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CBS1CN36-Reading Guide

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Aspects of Western Philosophy

Reading Guide

1. Where Did the Universe Come From?

 Cause argument
 Cosmological argument
 Hume’s critique of the cause argument

2. What's Wrong with Gay Sex?

 Problems with appeal to nature
 Moral positions v. emotional reactions

3. Brain-Snatched
 Brain in a vat scenario
 Skepticism about the external world
 Ordinary language argument against skepticism
 Invisible pebble argument against skepticism

4. Is Time Travel Possible?

 Personal time v. External time
 Causal loops
 Changing the past

5. Into the Lair of the Relativist

 Interesting relativism v. Boring relativism
 Plato’s objection
 Moral relativism and tolerance
 Conceptual relativism

6. Could a Machine Think?

 Searle’s Chinese Room thought-experiment
 Neuron-replacement

7. Does God Exist?

 Teleological argument
 Naturalism
 Anthropic argument and Lottery fallacy
 Problem of Evil
 Free will defense
 Ockham’s razor
 Religious experience

8. The Strange Case of the Rational Dentist

 Argument from analogy and its problems
 Skepticism about other minds
 Logical behaviorism
 Philosophical zombies
9. But Is It Art?
 Necessary and sufficient conditions
 Family Resemblances
 Institutional theory of art and its problems

10. Can We Have Morality without God and Religion?

 Euthyphro problem
 Religion and Moral Knowledge

11. Is Creationism Scientific?

 Creationism
 Falsificationism
 Ad Hoc arguments

12. Designer Babies

 Eugenics
 Class-divide
 Immortality

13 The Consciousness Conundrum

 Substance dualism v. Property dualism
 Mary’s Room thought experiment

14. Why Expect the Sun to Rise Tomorrow?

 Inductive reasoning v. Deductive reasoning
 Hume’s criticism

15. Do We Ever Deserve to Be Punished?

 Hard determinism
 Moral responsibility
 Compatibilism
 Libertarianism

16. The Meaning Mystery

 Locke’s theory of meaning
 Wittgenstein on meaning and use

17. Killing Mary to Save Jodie

 Utilitarianism
 Rule utilitarianism

18. The Strange Realm of Numbers

 Conventionalism
 Mathematical facts
 A priori knowledge
 Rationalism v. Empiricism

19. What is Knowledge?

 Plato’s theory of knowledge
 The regress problem
 The Gettier problem
 The casual theory of knowledge

20. Is Morality like a Pair of Spectacles?

 Moral realism
 Subjectivism
 Intersubjectivism
 Emotivism

21. Should You Be Eating That?

 Morally relevant differences
 Morality of Eating Non-Human Animals

22. Brain Transplants, 'Teleportation' and the Puzzle of Personal Identity

 Animal theory
 Brain theory
 Stream theory
 Qualitative identity v. Numerical identity

23. Miracles and the Supernatural

 Clever Hans
 Hume’s criticism of miracles
 Miracles and proof for the existence of God

24. How to Spot Eight Everyday Reasoning Errors

 The Post Hoc fallacy
 Argument from Authority fallacy
 Slippery Slope fallacy
 False Dilemma fallacy
 Gambler’s fallacy
 Begging the Question fallacy
 Affirming the Consequent fallacy

25. Seven Paradoxes

 Liar’s paradox
 Sorites paradox

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