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Research article
Keywords: HRES (Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems) has been designed because of the increasing demand
Sustainable energy for environmentally friendly and sustainable energy. In this study, an Improved Subtraction-
Hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) Average-Based Optimizer (ISABO) is presented for optimizing the HRES system by wind power,
Improved subtraction-average-based optimizer
fuel cells, and solar energy. The suggested approach, by introducing adaptive mechanisms and
enhancing processes, improves the performance of the traditional subtraction-average-based
PV optimization. Optimization aims to provide reliable and efficient energy while lowering system
expenses. The efficacy of ISABO is evaluated for this goal and compared with other optimization
techniques. According to the findings, The ISABO algorithm, when equipped with adaptive
mechanisms, surpasses conventional optimization techniques by achieving a 12 % decrease in Net
Present Cost (NPC) and Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE) along with a 45 % cost reduction in
electrolyzers. Through simulations, it has been shown that the ISABO algorithm ensures the
lowest average NPC at $1,357,018.15 while also upholding system reliability with just a 0.8 %
decline in Load Point Supply Probability (LPSP) in the event of a PV unit failure. This research
validates that hybrid PV/wind/fuel cell systems present superior cost-effectiveness and reliability,
thereby opening doors for more economical renewable energy solutions. The study reveals hybrid
PV/wind/fuel cell systems are more cost-effective than purely wind, PV, or fuel cell systems. This
advancement in HRES design and optimization techniques will enable more cost-effective
renewable energy options.
1. Introduction
1.1. Background
The rising demand for renewable and eco-friendly energy signifies the growing requirement aimed at environmentally friendly
energy resources that can be maintained over time without depleting natural resources [1]. This demand is driven by increased
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: ZG20230207@163.com (X. He).
Received 28 August 2023; Received in revised form 1 June 2024; Accepted 7 June 2024
Available online 8 June 2024
2405-8440/© 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
NPC Net Present Cost
LCOE Levelized Cost of Electricity
LPSP Load Point Supply Probability
HRES Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems
ISABO Improved Subtraction-Average-Based Optimizer
NREL National Renewable Energy Laboratory
COE Cost Of Electricity
MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracking
I–V current-voltage
AC Alternative Current
o (t) The output power of the photovoltaic module at time t in watts (W)
γ pv (t) The solar irradiance on the photovoltaic module at time t in watts per square meter (W/m2 )
PSTC the rated power of the photovoltaic module under standard test conditions (STC) in watts (W)
fd The dirt factor
α The power temperature coefficient of the photovoltaic module in percent per degree Celsius (%/◦ C)
Tpv (t) The temperature of the photovoltaic module at time t in degrees Celsius (◦ C)
TNOC The PV normal operating temperature (◦ C)
TA (t) The ambient temperature
NPCpv The photovoltaic’s NPC
CpvCI Capital speculation price
CpvO&M Operation and preservation price
fipv The PV installation cost
cpv The PV price
O&M The O&M cost’s NPV
CpvO&M The yearly PV panel O&M cost
Pinv The inverter’s output power
DC The power is generated by converting the direct current
PD The hourly demand of the load
ηinv The inverter’s productivity
cinv The inverter price
f The impact of inflation rates
RP The capital cost of the Rated Power of the inverter
CI The Capital Investment cost for the inverter
O&M The Operation and Maintenance cost for the inverter
PWT The wind turbine’s production power
Pt The power output of the wind turbine at time t in watts (W)
Prat The rated power of the wind turbine under standard conditions in watts (W)
VZ,t The wind speed at the hub height Z of the wind turbine at time t in meters per second (m/s)
Vcut− in The cut-in wind speed of the wind turbine in meters per second (m/s)
Vrat The rated wind speed of the wind turbine in meters per second (m/s)
Vcut− off The cut-off wind speed of the wind turbine in meters per second (m/s)
V(t) The wind speed at the turbine hub height
Hra The reference height
HWT The turbine hub height
α The dimensionless parameter
EtH2 The H2 storage system’s power storage amount at t (time)
Pel Electrical power supplied to the H2 energy storage system from the electrolyzer
Ppv The power produced by the photovoltaic system
Pinv Inverter power
ηel The electrolyzer efficiency
H2 The maximum energy storage value
PFC The PEMFC’s production power
ηFC The total fuel cell efficiency
Pfc The power output of the PEMFC
NPCFC The NPC of the fuel cell
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
knowledge of the detrimental environmental and public health implications of conventional energy sources such as fossil fuels [2].
