MV Cables
MV Cables
MV Cables
- The cablesshall be XLPEthree core circular,strandedand compacted
copperconductorfor crosssectionareaof ( mm2 copperconductor,
conductorscreen,XLPEinsulatedand insulationscreenshouldbe applied
simultaneously usinga true tripleheadand with over all PVC"ST2"Flame
Retardant+2.5 % C.B extrudedjacket The jacketshall be flame resistant
with suitableantioxidantsand blackultravioletprotectionThe construction
of the cableshallcontainwaterpenetrationlayers. Theconstructionof the
cablesshallbe submittedwithtenderaccordingto IEC60502anddrawing
indicatingcross section of each cable type showing all components,
thicknessand diameterof the cable, moreoversubmitthe drawingof the
sealingend indicatingall data and dimensions.All PVCjacketsshall be
flame resistantwith suitableantioxidantsand approximately2.5% carbon
black ultravioletprotectionmore over a semi conductivelayer graphite
coatingshouldbe appliedoverthejacket(nonmetallicsheath).
- For copperconductorclass 2, conductormeasuresshould be taken to
achievelongitudinal watertightness.
Metallicscreen: It shall consist of one or more tapes or abraid or a
concentriclayerof wiresor a combinationofwiresandtape(s).It may also
be a sheath.
Insulationtmine:tnom- ( 0.1+ 0.1!nom)
Non metallic sheath (jacket)
9shall be appliedfor 22 KV cablesaccordingto IEC60502.
-.Semi-conductingwater blockingtape should be appliedover the bare
- A semi conductingswellingtape shall be applied under the copper
screenfor longitudinalwater shall be 30% over-lappedwith
nom.thick0.5 mm& min.thick.0.4 mm.An acceptedinternational test has
to be proposed.
Section (7)
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7 4.2 Electrical characteristics
Uo raied powerfrequency1oltagebetweencor1d c1ndeartI1m rnetailic
screenfor whichthe cableis designed•
lJ rated powerfrequencyvoltagebetweenconductorsfor ,vhictithe cable
is designed•
Urn: fhe maximumvalue of the highesl system voltage for which the
equipmentmaybe used
Uo/U/Um= .
Shortcircuitcurrentcalculationshouldbe submittedas per !EC60 287
7.4.3(Maximumconductor temperature):
The conductortemperaturewhenthe ratednormalcurrentis flowingandthe
earth temperaturedoes not exceed 35oc, shall not exceednooc at load
factor 100% and the maximumconductortemperatureduring emergency
operation not exceed 100 0 c. The emergencyoperationperiod is two
• Impulsevoltage KV
- Routinetest = 3.5 Uo, 5 minute
Section (7) I
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