Tendernotice_1 (54)
Tendernotice_1 (54)
Tendernotice_1 (54)
Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai (IIT Bhilai), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Education,
Govt of India invites e-bid for “Supply & Installation of Pneumatic, Electropneumatic and PLC Training
System at IIT Bhilai”. Tender Documents may be downloaded from Central Public Procurement Portal
(URL:http://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app). Bidders are advised to submit duly filled bids as per the
following schedule:
Registration Process
1) If a bidder is not registered at the eProcurement portal, such bidder should enrol/register on the e-
Procurement module of the portal http://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app by clicking on the link “Click
here to Enrol”. Enrolment on the CPP Portal is free of charge.
2) The bidders to choose a unique username and assign a password for their accounts. Bidders are
advised to register their valid email address and mobile numbers as part of the registration process.
These would be used for any communication from the CPP Portal.
3) Bidders to register upon enrolment their valid Digital Signature Certificate (Class II or Class III
Certificates with signing key usage) issued by any Certifying Authority recognized by CCA India with
their profile.
4) Only one valid DSC should be registered by a bidder. Please note that the bidders are responsible to
ensure that they do not lend their DSCs to others which may lead to misuse. Foreign bidders are
advised to refer “DSC details for Foreign Bidders” for Digital Signature requirements on the portal.
5) Bidder then logs in to the site through the secured log-in by entering their user ID / password and the
password of the DSC / eToken.
Bid Preparation
1) Bidder should also take into account of the corrigendum published related to the tender before
submitting their bids.
2) Please go through the tender advertisement and the tender document carefully to understand the
documents required to be submitted as part of the bid.
3) Please note the number of covers in which the bid documents have to be submitted, the number of
documents - including the names and content of each of the document that need to be submitted.
Any deviations from these may lead to rejection of the bid.
4) Bidder, in advance, should get ready the bid documents to be submitted as indicated in the tender
document / schedule and generally, they can be in PDF / XLS / RAR / DWF formats. Bid documents
may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option.
5) To avoid the time and effort required in uploading the same set of standard documents which are
required to be submitted as a part of every bid, a provision of uploading such standard documents
(e.g. PAN card copy, annual reports, auditor certificates etc.) has been provided to the bidders.
Bidders can use “My Space” area available to them to upload such documents. These documents may
be directly submitted from the “My Space” area while submitting a bid, and need not be uploaded
again and again. This will lead to a reduction in the time required for the bid submission process.
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Supply & Installation of Pneumatic, Electropneumatic and PLC Training System at IIT Bhilai
Bid Submission
1) Bidder to log into the site well in advance for bid submission so that he/she uploads the bid in time
i.e. on or before the bid submission time. Bidder will be responsible for any delay due to other issues.
2) The bidder to digitally sign and upload the required bid documents one by one as indicated in the
tender document.
3) Bidder to select the payment option as Off-line” to pay the tender fee/ EMD wherever applicable and
enter details of the instrument in SBI i-collect.
4) A standard BoQ format has been also uploaded along with the tender document to be filled by all the
bidders. Bidders to note that they should necessarily submit their financial bids in the prescribed
format and no other format is acceptable.
5) The server time (which is displayed on the bidders’ dashboard) will be considered as the standard
time for referencing the deadlines for submission of the bids by the bidders, opening of bids etc. The
bidders should follow this time during bid submission.
6) All the documents being submitted by the bidders would be encrypted using PKI encryption
techniques to ensure the secrecy of the data, which cannot be viewed by unauthorized persons until
the time of bid opening.
7) The uploaded tender documents become readable only after the tender opening by the authorized
bid openers.
8) Upon the successful and timely submission of bids, the portal will give a successful bid submission
message & a bid summary will be displayed with the bid no. and the date & time of submission of the
bid with all other relevant details.
9) Kindly add scanned PDF of all relevant documents in a single PDF file of compliance sheet.
Assistance to Bidders
1) Any queries relating to the tender document and the terms and conditions contained therein should
be addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority for a tender or the relevant contact person indicated in
the tender.
2) Any queries relating to the process of online bid submission or queries relating to CPP Portal in general
may be directed to the 24x7 CPP Portal Helpdesk. The contact number for the helpdesk is 0120-
4200462, 0120-4001002, 0120-4001005.
Tenderers are advised to follow the instructions provided in the `Instructions to the Tenderers for the e-
Submission of the bids online through the Central Public Procurement Portal for e-Procurement at
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Supply & Installation of Pneumatic, Electropneumatic and PLC Training System at IIT Bhilai
Online Envelope No. 1: "Technical Bid" shall contain (Pdf format only)
1. EMD is exempted for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) as defined in MSE Procurement Policy
issued by the Department of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) / NSIC and Start-ups
as recognised by Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP), Ministry of Commerce and
Industry. Those firms, who are failing to submit the Valid MSME, their bid will be summarily
2. A scanned copy of Authorization letter with proper seal and signature of the authorised person
(with name, designation, email id & contact no.), as per the format attached at Annexure – C.
3. A scanned copy of Certificate of Incorporation, Partnership Deed/ Memorandum and Articles of
Association/ any other equivalent document showing date and place of incorporation, as
4. A scanned copy of the commercial bid without prices (prices blocked) and copy of commercial
terms & conditions (in details) as included in the commercial bid. IIT Bhilai reserves the right to
reject the bid in case of discrepancy observed in the unpriced commercial bid and the actual
commercial bid.
5. A scanned copy of audited balance sheet or the certificate from a Chartered Accountant for the
financial year 2023-24, 2022-23, and 2021-22 indicating the annual sales turnover of the bidder.
Bidder firm should not have suffered any financial loss for more than one year during the last
three years, ending on ‘The Relevant Date’.
6. The detailed technical specification, make, model, part number & compliance of each item
offered supported by the printed catalogue/ leaflet published by the Principal Manufacturer.
