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Street workout

training includes the isometric holds like: planche, front

lever, back lever, etc. Also, strength training includes sin-
gle arm pull ups, hefestos, muscle-ups and many others.
Dynamics includes movements like 360’s and its varia-
tions, switchblades, and an incredible variety of tricks de-
veloped by the athletes which are connected with other
moves in order to create routines or sets.
Some of the main benefits of street workout activities are:

• It is completely free;[2][5]

• It can be performed anywhere outdoor or indoor;[2]

• No training or gym equipment is required;[6]

• It promotes a healthy living and a desirable physique

can be attained with it;[7]

• It is a social event.[2]

Street workout for Spartans Tarraco in Calafell, Spain.

Street workout is a physical activity performed mostly
in outdoor parks or public facilities. It originated in An-
cient Greece, but became a popular movement in Rus-
sia, Eastern Europe,[1] and the United States, especially
in New York City's urban neighborhoods.[2] It has now
1 Basics of street workout
spread all over the world. It is a combination of athletics,
calisthenics, and sports.[3] Street workout is a modern A typical street workout routine consists of:
name for bodyweight workouts in outdoor parks. Street
workout teams and organized competitions exist. • Athletics exercising - a system of exercises with var-
A typical street workout routine often consists of physical ious levels of exertion provided for health strength-
exercises such as pull-ups, chin-ups, push-ups, dips, ening, development of strength and stamina, as well
muscle-ups, sit-ups and squats. Street workout also in- as, for shaping an athletic constitution. Athletics ex-
volves some static (isometric) holds such as the human ercising is used to increase strength level, develop
flag, front lever, back lever and planche. [4] physical shape and for rehabilitation.

Street workout can be divided in two branches, one be- • Isometric exercises - a type of strength training
ing strength training and the other dynamics. Strength whereby you hold a static position.


• Calisthenics (Kalestenos) – is a complex of many 3rd place: Deividas Smylias (Lithuania)

simple exercises which are performed using purely 2012
body weight. The aim of these exercises is to train
muscularity strength and to evolve comprehensive In 2012 the World Championship took place in Riga,
fitness. Latvia, August 4, 2012.[11]
1st place - Yevgeny Kocherha (Ukraine)
• Urban Calisthenics - a form of body weight exercise
performed with no or little apparatus. Individuals 2nd place - Yevgeny Kozyr (Ukraine)
and/or groups train and exercise in urban areas and 3rd place - Nikolay Labanov (Russia)
spaces. Advanced Urban Calisthenics skills include
Muscle Up’s, Typewriter pull ups and both Front 2013
and Back Levers. The third World Champion ship was held in Riga, Latvia,
August 3, 2013.[12]
Street workouts are usually performed outdoor or in 1st place: Andzej Zilo (Lithuania)
specifically designed street workout parks. A typical
street workout park looks like a play ground with a soft 2nd place: Vadym Oleynik (Ukraine)
underground and consists of several bars, poles and other 3rd place: Akos Szarka (Hungary)
objects used for body weight exercises.[9]
The fourth World Championship took place in Moscow,
2 Teams Russia, July 26, 2014.[13]
1st place: Eryc Ortiz

4 World champions
2014: Eryc Ortiz
2015: Daniel Laizans
Street workout in Slovenia

In street workout, people often create teams. 5 World Street Workout and Calis-
thenics Federation
3 World championships The World Street Workout and Calisthenics Federa-
tion (WSWCF) is a non-governmental and non-profit or-
2011 ganisation operating worldwide. It was founded April
The first World Championship took place in Riga, Latvia, 8, 2011. WSWCF’s main office is located in Riga,
August 27–28, 2011.[10] Latvia.[14] The current president of the WSWCF is Maris
Winners of Street Workout World Championship 2011
Freestyle category: The objectives of the WSWCF are[14] :
1st place: Evgeny Kozyr (Ukraine) 1. worldwide development of street workout sport as a
social movement and as a professional sport;
2nd place: Andrey Tamans (Latvia)
2. ensuring that street workout is officially recognized
3rd place: Dosel Komana Gombe (Spain) worldwide as a type of sport;
Winners of Street Workout World Championship 2011 3. worldwide attraction of new members to the street
Power category: workout;
1st place: Artjom Shipilo (Latvia) 4. creation of new street workout training places world-
2nd place: Janis Losevs (Latvia) wide.

