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MTPP Lectionary 2012

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Gospel means the redemption made possible to all creation, through intervention of God into history, in the fullness of time. Through the Liturgical year, this God intervention is made into a celebration. The Faith Community make this experience through the celebration in the day to day life. The Mission of the Church is to unfold the Mystery of Salvation through the Word of God and sacramental living. We have formulated a cycle of reading extended for 3 years, from the year 2000. This Common Lectionary has been prepared by the Commission on Worship and Mission of the Communion of Churches in India, the common forum of CSI, CNI, Marthoma Churches. The reading which incorporates Eastern and Western liturgical traditions is a visible sign of unity and fellowship of three churches which are in full communion. Through the Common Lectionary, the churches with a membership of five million people have the opportunity to read and meditate the same biblical portions during the worship. This has to be seen as the work of the Holy Spirit and let us dedicate ourselves for wider fellowship of all Gods people. The lectionary is prepared by the Committee consisting the following members: Rt. Rev. Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcopa (Chairman), Rev. Dr. George Mathew Kuttiyil (Convenor), Rev. Dr. C.K. Mathew, Rev. Saju C.Pappachan, Rev. Shibi Varghese, Rev. Sam T. Koshy, Rev. Sibu Pallichira. May God Almighty help us to worship in truth and spirit which will lead us to a fruitful Christian Life. Joseph Mar Barnabas Episcopa 1st November 2011 Chairman, Lectionary Committee All Saints Day Mar Thoma Church



Date Lessions Epistle-Gospel Evening Reading

1Sunday Christian . Hymns 224 Evangelism:Reception into the Covenant Community (Outside Kerala Mission) Gen. 1:26-31 Heb. 6:l3-30 6 Friday CH 247 8 Sunday Rom. 1:9-17 Exo. l9-.3-8 St.Luke.1:26-31,2:21 2Thes.3:1-5

Danha (Epiphany) Baptism of our Lord 2Kings.2:l9-25 Rom.6:1-11 Acts.8:26-40 St.Luke.3:15-22 St. Stephens Day Dan.1:1-21 Acts. 6:1-7 Acts. 7:54-60 St. Mat. 24:45-51 God of Peace Micah. 4:1-7 Rom.5:l-11 Eph. 2:11-19 St. Mat. 5:1-9 Isa. 28:1-15 lCor.3:10-23 Ps. 85 2Thes.3:7-18

15 Sunday CH 299 18-25 22 Sunday CH 408

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity (Unity Octave) Grow in Unity (Ecumenical Sunday) lsa.60:l-14 2Pet. 1:1-11 Eph. 4:1-7 Ps. 47 St. John. 17:21-26 Heb.1-.1-l4

26 Thursday Responsible Citizenship - Indian Republic day CH 306 Amos.5:7-15 Rom.13:1-10 Jam.2:1-13 St.Mark.12:13-17


29 Sunday CH 222 30 Monday

Repent - Return Joel. 2:12-17 Eph. 5:8-14 Rev.. 2:12-17 St. Luke. 13:1-5

Ps.51 2:11-17

Beginning of Nineveh Fast (Three Day Fast) Jona. 1:1-17` Rom.15:24-33 Eph. 5:3-21 St. Mat. 7:1-12 Jona. 2:1-10 Acts. 8:9-25 St.Mat.24:36-46 FEBRUARY

31 Tuesday

1 Wednesday Jona. 3:1-10 Jam. 3:l-10 2 Thursday

St. Mat. 12:38-42

Mayaltho: Presentation of our Lord in the Temple(End of Three Day Fast) Jona.4:l-11 2Thes.3:1-9 Rev.3:l4-22 St. Luke. 11:29-32 Medical Mission Sunday. Healing to the Nation and people 2King.2:19-22 2Cor. 12:7-10 Ps.63 Rev.22-.l-7 St. Mark. 5:25-34 Jam. 5:7-17 117th Maramon Convention BeginsArise Let us go forward Joshua.6:12-20 Rom. 13:11-14 Ps. 42 Rev.22:5-17 St. Mark. 14:32-42 Acts.27:1-26 Pethurtha: Beginning of Great Lent Lent: Formation and Transformation of Life End of Maramon Convention Job.1:l-5 2Cor. 5:16-21 Gen.33:l-17 Rom.12:1-15 St.John 2:1-11 St.Luke.19:l-10 Shubkono:Service of Reconciliation during Great Lent Isa 29:15-24 1John. 4:11-20 2Cor. 5:14-21 St.Mat. 5:21-27

