David JA Jenkins, Cyril WC Kendall, Livia SA Augustin, Silvia Franceschi, Maryam Hamidi, Augustine Marchie,
Alexandra L Jenkins, and Mette Axelsen
ABSTRACT The glycemic index concept is an extension of of many of the issues that were raised after the formulation of both
266S Am J Clin Nutr 2002;76(suppl):266S–73S. Printed in USA. © 2002 American Society for Clinical Nutrition
nickel breads, cracked wheat or barley, rice, dried peas, beans, and
lentils (18, 19). It appears that the traditional use of low-glycemic-
index carbohydrate foods in the diet was particularly prevalent
among cultures that are now experiencing high rates of diabetes, eg,
the Pima Indians and the Australian Aborigines, and where the
change to high-glycemic-index foods has been a more recent phe-
nomenon (20–22). Obviously, many other factors, such as obesity
and reduced physical activity, must play major roles in increasing
diabetes risk. Nevertheless, over time the desire for sweet foods, which
resulted from rapid carbohydrate breakdown of starch in the mouth,
may have resulted in the selection of rapidly digested (and hence
high-glycemic-index foods) as cultures became more affluent (18).
Thus, foods with high glycemic indexes are proposed further as a
dietary factor that favors the development of chronic disease.
Two studies (one that used the third National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey database and the other a British
study) showed a negative relation between glycemic index and
HDL cholesterol, suggesting that low-glycemic-index diets may
preserve HDL cholesterol and thus have a potentially positive
effect in reducing CHD risk (Table 2; 65, 66). In relation to
CHD, the Nurses’ Health Study showed a negative relation
FIGURE 2. Mean (± SE) blood glucose, serum free fatty acids (FFA), between fatal and nonfatal myocardial infarctions and glycemic
serum insulin, serum C-peptide, and plasma gastric inhibitory polypep-
index, as well as glycemic load (11). Of particular interest was
tide (GIP) concentrations after consuming a glucose solution (50 g in
the observation that there was no association of dietary glycemic
700 mL H2O) as a bolus over 5 min at time 0 () or after sipping the
same solution over 0–3.5 h at an even rate (). index with CHD in persons with a body mass index (in kg/m2)
< 23, suggesting that the effect of dietary glycemic index may be
increasingly important in those with a greater degree of insulin
pose tissue enzyme concentrations (32) and reduced fasting blood resistance (Table 2). On the other hand, no significant associa-
lipid concentrations, even though the same foods were eaten in tion of glycemic index or glycemic load and CHD was seen in
the same amount in any given 24-h period (33–38). For reasons older men in the Zutphen study (67). The relatively small num-
that are not clear, not all studies have shown these effects (39). ber of subjects in this study (< 1500) and their age at the start of
However, spreading the nutrient load does not appear to be the study (65–84 y) may be part of the explanation: large num-
advantageous in terms of increased thermogenic effects that bers of the original cohort had already died or were excluded
would favor weight reduction (40). because of diabetes or CHD (Table 2). The population left was
therefore preselected and may have been less vulnerable to envi-
ronmental factors.
