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Excel Lab Manual-1

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Program 1: Getting Started with Excel: Creation of spread sheets, Insertion of rows and columns, Drag

& Fill, use of Aggregate functions.

Creating a Student Table in Excel:
1. Open Excel and select File → New → Blank Workbook.
2. Create the following table structure for student records:

2. Inserting Rows and Columns

Insert a Row:
1. Right-click on the row number (e.g., Row 2) where you want to insert a new student record.
2. Choose Insert to add a new row above the selected one.
Insert a Column:
3. Right-click on the Grade column (Column E) if you want to add a new column for Remarks.
4. Select Insert. The new column will appear to the left.

3. Drag & Fill for Student Data

• Drag & Fill can be useful when:
Filling Student IDs in a sequence (101, 102, 103, 104, etc.).
Copying Subject Names across multiple rows.
1. In A2, type 1 as the first Student ID.
2. Place your cursor at the bottom-right corner of the cell (you’ll see a small + sign).
3. Drag down to auto-fill sequential IDs like 1, 2, 3, 4...
4. In C2, type Math and drag the fill handle down to repeat “Math” across multiple cells.

4. Using Aggregate Functions with Student Data

Here are some useful aggregate functions based on student data:
• SUM: Calculate the total marks of all students.
=SUM(D2:D4) adds up the marks from D2 to D4.
• AVERAGE: Find the average marks of students.
=AVERAGE(D2:D4) gives the average score.
• COUNT: Count how many students are in the list.
=COUNT(A2:A4) counts the number of student IDs.
• MAX / MIN: Find the highest or lowest score.
=MAX(D2:D4) returns the highest mark.
=MIN(D2:D4) returns the lowest mark.

Program 2: Working with Data : Importing data, Data Entry & Manipulation, Sorting & Filtering, Data
Validation, Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts.
1. Importing Data into Excel
You can import data from sources like CSV files, databases, or websites.
• Import CSV or Excel Files:
1. Open Excel and go to Data → Get Data → From File → From Workbook/CSV.
2. Select the file you want to import and click Import.
3. Use the Navigator to preview the data and load it into the workbook.

2. Data Entry & Manipulation:

• Entering Data:
Type values directly into the cells (e.g., student marks, attendance records).
Use Drag & Fill to populate sequences or replicate formulas across multiple cells.
• Manipulating Data:
Copy/Paste: Select data, press Ctrl + C (Copy), and Ctrl + V (Paste).
Find & Replace: Press Ctrl + H to replace specific values (e.g., changing “Science” to “Physics”).
Delete Data: Select cells, rows, or columns → Right-click → Delete.

3. Sorting & Filtering Data:

Sorting and filtering help you analyze and organize data efficiently.
• Sorting Data:
1. Select the table or the range you want to sort.
2. Go to Data → Sort.
3. Choose the column to sort by (e.g., Student Marks) and select Ascending or Descending.
• Filtering Data:
1. Select your table or data range.
2. Go to Data → Filter.
3. Click the dropdown arrows in the column headers to filter by specific values (e.g., filter only students
with marks > 80).

4. Data Validation:
Data Validation ensures only valid data is entered into cells. For example, you can restrict marks to between 0 and
• Steps:
1. Select the range of cells (e.g., D2
for student marks).
2. Go to Data → Data Validation.
3. In the Settings tab, choose Whole Number from the drop-down and set the minimum to 0 and maximum
to 100.
4. Click OK.
(If someone enters a number outside this range, Excel will display an error message.)

5. Creating Pivot Tables & Pivot Charts:

Pivot tables and charts help summarize large data sets.
• Creating a Pivot Table:
1. Select your data table.
2. Go to Insert → Pivot Table.
3. Choose whether to place the Pivot Table in a new sheet or the existing sheet.
4. In the PivotTable Fields pane, drag the following:
▪ Student Name to Rows.
▪ Average to Values (it will default to SUM).
Pivot Table:

Creating a Pivot Chart:

1. After creating a Pivot Table, go to PivotTable Analyze → PivotChart.
2. Select a chart type (e.g., Column or Bar chart) and click OK.
This chart will dynamically update based on your Pivot Table.

Program 3: Data Analysis Process: Conditional Formatting, What-If Analysis, Data Tables, Charts &
1. Conditional Formatting:
Conditional Formatting highlights data based on specific conditions, making patterns easier to spot.
• Highlight Low Scores (< 80):
1. Select the marks range (e.g., B2 for subject marks).
2. Go to Home → Conditional Formatting → Highlight Cells Rules → Less Than....
3. Enter 80 and choose a format (e.g., red fill).
• Color Scale for Performance:
1. Select the marks range.
2. Go to Home → Conditional Formatting → Color Scales.
3. Choose a gradient to visualize performance (e.g., green for high marks, red for low).

2. What-If Analysis
What-If Analysis allows you to predict outcomes based on changes to data.
Goal Seek Example:
• Scenario: You want to determine how many marks a student needs in Java to get an A (90+ average).
1. Go to Data → What-If Analysis → Goal Seek.
2. Set Set Cell to the cell containing the average marks.
3. Set To Value to 90.
4. Set By Changing Cell to the Java marks cell.
3. Data Tables
Data tables allow you to explore multiple scenarios by changing one or two inputs.
Example: Calculate Impact of Marks on Final Grade
1. Set up a column with possible marks in one subject (e.g., Java) and their effect on the average.
2. Go to Data → What-If Analysis → Data Table.
3. Use the Java marks as the Column Input.