7. Undertaking to the effect that a Performance Guarantee of 10% of the order value will be
submitted in case IIT Bhilai decides to place the Purchase Order.
8. Undertaking to the effect that the terms and conditions, clauses etc. stipulated in this tender
are acceptable.
9. Other documents necessary in support of eligibility criteria (as per Section-II - Instructions to
Bidders-ITB), product catalogues, brochures etc.
IIT Bhilai reserves the right to reject the bid if any of the above listed document/s is not submitted.
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4. Preparation of Bids
Bidder should avoid, as far as possible, corrections, overwriting, erasures or postscripts in the bid
documents. In case however, any corrections, overwriting, erasures or postscripts have to be made
in the bids, they should be supported by dated signatures of the same authorized person signing the
bid documents. However, bidder shall not be entitled to amend/ add/ delete/ correct the clauses
mentioned in the entire tender document.
5. Forfeiture of EMD
5.1 In case of the bidder whose offer is accepted, the EMD will be returned on submission of
Security Deposit. However, if the return of EMD is delayed for any reason, no interest/ penalty
shall be payable to the bidder.
5.2 The successful bidder, on award of contract/ order, must send the contract/ order acceptance
in writing, within 15 days of award of contract/ order, failing which the EMD will be forfeited
and the order will be cancelled.
5.3 If the bidder withdraws the bid during the period of bid validity specified in the tender.
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8. Bid Opening & Evaluation of Bids
8.1 The technical bids will be evaluated in two steps.
a. The bids of eligibility bidders only will be evaluable based on eligibility criteria mentioned in
Section III of the tender documents.
b. The technical bids of only the shortlisted eligible bidders shall be evaluated based on technical
specifications stipulated at Section – V.
8.2 The bidders whose technical bid is found to meet both the requirements as specified above
will qualify for opening of the commercial bid.
8.3 The duly constituted Tender Evaluation Committee (TEC) shall evaluate the bids. The TEC shall
be empowered to take appropriate decisions on minor deviations, if any.
8.4 The bidder’s name, bid prices, discounts and such other details considered as appropriate by
IIT Bhilai, will be announced at the time of opening of the commercial bids.
9. Comparison of Bids
9.1 Only the short-listed bids from the technical evaluation shall be considered for commercial
9.2 The bids shall be evaluated on the basis of total price quoted for “Supply & Installation of
Pneumatic, Electropneumatic and PLC Training System at IIT Bhilai in the Commercial bid.
9.3 The bids shall be evaluated on the basis of the total prices including all taxes and duties as per
the details mentioned in section I (10.2) and section VI (6).
9.4 In the comparison of bids, preference will be given to Class – I Local Suppliers as per the
provisions of the Order no. P-45021/2/2017-PP (BE-II) on Public Procurement (Preference to
Make in India), 2017 dated 04.06.2020 and subsequent orders issued by Department for
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade. Provisions of the order can be referred from the link
given below:
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awarded a contract if it at any time determines that the vendor has engaged in corrupt and
fraudulent practices during the award / execution of contract.
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(a) Delivery and Installation: The items should be supplied within 06-08 weeks from the date of
receipt of the Purchase Order or as per the instructions of IIT Bhilai.
(b) Authorization certificate from all the original equipment manufacturers stating their support
for the vendor during the equipment warranty period. Warranty of each component should
be mentioned separately, if applicable.
(c) The Competent Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids, amend/withdraw any
terms and conditions in the Tender document or to cancel the Tender at any stage without
assigning any reason.
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1. The bidder must be either OEM or authorized dealers or resellers of the original manufacturer of
the proposed equipment in India. Both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/ product in
the same tender.
2. The bidder must have supplied similar equipment in at least 2 similar equipment to Centrally
funded technical institutes/National R&D Institute/ R&D based private industries/Engineering
colleges with NIRF ranking below 80/ Foreign R&D industries/Foreign R&D educational institute
of comparable status. A complete list along with the contact details of the recent customers may
be provided where the similar system is installed. Feedback from the users will be sought by the
IIT Bhilai, if felt necessary.
3 (A) In addition to the above eligibility criteria, bidders should fulfil the minimum local content
eligibility criteria as per the provisions of the Order no. P-45021/2/2017-PP (BE-II) on Public
Procurement (Preference to Make in India), 2017 dated 04.06.2020 issued by Department for
Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade.
B) Local content calculation should be as per the provisions of the OM No. P-45021/102/2019-BE-
II-Part (1) (E-50310) Dated: 04-03-2021 issued by Department of Promotion of Industry and
Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
C) Bidders’ eligibility should also be as per the subsequent orders on local content or purchase
preference issued by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade in due course.
4 For the purpose of claiming purchase preference, the bidders should have the minimum local content
of at least 50% and margin of preference shall be 20%. Bidders should submit a self-certification (as
per annexure -G) that the item meets the minimum local content and shall give details of such local
value addition.
5 If in the view of bidder, any exemption/ relaxation is applicable to them from any of the eligibility
requirements, under any Rules/ process/ Guidelines/ Directives of Government of India, bidder may
submit their claim for the applicable exemption/ relaxation, quoting the valid Rule/ process/
Guidelines/ Directives. In this case the bidder must submit necessary and sufficient documents along
with the technical bid, in support of his claim. The applicability of exemptions and /or validity of
documents submitted by the bidders will be evaluated by the bid evaluation committee during
technical evaluation of bids.
Note: The bidders should provide sufficient documentary evidence to support the eligibility
Criteria. IIT Bhilai reserves the right to reject any bid not fulfilling the eligibility criteria.
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1. Prices
1.1 Prices should be quoted only preferably in FOR IIT Bhilai Basis and should be inclusive of all taxes
and duties.
