilst not Accompanied by 4 men-at-arms:
unknown they are a rare sight outside of their SKILL 6
wilderness homes, so you are surprised to spot an elf STAMINA 8
si�ing idly nearby in the shade of a tree. He seems to Social Rank: 3
be quite at home and completely unconcerned by the Armour: Medium
bustle and chaos of the everyday human life around Weapon: Sword
him. Perhaps it is some sort of meditation technique? Crossbow (loaded and ready to shoot)
Intrigued, you walk over and nod a greeting, hoping A�acking these people is an Unlawful Action.
to find out what he is up to. What do you do?
● On second thoughts, this might be a bad idea. After A member of the nobility has taken some time away
you exchange greetings, you move on to your next from their feasting and councils in order to take a
encounter. jaunt around the city. He is a middle aged man, very
● Try to strike up a conversation. The elf is a li�le well dressed in finest cloth lined with fur, riding a
wary but still an interesting hero like yourself is horse and surrounded by four pugnacious looking
someone worth swapping stories with. You sit down men-at-arms. He is holding a piece of silken cloth
with him and pass an hour or two discussing the state over his mouth and nose, presumably to ward off the
of the world. Add +1 to your next Hunting or Forest smell and miasma of the less fortunate, some of
Lore skill roll. By the time you have finished you are which approach him asking for alms only to be
surprised to see it is near dark and you should find a shoved away by his guards. It isn’t clear what he is up
place to rest. to, other than a spot of sightseeing. What do you do?
● The elves are an arrogant lot and you see no reason
why they should stand aside from the world of ● It’s probably best not to get involved with someone
mortals. Walking over you confront him and demand powerful. You let him pass and move on to your next
he gives up any information that might help you. encounter.
Make a Con or Leadership skill roll with a penalty of ● Perhaps you could make a useful friend? Stepping
-2 unless you are an elf. If successful he offers up out, you bow and a�empt to introduce yourself.
what he can - gain +1 on your next City Lore skill roll. Make an Etique�e roll. If successful, the nobleman
If you fail, he mu�ers something in elvish and strides stops for a while and listens to your tale and promises
away, quickly fading into the crowd. to spread the word of your heroism amongst his
Special: If your hero is an Elf, you may choose to friends. Gain +1 bonus to your next three Etique�e
engage with him in conversation and learn what he rolls. He also hands you a pouch containing 2d6 gold
has discovered about this se�lement. You pieces. If you fail the roll, he assumes you are just
automatically gain +1 to your next social skill roll in another beggar and his guards shove you away.
this se�lement. The conversation takes several hours.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
● Perhaps this wealthy man can offer you a job or S31 Pair of Mummers
become your patron. You move in front of him and, SKILL 5
ignoring the crossbows pointed in your direction, STAMINA 8
introduce yourself as an adventurer for hire. You Social Rank: 4
must test your LUCK - if you are successful the Armour: None
nobleman listens to your story with interest and, after Weapon: Dagger
some consideration reveals to you the location of a A�acking these people is an Unlawful Action.
Catacomb (encounter M4) within the se�lement
(drop or roll a dice onto your map to find where the In a quiet corner you can see a pair of mummers
entrance is) that has been concerning him. If you are (actors) who are taking a few moments to go over
willing to clear it out - defeat all the monsters you their roles. A man and a woman, they are both
find within - he will send a messenger to find you wearing large amounts of make-up and large
with a purse containing 4d6gp as a reward! If you fail awkwardly balanced wigs sit on their heads. From
the LUCK test he listens to half your tale before what you can tell the current scene is a very dramatic
dismissing you as a charlatan, telling his guards to one, on top of which the pair appear to be somewhat
keep an eye on you as they leave. drunk.
AFF Adventure Creation System
● They aren’t doing anything useful or important, so S32 Fur Trader
you try to recruit them. Make a Leadership skill roll. SKILL 7
Success means you may Call Upon their Aid. In one STAMINA 9
future encounter. They will either arrive and pretend Social Rank: 3
to be skilled swordsmen, distracting your opponent Armour: Leather Hauberk
and causing them a -2 penalty, or they can help you Weapon: Shortbow, Axe
out in a Social encounter, pretending to be your A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
sidekicks and adding +2 to your social skill rolls. You
can only do this in the Inn, Tavern, Drinking Den or A hunter has come to town to sell his haul of furs.
Theatre locations. Next to him he has a wooden rack covered in pelts
● Ask them for some tips and tricks on the fine art of and furs of a number of creatures, all cleaned and
acting; For a small fee - 5gp - they will spend an hour ready for working into clothing or some other
or so with you showing you a bit of their skills and household use. The hunter is a rough looking man,
teaching you a few tricks. You can add +2 to your next not young, with the hard face of someone who has
Disguise or Con skill tests. spent many days and nights in the wilderness. Dark
eyes look out from under the brim of foxtail hat and
his long beard is braided into a plait which blends
into his bear hide poncho. It is clear that he is a skilled
trapper, but what does he know of the city? What do
you do?
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
S33 Artisan S34 Knight-Errant
Social Rank: 6 Social Rank: 6
Armour: Leather Cuirass Armour: Breastplate, Large Shield
Weapon: Hammer Weapon: Sword
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
A sturdy looking middle aged woman dressed in Your eye is drawn to a heavily armed and armoured
practical work clothes and a leather apron is seated man who is si�ing working on the edge of his sword
on a nearby bench whilst using a couple of small tools with a whetstone. Judging by his demeanour and the
to work a design onto a wooden block. You watch her crest on his shield, which is resting at the back of his
for a moment; she is intent on her work, making seat, you guess that he is a knight-errant - a capable
careful incisions on the piece with a small chisel and fighter that moves from lord to lord seeking out
hammer, occasionally changing to a different tool opportunities to prove their valour according to the
which she pulls from the large pockets on her apron. knightly code. From the look of him, you think that
It is clear that she is a skilled crafter and you suspect he might be from Gallantaria. Even though he is
from the quality of her apparel that she is well paid wearing armour and a heavy travel worn cloak, you
for her work. What do you do? can tell that he is a powerful warrior and could be
either a useful ally or a dangerous foe. What do you
● Maybe when you are a famous hero, you will let her do?
make a woodcut of your exploits, but for now you
leave her be and move on to your next encounter. ● Knights and their codes of behaviour are
● A craftswoman such as this must know a lot about troublesome. Avoiding his a�ention, move on to your
the city; you try to strike up a conversation with the next encounter.
hope of discovering something useful. Make an ● Maybe you could recruit him? Approaching the
Etique�e roll. If you succeed she is happy to chat with knight, you introduce yourself and explain your
you about her work and you gain +1 to your next mission. Make an Etique�e or Leadership roll with a
Bargain and City Lore rolls. If you fail the roll, she is -3 penalty. If successful, he is impressed with your
too absorbed in her work to talk. bravery and agrees to Come to Your Aid - you may
● You don’t have time to be nice. You reach down and call upon him once in this se�lement, he will appear
snatch the woodwork out of her hands, then demand and fight alongside you for one combat. If you fail the
she helps you on your quest if she wants her piece roll, he listens politely but deems your exploits to be
back. Make a Con roll. If successful, she cowers and unworthy.
agrees to help you - gain +1 on your next City Lore ● Knight or not, you’re going to knock the polish off
roll. If you fail, she stands up and starts loudly his armour. You march up to him and demand
haranguing you for your rudeness, quickly a�racting satisfaction - he is shocked, but after a moment agrees
a crowd of onlookers. You realise it is time to move on to fight you, provided there are some rules. You will
to your next encounter. Your next Bargain roll has a fight for five rounds of melee combat, whoever wins
-1 penalty as word of your rudeness spreads around. the most rounds is the victor. You may submit at any
point (though he will not unless reduced to 3
STAMINA or less). If you should defeat the knight, he
AFF Adventure Creation System
grudgingly hands you a purse of 10 gold pieces as S35 Night Watchman
your prize. If you lose, he lectures you at some length SKILL 6
about pride and its dangers and your next STAMINA 9
Leadership skill roll is at -2. If you don’t like his rules Social Rank: 3
you can either a�ack him anyway (this will be an Armour: Leather Cuirass
Unlawful Action) or sneer at him and move on to Weapon: Quarterstaff
your next encounter. A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
● A warrior such as this must have some wisdom or
tips that they could pass on, perhaps you can Shuffling along with a wary step comes an old man,
convince them to provide you with a quick training his beard as white as moonlight, dressed in several
session? After introducing yourself and explaining layers to keep out the cold and carrying a lantern
your request the knight tells you that his services topped staff in one hand and a bell in the other. As his
come with a price - test your Bargain skill if you are light illuminates you, he stops and peers out from
willing to pay the 2d6gp he is charging. If you fail the under the brim of his wide brimmed hat. ‘Who goes
test your offer is too low and he grumpily requests there?’ comes the query. The night watchman stands
that you move on. If you succeed the knight-errant and waits for your reply, ready to ring his bell in
takes your coin, agrees to spar with you and try to alarm if needed. What do you do?
correct the flaws in your technique. Sparring takes
several hours, so make sure you have the time to ● Hold up your hand in greeting and reply ‘just a
spare before you start. At the end of this class you feel traveller, coming home late’ before moving on.
you have sharpened your wits and loosened your ● Stand stock still and glare at him - make a Con skill
arm, you have +1 to your combat rolls and damage roll. If you succeed, the old man quails and backs
rolls until the end of the next day. You may request away, leaving you alone in the darkness. If you fail,
this service if you meet the knight again, but only he stands his ground and starts ringing his alarm bell
once per week. - you must move to a new location immediately or
roll on the Lawbreaker table.
● Greet him and, showing you mean no harm, go
over and talk. He is more than happy to pass some
time in conversation - it is preferable to patrolling the
dangerous streets. Make an Etique�e skill roll. If you
succeed you learn a few things and gain +1 on your
next City Lore roll, if you fail you learn nothing and
● A knight from the Old World must have travelled when you stop cha�ing, you realise that you have
far and wide and learnt a great deal. You resolve to sit wandered away to a new location. Pick one that is
with him and make conversation - make an Etique�e adjacent to where you started.
skill roll. If you succeed you can spend a few hours ● The job of night watch is poorly paid and risky -
swapping tales - increase your World Lore skill by offer him 10gp and make a Con or Leadership skill
one permanently (this can only happen on your first roll. If successful, you can Call upon the Aid of this
meeting with the Knight, on subsequent meetings fellow, who will fight alongside you - but only for
gain a temporary +1 bonus to World Lore). If you fail encounters at night. If you fail the roll, he takes the
the Etique�e roll, he politely declines to spend time gold but makes no promises...
with you and asks you to move on.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
S36 Tithe Collector 1d6 Tithe
SKILL 6 1 The collector has mistaken you for somebody
STAMINA 10 else, probably a peasant or labourer. You
Social Rank: 5 might be upset by this but on the other hand,
Armour: Leather Hauberk it means he thinks you have already paid your
Weapon: Dagger due and leaves you alone - this time.
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. 2 The man flicks through his lists, struggling to
find a suitable reason for taking your money.
Much to your dismay, you have caught the eye of a In the end, he se�les on a charge of one gold
tithe collector, sent out on the official business of piece, but with the promise that he’ll
ge�ing revenue for his lord or lady. This rotund definitely expect more from you next time.
middle aged man, dressed in good cloth as fits his 3 There is a bit of a discussion about what you
station, carries with them a large book detailing the should be taxed as and in the end you manage
expected rates and payments along with a carved to convince him that you are basically a
wooden seal which grants them the authority to servant and really aren’t worth that much.
charge a levy as they decide. You let out a sigh, Your charge is a relatively minor 1d6 gp.
because you know that once you have been entered 4 Waving his seal under your nose and
into the lists by the collector they will seek you out generally making it clear that you are beneath
again in the future. In the meantime it is likely they him, the Collector eventually decides that
will charge you. Already, you can see the tithe being a sell-sword makes you a type of
collector is leafing through their book, no doubt merchant and charges you 2d6 gold pieces.
trying to work out how much should be charged on a 5 The tithes have been poor this year and the
‘hero’. What do you do? Collector is looking to make up some of the
shortfall. With a nasty smile on his face, he
● Quickly, you try to dash away before they can latch levies you for 4d6 gold pieces.
onto you. Make a test against your Sneaking skill. If 6 Perhaps the Collector was beaten up by an
successful you manage to slip away unnoticed, but if adventurer recently, because he seems to find
you fail, the tithe collector intercepts you; add +1 to all sorts of reasons to levy you - sword tax,
your roll on the table below. armour tax, boots tax and so on - it all adds up
● Try and talk your way out of it. Make a test against to a charge of 8d6 gold pieces! It’s a shocking
your Con or Law skill. If you succeed you convince fee, but what choice do you have?
the Tithe Collector that you’ve already paid your
dues for this season. If you fail, he is upset by your Special: A�acking the Tithe Collector is considered to
blustering and increases your charge - add +1 to your be an extremely serious offence. If you do take this
roll on the tithing table below. choice, you must apply a -3 penalty to your roll on the
● Accept your fate and make the payment as Lawbreaker table, which must be done immediately,
required. It’s painful, but the alternative is being as the Watch keeps a careful eye on him.
thrown out of the se�lement, so you grit your teeth Special: If all else fails, you may test your LUCK to
and put up with it. avoid the tithe. If you succeed, a messenger runs up
and he is called away immediately, but if you fail the
LUCK test you roll again on the tithe table adding +1
to the result. Double taxed!
AFF Adventure Creation System
S37 Friar
Social Rank: 6
Armour: None
Weapon: Quarterstaff
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
S38 Witchsniffer one of Etique�e, Religion Lore or Magic Lore (your
SKILL 8 choice). For each time you fail he will fine you 1d6
STAMINA 13 gold pieces for your lack of faith! If you refuse to pay
Social Rank: 7 (or answer) he will call for The Watch to deal with
Armour: Chain Hauberk you and you must roll on the Lawbreaker table!
Weapon: Sword
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. Special: If you are currently engaged in fighting The
Coven, you can explain your situation to the
With his wide-brimmed hat and silver bu�oned Witchsniffer and he will be keen to help you. He will
longcoat of thick black leather, the Witchsniffer is an provide you with a charm (a small pouch of herbs
immediately recognisable figure. Working his way and bones) that fills you with determination and
through the crowds, this tall man is as alert as a hawk. increases your SKILL or MAGIC (you choose) by one
His dark eyes dart from person to person, pausing when fighting witches. After giving you this help and
only long enough to scan them for signs of heresy and some advice, he pats you on the back and wishes you
chaos. the best of luck - indeed you may restore one point of
His gaze alights on you and he stops, evidently
intrigued by the possibilities for questioning that you
present. You note that as he is considering you his
hand has moved to the pommel of his sword. What
do you do?
AFF Adventure Creation System
S39 Messenger S40 Children
SKILL 4 (1d6+1 Children)
Social Rank: 3 STAMINA 3
Armour: Dodge Skill 3 Social Rank: 3
Weapon: Improvised Armour: None
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. Weapon: Unarmed
A�acking these people is an Unlawful Action and
Si�ing on a barrel at the side of a street is a girl, idly indeed it is considered so heinous that a -6 penalty on
drumming her heels on the staves and looking the Lawbreaker table applies.
around. When she sees you she hops off the barrel
and comes tro�ing over with a determined look on You see children everywhere in the city, playing,
her face. ‘Hey you, hero - need to find someone? I can running errands or helping out their parents at some
help!’. trade or other. Here a group have escaped the
clutches of the adults and are playing a game of
The girl explains that she is available for hire as a ‘guards and goblins’ with the two sides pelting and
messenger and she is adept at finding people around taunting each other from either side of the street.
the city, for a fee of course. What do you do? Usually you would slip past them unnoticed but they
have taken an interest in you and started asking
questions about your equipment (‘why'd ya have so
many weapons?) and what you are up to (why ain’t
you out farming turnips? Did ya lose your pigs?) so it
seems you are going to have to do or say something
to get past.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
S41 Beggar S42 Townsfolk
SKILL 3 The random encounter tables for each location are
STAMINA 5 tailored to suit them - so you are more likely to
Social Rank: 2 encounter a priest at the temple than the jail - but
Armour: None there are some townsfolk which are found
Weapon: Unarmed everywhere and there are some times, if you are
A�acking this person is not an Unlawful Action. using this book as an aid to running adventures,
when you might need a random, non-specific citizen.
A head covered in filthy ma�ed hair, crawling in lice, Use this table then refer to the specific encounters. If
holds a face which is pox-scarred and weatherbeaten. you don’t want to add an additional encounter at this
Filthy rags cover the man’s painfully thin body and point, you can ignore the ‘Townsfolk’ encounter and
limbs as he holds out a wooden bowl towards you. simply treat them as background figures, ignored as
‘Alms for the poor?’ he asks in a voice that has been you make your way through the se�lement.
ravaged by too many icy cold winter nights spent
sleeping in the rough. Whatever he once was, this Table 4.2.2 Townsfolk -
beggar is now amongst the lowest of the low. What roll on this table then refer to the encounter
do you do? 2d6 Daytime Nigh�ime
2 C1 Cutpurse C16 Cu�hroats
● Holding your cape over your face to avoid 3 S15 Young Noble S27 Scavenger
infection, you step smartly around him and move on. 4-5 S14 Servant S14 Servant
● Pity tugs your heartstrings: Reaching into your 6-8 S18 Peasant S18 Peasant
purse you drop 1 gold piece into his bowl - the beggar 9-10 S40 Children S35 Night Watchman
is overjoyed and thanks you profusely, to the point of 11 S44 Soldier S2 Escaped Slave
embarrassment as a small crowd has noticed your 12 S41 Beggar S41 Beggar
generosity. Add +1 to your next Leadership roll.
● What is worth more than gold? A bit of kindness,
you believe. You stop and talk to the man, offering
him what comfort you can before you move on. Roll
1d6 - on a roll of 1 you have caught something from
him and must roll on ‘Table 4.3.2 Diseases’. On a roll
of 6 the gods have noticed your efforts and favoured
you; restore one point of LUCK.
● Ask him if he wants a job: Make a Bargain or Con
roll with a +2 bonus. If you succeed you Call Upon
the Aid of this beggar when in the Slum Street,
Graveyard, Garbage Heap, Temple or Jail locations
for a fee of 1 gp. He will hurl himself into combat,
armed with a club. If you fail the skill test the beggar
is afraid of you and shuffles away like a beaten dog.
AFF Adventure Creation System
S43 Student S44 Soldier
Social Rank: 4 Social Rank: 3
Armour: None Armour: Leather Hauberk and Small Shield
Weapon: Dagger Weapon: Spear
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
Wandering along in a cloud of frustrated It is clear that the man standing nearby is a soldier or
concentration, book in hand, you see the robed figure mercenary. His ba�ered face and muscular build
of what must be a student. She is obviously making would have been clue enough without the arms and
an a�empt to absorb her lessons, but you also note armour he wears like a second skin. He is brooding
that her other hand holds a jug of something with a over a jug of ale with a sour look on his face and
distinctly beer-y smell. She is probably a noble of hasn’t noticed you, so you take a moment to study
some kind - not many peasants can afford to send him. You can see that he has well worn leather
their children to school, let alone college - but it might armour and a spear with a brightly polished tip. His
be worth talking to her anyway. What do you do? boots are large and stout, his tunic and hose seem to
be in good condition. In short, this is someone who is
● What could a student teach a master such as ready for duty. What do you do?
yourself? Leaving her to her studies, you move on to
your next encounter. ● He doesn’t seem to want company and you are
● Walk over and introduce yourself. Make an happy to oblige him. Move on to your next encounter.
Etique�e test - if you fail she excuses herself and ● Saunter over and introduce yourself, in the hope of
hurries away, if you succeed she gives you a long talk exchanging war stories for a while. Make an Etique�e
taking at least one hour. Your next Lore roll of any roll - if you succeed you can spend a while discussing
kind (except City Lore) gets a +1 bonus. Exhausted ba�les and combat, as a result of which you gain +1
from nodding your head and listening, you move on. on your Combat skills for the next fight you are in,
● Students have romantic notions which you could trying to put into practice the tips you’ve picked up
put to use! Approaching, you explain your mission from him. If you fail, he makes a crude joke at your
and it’s dangers - make a Leadership skill roll. If you expense and you retreat, embarrassed - your next
succeed you can Call upon the Aid of this student Con roll is at -1 due to this humbling.
once whilst in the College, Hospital, Inn, Tavern or ● You cough loudly and raise two fingers at him in
Wealthy Streets location. If you fail they are horrified the universal sign of challenge. Make a test against
back away from you before scrambling away. your Con skill. If you succeed you have taunted him
● You’ve never liked bookworms. Striding over you into a�acking you, and you can fight without rolling
knock the book from her hand and try to grab her on the Lawbreaker table. If you fail the test he simply
beer - she holds onto that tightly. Make a Con roll. If sneers at you and goes back to his drinking.
you succeed she shrieks and runs, leaving you with a ● Offer him 1gp to give you directions to either an
jug of beer and a book worth 1d6gp. If you fail she Armourer or Weaponsmith - the next time you are in
stands her ground and calls for the Watch - you a location which has one of these as a possible map
should move on immediately, or stay and roll on the encounter, you may automatically choose to find it.
Lawbreaker table if you really want to.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
S45 Con Artist S46 Dying Man
Social Rank: 5 Social Rank: 3
Armour: None Armour: None
Weapon: Dagger Weapon: Dagger
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
You are approached by a neatly dressed and groomed Coughing and splu�ering their last, you have come
figure, a man who extends his hand to you in greeting across a victim of the type of violence that is all too
and starts to ask you questions about your life and common in the city. It is clear that without assistance
exploits. He is talking fast and with a certain charm this person will soon be going to meet their maker.
and wit. They seem to know that you are an What do you do?
adventurer and are fascinated by your heroic travels,
though you are not sure why. What do you do? ● You don’t know why they’ve ended up this way
and you don’t want to find out. Averting your eyes,
● You don’t trust this person so you are going to you move on.
brush them off and move on. ● This poor wretch needs your help, urgently. You
● You decide to engage them in a game of wits. Make can use either the Healing skill or, if you have it,
a contested skill roll using either Etique�e or Con magical healing to aid them. If you use the Healing
skills against their SKILL of 6. If you win, you skill you must pass a skill test to have an effect. If
convince them to help you out for the rest of the day your healing is successful, you staunch their wounds
- they will not fight for you but help you with social and bring them back to consciousness. You may also
situations, providing +1 to Etique�e, Con or Bargain move them to a Temple or Hospital location and pay
rolls. If you lose, they have talked you out of 3d6gp. 5gp to the priests to save them if you have no trust in
How did that happen? your own healing skills. If you should save them,
● Clearly this is some sort of ne’er do well, intent on they are too weak to do much more than thankyou for
causing you problems - you grab them and shake your help but promise to remember you. If you
them vigorously to get your message across. Make a should die in this se�lement, roll 1d6 - on a roll of 1
test against your Strength skill - if you succeed they your new friend happens to be passing by and will
are suitably frightened and flee, dropping 1d6gp in return the favour by pulling you to safety! You will
their panic. If you fail they wriggle out of your grasp wake up at one of the Temple locations, with all your
and dance away, jeering. Your next Con roll is at -1 gear and one point of STAMINA. The life-debt is
due to embarrassment. repaid.
● Something tells you The Watch might be interested ● Life has no mercy for the weak. You quickly frisk
in this fellow - you take careful note of his them for valuables as they clutch at you feebly - roll
appearance. The next time you meet a member of The 1d6: 1-3: Nothing, 4-5: A pouch containing 1d6gp, 6:
Watch or find yourself in the Jail or City Gate You are spo�ed and a hue and cry is raised - you must
locations you can try and report him - make a test of roll on the table 4.1.30 ‘Lawbreaker Table’.
your Law skill. If you succeed, The Watch gives you
a reward of 1gp for the information, if you fail the test
they have no idea who you are talking about.
AFF Adventure Creation System
4.3 Se�lement Challenge Encounters Temporary skill bonuses and penalties: Some of these
encounters give you an opportunity to gain a bonus
In this section are the ‘challenge encounters’, so called to a future skill use, though often at the risk of
because they involve some level of danger to your suffering a penalty. Such bonuses and penalties last
hero, although some can be avoided by use of social until you use them (usually by making a skill test) or
or movement based skills. leave that se�lement for a day or more. Remember
that if you want to retire to an inn or drinking den to
Heroes should consider how long it takes to complete ‘wait it out’, you have to pay the cost of food and
an encounter - if you are in hot pursuit of a villain, lodging.
you may not have time to a�end an Archery Contest.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
Standard Encounter Options C1 Cutpurse
As a reminder, in Chapter 3 we detailed a number of SKILL 6
encounter options. A hero may wish to use this (or STAMINA 7
others they can think of) to deal with the challenges Social Rank: 1
they face. Armour: Leather Hauberk
Weapon: Dagger
Table 3.1.1 Standard Encounter Options - A�acking this person is not an Unlawful Action.
see descriptions in Chapter 3 for more details.
Option Action Make a test against your Awareness Special Skill with
Fight Begin combat and resolve it using the -3 penalty. If you fail, a skilled cutpurse has relieved
normal combat rules, you may use a you of 2d6 gold pieces. Deduct them from your total
ranged weapon or spell in the first and with a heavy sigh, move on with your adventure.
round if you have spo�ed your target. If you succeed, you have noticed the a�empt and
Flee Run from combat; test your LUCK to must decide what to do.
escape or suffer a ‘free hit’.
Sneak A�empt to use Sneaking to get past ● Slap her hand away and tell her to stop bothering
your target, consider what bonuses or you. The next time you encounter a cutpurse you
penalties apply. may ignore it, as she recognises you. Move on to your
Talk Use a social skill, you must share a next encounter.
means of communication with your ● You notice the hand working a blade towards your
target. coin pouch, and with a swift movement you a�empt
Trick A�empt to trick your target in some to grab and twist the wrist. Make a SKILL test. If you
way, a variety of means including succeed, you have caught this thief and can hold onto
magic can be used. her for long enough to a�ract the notice of a
Bribe Offer your target an amount of gold to Watchman. Hand her over to receive a bounty of 1d6
ignore your actions. gold pieces. If you don’t like doing the dirty work for
Feed Offer an animal food in order to the Watch, you may fight her. This is not an Unlawful
distract it. Action.
● You spin about and growl in the face of this thief.
Make a Leadership special skill test. If you succeed
she cowers before you and you may question her
about this location. Add +2 to your next City Lore or
Secret Signs test. If you fail, she is startled but not
intimidated and will flee.
AFF Adventure Creation System
C2 Falling Masonry C4 Funeral Cortege
You are walking along minding your own business Carrying a coffin draped in dark cloth, a group of
and trying to work out where to go next when you mourners are making their way down the street. They
hear a creak and a snap from above you - a part of the are dressed mostly in black with hoods obscuring
building you are passing has broken off and bricks their faces.
and tiles are plummeting toward you!
Four men carry the casket, trudging their footsteps
Make a LUCK test (or test your skill to Dodge). If you through the filthy mud of this alleyway. At the head
succeed you manage to dive out of the way. You may of the procession a tall woman carries a large gong
continue on your way. with which she is beating out the slow rhythm of
their march and next to her a short but very rotund
If you fail, you are caught by the falling debris and man is waving an incense burner and chanting a
suffer 1d3 points of damage. Cursing your ill fortune, dirge.
there is nothing to do but dust yourself down and
continue your travels. They take up most of the narrow street. You stop,
thinking to pay your respects as they pass. What do
C3 Falling Nightsoil you do?
Passing along a narrow street lost in your own
thoughts you hear a shout of ‘mind out below!’ as the ● Bow your head and offer up a prayer as they pass.
contents of someone's bedpan are tossed out of a Make a LUCK roll. If you fail the procession stops as
window above you! You have only a moment to dive it reaches you and the coffin is opened, revealing it to
out of the way and avoid the stinking slurry. be empty - these are not mourners, they are actually
cultists looking for a victim to fill it! Fight them to
Make a LUCK test (or you may test against your survive. If you pass the LUCK test, the cortege slowly
SKILL, using the Dodge special skill if you have it). If moves by.
you succeed you manage to sidestep the spla�er and ● Something about this bothers you. Make an
after aiming a few curses upwards, you may continue Awareness SKILL roll - if successful you spot the
with your adventure. If you fail you are drenched in bulges of concealed weapons under their robes and
waste. For a moment you stand stock still, recognise the chants as those of a foul death cult...you
contemplating the disaster. What do you do? have just enough time to slip away down a side alley
before these cultists reach you. If you fail the roll,
● Accept your fate and march on. Due to the stench make a LUCK roll as above to see if they wish to grab
you will be at -3 to all Social Skill tests until you have you!
a chance to clean yourself (at an inn or river). ● You’ve no time for this sentimentality. You barge
● Vengeance! Drawing your weapon you smash forward, secretly hoping that they drop the coffin as
through the door of the offending house and rush you jostle them. Moments later you realise your
upstairs, where you apply a hefty beating to the poor mistake as the Cultists a�ack you - they want you in
fellow that drenched you. He begs your forgiveness that coffin! Make a test of your Strength skill - if you
and helps clean off the muck, but your violence has succeed, you have scared the cultists with your
been noticed by the locals who have called the Watch, belligerence and fight with a +2 bonus.
and you must roll on the Lawbreaker table, with a
minimum result of 6.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
SKILL 5 C5 Archery Contest
STAMINA 6 An archery contest is being held! A local lord wants
Social Rank: 2 to call on the support of his archers and to make sure
Armour: None that the peasants are training as the law requires.
Weapon: Club
A�acking these people is not an Unlawful Action. All may enter for a fee of 3gp and try to win a prize.
Each archer is given 10 shots to prove their worth.
There are 6 cultists that must be fought off, they will
fight to the last. You must fight them three at a time.
They wield clubs as weapons (concealed in their
loose robes) and they have no armour.
AFF Adventure Creation System
C6 Black Powder explosion. C7 Una�ended stall
Ahead of you, you see a dwarven sapper is pulling a Passing along a quiet street you notice a small stall
cart of barrels across an intersection. He loses his selling a variety of interesting looking bric-a-brac. As
footing on some stones we�ed by last night's rain, you approach to see if there is anything of use to be
slips and pulls the cart over. Before you can react, one had you realise that the stall is una�ended and that
of the barrels bounces free of the cart, spins across the there does not appear to be anyone around paying
slick cobbles before popping open and spilling its a�ention.
contents of black powder straight onto a small stove
a footman is using to brew up his drink! There is a What do you do?
bone shuddering explosion! Roll against Dodge to
dive out of the way. If successful you hurl yourself ● Have a quick look at the stall and snaffle one item
through a doorway and onto the floor of a hovel, before hurrying away. You may choose either a small
avoiding damage. If unsuccessful you take 1d6+2 bronze ke�le suitable for brewing up a warming
points of damage, plus the heat of the explosion drink (worth 3gp), a cloak clasp fashioned from
knocks your boots and hat off, and singes away your copper in the shape of an oak leaf (worth 1gp) or an
hair, eyebrows and beard (if any). Deduct one from iron rod, about 4 inches in length and covered in
your next 3 social skill rolls as you get used to it and strange runes (worth 5gp). Sniggering to yourself you
-3 to Disguise skill rolls for a week as it grows back. make your escape.
Either way you are deafened for one day, deduct 2 ● Wait patiently until the stallholder appears and
from your Awareness skill tests until tomorrow. make sure no one else takes your advantage of the
situation. After a few minutes an old tinker appears
As you look around the aftermath you see the and thanks you for waiting. You may purchase any of
explosion has sca�ered the other barrels of powder the items noted above for 1g or continue with your
around, knocked the sapper over, sent the footman travels. If you make a purchase, she chats to you
flying along the alley and started several small fires. about the area and you may re-roll the encounter for
How do you react? your next location.
● Using your Bargain or Evaluate skill you spend a
● The job of the hero is to help others. You start few minutes carefully sifting through the items on
pu�ing out fires and a�end to the footman, who is sale. If you make a successful skill test you notice a
injured. Make a Healing roll. If successful you bring pewter tankard that was made by a famous
him round. He tells you his name is Rodni of Skoom, craftsman. When the tinker re-appears you may
halberdier. You may call upon his aid once. He has purchase it for 1g, it may be sold to another merchant
SKILL 7 STAMINA 8 and wields a halberd. for 20g! Add +1 to your LUCK score.
● As your head clears you realise what a mess this
place is, which is just a distraction from your mission.
Pulling yourself to your feet you move on.
●In the aftermath, you notice that no one is paying
a�ention to the black powder. Although you have
heard it is a dangerous secret, you decide to steal a
keg. Make a Sleight of Hand roll. If you fail you must
roll on the Lawbreaker table. The keg can be sold for
75gp or it contains thirty ‘charges’ of black powder.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
C8 Ghoul C9 Giant Rat
Social Rank: - Social Rank: -
Armour: None Armour: None
Weapon: Small Claw Weapon: Small Bite
A�acking this creature is not an Unlawful Action. A�acking this creature is not an Unlawful Action.
Special: If the Ghoul hits you four times, you
will become paralysed and unable to Any se�lement will a�ract rats and mice and any
defend yourself! large se�lement will also gather some of their larger
more aggressive kin - the Giant Rat. Unfortunately
You notice a lurching figure dressed in ta�ered rags. for you, you have disturbed one which is now leaping
Initially, you think it to be some poor leper or other out from its hiding place to a�ack! With its vicious
unfortunate that you may be able to help in some teeth and claws this pestilent creature needs
way, until it turns toward you showing a face of dispatching as soon as possible. Your options are
ro�ing flesh and exposed bone! Gasping in horror simple - kill it or flee.
you realise this must be a ghoul, escaped from its
crypt and hungry for flesh! At this moment it is Note, that should you be bi�en by this mucky
leering at a screaming peasant and looks set to creature (you take damage from an a�ack) you may
devour the poor defenceless wretch. What do you become infected with a disease. Test your LUCK. If
do? you fail, roll on the diseases table (Table 4.3.2
Diseases) to see what afflicts you.
● A terrible thing, to be sure, but not actually your
problem - you can try and slip away unnoticed. Make If you succeed in killing it and you happen to be a
a Sneaking Special Skill roll. If you succeed you can dwarf, you may make a SKILL (Crafting) test to turn
get away in the commotion. If you fail, you still the Giant Rat into a dwarven delicacy, rat skewers. If
escape the ghoul but your cowardice has been you succeed you may gain one rations. For a non-
noticed (and will be widely reported!) and you suffer Dwarf, the SKILL test has a -4 penalty. (Just don’t
a -2 penalty to your next Leadership skill roll in this think too carefully about what it was eating before
se�lement. you caught up with it).
● You are a hero and it is time to do your thing. You
step forward, pu�ing yourself between the ghoul and
its intended victim. If you succeed in vanquishing it,
your bravery will be spoken of in the inns and taverns
of this place. Gain a +2 bonus to your next Leadership
skill roll in this se�lement.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Diseases Diseases take effect from the morning after you
Unfortunately, the monsters of Titan are a hotbed of contract the disease. Refer to the duration given to see
diseases and some encounters will grant you a chance how many days you have to suffer. Diseases can be
of experiencing one of these for yourself. If you are addressed at the Temple or Hospital locations, for a
required to do so, refer to the table below to see what fee. Once you have had a dose of disease, you will be
effect your ailment has. immune to that disease (but not any others) for one
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
C10 Goblin Infiltrator C12 Mass Brawl!
SKILL 6 You were lost in your thoughts for once and had
STAMINA 8 barely noticed a commotion starting in the people
Social Rank: - nearby. Something about cabbages and a goat
Armour: Leather Cuirass perhaps? You have no time to find out as you are
Weapon: Short Sword startled by the whoosh of half-brick as it passes
A�acking this creature is not an Unlawful Action. within an inch of your face. Suddenly very awake
you realise that whatever the argument was, it has
Unbeknownst to you a sneaky goblin infiltrator has descended into a mass brawl, with people swinging
been lurking here, waiting for a victim. As you fists, clubs, chairs or whatever else comes to hand -
approach it leaps from its cover to a�ack you! You you see a plump washerwoman give someone a hard
must make an Awareness special skill roll, to see if crack to the side of the head with her chamberpot and
you are surprised on the first round of combat. After duck just in time to avoid ge�ing covered by its
that, it is a straight fight to the death - if you survive, contents. You have seconds to decide what to do!
you may move on to your next encounter.
●This is madness! You look around for a quiet spot
and start to duck and dive your way towards it. Test
against your Dodge three times. Each time you fail,
C11 Burning House you take one point of STAMINA damage as you get
Passing by a group of wooden dwellings, you hear a clunked by a fist or foot. Once you have made the
commotion and shouting voices. A moment later the tests you have successfully wriggled your way into a
smell of smoke hits you - one of the houses has caught hiding spot and can wait until the brawl ends.
fire! A woman stands outside trying to beat at the ● Wahey! This is what you’ve been looking for - you
flames with a broom and a child is dashing off in enthusiastically join in with the violence, swinging
search of water. A few people have stopped to look left right and centre with a huge grin plastered on
and are wondering what to do. What do you do? your face. The brawl is fought as if it was a single
creature with SKILL 8, using a Club as its damage
● Walk on by. This isn’t a problem you are interested type. It has no STAMINA score (injured participants
in. Move on to your next encounter. crawl off) but keep track of how much damage you
● Try and rouse other people to help fight the fire. do each round. You must fight for six rounds before it
Make a Leadership skill roll, if successful you round dissipates - if you do more damage to the brawl than
up a chain-gang to bring water and put out the fire. it has done to you, everyone is highly impressed and
You are rewarded with a hearty meal (eat it now or your next Con or Leadership roll gains a +2 bonus.
add one to your provisions). ● Someone could get killed over cabbages? You let
● Dive in and a�ack the fire yourself; every round out a mighty roar and and bellow at them demanding
you must roll against Dodge skill or take one point of they come to their senses and stop fighting. Make a
damage. If you survive 6 rounds of firefighting you Leadership or Law roll. If you succeed, the crowd
have put it out almost single handedly. As a reward puts down its weapons and skulks off. Gain +1 to
the householder gives you a family heirloom; a silver your next Leadership roll due to newfound
pendant cast in the shape of a fox with a piece of confidence. If you fail, you are subject to a barrage of
amber for an eye. It is a pre�y piece of jewellery, objects - take 1d6 points of STAMINA damage as you
worth 5gp if you want to sell it. flee - move to a new location on your map.
AFF Adventure Creation System
C13 Hobgoblin Spy C14 Runaway Horse
Social Rank: - Social Rank: -
Armour: Leather Cuirass Armour: None
Weapon: Sword Weapon: Hooves (Small Claw)
A�acking this creature is not an Unlawful Action. A�acking this creature is an Unlawful Action.
You were taking a moment to yourself whilst A cry of ‘Gangway! Gangwaaaay!’ startles you into
standing in a shady corner, looking around at the turning around just in time to see a young man lose
bustle and hurry of the streets when you notice control of his horse which throws its rider and bolts,
another figure also standing in the shadows, straight towards you! If you don’t take action it will
observing the crowd. Curious about this you move a surely crash into you at high speed.
li�le closer to get a be�er look.
● Try to get out of the way - you can use your Dodge,
As you close in, your curiosity increases - they appear Jump or Acrobatics skill to hurl yourself to one side
to be armed and something about their posture before you are trampled. If you fail the test, you are
disturbs you. As you mull this over and their cowled struck by the horse and bowled along the cobbles,
head whips around, revealing the twisted features of suffering 1d6 points of STAMINA damage.
a hobgoblin! It must be here spying out a place to ● Try to grab the reins! You can use either Animal
raid! With a rasping hiss the hobgoblin leaps to a�ack Lore or Ride skill as you a�empt to control the beast.
you, as the nearby townsfolk sca�er in fright. If you succeed, you manage to grab hold of it and rein
it in. Gain +1 to your next Leadership skill roll as the
Special: The Hobgoblin Spy wants to escape rather locals applaud your bravery. If you fail, the horse is
than fight to the death. If it is reduced below 5 not impressed and knocks you flying - suffer 1d6
STAMINA it will a�empt to flee. It is fleet of foot and points of STAMINA damage.
agile, so it will clamber over the rooftops and walls to
get away.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
C15 Wrestling Contest First Challenge: ‘Dirty’ Hans. SKILL 6 STAMINA 7.
A large group of peasants and townsfolk has At the start each ‘round’ roll a 1d6 - on a 1 or 2 ‘Dirty’
gathered in a doughnut shaped crowd around Hans has grabbed you in a delicate spot (a big ‘oooh’
something that is causing them to cheer and shout in from the crowd) and the pain causes you a -2 penalty
excitement. Ge�ing closer you can see that in the to your SKILL for that round. If you win, you get a
middle a wrestling match is taking place, with the purse of 5gp as reward and can move onto the next
two competitors rolling about in dirt grunting and fight.
heaving as they try to gain an advantage.
Second Challenge: ‘Knuckles’ O’Reilly. SKILL 6
There seems to be a referee in charge of it and around STAMINA 8. ‘Knuckles’ likes to go for the uppercut.
the edge of the ring - which has no rope to mark it - If you lose a round to him, it means he has caught you
you can see frantic be�ing activity taking place. You square on the chin with a hard right hand and take an
note that there are a couple of Watchmen in the extra point of damage to your STAMINA in addition
crowd, enjoying the spectacle, so you think it’s to the amount rolled. If you defeat ‘Knuckles’ you
probably not against the local laws. receive a purse of 10gp and can challenge Borkin.
As the contest comes to an end with one man Final Challenge: ‘Brickhead’ Borkin. SKILL 7
slapping the ground in submission, the referee goes STAMINA 9. As well as being natural sprinters, the
around se�ling the bets and calling out to the crowd low centre of gravity and general toughness of
asking for challengers. It looks like you could step up Dwarves makes them excellent grapplers.
if you want to fight?
Each ‘round’ you fight Borkin, roll 1d6. On a 1,2 or 3
If you choose to fight, a greasy man explains the Borkin has headbu�ed you in the guts causing one
rules: you will need to be unarmoured and leave your point of STAMINA damage and -1 to SKILL due to
weapons to one side. No magic of any kind is nausea. The nausea penalty lasts for the whole
tolerated. You fight five ‘rounds’ that last one minute contest and adds up! If you defeat this champion, you
each, though only one SKILL roll is made for each get a purse of 15gp, a massive cheer from the crowd
round. and +1 to your next two Leadership rolls in this
Use Brawling skill if you have it. Both fighters are
unarmoured and use the Unarmed damage table. You can of course simply watch the contest and take
Record STAMINA damage separately to normal no part. In which case, move on to your next
damage, it is temporary fatigue and can be recovered encounter.
by resting for a few minutes between bouts. If you are
reduced to zero STAMINA you have been choked
(knocked) out and lose, you will recover a few
minutes later with a sore head as your only reward.
AFF Adventure Creation System
C16 Cu�hroats C17 Ratman
Social Rank: 1 Social Rank: -
Armour: Leather Cuirass Armour: Leather Cuiras
Weapon: Dagger Weapon: Short Sword
A�acking these people is an Unlawful Action. A�acking this creature is not an Unlawful Action.
Oh dear. A pair of Cu�hroats have found you, with Many cities are built on the ruins of previous
the sure and malicious belief that they can separate se�lements or have forgo�en dungeons and cellars
you from your fortune. where the creatures of chaos creep in and take up
Make a test of Awareness skill. If you pass, you
realise that they are upon you a moment before they At night, they creep out again to raid and kill. The
strike and you can fight the combat as normal. If you ratmen infest almost every city to some extent as they
fail the test, they have managed to sneak up on you are nearly impossible to wipe out. This one has
and gain a bonus of +2 to their SKILL in the first slithered out from some nearby hole and has been
round of combat, as they seek to finish you off as lurking in the shadows ready to spring out on its
quickly as possible. victim - you!
You must fight both of them at once. If you defeat Make an Awareness skill test. If you succeed, you
one, you may make a test against your Con skill - if notice it moments before it strikes and fight as
you succeed the other cu�hroat flees. If you fail the normal. If you fail the test it has caught you unaware
test he will stay and try to avenge his fallen and gains a +2 bonus on its SKILL combat roll in the
accomplice. first round.
If you don’t wish to fight, you can try (after the first In addition, Ratmen are covered in filth and muck. If
round) to pay them off. Make a Bargain skill roll, with you are wounded in this combat, you must test your
a bonus of one for every extra gold piece you are LUCK or contract a disease - roll on Table 4.3.2
willing to offer - if you succeed you pay them 2d6 Diseases to see what nasty surprise awaits you!
gold pieces (plus whatever you offered as a bribe)
and they decide to take their ill go�en gains and slink
back into the shadows.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
C18 Fire Sprite Arsonist C19 Ravenous Slime
Social Rank: - Social Rank: -
Armour: None Armour: Medium
Weapon: Fiery Bolts (automatically hit and Weapon: Acid Touch
cause 2 points of STAMINA damage). A�acking this creature is not an Unlawful Action.
A�acking this creature is not an Unlawful Action. Special: If this a�ack hits, it sprays acid on to you,
causing 3 points of damage. Armour protects from
Cries of ‘help!’ and ‘save us!’ alert you to a nearby this but at a cost - for each point of damage your
commotion. It appears a fire sprite has travelled from armour absorbs, you will need to spend one gold
the elemental plane of fire to burn whatever it can piece repairing it or suffer a -1 penalty to your
find, which at the moment includes people’s hats, armour rolls until you do so.
hair and houses.
The touch of chaos is upon the land, even in civilised
The sprite is leaping nimbly from rooftop to rooftop places, twisting life into new and strange forms. Here
and raining down small firebolts on the peasants and it has found a host in a colony of slime moulds and
their dwellings. People are caught between diving grown into a hungry, dangerous beast.
into cover to avoid ge�ing scorched, or ge�ing
buckets and water to put out the fires that are starting The Ravenous Slime at first appears to be a large pile
to take hold on the roofs and timbers. This could of trash - pieces of wood, leaves, scraps of clothing,
become a very dangerous situation! What do you do? the bones of some unfortunate animal and so on but
as you approach it lurches up and slithers rapidly
● Decide it’s probably someone else’s problem and towards you, sending out long tentacle feelers that
move on to another location. The peasants are not are dripping with acid - it means to devour you! You
impressed, jeering at your cowardice. Your next must fight it or end up as its next meal.
Leadership skill roll has a -1 penalty.
● Rush to help - the sprite is hard to reach without a
ranged weapon or spell, and you must pass a test
against your Jump skill to reach it. If you fail the test
you have a -2 penalty to your combat SKILL roll as it
dances away from your reach. The sprite is angered
by your interference and will launch a fiery bolt at
you every time you succeed in hi�ing it. Should you
defeat the sprite the grateful people give you 1d6gp
as a reward.
AFF Adventure Creation System
C20 Giant Spider C21 Troglodytes
Social Rank: - Social Rank: -
Armour: Light Armour: Light
Weapon: Large Bite Weapon: Shortbow, Club
A�acking this creature is not an Unlawful Action. A�acking this creature is not an Unlawful Action.
Ski�ering hideously from its hiding place comes a These li�le demon worshipping terrors are found
monstrosity straight out of your nightmares - a throughout Titan, hiding in any dark place such as an
leathery, eight legged hunting machine with venom abandoned cellar or the sewers of a city. They are
dripping from its fangs. usually found in large groups but in this case you
have stumbled on a pair that are out foraging or
This one must have crept into the city and found a scouting away from their tribe. They are vicious but
place where it can hide and prey on anyone fearful. In the first round they will shoot with their
unfortunate enough to come by its lair. You will be bows - they are very skilled and gain a +2 on their
doing everyone a favour if you can dispatch it. In combat rolls with a bow - but in the next round they
addition to the normal damage from the bite, it will will try to flee. If you wish to, you can pursue and
inject you with venom if it hits. Test against your fight them or if you would rather not, you can let
LUCK or become poisoned. them scu�le off back to the holes they crept out of.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
C22 Leaf Beasts C23 Slave Takers
Social Rank: - Social Rank: 1
Armour: None Armour: None
Weapon: Large Bite Weapon: Club
A�acking this creature is not an Unlawful Action. A�acking these people is not an Unlawful Action.
It is perhaps embarrassing and certainly un-heroic to Lurching from their hiding spot in a nearby alleyway
find oneself in combat with a bush, but it appears that are two rough men dressed in shabby clothing with a
you will have to fight this shrubbery or perish! collection of interesting ta�oos and scars on their
faces. They are clearly coming towards you and you
You had mistaken it for a normal, if very healthy notice with alarm that one of them is carrying a net
looking piece of hedgerow before you came too close and manacles!
and were startled to find it taking on the form of two
leafy bears and lunging their twigs and branches Although slavery is generally illegal, the laws are
toward you! In fact, you must make an Awareness rarely enforced and men such as these are employed
skill test - if you fail, you are so surprised that they to drag the unfortunate away to a life of servitude in
automatically hit you on the first round of combat. some form of hard labour. Most end up deep in a
mine or shackled to the oars of a pirate ship. Your
After that you can choose to stay and slay the only way to avoid this is to fight.
arboreal terror - you’ll be
doing everyone a favour - or Special: The first time one of
simply take a few steps back the Slave Takers hits you,
out of its range. If you back they will do no damage but
off, it grasps for you a few instead wrap you in a
times before transforming weighted net. This causes
back into an ordinary you a penalty of -2 to your
looking plant. It’s strange SKILL until you spend a
nature means that it takes no whole round untangling
damage from arrows or bolts yourself.
and reduces damage from
stabbing weapons, like
spears, by one point per hit.
AFF Adventure Creation System
C24 Grannits C26 Orc Raider
Social Rank: - Social Rank: -
Armour: Medium Armour: Leather Hauberk
Weapon: Small Claw Weapon: Ba�le Axe
A�acking these creatures is not an Unlawful Action. A�acking this creature is not an Unlawful Action.
These crab-like creatures, covered in hard plates of Orcs infest the dark corners of every kingdom and
bone, infest the catacombs beneath the city. nowhere is entirely safe from their a�acks. It is a
Occasionally they will venture out onto the surface in custom amongst many orc tribes to send a young
the hunt for a tasty meal. The usual way of warrior out to sneak into enemy (usually human)
discovering their presence is the remains of the territory to cause chaos of one kind or another -
domestic animals they have eaten or finding holes stealing, fighting and slave-taking are the common
chewed through the walls near any food store. They reasons. The orcs move by night and rely on stealth
may be small (about coconut sized) but they are and intimidation to avoid detection. This one has
extremely vicious and good at ambushing. Their first decided - perhaps unwisely - that you would be a
a�ack will always cause 1 point of stamina damage as good victim. Pulling back its hood and le�ing out a
they scurry in for a bite. snarl of hatred, the orc gives you no option but to
C25 Skeleton
Social Rank: -
Armour: Small Shield
Weapon: Sword
A�acking this creature is not an Unlawful Action.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
C27 Swarm of Rats C28 Monstrous Fly
What begins as a pleasant noise, like the rustling of SKILL 1
leaves in a breeze, rapidly turns to horror as you hear STAMINA 2
the squeaking and scratching of thousands of tiny Social Rank: -
claws - a swarm of rats has been driven out of their Armour: None
nest and are surging towards you, their eyes Weapon: See Below
gleaming with maddened hunger. You need to do A�acking this creature is not an Unlawful Action.
something or risk being overrun!
Perhaps it was a maggot laid on the body of a chaos
● Try to get out of their way: You may make a test warped beast, or maybe it drank a sip from the spilled
against either your Climb or Acrobatics skills to make liquids of a potion maker's workbench, for whatever
a leap to safety and cling on to some nearby surface reason a fly has grown to horrific size. As big as a
whilst the swarm passes. crow and dripping diseased fluids from its finger like
● Do you have a torch to hand or some means of proboscis, this foul creature buzzes through the city
making fire? If so you can try to ward off the swarm looking for warm blood to slurp on. The Monstrous
by using their fear of fire to keep them at bay. If you Fly is not dangerous in combat - it is too large and
choose this option, test against your Animal Lore skill clumsy to dart out of the way like its tiny brethren -
to see if you can pull it off. If you succeed the swarm but instead relies on stealth and surprise.
goes around your barrier.
● Fight them! You can’t hope to kill them all as they To avoid the a�ack you must make a test against your
pass, but maybe you can defend yourself. Make a test Awareness skill. If you succeed you can fight the fly
against your weapon skill but with a -3 penalty due as a normal combatant to avoid its bite. If you fail the
to the number of opponents. If you succeed you have test (or if the fly beats you in combat) it swoops in and
managed to keep them at bay as they pass. latches onto you for a moment, sucking on your
● Stand very still and hope for the best: You may test blood. This causes one point of STAMINA damage
your LUCK to see if the rats simply decide you are and injects you with its filth. You must test against
not worth it (maybe your feet don’t smell too tasty?). your LUCK or contract shivering disease: within
If you succeed you close your eyes and pray and minutes you feel chilled to your bones and start
when you open them again the swarm has passed. shivering as if you were naked on a mountaintop.
Your maximum STAMINA is reduced by one and
If you fail to avoid the swarm by some means you are your Combat and Movement skills suffer a -1 penalty.
bi�en, chewed and gnawed on - take 1d3+1 points of The disease lasts for 1d6 days and each day your
STAMINA damage and roll on the diseases table maximum STAMINA falls by one and you suffer a
(Table 4.3.2 Diseases). further -1 penalty to your Combat and Movement
skills. If you survive, your health returns after a full
night's rest and all penalties are removed. You may
want to go and see a healer…
After one bite the fly will buzz off to seek a new
victim, though you can try to swipe at it as it leaves
for the sake of stopping its horrible work - you’ll be
doing everyone a favour.
AFF Adventure Creation System
C29 Chaos Horror C30 Tomb Mist
SKILL See Below At first you ignore the fine mist that seems to be
STAMINA See Below creeping up from the ground but as it thickens you
Social Rank: -1 start to worry. With alarming speed your vision is
Armour: See Below obscured by a freezing fog that leaves you fumbling
Weapon: See Below in a whiteout with the temperature plummeting - you
A�acking this creature is not an Unlawful Action. start to shiver. Clearly, this is no ordinary mist, but
something malicious and predatory.
A chill runs down your spine and a feeling of dread
se�les on your mind - looking around you can see You must test your Awareness skill to escape from
nothing at first, but you have blundered into a bubble the Tomb Mist. Each round that you spend inside the
of raw chaotic magic. It seems as if something is mist, you lose 2 points of STAMINA as the cold
watching you intently then, very suddenly, a creature leeches away your life. You must succeed three times
forms out of the air in front of you as if stepping with your Awareness skill (make one test each round)
through from some other plane of reality. You get a to find a way out. You may also test your LUCK to
glimpse of sharp claws and teeth and eyes burning escape - if successful you stumble out of the mists in
red with rage before it a�acks! The chaos horror is an the same round, disorientated but alive.
amalgamation of different beasts, dredged from your
subconscious - the head of a bear, the talons of an There is no way for you to fight the Tomb Mist and
eagle and the body of a huge spider for example. All even as you leave you see that the tendrils of vapour
that really ma�ers is that it is full of fury. The beast are starting to sink back into the ground, perhaps
draws its strength from you, so the difficulty of the awaiting another victim.
fight will depend on how powerful a hero you are.
Special: If your se�lement is in a particularly hot
Hero Grade Chaos Horror climate, the Tomb Mist is a swirling cloud of ash that
Civilian SKILL 1+1d6 STAMINA 3+1d6 burns you for 2 points of STAMINA damage until
Novice Weapon: Small Claw, Armour: Light you escape it.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
4.4 Se�lement Map Encounters hero is trying to buy a Long Sword at the
Weaponsmith (M14). The normal price in a city is
The map generated at the start of exploring a city 30gp (as listed in the Advanced Fighting Fantasy
includes the major landmarks and streets, but does rulebook). With a successful skill roll that can be
not include details of every li�le courtyard, side alley reduced to 22gp, but if you fail the roll the price
or unusual building that you might find as you increases to 38gp. Remember to apply the modifiers
navigate your way around. On the encounter tables, for Social Rank (chapter 7) and other modifiers as
you might get a result which adds a new feature to described in the core rulebook.
your map. These should be marked on in some way,
as they are (usually) permanent features that can be Temporary skill bonuses and penalties: Many of the
revisited later. encounters give you an opportunity to gain a bonus
to a future skill use, though often at the risk of
To be clear that means once you have recorded that suffering a penalty. Such bonuses and penalties last
you have found a Latrine (M9) near to the Garbage until you use them (usually by making a skill test) or
Heap, you can return there any time you are at that leave that se�lement for a day or more. Remember
location to use the facilities. that if you want to retire to an inn or drinking den to
‘wait it out’, you have to pay the cost of food and
As you build up your se�lement you can record lodging.
details on your map or on a Se�lement Details Sheet
- see 4.5 for an example.
AFF Adventure Creation System
M1 Quiet Crossroads M3 Collapsing Ground!
Suggested Maximum number: 6 Maximum number: Treat as Catacombs Entrance, see
Wandering through the streets you come across a Se�lement Location description. Ground is repaired after
quiet space where several roads meet. In the centre 1d6 days.
there is a water pump next to a stone bench, with a Spying a quiet alleyway you decide that it is probably
weathered, vine covered statue behind it. Make an a shortcut to your destination, and nip down it. This
Awareness skill roll; If successful you notice that cut-through is a bit ragged and untended with many
there seems to be a map carved into the base of the plants pushing up past the cobbles and piles of
statue. rubbish to either side. Just as you are regre�ing your
decision there is a cracking noise, followed by a
● If you noticed the map you may study it for a while rumble which is followed by a yelping shout - from
a�empting to memorise the layout of streets closeby; you - as the ground beneath your feet gives way! You
gain a +2 bonus to your next City Lore skill roll. You must react immediately.
may also stop and eat a meal here.
● If you didn’t notice the map, you may stop and eat ● A�empt to dive forward across the pit. You must
a meal, but there is nothing else to be done here. make a SKILL roll using the Jump Skill or test your
Carry on to your next encounter. You may re-roll to LUCK. If successful you may continue with your
spot the map on one visit each day. adventure, if you fail you fall down into the pit,
suffering 2d6 points of damage. You may not use the
Acrobatics skill to reduce damage as you have
already tried to jump.
● Accept your fate and try to minimise the damage.
You suffer 2d6 points of damage which can be halved
if you make an Acrobatics skill test or test your
LUCK. If you wish to leave the pit, make a Climb skill
M2 Small Well test - failure results in a further 1d3 points of damage
Suggested Maximum number: 6 as you slither back down.
You come across a circular structure of worked stones
covered over with vines and some small bushes. On Either way, once the dust and stones se�le and you
closer inspection you realise it is a forgo�en well. pick yourself up, you can see what caused the
Clearing away some of the leaves and brambles you collapse. A large pipe - possibly an unused sewer -
can see that the well has water inside. has fallen in upon itself, maybe sapped by the endless
tunnelling of rats. The rubble hasn’t completely
● You aren’t thirsty at the moment, so you note the blocked it and you can see the pipe continues into the
location and move on. If you pass through this darkness. If you so wish, you may use this as an
location again you can make use of the well. entrance to the Catacombs (start generating a
● Do you have a rope and bucket? If so, you can make Catacombs map from this point) or you may ignore
use of the well. The water is crystal clear, cool and this and continue with your adventure. Mark this on
delightfully refreshing. Add +1 LUCK point for your your map as a Catacombs entrance.
fortunate discovery (only gain this once for each
well). You can also use the water to wash yourself
clean, if you are in need of it.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
M4 Catacombs Entrance ● Mark the location on your map but move on for
Maximum number: See description of Catacombs entrance now. You can return to this location to use this
as a Se�lement Location. entrance at a later time during this visit to this area.
Trying to navigate the maze-like city you have However, if you leave this place for 1d6+3 days the
become a li�le bit lost and wandered into a rougher locals will have sealed it up again.
part of town. The streets here are dirtier, the houses
more ramshackle and the people dressed in rags and ● Drawing your weapon and readying yourself, you
patched up clothing. You begin to feel uneasy when slide down into the darkness to explore. You should
you notice a large group of young men coming along now refer to the Catacombs Entrance location in
the road, mu�ering amongst themselves, banging section 4.1 to help you create a mini-dungeon.
sticks and clubs against the house walls as they go.
AFF Adventure Creation System
M6 Forgo�en Cellar
Suggested Maximum number: 5
You notice a ro�ing wooden door that is almost
completely obscured by a heavy layer of creepers and
vines. Trying the handle, you find it is stiff but not
locked. You push the vines aside and open the door -
moving slightly into the space before you reveals a
vaulted chamber made from well cut stone. The
chamber stretches away and you guess it is about 60’
long, but only 15’ wide. It is cool and dry, which has M7 Abandoned Shack
helped preserve the shelving that lines both walls, Suggested Maximum number: 6
leaving only an unobstructed 5’ wide path down the With ro�ed beams that creak ominously in the
middle of the room. Sadly the contents of the shelves slightest breeze, patchwork boards pierced by so
have not fared well. Broken bo�les and smashed many holes that it is no warmer inside than outside
casks li�er the floor, making a li�le crunching noise and a roof with enough tiles missing to ensure that
as you take a step forward. It is as if a great gust of hardly a patch of the dirt floor is kept dry from the
wind has blown through here, hurling everything rain, this lean-to shack has clearly been abandoned
movable up into the air then slamming it into the cut and left to decay.
stone floor. The room has a sweet but not unpleasant
smell of spilt wine still lingering after who knows Still, it is tucked up in a quiet corner of another
how many years of abandonment. What do you do? building and out of sight from the street, so it is
unlikely you will be disturbed here.
● Seems like you are very late to this party - You close
the door and move on with your adventure. ● You may rest here if you wish, without having to
● Moving carefully amongst the broken glass and pay for accommodation. It is not entirely peaceful
cask fragments, I’ll search the room. If you have a and you only recover 3 points of STAMINA instead of
torch to light (it’s dark in here) you can make an the usual 4.
Awareness roll with a -3 penalty. If you succeed you ● You may sit here for a while, clean your weapons,
find a preserved bo�le of fine wine. You can drink it, tidy your pack or eat your rations. You can hear the
or if you keep it you can offer it to someone you noises of the city around you but no one comes to
encounter to gain +2 on your Bribery Skill roll. disturb your camp.
● A sudden, irresistible, thought comes to you. ● You can’t miss out on this opportunity for wanton
Pu�ing your shoulder to the side of one of the shelves destruction. Taking your weapon in your hands, you
you give it a hard shove - make a Strength skill roll - start knocking chunks of wood and board away - a
and watch with glee as the entire row of shelving savage delight fills you and after a few sweaty
smashes into each other and topples over. Enjoying minutes of hacking and bashing, you have reduced
yourself you repeat the trick with the other side. As this hovel to sticks and dust. Brushing yourself down
the noise fades you realise you might have alerted and catching your breath, you survey your
someone…..roll on Table 5.6 Random Monster handiwork one last time before continuing with your
Encounters. (if you fail the Strength roll, you just get adventures. Is ‘Destroyer of Shacks’ your new
a small bruise to your shoulder and your pride and nickname? In any case, remove this place from your
should move sheepishly onto your next encounter). map.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
M8 Shrine M9 Latrine
Suggested Maximum number: 8 Suggested Maximum number: 1 per location, ten per city.
You notice a small shrine has been erected here, no Whilst most ‘needs’ are taken care of by finding a
bigger than a window, built into the stonework of a quiet spot, some of the more generous nobles,
building. A carving of a religious scene forms the desiring a cleaner and sweeter smelling city, will
main part of the shrine and it is decorated with fund the construction of a public latrine such as this
candles and iconographs - wooden boards crudely one. Two narrow wooden huts are placed back to
painted with sacred images. It is clearly well tended, back (one for men, one for women) over a pipe
but there is nobody about at the moment. Moving leading down into the sewers - or sometimes just into
closer you can try and discern which god it is a pit that needs to be dug out from time to time.
dedicated to, and maybe make an offering of prayer.
That job is done by the surprisingly cheerful looking
Firstly roll 2d6; if you get a total of 11 or 12 the shrine old man who is sat on a stool in a small wooden booth
is dedicated to the god you follow and you can pray just by the entrance to the latrine, grinning and
here once each day to restore one point of STAMINA. nodding at his grateful customers. A bucket and mop
If not, make a Religious Lore special skill roll. If you are leant up against his booth. For 2 silver pieces he
succeed you have correctly understood the nature of will sell you a bit of moss or some rags to wipe with,
this shrine and can, if you wish, offer a prayer in the but you can ‘bring your own’ if you want.
correct manner. Roll 1d6 - on a roll of a 5 or 6, the
gods smile upon you and restore 1 point of
STAMINA. If you fail the Religious Lore special skill,
you are praying to the wrong gods...roll 1d6 - on a roll
of a 1 or 2 the gods have noticed your transgression
and smite you - lose 1 point of STAMINA.
AFF Adventure Creation System
M10 Smithy Service Cost Time
Suggested Maximum number: 3 Weapons - the blacksmith will hone 10gp 2 hours
Dwarven Smith Human Smith the edge of swords or rebalance
SKILL 7 6 your mace such that you gain
STAMINA 10 9 +1 SKILL for your combat rolls in
Social Rank: 6 6 your next combat. This will also
Armour: Chain Hauberk Chain Hauberk repair any damage to your weapons.
Weapon: Warhammer Warhammer
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. Armour - the blacksmith will take 5gp 2 hours
your armour, knock out the dents
The familiar clang-clonk double beat of metal being and tighten up the straps and
worked alerts you to the presence of a smithy some buckles so that you gain +1 to your
time before you see it. Set back from the main road Armour rolls for your next combat.
you see a well ordered workshop built around a forge This will also repair any damage to
that, even from this distance, is warming your face. your Armour.
A pair of blacksmiths, one human and one dwarvish, Trading - the blacksmiths have As core 1 hour
stand either side of the furnace and are taking turns available the weapons and armour rulebook
heating and hammering their respective pieces of as listed in the AFF core rules book.
work. A dog is lying near the entrance of the If you wish to haggle, make a
workshop, enjoying the heat. As you approach it Bargain skill roll.
looks around and barks once before returning its chin
to the ground and the blacksmiths both turn to look
at you. They are clearly busy, but seem friendly
enough. What do you do?
● Both your armour and weapons have seen be�er ● These fools have a rich store of weapons and not
days. You ask them what can be done, and in between enough guards. A�ack! Resolve the combat as
blows of their hammer they offer you a number of normal. Should you defeat them, you can loot three
services they can provide. They are very busy, so you weapons or one piece of armour before the
may only choose one of these services each day. After commotion a�racts the locals. This is an Unlawful
you have made your choice and paid, mark the Action and because blacksmiths are so highly
Smithy on your map so you can return to it later. regarded by their communities, you must roll twice
on the Lawbreaker table with a -3 penalty. In
addition, you may not mark this Smithy on the map
for later use.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
M11 Cartographers Shop
Suggested Maximum number: 1
Social Rank: 6
Armour: None
Weapon: Dagger
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
In addition, if you do a�ack them you cannot return
to this shop and you should remove it from your
AFF Adventure Creation System
M12 General Goods kiosk M13 Armourer
Suggested Maximum number: 3 Suggested Maximum number: 2
Social Rank: 3 Social Rank: 6
Armour: None Armour: Breastplate
Weapon: Hand Axe Weapon: Ba�le Axe
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
In addition, if you do a�ack them you cannot return
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. In to this shop.
addition, if you do a�ack them you cannot return to
this shop for one week. You are ambling along when you notice an intriguing
doorway. Steps lead down from street level to a well
Pushed up against the side of a larger building and made wooden door set in a cut stone wall. To either
indeed taking some shelter from the bigger structure, side of the door are small barred windows and above
is an intriguing and well made kiosk. It consists of an the door on the lintel is nailed a shield with the
open fronted hut under a brightly dyed canvas legend ‘Bogram’s Armour’ etched into it. The door is
awning, with several well stocked wooden racks set open so you decide to go down the steps and have a
about it. Si�ing on a tall chair inside the hut is a look inside. Peering around the doorway you see a
contented dwarf, puffing on a large clay pipe. small basement shop containing a number of pieces
of armour (firmly a�ached to the walls) and a
wooden counter going across the middle of the room.
Behind the counter sits a dwarf, caught in the act of
munching on a meat pie. He has dark tanned skin, a
very bushy red beard and the build of someone who
spends a lot of time working metal, though he looks
She waves at you and beckons you over to her shop. friendly enough. Behind him are shelves stacked with
It is somewhat unusual to see a kiosk like this away a variety of types and pieces or armour and shields.
from the marketplace, but you guess this dwarf has What do you do?
struck a deal with the owners of the larger building to
let her carry out her trade here. Mark this on your ● You have no need of armour at the moment - you
map for future use. apologise for disturbing his dinner and move on.
● You don’t need his goods but decide to talk to him
This small store sells food and drink and everyday anyway. Feigning an interest in a decorated shield,
household items at the prices listed in the AFF you strike up a conversation with him. Make an
guidebook (the ‘General Equipment’ part of the price Etique�e skill roll. If you succeed, the dwarf engages
list), but it doesn’t sell or trade in armour or weapons in a long explanation of the local cave system and you
- you will need to find a more specialised outlet for gain +2 to your next Underground Lore skill roll. If
that type of item. After you have bought or sold you fail, the dwarf notices you aren’t going to buy
(remember to make your Bargain skill rolls if you anything and you end up leaving the shop.
wish to haggle!) you wave goodbye to the dwarf and ● You smirk to yourself as you realise what a treasure
continue your travels. trove you have stumbled into with just one paltry
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
dwarf to protect it. As you move to a�ack the startled M14 Weaponsmith
shopkeeper pulls a lever next to them and you hear a Suggested Maximum number: 2
grinding noise - a large stone block is descending Weaponsmith Guard Dog
from the ceiling to seal off the entrance and trap you SKILL 7 6
in here! Cursing you turn and dive back out of the STAMINA 10 8
shop before you are imprisoned with the laughter of Social Rank: 6 -
Bogram chiding you out. You may not return to this Armour: Chain Cuirass None
shop and must remove it from the map. Weapon: Greataxe Large Bite
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
In addition to the other options, you can ask the In addition, if you do a�ack them you cannot return
Armourer to do some work for you. He offers the to this shop for one week.
following services.
Blocking part of the road is a covered wagon, from
Service Cost Time which spill a variety of spears, swords, maces and so
Buff and polish: The armourer will 5gp 2 hours on. As you approach you see a large bald headed man
knock out the dents and put a shine bartering his wares with a couple of peasants. A
on your armour. The next Leadership guard dog - very large and fierce - sits to one side of
skill roll you make gains a +1 bonus the weaponsmith, keeping an eye on proceedings as
due to your immaculate a�ire. This if it were the true owner of this business. It looks as if
will also repair any damage to your you are going to have to pass close by in order to
armour. move along, so you decide to slow down and have a
look at the goods. What do you do?
Trading: You can purchase or trade Core 30 min ● On second thoughts, your weapons are fine and the
any normal pieces of armour here, rulebook dog looks like it bites. You edge past them and carry
he has quite a stock. Don’t forget on.
to make your Bargain skill rolls, if you ● Take a look at the stock of weapons and see if you
wish to haggle. can wheedle some information from the trader. He
has a lot of knowledge about who is buying what.
Strengthen: This skilled armourer 10gp 3 hours Test your Etique�e, if you succeed you may roll on
can examine your gear and work in Table 8.4 Chaos Unleashed Rumours & Events and
some additional straps and links add +1 to your next Bargain skill roll.
that will give it a temporary enhancement ● Whilst he is distracted by some other customers,
- your next 5 times you roll for you could try and grab something. Make a Sleight of
armour protection you add +1 to the Hand special skill roll with a -2 penalty - the dog is
total to see how much damage your watching you! If you succeed anyway, you may make
armour blocks. This will also repair off with a pilfered sword or mace. If you fail, the dog
any damage to your armour. leaps and starts barking! You decide to flee before
things get worse - move to your next location. You
may not return to this shop for 2d6 days.
AFF Adventure Creation System
In addition to the other options, you can ask the M15 Magical Curiosity Shop
Weaponsmith to do some work for you. He offers the Suggested Maximum number: 1
following services. Shop owner Imp
Service Cost Time STAMINA 10 6
Trading. You can purchase or Core 30 min MAGIC 5 (Magic Points 18) -
trade any normal weapons here, rulebook Social Rank: 6 -
he has quite a stock. Don’t forget Armour: None None
to make your Bargain skill rolls, if Weapon: Dagger Large Claw
you wish to haggle. Spells: She has a number of spells but will
only use a form of teleport as
Sharpen and rebalance - the 5gp 1 hour described below.
weaponsmith will hone the edge A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action.
of swords or rebalance your mace In addition, if you do a�ack them you cannot return
such that you gain +1 SKILL for to this shop for a week.
your next 10 a�ack rolls in combat.