5 Sunday CH 43 12 Sunday CH 383

19 Sunday CH 34

20 Monday CH24


26 Sunday CH 248

The Compassion of our Lord (2nd Sunday in Lent) 2Kings. 5:1-16 Acts. 5:12-16 Ps.54 Jam. 2:1-10 St.Luke. 5:12-16 St.Mat.10:40-45 MARCH World Day of Prayer Jesus who absolves our Sin (3rd Sunday in Lent) Isa. 1:1-20 Heb.9:24-28 Ps.103 1John.1:5-2:6 St.Mark. 2:1-12 Rom.8:1-11 The Zeal of Faith (4th Sunday in Lent) Isa. 45:1-8 Gal.2:11-21 Ps.44 Acts.16:6-15 St.Mat. 15:21-28 St.John.4:19-26

2 Friday 4 Sunday CH 175 11Sunday CH 215

14Wednesday Mid Lent - Salvation in Christ. CH 180 Num. 21:4-9 Gal. 6:11-16 1 Cor. 1:18-31 St.Mark. 10:32-34 18 Sunday CH 63 25 Sunday CH 39 Restoration through Worship (5th Sunday in Lent) Isa.59:9-21 Eph.6:10-20 Ps. 84 Rom.8:31-39 St Luke. 13:10-17 Acts. 17:22-31 Annunciation to Virgin Mary Messiah: Fullfillment of the promise (36th Sunday) Isa. 42:1-9 2Cor. 11:18-28 Ps. 73 Acts. 16:19-34 St.Mark. 10:46-52 St.John. 1:29-34 40th Friday -Victory over Temptation through the Word of God Num.21:4-9 Gal.6:11-16 1Cor.1:18-31 St.Mat.4:1-11 APRIL Hosana - Messiah the Prince of Peace (Theological Seminary day) Zech. 9:9-12 Eph. 1:3-10 Dan. 9:24-26 Heb. 5:1-10 St.Mark. 11:1-11 Phil.2:5-11 Passion Week (Hasa) Lev.2:1-16 Acts.13:26-43 St.Mat.21:23-46 St.Mat.22:1-14 Isa.63:7-19 Heb.2:1-18 St.Mat.22:15-23

30 Friday CH 238

1 Sunday CH 134

2 Monday CH 144


3 Tuesday CH 164

Isa.52:1-15 Acts.13:44-52 St.Mat.22:34-23:12 St.Mat.23:13-22

Num.21:1-16 Eph.2:1-10 St.Mat.24:1-28 Lev.16:1-28 1John.4:7-20 St.John.6:60-70

4 Wednesday CH 166 Isa.28:14-29 Col.1:9-22 St.Mat.24:29-51 St.Mat.25:1-13

5 Thursday Passover Thursday - Holy Qurbana : Remembrance CH 313 of Salvation Exo.12:1-17 Gen.22:1-14 Heb.9:1-15 Heb.5:1-14 1Cor.11:23-34 1Cor.11:23-34 St.Mat.26:1-16 St.Mat.26:17-30 St.Mat.26:31-46 6 Friday CH 137 CH 146 Good Friday- Salvation through Christ First Service Isa.53:1-12 1Pet.1:1-25 St.Mat.26:47-75 Third Service Num.21:1-9 Heb.3:1-19 St.Mat.27:45-56 Holy Saturday Ezek.37:1-14 1Pet.3:17-22 2Kings.4:27-37 1Cor.15:1-20 Rom.6:1-11 St.Mat.27:62-66 Col.3:1-11 St.Luke.24:1-12 Ps.16 St.John.20:1-11