1.2 The statutory taxes and duties applicable at the time of supply of material shall be applicable and
will be reimbursed on submission of requisite documents/ proofs as the relevant Government
1.3 In case due to any error/ oversight, the GST quoted by the bidder is less than the actual rate as
per tariff, the bidder will not be permitted to rectify the error/oversight. The orders/ contract will
be placed for the total amount including the (lower) rate/s quoted by the bidder, with reduced
basic amount to the extent of difference in tax/duty amount, so that the total amount (basic +
actual rate as per tariff), remains same (quoted basic + quoted rate). The difference amount
payable, if any, between the quoted rate and actual rate as per tariff (without exemption) shall
be borne by the bidder. The exemption certificate, if applicable, will be issued for the reduced
basic amount only.
2. Software Licenses
The software licenses, if any, shall be required in the name of the user. The licenses shall contain
paper licenses and at least one set of media (CDs) – wherever applicable. All software licenses
quoted should be of perpetual.
4. Completeness Responsibility
Notwithstanding the scope of work, engineering, supply and services stated in bid document, any
equipment or material, engineering or technical services which might not be even specifically
mentioned under the scope of supply of the bidder and which are not expressly excluded there from
but which – in view of the bidder - are necessary for the performance of the equipment in
accordance with the specifications are treated to be included in the bid and has to be performed by
bidder. The items which are over & above the scope of supply specified in the Schedule of
Requirements may be marked as “Optional Items”.
5. Warranty
All the equipment’s and components supplied must have 01 year warranty covering all parts &
labour starting from the date after the successful installation and training, during the warranty
period, Bidder will have to undertake comprehensive maintenance of the entire hardware
components, software, equipment, support and accessories supplied by the Bidder at the place of
installation of the equipment. The Supplier warrants that all the Goods are new, unused, and of the
most recent or current models, and that they incorporate all recent improvements in design and
materials, unless provided otherwise in the Contract. The supplier further warrants that all Goods
supplied under this contract shall have no defect arising from design, materials or workmanship
(except when the design and/or material is required by the Purchaser’s specifications) or from any
act or omission of the supplier. The warranty should be comprehensive on site, repair/replacement
basis free of cost. The defects, if any, during the guarantee/warranty period are to be rectified free
of charge by arranging free replacement wherever necessary. Goods requiring warranty
replacements must be replaced on a free of cost basis. Collecting of faulty Hardware from onsite
and provisioning the replacement of Hardware under warranty at onsite shall be the responsibility
of the supplier. IIT Bhilai reserves the right to invoke the Performance Bank Guarantee submitted by
bidder, in case a) Supplied equipment & Software components fail to achieve the performance as
stipulated in this document and / or b) The bidder fails to provide the warranty and other services
in scheduled time frame, as stipulated in this document, penalty clauses mentioned under point 9
of this tender shall be applicable.
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6. Training:
Suppliers need to provide Free of Charge onsite/Online training on applications and maintenance
should be provided to IIT Bhilai staff(s) and student(s) at no extra cost should be provided for at
least 1 week after successful installation of required items by the certified company engineers. IIT
Bhilai will not bear any training or living expenditure in this regard. The Supplier should arrange for
regular visits to the IIT Bhilai campus by its technical team and assist in the maintenance of the
item/equipment within warranty period.
7. Payments
7.1. For INR Payment by NEFT – 100% against delivery, Installation, commissioning, acceptance by IIT
Bhilai and submission of Performance bank Guarantee within 30 Days.
7.2. Payments towards AMC shall be paid at the end of each quarter/ year. (If applicable)
8. Ship to
The Director,
Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai,
Dist – Durg, Chhattisgarh 491002, INDIA
9. Liquidated Damage
IIT Bhilai reserves the right to levy penalty @ of 0.5 % of order value per week of delay in supply and
/or installation, beyond the schedule as mentioned in this tender document subject to maximum of
10% of the order value. IIT BHILAI reserves the right to cancel the order in case the delay is more
than 06 weeks. The delay in delivery and/or installation not attributed to supplier viz. delay in site
preparation, delay in submission of required documents etc. and the conditions arising out of Force
Majeure will not be considered for the purpose of calculating penalties.
11. Arbitration
All disputes/claims of any kind arising out of supply, commissioning, acceptance, warranty
maintenance etc. under this Contract, shall be referred by either party (IIT Bhilai or the bidder) after
issuance of 30 days’ notice in writing to the other party clearly mentioning the nature of dispute to
the Sole Arbitrator appointed by IIT Bhilai. The venue for arbitration shall be specified in the
purchase order/agreement. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English and as per the
provisions of Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The decision of the Arbitrator shall be
final and binding on both the parties.
12. Jurisdiction
The disputes, legal matters, court matters, if any shall be subject to Durg jurisdiction only.
13. Indemnity
Selected bidder shall save, indemnify and hold harmless IIT Bhilai from any third-party Govt. Claims,
losses penalties, if any, arising in connection with this Contract.
14. Assignment
Selected bidder/ Party shall not assign, delegate or otherwise deal with any of its rights or obligations
under this Contract without prior written permission of IIT Bhilai.
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15. Severability
If any provision of this Contract is determined to be invalid or unenforceable, it will be deemed to
be modified to the minimum extent necessary to be valid and enforceable. If it cannot be so
modified, it will be deleted and the deletion will not affect the validity or enforceability of any other
16. Unloading
The bidder should ensure to unload all the materials (equipment and other related accessories etc)
to the installation site at IIT Bhilai. Unloading of the goods at IIT Bhilai is the responsibility of the
bidder. No manpower will be provided by IIT Bhilai.