This will also repair any damage to Against a larger building and by the looks of it
your weapons. leaning heavily on it for support a cylindrical tower
has been built. It is not large - only two storeys - but
looks cosy rather than ramshackle. Around the base
there are a number of clay pots with herbs growing in
them, above the open doorway is a wooden sign
stating simply ‘Many Curiosities’ and ‘Welcome’ and
the faint whiff of pipe smoke is in the air. The room
inside is well lit and close to the entrance you can see
an older woman, in a well made woollen dress, sat on
a wooden stool and holding a clay beaker in her lap.
In her other hand is a book that she is studying
intensely. The rest of the room holds a stairway
leading both up and down and a large number of
shelves, stands and boxes covered in a wide variety of
strange objects - many books, but also animal horns,
glassware, strange bits of sculpture and many other
things. Even more peculiar, you think you caught
sight of a large bat-like creature hopping from behind
a rack of clothing and up onto a high shelf. What do
you do?
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
● Jingling your coin purse to show you could be a In addition to the other options, you can ask the
customer, you engage the proprietor in conversation. Magician to do some work for you. She offers the
She is quite happy to chat and the difficulty is sticking following services.
to one topic. Make a roll on Table 8.2 Winds of Magic
Rumours & Events and test your Etique�e. If you Service Cost Time
succeed you have also learned something of the Trading. You can purchase or trade Core 30min
history of this se�lement and can add +2 to your next spell components here, but stock rulebook
City Lore roll. uncertain. For each component you
● It’s possible that she has something in her stock that want to buy, roll d6. For the first
might be of particular use to you. You ask to have a component, it is available on 4-6.
look around and move around the shop carefully For the second, it is available on a 5-6.
examining the different items. Make a Magic Lore For the third it is only in stock on a 6.
skill roll. If you are successful you find an item - pick You can return once per day. Magical
one from the Adventurers guild stock list to purchase Sundries also have the same restriction.
if you wish. You may only find one such item here
each week, so make a note of it! Identify. The magician can look 20gp 1 hour
● Stealing from a magician is only for the foolhardy, through her books and identify
but that is not going to deter you. Entering the shop magical items that you bring to her.
you make smalltalk whilst looking for an item to She will tell you what they are and
pilfer. Firstly, make an Evaluate skill test. If you how to activate them, if that is needed.
succeed you have spo�ed something of value and can
try and swipe it - make a Sleight of Hand skill roll. If Training. The magician can instruct 50gp One day
you succeed you make off with a small item worth you in the arts of Magic allowing you
3d6gp. If you fail, her imp was watching you to learn both ‘MAGIC’ and the
carefully and screeches out an alert! With a curse the associated skills. A hero must also
magician recites a quick spell and disappears in a spend experience points in the normal
puff of smoke whilst the imp swoops into a�ack. So way to gain points in MAGIC and
you must fight two rounds of combat as you head for MAGIC based skills.
the door and flee this location before the Watch
arrives. You cannot return to this shop for one week. Tome protection. For a small fee, 20gp ½ day
● A shopful of treasures guarded only by a you can have your spellbook hardened
defenceless woman? This is an opportunity! Looking against non-magical a�acks. It can be
around to make sure no one is paying a�ention you made immune to fire, cold, acid and
move into the shop, close the door behind you and lightning by application of a secret
move to a�ack. The magician lets out a scream, drops combination of oils and powdered crystals.
her book and drink and then disappears in a puff of
smoke! Her Imp screeches and swoops to a�ack. Magical Research. The magician 10gp 1 Day
Resolve the combat as usual. If you survive you can Has a large store of books and
loot some items worth 4d6 gold pieces, but you extensive knowledge - you can pay
realise that the sound of combat has been noticed. her to do research for you. You may
Roll on the Lawbreaker table. You cannot return to succeed on one Magic Lore test by
this shop. Remove it from your map and move on. using this service.
AFF Adventure Creation System
M16 Devious Trap You can choose to test against your Trap Knowledge
Suggested Maximum number: n/a as they disappear once skill instead of any listed for the specific trap. A
triggered. success indicates that you have avoided the
Whilst the city of Khare may be famous for its traps, dangerous effects of the trap. You can make a second
it is not the only place on Titan where devious test against your Trap Knowledge skill in order to
tricksters set their snares to catch the unwary. There deactivate it. If you succeed in this roll you gain 1d6
are as many motivations for this as there are traps; gold pieces worth of components, but if you fail this
some do it out of spite, some in the hope of profit and second roll you suffer the effects of the trap as your
others create them simply because they can. fumblings activate it. Once the trap is activated or
Whatever the reason, coming across a trap can be a disarmed, remove it from the map. You may also test
very unpleasant experience for an adventurer. your LUCK to avoid a trap, as usual.
Special: Once the trap has been sprung (deliberately
or accidentally) remove it from the map.
3 Unstoppa-Ball: A neatly hidden pressure plate releases a heavy metal ball down a chute and straight into
you! Test against your Dodge skill with a -3 penalty or take 3+1d6 points of damage and you are knocked
down. The ball is worth 1d6 gp but occupies three equipment slots if you want to carry it. This trap is
well made and using Trap Knowledge has a -2 penalty.
4 Vortex of Magic: When activated by your presence a concealed rune unleashes a vortex of wild magic.
You are teleported to a random location (roll or drop a dice onto your map to find out where if you are
in a city or dungeon). The magic also mangles you for 1d6 points of damage which cannot be prevented
with armour or Dodge skill. If you have the Second Sight skill you may test against it to spot the rune
before it activates. If you a�empt to use Trap Knowledge you must take a -3 penalty due to the unusual
nature of the trap.
5 Poisoned Dart: A wicked person has secreted a spring loaded poisoned dart in a gap in the nearby
stonework. If you spot it (by making an Awareness skill test) you are able to jump out of the way as the
dart whips past you. If you fail the skill test, you are stung by the dart and suffer 3 points of STAMINA
damage as the poison sets your body on fire.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
2d6 Trap Description
6 Chaos Rune: A magic user has inscribed a dangerous rune trap in this area - test against your Second
Sight skill. If you succeed, you notice its emanations and are able to move carefully past it. If you fail, the
rune is triggered and you are drained of 1d6 MAGIC points. If you do not have magic points, you will
feel a slight chilling but suffer no other effects.
7 Pit Trap: Amazingly, someone has dug out a pit without anyone noticing their work. Maybe they did it
at night. In any case, as the ground beneath you gives way, you must test your Jump skill. A success
means you have leapt clear, failure means you drop a few feet onto ragged shards of rusty metal, taking
1d6 points of STAMINA damage as a result. You may climb out relatively easily.
8 Spore Bag: A pressure plate has been rigged here, which when activated punctures a concealed bag of
noxious spores which fill this area with a choking cloud. Test against your Acrobatics skill. If you succeed
you manage to dive and roll out of the cloud before you are affected, if you fail you take a lungful of
spores and suffer a racking cough for the rest of the day - you have -1 penalty to your SKILL until you
have rested overnight.
9 Drop stone: Your movements see you blundering upon a tripwire which has released a large stone block
from above you. Test your Dodge skill. If you succeed, you have quickly sidestepped the block and are
unharmed (if dusty). If you fail, a hefty clunk onto your head leaves you reeling - suffer 1d6 points of
STAMINA damage. If you wear a metal helmet, you take 1 point of damage.
10 Spray of Acid: When touched a disguised lever sets off a spring loaded piston that shoots a spray of
strong acid over you! Test your Acrobatics skill. If you succeed you manage to dive out of the way before
the acid soaks you. If you fail, the burning liquid causes you 1 point of STAMINA damage and also
degrades your armour. Your Armour rolls have a -1 penalty until you can pay a suitable merchant to
repair it.
11 Spiked Stick: A spiked length of wood has been rigged with a tripwire to swing out and impale you. You
may test against your Dodge skill to avoid it. It is a crude trap and causes only one point of damage.
12 Broken Trap: Someone has already fallen victim to this trap - if you have Trap Knowledge you can
scavenge 2d6 gp worth of machinery, otherwise you move carefully past.
AFF Adventure Creation System
M17 Upwelling of Magic M18 Magic Door
Suggested Maximum number: 3 at any one time. Suggested Maximum number: 4
For those without the Second Sight skill, this spot will Upon a section of wall, someone (or something?) has
appear as a basically normal part of the se�lement - inscribed runes of power, creating a magical door
perhaps they will experience a slight tingling that can move you instantaneously across the city.
sensation or wondering why the light seems to be Heroes that have the Second Sight skill will
brighter - but to those who are magically inclined, it automatically notice the door - it appears as a series
is clear that something interesting is happening here. of gently glowing runes in the shape of an arched
entrance which seems to surround a slowing
Magical energy seems to be flowing from the ground spinning vortex of shadows. Without this ability, you
in what appears to be a skyward reaching stream of must make an Awareness skill test with a penalty of
scintillating lights. It is not clear what is causing this, -4 to notice the subtle markings. If you fail to spot it,
but if you are inclined it is possible you could make mark it on your map anyway. You may retake the test
use of this upwelling of magic, harvesting it to each time you pass through this location.
replenish your own reserves, though it may be risky.
What do you do? Finding the door doesn’t mean you understand how
to use it. Test against Magic Lore skill to see if you can
● You push your hands into the stream and relax decipher the runes. If you fail the test, you may come
your mind, ignoring the looks you are ge�ing from back and try again once per week to see if you can
passersby, as you try to a�une to the energy and ‘open’ the portal. If you succeed you know how to
redirect it into yourself. Make a test against your activate the door, but not where it leads and to find
Magic Lore skill. If successful you can restore 1d6 out you must step through!
Magic points. If you fail, you suffer one point of
STAMINA damage as the raw magical energy reacts Drop or roll a dice onto your map - the nearest
to your interference by burning you! location is where you ‘exit’ the door, into a quiet
alleyway or corner where no one is
● This is a fascinating surprised to see you pop into existence.
natural phenomenon, but The door is NOT two-way. After the
for the time being you will first time you have used it successfully,
ignore it and move on make a note of where it ‘exits’ so you
can use it again in the future.
Special: The upwelling of
magic ‘contains’ 20 Magic Each time you use the door, there is a
points worth of energy. chance that the winds of magic will
After that is depleted it will whip you away to an unexpected
disappear. It will also location. Roll 2d6 - on a result of 2 you
disappear after one week, appear outside the se�lement and
fading into nothingness. should move to the nearest gate to re-
enter. On a result of 12 you appear in
the city but in the wrong place - drop
or roll a dice onto your map to see
where it is.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
M19 Rogues Cubby M21 Forgo�en Stash
Suggested Maximum number: 5 Suggested Maximum number: Disappears when found, so
In order to spot this feature you need to make an no maximum
Awareness test with a -3 penalty. If you fail to spot it, Caught in a daydream, you are surprised to find
mark it on your map anyway. You may retake the test yourself staring at a small pile of masonry and old
each time you pass through this location. timber wedged into the corner of a nearby building.
If you succeed, you have noticed that part of a Tilting your head from side to side you realise that
building has been carefully and subtly modified to there is something - a leather bag perhaps - hidden
create an alcove like hiding space, complete with underneath. It is clear from the cobwebs and weeds
holes set at just the right height to peek through. that stretch across the pile that it has been concealed
Judging by the cobwebs and dust the cubby is not for some time.
often used and if your mission requires to watch or
monitor an area, you can slide into the space and After a quick check to make sure no one is watching,
observe the se�lement gaining a +2 on your you delve in and drag out the container...but what
Awareness or Sneaking skill rolls for this location. does it contain?
However, each time you use the cubby you should
roll a 1d6 - on the result of a 1 you have disturbed a Roll a 1d6 to see what you have found:
Hobgoblin Spy (encounter C13) and must fight them!
1 = nothing, the bag is empty
2 = roll once on Everyday Items treasure table,
M20 Crumbling Watchtower 3-4 = coins worth 3d6gp in total
Suggested Maximum number: 3 5-6 = coins worth 5d6gp in total.
In ages past, perhaps as part of an older city wall, a
watchtower was built here. It has largely been built
onto and incorporated into other newer structures,
but parts of it still remain including the stone stairs
and eyrie (the roof has disappeared completely). You
could, if you wish, climb up and use it to observe the
nearby streets though it probably isn’t entirely safe. If
you want to ascend, you must pass a Climb skill test
with a +3 bonus (failure means you can’t find a way
to get up). At the top, you can survey the area and
gain a +2 on your next City Lore, Awareness or
Hunting roll. If you do this roll a 1d6 - on the result of
a 1, part of the tower crumbles under your weight
and you must test against your Jump skill or suffer
1d6 points of STAMINA damage as you plummet to
the ground in a cloud of masonry. If this happens
remove the Crumbling Watchtower from your map,
as it is now too damaged to be used as a lookout
AFF Adventure Creation System
M22 Sorcerer’s Wyrd against Sleight of Hand as an opposed roll against the
Suggested Maximum number: 1 sorcerer, who has Awareness skill of 8. If you succeed
SKILL 5 you have pilfered a spell component worth 3d6 gp. If
STAMINA 12 you fail, Tym Po Nang notices and with a snarl blasts
MAGIC 4 (Inner Strength 8) you with a spell of his own devising - you disappear
Social Rank: 6 from this location and reappear at the Jail location.
Armour: None (Dodge 4) You must roll on the Lawbreaker table immediately,
Weapon: Dagger and may not revisit the sorcerers home for a month.
Spells: Tym Po Nang will use FOG to obscure
himself then ZIP and ZEN to escape. In addition to the other options, you can ask Tym Po
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. Nang to help you out in some way - he offers the
following services.
A�ached to the corner of a larger structure is the
strangest li�le building you have ever seen. Although Service Cost Time
clearly made of brick, tile and wood in appearance it Trading. You can purchase or Core 30min
would seem to have grown onto it’s neighbour like trade sorcery spell components rulebook
tumour or parasite. There are no straight lines or logic here, but stock is very limited and
to its construction except that the door is, as usual, uncertain. For each spell component
next to the ground. For all that it does not feel you want to buy, roll 1d6. For the
threatening or dangerous, more like the prank of an first component, it is available on
unhinged architect. You move closer to get a be�er 4,5 or 6. For the second component
look and now you can see inside - there is a fireplace, it is available on a 5 or 6. For the
shelves full of intriguing knick-knacks, a table and third it is only on stock if you roll a 6.
chairs in one of which sits a bright eyed elf that is You can return once per day to try again.
spinning an orb of light in his hand. He sees you and
beckons you over. What do you do? Identify. The sorcerer can look 20gp 1 hour
through his books and identify
● This is too strange for you. Move along to your next magical items - he will tell you what
encounter. they are and how to activate them,
● Approach the elf and greet him. He explains that if that is needed.
his name is Tym Po Nang and he is a travelling
sorcerer. He has set up his ‘shop’ here (with full Training. The Sorcerer can instruct 50gp 1 day
permission he is at pains to add) in order to trade and you in the arts of Magic allowing
to teach. It’s rare to meet an elf or a sorcerer and you you to learn both ‘MAGIC’ and the
stop to have a chat with him. Make a roll on Table 8.2 associated skills. A hero must also
Winds of Magic Rumours & Events and make an spend experience points in the
Etique�e skill test. If you succeed you draw him into normal way to gain points in
a conversation about the se�lement and you can add MAGIC and MAGIC based skills
+2 to your next City Lore roll. (such as MAGIC-Sorcery).
● Nodding and greeting the elf you come into the
building and your eyes light up at the possibilities for
larceny. You may try to pinch something - make a test
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
M23 Alchemist’s Workshop fail the Bribery or Con test, he is very offended by
Suggested Maximum Number: 2 your enquiries and asks you to leave. You can only
SKILL 5 access the special stock once a day.
STAMINA 12 ● Stealing from a shop which is partly on fire and
Social Rank: 6 partly dissolving in acid seems risky but you decide
Armour: Leather Hauberk to give it a go. Make a Sleight of Hand test opposed
Weapon: Club and Acid Vials by the alchemist’s Awareness skill of 7. If you succeed
(These can be thrown for 1d6 points of damage if they you gain herbs worth 2d6 gp. If you fail, he spots you
hit.) and gives you one chance to leave before he starts
A�acking this person is an Unlawful Action. throwing acid - an offer you accept. You cannot
return here for a week.
You smell this building before you see it. A sharp
smell causes you to sneeze and leaves your throat In addition to the other options, the Alchemist offers
feeling scorched, as you pull up your cloak to cover a few services
your mouth and nose you spot a low wooden framed
building with what appear to be scorch marks do�ed Service Cost Time
across its walls. The smell is coming from a bright Trading. You can purchase or Core 30min
green liquid that appears to have just been emptied trade herbs here, but stock is rulebook
out of a window and is seeping into the mud of the limited and uncertain. For each herb
sidewalk. The person who slopped it out is a round- you want to buy, roll 1d6. For the
faced man, noticeably missing his eyebrows and most first one, it is available on a 3-6.
of his hair, who gives you a cheery wave as you pass For the second component it is
by. You can see inside the building there are racks of available on a 4-6. For the third or
vials and ceramic pots and, surprisingly, a large more it is only on stock if you roll
selection of herbs neatly po�ed up and dangling from a 5 or 6. You can return once per day.
a trellis. What do you do?
Medicine. If you are suffering 5gp 1 hour
● You’ve no need of a potion or salve today, so you from a disease or poison you can
nod to the man and move on. ask the alchemist to prepare a
● Moving over you stop and talk to the alchemist. He treatment, which will come in the
is friendly but strange - too much time inhaling fumes form of a cup of oily liquid to be
has left him with a wandering mind. After an hour gulped down in one go. Roll to see
talking to him you can add +1 to your next Lore roll what happens: 1-4: It worked! You
(any type of Lore except City Lore). are cured. 5: It didn’t work, but
● Alchemists often have a secret stock. Make a test there are no side effects. 6: It didn’t
against either your Bribery or Con skill, to convince work and you feel terrible - you suffer
him to bring it out. If you succeed you can purchase -1 penalty to all skill tests until you’ve
a vial of acid (10gp, does 1d6 points of damage to one had a chance to sleep it off.
target and 1d3 points to all those adjacent to the
target, use Thrown skill to use) or a vial of poison
(20gp, increase weapon damage by 2 for one combat
or coats 10 bolts or arrows to the same effect). If you
AFF Adventure Creation System
M25 Ta�oo Parlour
Suggested Maximum number: 2
A brightly coloured awning has been a�ached to the
front of a house under which sits a woman wearing a
long brown sleeveless dress covered by a black
leather apron. She sits on a stool; to one side of her is
a table with a large collection of vials and stoppered
bo�les and on the other side is a large reclining chair.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
M26 Workshop M27 Bathhouse
Suggested Maximum number: 3 per location Suggested Maximum number: 3
A huge number of trades are carried out within the A soft tinkling of water draws your gaze towards a
city, though most of them are of no interest to a Hero. well made building, the lower floor of which is
Still, it may be that you come across such places as fronted with carved stone reliefs showing scenes of
you explore the city and you may want to make a water nymphs, fountains and pools of gently rippling
note of where they are and the trade they are carrying water. To either side of the door are carved sea
out. serpents from the mouths of which pour steady
streams of water, falling into bowls held in their tails.
Small workshops are very numerous - often a There are no windows on the street front, but there
workshop is the lower floor of a house or a side are some grills carved into the stone from which
building, with goods being either sold directly onto wisps of steam are escaping. The door is open and
the street or sent to the marketplace and you can inside you see a towel carrying a�endant, waiting to
come across a place of trade like this in almost every take your money. The bathhouse offers you a chance
part of the city, thus the maximum number is given to relax and clean up after your hard day of
per location rather than for the se�lement as a whole. adventuring!
Roll twice to see what kind of trade is carried out - Here you can obtain the following services: Laundry
roll once for the category and again to see what - your clothes taken and cleaned, 1gp, takes two
activity is going on. hours. A dip in the communal bath - warm water
(either from hot springs or heated by wood stoves)
1d6 1-2 Food 3-4 Craft 5-6 Everyday will ease your muscles, restoring one point of
1 Butcher Tinker Weaver STAMINA - 2gp. A private room with its own bath
2 Baker Carpenter Cobbler (fresh water) and a massage - also restores one point
3 Pres. foods Stonemason Po�er of STAMINA and costs 5gp.
4 Brewer Jeweller Laundry
5 Spice Trader Carpenter Leatherworker M28 Stables
6 Wine Trader Classroom Herbalist Suggested Maximum number: 5
The smell of manure and whinnying of horses tells
you that there is a stableyard nearby. Looking around
The workshops may sell directly to customers or not: you can see an open set of gates through which you
If you wish to trade with them, make a test against spy a number of stable lads a�ending to horses whilst
your Bargain skill. If you succeed they are willing to a farrier works on re-shoeing one of them. This seems
sell you appropriate goods (use the prices as listed in to be a well organised and respectable stable, which
the main AFF rulebook) but they won’t buy goods you could make use of. A young woman notices
from you. your interest and comes over to greet you, asking
what manner of help you are after.
All of the items sold by these workshops can usually
be found in the marketplace. You can stable a horse here (1gp/day) or purchase any
items related to owning or caring for your steeds,
including purchasing a horse. See the AFF Rulebook
for prices.
AFF Adventure Creation System
M29 Auction House M30 Shady Dealer
Suggested Maximum number: 2 Suggested Maximum number: 2
The sound of an auctioneer in full flow, chanting out You have stopped for a moment to consider your next
the bids, alerts you to the existence of an auction move. Whilst catching your breath and looking
house nearby. around you notice someone coming out of a nearby
building in a furtive and suspicious manner, piquing
It is an extravagant building, just an open space with your interest. Next to a painted but dirty and
a canvas roof held up by wooden poles under which damaged wooden door you can see there is a
an auctioneer stands on a raised platform, calling out shu�ered window. The shu�ers are closed but they
the bids on a variety of items. To one side of him is the are not of great quality and you can just about make
stock, available for inspection. It is a mix of everyday out a lamplit parlour inside, which seems to be some
items and animals, seemingly assembled at random. kind of shop. As you watch a person approaches the
door and knocks in a highly unusual fashion. After a
The auction appears to be public and you can a�end moment you hear bolts clicking back and the door is
if you want, either to buy or sell - they will auction briefly opened and shut and bolted again once this
anything up to the value of 50gp on your behalf and new customer has entered.
you can buy anything listed under ‘Clothing’,
‘Transport’, ‘Livestock’ or ‘General Equipment’ plus If you wish to, you can approach and try to gain
one Sorcery spell component. entrance. You must test against your Secret Signs skill
to mimic the knock you heard. If you fail the test, you
In order to take part, make five tests of your Bargain see someone come close to the damaged shu�er
or Evaluate skill and record how many successes you before a curtain is pulled over the window,
get. 1-2 Successes - items cost double, or sell for half concealing everything inside, and the door remains
value. 3 Successes: You buy and sell at listed prices. locked to you. You can try again the next day.
4-5 Successes - items cost one quarter less than usual
and you sell for a quarter more than the listed price. If you succeed in the Secret Signs skill test the door is
opened and an older man with a long dark beard
The auction is not available everyday. If you come ushers you into his emporium. Judging by the
back to this location, roll 1d6 - the auction is in manner of strange and expensive items, this is some
progress if you roll a 5 or 6 (only roll once per day). sort of dealer in unusual items.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
4.5 Se�lement Details Sheet These sheets are an example of how you might do
that. We have taken the city of Ludria, which is not
As you create and map out your se�lements, you intended to be a specific place within Titan (though
should keep a track of what they contain and other you can use it as such) but simply an example of how
useful details such as the name, origin etc. This does you can build up and describe a se�lement.
not have to be done for every place that you come
across, but it is worth keeping a track of the basics
(name, reason for existence, dominant type of people)
to help you build up a map of the world.
Looking at the results and the location we decide that contains. We have included a few example map
Ludria is a busy port city that is most concerned with encounters for each location, you should feel free to
trade and commerce. To round it out a bit further we replace them or add more if you want to use this city
give Ludria a pair of rulers - Lord Venip and Lady as part of your game. In addition we have numbered
Griselda Bloth who are interested mostly in money each location so you can find one randomly by rolling
and gossip, leaving the city to run itself with the 1d6,1d6 to get a set of ‘coordinates’ (e.g. 4,4 is ST3 -
minimum of oversight. This is a busy and dangerous Streets 3, ‘The Hill’).
place with lots going on and not much law
enforcement or religious fervour to stop any You don’t need to do this for every se�lement you
criminals who want to operate here. encounter in your travels, but if you intend to return
to one on a regular basis it is worth keeping a note of
Individual Locations what you have found as this will save you having to
As you explore your se�lement you can give names rebuild your map and provide you with ideas for
and further descriptions to the locations you find. As encounters and missions.
you discover more details about each location, by
having ‘Map Encounters’ you can add them in and
build up a fuller picture of what this se�lement
AFF Adventure Creation System
Table 4.5.2 City of Ludria Location Details
Location Description Example Map
1,1 CG1 - City Gate 1, Known as ‘The King’s Gate’ as the road from Stables, Crumbling
‘The King’s Gate’ here leads towards the capital city. Watchtower
1,2 CG2 - City Gate 2, Simply the most northerly gate of the city, tracks General Goods Kiosk,
‘The North Gate’ lead towards the forest. Abandoned Shack
1,3 CG3 - City Gate 3 Traditionally a large number of orchards were Shady Dealer,
‘The Orchard Gate’ located just to the east of Ludria. Crumbling watchtower
1,4 CG4 - City Gate 4 Used by many farmers particularly those Stables, Smithy
‘The Pig Gate’ bringing livestock into the city for sale.
1,5 CG5 - City Gate 5, A track leads from here to the swamps west of Rogues Cubby, Magic
‘The Swamp Gate’ Ludria. Door
1,6 CO - College, ‘The As a major city in the region, Ludria is home to Sorcerers Wyrd,
House of Hamaskis’ many scholars, sages, wizards and sorcerers. Magical Curiosity Shop,
They have gathered in one part of the city to Alchemist’s Laboratory
share their knowledge.
2,1 GY1 - Graveyard 1, This large graveyard by the river is favoured by Quiet Fishing Spot,
The Lord’s Rest the wealthy citizens of Ludria, it has many large Shrine, Devious Trap
and well appointed tombs. Sometimes the dead
get restless.
2,2 GY2 - Graveyard 2, The graveyard of the poor, this contains many Place of Execution,
The Paupers Pit mass graves and pits where those that die in Collapsing Ground,
poverty are deposited. Devious Trap
2,3 HO - Hospital, Disease and injury are a constant menace in Titan Shrine, Alchemist’s
‘House of Respite’ and the House of Respite, staffed by monks, Laboratory, Bathhouse
physicians and herbalists offers help to those that
cannot find help at the temples.
2,4 DD1 - Drinking Den After a day spent working in the great market Workshop, Latrine
1, ‘The Broom & many peasants come for a drink here, there is
Bucket’ often musicians and dancing.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
2,5 DD2 - Drinking Den This foul smelling drinking pit is noted for Ta�oo Parlour, Shady
2, ‘The Pickled Dog’ having a large specimen jar containing the Dealer
remains of an animal floating in cloudy liquid all
suspended in chains by the door.
2,6 DD3 - Drinking Den Hard up against the city wall, ‘The Hole’ is a Latrine, Abandoned
3, ‘The Hole in The favoured spot for the Watch to drink, making it Shack
Wall’ slightly less dangerous than other cheap bars.
3,1 TA1 - Tavern 1, ‘The Run by and favoured by dwarves this stone built Smithy, Armourer
Troll’s Head’ tavern has as its sign a large, horridly ugly, troll's
head hanging above the door. The nearby city
gate is used by the guards and is not open to the
public (or heroes).
3,2 TA2 - Tavern 2, ‘The Overlooking the sea this nautically themed Auction House,
Thresher’ tavern has a number of Sharks jaws decorating Workshop
the walls.
3,3 IN1 - Inn 1, ‘The Run by Agatha Skovland (Big Squeeze) a woman Workshop, Forgo�en
Mighty Elk’ from the north lands, known for her hearty meals Cellar
and strong ale.
3,4 IN2 - Inn 2, ‘The A decent enough watering hole, kept clean & Magic Door, Latrine
Fair Measure’ tidy by the Bramby family.
3,5 SA1 - Slum Alleys 1, A place of many workshops connected to the Workshop, Devious
‘Choke Alley’ market place, known for its tendency to burn Trap
down with surprising regularity.
3,6 SA2 - Slum Alleys 2, This area of low ground is prone to flooding by Shady Dealer, Rogues
‘Bog Street’ the river and some of the shacks are on stilts. It is Cubby
a haven for smugglers.
4,1 SA3 - Slum Alleys 3, Once an a�ractive part of the city with a busy Abandoned Shack,
‘The Slumps’ dockside, a great wave levelled many of the Collapsing Ground
houses and reduced the docks to rubble. It has
never really recovered.
4,2 ST1 - Streets 1,’The Said to be the oldest part of Ludria this quieter Quiet Crossroads,
Old Bridges’ part of the city borders both the river and the Forgo�en Cellar
AFF Adventure Creation System
4,3 ST2 - Streets 2, ‘Oat A small area of decent housing owned mostly by Auction House,
Street’ merchants and farmers. Weaponsmith
4,4 ST3 - Streets 3, ‘The A raised mound overlooking the poorer parts General Goods Kiosk,
Hill’ around it, many who live here have made a Workshop
living from the sea. A regular ferry connects it to
the docks.
4,5 WS1 - Wealthy A ridge of land that is home to some of the Magic Door, Rogues
Streets 1, ‘Bloth’s wealthiest nobles and merchants that make their Cubby, Stables
Ridge’ home in Ludria including the home of Venip
Bloth, Lord of Ludria.
4,6 WS2 - Wealthy Between the docks and the grand market, the Magical Curiosity Shop,
Streets 2, ‘The Silver silver streets are the home of many merchants Quiet Crossroads,
Streets’ and artisans that have made their fortunes in Rogues Cubby
5,1 TH1 - Theatre 1, A large stone and wood building, painted gaudy Shrine, Stables
‘The Red House’’ red, dominates this area. This theatre serves up
entertainment for the upper classes and wealthy
5,2 TH1 - Theatre 2, A wide street holds several places to eat, drink Ta�oo Parlour, Burnt
‘Harlequin Street’ and be entertained, particularly ‘The Jangles’ Out House
which is a raucous street of entertainment halls
showing a variety of acts - singers, dancers,
acrobats, comedians and so on.
5,3 TE1 - Temple 1, Dedicated to Solinthar, Hydana, Sukh and General Goods Kiosk,
‘The Sailors Temple’ Pangara this temple is visited frequently by Forgo�en Cellar
mariners and merchants, hoping for a safe
passage across the waters.
5,4 TE2 - Temple 2, Dedicated to Aqualis (on account of the wealth Stables, Bathhouse
‘The Lord’s Temple’ that comes down the river) and Libra
(maintaining order) this well maintained temple
next to the keep is where important services
relating to the nobility are held.
Chapter 4 - Se�lements
5,5 TE3 - Temple 3 ‘The A series of temples dedicated to many gods but Shrine, Small Well
Farmers Shrines’ mostly Galana, Glantanka and Fulkra this district
is where many farmers and travellers come to
make their observances.
5,6 MP1 - Market Place A large open square ringed with shops, the main Alchemist’s Laboratory,
1, The Great Market marketplace of Ludria is busy almost everyday Weaponsmith,
with stalls, hawkers and shops selling all manner Armourer
of goods.
6,1 MP2 - Market Place A maze of narrow streets lined with shops and Magical Curiosity Shop,
2, The Fayre stalls, popular as a place to wander and browse Auction House,
the goods on offer. Workshop
6,2 DO - Docks As a port city the docks are the most important Cartographer’s Shop,
district in Ludria and as such they have their own Ta�oo Parlour
palisade wall and watch-house. Sailors, workers
and goods move in and out continuously. As
well as the ships and boats a ferry service crosses
from here to ‘The Hill’ for a 1gp fee.
6,4 JA - Jail A brief cart ride from the Keep lies the Jail, Place of Execution,
located on Gibbet Street. Woe betide anyone Shrine
unfortunate enough to find themselves locked in
its rat infested cells.
6,5 PA - Park Used for a variety of purposes such as sporting Small Well, Bathhouse
contests or circuses, the citizens of Ludria like to
come here to relax and socialise. A large entrance
gate opens onto ‘The Fayre’.
6,6 GH - Garbage Heap Once a slum, this area was condemned after an Collapsing Ground,
outbreak of plague and has descended even Crumbling Watchtower
further into ruin; it is now used as a place where
all manner of filth is disposed of.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Keeping notes like these for any major se�lement that The extent to which you keep notes is up to you, but
you intend to visit regularly will help you build up a in the long run it is generally faster and easier to keep
feeling for what it contains and what sorts of goods some track of your se�lements as you pass through
and services are available there. For se�lements you them, rather than having to recreate them each time
only visit once or sparingly you can simply make a you need to use them. In addition, creating a detailed
note of the important features such as name, current se�lement can also help to inspire you to plan out new
occupation and a couple of significant locations. adventures for your heroes.
For example, some distance from Ludria we come to a
small dwarven mining community located in the
foothills of a mountain range.
A core part of any good fantasy campaign is the become overwhelming. In order to avoid this, we
dungeon. Whether it be an ancient tomb, filled with divide our dungeons into smaller sections, to allow
undead or a great cave system taken over by orcs and adventurers the chance to rest, recuperate or turn
goblins, the opportunity to light the torches and creep back. Each section can be as large as you like but we
through the darkness in search of treasure is a suggest the following. For a relatively easy dungeon,
challenge for every hero. In this section we lay out the for heroes who are still a bit fresh behind the ears,
means for quickly constructing interesting and include 6+1d6 rooms in each section. For more
unpredictable dungeons for your adventures, seasoned heroes the section can be 6+3d6 rooms and
covering building a dungeon map, filling it with for glorious champions confident of their abilities
monsters and challenges and some general each section is 12+ 3d6 rooms long. The importance of
suggestions and ideas about dungeoneering. dividing the dungeon into sections is that each part
should contain some clue, object or person that helps
The most important thing to remember is that the them advance their overall quest. If the hero needs to
suggestions in this chapter are optional - if you don’t collect, for example, the six rubies needed to form the
want to worry about the conditions of a dungeon, or sceptre of blood, your dungeon will need to be
you have already decided that every room will have divided into six sections. Additional sections should
a locked door you should proceed accordingly and be added to house important individuals such as the
use this chapter to fill in the details that you haven’t dungeon master (the boss of this dungeon) or an
yet come up with. opponent if you are using the mission system.
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
7 Dungeon - these rooms and corridors were constructed as part of a larger building, possibly for the
purpose of imprisoning people. The rooms are small and rough with the rusted remains of chains
decorating the walls. The entrance is steps or a ramp leading down from the ruins of the building it once
served. Typical rooms will be cells or guard rooms. There may be larger interrogation rooms, though this
was not a place intended for visitors. Rooms and corridors are not elegant but are well made and tough.
8 Dwarven Halls / Mines - Long abandoned, this was once the home to a clan of dwarves. It has been
carved from the rock with great care and enormous skill. The corridors and chambers are neatly shaped
and arranged, there are runes and decorations worked into many surfaces. The entrance is through a
grand set of stone doors. Of all those that delve beneath the earth, the dwarves do it most skilfully.
Rooms and corridors can be of any size and shape, but they will all display the workmanship and
imagination of the master craftsmen that created them.
9 Buried buildings / Ruins - this was once a town, or at least part of it, that must have been buried in some
great cataclysm or the passing of the eons. Narrow Streets are now corridors and houses have become
caverns. The dusty and ro�ed remains of abandoned items li�er the floor along with huge boulders and
dirt that crashed through the roofs when disaster happened. The entrance is through a sinkhole or
excavation that has unearthed some of the buildings. Typical rooms and corridors are the remains of
houses and alleys between them, though generally broken down and damaged.
10 Chaos Wrought - this dungeon has been worked by the hands of goblins, orcs, trolls and ogres under the
influence of chaos. The workmanship is shoddy and irregular. Corridors meander and change in size as
you walk along them, doors don’t fit into doorways, rooms are sometimes huge and sometimes tiny. The
entrance is through an arch of stone, richly decorated with the signs of chaos. There is no such thing as a
typical room or corridor in this place - it is the product of madness.
11 Magic Wrought - this dungeon has been created by harnessing magical power, possibly by Dark Elves.
The structure defies logic - stone is shaped at impossible angles, some surfaces are covered with tightly
packed decoration whilst others are eerily smooth, rooms are suspended in stone cages above fathomless
drops and other such fancies. It is clear that no stonewright, not even the greatest of the dwarves, could
have created this. The entrance is via a mysterious portal or by speaking a rune engraved on a mysterious
stone pillar. Typical rooms and corridors will have a highly stylised, geometric shape, possibly with
intricate eldritch decorations.
12 Biological - the walls of this dungeon are not stone, but wood (or bone). An extreme example would be
crawling through the remains of some great leviathan, more likely the rooms and corridors are made of
densely packed thickets tied about with sharp thorned brambles, or a stand of oversized mushrooms into
which passages have been carved..or chewed. The entrance is via an opening in the structure where part
of it has ro�ed (or been eaten) away. Typical rooms and corridors will appear to be parts of whatever
creature or plant created the dungeon.
AFF Adventure Creation System
To give you some ideas here are some examples of to indulge your creativity with all sorts of wacky and
different shapes for your dungeon rooms or sections. interesting layouts - try to avoid making them into a
Creating dungeon maps is an excellent opportunity simple tunnel!
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
As well as having different types of rooms, parts of elves) you can ignore this, but for a dungeon that is
your dungeon are probably in different states of home to a variety of monsters and inhabitants it is
repair. If you would like your dungeon to be well likely that sections each have their own particular
ordered and maintained (it may be somewhere that character.
belongs to an organised group like a clan of dark
Table 5.2 Dungeon Condition -
recommended to roll once for each section of the dungeon (unless otherwise stated the conditions affect both
Heroes and Monsters).
2d6 Condition
2 Crumbling - this place is falling apart! Bits of stone and masonry are peeling off the walls and ceilings
and your stomping around is only making things worse. Every round of combat you must roll a 1d6. On
a one, a piece of the ceiling has dislodged and is falling on you. You must make a test against SKILL with
a target number of 10 or suffer one point of STAMINA damage as you are hit by a piece of the ceiling.
3 Slimy - Moisture hangs heavy in the air, condensation dripping from the walls and ceiling and leaving
fetid pools filled with foul smelling slime on every floor. Each time you are struck in combat you must
make a SKILL roll with a +2 bonus or slip on the muck and find yourself prone (-4 to combat and
movement skills until you spend a round ge�ing to your feet).
4 Unholy - at some point this place was the site of a temple of evil and traces of that time linger on. If you
use magic to heal yourself you will heal one less point of stamina than normal.
5 Infernal - strange heat courses through the floor and walls in this area and pools of bubbling hot water
have to be stepped around carefully. If you are in combat, roll a 2d6 each round - on a roll of a 2 a blast
of steam has vented from a nearby crack in the masonry and you suffer 2 points of STAMINA damage.
On the good side, once you have dealt with the encounters in this area you can stop and bathe.
6 Well lit - Most Catacombs are near pitch black dark, but in this case a strange fungus covers the walls
and ceilings, giving off a purple glow. You don’t need torches here but your Sneak skill has a -1 penalty.
7 Consecrated - This area is located at a site that was once a temple of a benevolent god. If you use any
healing magic in here, you gain an additional +1 STAMINA points in recovery.
8 Overgrown - nature has run riot here, with strange growths sprouting from every surface, tendrils and
roots hanging down from the ceiling. This halves the distance at which ranged weapons can be used and
in addition, if you miss in combat with a melee weapon roll 1d6 - on a result of 1 your weapon is snared
in a vine and you need to spend a round working it free unless you make a successful Strength skill test.
9 Chilled - Cold radiates from every surface, ba�ering against you like a physical force. Frost and Rime
cover every object, your breath freezes in the air and ice beads your hair. If you stand still for too long
your boots start to freeze to the ground. Resting is difficult here - unless you came prepared with winter
clothing, you cannot regain STAMINA through sleeping.
10 Misty - A strange mist swirls through the air penetrating every corner of this dungeon. Awareness skill
has a -2 penalty and Sneak skill has a +2 bonus.
11 Magically Fecund - the winds of magic are swirling vigorously in this dungeon, making spell casting
easier. Your Magic-Wizardry and Magic-Sorcery skill rolls gain a +1 bonus.
12 Magically Barren - the winds of magic blow only weakly in this place making it difficult to gather the
energy needed for spellcasting. Your Magic-Wizardry and Magic-Sorcery skill rolls suffer a -1 penalty.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Just as the rooms within a dungeon might be in all - you can work it out once for the whole dungeon or
types of altered states, the creatures you encounter roll separately for each section as you work your way
might also be affected by some change, good or bad. through.
Use this table to find out how they should be adjusted
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
Creating a Dungeon Map The ‘No Map’ Method
It may be that you don’t have the time or materials to
There are various methods you can use to create a hand to make a dungeon map or you just want to get
map for your dungeon, use whichever you prefer - on straight into the action. You can do this using a
the rules should work, with some adjustment, for all room-by-room approach, where you simply assume
of them. You should create each section on its own that every room you enter has enough exits to lead
map or piece of paper, to keep things clear. Here are you onto the next room and then use Table 5.4 ‘Room
some methods for creating your dungeon map: Contents’ to create them as you go. You can still apply
dungeon conditions (table 5.2) and creature
conditions (table 5.3) and divide your dungeon into
Create a map: Either on paper or a computer, this
sections by rerolling these factors after you have
simple and popular method requires only your time
completed the appropriate number of rooms. Whilst
and imagination. Now you have a number of rooms
this is undoubtedly faster it means you do not have a
and a rough description (from the dungeon origins
map to refer to if you want to go back through the
and conditions tables) simply map out a set of rooms
dungeon or find a room which is important for a
that fit your purposes, remembering to include an
mission or quest.
entrance and exit for each section.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Room Types (Shape and Size) to explore but you may also decide that you want to
Different rooms have different challenges that can give your dungeon a particular look or feel to it, or
have an effect on fighting and exploration, but they you may think that some of the results are
can be boiled down into a few simple ideas - the contradictory. For example, if the dungeon origin is a
shape of the room and its size being the most Lair, you might decide that it shouldn’t have
important. For the shape of the room, consider the portcullises blocking the entrances to rooms.
dungeon origin - see the examples included above for
some ideas. A natural cave system will have rooms
As with the rest of this book, the results on the tables
that are oddly shaped with few straight lines or
can be used as a source of inspiration rather than a
regular curves. A former dwarven mine will be far
hard set of rules. If you don’t like a result or cannot
more orderly, with straight lines and smooth curves
work out how to use it, the best advice is to ignore it
dominating. Room size is likely to have an impact on
or come up with a replacement idea of your own.
gameplay - large open rooms will favour archers and
narrow twisting corridors will be useful to
those who want to creep up on their
opponents. The important thing is that the
room should be large enough to
accommodate all the monsters and objects
inside it.
Room Contents
There are lots of elements that can be
brought together to create varied and
challenging dungeons and fill your rooms
with surprises. Once you have your map
and have decided on room size and shape,
it’s time to bring them to life (or unlife,
depending on the occupants!). Room
contents have been divided into
Occupants, Entrance, Condition and
Features. Of these categories only
‘Occupants’ are needed to fill up your
dungeon with monsters, so if you are in a
hurry either skip through the other rolls or
look at the tables for inspiration as to how
you want to ‘furnish’ your rooms. The
tables will generate a varied set of rooms
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
Table 5.4 Room Contents.
Roll separately for each category to generate your room contents then refer to the sections below to find out
the details. Rooms can have occupants, entrance features, conditions and features.
Occupants* (multiple Roll 2d6:
occupants can be all the 2: Two occupants one with SKILL increased by one*
same kind of monster or roll 3: 1d3 occupants all with STAMINA reduced by one
each one separately) 4: 2 occupants both with STAMINA reduced by 2
5:1d3 occupants, but reduce their SKILL by one
6: Empty
7: One occupant
8: Empty
9: One Occupant
10: One Occupant increase its SKILL by one
11: Two occupants, reduce the SKILL of one by one
12: One occupant but increase the SKILL by two.
Entrance Feature - Table 5.8 Roll 1d6. 1-3: Nothing, 4-5: One entrance has a feature, 6: Two entrances have
Room Conditions - Table 5.9 Roll 1d6. 1-4: Nothing, 5-6: One Condition.
Room Features - Table 5.10 Roll 1d6. 1-4: Nothing, 5-6: One Feature.
*See the advice given below regarding difficulty, ‘Table 5.5 - Encounter Difficulty: Dungeon Encounter by Hero
Grade’. Increasing the SKILL of a monster is roughly equivalent to increasing the ‘dungeon level’ by one. If a
room has more than one occupant, it is assumed that they are somehow allies (a humanoid with a pet beast, an
undead and an elemental set to guard a room together etc). You must fight both occupants at the same time.
Unveiling Rooms as a Solo Player enter or not. At this point you should make an
In order to maintain an element of surprise about Awareness skill check. If you pass the test, you can
room contents a solo player can follow a simple order roll for all the other contents of the room - occupants,
to ‘unveil’ a room. Firstly roll for any entrance conditions, features and so on and act accordingly,
features (Table 5.4 then Table 5.8 if there is something) including preparing yourself with spells and
then decide if you can see into the room or not. For consumable items. If you fail the Awareness skill test
example, if your way is blocked by a heavy stone you either don’t spot the dangers or don’t understand
door than you probably have to accept that breaking what you are seeing and must enter the room before
it down will alert any monsters inside the room and you roll for all the room contents. You can still
mean you have to deal with them (see Table 3.1.1 prepare yourself, but you will have to guess what is
Standard Encounter Options) but if there is no door the best course of action.
(or just a flimsy one) you should be able to peer in
and decide, based on what you see, if you want to
AFF Adventure Creation System
Of course, your hero can always decide to retreat and The monsters that inhabit your dungeon can be
try to find another way around if they can’t see what placed by your design or by rolling on the random
is in a room and there are a number of magical encounter tables given below. An important thing to
abilities (such as the wizard spell ‘See Through’) that ask oneself is - which table should I use? As a guide
may allow you to bypass barriers or obstructions and we recommend the following, based on the strength
discover what is in a room before you enter it. of your hero. This should provide a challenge for a
solo hero; if you are making your dungeon for a
The important thing is that you acknowledge that group of heroes you could increase the difficulty by
your hero doesn’t always know what they are facing; one or more steps (so a group of three ‘civilians’
dealing with unexpected problems is an important would be treated as a ‘novice’, a group of three
part of the adventure. ‘veterans’ would be treated as an ‘expert’ or ‘master’
depending on how capable you feel the group is). If
Room Occupants you are not sure, try the dungeon at the lower level of
As the brave hero moves through a dungeon, one difficulty and increase it as you go. You might start by
question is foremost in their mind - what awaits me? having the first section of the dungeon at an ‘easy’
What sort of hellish beasts are gibbering in the level, see how much challenge it offers your heroes
darkness, waiting to consume me? Whilst not and increase or decrease it based on that.
everything you meet in a dungeon is deadly, in
general you will have to fight your way through.
*Difficulty is very hard to judge. If you are finding the encounters too easy, increase the Dungeon Level you are
rolling on. If you are finding them too hard, reduce the Dungeon Level. Note that the monsters in Dungeon Level
5 are generally very deadly.
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
It should be clear that the ‘sections’ of each dungeon Standard Encounter Options
are NOT levels. A Novice adventurer will be As a reminder, in Chapter 3 we detailed a number of
challenged by a dungeon in which all the monsters encounter options. A hero may wish to use this (or
are from the ‘Level 1’ encounter table. In other words, others they can think of) to deal with the challenges
OF DIFFICULTY. This is emphasised to avoid the
problem of every dungeon becoming impossible to
Table 3.1.1 Standard Encounter Options - see descriptions in Chapter 3 for more details
Option Action
Fight Begin combat and resolve it using the normal combat rules, you may use a ranged weapon or
spell in the first round if you have spo�ed your target.
Flee Run from combat; test your LUCK to escape or suffer a ‘free hit’.
Sneak A�empt to use Sneaking to get past your target, consider what bonuses or penalties apply.
Talk Use a social skill, you must share a means of communication with your target.
Trick A�empt to trick your target in some way, a variety of means including magic can be used.
Bribe Offer your target an amount of gold to ignore your actions.
Feed Offer an animal food in order to distract it.
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
Table 5.6 Random Monster Encounters (cont.)
3d6 Dungeon Level 4 Dungeon Level 5**
3-5 Roll on Dungeon Level 5 Dungeon Denizen*
6 Dungeon Denizen* Hell Demon OotP p66
SK14 ST12 A�4
6 Wrapper OotP p122 Krell BtP p79
SK12 ST8 SK8 ST12 A�3
7 Mummy OotP p85 Death-Knight BtP p36
SK9 ST12 A�2 SK12 ST12 A�2
8 Smoke Demon BtP p128 Barrow Guardian R�P p26
SK9 ST12 A�2 SK9 ST12 AT1
9 Minotaur OotP p83 Vampire OotP p116
SK10 ST10 A�2 SK10 ST15 A�3
10 Grizzly Bear BtP p18 Two Headed Giant R�P p91
SK9 ST13 A�2 SK10 ST10 A�3
11 Stone Golem OotP p61 Fire Demon OotP p50
SK8 ST11 A�2 SK10 ST10 A�3
12 Chaos Warrior BtP p32 Lizard King OotP p76
SK10 ST10 SK9 ST10 A�2
13 Cave Giant OotP p58 Brain Slayer OotP p23
SK9 ST10 A�2 SK10 ST10 A�2
14 Ghost BtP57 Skull Beast BtP p126
SK9 ST8 SK9 ST10 A�4
15 Great Serpent BtP p116 Hellhorn R�P p105
SK9 ST12 SK9 ST10 A�3
16-18 Roll on Dungeon Level 3 Roll on Dungeon Level 4
AFF Adventure Creation System
Table 5.7 Dungeon Denizens - Not everything you meet is hostile!
2d6 Denizen Description
2 Misplaced Wizard - before you there opens a magic portal through which steps a startled wizard. ‘Oh
my’ she says, looking around. ‘I must have go�en the directions wrong - one moment please!’. Before you
can really take this all in, another magic portal opens in front of her. She turns and says ‘This one should
take us outside this place. Do you want to come?’. You can step through the door, which will return you
to the dungeon entrance, or stand there drooling, in which case the wizard waves goodbye and
disappears through her portal.
3 Holy Man - Si�ing cross-legged on what appears to be a bed of nails is an elderly man dressed only in a
loincloth. His long beard covers most of his chest and belly. His face has a tranquil expression and his
eyes are closed - as you approach he opens them and looks at you. ‘Do you wish to know your fate?’ he
asks. If you agree to this, roll 1d6. 1 - He reveals a terrible fate, lose one point of LUCK. 2 - He discusses
theology with you for so long a wandering monster turns up and a�acks you. 3 - Somehow, he convinces
you to give him one of your rations, which he eats noisily. You learn nothing. 4 - The mystic rambles
about gods and prophecies for a while, but it does give you a chance to rest. Restore one point of
STAMINA. 5 - Looking deep into your eyes the old man speaks to you of your potential and the life of a
hero. Your confidence rises and you have +1 to all skill tests (including combat) for the next three
encounters. 6 - The mystic assures you that a wonderful fate awaits you, gain +1 LUCK. You can simply
ignore the old man, if you try to a�ack him he simply laughs and disappears in a cloud of incense.
4 Gnome Explorer - a small humanoid, a gnome, makes itself visible to you. It is wearing khaki clothing,
a dark hat and carries a scroll in one hand in which it is making notes about the dungeon. The gnome
explains it is carefully exploring the dungeon on the orders of its king and is willing to share some
information for a price. For 2d6gp it will reveal the location of any traps in this section of the dungeon (if
there are any) and you may automatically avoid them. If a�acked the gnome will turn invisible and
scu�le off to parts unknown.
5 Terrified Prospector - Hiding in a corner, shivering in fear is a dirty faced man carrying a pickaxe and a
bucket. He is dressed in tough leather clothing and has a tool belt. He quickly explains that he came into
the dungeon looking for ores and now wishes only to leave. You may direct him to the exit, a service for
which he will give you a nugget worth 3d6gp, or you can recruit him. He will follow you until you have
made two tests against Strength skill - his presence gives you a +4 bonus to the test. After he has helped
you twice, his nerve will fail and he will scarper for the exit.
6 Adventurer - you have met another adventurer SKILL 7 STAMINA 10 Weapon: Sword Armour: Shield
+ Mail Hauberk. You eye each other warily for a moment by the light of your torches. You can ignore
them and move on with a few grunted words, or try to recruit them. Make a Leadership (or Bribery if
you are willing to spend 1d6gp) test - if you succeed they will accompany you for a while, fighting
alongside you against the next two monsters you encounter. If you try to a�ack them they will flee out
of the dungeon, hurling curses at you.
7 Captive - you have found someone being held captive in the dungeon. Roll 1d6 - 1: Elf, 2: Dwarf, 3-6:
Human. They are dressed in rags and in a terrible state, barely alive. If you offer them one of your rations
they will gain the strength to leave the dungeon and the next time you are in a city they will find you and
give you 3d6gp as a reward. If you do not wish to share your rations, they will lie down and await the
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
8 Dwarf Pedlar - A Dwarf with a large bundle of everyday objects is taking a rest here. You can trade with
him for common items including meals (he has six meals worth of rat & mushroom stew available). He
is also capable of repairing damaged armour for 5gp. He is not much interested in small talk or in
explaining why the monsters leave him alone and if you a�ack him he will drop a stink bomb to distract
you and flee.
9 Thief - you must make an Awareness skill test with a -3 penalty to spot the thief, if you fail he will stay
hidden and quietly move away once you are gone. If you spot him, the thief will sheepishly step out of
the shadows and introduce themself. They have come into the dungeon seeking treasure and are
carefully working their way around avoiding combat. They offer to assist you in return for half of all
treasure - they have Awareness 9, Sneaking 10, Trap Knowledge 10 and Locks 9. They will not fight and
will stay with you as long as you are willing to split the loot! If you a�ack them, they will flee whilst
hurling curses at you - this thief is a very fast and acrobatic runner!
10 Dwarven Scout - As you enter you hear a ‘psst’ from one wall. Looking round you see that hidden
behind a cunningly concealed screen there is a dwarf, dressed in the darkened armour of a scout. He
quickly explains that he is checking out the dungeon, but got injured - would you mind reporting back
to him on what you find? For every room you explore he will pay 1gp when you return to him with
details about what you’ve found. If you wish to fight him he will spit curses at you whilst fighting. He
has SKILL 7 STAMINA 5 Weapon: Mace Armour: Chain Cuirass, he has 6 meals, a backpack, waterskin
but no gold (he has hidden his purse in a secret cranny you cannot find).
11 Ghost - Floating mournfully in this room is the ghost of
a young woman. Her lips move but no sound comes
out apart from an unintelligible whispering, though
from her face and hands you can see that she is
pleading with you. Every time you kill a monster in this
dungeon, roll 1d6 - on a roll of 1 you find a locket with
a picture of a young man and a young girl in it. If you
return it to the ghost, she seems to thank you before
both ghost and locket disappear. You can restore one
point of temporary LUCK and one point of STAMINA.
12 Elven Sorcerer - Before you stands an elf, wearing
chainmail and holding a longspear. ‘Stop there
stranger’ he says, lowering the point of his weapon ‘I
mean you no harm, but am wary. Explain your
purpose’. This elf tells you he is a sorcerer that has been
searching this dungeon for spell components and is
now leaving. He is willing to sell you two components
for sorcery spells, though at twice the normal price. If
you a�ack him he has SKILL 6 STAMINA 14 MAGIC 6
Inner Strength 9 and will use his Sorcery spells to make
good an escape.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Monster Weapons & Armour and ‘monster heavy armour’ and weapons are
Most monster descriptions do not include specific generally given as Small, Large or Very Large Bite /
weapons and armour though it is obvious that Claw which function in the same way as weapons
humanoid monsters will use such items. You should and have damage tracks given in the core rulebook.
consider what equipment and items they may have to
hand when you encounter them - it’s unlikely that If you come across a monster that does not have a
they will be naked but equally unlikely that they will clear weapon or armour type listed it is up to you to
always be found carrying an arsenal of weapons. If provide them with something appropriate based on
the description in the bestiary does not provide clues the description. As with humanoids, they will not
you should use some common sense - a lowly goblin present much of a threat if you don’t!
might have a handaxe and a leather cuirass and is
extremely unlikely to be wearing plate mail. On the Monster Behaviour
other hand the leader of an orc tribe could easily be The descriptions of the monsters should be read
wielding a mighty ba�leaxe and wearing a before you enter the room to try and gauge what they
breastplate or a chain hauberk. If you can’t make might be doing. Typical monster behaviours you
your mind up, use these guidelines. might encounter can include:
• Poor creatures (SKILL 1-6) could have simple • Humanoids are living in the dungeon or
weapons such as clubs, daggers, short swords, exploring it - the rooms will be furnished to
spears and basic armour such as a leather cuirass accommodate them and probably contain their
or hauberk or a small shield. belongings. They may be wary or relaxed. On a
roll of 1 on 1d6, they will be asleep (assuming the
• Average creatures (SKILL 7-9) could have hero hasn’t had to break their way in). If they are
common martial weapons such as long swords, asleep, your first a�ack will automatically hit for
morning stars, maces and chainmail armour or maximum damage.
medium shields.
• Beasts are living in the dungeon or have
• Rich creatures (SKILL 10+) could have unusual wandered in. The rooms may well be their lair.
weapons such as two-handed swords or a Like all beasts they are likely to be wary and alert.
ba�leaxe and they may have the highest quality On a roll of 1 on 1d6, they will be asleep (assuming
(breastplate or plate mail) armour. the hero hasn’t had to break their way in).
It’s important that humanoid monsters are given at • Undead that are capable of thought will behave
least some basic equipment or they will present li�le like humanoids, but mindless undead will be
threat to your heroes. simply wandering the dungeon or waiting for
For non-humanoid monsters or those that do not use
• Demons will act according to their intelligence
equipment, such as humanoid demons or elementals,
and abilities. Some will simply be hunting for
armour is generally listed as ‘light’, ‘medium’ or
victims though more intelligent demons might
‘heavy’ which refer to the armour tracks given in the
have turned part of the dungeon into a temporary
core Advanced Fighting Fantasy rulebook as
home on the mortal plane.
‘monster light armour’, ‘monster medium armour’
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
• Other creatures such as elementals, constructs or Instead of going into this level of detail we will
magical creatures are likely to have been placed in provide some guidance on how to design a themed
the dungeon in order to a�ack interlopers; they dungeon and how you might best make use of the
may be hidden or concealed in some way and they options in this chapter.
are likely to a�ack on sight.
• The first step is to come up with a theme, we
• ‘Weak’ monsters, those that pose li�le threat to have provided some in section 6.4 ‘Unusual
the hero might a�empt to flee or surrender if they Locations & Themes’ that may help you come up
are intelligent with ideas. It should be relevant to your campaign.
• Intelligent monsters that sense the hero • Keep the dungeon divided into sections as this
approaching (if they have to ba�er down a door, makes creating a map and working out contents
for example) might a�empt to hide and ambush. If much simpler; breaking down a large project into
that is appropriate the hero should make a a series of smaller pieces allows you to work on it
contested roll against the monsters SKILL using one part at a time and you can always add extra
their Awareness. sections as you need them.
The intention of this chapter is to provide you with making the first section relatively easy (weak
the means to create dungeons with the minimum of monsters, few traps) and build up from there. It is
effort and planning, but of course you might want to always easier to add more monsters than have
create them based on a specific theme or idea that will some suddenly disappear!
AFF Adventure Creation System
• Instead of assigning treasure randomly (Chapter problem by going around and through another
13) assign and distribute it in an appropriate way. entrance, but that could involve other dangers.
Room Features
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
Table 5.8 Room Entrance Features
2d6 Feature
2 Heavy Door: The way is barred by a locked stone door, requiring either magic or a Locks skill test to
open. Bashing it open takes one hour, a�racts a wandering monster (roll on the monster encounter table)
and obviously alerts those inside to your presence.
3 Locked Door: Your way is barred by a locked wooden door, requiring either magic or a Locks skill test
to open. Cu�ing it down or levering it off its hinges takes fifteen minutes
4 Disjointed: At some point the room and corridor have moved out of alignment. Ge�ing up to the room
ahead requires a Climb skill roll. Take 1d3 points of falling damage each time you fail.
5 Portcullis: You are facing a portcullis; you can peer through the bars, but lifting it will require a test of
Strength skill or you can use Trap Knowledge to activate the mechanism. The portcullis can be ‘levered’
up inch by inch in twenty minutes if all else fails, alerting anything inside.
6 Alarm: The room entrance is guarded by a magical alarm. Make a Second Sight or Trap Knowledge skill
to spot it; if you succeed you can step carefully over the rune on the floor, if you fail an alarm will sound
ruining any a�empt at Sneaking and a�racting a wandering monster.
7 Flimsy Door: The room has a flimsy door that is partly open allowing you to see into the room from the
corridor. You may hide here before entering, +2 to Awareness skill test when peering in.
8 Pit: The room has a pit dug (or naturally appearing) between the corridor and the room. A Jump skill test
will clear it, if you fail you land awkwardly and take one point of STAMINA damage.
9 Rubble: Rocks (or wood or bones) have fallen across the entrance; you can make a Strength skill test to
pull the barrier away or Acrobatics to wriggle through.
Digging through takes ten minutes and alerts anything
inside the room to your presence. If you do have a pick
or shovel, you can break through in five minutes.
10 Alcove: The corridor opens into the room without
fanfare, but there is a small alcove here where you may
safely place a torch or lantern.
11 Curtain: The entrance way is barred by a flimsy piece of
fabric or some natural material like webs or vines. You
may sneak up and peer through the holes to look into
the room. Gain +1 to Awareness and Sneaking as you
enter this room.
12 Nook: A large nook by the entrance affords you a place
to hide and observe its contents. Gain +3 to Awareness
and Sneaking skill tests for entering this room.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Room Condition rooms. For example, if the dungeon condition is
Just as the dungeon might be in less than pristine ‘Chilled’ then a room that is flooded will, in fact, be
condition, the spaces within it are also varied. One full of frozen water. If the dungeon condition is
room might be flooded, another might be dry but full ‘Infernal’ then you might conclude that the water has
of rubbish. You should think about how the overall evaporated and the room is now filled with thick
dungeon condition interacts with the state of the steam.
Table 5.9 Room Condition (effects apply to both Heroes and monsters).
2d6 Condition
2 Unstable - the floor of this room is broken and crumbling, parts of it falling into deep channels below. If
you fight here, test your Acrobatics skill each round. If you fail, you have stumbled and suffer a -2 to your
movement and combat skill rolls that round as you frantically a�empt to regain your balance.
3 Flooded - this room is flooded to a significant depth, meaning you have to wade through it carefully.
Combat, Movement and Sneaking skills suffer a -3 penalty. This applies to both you and any monsters.
4 Choking Dust - the air in this room contains great amounts of dust or spores, causing you to cough and
splu�er. You must make a test against STAMINA using 3d6 or suffer -2 to spell casting rolls and any
other skills that involve speech.
5 Sloped - some great event (or just the weight of ages) has twisted this room and left the floor at a
significant angle. Roll 1d6 - 1-3 you enter on the high side, 4-6 you enter on the low side. If you fight,
apply a -1 penalty if you are fighting upwards and a +1 bonus if you are fighting downwards.
6 Rat run - some kind of vermin has made its nest in the walls of this chamber. If you listen quietly you can
hear scratching and squeaking. There is a sharp smell like mouse urine permeating the air and droppings
on every surface. If you should rest here, deduct one portion of rations which gets gnawed into crumbs
as you sleep. It’s not possible to get rid of the infestation without special means.
7 Natural Light - shafts or cracks have penetrated deep into the earth, breaking through the ceiling of this
room. Natural light spills down them, though they are not large enough to climb up. You do not need
torches here (in the daytime) and the air is sweeter.
8 Clu�ered - this room is full of piles of rubbish - broken bits of furniture, rocks, piles of bones - the exact
type of jumble will depend on the dungeon. The effect is that Sneaking gains a +2 bonus whilst ranged
a�acks suffer a -2 penalty.
9 Chambered - around the edges of this room are small side chambers of varying size. They do not affect
your skill tests but are useful if you wish to rest here, as they afford you a place to conceal yourself whilst
you sleep. Should you wish to, you can rest here as if you were in a transition room.
10 Map - a crude map of this dungeon has been carved into one of the walls. It has a few details, but the
markings are unusual and not well known to you. Studying it, you gain +1 to your Awareness,
Underground Lore and Trap Lore skill tests in this section of the dungeon.
11 Runed - someone (or something) has engraved strange runes across the walls, floor and ceiling of this
room. If you have the skill Magic Lore you may a�empt to decipher them and gain a special insight. If
you succeed your Magic Lore skill test, your next skill test after that has a +2 bonus. If you fail, you have
misread the runes and your next skill test has a -2 penalty.
12 Unmarked Passage - this room contains a small exit which, when investigated, leads to a rough tunnel
leading out of the dungeon and back to the surface. You may use this to move in or out of the dungeon
as you wish. This passage is in addition to any other ways in and out of the room.
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
Room Features allows you to avoid it. Obviously, finding a room
These are unusual elements to the room that may with both occupants and a trap can be very deadly.
affect what you do here; if the room contains a trap Other features can be dealt with as you please; they
you must encounter it as you enter the room. A remain here once discovered.
successful Awareness or Trap Knowledge skill roll
AFF Adventure Creation System
Traps You can also use LUCK to avoid the effects of a trap -
In a world such as Titan, it is not uncommon to find the LUCK test should be made before you roll for
someone has placed a deadly trap to harm the damage!
careless or unwary traveller. Table 4.4.2 ‘Traps’,
provides some examples to test your wit. Spo�ing a
You can choose to test against your Trap Knowledge
trap can be done by succeeding in a test of your Trap
skill instead of any listed for the specific trap. A
Knowledge or Awareness skill, but only if you are
success indicates that you have avoided the
actively searching for them. This means moving
dangerous effects of the trap. You can make a second
slowly and carefully - if you are running, fighting or
test against your Trap Knowledge skill in order to
otherwise distracted, you can take a skill test but with
deactivate it. If you succeed in this roll you gain 1d6
a -4 penalty. If you fail, you must suffer the effects. If
gold pieces worth of components, but if you fail this
you succeed you can avoid the trap. If you have used
second roll you suffer the effects of the trap as your
your Trap Knowledge skill, you can also disarm the
fumblings activate it. Once the trap is activated or
disarmed, remove it from the map. You may also test
your LUCK to avoid a trap, as usual
Table 4.4.2 Traps
2d6 Trap Description
2 Acid Bath: A part of the ground has been rigged to give way, sending you slithering down into an acid
filled stone bath! You can test against your Climb skill with a -3 penalty (the sides are slippery) or plunge
into the corrosive liquid and suffer 1d6 points of damage (no Dodge or armour). Each round test Climb
skill at -3 to scrabble back out or suffer a further point of damage. When you get out, roll 1d6 for each
piece of equipment you carry - on a roll of 1 the acid has destroyed it! Only magical items are immune to
this. This well concealed trap imposes -2 on Trap Knowledge to spot it.
3 Unstoppa-Ball: A neatly hidden pressure plate releases a heavy metal ball down a chute and straight into
you! Test against your Dodge skill with a -2 penalty or take 3+1d6 points of damage and you are knocked
down. The ball is worth 1d6 gp but occupies three equipment slots if you want to carry it. This trap is
well made and using Trap Knowledge has a -2 penalty.
4 Vortex of Magic: When activated by your presence a concealed rune unleashes a vortex of wild magic.
You are teleported to a random location (roll or drop a dice onto your map to find out where if you are
in a city or dungeon). The magic also mangles you for 1d6 points of damage which cannot be prevented
with armour or Dodge skill. If you have the Second Sight skill you may test against it to spot the rune
before it activates. If you a�empt to use Trap Knowledge you must take a -3 penalty due to the unusual
nature of the trap.
5 Poisoned Dart: A wicked person has secreted a spring loaded poisoned dart in a gap in the nearby
stonework. If you spot it you are able to jump out of the way as the dart whips past you. If you fail the
skill test, you are stung by the dart and suffer 3 points of STAMINA damage as the poison sets your body
on fire.
6 Chaos Rune: A magic user has inscribed a dangerous rune trap in this area - test against your Second
Sight skill. If you succeed, you notice its emanations and are able to move carefully past it. If you fail, the
rune is triggered and you are drained of 1d6 MAGIC points. If you do not have magic points, you will
feel a slight chilling but suffer no other effects.
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
7 Pit Trap: Amazingly, someone has dug out a
pit without anyone noticing their work.
Maybe they did it at night. In any case, as the
ground beneath you gives way, you must test
your Jump skill. A success means you have
leapt clear, failure means you drop a few feet
onto ragged shards of rusty metal, taking 1d6
points of STAMINA damage as a result. You
may climb out relatively easily.
8 Spore Bag: A pressure plate has been rigged
here, which when activated punctures a
concealed bag of noxious spores which fill this
area with a choking cloud. Test against your
Acrobatics skill. If you succeed you manage to
dive and roll out of the cloud before you are
affected, if you fail you take a lungful of spores
and suffer a racking cough for the rest of the
day - you have -1 penalty to your SKILL until
you have rested overnight.
9 Drop stone: Your movements see you
blundering upon a tripwire which has
released a large stone block from above you.
Test your Dodge skill. If you succeed, you
have quickly sidestepped the block and are
unharmed (if dusty). If you fail, a hefty clunk
onto your head leaves you reeling - suffer 1d6
points of STAMINA damage. If you wear a
metal helmet, you take 1 point of damage.
10 Spray of Acid: When touched a disguised lever sets off a spring loaded piston that shoots a spray of
strong acid over you! Test your Acrobatics skill. If you succeed you manage to dive out of the way before
the acid soaks you. If you fail, the burning liquid causes you 1 point of STAMINA damage and also
degrades your armour. Your Armour rolls have a -1 penalty until you can pay a suitable merchant 2d6
gold pieces to repair it.
11 Spiked Stick: A spiked length of wood has been rigged with a tripwire to swing out and impale you. You
may test against your Dodge skill to avoid it. It is a crude trap and causes only one point of damage.
12 Broken Trap: Someone has already fallen victim to this trap - if you have Trap Knowledge you can
scavenge 2d6 gp worth of machinery, otherwise you move carefully past.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Secret Doors Between the rooms: Corridors
Many dungeons contain secret or hidden routes Treating the spaces between rooms as separate areas
through them, undoubtedly used by the inhabitants is an optional rule. If you wish to, you can use these
to surprise unwary heroes. If the room or corridor rules to see if anything happens to your hero as you
contains a secret door the hero must test against their move between the rooms on your map.
Awareness skill to spot the door. Once spo�ed a Trap
Knowledge skill test will reveal the mechanism to Depending on the shape of your map, you might
open the door. If that test is failed, the hero may decide that some rooms do not have corridors
spend an hour looking around for it; roll 1d6 - if you between them, with one room opening directly onto
roll 1, a wandering monster has found you and you the next. Corridors are assumed to be in keeping with
must roll on the Dungeon Encounter table. At the end the rest of the dungeon. If the ‘dungeon origin’ roll
of one hour examining it, roll your Trap Knowledge indicates that you are in a sewer, the corridors will be
skill again with +1 bonus. You may repeat this, sewer pipes. If the dungeon is a creature's lair, the
increasing the bonus up to +3 for each hour spent, but corridors will be rough tunnels dug out by the
if you fail all these rolls you cannot open this secret creature and so on. Although most of the encounters
door unless you have some other, perhaps magical, happen inside rooms there is always a chance that
means to do so. something will happen as they move between them.
