A-Guide-to-Harmful-and-Toxic-Creatures-in the-Gulf-of-Aqaba-of-Jordan
A-Guide-to-Harmful-and-Toxic-Creatures-in the-Gulf-of-Aqaba-of-Jordan
A-Guide-to-Harmful-and-Toxic-Creatures-in the-Gulf-of-Aqaba-of-Jordan
Box 831051,
Abdel Aziz El Thaalbi St., Shmesani 11183. Amman
ISBN: 978-9957-8740-1-8
Citation: Eid, E and Al Tawaha, M. (2016). A Guide to Harmful and Toxic Creature
in the Gulf of Aqaba of Jordan. The Royal Marine Conservation Society of Jordan.
ISBN: 978-9957-8740-1-8. Pp 84.
All photographs used in this publication remain the property of the original
copyright holder, and it should not be reproduced or used in other contexts without
The Jordanian coastline at the Gulf of Aqaba is
considered one the most unique ecosystems in the
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. It is the Northern
most outcropping of coral reef in the world and
tolerates quite a high salinity rate compared
with other seas. However, the temperate climate
and gentle water currents, provide a perfect
environment for an incomparable diversity of
marine life.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank and praise the Staff of the Royal
Marine Conservation Society of Jordan (JREDS) for their tireless, yet meticulous
efforts in developing this guide.
Creatures described
in this guide
Index of Creatures Described in this Guide
Venomous, poisonous and potentially injurious marine creatures are always a
subject of interest, due to their mysterious lifestyle, behaviors and evolution of
different types of predatory and defensive mechanisms in order to survive such
as venomous stings, spines and bites. However, limited research and information
are available on their presence, and distribution locally and worldwide. Perhaps
one of the most important reasons for erroneous interpretations regarding these
species, is the absence of a reliable information.
These creatures are not naturally aggressive toward humans and do not attack
humans by themselves. It only happens, when our presence and\ or behavior
threatens and force them to act in self-defense. A lack of awareness among
humans are considered the main cause of unpleasant encounters and injuries.
Therefore, the best precaution is to avoid physical contact.
Hence, this guide was prepared as a means of awareness on the presence of
the venomous, poisonous and potentially injurious creatures along the Aqaba’s
coastline. The guide is basically targeting beach goers and visitors, but ultimately
aiming to put these species under spot for future research. Moreover, this guide
does not aim to catalog all marine species encountered that could cause potential
injury but instead identifies the main species which could be encountered in the
Aqaba’s water.
Part One: Introduction
1.1 The Gulf of Aqaba; Jordan
The Gulf of Aqaba is a semi-enclosed water basin attached to the semi-enclosed
Red Sea with a length of 170 Km; average width is about 15 km and more than
1800 m maximum depth. Aqaba is a Jordanian coastal city and characters by its
warm water and high biodiversity.
The Gulf of Aqaba is connected with the Red Sea via the narrow and shallow
Strait of Tiran. The average depth of the Gulf is about 800m with a maximum
depth of around 1800m. It consists of a series of embayments with a wide range
of communities present in each including rocky shore, reef flat, reef face, fore
reef, sandy shore, sandy bottom and sea grass ecosystems. The Gulf coastlines
are shared between Egypt, occupied Palestine, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.
1.2 Aqaba; a Paradise for Divers
“Throughout my boyhood, I dreamed about diving in the Red Sea. Finally, in
1972 this dream came true. My first dive ever in a tropical marine environment
was in the Gulf of Aqaba, where I experienced an overwhelming underwater
paradise, natural beauty beyond expectations, which in those days was still
largely pristine.”
Dr. Fareed (Friedhelm) Krupp
Director, Qatar Museum of Nature and Science\ Qatar Museums
Senckenberg Research Institute and Museum of Nature
More than 50% of the Gulf’s shoreline is covered with ancient coral reef where
over than 151 scleractinian (reef-building) coral species and more than 120
species of soft coral were recorded, some of which are globally endangered, such
as the red and black corals. In addition, the Jordanian coastline is distinguished
by an extensive fringing reefs which is considered one of the most dynamic and
diverse of all natural ecosystems.
The Jordan segment of the Gulf of Aqaba, attracts several migratory species to
visit its calm and warm water. Some visitors are of high economic value, such
as the tuna and sardine, while most species utilize the reef or seagrass areas.
The marine environment in Aqaba is a host of several species of algae, sponges,
snails, crabs and sea turtles.
More than 20% of mollusks and Echinodermata as well as several species of
algae occurring in the Gulf may be endemic. The shores of the Gulf are also
frequented with sea turtles that spend their time swimming amongst the swirling
schools of fish. Harmless whale sharks, dolphins, and sea cows are also often
spotted visiting the gulf.
Part Two: Harmful, toxic and Potentially Hazardous Marine
Creatures in Aqaba
The extraordinary marine environment of Aqaba, holds the presence of several
gorgeous species but also a number of potentially injurious creatures, which
can cause serious injuries to unaware or careless divers or beach goers. Some
injuries could even result in death in very rare cases. The severity of injury often
depends on the amount of venom used, individual reactions, and nature of injury
and location of accidents.