CH 147 CH 148 7 Saturday CH 149 8 Sunday CH 156 15 Sunday CH 214

Second Service Zech.13:1-9 Gal.3:1-22 St.Mat.27:1-44 Evening Service Dan.2:26-45 2Thes.2:1-12 St.Mat.27:57-61

Easter Sunday - Resurrection: Festival of Hope

New Sunday - The Faith that we have to Confess (First Sunday after Easter) Job.42:1-5 Jude.17-21 Ps.48 Acts.9.1-18 St.John.20:19-29 Heb.6:9-26


22 Sunday CH 315

29 Sunday CH 213

Lord who reveals through the Word and Breaking of the Bread (2nd Sunday after Easter) Exo.16:29-36 1Cor.10:14-21 Ps116 2John.1-8 St.Luke.24:13-35 St.John.6:53-58 Restoring and Commissioning(3rd Sunday after Easter) 1Kings.19:1-16 Phile.8-18 Ps.91 Rev.2:1-7 St.John.21:15-19 1Timo.1:12-17 MAY

1 Tuesday

May Day. Gen.1:26-2:3 2 Thess.3:6-15

Jam.5:1-6 St.Mat.11:25-30

6 Sunday CH 243

Expression of Gods Love-Metropolitans Fund (4th Sunday after Easter) Lev.19:9-16 2Cor.8:1-9 Ps.23 Acts.4:32-37 St.Luke.16:19-31 Acts.5:1-11 St. John the Apostles Day Isa.41:1-14 Rev.1:1-20 St.John.21:20-25 The Hope of Resurrection (5th Sunday after Easter) 2Kings.4:8-37 1Thes.4:13-17 St.John.5:19-29 2Cor.5:1-10 St.John.11:17-26 Rev.21:1-7

8 Tuesday

13 Sunday CH 49

17 Thursday Feast of Ascension of our Lord (40th Day after Easter) CH 161 Gen.5:21-24 Eph.4:1-10 Acts.1:1-11 St.Luke.24:44-53 20 Sunday CH 196 27 Sunday CH 192 The Church that has to wait upon to receive power Isa.40:25-31 Acts.1:12-14 Ps-34 Acts.12:1-16 St.John.14:25-31 Acts.1:15-26 The Feast of Pentecost (50th Day after Easter) Eze.37:1-14 Gal.5:16-26 Ps-8 Acts.2:1-21 St.John.16:7-13 1Cor.12:1-12


JUNE 3 Sunday CH 16 Trinity Sunday-Holy Trinity (1stSunday afterPentecost) Student Sunday - (Clergy Sunday Offertory) Gen.18:1-15 2Cor.13:11-14 Rev..4:1-11 Rom.11:25-36 St.Luke.3:15-22 St.Mark.1:1-13 Enviornmental Sunday- The Sanctity of Mutuality (2nd Sunday after Pentocost) Gen.9:8-17 Col.1:15-23 Ps.19 Rom.8:18-25 St.John.15:1-11 Rev.21:21-27

10 Sunday CH 249

16 Satuday - Beginning of the Fast of Apostles. 1Sam.3:1-10 1Cor.12:27-13:10 Heb. 10:32-39 St.Luke.6:12-19 17 Sunday CH 229 The Calling and Appointment of Apostles (3rd Sunday after Pentecost) 2Kings.2:1-15 1Tim.1:12-17 2Pet.1:1-11 St.Mat.10:1-15 Disciples:who walk ahead((4th Sunday after Pentecost) Josh.3:1-8 Eph.5:8-21 Ps.1 1Thes.4:1-12 St.Luke.10:1-11 Heb.13:7-17 St.Peters and St.Pauls Day- End of the Fast of the Apostles) Jer.16:16-21 2Pet.3:14-18 Gal.2:1-10 St.Mat.16:13-19

24 Sunday CH 214 29 Friday

1 Sunday CH 178 Tithe Offering Sunday-The Gift of giving (5th Sunday after Pentecost) Mal.3:7-12 2 Cor. 9:6-15 Exo. 39:32-44 Acts. 5:1-11 St.Luke.6:27-38 2Cor. 8:1-9 St. Thomas the Apostles Day Isa. 52:7-15 2 Tim. 3:10-17 1 Thes. 1:1-9 St. John. 20:24-29