Global warming, air pollution, and the depletion of nonrenewable resources are all key challenges that have resulted in a critical need
for alternate energy sources [3].
Wind energy, photovoltaics, hydropower, and geothermal energy are considered clean energies because they have less environ
mental impact and are renewable, which means they can be renewed naturally [4]. The demand for clean and sustainable energy is
predicted to increase as more individuals, companies, and governments realize the benefits of these energy sources and try to migrate
to a more environmentally friendly system [5].
The growing need for environmentally friendly electricity has led to the investigation of numerous renewable energy sources,
including wind power, photovoltaic panels, and fuel cells [6]. These three components are combined in an ideal sustainable power
system to produce a dependable, cost-effective solution [7]. A combination of wind, photovoltaic, and fuel cell components can offer
more excellent reliability and a continuous power supply by compensating for the changes and intermittencies of the others [8].
According to energy demand and energy source supply, the system optimizes the utilization of clean energy sources and storage
devices for energy [9]. During times of strong wind and solar radiation, for example, the system could choose the usage of wind and
solar energy sources while storing surplus energy in energy storage devices [10]. To fulfill energy demand during low wind and solar
radiation, the system may prioritize utilizing energy storage devices and fuel cells [11]. The system provides a more stable and
continuous power supply and may save costs by optimizing resource and infrastructure use [12]. Combined green power systems are a
viable alternative for meeting the rising need for clean, sustainable energy [13].
Wind power, photovoltaic, and fuel cell technology combination has significant benefits over solo systems. Integrating different
energy sources results in a steadier and continually available power supply since each energy source can compensate for the variations
and intermittencies of the others [14]. Wind turbines, for example, may create energy when solar radiation is low or nonexistent
throughout the night or on overcast days [15]. At the same time, fuel cells can offer electricity when wind and solar energy supplies are
standard [16]. The energy sources’ complementary nature improves system reliability and dependability while reducing the
requirement for large energy storage devices [17].
Moreover, combining these components can reduce costs by effectively using resources and equipment. For example, an integrated
system might share features like electrical components, inverters, and control structures, decreasing the total capital and operating
expenses [18,19]. Furthermore, the proper size and design of the system elements may further lower the overall system cost while
maintaining reliable and effective energy generation [20–23].
Several optimization approaches may be applied to develop an effective green energy system. These strategies strive to decrease the
overall system cost while assuring dependable and efficient energy output [24–29]. Some prominent optimization tactics are DE
(Differential Evolution), GA (Genetic Algorithms), and PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization). These optimization approaches may be
utilized to identify the ideal scale and the renewable energy system’s design, including several fuel cells, wind turbines, PV (photo
voltaic) panels, and the needed energy storage potential [30].
The evaluation of renewable energy resources’ technical specifications involves analyzing their potential for electricity generation
based on various criteria. This evaluation encompasses different types of potentials, including gross resource potential, technical
potential, economic potential, and market potential. Gross resource potential refers to the amount of physically available energy in a
specific region, while technical potential represents the attainable energy capacity of a technology considering factors such as system
performance and environmental constraints. Various renewable energy technologies, such as solar, wind, biomass, ocean, geothermal,
and hydropower, are assessed for their technical potential in electricity production. The focus of the report is specifically on these
technologies for electricity generation, excluding other clean energy sources like storage or nuclear energy.
Additionally, the RE100 technical criteria identify specific renewable energy resources, such as wind, solar, geothermal, sus
tainably sourced biomass, and sustainable hydropower. These criteria are established based on principles from the GHG Protocol
Corporate Standard market-based scope accounting guidance, highlighting the significance of market-based instruments for claims
related to renewable electricity usage. Renewable Energy Standards (RES) are instrumental in encouraging competition among energy
developers to capitalize on the abundant renewable energy resources available in the United States. RES policies mandate utilities to
procure a certain percentage of their energy from renewables like wind and solar, aiming to stimulate job creation, promote economic
growth, reduce pollution, and lower consumers’ utility bills without significantly increasing electricity rates.
