Lecture 2 - Microscopy(EBS_2021_Mar)
Lecture 2 - Microscopy(EBS_2021_Mar)
Lecture 2 - Microscopy(EBS_2021_Mar)
Biosystems Engineering
Introduction to the Science of
Methods of Observation and
After learning this lesson you should be able to,
Explain basic principles of microscopic methods
Identify a use for darkfield, phase-contrast,, fluorescence,
confocal microscopy, and compare each with bright field
Explain how electron microscopy differs from light
Microscopy and the Origins of Microbiology
Microscope is considered as the oldest and most fundamental
instrument used in Microbiology
Microbiology did not exist before the invention of the
An optical instrument used to magnify minute objects or
microorganisms which cannot be seen by naked eye
The word microscope is derived from the Latin word micro
(small) and the Greek word skopos (to look at)
Basic Purposes of Microscopy in Microbiology
Units of Measurement
Microorganisms are measured in smaller units, such as
micrometers and nanometers
A micrometer (μm) equals 0.000001 m (10-6 m)
A nanometer (nm) equals 0.000000001 m (10-9 m)
Common Units of Measurements
Unit Abbreviation Value
Development of Microscope
The simple microscope used by van Leeuwenhoek in the
had only one lens
Thus, he became the first person to observe and describe
microorganisms accurately
Robert Hooke, built compound microscopes, which have
multiple lenses
Then, a Dutch spectacle maker, Zaccharias Janssen, is
credited with making the first compound microscope
around 1600
In 1830 a significantly advanced microscope was developed
by Joseph Jackson Lister
Various improvements to Lister’s microscope resulted in the
development of the modern compound microscope
Capacity of a microscope to enlarge an image
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑀𝑎𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
= 𝑂𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑠 𝑀𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 × 𝑂𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑠 𝑀𝑎𝑔𝑛𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
Refractive Index
When a ray of light passes from one medium to another,
refraction occurs
The refractive index is a measure of how greatly a particular
medium slows the velocity of light
Thus refractive index measures the light-bending ability of a
When light passes from air into glass (a greater refractive index),
the light ray is slowed and bent toward the normal
As light leaves glass and returns to air (low refractive index),light
accelerates and is bent away from the normal
Light rays move in a straight line through a single medium
After the specimen is stained, the specimen and its medium
have different refractive indexes
This increases the image’s contrast between the specimen
and the medium
The Use of Immersion Oil
At very high magnifications, resolution may be decreased
when light passes through the small amount of air between
the specimen and the lens
This is due to the large difference between the refractive
indices of air and glass
The air scatters the light rays before they can be focused by
the lens
An optical grade oil known as immersion oil can be placed
between the glass slide and the oil immersion objective lens
Immersion oil has the same refractive index as glass
Immersion oil can increases the light gathering ability of a
lens and increases the amount of light that is collected and
viewed by the lens
Different Types of Microscopes
1. Light microscopy
Bright-field (light) microscope
Dark-field microscopy
Phase-contrast microscopy
Fluorescent microscopy
Confocal microscopy
2. Electron microscopy
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
3. Scanning probe microscopy
Principles of Light Microscopy
A microscope that uses visible light to observe
In light microscopy, light typically passes through a
specimen and then through a series of magnifying lenses
Bright-Field Microscope
In bright field microscope,
o Light rays from an illuminator (light source) used to illuminate the
o Light rays pass through the condenser to the specimen
o The image of the specimen is magnified first by the objective lens
and then by the ocular lens
Principle Parts of Compound Light Microscope
Light from an illuminator (light source) is focused on the
specimen by the condenser
o Condenser - A lens that focuses the light from the illuminator onto the
This light passes through the sample and is collected by the
o Objective lenses - The objective lens magnifies the specimen and creates
a real image. Usually microscopes have 3-5 lenses of different
magnifications (ex: 4×, 10×, 40× and 100×)
Coarse adjustment knob - Moves the stage toward or away
from the objective lens to bring the image into focus at low
Fine adjustment knob - used for “fine-tuning” an image.
Fine focus can only be used when the 40X and 100X
objectives are in place
Improving contrast in Light Microscopy
Simple or differential staining can be used to enhance
Specific bacterial structures such as capsules, endospores,
and flagella also can be selectively stained.