3 Tuesday CH 224


8 Sunday CH 242

Ordained Ministry - Imitation of Christ (6th Sunday after Pentecost) Exo.40:l-16 2Cor. 4:1-6 Ps. 23 Heb.10:8-25 St. John. 10:1-11 1Pet.5:l-7 The Priesthood of the Baptised (7th Sunday after Pentecost) Gen. 18:16-33 1 Pet. 2:1-10 1John. 3:1-12 St. John 13:1-11

15 Sunday CH 408

Rom. 6:1-11 St.Luke.13:35-40

Anointing the Holy Muroon: Gift of the Holy Spirit (8th Sunday after Pentecost) Exo. 30:22-33 1Cor. 12:4 -13 1Sam.3:1-10 Acts. 1:1-8 St. Mat. 3:8-12 Acts. 11:1-18 25 Wednesday St.James the Apostles Day Micah.2:1-16 Acts. 8:1-11 St. Mat. 10:16-33 29 Sunday Christian Witness of the Diaspora CH 182 (9th Sunday after Pentecost) Deut. 28:1-14 2Thes. 1:3 -12 Ps.119:49-56 Acts. 8:1-8 St. John. 12:20-28 Acts. 16:13-18 AUGUST 1 Wednesday Beginning of the Fifteen Days Lent. Dan. 1:1-21 Rom. 12:19-21 1John.3:l-12 St. Mat. 5:38-41 5 Sunday CH 300 Mission Sunday- Church called to Proclaim the Good News (10th Sunday after Pentecost) Jer.7:1-7 2Thes.2:13-17 Ps.8:1-9 Acts.20:18-27 St.Mat.28:16-20 St.John.13:1-17 Feast of Transfiguration:The Glorification of our Lord Exo. 24:12-18 2 Pet. 1:16-25 Heb. 12:18-29 St. Mat.17:1-8 Christian presence in the Nation Building (11th Sunday after Pentecost) Neh. 2:1-17 Eph 6:10-18 Ps.4 Rom. 13:1-7 St. John. 8:31-42 1Pet.2:13-25

22 Sunday CH 187

6 Monday

12 Sunday CH 255


15 Wednesday Indenpdence Day - End of the Fifteen Days Lent Gen. 11:1-9 Gal. 5:1-5 2Timo. 2:14-26 St. Mat. 5:38-48 19 Sunday CH 99 Reformation: Heritage and Witness (Reformation Day) (12th Sunday after Pentecost) Deut.11:1-28 Tit.2:7-14 Ps.36 Acts. 13:17-39 St. Mat. 5:13-20 St.John. 2:12-19 Faith Community that has to be liberated from Corruption (13th Sunday after Pentecost) Isa. 1:10-20 Rom. 7:15-25 Ps.15 Jam.4:1-10 St.Mat.23:1-12 1Tim.6:1-12 SEPTEMBER 2 Sunday CH 203 Education Day- Education: Founded on the fear of the Lord (14th Sunday after Pentecost) Prov.4:1-19 Col.1:24-29 Ps.111 Jam.3:13-18 1Cor. 2:1-16 St.Mat.7:24-29 Sevika Sangham Day-Role of Women in Faith Sucession (15th Day after Pentecost) 1Sam.1:1-20 2 Tim:1:1-7 Esth.7:1-10 Phili.4:1-7 Acts. 16:11-15 St.Luke.1:46-55 Senior Citizens Day- Old Age with Grace (16th Sunday after Pentecost) Gen. 47:1-12 Phil.1:3-11 Ps.71 2Tim. 4:1-8 St.Luke. 2:25-39 Eph. 6:1-4 St. Mathew the Apostles Day Isa. 4:1-6 Eph 6:1-9 St.Luke. 18:18-32 Christian Nurturing- The Foundation of the Church (17th Sunday after Pentecost) Josh.4:1-10 Col.3:12-17 Ps.128 1John.2:7-17 St.Luke.2:41-52 Col.1:24-29