The Gulf of Aqaba is considered a friendly sea due to the very few hazardous
marine animals present. People enjoy diving and swimming as they can observe
and interact with the underwater marine life. Therefore, to avoid any injuries a
zero contact with underwater life is the best precaution. The following points
define best precaution measures.
• Enjoy observing underwater marine life, but avoid touching or handling them.
• Some marine creatures are very cryptic and are unnoticeable underwater,
therefore, look carefully where you place your hands and feet. Also, shuffle your
feet when walking in shallow water to prevent stepping on any animals.
Poisonous species: a creature is considered poisonous if it
contains toxins stored in special tissues or organs that cause
harm when eaten.
Highly Venomous Fish
2.1 Highly Venonmous Fish (Stonefish, Zebra-fish, Scorpionfish)
2.1.1 General Information
There are several species of venomous marine creatures (fish and invertebrates),
all of which live in shallow-water where they are well camouflaged on rocky or
sandy areas. They are known to cause intense pain and even in some cases,
Stonefish and scorpionfish are flattened vertically, dark and mottled, while
zebrafish are ornate and feathery in appearance with alternating patches of dark
and light color. Antivenin is specific for the stonefish but may have some beneficial
effects against the scorpionfish and zebrafish.
2.1.2 Precautions
Divers should be alert for the presence of these species, avoid handling or
touching suspected venomous fish.
2.1.3 Diagnosis
A Sting and puncture mark surrounded by skin discoloration, usually bluish, will
be clearly seen, as well as immediate intense local pain. In addition, muscular
paralysis, respiratory depression, peripheral vasodilation, shock, cardiac
dysrhythmias, or cardiac arrest as venom is an unstable protein which acts as a
myotoxin on skeletal, involuntary, and cardiac muscle.
2.1.4 First Aid and Treatment
• Casualty leave the water and observe the victim for any collapsing.
• Lay the patient down and reassure.
• Observe for any signs of shock.
• Remove any broken spines using forceps, if available, but do not incise the
wound to search for spine fragments.
• Wash wound with cold, salt water, sterile saline solution or soapy water.
Surgery may be required to open up the puncture wound.
• The wound should not be rubbed, as this could crush the spines and worsen
the local effects of the sting.
• Do not apply a pressure bandage, tourniquet or cut or suck the wound.
• Institute hot water therapy through soaking the injured extremity in hot water
up to 50C°, for 30 to 90 minutes, and use hot compresses if the wound is on
the face as heat may break down the venom.
• Observe the causality carefully for the possible development of life-
threatening complications, as muscular paralysis, respiratory depression,
peripheral vasodilation, shock, cardiac dysrhythmias, or cardiac arrest.
• If the patient collapses, standard pre-hospital resuscitation should be used
(airways, breathing, circulation), as appropriate.
• Seek medical advice at the earliest opportunity. This is especially important
for stonefish stings, where an antivenom is available, which may give rapid
and dramatic relief of symptoms.
2.1.5 Creatures Recorded at Aqaba Stonefish
Brown or gray color, and it may have areas of yellow, orange or red. This species
normally reaches a length between 30 to 40 centimeters, although specimens can
reach up to 51 centimeters.
Lives in coral reefs, and may settle on and around rocks, seagrasses, algae or
rest on the seabed.
Hazardous to Human
A venomous species, which could cause fatality as venom possibly contains
neurotoxins, myotoxins, procoagulants, cardiotoxins and necrotoxins. If puncture,
severe local pain, swelling and bruising will occur. In addition, general symptoms
might be noticed such as headache, nausea, vomiting, and collapsing.
16 Scorpionfish
Scorpionfishes may have a dull yellow, gray, brown, or rust with light blotches,
and are very similar to that of the surrounding sandy or coral seabed in which they
are found. These colors provide them with exceptional camouflage.
Scorpionfish are a reef-associated species which inhabits sand and rubble
bottoms of coral reefs and can be found down to a depth of 55 m. It typically lies
partially buried on the sea floor or on a coral head during the day, covering itself
with sand and other debris for further camouflage.
Hazardous to Human
Venomous species, which could cause serious injury. It fans out its brilliantly
colored pectoral and caudal fins as a warning when disturbed by a scuba diver.
17 Scorpionfish
Body is heavily pigmented dark or reddish brown, mottled with whitish and
blackish blotches; often with a dark brown bar extending ventrally from posterior
half of the eye and broadening onto lower cheek. Dorsal, anal, and pelvic spines
can bear venom glands.
Benthic species associated with reef down to more than 30 m depth.
Hazardous to Human
A venomous species that injects its venom from sharp spines coated with
venomous mucus.
18 Scorpionfish
This species can reach it’s a maximum length of 30cm, and characterized by a
large head that merges into the landscape very well.
It inhabits reef-associated marine environment and can be found at depths up to
70 m. They are found well camouflaged around and among coral reefs blending
into plants, rocks, mud and sand..