Roll 3d6:
4 - the door opens to reveal an ambush! A monster 7 - Part of the roof has collapsed - you must test
was waiting for you in a small chamber (no further against your Strength skill to clear it out or spend
exits) and will now leap to a�ack. Roll on the an hour working on it (if you have a pick or shovel
Dungeon Encounter table to see what avails you. you get a bonus of +3 to your Strength skill test),
during which time a wandering monster, alerted
5-10 - the door opens to reveal a corridor which by the noise, finds you. Roll on the Dungeon
leads to another room in this section, roll or drop Encounter table.
a dice onto your map to determine which room it
leads to. 8-9 - you encounter a wandering monster, roll on
the Dungeon Encounter table.
11 - the door opens onto a corridor which leads
onto the next section of the dungeon. If there are 10-17 - corridor is empty.
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
Transition Rooms The transition room should be placed at the ‘end’ of
This is an optional feature which creates a break the section. After you have created your map of a
between the dungeon sections, giving heroes a section of the dungeon, place the transition room at
chance to rest (see ‘Resting in Dungeons’) and giving the place which you consider to be furthest from the
heroes a sense of progress in the depths. They are not start. Heroes may arrive here without completing all
required but do add some additional flavour to the the rooms in the section, but they should be allowed
dungeon. As is tradition, these rooms tend to lead to decide if they want to continue to the next section
downwards, but that is also optional. If you wish the or finish the part of the dungeon they are already in.
dungeon to be ‘fla�er’ you can change the description Their quest or mission may not be completed if they
so that the way leads simply onwards, rather than move on too quickly.
Table 5.11 Transition Rooms
2d6 Transition Room
2 Tracks in the dirt end suddenly at a wall and you are certain there is a secret door! Make an Awareness
skill test to find the means of opening it...or try again tomorrow! (You may still rest here as normal, whilst
you try and spot the way forward). You gain +3 bonus to your Awareness skill test for each day you
spend carefully examining the mute rock surface. Frustrating.
3 A chasm: use the handholds to climb (Climb skill test) or tumble down suffering 1d3 pts damage before
you manage to pull yourself out and onto the other side.
4 An underground channel contains rushing waters with a raft and a rope to pull it across: Make a Strength
skill test or slip in and suffer 1d3 points of damage from the thrashing silver forms lurking in the water
before you struggle to the other side. You may also fish here.
5 A hideous idol sits leering at you with a large bowl held in its hands. Pay 1gp (disappears as soon as it
goes into the bowl) or use Acrobatics skill to avoid its acid spit (1d3 Stamina damage) to move past it.
6 A mining rig has been set-up allowing you to go down in a crude lift. Use Underground Lore skill test
or the cage gets out of control and you crash into the ground suffering 1d3 points of damage
7 Steps lead down into the darkness….
8 Stairways going down..with a pressure plate that releases a swinging axe! Make a Trap Knowledge skill
test or suffer 1d3 Stamina damage. Once the trap is released, you are aware of it and don’t need to test
again to pass this point.
9 A portal is set in a circular stone frame, its surface like ripples on a moonlit lake. Glowing runes are
carved into the edge of the frame. Make a Magic Lore skill test to activate the runes correctly or suffer
1d3 stamina damage as your body is slightly mangled by the teleportation. Disturbing. A similar portal
on the other end will take you back.
10 The room contains a hole which is the top of a smooth sided slide which, if you are brave enough to risk
it, deposits you further into the depths. Make an Acrobatics or Climb test or take 1d3 damage as you slam
into the ground at the end of the slide. A Climb test is required to get back up the tube later on.
11 A winding corridor with a number of small side chambers leads onwards. It is dry and the air is sweeter,
refreshed by draughts of air from cracks leading up to the surface.
12 You come into a quiet chamber, the only sound is the gurgling of a small stream of clean water that passes
along one side. Edible mushrooms line its course. You may refresh your supplies of water here and
harvest two rations worth of fungi.
AFF Adventure Creation System
General Dungeon Rules Using Ranged Weapons in Dungeons
A hero that uses ranged weapons can use them in the
Whilst we cannot cover every eventuality, here are first round of combat, unless they are ambushed.
some recommendations of how you should deal with After the first round they must use melee weapons
various aspects of dungeoneering. Always remember unless they have an ability that can create a distance
that a dungeon is supposed to be a dangerous place between themselves and the monsters, or the
and retreating to rest is smart, not cowardly. monsters themselves are using ranged weapons. See
the monster descriptions in the bestiary to decide if
Lighting that is the case.
Most dungeons are underground or enclosed, so we
assume they are not well lit unless the rolls say ‘Clearing’ a Section
otherwise. Heroes will be expected to bring their own If a hero has visited every room and defeated every
sources of lighting and keep a track of their use. monster in a section of the dungeon, they can
Torches and Lanterns can be dropped or put down consider it ‘cleared’. They will no longer meet any
when the fighting starts - if this is done without wandering monsters in this section for the next 1d6+1
warning (the hero is ambushed) then they may go days (after which various creatures will start to move
out! If your hero has to quickly drop their light source in and repopulate it). This is obviously a very useful
roll 1d6 - on a roll of 1 it has gone out and they must tactic to allow heroes to rest and recuperate but if this
fight in the darkness. Most monsters are unaffected approach is used a careful eye should be kept on how
by darkness, though you should read their many rations they have available!
descriptions carefully to check.
Wandering Monsters
Not all the monsters stay meekly in their rooms! For
Carrying a light source makes using stealth close to
each hour your hero spends in a dungeon you should
impossible - any a�empt at Sneaking whilst holding
roll 1d6 - on a roll of 1 a wandering monster has
a torch, lantern or other light source has a -6 penalty.
discovered you - roll on the Monster Encounter table
to see what you need to fight. You will need to
Using Stealth in Dungeons
estimate how long you have spent in the dungeon to
Some heroes will be happy to blunder through a
work this out based on your movement, resting and
dungeon without subtlety but many will want to
fighting. If you do not wish to keep a strict track of
sneak along and hope to catch the monsters by
time, simply make a wandering monster check every
surprise. If a hero wishes to use stealth they can do so
time you stop to rest or eat.
by rolling their Sneak skill versus the Awareness of
the monsters (use their SKILL value) as a contested
Resting in a dungeon
skill roll. Heroes that need a torch or light source to
Obviously, whilst resting is an important means for a
see their way around the dungeon have a -6 penalty
hero to recover their lost STAMINA, it might be
to their Sneak skill if they don’t put it out first (though
dangerous to do this in a busy dungeon! Resting in a
they may then struggle with the darkness).
normal part of the dungeon means you must roll 1d6
Successfully sneaking up on a monster grants the every hour - on a result of 1 a wandering monster has
hero +6 to their first combat roll and +2 to the damage found you!
roll if they win the round. If the monster is asleep, the
hero only fails their Sneaking skill roll on a fumble.
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
Roll on the Monster Encounter table to find out what Example Dungeon Creation
it is. If you are asleep when this happens, its first
a�ack automatically hits for maximum damage.
To help you understand the ideas in this chapter we
If you are resting in a transition room (see above) you
have included an example dungeon, split into two
roll 1d6 for every four hours of rest, as these are
sections, showing how you can use the tables and
places that are quieter than the rest of the dungeon.
advice to build and populate an ‘adventure ready’
dungeon for your heroes to explore.
Fleeing an Encounter
Sometimes, a hero may find that an encounter is too
We start by rolling for the number of rooms in each
much for them and they decide to flee from combat.
section and deciding on a method to create our maps.
If they wish to, a hero can test their LUCK - if they
As this is a simple dungeon we give each section
succeed they flee back to the beginning of this section
1d6+6 rooms (we get 8 and 10 respectively for the two
and leave the monster behind (heroes of course may
sections) and we choose the ‘dice drop’ method to
have other means of escaping, such as the use of
create our maps.
magic - it's up to you to decide what works). If they
fail the test the monster gets a free a�ack as they leave
We take two pieces of paper (one for each section)
and combat then continues to the next round. A hero
and drop dice onto them to mark out the location of
should find somewhere to rest after fleeing - if they
the rooms and connect them with doors or corridors.
return to the same section within eight hours the
After doing this we end up with simple maps,
monster they were fighting will find them again in
preferably done in pencil so we can alter them later,
1d6 rounds!
which we can then build up into more complete
More extensive rules about fleeing encounters are
provided in the Chapter 3: General Play Guidance.
AFF Adventure Creation System
We use the same method for both parts of our Section 1
dungeon so the initial map for section 2 looks like
this. At this point we could use these layouts without Origin: Cave. You have stumbled into part of a
further elaboration and encounter the rooms one by natural cave system, which has been built over as the
one, using the tables to fill them with monsters, traps city grew or gone unnoticed in the wilds. The tunnels
and so on, but for this example we will show how you and rooms are unworked and there are places where
can build them up into a completed design. you have to squeeze through narrow gaps to move
forward. The entrance is a simple opening in a
natural rock formation. Typical rooms will be oddly
Now we can bring this dungeon to life using the rules
shaped with uneven floors and ceilings. Tunnels
and tables provided in this chapter. To start with we
wind and vary in width and may be difficult to
roll for the origin of the dungeon (Table 5.1), its
squeeze along.
condition (Table 5.2), the condition of its inhabitants
(Table 5.3) and any transition rooms (Table 5.11) we
want to include. We will do this separately for each Condition: Overgrown. Nature has run riot here,
section, though the dungeon origin, condition and with strange growths sprouting from every surface,
monster condition can be rolled once for the whole tendrils and roots hanging down from the ceiling.
structure if you wish and we can always decide to This halves the distance at which ranged weapons
choose specific options instead of relying on the dice can be used and in addition, if you miss in combat
rolls. with a melee weapon roll 1d6 - on a result of 1 your
weapon is snared in a vine and
you need to spend a round
working it free unless you
make a successful Strength
skill test.
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
Section 2 Based on what we have rolled so far and before we fill
out the rooms we come up with this. ‘You have been
Origin: Crypt - this was once a religious place used to approached by a priestess of Hamaskis, Sister Vesper,
house the remains of the dead. Tomb raiders have who explains that she has been searching for the
visited and the once carefully organised tombs have resting place of Lady Annabelle who was a founder
been broken into and pillaged. As you step forward of her temple many years ago but was buried in secret
you can feel bones crunching underfoot. The entrance to avoid persecution by the evil lord who ruled the
is, by tradition, through either an ancient vine strewn city at that time.
mausoleum or an open grave. As this is not intended
to be a place for the living, rooms and corridors will Sister Vesper has had a vision in which she saw a path
tend to be tight, narrow spaces, often decorated with leading down into the ground through a hidden cave
images of death and containing shelves or nooks for system filled with grasping vines to a lost forgo�en
coffins. crypt. She is far too scared to go down herself and has
asked if you could explore on her behalf; the only
things she wants are to find out where Lady
Condition: Consecrated - This area is located at a site
Annabelle was laid to rest and see if the texts she was
that was once a temple of a benevolent god. If you use
buried with still exist.’
any healing magic in here, you gain an additional +1
STAMINA points in recovery.
At this point we make a note of these details (as they As noted in this chapter, if you have access to a
will affect our gameplay) and then think about the number of bestiaries you can use them to create
results of our rolls to see if we can create a story or dungeons with specific themes (undead, demons,
theme for our dungeon. We don’t need a story for orcs & goblins and so on) and replace the random
every dungeon but it can help us make decisions encounters given in Table 5.6 with more appropriate
about what to include in the rooms. monsters - so instead of a finding a Wood Golem in a
crypt, we could replace that with a Wight (both
creatures from the dungeon level 3 encounter table).
AFF Adventure Creation System
Now we want to fill out the rooms of our dungeons Room 5: Two occupants, one with SKILL +1 (Gark SK8
and discover what details we need to add to our map. ST10 A�1 & Gark SK7 ST10 OotP56), No entrance
We use table 5.4 ‘Room Contents’ to find out numbers feature, no room conditions, one room feature
of occupants, entrance features (doorways), room (Spring).
conditions and room features, which we can then
generate using Table 5.6 ‘Random Monster
Room 6: 1d3 occupants with SKILL -1 (one Gark SK6
Encounters’, Table 5.8 ‘Room Entrance Features’,
ST10 A�1 OotP56), two entrance features (Flimsy
Table 5.9 ‘Room Condition’ and Table 5.10 ‘Room
Door), no room condition, one room feature (Fungi).
Section 1.
Room 1: One occupant (Great Orc SK7 ST6 A�1
OotP90), one entrance feature (Disjointed), no room Rolling our 3d6 eight times (refer to the text on
conditions, one room feature (Side Chamber). corridors above) we find that the section from room 4
to 5 will contain a wandering monster (which we will
Room 2: Empty, One entrance features (Rubble), one roll when we get there) and the section from room 6
condition (Natural Light), no features to 8 will contain a secret door, which we decide to
link back to the secret door in room 4.
Room 3: 2 occupants with -2 STAMINA (Skeleton SK6
ST3 A�1 OotP103) , No entrance feature, no room
Bringing this all together we can now take our simple
condition, no room features.
map of section 1 and turn it into a proper map
Room 4: Empty, no entrance feature, one room showing all the details we have rolled and using our
condition (Natural Light), one room features (secret imagination to bring it to life.
We now repeat the same process for section 2.
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
Chapter 5 - Dungeons
Making Changes and Finishing Off Add in anything we need for missions or quests -
Having created a dungeon using the tables to guide in this case we have filled out our rooms by
us, we can still make changes to bring it to life or give random, but if we were using this dungeon as an
it a specific theme. In this case we could decide to do objective for a mission we could choose or
a number of things such as: randomly pick rooms to contain important items
or creatures.
If we are creating this dungeon as a Director we
might want to write brief descriptions of each Add in any specific items or objects that we feel
room or we can invent these as we encounter should exist within this dungeon. For example, as
them. The descriptions need not be very long - just we have created a story for our dungeon (it is the
a few sentences to explain what is seen as you lost tomb of Lady Annabelle) we will put her lost
We could replace the Dark Elves in the Overgrown dungeon is entirely up to you - it will depend a lot on
Caves with a different type of humanoid or give how much time you intend to spend here and its
them some reason to be here (perhaps they are in importance to any quests or missions you are
charge of the Great Orc, Gark and Half Ogre?). currently working on.
Introduction specified, but any type of environment can have its
own skill. Thus the full list (for the purposes of this
The purpose of this chapter is to provide you, as book, you may add your own as required) are Plains
either heroes or Directors, with the means of creating Lore, Forest Lore, Hills Lore, Mountain Lore, Tundra
interesting and challenging wilderness & Ice Lore, Desert Lore, Jungle Lore, Marsh Lore,
environments. These rules can be used with a map Rivers & Lakes Lore, Shorelines and Sea Lore. This is
that you have already created, or help you create one. quite a long list of skills! At the discretion of the
As with the sections on se�lements and dungeons, it Director, you can substitute a single skill ‘Wilderness
is advised that you consider the Lore’ which covers all of these.
results of the tables as suggestions
for your game and alter them to In addition, remember that these
suit your needs. are knowledge special skills - a
Hero can still use SKILL or
In a world of adventure, the wilds MAGIC to a�empt the tests - the
are a truly dangerous place. points in the special skill makes it
Roads and tracks may be known more likely you will succeed, but
to locals but will lead travellers an experienced barbarian or
astray. Maps are hard to obtain sorcerer will be able to cope with
and unreliable. Help for most challenges without
wanderers, in the form of shelters developing all these special skills
or inns, is sparse or non-existent separately.
and all the while you may feel the
hairs on the back of your neck For the purposes of this book,
prickling as a wily beast or each Region Lore skill covers a
ruthless bandit tracks your steps. type of environment rather than a
Even should you find your way particular place. A hero with three
and avoid confrontation, a great points in Marsh Lore can use this
storm can sweep across and skill in any marsh they come
freeze you to the bone. If the cities and towns are across. You may prefer the idea that Region Lore
dangerous, the wilds are deadly. refers to a particular area, if so heroes must make a
note of which part of the world they are familiar with
To survive your adventures across Titan you will when they learn the skill.
need to find your way, deal with your encounters and
be prepared for the ever changing weather. Using the Heroes Companion Rules
The Advanced Fighting Fantasy Heroes Companion
A note on Skills book provides rules on creating maps for wilderness
Throughout this section the ‘Region Lore’ skill will be areas, if the player or Director prefers to use these
referenced extensively. In the Advanced Fighting rules they should do so; the tables for weather, terrain
Fantasy core rulebook only two types of Region Lore and encounters from this book can then be used to
are referenced - Forest Lore and Sea Lore are enhance the use of these maps.
AFF Adventure Creation System
6.1 Creating your Wilderness Create a map: Either on paper or a computer, this
simple and popular method requires only your
In this section we show you how to create a varied, time and imagination. Draw a map of your
playable map of the wilds using a variety of methods landscape pu�ing in whichever features you
and options. require and then working out a scale - you can
then divide it into hexes or squares of around 10
Finding your Way & Mapping miles in size.
For the sake of building a map we divide the world
Borrow a map: With the popularity of role playing
into areas, each 10 miles across, which is a distance
games on the rise there are a huge number of maps
that can be covered in half a day's travel on a well
available online, many for free. Choose one that
made road. Usually when making maps of this kind,
you like and download or print it off - you can
hexagonal or ‘hex’ pa�erns are used, but square
mark in the different areas as you go.
pa�erns or any regular tile or grid can be used,
depending on what you have available. Use the ‘Dice Drop’ method: Described in the core
Advanced Fighting Fantasy rulebook as a means
Each area on the map is assigned a type of of creating a dungeon, the dice drop method can
environment, representing the dominant features be used also for wilderness maps by creating a
you find as you traverse it. Thus an area designated random pa�ern which you then fill in using your
‘Plains’ will be mostly flat or gently rolling imagination or by rolling 2d6 on the table below
grasslands, but it will still have small hills, ponds and ‘Table 6.1.1 Random Wilderness Generator’. A
maybe a river or two - very few areas will consist piece of paper, pencil and some dice are all that is
purely of one type of environment. It’s up to your required. Very useful when you are struggling for
Hero to use their skills to get across it via the shortest inspiration!
and safest path.
Use a ‘narrative’ map: For long journeys overland,
Unless your campaign specifies that a road or track you might want to use a narrative or story based
exists you should assume that your Hero is working map in which you decide how long your journey
their way through as best they can - their speed will takes and what sort of terrain you cross; treating it
vary depending on how well they read the land. as an abstract story in which your hero spends
Travelling through untracked wilderness is very some time in the wilderness. For example you
much slower than using a road or path! could decide that to get to their destination they
will need to spend ten days in the forest and three
days in the mountains before arriving - obviously,
Map Creation you still need to keep a rough map in your mind
There are a number of ways in which you can create as to where things are if you take this approach.
a map of the wilderness; pick the one that best suits
you, remembering that the rules of this book divide
the wilderness into areas that are about ten miles
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
Completely Random Landscape Generation Repeat this process for as long as you wish to,
Landscapes can be created through purely random depending on how far you need to travel. Remember
generation, starting with a marked piece of paper and that this is your map and you can apply some
some dice. This technique works best with hexagonal common sense, if you feel that the random generation
or square lined paper. does not make sense, though it is sometimes fun to
take up the challenge of interpreting the results - a
Firstly, pick a hex (or square) as your starting point single mountain in the middle of a jungle could be
and decide what sort of environment you would like home to a lost temple or hidden lair!
to start in. If you are starting in a se�lement, think
about what would be around it. A dwarven citadel Hot and Cold climates: If you wish to set your map
might be surrounded by mountains whereas a in an area with a hot climate, replace any Tundra &
human city could be on plains or a shoreline. From Ice areas with Desert and similarly, if you want your
this area, starting with the north most edge, work map to be in a cold area, replace any Desert areas
your way around clockwise making a roll to see what with Tundra & Ice.
sort of environment is adjacent to that edge. This will
fill out the map around you.
Table 6.1.1 Random Wilderness Generator - Roll for each adjacent Area
Region 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Plains (Pl) Tu De Ri Hi Pl Pl Fo Ma Ju Sh Mo
Forest (Fo) De Mo Ma Hi Fo Fo Pl Ju Ri Sh Tu
Hills (Hi) Ma Tu De Pl Hi Hi Mo Fo Ri Ju Sh
Mountains (Mo) De Ma Ju Fo Mo Mo Hi Ri Pl Tu Sh
Tundra & Ice (Tu) Ju Ma Mo Ri Tu Tu Pl Hi Fo De Sh
Desert (De) Ju Ri Ju Hi De De Pl Mo Fo Ma Tu
Jungle (Ju) Tu Mo Hi Ma Ju Ju Fo Ri Pl Sh De
Marsh & Swamp (Ma) De Pl Fo Ju Ma Ma Ri Sh Hi Mo Tu
Rivers & Lakes (Ri) Tu Mo Fo Sh Ri Ri Ma Ju Pl Hi De
Shoreline & Sea (Sh) Mo Tu Fo Ri Sh Sh Ma Ju Pl Hi De
Finding a Random Wilderness Area Table 6.1.2 Random Wilderness Area finder
If you need to designate a random The area you are looking for lies 3+1d6 areas away in the
wilderness area, perhaps as part of a following direction..roll 1d6 three times.
quest or mission, it can be done by
dropping or rolling a dice onto your map Roll 1d6 (Reroll 5 or 6) to find a column then..
(if it rolls off the map, roll it again - the Roll 1d6 (Reroll 5
place you want is the one under the dice, or 6) to find a direction. 1-2 3-4
if it se�les on a boundary line then use 1 North North East
your judgement to decide where you are 2 East South East
going) or by starting from a point on 3 South South West
your map such as a se�lement and using 4 West North West
the compass points and a random For example: If you roll a 2, followed by a 4 then a 3, the random
distance. wilderness area lies 5 areas away (50 miles) in the South West direction.
A roll of 4, 2 and 2 would mean it lies 7 areas away (70 miles) to the East.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Permanent Features Example Map
As you travel the wilderness, you may come across In order to help you visualise how these maps can be
things which are permanent - se�lements, dungeon put together (and it’s entirely your decision as to how
entrances, campsites. This is noted in the encounter you want to map out your world) we have included
description. You should note these on your map as an example map, showing the region around Ludria.
you create it, in general you can find (or avoid) them It has a wide variety of environments to explore and
in the future by passing a Region Lore test. one other se�lement (King’s Gap), but no other
details have been added in case you want to use the
map yourself. As with all maps of this type each area
has been marked with the dominant type of
environment, but they are all mixed to some extent,
so as the river leads north from Ludria those areas are
marked as ‘Ri’ meaning Rivers & Lakes, but of course
there are also fields, small hills and glades of trees
do�ed around. As well as being marked ‘Ri’, ‘Pl’ etc
each area has a li�le symbol to indicate what sort of
environment is present.
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
Travelling the Wilds If there is no path, when your Hero enters a new area
make a test against their Region Lore special skill (or
Having created your map, the following section SKILL or MAGIC if you have no points in the
provides you with rules for making your way across relevant Region Lore). Each type of environment has
it. its own associated Region Lore. A woodsman with a
bonus in Forest Lore will not be any the wiser when
Travel Time trying to navigate in the mountains. You may also use
The travel time is based on traversing the wilderness, the Navigation skill from the Heroes Companion if
instead of following a known path or track. you wish.
Assuming you survive the exposure, don’t fall into a
crevasse or get killed by bandits the next thing to If the hero succeeds very significantly (gets 4 less then
work out is how long it took your Hero to cross an their skill or a critical success), you find some
area. In the environment and encounter description unmapped trails and paths, which will lead you
you will find tables for the travel time based on your across the area quickly. If you just succeed, you will
route, the weather and terrain. cross in the normal time for that environment as
specified in the description. If you fail the roll, your
Known path or track: If there is a known path or journey will take longer - it’s assumed you don’t give
track available the travel time is reduced to the best up and turn around though that is always an option!
result on the Route table. You will have to decide if The amount of extra time will vary depending on the
this option is available, probably based on the environment - see the separate descriptions in the
location of any se�lements, though you may also Route table to find out what the penalty is.
decide that having a road or path is part of your
campaign se�ing. You must still roll for weather and If you fail the roll badly (how much depends on the
encounters, but you do not roll for terrain as the path environment) or if you critically fail, your hero will
avoids them. get lost. This will add to your travel time and require
you to roll again - ge�ing lost means that you make
For example: You have been asked to visit Fort Trollfear, a no progress across the terrain.
small military camp about 30 miles north of your current
location. No one has heard from Fort Trollfear in weeks and Each time you successfully traverse an area of the
they are worried something dreadful has happened. map, gain +1 to your Region Lore for that particular
Because it is a known location with supplies and troops area. This increases each time to a maximum of +6 as
moving back and forth, you decide that there is a well worn you gain familiarity with that piece of territory.
track leading to it, so you can follow that all the way to the Remember that this bonus only applies to that single
fort. Having arrived there, you find it has been a�acked and area and not to others of the same type. For example,
the small number of survivors tell you that an orc warband D’Sta Leafshadow has one point in Region Lore -
came from caves about twenty miles to the east. In this Forest and has criss-crossed the ‘Wolf Wood’ near
case, there is no reason for a path to exist and if you want Ludria many times, gaining +6 to his Region Lore roll
to track down the orcs and exact revenge, your hero will for that area. When D’Sta travels to the ‘High Wood’
need to navigate the wilderness. far to the west, he no longer has this bonus and goes
back to rolling against his usual Region Lore skill.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Once you have assessed your route, weather and Roads & Se�lements
terrain add these together to find out how long you As noted above, the travel times are based on forging
will spend crossing this area. You should round the your way through an untracked wilderness, though
time to the nearest day - so if your total is 2 ¼ days to clearly roads and paths do exist in some places. You
cross some hills, treat it as two days (on the second should feel free to add them where appropriate,
day you push on into the night before resting for based on your se�ing. We suggest the following
example). This determines how many encounters you guidelines for routes between se�lements.
need to roll and the amount of meals you will
consume. Se�lement Suggested Routes between
City Has direct routes to all se�lements in
Example: D’Sta Leafshadow has SKILL 7 and Region Lore: its area and all adjacent areas. Routes
Forest of 1, for a total special skill of 8. He enters a new area to towns extend to all within two areas
of forest he wants to cross from west to east. D’Sta makes a (20 miles) and routes to cities extend to
test and rolls 4 on 2d6 - he has succeeded by 4! He finds an all within six areas (60 miles).
old woodcu�er’s trail and passes through in ½ day Town Has direct routes to all se�lements in
(barring weather and terrain) as indicated in the its area and other towns or cities
description for the Forest environment. Had he rolled a 7, within two areas (20 miles). Villages in
he would have kept to his direction through the trees, but it adjacent areas have a 1-2 chance on
would take him 1 day. If he had rolled an 11, failing by 3, 1d6 to have a direct route.
he spends ½ day wandering in the forest and so it takes him Village Has direct routes to all se�lements in
1½ days (before weather and terrain). If D’Sta rolled a 12 its area. Se�lements in adjacent areas
he would get lost, spend 1 day walking in circles and have have a 1 in 6 chance to have a direct
to start again - and make another Region Lore: Forest roll. route.
Before he works out exactly how long it takes him to cross
this forest, he must roll for weather and terrain, then total So if a hero has already explored part of the world, or
it all together. D’Sta rolls on the weather table, ge�ing a 2 knows of some se�lements, they can travel along a
on 1d6 for fair weather. On the terrain table he is less known route and get the benefit of a faster travel time
fortunate rolling a 6, indicating some broken terrain that (weather and encounters still apply).
takes 1 day extra to cross. Pu�ing it all together, he enters
the forest, finds a path (with a roll of 4 against his Region Forced March
Lore: Forest of 8) but at some point the path is interrupted A hero may wish to move faster than normal pace for
by broken terrain, adding one day. So his travel time is 1½ a while. You can choose to undertake a forced march,
day - which he rounds down to one day as he pushes on late in which all travel times are halved but at the end of
into the evening to get across. He has to make one each day you must test against your STAMINA to see
encounter roll for that day. If he had worse rolls, it could if you are exhausted by it. At the end of the first day,
have taken 2 or more days to get across this area and he make the test using 2d6. On the second day, use 3d6,
would have to roll an encounter and weather for each day 4d6 on the fourth day and so on. If you fail the test
he spent in the forest. It may seem excessive to take you have pushed to the point of collapse - you are
multiple days to cross 10 miles of territory, but remember exhausted and must rest without moving for one
that this is for a hero crossing an uncharted wilderness. It’s whole day to recover.
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
If your hero has points in the Strength special skill, Standard Encounter Options
these can be included as a bonus to your rolls, so a As a reminder, in Chapter 3 we detailed a number of
hero with 2 points in Strength skill rolls 2d6-2 on the encounter options. A hero may wish to use this (or
first day, then 3d6-2 on the second day and so on until others they can think of) to deal with the challenges
they stop or collapse as above. they face.
At the end of a forced march you may not a�empt Table 3.1.1 Standard Encounter Options - see
another one until you have spent the same number of descriptions in Chapter 3 for more details
days recovering as you did marching - so if the hero Option Action
spends three days at forced march pace they cannot Fight Begin combat and resolve it using the
start another one until a further three days of normal normal combat rules, you may use a
travel or rest have passed. ranged weapon or spell in the first
round if you have spo�ed your target.
Flee Run from combat; test your LUCK to
Encounters escape or suffer a ‘free hit’.
Having an interesting encounter in the wilderness is Sneak A�empt to use Sneaking to get past
far less likely than in a se�lement, but every day can your target, consider what bonuses or
bring some new surprises - good or bad. The penalties apply.
standard number of encounters each day is one (the Talk Use a social skill, you must share a
wilds may be dangerous, but a lot of time is spent means of communication with your
travelling through mundane landscapes which pose target.
no particular threat or opportunity). Each Trick A�empt to trick your target in some
environment has an encounter table that should be way, a variety of means including
rolled on for every day spent travelling through it. magic can be used.
Bribe Offer your target an amount of gold to
A skilled hero can use their wits and knowledge to ignore your actions.
shift the odds. If you choose to, you can make a Feed Offer an animal food in order to
Region Lore skill roll with a -3 penalty - if you distract it.
succeed, you can decide to either sneak through the
wilderness and avoid problems (have no encounters) Travelling at Night
or use your abilities to find all the interesting things Most adventurers will stop and rest once the sun has
you can (have two encounters in one day). set, but if you absolutely must push on, you can.
However, unless you have some means of seeing long
Encounters at night: It is assumed that heroes, distances at night you are at a severe disadvantage. A
however brave they may be, find sheltered and hero or group of heroes without darkseeing,
hidden places to bed down for the night, so there is nightvision or a similar effect has a -6 to all
no requirement to roll for a night encounter if you are Awareness tests to spot danger, -6 to any Region Lore
not travelling. If you wish to increase the difficulty, rolls they take at night and must make a Region Lore
roll for a night encounter as well as a day encounter, test (with the -6 penalty) or find themselves lost; in
but only apply the result if it could seek you out - so effect they spend the night walking in circles and
you would encounter a Predator, but not a Crevasse - make no progress.
the Predator sniffs you out in the darkness!
AFF Adventure Creation System
Staying alive in the wilderness means either bringing Survivor Talent: A hero with this talent does not
your own food or finding it as you travel. This is need to make a roll to forage for themselves and can
covered by the Hunting and Fishing special skills. gather 2 meals for every 2 hours spent foraging, as
Using these skills takes ½ day to make a skill test, on well as finding shelter in harsh environments where
a success the Hero obtains 2d6 meals. Each area on exposure can be a problem. They may choose to use
the map will have its own conditions that may affect their talent or make a Hunting or Fishing skill test,
your chance of obtaining food - see the table below. the choice is theirs.
Any points in the Animal Lore special skill can be
used as a bonus for this skill test. Once you’ve found
out what the foraging conditions are for an area,
make a note of it in case you pass back through.
Plains 1-2: +2 bonus to Hunting 3-5: No Modifiers 6: Hunting and Fishing skill
and Fishing skill tests. tests are at -2.
Forest 1-2: +2 bonus to Hunting 3-4: No Modifiers 5-6: Hunting skill tests are at
and +1 to Fishing skill tests. -2 and Fishing at -3.
Hills 1-2: +2 bonus to Hunting 3-4: No Modifiers 5-6: Hunting and Fishing
and Fishing skill tests. skill tests are at -2.
Mountains 1-2: +2 bonus to Hunting 3-4: No Modifiers 5-6: Hunting and Fishing skill
and +1 to Fishing skill tests. tests are at -3.
Tundra & Ice 1: +1 bonus to Hunting and 2-3: No Modifiers 4-6: Hunting and Fishing skill
Fishing skill tests. tests are at -3.
Desert 1: +1 bonus to Hunting skill 2-3: Fishing is not possible 4-6: Hunting skill tests are at
tests, Fishing is not possible -3, Fishing not possible
Jungle 1-3: +3 bonus to Hunting 4-5: +1 bonus to Hunting 6: Hunting and Fishing skill
and Fishing skill tests. and Fishing skill tests. tests are at -1.
Marsh 1-2: +1 bonus to Hunting 3-5: +2 bonus to Fishing 6: Hunting skill tests are at -2.
and +3 to Fishing skill tests. skill tests
Rivers & Lakes 1-2: +1 bonus to Hunting 3-4: +2 bonus to Fishing skill 5-6: Hunting skill tests are at
and +3 to Fishing skill tests. tests and -2 to Hunting tests -4 and Fishing at -1.
Shorelines & Sea 1-2: +1 bonus to Hunting 3-4: +2 bonus to Fishing 5-6: Hunting skill tests are at
and +3 to Fishing skill tests. skill tests -3 and Fishing at -1.
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
Exposure Food & Drink
In addition to the hazards of encountering beasts or Rules for starvation are provided in the core AFF
falling into a crevasse, the wilds can kill with heat, Rulebook - a hero that doesn’t eat and drink for one
cold or dehydration. For dehydration, it is assumed day loses 2 points of STAMINA. In this book we refer
that a Hero’s rations include sufficient water to to ‘meals’ instead of rations, as one meal is sufficient
sustain them so no additional rules will be given to provide enough sustenance for one day or restore
beyond those in the AFF rulebook. Exposure to 2 STAMINA. One ration provides two meals. A
extreme cold or heat, often resulting from severe waterskin holds enough water for one day and can be
weather (weather conditions are rolled for daily) is replenished from natural sources, unless you are in a
worked out as a skill test as the Hero uses their Desert region. Remember to take enough food and
experience and wits to avoid the climatic effects. The water for you and your mounts when you venture
Hero must use their SKILL, MAGIC and Region Lore into the wilds!
skill to pass the target number provided, or they
suffer 1d6 points of STAMINA damage due to
AFF Adventure Creation System
The Changing Seasons Hiring a Guide
The influence of the seasons is rather dependent on If you start from a se�lement (village, town or city) or
how you wish to play your campaign and keep track encounter one, you may try and hire a guide. Firstly,
of time. The complexities involved would require an make an Etique�e skill roll to see if you can find one.
additional chapter at least which seems excessive If you fail, you can’t find anyone to help you, if you
when many heroes would rather treat the changing succeed you have found a local with sufficient
seasons as a ‘background effect’ rather than worry understanding of the area to guide you in whichever
about them too much. If you wish to apply some direction you choose. The guide will stay with you
changes, the following adjustments are suggested for three areas distance from the area containing their
and you should feel free to add more as you see fit. home. The guide charges 5gp each day (if you don’t
An entire campaign played out in the depths of pay them, they slip away in the night). They carry
winter or the sultry heat of summer has its appeal, their own rations and basic travelling gear. They will
but the details require your imagination. not fight for you.
Seasonal Adjustments When you have a guide with you, you reduce your
Spring No adjustments. travel time for each area to one day. You must still roll
/ Autumn: for weather and encounters, but you do not roll for
Summer: In the heat of summer add +2 to terrain (they know how to take you past the worst
weather rolls in the Jungle & Desert places).
locations and suffer a -3 penalty to
exposure tests in those locations.
Winter: In the chill of winter add +2 to weather
rolls in the Mountains & Tundra
locations and suffer a -3 penalty to
exposure tests in those locations. Any
beasts you encounter are weakened by
starvation and have -2 STAMINA. All
foraging tests (Hunting & Fishing) 6.2 Environment Descriptions
have a -2 penalty.
Each type of environment will have their own
Using LUCK whilst exploring challenges and inhabitants, the environment
If all else fails, a Hero can call upon whichever gods descriptions provide you with details on weather,
happen to be watching and ask for aid. At any time, navigation and encounters. Remember that each area
you may test your LUCK to find help. If you fail, is described by the landscape and vegetation that are
nothing happens and you stagger on with only your dominant but none of them will be entirely uniform.
wits to save you. If you succeed you come across a Plains will have small lakes and rivers, mountains
traveller, a friendly and knowledgeable guide that will have valleys, deserts may have stone peaks and
will help you from your current area to the next one oasis. As usual take what is wri�en as a base upon
you wish to explore and provide you with one day's which you can create your own unique zones.
worth of rations (2 meals), after which they will
disappear. You may only test your LUCK like this The encounters are described in section 6.3, for a list
once per day. see Table 6.3.1 Wilderness Encounters.
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
Plains (Pl) distance close to where dust rises from what must be
The landscape rolls away from you in seemingly a wagon trail. The plains are open country often criss-
endless waves of green and brown. Grass ripples in crossed with tracks and usually amongst the easiest
the breeze and small glades hold out the offer of places to travel but, for the same reasons, they are
shade, though they also be a hiding place for all also home to hunters of many kinds. You are as likely
manner of creatures. Shading your eyes from the sun to meet a wyvern as a merchant, so beware!
you survey the vista, noting a small farm in the
Route - Make a Region Lore: Plains skill test.
Succeed by 4 or be�er Normal Success Fail by 1-5 Fail by 6+
Find a path: ½ day 1 day (Riding: ½ day) Wander: ½ day extra Lost! +1 day, try again
Region Conditions
Roll 1d6 1-3: Fair 4-5: Mixed 6: Severe
Weather - roll once Soft breezes and dry The occasional squall The rain falls in rolling
each day conditions ease your interrupts your progress, sheets, turning the ground
travels, making forcing you to shelter to mud whilst gusts of wind
walking a pleasure. as it passes. +¼ day. threaten to bowl you over: +½
day. Exposure: Cold, TN 12.
Table 6.2.1 Plains Encounter Table. Encounter descriptions are in section 6.3.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 Young Dragon Young Dragon
4 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Leper Colony, 4-6 Merchant Roll 1d6: 1-3 Leper Colony, 4-6 Ghost
5 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Wildfire, 4-6: Campsite Roll 1d6: 1-3 Insect Swarm, 4-6 Campsite
6 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows
7 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Patrol, 5-6 Outlaws Roll 1d6: 1-4 Outlaws, 5-6 Merchant
8 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Herbalist, 5-6 Blood Vines Roll 1d6: 1-4 Pit Trap, 5-6: Blood Vines
9 Monster! Roll 1d6: 1-3 Wildfire, 4-6: Stampede
10 Herd of Beasts Predator
11 Predator Monster!
12 Homestead Homestead
13 Se�lement / Ruins Se�lement / Ruins
14 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Pit Trap Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Pit Trap
15 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Merchant Roll 1d6: 1-3 Blood Vines, 4-6 Ghost
16 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Stampede, 4-6 Band of Pilgrims Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Pit Trap
17 Hunting Wyvern Campsite
18 Giant Giant
AFF Adventure Creation System
Forest (Fo) hear something rustling in the undergrowth? It might
A deep green fills the canopy as you crunch across be time to draw your sword…. The forests of the
the leaves that li�er the ground, making sure to avoid world provide homes to all manner of creatures and
tripping on the gnarled tree roots. You must not relax people, both good and bad. They can provide you
too much however. The leaf li�er is an excellent place with everything you need to survive, but it is also
for a predator to hide, the canopy above you provides easy to get lost amongst the endless trees
another place from which to ambush and as you
move deeper in you notice how the trees have closed Special: There is no shortage of firewood. If you have
in, and the air seems sickly. Are you sure you didn’t the means to start a fire you can always make one.
Region Conditions
Roll 1d6 1-3: Fair 4-5: Mixed 6: Severe
Weather - roll once Under the canopy, the air Rain pa�ers through the The rain falls and winds howl
each day is still. +1 Awareness. leaves above making the +½ day. No Exposure. Roll
ground slippery. +¼ day. 1d6 - on a 1 a branch lands
on you causing 1d6 damage.
Roll 1d6 1-4: Easy 5: Tough 6: Broken
Terrain - roll once The trees are well spaced The ground rises and The Forest is ancient and
for this area (update and between them it is falls and many trees block dense, forcing you to hack
your map) even, +1 to Forest lore. your way. +½ day. to make a path. +1 day.
Table 6.2.2 Forest Encounter Table. Encounter descriptions are in section 6.3.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 Young Dragon Young Dragon
4 Wild Boars Crevasse
5 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows
6 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Herbalist, 4-6 Trapper Roll 1d6: 1-3 Wildfire, 4-6 Stampede
7 Blood Vines Roll 1d6: 1-3 Marsh Lights, 4-6 Ghost
8 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Herd of Beasts, 4-6 Patrol Roll 1d6: 1-3 Forgo�en Path, 4-6 Predator
9 Outlaws Roll 1d6: 1-3 Wild Boars, 4-6 Insect Swarm
10 Predator Predator
11 Monster! Monster!
12 Homestead Homestead
13 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Merchant, 4-6 Trapper Blood Vines
14 Se�lement / Ruins Se�lement / Ruins
15 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Camp Site Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Camp Site
16 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Pit Trap Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Pit Trap
17 Band of Pilgrims Outlaws
18 Giant Giant
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
Hills (Hi) The landscape is dominated by the up and down of
Cresting yet another peak, you stop to take a drink rises, crests, dips, vales, knolls, elevations, fells and
and find an apple in your pack. The sun is out and mounts, all of which you will have to labour up or
toiling up and down slopes all morning has left you scramble down. On their tops, they are often
sweating. You look around, hoping to spot a path that windswept and rocky with trees and bushes
leads along the top of the ridge or the base of a valley, becoming more common as you descend the slopes,
anything that will offer you a few hours of travel often finding a stream or small lake at the lowest
along reasonably flat ground but nothing stands out. points. It is a mixed land, full of variety.
Region Conditions
Roll 1d6 1-3: Fair 4-5: Mixed 6: Severe
Weather - roll once Dry with pleasant breezes, Light rain makes the Storm Clouds whip overhead
each day you can see for miles from scrambling up and down deluging you
the peaks. +1 Region Lore. the slopes tricky. +½ day. +½ day. Exposure: Cold TN12
Roll 1d6 1-4: Easy 5: Tough 6: Broken
Terrain - roll once You pick your way carefully The only way forward is to Although the peaks are low,
for this area (update allowing a relaxing walk. scramble up and down with they are steep and broken.
your map) +1 Hunting. li�le rest. +½ day. Make a climbing roll (TN 13)
or 1 day, (½ day success).
Table 6.2.3 Hills Encounter Table. Encounter descriptions are in section 6.3.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 Young Dragon Young Dragon
4 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Crevasse, 5-6 Leper Colony Roll 1d6: 1-4 Crevasse, 5-6 Leper Colony
5 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows
6 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Prospector, 4-6 Trapper Roll 1d6: 1-3 Ghost, 4-6 Insect Swarm
7 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Landslide, 4-6 Ferocious Hailstorm Roll 1d6: 1-3 Landslide, 4-6 Ferocious Hailstorm
8 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Wild Boars, 4-6 Patrol Roll 1d6: 1-4 Camp Site, 5-6 Wild Boars
9 Outlaws Roll 1d6: 1-4 Prospector, 5-6 Trapper
10 Predator Predator
11 Monster! Monster!
12 Homestead Homestead
13 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Prospectors, 4-6 Pit Trap Outlaws
14 Se�lement / Ruins Se�lement / Ruins
15 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Merchant Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Herd of Beasts
16 Dungeon Entrance Dungeon Entrance
17 Hunting Wyvern Hunting Wyvern
18 Giant Giant
AFF Adventure Creation System
Mountains (Mo) Special: Climbing in the mountains will afford you
As the morning sun rises it glances off the snowy spectacular views - add +2 to your next Region Lore
slopes that surround you, momentarily blinding you. roll when you leave the mountains.
The cold thin air leaves you gasping for breath as you
raise your eyes to the summit, but it is hidden from Special: The air cools as you ascend the mountains. If
view, shrouded by clouds that promise further you do not have wood to make a fire you lose 2 points
snowfall. You are well above the surrounding lands of STAMINA each day. (2 day’s wood occupies one
but there is still further to trudge upwards in the hope slot). You can find wood by testing SKILL or Region
of finding a pass through to the lands beyond. Lore: Mountains to acquire 1d6 days of firewood.
Region Conditions
Roll 1d6 1-3: Fair 4-5: Mixed 6: Severe
Weather - roll once The air is cold and clear, Winds and snow flurries. Winds howl and snow falls.
each day with no sign of rain or -1 Awareness, +½ day, +1 day, Exposure:Cold TN 18.
snow. +1 Awareness. Exposure: Cold, TN 14. Awareness -3 as skies darken.
Roll 1d6 1-4: Easy 5: Tough 6: Broken
Terrain - roll once You can navigate via the Paths lead to nowhere and This is a hard peak of steep
For this area lower slopes. rock falls block your way. cliffs, and icy slopes. Lose 1
(Update your map) +1 Region Lore. +½ day. day. Make a climbing skill
or lose a further ½ day
Table 6.2.4 Mountains Encounter Table. Encounter descriptions are in section 6.3.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 Young Dragon Young Dragon
4 Hunting Wyvern Crevasse
5 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows
6 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Crevasse, 4-6 Frozen Bodies Roll 1d6: 1-3 Ghost, 4-6 Campsite
7 Ferocious Hailstorm Ferocious Hailstorm
8 Prospectors Outlaws
9 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Trapper, 4-6 Outlaws Roll 1d6: 1-3 Trapper, 4-6 Prospector
10 Predator Predator
11 Monster! Monster!
12 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Forgo�en Path, 4-6 Crevasse Landslide
13 Homestead Homestead
14 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Pit Trap Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Pit Trap
15 Se�lement / Ruins Se�lement / Ruins
16 Landslide Ferocious Hailstorm
17 Crevasse Crevasse
18 Giant GIant
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
Tundra & Ice (Tu)
Stamping your boots on the ground to get some You can forage for firewood by testing your SKILL or
feeling back in your toes you peer out from your fur your Region Lore: Mountains skill, a success means
lined hood, surveying the land ahead of you. The you acquire 1d6 days worth of firewood. A hero with
monotony of the drifting snow is broken here and the Survivor talent does not need to roll provided
there by a stand of pine trees or an outcropping of they can spend 2 hours searching.
rock but the overall impression is of emptiness and
AFF Adventure Creation System
Route - Make a Region Lore: Tundra & Ice skill test.
Succeed by 4 or be�er Normal Success Fail by 1-5 Fail by 6+
Find a path: 1 day 1½ day (Riding: 1½ day) Wander: ½ day extra Lost! +1 day, try again
Region Conditions
Roll 1d6 1-3: Fair 4-5: Mixed 6: Severe
Weather - roll once The air is still and dry. Fogs drift across the open A dense fog appears only
each day The only sound is your land obscuring vision. to be replaced by a driving
breathing. +1 Awareness. -1 Awareness, +¼ day, storm of snow and hail.
Exposure: Cold, TN 13. +½ day. Awareness -2.
Exposure: Cold, TN 17.
Table 6.2.5 Tundra & Ice Encounter Table. Encounter descriptions are in section 6.3.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 Young Dragon Young Dragon
4 Band of Pilgrims / Barbarians Roll 1d6: 1-3 Leper Colony, 4-6 Ghost
5 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows
6 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Crevasse, 4-6 Frozen Bodies Roll 1d6: 1-3 Ghost, 4-6 Frozen Bodies
7 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Trapper, 4-6 Herd of Beasts Herd of Beasts
8 Outlaws Crevasse
9 Ferocious Hailstorm Ferocious Hailstorm
10 Predator Predator
11 Monster! Monster!
12 Homestead Homestead
13 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Campsite Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Campsite
14 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Pit Trap Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Pit Trap
15 Ferocious Hailstorm Roll 1d6: 1-3 Outlaws, 4-6 Frozen Bodies
16 Se�lement / Ruins Se�lement / Ruins
17 Hunting Wyvern Hunting Wyvern
18 Giant GIant
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
Desert (De) Special: If an encounter requires you to test your
Shading your eyes against the glaring sun you take a Awareness skill, you gain a +1 bonus due to the open
sip of water to get some moisture. You resist the urge nature of your surroundings, but also suffer -1 to
to drink too much, knowing that it may be some time Sneaking skill tests.
before you can find more. The wind whips sand into
your face as you scan the horizon for clues about your Special: A waterskin will hold water for one person
journey. As you step forward there is a crunch - or mount for one day. If you run out of water, you
looking down, you realise you have trodden on an suffer 1d6 STAMINA damage on the first day, 2d6
ancient skull. It grins at you one final time before the damage on the next day, then 3d6 and so on. Running
sands trickle back in place, covering it for eternity. A out of water in the desert is generally deadly! Camels
grim fate awaits those who get lost in the desert. can go up to two weeks without water.
Route - Make a Region Lore: Desert skill test.
Succeed by 4 or be�er Normal Success Fail by 1-5 Fail by 6+
Find a path: 1 day 1½ day (Riding: 1 day) Wander: ½ day extra Lost! +1 day, try again
Region Conditions
Roll 1d6 1-3: Fair 4-5: Mixed 6: Severe
Weather - roll once The air is still and dry. Winds fill the air with sand. A great sandstorm appears.
each day +1 Awareness. +¼ day, -1 Awareness, -3 Awareness, +¾ day.
Exposure: Heat, TN 14. Exposure: Heat, TN 16. Exposure: Heat, TN 14.
Roll 1d6 1-4: Easy 5: Tough 6: Broken
Terrain - roll once The dunes roll ever on, The sand is soft and sliding. The dunes conceal deep
for this area but they are small and firm. Movement skills -1 due troughs filled with fine sand.
update your map) to footing. +½ day. +1 day. Movement skills at -2.
Table 6.2.6 Desert Encounter Table. Encounter descriptions are in section 6.3.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 Young Dragon Young Dragon
4 Stampede Stampede
5 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows
6 Hunting Wyvern Crevasse
7 Quicksand Quicksand
8 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Bone Pile, 4-6 Outlaws Roll 1d6: 1-3 Bone Pile, 4-6 Ghost
9 Mirage Outlaws
10 Predator Predator
11 Monster! Monster!
12 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Campsite Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Campsite
13 The Sphinx The Sphinx
14 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Pit Trap Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Pit Trap
15 Homestead Homestead
16 Se�lement / Ruins Se�lement / Ruins
17 Crevasse Ferocious Hailstorm (surprising!)
18 Giant GIant
AFF Adventure Creation System
Jungle (Ju) your path in every direction. It is almost impossible
The heat you could bear, the humidity you may to move quietly and your progress is accompanied by
endure but the insects are vicious and driving you to the squawks of startled birds and other, more
madness. Barely a moment passes without having to disturbing, grunts and growls. You are acutely aware
swat away some bloodsucking bug that wants to of the density of life here in the vibrant green of the
drain you of your fluids. Some of them are large jungle.
enough to make you wonder what manner of
creature is feeding them! Unlike the forests, the Special: If you have 3 or more points in Climb special
canopy here has not prevented a riot of vegetation skill you can add +1 to Region Lore in the jungle as
from sprouting at every level. A tangle of creepers bar you scramble up a tree to survey the way forward.
Region Conditions
Roll 1d6 1-3: Fair 4-5: Mixed 6: Severe
Weather - roll once The air is humid and still, The rain hammers down, A torrential downpour
each day leaving you to sweat your turning soil into mud. hammers down. +¾ day.
way through. +¼ day as you slip about. -2 to all physical skills.
Roll 1d6 1-4: Easy 5: Tough 6: Broken
Terrain - roll once for Although tangled the spaces There are many streams you The ground consists of
this area (update between trees are generous, have to wade. ½ day is massive tree roots. +1 day,
your map) allowing some respite. spent pulling leeches off. physical skills at -2.
Table 6.2.7 Jungle Encounter Table. Encounter descriptions are in section 6.3.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 Young Dragon Young Dragon
4 Stampede Stampede
5 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows
6 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Herbalist, 4-6 Outlaws Roll 1d6: 1-3 Herbalist, 4-6 Outlaws
7 Blood Vines Quicksand
8 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Leeches, 4-6 Insect Swarm Roll 1d6: 1-3 Leeches, 4-6 Insect Swarm
9 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Insect Swarm, 4-6 Swamp Gas Marsh Lights
10 Predator Predator
11 Monster! Monster!
12 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Blood Vine Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Blood Vines
13 Homestead Homestead
14 Se�lement / Ruins Se�lement / Ruins
15 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Quicksand Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Leeches
16 Marsh Lights Roll 1d6: 1-3 Ghost, 4-6 Swamp Gas
17 Herd of Beasts Herd of Beasts
18 Giant Giant
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
Marsh & Swamp (Ma) the flat landscape and surround you, making
Your footsteps leave a trail of tiny ponds as you navigation challenging. To finish it off, dense clouds
squelch across the sucking mud, carefully prodding of midges drone mindlessly across the fetid pools and
ahead of yourself with a long stick to avoid the swarm about you, leaving you covered in itchy bites.
deepest slurries. Your boots are soaked through and
will need to be dried by a fire soon or they will start Special: The mud and soft ground make it hard to
to rot. The rest of your clothing is hardly in a be�er keep your footing. Combat suffers a -1 penalty and
state - the muggy air of the marsh and your sweat movement skills are at -2. Mists, rising constantly
make you feel like you are wearing a damp towel. from the pools, create barriers to sight: -1 Awareness.
The air is full of moisture. Mists and fogs drift across
Region Conditions
Roll 1d6 1-3: Fair 4-5: Mixed 6: Severe
Weather - roll once The air is damp but still, The mists turn to constant The rain falls in cold sheets.
each day creating an eerie feeling of drizzle, soaking you. The ground is a quagmire.
alertness. +2 Awareness. +¼ day as you trudge along. +½ day.
Roll 1d6 1-4: Easy 5: Tough 6: Broken
Terrain - roll once There is enough solid Areas of mud and water Firm ground is rare and
for this area ground to form a network force you to meander. ½ day moving forward is tedious
(update your map) of paths. as your path wanders. And slow. +1 day.
Table 6.2.8 Marsh & Swamp Encounter Table. Encounter descriptions are in section 6.3.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 Young Dragon Young Dragon
4 Herd of Beasts Herd of Beasts
5 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows
6 Roll 1d6: 1-2 Herbalist, 3-6 Outlaws Roll 1d6: 1-2 Herbalist, 3-6 Outlaws
7 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Boatman, 5-6 Blood Vines Quicksand
8 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Leeches, 4-6 Insect Swarm Roll 1d6: 1-3 Leeches, 4-6 Insect Swarm
9 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Insect Swarm, 4-6 Swamp Gas Marsh Lights
10 Predator Predator
11 Monster! Monster!
12 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Blood Vines Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Swamp Gas
13 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Marsh Lights, 5-6 Quicksand Blood Vines
14 Homestead Homestead
15 Se�lement / Ruins Se�lement / Ruins
16 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Leeches Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Ghost
17 Hunting Wyvern Boatman
18 Giant Giant
AFF Adventure Creation System
Rivers & Lakes (Ri) Special: The travel time is based on finding places to
Sunlight glinting off the water and the cries of water ford the rivers . If you wish to, you can make two tests
fowl sooth you as you approach the river's edge, of Swimming to reduce the travel time to 1 day, but
though as you get closer a cloud of midges rises from each failure causes 1d6 of drowning damage.
the surface. The wilderness is never easy. From the
banks you can see that the channel meanders along to Special: You may test your LUCK to find some
a lake which is large enough to contain a couple of transport. If you succeed, you discover a washed up
islands. The sounds of the river are pleasant and rowboat, just large enough to accommodate you. It
taking a drink of fresh water is a relief from the stale holds together long enough to make the opposite
contents of your skins, but you can’t ignore the shore, before falling to pieces. Reduce travel time to 1
problem facing you: how do you get across? day, but remember to deduct a point of LUCK.
Route - Make a Region Lore: Rivers & Lakes skill test.
Succeed by 4 or be�er Normal Success Fail by 1-5 Fail by 6+
Find a path: 1 day 1½ days (Riding: 1½ days) Wander: ½ day extra Lost! +1 day, try again
Region Conditions
Roll 1d6 1-3: Fair 4-5: Mixed 6: Severe
Weather - roll once A clear bright day sees Rain sweeps across the A flood! Roll Swimming.
each day sunlight glinting from the open water, soaking you. ground. +¾ day. If you fail
water. +2 Swimming. +¼ day as you trudge on. Drown for 1d6 damage.
Roll 1d6 1-4: Easy 5: Tough 6: Broken
Terrain - roll once The rivers run swift but Deep channels block your Before you lies many
for this area shallow, finding crossing path. ½ day as you look interconnected channels.
(update your map) points is easy. for crossing points. +2 Fishing, but +1 day.
Table 6.2.9 Rivers & Lakes Encounter Table. Encounter descriptions are in section 6.3.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 Young Dragon Young Dragon
4 Herd of Beasts Herd of Beasts
5 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows Roll 1d6: 1-3 Place of Rest, 4-6 Ancient Hallows
6 Roll 1d6: 1-2 Herbalist, 3-6 Leeches Roll 1d6: 1-3 Leeches, 4-6 Insect Swarm
7 Quicksand Quicksand
8 Boatman Boatman
9 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Insect Swarm, 4-6 Outlaws Roll 1d6: 1-3: Insect Swarm, Blood Vines
10 Predator Predator
11 Monster! Monster!
12 Homestead Homestead
13 Merchant Ghost
14 Se�lement / Ruins Se�lement / Ruins
15 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Campsite Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Campsite
16 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Quicksand Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Ghost
17 Hunting Wyvern Swamp Gas
18 Giant Giant
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
Shoreline & Sea (Sh) Special: The shoreline cuts across your direction of
The sound of crashing waves and the cries of gulls travel and you must turn aside by one quarter turn (if
can be heard before you push through the last of the you were heading north you may now go east or
bushes and see the water, stretching out from here to west, if you were heading east you may go north or
the horizon. You stumble down the beach until your south and so on). This can only be avoided if you
toes are sinking into wet sand, where you stand and have a means to cross the water, either a boat or some
contemplate your fate. You cannot swim across, so magical means. If you have access to a boat, the travel
how will you continue your journey? time is one day.
Region Conditions
Roll 1d6 1-3: Fair 4-5: Mixed 6: Severe
Weather - roll once A cool breeze ruffles your Winds raise spray from the The shoreline has waves
each day clothing as you paddle. water and form scudding surging to the high water
fogs. -2 Awareness. mark. +½ day.
Roll 1d6 1-4: Easy 5: Tough 6: Broken
Terrain - roll once A pleasant beach rises from The shoreline is cut by The waters have formed
for this area the water creating a broad frequent channels and crumbling cliffs that slow
(update your map) path forwards. driftwood. + ¼ day. you. +1 day.
Table 6.2.10 Shoreline & Sea Encounter Table. Encounter descriptions are in section 6.3.
3d6 Daytime Encounter Nigh�ime Encounter
3 Young Dragon Young Dragon
4 Leper Colony Leper Colony
5 Band of Pilgrims / Barbarians Wild Boars
6 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Patrol, 4-6 Outlaws Roll 1d6: 1-3 Swamp Gas, 4-6 Outlaws
7 Roll 1d6: 1-3 Merchant, 4-6 Ferocious Hailstorm Roll 1d6: 1-3 Patrol, 4-6 Outlaws
8 Quicksand Quicksand
9 Boatman Boatman
10 Predator Predator
11 Monster! Monster!
12 Homestead Homestead
13 Hunting Wyvern Insect Swarm
14 Se�lement / Ruins Se�lement / Ruins
15 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Campsite Roll 1d6: 1-4 Forgo�en Path, 5-6 Campsite
16 Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Quicksand Roll 1d6: 1-4 Dungeon Entrance, 5-6 Ghost
17 Leeches Marsh Lights
18 Giant Giant
AFF Adventure Creation System
6.3 Wilderness Encounters Unless you have some magic to get you out of the
way you are going to have to dash to get out of their
Travelling through the wilderness should mean more way! Firstly, make an Awareness skill test to see how
than simply bumping into wandering monsters far away the stampede was before you noticed it.
(though that should happen occasionally). These Next, make a Strength or Acrobatics skill roll to dash
encounters aim to bring the wilds to life by offering out of the way of the stampede. If you succeeded in
more than just random combat. your Awareness skill test you get a +3 bonus to this
test. If you succeed, you have managed to find a place
Table 6.3.1 Wilderness Encounters. of safety in time and watch in awe as the stampede
W1 Stampede W21 Boatman passes you by. If you fail your skill test you are
W2 Crevasse W22 Se�lem/Ruins caught in the stampede. You are bashed about,
W3 Ferocious Hailstorm W23 Blood Vines knocked over and struck by the biting jaws of the ants
W4 Place of Rest W24 Landslide as they pass by. Roll a d6. The result tells you how
W5 Pilgrims / Barbarians W25 Wildfire many times you must roll as if you had been hit by a
W6 Homestead W26 Pit Trap mace! If you survive you are ba�ered and bruised but
W7 Merchant W27 Ghost may continue with your adventures.
W8 Hunting Wyvern W28 Campsite
W9 Herd of Beasts W29 Wild Boars
W10 Ancient Hallows W30 Insect Swarm
W11 Herbalist W31 Prospectors
W12 Trapper W32 Frozen Bodies
W13 Predator W33 Bone Pile
W14 Monster! W34 Leeches
W15 Outlaws W35 Swamp Gas
W16 Patrol W36 Dungeon
W17 The Sphinx W37 Giant
W18 Forgo�en Path W38 Mirage
W19 Marsh Lights W39 Leper Colony
W20 Quicksand W40 Young Dragon
W1 Stampede
You are trudging along through some unremarkable
scenery when you start to hear a strange noise. At first
you ignore it, thinking it to be some nearby stream or
brook of no consequence, but the noise starts to grow
louder and louder. As panic starts to set in you look
around and notice a cloud of dust and commotion
approaching you - it’s a stampede of giant ants!
Something, somewhere has set these creatures in
motion and now they are rushing across the ground
trampling and tearing at everything in their path.
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
W2 Crevasse W4 Place of Rest
With a great rumbling and a sound like a thousand Cresting a small ridge you come across a sight which
thunderclaps, a great rent opens in the ground before gladdens your heart. Before you lies a place of rest (an
you! Firstly, you must roll against Acrobatics (or oasis in the desert, a sylvan glade in the forest and so
Riding if mounted) to avoid tumbling down - if you on) where you can recover for a while. Resting here
fail, take 1d6 damage as the ground threatens to restores 1 STAMINA (even without sleeping). You
swallow you up. When you recover you see that deep may refresh your water and foraging here provides
fissures now stretch away for some distance to either you with 2 meals of rations, without needing a skill
side, still quivering stone cracks with crumbling rock test. Restore one LUCK for discovering this place.
walls. You must choose to either work your way
around this obstacle (add ½ day to your travel time) Feature: The Place of Rest should be noted on your
or climb down and up the other side. If you wish to map, you can find or avoid it in the future with a
try and cross the crevasse, test against your Climbing successful Region Lore skill test. You only restore one
skill - you must succeed twice (once to climb down point of LUCK on your first visit.
and once to climb out the other side). Each failure
sees you slither and fall down the rough stone, W5 Band of Pilgrims / Barbarians
suffering 1d6 points of STAMINA damage. There are many noises you might expect to hear in
the wilderness, but singing is not one of them.
Feature: The crevasse should be noted on your map, Peering ahead you can see a band of travellers
you can find or avoid it in the future with a successful moving across your path, dressed in unusual clothing
Region Lore skill test. and moving in a naturalistic, almost dancelike way.
They are playing instruments and singing or
W3 Ferocious Hailstorm chanting in a language you don’t recognise. They
For a moment there is a stillness in the air and then a don’t seem to have seen you yet. What do you do?
crack of thunder. Seemingly out of nowhere the sky
darkens and roiling black clouds appear. Is this really ● This is clearly a trap of some kind. Warily you edge
natural or some magical trick? As you ponder that around keeping a distance and carry on your way.
question a ferocious hailstorm commences! Ice balls ● Come a bit closer and talk to them for a while. Roll
the size of apples crash down, pummeling the 1d6 - on a 1-3: You discover that they are pilgrims
ground and anyone unfortunate enough to be caught travelling to a festival of some sort and are happy to
without shelter. You must test your Awareness skill share some information. Add +1 to your next Region
to find a place of shelter. If you fail, you take 2d6 Lore roll. You may also join them for a while, going
points of damage as you are smashed about the head along with the party for the rest of day. They provide
and shoulders by massive pieces of hail (armour rolls you with 2 meals worth of food but this costs you half
apply). In addition, if you have any mounts or pack a day of travel. On a 4-6: You discover they are
animals you must make a Riding or Animal Lore skill barbarian nomads and you have intruded on their
test or they bolt - it takes you half a day to retrieve the territory - one of their warriors steps forward and
shivering animals. The hailstorm passes with the challenges you. Barbarian SK 7, ST 10 Weapon: Ba�le
same eerie swiftness with which it arrived; after no Axe Armour: Leather Hauberk. They will concede the
more than ten minutes you are free to continue your fight once reduced to 3 STAMINA or less - if you
journey. If you need to, the hailstones can be collected accept they offer you 2 meals as a token of respect, if
and melted into drinking water. you continue the fight the others flee your wrath.
AFF Adventure Creation System
W6 Homestead (Abandoned, Inhabited). They will also allow you to rest here overnight, but
Roll 1d6 Inhabited Abandoned only for one night. If you fail the Etique�e roll, the
Plains (Pl), Hills (Hi), 1-4 5-6 farmer is not convinced and tells you to be on your
Forest (Fo) way. You can try again if you pass this farmstead
Rivers & Lakes(Ri), 1-3 4-6 another time on your travels.
Jungle (Ju), ● There is no law in the wilderness, and you’ll take
Shoreline & Sea (Sh) 1-2 3-6 what you need by force! Pretending to be friendly,
Mountains (Mo), you approach the farmer and then suddenly a�ack!
Marsh & Swamp (Ma) 1 2-6 He is not surprised and defends himself wildly.
Desert (De), Homesteader SKILL 7 STAMINA 10 Weapon:
Tundra & Ice (Tu) Polearm, Armour: Leather Cuirass. He adds +1 to his
damage roll in fury at your a�ack on his home. As
With li�le warning you come across a lonely you fight, his wife and children pick up everything of
building, a single storey house of stone and timber value in the home and flee - they are gone and hidden
with a small wood fenced animal pen on one side and by the time you are done. Inside the home you find 2
a garden on the other. meals worth of food. If you pass back through this
area, the farmstead will be an abandoned ruin.
If the homestead is abandoned, although it is
rundown and partially ruined you can use this as a Feature: The Homestead should be noted on your
sheltered place of rest to camp in. map, you can find or avoid it in the future with a
successful Region Lore skill test. If it is inhabited,
If it is inhabited you see a tough, weatherbeaten man your previous behaviour will be remembered!
standing at the doorway awaiting your approach. He
is gripping a well worn farm implement and keeping
a careful eye on you, but he says nothing. At the
window of the house you can see a woman and a
couple of dirty-faced children also watching you
silently. It’s clear that they are not accustomed to
visitors. What do you do?
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
W7 Merchant W8 Hunting Wyvern
Rumbling along a narrow track that crosses the Whilst most of the dangers in the wilds are lurking
landscape before you comes a covered wagon pulled close to the ground, the seasoned traveller will also
by a shaggy maned heavy horse, being led along by a keep an eye on the skies above. You have the
middle-aged woman dressed in travelling clothes misfortune of being spo�ed by a young wyvern out
and well worn leather boots. Upon seeing you she looking for a meal. Firstly, you must test your
pulls the horse to a halt, retrieves a crossbow from the Awareness skill. If you succeed you hear its plaintive
front seat of the wagon and holds up a hand in cry some time before it swoops and you are ready to
greeting. With the crossbow held nonchalantly at her face it. If you fail the test, its first a�ack is made with
hip, pointing away from you, she seems to be not the advantage of surprise (+6 to its combat roll and +2
unfriendly but simply wary of a stranger on the road. to the damage roll).
What do you do?
AFF Adventure Creation System
W9 Herd of Beasts
Wherever you are in the world, you will find
predators and prey. In this case you have come across
a herd of the la�er - bison on the plains, goats in the
mountains, horses in the hills and so on. They are
wary but these are wild animals that aren’t familiar
with people and their weapons. If you wish to, you
can use your Hunting skill (or SKILL if you have no
points in Hunting) to try and bag some food. Roll 2d6
and add your skill, then deduct 9, or deduct 6 if you
have a ranged weapon. This is how many days of
rations you are able to harvest from a combination of W11 Herbalist
trapping and martial skill. This takes half a day of Waist high in a patch of brambles you spy a woman
effort, if you wish to spend that time. At the end the dressed in stout outdoor clothing and wearing a
herd has moved on from your direction of travel. broad brimmed hat to keep off the sun and rain. She
is picking at the plants about her, evidently looking
for something. As you approach she notices you and
W10 Ancient Hallows stops her foraging. You notice that she does have a
Without really noticing, you have stumbled into a heavy looking cudgel at her side. What do you do?
circle of ancient stones, some sort of religious or
spiritual site that’s been long abandoned and left to ● Wave a greeting at the woman and leave her be.
nature. Most of the stones have fallen and only by Move on with your adventure.
looking carefully can you make out their shapes ● Approach and strike up a conversation. Make an
under layers of soil and vegetation. For all its Etique�e skill test - if you fail, so does the
decrepitude a sense of deep calm steals over you and conversation and you decide to move on. If you
you feel that it would be safe to rest here. succeed, the Herbalist will offer to sell you a Curative
Salve for 30gp and freely gives you some help with
If you forage in this area you gain a bonus of +2 to directions (gain +1 to your Region Lore skill).
your skill rolls. If you have the Religion Lore or Magic ● A lone woman out in the wild? You draw your
Lore skills, or Second Sight, you can meditate here for sword and advance - she gives a shriek of anger and
an hour and receive a vision of the land from its pulls a large potion bo�le out from her clothing.
ancient inhabitants. They will show you the land as it Before you can stop her, she quaffs it down in one
used to be, but this still helps you in your current gulp and disappears in a puff of green smoke!
journey - gain +2 to your Region lore skill for this Stunned, you move forward and examine the area -
area. Feature: poking about in the bushes, you see she dropped a
gourd of strange liquid in her haste to escape you. But
The Ancient Hallows should be noted on your map, what is it? If you take it, record it as ‘Unknown Salve’.
you can find or avoid it in the future with a successful Should you wish to use it, roll 1d6. On a 1-2 it is
Region Lore skill test. poison and causes 1d6 points of damage. On a 3-6 it
is a curative and restores 1d6 points of health. If you
have the Healing or Herbalism skills, you can make a
test to identify it before you use it.
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
W12 Trapper W13 Predator
Making his way across the landscape you spy the In every wilderness there are predators and some of
lone figure of a man, dressed in furs and leathers he them are bold enough to hunt for man-flesh. In the
carries a large pack on his back festooned with a mountains, a lion might stalk across the rocks,
variety of implements and outdoors gear. Noticing waiting for the moment to pounce. On the plains
you he stops and waves at you, though you notice his hungry wolves lope easily across the miles, patrolling
other hand moves to rest on the hilt of a sword. What their range, always alert for the scent of prey. The
do you do? type of predator will depend on the environment, but
the broad nature of the encounter is always the same
● It seems he doesn’t want to talk - you nod and, - you are being hunted, and must fight or become just
keeping your distance, move on with your travels. another victim of the wilds.
● Approaching slowly you greet him and try to start
a conversation. Test your Etique�e skill - if you fail, The predator will try to use their territory to their
he gives li�le response and moves away from you. advantage - make an Awareness test with a penalty of
Eventually you give up and continue as you may. If -3 to spot them coming. If you fail the test they gain
you succeed, you convince him to stop for a while +4 to their combat roll on the first round as they take
and talk. He is a trapper, out in the wilds hunting for you by surprise!
animals to skin. He has li�le to trade but is
knowledgeable about the area and can give you The type of beast you face depends on the
directions - gain +2 to your next Region Lore roll. environment.
