One of the roadblocks for training generalist robotic models today is heterogene-
ity. Previous robot learning methods often collect data to train with one specific
embodiment for one task, which is expensive and prone to overfitting. This work
studies the problem of learning policy representations through heterogeneous pre-
training on robot data across different embodiments and tasks at scale. We propose
Heterogeneous Pre-trained Transformers (HPT), which pre-train a large, shareable
trunk of a policy neural network to learn a task and embodiment agnostic shared
representation. This general architecture aligns the specific proprioception and
vision inputs from distinct embodiments to a short sequence of tokens and then
processes such tokens to map to control robots for different tasks. Leveraging
the recent large-scale multi-embodiment real-world robotic datasets as well as
simulation, deployed robots, and human video datasets, we investigate pre-training
policies across heterogeneity. We conduct experiments to investigate the scaling
behaviors of training objectives, to the extent of 52 datasets. HPTs outperform
several baselines and enhance the fine-tuned policy performance by over 20% on
unseen tasks in multiple simulator benchmarks and real-world settings.
1 Introduction
Building robotic policies today is hard: it often requires collecting specific data for each robot,
task, and environment, and the learned policies do not generalize beyond these specific settings.
A historical lesson that has revolutionized machine learning is that pre-training [33, 26, 28] on
large-scale, high-quality, and diverse data can bring general models that usually outperform specific
models. Recent progress in open-source large-scale data collection [14, 75] has made this path
possible, but the heterogeneity (such as varying robot hardware and different environments) present
in large-scale robotic data has posed a significant challenge. A central question for the field now is
how to leverage the heterogeneous robot data to pre-train robotic foundation models [3].
Foundation models from natural language processing [59, 57] and computer vision [36] have shown a
paradigm to achieve general-purpose task-agnostic models through pre-training on massive amounts
and diversity of data. In addition to the benefits from more data, training with diverse tasks also
enforces the representation to be more generalized. These foundation models can achieve high task
success rates for various tasks, are more robust to outliers, and are flexible for adapting to new
tasks. These approaches map input signals from distinct domains and tasks into a high-dimensional
representation space, and exhibit consistent scaling behaviors [33, 28]. After that, minimal fine-tuning
is required to transfer the representation for downstream tasks to achieve good performance.
The heterogeneity in robotics presents a distinct challenge: different robots are physically different
embodiments1 of hardware acting in different environments. Each embodiment can have a dis-
tinct proprioception, including different degrees of freedom, end-effectors, motion controllers, and
workspace configurations built for a specific application. Another common heterogeneity in robotics
is vision heterogeneity. Robots are often equipped with different camera sensors mounted at different
places (e.g. wrist and/or third-person) and the visual appearance of each robot varies dramatically
due to environments and tasks. Both proprioception and vision information are crucial for complex,
contact-rich, long-horizon behaviors in robotics. Poor learning of such information can lead to
overfitting behaviors such as repeating motions for a particular scene and task or even trajectory.
In this work, we propose to address this issue by aligning the proprioception and vision information
from different embodiments to a shared “language” of policies through heterogenous pre-training
(Figure 1). With such a shared representation, a new embodiment only requires minimal data and
training to “translate” its specific setup to the shared “languages”. In other words, we want to pre-train
task-agnostic and embodiment-agnostic foundational models that can map raw sensor signals from
individual embodiments into a shared latent space. Previous works have made significant progress in
pre-training only the vision part of the policy on human videos [48, 53, 34, 61] and pre-training the
full policy [6, 14, 55] with a unified model and dataset format (e.g. using languages [5]). Additionally,
they assume no proprioception in pre-training and add it post hoc in transfer learning.
We introduce Heterogeneous Pre-trained Transformers (HPT), a family of architecture designed to
scalably learn from data across heterogeneous embodiments. HPT modularizes a general policy
network architecture (Figure 2) and pre-trains the policy representation of a latent transformer with
supervised learning. Inspired by learning from multimodal data [1, 73, 19, 30], we use embodiment-
specific tokenizers, dubbed “stem”, to align various sensor inputs such as camera views and pro-
prioception inputs. The “trunk” is shared and pre-trained across datasets and is transferred when
adapting to new embodiments and tasks that are unknown during the pre-training times. Moreover,
we use task-specific action decoders, dubbed “head”, to produce the action outputs. Crucially, after
“tokenizing each embodiment”, HPT operates on a shared space of a short sequence of latent tokens.
This hierarchy is motivated by how humans handle feedback loops between specific motor responses
and perceived stimuli at the level of the spinal cord’s neural circuitry [68].
We extensively investigated the scaling behaviors and various designs of policy pre-training to the
extent of more than 50 individual data sources (2 times more than [55]) and model size of over 1
billion parameters. Analogous to the scaling laws [26, 28], we found that to some extent, HPT scales
with the dataset quantity and diversity as well as the model and training compute.
In addition, heterogeneity can occur in different embodiment domains, such as real robot hardware,
simulation domains, and human videos. We incorporate many available embodied datasets in different
embodiments such as real robots [14, 75, 38], simulation [81, 89, 49, 20, 85, 80] and internet human
videos [15] in the pre-training process and demonstrate the generality of our framework including
embodiments beyond expensive real-world on-robot teleoperations.
Through transfer learning experiments across multiple simulation benchmarks [89, 49, 81] and
real-world dexterous tasks, we compare with several baselines and the from-scratch counterparts.
