A Gift or Hiba is a transfer of property made immediately, without any exchange, by one person to another
and accepted by or on behalf of the latter.
The rules governing Hiba are derived from the Quran, Hadith (sayings of Prophet Muhammad), and various
schools of Islamic thought.
The basis of the principle of gift is the prophet’s saying, “Exchange gifts among yourselves so that love may
The definition of Hiba or Gift has been given in Kanz al Daquiq
Competence of Donor:
The donor must be of sound mind and not a minor.
They must have the legal capacity to transfer the property.
Competence of Donee:
The donee must be capable of holding and owning the property.
Minors and persons of unsound mind can receive gifts through their guardians.
Property Must Exist:
The subject matter of the gift must exist at the time of the Hiba, future properties cannot be given as a
Lawful Object:
The object of the gift must be lawful under Muslim law.
Any property that is prohibited (haram) cannot be given as a gift.
Revocation of Gift
A gift may be revoked by the donor at any time before delivery of possession.
A gift may be revoked even after delivery of possession except in the following cases:
When the gift is made by a husband to his wife or by wife to her husband
When the donee is related to the donor within the prohibited degrees
When the donee is dead
When the thing given has passed out of the donee’s possession by sale, gift or otherwise
When the thing given is lost or destroyed
When the thing given has increased in value, whatever be the cause of the increase
When the thing given is so changed that it cannot be identified, as when wheat is converted into flour by
When the donor has received something in exchange(iwaz) for the gift.
Case Laws
Hiba is a significant aspect of Muslim personal law, emphasizing the principles of generosity and support within the
community. Understanding its essentials and legal requirements is crucial for both donors and donees to ensure that
the gift is valid and enforceable. The principles governing Hiba reflect the broader values of Islamic jurisprudence,
promoting kindness and welfare.