● This looks like a chance to wet your blade: You
draw your weapon and advance. The man seems Plains & Forest (Cold Climate):
unsurprised, he spits on the ground and pulls out a Grey Wolf
wicked looking sabre. SKILL 6
Trapper Weapon: Small Bite
SKILL 7 Armour: None.
Armour: Leather Plains & Forest (Hot Climate):
Hauberk. Lion
Weapon: Sword. SKILL 7
If defeated, he Weapon: Large Bite
has 1d6 days of Armour: None.
rations and
2d6gp worth of Hills & Mountain (Cold Climate):
skins. Brown Bear
Weapon: Large Bite
Armour: Monster Light.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Hills & Mountain (Hot Climate): W14 Monster!
Giant Lizard What’s that coming over the hill? Yes, it’s a monster.
SKILL 6 And it may not be coming over the hill, but might be
STAMINA 8 swooping out of the sky, bursting from the ground or
Weapon: Large Bite appearing out of thin air.
Armour: Monster Medium.
There are a number of ways you can find a monster to
Desert: fight whilst on Titan. The most obvious is to use the
Giant Beetle encounter tables in one of the published bestiaries,
SKILL 6 ‘Out of the Pit’, ‘Return to the Pit’ and ‘Beyond the
STAMINA 10 Pit’ which contain a variety of monsters divided by
Weapon: Small Claw environment.
Armour: Monster Medium.
For the sake of variety it is recommended you use as
Tundra & Ice: many of the bestiaries as you have available, though
Polar Bear note that the encounter tables are not divided by
SKILL 8 difficulty, so be prepared for a challenging fight and
STAMINA 12 remember to read the monster description fully so
Weapon: Large Bite, Large Claw that you understand what you are facing.
Armour: Monster Light.
If you do not have them available you can use the
Rivers & Lakes: Predator encounter
Giant Crab (W13) to quickly find an
SKILL 5 opponent or you can
STAMINA 11 create a completely
Weapon: Small Claw x 2 random monster. The
Armour: Monster Heavy. table below will allow
you to generate an
Jungle & Marsh: opponent, which might
Giant Snake be easy to fight or
SKILL 7 extremely difficult as its
STAMINA 8 characteristics are
Weapon: Small Bite based on the SKILL (or
Poison (1d3 dam) MAGIC) and
Armour: Monster Light STAMINA of your hero.
Roll badly and you
Shorelines & Sea: could be facing a very
Great Sea Eagle powerful creature
SKILL 8 indeed.
Weapon: Medium Bite
Armour: None.
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
Table 6.3.2 Random Monster Generator. Roll Separately for each trait to build up a monster.
* Weak Monster - subtract 2 from the 2d6 rolls for A�acks, SKILL, STAMINA, Weapon & Armour
* Strong Monster - add 2 to the 2d6 rolls for A�acks, SKILL, STAMINA, Weapon & Armour
*Use the SKILL and STAMINA of the hero as the base number. For magic using heroes, use their MAGIC score instead of
SKILL. So a hero with SKILL of 7 who rolls a 9 on 2d6 faces a creature with SKILL 6 (i.e. their SKILL minus one).
AFF Adventure Creation System
W15 Outlaws W16 Patrol
You’ve been spo�ed by a pair of outlaws, bandits that Although most nobles don’t bother with sending out
roam the wilderness looking for victims far from the troops to patrol, a few of the more vigorous like to
relative safety of civilization. send some men out to keep their lands clear of
bandits and monsters. These are usually low ranking
They are desperate men and not interested in parley conscripts, drawn from the peasantry, carrying out a
- they have been watching you and have now set an number of days duty required by their lord and
ambush, do you spot them or will they get the drop heavily armed adventurers are something they will
on you? be keen to deal with peacefully. They are armed and
armoured but will only be carrying a day’s worth of
Firstly, make an opposed test against their Sneaking rations, as this type of patrol will be operating on an
skill of 8, using your Awareness skill. If you succeed established route between se�lements or
you have spo�ed them lurking behind a nearby homesteads.
mound of earth, but if you fail they gain the
advantage of surprise in the first round, after which Conscript (5 in a patrol):
combat proceeds as usual. You must fight both SKILL 5
Outlaws at the same time. STAMINA 7
Weapon: Spear, Shortbow
Outlaws (both) Armour: Leather Hauberk
STAMINA 8 If you do a�ack them, you must fight all five of them
Weapon: Spear at once. What do you do?
Armour: Leather Hauberk.
● You greet them and exchange a few pleasantries
The outlaws have a knapsack containing enough food before moving on. You’ve no need of help today.
and water for four days of travel and 50’ of rope. ● Smiling warmly you come over and make
conversation, asking them about the land and seeing
what help they can give you. Make an Etique�e skill
test. If you succeed they are happy to talk - gain +2 to
your next Region Lore roll for this area and if you are
lost you may make a roll immediately as they set you
right. If you fail the etique�e test, they are suspicious
and surly, asking you to move on and cause no
(more) trouble.
● Pu�ing on your most heroic demeanour, you
a�empt to recruit them. Make a test of Leadership
skill - if you succeed, they agree to travel with you
and act as your guide until you leave this area! You
gain +3 to Region Lore rolls whilst they are with you
and they will fight alongside you if needed. If you
fail, they are unimpressed and remind you that you
are not their lord or master, so be on your way.
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
W17 The Sphinx W18 Forgo�en Path
Coming around the edge of an outcropping of stone By great fortune you have stumbled upon an ancient
you are amazed to see the statue of a sphinx, carved path that is going in your direction! It is cut into the
from an enormous block of stone, its ancient ground so was hidden from view until you were right
weathered face staring solemnly across the upon it, but once you stumble down the crumbling
landscape. As you look up at its worn features, a deep banks you can see that though it is overgrown and the
and somewhat menacing voice speaks directly into cobbles have been pushed aside and turned over by
your mind. ‘You have found the sphinx, mortal, and bushes and plants, it is still a far easier route than
now must choose. Will you answer my riddle or not? marching through the wilderness. Your travel time
A great reward is given for the right answer, but the for this area is now one day (regardless of what the
wrong answer is..painful’. usual travel time is for this environment). You may
restore one point of LUCK for finding it and if you
return to this area you can find and use it again
(though you don’t restore LUCK again). Feature: The
Forgo�en Path should be noted on your map, you can
find or avoid it in the future with a successful Region
Lore skill test.
AFF Adventure Creation System
W20 Quicksand* W22 Se�lement / Ruins
By ill-chance, you have stumbled into a large area of You’ve come across either a se�lement of some kind,
quicksand! What you thought was merely soft one that was seemingly unknown to other people in
ground is now treacherously sucking you down, a this area, or at least the ruins of one. Firstly you must
sudden lurch and you are up to your waist and decide if it is appropriate to find a se�lement - if you
sinking fast. You can try to get out by cunning or have sent your hero off on a journey through the
brute force. If you wish to haul yourself out, test trackless desert, you may not want them to find a
against your Strength skill - you must achieve three small well run town, so in that case treat it as Ruins
successes to get out. Each time you fail, you suffer and use the ‘Place of Rest’ encounter instead. If you
1d3 points of damage (no armour or dodge) as the can’t decide, roll 1d6 - on 1,2 or 3 it is a Ruin (use the
ground squeezes the life out of you. Alternatively you Place of Rest encounter) and on a 4,5 or 6 it is an
can stay calm and try to work out a means to get back inhabited se�lement.
to safe ground - test against your Trap Knowledge
skill. Again you must succeed three times to escape Now must roll 2d6 to see what kind of place you have
and each failure costs you 1d3 points of damage. come across:
2-8 - village
*In the desert or other dry places, the quicksand is a dust 9-11 - town
trap - extremely fine, dry sand that has collected in a 12 - city
hollow and is covered by a thin layer of packed sand that
disguises the threat. Having discovered this place, you must decide what
you wish to do. You may use the rules provided in
W21 Boatman this book to generate a fully fledged se�lement, but if
Drifting lazily along is a small but sturdy looking you only want to make a brief stop you can assume it
boat crewed by a shaggy haired man dressed in has the Temple, Inn and Marketplace locations
waterproof leathers. He is sat in at the rear of his craft, available to make use of. Either way, give it a name
with a fishing pole in hand. He is close enough that and mark it on your map - you can return here if you
you could hail him if you wish. What do you do? come this way again later without making a Region
Lore roll. Finding a se�lement of any kind means that
● Watch silently and let him pass, you’ve no need for you can treat this area as having paths and tracks
his assistance today. available, reducing the travel time to one day (the
● Hail him and wave, asking him to come over so you locals are willing to give at least rough directions
can talk. He folds the sail and steers his craft near to when asked). You may also hire a guide here: See the
talk. Make a Bargain roll. If you succeed he agrees to rules at the start of this section.
take you across the water for a fee of 5gp. If you fail,
he demands 10gp for his services. If you are willing to Special: Once you have found a se�lement in an area,
pay his fee, you reduce the travel time for this area to if it is a town or city any other se�lements found
one day - the boatman is very familiar with the fastest nearby will be villages. If you find a city, there will
routes. He is not able to carry large loads (such as not be a city in any adjoining wilderness areas (unless
wagons) so if you have these, you must leave them you require one for your campaign).
behind if you wish to travel by boat. If you wish to
take a horse or mule on his boat, you must pass a
Riding test to coax your beast on board.
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
W23 Blood Vines
Carelessly you have strolled into a patch of Blood
Vines, a plant that consists of a large buried bulb,
several feet across, with many long spiky vines
spreading out from it like a spider's web. The vines
snake across the ground, hiding under the leaf li�er,
and climb trees to hang from the lower branches.
Should any animal wander into the area near the
Blood Vine, the tendrils will activate and a�empt to
grab hold of it. As they do so the spikes dig into the
flesh and start to drain the unfortunate victim of its
fluids whilst dragging them slowly towards the
central bulb, where they will be pulled underground
for leisurely digestion. Blood Vines are found in
patches - twenty, thirty or more plants spread out
across an area waiting to snare anything unfortunate W24 Landslide
enough to come close. Your only warning of impending disaster is a brief
flurry of loose stones and dirt trickling past you
As the vines start to slither around you, test against down the slope. As you look around for the source of
Awareness. If you succeed you quickly spot the this activity, fearing an ambush, there is an awful
fastest route out of the patch and only spend one cracking, grinding noise as the earth about you starts
round fighting the Blood Vines. If you fail the test you to move. You have been caught in a landslide!
blunder further into the patch and must spend 1d6
rounds fighting your way out! You must try to dive free anyway you can. Make a test
against your Dodge, Acrobatics or Climb skill (pick
Blood Vines one only) to see if you can move clear of the danger
SKILL 7 area in time.
Weapons: Blood Drain If you succeed you tumble out of the way just in time
Armour: None. and sit, counting your blessings, as a large volume of
*A patch of Blood Vines is too large to be beaten with a few rocks and dirt rumble by. If you fail the test you are
sword swings. The aim is to fend them off whilst escaping. caught up in the chaos and bashed around. Take 2d6
Clearing them requires spades, picks, lantern oil and a lot points of damage (cannot be dodged or avoided with
of time and effort. The Blood Vines a�ack by wrapping armour) as you are smashed about and half buried.
themselves around the body and sucking out blood - if they Eventually the landslide comes to a stop and, if you
hit they cause 1d3 points of damage, armour and Dodge have survived, you are able to dig yourself out and
skill have no effect. carry on.
Blood Vines are of interest to alchemists and If you have a mount with you, it must also suffer your
herbalists; should you survive and return to fate - if you dash out of the way it follows your lead,
civilization you can sell knowledge of this colony's but if you get hit by the rocks then your mount also
location for 20gp. suffers 2d6 points of damage.
AFF Adventure Creation System
W25 Wildfire W27 Ghost
As you move along in a daze of your own thoughts, You spy a lonesome figure approaching you; as you
you spot a glowing firefly bouncing in the air. stop to observe their approach a shudder passes
Looking closer you realise that it is not an insect but through you. The figure makes no sound and is not
a smouldering ember trailing wisps of smoke. Your walking, but drifting towards you with dead, staring
senses alerted, you peer around and see thickening eyes fixed firmly on yours - it is a ghost! You are
smoke drifting towards you - a wildfire is rooted by fear and must wait and discover what it
approaching! Your options are to flee, try to build a wants with you. Roll 1d6 - on a 1-2 the ghost is the
fire break or try to find shelter. If you wish to flee crazed shade of someone that suffered a terrible
make a Running skill check (or Ride if you are death and with a wailing cry it lays a curse on you
mounted). If you have some means of making fire before it disappears. Test against your LUCK or lose
you can try to fight fire with fire, but it is risky - you one point of SKILL and STAMINA for 1d6 days. On a
must test your LUCK to succeed. If you wish to try to 3-5 the ghost silently pleads with you but you cannot
find shelter (a cave or pond for example) make a understand what it wants; after a few minutes of this
Region Lore skill test to quickly spot a place to avoid it fades away with a mournful sigh. On a 6 the ghost
the flames. looks deep into your spirit and communicates a
message - it wants you to help it find its grave! The
If you fail with your escape plan, the fire catches you old grave is now overgrown and it will take you a day
nd you take 2d6 points of STAMINA damage as the to find it if you wish to help (roll for weather and
flames roar about you. encounters). The ghost follows you silently imploring
you to continue the search and when you find the
If this encounter happens at night you see it earlier grave it sinks into it, holding out its hands in thanks.
and may take a detour around it, costing you half a Restore one point of temporary LUCK.
day in travel time but not requiring any skill tests.
W28 Campsite
As fortune would have it you come across an
abandoned campsite, a place where people have
W26 Pit Trap recently stopped and rested. Roll 1d6 - on a 1-2 the
Many hunters use the wilderness as their larder and site is occupied by four wolves (SKILL 5 STAMINA 6
you have blundered into a pit trap left here to catch Weapon: Small Bite Armour: None) which are
game. Make a test against your Trap Knowledge skill gnawing on some bones that were left behind - if you
with a -2 penalty (the trap like most of its kind has fight them, you must fight them all together - don’t
been concealed) - if you succeed you have spo�ed the forget to add the ganging up bonus if you are
trap and can move around it with a sigh of relief. You outnumbered. If two are killed the others will flee,
may also choose to test your LUCK to avoid the trap. leaving you with the campsite to yourself. On a roll of
If you fail, you crash through the branches covering 3-5 the site is empty but you do find some neatly
the trap and tumble into the pit. Roll 1d6 - on 1-3 you stacked firewood and kindling you can use to make a
slam into the ground suffering 1d6 points of damage, fire (or in a hot location, some shelter and 1d6
on a 4-6 you fall onto spikes and suffer 1d6+3 points waterskins of water in the form of a tiny spring). On
of damage. Either way, if you survive you can a 6 not only do you find firewood, but also a dagger,
carefully dig your way out of the hole. a backpack, a flint and tinder box, a cooking pot and
a waterskin - the owner seems to have left in a hurry.
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
W29 Herd of Wild Boar W31 Prospectors
With a squeak and a squeal a group of Wild Boar You hear talking and the clinking of people moving
burst from cover nearby, probably startled by your whilst carrying equipment. Fearing an ambush you
movements. duck behind some cover and peer around.
Approaching you are four dwarves, prospectors by
Many of the beasts flee but three males turn and face the looks of it, they carry pickaxes, shovels and
you ready to charge. If you don’t want to fight them equipment for surviving in the wilds. They haven’t
you can test your Animal Lore skill; if you succeed noticed you yet, what do you do?
you use calm movements and gestures to mollify
them and avoid combat. Otherwise, they snort and ● Sticking to your hiding place you let them go past.
rush at you. ● Step out, calmly, and try to draw them into a
conversation - make a test of Etique�e skill (dwarf
Wild Boar heroes get a +3 bonus) to find out more about the
SKILL 6 area. If you fail the conversation drifts into silence
STAMINA 6 and the dwarves leave, if you succeed you gain +2 to
Weapon: Small Bite your next Region Lore roll in this area.
Armour: Light. ● Easy prey! You leap out and a�ack! Dwarf
Prospector SKILL 5 STAMINA 8 Weapon: Pickaxe
Once one of the boar is killed the others flee - you (handaxe) Armour: Chain Hauberk. If you kill two of
may make a Crafting skill roll to get 1d3 meals from the dwarves the others will a�empt to flee. Each has
the carcass and a couple of large tusks worth 2gp 4 torches, flint & tinder, 2 meals and a waterskin.
W32 Frozen Bodies
You stumble across a gruesome sight - a huddle of
bodies, travellers who must have been caught in a
storm and have frozen to death as they tried to shelter
from the cold. You can ignore this terrible warning
and simply move on or try to investigate, using
W30 Insect Swarm whatever tools you have available to scrape away the
As you are moving along you disturb a swarm of ice and search their belongings. Roll 1d6 - 1: As you
biting insects, some kind of huge mosquito, that were loot the corpses one lurches into life - a zombie!
resting in the vegetation around your feet. With an Zombie SKILL 6 STAMINA 6 Weapon: Frozen Fists
angry buzz they swirl around you biting and stinging (treat as club) Armour: Monster light. 2-4: Nothing of
before you can cover yourself and dash out of the interest, 5-6: One of the corpses has a silver pendant
cloud of flu�ering wings. worth 1d6+1gp.
The bites cause only one point of STAMINA damage Whatever the outcome, if you have a shovel or
but leave angry, inflamed welts on your skin. Test pickaxe (or some other means of breaking the
against your Healing special skill or LUCK to avoid ground) you can spend half a day digging a shallow
catching a disease. If you succeed, you shiver for half grave for these unfortunates; restore one point of
a day but nothing worse happens. If you fail, roll on LUCK as the gods look favourably on your act of
Table 4.3.2 Diseases. compassion.
AFF Adventure Creation System
W33 Bone Pile W36 Dungeon Entrance
A white glint catches your eye and as you move You have stumbled across the entrance to a dungeon!
closer you realise there is a pile of sun bleached bones You’ve seen it before any of the monsters have
sca�ered on the ground. You can ignore it or spo�ed you, so you can ignore it if you want and
investigate. If you investigate, roll 1d6: carry on. On the other hand, if you are feeling
adventurous you can stop your journey here and
1 - As you approach the bones shake and form into a: investigate. Create a dungeon as described in
Skeleton Chapter 5! The dungeon has 1d6+3 sections. This
SKILL 6 dungeon does not form part of any missionsyou are
STAMINA 5 engaged in.
Weapon: Small Claw
Armour: None, but it takes half damage from W37 Giant
bladed weapons. Either the sight of an enormous figure looming in the
2-3: You poke around for a while, but it is just a pile distance or, if you are in a forest or jungle, the
of old bones. crashing of undergrowth and shaking of the ground
4-5: Clearly this was once a traveller like yourself - warn you that a giant is fast approaching. These great
you find a dagger, a leather cuirass and an empty humanoids come in a variety of types and
waterskin. 6: Amongst the bones a flash of gold leads temperaments, but all of them are powerful and
you to find a plain ring, worth 1d6+1gp. potentially dangerous. Most will a�ack adventurers
on sight either to eat them or take their treasure (or
W34 Leeches both) and a smart hero will try to avoid them. The
Wading slowly through some dank muddy water type of giant you face depends on your environment,
that barred your way, you realise with horror that it but your options are the same.
is infested with fat leeches that are now wriggling
towards you. You can make a Swim skill roll to dash ● Hide: you look around for a place to conceal
to safety or lose 1d6 points of STAMINA as they drain yourself, make a Sneaking test to see if you succeed.
your blood! If you are mounted, make a Ride skill roll ● Flee! You turn and run or ride away. Test your
to charge out of the water or your steed loses 1d6 Running or Riding skill to see if you are fast enough.
points of STAMINA. If you are damaged by the If you succeed, add half a day to your travel time as
leeches, roll on Table 4.3.2 Diseases. you backtrack, if you fail he catches up with you.
● Talk your way out of it: A risky move, but you
W35 Swamp Gas decide to try and talk your way out of it, either
A strange smell alerts you to the fact that you have pleading with the giant or telling some lie to stop
unwi�ingly wandered into a cloud of flammable them eating you. Make a Con or Etique�e skill roll
swamp gas, which could burst into flame at any but with a -3 penalty to convince it, providing
moment. Make a Marsh & Swamp region lore skill to substantial food (8 meals) or treasure (10d6gp) gets
see if you can work out how to get out - if you rid of the skill roll penalty. If you fail you must fight.
succeed, you carefully work your way out of the ● Test your LUCK - you stand stock still and plead
danger zone and may carry on your journey. If you with the gods to save you. Test your LUCK - if
fail, you cause a spark and ignite the gas - the successful the giant wanders off in another direction,
explosion causes you (and any mount) 2d6 damage, never to be seen again. If you fail you may choose
you may test your Dodge skill to reduce this by half. another option or fight.
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
Plains & Forest: Forest Giant W38 Mirage
SKILL 9 A� 2 Upon the shimmering horizon a tantalising prospect
STAMINA 9 appears; a lush green oasis that will provide you with
Weapon: Club (treat as Morning Star) shelter and comfort. But is it real? Make a test of your
Armour: Medium. Awareness or Desert lore skills (pick only one). If you
succeed you know, with sinking heart, that this is
Hills & Mountain: Hill Giant merely a mirage and not worth your time. If you fail,
SKILL 9 A� 2 you are convinced of its existence and hurry in that
STAMINA 11 direction - by the time you realise your mistake, you
Weapon: Club (treat as Morning Star), have wasted half a day of travelling.
Armour: Medium.
If you flee it will hurl a rock at you - hits on 1-3 on 1d6 W39 Leper Colony
for 1d6 STAMINA damage. You see in the distance a small collection of huts
gathered around a small stone temple, with smoke
Desert: Cave Giant rising from the chimneys and even at a distance you
SKILL 9 A� 2 can see people moving about. You decide to approach
STAMINA 10 a bit closer, hoping to find somewhere to rest safely
Weapon: Club (treat as Morning Star), or trade some supplies. It seems to be a tiny hamlet
Armour: Light but just as you are about to enter you hear something
You cannot talk your way out of this fight, they are that chills you - the ringing of the lepers bell! A chill
too dim. runs through your body and you pull your cloak
across your nose and mouth, just as one of the
Tundra & Ice: Frost Giant residents comes from behind a hut and spots you. As
SKILL 10 A� 3 well as the bell, they are wearing rags and bandages
STAMINA 10 and evidence of their illness is clear upon their face
Weapon: Spear with +1 damage, and exposed skin. They hold out their hand and ask
Armour: Medium. ‘do you bring alms to us wretches, stranger?’ You
They are skilled hunters and if you try to hide, you may:
must take the Sneaking skill test with a -3 penalty.
● Reel away in fear and horror, you have no business
Rivers & Lakes, Jungle & Marsh: Marsh Giant here. You stumble and run until you feel you are at a
SKILL 9 A� 2 safe distance.
STAMINA 9 ● Stand your ground and steady yourself. Provided
Weapon: Spear with +1 damage, you keep your distance, there is no danger. You
Armour: Light. signal the man to stay where they are, proceed to
You cannot talk your way out of this fight. place some of your food on the ground (deduct a
number of meals, at least four) before backing away.
Shorelines & Sea: Sea Giant The leper thanks you profusely and offers to pray for
SKILL 10 A� 3 you. In your next combat you have +2 bonus to your
STAMINA 17 rolls (skill and damage).
Weapon: Spear with +3 damage, ,
Armour: Heavy.
AFF Adventure Creation System
● These wretches need your help, no ma�er the risk. Forest, Hills & Mountain: Young Black Dragon
You enter the colony and move among the lepers, SKILL 14 A� 4
offering what you can in healing and comfort. You STAMINA 20
find out who some of them are and promise to ask for Weapon: Very Large Bite with +2,
help at the next se�lement you come to. You provide Armour: Heavy with +2 to the roll.
them with some food (deduct 2d6 meals) and after Breath - test your LUCK (or Dodge skill) or take 4
doing what you can, you leave. The prayers of the points of damage, once every six rounds.
lepers go with you and grant +1 bonus to all your
rolls for three days, but you must also test your Plains & Desert: Young Red Dragon
LUCK. If you pass, you have avoided catching the SKILL 11 A� 3
disease. If you fail, you have contracted Leprosy. You STAMINA 14
will lose one point of SKILL each month until you die Weapon: Very Large Bite with +2,
- this can only be healed by visiting a temple Armour: Heavy with +2 to the roll.
dedicated to one of the gods of good (Galana, Telak Breath - test your LUCK (or Dodge skill) or take 2
etc) and making a ‘donation’ of 10d6gp. Feature: The points of STAMINA damage every round.
Leper Colony should be noted on your map, you can
find or avoid it in the future with a successful Region Tundra & Ice: Young White Dragon
Lore skill test. You may only help them once per SKILL 12 A� 3
month. STAMINA 14
Weapon: Very Large Bite with +2
W40 Young Dragon Armour: Heavy with +2 to the roll.
One of the most terrifying aspects of encountering a Breath - Roll 1d6 each round. On a 1-2 it breathes
dragon in the wild is that unless you are looking in icy cold causing 3 points of STAMINA damage,
the direction from which it approaches, the first thing which can be avoided with a test of LUCK or the
you might know about it is a scorching burst of flame Dodge skill.
that sets you and your companions alight! These
creatures, even as juveniles, are powerful enough to Rivers, Jungle, Marsh, Sea: Young Green Dragon
quickly and easily overcome most heroes leaving SKILL 13 A� 4
behind either a charred pile of bones or a patch of STAMINA 18
blood spa�ered ground and the mystery of footprints Weapon: Very Large Bite with +2
that suddenly come to a stop. Armour: Heavy with +2 to the roll.
Breath - test your LUCK or Dodge skill or take 2
Firstly you must test your LUCK - if you fail you are points of STAMINA damage, once every three
facing the wrong way and the Young Dragon will rounds.
begin by swooping across and breathing on you. If
you pass you spy its terrifying form in the distance Once fighting begins you must either defeat it in
and can either stand your ground (see the combat some way or test your LUCK; if you succeed on that
details below) or hide. If you wish to hide you can test test the Young Dragon knocks you unconscious and
your Sneaking or Region Lore to find a place that will then decides for some reason not to devour you; you
be out of sight, or you can test your LUCK again - if wake up a few hours later with a sore head. It will,
you succeed the dragon hasn’t noticed you and flies even if you pass your LUCK test, devour any horses,
on. The type of dragon depends on the environment. mules etc you have with you.
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
6.4 Unusual Locations & Themes A Citadel or Fortress. A heavily guarded se�lement
with a strong military presence. Remove locations
The rules presented thus far cover many standard that are unlikely to be present (theatre, slum alley,
locations and environments of the sort that you might college) and increase the number of ‘militaristic’
find in most fantasy se�ings, but there are an endless locations such as Keep, Jail. For random encounters
number of places that can be added to customise your consider replacing social encounters Wedding Party
world and adventures. There simply isn’t enough or Mummers with encounters like Soldier or Surly
space to cover them all properly though the Watchmen. Any trouble is likely to result in a roll on
mechanics and tables provided in this book can be table 4.1.30 ‘Lawbreaker’ and there might be a curfew
used as templates to be modified as you see fit. You that prevents moving around at night.
can change the encounters, add your own, alter
things like the weather conditions, the number of Dwarven Se�lement. When creating your map,
encounters per day and the chances of ge�ing a remember that the bulk of the se�lement is probably
hostile encounter compared to meeting someone that underground! You may want to create two maps, one
just wishes to talk. for the ‘minehead’ part that is above ground, where
dwarves and other races mix and do business, and
If you are using a place in passing you can try to another map for underground se�lement where the
modify the tables as you go but if you are creating an dwarves reside. As they are serious and orderly
environment you intend to use frequently (for people, dangerous encounters will be far less likely
example, the heart of your campaign takes place in a underground and slums probably non-existent
chaos infested land of hills and plains which your (though of course it could be a se�lement that has
heroes will traverse many times) it can be a be�er fallen on hard times, which is why the heroes are
idea to write up your modifications and altered visiting in the first place). Most social encounters will
encounter tables in full for your own reference. be with dwarves, not humans. It might be that only
dwarves are allowed in some parts of the se�lement
Some examples of different locations and (or at least permission must be obtained from the
environments are given here, with ideas as to how authorities to move around) and temples will be
you might want to modify the ruleset. The more dedicated to the gods revered by the dwarves, such as
effort you put into customising the map and Throff and Verlang.
encounter tables, the more unusual and memorable
your environment will be! Elven Se�lement. Elven se�lements are likely to be
surrounded by and blended with the natural world,
Unusual Se�lements so your initial map should reflect that. They might be
This book covers the standard types of se�lement in spread out in a great forest or clustered about a
which humans are the dominant race, but there are of magnificent waterfall, but they should have some
course many other places where you might find large deep connection with nature. There might be an area
groups of people. Here are some suggestions and set aside for non-elvish visitors and some locations
ideas on how you might modify the rules to be more (slum alleys, garbage heap) are not in line with elvish
fi�ing. culture, as they would not tolerate the existence of
poverty, filth or crime in their se�lements. Any act of
criminality or violence (unless absolutely required) is
likely to result in permanent expulsion. Temples
AFF Adventure Creation System
(most likely natural sites such as a great tree or Volcano (replaces a mountain area). A volcano or
tranquil pool) will be dedicated to gods revered by area of volcanic activity, with lava and hot springs
the elves such as Galana. providing a constant hazard. Rare and valuable
materials, such as obsidian, might be found here in
Ghost Town. A se�lement that has, for some reason, abundance giving the hero a reason to visit, but the
been taken over by the undead! The simplest way to encounter tables (or weather) could include the
do this is to work out encounters as normal but chance of being caught in an eruption and monsters
replace all the living with skeletons, zombies, ghouls should be fire or heat related. Weather could include
and so on. Obviously, there should be some reason clouds of ash and terrain might involve sudden fast
for the hero to come to such a terrible place. There lava flows.
could be enclaves of living people still clinging on in
some parts of the se�lement giving your heroes a Suggested game effects: A roll of 6 on the weather table
place to rest and trade, but the majority of the city means ‘eruption’ in which heroes must test their
would be overrun by the undead. Travelling around Dodge skill (or LUCK) or be hit by falling rocks for
such a place should be extremely dangerous, 2d6 points of damage. Replace one of the encounters
particularly at night. Working out who is in charge of with ‘lava flows’ which cut off your path and force
such a place and why it was created is an adventure you to spend another day going around, and replace
in itself. another encounter with ‘toxic gas cloud’ which
requires you to test your Awareness skill or suffer 2d6
Goblin / Orc Se�lement. It might be unusual for the points of damage as you nearly choke to death on the
heroes to find themselves in a town or city dominated deadly but invisible gas. No se�lements, tracks or
by orcs, goblins and other evil humanoids but not paths can be found in this area as they are constantly
impossible. They could be in disguise, sneaking or destroyed by eruptions.
magically altered to appear as one of these races, or
they may need to risk going in to further their own Polluted Zone (could replace any area). For some
quest. Whatever the reason, being in such a city reason a large area of land has been polluted or burnt,
should be incredibly dangerous and difficult, with with pools of slick oil and acid pits do�ing the terrain.
violence being a near constant hazard and few places Monsters should be those that could survive such an
of refuge. Temples will be dedicated to the evil gods environment and hazards could include clouds of
and encounters with the ‘Watch’ would mean a fight poisonous gas or acid rain. Weather might include
with a squad of orc militia - not pleasant! clouds of smoke or poison gas and terrain encounters
could include pools of acid.
Unusual areas of Wilderness Suggested game effects: A roll of 6 on the weather table
Any novel areas of wilderness should have some means ‘acid rain’ which causes 1d6 points of damage
character or nature that makes them different enough unless you can (Region Lore skill test) find a place to
to the usual places to require different encounters, shelter. Replace one of the encounters with ‘acid pits’
terrain or weather. If you feel that a part of your which require a Climb skill test to pass or suffer 1d6
wilderness needs to be given a different character to points of damage, and replace another encounter
show that it is a special place, make sure to include with ‘toxic gas cloud’ which requires you to test your
some game effects that demonstrate it. Awareness skill or suffer 2d6 points of damage as you
nearly choke to death on the deadly but invisible gas.
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
Dead Zone (could replace any area). A part of the they should be rerolled or ignored. Hunting and
wilderness has been struck by necromantic magic foraging are possible but any food might be (1-2 on
and withered. Weather would be altered to include 1d6) toxic and cause 2 points of STAMINA damage
clouds of choking dust, terrain would include ro�en when eaten. Any se�lements are probably
and dying plants and encounters could be replaced abandoned due to the strange situation, or populated
with undead versions of whatever turns up. with people that serve chaos and are likely to be
hostile or violent.
Suggested game effects: A roll of 6 on the weather table
means ‘rain of blood’ which causes no damage but Other Planes (could replace any area). Perhaps your
reduces all social skill tests by -2 unless you can heroes have wandered off the ‘mortal’ planes and
(Region Lore skill test) find a place to shelter, lasting onto the elemental planes or some part of hell!
until you can clean it off. Replace all the monsters Encounters should be adjusted to reflect that, so on
encountered with undead versions - so if you meet the Plane of Air you may only meet air elementals or
wolves they are zombie wolves and so on. Skeleton flying creatures, weather would be strange and
versions suffer reduced damage from piercing extreme (constant high winds) and features could be
weapons (spears, bows etc), zombies are slow (you clouds or storms.
can run away) but determined, ghoul versions of
monsters can paralyse. Friendly encounters are far Suggested game effects: A roll of 6 on the weather table
less likely and they should be rerolled or ignored. No should mean an elemental storm which would be
hunting or foraging possible and any food you are extremely violent if the heroes have no protection,
carrying spoils after 2 days in this necrotic causing 2d6 points of damage with no way to find
environment. Any se�lements in this area are filled shelter as the whole are convulses. Encountered
with the dead. monsters should reflect the nature of the
environment. Friendly encounters are extremely
Area of Wild Magic or Chaos (could replace any unlikely and should be ignored or replaced with
area). In some places the effects of magic have dangerous monsters, perhaps elemental versions of
warped the world to a terrible extent and strange and the usual kinds. Thus on the planes of fire
dangerous forms have emerged. Weather could encountering a wild beast such as a lion would be
include almost any effect, the terrain could change ‘fire’ lion that could inflict an extra point of fire
suddenly from one type to another (desert to tundra damage when it hits. Se�lements, paths and tracks
to mountains in a few miles) and encounters should are probably non-existent and hunting and foraging
be altered to include chaos beasts. impossible due to the changed nature of the wildlife.
Underwater (replaces Shorelines & Sea). Staying on
Suggested game effects: A roll of 6 on the weather table the mortal plane but going into the sea or a great lake,
means ‘a storm of magic’ which causes whatever it’s always fun to take on an underwater adventure.
effect you like! Pick one of the weather effects from Of course your heroes may need some form of
any environment or create your own - a Region Lore magical or special assistance to breathe underwater
skill test can be made to find a place to shelter from it. and move around with freedom. You should
Monsters encountered can be replaced with ‘chaos’ definitely think carefully about modifiers to combat
versions by giving them mutations or additional or magical effects (does a fire bolt work underwater
abilities such as the ability to breathe fire or spit or not? It’s up to you).
poison. Friendly encounters are far less likely and
AFF Adventure Creation System
Suggested game effects: Weather effects can be changed Examples of unusual ‘dungeons’ could include
to ‘tides’ or ‘currents’ - a strong current might risk almost any type of structure that has a consistent set
sweeping you away or make combat difficult. You of rules.
might allow the existence of caves or islands where
the heroes could shelter from these effects. Airship. An airship, flying through the sky and being
Encountered monsters should, naturally, be creatures a�acked by harpies. The ship could have several
that can survive underwater and friendly encounters decks (levels) with rooms full of crew and monsters
should be modified or ignored to reflect the fighting each other, whilst it rocks dangerously from
environment (a merchant could be a friendly group side to side. The map would be a series of decks and
of merfolk for example). Se�lements could exist and encounter tables should only include flying monsters
paths and tracks could be replaced with known and acrobatics skill checks might be needed to stay on
currents and hunting and foraging should be your feet. Most importantly, don’t fall off!
possible, though meat might have to be eaten raw
due to the lack of fire. Suggested game effects: Each round roll 1d6 - on a roll
of 1 the airship has lurched unexpectedly and you
Lost World / Dino-Land. A lost world means a place must test your Acrobatics skill or fall to the ground. If
that is lost in time and is populated by creatures from this happens near the edge of a deck you must test
past ages such as cavemen or dinosaurs. It could be your LUCK or fall off! Encounters can be modified to
any type of environment though ‘lush jungle’ is a only include monsters that could fly, though there
popular choice, sometimes overlooked by a smoking could also be some non-flying crew. Se�ing fire to the
volcano. airship should be possible though this is obviously a
very dangerous thing to do.
Suggested game effects: Encounters (friendly or not)
should be replaced with ‘primitive’ creatures such as Other Planes. A dungeon structure (caves, lair and so
cavemen or dinosaurs, se�lements and people should on) but located on a different plane of existence. A
be barbaric and savage, tracks and roads should be visit to an elemental plane - a hero could be moving
non-existent, hunting and foraging should be easier across islands of hot rock surrounded by lava. All the
but might have a chance (1 in 6) of leading to an encounters would be heat loving creatures,
encounter with a hunting dinosaur such as a environmental hazards and traps would be centred
Tyrannosaurus Rex, and weather effects might around fire damage and the hero would need to find
include a chance that the volcano explodes showering a way back to their own plane of existence. The map
the area with balls of lava! could be a series of rocky islands in the lava.
Unusual Dungeons Suggested game effects: Much like the other planes
A dungeon is traditionally an underground complex wilderness area the ‘dungeon condition’ and the
but really it can be any group of rooms or spaces that encountered monsters should reflect the nature of the
are connected together, so let your imagination run plane of existence, as should the layout, shape and
wild. The method of creating dungeons described in contents of rooms. A dungeon set on the plane of air
Chapter 5 includes tables for dungeon origin, is unlikely to have heavy stone doors between the
condition and creature conditions. You can modify rooms!
these and the encounter tables to include different
factors to give the dungeon some extra challenges.
Chapter 6 - Wildernesses
High Magic. A wizard has shrunk the hero down to Dungeon Themes
miniature size and set her to climb up inside an oak As well as dreaming up some unusual structures we
tree, with escape only possible by reaching the top. can also come up with themes for our dungeons.
The map might be a spiral of rooms and the Instead of coming across random monsters and
encounters should be with miniaturised creatures or features we choose the ones that are most suitable
normal sized (and therefore giant to the hero) insects and make use of the bestiaries and monster lists we
and bugs. have available to find groups of similar monsters.
This requires a fair amount of additional effort as
Suggested game effects: How you modify the dungeon each room presents a new set of choices, but the
and creature conditions and the encounters and room reward is a dungeon which feels like a distinct place
contents will depend entirely on what sort of ‘high with its own character. Some examples of dungeon
magic’ adventure you are playing. For example, the themes and the associated choices are as follows.
heroes could be transformed by an evil wizard into
characters within a painting and have to ba�le their Undead. Although they can be found anywhere
way out by moving from one picture to another in a crypts, dungeons and buried buildings or ruins -
gallery with each painting representing one room. places where they can pass the endless centuries in
This is a lot of fun to play around with, but be warned peace - are common haunts of the undead. Dungeon
that it requires careful thought and planning by the conditions such as crumbling, unholy or chilled
Director in order to work. might be found, creature conditions such as plagued
or armoured work well. Encounters should be with
Haunted House. Imagine a huge old mansion or undead of different types and if they have been set
castle that once entered, seals itself up trapping the here to guard something, the number of traps and
heroes inside until they discover the way to escape. secret doors should be increased to deter looters.
The layout and features of such a building would be
very similar to those of a normal house or castle but it
would be haunted by restless spirits or terrifying
ghosts - the aim is to survive the experience and
escape before the haunted house claims you.
Suggested game effects: Dungeon conditions should Demons. Although they could be found anywhere,
include a chance to encounter a wandering ghost or demons may be a�racted to chaos wrought or magic
spirit in any room (test vs SKILL or flee for 1d6 wrought structures, indeed they may have been
rounds), doors should open or close without summoned to such places. Dungeon conditions such
warning, encounters should be with ‘spooky’ as unholy, infernal or magically fecund could be used
monsters - not always undead, but perhaps giant bats and toxic or noisy creature conditions work well for
and spiders, werewolves, demons or other planar demons. Encounters should be with different kinds of
entities that might be a�racted to a haunted house. demons or creatures that would be willing to serve
Each floor of the house would be a different dungeon them and rooms should be unfurnished or filled with
section and the goal should be to find the means to the remains of equipment that the demons have
escape (or destroy the curse that made the house destroyed. Intelligent demons might set traps of a
haunted in the first place). magical nature though in general they prefer to rely
on their own abilities to deal with problems.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Orcs & Goblins. An ever popular choice these key feature is that the use of traps, secret doors and
vicious humanoids can make use of any structure but other room features should be increased beyond the
prefer caves, ruins, dungeons and their own chaos normal. Try to be as inventive as possible when
wrought citadels. As humanoids they may keep some combining these with other rooms conditions such as
areas well lit, but are prone to let things fall into flooded, unstable and entrance features such as
decay so crumbling and slimy are also possible. There alarmed or portcullis. The likely reward for a
are a huge number of orcs, goblins and associated deathtrap dungeon is either a great prize or simply
creatures to choose for encounters and they could be the chance to escape.
starving, well fed, armoured, under-equipped, lazy
or wary depending on how ba�le ready you want Some other themes you may want to explore are evil
them to be. Room conditions and features should humanoids (corrupted humans or dwarves), Lizard
reflect the vicious nature of these evil creatures. Traps Men and their associated servants, Dark Elves and
and locked or barred doors should be common, their slaves / thralls, giants and giant kin, creatures of
though workshops, stores and hiding places (Side chaos, elementals and evil cultists. Since creating a
chambers) should also be found. themed dungeon requires significantly more effort
than simply using the random generation approach
Wild Creatures. By wild creatures we do not mean the key thing is that it is worth your time and effort,
badgers and squirrels but the dangerous, monstrous either because it is needed for your campaign or
varieties such as Sand Worms, Giant Ants or adventure or because you enjoy the challenge of
Centipedes and the like. Lairs, caves and biological creating something unique and characterful.
structures are most appropriate and dungeon
conditions such as slimy, misty or overgrown work
well with this theme. Creature conditions could be
infested, toxic or wary (natural creatures may not
wish to fight) and monster encounters could be all of
one class of animal - all insects, for example. Room
conditions should reflect the needs of the animals and
features such as traps, doors (secret or otherwise),
stores or workshops will be absent.
Chapter 7 - Political,
Chapter 6Religious
- Wildernesses
and Social Factors
AFF Adventure Creation System
Level of Control Moderate: The law is enforced and aberrant
Control is a description of how ordered a society is behaviour is dealt with when it disrupts the peace
and how closely its individual members are or goes against the normal conduct. Law
encouraged or forced to adhere to the norms. A enforcement is considered to be a profession and
strongly controlled society will behave in a uniform the extent to which it is respected depends on the
way; most people will behave according to the rules. quality of the individuals that perform it. A bad
A weakly controlled society will be argumentative constable will be ignored and a competent one will
and disjointed. be treated with respect but not fear. The extent of
the law is negotiable, often on the basis of the size
Control can be achieved by a number of methods, of the bribe that can be offered.
particularly in a fantasy se�ing where magic is
possible, but in general you can assume that a strong Strong: The law is rigorously enforced by a well
level of control means there are regular patrols by organised group of professional soldiers or militia
militias and watchmen and that there is an organised that ensure any deviation from normal behaviour
law enforcement structure, whereas in a society with is punished according to the laws set down by the
weak control it might be rare to come across someone king, lord or tyrant that rules this place.
who has official responsibility for keeping the peace.
Effect: If you are using the Lawbreaker rules,
Weak: Li�le enforcement of the rules of behaviour deduct a -2 penalty to the result of the roll and the
and li�le punishment for those that deviate from maximum result on Table 4.1.30 Lawbreaker is a
these. Law enforcement is sporadic and listless; 10, treat any rolls of 11 or 12 as having rolled 10.
the enforcers are treated with contempt and seen Patrols are frequent and well armed.
as low status, often open to bribery or deception.
If required you can cross reference the local
Effect: if using the Lawbreaker rules add a +2 conditions with the results for the kingdom, empire
bonus to the result of the roll and the minimum or jurisdiction in which the se�lement or location is
result on Table 4.1.30 Lawbreaker is a 4, treat any situated.
roll lower than that as a 4.
Table 7.1.1 Political System. Roll once to establish morality and again to determine level of control
1d6 Control
Morality 1: Weak 2-5: Moderate 6: Strong
1-2: Good People do their best but People are pleasant but the will Laws are just and widely
cannot guarantee safety; or resources to enforce that do enforced, they have the
help must be sought from not always exist. support of the general
individuals. population.
3-5: Neutral People do as they will and Order is maintained with a light An extensive system of laws
circumstances dictate touch, mostly for the sake of is maintained that balance
outcomes. trade and comfort. freedom and safety.
6: Evil Might makes right, the The population is hostile and many Brutal control from the top
strongest use force and fear crimes are overlooked, particularly down ensures that the
to dominate without any those commi�ed by the wealthy. weakest in society are
curbs. mercilessly exploited.
Chapter 7 - Political, Religious and Social Factors
Religion Temples and shrines may have more than one god as
A major component of morality in a society is the a patron, particularly in small se�lements where they
nature of the dominant religion. A city in which might only be able to afford the upkeep on a single
Libra, Goddess of Justice & Truth, is worshipped site or building though obviously a general theme
fervently is more likely to be ‘good’ with strong laws (good, neutral, evil) will dominate. So, for example, a
than a city in which Tanit, goddess of Envy and small se�lement might have a temple dedicated to
Jealousy, is held in highest regard. Of course, it can be Galana (Plants & Fertility) that also has shrines or
very interesting to turn this on its head and try and smaller chapels dedicated to other gods such as
work out why a ‘good’ se�lement is worshipping an Telak, Glantanka or Sindla.
evil god. On Titan the gods are divided into three
categories, as described in the core rulebook. The Try to consider the nature and location of your
gods of good, the neutral gods (including the beast se�lement when deciding which gods are
lords) and the gods of evil. worshipped there. A city by a river might have a
temple to Aqualis (Rivers) or Hydana (the Waters), a
When you reach a new se�lement or region you city which contains a college of magic might make
should roll to see what the dominant religious view space for a temple dedicated to Hamaskis (Learning).
is. If you are building your Se�lement starting with It should also be remembered that in a large
your map, you may have already decided which gods se�lement, such as a city, there is plenty of room for
are worshipped here and why. In that case, use your people to construct private chapels or hidden temples
judgement to determine what the religious climate of - their location and function is of course a source of
your se�lement is; remember that there may still be adventure!
hidden shrines and temples to other gods.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Specific God exercise your imagination. A temple dedicated to
Many religious sites will be used by more than one Solinthar (Mariners) might be in the shape of a ship,
group. If you need to find out which god specifically or might actually be a ship floating out in a harbour.
is the main deity for the shrine or temple, you can use A temple dedicated to Arthallogen (spiders) could be
the following table to do so. in the shape of an enormous web, with the altar at its
centre and surrounded by real webs containing
A temple dedicated to a specific god will have priests spiders of all sizes.
and acolytes that have been initiated into the
mysteries of that deity and therefore have access to Unless the temple is hidden or secret, you should
some or all of the priestly powers detailed for that pursue the idea that they will be highly decorated
god. You can also expect that the temple will be and extravagant in design, as the worshippers will be
decorated and themed appropriately. What exactly keen to demonstrate their devotion to the deity.
that means is up to you, but you are encouraged to
Table 7.1.3 List of the Gods (roll 1d6 and then 1d6 to see which specific god)
Good Neutral
1d6 1d6 God 1d6 1d6 God Evil
1-2 1 Sindla (Luck & Fate) 1-5 1 Sukh (Storms) Slangg (Malice)
2 Libra (Justice & Truth) 2 Hydana (the Waters) Tanit (Envy/Jealousy)
3 Asrel (Beauty & Love) 3 The Beast Lords (varies) Disease
4 Usrel (Peace) 4 Farigiss (Ice & Cold) Decay
5 Courga (Grace) 5 Pangara (Winds) Arhallogen (Spiders)
6 Fourga (Pride) 6 Aqualis (Rivers) Hmurresh (Flies)
3-4 1 Telak (Courage & Combat) 6 - Logaan (Tricksters) Death
2 Hamaskis (Learning)
3 Galana (Plants & Fertility)
4 Throff (Earth)
5 Filash (Fire)
6 Glantanka (Sun)
5-6 1 Verlang (Metal Workers)
2 Lorodil (Volcanoes)
3 Solinthar (Mariners)
4 Fulkra (Travellers)
5 Atlan (Messenger)
6 Tir (Lightning)
Chapter 7 - Political, Religious and Social Factors
Who is in Charge? 7.2 Social Status and Rank
Ultimately there must be a person or group that holds
power in your realm. We have not included any rules Everybody wants to get on in life, don’t they? As well
to decide who that is simply because it makes very as the trappings of success such as houses, art,
li�le difference to how the game works (living under jewellery and so on there are acknowledged ranks
a good aligned king with strong control is basically that can be obtained to denote the social status of an
the same as living under a good aligned council of individual.
merchants that also have strong control) but if your
heroes are spending some time within a single realm, Positions of status vary enormously from society to
you might want to decide who is ruling it, so we will society and many of them overlap with other ranks
provide a list of examples for you to choose from. and titles to some extent. A very simple tribal society
might divide everyone into child, adult, elder,
• A king or queen, they derive power from shaman whereas a huge empire could have hundreds
tradition and support of the other nobles. of official and unofficial positions to occupy. Many
armies have chaplains, trade princes are given a place
• A champion or folk hero, they derive power by
in the nobility and so on. There is no absolute reason
support from the masses.
why a hero cannot rise in more than one category.
• A general or military leader, they derive power Because of the complexity this section is intended to
from control of the armies and navies. provide a rough guide which players and the
Director can apply to their adventures as they see fit
• A high priest or group of priests, they control the - a way of ge�ing the conversation started, not
church and are supported by believers. finishing it. These rules are expected to be guidance
rather than ‘hard’ rules like those covering combat.
• A scholar or sage they are leader by acclaim for
their knowledge and abilities
• A council of merchants who control the realm by The advantage of having a system covering social
virtue of their wealth. status is that it provides a long term goal for the hero
to achieve. Instead of being merely an adventurer
• A wizard or sorcerer who uses magic to control seeking coin, they can plan on becoming a grand
the populace. duke, bishop or folk hero. As usual it is best to discuss
these plans with the Director.
These are not the only options. Perhaps your realm is
ruled by a champion picked from the common folk
This guide is intended to be used in addition to and
by finding a fabled weapon? It might be hard to
in conjunction with other guidance given in the
explain why that gives them a mandate, but this is a
Advanced Fighting Fantasy rulebooks, such as the
fantasy world and strange things can happen. You
Heroes Companion (Chapters 3 and 4 particularly)
can make this decision at the start of your campaign
and the core rulebook sections covering prices and
or leave it until later, when you have worked out
where your heroes will be spending their time.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Social Rank the other. That does not mean it is unusable, but for
There are variations between ancient societies but the sake of this guide we have taken the basic concept
there are three things that most of them have in and expanded it into something more rounded and
common. Firstly, most people are employed in complete. Heroes that do not wish to engage with the
industry (manual labour, farming, mining etc) with a idea of Social Rank can use the simpler system in the
small ‘middle class’ and very small upper class. Put main rulebook, but those who desire to explore the
simply, most people are peasants and moving up the concept further can make use of this new set of rules.
ladder is hard. Secondly, most wealth is based on
ownership of land or rights - merchants and In keeping with the usual AFF system we will
professionals can gain wealth but very few compete provide a ranking from 2-12 though the precise
with the incomes of the land owners. Thirdly, wealth ordering will depend on the se�ing you are using for
is very unevenly distributed. Those at the top - the 5- your adventures. For example, in most se�ings the
10% - control most of the resources and those at the king is superior to a high priest but in a highly
bo�om have just enough to survive. This is a good religious society that order could be reversed.
motivation to become an adventurer - it's one of the
few ways to change your wealth quickly! Status talent: A hero that takes the talent ‘Status’
upon creation has a Social Rank of 8. This means that
In the Advanced Fighting Fantasy rulebook a simple they have, for some reason, acquired either a
table is given of social rank, going from 1 to 10, but significant position in society or been born into a
with li�le explanation of how those values have been large amount of wealth - you should decide exactly
worked out and how a hero can go from one rank to why this has happened when you create that hero.
*Gold per annum, Gross / Net is a rough guide to how much gold a person of that rank might receive in a year and how
much they could have once the costs of their lifestyle have been dealt with, assuming they manage it well. So a Knight
receives 700gp from his land, but only has 200gp a year to spend on ‘extras’. The descriptions of social roles provide more
guidance and the campaign se�ing is also important. A knight in a kingdom ravaged by war, for example, might end up in
debt at the end of the year due to the costs of buying horses, maintaining arms and armour and so on. Not all professions
provide an income and there is no guarantee that reaching a certain rank will also mean gaining the wealth of their peers.
Chapter 7 - Political, Religious and Social Factors
Holdings are described in detail in the Advanced Determine Privileges: If you are trying to decide
Fighting Fantasy Heroes Companion. As a rough who would have certain rights or access you can
guide, a holding produces one twentieth and one use social rank as a cut-off. For example, a city has
tenth of its purchase value per annum as income. a park which is maintained by the duke; only
Thus to purchase the holdings needed for Social Rank those of social rank 4 or higher are allowed in (no
6 (700gp per annum income) would cost 7,000gp to hoi polloi!). Within the park is a pleasure garden
14,000gp, though of course such holdings are often for those deemed worthy; only those of rank 6 or
gifted rather than bought. So an artisan might come higher are invited inside. If a hero (rank 3) needs
into the possession of a set of workshops from a to get into the pleasure gardens, they will either
family member or patron and so on. It’s up to you to have to sneak inside or find someone to go on their
decide if your heroes are given their income or have behalf.
to purchase it. Requiring heroes to purchase their
holdings, at least in part, is a great motivation for Test for promotion or demotion: If you are trying
Test your Rank: If you are trying to decide if a (rank 6) has done some great deeds on behalf of
hero or NPC can do something social, their rank the church and might be in line for promotion.
Chapter 7 - Political, Religious and Social Factors
individual (or small group) instead of requiring them change the law. In return the champion is
money or patronage. Words and deeds, not likely to be provided with not just gifts and
connections. Those that rise in status by popular assistance but gold in the form of prizes or
acclaim can acquire great power but have the risk that rewards. When trouble does arise, the champion is
an unpopular act or decision can see them fall as fast the first in line to face it. In game effect: Food,
as they rose! Someone who wishes to pursue this drink and everyday items are now half price
should choose a group they represent - their ‘people’. whilst in your community.
It could be ‘the mountain folk’, ‘poor farmers’ or ‘the
commoners of the city’, any group that lacks power in Hero (rank 7). The deeds of a hero are retold
Typical Motivations for pursuing popular acclaim their children. This doesn’t have to be simple
are: Seeking fame, vanity, defending friends & bravery and skill at arms. A great playwright
family, love of your home, fighting against injustice, might become so famous and popular that they
fighting for a downtrodden or powerless group. become a hero, an explorer that brings back
treasures and stories from far away could also be
Local Hero (rank 4). The village champion, the Big considered heroes. As with others who rise by
Fella, the Wise Woman - a person who, through popular acclaim there is no specific income
their deeds, has distinguished themselves and associated with the role, but a hero will have
earned the thanks of a small group. Not known access to people and places that would usually be
outside this area, the local hero gets li�le denied to their ‘class’ and will be showered in gifts
compensation - maybe a discount here and there, and help from admirers. Most of their wealth will
a free meal or pint of beer occasionally and in come from their deeds (plunder etc). Many are
return when trouble comes they are expected to known by a nickname that reflects their deeds e.g.
step forward and deal with it. In game effect: +2 Erwist, Master of the Thunder Seas. In game effect:
Bargain skill tests in this community. You gain a follower of Novice rank and you may
spend their skill points as you please.
Pride of the County (rank 5). A figure that is known
to fight for their community across a number of Hero of Legend (9). As the fame and popularity of a
towns and villages, someone who has shown they person grows, they may find their exploits
are brave and capable on more than one occasion. detailed in story and song. These people are now
The rewards come in the form of discounts and living legends, with the line between fiction and
favours, maybe some small pieces of equipment reality starting to blur - the warrior that slays a
and in return the pride of the county is expected to giant with a single blow, the sage that can answer
rush to help when the poor folk call on them. In any question. They still have to find a source of
game effect: +2 Leadership skill tests in this income for themselves, but few people will refuse
AFF Adventure Creation System
Hero of Myth (11). The ultimate stage of popular will probably prevent them from doing much
acclaim - someone who is so widely admired and adventuring. However, some churches may reward
discussed that the line between fact and fiction followers for carrying out extreme acts of heroism,
becomes completely blurred. The explorer who provided they support the teachings of their god. At
travelled around the world faster than the wind, the lowest level the work of a religion is concerned
the artist whose paintings were so realistic they with maintaining holy sites such as temples or
came to life and so on. The stories may become so shrines and preaching to the masses. Collecting
ridiculous that the actual individual is a donations is an important part of church work at
disappointment! Still, those that reach this level of every level and whilst the income of high ranking
fame are treated with respect and adoration across church members may be large it is expected that the
a wide section of society. Their presence is bulk will be spent in the service of the church -
considered a great honour and they will invariably charitable works (if appropriate), building and
be showered with gifts and assistance. By this maintaining temples, commissioning artists to
point, a hero of myth is often known just by a celebrate their god.
single name e.g. ‘Erwist’ being enough to strike
fear into every pirate on the seas. In game effect: Churches often have branches in other parts of
You no longer have to pay for food & society, such as inquisitors which are para-military
accommodation whilst in your community and priests that might have ranks more closely related to
any normal item of less than 100gp value will be the military classifications, or preachers that are not
provided to you without charge (it’s assumed that a�ached to a temple and are closer to folk heroes.
you don’t resell them!). If you need it, your
community will provide a militia of 5d6 soldiers Typical Motivations for Religious work are:
(SKILL 7 STAMINA 10 Weapon: Sword Armour: Worshipping your god, defending your church and
Leather Hauberk and Small shield) that will serve its followers, ba�ling against an opposed religion,
you for up to a month. pursuing a prophecy or vision, moral and
philosophical convictions.
Student (Rank 4). Sometimes called an apprentice have students and researchers of their own and an
or pupil, the life of a student is rarely one of income that reflects it. In game effect: You gain a
luxury. They must pay their tutor and have not yet follower of Novice rank, they must put two of the
acquired skills of worth, so they have only special skill points into a Lore skill related to your
expenses and not income. Because of that most are speciality and the remainder in Lore or Magical.
Researcher (Rank 5). Having acquired a basic weight. All this respect comes with perks; a proper
understanding of their subject, the researcher is income and the chance to charge for access to your
now expected to seek out their own knowledge mind. In game effect: When you are not
usually as an assistant to a more senior academic. adventuring and living in or near a city or large
They can now expect to receive a small income for population, you gain 5d6gp each month as
their work but unless they make some stupendous payments for consultations.
Chapter 7 - Political, Religious and Social Factors
and nobles and merchants invite them to come with a weapon and a leather hauberk, which you
and offer advice or illumination. In game effect: are expected to look after. You may sleep and eat
When you visit a new city, you can contact in the ‘barracks’ when in your home location.
academics that live there and ask for assistance;
what you are offered is at the Directors discretion Officer (rank 4). An officer is in charge of a unit of
but could include accommodation, access to troops, size depending on the structure of the
libraries and laboratories and introduction to military. Their main job is to make sure orders are
important citizens or to secret / hidden knowledge carried out by the soldiers or seamen and in
that is usually restricted. particular to stop them from routing in the face of
danger. Officers get slightly be�er pay and
conditions, but are still required to do as their
Military superiors command and frequently have to
Every military is different but they all have one thing purchase their own equipment. Pillaging is a
in common; they all love to create ranks and significant source of income. In game effect: You
structures to maintain organisation and ensure the have learned to be a bully when required - gain +1
chain of command functions. Ranks in the British to your Con skill tests.
army include (but are not limited to) private,
corporal, sergeant, officer, lieutenant, captain, major, Captain (rank 5). In charge of a number of units
colonel, brigadier, general and field marshall. Clearly making up a company and has some limited
this is far more detailed than most people require in autonomy when it comes to giving orders. A
their adventures, though in some se�ings working captain will receive a decent income from the
your way up this type of structure can be the basis of army and will be provided with reasonable
an entire campaign. Promotion in the military is accommodation, but they will also be expected to
supposed to be based on bravery and leadership, but maintain a certain level of lifestyle. With many
often comes down to patronage. The military young men in the army, excessive drinking,
structure is also applicable to groups such as police, gambling and entertaining is a common way to go
mercenary organisations or watchmen. broke. In game effect: You have gained skill in
command, you have +1 to your Leadership tests.
AFF Adventure Creation System
groups (the nobility, churches, trade princes etc). Typical Motivations for joining a secret or private
They will certainly own a great deal of land and society are: Uncovering lost or hidden knowledge,
houses, with their wealth being used to maintain criminal or outlaw ventures, loyalty to the leader,
and improve these properties. A monarch is privacy or secrecy, paranoia, pursuit of unusual
expected to maintain a court along with all its ambitions, belief in a prophecy, safeguarding a great
trappings (food, entertainment etc) and these secret, a duty passed down in your family.
costs, along with the costs of defending the realm,
often mean the monarch controls great wealth but Initiate (Rank 3 within the Society). Just brought into
struggles to hold on to it. A smart monarch spends the group, the initiate will be expected to carry out
within their means, but a foolish one can end up in the wishes of the higher ups without question;
debt and at risk of losing their throne.In game they will also be expected to pay some form of fee
effect: Your holdings and lands have increased or tribute as part of their membership. Promotion
again, now providing 2d6 x 5,000gp income each comes from being loyal and capable. In game
year. You are expected to acquire a fully staffed effect: You’ve learnt some basics of using codes
palace and hold court, most of your time will be and markers, you gain +1 to your Secret Signs skill
occupied by dealing with the other nobles and tests.
affairs of state. You can command your armies and
people to make war, if you are able to persuade the Member (Rank 5 within the Society). After proving
other nobles of the cause. their loyalty an initiate might be taken on as a full
member; sometimes this means learning new
Secret or Private Societies secrets or mysteries or just taking on new
The hardest to describe, because they will all vary responsibilities. A member has some respect but
according to their purposes and history, but we can they are still tools of the masters. In game effect:
describe a few similarities. They have a purpose, Pick a Lore skill that is relevant to your secret or
which means a leadership that sets out what that private society (Sea Lore for a group of Mariners)
purpose is, agents that put it into action, members - the experience point cost of increasing that skill
who assist (often financially) and initiates that are on is halved. If this is a criminal society you may
their way to full membership. Unlike other choose Con or City Lore.
organisations the social rank of these clubs only
ma�ers within the society or to those that respect it. Agent (Rank 7 within the Society). An experienced
For example, the head of a crime syndicate would be member will be allowed to make their own
respected by its members and people that recognised decisions and make demands of initiates or
them, but a stranger might well treat them as merely members, within certain parameters. An agent
a criminal - an encounter that is unlikely to end well! will have their own area of responsibility, though
Not all secret or private societies are malicious; an it may be small. In game effect: At the Director’s
explorers club or guardians of an ancient treasure discretion you can call upon the resources of your
could fall into this category. Promotion within the secret or private society to aid you when carrying
society will generally be in the hands of its leaders out activities that are relevant to the cause e.g. An
and income and expenses depend heavily on its explorers club would help provide funds and
nature. A crime syndicate will be risky but equipment for an expedition to an unknown
AFF Adventure Creation System
Trader (Rank 5). There are only so many hours in Merchant Prince (Rank 11). The pinnacle of
the day, so in order to become wealthy a person economic success, a merchant prince has
needs to learn to trade; effectively making a profit accumulated vast wealth. With their fingers in a
from the work of others. A trader has set up a number of economic pies, they will be owners of
business and spends less time doing the work and one or more significant businesses and have
more time managing it and establishing links with control of a significant trade. Control over an
other traders. As with a crafter, this will probably important spice route, ownership of a fleet of
have to be done with the approval of a guild or ships, control over the gem trade within a
guilds that manage the trade. In game effect: You kingdom would all be examples of what it takes to
spend a lot of time haggling and negotiating; gain become a merchant prince. With this level of
+1 to your Bargain skill rolls. Your trading brings wealth there comes enormous power in other
in 2d6gp per week if you devote your time to it. areas and there will be a long line of people
seeking them out for help and assistance. The
Owner (Rank 7). A business that grows eventually trappings of a merchant prince will be very similar
needs premises, equipment and employees, with to those of the highest nobility and many seek out
the owner at the top directing operations and opportunities to flaunt their riches. In game effect:
reaping the profits. With the money coming in, a Your business has now grown into a web of
business owner starts to get more a�ention from interests and activities that creates a constant
other parts of society, usually looking for a stream of problems to solve. You gain one skill
handout! In game effect: If you acquire a premises point in two of City Lore, Bargain, Law or
(shop or workshop) your business will now Languages as you try to cope. It brings in 2d6 x
provide you with 1d6gp per week in profit, or 10gp per week in profit if you make a Bargain skill
3d6gp per week if you devote your time to it. test, or 1d6 x 10gp if you fail the test.
Dealing with others grants you one point in either
the Law or Languages skills.
Other Options for Handling Social Rank
Merchant (Rank 8). A truly successful owner will The system presented for earning and using social
continue to expand their operations; multiple status with Advanced Fighting Fantasy is intended to
workshops, varied routes of trade, a wider be a more complete and rounded set of rules than
product range, warehouses and maybe ships and those provided in the main rulebook, in which the
wagons. A business becomes a widely known concept of Social Rank is introduced but not fully
enterprise, with activity in more than one location elaborated on. There are of course many other ways
and money flowing through it like lifeblood. A in which status can be handled and it is up to you to
merchant may not be ‘noble’ but they will decide how much time and effort you want to put
certainly find the higher-ups in society treating into working out the status and occupation of your
them with respect. In game effect: You gain a hero. Some other options include:
follower of Novice rank, a person whose interests
align with your group. they must put their skill • Handling social status in an abstract way - you
points into special skills that are appropriate to can ignore the numbering system and simply
your ‘interests’. Your business has now grown to decide, based on the situation, how much respect
cover several locations and brings in 4d6gp per your hero deserves and whether or not this
week in profit if you make a Bargain skill test, or translates into bonuses and penalties to use skills
2d6gp if you fail the test. such as Etique�e, Bargain, Con and Leadership
Chapter 7 - Political, Religious and Social Factors
• Mixed / Limited status - you can use the ranks Followers do not have to be of the same ‘type’ as the
provided in this section as a guide but only in a hero though they should start off as someone that is
limited way. A hero might be hugely popular with following the same path. A wizard can have a fighter
their own people but also go around dressed and as a follower, a thief might a�ract a priest to their side
acting like a beggar. They would have two, (perhaps to try and mend their ways). It is up to you
entirely separate, social ranks. to create your follower and explain why they are
a�ached to you.
• Simplified Ranks - rather than using a 2-12
system you can assign your heroes as belonging to You are not obliged to take a follower when one
low, moderate or high rank and apply a straight becomes available; if you prefer to play as a lone wolf
penalty of -3 when trying to interact with someone you can simply ignore this option and leave it for
of higher status. This is faster but it is also less another time.
clear as to what your status actually means or how
you change it. Releasing a follower: You can, at any time, order your
follower to leave your service and make their own
way. If you wish them to come back into your service,
Overall, this system is based on the types of
you will have to find them and take a test of your
hierarchies common in mediaeval fantasy se�ings in
leadership skill to convince them. If you are entitled
which powerful nobles, priests, warriors or wizards
to a follower (due to your social rank) another
are accorded enormous respect and power and part
candidate will appear in 1d6 weeks; you are not
of being a hero is ascending to those ranks. The way
obliged to accept them.
in which you handle this in your se�ing and
campaign is up to you.
Follower Experience: If your follower accompanies on
your adventures they gain experience but at a slower
rate than you. For every four points of experience you
As heroes rise in power and status, they may a�ract a
gain, your followers get one.
follower - not just another NPC but one that is willing
to follow the hero into danger and do as they say
(within reason, they are not supposed to be mindless
slaves). The follower should be created as if it was a
hero, but one that is of lower ‘rank’.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Example: Jay ‘Fingers’ Finch has gained the respect of ‘The 7.3 Creating Factions
Surly Boys’, a criminal gang operating in and around
Ludria. This is treated as a secret society and once Jay Whilst this book is focused on creating games for
reaches the level of ‘Enforcer’ (Social Rank 9 within the heroes either solo or in small groups, it is worth
gang) he finds that a young criminal has been so impressed noting that the rules provided can be used to create
with his antics that he wants to travel with Jay and learn factions, which you may wish to do if you are
from him. Jay creates a novice hero using the 5 running a longer campaign with some level of
improvement points to give him SKILL 5 STAMINA 12 political intrigue.
LUCK 11 (he is human) and put our 6 skills points into
combat and movement - 2 points in Sneaking and one each In order to build up a picture of a faction, we need to
in Thrown, Climb, Awareness and Locks. We need to come work out some details such as are they good or evil,
up with a name for him (Kol ‘Clubber’ Tump) and provide interested in war or politics and so on. The ‘domain’,
him with some basic equipment. ‘Clubber’ Tump is willing location, race (main race, factions can include more
to accompany Jay on his mission and act as muscle or a than one type of person) and motivation for a faction
lookout, but what role he plays is up to Jay. He can take can all be taken from the ‘Generated Villains’ (section
Clubber with him on his adventures, or tell him to stay at 9.2). Combine this with the Political Systems &
home and await instructions. Religion tables ( section 7.1) to give you the outline of
their behaviour. The leader of the faction can be
Further customisation: Those interested in creating created using the rules for creating villains or simply
followers and customising them may wish to refer to based on what you already know about it (A faction
the Advanced Fighting Fantasy Heroes Companion, that is obsessed with religious ma�ers will be led by
which has a chapter on hirelings and their abilities. a priest, a faction that is obsessed with politics will
Followers are not intended to be mercenaries - they have a demagogue as its leader and so on).
have chosen to follow and assist the hero - but many
of the rules and ideas that apply to hirelings can also A few extra elements are required - the size of the
be applied to followers. faction and their level of secrecy, which can be easily
d6 Faction Size
1 Small. This group or faction has few members and meeting them is rare.
2-5 Moderate: This group has a significant presence and meeting a member is unremarkable.
6 Large: This group has a lot of members and meeting them is commonplace.
A second roll on this table can tell you how the faction is changing:
1: Shrinking
2-5: Stable
6: Growing.
d6 Faction Secrecy
1 Hidden: This group of people try and hide their membership and activities from the wider population.
2-5 Indifferent: This group does not hide or proclaim their activities or membership.
6 Public: This group actively proclaims and declares their activities and membership.
Chapter 7 - Political, Religious and Social Factors
Combining these details or facets should give you a Retaliation - 3: Animated Club (maybe they have
pre�y rounded description of your new faction. Ideas access to some wood based magic?)
for the social structure and titles within the faction Ba�le Tactics - not required at this point, as it is only
can be obtained from the section on Social Status & available to villains, not rank and file
Ranks ( section 7.2). It is up to the player or Director personnel
to turn all these elements into a fleshed out account of
what the faction is and what it does. A faction can Step 2: From the Political Systems & Religions
simply be a part of your world or they can be the section. 7.1.
reason for missions and quests to happen - if that is Morality - 2: Neutral (if you wish to create a
the case, treat them as a villain and create your ‘villain’ faction you may want to
missions according to the usual rules. choose ‘evil’).
Control - 6: Strong
As we are drawing elements from different parts of Gods - 8: Worship the neutral gods - determine
this book it is worth giving an example to show how that to be Aqualis (god of rivers) from
it works. the religion table (this part may not be
relevant to all factions. Those that
Janay The Just, a priestess of Libra, is spending a week pursue the ‘Fury of the Gods’ will
relaxing in Ludria and decides to spends some time in the need to be assigned a specific god, but
inns and taverns hearing rumours about the world she other factions do not have to be).
lives in (in out of game terms, the Director is going to
create some factions for her to interact with). The Director Step 3: Using the tables in this section.
starts rolling dice and it goes as follows. Size - 4: Moderate (5: Stable)
Secrecy - 1: Hidden
Step 1: From the Generated Villains section, 9.2.
