Ludivina Alejandro
Cristalyn T. Cagurangan
Root crops are commonly referred to as 'famine crops' and are extensively grown
across various countries on all continents (Pardales et al., 2002). Several studies indicate
(Burlingame et al., 2009; Navarre et al., 2009; van Jaarsveld et al., 2006; Bhandari et al.,
Taro, scientifically known as Colocasia esculenta, belongs to the Arum family. It ranks as
the fourth most important root crop in terms of production by weight and the second most
significant staple root crop in consumption. Taro is a major crop in the country and serves
impractical. Despite the Philippines ranking among the top 11 producers (Onsay et al.,
2022), the country has witnessed a decline in taro plantations, estimated at 14,992.84
hectares in 2020. The Department of Agriculture's 2021 annual report highlights a 9.2%
decrease in total production compared to the previous year, attributed to factors such as
Most locally produced taro is solely for personal consumption, resulting in inadequate
care and attention to its cultivation. Nutrition plays a crucial role in crop growth and
development, emphasizing the need for adequate fertilization to maximize taro yield.
However, the immediate accessibility of all necessary nutrients for plants through
continuous use of inorganic fertilizers leads to soil organic matter degradation, soil
acidity, and environmental pollution (Roba, T. B. 2018). This issue can be addressed by
Valley Region, is valued for its tuber, leaves, stalks, and runners, primarily for human
soil, serves not only as a vegetable but can also be processed into flour, flakes, and
animal feed. Known for their abundance in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, and
remains less popular, especially among the younger generation (Miranda et al., 2015).
Farmers' dependency on inorganic fertilizers for plant nutrients has driven up production
costs and led to soil degradation and environmental pollution over recent years. The
pursuit of alternative, safe natural sources of plant nutrients, such as organic fertilizers,
becomes crucial. Organic fertilizers, derived from the thorough decomposition of plant
and animal waste, contribute to nutrient addition in the soil for absorption. Additionally,
continuous application of both solid and liquid organic fertilizers is believed to restore
soil fertility and promote the proliferation of beneficial soil microbes aiding in organic
matter degradation.
Mudpress, a byproduct from sugarcane milling after juice extraction in refineries, serves
as a commonly used organic fertilizer in agriculture. Rich in essential plant nutrients like
the agronomic and yield characteristics of various crops when applied at different rates.
Hence, further investigation into the impact of different mudpress application rates on the
agronomic and yield characteristics of lampakan taro (Colocasia esculenta) is imperative
Generally, the study aims to determine the response of Lampakan taro cultivar as
b) Herbage weight
2) Determine the yield and yield component of lampakan taro as affected by the
3) Determine the cost and return analysis of the different treatments tested
The study will focus mainly on the effect of applying different rates of mudpress
on the agronomic and yield characteristics of lampakan taro. The study will be conducted
at the experimental site of Cagayan State University Piat on January 2024 to October
Roots and Tubers in General (Kenyon et al., 2006). The production of roots and
635 million tonnes between 2003 and 2020, with cassava increasing by 44 %, potato
29%, sweet potato 27% and yam 27% (Scott et al (2000, 2). For cassava and potato, food
demand will outpace feed demand whilst the situation will be reversed for sweet potato.