Hazardous to Human
When disturbed, it flashes its inner pectoral fins and can inflict a painful sting from
its venomous spines along its back.
19 Scorpionfish
This species can grow up to 10 cm in length, and can be recognized by the yellow
and white spots on the body.
Found in reef crests with rich coral growth at depths between 2-30 m. Typically
found among the branches of Pocillopora corals in surge areas of seaward reefs.
Also observed between the branches of the fire coral Millepora and Styllophora
Hazardous to Human
A venomous species which uses the sharp venomous spines on its back for
20 Zebrafish
Vary in color from reddish to tan or grey and have numerous thin, dark, vertical
bars on their head and body. The common lionfish grows up to 35 cm in length
and its head is less angular than that of P. volitans.
This fish is usually found in areas with crevices or lagoons, often on the outer
slopes of coral reefs.
Hazardous to Human
The fin spines are highly venomous. Stings can occur even after the fish is dead,
so handlers should be aware of lionfish at all times. Venom can cause systemic
effects such as extreme pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, breathing difficulties,
convulsions, dizziness, redness on the affected area, headache, numbness,
paresthesia (pins and needles), heartburn, diarrhea, and sweating. In rare cases,
stings can cause temporary paralysis of the limbs and heart failure.
21 Zebrafish
The head and body color is reddish-brown with about six vertical dark bands of different
color on the body separated by thin white lines. Two white horizontal lines occur on
the caudal peduncle which distinguishes this fish from other similar lionfishes.
It is found on both inshore and offshore rocky reefs at depths to about 25 m.
Lionfishes hide during the day in rock crevices, in small caves, or under overhangs.
They are more active at night to feed on invertebrates like crabs and shrimps.
Hazardous to Human
Venom can cause systemic effects such as extreme pain, nausea, vomiting,
fever, breathing difficulties, convulsions, dizziness, redness on the affected area,
headache, numbness, paresthesia (pins and needles), heartburn, diarrhea, and
sweating. In rare cases, stings can cause temporary paralysis of the limbs and
heart failure.
22 Zebrafish
Fins fan-like, rays fully attached by membrane; inner surface with concentric bands.
Inhabits reef flats and shallow lagoon and coastal reefs, from a depth between 2
to 80m. Typically on isolated coral heads or algae- or sponge- covered rocks in
silty inshore areas. They often rest at the base of rocks or corals or hang upside-
down under ledges.
Hazardous to Human
They have venomous spines that can cause systemic effects such as extreme
pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, breathing difficulties, convulsions, dizziness,
redness on the affected area, headache, numbness, paresthesia (pins and
needles), heartburn, diarrhea, and sweating. Rarely, such stings can cause
temporary paralysis of the limbs, heart failure, and even death.
2.2 Barracuda
Despite the presence of three species of barracuda at the Gulf of Aqaba, only
one species is considered hazardous to human, which is the Great Barracuda;
Sphyraena barracuda. The barracuda color ranges between silver to blue and
it may grow up to three meters long. It is characterized by a long and thin body
with large head characterized by prominent jaws and teeth and a V-shaped tail.
Barracuda wounds can be distinguished from those of a shark by the tooth pattern
where a barracuda leaves straight or V-shaped wounds, compared to sharks that
leave curved wounds like the shape of its jaws.
The barracuda is fast swimmer, capable of striking rapidly and violently. It attacks
surface swimmers and limbs dangling in the water, but rarely attacks underwater
swimmers, and life threatening attacks are rare.
2.2.2 Precautions
As Barracuda are attracted by any bright objects; avoid wearing shiny jewelry.
Also, avoid splashing or dangling limbs in barracuda-infested waters.
Since Barracuda bites might result in a large amount of bleeding and tissue loss,
instant action to control bleeding using large gauze pressure bandages should be
done through the following steps:
► Wrap the wound tightly using dressings preferably made with gauze to cover
wounds, but if gauze is not available, then use any shirts or towels available.
► Ensure to direct pressure on injured points to control serious bleeding.
► If bleeding continues after direct pressure, then use a tourniquet or ligature
even though there is the possibility of loss of the limb.
● Tourniquets are applied only as a last resort and with only enough pressure to
control bleeding. Do not remove the tourniquet, except by a physician in a
hospital setting.
● Treat for shock by laying the patient down and elevating their feet.
● You should monitor patient’s color, pulse, and blood pressure if possible, and
to maintain an airway.
● Transport the victim to a medical facility as soon as possible. Reassure the
2.2.4 Species Recorded at Aqaba
Side often seen with a few scattered dark spots; tail emarginated, dark with white
Found predominantly at or near the surface, and inhabits seaward reefs at a
depth range between 1 to 100 m.
Hazardous to Human
Rarely attacks humans. Attacks consist of usually one quick, strike. Strikes are
rarely fatal.
2.3 Sharks
Although it is extremely rare for sharks to bite humans, shark attacks on humans
are unpredictable.