Domain - 2: Fury of the Gods - the faction is In the Social Structure & Ranks section 7.2, we have
religious in some way no dice to roll but instead, based on what information
Location - 5: Dungeon - the faction base is in a we have so far, we can decide that this is either a
dungeon religious based organisation or perhaps a secret
Race - 1: Human - may include other races but society. The fact that it is ‘Hidden’ means the Director
the majority are human decides it is a mix of secret society and religious
Motivation - 3: (From the Fury of the Gods motivation organisation that can have ranks from both. It will be
table): Prophecy - they believe in an led by a high priest of Aqualis, but also include
ancient prophecy, nothing can be members that have no priestly powers and are,
allowed to prevent it from happening broadly speaking, cultists, though this doesn’t mean
as ordained. they are evil, just that they are ultimately dedicated to
Lair - 5: A tower, full of strange and dangerous a religious cause but are hiding their purpose from
objects. The Director decides that, for outsiders. We can create ranks for this organisation
the moment, this tower will be above such as ‘wetfoot’ for an initiate, ‘mudlark’ for a full
the dungeon. member, ‘heron’ for a senior person and ‘king of the
Henchman - 4: Tree men, which can be used for river’ for the leader. Use the descriptions of social
encounters with this faction status given earlier in this chapter to assign them a
social rank.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Final Step: Blend it Together. 7.4 Hero Backgrounds: AFF Lifepaths
Taking what we have rolled into consideration we
decide that the faction is a cult of Aqualis dedicated Many people enjoy creating complex backgrounds
to an ancient prophecy concerning their god (to be for their heroes based on the story they wish to tell,
decided later on, perhaps to do with some kind of but sometimes a li�le bit of help with inspiration is
great flood they believe to be imminent). They are helpful. In this section we provide some ideas to help
based in a dungeon on top of which stands an ancient you build up the background and character of your
tower, guarded by Tree Men (is this part of the hero; these are entirely optional and are designed to
prophecy?) and their access to some kind of wood help you flesh out the origin of your hero, they are
based magic allows them to send animated clubs to not expected to constrain you. Thus, if you find you
target those that bother them. They have a decent roll something that you dislike or don’t understand,
number of members (boatmen? Fishermen? People you should feel free to reroll it or replace it with your
who work on or near rivers could all be members) own invention. The deeper point is that you should
and are hidden from the general population. This is think about where your hero came from and what
not because they are evil, merely secretive, but they sort of person they are.
are good at staying out of sight (strong control).
These options are meant to be used in addition to the
We don’t know yet if they are going to be an ally or normal process of creating a hero, though they may
enemy for Janay the Just, but now we know they exist help you to decide which special skills you want to
in the world, we can work them into our stories and develop.
adventures. We could, for example, create a villain
based on this faction (their leader or high priest) and What sort of person is my hero?
create missions using them as an opponent. Or, we In order to work out what sort of person our hero is,
can simply include members of this faction in the we can begin by asking ourselves a series of questions
background scenery of the world, perhaps as allies or relating to their background. Not all the questions
acquaintances for Janay as she goes about her have to be answered in full and exhaustive detail;
adventures. some of them can be left vague or blank, to be filled in
later when you have a moment of inspiration about
your hero’s character.
Chapter 7 - Political, Religious and Social Factors
Age. There are no modifiers based on age to apply, Most people on Titan are labourers or craftsmen of
but of course it is important to your hero. If they one type or another, but some are merchants, scribes,
happen to be very young there might be a particular nobles or soldiers. If your family background was
reason why they have left home at a tender age to go particularly different, make a note of it.
adventuring. If they are older, you should think of
what it is they did with their life before starting out The Hero’s Motivation. Why did you become a hero?
on their quest and why they decided to leave their old What were you doing before you decided to start
life behind. Humans have a normal lifespan, Elves adventuring? In Section 7.2 ‘Social Status & Rank’ we
live for two hundred to two hundred and fifty years have listed some possible motivations for you, but
and dwarves lie somewhere between, with one there are uncountable reasons why your hero took up
hundred to a hundred and fifty as their usual allo�ed their sword or spellbook. Try to think of one that suits
time. Your hero can be young, old or any age in the rest of your story.
between - this does not impact your characteristics or
skill points. Allies & Enemies: Who do you love or hate, and who
loves or hates you? Have you got a particular group
Origin. Where is your hero from? There are three you want to protect or harm? Do you have specific
great continents on Titan (Allansia, Khul and The Old friends or allies you can turn to when things are
World) each of which contain wilderness, towns and tough?
cities. A hero can be from any of these and come from
any environment - you can be from a great capital or Asking ourselves these questions can help us build a
a tiny village lost in a swamp. If you have the maps picture of who our hero is and why they have
available, take a look and pick out somewhere that decided to set out on their quest.
you like. Your place of origin should be reflected in
your choice of Region Lore skills that you take. In addition to these details, we can add some more
Humans are widely spread across every colour and depth to our hero’s background by rolling
environment, elves tend to live in places of great on the following tables that relate to their birth and
natural beauty and dwarves often make their homes life before they heard the call of adventure.
underground, but every group has its exceptions.
Birth Month
The Gods. A hero that is playing as a priest or Throughout the course of the year on Titan as the
paladin must choose a god to follow, but for others seasons come and go, the influence of the gods is felt
this is a more open question. Does your hero have a as they make their presence known. It should be clear
particular faith, or no faith, or simply acknowledges that this has no effect on the character of the person -
all the gods without engaging in worship? The gods those born in the seventh month of the year, as
are fairly active and important on Titan, so it is a rare Glantanka shows her face, are no more likely to be
person that ignores them. good than those born in other months.
Family & Clan. What was your family background There are two main calendars on Titan, Allansian and
and what sort of society did they live in? What was Khulian - we have combined them into one table, as
their social status? This does not have to determine the gods abide by their own schedules!
what skills you learn, but it might be something that
affects the way you develop your hero over time.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Table 7.4.1 Birth Month & Effect
1d6 Allansian Khulian Effect
1-3 1 Freeze Snow’s Cloak Blessing of Farigiss: You try to keep the temperature low and
dislike the heat. You reduce cold damage by 1 point of
STAMINA, increase fire damage by 1 point of STAMINA.
2 Dark Skies in Darkness Eyes of Arhallogen: You are happiest when the light is low.
The penalty for fighting blind is reduced from -6 to -4, you
find bright lights painful and can be momentarily blinded if
suddenly exposed.
3 Unlocking Land’s Awakening Galana’s Sharing: You have an innate understanding of
growing things and gain +1 to Plant Lore skill tests and +1
to Monster Lore skill tests for plants and mutated animals.
In addition, plants and animals under your care will be
healthier and more bountiful.
4 Sowing Heaven’s Weeping Stormchild: Sukh, the god of storms, blesses the land at this
time. You enjoy stormy weather and reduce damage from
lightning based a�acks by one point.
5 Winds Birds Cha�er Pangara’s Sweeping: You are swift as the wind and have +1 to
skill tests when racing against someone on foot.
6 Warming Days Lengthen Courga’s encouragement: You are a naturally positive and
optimistic person, you have a +2 bonus on tests to resist fear
or terror.
4-6 1 Fire Corn Ripening Glantanka’s shining: You like it hot and shiver as soon as you
get cold. You reduce fire damage by 1 point of STAMINA,
increase cold damage by 1 point of STAMINA.
2 Watching Man’s Harvesting Galana’s Reaping: Born to the sound of the scythe, you gain
+1 to combat rolls against plant life and mutated animals
and can harvest one extra meal when butchering a carcass.
3 Reaping Forests Golden Filash’s touch: Often born with auburn hair the last blaze of
summer fills you with energy. You are adept at sarting fires
and add +1 damage when using fire as a weapon.
4 Hiding Nature’s Curling Logaan’s concealment: Just as the animals hibernate or store
away food, you are adept at hiding yourself and other
objects, you gain +1 to skill tests when doing so.
5 Close Sun’s Hiding Disease’s Touch: As chills and flu take hold, you shrug off
diseases reducing their duration by one day and gaining +1
to tests against disease.
6 Locking Land’s Sleeping Death’s Pardon: Born during a lean time of the year, if you go
without food for a day, you only lose one point of
STAMINA instead of two.
Chapter 7 - Political, Religious and Social Factors
Birth Year extent. The exception to this would be the year of the
The years on Titan go on a twenty year cycle with Dragon - as intelligent creatures, they have li�le
each year having an associated animal. You will need interest in the birthday of its food!
to decide for yourself what year your campaign is
taking place in and then work back to find the animal The year on Titan described in the source books is 248
associated with your birth year. AC (248 After Chaos, which started from the year
1999 Old Time).
The order of the years is Dragon, Lion, Snake, Ox,
Tiger, Goat, Mouse, Deer, Bat, Wolf, Eagle, Dog, Starting Wealth
Spider, Rabbit, Fox, Crocodile, Owl, Cat, Shark and All heroes start with the basic equipment (See ‘Hero
Horse. Creation’ in the AFF Rulebook), bought or scavenged
in preparation for adventuring. Your starting wealth
Heroes find they have a special innate connection roll replaces the 2d6gp that heroes start with
with the creature of their birth year. They gain a +2 according to the usual rules.
bonus to Animal Lore and Animal Handling tests
relating to the animal of your birth year, so someone This does not have an effect on your social rank. You
born in the Year of the Mouse has an affinity with can be a rich peasant (perhaps you found a stash of
mice and other small rodents and gains a bonus to gold coins just before you decided to become an
their skill tests when interacting with them. adventurer) or a poor lord (you have land and titles
but they are mismanaged and you are constantly
The extent to which this bonus applies is up to the broke). It’s up to you to explain what the starting
Director, they might decide that someone born in the wealth of your hero means.
Year of The Bat has a natural affinity with bats, they
might ignore that hero in combat or they might If your hero has chosen the ‘Status’ or ‘Knighted’
indeed be able to communicate with them to some talents, you may wish to ignore this table.
Childhood Life Experience relevance, something that will help you in your
There are many important events that happen during adventures. If you want to, come up with something
childhood, memories and influences that will shape unique for yourself and as a general rule remember it
your life as an adult, but as a future hero there might should not be too powerful.
be something in your background of particular
AFF Adventure Creation System
Table 7.4.2 Unusual Life Experience
1d6 Unusual Life Experience
1 1 You were visited by fairies - pick one minor magic spell that you can cast 2xday without a casting
roll or magic points.
2 You were anointed with cockatrice blood at birth and you are immune to petrification.
3 For reasons that are unclear, you can speak Draconic, the language of dragons. This does not
mean they will be nice to you.
4 You trained with a grizzled old warrior who showed you how to use an unusual weapon - you
have learned an exotic weapon such as whips, firepowder weapons, spiked gauntlet or
something else of your choice. You have one point in the related special skill.
5 You knew or were apprenticed to a mage and had access to a library and are proficient at finding
information. If you have access to a library, add +2 to any Lore skill tests.
6 Trader - you have been taught the art of haggling and can increase or decrease prices by 10% in
addition to any other modifiers. You have one point in the Bargain special skill.
2 1 You were apprenticed to become a sailor - you have +2 to tests involving tying or untying knots
and +1 to Sea Lore tests.
2 You encountered a shaman that opened your third eye; you have one point in the Second Sight
skill even if you have no points in MAGIC; a successful test of the skill will (in your case) allow
you to spot invisible creatures and regardless of other characteristics you always have to roll at
worst a 7 or less to succeed in your Second Sight skill test.
3 Whilst swimming in a lake or river, you encountered a water spirit that conversed with you; you
have +1 to swimming skill tests and can hold your breath for twice the usual length of time.
4 You spent time with a well known ranger who passed on a great store of knowledge; you have +1
to hunting and fishing skill tests, and pick one environment (not city) for which you gain +2 to
your Region Lore (or if using the Survival skill gain +1 to that).
5 You ‘ran’ with a street gang and picked up some useful skills - you have +1 to your Sleight of
Hand and Sneaking skill tests but you also have an enemy; at least one powerful person knows
about your shady past.
6 You loved cooking and spent a lot of time in the kitchen; you can automatically tell if food is
ro�en or poisoned and have 1 point in the ‘Crafting - Cooking’ skill.
3 1 You enjoyed taking part in plays and storytelling as a child and learned the basics of
showmanship. You have +1 to Disguise skill tests and any social skill tests where you can tell a
tale, or perform in front of a crowd.
2 You spent many hours playing fighting games with your peers. You have 1 point in Brawling skill
and have +1 bonus damage when using an improvised weapon.
3 You were apprenticed to a craftsman - pick one type of craft, you gain one point in the skill and
+1 to any skill tests related to it (as decided by your Director).
4 You have been contacted by the spirit of one of your ancestors, and once per day may commune
with them through quiet meditation lasting at least one hour' from 'You have been contacted by
the spirit of one of your ancestors, and may commune with them through quiet meditation
lasting at least one hour', needs that once per day limit in their.
Chapter 7 - Political, Religious and Social Factors
5 From an early age you loved to ride and were rarely out of the saddle. You have one point in Ride
skill and Animal Lore - Horses (or another chosen steed) and have +1 to Ride skill tests.
6 Your parents undertook a pilgrimage when you were a child and had you blessed at a holy site;
you cannot be the subject of a curse and are immune to them.
4 1 You spent some time with a travelling circus strongman. You have got used to supplementing
your diet with raw eggs and meat. You have bulging muscles and one point in the Strength
special skill.
2 You spent some time apprenticed to a hedge witch, healer or physician and have a familiarity
with wounds and disease. You have a point in the Healing special skill and can recognise
common poisons and diseases without rolling.
3 At your naming ceremony you were given a blessing that stays with you for life. Once per
adventure you can choose to automatically pass a Test for LUCK rather than roll it. You still
reduce your LUCK by one after the “test”.
4 Your grandparent was a well known hero who was renowned for their bravery. You have an
almost supernatural resolve, and are unaffected by fear whether natural or magical.
5 You were anointed with Oil of Eagles by an old priestess as a baby, and as a result have
outstanding vision. You gain +1 to all Awareness tests and can see further than most.
6 Your parents sent you to one of the Temple schools for an education for a whole year. The
discipline was brutal, but you did gain a point in the Religion Lore special skill.
5 1 Your parents considered that there was no point in having children and carrying things
themselves. Much of your early life was spent, with your brothers and sisters, bags, boxes and
sacks. You have one additional encumbrance slot.
2 A childhood friend was an arsonist, and to this day it shapes your fears. You hate sleeping in a
locked room with no easy escape, but on the other hand are able to get a flame going easily in
almost any circumstances!
3 Your childhood was spent travelling by caravan, horse or ship. In addition to your many
colourful memories you can also choose two more Languages which are known to level 2.
4 A chance meeting with a sailor, a friend from childhood, led to a three day drinking binge which
you only survived due to a strange herbal drink your friend gave you. Since then, you are barely
affected by alcohol.
5 Some years previously, you were accidentally caught in the middle of a magical duel, and the
after effects have left you somewhat resilient to enchantment. You have a +1 bonus to LUCK tests
taken to avoid magical effects.
6 As a child you had an enemy, a vicious bully, who loved nothing more than inflicting bruises and
pain on you. As a result you became adept at hiding whenever his ugly face came into view. You
have +1 in the Sneaking special skill.
6 - Player choice or Special
AFF Adventure Creation System
Sworn Enemy
The world of Titan is constantly changing with many Against your sworn enemy, your knowledge of their
conflicts raging across and under its surface. Over tactics and weaknesses mean you have +1 to your
time it may be that your family, clan or nation have combat rolls against them and +1 to any LUCK rolls
ended up ba�ling with one particular foe, making you make whilst fighting them. In addition you start
them the sworn enemy of your people. Tales of these with 1 skill point in the relevant Monster Lore skill.
fights have been shared widely, giving you an edge
when you encounter that particular enemy.
Table 7.4.3 Sworn Enemy. Titan is a troubled world and your people have been a�acked in the past. Who have
you sworn vengeance against?
1d6 Sworn Enemy Notes
1-3 1 Lizardmen The lizardmen of Silur Cha may prefer the hot jungles as their abode, but
whatever you are on Titan you run the risk of being a�acked by them or
their agents, always on the lookout for slaves or treasures.
2 Undead An unfortunate aspect of life on Titan is the existence of the undead and
their first for the life-force of the living is unending.
3 Demons From the planes of hell come the demons and their mortal servants. They
strive to come up with new ways to torment people with their cruelty.
4 Elementals Whilst not always evil, creatures from the elemental planes are often
powerful and indifferent to the damage they cause. It is best to send them
back where they belong.
5 Evil Priests The evil gods, led by Death, Disease & Decay, are always trying to cause
ruin on Titan through their servants. You relish in hunting them down.
6 Orcs & Goblins Made by Hashak the Creator, the orcs love to form into clans and tribes
and live by raiding and stealing. They often bring along the cruel goblins
to assist them. Beating back these creatures is doing everyone a favour.
4-6 1 Dragons Although rare there are wild places where dragon a�acks can be a brutal
fact of life. The best policy is usually to run or hide from these powerful
creatures, but some brave heroes are willing to take them on.
2 Giants The first giants were created by Titan and some of them are still wise and
good, but others have devolved into brutality and violence. They are
powerful, but can be tricked.
3 Creatures of Chaos The coming of chaos two and a half centuries ago changed the face of Titan
leaving many places in ruins. Although the great army of chaos was
defeated, the influence of this dangerous magic remains.
4 Dark Elves A small number of elves have turned to the worship of Slangg and moved
to live in magical underground cities. Cunning and cruel, it is a brave hero
that takes on the Dark Elves.
5 Trolls & Ogres The shock troops of the evil armies are the trolls and ogres. Strong but
stupid, they can be beaten by a hero that is courageous and skilled.
6 Hero’s Choice Pick one of the categories above or create your own, based on your hero’s
Chapter 7 - Political, Religious and Social Factors
Personality Quirk These are intended to be parts of your character, not
Everybody has some element to their personality dominant features. A hero that is fastidious about
which marks them out as different. You can come up their appearance does not have to pause in combat to
with something that suits your particular wipe the gore from their armour, but they should
background or roll on the table below to generate stop and bathe as soon as the opportunity presents
one. itself.
Table 7.4.4 Personality Quirk
1d6 Personality Quirk
1-2 1 Phobia: You have a distinct fear of some kind, either a particular creature or situation. Decide on
something appropriate and make a note of it. You will go to great lengths to avoid coming into
contact with the source of your phobia.
2 You are noted for your generosity and you like to donate regularly to good causes, such as giving
alms to the poor. The lowest in society (beggars, lepers and so on) are thankful for your kindness.
3 You are fastidious about your appearance, taking pride in your grooming and your clothing.
4 You hold the gods in high respect, even those opposed to you and take care not to offend them.
5 You are a gourmand, you love good food and fine wine and will seek them out. What exactly
constitutes ‘good’ food is something your hero will have to decide for themselves - a barbarian
might insist on huge piles of roasted meat, an elf might demand fresh fruit and spring water.
6 You have a great wanderlust and want to see as much of the world as you can.
3-4 1 You hold the gods in contempt and see their worship as a sort of weakness (you may reroll this if
your hero is a priest or paladin, or can build it into your story).
2 You are fascinated by history and ancient things, and you hope to build a collection one day.
3 You are fascinated by magic, grand or trivial, and you are always on the lookout for new items to
4 You are embarrassed by displays of emotion and like to maintain a calm (some say icy)
demeanour, particularly around strangers.
5 You have a love of natural, wild animals and try to avoid hurting or killing them unless absolutely
6 You are fascinated by power and those who wield it. You seek it in all its forms (force of arms,
political, magical etc) and admire those who possess it.
5-6 1 You are notably short-tempered and rude to those who disappoint you. You can bite your tongue
if required, but you resent it when you have to.
2 You are honest to a fault and have trouble lying, even when telling the truth will cause problems.
3 You have a vivid imagination and love to embellish and add detail and colour to your
conversation, even if that means lying. You struggle to give a simple, straight answer even when
it is important.
4 You have an insatiable curiosity about the world and find it incredibly frustrating when you can’t
get an answer or explanation for something.
5 You love games and competitions and are always looking for ways to keep a ‘score’ of what’s
happening. You particularly dislike losing.
6 You are particularly merciful and believe in giving your enemies the chance for redemption if
possible (this does not apply to creatures such as undead, demons, elementals and so as they
operate according to an alien morality).
AFF Adventure Creation System
Summary that happens, you should change the parts that are
The most important thing is that you are happy with bothering you and roll or choose something that is
your hero and the details of their background and more appropriate - the aim is to end up with a hero
appearance. There is very li�le point in forcing that is interesting and exciting to you, a hero that you
yourself to play a character which does not suit you or want to see explore the world of Titan.
is at odds with what you imagine your hero to be. If
Chapter Chapter
7 - Political,
8 - Rumours
Social Factors
Chapter 8 - Rumours and Events
Fury of the Gods Rumours & Events themselves on the mortal plane but instead work
The gods of Titan, be they good, neutral or evil, are through their worshippers and priests to further their
not distant or forgo�en but actively involved in the aims in a constantly shifting ba�le of wills.
world. They may not be able (or willing) to manifest
AFF Adventure Creation System
2d6 Rumour or Event
9 Two thieves guilds are fighting each other in a secret war, se�ing up traps and ambushes for each other.
Effect: Forewarned by this news you are looking out for traps and gain a +1 bonus on to your Trap
Knowledge skill rolls.
10 A royal baby is on the way! The queen is pregnant and the mood at court is full of joy.
Effect: All Bargain skill rolls gain a +1 bonus due to the general good mood of merchants that know a royal
birth means a celebration, and a chance for profit, is soon at hand.
11 The wealthiest merchants are appalled at the state of the city. They have decided to invest their wealth in
making improvements and are threatening to demolish the slums and replace them with new houses.
Effect: In the Slum Alleys location,
everyone is on edge and your
Etique�e and Bargain rolls are at -
1 there.
12 A Lord, aided by a group of
heroes, has been unmasked as a
foul cultist who was using
demonic powers to advance his
cause and gain power. There is
great shock but also relief that he
was stopped in time. Effect: Heroes
are held in high regard - Restore
one point of LUCK.
The Natural World Rumours & Events and merchants bring news of these events to the
Most of Titan is still an untamed wilderness, full of cities, though how much of it is true is a ma�er of
savage beasts and powerful natural phenomena much bar-room debate.
which can spread their effects far and wild. Travellers
Chapter 8 - Rumours and Events
AFF Adventure Creation System
Trivia & Gossip Rumours & Events crafters, go on regardless. Perhaps even a mighty
No ma�er what great events happen in the rest of the hero such as yourself might learn something
world the lives of the simple folk, the farmers and interesting by listening to those that toil.
Table 8.7 Trivia & Gossip - Rumours & Events
2d6 Rumour or Event
2 There has been a terrible blight on the land, it's been awful for the farmers.
The cabbages have been wiped out completely and they are ten times normal at market!
Effect: Cabbages cost ten times as much as usual
3 Looks like the weather is about to change. If I were you, I’d hurry up and get where you are going, before
the rains come. Mind you, last time I thought that it was sunny for a month! Want to buy some eggs?
Effect: You may purchase up to 2d6 meals worth of eggs at 1gp/meal.
4 You aren’t from around here, are you? I’ll give you some advice, want it or not. Stay away from the forest.
Nothing good ever came out of it and those hunters that go in there don’t come out the same. Always
looking around, shifty like. Take my word from it and go the other way, if you have any sense.
Effect: If you enter a Forest area, roll 2x on the encounters table and take the ‘most dangerous’ encounter.
5 I don’t know why you're looking at me, I’ve got to get these sheep up to the top field so I have and I don’t
have the time to parley with some ragged traveller. I’ll wish you all the best, but I’ll be on my way. Effect:
If you visit the top field, there are sheep. They ignore you.
6 Well I heard he did it, but my old nan down the road says otherwise, so now I don’t know what to think.
Maybe he did, maybe not, who am I to judge anyway. Don’t tell anyone I told you, eh?
Effect: Mild confusion.
7 It was the middle of last night and everyone in our road woke up all at once! I can’t tell you why, but I
reckon it was some sort of witchcraft, so I’m telling you now it’s best if you stay indoors and don’t go out
after dark. Who knows what’s lurking about?
Effect: It was a bad batch of beer, not witchcraft, so there is no effect.
8 A craze has swept the land in which peasants compete to see who can create the most ornate hat, and
wherever you travel you find people holding hat contests and taking the art of millinery very seriously.
Effect: Adventures often come across strange objects in their travels such as the fur of some monster or a
goblins necklace - you may sell a pocketful of such curios for 3d6gp in any city or town.
9 They say that a dark stranger rode through under a blood moon and that after he left all the black cats
had disappeared. Some days later a shepherd was found torn to pieces but guess what? None of his
sheep were harmed at all, though all their wool turned purple.
Effect: In the wilderness people are happy to meet a normal person, you have +1 to your Etique�e rolls.
10 You can’t go around looking like that, people will laugh. The current trends in clothing have changed
suddenly, taking everybody by surprise - it’s time to update your look if you want to be taken seriously.
Effect: Price of clothing is doubled.
11 A great crafters fair has been announced and in preparation artisans and makers have been busy in their
workshops, practising and trying to create their finest work. The markets are humming with activity.
Effect: All Bargain skill rolls have a +1 bonus as traders compete to sell the produce of the workshops.
12 ‘Come, come and join the feast!’ A celebration is in progress, marking an important turning point in the
seasons of the year. Food and drink have been prepared and feelings of joy and optimism run high.
Effect: You restore one point of LUCK.
8 - Rumours
9 - Villains
and Events
What would a hero be without a villain to defeat? In For each villain there is provided:
this chapter we present a number of archetypes of
villainy to use, which we will call your opponent. In Description - a pen portrait of the mastermind or
general it is assumed you have one opponent at a group the brave Hero must defeat. Their methods
time, though you can take on more if you are up to and motives are varied, but all of them wish ill
the challenge! upon the world and are willing to pursue their
own goals regardless of the consequences for the
An important thing to note is that your opponent will common folk, be they human, elf or dwarf.
not, initially, be aware of you (unless you want that to
be part of your campaign) and will try to escape from Motivation - a brief summary of their motivations
fighting you - it will be up to you to force them into a and a table showing which type of missions they
Twelve example villains are given here, which should Item - each villain also has a unique magic item.
provide a good range of opponents to occupy your Make sure you know what they do before you
heroes. There are three for each of the domains fight them.
‘Winds of Magic’, ‘Fury of the Gods’, ‘Chaos
Henchmen - The most loyal servants of your
Unleashed’ and ‘Lust for Power’. These domains
opponent, always keen to do their bidding.
correspond both to the common fantasy tropes
Sometimes you might end up ba�ling your
(magic users, worshippers of evil gods, warriors and
opponent's henchman, rather than the
‘professionals’) and to the division of special skills in
Advanced Fighting Fantasy. This affects what your
opponent will do - an evil priest is more likely to Retaliation - after you completed your first
concern themselves with gathering cultists to their mission (even if you don’t manage to strike at your
cause than trying to start fights between criminal opponent), your opponent will understand that
gangs. some Hero is trying to foil them - this has
consequences! The retaliation continues until your
opponent has been defeated. Depending on the
villain, this can be very inconvenient.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Choosing a Villain against. You can either choose one from the examples
Whilst you can create quests and adventures without provided, create your own (see section 9.2 for some
a specific villain to oppose you it can be more help with doing this) or roll randomly.
compelling to have an opponent to pit your wits
For each villain you will see in their description a You can also use their descriptions and motivations to
table describing what sort of adventures are come up with quests and missions of your own,
particularly relevant to them. You can use this in section 10.2 has extensive advice on how you can do
combination with the campaign missions described that. The important thing to remember is that the
in section 10.1 to discover a series of adventures villains are not, initially, out to a�ack you. They have
which should culminate in you defeating your plans of their own and you are taking on the task of
opponent. When you have defeated one, you can roll stopping them, so your missions should reflect that
to see who you are facing next and carry on with your dynamic. Of course, once you have thwarted them a
hero’s story. few times they might decide to go after you directly
and that can be an adventure in itself, but it is
probably not going to be the first thing that happens
unless you can come up with a good reason as to why
they already hate you!
Chapter 9 - Villains
AFF Adventure Creation System
The Magician - Taz Remak their usual susurration. Taz stood and walked across
to the window to be�er take in the view and give his
Description: Whilst most magicians follow after the limbs a moment to stretch. The dawn light painted
example of the Keeper of the Darkwood, Yaztromo, his face in gold - he was a handsome looking older
and fight against evil and chaos there are always man, with plenty of grey in his hair and beard, and a
those that seek greater power with li�le regard for the sharp prow of a nose between his deep set eyes. At
lives of the common people. Those magicians may first sight he might be mistaken for a merchant, but
appear to be gentle scholars but they have no meet his gaze too long and you would be struck by
problem in using the orcs, goblins and others as the coldness of his regard as if he were a hawk
agents in their pursuit of knowledge. moments before it swooped on its prey.
Deep in the night, his table lit by enchanted glow- The magician watched a peasant struggling to pull
orbs, the man sifted through his parchments once her cart of vegetables along a muddy track, heading
again. Somewhere in these documents were the clues for the marketplace. His pursuit of ancient
that would, with careful deciphering, let him uncover knowledge was dangerous and his schemes might
the lost and forgo�en artifacts he craved. He moved result in the deaths of many people like her - but what
his hands slowly across the jumble of papers like a did it ma�er? Did the farmer give up just because
scorpion approaching its prey. His fingers touched lambs had to die to fill the pot? Thinking of this
the spine of an ancient book with a fire charred cover reminded Taz that he hadn’t eaten in a day or so and
and he pulled it open and started to work through the that even a powerful wizard couldn’t sustain himself
pages that he already knew by heart. The knowledge on magic alone. It was time to take a break from his
he sought was surely here, somewhere, if only he studies and make plans. The city was full of mysteries
could put the pieces together. and he would be the one to unravel them.
Chapter 9 - Villains
Lair: he disappears in a puff of smoke at the start of the
City: The magician is careful not to lead anyone back next round and you must track him down again. Each
to his true sanctum, but instead has set up a time you confront him, he grows angrier with you
temporary base from which to conduct his and will stay for one more round before he considers
operations. This is a large tent, split into two rooms (a teleporting away (so 2 rounds the second time you
bedroom and a simple study). The tent is made of confront, 3 rounds the third and so on). Great is the
coloured cloth with mystical runes highlighted in pride of wizards….and still greater their fall!
gold and silver. If the magician flees from combat or
is defeated, the tent and its contents will disappear Item: Scarf of Many Colours. Taz likes to go about
with a loud puffing noise and a large cloud of dust. town without being noticed and has acquired this
scarf, which can subtly alter the appearance of its
Dungeon: Taz Remak is not a natural dungeon wearer granting them +1 to Disguise skill tests.
denizen, so one room will have been cleaned up and
fi�ed with a heavy oak door. Inside the room, Henchmen
glowing orbs illuminate a desk covered in Apprentice
parchments filled with his increasingly deranged SKILL 4
scrawls. To one side a simple cot provides a place to STAMINA 8
sleep - this is not a room that Taz wishes to spend MAGIC 3 (Arcane Power 5, MP 14)
much time in. Weapon: Staff
Armour: None (Dodge skill 2)
Wilderness: The large tent used as a temporary base in
the city has been brought out here by his servants (all Taz has recruited a number of apprentices to help him
cowards who will not fight) and erected in the wilds. - they are desperate to impress the older magician in
Using his magic, Taz has erected an earthen wall the hope of being taught greater magics. When
around it to offer some protection. confronted they will fight using the spells ‘Weakness’
on the first round and then ‘Flash!’ after which they
Confrontation will use their staves. They are ultimately cowards - if
Taz Remak reduced to STAMINA of 2 or less they will surrender.
SKILL 6 In tears. It’s up to you what you do about that.
MAGIC 5 (Arcane Power 8, MP 30) Retaliation
Armour: None (Dodge skill 3) Once riled, the magician will a�empt to destroy his
Weapon: Staff. enemies from afar, scrying out their location and
Dressed in fine robes and wielding a carved oaken sending a magically animated club to bash them. This
staff, Taz Remak fights with magic. He will use the scrying is time consuming and Taz Remak cannot
spells ‘Flash!’ on the first round after which he will afford the time to do it each day - roll 1d6. On a 1,2 or
use ‘Fire Bolt’ to whi�le down the hero. 3 he has found you and sent an animated club to your
location (roll another 1d6 to see when this happens -
Taz Remak doesn’t like fighting, particularly those 1-2: morning, 3-4: midday, 5-6: evening). The club has
times he is hurt. If Taz is damaged he will teleport SKILL 8 but as per the ‘Animate’ spell, if it loses a
away to another location..unless you can taunt him to round of combat (i.e you manage to damage it) the
stay. Once he is hit, make a test against your Con spell ends. It does damage as a normal, non-magical
special skill. If you succeed he will stay but if you fail club.
AFF Adventure Creation System
The Sorcerer, Zeoltan the Immolator
Within moments it was all over. The bandits were
Description: Sorcerers are the most unpredictable of silent smoking corpses sca�ered near the edge of the
spell casters, since much of their power derives from road and the Lady Zeoltan Geara, known to her
some innate quality. They do not have to endure the followers as Zeoltan the Immolator, pa�ed her horse
drudgery of lessons in the temple or seek out the a few times to calm it and then continued on her
favour of a learned master. As a result, they often journey. It had been a pleasant diversion to unleash
develop their own explanation for why they have her power so freely but now she was tired from the
been granted abilities that can cause such exertion and wanted to get to the comforts of a good
devastation; a common reason being that they have bed in the city, where so many opportunities awaited
been chosen to rise above the common folk! As you her.
can imagine this leads to a lot of problems which is
why sorcerers are generally treated with even more Motivation: Zeoltan is motivated by fierce pride in
distrust and suspicion than magicians. her powers and the joy of using them. She wants to
use her magic to cause destruction and dominate
To the raiders she must have looked an easy mark. A others.
lone woman, well dressed and unarmoured, riding a
good horse down a bad road. They would already
have been thinking of ways to spend their pickings as
they charged through the trees towards her. Then she
stopped her horse and quite calmly looked at them.
Her expression changed from the tired boredom of a
long ride into the malicious glee of a bad tempered
child that had found something small and weak to
use as a plaything. Her eyes blazed with a sudden
fire. Probably the smartest bandits realised at this
point they had miscalculated but it was too late. With
a graceful flick of her wrists gouts of glowing flame
leapt, dancing, from her palms and then around the
tree trunks and onto each man turning them into
spinning, tumbling fire sprites. The men's war cries
turned to screams as they burned, beating futilely at
the flames that refused to be extinguished.
Chapter 9 - Villains
Lair Zeoltan doesn’t like being disturbed. The first time
City: The Sorcerer is proud but not foolish. She has she is injured she will snap her fingers teleporting
obtained a rented room of some style and quality you across the city! (in a dungeon you are transported
from which to carry out her plots. This is a pleasantly to a room in another section and in the wilderness
furnished room, light and airy - the sort of place you are transported to an adjacent area). Drop a dice
where it would be nice to spend an afternoon taking onto the map to find out where you pop back into
tea and discussing books, for Zeoltan is keen to existence. By the time you have returned, Zeoltan is
maintain the pretence of being just another young gone. However, this sort of magic is too taxing to be
noblewoman. done more than once a week - so find her again soon!
Provided you find her in the next week she will not be
Dungeon: Zeoltan is confident of her ability to able to dismiss you and will fight to the death.
protect herself, so her lair in the dungeon will lack
much beyond the basics. She is here to do something Item: Pendant of Obsidian. Wary of fighting other
important, not impress visitors. Apart from a cot and magic users, Zeoltan wears a necklace holding a
a fireplace, her room will only be distinctive only shard of obsidian. Once each day it can absorb one
because it is kept cleaner and warmer than the rest. lightning based magical a�ack against its wearer.
Mission Generator for The Coven - Refer to Table 10.1.1 Campaign Missions
Roll Secret Scheme Roll on the mission table under..
1-3 As magic users the Coven employ a variety of magical effects and Winds of Magic
devices to achieve their aims.
4-5 Witches are not priestesses but their magic is gifted from demons or Fury of the Gods
other powers; powers that expect to get something in return.
6 Mere carnage is not particularly satisfactory for a witch, but it will Chaos Unleashed
suffice when other options aren’t available.
Chapter 9 - Villains
Lair Item: Carved Toadstool. Kristin Wert carries a
City: The Coven like to hide in plain sight - their base crudely carved toadstool, which radiates magic. Once
of operations will be a small shack or hovel which is a day, the bearer can curse another creature to suffer
almost indistinguishable from any other. They are -1 to all rolls for one hour. The toadstool can also rid
fond of a�racting urchins to act as errand boys, the bearer of a curse, but that drains it for one week.
though in time some of them will mysteriously
vanish…the cauldron has to be kept full, after all. Henchmen
Entranced Man
Dungeon: Witches prey on people - human, elf or SKILL 7
dwarf - but there are always ingredients for the STAMINA 8
cauldron that can only be found in the dank corridors Weapon: Ba�le Axe
of a trap filled tomb. If they do need to be in a Armour: Leather Cuirass
dungeon they will have fenced off a room or two and
put in a space for the cauldron,. Even underground It is a favourite trick of witches to place a glamour on
witches like to maintain the idea that they are simply some tough but stupid young man (often woodsmen)
the village wise-woman, and nothing more sinister. and use them as bodyguards. They may snap out of it
when severely wounded - when reduced to 3
Wilderness: A simple hut, clean swept, with a garden STAMINA or less they Entranced Man must make a
of herbs and a coop of chickens at the back is an ideal 1d6 roll - on a 1 or 2 the enchantment lifts and they
home for a witch. Usually close enough to a path or will fall to their knees and surrender.
road that a curious traveller might knock on her door
and end up as fodder for the cauldron. Retaliation
Curses: You have been marked as the victim of an
Confrontation unending stream of curses. Each day whilst you ba�le
Kristin Wert, Witch The Coven you must roll (at the start of the day) to see
SKILL 6 what happens. The curse lasts a day (when you get a
STAMINA 10 new one!) or until you defeat your opponent.
Devotion 7
Weapon: Dagger Table 9.1.2 Curses. Test against your LUCK or suffer
Armour: None (Dodge skill 4) the effect described.
1 Curse of Stench: A foul odour emanates from
‘Oh, so you’ve found me out, have you, dear? How you, causing anyone nearby to feel nauseous.
unfortunate..for you!’ With a shriek the witch will fly Suffer a -1 penalty to all Social tests.
at you. Her disguise as a young woman falls away to 2 Curse of Withering: Evil magic weakens you as
reveal her haggard appearance, a face reflecting her if you were ill. Lose 2 STAMINA.
foul nature. Her patron has granted her the power of 3 Curse of Clumsiness: Your limbs are not quite
Glamour. For rounds equal to her Devotion her eyes under control. Movement tests are at -1.
will glow with a fierce green light that fills anyone 4 Curse of Stupidity: Your mind is fogged!
that sees it with dread - the effect is that All rolls are Knowledge and MAGIC tests are at -1.
made with a penalty of -1. On the final (seventh) 5 Curse of Cowardice: Fear courses through your
round her eyes blaze brighter and the Hero must test veins. Suffer a -1 penalty to all combat skills.
their LUCK or flee! By the time you have recovered , 6 Curse failed! For some reason, the magic of the
Kristin Wert has fled and you must track her down. curse failed. Restore one point of LUCK
AFF Adventure Creation System
The Inquisitor, Anna Gotval will had been a pleasure. As she reached out with her
mind to contact her master a brief flash of memory
Description: The Inquisitor is a religious fanatic, a surprised her- the face of her father. He had built this
leader of cultists that acts in secret to corrupt the chapel to worship some nature god, but it hadn’t
society she lives in and gain power for the terrible helped him when the crops had failed and his people-
deities she worships. now hers - had starved. She dismissed it coldly and
refocused her mind on the task at hand, her master
The heels of her leather boots made a satisfying clack- was not one for sentimentality.
clack sound as the inquisitor marched along the
marble-floored aisle of the chapel. It was built by her Opening her mind and soul Anna Gotval awaited
father, but he was long dead and it was hers now, as instruction; what infernal plans would he have for
were the acolytes that knelt silently to either side. her this time? Images and phrases started to flood
They knew be�er than to make a noise when she into her consciousness, slowly at first but then faster
came to worship. and faster until it became an almost unbearable
assault, leaving her twisting in pain on the floor as the
At this late hour the chapel was mostly in darkness, as chanting of her followers reached a rage filled
it should be, with only a few torches to either side and crescendo. At that moment she grasped the plan and
the altar candles providing a flickering, uncertain broke the contact, unable to bear anymore. Shivering
light. She felt a thrilling shiver of fear run down her and exhausted the Inquisitor hunched herself into a
spine as she approached the altar. It was a hideous ball before forcing herself to stand and turn toward
thing; a rough stone basin, stained with dried blood, the now silent congregation. ‘Our Master has shown
protruded from the base of a carving of her dark me the way. Go and rest now, for tomorrow we have
master. She surveyed it with awe - four arms ending work to do’. Saying only that Gotval strode back
in clawed hands spread out from a trunk composed down the aisle, the clack-clack of her boots once again
of bodies melded together in torment. Two muscular the only sound in this unholy place.
legs bunched up under the torso ended with
cylindrical elephantine feet. At the top a great rough Motivation: The Inquisitor is conducting a religious
head leered at her, with 4 great horns bending and war against all unbelievers. Merciless and
twisting above it. determined, she has sent out her agents with a variety
of aims, either to recruit cultists to aid her or to
As Gotval reached the dias she first knelt and then weaken and demoralise the world until there are
prostrated herself full-length on the floor in front of none strong enough to stand in her way. If you fail to
the monstrosity. Her acolytes started a low moaning defeat her in the first mission, roll next from the
chant, just as she had trained them too. Breaking their following categories.
Claws & Thorns Mission Generator - Refer to Table 10.1.1 Campaign Missions
Roll Secret Scheme Roll on the mission table under..
1-4 The city itself is an affront to nature and a wound upon her body; it Fury of the Gods
must be weakened or destroyed to preserve the balance
5 The Claws & Thorns have access to a number of beasts, brought out Chaos Unleashed
from the forests and caves of Titan and they are more than happy to
let them hunt. Sometimes goblins, orcs and so on can be tricked into
doing their bidding
6 Finding powerful magic items or spells is one way that the society, Winds of Magic
which is small in numbers, can hope to prevail against the teeming
Chapter 9 - Villains
Lair (should you do so you can consider Lortel defeated as
an opponent and he will stop his a�acks). Should you
City: As guardians of nature, the Claws & Thorns are reduce him to STAMINA 6 or less he will use the Heal
uncomfortable in the city. They will have found a priestly power to renew himself, restoring 6 points of
forgo�en piece of ground and hemmed it in with STAMINA.
thorns that grew with unnatural speed. The
entranceway is marked with a type of standing stone, After 15 rounds of combat (or debate, you don’t have
engraved with a swirling pa�ern. to try and kill him!) Lortel will decide he has heard
enough from you for one day - issuing a command,
Dungeon: A part of the dungeon will be overrun with roots and tendrils burst from the ground and grasp
nature - vines crawling along the walls, fungus your feet and legs. Lortel will transform into a very
sprouting from the floor and a great number of pine marten and dash away to find a new lair.
crawling beasts and insects wriggling in the greenery.
Item: The Forest’s ear. If defeated, Lortel will leave
Wilderness: For the Claw & Thorns all the wilderness behind an oaken ear-horn that allows the user to
is their home; they are particularly a�ached to places communicate with animals for 10 minutes per day.
rich in life such as ancient forests, waterfalls or ponds The animals are only able to ‘talk’ according to their
of clean, fresh water. The exceptional quality of the natural intelligence however.
scenery is a sign that nature’s guardians are nearby.
Confrontation Tree Man
Lortel the Swift SKILL 5
SKILL 5 (Staves 2) STAMINA 8
STAMINA 14 Weapon: Branch x2, treat as Clubs.
Devotion: 6 Armour: Heavy.
Weapon: Staff Lortel uses young Tree Men to act as his eyes and ears
Armour: Leather Hauberk. in the city - it’s dangerous work for them, but they
have the perfect disguise as they can simply stand
Although slight in stature, Lortel has the wiry still and become just another tree. The Tree Men draw
strength and vitality of a young ferret - well known power from the earth and if they are in the Park
for its cunning, tenacity and ability to take down location they will heal one STAMINA each round.
animals much larger than itself. Unlike most of your
opponents, Lortel is not truly malicious. He simply Retaliation
wants to preserve the wilds. Because of this he will try Lortel is frustrated that you are interfering with his
and reason with the hero whilst you fight, trying to plans and has sent a murder of crows to harass you.
persuade you to join his cause. He will fight entirely These smart creatures will follow you about, taking
using the Defensive combat option. Each round you turns to swoop down to peck at you or even aim their
should roll an opposed test using Religion, Animal or droppings towards your head. If you try to retaliate
Forest Lore (your choice) as you debate his actions. they will flap away. This activity is highly distracting
Lortel has Religion Lore skill of 8 and you should roll - when you have a social or challenge encounter, roll
2d6 for him and compare it to your total. You need to a 1d6. On a 1, the crows have got at you and you take
win that argument (by winning the contested roll) ten a -2 penalty to all rolls for that encounter.
times in order to convince him to stop his a�acks
AFF Adventure Creation System
The Necromancer noticed the smell of decay and duly I was discovered.
Unsurprisingly, I did not receive much of a trial. I was
Description: The power of necromancy is fortunately sentenced to entombment - put back in my home
a rare one as it nearly always leads to a desire to turn (along with my ro�ing father) the door of the crypt
the entire world into a graveyard. was sealed and I was left to starve. Si�ing there in the
darkness I wondered if this was the end, but I could
From the Journals of Merrick Trench: My father was a still feel the presence of all the dead in the earth
poor man, a gravedigger. His income was not enough around me. I closed my eyes and called out to them -
to afford both food and shelter, so my family lived in felt them stirring into movement, digging their way
a crypt that had been abandoned. Pressed hard up up, clod by clod, to the surface. I can only imagine
against icy mountains, surrounded by a dark forest how it must have seemed to the villagers as the
and blanketed in freezing mist, it was a place where ground beneath them shifted and rank after rank of
people came to await their end in shared misery. corpses hauled themselves from their graves.
Despite it all, I had come to cherish my home. I spent Firstly, I directed them to free me from my prison. As
my childhood days playing in the graveyard, I emerged I made no great speeches to the terrified
listening to the crows, staring deep into the empty eye crowd. I simply directed my soldiers (I had
sockets of the skulls carved upon the stones and immediately begun to think of them in these terms) to
playing a role in the theatre of the funeral rites. All carry out my retributive justice. The screaming was
this time growing up I had felt a deep connection to short lived, after which I had a fresh batch of recruits
the dead. Their voices filled my dreams and even to call upon. In quick order the village was cleansed
during the day I would see their spirits wandering of every living soul and I had a shuffling, clacking
the afterlife. More shockingly I found I could both brigade of troops at my command. A few of the
talk to and command them - I kept this a secret. quicker villagers had mounted horses, escaping my
wrath, and they would surely go and alert the king’s
I was still a boy when my mother and father men to this abomination. Gathering up supplies I
succumbed to tomb-rot. As my father died, I saw his found myself an old pony that had been spared the
ghost form and rise up from his body. I took my carnage and set off. I knew I had a unique talent - now
chance and calling upon the whole of my willpower, it was time to put it to use on a bigger stage.
forced it back into his body. Since he had always been
a quiet man it was easy to carry on as if nothing had Motivation: Merrick Trench is motivated by a
happened. My father continued to dig the graves. Of combination of vengeance and obsession. He wishes
course this could only last for so long before someone to show the world his power and unleash the undead!
Mission Generator for the Necromancer - Refer to Table 10.1.1 Campaign Missions
Roll Secret Scheme Roll on the mission table under..
1-3 It is the gods that have granted me this power over life and death and Fury of the Gods
it is to the gods I turn; through them I will test my resolution.
4 The undead do my bidding as meekly as a flock of sheep before the Chaos Unleashed
shepherd, but there are others in the world that can be made to serve.
5-6 In ancient texts and secret rituals I will find the secrets to understand Winds of Magic
my power and grow ever stronger. With more knowledge I will venture
deeper into the realm of death.
Chapter 9 - Villains
Lair will cause one additional point of STAMINA damage
which will also heal Merrick for one point of
City: Happiest when surrounded by the architecture STAMINA as he drains the life out of the Hero.
of death, Merrick Trench has forced his way into an
abandoned crypt. The inside barely qualifies as The necromancer will not try to flee; instead, some
lodgings - just enough room has been made for a time after he is defeated (and when no one is
simple bed and a place cleared to accommodate a watching his body too carefully) he will rise up as a
firepit and cookpot. The coffins and skeletons have revenant and return to his work! This will become
been left in place by a man who seems to see them as apparent fairly quickly and the Hero must track him
appropriate decorations for a bedroom. down again. He may only return in this way once and
there is a cost to it - he no longer has the ability to
Dungeon: Many dungeons are tomb-like so the drain STAMINA from the Hero when they fight.
necromancer is quite at home in this depressing
environment. He will partition off his room with a Item: Almanac of Ancient Sins. Found in the corner of
gate made of bones but apart from that change very a dreary crypt, this magical leather bound tome
li�le. Si�ing all day in the darkness is a sort of contains records of misdeeds. Once a day it can be
comfort to him, so apart from a cot and a cookpot it held up in front of an undead creature and will
would be hard to determine that this was someone's chastise them; the target will be reduced to walking
home. pace and unable to a�ack for three rounds.
Mission Generator for The Horde - Refer to Table 10.1.1 Campaign Missions
Roll Secret Scheme Roll on the mission table under..
1-5 Unsurprisingly, The Horde focuses on a�acks that involve brute force Chaos Unleashed
or the use of dangerous beasts.
6 Occasionally a shaman or priest joins The Horde and uses the power of Fury of the Gods
the gods to create havoc.
Chapter 9 - Villains
Lair flood the room, making it a very dangerous fight. If
you choose to retreat they will let you go (you may
City: The Horde will have a place to meet and plot, retreat without suffering free a�acks from leaving
but it won’t be chosen with any great care. It could be combat), jeering and laughing at you as you go, and
a broken down hovel, forgo�en cave or cellar, with you must try to find Thumper Grunk again by
the only signs of occupation being some crude starting a new mission. On any subsequent fight he
bedding and a firepit for cooking. They won’t bother will have healed his wounds but the goblins get
repairing or decorating it. In fact, their presence will bored of coming to the rescue and only appear on a 1
reduce it to the status of an abandoned hovel. on 1d6.
Dungeon: The Horde are not simply familiar with the Item: Bag of Holding. An otherwise nondescript bag,
dungeon environment, it is their home ground. They Thumper has at some point picked up a Bag of
will occupy whichever part of the dungeon most Holding. This sack counts as one item for working
reminds them of the hole they first crawled out of. out encumbrance, but can actually carry five items
worth of goods without becoming any heavier. He is
Wilderness: The Horde has a tendency to get lost or using it to store food and it has 4d6 meals worth of
wander. If they do end up stuck in the wilderness ro�en meat (heroes may wish to clean it before they
they will do their best to make a crude camp from use it).
whatever vegetation is available but their preference
will be to find a natural cave or shelter they can cram Henchman
into. The surrounding countryside will see an Wild Hobgoblin
increase in dead beasts and trampled or burnt plants, SKILL 6
as they make no real effort to conceal themselves. STAMINA 9
Weapon: Short Sword x2
Confrontation Armour: Light.
Thumper Grunk This Hobgoblin has been driven to the edge of
SKILL 8 madness by the slaughter of his tribe and now wields
STAMINA 14 a short sword in each hand, choosing to swing madly
Weapon: ‘The Thumper’ (a large spiked club, instead of protecting himself. He will curse and spit
treat it as a Morning Star for damage) at you as you fight, though you have no idea what
Armour: Monster Heavy. he’s saying.
Mission Generator for The Emerald Scale - Refer to Table 10.1.1 Campaign Missions
Roll Secret Scheme Roll on the mission table under..
1-3 The Lizardmen are determined to weaken their enemies without Lust for Power
resorting to warfare and have devised a number of schemes and plots.
4-5 Crude a�acks are not subtle but they can be effective. Chaos Unleashed
6 The magicians of Silur Cha are always keen to employ their skills or Winds of Magic
learn new magics.
Chapter 9 - Villains
Lair Chel Vak has also coated his spear with poison, so
each time he hits you it inflicts one additional point of
City: The Lizardmen, away from their homes, crave STAMINA damage that is not stopped by armour. If
the warmth and humidity of the swamps. Thus the you defeat him you can recover a vial of this poison -
lair will be in a cave or underground passage - there is enough to coat a weapon for one combat or 10
effectively a miniature catacomb - that contains access arrows. The poison has no effect on Lizardmen.
to a source of water such as a spring or underground
river. Coals or magic are used to heat part of it to a Item: Ring of Warmth. Ever fearful of the cold, Chel
suitable steamy temperature. If the Lizardmen need Vak has a magical ring that protects against the chill.
to escape they can dive into the water and slither The wearer takes one less point of damage from cold
down a pipe that is not visible from the above - they (including magical cold) and can use the minor magic
can hold their breath a lot longer than a human! spell ‘Weather Protection’ once each day.
When challenged Chel Vak will call upon the powers Retaliation
of the Lizardmen gods to fill the room with a cloud of Chel Vak will not tolerate your interference! Calling
steam, which lasts for 6 rounds and obscures visions, upon the foetid powers of the swamp gods, he
causing the Hero to suffer a -2 penalty to their combat summons a Monstrous Fly (see encounter C28) to
rolls (Chel Vak is unaffected). If he is still alive at the visit you. Each day make a roll to see when it finds
end of this time, he will leap away into the water and you 1-2 between dawn and midday, 3-4 between
make his escape and you will have to track him down midday and dusk, 5-6 it fails to find you. A new fly
again! will come to search for you each day.
AFF Adventure Creation System
The Nest Mother The only way to stop the a�acks is to defeat the Nest
Mother and let the ratmen go back to fighting each
Description: Ratmen are a constant menace across other. Their numbers are too great to deal with
Titan and sometimes a powerful leader arises to lead otherwise.
Motivation: The nest mother’s motivation is primal -
Deep beneath the cities of Titan, in the forgo�en to increase and protect her nest, with its warren of
crypts and clogged sewers, the ratmen live out their tunnels and myriad squeaking inhabitants. To that
frantic lives in the darkness with clan ba�ling clan in end she will pursue whatever opportunities are
wars that pass largely unnoticed on the surface. available. She is intelligent, but not wise enough to set
a long term strategy. The nest mother is capable of
From time to time, however, a powerful matriarch acquiring human allies, usually through bribery, and
emerges from this chaos and takes command of a se�ing them to work for her.
large number of ratmen. This is the time of danger for
humans, dwarves and elves as she will use her power
to organise raids on the surface - not just hunts for
food and weapons, but also sending out sappers to
gnaw and scrabble at the foundations of the surface
Chapter 9 - Villains
Lair When you fight the Nest Mother, she will call on the
swarm of rats in her lair to aid her. Each time you
City: The true lair of the Nest Mother lies deep in the wound her (cause points of STAMINA damage) she
earth, in the maze-like tunnels of her clan’s burrow, will let out a screech of anger summoning a small
but in order to carry out a�acks on the surface pack of rats to burst out of the filth and fling
dwellers she has chosen a small camp near to the themselves at you - the next round you suffer a -1
surface. Connected to an unused sewer or abandoned penalty to your combat rolls as rats swarm across
cellar, this filthy room has been turned into a stinking you, biting and scratching and you must roll 1d6. On
nest full of squeaking rats nibbling at the bones of a result of 1 the Nest Mother decides she has had
some unidentified creature. Dark tunnels - too small enough of you for one day and dives away down a
for people, but large enough for ratmen - branch off slimy tunnel whilst you are distracted by her minions
in all directions. - if this happens you must track her down again.
Dungeon: Ratmen see very li�le difference between In addition to her normal a�acks the Nest Mother is
most dungeons and the ruins beneath a city; they will as foul and putrid as her kin, with dirt and filth
convert a part of the dungeon to suit their needs by crusting her ma�ed hair and covering her wicked
building narrow tunnels and filling the space with claws. After you fight her, you must test your LUCK
nest-like structures that hamper the movement of any or contract a disease (see Table 4.3.2 Diseases).
heroes that enter.
Item: Orb of Shadows. In a pouch at her belt she
Wilderness: The natural habitat of ratmen is close to carries the Orb of Shadows - a glassy orb filled with
human civilization, where they can scavenge and swirling shadows, about the size of an apple. Once a
hunt, but they can survive in the wilderness. Here day it can deepen the shadows around the holder, so
they will make use of a natural feature such as a cave they have +2 to their Sneaking tests for 10 minutes.
or gully which they can turn into an enclosed, flea-
ridden lair. It’s likely that there will be many half Hench(rat)men
eaten animals found in the surrounding area. Ratmen Assassin
Confrontation STAMINA 8
Nest Mother Weapon: Sword
SKILL 7 Armour: Leather Cuirass.
STAMINA 12 Ratmen assassins are very stealthy. Make an
Armour: Monster Medium Awareness skill roll when you come near them, or
Weapons: Large Bite, Medium Claw (one a�ack they will make their first a�ack from concealment
with each). gaining a +4 bonus on their combat rolls.
Chapter 9 - Villains
Lair If you manage to defeat the bodyguard in time, you
get to face Fox who isn’t much of a fighter and is still
City: A member of The Syndicate in good standing frantically trying to clear away the incriminating
must maintain a decent sized manor, complete with documents, so he will try and bribe you. Roll 10d6 -
servants and the usual trappings of wealth, but this is this is the total number of gold pieces that he offers. If
not where they carry out their criminal enterprises. you accept the bribe, lose one point of LUCK and be
When you track them down you will find a concealed on your way - you’ll have to start again with tracking
office probably in a nondescript building or him down. The bribe is a one time deal, if you find
warehouse. A sparse room, its only purpose is to him again he will fight. If you refuse it, you can fight
house the ledgers and contracts recording those him to the death there and then.
activities that are strictly ‘off the books’.
Item: Fox’s Sharp Eye. If defeated, your hero will find
Dungeon: Often accessed by a secret or hidden door, that Solomon has a jeweller’s eyeglass which when
the Syndicate will carve out for itself a well appointed used to examine an object, grants +1 to tests of the
area that is lit, swept and maintained more like an Evaluate skill.
underground inn than a miserable dungeon. A suite
of rooms will include a bedroom, office and Henchmen
guardrooms at a minimum. Sneaky Thug
Wilderness: Whilst unusual to find a member of The STAMINA 10
Syndicate so far from the centres of power, if they do Weapon: Sword
need to spend time in the wilds they do so in Armour: Leather Hauberk.
reasonable comfort. Their lair will consist of a The Syndicate employ all kinds of scum and lowlifes
hunting lodge, with sufficient provisions. to do their dirty work. A quick trawl of the local jails
is usually sufficient to find someone willing to break
Confrontation an arm or two in return for a fat coin purse. These
Solomon ‘Silver’ Fox: Bodyguard: thugs are tough but sneaky and will try to keep in the
SKILL 6 SKILL 7 shadows. On the first round make an Awareness skill
STAMINA 10 STAMINA 12 test or they have caught you by surprise and get a free
Weapon: Dagger Weapon: Sword a�ack with +4 to their combat roll.
Armour: None. Armour: Chain
hauberk Retaliation
The Syndicate defends itself by monetary means:
When you track Fox down, he will have a large man Once they have identified a threat, the first step will
get between you and him - you must fight his be to pay off people to make life harder for the
bodyguard first, it is impossible to get at Fox with a troublemaker. Whilst you are ba�ling The Syndicate,
melee weapon until you have dealt with his hired you should roll a 1d6 whenever you have a social
muscle. At the start of combat roll 2d6 - the total is the encounter. On a 1 the NPC has taken a bribe and will
number of rounds you have to fight whilst Fox is refuse to help you - you cannot take the usual options
destroying the evidence of his plans - burning le�ers, and should simply move on to your next encounter.
ripping up contracts and so on. At the end of this In addition, whilst you ba�le The Syndicate you have
time, Fox will escape through a backdoor and sprint a penalty of -2 to all Bargain skill rolls, as the
away - you’ll have to start over in tracking him down. merchants don’t want to be seen dealing with you.
AFF Adventure Creation System
The House of Swords ‘I think you have me cousin’ said Rollo, clutching at
the wound on his belly. ‘Will you let me yield?’ There
Description: Whilst many of the nobles of Titan are was a mu�ering from the crowd as Azar paced
kind and generous folk, dedicated to improving the around his prone opponent, considering the
lives of the common folk, there are those that turn to question. He looked up and caught the eye of his
more decadent pursuits. In search of something more sponsor, the Count, who nodded once at him. So it
exciting they fight duels, send out spies and was.
infiltrators, sabotage each other's plans and generally
get up to no good. Over time, a code of conduct has ‘Rollo my old friend....goodbye!’ Azar twirled his
grown up called ‘the House of Swords’ which allows sword and darted forward, point aimed at Rollo’s
them to carry out these diversions without causing a heart, but the moments of parley had been enough for
full scale war. The lives of the senior nobles are Rollo to recover a li�le of his strength. He rolled away
protected, but the peasants are not so fortunate and from the thrust, leaving Azar unbalanced. As he
the machinations of the House of Swords can result in tipped forward, Rollo slipped a dagger from his belt
a great deal of carnage for those unlucky enough to be and thrust upward, catching the falling Azar square
treated as pawns in the game. in the chest and spinning him across the room in a
cla�er of spasming limbs until he came to rest, dagger
‘Come on cousin, do get up’ A cruel smile slid across protruding from his ribs, staring lifelessly up at the
Azar’s face as he prodded Rollo’s back with the tip of Count.
his sword. ‘It just won’t do to let the servants see you
this way’. Azar took a step back across the tiled floor ‘What a disappointment’ mu�ered the older man,
to admire his handiwork. Rollo was on all fours, head before turning and striding wordlessly from the
hanging down, his body heaving with exertion as he room. There was a gasp from the onlookers followed,
tried to recover from the last blow. Blood was after a moment of stunned silence, by loud applause
spla�ered beneath him, almost glowing like rubies in and cheering. Servants rushed forward to bandage
the sunlight streaming in through the high windows and heal Rollo whilst some of the crowd also came
of the dueling room. Around the edge of the room, forward to congratulate him on his victory.
backs pressed to the wall, a crowd of masked
onlookers and their servants waited quietly in Motivation: Count Montagu de Hood is arrogant and
anticipation of the end of the fight. Rollo took another cruel; he intends to beat his rivals and raise his status
shuddering breath and collapsed to his side. by whatever means available.
Chapter 9 - Villains
Lair The Count may be corrupt and greedy, but he is still
of noble rank. Once he is injured below 8 points of
City: The House of Swords have comfortable lives STAMINA he will let out a cry of ‘Guards! Guards!’
spent in the finest houses in the land and they have no and call for the Watch to help him. At the start of each
intention of giving up these privileges even when round roll a 1d6 - if the result is 1,2 or 3 a group of
trying to destroy the city around it. It will, however, Watchmen are nearby and burst into the scene,
be a property that has been rented under a false name bundling you to the ground and stopping your
or occupied without the knowledge of its true owner, a�acks. Before you can explain the situation the
just in case things go wrong. Either way it will appear Count will make his escape and you must track him
to be a grand dwelling. down again, however you have inflicted some
injuries upon him and can reduce his SKILL by one
Dungeon: An unlikely spot to find a member of the each time you face him. Each time the guards come to
House of Swords but if they must, they must. Part of the aid of the Count you can try to convince them of
the dungeon will have been partitioned off and his guilt - roll against your Law skill. If you succeed
cleaned up. Tapestries hung on the walls, torches they are persuaded and the next time you face him,
placed in sconces, a fireplace and a well stocked they will not come to his help again in the future.
larder at a minimum. A secret passage will connect
the main room with a guard’s room, from where help Item: The Count’s signet Ring. This heavy gold ring
can be summoned via a bell or gong. was enchanted long ago to sharpen the wits of the
wearer. If you have it on your finger, you gain +1 to
Wilderness: Most nobles like to have a place in the tests of your Law skill.
country and the House of Swords have plenty of
options in this regard. They won’t risk operating a Henchman
criminal enterprise out of their main residence so this Dandy Duelist
will be a decent manor house, probably stripped back SKILL 6
to the essentials and guarded by groundsmen under STAMINA 9
strict instruction to deter investigators with force. Weapon: Sword
Armour: Dodge skill 3.
Confrontation A young noble, eager for glory, who the Count has
Count Montagu de Hood recruited to do his bidding. They are arrogant, brash
SKILL 9 and convinced of their own natural superiority. En
STAMINA 13 garde!
Weapon: Sword
Armour: Dodge Special skill of 4. Retaliation
Tall and slender, with a dancer’s build, the Count The Count is annoyed with your interference and has
Montagu de Hood was an excellent duellist in his bribed the Watch to go after you. Every day in the
youth and now looks to replace the excitement of se�lement where you encountered him you must roll
hand-to-hand combat with the thrill of pi�ing one against your Law skill with a +3 bonus. If you fail the
group of nobles against another. He is not afraid of roll, your first encounter of the day will be with
ge�ing his hands dirty, but prefers to work by corrupt Watchmen - you must roll on the Lawbreaker
manipulating others, particularly the young nobles table, though the minimum result on the table for you
that are looking to make a name for themselves. is six (the Watch can only push it so far).
AFF Adventure Creation System
The Warlord Reaching the edge of his camp Grark came to the
precipice of a cliff that marked the boundary between
Description: For the orcs, raiding is a way of life. the forests that swept down from his caves up in the
Humans, Elves and Dwarves are be�er at farming, mountains to the plains that stretched out before him
building and crafting most things and it is easier - and do�ed with human towns and farms. Still chewing on
a lot more fun - to go and steal from them than to the sheep’s thigh-bone Grark looked across the
work hard for yourself. Most raids are done by small landscape and started to plot his campaign. He could
groups but occasionally a particularly strong or see a low pass where his warband could descend, a
clever orc will gather the clans together and form a river that they could follow up to the farmsteads
warband that can sweep down from their caves and where they could pillage and resupply. Further on
pillage larger se�lements. there were small towns and there, on the horizon,
Grark could see a smudge of smoke lit by the last rays
The long summer day had finally ended and with a of twilight that marked the location of the great
welcome darkness now covering the forest, Grark human city with its wealth of gold, slaves and
Gutburster emerged from his tent to survey his plunder. That is why he had forged his warband and
troops. Chewing on the juicy mu�on of a whole that is where he would go to find either death or
sheep's thigh, with his great hound ‘ Axemouth‘ by glory.
his side, Grark made his way around the camp
making sure everything was to his liking. He had Motivation: Raid! Pillage! Fight! The aim is to gather
fought long and hard to bring these clans or orcs, as much gold and plunder as they can and then
goblins and hobgoblins together and turn them into a retreat back to their caves before the civilised peoples
warband but still he had to fight everyday to stop it gather an army (or a group of heroes) to destroy
falling apart. The orcs would, if left to their own them.
devices, rapidly fracture back into small groups each
out for their own survival. Only by brute force could
Grark keep enough of them together that he could
plan and carry out raids on the humans that lived
down on the fertile plains.
Chapter 9 - Villains
Lair Grarks’ huge hound, Axemouth, will fight by his side
and you must make a separate combat roll for it.
City: Grark has found a way to enter and leave the Grark and Axemouth have fought together many
city as he pleases - a route through the catacombs that times and despite its large size the hound is adept at
emerges into a cellar or basement that he has secured. darting out from behind Grark’s shield and body to
The room has been cleared out , its main contents are nip at you. You cannot directly target Axemouth with
a fire with a cookpot hung over it and some straw and melee or ranged a�acks whilst Grark lives. When
furs put down on one side for bedding. There is also Grark is reduced to 6 STAMINA or less he will
a concealed entrance at the back of the room - if Grark command Axemouth to launch a final a�ack - the
needs to make an escape he will dash through and beast will leap up and, suicidally, hurl itself on top of
use a cunning goblin mechanism to collapse the you pinning you down. This gives Grark a moment to
passage behind him as he flees. escape through a concealed exit. The next time you
face him he will, obviously, be without his dog and
Dungeon: At home in the depths of foetid dungeon, will have to fight to a finish.
Grark will simply have commandeered part of the
dungeon as his quarters - a part where a concealed Item: Knightbreaker. The huge ba�le axe of Grark is
exit allows him to slip away if required. magical and enemies hit by it suffer a -1 penalty to
their Armour or Dodge skill rolls.
Wilderness: Orcs are not great builders and would
rather sleep rough than bother building a structure. Henchmen
Still, as befits a warlord Grark has had some of his Doragar
more skilled goblins build a wood longhouse SKILL 6
surrounded by a palisade; it is not enough to be a fort STAMINA 9
and will have been built in a spot where the Armour: Leather Hauberk
landscape conceals it. Weapon: 2-Handed Sword.
The Doragar are tough and fearless warriors who
Confrontation have no fear of death. Even when reduced to zero
The Warlord STAMINA they will continue to fight for one round.
STAMINA 14 Retaliation
Armour: Chainmail Hauberk + Large Shield Grark Gutburster doesn’t want any heroes
Weapon: Ba�le Axe (Knightbreaker). interfering. Once you are engaged in fighting him, he
Special: Grark Gutburster is particularly tough will send Goblin Infiltrator’s (See encounter C10) out
- he reduces all damage by one point. to stab you until you give up. The goblins are
cowardly; they will wait until you have a challenge
Axemouth encounter then a�ack. This will happen on your first
SKILL 4 challenge encounter (or combat in the wilderness or a
STAMINA 8 dungeon) of the day and only once per day. You must
Weapon: Large Bite fight the goblin in addition to dealing with whatever
Armour: Light else you have to face.
AFF Adventure Creation System
9.2 Randomly Generated Villains to both the rules of AFF and the commonly
encountered villains in fantasy culture, but of course
If, for some unfathomable reason, you are not you are free to mix and match components as you see
satisfied with the villains provided this section fit. It might be difficult to explain why an orc warlord
provides you with some rules to generate a random is seeking deep magical knowledge, but that could
villain of your own. Of course, a lot of detail will have also be the start of an intriguing adventure.
to be provided by you but we are confident you are
up to the task! If, for example, you find that your Each randomly generated villain is given a
villain lives in a ship inside a dungeon, you’ll have to motivation, a rough set of characteristics and abilities,
come up with an explanation for what that means a lair, some henchmen, a form of retaliation and a
(perhaps there is a lake deep underground, or ba�le tactic to employ.
perhaps they have just decorated part of the dungeon
to appear ship-like). Domain
Firstly, roll to see what type of enemy you are facing.
Villains are divided into four domains - magic users, In the AFF rules characters are focused, through their
priests, ‘warriors’ and ‘power seekers’, which maps skills, on four broad domains - magic, religion,
handily onto the ‘Winds of Magic’, ‘Fury of the Gods’, fighting and professional, which covers those who
‘Chaos Unleashed’ and ‘Lust for Power’ labels given develop social, criminal or business related skills.
to the longer missions. This classification follows on
AFF Adventure Creation System
Chapter 9 - Villains
Chaos Unleashed
A broadsword cuts with both edges, and those that
excel in the arts of combat can choose to defend the
world against evil as great knights and captains or to
use their skills for darker, more selfish purposes.
These are warriors of some sort or another and it is up
to you to flesh out the specific details. Are they
heavily armed juggernauts swinging greatswords or
lightly armoured duelists swishing their rapier? Characteristics and skills
Almost every type of fighter can provide a Warriors focus on being skillful and tough. They have
challenging foe. SKILL = 5+1d3, STAMINA = 12+1d6 and MAGIC = 0.
