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A. Greeting and leave-taking
Greetings Responses Good morning/afternoon/evening Good morning/afternoon/evening (Selamat pagi/siang/sore)
Hello/ how do you do Hello/ how do you do
(Salam) How are you? I feel great, how about you How’s life? I’m fine thankyou and you How is it going? I’ve never been better than this day What’s up? Not so good, I’ve been sick for .. (Apa kabar) Nice to see you/ nice to meet you Nice to see you too/ nice to meet you too (Senang bertemu dengan mu) See you See you (Sampai jumpa) I gotta go Take care (pamit dulu ya (hati-hati)
B. List of Teacher’s talk
Expressions Meaning Did you get it? Apakah kamu paham/mengerti? Did you understand? Could you follow me? Is there any question so far? Sejauh ini ada pertanyaan? Clean the whiteboard, please? Tolong bersihkan papan tulisnya Open/close the door please! Buka/tutup pintu Turn in your task, right now! Kumpulkan tugasnya sekarang Open you book on page number … Buka buku halaman … Please answer this question! Tolong jawab pertanyaan ini Give applause to your friend! Beri tepuk tangan untuk temanmu Rise your hand, before you answer the question Angkat tangannya sebelum menjawab Read the text … Tolong baca paragraph pertama/ kalimat pertama Read the first paragraph/sentence Come over the class, please! Tolong maju ke depan kelas Keep silent! Harap tenang Attention, please! Tolong perhatiannya May I have your attention? Bisa minta perhatiannya sebentar? Who is absent today? Siapa yang tidak hadir hari ini? Excuse me, May I go to the toilet, please? Permisi bolehkan saya ke belakang ? May I borrow your book? Bisa pinjam bukunya? Turn on/ off the lamp, please! Tolong hidupkan/matikan lampunya! Turn on/off the fan, please! Tolong hidupkan/matikan lampunya! Hand me the board marker/eraser please! Tolong ambilkan spidol/penghapus!