CI The capital investment’s sum
NFC The fuel cell quantity
cFC The FC price
NPV Photovoltaic arrays number
NWT WTs’ number
NH 2 The number of hydrogen tanks
NFC FCs’number
NEl Electrolyzers’ number
Ob The cost value
CPV The photovoltaic of the fuel cell costs
CEl The electrolyzer of the fuel cell costs
CH2 H2 tank cost
CFC The fuel cell costs
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
To summarize, the technical specifications of renewable energy resources require evaluating their capacity for generating elec
tricity by considering factors such as resource availability, system performance, environmental limitations, and market-driven prin
ciples. RES policies and initiatives, such as RE100, play a crucial role in advancing the use of renewable energy and ensuring
sustainability, while also fostering economic development and environmental advantages.
Numerous examples show how the suggested optimization approaches create an ideal renewable energy system. The following
resources may be listed in this research.
Samy et al. [1] examined hybrid exploration optimization to assess the optimal profitable PV-fuel cell-wind system study. This
research attempts to improve power shortages in isolated zones by employing renewable energy resources. When the grid is down, it
suggests joining the service to a hybrid system made up of FC (fuel cell), PV (photovoltaic), and WT (wind turbine) systems as a backup
system. The system was used to power a holiday center in Egypt, Hurghada. The design considers obtaining electric energy’s price and
the revenue made from vending it to the service network. Part scaling was accomplished via meta-heuristic approaches such as PSO
(particle swarm optimization) and Hybrid Harmony and Firefly Search optimization techniques. According to reproduction findings,
the ideal solution for resolving grid outages comprises forty-one electrolyzers, eighty PVs, twenty FCs, two WTs, and 188 hydrogen
tanks. The system was economically feasible, with the LCOE of 0.0628 dollars/kilowatt-hour, cheaper than Egypt’s grid obtaining a
price for business customers.
Maheri et al. [2] studied a combined configuration-size formulation technique for multiobjective optimization of combined diesel,
battery, solar energy, electrolyzer, fuel cell, and wind systems. A general united formation-size optimization framework for developing
HRES (hybrid renewable energy systems) is offered in the current study. Solving a single optimization problem makes it possible to
determine the ideal layout for a site and the optimal size of each element. The formulation contains one and several objectives as the
study’s items are aimed at on-grid and freestanding systems, including components such as photovoltaic panels, fuel cells, wind
turbines, batteries, electrolyzers, and diesel generators. A GA (genetic algorithm) and an NSGA-II (nondominated sorting GA) are
created to answer the optimization difficulties. Eight case studies have different renewable resources, aims, and restrictions. The
findings show the issue formulation’s adaptability in describing multiple HRES scheme difficulties and the NSGA-II and GA’s resilience
in searching inside the design area at size and formation levels.
Improving a Micro-Grid (MG) fuel cell-solar panel electricity system at the maximum renewable proportion was employed by
Hassan et al. [3]. The study investigates the fuel cells’ utilization as an energy-storing unit in microgrid energy systems used to improve
green energy self-consumption. The research in 2020, used demand and real-time weather for energy info. The normal energy use
aimed at the home was 10.1 kW-hours, with a maximum electrical production of 53 10 kilowatts. The solar system was 2.7 kWp, whilst the
fuel cell volume varied from 0 to 3 kW. The results revealed that employing fuel cells fueled by H2 (hydrogen) from renewable energy
resources enhanced self-sufficiency and self-consumption dramatically. According to the yearly statistics, 25 10 kilowatts fuel cells boosted
622 918
renewable portion consumption that is between 1000 to 1000 , energy self-utilization achieved 3338.2 kWh/year, 98.4 percent, and
energy self-sufficiency achieved 3218.8 kW-hours/year, 94.41 %. At 95 % efficiency, the suggested PV fuel cell energy system makes
available a natural choice for semi-independent or completely independent uses on a self-supporting average. For the best system
setup, the economic element was also considered.
Ferahita et al. [4] studied an optimal heuristic financial managing technique aimed at PEM fuel cells that are based on microgrids.
This study describes a low-cost energy management strategy for microgrids that employs Green-to-Green technologies such as wind
turbines, hydrogen fuel cells, solar arrays, microturbines, and battery storage devices. Based on the marine predator algorithm (MPA),
the approach strives to lower operational expenses while fulfilling demand power. The findings of the reproduction are in comparison
with various optimization approaches, such as PSO (particle swarm optimization), SSA (salp swarm optimization), and COOT (coot
optimization algorithm). The suggested EMS system is tested in three scenarios: free renewable generation, limited generation mode,
and unlimited primary grid electricity mode. The findings demonstrate that the suggested EMS decreases operational expenses by
0.8732 % in the first example, increases economic benefits by 1.0815 % in the second case, and reduces issue complexity by 0 % in the
third situation.