They have 2 points in Movement special skills, 3
These villains have points in special skills from the points in Armour and one type of hand weapon
Movement and Combat sections of the skills list. (swords, axes etc) and 2 points in another two
weapon types.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Lust for Power These villains have points in special skills from the
Perhaps the most varied group of villains, those with Stealth and Knowledge sections of the skills list.
a lust for power could be merchants, thieves, nobles
or just desperate but talented individuals that have Characteristics and skills
the charisma to draw others into their schemes. They These villains focus on using their special skills to
could be called ‘the professionals’ as they rely on achieve their aims, though they are generally not
acquired skills rather than powers or brute strength. afraid of a bit of combat. They have SKILL = 4+1d3,
It could be a magistrate that knows how to break the STAMINA = 10+1d6 and MAGIC = 0. They have 2
law or a braggart with a love of inciting riots. Roll points in Stealth special skills, 2 points in Armour and
1d6: one type of hand weapon (swords, axes etc) and 2
1 Merchant or Wealthy individual points in two out of Bargain, Con, Etique�e, Law or
2 A criminal of some kind Leadership.
3 A noble
4-6 Other (your choice).
Chapter 9 - Villains
Equipment, Lair, Henchmen, Retaliation, and armoured according to the edicts of their gods. If
Confrontation no specific information is provided, they should be
A villain is nothing without the trappings of villainy. equipped with appropriate armour, shields and
The following tables provide you with descriptions of weapons. Martially inclined villains should be
their lair, henchman, retaliation and ba�le tactics. The equipped with appropriate armour, shields and
tables apply to all types of villain and are not split by weapons. Equipment for ’professional’ villains
domain. How you interpret the results is up to you should reflect their style or trade. A master thief
and as usual you may wish to adjust the results to might be equipped with poisoned daggers, a
be�er suit your particular se�ing or campaign. merchant should have superior quality weapons and
As with all villains they should be provided with It may be useful to look at the pre-wri�en villains in
equipment that reflects their status as a leader and the earlier part of this chapter to get some ideas about
powerful ‘hero’ in their own right. It is assumed that what equipment your opponent will have access to.
they have had time to obtain and spend a reasonable
sum of gold. Beyond that, their equipment should Lair
reflect their domain. Magic using villains will be The lair is the home and sanctum of your villain, a
armed and armoured according to their magical place where they store their treasures and plot their
tradition. Wizards will be in robes and carry a staff or next move. Create one that is appropriate or roll on
dagger, sorcerers will wear armour and carry a melee the table below.
weapon. Religiously inclined villains will be armed
Table 9.2.6 Villains Lair
Roll 2d6 Lair
2 They have no lair and wander; their belongings carried by porters from place to place.
3 A library or laboratory with adjoining living quarters, the state of the library depends on the
4 An ancient crypt or tomb, depending on the villain they may have cleaned it up or not.
5 A tower, full of strange and dangerous objects.
6 Normal housing that looks unremarkable from the outside, but on the inside has been decorated
and altered to reflect the owners ‘passions’ (arcane symbols for a wizard, weapons and skulls for
a warlord and so on).
7 An underground complex, its state and decoration reflect the owners needs and tastes.
8 A natural feature such as a cavern or glade which the villain has occupied and fortified.
9 An abandoned temple (if the villain is a priest or cultist, it will have been re-dedicated to the
worship of their god).
10 A large tent or yurt, complete with rugs, tapestries and an ornate stove, moved around on a set of
wagons when required.
11 A ship or barge fi�ed out with luxurious cabins and a whole deck dedicated to the villains'
12 A small magical realm, a li�le bubble of reality that is somehow connected to your villain. When
they die, it disappears! (the hero has just enough time to grab the treasure and leap to safety).
AFF Adventure Creation System
Henchman cannon fodder but trusted members of your
A good villain needs a right hand man or woman to opponents team.
assist them in their carnage. These are not simply
Chapter 9 - Villains
Retaliation and may try to stop you pursuing them. After the first
Once you have completed your first mission against mission and until you defeat them, roll to see what
this opponent they will be aware of your presence type of retaliation they send against you.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Confrontation / Ba�le Tactic otherwise. They will have a ba�le tactic, something
Whilst you (the hero) may wish to fight to the death they will use to either try and win the fight or escape
on the first encounter, your opponent might see it to continue their evil doing.
Chapter 9 - Villains
Creating Patrons and Allies Example of a Randomly Created Villain
Whilst this section is focused on creating villains, it To help you understand the ideas in this section, we
can also be used to help build patrons and allies that have gone through and used this system to create a
are friendly to the hero. All that is needed is to make villain we could use in our adventures. At the start we
the same rolls as before, but reinterpret some of the have no idea what we will end up with - we will roll
results. So if you rolled the motivation ‘Gold - your the dice and let a picture emerge, always
opponent is looking to amass a great fortune.’ for remembering that we can change any of the results if
your patron you could interpret that to mean your they don’t fit into our campaign or se�ing, or we
friend has an interest in making sure that trade is simply think of an option that is more appealing.
carried out fairly and honestly.
Type: We start off by finding out what type of person
What role any patrons or allies play in your we are dealing with by rolling on Table 9.2.1 ‘Villain
adventures is up to you, if you wish to include them Domain’ and with a 3 the result is ‘Chaos Unleashed’,
this section and Chapter 7 can be combined to give which covers warlords, monsters and the like - those
you some ideas about their motivations and who fight and make their way through force of arms.
Location: Next we roll for location, with another 3
Summary meaning our villain starts off in the wilderness. Of
Using the tables in this section will allow you to course, this is merely their starting point and we
create a villain to oppose your hero or heroes, but could still begin our adventures in a city or a dungeon
these are just the details or bare bones required to if we wish, as our opponent is
build an interesting and challenging foe.
Race: With a roll of 2 our opponent is a human. The
You will need to use your own imagination to round most common outcome so it is not unexpected - there
them out; give them a name, description and so on. are villains in every group of people, but there are
You may also wish to add more details by looking at simply more humans around in the world.
Chapter 7, which covers political systems, religion,
social status and creating factions. Those things are Characteristics and Skills: As per the guidance we
not required but will add depth and colour to your roll 1d3+5 for SKILL ge�ing a total of 7 and 1d6 + 12
foe. for STAMINA ge�ing a total of 18 (ouch!) so our
villain is very tough. They also have some special
Most importantly, if you come up with a be�er or skills (2 points in Movement special skills, 3 points in
more suitable idea for any of the details, you should Armour and one type of hand weapon (swords, axes
add them in - as with much of this book the intention etc) and 2 points in another two weapon types) which
is to support your game rather than dictate exactly we can assign now or leave to the end - as we learn
how to play. more about our enemy, it might give us ideas about
what sort of weapons and other skills they would
have. We do know that with 3 points in a weapon skill
and SKILL of 7 this will be a dangerous enemy to face
in hand to hand combat, and with 3 points in the
Armour skill they should be equipped with a decent
level of protection.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Motivation: Each villain has a table for motivations. Retaliation: Once you have completed your first
With a roll of 1 on Chaos Unleashed table 9.2.4 we mission against this opponent they will be aware of
find out that the motivation for this villain is ‘Kill! your presence and may try to stop you pursuing
Maim! Slaughter! Your opponent is motivated by a them. Rolling on table 9.2.8 ‘Villain’s Retaliation’ we
love of violence; they have no greater purpose’ which get a 9, so it’s ‘Zombie: Upon defeating an enemy, roll
is pre�y straightforward, they love to fight. On the a 1d6. On the roll of a 1, it comes back to life as a
same table we also have a mission generator which zombie version of itself and a�acks you again! The
we can use with Chapter 10 to create missions and zombie version has its SKILL and STAMINA reduced
quests for this villain should we want to. by two compared to the real version. There is no limit
on how many times each day this can happen.
Equipment: All villains should be provided with Unnerving!’ How is a rampaging warrior causing
equipment that reflects their status as a leader and this? Remember that the world of Titan is a place of
‘hero’ in their own right. In this case our warrior will magic. Perhaps our villain has come across an item
be given a breastplate and a ba�leaxe. We may add that can cause this effect, or perhaps they are being
some other pieces later on and of course there is an protected by one of the evil gods. This is something to
assumption that they have access to standard think about and we can change the nature of the
equipment such as a backpack, rations, water skin retaliation if we want to, but it’s probably more fun to
and so on. We might want to give them a magical come up with a reason why our rampaging fighter is
item or two, but we can leave those details for later. making corpses rise again as undead.
Lair: Rolling on table 9.2.6 ‘Villains Lair’ we get a total Confrontation / Ba�le Tactic: Villains have plans of
of 5 meaning ‘A tower, full of strange and dangerous their own and you may be seen as merely an
objects’ which might be surprising for a bloodthirsty annoying interruption. Rolling on table 9.2.9
warrior, but maybe they discovered it or killed the ‘Villain’s Ba�le Tactic’ we get a 6 meaning
previous occupant. That’s something to think about ‘Thunderbolt: At the start of the combat roll 2d6: After
but there are plenty of solutions. It’s important to that number of rounds your opponent calls upon a
note that our villain is not confined to this place dark power to smite you: test your LUCK or you are
(which we know, from our location roll, is in the stunned and the villain can flee.’ which will be
wilderness), it’s just their starting point. interesting, given our villain has a very high
STAMINA and will be hard to defeat quickly. This is
Henchman: Table 9.2.7 ‘Villain’s Henchman’ probably a magic item and we should be fair and
provides us with a list and a roll of 11 means our make sure our hero is allowed to recover it.
warrior is accompanied by some ‘Doragar SKILL 6
STAMINA 9 Armour: Medium Weapon: 2-Handed Finishing touches
Sword. The Doragar are tough and fearless warriors The results of our rolls have certainly given us a
who have no fear of death. Even when reduced to villain we can use, but there is more we can add to
zero STAMINA they will continue to fight for one make them more rounded. The extent to which you
round in a show of heroic loyalty’ which seems quite do this should be based on how much time you think
appropriate. If you are using the missions system you will spend ba�ling this particular opponent. Are
described in Chapter 10 you may come across they a main enemy in your campaign or se�ing, or
henchmen, if not you could use these as the just a passing bad guy? Only you can decide.
bodyguards for your villain, or guards for their lair.
Chapter 10 - Missions,
Chapter 9Quests
- Villains
and Adventures
When a hero takes on a series of missions (or quests In chapter 9 we have and provided you with some
or adventures as they are often called) we call that a examples including their motivations, which are
campaign. Unlike the individual missions, which linked to the campaign missions in section 10.1. This
have well defined objectives for you to complete (find will allow you to start by choosing an opponent and
a cultist temple, recover ancient runes and so on) the then rolling to see what type of task they have placed
campaign is supposed to build up to a larger goal - before you.
saving a kingdom, defeating a great evil.
If you prefer, you can start your adventures without
In chapter 9 we have discussed villains - the knowing who your opponent is by beginning with an
opponents that you must event. Your opponent
fight against and in this (who is unknown to you
chapter we look at how to initially) has put into
create and manage the motion some terrible plan
missions, quests and which is sure to result in
adventures that make up a chaos and destruction. It is
campaign. up to you to stop them.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Table 10.1 Starting Events
Roll 1d6 Event Mission & Villain Category
1 A few nights ago a great storm of unnatural origins ba�ered the Winds of Magic
lands, it seemed to come out of nowhere. Even worse, a number
of strange events occurred. A rain of frogs spla�ered down
across the slums, an ancient statue was seen to get down from its
pedestal and walk and sheep and cows flew in the air like dandelion
wisps! Clearly, something is afoot and needs to be investigated.
2 Last night, a temple was a�acked and desecrated! This has shaken Fury of the Gods
the populace. If the gods can’t protect themselves, who can? If people
lose their trust in the gods, evil cultists will take the chance to whip
up trouble and that can only end badly.
3 A horde of orcs and goblins burst from a concealed lair and Chaos Unleashed
proceeded to slaughter and pillage! Luckily, a regiment of guardsmen
were nearby and after a pitched ba�le vanquished the evil creatures,
though many lives were lost. Now people are on edge, wondering
if this is the first a�ack of many...
4 A famed noblewoman has disappeared in mysterious circumstances. Lust for Power
No one knows what has happened, but she was regarded as a skilled
peacemaker and without her the other nobles are already vying for
power. Law and order could break down rapidly.
5 A magical portal opens to lands unknown, allowing various foul 1-3 Fury of the Gods
creatures to flow through and cause havoc. These may be mundane 4-6 Chaos Unleashed
invaders from the distant lands, or could be evil Demons from the
lowest reaches of the Pit.
6 A minor noble with a reputation for dark sorceries has made a bid for 1-3 Lust for Power
power. This may be a direct a�empt, or they could be using a proxy to 4-6 Winds of Magic
distract a�ention whilst their foul plans play out in the background.
If you manage to complete your mission and defeat There are some important things to say that relate to
the mastermind behind it - this may take several all of the missions.
missions - you can carry on using the tables to find
more missions and more opponents, until you have • The missions can be failed - this is intentional, if
defeated them all. If you have already defeated an a hero is careless or unlucky they might fail in
opponent or completed a mission you may wish to their task. Without this element of risk it can easily
remove them from the list. Section 10.2 provides become a treadmill.
details on how to create your own missions.
• The values for skill tests and monster SKILL and
There are, of course, innumerable ways in which you STAMINA characteristics are intended to be a
and your enemy could confront each other and challenge to a hero built using the standard
having created a map you may have already have Advanced Fighting Fantasy ruleset, you should
adventures of your own prepared. The example adjust as required - see Chapter 3 for advice on
AFF Adventure Creation System
• It is assumed that whilst you are on a mission, Now we refer to the description of the villain given in
you are still making rolls to see if you have chapter 9. We roll on his table of motivations to see what
random encounters, problems with the weather, happens next, ge�ing a 1 we will continue with the ‘Fury
issues with food supply and so on. This helps to of the Gods’ missions. This time, rolling on ‘Table 10.1.1
bring your world to life and is highly Campaign Missions’ we get a 1 which is ‘Cultists at
recommended. Large’. If we had rolled a 5 for ‘Elemental Fury’ we could
choose to play through that mission again or decide to
reroll and find something new for Janay to do.
Playthrough Example
The human priest, Janay the Just, has arrived in the city of We also have to remember that her opponent, the
Ludria eager to serve Libra, the goddess of Justice. Rolling necromancer, is now aware that a hero is after them and
on ‘Table 10.1 Starting Events’ Janay gets a 2, which will begin their retaliation, as given in their description (in
means her starting event is the desecration of a temple part this case it is: Retaliation - The necromancer calls upon the
of the ‘Fury of the Gods’ domain, which is very appropriate spirits of the dead to harass you. Upon defeating an enemy,
for her. roll a 1d6. On the roll of a 1, it comes back to life as a
zombie version of itself and a�acks you again!
Going to ‘Table 10.2 Combined Mission & Villain by
domain’ we look at the ‘Fury of the Gods’ column and roll The zombie version has its SKILL and STAMINA reduced
for both her first mission and her first opponent. A roll of 5 by two compared to the real version. There is no limit on
tells us that her first mission will be ‘Elemental Fury’ and how many times each day this can happen. Unnerving!) so
a roll of 6 gives us her opponent - The Necromancer. Janay has to carry out the next mission bearing this in
In addition to knowing which mission you are For missions in the city, they are assumed to be
undertaking you should also work out who your happening in the city where you are located - you
opponent is and where you are starting - it is won’t have to travel to a new city to complete them!
recommended that you start in a city, but you can For missions in the wilderness, the ‘area’ is located
begin in the wilderness or even in a dungeon. If you 3+1d6 areas away in a random direction from your
haven’t already worked out where you are, you can home city, as described in the section on generating
simply roll 1d6 to find out: wilderness maps. Dungeons can be located 1d6 areas
1-2: City away from your home se�lement in a random
3-4: Wilderness wilderness area. As usual if you already have specific
5-6: Dungeon locations and places in mind for your adventures, use
Now you have everything you need to start - a hero,
an opponent, a place to begin and a quest to Random Location: When a mission says ‘X is in a
complete. random location’ you should drop or roll a dice onto
the map to find out where you are going. Inside a
List of Campaign Missions wilderness area, a ‘nearby location’ means
For each mission, a broad description is given somewhere in the same wilderness area and within a
explaining what your foe is up to and how you can day's travel as described in the mission details;
combat them. The descriptions are first given for the remember to roll for encounters as you move about.
‘city’ environment, and then also for ‘wilderness’ and
‘dungeon’ se�ings. It is advised to read through the More explanation of how to find random locations,
whole mission before you start it. areas and rooms is given in section 3.1 ‘Guidance on
Common Play Situations’.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Mission 1: Imps Abound Wilderness: It has been noted that a pack of imps are
plaguing an area of the map. Once you travel there,
Overview: Vinegar Tom, Rappalskin, Crown Biter, use your Hunting, Region Lore or Second Sight skills
Wokka-Kak and Chi�erlips - a variety of fiendish as described above to find imps. You can make two
imps have been summoned from the depths of hell searches per day.
and are creeping, flying and crawling around,
inflicting wicked curses, stealing, causing food to rot Dungeon: Imps have been summoned and sca�ered
and generally causing mayhem. People have become around this dungeon, which wouldn’t usually be
suspicious and the cry of ‘Witchcraft!’ is not far from your problem but you are reliably informed that they
their lips. It’s time for you to get into action before the are being taken from here to a nearby se�lement to
mob starts to round up and punish innocent people. cause havoc. You have been given an imp divining
rod, which reacts to the nearby presence of a recently
The imps do not stay in one place for long and you summoned imp. In each room you can use it - roll 1d6
must search to find them, though they are sneaky and - on a roll of six (or 5 & 6 if you have some points in
cunning prey. Unfortunately, imps are a naturally the Second Sight skill) you have uncovered an imp
occurring menace on Titan, so you will have to have hiding in the shadows. You must fight it here or
them examined by an expert once you have captured watch it flee.
them, to see if you have found one that has been
recently summoned. Task 2: Injure an Imp. You have spo�ed an imp and
can leap to a�ack it before it flees.
Locations: Choose one or roll 1d6: 1-2: City, 3-4:
Wilderness, 5-6: Dungeon. Imp
Task 1: Imp Hunter. You must stay alert and be ready STAMINA 7
to dash to where any imps are sighted. MAGIC 3
Armour: Light
City: Take your map and roll or drop a dice on it. The Weapons: Small Claws
location it lands nearest too has rumours of an imp
working its devilry. You should move there and try to The Imp will a�empt to cast the spell Befuddle and
capture it immediately (within one hour or the imp will flee if it succeeds. Otherwise, it will fight to the
disappears). You may use your Hunting or death. Should you succeed in vanquishing it, you
Awareness special skill to look for traces of imp and should take the body to the College location for
a�empt to grab it. The Second Sight skill, If you have examination - identifying an imp will cost 1d6 gold
it, will add a bonus of +3 to your test as the imps leave pieces. Make a LUCK test (you do not have to deduct
rather obvious magical trails. If you fail, the imp has a point of LUCK regardless of the result) and if
evaded you and you should try again (use your dice successful this was a summoned imp, and the
to find the next location) - you will hear 1d3 rumours scholars can try to divine the location of the
of imp a�ack each day. If you succeed you can try summoner, a process which involves a lot of innards
and defeat the imp and recover its body for and chanting. You must obtain the bodies of 5
examination by the scholars. summoned imps - one for each point of the
pentagram - to carry out the divination, but there is
no time limit for this mission The imps are happy to
stick around and cause mischief as long as they can.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Once you have the location, drop or roll a dice onto
your map - where it stops, the nearest place is where
the summoner is hiding. Move there to confront her!
Wilderness: The flowers have been sprouting in great Wilderness: Use Region Lore or Magic Lore to
numbers across the wilderness, driving people and examine the plants, needing three successes to find
animals into madness. You’ve been sent to deal with the main root. The catacomb is located very close by
the problem before it spreads. Choose one of Region (thirty minute search to find the entrance).
Lore, Plant Lore or Animal Lore skills to search with
- you may look as many times in a day as you wish Dungeon: Once you have found three seeds, the next
until you fail a skill test, after which you have run out section of the dungeon will contain the main root
of clues and must start again the next day. chamber as described below.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Task 3: The catacomb (City & Wilderness only). You As the spore man fights he will reach down, grab a
have found a catacomb, generate a map using the mushroom spore sac from the ground and hurl it at
usual method described in encounter M4 but with you. In addition to the normal a�ack, the Spore Man
two modifications. Firstly, the catacomb condition is makes a thrown weapon a�ack with the spore sac. If
‘slimy’ - there is a lot of moisture in the air here and it hits, roll 1d6 for the effect: 1-2 - choking spores - you
tendrils and vines hang down thickly, it is like cough and splu�er on the dry spores, causing a -2
wading through a swamp. Secondly, for each room penalty to any use of your Magic skill. 3-4 - blinding
you enter roll 1d6. On a roll of 1 or 2 there is a Leaf spores - itchy, rough spores make your eyes water
Beast concealed here (see the Leaf Beast encounter and blink - suffer a -2 penalty to your SKILL for one
C22 for description) which is in addition to any other round 5-6 - burning spores - acidic spores burn into
monsters you may meet. The Root chamber you are your skin, causing 2 points of STAMINA damage.
searching for will be connected to the final room of
the Catacomb (of course) so you will need to clear the
whole place before entering it.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Mission 3: The Forgo�en Crypt Dungeon: Once you create a dungeon section, mark
two rooms as ‘excavators’ - when you reach these
Overview: Rumours have come to your ears of a rooms, roll against Underground Lore or Trap
forgo�en crypt, said to contain unusual and powerful Knowledge. If you fail the test they are alerted to your
magic. The existence of this crypt has long been a approach and have left a trap (as described in the city
local legend and many tales are told about its mission) but if you pass the test you disturb a Shady
whereabouts, contents and the several devious and Excavator at work and can fight them.
deadly traps that protect it. Now you believe your
opponent has unearthed some more concrete Task 2: Fight the Excavator.
information about its location. You must do your best
to beat them to it, lest the stories are true and they Shady Excavator
gain some unspeakable ancient power. SKILL 5
Locations: Choose one or roll 1d6: 1-2: City, 3-4: Armour: Leather Hauberk.
Wilderness, 5-6: Dungeon. Weapon: Pickaxe.
Task 1: Intercept the Investigators. You have heard Nearby you can hear the clink-clink of someone
that investigators have been hired and your task is to digging. Moving quietly forward you see a dwarf,
intercept them and find out what they know. mu�ering to themselves as they hack away at the
ground. As soon as he notices you he looks up and
City: Each social encounter, roll an Etique�e test, grins evilly. It looks like they are in no mood to talk.
asking if they have seen anyone excavating
suspiciously. Each time you succeed, drop or roll a Should you defeat them you can recover their notes
dice onto your map to find out where this happened. (a rough map and directions about where to dig) and
Once there make an Awareness or Underground Lore try to work out the location of the crypt. Make a skill
skill roll to see if you can find them. If you fail, you roll (City Lore, Region Lore or Underground Lore
have blundered into a trap! They have dug out a pit depending on where you are adventuring) with a
and covered it, filling the bo�om with sharp rubble. target number of 20! If you fail, you must repeat the
You must test against LUCK or the Trap Knowledge steps above to gain more notes from different
special skill or fall in and suffer 1d6 points of excavators. Each set of notes you recover after the
STAMINA damage. Climbing out is not hard, just first grants you a cumulative +3 bonus to your roll
embarrassing. If you pass the Awareness test you do (but only to find the location of the crypt, not for
spot the Shady Excavator and can confront them. other tests).
Wilderness: In the wilderness area you must search Once you succeed it's time to move to the crypt
out recent excavations. Use Underground Lore or location.
Region Lore to spot them; you can take the test twice
a day (don’t forget random encounters). If you fail, City: drop or roll a dice onto your map to find out
you have blundered into a trap - use Awareness or where the crypt is to be found - it is located at the
Trap Knowledge to avoid the pit trap or suffer 1d6 Temple location which is closest to where your dice
points of damage. If you succeed you catch a Shady ends up.
Excavator at work.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Wilderness: The crypt is hidden by the corner of a Ancient Skeleton
ruined temple you spo�ed earlier. Slightly annoyed, SKILL 7
go there and see if you can deal with it - the lair of STAMINA 12
your opponent will be somewhere close by. Armour: Chainmail Hauberk.
Weapon: Sword.
Dungeon: The forgo�en crypt is concealed in the next
dungeon section (replace a random room with the Should you defeat the skeleton you can search the
crypt, which is hidden behind a secret door that the casket, retrieving 3 stone tablets carved with ancient
excavators notes described). If you survive to find runes. You conclude that these must be the objects
your opponent's lair, it will be hidden somewhere in your opponent was seeking. After you leave the
the same section of the dungeon as the crypt. spooky crypt (carefully stepping past the trap) you sit
down to examine them. Can you decipher them?
Task 3: The Forgo�en Crypt. The tales of this crypt Firstly, roll 1d6 and record the number. Now make a
had provided several locations, but the key to finding Magic Lore special skill roll. If you aren’t confident in
it is a description of the disguised entrance. With the your Magic Lore skill you may test your LUCK
notes you have recovered from the excavators you instead, to see if you have by chance seen similar
understand exactly where to look - a particular runes in the past. Should you succeed, roll a 1d6+1
statue, in a quiet corner, with a worn inscription and compare it to the number you first rolled, adding
across the base. As the instructions indicate you place your points in Magic Lore special skill to the result. If
your weight against the entrance and heave. For a the second total is more than your first roll, you have
moment nothing happens and you think you have successfully interpreted the runes and understand
made a mistake, then the grime and dust of ages gives what your opponent was up to. You may strike at
way and the obstruction slides across revealing a set your opponent - If you fail, you still think you have
of steps going down sharply into the darkness. understood, but you will only find a henchman,
Lighting your torch, you head down. though you can consider this mission completed
either way.
The air of the crypt is cold and dry and the dust on
the floor is undisturbed. The steps go down a short In the City your opponent will be nearby, in the same
way then open out into a small room, 15’ by 15’, in location awaiting the tablets. In the Wilderness they
which the only object is a large casket against the far will be within an hour’s walk from the ruins and in a
wall. You are about to step forward when...roll an Dungeon they will be in a random room in the same
Awareness test with a -2 penalty or a Trap section as the crypt (if you have already fully
Knowledge test with a bonus of +2 (pick one only) as explored this section, create another one to house
a blade scythes out from the wall and tries to chop them).
you in half! If you succeed you have dodged it, if you
fail, take 1d6 points of STAMINA damage. Special Reward for Success: The stone tablets may be
of interest to sages and scholars; the next time you are
Once you have recovered, you can move to open the in a se�lement with a College location you can offer
casket. This time you check it carefully for traps, but them for sale. In return they will either answer one
find none, so you heave against the lid and slide it question of Lore for you, identify a magical item or
open. As the stone crashes to the ground you are give you 4d6gp. The tablets take up one inventory
startled to see the skeleton inside is rising up, sword slot.
in hand, to a�ack you!
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Mission 4: Fonts of Magic The Bramble-sprite appears and acts very suddenly -
make an Awareness skill roll to see if you are paying
Overview: Magic swirls and eddies around Titan like a�ention. If you fail the roll, you start your pursuit
an invisible flow of water. Slow and deep in some one round behind it.
places, fast and bubbling in others. In very special
cases wild magic bursts out in such force that strange The li�le creature seems very intent on going
events happen spontaneously. Magical creatures somewhere so you decide to follow it (if you wish to
arrive to feed off the energy, enchanters try to trap it a�ack it instead, it has
in odd machinery of their own devising.
Note: As this mission plays out differently depending STAMINA 9
on where it occurs, the description for wilderness and Armour: Dodge skill 5
dungeon are given at the end - please read the full
description first. It will not a�empt to fight you but simply whip about
in a frenzy trying to escape). Now you must enter a
Locations: Choose one or roll 1d6: 1-2: City, 3-4: foot race with it, as it bounds and tumbles through
Wilderness, 5-6: Dungeon. the city, slashing people with its razor sharp thorns as
it goes. Make an opposed Acrobatics or SKILL test
These events have caused quite a stir in the city and against the Bramble-sprite each round of running - if
crowds have gathered to watch the strange glowing you win you keep up with it (or gain on it if you are
streams of energy snake up from the ground, whilst behind). If you lose it dashes away - if it gets 3 rounds
the Watch try to hold them back - touching raw magic ahead of you, it has escaped into the crowd and you
can have unpredictable effects. After a few days of must start again.
excitement, something terrible happens. A mage was
trying to measure the magical flux at one of the fonts Running through each location you must roll for
when a strange creature, shaped like a small man encounters, but you don’t have time to interact with
made out of kno�ed thorn bush branches, appeared them if you want to keep up - so you must decide if
and jumped into the centre of the flow. Within you can escape from each encounter without slowing
moments it became frantic, thrashing its thorn laden down. Each location you go through takes 1d6
arms about, before leaping out and slashing at the rounds of dashing. Start by rolling 1d6 to see which
mage and some standers-by, wounding them way it is going (1 - North, 2 - East, 3- South, 4-West,
severely. It then ran-tumbled away through the 5-6 roll again - if you come to a city wall then roll to
panicking crowds and off to parts unknown. The next see if it turns left or right). It will dash through four
day the same thing happened again at another font, locations in total. If you are still in touch with it, you
and now it is time for you to investigate. see it turn down a couple of quieter alleys before it
suddenly leaps through an open window into a small
Task 1: Monitor a Font. Each day 1d6 fonts of magic workshop.
erupt in the city. Roll that number of dice onto your
map and note the locations of the fonts for that day. As you arrive, breathless, the shu�ers on the window
You must choose one for a stake-out. Move there and slam closed. You quiet your breathing and look
wait for 1d6 hours (depending on timing, you may be through the gaps of the shu�ers. Inside you see a
able to monitor more than one each day). small man, wearing grey robes and a cloth hat si�ing
at a work table that has a large bronze bowl on it. The
AFF Adventure Creation System
Bramble-sprite leaps onto the table, jumps into the 1 - North
bowl and sits down. The man u�ers a short chant and 2 - East
the creature starts to shrink down and shrivel, curling 3- South
up until, with a brief flash of blue light, it transforms 4- West
into a small ball of wood, rolling around in the bowl. 5-6 roll again - if you come to a city wall then roll
The man lets out a noise of satisfaction and picks up to see if he turns left or right).
the ball, placing it into a leather satchel that was lying
next to the bowl. At this point you can choose to Trailing him requires some subtlety - make an
either confront the enchanter immediately and bring opposed test against his Awareness skill of 5 - you
an end to his scheme or try to find out what he is may use either your Disguise or Sneaking skill. If he
doing. If you wish to confront him, you can burst into succeeds twice, he has noticed you and will turn and
the workshop and have at him. fight you!
If you keep up, the encounter proceeds as described Chasing it through a dungeon could well be suicide,
for the city, with the enchanter occupying a camp or so instead you must use Underground Lore,
abandoned shack. If you wait for the satchel carrier, Awareness or Hunting to track it through the
you must use your Sneak skill vs his Awareness to tail dungeon as you work your way through - make a test
him successfully. Again, make five contested rolls - in each new room you enter (this can end up being
you will need to win at least three to succeed. If you split over more than one dungeon section). You need
fail, he has slipped away from you and you must start to succeed seven times to discover the location of the
again at the enchanter’s camp. enchanter - he is located behind a secret door
(actually an illusionary wall) in the room where you
make your last successful skill roll.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Mission 5: Tormenting Mists Task 1. Enter the Mists. You must travel to where the
mists have formed and enter them, looking to survive
Overview: Seemingly out of nowhere, strange long enough to find the brazier and extinguish it, so
patches of dense, choking mist have been springing the remains can be studied to work out who is
up seemingly at random. This would be disturbing building these terrifying magical contraptions. Only
enough on its own but terrible things happen to one mist will appear each day, around dusk.
people unlucky enough to be caught inside it. Some
go missing, vanishing as if they had been snatched City: Drop or roll a dice onto your map to find out
into the sky, some are found mad and raving and which location is affected by a mist. When you move
some are found dead, horribly mutilated. The mists to the location you will find that people are fleeing in
disappear as quickly as they form, leaving the people fear, so whilst you have to roll encounters en route,
fearful and perplexed. Clearly a hero is needed to you don’t have to roll an encounter for the affected
investigate and bring this problem to an end. location. You can then enter the mists and explore
(see below).
The mists are the result of a magical experiment in
which enchanted braziers are filled with an incense Wilderness: Searching around the area for signs of
that is the result of lengthy rituals, before being violence, use your Region Lore or Awareness skill to
discreetly activated where they will cause maximum find a patch of mist - you may do this once a day, at
damage. The incense and the braziers are eventually dusk.
consumed by the magic, leaving behind only a small
pile of grey ash and twisted metal. Dungeon: One brazier has been placed in each
dungeon section, filling it with swirling mists -
Locations: Choose one or roll 1d6: 1-2: City, 3-4: instead of rolling each round for effects, roll each time
Wilderness, 5-6: Dungeon. you enter a new room. Frustratingly, the monsters in
this dungeon are unaffected by the mists. The
braziers seem to come in three kinds, which each
pose a different challenge. Each time you enter you
must roll to see what the challenge is.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
5-6 Wailing Mist The mist is thick and filled with dark whirling tendrils so the world is seen as if through
a veil. Worst of all there is a low wailing that rises and falls. Entering the mist fills you
with dread, causing a -1 penalty to all Knowledge skill rolls and Magic tests (including
spellcasting). The second round after entering the mist you will be a�acked by a knife
wielding apparition - it looks like the spirit of a noble man, dressed in fine clothing but
with an u�erly demented expression. The spirit cannot be damaged - it has SKILL 7 and
will a�ack for four rounds before flying off to another part of the mist in search of other
victims. After that, roll 1d6 for each round you are in the mist - on a roll of a 1 it swoops
back to a�ack for another round. Each time it hits, its spectral knife inflicts 2 points of
STAMINA damage which is not stopped by any kind of armour. The spirit cannot be
a�acked, destroyed or hidden from.
City/Wilderness: Once you enter the mist, the aim is to Once successful, you have found a merchant that
head to the centre and find out what is causing it. The recognises the workmanship and can tell you where
mist is very disorientating, so you must make an the workshop that makes them is. Drop or roll a dice
Awareness or Hunting test (you decide) each round onto your map to find the location of the workshop.
to see if you can make your way without ge�ing lost. Wilderness: Once you find a mist, use the rules above
You must succeed 6 times in total to get to the centre for entering it and finding the brazier at the centre.
and find the magical brazier (so you could make ten The locations of the braziers suggest that their maker
a�empts, failing four and succeeding six times). must be somewhere nearby (within an hour's travel);
make a Region Lore or Crafting skill test with a target
Dungeon: The brazier is in a random room of each of 20 as you try to figure it out, gaining +3 to your roll
dungeon section. for each brazier you recover. Dungeon: When you
recover pieces of the brazier, make an Underground
When you get there you see a large brass brazier Lore, Trap Knowledge or Crafting roll with a target
filled with glowing incense - the mist is streaming out number of 20 to see if you have worked out what they
from its top like water from a pipe. You quickly knock are; add +3 to your test for each brazier you recover.
it over to extinguish the incense and bring an end to When you have succeeded in the roll, the next
the spell. The mists vanish as quickly as they arrived. dungeon section will contain the workshop (pick a
The parts of the brazier that haven’t been consumed random room).
by the magic can be scooped up and studied.
Task 3: The Workshop. When you arrive at the
Task 2: Identify the Crafter. Once you have some workshop you have the option of either trying to hide
parts, you can try and find out who is making them. and wait it out or blunder in and rely on luck. If you
City: Go to the Marketplace location where you can wish to simply charge in, test your LUCK. If you are
ask around the merchants to see if they recognise the lucky you have arrived at the right time and can
workmanship. Make a Bargain skill roll with a target strike at your opponent. If you are unlucky, the only
number of 20. Each time you recover more pieces of person there is a twisted metalworker that has been
brazier (by entering a new mist the next day) you get driven to madness by making these artefacts - or
a bonus of +3 to your roll - so by the time you have perhaps it was their crazed mind that showed them
entered (and survived) the mists 3 times you would how to do it in the first place. Either way they will
roll with a +6 bonus. a�ack you as soon as you enter.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Twisted Metalworker Special Reward for Success: Although the pieces of
SKILL 6 the brazier are beaten and smashed they still retain a
STAMINA 10 faint magic. Once you return to a se�lement you can
Armour: Light. have them forged into a torc (metal neck ring) that
Weapon: Hammer. protects against poison gas. Whilst wearing it you
gain +3 to resist the effects of any noxious gas.
Wearing a leather apron festooned with tools of all Forging the torc costs you 3d6gp and takes one week.
types, this man seems to have inhaled a few too many
lead fumes over the years. They are slobbering and
mu�ering, sketching out strange
designs in their mind even as they
pick up the nearest heavy tool and
a�ack you.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Mission 6: Experimental Aberrations Task 1: Hunt an Aberration. Should you wish to be
the hero, the first step is to find some beasts.
Overview: The power of magic is seductive and
many have drifted into madness in pursuit of it. Some City: In every location you can try to catch the trail.
dabblers a�empt to twist and reshape life into new You need an Awareness, Hunting, Animal Lore skill
forms; this type of magic is incredibly hard to master roll. If you succeed you can leap forward, sword (or
and usually results in short lived and violent spell) in hand to deal with it...but what will you be
creatures, their minds filled with rage and pain. facing?
Unfortunately the person responsible in this case is
unleashing his creations which are inflicting carnage Wilderness: An area of the wilderness is infested with
before they expire, exhausted by their own manic hideous mutant beasts that a�ack on sight - clearly
spite. Obviously the appearance of these misshapen something is going on that requires a brave hero to
beasts - they are roughly dog sized amalgamations of remedy it. Once arrived, you can use Hunting,
several different species - causes a great panic and Animal Lore or Awareness to track the beasts. You
hullabaloo as people run screaming from their can look up to three times each day to find one.
a�acks, calling for a hero to come and save them.
Dungeon: A fiend has constructed a laboratory in this
Locations: Choose one or roll 1d6: 1-2: City, 3-4: dungeon and his aberrations keep escaping to a�ack
Wilderness, 5-6: Dungeon. nearby se�lements - it’s time you dealt with it. As you
enter each room in this dungeon, roll 1d6 - on a roll of
1 the room also includes an aberration (see table)
which you must fight alongside anything else.
1d6 Type of Aberration Description
1-2 Screeching Beak-Face Mostly a large flightless bird combined with four reptilian legs and a dogs tail the
Screeching Beak-Face leaps to peck at you savagely whilst emi�ing a deafening
series of squawks.
SKILL 7 STAMINA 6 Weapon: Small Claw Armour: Light.
The squawking is so unse�ling that it causes a -1 penalty to all spellcasting rolls.
3-4 Jumping Crab With a beetle’s body and head, powerful cat-like hind legs and two oversized
crabs claws, the Jumping Crab will leap at you and a�empt to pinch off bits of
SKILL 6 STAMINA 8 Weapon: Large Claw Armour: Medium.
If the Jumping Crab hits with an a�ack, it will automatically do 2 points of
STAMINA damage the next round as it tears at your flesh! You must win a round
of combat against it to dislodge it.
5-6 Claw Ball A whirling ball of fur, teeth and many many claws confronts you. The Claw Ball
spins into a�ack like a dervish, trying to rip you to shreds.
SKILL 6 STAMINA 6 Weapon: Small Claw Armour: Dodge Skill 3.
The Claw Ball has so many claws that it makes two combat rolls each round and
uses the highest!
AFF Adventure Creation System
Once you defeat the creature you are left trying to looking animals. At the far end of the shack, lit by
discern where it came from. Fortunately, help is at torchlight, you see a wide low table covered in animal
hand. A scholar has offered to examine the beasts, for parts & cu�ing implements. Standing at the table
free, to see if she can work out who is making them. dressed in a butcher's apron is a skinny man holding
down a quivering creature as he tries to stitch a new
City: She lives in a house at the College location - take limb onto it - he spins around as you enter and,
the body of the beast to her where she can use it to grabbing a bloodied cleaver, rushes at you.
a�empt a scrying ritual. The scrying ritual is not
certain - roll 2d6. If the total is 10 or more she has Crazed Researcher
succeeded in finding the location of the laboratory. If SKILL 6
you have a MAGIC characteristic of one or more you STAMINA 10
may add +1 to the roll. Each beast you bring her adds Weapon: Handaxe
another one to the roll, but only if supplied within Armour: Leather Hauberk.
one day. Once the scholar has succeeded she tells you
the location of the lab - drop or roll a dice onto your As you fight, there is a chance that you will crash into
map and look for the nearest Slum Alley, Garbage a cage and release one of the starving beasts. If you
Heap, Park or Graveyard to see where you are going. draw a round, your tussle has broken open a cage
and something will leap out and bite you for 1d3
Wilderness: The elderly scholar capable of using the points of damage before it seizes its chance to escape.
corpses for a scrying ritual (see above) has already
travelled to the area and made a camp here; you don’t Should you win, searching the shack reveals their lab
need to go back to the city. After that, the mission notes, detailing when and where they are to be paid.
proceeds as described for the city, except that the The writing is not in the common tongue - you must
locations of your opponent are all in this area. make a Languages skill roll or a test of LUCK to
interpret it. If you succeed you may strike at your
Dungeon: There is no time to take the corpses back to opponent when you get to the meeting point. If you
town, so keep ploughing on until you have five of fail the roll you have got the timing wrong and when
them. After that the sixth ‘beast’ will be the Crazed you get to the location, you only find a henchman.
Researcher. Should you defeat him, use the same
mechanism to see if you can locate your opponent, City: The meeting point is at the nearest city gate.
who is lurking in a random room of the next section. Wilderness: The meeting point is about an hour walk.
Dungeon: The meeting point is at the end of the
Task 2: The Laboratory. Knowing what you are current dungeon section (and includes a secret
looking for, it is relatively easy to identify the passage that leads back to the surface).
laboratory - an unadorned wooden building (or
partitioned off part of room in a dungeon), no larger Special Reward for Success: Whilst at the laboratory
than a shack, which is distinguished by its lack of you find a small clump of furs, eyes and claws that
windows, the strange squeaking noises coming from seems to be far less aggressive. If you wish you can
inside and the musty smell of burning flesh that gets take this beast and train it. It requires one meal every
stronger as you approach. A simple wooden door, two days, it does not fight (Furball SKILL 4
unbarred, faces you. Bursting (or sneaking) in you STAMINA 4) but is very alert, providing you with a
find a scene of horror. Cages li�er the floor and fill up +1 bonus to Awareness skill tests to spot anyone
wooden shelves, containing all manner of sickly sneaking up on you. You may name it as you wish.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Mission 7: Cultists at Large Dungeon: In each section replace two of the monsters
in each section with a cultist; once you have identified
Overview: Cultists of the evil gods have infiltrated the hidden cultist priest (see the rules below) they
this place. They came in secret and whispered dark will be in the next section you generate.
and terrible thoughts into the ears of those
downtrodden and miserable people who will listen to Task 2: Fight the Hidden Cultist. Having located a
their promises of power. They hope to convert cultist, you can now fight them.
enough people that they can come out into the open
and make this place a home for their corrupted gods. Hidden Cultist
You must find them and destroy them. Each time you SKILL 6
defeat a cultist, you gather some scraps of STAMINA 8
information that might lead you to the location of Weapon: Dagger
your opponent. Armour: None.
Locations: Choose one or roll 1d6: 1-2: City, 3-4: Once revealed by your investigation, the cultist will
Wilderness, 5-6: Dungeon. fight with a wild frenzy whilst screaming curses and
accusations at you. Devotion to their cause makes
Task 1: Find the Cultists. Your first job is to try and them immune from spells and effects which cause
find some cultists. fear or charm. As you fight the cultist they promise
retribution from their leader whenever you hurt
City: The cultists hide in plain sight and only careful them. Each time you cause STAMINA damage to the
observation will reveal them. When you have a Social Hidden Cultist they might reveal a piece of
encounter you can make a Religion Lore skill roll to information - make a Religion Lore skill roll. If you
interrogate them about the existence of a cult. If you succeed they have unwi�ingly helped you identify
succeed, you have unearthed the identity of a cultist their leader - after each fight in which you receive a
nearby at this location and can unmask them! (You clue roll 1d6.
can also carry out the normal social interactions you
would have with this person - the information about On a result of six you have pieced together the clues
cultists is in addition to that). and identified the cultist leader. If not, you need to
find another cultist to see if they have be�er
Wilderness: A cult has set up a temple or base in the information and repeat the process. For every three
designated area, you must traverse it to find cultists you defeat, the number you need to roll on
se�lements or homesteads where you can interrogate 1d6 comes down by one - so after the sixth cultist, you
people. On each day spent in the area make two need to roll a 4, 5 or 6 to understand where their
Region Lore skill tests; if you succeed you have found priest is hiding.
someone to talk to. Make a Religion Lore skill test - if
you succeed you have unmasked a hidden cultist and Once you succeed, you have a location. City: drop or
can fight them. Use the rules below to see if you can roll a dice onto the map to discover where the head
uncover their leader. The hidden cultist priest will be priest is. Wilderness: The priest is in the same area
in the same area. If you find a se�lement in the area and it will take half a day to get to his precise location.
you can search there for cultists just as you would in Dungeon: The priest will be in a random room of the
a city. next section you create.
AFF Adventure Creation System
He is not openly parading about as the head of a cult encounters. Wherever you are, once in place make a
so will appear to be just an ordinary citizen - a tailor Sneaking skill roll - if you succeed you can strike at
perhaps, or a humble labourer. Nevertheless his your opponent - if you fail, you have been spo�ed
arrogance is such that once you confront him he will and they send a henchman instead.
make no a�empt to hide!
Special Reward for Success: Defeating the plans of
Task 3: Confront the Priest. evil cultists earns you the favour of the gods of good;
you restore one point of temporary LUCK.
Hidden Cultist Priest
Devotion 4
Weapon: Short Sword
Armour: Leather Hauberk.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Dungeon: The cultists have taken people to use as Wilderness: Every group of slaves is a�ended by a
slaves, toiling in the darkness underground. Once cultist; use your Con or Disguise skill as above to
you arrive in the area you must look for the slaves trick them into revealing the location of the temple,
and liberate them from their taskmasters. Each which is cunningly hidden somewhere nearby.
section of the dungeon contains two slaves, chained
up in random rooms. They are sick and frightened, Task 3: The Hidden Temple.
you must test your Etique�e or Con skills to get any
useful information from them. When you have made City: Your information has led you to a quiet
four successes, you have uncovered the location of alleyway, with an unremarkable building that has a
the hidden temple - it is hidden behind a secret door plain wooden doorway.
in one of the sections you have already visited, pick a
room from these sections at random (this means you Wilderness: The cultists temple is cunningly hidden
skip Task 2 of this mission). by natural features of the landscape, without the
information you obtained you would have walked
Task 2: Cultist Confronter. Once you have obtained right past it.
a description, drop or roll a dice onto the map to see
where the cultist is living and go there to confront Dungeon: As noted above, you will find yourself
them. When you confront them, make a skill test directed to a secret door you missed in your earlier
against either the Disguise or Con special skills to adventuring. Looking more closely you can see
convince them that you are ready to join their cult markings cut into the frame that confirm you have
and reveal the location of the hidden temple. If you arrived at the right place. Readying yourself you
fail the a�empt, the cultist does not believe you and push the doorway open and step inside, to reveal a
instead you must fight them! small room with one exit - a set of torch lit stone steps
leading down.
SKILL 6 You can hear chanting from below - moving down
STAMINA 7 cautiously you soon see that the steps lead to a large
Weapon: Club cellar, bedecked with crudely painted scenes of
Armour: None. destruction and lit by candles made of reddy-black
tallow that fill the air with a foul smelling incense.
Dropping all pretence of normality and le�ing off a Standing by an altar is a large man with wild bushy
stream of curses and promises of doom, the cultist hair and piercing hate filled eyes, who is chanting
a�acks you! They will fight to the death in service of something in a demonic language - when he sees you
the gods of chaos. When a�acked the cultist goes he lets out a scream of rage and charges to a�ack.
berserk - they make two combat rolls each round,
both with a -2 penalty, and use the highest of the two. Cult Leader
Should you succeed with your Con or Disguise skill STAMINA 11
test, you have tricked them into telling you where Weapon: Morning Star
their secret temple is. Drop or roll a dice onto your Armour: Leather Cuirass.
map and mark the location nearest to it. You may
now proceed there and confront them in earnest.
AFF Adventure Creation System
As the Cult Leader comes to a�ack the candles Mission 10: Cursed Idols
lighting the room flare into life and give off even
more of the stinking incense - these choking fumes Overview: Many of the people, rich and poor, like to
seem to weaken you, causing a penalty of -1 to your fill their homes with religious idols of all sizes, costs
damage rolls and spell casting rolls whilst fighting and shapes in the hope that the gods will look kindly
him. When a�acked the Cult Leader goes berserk - upon them. It is a practice encouraged by the temples
they make two combat rolls each round, both with a and they are the main benefactor from the sale of
-2 penalty, and use the highest of the two. these items, which leads some of the pious clergy to
raise the prices of their relics, which in turn leads to a
Task 4: Through the Portal. Should you defeat the thriving black market in idols which are maybe a bit
leader you can search the secret temple. There is li�le less holy but certainly a lot cheaper.
here of value, but behind one of the wall drapes you
find a small chamber containing a magic door - a In this case someone has been supplying cursed idols
portal to another location. It has several glowing - carved wooden statues with exceptionally lifelike
runes carved about it and you can see that their magic features that unfortunately have a tendency to come
is fading - they are starting to flicker and dim. You alive at night and savagely a�ack the nearest person!
can choose to enter the portal in the hopes that it Several people have been badly hurt and the temples
takes you to your opponent, or turn around and are besieged with people asking the priests to come
leave, knowing that the portal will be inactive within and cast a blessing on their homes - no one knows if
the hour. their idols are normal or cursed!
If you leave, you have succeeded in the mission but Locations: Choose one or roll 1d6: 1-2: City, 3-4:
must now start another to have a chance at fighting Wilderness, 5-6: Dungeon.
your foe. If you decide to step bravely through the
portal, you touch a number of runes at random and Task 1: Find a temple. Your first step is to move to any
make a test against your LUCK. If you have any Temple location (remember every se�lement should
points in the Magic - Lore special skill, treat them as have one) and offer your assistance, which will be
a bonus to your LUCK roll. If you succeed in the test, gratefully accepted. The priest in charge recognises
you have appeared at the lair of your opponent and your heroic qualities and is keen to make use of you -
may fight them. If you fail the test, you appear in a he gives you a blessed censer and some incest, telling
small room and must fight a henchman. If you roll a you that it will drive any cursed idols into a rage if
double six, you appear mid-air, 30’ above the ground they get a whiff of the smoke and with those
and fall to the ground taking 2d6 points of damage instructions shoves you out and on your way.
from the fall! If you started in a dungeon, you appear
in the air outside the dungeon before falling - at least Task 2: Find some cursed Idols.
it saved you a walk!
City: When you enter a new location ( you can make
Special Reward for Success: You have liberated some an Etique�e or Leadership skill roll to find some
folks from the misery of slavery and they are grateful ‘customers’ for your services. If you don’t find any,
- whilst in this se�lement you will be offered a place move to another location and try again. When you
to sleep and some simple food in a hovel in one of the have found someone who wants their home checked
Slums areas, should you wish to stay there. you can follow them in, light the censor and swing it
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
around in the hope that something will happen. As The idol is a humanoid figure carved from wood (and
the smoke trails around, you watch anxiously for a so immune to a�acks that wouldn’t damage wood
reaction - roll 1d6. On a 5 or 6 a cursed idol gives a and most mind affecting spells). It leaps to a�ack,
retching cough and springs to life! If nothing clawing at you and screeching a hideous cry of rage.
happens, find another customer. Once you defeat it, it’s time to find the idol maker.
Wilderness: You have been told where the components Task 4: Piece together the clues. Examining pieces of
for the idols are being harvested and been asked to go the Cursed Idols after you have defeated them will
to that area and deal with the problem. Once in the lead you to discover the location of the maker.
right area you must roll a Region Lore or Crafting
skill roll to find the places where wood and other City: Ask the former owner where they bought it.
parts are being acquired - each one is guarded by a They will be eager to help but their memory is not
Cursed Idol! You may look twice each day. perfect - you get some details of the description, but
is it enough? Each owner provides you with 1d6 clues
Dungeon: You take your incense into the dungeon about the vendor. Roll 2d6, add your City Lore or
with and waft it around as you progress - there will Awareness skill and add the total number of clues
be two cursed idols hidden in each section, assign you have recovered with a target number of 25. Once
them to random rooms. They will come to life as you you succeed you have identified the name and
search the room after defeating any monsters or location of the person selling the cursed idols. The
hazards it may contain. workshop is in a random location in the city.
At the last the idol maker, subdued but not dead, will Task 1: Defeat an Elemental. Firstly, you must send
a�empt to parley for her life with knowledge of the some of the elementals back to the planes where they
whereabouts of your opponent. If you finish her off at belong.
this point, the trail runs cold. If you wish to bargain
you spare her life - bandage her wounds and so on - City: There will be one a�ack each day, (Roll 1d6:
and interrogate her. Make a test against Etique�e, 1-2: Before midday
Leadership or Con skills (your choice). If you succeed 3-4: After midday
you have found your opponent’s lair - (in the city it is 5-6: At night.
at a random location, in the wilderness it is half a
day's travel, in a dungeon it is via a secret door The screams of the panicking citizens let you know
located in one of the rooms you have already passed when an a�ack is happening - drop or roll a dice onto
through!) You may move there and strike at your your map to see where it is and head there without
opponent. If you fail your skill test, the idol maker delay! Once arrived you find a large elemental
has tricked you - when you get to the location rampaging through the streets, causing havoc. You
indicated there is nothing there and you must start must intervene.
Wilderness: An area of the wilderness has been
Special Reward for Success: Ridding the world of plagued by elementals. Use your Awareness, Region
these idols is a relief to those that collect them; the Lore or Magic-Lore to find an elemental to fight; you
next time you are in a se�lement one of the craftsmen may look twice each day you spend here.
that makes the genuine items presents you with an
idol (occupies one inventory slot). You can use it, Dungeon: It has come to your a�ention that smugglers
once, to cast Bless upon yourself as the priest ability are storing fragments of elemental essence in this
(lasts 10 rounds) after which it becomes just a normal dungeon, on their way to take them to a city. You
statue�e worth 2d6gp. would be doing everyone a favour if you go in and
deal with the problem. You have been given an
elemental lodestone that points you in the direction
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
of elemental disturbances. For each section of the on a 6 you find the smuggler! For each hidden room
dungeon, pick a random room and add a secret door you enter, add +1 to this roll. Once you find the
- when you get near your lodestone will start smuggler proceed to Task 4.
twitching to show you where to search. When you
open the secret door roll 1d6 - on a 1-2 you find a When you find an elemental, roll to see which type is
piece of pure elemental essence, on 3-5 you find an a�acking, they will fight to the death!
elemental that a�acks you (roll to see what kind) and
Roll 1d6 Elemental Type.
(Reroll 5-6)
1 Fire Elemental
Armour: None.
A�acks with lashing flames that cause 1d3 points of damage, armour has no effect.
2 Water Elemental
Armour: Light.
Ba�ers you with watery fists, treat as mace, ignores shields.
3 Air Elemental
Armour: None.
Has 2 A�acks of slicing winds, treat as short swords.
4 Earth Elemental
Armour: Medium.
Pummels you with a heavy stone fist, treat as morning star.
5 Cold Elemental
Armour Light
A�acks with a touch of burning cold. Inflicts 1d3 damage. Leather protects as normal, but metal
armour adds to the damage taken.
6 Metal Elemental
Armour Heavy
A�acks with bladed hands (as Sword)
*Each type of elemental is immune to a�acks that are based on its type, so a fire elemental is immune to fire damage etc.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Task 2: Finding the source. Where are these City: Handling it carefully, you move to the nearest
elementals coming from? College or Temple location to find someone learned
in elemental lore. Finding someone takes 1d6 hours,
City: It seems that the elementals appear out of after which you must offer the pure substance and
nowhere and you quickly realise they must be ask their advice. The scholar is interested but tells you
coming from a catacomb. In the location where you they need some herbs from the Marketplace to
fought the elemental, make an Underground Lore or investigate. They give you a few coins and a list of
Awareness skill test to find the entrance. If you fail, instructions. Once at the Marketplace location, make
you’ll have to wait for another a�ack the next day. a test of Bargain. If you succeed you get the herbs at
Should you find the entrance, generate a catacomb the right price, if you fail the test you must pay an
using the usual rules. You will need to clear all the additional 1d6 gp to acquire them (the fact that you
rooms to find the hidden chamber containing an altar are trying to save the city doesn’t seem to ma�er!).
upon which sits a piece of pure elemental substance
(a smooth ball of polished stone, a vial containing Now you can return to the scholar at the College or
crystal clear spring water or air from a mountain Temple where you met them and ask them to
peak, burning pitch that radiates intense and constant investigate. Taking the herbs they put them in an
heat) that acts as a beacon calling elementals to it. It is incense burner and, as smoke fills the air, start an
easy to disrupt the portal by taking the elemental incantation. After some time (1d3 hours), the smoke
substance, but what should you do with it? swirls and forms into a vision - you see a man,
hunched over the altar you found in the Catacomb,
placing the piece of pure element down and opening
the portal. After that the smoke swirls and forms
more pictures, each showing what you believe to be a
smuggler, bringing in the pure elemental pieces to be
used in the creation of a portal. Soon however the
smoke clears and the scholar asks you to wait a li�le
longer, as they believe they can make something to
help you. After another hour of tinkering they
Wilderness: The elemental has emerged from a nearby present you with a sort of compass, which they tell
cave where someone has hidden a piece of pure you will point toward a piece of pure elemental
elemental substance that is acting as a beacon. Make substance when it comes close - this is a means to
a Region Lore or Hunting roll to find it; if you fail intercept the smugglers!
you’ll have to look for another elemental to fight on
the next day. When you find it, you come up with a Now you may take the compass and wait - any
plan. You can destroy it and see who responds. You location in the city will do. After 1d6 hours, you see
will need to wait at the cave for 1d6 days (don’t forget the compass twitch - move according to its direction
weather and encounters) until the smuggler turns up (roll 1d6 - 1= north, 2=east, 3=south, 4=west, 5,6 roll
- proceed to Task 4. again. If the direction is outside the city, move left (1-
3) or right (4-6) along the boundary of the city).
Task 3: Investigating the pure element: Now you Finding the location of the smuggler requires 1d6
have recovered the ‘beacon’ of pure elemental moves, and don’t forget to check for encounters along
essence it’s time to discover who placed it there. the way. In addition, the compass might misfire -
each time you use it, roll 1d6 - on a roll of one it has
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
stopped working for a short time, but this is long
enough for the smuggler to get away, and you will
need to try again the next day (the compass will have
started working again by then).
Weapon: Short Sword
Armour: Leather Cuirass.
AFF Adventure Creation System
1d6 Creature of Chaos
1-2 Giant Toad:
Weapon: Large Bite
Armour: Light
Special: The Giant Toad has a poison gland which means if it does hit it causes one additional point of
STAMINA damage, which is not prevented by armour. The gland can be ‘recovered’ with an Animal
Lore or Trap Knowledge skill test and is worth 10gp.
3-4 Salamander:
Weapon: Small Bite
Armour: Medium
Special: The fiery Salamander occasionally spits a gob of fire at you! Each round roll 1d6, on a 1-2 the
Salamander spits a ball of fire in addition to its bite, which automatically hits for 1d3 points of damage.
5-6 Rabid Wolf Hound:
Weapon: Large Bite
Armour: Light.
Special: The Wolf has filth encrusted fangs and if it damages you, you must test your LUCK or roll on
the Diseases table (Table 4.3.2 Diseases) after the fight,
Wilderness: Use your Region Lore or Hunting skills. Wilderness: The Beastmaster is in the same area as the
beasts, requiring half a day of travel to get to.
Dungeon: Use your Underground Lore or Hunting
skill to take the test. Dungeon: The Beastmaster is in a random room of the
next dungeon section you create.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Task 3: Defeat the Beastmaster Mission 14: Repel the Invaders
STAMINA 11 Overview: A horde of creatures of chaos have been
Weapon: Morning Star unleashed, seeking treasure and bloodshed, and are
Armour: Leather Hauberk. running amok in the streets and fields. As a hero, it is
your job to find them and bring an end to the carnage.
The beastmaster is a scowling brute of a man who has They are appearing almost everywhere, seemingly at
the job of wrangling the various creatures of chaos random, so you can start your work wherever you
and training them to go out and a�ack. He is more like.
devoted to his beasts than any cause, and he won’t
negotiate with Heroes who have killed his animals. Locations: Choose one or roll 1d6: 1-2: City, 3-4:
Once you have defeated the beastmaster, you need to Wilderness, 5-6: Dungeon.
visit his hideout at least once a day to see if your
opponent has arrived to check up on him - however, Task 1: Find a fight!
you must also keep up the pretence that the beasts are
still busy or your opponent will become suspicious City: As you move through the city, roll 1d6 as you
and send a henchman instead. enter each new location - on a 5 or 6 it is under a�ack.
Your aim is to defeat 5 raiders (or all of them, if there
Task 4: Surveillance. Keeping a close eye on the are less than 5) within two days of starting this
hideout (which means you must stay here or revisit mission, after which the city guards have rallied
the hideout each day), roll a 1d6 to see if your enough to clear away any remaining creatures. If you
opponent is visiting, which happens on a 5 or 6. For fail to do this, you should mark the mission as failed
each day that passes you must test your Animal Lore and make another roll on the table. Don’t forget to
or Hunting skill with a +3 bonus - you are making make a roll to find out what the consequences of
false tracks to pretend that the beasts are still active. failure are!
If you fail any of these tests your opponent has
become suspicious, and the check-up is made by a Wilderness: The area indicated to you is under a�ack
henchman. If you pass the tests, you eventually get a from a raiding horde. Go to the area and make a
chance to strike at your opponent. Remember to roll stand! Once you have arrived you set up a camp and
for random encounters, wandering monsters, light a fire, knowing the smoke will a�ract
weather and so on whilst you are waiting! opponents. You may fight up to four opponents in
one day; you must defeat 5 raiders to a�ract the
Special Reward for Success: Seeing your efforts in a�ention of their commander. You may rest between
dealing with this problem an animal trainer seeks fights.
you out and offers you a trained Hound
SKILL 5 Dungeon: You have found the dungeon from which
STAMINA 5 the raiders are being recruited. When you create a
Weapon: Small Bite section, randomly assign two rooms to contain
Armour: None. monsters from the table, they replace any other
monsters that might be in the room. Once you have
The hound needs to be fed one meal per day and will defeated 5, the next room that contains a ‘raider’ has
not fight (he is cowardly) but whilst you have him, the Orc Commander in it.
you have +1 bonus to your Hunting skill tests.
AFF Adventure Creation System
The raiders are varied monsters and you don’t know As you ba�le him, he cannot resist gloating about
until you confront them what you are facing. what your opponent is planning to do - he speaks
surprisingly good common for an orc. You must take
1d6 Raider (the raiders have no treasure and are the opportunity to tease out the information you
not up for any type of social interaction) need. Each round, make a test against your Con
1-2 Goblin berserker: special skill to see if you can trick him into revealing
SKILL 4 something. You may wish to prolong the fight to get
STAMINA 8 more chances, though he is a dangerous opponent.
Armour: Light. Make a note of how many times you succeed before
Weapon: Great Axe you defeat him. As you wipe down your blades, you
3-5 Orc Warrior: ponder what he said and try to work out where your
SKILL 6 opponent is. Roll 1d6 and add one for each time you
STAMINA 7 succeeded on your Con special skill test. You need a
Armour: Medium total of 7 or more to work out where to go - if you get
Weapon: Sword less than that, you have succeeded with the mission
6 Troll: but have no clue as to where your opponent is hiding.
STAMINA 8 If you did get 7 or more, drop or roll a dice onto the
Armour: Medium map (City) to reveal the location where you can strike
Weapon: Mace. A�acks: 2 at your opponent.
Should you defeat them, your heroic exploits have Wilderness: Follow the rules above to see if you have
enraged one of their commanders who is now discovered where your opponent might be hiding in
seeking you out to confront you. After the end of your this area - it will be somewhere close by.
fifth fight, you have a scant pause of a few minutes
(roll 2d6 to see how many) before a large orc comes Dungeon: Follow the rules above, but if you fail the
barrelling towards you, shouting curses! information roll you believe your opponent is hiding
outside the dungeon in a nearby location; by the time
Task 2: A fight finds you! Your actions have a�racted you realise your error there is no chance of finding
the a�ention of a leader. them. If you succeed in the roll you will find the lair
in a random room of the next dungeon section you
Orc Commander create.
STAMINA 11 Special Reward for Success: Your force of arms has
Armour: Medium not gone unnoticed. You are presented with a master
Weapon: Ba�leaxe. quality weapon of your choice. (See the rules in the
Combat Companion or if you don’t have this
The commander is an orc of great size, ba�le-scarred available, treat it as a weapon for which you replace a
and ferocious. He is furiously angry and gains +1 to damage roll of 1 with a 2). It is non magical.
his damage rolls, should he hit.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Mission 15: Skulking Beast Having got to the scene of an a�ack you begin
searching for clues. You can choose to use either your
Overview: Some manner of vicious beast has been Hunting or Animal Lore skills. Roll 2d6, add your
dredged from the depths by your opponent and set to skill and deduct one for each encounter you had on
causing havoc. It is emerging from its hiding spot at your way here. If your total is 20, you have picked up
night and a�acking people, leaving them dead or the trail and can follow it back to the lair of the beast
mauled. Some have disappeared completely, (see below). If you roll less than that, you have
presumably carried off as food! The Watch have been gathered some information but the trail eluded you -
unable to stop it - some people have unkindly the next time you a�empt to track the beast you can
suggested they aren’t trying too hard - and it is add +2 to your roll as you get to know more about it.
imperative that some hero steps forward to deal with This bonus is cumulative (+2 on the second a�empt,
the menace. +4 on the third and so on) so eventually you will catch
your prey.
It is important to note that this mission has to be
carried out at night, so use the ‘nigh�ime’ column of Task 2: The Lair of the Beast. Having successfully
the encounter table as you move around. followed its trail you find yourself at the beast's lair
Locations: Choose one or roll 1d6: 1-2: City, 3-4: City: At the location of the a�ack.
Wilderness, 5-6: Dungeon. Wilderness: Close by in the same area.
Dungeon: In a random room of the section).
Task 1: Find the Beast. The beast strikes each night,
you must dash to it as soon as you hear the screams.
Wilderness: You hear a distant howl and hurry in that City / Wilderness: Use the rules for the ‘Catacombs
direction…the beast is terrorising this area, make one Entrance’ location to construct the lair, which is
encounter roll as you head toward it. Remember to always in some underground complex, but with only
use the nigh�ime encounters when hunting for the 1d3 rooms. The beast is, of course, in the last part of
beast. the catacomb and you may have to fight through
other monsters to reach it. The lair has the quality of
Dungeon: The beast is being trained to kill in this Misty - A strange mist swirls through the air
dungeon; in each dungeon section, you will come penetrating every corner of this dungeon. Awareness
across remnants of its ‘work’. skill has a -2 penalty and Sneak skill has a +2 bonus.
You hear shuffling in the darkness. Once you have
arrived it’s time to find out what you are fighting.
AFF Adventure Creation System
1d6 Beast - it is hiding in the mists and gains +2 on the Mission 16: Ogre Stew (City only).
first round of combat
1-2 Death Dog Overview: They say that ‘the first bite is with the eye’
SKILL 7 but when it comes to ogre stew it is quite likely that
STAMINA 9 the first bite is an actual eye, closely followed by a toe,
A�acks: Large Bite nose or an ear. Ogres do not have many talents but a
Armour: Light combination of iron stomachs and a carefree a�itude
3-4 Champaque towards recipes means they can produce truly
SKILL 8 pungent food. The ‘best’ ogre cooks can work away
STAMINA 10 for months on a giant cauldron full of stew and
A�acks: Large Claw produce something that is so vile it a�racts chaos
Armour: Light magic and becomes imbued with strange effects.
5-6 Giant Lizard
SKILL 7 Such food can be smuggled into cities and hidden in
STAMINA 11 or combined with other food with the intention of
A�acks: Large Bite ge�ing as many people as possible to eat some. Mild
Armour: Medium effects would be severe vomiting with those that get
a full dose might explode into a wild frenzy of
Once the beast has been disposed of you can see that violence, drop dead on the spot or even sprout chaos
as well as living here it was guarding a concealed mutations that drive them to insanity! If left
passage leading up to a hidden room! This could be unchecked, the effect of a single stew being spread
where your opponent is hiding - but will the across the city can be as devastating as a warband.
commotion of your ba�le with their beast have given
them time to escape? It seems a pot of stew (or more than one) has been
smuggled into the city and chaos cultists, disguised
Roll 1d6 and add +1 for each round of combat it took as humble pie sellers, have been tainting meat and
you to defeat the beast. If the total is 10 or less you vegetables before selling them around the city.
may strike at your opponent. If the total is 11 or more,
the noise of ba�le gives them time to escape and you Task 1: Find a Pie Seller. The first step is to try to find
are left to ba�le a henchman. Unfortunately this some of the stew in order to trace where it is coming
means that on the next night, your opponent releases from. In each location you move into, you can make
another beast into the city (from another hidden either an Etique�e or Awareness skill test to find out
location) and you must start your hunt anew! This if anyone has been affected. If you fail the roll, move
mission is only completed when you have succeeded to another location and try again. If you succeed you
in fighting your opponent at least once. Happy have found a ‘survivor’ and can question them to tell
Hunting! you who sold them the tainted food. Once you have a
description you must search for the vendor
Special Reward for Success: A friendly trapper offers wandering amongst the crowd - make an Awareness,
to skin and butcher the beast for you; The hide can be Secret Signs or Hunting skill test to see if you can spot
fashioned into a stylish and unusual heavy winter them. If you fail you should move to another location
cape, or sold for 4d6gp. and keep trying. If you succeed, you have found one
and can confront them!
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Task 2: Food Fight. boiling ogre stew - whatever happens you are going
Cultist pie seller to need a wash later.
STAMINA 9 Chaos Ogre
Armour: None. SKILL 7
Weapon: Club. STAMINA 11
Armour: Light + Shield.
Carrying a woven basket full of tainted pies and Weapon: Mace.
dressed in shabby robes and a worn woollen cloak,
you spot the cultist approaching a group of peasants, In addition to his normal a�ack the Chaos Ogre has a
evidently intent on trying to spread their poison. You severe mutation - where his belly should be, there is
must either confront them or try to follow them. If a grinning mouth with a slavering pink tongue
you confront them, they will drop their basket and hanging from it. Each round this mouth will a�empt
fight you desperately (this is not an Unlawful to spit toxic sludge at you - make a separate a�ack roll
Action). Should you defeat them, you can question for it. If it hits you suffer 1 point of STAMINA
them before they expire - make an Etique�e, Con or damage, armour provides no protection.
Leadership skill. If you succeed you have found the
location of the stew pot (see below). If you fail the If the Chaos Ogre or its mouth hit you, you are
test, they die without revealing anything useful and liberally covered in stinking liquid and have a -3 to all
you must go back to the first step. social skill tests until you can get somewhere to wash
(such as an Inn or just a river or pond).
If you choose to follow them (instead of fighting),
make two tests. Firstly, make a Sneaking skill test to Should you defeat the Chaos Ogre you can a�empt to
remain unobserved then make an Awareness skill find out where your opponent is lurking by tracing
test to keep on the trail. If you fail either of these tests the mucky trail of stinking stew. Make a Hunting or
you have lost them and must go back to the first step. Awareness skill test to see if you can follow the
If you succeed you have found the location of the stench. If you succeed, you may Strike at your
stew pot. Drop or roll a dice onto your map to see Opponent. Roll or drop a dice onto your map to see
where it has taken you - and where the stew pot is where you have uncovered them. If you fail, the trail
hidden. You see your quarry go in and pick up new has run cold but your opponent is still cooking - it
supplies, now it is up to you to investigate. turns out they had another pot of stew hidden as a
backup! You must track this one down too in order to
Task 3: Kitchen Clean up. Down some muddy steps, consider this mission completed.
a rough wooden door conceals a dingy cellar. The
darkness is lit only by a single smoky torch and the Special Reward for Success: The pie sellers of the city
light of a firepit on top of which a huge iron cauldron are extremely grateful for clearing their name. In this
is bubbling. The stench it gives off is quite se�lement you may obtain one free meal (pie of your
indescribable and even as you try to cover your nose choice) per day in thanks.
and mouth, you can feel your eyes watering and your
stomach churning. Next to the pot is a hulking figure
- an Ogre, but one mutated by the magic of chaos! He
is surprised by your intrusion but quickly grabs a
shield. In his other hand is a ladle dripping with
AFF Adventure Creation System
Mission 17: Alchemical Arson The fire is treated as having 20 STAMINA points
which you can damage in a number of ways.