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Supply & Installation of Pneumatic, Electropneumatic and PLC Training System at IIT Bhilai
S. No (Supply & Installation of Pneumatic, Electropneumatic and PLC Qty
Training System at IIT Bhilai)
1. Pneumatic Training Workbench 2 sets
2. Basic Electro Pneumatic Training Workbench 2 sets
3. Advanced Electro Pneumatic and PLC Training Workbench 2 sets
4. Vertical Workbench with Table and drawer unit with wheels 2 nos
5. Switch mode power supply 2 nos
6. Automatic Silent Air Compressor 1 nos
7. Simulation software for Multi Technologies 5 licenses
1. The Training workbench should consist of the following features
1. Use all actual industrial standard valves and components
2. All the pneumatic fittings should be of Push-in type fittings.
3. All One Touch Fittings should be compatible and consistent for tube size 4 mm or more of outer diameter
Cylinders, Valves and Switches should be provided with suitable locking and unlock mechanism for clamping &
unclamping with the Workbench
5. Working medium: Compressed filtered air of 6 bar (working pressure) and up to 8 bar (system capacity).
All Valves for Workbenches, if not mentioned, should be of: Aluminum with Anodized finish, Flow rate: 450
litres/min, Spool type, Port size: 1/8" or 1/4" (as applicable), Pressure rating: 8 bar.
All Workbenches should accompany Manuals and Exercise Books (Pneumatics, Electro Pneumatics and PLC
for Operation and Integration)
8. Components Preferably of: Festo, SMC, Janatics, and BOSCH or equivalent
9. To eliminate compatibility issues all the items should be from single manufacturer/OEM
10. Simulation software can be from same of authorized letter
11. Quotations with be for all the items mentioned (1 – 9) specified below will be considered.
All equipment should be designed in accordance with safety standards and ease of handling. No instrument
should have sharp edges.
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15. Punching operation of a double acting cylinder using pneumatic timer and counter
16. Punching and holding operation of a double acting cylinder using idle return lever valve with timer and counter
Operating single/double acting cylinder using single solenoid valve (using direct actuation and through relay
for solenoid actuation)
Applying AND/OR logic using two manual controls for forward stroke of a double acting cylinder
(using direct actuation and through relay for solenoid actuation)
Operating of a double acting cylinder using single/double solenoid valve
(use separate manual controls for forward stroke and return stroke)
Operating of a double acting cylinder using single/double solenoid valve.
Manual forward stroke and automatic return stroke as it reaches forward end
5. Continuous operation of a double acting cylinder using double solenoid valve
6. Controlling sequence of two double acting cylinders
Advanced Electro Pneumatic and PLC Training Workbench should support
Items Required:
Minimum List of components:
1 Pneumatic Components
Filter Regulator Combination with Lubricator (FRL Unit) with pressure gauge
1.1 1 no.
(Filtration – 40 microns, Flow: 12 litres/min, Connector for tube: 8 mm diameter.)
1.2 Junction Box with slide valve and self-sealing feature 1 no.
1.3 Push Button (Green) Valve 1 no.
1.4 Push Button (Red) Valve 1 no.
1.5 3/2 NC Roller lever valve (Pneumatic limit switch – for Reversing) 2 no.
1.6 3/2 NC Roller lever valve (Pneumatic limit switch – for Forwarding 2 no
1.7 5/2 Double external pilot operated valve (Memory Valve) 4 nos.
1.8 5/2 External Pilot Operated Valve with spring return 1 no.
1.9 5/2 Hand lever with spring return 1 no.
1.10 5/2 Valve with Lever head 1 no.
1.11 5/2 Hand Lever Valve with detent 1 no.
1.12 5/2 Valve with Mushroom head – for emergency operation 1 no.
1.13 Flow control valve - Metering IN & OUT 2 sets
1.14 Shuttle Valve (OR valve) 2 nos
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1.15 AND valve 1 no.
1.16 Quick exhaust valve for operation of DAC 1 no.
Double Acting Cylinder (DAC): Stainless Steel Barrel, Size 25mm dia, Stroke: 100mm with
1.17 2 nos
end cushioning
Single acting cylinder (SAC): Stainless Steel Barrel, Size 25mm dia, Stroke: 50mm with
1.18 1 no.
end cushioning
1.19 Multi distributor fittings 3 nos
One touch fitting (Union T fitting & Union Y fitting: – Each 4 nos, Size – Suitable for tubes
1.20 1 set
with 4 dia Outer Diameter)
1.21 Plug, Dia: 4mm 6 nos
1.22 Polyurethane tube: 8mm 5 mtrs
1.23 Polyurethane tube: 4mm 10 mtrs
1.24 Tube cutter with safety lock 1 no.
1.25 5/3 Double external pilot operated valve with spring centered 1 no.
1.26 Idle return valve assembly - Forwarding 1 no.
1.27 Time Delay Valve (2 – 30s, Spring Return, Compatible connectors) 1 no.
1.28 Pneumatic counter (100000 counts) 1 no.
1.29 Pneumatic Proximity switch 2 no.
1.30 Pneumatic sequence valve 1 no.
1.31 Pneumatic back pressure valve 2 no.
1.32 Pneumatic Pressure indicator 1 no.
4.4 Inductive proximity sensor (24V, 5mm, 3 pin QD connector, Flush Head) 1 no.
4.5 Capacitive proximity sensor (24V, 8 mm, 3 pin QD connector, Flush Head) 1 no.
4.6 Optical proximity sensor (24V, 260 mm, 3 pin QD connector, Flush Head) 1 no.
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24V, Port: RJ 45, Inputs: 12 or more, Outputs 8 or more, OPC Interface, with Real time
simulation, Digital and Analog Inputs and Outputs, feasibility to extend IO’s by additional
5.2 PLC programming software – Perpetual License 1 no.
5.3 PLC programming cable 1 no.
5.4 PLC Textbook and Electro pneumatics with PLC – Exercises book advanced 1 no.
Vertical work bench (all mountings compatible to this) with electrical control mounting and
table drawers with wheel accessible both side
It shall be possible to easily reproduce any lab equipment or complete system to simulate, analyze
and troubleshoot them before the hands-on experience.