Overall, based on the pre-training objectives, HPT can scale with the model, data, compute, and the
heterogeneity of the robotic datasets across real robots, simulations, and human videos. These pre-
Embodiment can be defined differently according to the context of robotics and AI. In this work, we consider
robots equipped with a distinct set of sensors and actuators with the associated observation and action space to
be a unique embodiment.
head I head II head III
Figure 2: HPT architecture. HPT is modularized
into stems, trunk, and heads. The stem, consist-
ing of a proprioception tokenizer and a vision
tokenizer, maps the vision and proprioception ob-
servations of different embodiments to a fixed
Transformer number (e.g. 16) of tokens. The shared trunk,
which is a Transformer, maps the concatenated
tokens into shared representations. The head then
maps the processed tokens to actions in different
embodiment I embodiment II embodiment III downstream tasks. For a specific embodiment,
stem I stem II stem III
one stem/head pair is activated (denoted by the
switch). The trunk is shared and pre-trained on
action-labeled data with supervised learning and
then transferred to new embodiments. This proce-
dure scales up to 52 datasets and 1B parameters.
proprio. vision
training procedures and models can simplify building reliable robotic policies for new embodiments
and new tasks in terms of data requirements and generalized performance. As an attempt to scale
heterogeneous pre-training, our code and weights are open-sourced, and we hope that HPT can shed
some light on learning robot representations from heterogeneous embodiments and tasks.
2 Related Works
Pre-training and Transfer Learning. Pre-training [2], through direct supervision [37] and/or
self-supervision [56, 24, 12, 21, 10], has been shown to learn representation useful for unseen
downstream tasks in computer vision [7, 36] and natural language [57], and their intersections [59].
The representation learned from ImagetNet [16] or web-scale data [37, 59, 17] shows robustness to
distribution shifts and can be transferred to new tasks.
The recent surge of foundation models [3] scales these representation learning methods [26, 28] by
applying task-agnostic objectives to multitask data. Moreover, recent works [45, 41, 44] show that
small projection layers can be used to align the pre-trained feature spaces of the foundation models.
Different from other fields, robotics has less data quantity and diversity but much more heterogeneity.
Alignment. Recent works such as Flamingo [1], Perceiver [30], and ImageBind [19] proposed ways
to combine representations from multimodal data such as image, language, and audio by aligning
these different modalities to the same latent space in the pursuit of representation learning. Our
architecture design is also motivated by methods such as LLaVA[44] in the multimodal learning
community. Very recently, GPT-4o [57], Gemini [76], MM1 [51], X-VILA [88], and Chameleon
[74] demonstrated the capabilities of heterogeneous pre-training a universal transformer from and for
multiple modalities. The idea of alignment, across modalities and/or embodiments, is important as
we scale to use heterogeneous embodiments and reuse data from distinct embodiments.
Representation Learning in Robotics. Representation learning has been explored in the robotic
community. Previous works such as R3M [53], VC-1[48], Voltron[34], and SpatialVLM [11]
investigate visual representations by training the policy with human videos and robotic data [69].
Recent works [60, 4, 87, 70, 39] also align representations from multiple modalities and data
distributions for robotic tasks. After pre-training, transfer learning with the frozen representation
and/or finetuning is conducted in the target domains.
Generalist Policies. Large-scale policy learning in robotics has leveraged diverse data from real
robots [6, 72], human videos [53, 48], and simulation domain [32, 62, 82, 79] separately. There
are also works in multi-task learning [64, 65, 84, 22], meta-learning [78, 54, 18], few-shot learning
[83], and fleet learning [81]. Recently, RT-X, Octo, OpenVLA [6, 14, 55, 35] train generalist
vision-language-action robotic policies on datasets from diverse robotic embodiments.
Compared with these works, HPT handles broader heterogeneity including proprioception and vision,
explores scaling behaviors on more heterogeneous domains including real robots, human videos, and
simulation data, and is evaluated at a larger scale in simulation benchmarks.
cross-attention cross-attention
k, v vision
k, v
proprioception queries vision queries
Figure 3: Stem Architecture in HPT. In the HPT stem, the proprioceptive tokenizer uses an MLP to map
proprioceptive information to a feature which is then attended by 16 learnable tokens. The vision tokenizer uses
pre-trained encoders and similarly uses an attention mechanism to map vision features into 16 fixed tokens. The
architecture flexibly handles sequences of inputs without increasing the size of tokens.
Mixture of Experts. Our architecture design is related to works in conditional computation and
MoE [50, 43, 71], where we create one expert for each embodiment, and the router (for the whole
network) is determined by the embodiment. This technique has been used to scale language models
to a substantial size [31].
Stem. The stem θstem (Figure 3) in HPT is composed of a proprioceptive tokenizer and a vision
tokenizer. These tokenizers map heterogeneous inputs from different embodiments to a fixed number
of tokens with fixed dimensions, which enables the trunk to treat them in the same manner despite
large heterogeneity, as well as enjoy the scaling and inference benefits on fixed context length. The
key idea is to leverage attention [77, 30, 9] to attend a fixed number of learnable tokens to features of
the observations. Although we mainly focus on proprioception and vision, handling other kinds of
sensor heterogeneity in tactile, 3D, and action inputs can be flexibly extended in stems.
Teleop Simulation
# Depth # Width # Attn. Heads # Param.
HPT-Small 16 128 8 3.1M
HPT-Base 16 256 8 12.6M
HPT-Large 16 512 8 50.5M
HPT-XLarge 32 768 16 226.8M
HPT-Huge 80 1024 16 1.1B
• Vision Tokenizers. In Figure 3 (right), the vision tokenizer can map any sequence of camera
images (videos of multiple views) with dimension H × W × 3 into Nv (we use Nv = 16
by default) tokens with dimension d. To achieve this, we first use pre-trained frozen feature
networks (e.g. 7 by 7 features from ResNet) and then flatten the features. After that, we
again use attention across these features and learnable tokens, to map the vision input into
16 tokens with dimension d.
After processing each modality individually in the time sequence order, we concatenate all modality
tokens and add additional modality embeddings and sinusoidal positional embeddings. This is used
as the input sequence to the trunk that we introduce below. To avoid overfitting, the stem only has a
small number of parameters (one MLP and one attention layer).
Related works such as Octo [55] and others [53, 48, 6] mostly focus on pre-training the vision
backbone of the policy through masking or self-supervision. They often stack sequences of single-
view images along channels [6] for a particular robot or use a large number of tokens (256 in [55]).