Sub-Saharan Africa is projected to experience the fastest growth in demand for all roots
scale, yams represent less than 10% of all root and tuber crops produced and, of these,
75% are grown in West Africa. Of the five target countries included in this study, only
Nigeria and Ghana grow significant quantities of yam, though Tanzania is reported to
produce some 11 x 103 Mt pa (Nigeria = 26 x 106 Mt pa). Yield of yams in Ghana has
increased from about 5 Mt/ha in the late 1980s to about 14 Mt/ha in 2004. The pattern of
yields over the last 40 years in Nigeria is difficult to interpret (Chart 11), though the
gradual decline in yield from about 12 Mt/ha in the late 1980s to about 8 Mt/ha in 2004
has been attributed the use of shorter fallow periods and use of more marginal lands for
yam production because of demand to feed the increasing human population. In Tanzania,
where yams are mainly a low-input, food security crop grown on a very small scale,
yields are reported to have remained relatively static at about 6 Mt/ha. Yams are relatively
more expensive to grow compared to the other root crops because they require staking in
many areas, and they require greater labour input for land preparation (clearing and
mounding), stake-tying and careful harvesting. Yams are essentially carbohydrate foods
with relatively high protein and ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) content compared to cassava or
sweet potato. By far the greater part of the world's yam crop is consumed fresh; the tubers
are commonly eaten as a vegetable either boiled, baked or fried. “Fufu”, a stiff,
gelatinous dough (= pounded yam) prepared by pounding boiled tuber pieces in a mortar,
is the preferred form in most of West Africa. Under tropical conditions sound tubers will
store for up to about four months depending on variety and species, and thus extending
the shelf-life through drying or other processes has not had such a high priority with yam
as it has with cassava or sweet potato. However, injured tubers are often peeled, sliced
and sun-dried soon after harvest to extend their useful life. The dried slices are generally
milled into flour (often brown/purple in colour due to oxidation of phenolics during
drying) which is reconstituted with water and boiled to produce “Amala” (in Nigeria). To
a limited extent, yam flour is also produced in Ghana where the reconstituted dough is
known as “Yam Kokonte”. Traditionally, processed yam products are made in most yam-
growing areas, usually as a way of utilising tubers that are not fit for storage.
According to Roba, T.B. 2018, Organic fertilizers have more benefits in the long
and chemical properties of a soil but the nutrients may not be as readily available to the
plants. However, inorganic fertilizer is usually immediately and fast containing all
necessary nutrients that are ready for plants. The excess use of inorganic fertilizers in
agriculture can lead to soil deterioration, soil acidification and environment pollution.
The integrated soil fertility management system is an alternative approach for the
soil fertility, productivity and reduce the impact of inorganic fertilizer on environment.
According to Onsay et al., 2002, Those who live below the poverty line usually
engage in taro farming, while those who live just over the poverty line mainly engage in
marketing. Men are associated with manufacturing, whereas women are associated with
marketing. Farmers frequently choose the less profitable transaction path due to the
perishability of the crop. Agriculture and processing technology are both deficient and
unavailable. It is consequently advised that the governments and NGOs’ efforts and
activities for farmers to achieve higher production levels be shifted. Low production
indicates that the taro industry in the Partido district is not being fully utilized. As a
result, government funding should be made available to help farmers obtain the farm
supplies they need to increase productivity. Apart from that, it may be deduced that
as an energy source and are used as staple foods in tropical and subtropical countries.
They are generally processed into various forms before consumption. Processing makes
them digestible and palatable, extends the shelf life and reduces post-harvest losses. Taro
(Colocasia esculenta) is a tropical tuber crop largely produced for its underground corms
contain 70–80 % starch and the corms of Colocasia antiquorum contain anthocyanins
such as cyanidin-3-glucoside, pelargonidin-3-glucoside and cyanidin-3-chemnoside
consumption has been affected by the presence of acridity factors, which cause sharp
irritation and burning sensation in the throat and mouth on ingestion. Taro is rich in gums
(mucilage) and small sizes of starch granules makes it a highly digestible which is used
for the preparation of various foods. The present paper deals with reviewing the
nutritional, antinutritional and utilization of Taro into the various food products.
According to Temesgen et al., 2015, The term taro is used to refer to Colocasia
esculenta (L.). It is a family of Aracea cultivated for its edible corms. Taro is used as a
staple food or subsistence food by millions of people in the developing countries in Asia,
Africa and Central America. Taro has much importance in ensuring food security, in
earning foreign currency as being a cash crop and also as a means for rural development.