The Hydraulic Library shall comply with ISO 1219-1 and 1219-2 standards, the Hydraulic Library
(industrial and proportional) shall offer the entire component symbols required to create mobile and
industrial hydraulic systems and functions. Components should be preconfigured. Moreover,
simulation parameters such as performance curves, external loads, leaks, viscosity, and thermal
characteristics shall be configured as needed.
The Pneumatic Library shall include symbols complying with ISO 1219-1 and 1219-2 standards to
create pneumatic, electro pneumatic and logic systems. The parameters of pneumatic components
should also be configurable.
PLC Ladder Logic libraries shall contain Allen Bradley™, Siemens™ and IEC61131-3 to create and
simulate the control part of an automated system.
Digital electronics library shall have standard devices including inverters, logic gates, flip-flops,
counters, shift registers, comparators, switches, LEDs, 7-bar display, decoders, multiplexers, etc.
Electrical one line library shall enable the design of diagrams for all voltage levels in a typical one-line
representation of networks for power generation, transmission and distribution.
Electro technical Library shall offer a wide array of components to create AC and DC electrical circuits,
from basic to advanced uses. It should also support IEC and NEMA standards. Motor soft starters and
variable frequency drives should be available. It shall offer components built according to the real
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Supply & Installation of Pneumatic, Electropneumatic and PLC Training System at IIT Bhilai
model from manufacturers such as Siemens™, Allen Bradley™, etc. Tools shall be available to quickly
implement and design entire scaled cabinets and junction boxes. A rail mounting for assembly
grouping as well as ducting elements for wires should be available.
Electrical Controls Library shall interact with all components from other libraries so as to create
electrically controlled systems. It shall also support IEC and JIC standards.
The Sequential Function Chart (SFC) Module should be the tool of choice to implement control
structures. In addition to macro-steps, it shall include encapsulating steps enabling hierarchical order.
The 2D / 3D HMI module shall provide mechanism to easily create animated shapes and control
panels that reproduce the behaviour of the equipment they represent.
Control panel module shall allow to easily create control panels and to operate the virtual system or
real equipment.
Component sizing module shall provide calculation worksheets specific to each category of
pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical components which include calculation tools necessary for
component sizing. Users shall have quick access to applicable equations and parameter definitions.
The software shall enable users to export SFC / GRAFCET into XML format or into Siemens STEP 7
Graph in order to program the Siemens S7-300 Series PLC.
Simulation software shall allow easily creating or reproducing assignments and learning material,
adapting it to the teaching curriculums.
The software shall offer teachers and students an expansive library with preconfigured components
of reputed manufacturer.
It shall be possible for online remote access licence connection for teachers and students. It should
allow preparing and simulating the courses and homework from home, school or workplace.
Course material should be available for each technology. It should provide teachers and trainers with
the essentials for preparing course curriculum. It should have guides, manuals, lectures, videos and
lab notes for all levels of discipline.
Teachers should be made using multimedia sequences; course content offered shall be interactive
and animated live by the software simulation. Teachers shall modify this content to better fit their
The Workflow shall allow defining interactive activities for existing projects and connecting them to
other applications. It should also automate repetitive tasks without programming knowledge.
The software shall include a 3D editor for creating and importing 3D parts in STEP, STL and IGES. It
shall also possible to visualize, simulate and animate them, simultaneously, with the technologies that
drive the system.
The software shall include a Mechanism Manager, mechanical bodies shall be linked to Fluid Power
actuators to simulate and animate their effects.
In addition to the above features, the software shall have following also
• Measuring instruments such as multimeter, clamp-meter, oscilloscope, hydraulic tester,
• Create or activate pre-defined failures to develop troubleshooting skills
• Create libraries containing only the required components to specific exercises
• Train with ready-to-use components from Manufacturers' Catalogues
• Remote access capabilities for E-learning
• Creating digital twins of your hardware equipment
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Supply & Installation of Pneumatic, Electropneumatic and PLC Training System at IIT Bhilai
• Virtual Systems: conveyor, traffic lights, elevator, car wash, pick & place, etc.
• International standards including ISO, IEC, NEMA, SAE, JIC, etc.
• Connecting to real devices such as PLCs, Arduino™, CAN devices
• Connecting to Trainer kits and Mechatronics systems through IO card and OPC
• Establishing SIL & HIL connection with physical hardware
• Plotting simulated parameters to monitor and visualize system's behaviour
1) The vendor should be an Original Equipment manufacturer (OEM) or direct authorized distributor
and OEM authorization certificates must be submitted along with the quotation.
2) A complete specifications detail is required to be provided with the technical bid. Along with the
technical bid, a duly filled compilation sheet shall be submitted.
3) Vendors should clearly mention their specifications wherever required. If required, they can add
additional column for compliance in compliance sheet. Merely writing Yes/No may lead to
rejection if the committee is not able verify the required technical information.
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1. Training: Bidder should provide onsite comprehensive training to lab staffs and students at the
time of installation and as on whenever required till the product is under warranty. Onsite Training
from factory trained Application Specialists for a period of 2-3 days & application support should
be available in India in addition to the support staff from the local Indian Vendor.
2. Spare parts: Bidder should ensure the availability of spare parts for at least 10 years.
3. After sale services: Bidder should have authorized agent in India to provide hassle free after sale
4. Documentation: Bidder should submit schematic diagram, product catalogue, and previous order
copies from government /autonomous educational /research institute/University along with
tender document.
5. The bidder should quote for the latest model.
6. The Competent Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids, amend/withdraw any terms
and conditions in the Tender document or to cancel the Tender at any stage without assigning
any reason.
7. The committee reserves the right to reject the technical bid if this condition is not satisfied. The
committee also reserves the right to modify the stipulated eligibility criteria/technical
specification at any time during the tenure of procurement.