In contrast, HPT uses stems with pre-trained vision encoders to map arbitrary image sequences to a
short sequence of tokens (16). Moreover, rather than add in proprioception during transfer in related
works, HPT jointly pre-trains the vision and proprioception parts, from heterogeneous datasets.
Trunk. As the central component for pre-training, the trunk architecture follows a transformer,
parametrized by θtrunk in the latent space with dimension d. The output token sequence length L
is the same as the input token sequence length. The output token sequence is simply pooled as the
final combined feature for the observation. The trunk is shared across different embodiments and
tasks to capture the complex input-output relationships (i.e. the number of trunk parameters is fixed
independent of the number of embodiments and tasks).
Head. The policy head θhead takes the output of the trunk transformer and maps it to the action space
A in each dataset. For each embodiment and task, the policy head can be an arbitrary architecture (e.g.
MLP) that takes as input the pooled feature of the trunk and outputs a normalized action trajectory.
The policy head is reinitialized for transferring to a new embodiment.
Given a total of K datasets with heterogeneous embodiments sampled from different distributions
D1 , ..., Dk , ..., DK , we let Dk = {τ (i) }1≤i≤Mk denote a set of Mk trajectories in dataset Dk , with
(i) (i)
τ (i) = {ot , at }1≤t≤T denoting the i-th trajectory of maximum length T of observation and action
tuples. The objective is to minimize the following loss across datasets
min L(θkstem , θtrunk , θkhead ; Dk ). (1)
L is behavior cloning loss computed as the Huber loss between the normalized action labels based on
dataset statistics and the network’s action predictions. θ = k=1 {θkstem , θkhead } ∪ θtrunk denotes the
network parameters comprised of embodiment-specific stem and head θkstem , θkhead for dataset k, and a
single set of shared trunk parameters θtrunk across all embodiments. This training procedure has two
axes of data scaling: the quantity Mk for one dataset Dk and the total number of datasets K. In the
pre-training stage, only the trunk parameters are updated at every iteration, and the stems and heads
for each heterogeneous embodiment and task are updated based on the training batch sampling. See
implementation details in Appendix Section A.3.
The policy transfer process is similar to aligning the features of the new domain (through pre-trained
stem encoders) to the pre-trained embedding space of the trunk [41, 44]. Given a new dataset DK+1
from a new embodiment, the objective can be the same as pre-training or alternatives [13]. We
reinitialize the head and stem parameters with embodiment-specific input and output dimensions
(such as different proprioception and action dimensions), and freeze the weights of the trunk.
4 Experiments on Pre-training
In this section, we aim to answer the following question: Does HPT pre-training have a scaling
behavior under heterogeneous data across domains?
Default Setting. We use 27 robot teleoperation datasets, including a subset of the recently public
Open-X Embodiment dataset [14] as the training corpus. By default, we use one camera view of
the scene with the pre-trained frozen ResNet18 image encode to compute the vision features. We
use proprioception information, such as end-effector poses and joint positions, whenever they are
available and provided. We use a maximum of 1000 trajectories from each dataset and a total number
of 16k trajectories, and a held-out validation dataset with a maximum 200 trajectories per data source.
Furthermore, we use a model with a trunk size of 3.17 million parameters, which is denoted as
HPT-Small (Table 1). The training uses a batch size of 256 for 80k iterations, which is around 0.65B
tokens in the latent space that feeds into HPTs and around 5B tokens in the vision and proprioception
token spaces (horizon-dependent). While we do not align or preprocess action space or observation
space [55, 86] other than normalization, data cleanup and filtering would be very helpful.
Scaled Setting. We use 200k trajectories with 52 datasets, including simulation (e.g. [49]), deployed
robots (e.g. [38]), human videos (e.g. [15]), from distinct embodiments in the training process.
This includes many public and accessible robotic datasets. In addition to different tasks in different
institutes, these heterogeneous mixtures of datasets (Fig. 4 and Fig. 13) come with multiple views,
language inputs, and different observation inputs in different environments.
4.1 Protocol
We evaluate the HPT pre-training performance with the averaged validation loss (prediction errors
on unseen trajectories) at the last iteration of pre-training. These validation datasets are fixed
independent of the trajectory counts and models during training. Unless particularly noted, the
validation datasets come from the same 27 datasets in the Default Setting. Note that it is unrealistic
to evaluate the pre-trained models on many real-world robotic environments at scale and there are
very few evaluation alternatives to measure large-scale pre-training if we ignore this objective. In
fields such as NLP[29, 33], training loss objective (e.g. perplexity) is often used to measure the
progress of pre-training. Admittedly, there are several caveats to this metric including the closed-loop
performance gap and the task success rate gap. We will address these issues in Section 5 on HPT
transfer learning. See Appendix Section A and Section D for more details and discussions.
Data Scaling. In Figure 5 (a), we observe stable and scaling validation losses even on increasingly
heterogeneous embodiments. Moreover, we found the compute (e.g. samples seen per training run)
and the data amounts needed to scale in tandem [33] to get closer to convergence in the training
process. In the red line in Figure 5 (a), we observe better validation losses as we scale up the total
number of trajectories, by using a larger model and doubling the batch size every order of magnitude
increase in trajectory counts. Strictly increasing data while keeping others bottlenecked (HPT-S
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Data Scaling. We run scaling HPT experiments along dataset sizes and the number of datasets. Each
point is the validation loss of a full training run. (a) We evaluate the losses on 27 datasets with the number of
total trajectories ranging from a maximum of 10 trajectories per dataset (270 in total) to a maximum of 100000
trajectories per dataset (170k in total). We compare two model sizes, HPT-S/L, where HPT-L is a bigger model
trained with 4 times more tokens than HPT-S. (b) We compute the validation losses for a fixed subset of 10
datasets with a fixed number of epochs (2). We compute mean and standard deviations for 4 runs across model
sizes from HPT-S to HPT-XL and across dataset counts from 10 to 52.