Nutritionally, Taro contains more than twice the carbohydrate content of potatoes and
yield 135 kcals per 100 g. Taro contains about 11% protein on a dry weight basis. This is
more than yam, cassava or sweet potato. Many authors also stated that the protein content
of taro is higher than the other root crops in leaves and tuber respectively. It contains 85-
87% starch on dry matter basis with small granules size of 3-18 µm and other nutrients
such as minerals, Vitamin C, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin better than other cereals. Taro
leaves, like higher plants, is rich in protein. The high protein content of the leaves
favourably complements the high carbohydrate content of the tubers. In other parts of the
world, the leaves of Colocasia esculenta have been reported to be rich in nutrients,
including minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins like vitamin C,
thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. High levels of dietary fibre in taro are also advantageous
for their active role in the regulation of intestinal transit, increasing dietary bulk and
faeces consistency due to their ability to absorb water. Most rural peoples suffer from
malnutrition not because of the economic status but because of inability to utilize the
available nutritious raw materials to meet their daily requirements. Now a day, zinc
deficiency is widespread and affects the health and well-being of populations worldwide
and since taro is one of the few non-animal sources of zinc, its utilization should
The organic byproduct from sugar mills is called pressmud which is utilized to
provide a nutrient rich, high quality organic matter when it apply to the soil as manure
results in better sustainable yield. Pressmud is soft, spongy, amorphous and dark brown
white material containing nitrogen, cellulose, lignin, protein, sugar fiber, and coagulated
colloids including cane wax, albuminoids, inorganic salts and soil particles and all other
carbon containing components available in the final product which are suitable for bio-
fuel and fertilizer production. The application of 20 t/ha pressmud saved 25% of the
recommended fertilizers and shows significant residual effects on the succeeding crops.
Contains 25-30% Organic matter. Contains Major plant nutrients like N, P, K, Ca, Mg &
S and Minor elements like Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, B & Mo. Saves the cost on inorganic
fertilizers by 15- 20%, Improves the structure, texture & quality of the soil, Improves the
water holding capacity of the soil as this compost contains fibrous material like
decomposed coir waste & other Agriculture biomass. Minimizes the water like
requirement of the crop to some extent, Rich in Beneficial Microorganisms which aid in
mineralization of plant nutrients in the soil and make them amenable to the plant roots,
These microbes produce Enzymes, auxins and other growth Regulators, amino acids and
many other organic acids which help in the proliferation of the Root hairs & Lateral roots
of the Tap root/Fibrous root system and rectifies the micronutrient deficiency of the soil,
and quantity act not only as sources of nutrients and organic matter but also may increase
the size, biodiversity and activity of the microbial populations in soil. Diverse
populations of soil bacteria, fungi, protozoa and algae play a crucial role in soil quality
mineralization of plant nutrients in the soil with rectifies the micronutrient deficiency of
the soil and makes them amenable to the plant roots. These microbes produces enzymes,
auxins and other growth regulators, amino acids and many other organic acids which help
in the proliferation of the root hairs & lateral roots of the tap root/fibrous root system and
Physical properties
solids, animal manures and crop residues are of most important in maintaining the tilth,
fertility and productivity of agricultural soils. Pressmud or filter cake is one of the
amount of plant nutrients to soil, due to its favorable effects on soil texture, structure,
water holding capacity, infiltration, soil porosity, hydraulic properties, bulk density of soil
and can be linked to most of the fundamental soil properties , however, these
of the soil ecosystem are critical for a healthy soil and sustainable agriculture. The higher
amount of NPK in soil has made it a valuable nutrient resource, which is due to increased
SOM by adding pressmud compost. Addition of pressmud improves soil aeration and
drainage in heavy soils, whereas in sandy soils it helps in improving the retention of
moisture. When added to agriculture fields it increased the cane yield, improved the juice
Chemical properties
Pressmud obtained from sulphitation process is acidic in nature and hence can be
applied on alkaline soils whereas pressmud obtained from carbonation process contains
lime which is useful in acidic soils. Thousands tons of press mud produced annually
cause great disposal problems for the sugar industry and environmental however; recently
it is being used as fertilizer in agriculture and for crop production to mitigate the
environmental pollution and increased soil health. In pressmud there is large amount of
organic matter, and abundant amount of important micronutrients such as Zn, Cu, Fe and
Mn, therefore, press mud will more likely improve the micronutrient distribution and
enhance beneficial microbial activities within soil system. Soil organic matter encourages
granulation, increases cation exchange capacity (CEC) and is enhance the adsorbing
power of the soils up to 90% with producing cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+ and K+ during
partial biological immobilization by soil microbes and this balance provides a residual
source of N available for plant uptake. The CEC (capacity to retain and exchange cations)
of soils is measured as the sum of exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, sodium (Na) and aluminium
(Al) cations present per unit weight of soil, however; the level and balance of these ions
are important factors in structural stability, nutrient availability, pH and the soil reaction