Most shark species pose no threats to humans, and there have not been any
reported shark attacks in Aqaba.
2.3.2 Precautions
2.3.4 Species Recorded at Aqaba
A fairly large species of shark with an average adult specimen measures around 3.2m
in length and 60–150kg in weight. This shark has a cylindrical shape, with a vertically
elongated tail. It exhibits countershading, with brilliant metallic blue coloration dorsally
and white ventrally. The line of demarcation between blue and white on the body is
distinct. The underside of the snout and the area around the mouth are white.
A pelagic species that can be found from the surface to depths of 150 m, normally
far from land, though occasionally closer to shore.
Hazardous to Human
This species do not generally attack humans, but due to its speed, power, and
size, it is certainly capable of injuring people. Most recent attacks involving
shortfin mako sharks are considered to have been provoked due to harassment
or the shark being caught on a fishing line. Divers who have encountered shortfin
makos note, prior to an attack, they swim in a figure-eight pattern and approach
with mouths open.
2.3.4 Species Recorded at Aqaba
This species is named for it’s the hammer-like shape of the head. The eyes and
nostrils are at the tips of the extensions. The maximum length is 4.3 m and the
maximum weight is 152.4 kg.
Inhabits steep slopes of offshore islands and banks, usually below thermocline.
Also considered a pelagic species and can be found at depth ranges from 5 to
275 m.
Hazardous to Human
Large hammerhead sharks are considered potentially dangerous to humans
because of the animal’s sheer size.
2.3.4 Species Recorded at Aqaba
A stout shark with a moderately long, rounded snout, high, triangular, saw-
edged upper teeth, and an inter-dorsal ridge. Color is grey-brown or bronzy with
no prominent markings and white belly. Fins plain or with slightly dusky tips.
A coastal shark, often found in shallow waters associated with sandy or muddy
flats, bays, and harbors and also further offshore, particularly on banks, near flat
reefs and other topographic features in open waters.
Hazardous to Human
The sandbar shark poses little threat to humans due to its preference for smaller
prey and its tendency to avoid beaches. Although it has been rarely associated
with attacks on humans, its size makes it potentially dangerous
2.3.4 Species Recorded at Aqaba
Body elongated, head depressed and rounded; powerful teeth in each jaw keel
mid- ventral on caudal peduncle. The color dark grey or greyish-brown with dark
brown or black rectangular spots often forming bars on sides and fins, but fading
with growth. Can reach lengths up to 4 m, although lengths up to 5 m may be
Usually found near surface to depths of 140 m, and could occur adjacent to jetties
in harbors, and in coral lagoons. Bottom-associated species and sometimes
Hazardous to Human
The tiger shark is responsible for a large percentage of fatal shark bites and is
regarded as one of the most dangerous shark species.
Stingrays and
Electric Ray
2.4 Stingrays and Electric Ray
2.4.2 Precautions
As stingray prefer shallow waters, always shuffle feet when waking to alert the
rays, which encourages them to move.
2.4.5 Species Recorded at Aqaba Stingray’s
Huge stingray with conspicuous dark spots on a light brown disc. The tail is whip-
like and extremely thin, measuring 3 – 3.5 times as long as the disc when intact,
and lacks fin folds. Usually one serrated stinging spine is located on the upper
surface on the tail, some distance from the base.
It is frequently found off sandy beaches and in sandy areas of coral reefs, and it
can survive offshore to depths of at least 50 m.
Hazardous to Human
Humans are usually stung in the foot area when they step on the species by the
barbed stinger in their tail. Sting causes local trauma (from the cut itself), pain
and, swelling from the venom, and possible later infection from bacteria. Fatal
stings are very rare. Pain normally lasts up to 48 hours, but is most severe in the
first 30–60 minutes and may be accompanied by nausea, fatigue, headaches,
fever, and chills.
35 Stingray’s
The dorsal coloration consists of numerous circular, neon blue spots on a yellowish
brown or green background; the spots vary in size, becoming smaller and denser
towards the disc margin. The tail has two stripes of the same blue running along
each side as far as the spines. The eyes are bright yellow and the belly is white.
Often found along shallow coastal tropical waters, and rarely found deeper than
30 m. It is also commonly encountered in the intertidal zone and tidal, and has
been sighted near seagrass beds.
Hazardous to Human
Venomous tail spines present and mild envenoming can occur from a sting.
36 Stingray’s
Arabic Name:
One of the largest stingray species in the Red Sea, which can grow to 1.8 m
across, 3.3 m long, and 150 kg in weight. The dorsal coloration is light to dark
gray, brown-gray, or purplish, becoming most intense towards the fin margins,
with a highly variable pattern of irregular darker mottling and white speckles or
streaks. The tail past the spine, including the fin fold, is uniformly black, while the
underside is creamy white with darker fin margins and additional dots. Young rays
are plainer in coloration than adults.
Often found in along shallow coastal tropical waters, and can be observed lying
on the bottom of the flats and patches of sand between coral areas. Most often
they are completely or partially buried in the sand or mud with only tail, eyes and
spiracles exposed.
