1) Write the Methods section. What did you do in the lab, include all chemicals, lab
instrumentation (a burette is an instrument!) and describe the procedure. ABSOLUTELY
NO EXPLANANTIONS why you did specific steps or use specific instrumentation. Be as
explicit as possible and do not justify or explain any procedure. Include which data
analysis you performed and which error analysis (if applicable).
a. It is often good to start this section with a paragraph mentioning all chemicals
and consumables used.
b. Then describe the experimental procedures in as much detail so that another
chemist can reproduce your experiment.
c. If instruments are used, name the model of the instrument and supplier.
d. Mention details on the standard solutions and how they were prepared.
Describe the preparation of calibration solutions (if prepared).
5) Insert Reference Numbers in consecutive order in the text and list the citation at the
end of the document in consecutive order. Follow ACS style for the references. You can
use a reference editor for this purpose (Refworks, Endnote, Mendeley, etc. )
6) The very last section is the Abstract. Once all is written and in order, write the abstract.
It will give a short motivation of the work and a very short summary of the outcome
(results). The abstract is one paragraph long.
7) Organize your work: If you find that the flow in the introduction or results and
discussion section is not good, change the order and/or improve the transition between
paragraphs. You may include headings for specific sections to organize your work. Put
yourself into the position of an editor and criticize your writing. Can you understand
what you wrote, and does it make sense?
8) Check your work for Grammar. Use your text editor for grammar check or an online
source. The report needs to be written in third person.