Figure 6: Epoch Scaling. We run scaling HPT experiments along the number of total samples. Each point is the
validation loss of a full pre-training run. Setting: HPT-S, 27 datasets with a maximum of 1000 trajectories for
each dataset. Left) We scale up the number of batch sizes and measure the changes in validation losses. Right)
Derived from the left figure, we multiply the batches seen by the number of samples in each batch.
and fixed iterations) might cause an early plateau performance at around 1000 trajectories max per
dataset, as shown in the blue line in Figure 5. In Figure 5 (b), we also pre-train on an increasing
number of datasets with a fixed number of epochs and evaluate on the fixed subset (first 10 datasets).
We hypothesize that training with more embodiments contributes to the generalization of the trunk.
These experiments can scale to the extent of 200k trajectories and 52 datasets.
Model Scaling. In Figure 7, we fix the number of datasets (27) in RT-X and use a maximum of 1000
trajectories for each dataset. We scale along model size (from 1M to 1B) and gradually increase
the batch sizes from 256 to 2048 (doubles every order of model size increase) and use the larger
dataset with 170k trajectories. We observe that when we scale to bigger models with larger amounts
of compute (red line), the pre-training can achieve low validation losses until it is plateaued. We do
not find a significant difference between scaling depth or scaling width.
Epoch Scaling. In this experiment, we fix the number of datasets (27) and use a maximum of 1000
trajectories for each dataset. In Figure 6, we observe that increasing batch sizes (Left), which effec-
tively scales training tokens (Right), can generally improve the model performance until convergence.
Another observation we have is to use distributed workers to load from as many datasets as possible
to aggregate each batch. We hypothesize that the large variance of training on heterogeneous datasets
can be reduced by using a large batch size. See Appendix B for more experiment details.
We experiment beyond real-world robot teleop data, which is expensive to collect and scale. For the
additional datasets, we consider 7 simulation datasets across many popular simulators Drake [81],
Mujoco [89, 49], Isaac Sim [20], and PyBullet [85, 80], as well as Sapien [52] and Flex [66], with
Figure 7: Model Scaling. We run scaling HPT experi-
ments along model sizes. Each point is a full training
run. Setting: 27 datasets with a maximum of 1000 tra-
jectories for each dataset. We scale along model size
(from 1M to 1B) for both the blue and red lines. The
red line is trained with increasing data and epochs to
reach convergence. Specifically, we gradually increase
the batch sizes from 256 to 2048 (doubles every order
of model size increase) and use 170k trajectories.
image inputs and expert demonstrations. For the human datasets that lack proprioception and action
information, we use poses and 2D positions as surrogates for the supervised policy learning objectives.
We use in total 300 trajectories from EPIC kitchen [15] and PoCo [82] with a maximum trajectory
length 1000. See Appendix Figure 13 and Table 4 for more details on the dataset compositions.
In Figure 8, we use a maximum of 1000 trajectories for each dataset and compare against the baseline
of 27 datasets with evaluation on all the pre-trained datasets. We show that pre-training on additional
embodiment datasets such as simulation and human video datasets can be possible, despite the large
embodiment gaps with real robots. These datasets provide complimentary embodiment data to pure
teleop data, and they illustrate how much heterogeneity can be handled in the HPT framework.
Experiment. In Figure 10 (a), we test the model on the downstream tasks in closed-loop simulation
and observe improved task success rate using the pre-trained models ranging from HPT-B to HPT-XL,
although pre-training for the simulation experiments only happens in the real-world embodiments.
In Figure 10 (b), we run HPT on the recently released Simpler [42] Benchmark, which allows for
comparing with Octo [55], RT1-X, and RT2-X [14] on a high-fidelity simulation. We focus on three
different tasks Close Drawer, Move Near, and Pick Coke Can in the Google EDR embodiment.
For each task, we test several different initializations with a total of over 300 episodes for all tasks.
Figure 9: Simulation Evaluation Tasks. We evaluate HPT across several simulation benchmarks and show
policy rollout visualizations of the experiments. Experiment details can be found in Section 5.1 and A.4.
(a) (b)
Figure 10: Success Rates in Simulation Experiments. (a) We evaluate transfer learning performance of
models from HPT-B to HPT-XL on tasks across 4 different simulator benchmarks. (b) We compare with several
generalist models in the recent Simpler [42] benchmark with Google GDR embodiment. The pre-trained trunks
are trained from the Scaled Settings. The success rates are computed over 150 rollouts per approach.
Note that the pre-training corpus of HPT-S does not include [6], and simulation tasks have a focus on
language conditioning and do not expose proprioception inputs, which is not suitable for HPT. To
address these issues, we finetune HPT on the supervised datasets with around 50 trajectories under
the simulation protocol. We use HPT-base as the backbone for this experiment. We use the baseline
results from [42]. See Section A.4 for more implementation and experiment details.
Protocol. For the real-world experiments, we evaluate the HPTs on two different embodiments for
tasks in pet care and assembly, which are not covered in the pre-training datasets [14]. In particular,
for these two robots, we experiment with different observation spaces 1 camera v.s. 2 cameras as
well as different action spaces relative pose v.s. absolute pose. For data collection, we experiment
with both an Oculus Quest to collect relative pose control as action labels as well as kinesthetic
teaching. The episode lengths of real-world teleoperation vary from 50 steps to 150 steps with 10 Hz
control frequencies. We experiment with the tasks Sweep Leftover, Fill Water, Scoop Food
and Switch Insertion, which require 5-20 seconds of interactions with granular or small objects
with fine contacts, shown in Figure 11. We collect around 100 demos for each task and evaluate them
for 15 trials to measure the average success rate.