to fertilizers and other amendments. As the pressmud, it is rich in Potash and Phosphorus,
use of composted material with Potash Mobilizing Bacteria (Frateuria aurantia) and
Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria increases the availability of K2O and P2O5 in the
wastes. This may be used later like other organic amendments. Biological properties Soil
vary in their physical size, chemical composition and degree of interaction with soil
fertilizer to increase organic carbon in soil, with an intention of utilizing the waste and
roles in decomposition of organic materials to release nutrients for plants growth and
development. Furthermore, the higher C biomass and N contents in the soils treated with
pressmud showed changes in soil organic matter content caused by microbial enzymatic
activities. Pressmud application was responsible for a large increase in the number of
viride, Aspergillus sp. and Penicillium sp. An increase in the spore forming fungi Bacillus
and Actinomycetes, which have a positive influence on soil aggregate stability, was
that the best soil and crop management practices is to achieve a more sustainable
microorganism that, in turn, increase, yield and quality of crops. Pressmud compost does
not include any substances which are unfavorable for microbial action. It also includes
improvement of soil aeration and better root proliferation. Microbial biomass is not only
used as an indicator of soil quality, it is the main agent that also controls the cycling of
ecosystems. Soil microorganisms play a vital role in soil environment. They are critical
factors that determine soil organic matter decomposition, nutrients cycling, soil
degradation and bioremediations of soil pollution. Shifts in the structure and composition
of microbial community are strong indicators of soil biological activity, soil quality and
different moisture regimes brought out significant changes in microbial activity in terms
of microbial population and dehydrogenase activity over control. Amongst the various
treatments, application of press mud resulted in the highest microbial C and N, this might
be due to the microbial activities long time storage duration and acted as an energy source
for the autochthonous microorganisms of pressmud, which also significantly increased
the microbial numbers (fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes) and total C and N contents in
the soils.
Soil health is deteriorated because of low organic matter in our soils owing to
reduced use of organic manures and rapid decomposition of organic materials as a result
of increasing high temperatures due to climate change and drier conditions as result of
tones of pressmud, which is produced annually cause great disposal problems for the
source in agriculture and for crop production. Sugar byproducts being organic in nature
are rich source of macro and micronutrients and can be recycled to prevent their disposal
in the environment, thus sustaining the balance between economic development and
improved the fertility status by enhancing soil C and N contents of soil. Lower C/N ratios
that application of pressmud compost to agricultural fields is likely to improve soil health
by adding macro and micronutrients and organic matter to soil ultimately crop
productivity. Observed that the pressmud compost application increased the phosphorus
use efficiency by wheat (20-48%) and greengram (12-90%) as compared to single super
phosphate. It was also reported that the compost increased the quality of grains by
increasing the protein and Ca contents. Pressmud applied to sugarcane along with N, P
and K fertilizers significantly increased the yield of cane and also quality of rice found
that combined application of 5 tones of pressmud significantly increased sunflower seed
yield, seed protein and oil contents as compared to without pressmud. Pressmud is added
to fields as organic amendment, which enhances organic matter content of soil, improves
soil physical conditions and also acts as a soil conditioner. The high amount of NPK
contents has made it a valuable nutrient source. Along with luxurious amount of organic
matter, important micronutrients like Zn, Cu, Fe and Mn are also abundant in pressmud
compost, which are deficient in calcareous alkaline soils. Therefore, press mud is very
very good organic fertilizer and soil ameliorating source for sustaining crops and soil
with the international efforts it is necessary to carry out mitigation and adaptation
programs at the local level to understand the dynamics of global warming and contribute
to mitigating the climate change. Agriculture is a very diverse industry where a multitude
of products are being cultivated and produced. Most of this burning result from
household burning of materials, as a fuels source, field burning and release of greenhouse
gases (GHGs) and black carbon (C) into the atmosphere, because of no foreseen value.
When these materials are burned, there is a loss of many beneficial things that could
otherwise be used for beneficial purposes. Plus, there is the Since the times of the
industrial revolution, there has been a significant increase in the amount of carbon
dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and methane (CH4) and other GHGs found in the
atmosphere. It is essential to ensure that the SOC that is being placed in the soil remains
there and is not subjected to quick decomposition. The SOC that is being added to the soil
can be comprised of many types of residues from plants, animals, and microbes. Positive
Agricultural practices can help to increase the rate of soil carbon sequestration is 89.41%
in soil carbon levels after application of pressmud. Pressmud is a product which can be
used as good organic manure when composted properly. The application of sugarcane
pressmud is also at low cost with a slower release of nutrients and trace element, high
manure shows 150% increase in organic carbon after first application, as level of initial
organic carbon in soil is very low, i.e. 0.66% and it has the potential to store more carbon.