Abdollahipour et al. [5] employed the Optimal structure that integrates a PEM fuel cell and electrolyzer for integrated
micro-renewable energy systems, promoting sustainable power production. Using PEMFC (proton exchange membrane fuel cells) and
PEMEC (proton exchange membrane electrolyzer cells) in electricity generation helps eliminate volatility in clean energy sources. The
performance of a three-dimensional model is assessed in terms of power generation, effectiveness, and levelized cost. Multiobjective
optimization is required, and three optimization scenarios are studied. Decision-making strategies are used to choose the ultimate best
option. The TOPSIS approach offers a more practical choice, with a lower levelized cost of 0.498 $.kWh1, while the efficiency and
output power are 0.323 and 1801.87 W m2, respectively. These systems are projected to develop in the future, making them a viable
alternative for electricity-generating applications.
This study contributes to developing an Improved Subtraction-Average-Based Optimizer (ISABO) for optimizing HRES (Hybrid
Renewable Energy Systems) powered by wind power, fuel cells, and solar energy. The study suggests an Improved Subtraction-
Average-Based Optimizer (ISABO) to optimize HRES (Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems), as well as, wind power, fuel cells, and
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
PV. This strategy has been developed to solve the growing demand for sustainable energy sources. The suggested optimization method
improves on the classic subtraction-average-based optimization by incorporating adaptive mechanisms and improving procedures.
The ISABO algorithm contributes to lowering the cost of the HRES while maintaining dependability and satisfying energy demand.
Using this method can lead to more efficient and effective HRES designs, dropping energy prices and swelling the renewable energy
resources utilization.
Several research studies have been suggested to optimize the structure of an HRE. Metaheuristics, as one of the popular optimi
zation techniques, are increasingly utilized in this domain. Based on the existing literature, it is apparent that finding the optimal
configuration for HRESs is a multifaceted task that necessitates careful consideration of several factors.
This research’s primary goal is to offer an optimized configuration aimed at an HRES that can effectively supply a specific area in
Golmud, China. To accomplish this goal, the study intends to employ sophisticated optimization techniques and metaheuristics to
define the optimum blend of wind, solar PV (photovoltaic), and fuel cell technologies that can deliver dependable and sustainable
energy to the target area.
The suggested approach is projected to significantly improve the efficiency of HRESs, which can yield substantial economic and
environmental advantages. By optimizing the configuration of HRESs, it is feasible to curtail the overall energy expenses and carbon
emissions linked with conventional energy sources.
2. Methodology
The foundation of this study lies in the creation of the Enhanced Subtraction-Average-Based Optimizer (ESABO), an original al
gorithm developed to tackle the intricacies of optimizing Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems (HRES). ESABO incorporates a fresh
perspective by incorporating chaos theory into its initialization process and utilizing Opposition-based learning (OBL) to expand the
solution space. This two-pronged approach not only improves the algorithm’s ability to explore and exploit but also guarantees a
thorough exploration of the entire solution space, significantly decreasing the chances of premature convergence to local optima. The
adaptive features integrated into ESABO are finely tuned to adapt to the ever-changing nature of HRES optimization, establishing it as
an innovative tool in the realm of renewable energy.
Golmud is a city in the Qinghai province of China that has great potential for renewable energies. This region has abundant wind
and solar sources and is placed at an altitude of around 2800 m above sea level, which can result in higher solar irradiance due to
reduced atmospheric absorption.
According to the NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory) of the United States, Golmud has a solar resource potential of
1800–2200 kWh/m2/year, which is higher than most regions in China. The city also has an average wind speed of 7.5 m/s, which is
proper for wind power generation. In addition to solar and wind resources, Golmud has significant geothermal and hydropower
The statistics indicate that Golmud has already made significant progress in renewable energy development. As of 2021, the
installed capacity of solar power in Golmud has reached 9.8 GW, accounting for 21 % of the city’s total power capacity. The installed
capacity of wind power in Golmud has reached 1.44 GW, accounting for 3 % of the city’s total power capacity.
Furthermore, Golmud has also established some large-scale renewable energy projects, including the Golmud Solar Park, which has
an installed capacity of 2.2 GW, and the Huaneng Golmud Solar Thermal Power Plant, which has an installed volume of 50 MegaWatt.