5. worldwide promotion of street workout sport, in- [13] “World Championship 2014”. wswcf.org. Retrieved
cluding distribution of information about street work- 2016-01-04.
out on international level, organization of international
[14] “About WSWCF | WSWCF”. wswcf.org. Retrieved
educational and qualification-raising events, cooperation 2016-01-04.
with national and international governmental and non-
governmental entities and organizations; [15] “Managing Board WSWCF”. wswcf.org. Retrieved 2016-
6. aligning and coordinating the activity of national and
regional street workout unions and organizations;
7. organization of international street workout con- 7 External links
tests, including regional and world street workout cham-
pionships, development and approval of rules of such
• World Street Workout & Calisthenics Federation
8. development and implementation of internationally
recognized procedures for obtaining and maintaining of • Article about Street Workout activism, with an in-
qualification of street workout instructors, including pro- terview from Maris Slezins, the current president of
cedures for training and certification of instructors; WSWCF
9. by means of its activity to facilitate the improvement of • Urban Calisthenics www.urbancalisthenics.com
the society members’ overall health condition and quality
of life, to facilitate the social integration among different • Bar Brothers Movement
society layers and hence to contribute to development of
a better civic society in national and international level.

6 References
[1] “Why is street workout so popular in East Europe? -
Quora”. www.quora.com. Retrieved 2016-01-15.

[2] “On Street Workout”. PCC Blog. Retrieved 2016-01-15.

[3] “CALISTHENICS - Street Workout Academy”. Street

Workout Academy. Retrieved 2016-01-15.

[4] “Isometric exercises - Street Workouts”. Street Workouts.

Retrieved 2016-01-15.

[5] “Which is better – street workout or gym?". Madbarz.

Retrieved 2016-01-15.

[6] “Fitness goes gymless with street workout | The Manila

Times Online”. www.manilatimes.net. Retrieved 2016-

[7] “The Effect of Calisthenics Exercises at Various In-

tensity on Girl Students’ Figure and Cardiorespiratory
Functions-- Journal of Guangzhou Physical Education
Institute 2003 06 ". en.cnki.com.cn. Retrieved 2016-

[8] “Street Workout Programs”. Street Workouts. Retrieved


[9] “IMG Arcade - Street Workout Parks”. IMG Arcade. Re-

trieved 2015-01-15.

[10] “World Championship 2011”. wswcf.org. Retrieved


[11] “World Championship 2012”. wswcf.org. Retrieved


[12] “World Championship 2013”. wswcf.org. Retrieved


8 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

8.1 Text
• Street workout Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Street_workout?oldid=717814549 Contributors: Alexf, Velella, Woohookitty, Russ-
Bot, Grafen, BlackJack, Yamaguchi , Gilliam, Deli nk, Derek R Bullamore, Gildir, Magioladitis, KylieTastic, Oshwah, Perohanych,
JSpung, XLinkBot, Addbot, Xqbot, Mila.kuchta, Armandlv, Banhtrung1, Mean as custard, Jeremski, Dewritech, TageMA, ClueBot NG,
BG19bot, Ninney, BattyBot, Krochoman, Spetsnaz1991, Mogism, XXN, The Anonymouse, Microarquitectura, Simongrizon, Sam Sailor,
TheWanderer1357, Editor33452, Raimushkins, MrMelviano, Streetworkout slovenija, Acemach, Ruvocn, Trainlikegods, Antonioarpon,
Jasharpay, Silverbacks marius, JCC WP, Nourede, GrohsFabian, PJames888, Matanris22 and Anonymous: 61

8.2 Images
• File:Ambox_important.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Ambox_important.svg License: Public do-
main Contributors: Own work, based off of Image:Ambox scales.svg Original artist: Dsmurat (talk · contribs)
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• File:Question_book-new.svg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/99/Question_book-new.svg License: Cc-by-sa-3.0
Created from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. Based on Image:Question book.png created by User:Equazcion Original artist:
• File:Street_Workout_Microarquitectura_Spartans_Tarraco_Calafell_2.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/
commons/b/bc/Street_Workout_Microarquitectura_Spartans_Tarraco_Calafell_2.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work
Original artist: Microarquitectura
• File:Street_workout_Slovenija_3.JPG Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/82/Street_workout_Slovenija_3.
JPG License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Simongrizon
• File:Харднесс_3.jpg Source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/%D0%A5%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B4%D0%
BD%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%81_3.jpg License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Racoon2012

8.3 Content license

• Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0

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