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Congenital Lateral Neck Swelling

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Congenital Lateral neck

swellings and their

embryological basis
Learning Objectives
By the end of session the student
will be able to discuss the
embryological basis of congenital
neck swellings.
 Acquired (lymph node
enlargement etc)
 Congenital( cyst, sinus,


Patient with lateral neck

Congenital Lateral Neck Swelling
(Along the Anterior Border of SCM)
Congenital lateral neck swelling
(Along the Anterior border of SCM)

Age: Usually appear at late childhood and early

Progressively enlarging swelling

Painless, fluctuant

Does not move on deglutition.

No associated fever, weight loss, skin changes

Swelling may present with a discharge.

Clinical presentation
Swelling …………….Cyst,

Discharge from swelling…………..Sinus

The tract of the discharging swelling can be

found opening inside…………. Fistula

All three presentations can be Unilateral or
Embryonic basis of
congenital neck swellings
The basic tissues of development within the
head and neck (ectoderm, endoderm,
mesoderm, neuroepithelium) become
organized into the pharyngeal apparatus,
also known as the branchial apparatus,
which is the forerunner of the head and neck
Pharyngeal/Branchial Arches

Branchial” derives
from the Latin
meaning gills..
Human embryo
resembles fish at
this stage.
During the fourth week
of embryonic
development, a series of
5 bar-like ridges appear
on the ventrolateral
surface of the head and
neck region.
 The branchial arches in
humans are numbered 1
through 6.
 Branchial arch 5 involutes
during development and does
not contribute to the
formation of adult structures.
 1 and 2 are referred to as the
mandibular and hyoid arches,
Pharyngeal Arch
The development of the
branchial arches relies on
contributions from
endoderm, mesoderm,
ectoderm, and neural crest
cells (NCC), which
facilitate the development
of individual structures.

Pharyngeal Apparatus
Embryologic precursors of the
ear and the muscles, blood vessels,
bones, cartilage, and mucosal lining
of the face, neck, and pharynx.

Pharyngeal Apparatus
 First branchial arch:

 Cleft: external auditory canal

 Arch: mandible, incus, malleus, muscles of

mastication, cranial nerves (CN V2 and V3

 Pouch: Eustachian tube, Mastoid air cells

 Nerve: Maxillary nerve and Mandibular

branches of the trigeminal nerve (CN V2 &

 Second branchial arch:

 Cleft: cervical sinus

 Arch: stapes, the body of the hyoid,

lesser horn of hyoid, muscles of facial

expression, and CNVII
 Pouch: palatine tonsil

 Nerve: facial nerve (CN VII)

Third Branchial Arch:
Cleft: cervical sinus

Arch: the body of the hyoid, greater horn

of hyoid, superior constrictor muscles,

internal carotid arteries, CNIX
Pouch: thymus, piriform recess, inferior

parathyroid glands
Nerve: Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
Fourth branchial arch:

Cleft: cervical sinus

Arch: thyroid/cuneiform cartilages, CN X,

aortic arch, right subclavian artery, various

laryngeal muscles
Pouch: apex of piriform sinus, superior

parathyroid glands
Nerve: vagus nerve (CN X), superior

laryngeal nerve
Fifth and Sixth branchial arches:

Cleft: None
Arch: Inferior pharyngeal constrictors,

CN XI, various laryngeal muscles

Pouch: parafollicular C cells of the

Nerve: vagus nerve (CN X), recurrent

laryngeal nerve
Ist groove forms the adult derivate. Rest
of the grooves are obliterated to form the
smooth contour of the neck
Cervical sinus
The second arch grows
faster, so it overhangs
the 3rd and 4th arch.
It fuses to the skin
caudal to these arches,
the cervical sinus is
formed. Eventually, the
edges of cervical sinus
fuse and the ectoderm
within the tube
Congenital Neck Swelling on lateral

Persistence of branchial
cleft or pouch results in a
cervical anomaly located
along the anterior border
of the sternocleidomastoid
muscle from the tragus of
the ear to the clavicle
 The range of anomalies can
 cyst: No internal or external

 fistula: Communicates both

internally and externally

 sinus: Incomplete tract
Congenital neck swellings lie
along SCM.
Remnant of each cleft has its
peculiar location
corresponding to its
embryonic location
Position of Fistulas of the corresponding
SITE: pre auricular,
angle of mandible,
above hyoid

First branchial arch anomalies

5% of branchial anomalies
Type I (recurrent
Pre-auricular mass or
Ectoderm only
Sinus tract Lateral to
CNVII, Parallels
EAC ,Ends in EAC or
middle ear
Type II
More common than
Type I
Ectoderm and
Mesodermal elements
Presents at the angle of
mandible or
submandibular region
Lateral or medial to CN
VII - Ends in concha or
junction of EAC.
2 branchial arch anomaly

Most common branchial

cyst anomaly (90%)
Typically present as a
rounded swelling just
below the angle of
mandible anterior to
the sternocleidomastoid
Second branchial arch fistula

Unilateral Fistulae
most common on the right
Bilateral anomalies associated
Branchio-oto-renal syndrome
Open into tonsillar sinus or palatopharyngeal arch.
Second pharyngeal arch
There is profuse discharge
Tract of 2nd cleft sinus or
Anterior neck - Along carotid
sheath Between external and
internal carotid arteries –
superficial to CN IX and XII

Penetrates the middle
pharyngeal constrictor and
opens into tonsillar fossa
A complete fistula is a tract that
has an internal opening and an
external OPENING.
Communication between
the persistent parts of 2nd
pharyngeal groove&pouch

2nd Branchial fistula opens

internally into tonsillar sinus
and externally in the side of
neck in front of SCM
tissue,platysma, carotid
sheath & finally b/w interna
l& ext carotid a
sinus of the second
branchial arch
 Internal sinus opens
into tonsillar fossa. It
results from persistence
of proximal part of
second pharyngeal
 External is due to

persistence of cervical
sinus opening on the
3rd branchial cleft
 2-8% of Branchial Cleft malformation DUE
and 4th cleft.
Most third branchial cleft cysts tend to lie in
the posterior cervical space, posterior to
the sternocleidomastoid muscle
Lateral neck (mid-lower 1/3 SCM) -
Deep to carotids - Deep CN IX, superficial
to CN XII, Superficial to superior laryngeal
nerve -> Pierces thyrohyoid membrane -
Opens into apex of pyriform sinus(laryngeal
 The mesoderm that contributes to the formation of ligaments and
bones sometimes remains on the side of neck usually anterior to
inferior one third of SCM under the skin.

Branchial vestiges

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