Part Two
Recap from Last Time
Binary Search Trees
A binary search tree (or
BST) is a data structure often
used to implement maps and
sets. 6
The tree consists of a number
of nodes, each of which -1
3 4
stores a value and has zero,
one, or two children.
Key structural property: All -2 1 0
4 3
values in a node’s left subtree
are smaller than the node’s
value, and all values in a 5
6 6
node’s right subtree are
greater than the node’s
A Binary Search Tree Is Either…
an empty tree,
represented by
nullptr, or…
<x >x
Tree Terminology
The height of a tree is the number of nodes
in the longest path from the root to a leaf.
By convention, an empty tree has height -1.
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Tree Terminology
The height of a tree is the number of nodes
in the longest path from the root to a leaf.
By convention, an empty tree has height -1.
Efficiency Questions
In a balanced BST, the cost of doing an
insertion or lookup is O(log n).
Although we didn’t cover this, the cost of
a deletion is also O(log n) (play around
with this in section!)
The runtimes of these operations depend
on the height of the BST, which we’re
going to assume is O(log n) going
New Stuff!
Walking Trees
Printing a Tree
BSTs store their elements in sorted order.
By visiting the nodes of a BST in the right order, we’ll
get back the nodes in sorted order!
(This is also why iterating over a Map or Set gives you
the keys/elements in sorted order!)
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A Binary Search Tree Is Either…
an empty tree,
represented by
nullptr, or…
<x >x
Inorder Traversals
The particular recursive pattern we just
saw is called an inorder traversal of a
binary tree.
Recursively visit all the nodes in the left
Visit the node itself.
Recursively visit all the nodes in the right
Getting Rid of Trees
Freeing a Tree
Once we're done with a tree, we need to free
all of its nodes.
As with a linked list, we have to be careful not
to use any nodes after freeing them.
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A Binary Search Tree Is Either…
an empty tree,
represented by
nullptr, or…
<x >x
Postorder Traversals
The particular recursive pattern we just
saw is called a postorder traversal of a
binary tree.
Recursively visit all the nodes in the left
Recursively visit all the nodes in the right
Visit the node itself.
Time-Out for Announcements!
Assignment 5
Assignment 5 is due this Friday at the
start of class.
Recommendation: Aim to complete the
first three implementations by the end of
tonight. Finish the binary heap by
Questions? Ask your SL, stop by the
LaIR, visit office hours, or ask on Piazza!
Back to CS106B!
Has this ever happened to you?
What’s Going On?
Internally, the Map and Set types are
implemented using binary search trees.
BSTs assume there’s a way to compare
elements against one another using the
relational operators.
But you can’t compare two structs using
the less-than operator!
“There’s got to be a better way!”
Defining Comparisons
Most programming languages provide
some mechanism to let you define how to
compare two objects.
C has comparison functions, Java has the
Comparator interface, Python has __cmp__,
In C++, we can use a technique called
operator overloading to tell it how to
compare objects using the < operator.
bool operator< (const Doctor& lhs, const Doctor& rhs) {
/* … */
Doctor zhivago = /* … */
Doctor acula = /* … */
if (zhivago < acula) {
/* … */
bool operator< (const Doctor& lhs, const Doctor& rhs) {
/* … */
Doctor zhivago = /* … */
Doctor acula = /* … */
if (zhivago < acula) {
/* … */
This function
function isis
named “operator<”
Doctor zhivago = /* … */
Doctor acula = /* … */
if (zhivago < acula) {
/* … */
bool operator< (const Doctor& lhs, const Doctor& rhs) {
/* … */
Doctor zhivago = /* … */
Doctor acula = /* … */
if (zhivago < acula) { C++
C++ treats
treats this
this as
/* … */
} operator<
operator< (zhivago,
(zhivago, acula)
Overloading Less-Than
To store custom types in Maps or Sets in C++, overload the
less-than operator by defining a function like this one:
bool operator< (const Type& lhs, const Type& rhs);
This function must obey four rules:
It is consistent: writing x < y always returns the same result
given x and y.
It is irreflexive: x < x is always false.
It is transitive: If x < y and y < z, then x < z.
It has transitivity of incomparability: If neither x < y nor y <
x are true, then x and y behave indistinguishably.
(These rules mean that < is a strict weak order; take
CS103 for details!)
Overloading Less-Than
A standard technique for implementing the less-than
operator is to use a lexicographical comparison, which
looks like this:
bool operator< (const Type& lhs, const Type& rhs) {
if (lhs.field1 != rhs.field1) {
return lhs.field1 < rhs.field1;
} else if (lhs.field2 != rhs.field2) {
return lhs.field2 < rhs.field2;
} else if (lhs.field3 != rhs.field3) {
return lhs.field3 < rhs.field3;
} … {
} else {
return lhs.fieldN < rhs.fieldN;
One Last Cool Trick, If We Have Time
Filtering Trees
Range Searches
We can use BSTs to do range searches,
in which we find all values in the BST
within some range.
For example:
If the values in the BST are dates, we can
find all events that occurred within some
time window.
If the values in the BST are number of
diagnostic scans ordered, we can find all
doctors who order a disproportionate
number of scans.
A Binary Search Tree Is Either…
an empty tree,
represented by
nullptr, or…
<x >x
A Binary Search Tree Is Either…
an empty tree,
represented by
nullptr, or…
<x >x
A Binary Search Tree Is Either…
an empty tree,
represented by
nullptr, or…
<x >x
A Binary Search Tree Is Either…
an empty tree,
represented by
nullptr, or…
<x >x
Range Searches
The cost of a range search in a balanced BST is
O(log n + z),
where z is the number of matches reported.
In a general BST, it’s O(h + z).
Curious about where that analysis comes from?
Come talk to me after class!
To Summarize:
A Binary Search Tree Is Either…
an empty tree,
represented by
nullptr, or…
<x >x
struct Node {
int value;
Node* left; // Smaller values
Node* right; // Bigger values
bool contains(Node* root, const string& key) {
if (root == nullptr) return false;
else if (key == root->value) return true;
else if (key < root->value) return contains(root->left, key);
else return contains(root->right, key);
void insert(Node*& root, const string& key) {
if (root == nullptr) {
root = new Node;
node->value = key;
node->left = node->right = nullptr;
} else if (key < root->value) {
insert(root→left, key);
} else if (key > root->value) {
insert(root->right, key);
} else {
// Already here!
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void printTree(Node* root) {
if (root == nullptr) return;
cout << root->value << endl;
void freeTree(Node* root) {
if (root == nullptr) return;
delete root;
bool operator< (const Type& lhs, const Type& rhs) {
if (lhs.field1 != rhs.field1) {
return lhs.field1 < rhs.field1;
} else if (lhs.field2 != rhs.field2) {
return lhs.field2 < rhs.field2;
} else if (lhs.field3 != rhs.field3) {
return lhs.field3 < rhs.field3;
} … {
} else {
return lhs.fieldN < rhs.fieldN;
Next Time
Beyond Data Structures
Why are these ideas useful outside of the
realm of sets and maps?
Huffman Encoding
A powerful data compression algorithm.