26 Sunday CH 206

9 Sunday CH 245

16 Sunday CH 402

21 Friday

23 Sunday CH 321

27 Thursday Inaguration Day of the Church of South India (CSI)


30 Sunday CH 358

The Sacrament of Confession (18th Sunday after Pentecost) Jonah. 4:1-11 Rom.5:6-11 1John. 1:1-10 St.John. 16:7-13 OCTOBER

Ps.71 St.John. 8:1-11

7 Sunday CH 43

Voluntary Evangelists Day- Readiness to share the Gospel (19th Sunday after Pentecost) 2 Kings.5:1-14 1Tim. 1:12-16 Ps. 92 2Cor.2:12-17 St. John 1:35-42 St.Mark. 5:1 -20 Day of the People with Special Skills. Activiness in the midst of limitations(20th Sunday after Pentecost) 2Sam.9:l-13 Acts. 3:1-10 Prov.l4:3-21 Heb. 12: 12-17 St. Mat. 15:25-31 Acts. 9:32-42 Youth Sunday- Matured Youthood (21st Sunday after Pentecost) Eccl. 11:9-12:8 1Tim.4:6-16 Ps. 119:1-16 Heb. 12:1-11 St. Luke. 18:18-25 St.Mark.10:l7-22 Christian Family Dedication Day- Family: A Divine Gift (22nd Sunday after Pentecost) Gen.1:20-31 Eph.5:21-32 Josh.24:l4-22 Acts.10:1-8 St. Mat. 19:1-12 Ps. 127 NOVEMBER

14 Sunday CH 415

21 Sunday CH 183

28 Sunday CH 387

1 Thursday CH 285 4 Sunday CH 334

All Saints Day Jer. 31:31-34 Rev. 7:9-17

Heb.13:7-17 St. Mat. 5:1-12

Kudosh Eetho- Santification of the Church- Beginning of the Liturgical Year: World Sunday School Day: Children - to be grown for Christ Deut.6:l-9 Eph.1:l-7 Prov.23:l5-26 Eph.5:1-10 St. Mat. 18:1-5 St.John.6:1-16


11 Sunday CH 316

Hudos Eetho- Renewal of the Church Festival of Unity of the Communion of Churches in India (CCI) - CNI-CSI-MTC-Unity that is visible in Holy Qurbana. Gen. 43:26-34 1 Cor. 11:23-30 Ps.127 1Cor.10:l4-21 St. John. 6:52-58 St.Mat.26:26-29 Annunciation to Zechariah l Chro.24.-l-19 Heb.5:l-10 Rev. 8:1 -8 St. Luke. 1:8-23 Gen.2:8-25 1 Pet. 5:1-11

18 Sunday CH 25 Sunday CH 39

Annunciation to Virgin Mary - Dedication to Gods Will Zech.2:l0-13 Gal. 4:21-31 Gen. 18:1-15 Eph 1:3-14 St. Luke.1:26-38 1John. 3:2-17 St. Andrews the Apostles Day Zech.8:20-23 1Cor.4:9-16 Rom.10:12-18 St.Mat.4:18-22 DECEMBER Beginning of Twenty five Days Lent Isa.2:10-22 Gal.4:12-20 1Thes.4:1-12 St.John.1:1-18 Visitation of Virgin Mary to Elizabeth - Bearers of Good News: (Bible Sunday) Gen.18:1-16 1 Tim. 3:10-17 Ps. 119:105-112 1John. 1:1-10 St. Luke. 1:39-56 1 Pet. 1:8-12 Birth of John the Baptist Judg.13:2-25 1John..5:l3-20 Heb. 2:1-10 St. Luke. 1:57-66 Annunciation to Joseph Isa.40:1-11 Phil.4:4-9 Rev.2:12-17 St. Mat. 1:18-23 Mar Thoma Church Day Isa. 22:20-24 Phil. 3:12-21 1 Cor. 1:18-25 St. John. 14:1-7 Gen.21:l-21 Gal. 1:11-17 Isa.35:l-10 Heb. 9:11-28