Hazardous to Human
A mildly venomous species, whose stings can cause venom-induced pain,
swelling, and bleeding due to mechanical trauma. If the chest or abdomen are
punctured, this could potentially be lethal.
37 Electric Ray’s
The flattened body and enlarged pectoral fins form a circular disc shape, which in
this species is dark brown patterned with clusters of whitish spots. The mouth is
situated on the underside of the flabby body and small, bulging eyes are situated
on top of the head, surrounded by small spiracles. Produce an electrical discharge
from large kidney-shaped organs situated between the head and the pectoral fins.
Recorded on muddy and sandy bottoms of the continental shelf to depths of 110 m.
Hazardous to Human
Not well researched
38 Electric Ray’s
The dorsal coloration is light to dark gray, brown-gray, or purplish, becoming
most intense towards the fin margins, with a highly variable pattern of irregular
darker mottling and white speckles or streaks. The tail past the spine, including
the fin fold, is uniformly black, while the underside is creamy white with darker fin
margins and additional dots.
Inhabits sandy areas of reef flat and outer reef slopes at depths ranging from 1
to 80 m.
Hazardous to Human
The species is not aggressive but there is one record of a human injury attributed
to this species worldwide.
Moray Eels
2.5 Moray Eels
Snake-like in both appearance and movement. Has a tough, leathery skin and
grow to a length of 3 meters. A moray eel is extremely territorial and attacks
on humans are usually in self-defense as a result from humans reaching into
a crevice or hole occupied by the eel. Eels have prominent teeth and powerful
bite, and sometimes may not dislodge after a bite is initiated. Injuries are usually
inflicted on hands or forearms and may vary from multiple small puncture wounds
to the tearing, jagged type with profuse bleeding if there has been a struggle.
2.5.2 Precautions
Primary first aid must stop the bleeding through direct pressure and raising the
injured extremity until the injury is evaluated by a physician.
Mild envenomation may occur from a toxin that is released from the palatine
mucosa in the mouth of certain moray eels. The nature of this toxin is not known.
Antibiotic therapy should be given early. Immediate specialized care by a hand
surgeon may be necessary for tendon and nerve repair of the hand to prevent
permanent damage and loss of function.
2.5.4 Creatures Recorded at Aqaba
The largest moray, with brown and black flecks, where those on body and tail
forming leopard- like spots.
A bottom dweller species and is commonly found in holes and crevices or under
rocks and coral and can survive at a depth ranges from 1 to 46 m.
Hazardous to Human
This species may be hazardous to people as it has been implicated in provoked
and unprovoked attacks on scuba divers. In addition, it is considered poisonous if
eaten as its mucus is toxic.
2.5.4 Creatures Recorded at Aqaba
This species has a relatively short, blunt snout and the larger specimens lack
vomerine teeth and median intermaxillary teeth. The largest teeth are finely
serrate; and jaws not arched, even in large specimens.
Benthic species associated with reef at depth ranges from 2 - 271 m.
Hazardous to Human
Poisonous if eaten as its mucus is toxic.
Puffer and Porcupine
Fish Poisoning
2.6 Puffer and Porcupine Fish Poisoning
2.6.2 Precautions
Avoid eating puffer and porcupine fish, as cooking the poisonous flesh will not
destroy the toxin.
• Provide supportive care with airway management and monitor breathing and
• Monitor changes in bowel movement.
• Monitor and treat cardiac dysrhythmias.
• Escort the patient to the nearest hospital.
2.6.4 Creatures Recorded at Aqaba
Body elongated and streamlined, with olive- green color superiorly with brown
spots. It can reach a length of more than 100 cm.
The species can be found in shallow coastal waters down to 250m.
Hazardous to Human
Extremely poisonous if eaten because it contains tetrodotoxin in its ovaries and
to a lesser extent its skin, muscles and liver, which protects it from voracious
predators. It becomes toxic as it eats bacteria that contain the toxin. This deadly
substance causes paralysis of voluntary muscles, which may cause its victims to
stop breathing or induce heart failure.
2.6.4 Creatures Recorded at Aqaba
Body robust and covered with long, sharp spines, folded backwards when body
not inflated. Body grayish tan, with small black spots, but no large dark blotches.
Commonly seen in caves and holes in shallow reefs and occur in lagoon and
seaward reefs to at least 50 m.
Hazardous to Human
Reported as toxic to humans.
Aggressive Fish
2.7 Aggressive Fish
The body is mainly brown, but fins have yellow margins. Juveniles are yellowish
brown with a network of brilliant bluish wavy lines. With growth these lines become
A reef-associated species, which prefers coastal waters, shallow lagoons and
seaward reefs, at 30–50 meters of depth.
Hazardous to Human
A territorial fish known for its aggressiveness and many divers choose to keep a
safe distance from this species.
2.6.4 Creatures Recorded at Aqaba
Green with curved orange stripes and the female found with stripes on snout.
Inhabits coral- rich areas of lagoon and seaward reefs on a depth ranges between
1 to 50 m.