During subsequent cropping season it shows the increase in organic carbon content by
36.36% and 30.67% respectively. After application of pressmud 3.5 times increase
observed in level of organic carbon is achieved one time increase in level of organic
carbon than the initial level after the use of pressmud as mulch. It proves that by adopting
improved agricultural practices one can boost the rate of soil carbon sequestration and
elucidate the role of organic matter in farming practices, not only for the betterment of
sulphitation process. Both the processes separated clear juice on top and mud at the
bottom. In general, when 100 tons of sugarcane is crushed, about 3 tons of mudpress are
sugar mills on its accumulation (Bhosale et al. 2012). Organic sources have traditionally
played an important role in maintaining soil productivity. Among the organic sources,
crop residues are most easily available for recycling of the macro- and micro-nutrients
(Dotaniya and Kushwah, 2013). Incorporation of these materials in soil could be a good
chemical, and biological properties of soil (Mitani and Ma, 2005). The addition of
organic acids to soils increases the plant uptake of phosphorus from water-soluble
organic materials to the soil is that, it increases the soil organic matter content. Vermicast
and mudpress contained high amounts of OM than swine manure and chicken dung
(Figure 1) indicating that the former (vermicast and mudpress) are a much better source
According to Sardar et al., 2012, Compost produced from biological wastes does
not contain any chemicals unfavorable to living soil. This organic fertilizer is also one of
them which contain phosphate, nitrogen solubilizing bacteria and decomposing fungi,
which is co-friendly and protect the plants from various soil borne diseases. Results of
trial based production of Compost at large scale is discussed. Different ratios of sugar
press mud (SPM), Molasses and Rock Phosphate was mixed, piled and transformed in to
Compost products in about 14-21 days. Single super phosphate (SSP) & Sulfur mud was
produce a good quality of biofertilizer. In the end, granulation of this bio fertilizer was
also investigated at different temperatures using Rotary dryers to produce grains for the
ease of farmers.
According to Mdiaz, P. 2016, Organic fertilizers derived from Sugar Press Mud
(SPM) yields better production of crops. Sugar press mud or the sugarcane filter-cake is
the residue of sugarcane industry which results from the processing of sugarcane where
sugar mud is separated from the crush. The total supply of sugar press mud varies from
(1-7) kg from the processing of 100 kg of sugarcane. Sugar filter cake is used as a
suitable fertilising agent since it is rich in micro and macro nutrients along with organic
carbon. It is eco-friendly and protects the plants from various soil borne diseases. Press
mud compost does not include any substances which are unfavourable for microbial
action. In certain cases, press mud is mixed with other organic fertilizers to yield enriched
compost. Whatever the case, the resultant press mud should not be added to the soil
directly as it affects the welfare of human health due to the fast growth rate of pathogenic
fungi. These are the disease causing microbes whose growth rate must be inhibited. The
review deals with the physical, chemical and microbial functions on the press mud
resulting in excellent bio-fertilizers. Enriched press mud is mixed with gibberellic acid to
inhibit the growth of toxic chromium which affects the metabolism of plants. The fields
which are ineffective by the over use of chemical pesticides can be brought into control
by constant use of bio-fertilizers such as press mud. Usage of chemical pesticides may
destroy the insects causing damage to the fields, but its impact over the health of living
beings is tremendous. Press mud, on the other hand, is safe and very effective in
producing income and killing certain insects affecting the crops as well.
According to Septyani et al., 2019, The addition of sugarcane filter press mud
compost and dolomite can improving chemical properties of Ultisols especially pH value
(1.1 unit) decreasing Aluminum, total N 0.45%, organic C 2.19%, available P 37.14 ppm,
CEC 22.04 cmol.kg-1 . Addition sugarcane filter press mud and dolomite increased
growth of oil palm seedling. Application of 12.75 t.pot-1 gave the optimum growth of oil
palm seedlings. It showed that the crop height increased by 51.56%, leaves by 47.63%, N
cereal as wheat was benefcial for both crop and soil characteristics. This is the premise
for reducing farmers’ reliance on mineral fertilizers. However, PMC alone could not
assure maximum wheat growth and fnal top yield. Therefore, the conjunctive use of PMC
and mineral fertilizers was shown a worthwhile approach to improve soil fertility and
crop productivity. The use of PMC should be adopted on a permanent basis for long term
efects. It is expected that soil fertility and crop productivity will be more sustainable with
the combined application of organic and inorganic fertilizers than the sole application of
inorganic fertilizers.
