and certain Brushweed Herbicides to improve coverage, penetration and uptake on brush and woody weeds and ryegrass. Also for use with fungicides, insecticides, miticides and Foliar micronutrients as per the directions for use table.
Directions for use The use rates of Brushwet are given as a guide only. Always refer to the label of the product where the addition of an organosilicone penetrant such as Brushwet is recommended. Situation Rate Critical comments Herbicides Clopyralid (eg Archer*) Handgun 200 ml/100L spray mixture Add Brushwet to the recommended label Clopyralid (eg Archer*) Boom 200-500 mL/100L rates of the herbicide for the control of Glyphosate (eg Roundup* Herbicide by spray mixture weeds as per the label directions for those Monsanto) products. Metsulfuron-methyl (eg Brush-Off*), Sulfometuron methyl Use higher rate on hard to wet surfaces and Fungicides & foliar micro-nutrients 30-60 ml/100L spray mixture with water volumes less than 400L/Ha
Insecticides and Miticides Refer to the Confidor label for specific
200 ml/100L spray mixture e.g. Confidor*, directions for use on cotton
Brushwet is a highly efficient penetrating surfactant Severely irritating to eyes. Avoid contact with eyes and suitable for use with most agricultural chemicals, skin. When preparing product for use, wear elbow-length including herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, miticides PVC gloves and face shield or goggles. After use and and folia micro- nutrients unless otherwise stated. It before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms improves efficiency by enhancing their penetration and and face thoroughly with soap and water. After each uptake. While Brushwet is a highly efficient surfactant, days use wash contaminated clothing, gloves and face factors such as timing, weather conditions, method of shield or goggles application and/or mixture with chemicals not specifically FIRST AID recommended are beyond the control of the seller. If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Therefore, the user should carefully observe spray Information Centre (TEL 131126). If in eyes, hold eyes deposits, rate efficiencies, compatibilities and open and flood with water for at least 15 minutes and see effectiveness in initial applications and adjust the rate of a doctor. If skin contact occurs remove contaminated Brushwet accordingly. clothing and wash skin thoroughly. MIXING MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. Mix herbicide/fungicide/insecticide/micronutrient Additional information is listed in the Material Safety Data product with water when tank is about 30% full. Sheet which is available from the supplier. 2. When tank is nearly full add Brushwet CONDITIONS OF SALE 3. Complete filling tank The use of Brushwet being beyond the control of the PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS Manufacturer, no warranty expressed or implied is given AND ENVIRONMENT by SST Australia Pty Ltd. regarding its suitability, fitness DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers or waterways with or Efficiency for any purpose for which it is used by the the chemical or used container. buyer, whether in accordance with the directions or not and SST Australia Pty Ltd accepts no responsibility or STORAGE AND DISPOSAL any Consequences whatsoever resulting from the use of KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Store in closed, this product. original container in a well-ventilated area. DO NOT store for prolonged periods in direct sunlight. Triple or, preferably, pressure rinse containers before disposal. ® registered trademark of SST Australia Pty Ltd Add rinsing’s to spray tank or knapsack mix. DO NOT * Other registered trademark dispose of undiluted chemicals on-site. If recycling, replace cap and return containers to recycler or designated collection point. If not recycling, break, crush, puncture and bury empty containers in a local authority Batch No.: landfill. If not available bury the containers below 500mm in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this Date of Manufacture: purpose clear of waterways, desirable vegetation and APVMA Approval No: 53777/59589 tree roots. Empty containers and product should NOT be burnt.