EFFECTS IN HEALTH AND DISEASE In relation to diabetes outcome, both the Nurses’ Health Study
In healthy young men, low-glycemic-index diets have mini- (9) and the Health Professionals Studies (10) showed an inverse
mal effects in the short term (Table 1; 41, 42). In one euglycemic relation between glycemic index and the risk of developing dia-
hyperinsulinemic clamp study, glucose disposal was impaired betes by using a validated food-frequency questionnaire. In the
after 3 wk of a low-glycemic-index diet at high, but not low, case of the Health Professionals Study, both the association and
Controlled studies of the effects of low-glycemic-index (GI) diets on carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in healthy, diabetic, and hyperlipidemic subjects1
Change Change in Type of Change
Dura- in dietary glycated glycated in blood First author, year,
Subjects tion GI2 proteins proteins lipids Comments and reference
wk % %
Healthy men aged 33 y (n = 6) 2 41 7 Fructosamine 15 TC3,5 32% urinary C-peptide excretion,3,5 12% 24-h creatine clearance3,5 Jenkins, 1987 (41)
Young men aged 24 y (n = 7) 3 24 NA NR NR Euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp showed no difference at low plasma Kiens, 1996 (42)
insulin but was reduced with low-GI diets at high plasma insulin
Insulin-resistant, middle-aged 3 18 NA NR No lipid With short insulin-tolerance test, in vivo insulin sensitivity improved Frost, 1998 (43)
women (post MI) (n = 28) changes after low-GI diet
Type 1, aged 12 y (n = 7 M) 6 12 193,4 Fructosamine 14 TC3,4 Reduced postprandial glucose response to a standard meal (90–180 mm) Collier, 1988 (44)
after low-GI diet
Type 1, aged 44 y (n = 4 M, 4 F) 3 14 183,4 Fructosamine 5.8 TG3,4 8.9% phospholipids,3,4 – 6.1% in daily insulin needs with low-GI diet3,4 Fontvieille, 1988 (45)
Type 1 (n = 7 M, 2 F) 2 27 6.55 Fructosamine NR Fasting blood glucose 23% lower with low-GI diet compared with Lafrance, 1998 (46)
control; no changes in insulin therapy
Type 1, aged 28 y (n = 54) 24 20 5.55 Hb A1c — Study design allowed for 35-g difference in fiber content between diets; Giacco, 2000 (47)
8.6 mmol/L daily blood glucose and less hypoglycemic events with
low-GI diet
Type 1, aged 8–13 y 52 1.2 6.53,5 Hb A1c NR 31% hyperglycemic events with low-GI diet; no changes in insulin Gilbertson, 2001 (48)
(n = 53 M, 51 F) therapy
Type 2, aged 65 y (n = 2 M, 6 F) 2 23 6.63,4 Hb A1c 5.8 TC3,4 30% fasting blood glucose with low-GI diet (8% NS with control)3,4 Jenkins, 1988 (49)
Type 2, aged 62 y (n = 10 M, 6 F) 12 14 113,4 Hb A1c — 75% 24-h urinary glucose output,3,5 used pasta and legumes to reduce GI Brand, 1991 (50)
Type 2, overweight (BMI = 32), 6 28 83,5 Fructosamine 6.8 TC3,5 22.4% TG for 5 subjects with TG < 2.2 mmol/L3,5 Wolever, 1992 (51)
aged 63 y (n = 3 M, 3 F)
Type 2, aged 67 y (n = 7 M, 8 F) 2 27 3.43,5 Fructosamine 73,5 TC 30% 24-h urinary C-peptide,3,5 29% postbreakfast blood glucose,3,5 Wolever, 1992 (52)
TG rose with control (P = 0.027) and fell with low-GI diet but the
2-wk treatment difference was NS
Type 2, BMI = 29, aged 56 y 12 5 163,4 Fructosamine 12.3 TC3,4 21% fasting blood glucose in low-GI group3,4 Frost, 1994 (53)
(n = 20 M, 6 F) 26 TG3,4
Type 2, BMI = 25.3, aged 65 y 3 31 5.93,4 Hb A1c 5 TC3,5 31% 9-h blood glucose profile,3,5 53% PA1-13,5; diet used same foods Järvi, 1999 (54)
(n = 15 M, 5 F) 8 LDL-C3,5 and relied on grinding (fine particle size) to raise GI
Type 2, BMI = 30.4, aged 57.4 y 4 20 1.85 Fructosamine +6 HDL3,5 Fasting plasma glucose 8% lower with low- compared with high-GI diet Luscombe, 1999 (55)
(n = 14 M, 7 F) (NS); diets did not contain legumes or pasta
Type 1 (n = 10 M, 2 F) and 5 26 133,5 Fructosamine 20 TG3,5 11% fasting blood glucose,3,5 13% mean daily blood glucose3,5; beans Fontvieille, 1992
type 2 (n = 2 M, 4 F), and pasta, rye bread, and fruit used to lower GI; balanced for total and (56)
BMI = 24.8, aged 47.2 y soluble fiber
Type 1, BMI = 21, aged 26 y 4 5 35 Hb A1c No lipid No postprandial blood glucose differences found between high- and Calle-Pascual, 1988
(n = 12); type 2, BMI = 30, differences low-GI diets; rice, potatoes, pasta, carrots, and beetroot used in the (57)
aged 59 y (n = 12) high-GI diet; legumes used in the low-GI diet
Hyperlipidemic subjects, 4 17 1.3 Fructosamine When TG Changes in weight loss and fat intake did not explain the lipid effects; Jenkins, 1987 (58)
BMI = 24, aged 47.5–57 y (n = 6)5 > 2.0 mmol/L GI was lowered with pumpernickel bread, bulgur, pasta, barley, and
(n = 30) (n = 24); 8.8 TC,3,5 legumes; 5% reduction in 24-h urinary C-peptide (n = 10) (NS)
19.3 TG,3,5
9.1 LDL-C3,5
Hb A1c, glycated hemoglobin; MI, myocardial infarction; NR, not reported; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1; TC, total cholesterol; TG, triacylglycerol. BMI is in kg/m2.