4. Charts & Graphs

Visualize data trends with charts and graphs.
Example 1: Bar Chart for Subject-Wise Performance
1. Select the student names and their Java scores.
2. Go to Insert → Charts → Bar Chart.
3. Customize the chart to display subject-wise performance.
Example 2: Pie Chart for Overall Grade Distribution
1. Calculate how many students got each grade.
2. Go to Insert → Charts → Pie Chart.
Program 4: Cleaning Data with Text Functions: use of UPPER and LOWER, TRIM function,
1. UPPER and LOWER Functions

These functions convert text to uppercase or lowercase.

• UPPER: Converts text to uppercase.

If A2 contains "Amit Sharma", the result will be "AMIT SHARMA".

• LOWER: Converts text to lowercase.

If A2 contains "Priya Patel", the result will be "priya patel".
• TRIM Function: TRIM removes extra spaces from text, leaving only single spaces between words.
If A2 contains " Rohan Gupta ", the result will be "Rohan Gupta".
• CONCATENATE / CONCAT Function: This function combines data from multiple cells into one. In modern
Excel, CONCATENATE is replaced by CONCAT.
=CONCAT(A2, " - ", B2)
If A2 contains "Sneha Iyer" and B2 contains "Algorithms", the result will be "Sneha Iyer - Algorithms".
=CONCAT(H44," - ",D44," - ", E44)
Program 5: Create worksheet with following fields: Empno, Ename, Basic Pay(BP), Travelling Allowance(TA),
Dearness Allowance(DA), House Rent Allowance(HRA), Income Tax(IT), Provident Fund(PF), Net Pay(NP). Use
appropriate formulas to calculate the above scenario. Analyse the data using appropriate chart and report the

Field Formula
TA = C * 6%
DA = C * 20%
HRA = C * 15%
IT = C * 10%
PF = C * 12%
Net Pay = BP + TA + DA + HRA - IT - PF

Field Formula
Average Net Pay = AVERAGE(I2:I6)
Maximum Net Pay = MAX(I2:I6)
Minimum Net Pay = MIN(I2:I6)
Total TA = SUM(D2:D6)
Total DA = SUM(E2:E6)
Total HRA = SUM(F2:F6)
Total Income Tax = SUM(G2:G6)
Total PF = SUM(H2:H6)
Total Allowances = SUM(D2:F6)
Program 6: Create worksheet on Inventory Management: Sheet should contain Product code, Product name,
Product type, MRP, Cost after % of discount, Date of purchase. Use appropriate formulas to calculate the above
scenario. Analyse the data using appropriate chart and report the data.

1. Calculate “Cost after Discount” Using Formula:

In G2 (Cost after Discount), enter the following formula:
=D2 - (D2 * E2 / 100)
This formula calculates the final price after applying the discount.
• D2 = MRP
• E2 = Discount Percentage
Drag the formula down to apply it to the entire column.

2. Format the Worksheet:

1. Currency Formatting:
o Select the MRP and Cost after Discount columns.
o Go to Home → Number → Currency, and set it to ₹ (Indian Rupee).
2. Date Formatting:
o Select the Date of Purchase column.
o Go to Home → Number → Short Date to ensure all dates are consistent.
3. Borders and Cell Shading:
o Select the whole table and apply borders from Home → Borders → All Borders.
o Apply light shading to headers to improve readability.

3. Create a Pivot Table for Analysis

1. Select the data range (including headers) – for example, A1
2. Go to Insert → Pivot Table and place the Pivot Table on a new worksheet.
3. In the PivotTable Fields Pane:
o Drag Product Type to the Rows area.
o Drag Cost after Discount to the Values area (it will sum the costs by product type).
This will generate a Pivot Table summarizing the total value of each product type

Field Formula
Total MRP Value = SUM (D2:D6)
Average Discount = AVERAGE(E2:E6)
Most Expensive Product = MAX(D2:D6)
Total Products Purchased = COUNTA(A2:A6)

Program 7: Create worksheet on Sales analysis of Merchandise Store: data consisting of Order ID,
Customer ID, Gender, age, date of order, month, online platform, Category of product, size, quantity,
amount, shipping city and other details. Use of formula to segregate different categories and perform a
comparative study using pivot tables and different sort of charts.

Objectives of Analysis

1. Category-wise sales: Identify which category (Clothing, Shoes, Accessories, etc.) performs the best.

2. Platform-based sales: Which online platform drives the most revenue?

3. Customer Demographics: Study sales patterns based on gender and age group.

4. Monthly Trends: Analyze how sales vary across different months.

5. City-wise shipping insights: Identify cities with the highest number of orders.
Age Group Segmentation (Youth: <25, Adult: 25–40, Senior: >40):

=IF(D2<25, "Youth", IF(D2<=40, "Adult", "Senior"))

Total Sales Calculation: =J2 * K2

IF Formula to Check Platform Performance:

=IF(G2="Amazon", "Amazon Sales", "Other Platform")

Field Formula
Clothing Category Sales =SUMIF(H:H, "Clothing", K:K)
Best Performing Category =INDEX(H:H, MATCH(MAX(SUMIF(H:H, H:H, K:K)), SUMIF(H:H, H:H, K:K), 0))
Platform based sales – Amazon =SUMIF(G:G, "Amazon", K:K)
Platform based sales -Flipkart =SUMIF(G:G, "Flipkart", K:K)
Total sales by gender – Male =SUMIF(C:C, "Male", K:K)
Total sales by gender – Female =SUMIF(C:C, "Female", K:K)
Total sales for each Age group – =SUMIF(N:N, "Youth", K:K)
Total sales for each Age group – =SUMIF(N:N, "Adult", K:K)
Total sales for each Age group – =SUMIF(N:N, "Senior", K:K)
No of orders shipped to Mumbai =COUNTIF(L:L, "Mumbai")
No of orders shipped to =COUNTIF(L:L, "Bangalore")
Last Column =IF(D2<25, "Youth", IF(D2<=40, "Adult", "Senior"))

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