Experiment. We adopt a similar transfer learning method in the previous section and evaluate the
pre-trained HPT representations under real-world evaluation protocols. We train the policy with
20000 iterations with a batch size of 256 and a learning rate of 5e−6 . We defer implementation
details to Appendix Section A.5. Quantitatively in Figure 12, we observe pre-trained policies
attain a better success rate over the No-Trunk and the From-Scratch baselines. In particular, the
From-Scratch baselines in Fill-Water use the state-of-the-art diffusion policy architecture to
illustrate the flexibility of the pre-trained representations. In Figure 11, qualitatively, we observe
better generalization and robustness to varying poses and numbers of granular objects, and varying
camera configurations and lighting conditions with pre-trained HPT.
On Table 3, we perform an ablation study for the Sweep Leftover task. We also compare with R3M
[53], Voltron [34], and VC-1 [48]. We use a finetuned model with the released backbone and weights.
We note that these previous works focus on only pre-training the vision encoders of the policies
with human videos. Finally, we compared with policies that train from scratch (From Scratch)
and policies that do not use proprioception during pre-training (No Prop. Finetuned) and add
in proprioception afterwards. All of our experiments use pre-trained encoders and the trainable
parameters (stem and head) can be as few as 2% of the parameters.
Sweep Leftover Time Switch Insertion Time
6 Conclusion
There is room for improvement for many aspects including the dataset curation and pre-training
objectives. Specifically, the embodiment splits in our balanced dataset mixture are rather simple.
Moreover, careful data filtering to ensure the data quality is under-explored in this work. Also, this
work has focused on supervised learning as the pre-training objective and the data size in tokens
and training compute sizes in FLOPs only reach a moderate scale of LLM training to ensure full
convergence. Although the model architecture and training procedure are modular and independent
of embodiment setups, heterogeneous pre-training can converge slowly. For evaluation, both the
simulation and real-world evaluation tasks are restricted to short-horizon manipulation tasks with a
fixed embodiment, which might limit the benefits of using a higher-capacity model. Furthermore, the
learned policies still do not offer very high reliability on the tested tasks (typically below 90%). See
Appendix §C for some failure modes.
Given the recent surge of scaled data, robot learning is still limited by its generality because of
the heterogeneity, including different embodiments, tasks, and environments where the robots are
operated. To handle the heterogeneity common in robotics, we propose HPT, a modular architecture
and framework to embrace this heterogeneity through pre-training. We explore and scale HPT with
heterogeneous datasets to over 50 available datasets. The learned representation can be transferred
and improve performance in both simulation and the real world, and it shows correlations with
pre-training performance. The code2 is open-source for future research. We hope this perspective
will inspire future work in handling the heterogeneous nature of robotic data for robotic foundation
Acknowledgement. We would like to thank Russ Tedrake for discussions and suggestions, Liane
Xu for helping with real-world experiments, Tianhong Li for helping with cluster experiments, and
Remi Cadene for helping with the LeRobot implementation. We thank MIT Supercloud for providing
computing resources to process training data. This work is supported in part by the Amazon Greater
Boston Tech Initiative and Amazon PO No. 2D-06310236. Toyota Research Institute provided funds
to partially support this work.
https://github.com/liruiw/HPT and https://github.com/liruiw/lerobot
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A Implementation Details
Real Robot Teleoperation Dataset. In total, we use a subset of 42 datasets in the Open-X Em-
bodiment dataset [14], including the recent Droid [75] dataset. These public datasets have high
heterogeneity including distinct embodiment, environments to operate on, tasks to solve, etc.
Simulation Dataset. For the additional 7 simulation dataset, we use the simulator benchmarks across
all popular simulators Drake [81], Mujoco [89, 49], Isaac Sim [20], and PyBullet [80], as well as
Sapien [52] and Flex [66], with image inputs and expert demonstrations. These are used as additional
training data from the simulation domains.
Human Video Dataset. Since the human datasets do not contain proprioception and action informa-
tion, we use hand poses and 2D positions in the image space as surrogates for the supervised learning
objectives. In the PoCo [82] dataset, we use 3D positions of the hand and use 6-Dof poses extracted
by ICP as actions, and for EPIC-Kitchen [15], we use normalized 2D centers of the detection box as
proprioceptions and the difference to the next frame as actions. We use in total of 2000 trajectories of
video clips from EPIC kitchen with a maximum trajectory length of 500.
Deployed Robot Dataset. To further increase the heterogeneity in the pre-training dataset, we
consider FrodoBot-2k [38] dataset that involves plays of driving robots in the wild for gaming.
This dataset is composed of deployed mobile robots in the wild. We use the front camera for this
dataset. The action space of this robot is parametrized by linear and angular velocity actions and the
proprioception space includes measurements from the IMU. We use a total of 150 trajectories and
each trajectory contains more than 500 steps.
See Figure 13 for visualization of some examples of heterogeneous dataset compositions. In practice
when training on the mixture of these datasets, users can define customized sampling weights or
apply stratified sampling methods. For generality, in this work, we use a balanced weight sampling
method, commonly used in multitask learning. For these datasets, we process the visual features
separately and save them on the disks.
Stem. For vision inputs, we resize each image to the standard square size (224x224) before feeding
into a ResNet18 [25] into a 7x7 vision modality token. These tokens are specifically the features
before the final global pooling. If multiple views are available, we create individual projector MLP
for each image view and then concatenate the vision tokens. For the vision encoders. In Figure 18,
We have experimented with multiple vision encoders such as MAE ViT base [23], Dino V2[58], and
CLIP ViT Base [59]. We choose ResNet and the default image size for their simplicity and common
5 Datasets 15 Datasets 28 Datasets 28 Datasets 50 Datasets
1000 Episode Max 1000 Episode Max 1000 Episode Max 10000 Episode Max 100000 Episode Max
Figure 13: Large-scale Dataset Heterogeneity in Robotics. We show different dataset mixtures at increasing
scales (top row) across trajectory counts, dataset sample counts, and sampling weights (bottom row). We also
show illustrations of the different embodiments including real robots, simulations, and human videos. By default,
during training, we use a uniform distribution to sample from each of the embodiment datasets.
usage in policy learning. The investigation of more complex fusion and processing for vision features
is left to future works.