The reference food was white bread.
P < 0.05.
Difference from baseline after treatment (within low-GI treatment).
the trend became significant only after adjustment for fiber insulin resistance and insulin-like growth factors have also been
intake (10). The Iowa Women’s Health Study, although it also implicated (72, 77). Therefore, the greater part of the epidemio-
showed a negative association between cereal fiber intake and logic literature provides additional support for a role of dietary
the risk of diabetes, showed no significant association between glycemic index in disease.
glycemic index or load and diabetes incidence (69). This dis-
crepancy may relate to the frequency of application of the food-
frequency questionnaire during the study, the glycemic index NEWER ASPECTS OF GLYCEMIC INDEX RESEARCH
database used, and the age range of the subjects studied. Older There is considerable interest in the relations between insulin
cohorts selected as free of disease at the outset of a study may resistance, the generation of reactive oxygen species, tissue dam-
already have excluded a significant proportion of vulnerable sub- age, and the liberation of proinflammatory cytokines and acute
jects. In this respect, the Iowa Women’s Health Study subjects phase proteins, the latter appearing to be powerful markers of
were generally older than the subjects in the Nurses’ Health chronic diseases, notably CHD (78). The dietary glycemic index
Study (Table 2). may play a role in this sequence of events.
The glycemic index may have relevance to cancer prevention. Studies have shown that the postprandial rise in glucose is
In addition, insulin resistance and insulin-like growth factors consistent with depression of serum antioxidants, including lyco-
have been implicated in the so-called diet-related cancers: colon, pene and vitamin E (79, 80). Presumably, the higher the glycemia,
breast, and prostate (73, 74). Preliminary data support this asso- the greater the postprandial depression of serum antioxidants (80).
ciation for colon cancer (75). A case-control study showed a Finally, supplementing subjects’ diets with the antioxidant vita-
direct association between dietary glycemic index and colon min E has been shown to improve glycemic control (81). Studies
cancer risk. A sedentary lifestyle in conjunction with a high- such as these suggest a possible beneficial role for low-
glycemic-index diet increased risk relative to a sedentary lifestyle glycemic-index diets by reducing oxidative damage.
with a low dietary glycemic index or relative to an active It has been suggested that obesity is related to glycemic index
lifestyle with a high dietary glycemic index (76). An Italian case- or glycemic load (28, 82, 83). Studies on altering glycemic index
control study reported that the dietary glycemic index was related and load have indicated that the lower the glycemic index and
to colorectal cancer risk, ie, the higher the glycemic index, the load of the first meal, the less food is consumed in the subse-
greater the risk of colorectal cancer (71). The same relation of quent meal (28). Longer-term studies are required to define the
glycemic index and disease was also shown for breast cancer (72). relevance of these interesting findings.