Overview: An alchemist has been employed to make
and use ‘Filash’s Oil’ a particularly dangerous * Join in the bucket chain and do your best to
magical substance that, when spread onto a douse it. Test against your Thrown skill. If you
flammable material, will cause it to heat up to the succeed you do 1d3 points of damage to the fire, if
point of combustion and spread wild searing flames you fail you have missed with your bucket and the
onto anything nearby. As a magical oil it can’t be fire rages on.
easily doused and as a bonus, once it gets started the
* Get the crowd to help.Test against your
intense flames will occasionally draw Fire Sprites
Leadership skill - if you succeed you do 1d3 points
from the plane of fire! Clearly, it’s up to find this
of damage to the fire as people step forward to
arsonist and put a stop to it.
help, if you fail no one is willing to take the risk.
This mission plays out differently in the city/ * Help cut away parts of the building to make a fire
wilderness/dungeon environments, so read carefully break. Test against your Strength skill - if you
before you begin. succeed do 1d3 points of damage to the fire, if you
fail then you haven’t managed to pull away any
Locations: Choose one or roll 1d6: 1-2: City, 3-4: material.
Wilderness, 5-6: Dungeon.
* Use a spell or item that affects fire - you will have
Task 1: Deal with the Fire (City). As Filash’s Oil is to decide how much damage it does to the fire -
unstable, once begun the a�acks will occur daily until bear in mind that it is of powerful magical origin.
the alchemist runs out of stock. Roll 1d6 to see when
it happens - Once the fire reaches 0 points of STAMINA you have
1-2 In the morning put it out, HOWEVER, trying to put out the fire risks
3-4 In the afternoon summoning a Fire Sprite to defend it. Each round that
5-6 At night you fight it, roll 1d6. If you roll a one a Fire Sprite has
appeared and will a�ack you.
is - drop or roll a dice onto your map to see where the SKILL 5
Fire is a constant danger for the cities of Titan with Armour: None.
will be trying to douse the fire, others gathering tools you must deal with these annoyances first before you
to pull buildings down and make a fire break and the can put out the flames.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
You have 25 rounds to put out the fire; if it is still round you must roll to see if your actions cause a
burning on by round 26 then the affected building wild Fire Sprite to appear (roll 1 on 1d6). Once you
collapses and the crowd disperses, leaving the ruin to have covered the burn in dirt, pu�ing it out, you can
burn itself out - you cannot try and find the alchemist hide nearby and see if the alchemist comes to
in this case. investigate. As above, pick a number between one
and six and roll 1d6 to see if it matches, choosing an
Task 2: Find the Arsonist (City): After the fire is out extra number each time you deal with a burn pit. If
you can try and get some information about the you match numbers, the alchemist has come by to
alchemist. They must have spent some time here check on their work and you can confront them. The
se�ing the fire and may have even stayed to watch the alchemist will not stay for long in this area - you can
burning, so you can interrogate your fellow quench four burn pits over four days before they
firefighters to see if they spo�ed anything. For each become suspicious and move to another area of
fire you put out, choose a number between 1 and 6, wilderness, meaning the mission is failed.
then roll a 1d6. If it comes up with your number,
someone has spo�ed the arsonist and knows where Task 2: Dungeon: An alchemist has set up a workshop
to find them! Each time you put out another fire, you in this dungeon hoping to use the other denizens as
get to pick an additional number so eventually you either workers or test subjects. For each room you
should catch them (so after three fires you might be enter, roll 1d6 - on a 1, there is an alchemical
rolling to get a 2, 4 or 6 and so on), however, the experiment taking place here (a bubbling cauldron, a
alchemist only has enough stock to set five fires. If series of pots with strange liquids, unusual powders
you don’t catch them after fire number five, they have being milled and so on). After you deal with the
eluded you and this mission is failed. contents of the room, you can fiddle with the
experiment. Test your Trap Knowledge or Magic
If you do get lucky (or persistent) someone from the Lore skills. If you succeed you have safely ended the
crowd can lead you to the alchemist's workshop - experiment. If you fail, you take 1d3 points of
drop or roll a dice onto your map and choose the damage as it explodes and a Fire Sprite (see above)
nearest Slum Alley, College or Garbage Heap appears to investigate. Each time you defuse an
location as the place where they are set up. You can experiment, choose a number between 1 and 6 and
head there to confront them. roll 1d6 - if the numbers match the alchemist is
nearby and comes running in to see what has
Task 2: Wilderness: Wildfire is a dangerous prospect happened to their work. For each experiment you
in the wilds, but li�le can be done other than fleeing deal with, pick an extra number before rolling the d6.
from the blaze. However, word has reached you that
an alchemist has set up burn pits in an area of There will be five experiments in total in the
wilderness, filling the skies with smoke in an a�empt dungeon. If you don’t match numbers after dealing
to create some deadly new concoction. Once you with all of them, the alchemist has taken the hint and
arrive at the area, the burn pits are easy to spot by the fled - the mission has failed.
columns of smoke rising from them. You choose one
and head off. Quenching a pit is not complicated - If you manage to confront them their workshop is
you must shovel or move earth onto the fire until you located in a random room in the next section of the
put it out. Use your Strength skill to do so; the fire pit dungeon.
has 25 ‘STAMINA’ and each successful test of
Strength does 1d3 points of damage. As above, each
AFF Adventure Creation System
Task 3: Fight the Arsonist. Mission 18: Burrowing Worms
SKILL 5 Overview: Your opponent has found a shaman
STAMINA 9 capable of breeding and controlling monstrous
Weapon: Club + Special. worms capable of burrowing under buildings and
Armour: Leather Hauberk. bursting from the ground to a�ack people! It’s up to
you to deal with both the worms and their controller.
Dressed in a dirty and ta�ered laboratory coat, this
alchemist has clearly inhaled too many fumes from Locations: Choose one or roll 1d6: 1-2: City, 3-4:
their experiments, which surround her in the Wilderness, 5-6: Dungeon.
cramped and stinking workshop (Wilderness: She
has a cart pulled by a very unhappy looking mule). Task 1: Kill some worms.
With a mad look, she will defend herself wildly. In
addition to the normal weapon a�acks the alchemist City: You must do your best to intercept worms and
will drop a vial of poison gas. She herself is immune find out who is calling them to a�ack. A�acks are
but everyone else in her vicinity will suffer a -1 happening once each day - roll 1d6.
penalty to SKILL as the choking, stinging fumes get 1-2 Morning
into their lungs (she has several of these vials and will 3-4 Afternoon
keep dropping them if you move out of one cloud - 5-6 Nigh�ime
they all sha�er when she is defeated).
Each time it begins with vibrations from the ground
Once defeated you can search her workshop - she has and a low rumbling noise as of distant thunder. Drop
kept lab notes detailing her activities including the or roll a dice onto the map to see where the epicentre
time and place for her to meet your opponent and be is. As time passes the worm will either continue
paid. Sadly they have been wri�en in an alchemist's burrowing or surface to a�ack. Each hour roll a 1d6 to
code and you must do your best to interpret it. Make see what happens:
a test using Secret Signs or Magic Lore. If you succeed
you can strike against your opponent - if not, when 1 Moves north
you get to the place all you find is a henchman. 2 Moves east
3 Moves south
Your opponents lair will be in the following places: 4 Moves west
City - a random location on your map, Wilderness - 5-6 Surfaces to a�ack
within half a day’s travel, Dungeon - a random room
in the next section. You will have to use your judgement to decide which
location on your map the worm moves to if there is
Special Reward for Success: The other alchemists are more than one choice. If the worm burrows outside
pleased that you have dealt with this rogue and send the city, this a�ack has failed and you must wait for
a messenger to you with a package which contains another - for a failed a�ack the worm-caller will try
two Flash Powder Jars - A small glass vial, sealed, again within the hour. Once the worm surfaces it will
contains what appears to be swirling black smoke. If thrash around in search for victims to drag away, you
hurled to the ground it will fill an area of 5’ radius must do your best to defeat it.
with thick smoke for one round. This allows you to
withdraw from combat and flee without penalty.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Wilderness: An area of wilderness has been infested Awareness skill roll with a target number of 12. As
with Sting Worms, making it impassable for you know they must be in this area you can keep
merchants and driving away the inhabitants - it trying until you find them, each a�empt takes about
would be highly appreciated if you could come and one hour.
deal with this menace. Once you arrive you can begin
your patrol - every half day of patrolling lets you test Wilderness: When you have defeated three worms,
Awareness, Hunting or Region Lore skills (pick one) you realise all the worm a�acks are centred around
to spot a surfacing worm, which you can then fight. one small part of this area. You travel there and start
searching - use Hunting or Awareness to spot the
Dungeon: Finding out that a dungeon is infested with worm-callers hiding spot. Once you find it (each
giant carnivorous worms would usually be a cause a�empt takes half a day, don’t forget encounters) you
for celebration, as they will eat the other inhabitants may ba�le the shaman.
and save you the trouble. However, in this case it has
been discovered that a shaman is using the dungeon Dungeon: Once you have destroyed three sets of eggs
as an incubator / nursery for worms he will unleash the shaman will appear 1d6 rounds later, furious at
when they are grown. For each section of the what you have done.
dungeon a random room will contain some eggs
guarded by a Sting Worm - you must defeat the The Worm-caller is a shaman from the wildlands
worm before you can destroy the eggs. who is using a carved idol to call to the worms. He
knows he will be killed if he is captured, so will a�ack
Sting Worm you as soon as you find him.
STAMINA 9 Shaman
Weapon: Sting, counts as Javelin but with +1 SKILL 6
poison damage STAMINA 10
Armour: Medium. Devotion: 4
Weapon: Club
These relatives of the Giant Sandworms have been Armour: Leather Hauberk and Small Shield.
enraged and lured by a Worm-caller, who is using a
magical idol to affect their dim minds. When a�acked he will use the priestly power ‘Ill
Luck’ against you, then fight as normal. Once
defeated you can deal with the carved idol - a crudely
Task 2: The Worm Caller. You must find and defeat carved piece of stonework depicting many worms
the shaman who is controlling these beasts. writhing together in a knot - which thrums with
magical power.
City: Once you defeat a worm make a note of where
you fought it. When you have defeated three worms, Task 3: Destroying the Idol. The idol you have
you can join the three locations together to make a retrieved from the shaman needs to be destroyed
triangle - the Worm-caller is hiding at the location safely, lest the unleashed magic calls a swarm of Sting
which is nearest to the centre of your triangle! You Worms to a�ack! You know that to dispose of it
should move to this location and search for him. To safely you must take it to a Temple - if you are in a
find his hiding spot - which will be a small cavern, city, find one on your map. If you are in the
cave or subterranean spot you must make an wilderness or a dungeon, you will need to return to
AFF Adventure Creation System
civilization. Destroying it any other way (by hi�ing it Mission 19: Thieves Abound
with a hammer for example) summons 2d6 Sting
Worms to a�ack you and prevents you from finding Overview: Your Opponent has dispatched cu�hroats,
your opponent, effectively ending this mission. Once purse-men, swindlers and con-men into the world to
at a Temple you can ask the priests to deal with it - make a misery of everyday life. Crime has become
they are happy to oblige. After you have done this, rampant and the effects are starting to make everyone
the next night you are granted a dream, showing you nervous and uncertain. The nobles are on the brink of
the location of your opponent's lair (which will be losing control and whilst they may not be the best
somewhere in the same se�lement as the temple). As people, a descent into chaos would be harrowing for
with many visions it is hard to interpret - drop or roll everyone. You have the opportunity to stop it, by
TWO dice onto your map to see which locations spo�ing the criminals and defeating them.
could be indicated by the vision. You must choose
one to investigate - when you get there you can either Locations: Choose one or roll 1d6: 1-2: City, 3-4:
test your LUCK to see if you are right or roll 1d6 - 1-3 Wilderness, 5-6: Dungeon.
you were correct, 4-6 you misinterpreted the dream.
If you have chosen the correct location, you can strike Task 1: Find some crime. You must do what the watch
at your opponent, if not you must fight a henchman. cannot - locate and stop crime.
Either way this mission is now complete.
City: As you move around the map make an
Dungeon: Finding out that a dungeon is infested with Awareness roll or a Sleight of Hand roll (this has a +2
giant carnivorous worms would usually be a cause bonus if you go searching at night - though remember
for celebration, as they will eat the other inhabitants to use the nigh�ime encounter tables). If you succeed
and save you the trouble. However, in this case it has you have spo�ed some illicit activity and can choose
been discovered that a shaman is using the dungeon to go after the criminal..or not. If you decide to ignore
as an incubator / nursery for worms he will unleash it, simply move on with your adventures. You should
when they are grown. For each section of the roll for encounters as normal in each location, in
dungeon a random room will contain some eggs addition to any criminality you spot.
guarded by a Sting Worm - you must defeat the
worm before you can destroy the eggs. Once you Wilderness: You have been advised that an area of the
have destroyed three sets of eggs the shaman will wilderness has been taken over by brigands that are
appear 1d6 rounds later, furious at what you have running amok; Once you get to the area you can
done. When you defeat him, you can take his worm-y begin to hunt them down. Each day that you spend
idol back to a city, town or village to have it destroyed patrolling the area roll for your encounters and make
at a temple, as described in the ‘city’ mission. up to three (your choice) Awareness or Secret Signs
skill tests to spot an outlaw. Unlike the encounters in
Special Reward for Success: In gratitude for your the city, the criminals must be fought.
work, local leather workers skin some of the dead
worms and make you a hardened leather hauberk Dungeon: A dungeon has been invaded by criminals
that provides +1 to Armour rolls, it can be sold for who are using it as a hideout and storehouse. In each
50gp if you don’t want it. In addition, the worms section replace 1d3 of the monsters with criminals
burrowing has opened the entrance to a dungeon rolled on the table given, who are drinking, dividing
underneath this se�lement - if you wish to explore it the loot or sharpening their weapons.
you can use the rules described in chapter 5.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Roll Activity Actions
1-2 Thugs. Following the sounds of a commotion you find that two thugs (SKILL 5 STAMINA 6
Armour: Light Weapon: Club) are beating up an unfortunate peasant, seemingly just for
fun. You may a�ack them or a�empt a Con skill roll to see if you can convince them to
3-4 Cutpurse. You spot a cutpurse slyly removing a woman’s purse as she is distracted by his
accomplice. (Two rogues, SKILL 6 STAMINA 6 Armour: Light Weapon: Dagger)
You may a�ack them or a�empt a Law skill roll to try and rouse some members of the
Watch to grab them.
5-6 Burglars. Your suspicions about a layabout are confirmed when you see him helping his friend out
of a window with their loot. Two Burglars (SKILL 6 STAMINA 7 Armour: Light Weapon:
Club) are a�empting to get away with their swag. You may a�ack them or a�empt a
Leadership skill roll to convince bystanders to form a mob and grab them. If you fail the
skill roll you may try to a�ack them anyway and stop them by direct means.
Task 2. Gather Tokens. Each time you stop one of If you have not chosen correctly, you burst in on a
these crimes you get to search the criminals and find group of low-lifes that sca�er before your wrath,
out which gang they belong to - leaping out of windows and down stairways to leave
you with a room full of upturned tables, spilled
1-2 The Pin Boys (always have a large drinks and abandoned cards and dice. You may
copper pin pushed through a part of immediately repeat this mission if you wish, but
their clothing) strike out the gang which you have scared off, so only
3-4 The Honest John’s (A copper ring two of them are operating.
adorned with a half-penny)
5-6: The Mud Sharks (A sharks tooth worn Wilderness: As above, the hideout is in the same area
as a pendant). and takes half a day of travel to reach.
As you collect them, note down each token in a list Dungeon: As above, the hideout is hidden behind a
numbered one to six. Once you have stopped six secret door in the room where you defeat the sixth
crimes, it’s time to see if you have worked out which criminal.
gang has been taken over by your Opponent.
City: Drop or roll a dice onto your map and mark the
nearest location as the site of the hideout you have
decided to a�ack (It cannot be in the Jail, Keep or
Wealthy Streets).
AFF Adventure Creation System
Mission 20: Run the Gauntlet Dungeon: You’ve been asked to complete a simple
mission - go and retrieve an informer from a location
Overview: You have been approached by a nervous described to you. You find the hidden camp but as
peasant (no doubt in awe of your heroic status) and you approach the man the ground gives way! Both
told that they have a friend who, disgusted by the you and him crash downward into the earth,
foul deeds they are being asked to carry out, wishes tumbling through the soil until you are deposited in
to turn against his employer and become an informer a dark chamber deep underground. The path of your
- they provide you with a location to meet them and travel rapidly fills up leaving you and the informer
li�le else - it could be a trap, but you wouldn’t be a with no choice - you’ll have to fight your way back to
hero if you didn’t at least try to help. the surface.
Locations: Choose one or roll 1d6: 1-2: City, 3-4: Task 2: Shake the tail. Your informer is being hunted
Wilderness, 5-6: Dungeon. - you must take them to safety.
Task 1: Meet the Informer. You must meet up with City: The wretched peasant will lead you through the
your informer. city until they are satisfied that they are no longer
being followed, at which point they will lead you to a
City: Drop or roll a dice onto your map and note the safe house and help you as they can (see rules below).
nearest Inn, Tavern or Drinking Den - this is where They absolutely refuse to tell you the location in
you will meet your new friend. Stepping into a back advance.
room of the inn you see the figure of a man, hunched
over and lurking in the darkened far corner. Even Wilderness: The rules for losing the ‘followers’ are the
though they are in the shadows, you can tell instantly same as for the city, though this time each move
that they are alert and fearful. With a shaking voice represents a few hours of travel - roll for encounters
they ask your name and what your intentions are. as appropriate. If you keep your ward long enough to
Once you have reassured them that you are here to lose the trail you will have arrived at a safe house
help, the informer tells you that they have a safe hidden in this area.
house in mind and will tell you everything they know
once they get there. Unfortunately they are being Dungeon: Create a dungeon section and place
followed - before you get to the safe house you must yourself and your ward at the start of it. You will
keep them safe whilst they shake off their would be need to get past 2-4 (1d3+1) dungeon sections to reach
assassins. the exit. Each time you encounter a monster roll 1d6 -
on a roll of 1, they are accompanied by a Goblin
Wilderness: Out in the wilds (randomly chosen area) Assassin (see table)!
an informer waits, fearfully, at a hidden camp. You
have been given a description and asked to go and City/Wilderness: Starting from the location where you
retrieve them. Once you reach the area, make a met the informer, you should roll a 1d6 and move to
Region Lore roll to find the camp - you can make your next location accordingly 1 = north, 2 = east, 3 =
three a�empts each day until you find it. Once there, south, 4 = west, 5 = back the way you came, 6 = stop
you pick up the informer and ready yourself to make and rest for a few minutes. If the result of the roll is
a dash out of the neighbourhood, which is crawling nonsensical, simply roll again (the informer is
with assassins. panicking and doesn’t know which way to turn).
Each time you come into a new location, you should
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
roll for the normal set of encounters but do The informer is not entirely paranoid, and in each
everything you can to avoid or ignore them - so if you location (in addition to any normal encounters) you
meet a friendly NPC you must choose the least time need to protect them. Your informer is a coward (they
consuming option for dialogue. If not, the informer will cower behind you) and has STAMINA 10 and no
will start to panic and decide to take their chances - he armour or shield (if you have some spare you may
will run off into the crowd and the mission will fail! equip him). If they are killed, the mission is a failure.
You may do this mission at night, if you wish. You may use magic or healing to heal them and you
may feed them rations once, but only if you get a 6 on
the dice to decide which direction to move.
1d6 A�ack Effect
1-2 Goblin A Goblin Assassin bursts from the shadows, intent on murdering your ward. The goblin
Assassin has SKILL 6 STAMINA 6 Armour: Leather Cuirass Weapon: Handaxe. If they land a
blow, instead of damaging you they damage the informer!
3-4 Sniper An expert crossbowman has been hired to take potshots from the rooftops! Make a test
against your Awareness skill. If you succeed you have spo�ed them in time and can move
into cover. If you fail, your informer is hit by a bolt - roll on the crossbow damage table.
5 Trampled With a cry of ‘Yah!Yah!’ the peace of the street is sha�ered as a mounted mercenary
a�empts to ride down your informer with their charging steed - make a test against your
Dodge or Acrobatics skill to drag both yourself and your ward out of the way. If you
succeed, you have leapt clear.If you fail, he has trampled you underhoof. You and the
informer must roll on the club damage table to see how badly hurt you are. Either way the
mercenary disappears into the throng as quickly as he appeared, probably seeking
another place to make a charge.
6 Clear! No ambushes have been laid in this location - take a moment to rest and then move on.
You may stop and eat rations here.
After you survive each a�ack roll 2d6 and add 3 for the numbers you picked, you have found a vital piece
each location you have passed through (this is of information - the current location of your
cumulative - after 2 locations you roll and add 6, after opponent. If, when you roll the 1d6, the number you
3 you roll and add 9 etc). If the total is 25 or more, you get is not one that you had picked, you have not done
have reached the safe house and the grateful wretch your interrogation properly and when you arrive at
leads you inside where he can spill the beans on your the location you must ba�le a henchman instead.
opponent. But what, exactly, does he know? In the city, your opponent is at a random location, in
the wilderness they are close by in the same area (half
Task 3: Interrogating the Informer. You must get what a day’s travel) and for the dungeon their lair is
you can from the snitch. City/Wilderness/Dungeon: outside, use the wilderness lair description.
The man, still shaking from his ordeal, is more than
eager to tell you everything. The problem is in sorting Special Reward for Success: The informer is still
the wheat from the chaff to get information you can grateful to you. Pick a se�lement where they live -
use. Make five rolls using either the Etique�e, Con or whilst in that se�lement you can contact them for
Leadership skills. Each time you succeed in a test, information, giving you a +1 bonus to any skill test
pick a number between one and six. Once you have where you need to investigate criminal activity. This
done your five tests, roll 1d6 - if it comes up as one of bonus can be used once each day.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Mission 21: Rogue Watchmen (City Task 1: You watch the Watchmen. The first job is to
Only) watch the watchmen and collect evidence and
witnesses. Pick a location in the city and move to it.
Overview: The peasants are grumbling about the Once there, you find a quiet place to observe the
behaviour of the Watch - that’s not unusual, but some patrols. Each period of observation will take up half a
of the rumours you have been hearing indicate that day, during which time you can’t do much else apart
there might be a serious problem. People have been from mundane tasks (eating, using services available
arrested on trumped up charges and when their at the location you have chosen). Roll 1d6 for each
friends objected, some severe beatings were handed half day spent -
out. It looks like some Watchmen have been
convinced to do a bit of work for the criminals. The 1-4 The Watch are behaving normally -
difficulty is in identifying which of them have gone keeping order, supping on small ale,
bad and then proving it, without ending up in jail eating pies.
yourself. 5-6 You spot a patrol acting strangely and
decide to investigate further. Roll to
see what they are up to:
Task 2. Convince the Captain. At any point, you can suspicious activity) you can add a bonus of +2 to your
move to the Jail location and try to convince the roll. Thus, you must decide how long you spend
Captain of the Watch (who has an impeccable investigating before you present yourself to the
reputation for honesty) that he has some ‘bent’ Captain. If you fail the roll, he is not impressed and
Watchmen on his force and that they need to be sends you away - you may only try again after
interrogated. collecting more evidence.
In order to convince him you need to make a Law or Once you succeed, the Captain will round up the
Leadership skill roll with a target number of 20. For accused Watchmen and hold a court martial, with
each piece of evidence you have collected (each you invited to present your case. The Captain is
successful roll you made when dealing with the thorough and dedicated to their job, but not that
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
interested in ba�ling your opponent - you must try to Mission 22: Slave Takers
get that information yourself. Make a Law, Con or
Leadership skill roll and take note of the total you get Overview: Disappearances are not unusual but of
(your skill plus your 2d6 roll). This represents the late, the numbers of those lost to the terrors of the
amount of information you got from the accused night have increased. It is suspected that slave takers
about the movements of your opponent. For example are on the roam, snatching the unwary and dragging
- if you have a Law skill of 6 and roll 9 on your 2d6 them away to serve some brutal master. In the city,
you have 15 points to spend for the final part. people are snatched in the dead of night when the
Watch are sleeping. In the wilds, travellers disappear
and rumours persist of dungeons in which these
wretches are forced to labour. Surely a hero can be
found to put an end to this?
Special Reward for Success: All this discussion of the Dungeon: Rumour has it that slaves have been taken
Law has given you some insights - if you have 2 or to this dungeon and set to work, you would be highly
fewer points in the Law special skill, you gain one praised if you could free them. As you move through
point (without having to spend experience points). this dungeon, roll 1d6 for each room you enter. On a
AFF Adventure Creation System
roll of 1 you find the body of a slave that has been Task 3: Interrogation. Should you accept their
worked to death, on a 6 you find a slave still alive that surrender, you can now roll a test against Etique�e or
you can free. Each living slave will provide you with Con to interrogate them. If you fail (or you have
a li�le bit of information - roll 1d3 for each one you killed them both), they have lied and you get nothing
liberate and keep a track of the total. Once you feel useful. If you succeed, they give you some
you have enough information, roll 4d6 and compare information - make a note of how much you succeed
it to your total. If the amount rolled is less than or by. For example, if your skill roll was 5 and your
equal to your information total and less than 20, you Etique�e skill is 8, you have succeeded by 3. Now you
have correctly understood where you can find the must decide if you have enough information to seek
mastermind of this operation and can strike at your out the leader. You can keep trying to catch more
opponent (their lair is in a random room in the next Slave Takers each night to get more information, and
dungeon section). If the total of your 4d6 roll is more add together your successes (thus, if you have
than your total or 20 or more, your activity has tipped interrogated three times you might have a total of 8
them off and you only find a henchman. Either way ‘points’ of success).
your work has brought an end to the slave taking and
you can consider this mission complete. Once you feel you have enough, roll 4d6 - if the total
rolled is less than or equal to your score from
Task 2: Confront the Slavers. You have found the evil- interrogations and less than 20, you have correctly
doers, now it's time to fight them. understood where you can find the mastermind of
this operation and can strike at your opponent. If the
Slave Takers total of your 4d6 roll is more than your successes or
SKILL 6 20 or more, your activity has tipped them off and you
STAMINA 8 only find a henchman. It is thus important to decide
Weapon: Club (and see description) each night if you feel you have gathered enough
Armour: Leather Cuirass and a Small Shield. information. Either way this does bring an end to the
slave taking - for now - and the mission is completed.
Whilst most people out at night are hurrying quickly
to their destination, you notice two men sneaking If you are successful in your information gathering
along carefully, armed with clubs and nets. Surely your opponent is either in a random location on your
they are part of the slaver gang you are hunting for. map (city) or hiding somewhere near the roadway
Now you must confront them - they are surprised but within one hour's travel (wilderness).
not impressed, simply laughing and pointing out that
you’ll make a fine slave for the mines. Special Reward for Success: Bringing an end to this
slavery has earned you a network of contacts and
In the first round of combat they will both sling helpers and allies in the lower classes. To represent
weighted nets - if either of these hit, you are snared this, in your next mission you have a bonus of +8
and suffer a -2 penalty to your combat skill unless which you can share amongst skill tests adding at
you spend a round cu�ing or pulling yourself free. most +2 to any one test (so you could have three
bonuses of +2, six of +1 or some mixture that adds up
You must fight them together, but after the first Slave to +8).
Taker is defeated, the second one will surrender -
they offer you information in return for le�ing them
go free.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Mission 23: Shadow War (City Only). By diplomacy: You can use Leadership, Con or Law
skill to make an opposed test against the servants’
Overview: In public the nobility of the city obey the leaders. They have a SKILL of 6. There is a lot of
accepted forms of etique�e and courtesy, but behind shouting and accusations from both sides, but if you
the scenes a vicious shadow war has erupted casting beat them in the test you manage to get everyone
all social conventions aside and leaving a bloody trail calmed down enough to back down and avoid a fight.
in its wake. A number of well known nobles have If you lose the test, it’s time for violence…
been killed in duels and violence is spilling over to
their retainers and households. It’s time for this to By violence: Pausing only to throw their cap to one
stop before it spreads further. side, a tough looking servant steps up and takes a
swing at you. Whilst the others watch and cheer, you
Task 1: Spo�ing Trouble. You can’t interfere directly must fight!
with the nobility but you can try to stop their
employees from fighting. The best places to spot 1d6 Which Servant challenges you
trouble will be the Inn, Tavern, Wealthy Streets, Keep, 1 Stable Lad
Park or Theatre locations, places where the servants SKILL 5
of the wealthy are most commonly found. Pick one STAMINA 8
from your map, move there and start to ask around. Weapon: Club
Armour: Dodge skill 2.
Once at your location, make three skill tests from the 2-4 Servant
Awareness, Etique�e, Law or Sneaking skills (your SKILL 5
choice). If you wish to, you can don a disguise to help STAMINA 9
(test against the Disguise skill) or try a li�le bribery Weapon: Pitchfork (treat as spear)
(test against the Bargain skill at a cost of 1d6gp) and Armour: Dodge skill 3.
if you succeed you gain a bonus of +1 to your tests for 5-6 Bodyguard
this location. SKILL 6
If you succeed with two out of three of your tests you Weapon: Sword
have got wind of a fight being arranged nearby - the Armour: Dodge skill 3.
investigation takes 1d6 hours.
The servant is brave but not stupid - if reduced to 3 or
Task 2: Calm them down. The fight has been fewer points of STAMINA he will try to surrender
arranged to happen in a quiet side street with few (though you don’t have to accept - none of this is
windows overlooking it. You arrive early and conceal considered an Unlawful Action). Should you win the
yourself. You don’t have to wait long until two fight, the rest of the peasants get the message and
groups of servants appear, one at each end of the change their minds about fighting.
alley. They are clearly excited and ready for violence.
You can slip away at this point, if you wish, but to Task 3: Gather Information. The servants have
stop them you will have to confront them. Stepping calmed down enough to return to their duties, but
out you let it be known that they need to either before they leave you do tell you that the fight was
disperse or go through you - to make it a ma�er of the result of le�ers the masters of both sides received
diplomacy or violence. from a mysterious source. This is clearly a person of
interest to you, but the servants are uncertain about
AFF Adventure Creation System
trusting you, no ma�er what you say - Roll 2d6. If Probably dragged from a prison cell, this scrawny
you get a 12, you have persuaded them to assist you man looks on the verge of starvation. Slashing the air
in the next step. For each fight that you break up (you in front of them they advance malevolently.
may look for one each day) you add one to this roll as
you gather information about the mysterious le�er The messenger will move through five locations
writer. Once you succeed, a group of servants accept before they get to their destination - but is it where
that you are trying to help and invite you to wait at your opponent is waiting or have they been
their masters’ house for the next appearance of the forewarned? Roll 2d6.
messenger, who they are expecting to call that very
evening. The house is in the Wealthy Streets location For each Thug you fought (due to failing your
(drop or roll a dice onto your map and pick the Sneaking skill test) and for each Challenge encounter
nearest one). They hide you in the servants quarters you faced along the way add one to your total. If your
where you can see the messenger arrive and deliver total is 10 or less, you get to strike at your opponent!
the latest note, then it’s up to you to follow them. If your total is 11 or more, the messenger sent one of
her thugs to run ahead and warn her employer, and
Task 4: On the trail. Now you have a chance to follow you get to fight a henchman. Either way, you have
the messenger, whoever she is, the messenger knows done enough to end the shadow war for now (the
that they are up to no good and it is quickly apparent nobility are always looking for an excuse to a�ack
she has protection in the form of a group of three each other) and this mission is completed.
thugs that fall in step with her. From the location you
start, roll to see what direction she takes - (roll 1d6 -
1=north, 2=east, 3=south, 4=west, 5,6 roll again. If the
direction is outside the city, move left (1-3) or right
(4-6) along the boundary of the city) then make an
Awareness or Hunting skill test with a +3 bonus to
see if you can keep up. If you fail the Awareness test
you can either test your LUCK to see if you can pick
up the trail again, or must go back to the step above
and convince another group of servants to help you
(you keep your bonuses for the 2d6 roll to see if you
can get their help).
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
10.2 Creating Quests & Missions challenges to overcome.
Much of this book is dedicated to helping you bring In this section we will be se�ing out some ideas on
your world to life by creating maps for you to journey how to create your own quests and missions and
through and encounters to challenge your heroes. In provide you with a system to help generate them
this section we focus on how to create your own randomly. Whether you design your own from
quests and missions, providing tips, ideas and scratch or use the random generation to provide cues
options that will help you come up with the type of and ideas, pu�ing everything together into a
missions that you and your group will enjoy. coherent whole will require some imagination on
your part. The pre-wri�en missions provided earlier
It should be emphasised that creating your own in this chapter give you some examples of how to do
adventures is a skill that takes time to develop - there that.
is no magic formula to produce them. Because of that
everything in this section should be seen as optional Another way of using this book is to combine these
and advisory - you should read through it and use the two approaches and mix up wandering with a small
parts you like, rather than treat it as a system that amount of quests - in that scenario as your hero enters
forces you down a rigid path. a se�lement, dungeon or wilderness area they should
choose or randomly generate a number of tasks and
Wanderer, Quester, Hero objectives to complete there. It might be that you
How your heroes approach the world is up to you decide to complete three tasks every time you come
and your Director. In this book we have given you to a city, one task in each wilderness area or dungeon
the tools to create se�lements, dungeons and section. Combining these into a coherent story can be
wilderness environments to a challenge, but this method has
explore, endlessly. That means the advantage of needing very
that your heroes can wander the li�le preparation.
world, finding challenges in the
random encounters of the Remember that when carrying
wilderness of delving into out missions and quests you still
increasingly wicked dungeons. have to check for random
There is nothing wrong with this encounters and deal with
approach, sometimes called a environmental hazards as usual.
hex crawl or dungeon crawl If your quest requires you to find
(and with this book, a city a dungeon and explore it, you
crawl), and it can be a nice way should still work out the
of expanding your map and encounters you have in the
discovering new areas. wilderness as you travel there,
and populate your dungeon
A different option is to create with monsters as normal. In
quests and missions for your other words, your missions and
heroes to carry out. Unlike a quests happen ‘on top’ of
crawl, the missions will have an whatever you would meet by
objective and a series of tasks of wandering.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Creating a Mission, Adventure or Quest Based on this we can start breaking down an overall
quest (such as ‘save the kingdom’) into smaller parts
There are many ways to go about designing your - the first step might be something as simple as
missions, ranging from simply le�ing them develop visiting locations around a city to find out what
by chance as your hero wanders the world to people think is going wrong, leading to a
intricately plo�ing a lengthy series of adventures confrontation with an evil doer. You don’t have to
with distinct chapters that need to be worked work out the full campaign all at the start!
through in order, often called a campaign. We can
start by asking ourselves a series of questions such as: As you can see at the lowest level a campaign breaks
down into a series of quests and adventures, which in
• What would my heroes be interested in doing? turn break down into a series of tasks and objectives.
Are they sell-swords looking for a fight, priests Gathering information is a task with the objective of
hoping to impress their god or mages seeking learning something important, chasing a goblin
ancient knowledge? across rooftops is a task with the objective of fighting
or capturing it, fighting a group of orcs is a task with
• What is going on in the world? Is it of interest to the objective of surviving and protecting others.
the heroes or will they ignore it? Further on in this section we provide a list of tasks
that can be used to build missions and adventures,
• Once a quest is started, what is the overall
based largely on the special skills listed in the
objective? (save the kingdom, earn gold, defeat the
Advanced Fighting Fantasy rulebook. The intention
is that you use these as ‘ingredients’ to help you make
• What can the hero do to achieve that? What is a satisfying feast of adventure. It is up to you and
their first step? your Director to build these pieces into a full,
coherent mission, always remembering that your
• What do the heroes know? What information is imagination takes precedence over anything wri�en
hidden from them? in this book and the ultimate intention is to have fun!
• What happens if I fail part of the quest? Does it The Quest Hook
fail completely, or is it merely a setback? If the world is peaceful and quiet, there is li�le for the
hero to do. The quest hook is the initial event of
• If I succeed, what happens next? Is it the end of circumstance that disrupts that calm and provides a
that adventure, or just the end of one part of it? reason to design and create quests. This is just as
important to the Director as it is for the hero, as the
quest hook should be important in helping you to
decide what sort of challenges to place before your
heroes and where the action should take place.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Of course, there are many ways to deal with most the king to send troops out to deal with it. The
problems. A rampaging monster could be dealt with descriptions are deliberately left somewhat vague
by finding it and fighting it, but the heroes could also and open to interpretation.
try and trap it, lure it away from the area, or convince
AFF Adventure Creation System
Who is behind it all? using one of the examples given in section 9.1. Not
Everything happens for a reason, or so we are told. In only will this give you an ultimate objective to work
Chapter 9 we have covered the creation of villains - towards, but also help you set the tone for your
your adversary that is behind the problems your hero campaign. If your opponent is an evil mage, you can
has to face and in section 7.2 we have also provided include elements of trickery and magic use into your
rules for creating factions, if you would prefer to fight adventures whereas an orc warlord is more likely to
against a whole group of enemies rather than a single deal in violence and bloodshed.
You can take a ‘wait and see’ approach and see how
It is generally best to work out at the start who you your missions develop but this can also make it more
are dealing with, either by creating an adversary or difficult to design your campaign in a coherent way.
Either way, the Director is under
no obligation to tell the heroes who
the villain is at the start - saving
that information for later on can
give you a satisfying moment of
Hero’s Motivation
Why does your hero get out of bed,
grab their weapons or spellbooks
and head out into danger? What
motivates them? Even if you
happen to be aware that a huge
chaos warped ogre is destroying
villages nearby, does that mean it
should be you that deals with the
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Breaking down Adventures into Missions and The overall objective is clear - find out who or what is
Mission Difficulty causing this disease and stop it - but it is difficult to
When working out your quests and missions you come up with one quest or adventure that
don’t need to design the whole campaign from start encompasses that. Instead, we can create a series of
to finish in one go! It is nearly always be�er to break missions by breaking it down into smaller steps:
things down into manageable chunks which will
make it a lot easier for you to design each part. This Step 1: Investigate the disease. The Director decides
approach helps you get started and you may well that this is going to be a fairly easy section of the
find that once you work out the details of your first mission, to get the hero started on their quest. They
mission, the others follow on naturally. assign it two to three tasks, focused on healing and
social skills and one fight at the end (when the hero
One way to do this is to write out a series of objectives finds a ghoul spreading the plague).
or plot points; each one should represent either a
single mission or group of missions for your heroes. Step 2: Find out where the ghoul came from and how
As an example, consider a hero that is faced with the it got to the village. The Director makes this step
quest hook ‘An unnatural pestilence is sweeping the longer, with five or six tasks and a couple of fights as
land. Is it simply misfortune or is there something the hero discovers that the ghouls are being brought
sinister behind it?’ into the villages at night by a group of orcs.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Step 3: The final step is much longer, in which the A Director can sit down and write out all the steps
hero must track the orcs out into the wilderness, find right at the start, or they can build the quest step-by-
their lair (a large dungeon), ba�le their way through step, working out the next stage after they have seen
it and confront the leader (an evil priest of death). how the hero copes with each mission. Either
approach works perfectly well and most Directors
In general, the duration and difficulty of each mission tend to adopt a mixture of improvisation and
should relate to the rewards. A short, easy mission preparation.
allows the hero to make a li�le progress in their
overall quest, a longer mission should provide Whilst the overall objective of a series of quests
something more substantial and bring the hero closer remains the same (deal with the big problem facing
to their goal. the hero) some examples of typical mission objectives
can help you get started in planning it out if you are
struggling for inspiration.
Specific Tasks or mix and match. If you want to, you can roll the dice
To help create a mission or adventure, it can be and obtain random themes though you might want to
helpful to break it down into smaller pieces - specific choose one main theme to pick most of the tasks from
tasks and associated objectives. A list of tasks can and then mix in some from other areas.
then be assembled into something more dynamic and
engaging, but having that start point is a very useful For example, you could build a mission around the
way to fire up your imagination. idea of ‘diplomacy’ in which you take three or four
tasks from that area and then include some from
In this section we provide a list of tasks related to other areas such as subterfuge, knowledge, religion
different areas of the game, particularly the use of or so on. In addition to this - don’t forget the combat!
special skills. The purpose is that you should look There is always an opportunity to include a fight (or
through the list and choose a number of these to help two or three) in any adventure, and whilst there are
you build up a coherent mission. many dangers in the world of Titan a lot of the risk
lies in fighting the monsters. We very much
To help you, they are divided into themes - combat, recommend that you include at least a few combats in
movement, subterfuge, knowledge, diplomacy, almost any mission - there are plenty of monsters to
magic, religion, general and exploration. You could choose from.
choose to pick all the individual tasks from one group
AFF Adventure Creation System
Mission Points. Some something and start
of the tasks are again if you feel it is
easier and faster, hopeless!
some are harder. To
represent this, each Don’t forget your
of them has a environment! The
suggested number missions are set in
of ‘mission points’ cities, dungeons or
to indicate how the wilderness and
difficult they are. just because you are
You can tally them busy chasing a
up to give you a goblin courier
rough indication of across the rooftops
how hard the it doesn’t mean you
overall task is or just can ignore the other
use it as a guide to hazards and
help you decide challenges that
which tasks your surround you.
heroes should Maybe you’ll run
a�empt. into something
helpful, or perhaps
Broadly speaking it will be a
an easy mission challenge. Either
should equate to way, you should
about 5-10 mission remember that you
points, a have to deal with
moderately hard your surroundings
mission should be as well as the bigger
around 11-20 problem.
mission points and
a hard mission will be 20 or more. Location, Location, Location. Not every task can be
completed in every type of environment. If, for
Clearly these are only rough guidelines to help you example, you have been set the job of visiting 5
decide how much effort your heroes should have to friendly traders (to find out who is buying up all the
put in to make progress in their overall quest. weapons recently) it is probably impossible to do this
in a dungeon and extremely time consuming to do it
Once you have made your choices or rolled the dice, in the wilderness! Each task has a list of
we strongly recommend that you take a few moments recommended locations - you might want to keep all
to work the suggestions into something coherent - a the tasks in one mission in the same place,
mission which makes sense. You should feel free to particularly for short, easy missions. As with
remove, add, rewrite or rearrange the parts so that everything in this section, you will need to interpret
you end up with something which is challenging, the suggestions so they make sense.
interesting and intelligible. Don’t be afraid to scrap
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Table 10.2.5 Randomised Task Categories -
Pick a theme for your mission or roll on the table below to come up with some ideas - it’s up to you to
assemble them into something that makes sense.
1d6 1d6 Task Category & Description
1-2 1-4 Combat. Tasks that involve fighting one or more opponents. Choose something that is
appropriate for your mission and the power of your hero or look at the advice given below about
‘monsters’. Combat tasks are generally straightforward, can be included in any mission and are
often the final task of a mission, as the hero ba�les to defeat the cause of the problem.
5 Magic. A smaller category of tasks in which you rely on your knowledge of magic to make
progress. Heroes without any magical ability may wish to avoid this category entirely.
6 Religion. On Titan, everyone has some knowledge of the gods and priests and temples are
important parts of life. Your ability to recognise the different religions and know how to interact
with them could be vital.
3-4 1-2 Knowledge. Tasks that test your learning and lore, often favoured by magic users. Advancing
your quest by finding out more information can be far quicker than using brute force.
3-4 Diplomacy. Tasks that involve using your social skills to convince, persuade, impress or lie to
people. Success or failure can be critical to your mission as you either recover vital information
or get the people on your side.
5-6 General. Tasks that revolve around day-to-day activities or incidents, things that are not covered
by specific skills and challenges that most heroes should be able to have a go at. Objectives are
varied but usually amount to some useful but not major progress in your mission.
5-6 1-2 Movement. Tasks that involve displays of athleticism, such as running, jumping or climbing. Can
be a challenge for heavily armoured heroes, movement tasks let you pass obstacles, chase down
enemies or just show off your skills.
3-4 Subterfuge. A bit of deception and trickery can often be the best way to achieve your goals. Being
able to outwit your enemies may be the only way to lure them into open combat.
5-6 Exploration. With a whole world to explore, why not get out and see what you can find? Often,
merchants and nobles will be willing to pay heroes to go into the dangerous wilderness and deal
with a problem.
Failing a task Other skills not covered: Additional skills are listed in
If your hero fails at a task, what happens? It doesn’t other rulebooks, such as the Advanced Fighting
mean the overall mission or quest has to be Fantasy Combat Companion containing the skill
abandoned, just that you need to find another ‘Monster Lore’. We have only covered skills listed in
solution to your problem. In the later part of this the core rulebook, but you should make use of the
section we provide some rules for ‘setbacks’ that your skills and abilities listed in the other books if you
hero can suffer because of their failure, but a simple have them. Looking at the task descriptions given in
solution is to take on another task from the same this section should give you plenty of ideas about
category. So, if your hero fails a ‘diplomacy’ task, find other tasks and objectives you can come up with.
another task that you feel could substitute for it.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Combat Tasks not every task can be carried out in every
Choose one of the tasks from this list, or roll to find a environment. A tough combat is often the final task of
random task. Remember to consider your location, as a mission.
Table 10.2.6 Randomised Combat Tasks
1d6 1d6 Task Description
1-2 1-6 Fight a monster: Find a monster that is appropriate for your hero or use the methods detailed at
the end of this section to generate one. It has the usual equipment, treasure and methods of a�ack.
If you flee, the task is failed. Locations: City, Wilderness, Dungeon. Mission Points: 1.
3-4 1-2 Fight 1d6 opponents in waves: You have found yourself the target of a�ack and must defeat a
number of monsters to proceed. They can be one type of monster or a mixture. The order you
fight them is based on how many there are. Roll 1d6 and then fight the groups as follows: 1 - fight
alone. 2 - fight separately. 3 - fight one, and then two together. 4 - fight two pairs. 5 - fight one and
then two pairs. 6 - fight one, then two, then three together. You have one round of rest between
each set of monsters and you may use that to flee (though this means the task is failed and you
suffer a setback). Locations: City, Wilderness, Dungeon. Mission Points: 3.
3-4 Display of Skill: You have entered into a tournament or contest in which non-lethal blows are
struck and the outcome is decided by displays of skill (an archery contest, a melee with training
weapons and so on). You have been matched with someone of similar skill to your own. Take
your highest combat special skill and add 6 to it; this is your opponent's total (So, if your hero has
SKILL 7 and 3 points in Polearms, your opponent has a combat special skill of 6+3 = 9). Now make
10 opposed combat rolls to see how many times you win - you must win 5 times to succeed with
this task. If you fail, you suffer a setback. If you succeed you are awarded a prize of 2d6gp and
may continue with your quest. The contest takes half a day. Locations: City. Mission Points: 1.
5-6 Fight a Henchman: You have come across a Henchman of your Opponent and must fight them.
Refer to the details for your particular Opponent. If you are not fighting against a specific villain
you can still use Table 9.2.7 'Villain's Henchman’ to create one. Defeating them should give some
interesting or useful progress to your quest. If you flee, this task is failed. Locations: City,
Wilderness, Dungeon. Mission Points: 2.
5-6 1-3 Fight an ‘enhanced’ opponent: Find a monster that is appropriate for your hero or use the
methods detailed at the end of this section to generate one. It is an experienced combatant and +1
to its combat, damage and armour rolls. If you flee, the task is failed. Locations: City, Wilderness,
Dungeon. Mission Points: 1.
4-5 Fight 1+1d2 easy opponents: Find a monster that is appropriate for your hero or use the methods
detailed at the end of this section to generate one. They are slightly weaker (or already injured)
and have a -1 penalty to their combat, damage and armour rolls, but you must fight them all at
once. If you flee, the task is failed. Locations: City, Wilderness, Dungeon. Mission Points: 2.
6 Confront your Opponent! - You are suddenly, and quite by chance, confronted by your
Opponent, the villain behind all the problems. Perhaps you stumble upon them at a meeting, or
maybe they have sought you out. Either way, you must now fight them. The usual rules apply for
a confrontation and you should remind yourself of them before the fight begins. If you defeat
them completely, this is probably the end of your mission! If you flee, this task is failed. Locations:
City, Wilderness, Dungeon. Mission Points: 3 or the end of your quest.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Magic not every task can be carried out in every
Choose one of the tasks from this list, or roll to find a environment. It is likely that only heroes who have
random task. Remember to consider your location, as some skill in MAGIC will be able to a�empt these.
Table 10.2.7 Randomised Magic Tasks
1d6 Description
1-2 Magic Lore - Research: You need to uncover a piece of forgo�en magical knowledge, vital to your quest.
Make 1d6+3 Magic Lore skill tests, you must succeed in half or more of them. Each test requires a whole
day of intense study. If you have access to a library (for example, at the College location in a se�lement)
you can add a +2 bonus to your skill tests. If you fail the task you have misunderstood your research and
come to the wrong conclusion. You can a�empt this task again (once). Locations: City. Mission Points: 2.
3-4 Magic Lore - Understanding: You are faced with a magical puzzle (a set of runes to decipher, a magical
lock protecting a doorway etc) and you must solve it to progress your quest. Make a Magic Lore skill test
with a TN of 15 - if you succeed you have beaten the puzzle, if you fail it reacts to you by firing a bolt of
magic at you, causing 1d6 points of damage! You may make three a�empts, all within the same day,
before the puzzle is sealed forever. You may also a�empt to solve the puzzle by chance - test your LUCK
to succeed, but you only get one chance. Locations: City, Wilderness, Dungeon. Mission Points: 1.
5-6 Magic Lore - Recognising: You have been asked to collect samples of an unusual magical item carried by
your foes. For each evil humanoid monster you defeat, make a Magic Lore skill test. You must succeed
3+1d3 times in order to complete this task. You can carry this out whilst completing other tasks.
Locations: City, Wilderness, Dungeon. Mission Points: 1.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
General Tasks not every task can be carried out in every
Choose one of the tasks from this list, or roll to find a environment. General tasks can happen at any point
random task. Remember to consider your location, as and can be combined with other tasks.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
1d6 1d6 Description
4-6 1 Sneaking - Stealth: You need to move whilst avoiding detection by your enemies either to throw
them off your tail or just to avoid confrontation. Make 1d6+3 Sneaking skill tests, you must
succeed in half or more of them. Each skill test must be in a different location in a city or different
room in a dungeon. In the wilderness, each one takes half a day of ‘sneaking’ to accomplish your
task. Succeed in the task and you can avoid encounters as you glide silently past, but failure
means you must roll on the appropriate encounter table as you blunder into someone or
something. Locations: City, Wilderness, Dungeon. Mission Points: 2.
2 Traps - Finding/Disabling: You have been tasked to find and disable 1d3+3 traps, sca�ered
around the se�lement, wilderness or dungeon. In a se�lement there is a maximum of one trap per
location and finding it requires a successful Trap Knowledge skill test (if failed, move to another
location and try again). In a wilderness there are a number of traps set about one area, you may
test your Trap Knowledge skill each half day spent searching to discover one (or two with a
critical success). In a dungeon there are (at least) 1d3 per section, assign them to random rooms.
If you fail your Trap Knowledge skill test, roll on Table 4.4.2 ‘Traps’ to find out what happens!
Locations: City, Wilderness, Dungeon. Mission Points: 2.
3 City Lore - Contacts: You need to find some unusual or possibly illegal services. Make 1d6+3 City
Lore skill tests, you must succeed in half or more of them. Each one must be made whilst in a
different location within a se�lement. If you fail the task you have upset the local militia, roll on
the Lawbreaker table. Locations: City. Mission Points: 1.
4 Con - Deceit: Sometimes there is nothing wrong with telling a few li�le lies. You must a�empt
them whilst having social encounters. Make 1d6+3 Con skill tests, you must succeed in half or
more of them. Each one must be made during a different encounter. If you fail the task your social
skill rolls have a -2 penalty in this se�lement for 1d3 days as mistrust festers. Locations: City.
Mission Points: 1.
5 Secret Signs - Identifying: Someone is using secret signs or a code to carry out their evil plans.
You need to find and decode these markers so you can understand what they are doing. Make
1d6+3 Secret Signs skill tests, you must succeed in half or more of them. In a city each sign or code
will be in a different location (scratched on the side of a building). In the wilderness they will be
carved into trees or rocks (searching for one takes half a day) and in a dungeon they will be
carved or painted onto walls (1d3 per dungeon section). Also, fragments of the code will be
carried by any evil humanoids that you defeat. Locations: City, Wilderness, Dungeon. Mission
Points: 2.
6 Secret Signs - Using: You need to communicate with an ally using a secret code. Make 1d6+3
Secret Signs skill tests, you must succeed in half or more of them. Each test needs to be done in a
separate location or, in the wilderness, at most one every half a day as you move around an area
leaving a trail for them to follow. Should you fail the task in a city, you are suspected of being a
criminal and must roll on the Lawbreaker table. In the wilderness, failure simply means you do
not pass on your message. Locations: City, Wilderness. Mission Points: 2.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Exploration consuming, remember to bring enough food and
Choose one of the tasks from this list, or roll to find a equipment to survive in the wilds. Such tasks might
random task. Remember to consider your location, as also be combined with others that you complete
not every task can be carried out in every ‘along the way’.
environment. Exploration tasks can be quite time
Table 10.2.14 Randomised Exploration Tasks
1d6 1d6 Task Description
1-2 1-2 Fishing: You have been asked to gather some information on the quality of fishing available in
part of the wilderness. Use the rules provided in the Wilderness Creation & Adventures chapter
to find a random area of the wilderness and make your way there. Make 1d6+3 Fishing skill tests,
you must succeed in half or more of them. Each skill test requires half a day of fishing for you to
make an assessment. Each success grants you 1d6 meals worth of food. Each time you fail, you
are a�acked by 1d3 enraged Marsh Hoppers. Marsh Hopper SKILL 4 STAMINA 4 Weapon: Small
Bite Armour: None. Locations: Wilderness. Mission Points: 2.
3-4 Region Lore - Investigation: You have been asked to investigate some part of the wilderness,
perhaps to help create a map or make a report. Use the rules provided in the Wilderness Creation
& Adventures chapter to find a random area of the wilderness and make your way there. Then,
camp there for 1d6+3 days taking a Region Lore test each day, before you return to whence you
came. Each time you fail, you are spo�ed and must fight a monster. If you succeed in half or more
of the Region Lore tests, you have succeeded in the task, but you only get to find out when you
return bearing your map or report. Locations: Wilderness. Mission Points: 2.
5-6 Dungeon Delving: You have been tasked with finding and investigating a nearby dungeon and
have been given a rough location. Use the rules provided in the Wilderness Creation &
Adventures chapter to find a random area of the wilderness and make your way there - this area
will include a dungeon entrance. You must investigate at least 2 sections of the dungeon before
you can return whence you came. Locations: Wilderness, Dungeon. Mission Points: 3.
3-4 1-2 Hunting: You need to put your skills to test in hunting down a quarry, whether it be a beast or
humanoid. You must make 1d6+3 tests of your Hunting skill, all tests must be made in one day -
in a se�lement they should be made in different locations and in the wilderness each test takes
half an hour of searching. If you succeed in half or more of the tests, you have found your quarry
- create a monster and fight it! If you fail, it has escaped and you may try again the next day - if
you fail for a second time the task has failed. Locations: Wilderness, City. Mission Points: 2.
3-4 Sea Lore - Mapping: You have been asked to create or improve a map. This must be done at a
wilderness area that is ‘Shoreline & Sea’. You must make 1d6+3 Sea Lore skill tests, you must
succeed in half or more of them. Each successful skill test means you have mapped the shoreline
for one area (so you must take them as you enter a new area), so only start this if you have a
significant number of ‘Shoreline & Sea’ areas to map! If you fail, you may go back to the areas
where you failed your skill test and try again. Each a�empt takes one day of mapping. Locations:
Wilderness. Mission Points: 2.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
1d6 1d6 Description
5-6 Sea Lore - Crew: You have joined the crew of a ship and need to lend a hand; Make 1d6+3 Sea
Lore skill tests, you must succeed in half or more of them. Each skill test counts as one day at sea.
If you succeed you have reached your destination unharmed. If you fail the task, your ship has
gone off course (due to your mistakes) and you must repeat the test. If you fail a second time your
ship is sunk! You take 2d6 damage from drowning before you are washed ashore at a random
wilderness area (obviously one with a shoreline). Locations: Wilderness. Mission Points: 3.
5-6 1-2 Underground Lore - Investigate & Map: You have been asked to go into a dungeon and map it
out, making note of the layout, geology, origin and so on. You are provided with some quills,
parchment and ink. After you have found your dungeon, you may begin the process of recording
the details. You must succeed with 1d3+3 Underground Lore skill tests, you may take one test in
each dungeon section. After you have collected the required information, leave and return to
your starting point to complete the task. Locations: Dungeon. Mission Points: 3.
3-4 World Lore - Travel & Navigate: You have been asked to go out in the wilderness and explore a
specific type of environment e.g. ‘Seek out the hills’. You should pick a type of environment at
random from the list provided in the wilderness chapter of this book, or pick an area at random
- see the rules provided in the chapter on Wilderness Creation & Adventures. Make a World Lore
skill test to see if you know which direction to travel. If you succeed, move to the closest area of
that type on your map (or the randomly
chosen wilderness area). If you fail,
travel through three wilderness areas in
a random direction before you realise
your mistake and can retake the World
Lore skill test. Repeat until you end up
in the right type of environment! Once
at the right wilderness area, you must
spend 1d3 days ‘surveying’ it before
returning to your starting location to
provide your report. Locations:
Wilderness. Mission Points: 3.
5-6 Animal Lore - Handling: You need to
find and then look after or manage a
wild animal. Go out into the wilds until
you encounter a wild animal and then
make 1d6+3 Animal Lore skill tests, for
each failed test you take 1d3 points of
damage as the beast tears at you. All
skill tests must be completed within one
day. If you succeed with half or more of
the test, the beast is now under your
control. If you fail, you must fight it.
Locations: Dungeon, Wilderness.
Mission Points: 2.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Monsters - what are we fighting? The first method is to use the dungeon encounter
In many of the tasks described in this section we refer tables described in Chapter 5. An important thing to
to fighting a monster or foe as one of the problems the ask oneself is - which table should I use? As a guide
heroes have to face. we recommend the following, based on the strength
of your hero. This should provide a challenge for a
Usually when creating or running a quest, the solo hero; if you are making your adventures for a
Director will know what specific monsters or foes lie group of heroes you should increase the difficulty by
in wait for the heroes to fight but if you don’t have a one or more steps (so a group of three ‘civilians’
specific idea or want to be surprised there are a would be treated as a ‘novice’, a group of three
couple of ways to generate monsters at random. ‘veterans’ would be treated as an ‘expert’ or ‘master’
depending on how capable you feel the group is). If
you are not sure, try using a lower level of difficulty
and increase it as you go.
Table 5.5 Encounter Difficulty by Hero Grade
Hero Grade Improvement Maximum SKILL / Which Dungeon Level is recommended for a solo player or
Points MAGIC small group*
Civilian 2 4/2 Use Dungeon Level 1 but with -2 SKILL, -2 STAMINA
applied to the monsters.
Novice 5 5/5 Use Dungeon Level 1
Competent 7 6/6 Use Dungeon Level 1 but with +1 SKILL, +2 STAMINA
applied to the monsters or Dungeon Level 2
Veteran 8 7/7 Use Dungeon Level 2 or 3
Expert 9 8/8 Use Dungeon Level 3 but with +1 SKILL, +3 STAMINA
applied to the monsters or Dungeon Level 4
Master 10 9/9 Use Dungeon Level 4
Champion 11 10 / 10 Use Dungeon Level 4 but with +1 SKILL, +4 STAMINA
applied to the monsters, or Dungeon Level 5
*Difficulty is very hard to judge. If you are finding the encounters too easy, increase the Dungeon Level you are rolling on.
If you are finding them too hard, reduce the Dungeon Level. Note that the monsters in Dungeon Level 5 are generally very
The second method is to create a monster from table below will allow you to generate an opponent,
scratch using the rules provided in Chapter 6, with which might be easy to fight or extremely difficult.
the rules for the ‘Monster!’ random encounter. The
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Table 6.3.2 Random Monster Generator. Roll Separately for each trait to build up a monster.
* Weak Monster - subtract 2 from the 2d6 rolls for A�acks, SKILL, STAMINA, Weapon & Armour
* Strong Monster - add 2 to the 2d6 rolls for A�acks, SKILL, STAMINA, Weapon & Armour
*Use the SKILL and STAMINA of the hero as the base number. For magic using heroes, use their MAGIC score instead of
SKILL. So a hero with SKILL of 7 who rolls a 9 on 2d6 faces a creature with SKILL 6 (i.e. their SKILL minus one).
AFF Adventure Creation System
The third method we suggest is to browse the Combat Complications
bestiaries and encounter tables until you find In addition to finding a monster to fight, you can add
something that feels appropriate. Remember, don’t an extra element to the fight by adding a combat
make it too easy! If you can, look for creatures and complication. If you can, try to think of something
monsters that fit in with the theme of your quest - if that is appropriate to your quest and to the evil force
your opponent is evil orc captain, try and fight lots of that is behind it. This can be as severe or mild as you
orcs, goblins and hobgoblins along the way. If you are wish, everything from ‘the weapons of the cultists
fighting a necromancer hiding in an ancient tomb, burst into magical flames in combat’ to ‘the beasts of
some form of undead would probably be a good the ogre-king have a foul, off-pu�ing smell to them’.
This sort of additional detail helps distinguish one
mission or group of missions from another. You can
keep the same combat complication throughout or
vary it. The table below gives you some random ideas
to get you started.
Table 10.2.15 Combat Complications
d6 Complication
1 Poison: Your opponent has a poisoned blade (or fangs). Each time they hit, they do 1 extra point of
STAMINA damage to you.
2 Ally: The creature you face has brought a friend to fight alongside it - they have an ally of the same type,
but with 2 less SKILL and 3 less STAMINA. You must fight both at the same time.
3 Trapped: Your foe has placed a cunning trap nearby and will try to lure you into it. Make a test of your
Trap Knowledge skill - if you pass, you spot the trap and avoid it. If you fail, you take 1d3 points of
STAMINA damage at the start of the fight as you blunder into the trap and must fight with a -1 SKILL
penalty due to the wound (this disappears after one night's rest).
4 Diseased: The creature you fight is dripping diseased pus or has a hacking cough. If they hit you, test
against your STAMINA by rolling 3d6 and comparing it to your maximum STAMINA. If you fail, roll on
Table 4.3.2 Diseases to see what you have caught.
5 Bleeding Out: Your foe staggers into this fight carrying a wound - they lose 1 point of STAMINA each
round but a�ack with desperation, adding +1 to their damage roll if they hit.
6 Asleep: At the start of the fight, the monster is sleeping lightly. If you can pass a Sneaking skill test you
can ambush them and gain +6 to your combat roll and +2 to your damage roll in the first round. If you
fail the Sneaking skill test you fight as normal.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Finding a random location / area / room 4.1.5 ‘List of Se�lement Locations’ - roll a 1d6 twice
Many of the missions require you to find a random and refer to the numbers in that column - a roll of 3
place or your map - a random location in the city, followed by a 2 would be the Hospital. A roll of 5
random area in the wilderness or random room in a followed by a 4 would need to be rerolled as there is
dungeon. There are a number of methods for doing no 5.4 on the list. For locations with more than one
this. The usual method is to drop or roll a dice onto appearance (Inns for example) either roll again or use
your map and see where it ends up - if it goes off the your judgement to decide which one is most
map, roll it again. The place you want is the one appropriate.
under the dice, if it se�les on a boundary line then use
your judgement to decide where you are going. Finding a random area in the wilderness can be done
by dropping or rolling a dice onto your map, or by
The second method applies to cities only - use the starting from a point on your map and using the
‘Random Location’ numbers on the locations table compass points and a random distance.
For example: If you roll a 2, followed by a 4 then a 3, the random wilderness area lies 5 areas away (50 miles) in the South
West direction. A roll of 4, 2 and 2 would mean it lies 7 areas away (70 miles) to the East.
In a dungeon a random room can be found by depth and challenge. These can make your task much
dropping a dice onto your map and choosing the harder but in return they help to bring in elements of
room that is nearest to the where the unpredictability and novelty,
dice lands. You can of course choose making sure that your heroes have
the most appropriate room for the to stay on their toes.
encounter - if it happens to be the
lair of a significant enemy, pick a Setbacks
room that is near to the end of the When your hero fails a task, they can
dungeon section. try again by choosing another
similar task (as noted above) or they
Adding Extra Elements to your can suffer a setback - this might
Mission - Setbacks, Complications simply be a different task, or it
and Timers might cause a different, unexpected
Once you have the basic ‘skeleton’ of problem they have to deal with.
your mission you might want to add
some extra facets to give it more
AFF Adventure Creation System
This table provides a number of
suggestions. As usual, you should
feel free to think of other more
appropriate problems.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Mission Complications the world does not stop just because you are
Every mission can come with its own individual undertaking a quest. As with the other parts of this
quirks, good or bad. These complications usually section, it is up to you to decide if you want to add a
reflect some external factors that are not specifically mission complication or not, and if you want to create
related to the mission you are undertaking and help one, choose one from this list or roll randomly.
add colour and depth to your adventures - after all,
Table 10.2.17 Mission Complications
1d6 1d6 Description
1-2 1 The gods look kindly on your efforts. Restore one point of temporary LUCK (or if it is already at
maximum, your next LUCK roll does not cost you a point of LUCK).
2 The gods are angered by your meddling, lose one point of temporary LUCK.
3 Saboteur. If you succeed in a task roll 1d6 - on a roll of 1 the task should be considered a failure
and your hero suffers a setback. You may rid yourself of this saboteur by testing your LUCK.
4 Storm season - terrible weather lashes the lands you are travelling in. If you are in the wilderness
add +2 to your rolls when determining the state of the weather. The storms last for 2d6 weeks.
5 Ward - a child (SKILL 3 STAMINA 4) has a�ached itself to you - you must either find somewhere
safe for them protect them for mission, when they are reunited with their guardian.
6 Challenging - the tasks in this mission are tougher than usual and all tests have a -1 penalty.
3-4 1 Slandered - someone has spread some nasty rumours about you, your social skill tests (Etique�e,
Con, Bargain, Leadership) are at -1 until you can restore your reputation completing a mission.
2 Ambush - Monsters have been dispatched to assassinate you. When completing any task roll 1d6
- on a 1 you are a�acked by a monster; you must test Awareness or the monster a�acks with
surprise (+6 to combat roll, +2 to damage roll) in the first round. There are 3 a�empts on your life.
3 Big Job - If a task requires you to pass a certain number of tests, you have to pass one extra but
you also get one extra a�empt (i.e. if the task needs you to succeed with 4/7 you now need 5/8).
4 Illegal - the Watch has been fooled into treating you as a criminal. After any task is completed in
a city, roll on the Lawbreaker table with a minimum result of seven (below seven is treated as a
seven). You can stop this by testing your LUCK or by completing the ‘Law-Arguing’ task.
5 Collection - some local merchants appreciate what you are doing and give you a purse containing
5d6gp to help you on your way
6 Tricked - your mission is not what it seems..after each task, roll 1d6. On a roll of 1 completing the
task does not provide any progress - you should find another similar task to replace it.
5-6 1 Blessed by a priestess - a priestess blesses you, you gain +1 to all tests for the next 3d6 days
2 Follower - A stranger, impressed by your heroism, approaches and offers to help. If you accept
you gain a follower, SKILL 6 STAMINA 8 Weapon: Mace Armour: Leather Hauberk and Small
Shield. They will stay with you for 2d6 days.
3 Gift - A stranger approaches you and gives you a Potion of STAMINA.
4 A lingering disease has spread across the land - each day the hero must roll 3d6 vs their
maximum STAMINA - if they roll more, the sickness has taken a grip and they have -1 SKILL this
day. The disease comes to an end as you finish this mission.
5 Cursed by a hag - a cackling hag curses you, you suffer -1 to all tests for the next 3d6 days.
6 Easy Peasy - the tasks in this mission are more straightforward than usual and all tests of special
skills (not combat rolls) have a +1 bonus.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Mission Timer or Countdown As with difficulty, providing guidelines for timing is
Once your hero knows that something is up and they hard as every person or group will have their own
are required to deal with it, an obvious question to style of running the game. Some groups will want to
ask is: how long do they have? If you are designing rush to the end and others will prefer a slower pace.
your quests and missions you will probably have an If you do wish to add a timer, the following are some
idea of how long it should take to resolve the problem suggestions for different types you can use to add
and what will happen if the hero is too slow. For some extra peril to your questing.
example, you might decide that if nobody stops him,
the evil priest will commence their ritual in 17 days,
at the end of the end of the current lunar cycle. If the
heroes do not prevent this, a great demon will be
summoned into the world. Your hero may or may not
be aware of this fact.
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Remember Random Encounters, Weather, Terrain… Table 10.2.2 Why is it your problem? You seek fame
This book and the other Advanced Fighting Fantasy or notoriety, acting the hero is a good start!
rulebooks provide a wealth of random encounters
plus rules covering terrain and weather, all of which Table 10.2.3 Typical mission objectives - Find a
are meant to provide challenges for your hero. significant clue: By carrying out this mission you will
uncover a piece of information or clue that will help
These should still happen when you are on a quest or you decide what to do next.
We Decide to make this a ‘moderate’ mission with 11-
The descriptions of specific tasks given in this section 20 mission points and including a decent (4-6)
assume that you are also checking for other problems number of combats (bearing in mind that our hero
- a hero that ventures into the wilderness to carry out may still have to fight other encounters as they travel
a survey should have to navigate there and deal with around).
monsters and problems they meet on the way as part
of the adventure. A hero going into a dungeon to find Using Table 10.2.5 Randomised Task Categories we
parts of a magical puzzle still has to cope with the start rolling and keep a running total of how many
monsters that normally live in the dungeon and all mission points each task is worth.
the other hazards of such places.
Task 1. Diplomacy. Con - Intimidation: Whether you
The components of each mission are only one part of like it or not, the best way to proceed is to bully and
it; travelling around the world and dealing with its scare people into doing what you want them to do.
surprises is a big part of making it feel like a real Make 1d6+3 Con skill tests, you must succeed in half
adventure. or more of them. Each one must be made whilst in a
different location within a se�lement. If you fail the
task, you end up being confronted by 1d2 enraged
Example of a Random Mission victims of your threats - create a foe and fight them.
Locations: City. Mission Points: 2. (Running Total 2)
As frequently noted in this section, the advice is that
you use this information as a spur to your Task 2. Knowledge. Evaluate: Your enemies are
imagination - read or roll on the tables, then mix it up carrying some type of item that is of interest to you -
to come up with something that makes sense to you. you need to accurately assess their quality, value and
For people who aren’t familiar with how to build up origin after acquiring them. Items are acquired by
quests and missions in a role playing game, an killing enemies - each time you kill something you
example might be helpful. We decide to create a acquire one piece to assess. You must make 1d6+3
moderately hard mission for one of our heroes. Using Evaluate skill tests, you must succeed in half or more
the tables in this section and rolling randomly we of them. If you fail, you need to acquire another 1d6
come up with the following: items to assess. Locations: City, Wilderness,
Dungeon. Mission Points: 2. (Running Total 4)
Table 10.2.1 What is Happening - the Quest Hook:
A powerful monster or person is on a rampage of Task 3. Exploration. Underground Lore - Investigate
violence and destruction. You should find them and & Map: You have been asked to go into a dungeon
bring them down. and map it out, making note of the layout, geology,
origin and so on. You are provided with some quills,
AFF Adventure Creation System
parchment and ink. After you have found your have a -1 penalty to their combat, damage and
dungeon, you may begin the process of recording the armour rolls, but you must fight them all at once. If
details. you flee, the task is failed. Locations: City,
Wilderness, Dungeon. Mission Points: 2. (Running
You must succeed with 1d3+3 Underground Lore Total 11).
skill tests, you may take one test in each dungeon
section. After you have collected the required Task 7. Knowledge. Law - Arguing: You have
information, leave and return to your starting point become embroiled in a legal dispute, which may not
to complete the task. Locations: Dungeon. Mission be very heroic but resolving it is the easiest way to
Points: 3.(Running Total 7). advance your aims. You must take 1d6+3 Law skill
tests, you must succeed in half or more of them to
Task 4. Magic. Magic Lore - Understanding: You are complete the task. If you fail you have got yourself
faced with a magical puzzle (a set of runes to into legal trouble and must roll on the Lawbreaker
decipher, a magical lock protecting a doorway and so table, though with a minimum result of a seven. This
on) and you must solve it to progress your quest. task takes up most of the day. Locations: City.
