All five parts of the application must be completed and submitted with a copy of the birth
certificate/passport by January 10, 2025. Place current
passport size
Incomplete applications will not be forwarded to the scholarship committee. photo here
This Scholarship application form has been designed to give each applicant fair and equal
consideration. Scholarships awarded by the International School of Kenya are based on student
merit and financial need. Please complete the form as accurately as possible and return by mail
(P.O Box 14103-00800, Nairobi) or via hand delivery to the International School of Kenya (ISK). All
information given will be held in strict confidence and will be used by school officials only.
I certify that to the best of my knowledge all of the information I have provided is accurate and that the work submitted is
my own.
Student Information
Years of High School you would have completed by August 2025 (years and months) ________________________
Have you lived or studied in another country? ____________ If yes, please describe: ________________________
Parent Information
Father/Guardian’s Name Mother/Guardian’s Name
Father/Guardian’s Address (if different from Applicant): Mother/Guardian’s Address (if different from Applicant):
Please list the preferred email address for receiving ISK communication:
Name: ___________________________
How did you learn about the ISK Scholarship? ___ Nation Newspaper ___ Nation Website ___ Notice Board
Physical Address
P O Box Telephone
Educational Background
Name of School Currently Attending:
School Address
Support Services
Has your child ever been tested/evaluated and/or received help in the following areas (a copy of all test results and
reports are required):
Tested Received Help
YES NO YES, in grade NO Describe
English Language
Learner Program
Speech & Learning
Learning Difficulty
Mental Health
Has your child ever been suspended, expelled or withdrawn from school due to behaviour or academic
Does your child require any medication by a physician to aid the learning process?
Please ask your school to provide you with a copy of your academic records for the last three years (including most recent). This
should list the classes you have taken and your final grades/scores for each class that you have completed for the last three years.
Send this to us with the rest of your application.