Dyes can be used to stain cells and increase their contrast
Each class of dye has an affinity for specific cellular materials
Many dyes used in microbiology are positively charged and they are
called as basic dyes
o methylene blue
o crystal violet
o Safranin
The only light that reaches the objective is light that has
been refracted or reflected by structures in the specimen
Because there is no direct background light, the specimen
appears light against a black background—the dark field
The condenser is designed to form a hollow cone of light as
opposed to bright field microscopy that illuminates the
sample with a full cone of light
In dark field microscopy, the objective lens sits in the dark
hollow of this cone and light travels around the objective
The entire field of view appears dark when there is no
sample on the microscope stage
However, when a sample is placed on the stage it appears
bright against a dark background
Applications of Dark Field Microscopy
Examine live microorganisms that are invisible in the
ordinary light microscope,
Examine unstained microorganisms suspended in liquid
Phase Contrast Microscopy
Phase-contrast microscopes use refraction and interference
caused by structures in a specimen to create high-contrast,
high-resolution images without staining
This creates an image by altering the wavelengths
of light rays passing through the specimen
To create altered wavelength paths, an annular
ring/annular diaphragm is used in the condenser
The annular ring produces a hollow cone of light that is
focused on the specimen before reaching the objective lens
The objective contains a phase plate containing a phase ring
The annular ring is an opaque disk with a thin
transparent ring, which produces a hollow
cone of light
Phase plate/ phase ring is located in
the objective lens
Phase plate is a transparent glass disc with
one or few channels (channels are coated with
a material that can absorb light but cannot
retard it)
Rest of the plate is coated with light retarding
materials 33
Light traveling directly from the illuminator passes through
the phase ring while light refracted or reflected by the
specimen passes through the plate
This optical technique converts differences in the refractive
index of the sample into shifts in the phase of light and uses
these phase shifts to create contrast
Thus, phase contrast permits visualization of details such as
intracellular organelles
What Is Light Phase?
If two waves with the same wavelength
start from the same point and take
different paths before reaching the
same point, there will be then a difference in phase between
the two waves
This means that phase differences in light from the same
sample can be introduced by forcing some of the light to
travel further
This is the concept behind phase-contrast
Transparent unstained samples (such as cells) do not absorb
light and are called phase objects
When light passes through a sample area with no phase
object, there is no significant change in the RI so no
significant diffraction occurs
This light that is not diffracted is often referred to
as direct light as it continues unmodified through the
On the other hand, when light passes through an area of the
sample with a phase object (such as cellular structures)
small changes in the RI will diffract and scatter some light
and cause changes to the light path
This depends on the thickness and RI of each structure
The thicker the structure, the greater the diffraction of the
Working Principle
When light rays passes through a area of high refractive
index, its deviates from its normal path and experiences a
phase change
When light rays passes through an area with a less refractive
index, rays remain undeviated. So no phase change
With the help of annular ring and phase ring, the difference
between these phase changes of retarded and un-retarded
light rays can be converted into a brightness change
Thus, a contrast difference can be created in the final image
of the specimen
Fluorescence Microscopy
The fluorescence microscope visualizes specimens that fluoresce
Fluorescence is the ability of substances to absorb short
wavelengths of light (ultraviolet) and give off light at a longer
wavelength (visible)
This is a specially modified compound microscope equipped
with an ultraviolet (UV) radiation source and a filter to protects
the viewer’s eye from dangerous rays
Cells fluoresce either because they,
o contain naturally fluorescent substances such as chlorophyll or
o have been stained with a fluorescent dye
Fluorescent dyes are also called as fluorochromes
If cells or bacteria are stained with a fluorescent dye are
examined under the microscope with ultraviolet light
instead of ordinary visible light, they become luminous and
are seen as bright objects against a dark background
DAPI (4’,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) is a widely used
fluorescent dye
This dye stains cells bright blue by making complexes with
the cell’s DNA
DAPI can be used to visualize cells in their natural habitats,
such as soil, water, food, or a clinical specimen
Applications of Fluorescence Microscopy
Fluorescence microscopy using DAPI is widely used in
clinical diagnostic microbiology and also in microbial
ecology for enumerating bacteria in a natural environment
or in a cell suspension
The principal use of fluorescence microscopy is a diagnostic
technique called the fluorescent-antibody (FA) technique,
or immunofluorescence
Antibodies are natural defense molecules that are produced
by humans and many animals in reaction to a foreign
substance, or antigen
Fluorescent antibodies for a particular antigen are obtained
as follows:
o An animal is injected with a specific antigen, such as a bacterium