Make a Magic Lore skill test with a target number of Mission Points: 1.(Running Total 12).
15 - if you succeed you have beaten the puzzle, if you
fail it reacts to your interference by firing a bolt of Task 8. Fight 1d6 opponents in waves: You have
magical energy at you, causing 1d6 points of found yourself the target of a�ack and must defeat a
STAMINA damage! You may make three a�empts, number of monsters to proceed. They can be one type
all must be within the same day, before the puzzle is of monster or a mixture. The order you fight them is
sealed to you forever. You may also a�empt to solve based on how many there are. Roll 1d6 and then fight
the puzzle by blind chance - test your LUCK to the groups as follows: 1 - fight alone. 2 - fight
succeed, but you only get one chance using this separately. 3 - fight one, and then two together. 4 -
method. Locations: City, Wilderness, Dungeon. fight two pairs. 5 - fight one and then two pairs. 6 -
Mission Points: 1. (Running Total 8). fight one, then two, then three together. You have one
round of rest between each set of monsters and you
Task 5. Diplomacy. Etique�e - Convince: You need to may use that to flee (though this means the task is
convince or persuade people to believe you or do as failed and you suffer a setback). Locations: City,
you say. Make 1d6+3 Etique�e skill tests, you must Wilderness, Dungeon. Mission Points: 3. (Running
succeed in half or more of them. Each one must be Total 15)
made whilst in a different location within a
se�lement. Overall, the task takes at least half a day. Task 9. Sneaking - Stakeout: You must stay at or near
If you fail you may try again the next day, when you a specific place (location in a se�lement, area in a
have thought of some be�er arguments, but if you fail wilderness, section in a dungeon) for 1d3 days (2d6
twice the task is failed. Locations: City. Mission hours in a dungeon) and make a Sneaking skill test,
Points: 1. (Running Total 9). remembering to roll for encounters as you wait. If
you stay in place and pass the test, you succeed. If
Task 6. Combat. Fight 1+1d2 easy opponents. Find a you fail, you are spo�ed and a�acked by a monster.
monster that is appropriate for your hero or use the Locations: City, Wilderness, Dungeon. Mission
methods detailed at the end of this section to generate Points: 1. (Running Total 16).
one. They are slightly weaker (or already injured) and
Chapter 10 - Missions, Quests and Adventures
Task 10. Fight a Henchman: You have come across a Interpreting the Results
Henchman of your Opponent and must fight them. Now that we have all our information, we can read
Refer to the details for your particular Opponent. If through our randomised picks and see if the outline
you are not fighting against a specific villain you can for our quest emerges. From the quest hook and the
still use Table 9.2.7 'Villain's Henchman’ to create one. nature of our opponent, we decide that we are facing
Defeating them should give some interesting or some kind of monster unleashed by the lizardmen of
useful progress to your quest. If you flee, this task is Silur Cha. A hydra perhaps, and our overall aim is to
failed. Locations: City, Wilderness, Dungeon. track it down and kill it so we can brag about how
Mission Points: 2. (Running Total 18). great we are!
Other information: Our hero has previously rolled to Our mission objective is ‘uncover a piece of
find out which villain they are dealing with and it is information or clue that will help you decide what to
‘The Emerald Scale’ from the list of pre-prepared do next’ which in this case will be the location of the
opponents given in chapter 9. beast or its controller. So we decide this means we
aren’t going to fight the beast at the end of this
Having worked out the basics of our mission, we mission, that is something we will leave for later.
decide to roll for additional information and
alterations. Now we look at the list of tasks and try to organise
them into a quest that makes sense, remembering that
Table 10.2.15 Combat Complications - We will leave they are suggestions and we can change or rearrange
them as a surprise for when the combat happens and them. We can ask ourselves why a hydra on the
will not roll for them for encounters which are not rampage would need us to end up arguing the law, or
part of our quest. visiting a dungeon or working out the worth of an
unknown object. The last part, at least, looks obvious
Table 10.2.17 Mission Complications - The gods are - we are going to stakeout a place where we can
angered by your meddling, lose one point of intercept and fight a henchman of the Emerald Scale.
temporary LUCK. Ouch. Painful start, but we have to
take it on the chin. After some thought what we come up with is this:
Table 10.2.18 Random Mission Timers - No rest: If Our hero hears news of villages and farmers being
you rest (take part in no tasks) for a day roll 1d6 - on terrorised and decides they can make a name for themself
a roll of 1 your opponent has taken advantage of your by killing the beast, but in the city the local lord does not
sloth to finish their task and your mission is failed want to help. Angered, our hero goes around town trying
(Travelling to or from somewhere to carry out your to find out more information about why this is (Task 1).
mission does not count as a day of rest). This is fairly The hero discovers that some important people have been
tough and our hero will have to make sure they take paid in an unusual coin to advise against helping the local
enough rations, STAMINA potions and other villagers - finding examples of these coins as evidence is
restoratives to keep going. now Task 2, which will be spread across the rest of the
mission (the coins will be from Lizardman treasuries,
connecting these events to the Emerald Scale). At this point
our hero is a�acked by a couple of thugs (Task 6) who want
to stop them, after which they go to the local lord to
persuade him he has to act (Task 7).
AFF Adventure Creation System
The lord is uncertain and demands our hero explore a
newly discovered dungeon nearby to prove their loyalty
(and perhaps hoping to get rid of them). This is Task 3 and
will require us to create a route to the dungeon, which we
decide is out in the wilderness. As per the ‘finding a
random place’ rules we set it 5 areas away from town
(roughly 50 miles) in the southwest direction. Our hero
will need to buy food, water and maybe a mount to go there
as this will take some time. The dungeon can be created
according to the rules provided in Chapter 5 and filled with
either random monsters or something related to this quest,
maybe some Lizardmen.
All across Titan, brave heroes seek fame and fortune hero to carry out in return for which the guild will
through acts of daring. A rough network or society of reward them (maybe) and put at their disposal the
friends, often referred to as the ‘adventurers guild’, resources they have available - people who trade in
has grown to support them. They are a combination unusual items or services of the sort that adventurers
of hangers-on, storytellers, fixers, traders, retired such as yourself might not easily be able to find
adventurers and dile�antes that put themselves at the elsewhere. The tasks set by the guild are referred to as
service of heroes to offer them a bit of work and the contracts, though it is all done by handshakes and
sort of assistance they might not find elsewhere. words of honour.
It is rumoured that the guild is run by bards that are
keen to collect the stories for their tavern tales, an When the request has been fulfilled, simply return to
idea which is certainly any inn, tavern or drinking den
consistent with its semi- (it doesn’t need to be the same
organised and informal nature. one) in order to complete it. At
Also, most of the meetings take this point you will be able to roll
place at an inn or drinking to see what reward you get, plus
establishment which is a bard's you get access to the
place of work. adventurers guild resources.
The guild's goods and services
The purpose of including the are not a shop as such - your
adventurers guild into your hero has a discussion with the
campaign is to give you an guild representative who then
additional resource and source uses their local contacts to bring
of quests; the missions they offer you the item or someone who
are not complex, but can usually can help you. If your hero wants
be done in addition to other a potion of STAMINA, they may
quests and the rewards can know a retired adventurer who
sometimes be found in other places, but not easily, so has one to sell or an apothecary who doesn’t usually
the guild provides some protection against bad luck. sell to heroes, if the required service is the removal of
a curse the guild may bring in a local hedge witch
If you want to pick up a contract from the that can make the a�empt.
adventurer’s guild or make use of their services this
can be done by visiting any inn, tavern or drinking You may only have one guild contract active at a time
den in any se�lement. The encounter is not rolled for and you can only complete two such contracts within
in the usual way; it is simply assumed that an agent one week (they only have so many things that need
of the guild can be found if you ask around and wait, doing). If you want to, you can abandon a contract
which usually takes an hour or three (1d3 hours of and obtain a new one by going back and talking to the
waiting, don’t forget to buy a drink). guild agent again. They are pre�y relaxed about these
Once you have made contact the guild member will, things but do insist you think about it for a while -
after a bit of talking to find out what the hero is up to you must wait until the next day to ask for a different
at the moment, suggest a li�le errand or task for the contract.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Table 11.1 Adventurer’s Guild Contracts. If refused, you can check again the next day.
3d6 Description of the Contract offered by the Guild
3 For reasons the guild doesn’t want to explain, they need you to keep a low profile for the next few days.
They won’t say why but it’s clearly important to them. They know that isn’t easy, but if you can avoid
all combat for the next three days, you will be rewarded.
4 Rumour Monger. The guild is concerned that it is not up to speed with the latest news - they have tasked
you to get your ear to the ground and find out what is happening out there. Listen to six rumours - as
rolled on the Rumours table - then report back to complete the contract.
5 Clear the Catacombs. All manner of terrible creatures have been crawling out of the ground and
harassing the peasantry! Whilst some losses are acceptable, too many and people could start panicking.
Find a catacomb or dungeon, enter it and clear it out (investigate at least six rooms) then return to the
6 Bring some cheer: Visit Inns, Taverns or Drinking Dens and see what you can do to provide
entertainment to the locals - tell a tale, sing a song or perhaps a magic show! You must make an
appropriate skill roll (you may choose any skill you feel could be used to provide some sort of show).
You must succeed 5 times before the guild is satisfied with your work.
7 Local Knowledge: The guild is concerned about the state of its local knowledge. Have four ‘map
encounters’ in a se�lement or travel through four wilderness areas or dungeon sections then return to
the guild agent to pass on your findings.
8 Sizing up the entertainment: Visit Inns, Taverns or Drinking Dens and see what sort of entertainment is
on offer. You should spend an hour at least in each location and make a City Lore or Etique�e skill roll
to gather sufficient information - you need to succeed 5 times in different spots to compile a decent
report. You can carry out other encounters whilst you are there.
9 Spreading the News. For reasons that won’t be explained to you, no ma�er how much you charm, beg
or threaten, the guild wants you to spread certain rumours for them. After explaining them to you (and
ge�ing you to repeat them several times) you are sent out to do your worst. Each time you have a social
encounter, make an Etique�e roll with a +2 bonus to pass on your gossip. You must succeed ten times
with ten different people in order to complete your contract. The Etique�e skill test can be done
alongside other options, apart from a�acking!
10 Tooth collection. The guild needs someone to collect teeth from evil humanoids. Reasons are unclear, but
that is the request. Each time you defeat an evil humanoid (orc, goblin, ratman etc) you can extract 1d3
teeth from them. Collect 10 to complete the contract.
11 Go be a Hero! All the guild wants you to do is to go out and be heroic, to show the people that someone
is out there fighting for them. Complete seven ‘fighting’ encounters (in a se�lement or the wilderness) or
clear one section of a dungeon and then return to the agent for your reward.
12 A merchant needs a set of documents to be delivered to a nearby se�lement - you are given the
documents in a sealed container. You must take them to a tavern or inn in another se�lement to complete
the contract.
13 Help the shepherds: Incidences of wild animal a�acks are on the rise - the guild wants you to go out into
the wilderness and do something. In any nearby area, find and defeat a wild animal, returning its hide
to the guild as proof.
Chapter 11 -Adventurers Guild
3d6 Description of the Contract offered by the Guild
14 A collector’s request: A wealthy citizen has
asked the guild to help them build up a
collection of precious objects. Find any piece
of treasure worth more than 20gp and bring
it to a guild representative to pass along.
15 Aid the Watch: Criminal behaviour is
ge�ing out of control. If you accept the
contract, your next encounter in the
se�lement will be C16 - Cu�hroats. You
must defeat rather than bribe them to
complete the contract. In addition to the
guild reward, your next roll on the
Lawbreaker table has a +2 bonus due to your
good reputation.
16 Espionage: The guild wants you to spy on
the nobility. You must make a combined
Sneaking and Awareness skill test (roll both
skill tests needing to pass both) in the Keep,
Theatre or Wealthy Streets locations as you
carry out surveillance. You need to succeed
3 times on 3 different days, each act of
surveillance takes up 1d3 hours. Once you
have completed your task, bring your
information to a guild representative.
17 Messenger service. The agent hands you a
sealed envelope with instructions for its
delivery. Roll or drop a dice onto your city
map and note the nearest location, once you
get there you complete this simple mission. If you wish to, you can open the le�er and read the contents
- a series of reports about what is going on in this se�lement, wri�en in the form of a le�er. You add +1
to your next City Lore roll, but there is a chance your curiosity has been noticed. Make a Sleight of Hand
skill roll. If you fail, the guild will not reward you for this contract and not allow access to their stock.
18 It’s somewhat embarrassing, but the guild insists they have underpaid your previous services and are
determined that they give you something extra - consider this mission to be completed instantly, roll for
your reward as usual and then pick up another mission immediately if you want. You may not roll this
result twice in a row. Restore one point of LUCK.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Once you have completed your contract, you must go how, but they all seem to know what you were
to an Inn, Tavern or Drinking Den in order to find a required to do. Messenger pigeon perhaps?
guild agent and obtain your reward. You don’t know
Adventurers Guild Goods & Services The Volatile Alchemy Rule (Optional): The
The agents of the adventurers guild often come across adventurers guild provides your hero with the option to
unusual or potent items that lie far outside the purchase a number of minor magical items, such as potions
normal equipment available at merchants, or have of STAMINA. This can lead to a desire for your hero to
contacts within the se�lement that can provide those stock up on such items and carry around a veritable
goods or interesting services. apothecaries laboratory of clinking vials and flasks.
Once you have completed a contract for the guild, Under the rules of Advanced Fighting Fantasy there is no
you may purchase one item or service from this list. particular limit to this (though 10 such items should
For the guild agent to find and deliver the item or occupy one inventory slot) and not much in the way of
service takes about one hour, and no theft is possible rules to decide if potentially delicate things are broken or
as they do not carry a large stock of valuable items damaged during combat.
around with them! The agent will ask you to wait
whilst they find a way to fulfil your demands. Due to For this reason we suggest the ‘volatile alchemy’ rule,
very limited availability, you may only purchase one which is as follows: A hero may only carry one of each type
item or service each time you complete a contract. of magical potion or vial at any time, if they carry more
than one both will spoil as their magic interferes with each
other. So a hero can carry a potion of STAMINA and a
Chapter 11 -Adventurers Guild
potion of LUCK without a problem, but if they have two ● 15gp - Oil of Filash: This thick reddy-brown oil
potions of STAMINA they will find that both will spoil which stings the hands can be worked on to a
within a day. weapon or 10 bolts or arrows such that they will
burst into fire when a blow is struck, causing one
This does limit your hero somewhat, but also reflects the point of additional fire damage.
fact that whilst you could perhaps carry a few potions
around safely, anyone carrying a large number of vials or ● 20gp - Travellers Potion of Cooling / Warming:
flasks would surely find that many of them got broken These small potion vials contain either a blue
during combat or other heroic activities. liquid that smells of mint (potion of cooling) or a
reddish brown liquid with a spicy, acrid tang
(potion of warming). Consuming the appropriate
one will provide a bonus of +3 to resist the effects
of exposure for one day and will protect the hero
against severe, but not magical or very extreme
temperatures (so they will be able to hold their
hand in a flame for longer than usual, but will be
burned by a furnace or a fire bolt).
● 200gp - Potion of LUCK. Restores your LUCK ● 30gp -Goblin Potion - a small stoppered pot
to its maximum value. contains a vile smelling brown liquid. Drinking it
fills your veins with a burst of fiery energy,
● 40gp - Potion of STAMINA. Restores your
allowing you to a�ack with greater force. For the
STAMINA to its maximum value.
duration of one combat, add +2 to your damage
● 70gp - Potion of MAGIC. Restores your MAGIC rolls, but afterwards you vomit. Violently (if
to its maximum value. another combat starts immediately, you have -2 to
your combat rolls for 3 rounds as you recover,
● 150gp - Potion of SKILL. Restores your SKILL to otherwise you just have an urgent need to clean
its maximum value. your boots).
● 15gp - Silver dust elixir: This vial of shimmering ● 30gp - Pouch of Spider Glue - this soft leather
oil can be used to coat a weapon or 10 bolts or pouch contains a sticky white gum which can be
arrows so that they are considered ‘silvered’ for worked on to your hands and feet to hugely
the purposes of fighting creatures that can only be increase your grip. If you use the glue you can gain
hurt by silver weapons. The coating wears off after a +6 bonus to any test of your Climbing special
about ten minutes. skill. There is enough glue in the pouch for one
AFF Adventure Creation System
● 30gp - Magicians Wax - a small lump of ● 20gp - Healing Draught - this semi-magical
iridescent wax which can be rubbed onto one draught will cure you of one disease or poison,
weapon or 10 bolts or arrows allowing them to automatically.
hurt creatures that can only be hurt by magical or
silvered weapons. Lasts for ten minutes before the ● 30gp - Sparkling Broach - this gaudy piece of
same round. Obviously, it only has one use. dipped in Firepowder along with a small striking
stone, can be used to instantly light a torch or other
● 20gp - vial of holy water. This small vial of clear flammable object with a skill roll.
water sparkles slightly even in dim light. You may
use it to deal 2d6 points of damage to an undead ● 15gp - Flask of Acid. A somewhat delicate vial of
creature, instantly. It has one use. acid that can be thrown at a target for 1d6 points
of damage, if you hit (thrown weapons combat
● 20gp - disguise kit - a pouch of items such as roll). Also causes 1d3 points of splash damage to
makeup and false moustaches that could be anyone adjacent to your target. It is fragile and if
helpful in creating a disguise. It has enough you are knocked prone or suffer falling damage
material for 3 uses, each use grants a +2 bonus to you must test your LUCK or have it burst and
the Disguise skill. inflict 1d6 damage to you.
● 20gp - Faded Map. This old piece of parchment ● 15gp - Flask of Fire Oil. A somewhat delicate vial
shows you the location of a Catacomb. Drop or roll of oil that bursts into flame when exposed to air. It
a dice onto your city map - when you move to that can be thrown at a target for 1d6 points of damage,
location, you can automatically take the if you hit (thrown weapons combat roll). Also
‘Catacombs entrance’ as your encounter. causes 1d3 points of fire damage to anyone
adjacent to your target. Any flammable targets hit
● 500gp - Idol of salvation. This rare and very will catch fire. It is fragile and if you are knocked
powerful magical item, which takes the form of a prone or suffer falling damage you must test your
crudely sculpted clay figurine of about 6’’ in size, LUCK or have it burst and inflict 1d6 damage to
has the effect of saving your life! If you have it in you.
your possession when you are reduced to zero
points of STAMINA the figurine will sha�er,
reviving you and healing you for 3+1d6 points of
STAMINA. You can only carry one figurine at a
time and it only has one use. It takes up one
inventory slot.
Chapter 11 -Adventurers Guild
Adventurer’s Guild Services - you may purchase terrible curses and keep various charms and
one item each time you complete a contract. In scrolls to hand to help, though these are
addition to the stock that can be accessed via the unreliable. After paying, roll 1d6. On a 3-6 your
guild, the various bards, storytellers and travelling curse is removed, on a 1-2 the curse removal kit
merchants also pick up information and knowledge has no effect. No refunds will be given.
that might be of use to a brave hero such as yourself.
Once you have contacted the guild, as well as picking ● 50gp - Ask for help! You can, in desperation, ask
up (or finishing) a quest, you can make use of their the adventurers guild for help with your current
Of course, they are not highly qualified sages and provided it is related to information gathering,
most of them are busy with their own activities so subterfuge or diplomacy. The guild will not fight
they can only offer a limited amount of advice - you on your behalf and they don’t like to be directly
can make use of one service each time you contact a involved - this option can only be chosen once for
AFF Adventure Creation System
Summary It also provides something of a pseudo-base for a solo
The Adventurers Guild is an optional addition to player, without having to worry about tracking such
your game which adds some extra variety to the a base. Missions can be found here, equipment and
activities of your hero and the rewards available to treasure can be stashed and the hero can even stay at
them. You can ignore this option or alter it to suit a Guildhouse between adventures. Feel free to detail
your campaign and se�ing and you can add new this in as much or li�le detail as you wish.
items and services as rewards as you see fit.
Chapter 12Chapter
11 -Adventurers
and Rewards
Hero of Stonebridge
This can be a difficult balance to get right. If the Experience Rewards
rewards of completing a quest or mission are too In order to improve your Hero you need to gain
meagre it may be demotivating - why bother if experience points to spend. The exact rate at which
nothing happens as a result - but similarly, if the you do so will have a big impact on how your game
rewards are too strong you can quickly find yourself develops - if you earn experience too quickly you will
in the position where nothing in the game offers your rapidly overpower your challenges, if you gain it too
heroes much of a challenge. Even a relatively novice slowly you will find the game unrewarding.
hero, if laden with the best equipment and magical
items, can be overpowering. As a general rule we suggest you gain between 10 to
50 points of experience for each ‘session’ of
As a piece of general advice, if you are unsure about gameplay, such as an evening. The exact amount
how to progress it is be�er to start with small rewards depends on what you have accomplished - if you
and build up; essentially a case of being cautious with have spent most of the session buying new clothing
progress. If you provide too much advancement at for your hero, you should award less than if you have
the start you can face difficult decisions about how to bested a troublesome foe in a mighty ba�le!
challenge a hero or bring them back down to a
reasonable level of power. Some examples might be helpful, but the awarding of
experience is very much a subjective choice.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Table 12.1 Examples of typical experience awards
Actions Typical XP Examples (Hero refers to both a solo player or a group)
Very trivial 1-2 Pass some skill tests not related to combat but advance your goals
Travel some distance to their goals
Discover some minor information by using your social skills
Buy or sell some goods using your Bargaining skills
Trivial 2-3 Fight a weak (lower SKILL) enemy or one they significantly outnumber
Take on an athletic challenge
Convince someone to aid you
Travel a short distance
Moderate 3-5 Fight a moderate (equal SKILL) enemy or a group of weaker enemies that
outnumber the heroes
Take on a risky athletic challenge
Travel a significant distance
Outwit an enemy instead of fighting them
Difficult 5-10 Fight moderate (equal SKILL) enemies that outnumber the heroes or fight a
stronger (higher SKILL) enemy that the heroes outnumber.
Take on a potentially deadly athletic challenge
Win a combat through ingenuity rather than simple force of arms
Very Difficult 10-20 Fight a stronger (higher SKILL) enemy that also outnumbers the heroes
Convince an enemy to become an ally
Travel a great distance in haste or whilst under a�ack
Legendary 20-30 Defeat a significant villain and end their plans
Accomplish a long term and major goal for your hero
Defeat a mighty monster such as a dragon or vampire
It can also be appropriate to decide the award of approaches can work, working out individual
experience based on milestones. As a suggestion, you experience point totals is more time consuming and
might award 10 experience for each campaign difficult than providing everyone in the group with
mission completed, 5 experience for each adventurers the same amount.
guild, minor mission or catacomb completed, 1
experience for each challenge encounter faced and 20 Spending experience: Use the rules as described in
experience when you defeat an opponent (a major the Advanced Fighting Fantasy core rulebook to
villain or antagonist in your campaign). The specific spend your experience points. As noted in Chapter 3,
amounts will depend on how long it takes you to we highly recommend that special skills are limited
complete each milestone and how difficult they were. to at most half of your SKILL or MAGIC
characteristic, rounded down, as suggested in the
Individual vs Group Awards: If you are playing as a Advanced Fighting Fantasy Combat Companion.
group of heroes the question arises as to whether you This provides a more balanced progression for your
are going to give individual rewards based on what heroes. This means that a Hero with SKILL of 6 or 7
each hero did, or give every hero the same amount would be allowed to put at most 3 points in their
based on what the group achieved. This is something Swords special skill until they increase their SKILL to
you will have to decide for yourself and whilst both 8 or 9.
Chapter 12 -Adventure Consequences and Rewards
This prevents heroes from becoming too specialised campaign or se�ing might have specific results for
in one area; it is particularly relevant for combat success or failure which you or your Director have
where a focused warrior can outpace the challenges already decided upon.
provided in the bestiaries.
Social rewards should only apply to the harder quests
Social Rewards - Consequences of Success or Failure - just defeating a few goblins isn’t likely to cause
A hero might well find that people have noticed their much of a reaction from your fellow citizens. You
behaviour! Part of becoming a great hero is that you need to have done something (or failed to do
are no longer an anonymous face in the crowd, for something) which people are likely to notice. Saving
good or ill. If they have proved their heroism by the city from a�ack, defeating an evil wizard, aiding
defeating their foes, they might gain in social status the victims of a plague - the sort of quests described
or receive a monetary reward but if they have failed, in the ‘campaign missions’ section of this book are
they could find they are shunned and mistrusted. As sufficiently complex that strangers may notice your
usual these consequences are suggestions - your efforts.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Table 12.3 Consequences of Failure
2d6 Consequence
2 The gods curse your failure. Your maximum and temporary LUCK scores fall by one point.
3 The evil eye: A suspicion arises that you might be cursed. Until you succeed in a mission you have a -1
penalty to Etique�e, Leadership and Bargain skill rolls, but +1 to Con.
4 Your failure is noted by your peers; roll a test against your Social Status to see if you are demoted. (see
section 7.2).
5 Theft: Seemingly in retribution for your mistakes, you are targeted by a thief. Roll 1d6 for each item in
your possession - on a roll of 1 it has been stolen as you sleep!
6 Poor reputation - your name is mud and you suffer -1 to your Etique�e skills for one week.
7 Mistrust: For the next week, you can’t Call Upon the Aid of any people you meet.
8 Revenge: Although you were not the cause of the events, someone has targeted you for retribution. The
next time you are in combat in a se�lement you will be a�acked by a vengeful warrior SKILL 6
STAMINA 9 Weapon: Sword Armour: Leather Hauberk and small shield. They will flee once reduced to
3 STAMINA or less.
9 You lose confidence in your abilities. One of your special skills - pick one that you have the most points
in - suffers a -1 penalty for one week as you recover your poise.
10 Your failure is noted by your peers; roll a test against your Social Status to see if you are demoted. (see
section 7.2).
11 A guilty conscience about your failings means you donate 3d6gp to the poor and needy next time you
are in a se�lement.
12 No consequence. As you contemplate your failure, you look around and realise that all of your efforts
have gone completely unnoticed. The wider world carries on as before, barely pausing for a breath. You
have escaped punishment for your lack of heroism and resolve to do be�er next time.
* Each of the Fighting Fantasy books set in Titan * Access to a mentor. A mentor is someone who
contain magical and non-magical treasures you has the ability to pass on their knowledge in a way
can bring into your game. you understand - having a teacher like this could
reduce the experience point cost of improving a
* Both the core Advanced Fighting Fantasy particular skill.
rulebook and many of the supplements and game
books contain ideas for treasures of various kinds. * The enmity of a group. This could come about
due to success or failure in your labours. If you
vanquish an enemy, you might find that their
allies come after you. If you fail in a quest, it might
be that someone powerful holds you responsible
and intends to make you pay for it! Consider
creating a faction (section 7.3) or villain (section
9.2) that will pursue you.
AFF Adventure Creation System
* Transport across a great distance. For what * A holiday or time to relax. For whatever reason,
reason and to where is up to you. You might be you now find that the world is momentarily at
offered a chance to join the crew of a renowned peace and you have some time to relax and wind
sailing ship or accompany a merchant on a long down. What you do with this time is up to you,
caravan journey. What you see and do on the way but a period of calm should at least allow you to
can be a great source of adventure. heal your wounds, recover from diseases and
maybe even restore a point of temporary LUCK.
* Making a political or social decision (i.e your
reward is to say who gets to keep a piece of
territory or whether or not two people should
marry). Perhaps your exploits as a hero have made
you the obvious person to turn to or the only one
that everyone respects. For whatever reason the
choice - and its consequences - are yours.
Chapter 12 -Adventure
13 -Treasure and Rewards
What would an adventure be without treasure? Of * Assign treasure directly - for each monster or
course, not all heroes risk their lives for the rewards enemy you defeat, decide for yourself how much
of gold and pillage but let’s be honest - many do! they have in the way of wealth and valuable items.
This is time consuming but the advantage is that
There are several possible ways to handle treasure; you have a lot of control over how much treasure
the best is probably to work how generous you want the hero finds.
your campaign to be. If you expect your hero(es) to
end up as rich lords and ladies, you will need to * Give rewards for major events - instead of
provide them with suitably large piles of gold; if you finding gold and treasure on each enemy, you can
think they should endure a tough, gri�y existence of assign rewards for ge�ing to significant milestones
barely scraping by you should keep the treasure to a - completing a long quest, defeating a powerful
minimum. The quantity of magic items found also enemy and so on. The reward could be wealth or
has an impact on the difficulty levels - a hero with a valuable items, including magical items. The
blazing sword of fire will deal with enemies a lot advantage is that you don’t have to worry about
easier. Providing large numbers of magic items will treasure too much during the adventures.
In this chapter we provide tables that will allow you A more comprehensive and detailed method of
to generate treasures for each creature you defeat as generating treasure is provided in the Advanced
you go along, which is one of the possible methods Fighting Fantasy Encyclopedia Arcana and further
you can use. The intention is that your hero will be ideas for treasures and magical items can be found in
fairly well rewarded for their efforts, particularly many of the Advanced Fighting Fantasy supplements
when defeating more powerful foes, but there are and game books, as well as in the core rulebook.
other options you can pursue.
AFF Adventure Creation System
As with many parts of this book, the tables are
intended to provide a framework for your
imagination, not a straitjacket, and you should use
them with that in mind. In particular, the number and
variety of possible magical items your hero could find
far exceeds the scope of this book - consider those
tables in particular to be inspirational rather than
Treasure Tables
In this section are the treasure tables which are
consistent with the more detailed set of rules given in
the Advanced Fighting Fantasy Encyclopedia
Arcana; start by rolling on table 13.1 ‘Combined
Treasure Table’ and from there roll on the tables that
cover Everyday Items, Coins, Valuables, Consumable
Items and Magic Items as indicated by the result.
For example, if you defeat a monster with SKILL 8
and roll a 10 on 2d6 you should roll for your treasure
on tables B4 and C1 (The fourth column of the coin
table and the first column of the valuables table).
13.1 Combined Treasure Table. Roll 2d6 and then use the other treasure tables to discover your loot.
Type of Foe Defeated (N = No treasure!)
Humanoid Monsters Other
2d6 Poor Avg Rich Minion Beast Mighty Less Std Gtr
1-6 7-9 10+ 1-6 7-9 10+
2-3 N N A N N N N N N
4-5 A A B3 N B1 B3 N B1 C1
6-7 B1 B1 B4,C1 B1 B3 B4,C1 B1 C1 B3,C1
8-9 A,B1 A,B3 B5,D1 B2 B3,D1 B5,D1 B1 D1 B4,D1
10 B2 A,B4, B5,C2, B3 B4,C1 B5,C2,D2 C1 B4,D2 B5,C2,
D1 D1 D2
11 B2,C1 B4,C1 B5,C3, B3,C1 B4,D2 B5,C3,D3 D1 B4,C2 B5,C3,
D3 D3
12 B3,C1 B5,C2, B6,C4, B3,D2 B5,C2,E B6,C4,E B3,C1 B5,C3,E B6,C4,
D2 E E
Chapter 13 -Treasure
Types of Creature stagger out of a dungeon with a hundred goblin short
Our treasure tables are divided into Humanoid, swords on your back!
Monster and ‘Other’. Humanoid means not just
humans, dwarves and elves but also goblins, orcs, As a rough guide to what arms and armour a
ogres and so on. Monsters are beasts and other humanoid may have you can use these rules:
creatures that are alive but not civilised (and
therefore do not treat valuable items the same way as • Poor creatures (SKILL 1-6) could have simple
humanoids) such as lions, crabs, eagles, dragons or weapons such as clubs, daggers, short swords,
wolves. ‘Other’ covers entities such as demons, the spears and basic armour such as a leather cuirass
undead, constructs, summoned beasts and so on. Not or hauberk or a small shield.
only are such entities generally less interested in
treasure, having very different perceptions of status • Average creatures (SKILL 7-9) could have
and value, they may not even ‘live’ on the same plane common martial weapons such as long swords,
of existence most of the time! morning stars, maces and chainmail armour or
medium shields.
Clearly, this is a very simplified system and you are Treasure is in their home or lair: non-humanoids or
invited to consider the question in more detail if you those with no particular interest in the wealth they
intend to make a living out of the fur trade! have accumulated will have it somewhere around
their lair or home. In the case of beasts or any
Treasure Locations unintelligent creatures it might simply be sca�ered
Most heroes would appreciate it if their foes could all near the corpses of their victims. For other foes, such
carry around a large bag containing all their loot, but as demons or intelligent planar entities (genies, some
sadly this isn’t particularly likely. The Director elementals) they may at least recognise the
should consider where a creature might keep its importance of treasure and hide it or use it to lure
treasure and how easy it might be for the hero to find heroes to their doom. Finding the lair or home: If the
it, asking themselves questions such as: Does the creature is encountered in a dungeon, it should be
creature usually carry items? If they do, how many? assumed that they are living in their lair or home and
Does the creature have a home or lair? Have the you don’t have to search for it. If they are met in a
heroes encountered it where it lives or somewhere se�lement or the wilderness, it will be more difficult
else? Does this creature care about wealth or are coins or impossible to find their abode. In those cases the
and valuables just shiny pebbles to it? Director may allow a Hunting, Awareness or City
Lore skill test to track down the location, though
More detailed answers can be sought, particularly by there should be penalties applied to reflect the
referring to the AFF Encyclopedia Arcana vol I which difficulty of finding a highly specific place with few
has detailed rules to describe where treasure can be clues - a minimum penalty of -3 would be
found. In the interests of brevity and simplicity, we appropriate under even the best circumstances.
suggest two possible locations.
For humanoids, most of whom value their treasures,
Treasure is carried: This applies to humanoids, undead coins and items will be stored with care, possibly
that still carry the trappings of life (so a ghoul might concealed or guarded with traps. A Director can
still carry a pouch of coins, but a ghost probably either make a decision about the location of any
doesn’t) and any other foes that the Director feels treasures or you may roll to see where it is and then
might hold or carry items, based on their description. decide if that is appropriate for the monster.
They will have with them up to 100 coins, any small
2d6 13.2 Treasure Table A - Everyday Items, as could be carried by most humanoids
2 Comfortable Bedroll - this is a particularly well made and comfortable bedroll that is, amazingly, free
from lice and bugs. Gain +1 to your Awareness skill for waking from sleep if using it. Worth 5sp.
3 A bundle of swatches - you find 2d6 small pieces of colourful cloth made from a variety of textiles, which
might be useful as rags or perhaps you can sew them onto your clothes for decoration.
4 Cutlery - various brass knives, forks and spoons, all in good condition and stamped with the mark of a
leaping fox. Gain +1 on your Crafting: Cooking if you keep these. Worth 7sp, (one inventory slot).
5 A cloth cap - worn, but still serviceable, this cap will keep your head dry, but doesn’t do much else (2sp).
6 Flint & Tinder - a fire makers kit, in a neat wooden box with a flame engraved on the top. If you keep it,
gain +1 on any test needed to start a fire. Worth 2sp, has 20 uses.
7 Warm Socks - a particularly nice pair of woollen socks, unworn and still tied up in a bit of string. Wearing
them grants you...comfortable feet.
8 Bundle of string & hooks - you find a neatly wrapped bundle of string, probably 20’ or so fully unwound,
with a couple of fishing hooks tucked into it. It’s small enough to be kept without occupying a slot of
your inventory and will allow you to fish, if you get the chance. Worth 1sp, has 10 uses.
9 A wig - this is a wig, made of horsehair, that could be kept and used as part of a disguise. Seems to have
a few fleas though...gain +1 to your Disguise skill when you use it. One use only before the itchiness
forces you to throw it away. You can sell it for 7sp.
10 A well made cape- this is a particularly thick and well upholstered cape. If you are wearing it in
particularly cold or wet weather add a +2 bonus to any exposure rolls. Worth 2gp.
11 Underclothes - warm and stylish, these underclothes make you feel like a new person. They are almost
immune to the usual lice and very easy to clean. You can sell them for 2sp.
12 Boots - a pair of exceptionally well made leather boots that happen to fit you. These boots have an
excellent tread and grant you +1 bonus to your Acrobatics and Climb skill tests in unusual terrain, such
as a slippery Catacomb. Otherwise, they are simply very comfortable. Worth 8sp.
Chapter 13 -Treasure
Carrying wealth in the form of coins is not universal You can introduce other coins (copper or bronze
- some primitive societies rely on barter or some other pieces being worth less than silver, platinum pieces
means of exchange - but in most places humanoids being worth more than gold) should you wish to, but
will keep some coins on their person. Across Titan note that throughout the Advanced Fighting Fantasy
there are many different ‘mints’ producing different source books prices are given in silver and gold so
types of coin but for the sake of simplicity everything you will need to create your own exchange rates.
is assumed to be in the form of gold and silver coins
that will be accepted by any merchants you trade
with. As with the standard rules, 10 silver pieces are
equivalent to one gold piece.
13.3 Treasure Table B - Coins (up to 100 coins will be carried, any remainder will be in the home / lair of the
creature as described in the ‘treasure locations’ section).
2d6 B1. B2. B3. B4. B5. B6.
Destitute Poor Moderate Prosperous Wealthy Opulent
2 ½ sp 3 sp ½ gp 3 gp 10 gp 50 gp
3 1 sp 6 sp 1 gp 6 gp 15 gp 100 gp
4 3 sp 9 sp 3 gp 9 gp 20 gp 120 gp
5 4 sp 12 sp 4 gp 12 gp 25 gp 140 gp
6 5 sp 12+1d6 sp 5 gp 12+1d6 gp 30 gp 1170 gp
7 1d6+3 sp 15+1d6 sp 1d6+3 gp 15+1d6 gp 40 gp 200 gp
8 1d6+4 sp 18+1d6 sp 1d6+4 gp 18+1d6 gp 50 gp 250 gp
9 1d6+5 sp 21+1d6 sp 1d6+5 gp 21+1d6 gp 70 gp 300 gp
10 1d6+6 sp 21+2d6 sp 1d6+6 gp 21+2d6 gp 100 gp 400 gp
11 2d6+3 sp 21+3d6 sp 2d6+3 gp 21+3d6 gp 150 gp 500 gp
12 Roll on Roll on Roll on Roll on Roll on Roll twice on
next column next column next column next column next column this column
For those that wish to use average or fixed values ‘Destitute’ is worth 7sp, ‘Poor’ is worth 18sp, ‘Moderate’ is worth 6gp,
‘Prosperous’ is worth 18gp, ‘Wealthy’ is worth 50gp and ‘Opulent’ is worth 230gp.
AFF Adventure Creation System
Valuables but other pieces will be in the home or lair of the
A lot of people like to keep their wealth in the form of creature. Remember that a hero will need to take a
valuable objects, such as gems, jewellery or crafted test of their Evaluate skill to realise that the item is
items such as artworks. Small pieces may be carried valuable, otherwise they might overlook it as just
by humanoids or on undead that were once human, another piece of junk.
For those that wish to use average or fixed values ‘Keepsake’ is worth 15gp, ‘Stash’ is worth 85gp, ‘Plunder’ is worth 175gp
and ‘Hoard’ is worth 375gp.
Chapter 13 -Treasure
Consumable Items consumed on use, a wand will lose one charge (when
These items are useful (and therefore have value) but it reaches zero it will become a non-magical stick).
also have a limited number of charges or uses. The Some magic users may be able to learn spells from
sale value of the items is given with the description. scrolls; this also consumes the scroll.
As per the usual Advanced Fighting Fantasy rules, Potions generally have one use and the whole potion
using a scroll or a wand requires that the hero has at must be consumed to gain the effect; they cannot be
least one point in the ‘Magic Lore’ special skill, but no shared!
skill test is required to use the item. A scroll will be
*Poisons are a contact poison, Desert Scorpion blade-paste, which can be applied to a weapon and inflicts 1d6 points of
additional damage when that weapon hits (after one use it is worn off). Using poison requires a successful test of the Trap
Knowledge special skill - failing the skill test means the poison is wasted (fumbling the test means the hero poisons
AFF Adventure Creation System
AFF contains many potions, ointments, foodstuffs If the Director decides, magic items can be obviously
and spells which can be combined to produce some magical. They may glow or sparkle, be covered in
type of consumable treasure. As with the other glowing runes or even emit a strange, alluring,
treasure tables you should investigate other sources melody when touched. This does not mean a hero
to discover items you could find. will automatically understand what the item does,
just that it is magical.
Magic Items
Clearly, the number of possible magical items and Cursed Weapons & Armour
qualities are huge and it is also important to consider Sadly, some evil powers and magic users enjoy
the effect of a hero receiving a powerful item. A making cursed items and leaving them where heroes
sword that grants a bonus to SKILL, for example, can find them. Identifying and then ridding oneself of
provides a huge boost to the fortunes of its wielder. a cursed item is difficult, you cannot simply take it off
and throw it away!
For the purposes of this book we have provided the
means to generate magical weapons and armour only Initially a cursed item will appear to be a normal,
as these are generally considered to be the most beneficial, magic item and you should make another
common and relevant type of magical item, but this roll on treasure table F to find out what it seems to be
should not be your limitation. There are a huge - the curse will be the opposite of the beneficial effect.
number of magical and mysterious items sca�ered The curse only becomes apparent once you have
throughout the AFF source books and it is strongly equipped the item - put on a piece of armour or used
suggested that you make use of them as well as the weapon - at which point the hero should realise
referring to the villains in chapter 9, each of which there is something wrong. For example, Gruder finds
has their own unique magical treasure. a spear covered in glowing fiery runes which, in his
haste, he picks up and uses at the first opportunity
Use Table E to find out what type of magic item you trying to find out what it does. Secretly the Director
have found and then Table F for magic weapons or makes another roll ge�ing the result of ‘+1 Damage
Table G for magic armour to discover how potent it is. Roll’, which they reverse to be ‘-1 Damage Roll’.
For example, a roll of 9 on Table E indicates a shield,
a further roll of 4 means this is a large shield. Looking After Gruder first uses the spear, he realises
at Table G we roll a 4 followed by an 8, indicating that something is wrong (though not exactly what - it’s
this Large Shield causes opponents to suffer a -2 just that the spear didn’t do as much damage as he
penalty to their damage rolls. A potent item indeed! expected) and wants to get rid of it. He resolves to
hurl it into a river the next chance he gets.
Identifying Magical Items Unfortunately, even though he does throw itaway the
Recognising a magical item requires either the next time he gets into a fight he discovers that the
A�uned talent or the Magical Lore special skill, but spear is once again in his hand!
neither of these will give you the precise nature of the
item, just a rough description. A sword that adds +1 You can be as inventive with curses as you can with
to the damage roll would be described as being beneficial magical items (how about a cursed sword
‘unnaturally sharp’. The hero can then discover the that has a 1 in 6 chance each round of becoming
exact mechanical details by using the item. A fuller ethereal and unable to hurt anyone?), if you want to
explanation of how magical items are identified is simply reverse the usual effects then do the
given in Chapter 10 of the AFF rulebook. following.
Chapter 13 -Treasure
Ridding yourself of a cursed item can be done by
visiting a temple of Sindla, Asrel, Fourga, Hamaskis,
Filash, Fulkra or Logaan and requesting that a priest
use the ‘Bless’ power on the hero - this will allow
them to set the cursed item aside (though it does not
destroy it).
AFF Adventure Creation System
13.6 Treasure Table E - Magic Weapons & Armour. First roll to find out what type of item has been found or
choose one that is appropriate for the hero.
2d6 Item Found (roll 1d6 to find out exactly what is found)
2 Thrown -
1-3: Throwing Dagger
4-5: Javelin
6: Sling
3 Polearms -
1-4: Polearm
5-6: Spear
4 Bows -
1-3: Longbow
4-5: Shortbow
6: Crossbow
5 Axes -
1-3: Ba�le Axe
4-6: Hand Axe
6 Swords -
1: Dagger
2: Greatsword
3-4: Shortsword
5-6: Sword
7 Armour -
1: Leather Cuirass
2: Leather Hauberk
3: Chain Cuirass
4: Chain Hauberk
5: Breastplate
6: Plate Armour
8 Clubs -
1: Club
2-3: Mace
4: Morning Star
5-6: Warhammer
9 Shield -
1-3: Small Shield
4-5: Large Shield
10 Staves - Quarterstaff
11 Robes - Enchanted Clothing (Armour that is cloth)
12 Roll Twice, each is a separate item
Chapter 13 -Treasure
After you have discovered what sort of item you have
found, roll on either Table F (Weapons) or Table G
(Armour) to find out how potent it is.
13.7 Treasure Table F - Magic Weapons. Roll to see how powerful the item is and what effect it has.
F1 Magical - 10x base cost F2 Enchanted - 20x base cost F3 Dazzling - 50x base cost
2d6 2-7 8-10 11-12
2 Cursed! Cursed! Cursed!
3 -1 to opponents Armour -2 to opponents Armour -3 to opponents Armour
or Dodge roll or Dodge roll or Dodge roll
4-5 +1 Damage Roll +2 Damage Roll +3 Damage Roll
6-7 +1 to Combat Roll +2 to Combat Roll +3 to Combat Roll
8-9 Flaming: +1 fire damage Flaming: +2 fire damage Flaming: +1d6 fire damage
when it hits when it hits when it hits
10 Rime: +1 cold damage Rime: +2 cold damage Rime: +1d6 cold damage
when it hits when it hits when it hits
11 +1 SKILL +1 SKILL & +1 to Damage Roll +2 SKILL
12 Reliable: Minimum Reliable: Minimum Roll twice on this column
damage roll is 2 damage roll is 3
13.8 Treasure Table G - Magic Armour. Roll to see how powerful the item is and what effect it has.
F1 Magical - 10x base cost F2 Enchanted - 20x base cost F3 Dazzling - 50x base cost
2d6 2-7 8-10 11-12
2 Cursed! Cursed! Cursed!
3 Movement skill penalties Movement skill penalties are Movement skill penalties are
are 25% less than usual 50% less than usual 75% less than usual
4 -1 to opponents damage roll -2 to opponents damage roll -3 to opponents damage roll
5-6 +1 Armour roll +2 Armour roll +3 Armour roll
7-8 Reliable: Minimum Reliable: Minimum Reliable: Minimum
armour roll is 2 armour roll is 3 armour roll is 4
9 Always prevents at least Always prevents at least Always prevents at least
one point of damage. two points of damage. three points of damage.
10 Resistance: 1 in 6 chance Resistance: 2 in 6 chance Resistance: 3 in 6 chance
of resisting magic of resisting magic of resisting magic
12 Halves damage from fire Halves damage from fire & cold Roll twice on this column
AFF Adventure Creation System
Of course, there are many other magical effects that Summary
you could add to weapons and armour, should you The finding of treasure, particularly magical treasure,
wish to include specific items. You should consider is a key part of an heroic fantasy game and heroes
their impact on your heroes adventures as some of should expect some rewards for their bravery. The
the abilities are very strong, particularly anything amount of treasure a hero receives can vary
that increases your SKILL or combat roll. enormously and the Director should have a rough
idea of how much wealth and power they want to
For more ideas, look in the Fighting Fantasy supply, as this will have a strong effect on how the
gamebooks and the other Advanced Fighting Fantasy game progresses. The ideas in this chapter should
rulebooks. You could include effects such as: give you a broad enough range of options to choose
from and as always you should modify or add to
• Weapon has a chosen foe, against which it has them as you see fit.
increased bonuses or effects.
13 -Treasure
AFF Adventure Creation System
AFF Adventure Creation System
p377 Table 10.2.5 Randomised Task Categories
p378 Table 10.2.6 Randomised Combat Tasks
p379 Table 10.2.7 Randomised Magic Tasks
p379 Table 10.2.8 Randomised Religion Tasks
p380 Table 10.2.9 Randomised Movement Tasks
p381 Table 10.2.10 Randomised Knowledge Tasks
p382 Table 10.2.11 Randomised Diplomacy Tasks
p383 Table 10.2.12 Randomised General Tasks
p384 Table 10.2.13 Randomised Subterfuge Tasks
p386 Table 10.2.14 Randomised Exploration Tasks
p390 Table 10.2.15 Combat Complications
p392 Table 10.2.16 Setbacks
p393 Table 10.2.17 Mission Complications
p394 Table 10.2.18 Random Mission Timers
p400 Table 11.1 Adventurer’s Guild Contracts. If refused, you can check again the next day.
p402 Table 11.2 Adventurer’s Guild Contract Rewards
AFF Adventure Creation System
Rms Michael Daemon Gunn Darren Bulmer
Darrell Rees Rob Crewe Patrick Carrick
boardgamebollocks John P Hansell Román Emin
Steven Isbell Duncan Lincoln Allan Bray
Leon Tam Jim Shevlin Nick Corbin
Andy Scott Ivan Kemenes Salina Schjødt Larsen
Neil @ SFandFantasy.co.uk Dalton Calford Dave Bowen
Derventius Wraith James Turner Robert Carnel
Atsushi Shimamoto Chad Ries Pete Bounous
Alton Reed Terry Adams Liam Hazlehurst
Kjeld Froberg Kip Corriveau Patrick Waldbuesser
Wiggy Ronan Burke Alberto Martín de Hijas
Nathan Latty John Gardiner ColinD
Tony Graham Bryan Howarth Simon Proctor
James Manley-Bird Patrick Green Shaun Bennett
Daniel Sundström Dan Robinson Patrick Limacher
Nic Cook Kevin Barraclough Brandon Yu
Ian Greenfield Jeff Lloyd Gavin udall
Jam Norman Julian Chan AF
David Y Lee Abbott Mono X
Lord Kram Nossirah Mark Stanley David martin
Morgan Hazel NerdThing Andrew Basch
Sam "Bifford" Dan Hawkes Jamie Prentice
colinmnash Eddie Boshell Andris Bruno
Hellium GEMofPOWER OZEKI, Kazutaka
Catherine McClarey C Robertson Sondoh Jr
Rich Spainhour Craig "Fellfane" Hindle The Keyboard Pilgrim
redfoxx01@googlemail.com Rob 'Sheriff' Davies Andrew Wright
David Martin Rob B Andy Bartlett
Argamae Reg Langford Christian Nienhaus
Mark Seaborne Paul Taylor Gordon Volcano
David Morgan Nick Larocco Fabrice Gatille
Y. K. Lee Rueben Larson Benjamin Lamberth
Edward Healy Shane & Yvonne Mclean Ksandajja
Francois Letarte Cullen M. M. Waters Simon Morris
Stephen Mooney Takahiro Maeda Shad Corliss
Ewan Munro Norikatu Konisi Weery
Jason Vince A. K. A. Dream Aaron F Stanton Chris Rice
Walker Spirit Thalji Mike Sheppard
Jonny Gray T. Kurt Bond Stuart Lloyd
Mark Peoples Benjamin Chee Karl Sfictos
Shawn Medero Scott Creation Rites McManus Josh Rasey
Stephen Lockwood David Christopher Lee Steve Read
Richard Hanton-Rutherford Doc Daddy Christopher Baron
Paul Gegg Dave Polhill Gordon Wincott
Darren Kessell Phil Duncan Lonnie C. Daniel
Guy Blatch ron beck Terry Lane
Marc Young Tristan Melchiori Graham Bailey
Stephen Sloan Jason Baldwin Lee Rimmer
Jem Kilty Osye Eldridge Pritchett III Bruno Raymundo
Steve Townsend J Oliver Peltier
Brian "Nitehood" Johnson kagyu3 Ardghal
David J. Williams Doug Bolden ordinal
Michael Nusbaum veritanuda Andrei Baltakmens
AFF Adventure Creation System
Steve Davis Sergio «Terrax» de la Cruz tatibana
Lucas Salton Cardinali Lord Nightmare Oliver Morrod
Lars, Man of Letters Chris McKnight Paul
Matthew Ellis Madison Tinsley Brinkley Hunt
Randy Mosiondz David Ishmael Anthony Mandal
Alessandro Viola Thomas 'Mastadaddy' Roesch W.D.P. Ellam
Peter (Toegun) Cartwright Brian S Stephen O'Shea
Renaud Velter Norwolf Mark J
Steve Murphy Rebecca Scott Dameon Gaynor
Stephen Cooper TJ Mckechnie Michael O Donohoe
Keith Stickland Kevin shilling Tom Geraghty
Mike Jones Nicolas Ezeyza Blasto
Tony Kerstan Sven Jesus Martinez Lutzke Lance Morin
James Through X's post. Michael G Palmer
Meg Warrington Scott Wilkinson SoManyRats
Roger Bailey KJ Potter Nicholas Hutchind
Mr. Kelly Jeau G. Larson Graham Wilkes Gerard Cagayat
Russell Hoyle Emerald Orchid Mike Mauter
Tom Cameron Thomas R. FlacoAlto
Don Myers Frank Turfler Adam Conlan
Michael Morales Justin-Lee Morrison Hero Antagonist
David Hobson Mark Winkelman J Cole Pope
Tom McVey Tim D. Griffin Christopher Lockey
james david merryman Ron Schachtner Paul & Tiggy
Dave P. Arthur Dougherty Martin Costello
YHL Christian Poewe Mark Wilson
Simon Brown M. Ogando Ian McKay
Graeme Rigg ELF Vesala Ace Fortune
Gareth Morgan Paul Gaston Ahtzl
Quiet guy keeps to himself Pikey Berbil Jayson Holovacs
Jeff Belmour Mark C Justin Woodman
Mel Hall Tim T Will H
Daniel Gregory Ricardo Pereira Ramalho jean-philippe viau
Joel Siragher Christopher Crumpet James Howat
cauldronofevil Jamie Fry Meidrym Hebda
Magnus Lauglo Dead Steve Jake Staines
Classic Roll Player Adam Pulman tim.j.booth@gmail.com
Fabio Mascarenhas Jonathan Hill HyphenPunk
Jeff Witty Fred Lepley BeZurKur
Trevor Smith Daniel Ryan Kian Vincent
Greg Wood Brass Jester Uwe Schumacher
Jonathan Churin Chuck McGrew Steve Harper
Alex Packwood Jane Spencer Jason Collis
Chris Burrow Charlie Redux Stephen Hoare
Ian Stead Newt Newport Gholana
Marco F Lee Carnell Michael Stevens
Ryan Z Timbar Edvin Aghanian
Joseph Pruitt Lou Jess Nickelsen
Gary Duke Gareth Banks Tim J
Ian geronimo Brumby Ross O'Dell Luigi Wilks
Zarek Strong Skenderax NJ Glassford
Chris Trapp Fosselman Troy Tarrant
Brett Schofield Ian Stronach Martin Pinkerton
Brian Turner Matt C Tom Nowell
Scott C Cooke Michael Whiting kenny wong
Nebo Chris Bate Grant Mcvittie
Leon Harvey Tom Ferguson CG
Philip W Rogers Jr Keisuke Katsuhara Russell Goudge
Sapper Joe Collins Paul Harrison Timothy B. Gutierrez
Hirochika Suzuki Freddie Broadbent Andrew Davis
Eduardo J. Caldera Nessalantha Patrick Tullis
Theodore Ketchum Chris Shields Patrick Crusiau
Allen H Leung Phillip McGregor Tommy Chu
Ebest Elvin Presse-Lait Mark Leymaster of Grammarye
Kerry Cook Marc "Traveller" Miller Jason Sunday
Steven Watkins Jason Dennis Mark Featherston
Christopher Lowery David Stephenson Marc Schluetter
David King Phil Wathan Magisterunus
Patrick "Doc Belmont" Demo Roger Leung Erick McGhee
Nikolaos Stamatopoulos mayosuke Doug Schnur
Steven Dean Martin Stein & Scott Saxon David Jayr
Matt Town Gri7 Ken Wicks
triptonite Matthew Johnson Robert Granville
Clemens Gruhl Glen Sharman Thiago Carrascosa
Shaun Hately Jude L Ken Finlayson
Doc Shepherd Tamanegi Sunaga Derrick C
Tim E owljey Stefan Karlsson
Zsolt Matyusz Peter Seckler Michael K J
Tim Knight Mike Jessup Terry d’Orleans
Peter Wright Krull Sébastien Delisle
Jean-François Beauchef Nostradamus Frank R Hussey
anon Hsieh, Wei-Hua ZurielRedux
Andrew Sekela Thaldon Magedrake Eleanor McHugh
Al Livingstone Koreppi David "UrsaTeddy" Vega
Craig Anderson Dave Radmore Balmonec
Cailean Tobin Hagakure M.H
karl deckard Oyajiru Gustavo Rocha
Eulogio gutierrez Reverend Butch Smith Cussa Mitre
Chris Best Steve Dodge Simon Lloyd
William Chapman Dan Layman-Kennedy Bruce Gulke
CharlesDM Minoru Natsutani 林立人 Lin Liren
Gabriel Conroy Phil Pursglove Clive Sutherland
Paul nowak Zoltán Monoki Mario M. Butter
magamo_akira Sam Flintlock Chuck McKnight
Worldwalker Jason Bardo Emma C
Paul James Ken Richter DerKastellan
Stephen Marron Searhin Marky Mark
Trevor Critchley No thanks Paul Roest
Alexander Peterhans Cheryl Howard John "Aracnarua". Hume
Toshikazu Kobayashi Lars Quante Don Pierce
Timolution Francis Greenaway Devon Hood
Todd Stephens Tanubee t-lo
Khanach Nick Gibbins Okatan555
Justin Cameron My name in the credits Matthew Luellen
David Sullivan Martin Strain A.A.
James 'The Great Old One' Burke Gaz Grym Steve Pugh
Chris Mainwaring Daan D. E. Weeks
Dave Barker Warren C Liam Kemble-Young
Dustin Rector Graeme Moore Mr Grebo
James Bernard Roth Alex Peyton Philip Stein
Dr. Eperjesi Andras Aaron Chu Al-Trujillo
Greg Kirkpatrick Go Miyauchi Frank Kieling
Paul Ryan Holly E
Dominic Hemy Cain McInerney
AFF Adventure Creation System
A Buried buildings / Ruins 163
Abandoned Shack 138 Burn 19
Academia 249 Burning House 125
Acid Bath 146, 182 Burnt Out building 98
Acolyte 99
Adventurer 174
Adventurer Guild Goods 403 C
Adventurer’s Guild Contract Rewards 402 Call for Aid! 87
Adventurer’s Guild Contracts 400 Campaign Missions 319
Adventurer’s Guild Services 405 Campsite 228
Airship 236 Captive 174
Alarm 179 Cartographers Shop 141
Alchemist’s Workshop 151 Casting Spells in Secret 18
Alcove 179 Catacomb Condition 82
Allies & Enemies 261 Catacomb Encounters 83
Ancient Hallows 220 Catacomb Origin 81
Animals 24 Catacombs Entrance 80, 137
Apothecary 105 Cave 162
Archery Contest 121 Cellars 162
Area 27 Challenge encounters 55
Area of Effect 18 Chambered 180
Area of Wild Magic or Chaos 235 Chaos Horror 134
Armoured 166 Chaos Rune 147
Armourer 142 Chaos Unleashed 272, 307
Artisan 109 Chaos Wrought 163
A�empt a Con 15 Childhood Life Experience 263
A�raction 19 Children 114
Auction House 154 Chilled 165
Avoiding Encounters 55 Choking Dust 180
Avoiding Spells 17 Choosing a Villain 278
Awareness 9 Citadel or Fortress 233
City 46
City Gate (Wall) 74
B City Lore 9
Band of Pilgrims / Barbarians 217 Clu�ered 180
Bargain 11 Coins 419
Bathhouse 153 Collapsing Ground! 136
Ba�le Tactic 312 College 70
Befudle 20 Combat Companion 7
Beggar 115 Combat Complications 390
Beyond the Pit 7 Command 21
Biological 163 Common Encounter and Action Options 13
Birth Month 261 Commune 21
Black Powder explosion. 122 Completely Random Landscape Generation 197
Blood Vines 227 Con Artist 117
Boatman 226 Consecrated 165
Bone Pile 230 Consequences of Success 409
Borrow a map 196 Consumable Items 421
Breach 20 Cool 19
Bribe 15 Corridors 184
Broken Trap 147 Counterspelling and Dispelling 18
AFF Adventure Creation System
Crafting 12 Dwarf Pedlar 92, 175
Create a map 196 Dwarven Halls / Mines 163
Creating a Dungeon Map 167 Dwarven Scout 175
Creating a Mission, Adventure or Quest 370 Dwarven Se�lement 233
Creating Factions 258 Dying Man 117
Creating Patrons and Allies 313
Creating Quests & Missions 369
Creating your Wilderness 196 E
Creature Condition 166 Eat a Meal 15
Crevasse 217 Elementals 23, 24
Critical 11 Elven Se�lement 233
Crumbling 165 Elven Sorcerer 175
Crypt 162 Encounter 27
Cunning Trap 181 Encounters in a Se�lement 54
Current Occupation 49 Encumbrance 26
Cursed Weapons & Armour 422 Endurance 14
Curtain 179 Enhance 19
Cutpurse 119 Entertain 19
Cu�hroats 128 Environment Descriptions 204
Escaped Slave 91
ESP 20
D Experience Rewards 407
Darkness 20 Explode 21
Darkseeing 20 Exploration 386
Dead Zone 235 Exposure 203
Deadly Trap 181 Extinguish 19
Death and dying 25
Deathtrap’ Dungeons 238
Decay’s power 21 F
Demonic 23 Failing a task 377
Demons 237 Falling Masonry 120
Descriptions of Social Status 246 Falling Nightsoil 120
Desert 211 Family & Clan 261
Desperate Chef 96 FAR 21
Determine Privileges 245 Farmer 103
Devious Trap 146 Feed 15
Difficulty Level 29 Ferocious Hailstorm 217
Diplomacy 382 Fight 13
Diseases 124 Fighting in the Streets 83
Disguise 10 Find 21
Disjointed 179 Finding a random location / area / room 391
Docks (or Customs House) 69 Finding your Way & Mapping 196
Dodge 13 Fire Sprite Arsonist 129
Drink a Potion 16 First Aid 16
Drinking Den 67 First Strike 16
Drop stone 147 Flee 13
Drunken Dwarf 98 Flimsy Door 179
Dry 19 Flooded 180
Dungeon 27, 163 Fly 21
Dungeon Condition 165 Followers 257
Dungeon Entrance 230 Food & Drink 203
Dungeon Themes 237 Foraging 202
Dungeons 161 Forced March 200
Duration 18 Forest 206
Forest Lore 9 Hero’s Motivation 372
Forgo�en Cellar 138 Heroes Companion 7, 195
Forgo�en Path 225 High Magic 237
Forgo�en Stash 149 Hills 207
Fountain or Spring 181 Hiring a Guide 204
Friar 112 Hobgoblin Spy 126
Frozen Bodies 229 Hold 19
Fulkra’s power 21 Holdings 245
Fumbles 11 Holy Man 174
Funeral Cortege 120 Homestead (Abandoned, Inhabited). 218
Fungi 181 Honesty 19
Fur Trader 108 Hospital 71
Fury of the Gods 271 HOW 21
Humanoids 24
Hunting & Foraging 202
G Hunting Wyvern 219
Garbage Heap 60
General Dungeon Rules 186
General Goods kiosk 142 I
General Tasks 383 Identifying Magical Items 422
Generating a Catacomb 80 Ignite 20
Generating a map 50 Illusion 20
Ghost 175, 228 Increasing Encounters 56
Ghost Town 234 Individual vs Group Awards 408
Ghoul 123 Inebriate 19
Giant 230 Infernal 165
Giant Rat 123 Infested 166
Giant Spider 130 Inn 65
Glimmer 19 Insect Swarm 229
Glowing eyes 20 Instil 19
Glu�onous Merchant 96 Intimidate 15
Gnome Explorer 174
Goblin / Orc Se�lement 234
Goblin Infiltrator 125 J
Grand Illusion 21 Jail 64
Grannits 132 Jungle 212
Graveyard 68
Great Beasts 24
Group of Noblewomen 104
Group of Traders 92
Keep 77
Keeping track of time 26
KID 21
H Knight-Errant 109
Hag 94 Known path or track 199
Handling Social Rank 256
Haunted House 237
Hear 19
Heat 19
Lair 162
Heavy Door: 179
Landslide 227
Henchman 28
Latrine 139
Herbalist 220
Lawbreaker Table 86
Herd of Beasts 220
Lazy 166
Herd of Wild Boar 229
Leadership 9
Hero ‘Grade’ 30
AFF Adventure Creation System
Leaf Beasts 131 Monster Encounter Tables 171
Leeches 230 Monster Templates 31
Leper 90 Monster Weapons & Armour 176
Leper Colony 231 Monster! 222
Level of Control 240 Monsters - what are we fighting? 388
Levitate 20 Monstrous Fly 133
Libra’s power 21 Morality 239
Lifepaths 260 Mountain Lore 9
Lighting 186 Mountains 208
Limited Skills 10 Movement Tasks 380
Location 27
Locked Door 179
Lost World / Dino-Land 236 N
LUCK 8 Natural Light 180
Ludria 36 Natural World 274
Lust for Power 273 Night Watchman 110
Nigh�ime and Resting 56
Nobility 252
M Nobleman 106
MAGIC 8 Noise 20
Magic Door 148 Noisy 166
Magic Items 422 Nook 179
Magic Lore 8 NPC 27
Magic Wrought 163
Magic-Wizardry 10
Magical Curiosity Shop 144 O
Magically Barren 165 Oops! 11
Magically Fecund 165 Opponent 28
Map 180 Opposed skill test 9
Map Creation 196 Optional Rule: The ‘Quiet City’ 56
Map encounters 55 Orc Raider 132
Mapping Your City, Town or Village 48 Orcs & Goblins 238
Mark of Death 25 Origin 261
Marketplace 73 Other Planes 235–236
Marsh & Swamp 213 Out of the Pit 7
Marsh Lights 225 Outlaws 224
Mass Brawl! 125 Overgrown 165
Men-at-arms 106
Mercantile 255
Merchant 219
Messenger 114
Pair of Mummers 107
Military 251
Park 75
Minor spells 19
Patrol 224
Mirage 231
Peace 20
Misplaced Wizard 174
Peasant 99
Mission 27
Permanent Features 198
Mission Complications 393
Personality Quirk 267
Mission Playthrough 38
Physical appearance 260
Mission Timer or Countdown 394
Pie Seller 102
Missions, Quests & Adventures 37
Pied Piper 20
Mistake 19
Pillaging & Skinning 415
Misty 165
Pit 179
Modify Social Skills 245
Pit Trap 147, 228
Monster Behaviour 176
Place of Execution 152 Rubble 179
Place of Rest 217 Rumours and Events 269
Plagued 166 Runaway Horse 126
Plains 205 Runed 180
Plains Encounter Table 205
Poisoned Dart 146
Political Systems & Religion 239 S
Polluted Zone 234 Salamonis 8
Popular Acclaim 246 Sanctuary 21
Port Blacksand 8 Scavenger 105
Portcullis 179 Sea Lore 10
Predator 221 Second Sight 10
Priest 100 Secret Door 181
Prospectors 229 Secret Doors 184
Puppet Show 95 Secret or Private Societies 254
Push and slip 20 Secrete 20
Section 27
Sentry 20
Q Servant 97
Quicksand 226 Setbacks 391
Quiet Crossroads 136 Se�lement 27
Quiet Fishing Spot 137 Se�lement / Ruins 226
Se�lement Challenge Encounters 118
Se�lement Creation Rules 46
R Se�lement Locations 52
Random Monster Generator 223, 389 Se�lement Map Encounters 135
Random Wilderness Area 28 Se�lement Origins 48
Randomised Knowledge Tasks 381 Se�lement Placement 49
Randomised Magic Tasks 379 Se�lement Social Encounters 89
Randomly Generated Villains 304 Se�lement Specific Rules 83
Ranged Weapons 186 Se�lements 45
Rat run 180 Sewer 162
Ratman 128 Shady Dealer 154
Ravenous Slime 129 Shoreline & Sea 215
Religion 241 Shrine 139
Religion Lore 9 Side Chamber: 181
Religious Inclination of the Se�lement or Region 241 Skeleton 132
Repulsion 20 SKILL 8
Rest 16 Slave Takers 131
Resting in a dungeon 186 Sleight of Hand 88
Return to the Pit 7 Slimy 165
Riches 166 Sloped 180
Riding vs Walking 203 Slum Alleys 61
Ripen 20 Small Well 136
Rivers & Lakes 214 Smithy 140
Roads & Se�lements 200 Sneaking 8
Rogues Cubby 149 Social encounters 55
Room Condition 180 Social Rank 27, 244
Room Contents 168 Social Rewards 409
Room Entrance Features 178 Social Status and Rank 243
Room Features 178, 181 Soldier 116
Room Occupants 170 Sorcerer’s Wyrd 150
Room Types 168 Specific God 242
Rowdy Barbarian 101 Specific Tasks 375
AFF Adventure Creation System
Spell Ranges: 18 The Syndicate 298
Spellbook 25 The Warlord 302
Spending experience 408 Theatre 78
Spiked Stick 147 Themed Dungeons 177
Spore Bag 147 Thief 175
Spray of Acid 147 Time 26
Squire 95 Tithe Collector 111
Stacking Spells 18 Toady 93
STAMINA 8 Tomb Mist 134
Stampede 216 Town 46
Starting A Campaign 315 Town Crier 91
Starting Events 316 Townsfolk 115
Starving 166 Toxic 166
Status talent 244 Transition Rooms 185
Stealing and thievery 88 Trap 181
Stores: 181 Trapper 221
Street Factors 84 Traps 182
Streets 63 Travel Time 199
Student 116 Travelling at Night 201
Subterfuge Tasks 384 Travelling the Wilds 199
Suffering Penitent 103 Treasure 26, 413
Surly Watchmen 101 Treasure & Encumbrance 418
Survivor Talent 202 Treasure Locations 416
Swamp Gas 230 Treasure Rewards 410
Swarm of Rats 133 Treasure Tables 414
Swords 8 Trick 15
Sworn Enemy 266 Trivia & Gossip 276
Troglodytes 130
Trumpeter 94
T Tundra & Ice 209
Ta�oo Parlour 152 Types of Creature 415
Tavern 66 Typical mission objectives 374
TEL 21
Temple 57
Temple (TE) Location Encounters 59 U
Terrified Prospector 174 Una�ended stall 122
Test for promotion or demotion 245 Undead 23, 237
Test of SKILL 8 Under equipped 166
Test your Rank 245 Unholy 165
The Changing Seasons 204 Unlawful Actions 85
The Claws & Thorns 288 Unmarked Passage 180
The Coven 284 Unstable 180
The Emerald Scale 294 Unstoppa-Ball 146
The Gods 261 Unusual areas of Wilderness 234
The Hero’s Motivation. 261 Unusual Dungeons 236
The Horde 292 Unusual Life Experience 264
The House of Swords 300 Unusual Locations & Themes 233
The Inquisitor 286 Unusual Se�lements 233
The Magician 280 Unveiling Rooms 169
The Necromancer 290 Upwelling of Magic 148
The Nest Mother 296 Use Etique�e 15
The Quest Hook 370 Use Stealth 14
The Sorcerer 282 Uses of Social Rank 245
The Sphinx 225 Using Bargain & Evaluate 417
Using LUCK whilst exploring 204 Wedding party 93
Using Magic 17 Well lit 165
Usrel’s power 21 Well-fed 166
Who is in Charge? 243
Wild Creatures 238
V Wilderness Encounters 216
Valuables 420 Wildernesses 195
Verlang’s power 21 Wildfire 228
Village 47 Winds of Magic 270
Villain 28 Witchsniffer 113
Villains 37, 277 Workshop 153, 181
Volcano 234 Wrestling Contest 127
Vortex of Magic 146
W Young Dragon 232
Wandering Elf 106 Young Noble 97
Wandering Monsters 186
Wary 166
Wealthy Streets 62 Z
Weaponsmith 11, 143 ZEN 21
Weather protection 20 ZIP 21