When language is used, we use T5 [63] to encode trajectory-level language modality tokens. Rather
than using raw data and computing the tokens each time, these tokens are processed offline and saved
as datasets before training.
For low-dimensional inputs such as proprioceptions and actions, we first flatten these vectors and then
apply normalization to each dimension, as a single token. We have also experimented with increasing
the dimensions of these modalities by adding sinusoidal position embeddings. For multiple steps
in the observation horizon, we concatenate the sequence for each modality separately. At inference
time, these tokens are forwarded once and cached to avoid multiple calculations.
We apply cross attention (with sinusoidal position encodings) and a shallow MLP projector [41, 45]
within the stem to map different various sequences of tokens into a fixed number of tokens for that
modality. The cross-attention layer has 8 heads and 64 hidden dimensions per head. We map the
modality tokens into 16 tokens, 16 tokens, and 8 tokens respectively for image, proprioception, and
Head. For the head architecture, we normalize the action spaces of each embodiment dataset to be
between -1 and 1 element-wise, based on the dataset statistics, such that the output scale of the heads
and the loss and gradients remain at similar scales. Since action trajectories and observation history
can often help with the robotic problem, we pick a fixed action horizon (length 8) and observation
horizon (length 4) for each embodiment. We then apply random masking along the time dimensions
for each batch during training to be suitable for downstream tasks with different horizons.
Dataset Trajectory Trajectory % Sample Sample %
Austin Sailor Dataset 205 0.09% 290167 1.85%
Stanford Hydra Dataset 487 0.22% 300217 1.92%
Austin Buds Dataset 42 0.02% 27894 0.18%
Austin Sirius Dataset 478 0.21% 235175 1.50%
Berkeley MVP 410 0.18% 34039 0.22%
Berkeley RPT 776 0.35% 326504 2.08%
IAMLAb CMU Pickup Insert 539 0.24% 118055 0.75%
UT Austin Mutex 1283 0.57% 295042 1.88%
Imperial College Sawyer Wrist Cam 145 0.06% 4519 0.03%
Stanford Mask VIT 7788 3.49% 155760 0.99%
Language Table 29554 13.24% 175855 1.12%
Kuka 15903 7.13% 73158 0.47%
BC-Z 4365 1.96% 559009 3.57%
Robo Net 47127 21.12% 895413 5.72%
DLR Sara Pour 171 0.08% 19462 0.12%
Stanford Robocook 2103 0.94% 73493 0.47%
CMU Play Fusion 492 0.22% 192988 1.23%
Bridge 21768 9.75% 500331 3.19%
Furniture Bench Dataset 2763 1.24% 2424703 15.48%
UCSD Pick And Place Dataset 1158 0.52% 45162 0.29%
USC Cloth Sim 684 0.31% 60876 0.39%
Stanford Kuka Multimodal Dataset 2565 1.15% 100021 0.64%
Roboturk 1535 0.69% 127523 0.81%
KAIST Nonprehensile 171 0.08% 25478 0.16%
ASU Table Top 94 0.04% 22029 0.14%
UTokyo Xarm Pick And Place 78 0.03% 4860 0.03%
Berkeley Cable Routing 1266 0.57% 19328 0.12%
Droid 29437 13.19% 2800000 17.88%
UIUC D3Field 164 0.07% 9803 0.06%
Robo Set 15603 6.99% 1042887 6.66%
QUT Dexterous Manipulation 171 0.08% 150698 0.96%
NYU Door Opening Surprising Effectiveness 372 0.17% 11418 0.07%
NYU Franka Play Dataset 311 0.14% 25536 0.16%
Mimic Play 323 0.14% 303738 1.94%
ManiSkill Dataset 21346 9.57% 2969893 18.96%
Columbia CairLab Pusht Real 103 0.05% 20375 0.13%
Conq Hose Manipulation 96 0.04% 4078 0.03%
DLR EDAN Shared Control 88 0.04% 6698 0.04%
Berkeley GNM SAC Son 2526 1.13% 183078 1.17%
Berkeley Autolab UR5 766 0.34% 66425 0.42%
Aloha Mobile 236 0.11% 401754 2.57%
Agent Aware Affordances 101 0.05% 127403 0.81%
Epic Kitchen 58 0.03% 173012 1.10%
PoCo Hammer 220 0.10% 12517 0.08%
PoCo Spatula 142 0.06% 7517 0.05%
Drake Tooluse 925 0.41% 16650 0.11%
PyBullet Grasping Image 1788 0.80% 51852 0.33%
MuJoCo MetaWorld 741 0.33% 34725 0.22%
MuJoCo RoboMimic 180 0.08% 6735 0.04%
Isaac Arnold Image 3214 1.44% 16070 0.10%
PyBullet TriFinger 147 0.07% 89383 0.57%
MuJoCo Adroit 90 0.04% 8010 0.05%
FrodoBot 60 0.03% 12891 0.08%
Table 4: Detailed Dataset Mixture. We include the detailed number of trajectories and the number of dataset
samples in the training mixture. These include 41 dataset from Open-X [14], 7 datasets from simulation, 3
datasets from human video, and 1 from in-the-wild deployed dataset.
We support various types of policy heads in the network architectures such as standard MLP, trans-
former decoder, and diffusion policy. For the MLP head, we pooled the trunk feature (e.g. averaging)
and then applied a 3-layer MLP. For the transformer decoder, we concatenate learnable tokens to the
tokens before feeding into the trunk and use 1D convolution layer on these output tokens to regress
actions. For diffusion policy in real world experiments, we use a diffusion head and train with DDPM
[27]. Finally, the actions are unnormalized based on dataset statistics and Huber losses are applied
for regression. The reason behind Huber loss is to balance between the “difficult frame” in robot
trajectories and the easy but lengthy part of the trajectories.