Prostate and ovarian cancers, among other forms of cancer, may Finally, more studies are required to assess the relation of
be influenced by the dietary glycemic index. In these cases, glycemic index to chronic diseases, including cancer, CHD, and
Cross-sectional and cohort studies of the relation of glycemic index (GI) to the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer and its association with HDL and glycated hemoglobin (Hb A1c)1
Difference First author, year,
Subjects Study type Duration in GI Main effect Comments and reference
NHANES III 20-y survey, Cross-sectional NR Quintiles, For HDL with increasing quintile of HDL effect in men and women with Ford, 2001 (65)
BMI = 26.5 (n = 6825 M, 7052 F) survey, FFQ GI ≤ 75 to ≥ 88 GI 1.38–1.27, P for trend < 0.001 both high (> 25) and low BMI (< 25),
after age adjustment
British Adults (1986–1987 survey) Cross-sectional NR Quintiles, mean P for trend (univariate analysis) HDL related to total carbohydrate and Frost, 1999 (66)
aged 16–64 y (x– = 39.9 y) survey, 7-d DH GI: 86 for HDL (negative) < 0.001 starch P < 0.001 (negative); 93 subjects
(n = 699 M, 721 F) excluded from analysis because DH
and estimated energy needs discrepant
by ≥ 1000 kcal (4187 kJ)
US Nurses’ Health Study, aged Cohort, FFQ 10 y Quintiles, 72–80 CHD risk; GL, P for trend < 0.0001; The relative risk of CHD was seen to Liu, 2000 (11)
38–63 y, BMI = 25 (n = 75 521) (by GL) GI, P for trend < 0.008; increase with GL when BMI > 23
multivariate analysis
Elderly Dutch men (Zutphen Study) Cohort and 10 y Quintiles, 74–85 CHD risk, no GI association Earlier analysis of Zutphen data show van Dam, 2000 (67)
aged 65–84 y in 1955, BMI = 25.5 cross-sectional (1985–1995) disease-diet relations (1993–1995)
(555 of 1088 men still alive dietary recall but none reported in current assessment
from original survey plus 711 new at interview
men of same age)
Hb A1c
Type 1 diabetic subjects aged 33 y Survey, 3-d DH NR Quartiles, Hb A1c: 6.05–6.66 for quartile of For HDL (negative) and TG (positive), Buyken, 2001 (68)
(51% M), BMI = 26.7 (n = 2810) GI: 74.9–88.55 GI 1–4, P for trend = 0.0001 P for trend in biovariate model
= 0001 and 0.01, respectively
Nurses’ Health Study, aged 40–65 y Cohort FFQ 6y Quintiles, Diabetes RR: 1.37 (1.09, 1.71) for P for trend = 0.005 after adjustment Salmeron, 1997 (9)
(n = 65 173 F) GI: 64–79 5th quintile of GI, 1.47 (1.16, 1.86) for load for diabetes for GI fiber
for 5th quintile of GL (P = 0.04 unadjusted for fiber);
P for trend = 0.003 for diabetes and
GL after adjustment for cereal fiber
Health Professionals Study, Cohort FFQ 6y Quintiles, Diabetes RR: 1.37 (1.02, 1.83) for GI: P for trend = 0.03 after adjustment Salmeron, 1997 (10)
aged 40–75 y (n = 42 759 M) GI: 65–79 5th quintile of GI after fiber for fiber; no significance for load; for
adjustment high glycemic level and low cereal
fiber, the RR for diabetes was 2.17
(1.04, 4.54)
Older women aged 55–69 y Cohort FFQ 6y Quintiles, Diabetes RR for GI in 3rd quintile: RR of diabetes increased and then Meyer, 2000 (69)
(n = 35 988) GI: < 58 to > 80 1.22 (1.02, 1.47) but negative decreased with increasing quintiles
P for trend; no effect for GL of GI
US colon cancer patients Case-control 1991–1994 NR Colorectal cancer risk for GI in 5th Being sedentary plus a high GI resulted Slattery, 1997 (70)
(n = 1099 M, 894 F) and FFQ quintile: 1.37 for M (1.04, 1.82), and in a higher risk than being active plus
controls (n = 1290 M, 1120 F) 1.34 for F (1.00, 1.81) (after a high GI or sedentary plus a low GI;
multiple adjustments, eg, age, the daily average GI was calculated
BMI, physical activity, NSAIDs, differently from other epidemiologic
and fiber) studies; GL was not calculated
Italian colorectal cancer patients Case-control 1992–1996 Quintiles Colorectal cancer risk for GI in 5th Similar findings for GL Franceschi, 2001
(n = 1125 M, 828 F) and hospital FFQ (upper limit), quintile: 1.7 (1.4, 2.0), P for trend (71)
controls (n = 2073 M, 208 F); GI: 70.7–79.6 < 0.001 (after multiple adjustments,
BMI = 26 (mean of middle tertile) (4th quintile) eg, age, sex, physical activity,
alcohol, and fiber)
Italian breast cancer patients Case-control 1991–1994 Quintiles Breast cancer risk for GI in 5th Similar findings for GL Augustin, 2001 (72)
(n = 2569) and hospital controls FFQ (upper limit), quintile: 1.4 (1.1, 1.6), P for trend
(n = 2588) GI: 69.6–78.9 < 0.01 (after multiple adjustments,
(4th quintile) eg, age, physical activity, alcohol,
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