8. A complete set of operation manuals should be provided. All required hardware and software
documents, installation manuals, CDs/DVDs/USB Stick, etc. to be provided. All manuals (service
and operational) should be provided as hard copies as well as soft copies (on CDs).
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Note: Bidder must submit a technical compliance sheet (with bidder specification, deviation &
justification) and all the relevant documents to ensure that the technical specifications are compiled &
all the conditions are fulfilled.
Authorized Signatory:
(Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal)
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Supply & Installation of Pneumatic, Electropneumatic and PLC Training System at IIT Bhilai
(To be submitted on Company Letter Head)
The Director
Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai,
Dist.- Durg 491002 Chhattisgarh
Dear Sir,
1. I / We have downloaded / obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned `Tender/Work’
from the web site(s) namely: www.iitbhilai.ac.in, http://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app as per your
NIT / advertisement, given in the above-mentioned website(s).
2. I / We hereby certify that I / We have read the entire terms and conditions of the tender documents
(including all documents like annexure(s), schedules(s), etc.), which form part of the contract
agreement and I / We shall abide hereby by the terms / conditions/ clauses contained therein.
3. The corrigendum(s) issued from time to time by your department / organization too has also been
taken into consideration, while submitting this acceptance letter.
4. I / We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of above mentioned tender document(s)
/ corrigendum(s) in its totality / entirety.
5. I / We do hereby declare that our Firm has not been blacklisted / debarred by any Govt.
Department/Public sector undertaking.
6. I / We do hereby declare that our firm will submit the Performance Bank Guarantee for 05% of PO
Value within 30 days from the date of award of contract, if Contract is awarded to our firm.
7. I / We certify that all information furnished by our Firm is true & correct and in the event that the
information is found to be incorrect/untrue or found violated, then your department/ organization
shall without giving any notice or reason therefore or summarily reject the bid or terminate the
contract, without prejudice to any other rights or remedy including the forfeiture of the fully said
earnest money deposit absolutely.
Yours Faithfully,
Authorized Signatory:
(Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal)
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Specimen Signature:
The undersigned is authorised to delegate the authority on behalf of M/s __________________ (name of
bidder), as stipulated above
For __________________
(name of bidder)
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11 PAN Number
14 IFS Code
Authorized Signatory:
(Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal)
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Supply & Installation of Pneumatic, Electropneumatic and PLC Training System at IIT Bhilai
The Director
Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai,
Dist.- Durg 491002 Chhattisgarh
Dear Sir(S)
This has reference to the Purchase Order No. Dated been placed by Indian Institute of
Technology Bhilai (IIT Bhilai), Raipur on M/s (Name & Address of Bidder) for supply,
installation, commissioning and warranty of (description of items) at client’s site.
The conditions of this order provide that the Bidder shall,
1. Arrange to deliver the items listed in the said order to the consignee, as per details given in said
order, and
2. Arrange to install and commission the items listed in said order at client’s site, to the entire
satisfaction of IIT Bhilai and
3. Arrange for the comprehensive warranty service support towards the items supplied by Bidder
on site as per the warranty clause in said purchase order.
M/s (Name of bidder) has accepted the said purchase order with the terms and conditions stipulated
therein and have agreed to issue the performance bank guarantee on their part, towards promises and
assurance of their contractual obligations vide the Supply Order No. M/s. (name of vendor) holds
an account with us and has approached us and at their request and in consideration of the promises, we
hereby furnish such guarantees as mentioned hereinafter.
IIT Bhilai shall be at liberty without reference to the Bank and without affecting the full liability of the Bank
hereunder to take any other undertaking of security in respect of the suppliers obligations and / or
liabilities under or in connection with the said contract or to vary the terms vis-a – vis the supplier or the
said contract or to grant time and or indulgence to the supplier or to reduce or to increase or otherwise
vary the prices or the total contract value or to forebear from enforcement of all or any of the obligations
of the supplier under the said contract and/or the remedies of IIT Bhilai under any security now, or
hereafter held by IIT Bhilai and no such dealing(s) with the supplier or release or forbearance whatsoever
shall have the effect of releasing the bank from its full liability of IIT Bhilai hereunder or of prejudicing
right of IIT Bhilai against the bank.
This undertaking guarantee shall be a continuing undertaking guarantee and shall remain valid and
irrevocable for all claims of IIT Bhilai and liabilities of the supplier arising up to and until (date).
This undertaking guarantee shall be in addition to any other undertaking or guarantee or security
whatsoever the that IIT Bhilai may now or at any time have in relation to its claims or the supplier’s
obligations/ liabilities under and / or in connection with the said contract and IIT Bhilai shall have the full
authority to take recourse to or enforce this undertaking guarantee in preference to the other undertaking
or security(ies) at its sole discretion and no failure on the part of IIT Bhilai in enforcing or requiring
enforcement of any other undertaking or security shall have the effect of releasing the bank from its full
liability hereunder.
We (Name of Bank) hereby agree and irrevocably undertake and promise that if in your (IIT Bhilai’s)
opinion any default is made by M/s (Name of bidder) in performing any of the terms and /or
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conditions of the agreement or if in your opinion they commit any breach of the contract or there is any
demand by you against M/s (Name of bidder), then on notice to us by you, we shall on demand and
without demur and without reference to M/s (Name of bidder), pay you, in any manner in which
you may direct, the amount of Rs. /- (Rupees____________________________________
Only ) or such portion thereof as may be demanded by you not exceeding the said sum and as
you may from time to time require. Our liability to pay is not dependent or conditional on your proceeding
against M/s (Name of bidder) and we shall be liable & obligated to pay the aforesaid amount as and
when demanded by you merely on an intimation being given by you and even before any legal
proceedings, if any, are taken against M/s (Name of bidder)
The Bank hereby waives all rights at any time inconsistent with the terms of this undertaking guarantee
and the obligations of the bank in terms hereof shall not be anywise affected or suspended by reason of
any dispute or disputes having been raised by the supplier (whether or not pending before any arbitrator,
Tribunal or Court) or any denial of liability by the supplier or any order or any order or communication
whatsoever by the supplier stopping or preventing or purporting to stop or prevent payment by the Bank
to IIT Bhilai hereunder.
