Identify 1–2 student standards relevant for this For each of the selected student standards, write or
targeted group and goal: select 1–2 learning objectives
(Best practice = select one)
M&B# Mindsets & Behaviors Statement Student Learning Objectives
Student(s) will:
Practice Content: • Students will be placed into 4 groups to complete group activity,
desks organized as such if possible. Each group will be given 5
cards to complete during the activity; 1 card from each category
(Act it out, imagine if, sketch it out, discuss, and true false).
Provide 8-10 minutes for group to answer and discuss every card.
Rotate cards with another group depending on time allotment,
ideally 2-3 rotations. Place blank half sheets of paper and pens on
Cherry Lane Attendance Lesson Group Activity Task Cards.
• Counselor will rotate throughout the groups asking questions and
prompting engagement as needed.
• Students return to seats and debrief activity.
• Suggestion if needed: teacher will read cards to group members,
groups will be placed in circles on the floor instead of at a desk,
remove or eliminate specific task cards that do not fit the needs
of the group.
Summarize/Close: • Review of concepts and discussion of tips and tricks to improve
attendance. Focus on reaching out to staff and faculty for help as
well as joining groups for engagement.
• Hand out list of current clubs and organizations. Cherry Lane
Clubs and Organizations List
• Complete post-assessment google form. Cherry Lane Attendance
Lesson Post-Assessment Form
Data Collection Plan – For multiple lessons in a unit, complete this section only once for the unit.
Participation Data Plan:
Anticipated number All 7th grade students, estimated 142
of students:
Planned length of 30-45 mins.
ASCA Student Standards Data Plan:
For each lesson/unit/small group, school counselors will administer pre-/post-assessment aligned with the selected
ASCA Student Standards and student learning objectives.
Pre-/Post-Assessment items are:
1. School attendance impacts the way students perform on tests and their grades.
a. True
b. false
2. How many days does a month does a student need to miss to be chronically absent?
Students will leave lesson with an understanding of what chronic absenteeism is and how it
impacts performance. They will identify barriers to attendance and begin to problem solve
them as well as identify individuals who can help them and organizations, they can engage in.
Outcome Data Plan: (choose one and describe specific data point to compare)
Achievement: School counselor will compare reading levels of students before and after delivery of lesson.
Attendance: School counselor will compare number of absences last year to this year.
Discipline: School counselor will compare total number of disciplinary reports for peer-on-peer conflict first quarter
with second quarter
Achievement (describe):
Attendance (describe): By May 2023, 7th grade chronic absenteeism will be reduced by 5%
and club participation will increase by 10%. Minority student chronic absenteeism for 7th grade
students will reduce by 10%. As students matriculate, continued impact on attendance will
improve school wide chronic absentee data.
Discipline (describe):
Follow-Up Plans
Explain your plan for students who missed the lesson.
We will provide the lesson during 7th grade resource class to ensure access to all. For those
who miss, an online version of the course will be available with videos for viewing in addition to
the group activity information. The lesson will be posted on the students online learning
platform to ensure students and families have access. It may also be shared with other grades
as requested or needed.
Explain your plan for students who did not demonstrate mastery on the pre-/post-assessment
of student standards (M&B)/student learning objectives.
After reviewing pre/post data results outliers will be identified and additional support
determined on a case-by-case basis. Students may be referred to the Attendance Check in
Small Group or individual counseling. Additional courses in overcoming barriers and self-
awareness, self-advocacy and diversity/inclusion may also be provided.