press mud. The final product was more stabilized as there were significant reductions in
the C:N ratios. This contribution provides a basis for the utilisation of press mud in
vermicomposting after mixing in appropriate quantities with CD. Our results demonstrate
that if PM is mixed with up to 50% CD and vermicomposted using Eisenia fetida, it will
in two ways: a waste product is converted into a value-added product and the disposal of
1:1 ratio was suitable to produce a valuable organic soil amendment through
disease. The theory is that all the microbes present compete for the nutrients in the soil
industry wastes with cow-dung signicantly reduced the C/N to »10 within 40
worm composting is started the worms will reproduce, never needing replacement. In
growing media, fertilizers (inorganic and organic), and mudpress, measuring devices
(weighing balance scale, meter stick or tape measure, ruler) record book, pen, and
Soil samples will be randomly collected within the experimental area. Ten (10)
composite soil samples will be gathered in the whole experimental site in a zigzag
orientation. Samples will be air-dried for about three (3) days and after which, one-
kilogram soil sample will be thoroughly pulverized, cleaned, and sieved before packing it
into a clean zip lock. The samples will be submitted to Cagayan Valley Integrated
Agriculture Laboratory (CVIAL) at Carig Sur, Tuguegarao City for nutrient analysis. The
soil recommendation will be used as baseline data in the total amount of fertilizer to be
Planting materials will be source out in the locality where lampakan cultivar
thrives. This will be done by buying the plantlets or corm at least 2 weeks prior to the
Preparation of Mudpress
will be gathered in the areas near Universal Robina Corporation in Sto Domingo where
the said material is dumped. The organic material will be applied with compost fungus
activator (CFA) which will be requested from the Department of Agriculture (DA) to
hasten its decomposition. The application of compost fungus activator will be done once
a week and will be end after 3 months. A fully decomposed mud press must have no foul
Land preparation
harrowing with at least one (1) week intervals. This will be undertaken to attain good soil
tilth and aeration to facilitate planting and to ensure better crop growth and development.
Fertilizer Application
account for the total amount of mudpress to be applied per plot, fertilizer computations
shall be made. Once the mudpress is per plot, it will be constantly turned before planting.
measurement of 4mx5m per plot. An alleyway of 1m between plots including blocks will
Treatment 2- 2 tons/ha
Treatment 3- 4 tons/ha
Treatment 4- 6 tons/ha
Treatment 5- 8 tons/ha
Seedling Production
prepared for seedling production. The said area will be mixed with compost, garden soil,
and carbonized rice hull following a ratio of 1:1:1. The lampakan taro cultivar will be
used in the study. Tubers of the said cultivar will be subdivided using a sharp knife to
separate the different eyebud of the propagule. The propagules will be planted in furrows
and will be watered to hasten the production of roots. Seedlings will be nursed in the
Transplanting will be done after 21 days from tuber planting or when plants have
at least four (4) true leaves. This will be done late in afternoon to minimize transplanting
shock. Plants will be spaced 50 cm in between hills and 75cm apart in between furrows at
Water management
Irrigation will be done as the need arises using equal amount of water per plant to
Pest Management
Crops will be harvested with a use of sharp bolo. The surrounding area of the
plant will be cultivated until it will reach the main tubers of the crop, by this stage, crops
Statistical Tool
All data will be analyzed using the Statistical Tool for Agricultural Research. The
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using the Tukey’s Honest Significance Difference (HSD)
test at 5% and 1% will be used to determine the significance of the different treatments.
Data to be Gathered
1. Number of leaves per plant- this will be done by counting the total number of leaves
2. Herbage weight- this will be done by weighing the harvested material during harvest
3. Number of tubers produced per plant- this will be undertaken by counting the total
4. Weight of tuber per plant- this will be done by weighing all the tubers producer per
5. Yield per plot- this will be undertaken by weighing all the tubers produced per plot and
will be estimated in tons per hectare by using the principle of ratio and proportion.
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