The amount stated in any notice of demand addressed by IIT Bhilai to the Bank as claimed by IIT Bhilai
from the supplier or as suffered or incurred by IIT Bhilai on the account of any losses or damages or costs,
charges and/or expenses shall as between the Bank and IIT Bhilai be conclusive of the amount so claimed
or liable to be paid to IIT Bhilai or suffered or incurred by IIT Bhilai, as the case may be and payable by the
Bank to IIT Bhilai in terms hereof.
You (IIT Bhilai’s) shall full liberty without reference to us and without affecting this guarantee, postpone
for any time or from time to time the exercise of any of the powers and rights conferred on you under the
contact with the said M/s (Name of bidder) and to enforce or to forbear from endorsing any power
or rights or by reason of time being given to the said M/s (name of bidder) which under law
relating to the sureties would but for the provisions have the effect of releasing us.
You will have full liberty without reference to us and without affecting this guarantee, postpone for any
time or from time to time the exercise of any of the powers and rights conferred on you under the contract
with the said M/s (Name of bidder) and to enforce or to forbear from endorsing any power or rights
or by reason of time being given to the said M/s (Name of bidder) which under law relating to the
sureties would but for the provisions have the effect of releasing us.
Your right to recover the said sum of Rs. _/- (Rupees only) from us in manner aforesaid will not be
affected/ or suspended by reason of the fact that any dispute or disputes have been raised the said M/s
(Name of bidder) and/ or that any dispute or disputes are pending before any officer, tribunal or
court or Arbitrator.
The guarantee herein contained shall not be determined or affected by the liquidation or winding up,
dissolution or change of constitution or insolvency of the said M/s (Name of bidder) but shall in all
respects and for all purposes be binding and operative until payment of all dues to IIT Bhilai in respect of
such liability or liabilities.
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guarantee is filed against us within six months from the date of expiry of guarantee. All your rights
under the said guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be relieved and discharged from all
liabilities there after i.e. after six months from the date of expiry of this Bank guarantee
c) We are liable to pay the guaranteed amount or any parts thereof under this bank guarantee only
and only if you serve upon us a written claim or demand or before
d) The Bank guarantee will expire on________________ (Min 12 months for warranty period and 12
months for claim period from the date of successful installations of the items in the order)
Granted by the Bank
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Place: Authorized Signatory
Contact No
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(To be submitted on Company Letter Head)
2022-23 are to be attached.
Authorized Signatory:
(Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal)
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Form - A
With reference to the above-mentioned NIT, we hereby confirm that for this case we do not wish
to avail the Preference to Make in India as the made in India content / indigenous content as a
percentage of the Basic Cost of the Product / Service is less than 50%.
Name of firm
Details of technology
agreement/ transfer
of technology
agreement, if any.
We undertake that any False declaration on our part is a breach of the Code of Integrity under Rule
175(1)(i)(h) of the General Financial Rules for which we or our successors will be debarred for up to 2
years as per Rule 151(iii) of the General Financial Rules along with such other actions as may be
permissible under the law.
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Form – B
With reference to the above-mentioned NIT, we hereby confirm that for this case we wish to avail
the Preference to Make in India as made in India content / indigenous content as a percentage of
the Basic Cost of the Product / Service as given below:
Name of Indian
Partnering firm
with document or
consent letter
Details of
Location(s) of
local value
addition claimed
as indigenous
Note: Bidder will be required to submit a cost auditor certificate (on percentage of local content) for
the procurement value more than 10 Crores along with this declaration.
We undertake that any False declaration on our part is a breach of the Code of Integrity under Rule
175(1)(i)(h) of the General Financial Rules for which we or our successors will be debarred for up to 2 years
as per Rule 151(iii) of the General Financial Rules along with such other actions as may be permissible
under the law.
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(on non-judicial paper of appropriate value)
Indian Institute of Technology Bhilai (IIT Bhilai), an autonomous organization under Ministry of
Education, Govt of India and incorporated under the Indian Institute of Technology Act 1961
having its permanent campus at Bhilai, District : Durg-491002 (hereinafter referred to as “The
Principal” which term or expression shall, unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or
context, mean and include its successor-in-office, administrators or permitted assignees) of the
First Part;
The Principal intends to award, under laid down organizational procedures, contract/s for
______________________. The Principal values full compliance with all relevant laws of the land,
rules, regulations, economic use of and of fairness/transparency in its relations with its Bidder(s)
and/or Contractor(s).
In order to achieve these goals, the Principal will appoint an Independent External Monitor (IEM),
who will monitor the tender process and the execution of the contract for compliance with the
principles mentioned above.
1. The principal commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to
observe the following principles: -
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b) The principal will during the tender process treat all Bidder(s) with equity and reason. The
principal will in particular, before and during the tender process, provide to all Bidder(s)
the same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s) confidential/additional
information through which the Bidder(s) could obtain an advantage in relation to the
process or the contract execution.
c) The principal will exclude from the process all known prejudiced persons.