29 Thursday Inaguration Day of the Church of North India (CNI) 30 Friday

1Saturday CH 120 2 Sunday CH 107

9 Sunday CH 201 16 Sunday CH 123 21 Friday CH 403


23 Sunday CH 423 25 Tuesday CH 128

The Mystery of Holy Incarnation Isa. 11:1-10 Rom. 1:8-16 1 John. 5:1-12 St. John. 1:1-14

Isa.35:1-10 Heb.9:11-28

Yaldo- Feast of Nativity. Birth of Our Saviour (End of Twenty five Days Lent) Micah. 5:1-9 1Tim 1:14-17 Isa.11:1-9 Col. 1:15-20 St. Luke. 2:1-20 1John.3:1-12 Our Lord who is coming again Zech.14:l-5 1Thes. 1:14-17 Acts. 1:6-11 St. John. 14:1 -7 Year ending - Watch Night Service God who is always with us Exo. 33:12-23 1Pet. 5:6-11

30 Sunday CH 290 31 Monday CH 427

Reading Portions for Special Occasions

1. Thanksgiving Day for the New Academic Year Deut.6:l-9 1Jn.2:l-16 St. Luke. 2:42-52 2. CSI-CNI-Mar Thoma Unity Sunday Deut.30:1-10 Eph. 2:11-23 Rom. 12:3-12 St. John. 17:20-26 3. Parish Day Isa. 60 Phil. 2:1-18 4. Diocesan Day Josh. 1 Phil. 3:1-16 5. Year Ending - Watch Night 1 Sam. 7:5-17 Heb.2 Acts. 17:10-17 St. Luke. 13:1-9 2 Cor. 5:11-19 St. John. 15:1-13 lThess5:l-ll St. Luke. 13:1-19


6. Harvest Festival Deut.26:l-ll 2 Cor. 9:1-9 7. Choir Day 1 Sam.21:10-22:5 Acts. 16:19-34 8. Senior Citizens Day Gen. 32:22-32 2 Tim. 4:1-8 9. Birthday Gen. 47:1-10 Ps. 103:1-12 10. Wedding Aniversary Eph. 5:22-33 11. Journey

Phil. 4:10-20 St. Mat. 7:7-12 Col. 3:10-17 St. Luke. 1:46-55 Rom. 3:26-30 St. Luke. 2:21-38

St. Mat. 6:25-34 St. John. 2:1-11 St. Mat. 19:5-12

Ps. 121.141, 144 St. Mark. 6:7-13 12. Discouragement, Failures Ps. 23.40, 73. Rom. 8

13. Disease, Struggles in Life Ps. 5.32,33, 51,91, 102, 129,142 14. Serious Loss or Painful Situations Rom. 8 2 Tim. 3 15. Joy, Victory Ps.103, 106 Luke. 15

16. Assuming New Office Josh. l,Exo. 3:1-16 17. Bereavement Gen. 50, Ps. 90, 9 Lisa. 40 St.Mat.25 St.John.11,15,16 Rom. 5. ICor. 15:1-10, lThes.4:13-18,5:l-22,Heb. 11,12 Col. 3:1-10, Rev. 21:1-7


18. Ordination Gen. 12:1-8 Lam. 3:28-32 Acts. 2:16-21 lTim.3-:8-16 St. John. 12:24-36,14:1-13 19. Laying Foundations Stone for a Church Building Gen. 28:10-22 1 Pet. 2:1-10 Eph.2:ll-22 20. Dedication of a Church Building Acts. 7:44-54 Heb.8:l-9

1. Outside Kerala Mission 2. Medical Mission 3. Theological Seminary (Hosana) 4. Metropolitans Fund 5. Sacred Music & Communication Sunday 6. Clergy Medical Aid 7. Tithe Offering 8. Mission Sunday 9. Education day 10. Voluntary Evangelists Association 11. Youth Sunday 12. Sunday School Samajam 13. Bible Society January 1 February 5 April 1 May 6 May 27 June 3 July 1 August 5 September 2 October 7 October 21 November 4 December 2


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