Hazardous to Human
Some divers have been bitten from territorial male triggerfish protecting the eggs.
Hallucinate Fish
2.8 Creatures Recorded in Aqaba
Grey with dusky dorsal and caudal fins. Darker grey to yellowish lines along
scale rows. Sometimes with blotched pattern that is showing intermittently. The
maximum size is 90 cm total length.
Occurs over hard, algal coated bottoms of exposed surf-swept outer reef flats,
lagoons, and seaward reefs to a depth of 24 m.
Hazardous to Human
They can induce Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)-like hallucinations if eaten. In
2006, two men who apparently ate the fish experienced hallucinations lasting for
several days
Scombroid Fish
2.9 Scombroid Fish Poisoning
Scombroid fish poisoning occurs from different types of fish that have not been
promptly cooled or prepared for immediate consumption. Typical fish causing
scombroid poisoning include tuna, skipjack, and mackerel. A rapid bacterial
production of histamine and saurine (a histamine-like compound) produce the
symptoms of a histamine reaction: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, facial
flushing, urticarial (hives), headache, pruritus (itching), bronchospasm, and a
burning or itching sensation in the mouth. Symptoms may begin one hour after
ingestion and last 8 to 12 hours death is rare.
2.9.2 Precautions
Immediately clean the fish and preserve by rapid chilling, and as a general
precaution, do not eat any fish that has been left in the sun or in the heat longer
than two hours.
Because the histamine toxin is heat stabile it is not affected by cooking, freezing,
smoking and canning. Therefore, the best way to avoid scombroid poisoning is by
preventing its production through:
• Refrigerate fish to 40C° at all times.
• Reject fresh fish >40C° at delivery.
• Fresh fish should be eaten within 48 hours at refrigerated temperatures.
2.10 Octopuses
The octopus has a large sac surrounded by 8 to 10 tentacles. The head sac
is large with well-developed eyes and horny jaws on the mouth. Movement is
made by jet action produced by expelling water from the mantle cavity through
the siphon. The octopus hide in caves, crevices and shells. It possesses a well-
developed venom apparatus in its salivary glands and stings by biting.
2.10.2 Precautions
Octopus should not be touched regardless of size.. Divers should be careful when
moving close to caves and crevices with residing octopus.
2.8 Creatures Recorded in Aqaba
All octopus are hazardous regardless of their size. Octopus bites consist of two
small punctures. A burning or tingling sensation results and might soon spread.
Swelling, redness, and inflammation are common. Bleeding may be severe and
the clotting ability of the blood is often retarded by the action of an anticoagulant
in the venom.
Grows to a mantle length of 20 cm with a total length of 150 cm. The first pair of
arms are a meter or so long, and are much longer than the remaining three pairs.
The arms are all connected by a shallow web. This octopus is red, with white
blotches on its body, and paired white spots on its arms. When it is disturbed, its
color becomes more intense which may make it appear threatening to a potential
It lives near the shore at depths down to about 17 m. Its favored habitat is sand,
rubble or seagrass meadows, and it sometimes buries itself under the sand.
2.8 Creatures Recorded in Aqaba
A smaller octopus that grows to a total length of about 60 cm including arms, with
a diameter approximately that of a pencil at their widest. The octopus' natural
color is a light brown/beige color, but usually appear a more noticeable color of
striped white and brown to scare off predators by imitating poisonous species.
Its ability to change shape is the reason this species was named the "mimic"
octopus, and it is a main defense besides camouflage.
It is primarily found in areas with sand or silt at depths of less than 15 m. It prefers
obscuring murky and muddy sea floors to blend in with its natural brown, beige
2.11 Corals
Coral, an animal with a rock-like formation, is extremely sharp and the most
delicate coral is often the most dangerous because of their razor-sharp edges.
Coral cuts, while usually fairly superficial, take a long time to heal and can cause
temporary disability. The smallest cut, if left untreated, can develop into a skin
ulcer. Secondary infections often occur and may be recognized by the presence
of a red and tender area surrounding the wound. All coral cuts should receive
medical attention.
In addition, fire coral should be dealt with care as upon contact, an intense pain can
be felt and may last for two days up to two weeks. The very small nematocysts on
fire corals contain tentacles that protrude from numerous surface pores (similar
to jellyfish stings). In addition, fire corals have a sharp, calcified external skeleton
that can scrape the skin.
2.11.2 Precautions
Extreme care should be used when working or moving near coral communities,
and coral should not be handled with bare hands. Feet should be protected with
booties, coral shoes or tennis shoes. Wet suits and protective clothing should be
worn when near coral.
2.11.4 Creatures Recorded at Aqaba
Fire corals have a bright yellow-green and brown skeletal covering and are widely
distributed in tropical and subtropical waters. They appear in small brush-like
growths on rocks and coral. Divers often mistake fire coral for seaweed, and
accidental contact is common.
This species is most abundant in shallow reef habitat at depths of less than 15 m.