2. If the Principal obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a criminal
offence under the IPC/PC Act, or if there be a substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal
will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer and in addition can initiate disciplinary actions.
a. The Bidder(s)/contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other persons or firm, offer
promise or give to any of the Principal’s employees involved in the tender process or the
execution of the contract or to any third person any material or other benefit which he/she
is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange any advantage or during the
execution of the contract.
b. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidders into any undisclosed
agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to
prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non submission of
bids or any other actions to restrict competitiveness or to introduce cartelization in the
bidding process.
c. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not commit any offence under the relevant IPC/PC Act;
further the Bidder(s)/Contractors will not use improperly, for purposes of competition or
personal gain, or pass on to others, any information or documents provided by the
Principal as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical proposals and
business details, including information contained or transmitted electronically.
d. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the name and address of the
Agents/representatives in India, if any. Similarly, the bidder(s)/contractor(s) of Indian
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Nationality shall furnish the name and address of the foreign principals, if any. All the
payments made to the India agent/representative have to be in Indian Rupees only.
e. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all payments
he has made, is committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any other
intermediaries in connection with the award of the contract.
f. The Bidder(s)/Contractor (s) who have signed the Integrity Pact shall not approach the
courts while representing the matter to IEMs and shall wait for their decision on the
2. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined
above or be an accessory to such offences.
Section 3: Disqualification from tender process and exclusion from future contract
1. If the Principal has disqualified the Bidder(s) from the tender process prior to the award
according to Section 3, the Principal is entitled to demand and recover the damages
equivalent to Earnest Money Deposit/Bid Security.
2. If the Principal has terminated the contract according to Section3, or if the Principal is entitled
to terminate the contract according to Section3, The Principal shall be entitled to demand
and recover from the Contractor liquidated damages of the Contract value or the amount
equivalent to Performance Bank Guarantee.
1. The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last three years with any
other company in any country conforming to the TII’s anti-corruption approach or with any
other public sector enterprise in India that could justify his exclusion from the tender process.
2. If the bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the
tender process and appropriate action can be taken including termination of the contract, if
already awarded, for such reason.
1. In case of sub –contracting, the Principal Contractor shall take the responsibility of adoption
of Integrity Pact by the Sub – Contractor.
2. The Principal will enter into agreements with the identical conditions as this one with all
bidders and Contractors.
3. The Principal will disqualify from the tender process all bidders who do not sign this Pact or
violate its provisions.
Section 7: Criminal charges against violation Bidder(s) / Contractor(s) / Sub-contractors(s).
1. The Principal appoints competent and credible Independent External Monitor for this Pact
after approval of Central Vigilance Commission. The task of the Monitor is to review
independently and objectively, whether and to what extent the parties comply with the
obligations under this agreement.
2. The Monitor is not subject to instructions by the representatives of the parties and performs
his functions neutrally and independently. The Monitor will have access to all contract
documents, whenever required. It will be obligatory for him to treat the information and
documents of bidders /contractors as confidential. He reports to the Director, IIT Bhilai.
3. The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) accepts that the Monitor has the right to access without
restriction to all project documentation of the Principal including that provided by the
Contractor. The Contractor will also grant the Monitor, upon his request and demonstration
of a valid interest, unrestricted and unconditional access to his project documentation. The
same is applicable to Subcontractors.
4. The Monitor is under contractual obligation to treat the information and documents of the
Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)/Subcontractor(s) with confidentiality. The Monitor has also signed
declarations on “Non – Disclosure of Confidential Information” and of “Absence of Conflict of
Interest” In case of any conflict of interest arising at a later date, the IEM shall inform the
Director, IIT Bhilai.
5. The Principal will provide to the Monitor sufficient information about all meetings among the
parties related to the Project provided such meetings could have an impact on the contractual
relations between the Principal and the Contractor. The parties offer to the Monitor the
option to participate in such meetings.
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6. As soon as the Monitor notices, or believes to notice, a violation of this agreement, he will so
inform the Management of the Principal and request the Management to discontinue or take
corrective action, or to take other relevant action. The monitor can in this regard submit non-
binding recommendations. Beyond this, the Monitor has no right to demand from the parties
that they act in a specific manner, refrain from action or tolerate action.
7. The Monitor will submit a written report to the Director, IIT Bhilai within 8 to 10 weeks from
the date of reference or intimation to him by the Principal and, should the occasion arise,
submit proposals for correcting problematic situations.
8. If the Monitor has reported to the Director, IIT Bhilai, a substantiated suspicion of an offence
under relevant IPC/PC Act, and the Director, IIT Bhilai has not, within the reasonable time
taken visible action to proceed against such offence or reported it to the Chief Vigilance
Officer, the Monitor may also transmit this information directly to the Central Vigilance
This pact begins when both parties have legally signed it. It expires for the Contractor 12 months
after the last payment under the contract, and for all other Bidder 6 months after the contract
has been awarded.
If any claim is made/lodged during this time, the same shall be binding and continue to be valid
despite the lapse of this pact as specified above, unless it is discharged/determined by the
Director, IIT Bhilai.
▪ This agreement is subject to Indian Law. Place of performance and jurisdiction is the
registered office of the Principal i.e. Durg (Chhattisgarh).
▪ Changes and supplements as well as termination notices need to be made in writing. Side
agreements have not been made.
▪ Should one or several provisions of this agreement turn out to be invalid, the remainder of
this agreement remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to
their original intentions.
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▪ Issues like Warranty/Guarantee etc. shall be outside the purview of the IEMs.
▪ In the event of any contradiction between the Integrity Pact and its Annexure, the clause in
the Integrity Pact will prevail.
Place : ____________________________
Date : _____________________________
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S.NO Document Description Page No. Remarks
1 Scanned copy of Tender fee and EMD payment advice
of showing DU number clearly
2 EMD: Valid MSME/NSIC Exemption certificate
3 Scanned copy of OEM/ Authorized dealer certificate
4 Details of Similar setups supplied as per Pre-eligibility
5 Detailed Price bid
6 Annual turnover details for last three years
7 Scanned signed copies of Annexures from A to H,
whichever is applicable
8 Scanned copy of Technical Compliance
I / We do hereby declare that all the above-mentioned documents are enclosed as per the tender
Authorized Signatory:
(Signature of the Bidder, with Official Seal)