As discussed, HPT is a meta-level architecture where the stem, trunk, and head code are modular
and each supports various architectural changes with pre-trained weights. The inference time, which
includes all the pre-processing and encoder time, on the local computer with an old NVIDIA RTX
3070 GPU is 39Hz for HPT-base and 33Hz for HPT-xlarge. A modern GPU such as A100 will likely
improve the speed by 3-4 times.
We train HPT with AdamW [46] optimizer with a weight decay ratio 0.05, and a base learning rate
of 0.0002 with a cosine learning rate schedule with warmups and dropouts. We apply proportional
scaling of the base learning rate depending on the batch size. To support various horizons during
Figure 14: Flexible Head Architectures in HPT. We highlight that our HPT architecture is a meta-level
architecture for policy learning, and it can work with various head architectures. The important takeaway is the
scalable transformer architecture in the middle of the policy to absorb the diverse data and provide tokens for
these policy heads to regress on the action outputs.
transfer learning, we apply random masking along the time dimensions for each batch during training.
Since action trajectories can have imbalanced losses along prediction horizons, we use Huber loss
with δ = 0.1 (empirically found). We found the pre-training stage to be stable across various
hyperparameters in learning rate schedules and optimizers, and the choice of the validation dataset.
The code is open-sourced and the pre-released model can be downloaded easily from Huggingface.
In practice, since training losses can vary across different datasets and our goal is to perform well
on all embodiments and tasks, we apply a weighted sampling procedure for data loading. For every
training iteration, we sample a dataset with inverse probabilities based on an exponential of its dataset
size as a temperature. Specifically, we compute the squared root of each dataset size and sum these
sizes to compute a normalization constant. For each batch item, we then sample from these dataset
with the corresponding probability. This prevents large datasets from dominating a full training epoch,
which is a common practice in multitask learning.
Note that the stem and head for each embodiment are updated in different frequencies than the
trunk, similar to a mixture-of-expert [71] training procedure. Especially under distributed training
settings, each stem and head is trained with data from a particular embodiment and tasks, and the
trunk will accumulate gradients from all batches from training workers. The compute resources for
these pre-training experiments range from 8 V-100s to 128 V-100s and the training time spans from
half a day to 1 month. The total dataset disk size is around 10Tb and the RAM memory requirement
is below 50Gb. See Table 5 for summary details of the experiment.
For simulation benchmarks, we use the released datasets as the expert demonstrations [89, 81, 13].
In summary, Metaworld [89] uses wrist camera view, and Robomimic [49] as well as Simpler [42]
uses third-person view, with their own proprioception definitions by the dataset. Fleet-Tools [81]
uses both views as inputs and uses the end effector poses as the proprioception inputs. We encode
the image using pre-trained frozen ResNet features and normalize the proprioception inputs before
passing them into the stem. We train single-task policies for all these simulation benchmarks except
for Metaworld.
For the Simpler [42] benchmark, we focus on the Close-Drawer, Move Near, and Pick Coke Can
task and Google EDR embodiment with a visual matching setting. We test 9 different initializations
with a total of 218 episodes. Note that the simulation tasks have a focus on language conditioning
and do not expose proprioception inputs, which is not the most suitable testbed for HPT. To address
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 15: Additional Architectural Ablation. (a) We found that architecture changes on HPT-Base such
as adding previous actions as inputs, multiview as inputs, and language input can help with HPT pre-training
performance. (b,c) We ablate other policy head architectures such as discrete classification heads as well as
action token heads by scaling along the number of trajectories. The experiment is conducted under the default
setting with HPT-Base, fixed 27 datasets with 1000 max trajectories in each dataset.
these issues, we finetune HPT on the RTX supervised datasets with 79 trajectories as other simulation
benchmarks. We use HPT-base as the backbone for this experiment.
By default, we train with 20000 iterations with batch size 512 and small learning rate 1e−5 . The
image and state stem are one-layer MLP with hidden dimension 128 and the head is two-layer MLP.
We only use an observation window of length 1 and MLP as the policy head. Each training dataset
uses from 10-100 trajectories per task and each test covers 50 episodes with different initial conditions.
Each trajectory in the simulation has a slight difference in scene initialization. To reduce the variance,
we conduct independent training runs 5 times, and the average for each baseline. In Figure 9, we
show illustrations of some simulation tasks we evaluated.
Task Definition. We experiment with robotic tool-use tasks Sweep Leftover, Fill Water,
Scoop Food and Switch Insertion across two different robot setups. While for both setups, we
use Franka Panda as the robot, we note that the sensor locations as well as the action spaces are
drastically different. We collect approximately 100 demos for each task and evaluate each task for 15
trials to measure the average success rate.
During evaluation, a human supervises the robot at all times. An evaluation episode can be termi-
nated due to safety concerns, robot faults, timeout, etc. An episode is considered successful if it
accomplishes the task. In the Fill Water task, the success score of 1 means some water is poured
into the bowl. In the Sweep Leftover tasks, a success score of 1 means all the piles are pushed
into the plate, and a success score of 0.5 means some piles are pushed into the plate. In the Scoop
Food task, a success score of 1 means some dog food is scooped and all is poured into the bowl and a
score of 0.5 means some food is scooped. In the Switch Insertion task [90], a success score of
1 means the switch is precisely inserted into the three pins on the PCB board. The robot moves to
a pre-defined pose before it attempts the insertion. We pick these challenging tasks as they require
contact-rich interactions with tools and granular objects, and they require high-precision as well as
dense contacts. We make sure the initial conditions of the robots are the same. Due to the complexity
of these tasks and human errors, the initial conditions of the object setups are not exactly the same.
Transfer Learning. For the policy head in the real-world experiments, we have experimented with
both MLPs and diffusion policies [13]. Fine-tuning only has active parameters of no more than 3Mb,
compared to much bigger models (e.g. 100M) often used for a single task in other works. We use an
observation history window of 2 with a small learning rate 2e−5 . We train with batch size 256 on a
single NVIDIA RTX 2080Ti GPU for 20000 iterations (around 4 hours of wall time).