o Then the animal begins to produce antibodies against that antigen
o After a sufficient time, the antibodies are removed from the serum
of the animal
Next, a fluorochrome is chemically combined with the
These fluorescent antibodies are then added to a microscope slide
containing an unknown bacterium
If this unknown bacterium is the same bacterium that was injected
into the animal, the fluorescent antibodies bind to antigens on the
surface of the bacterium, causing it to fluoresce
Confocal Microscopy
Confocal microscopy is a computer-controlled microscope
In addition to the fluorescence microscopy, this has a laser source
The laser generates a high-contrast, three-dimensional image and
allows the viewer to access several planes of focus in the specimen
Microcopy 53
Fluorescently stained specimens are usually examined
Often, the specimens are first stained or tagged with a
fluorescent dye
A computer is used to assembles the data and constructs a
three-dimensional image, which is displayed on a screen
Electron Microscopy
Electron microscope uses electromagnetic lenses, electrons,
and a fluorescent screen to produce the magnified image
Electrons are used instead of visible light (photons) to image
cells and cell structures
The system of electron microscope operates in a vacuum
The image can be captured on photographic film to create an
electron photomicrograph
Electron microscopy has a superior resolution
The better resolution of electron microscopes is due to the
shorter wavelengths of electrons
The wavelengths of electrons are about 100,000 times smaller
than the wavelengths of visible light
The electron beam is focused by electromagnetic lenses (similar
to glass lenses in the light microscope)
The object which is held in the path of the beam scatters the
electrons and produces an image which is focused on a
fluorescent viewing screen
Images produced by electron microscopes are always black
and white, but they may be colored artificially to highlight
certain details
There are two types
o transmission electron microscope
o scanning electron microscope
The Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
This microscope produces its image by transmitting electrons
through the specimen
The transmission electron microscope has a practical resolution
roughly 1,000 times better than the light microscope
In many electron microscopes, points closer
than 0.5 nm can be distinguished, and the
useful magnification is well over 100,000
In the TEM, a finely focused beam of electrons from an
electron gun passes through a specially prepared, ultrathin
section of the specimen
The beam is focused on a small area of the specimen by an
electromagnetic condenser lens
Instead of being placed on a glass slide, as in light
microscopes, the specimen is usually placed on a copper
mesh grid
The beam of electrons passes through the specimen and
then through an electromagnetic objective lens, which
magnifies the image
Finally, the electrons are focused by an electromagnetic
projector lens (rather than by an ocular lens as in a light
microscope) onto a viewing screen and saved as a digital
The final image, called a transmission electron micrograph
This appears as many light and dark areas, depending on the
number of electrons absorbed by different areas of the
Sample preparation for TEM
Electrons are very poor at penetrating, even a single cell is
too thick to penetrate with an electron beam
Consequently, to view the internal structure of a cell, thin
sections of the cell are needed, and the sections must be
stabilized and stained with various chemicals to make them
Contrast can be greatly enhanced by using a “dye” that
absorbs electrons and produces a darker image in the
stained region
Salts of various heavy metals, such as lead, osmium,
tungsten, and uranium, are commonly used as stains
analytical-facilities/emx/tem 66
The Scanning Electron Microscope
The SEM produce an image from electrons emitted by an
object’s surface rather than from transmitted electrons
In scanning electron microscopy, the specimen is coated
with a thin film of a heavy metal, typically gold
An electron beam then scans back and forth across the
Electrons scattered from the metal coating are collected and
projected on a monitor to produce an image
In the SEM, even fairly large specimens can be observed
SEM can resolve objects as close together as 10 nm, and
objects are generally magnified 1000 to 500,000 x
However, only the surface of an
object is typically visualized
Sample Preparation for SEM
Specimen preparation is easy, and in some cases air-dried
material can be examined directly
Yet, microorganisms have to be fixed, dehydrated, and dried
first, to preserve surface structure and prevent collapse of
the cells when they are exposed to the SEM’s high vacuum
Before viewing, dried samples are mounted and coated with
a thin layer of metal to prevent the buildup of an electrical
charge on the surface and to give a better image
SEM (left) and TEM (right) images of bacteria. Whereas SEM shows numerous bacteria
on a surface (green), the TEM image shows the interior structure of a single bacterium.
Scanning Probe Microscopy
This microscope measure surface features by moving a
sharp probe over the object’s surface
It can achieve magnifications of 100 million and allow
scientists to view atoms on the surface of a solid
A tip moves up and down while following the surface
contours of a specimen, its motion is recorded and analyzed
by a computer to create an accurate three dimensional
image of the surface atoms
Resolving power is much greater than the electron
Applications of Scanning Probe Microscopy
Use to observe incredibly detailed views of molecules such
as DNA
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