Millepora species are generally found in inshore areas characterized by turbidity,
and exhibit a tolerance for siltation. They often occur in clear offshore sites.
Hazardous to Human
A sting from Fire coral is rarely dangerous unless accompanied by an allergic
reaction or anaphylactic shock. In fact, the most serious effects seen after extensive
stings are possible nausea and vomiting for two to three hours afterwards. The
sting caused by these animals is a result of the injection of a water-soluble, heat
affected, proteinaceous toxin. The discharged nematocysts cause small welts on
the skin with red lesions around the raised areas. Swelling, blisters, and pus-filled
encystations may occur soon after being stung. However, all symptoms generally
disappear after 24 hours.
If stung, treatment consists of a breakdown of the protein by soaking the affected
area in hot water, or swabbing the welts with vinegar. After initial treatment, topical
anesthetics may be applied to ease the burning sensation.
Sea Urchins and
Sea Stars
2.12 Sea Urchins
There are various species of sea urchins, of which all has a radial shape and long
spines. Penetration of the sea urchin spine can cause intense local pain due to a
venom in the spine or from another type of stinging organ called the globiferous
pedicellariae. Numbness, generalized weakness, paresthesias, nausea, vomiting,
and cardiac dysrhythmias have been reported.
2.12.2 Precautions
Avoid contact with sea urchins, as even the short-spined sea urchin can inflict its
venom via the pedicellariae stinging organs. Protective footwear and gloves are
recommended. Spines can penetrate wet suits, booties, and tennis shoes.
• Remove large spine fragments gently, being very careful not to break them
into small fragments that remain in the wound.
• Bathe the wound in vinegar or isopropyl alcohol. Soaking the injured extremity
in hot water up to 50ºC may help.
• Clean and debride the wound.
• Remove as much of the spine as possible, and note that some small
fragments may be absorbed by the body. Do not use fire or smoke cigarettes
to remove spines
• Surgical removal, preferably with a dissecting microscope, may be required
when spines are near nerves and joints.
• X-rays may be required to locate these spines. Spines can form granulomas
months later and may even migrate to other sites.
• Get medical attention for deep wounds.
2.12.4 Creatures Recorded at Aqaba
Large, multiple-armed starfish (or seastar), which receives its name from
venomous thorn-like spines that cover its upper surface, or the crown of thorns. It
is one of the largest sea stars in the world.
It occurs where coral reefs or hard coral communities exist, as it usually preys
upon hard, or stony, coral polyps (Scleractinia).
Hazardous to Human
It has no mechanism for injecting the toxin, but as the spines perforate tissue
of a predator or unwary person, tissue containing the saponins is lost into the
wound. In humans, this immediately causes a sharp, stinging pain that may last
for several hours, persistent bleeding due to the haemolytic effect of saponins,
and nausea and tissue swelling that may persist for a week or more. The spines,
which are brittle, may also break off and become embedded in the tissue where
they must be removed surgically.
2.12.4 Creatures Recorded at Aqaba
Short spines with venomous globular swelling are found at tips, and may cause
painful injuries. It can grow up to 15 cm.
Can survive on sand, rubble, and dead coral or among seagrasses of lagoon and
seaward reef slopes, at depth range between 3 to 30 m.
Hazardous to Human
Proteinaceous venom pouches at the tips of their shorter spines which, when
ruptured by pressure, release a venom which causes localized pain and
2.12.4 Creatures Recorded at Aqaba
It has extremely long spines, up to 25 cm; which may inflict painful injuries. It can
grow up to 40 cm and anal opening has red ring.
It survive on subtidal reef flats and protected reef slopes to 25 m.
Hazardous to Human
Injured areas from spine penetration should be soaked in hot water to deactivate
the toxins and later vinegar may help soften the spines. Surgical removal of spine
tips that remain in the skin is difficult because of their fragility. Left alone, the
spines may gradually be absorbed into the tissues.
2.12.4 Creatures Recorded at Aqaba
It is a typical sea urchin, with extremely long, hollow spines that are mildly
D. setosum differs from other Diadema with five, characteristic white dots that
can be found on its body. Despite being capable of causing painful stings when
stepped upon, the urchin is only slightly venomous and does not pose a serious
threat to humans.
Hazardous to Human
The toxin mostly causes swelling and pain, and gradually diffuses over several
hours. More danger is presented by the delivery system – the urchin's spines
which are extremely brittle and needle-like. They easily break off within flesh and
are quite a challenge to extract. Like other venomous sea urchins, the venom of
Diadema setosum is only mild and not fatal to humans.
2.12.4 Creatures Recorded at Aqaba
Arabic Name:
Dark in color, usually bluish-purple with white spines. The pedicles are also white,
with a dark or black base.
Prefer open sea bottoms with some cover of seagrasses and algae, but the young
prefer rocky areas for concealment.
Hazardous to Human
This species is considered mildly venomous.
Cone Shells
2.13 Cone Shells
The cone shell is widely distributed in all regions and is usually found under rocks
and coral or crawling along sand. The shell is most often symmetrical in a spiral
coil, colorful, with a distinct head, one to two pairs of tentacles, two eyes, and a
large flattened foot on the body.