B Additional Experiments
In this section, we present some additional experiments and ablation studies.
Based on the training curves of the four baselines in Figure 16 (a), we observe that leveraging
a pre-trained HPT representation can often achieve a lower validation loss curve (lower) during
Fleet-Tools Robomimic MetaWorld
Figure 16: Transfer Learning Objective. We run transfer learning across several simulator benchmarks
[81, 49, 89]. We compare the validation loss curves of several baselines with and without pre-trained HPT trunks.
The pre-trained trunks are trained from the Default Settings.
Figure 17: Simulation Task Performance compared with Single-Task Policy in LeRobot Implementation.
We do evaluation in a different implementation in unseen simulation benchmarks. Left) we show that an
improvement in performance can be achieved with pre-trained HPT trunks and outperforms single-task state-of-
the-art architectures. We note that HPT trunks have not been pre-trained with diffusion heads and transformer
decoder heads. Middle) we show the sample efficiency ablation study for HPT-Base. Right) We show model size
ablation study in loss curves.
In Figure 10 (a), we run HPT on the Simpler [42] Benchmark, which allows for comparing with
Octo [55], RT1-X, and RT2-X [14] on a high-fidelity simulation. We focus on three different tasks
Close Drawer, Move Near, and Pick Coke Can in the Google EDR embodiment. For each task,
we test several different initializations with a total of over 300 episodes for all tasks. Note that the
pre-training corpus of HPT-S does not include [6], and simulation tasks have a focus on language
conditioning and do not expose proprioception inputs, which is not suitable for HPT. To address these
issues, we generate training data using the RT-1[6] as the expert, and finetune HPT on the RT-1X
supervised datasets with around 50 trajectories and the simulation protocol. We use HPT-base with
language tokenizers as the backbone for this experiment. We use the results from the paper [42].
Additionally, under the LeRobot [8] implementation, we compare HPT with state-of-the-art single-
task policy architecture such as Diffusion Policy [13] and ACT [91]. In particular, we inherit a simple
version of these complex policies as the head architectures (Figure 14). We run full training runs with
50 evaluation trials every 20000 training steps, and use the maximum task success rates during the
100000 training steps for comparisons. In Figure 17, we compare HPT with DP on the PushT task
with keypoint representations using the diffusion head and achieve similar success rates at 78%. We
also compare with ACT on the Aloha Transfer Box task with the image representations using the
transformer decoder head and achieve similar success rates at 60%. This showcases the flexibility
of HPT architecture to work with state-of-the-art policy architectures for high-frequency control in
fine-grained tasks. Moreover, in the experiment with 50 episodes in total and HPT-base, we observe
an improvement in sample efficiency with pre-trained models. We also see improvement in transfer
learning loss with pre-trained models at increasing scales.
In Figure 10 (b), we ablate on the number of visual and proprioceptive tokens in the simulation
transfer learning experiments. We observe that missing either information hurts the performance of
the downstream policies. See Section A.4 for more implementation and experiment details.
In this experiment, we fix the number of datasets (27) in Open-X datasets and use a maximum
of 1000 trajectories for each dataset. We consider several ablations on the stem part of the HPTs.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 18: Ablation Study on HPT Stem. We ablate the pre-training performance for (a) proprioception,
(b) vision stems, and (c) vision encoders. Setting: HPT-S, batch 256, iterations 80000, 27 datasets with a
maximum of 1000 trajectories for each dataset.
Figure 19: (a) Initial Condition Overlay. We visualize different rollout initial conditions during test times.
(b) Failure Cases of the Learned Policy in the Real World. The robot sometimes has issues executing very
precise manipulation.
Specifically, in Figure 18 (a, b), we observe an increase in validation losses when not using either
the proprioception information or the vision. Intuitively, not using such proprioception or vision
information would make learning action predictions from heterogeneous datasets very challenging.
This also implies that both information are critical for policy pre-training at scale.
We also conduct an ablation experiment over vision backbones on a smaller subset of the training
datasets among several popular vision encoders such as ViT-base [23] and DiNO [58] (Figure
18). Further ablating on input image resolution or joint finetuning of the vision backbone on the
downstream task success rates will be interesting future work. Although the default implementation
focuses on single-view visual information, the stem can naturally extend to multiple views and other
modalities such as languages and action history.
In Figure 15, we conduct several ablations to pre-train the HPTs, such as using multiple views to
provide 3D information implicitly, using languages for task guidance, and using previous action
trajectories as additional ablations. We found these ablations to improve over the default HPT setting
with a single view and vision and proprioceptive inputs. These ablations are more pronounced in
certain datasets such as multiple views for insertion [67], and language modality for Language Table
[47]. Using previous action trajectories is helpful in providing additional context and embodiment
information as well. We believe that integrating multiple modalities and investigating how to handle
missing modalities is an exciting future direction. We leave the exploration of these ablations to
future work.
From the architecture perspective, we also ablate over the token sizes and observation history
and do not find a big effect on the averaged validation loss. We hypothesize there is a trade-off
between the information given to the policy and the desired generalization. In Figure 15(b,c), we
have also experimented with a discretized version [6] of the policy head and architecture that uses
additionally learned position encodings as action tokens for transformer, with conv1D head for action
regression. We opt for regression on continuous values for its generality. An initial investigation of
the attention map of the transformer blocks shows that there is a dense attention weight attributed to
the proprioception and vision tokens.
C Failure Cases
In Figure 19, we show some failure cases of the learned HPT policies in the real world. One of the
common issues is overshooting or undershooting. For example, the policies tend to pour the water
before it reaches the mug or pour the dog food a bit in front of the bowl. These issues could be
due to the spatial precision of the policies and due to the data qualities failing to uncover the causal
relationships. More targeted data recollection and better finetuning of the vision encoders might help
address these issues.