2.13.2 Diagnosis
Victims of cone stinging usually feel a sharp sting as the harpoon is thrust into
their flesh. A sting by one of the fish-eating cones can affect vision, hearing, and
speech, and the victim may become partially or completely paralyzed. A sting by
worm-eating or mollusk eating cones may cause pain, swelling, and discoloration
of the area near the puncture.
2.13.3 Precautions
Avoid handling cone shells as venom can be injected through clothing and gloves.
If handled, cone shells should be handled only by the blunt end of the shell and
dropped immediately if the tubular proboscis appears within striking distance.
2.13.5 Creatures Recorded at Aqaba
It can grow up to 15 cm. shell is creamy, with brown markings; animal creamy with
black spots; siphon with brown rings.
Survive on protected reef flats and shallow lagoons and seawards reefs. Common
in area with patches of sand and rubble.
Hazardous to Human
Among the most dangerous of cone shells, responsible for many human fatalities.
Stings produce a puncture wound, followed by numbness, loss of coordination,
muscular paralysis and respiratory failure. Quick medical treatment is essential.
2.12.4 Creatures Recorded at Aqaba
It can grow up to 12.5 cm. shell is creamy with irregular lengthwise bands of
perpendicular dark pinstripes; animal creamy with dark cross- streaks.
Survive on sand and hard bottoms of reef flats and lagoon and seaward reefs to
at least 40 m.
Hazardous to Human
Dangerous species and caused human fatalities.
2.13.5 Creatures Recorded at Aqaba
It can grow up to 13 cm. It has numerous white tent- like markings, siphon with
red tip and black ring.
In most coral reef habitats, from reef flats and lagoon and seaward reef to at least
50 m. Nocturnal, usually under rocks, rubble or buried in sandy by day.
Hazardous to Human
Very dangerous, has caused human fatalities.
2.14 Sponges
Whatever the source of these toxic chemicals, many have been found to be
highly toxic to other life forms. In fact some of the most toxic chemicals known
in nature have been discovered from sponges. Some of these chemicals have
potential pharmaceutical applications, including anti-cancer, anti-malaria and
pain control (analgesics). In fact the major reason why our knowledge of sponges
has escalated over the past few decades is directly due to the increasing interest
in their pharmaceutical properties.
2.14.2 Precautions
2.15 Coelenterates
2.15.2 Precautions
Swimmers and divers should avoid close proximity to jellyfish to avoid contacting
their tentacles, especially when near the surface. In addition, wet suits, body
shells, or protective clothing should be worn when diving in waters where jellyfish
are abundant.
2.15.4 Hazardous Species Recorded at Aqaba
The medusa is filled with an abiotic gel-like substance called the mesoglea
with pink to purple in color, having blue, brown, and magenta pigments. It has
8 tentacles, which can reach up to 10 m in length, and four large oral arms. The
tentacles, oral arms, exumbrella, and gastric pouches are covered in cnidocytes,
cells that eject a toxin-filled stinging thread. The average size of P. noctiluca is 6.5
cm diameter across the bell but they may grow to be 10 cm or more. If disturbed,
it will bioluminesce, and this luminescence is often seen at night.
It forms actively swimming aggregations and is usually found peaking at a depth of
12 m to 30 m. Offshore aggregations rarely contain more than 20 individuals per
cubic meter, but inshore swarms can have up to 600 individuals per cubic meter.
Hazardous to Human
This species contains stinging nematocysts which inject toxins into anything they
2.15.4 Hazardous Species Recorded at Aqaba
This is a sedentary jellyfish that lives in a symbiotic relationship with photosynthetic
dinoflagellate algae, zooxanthellae, and shrimp. This jellyfish, is often mistaken
for a sea anemone.
Usually lives in intertidal sand or mud flats, shallow lagoons, and around
Hazardous to Human
The jelly can sting which makes it important to take precautions when around it.
Symptoms include pain, rash, swelling and vomiting.
2.15.4 Hazardous Species Recorded at Aqaba
The jellyfish is translucent, usually about 25–40 cm in diameter, and can be
recognized by its four horseshoe-shaped gonads, easily seen through the top of
the bell. It is capable of only limited motion, and drifts with the current, even when
In general, it is an inshore genus that is dominating harbors areas.
Hazardous to Human
The sting of the moon jellyfish is not fatal or dangerous to humans. Stings are
usually minor, with some individuals not having any reactions. In severe cases,
the victim may experience some burning sensation at the site of the sting.
3. References
Online sources
Image Credit
Ehab Eid
Mr. Eid is the Acting Executive Director
at JREDS. He holds a master degree in
conservation, access and management
of species in trade from the International
University of Andalusia in Spain.
Since more than 15 years, Mr. Eid developed an extensive experiences
in the marine and terrestrial biodiversity conservation at the national and
regional level. He have published several peer- reviewed articles and is
a member in several national, regional and international conservation