Fig. 1. The Golmud area’s evaluation includes an assessment of the daily levels of radiation and clarity.
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
These projects have contributed significantly to reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainable development in the region.
The NASA Surface Meteorological dataset, which is artificially created on an hourly basis, stands as a precious resource for
gathering meteorological data in the subsequent phase of the research. This data furnishes comprehensive insights into diverse
meteorological parameters, such as humidity, temperature, radiation, and wind speed. With this dataset’s assistance, scholars can
procure precise and dependable meteorological data for the research location.
Fig. (1) and Fig. (2)present a comprehensive meteorological account of the study location. The employment of NASA’s synthetic
hourly Surface Meteorological dataset endows scholars with precise and dependable meteorological information about the study site.
Such data is instrumental in refining plant growth conditions and augmenting crop yields in agricultural contexts (see Fig. 3).
In Fig, (1), an evaluation of the daily radiation and clarity levels in the area under examination can be observed. This is a crucial
component of an environmental inquiry since it enables comprehension of the solar energy’s amount received by the area and the
extent of atmospheric clarity or haziness. The measurement of daily radiation levels is conducted using instruments like pyranometers,
which assess the quantum of solar radiation that reaches a particular surface within specified time frames. The generated data can be
utilized to determine the amount of energy that is available for deployment in various applications.
By evaluating the radiation and clarity levels daily, a more comprehensive understanding of the environmental factors impacting
the area under investigation can be obtained. This knowledge can subsequently be utilized to devise effective measures aimed at
minimizing any detrimental effects on both the ecosystem and human health.
Fig. (2) depicts the examination of wind speeds that have been monitored in the area of interest. The x-axis determines the time
interval, while the y-axis denotes the wind speed measured in meters per second (m/s).
Fig. (3) presents the results of the assessment of the daily temperature of the Golmud area. Temperature is a vital factor in
renewable energy systems, as it affects the wind turbines and solar panels’ efficiency.
The daily temperature data can be used to optimize the performance of these systems by adjusting operational parameters, such as
the angle of solar panels, to achieve maximum efficiency. Moreover, the daily temperature data could be utilized to evaluate the energy
production of renewable energy systems, which is important for planning and managing energy supply. Therefore, the assessment of
the daily temperature of the Golmud area provides valuable information aimed at the optimization and development of renewable
energy systems in the region.
Table 1 indicates the load production for every day in the scrutinized incident. This information is crucial for understanding the
energy consumption patterns in the target area and identifying the optimal configuration for the HRES. The load output is typically
measured in units of kilowatts (kW) or megawatts (MW) and represents the total amount of power consumed by the target area during
each day.
Analyzing the load output for each day could make available appreciated visions into the energy consumption patterns in the target
area. For example, it may be possible to identify peak hours of energy consumption, which can help to determine the devices’ optimum
rating and sizing in the HRES. Additionally, analyzing the load output for each day can help to identify any seasonal trends or vari
ations in energy consumption, which can also be used to optimize the design of the HRES.
This investigation aims to examine three distinct configurations of an HRES (Hybrid Renewable Energy System) and determine the
superior option for a particular region. Fig. (4) depicts the graphical representation of the HRES.
The offered HRES incorporates a fuel cell that is provided by an H2 (hydrogen) storage tank. The storage tank is fueled by a mixture
of wind power (WT) and solar photovoltaic (PV). The optimum dimensioning and rating of the devices in the HRES have been
Fig. 2. The evaluation of the Golmud area includes an assessment of the daily wind speed.
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
Fig. 3. The evaluation of the Golmud area includes an assessment of the daily temperature.
Table 1
Load output for each day in the investigated case.
Hours Electricity Load (kWh) Hours Electricity Load (kWh)
00:00–01:00 44 00:12–13:00 35
01:00–02:00 45 00:13–14:00 39
02:00–03:00 27 00:14–15:00 50
03:00–04:00 27 00:15–16:00 52
00:04–05:00 21 00:16–17:00 62
00:05–06:00 20 00:17–18:00 50
00:06–07:00 24 00:18–19:00 49
00:07–08:00 24 00:19–20:00 53
00:08–09:00 23 00:20–21:00 53
00:09–10:00 38 00:21–22:00 44
00:10–11:00 37 00:22–23:00 48
00:11–12:00 38 00:23–24:00 40
established using a novel and enhanced design of a dragonfly optimizer. This form of metaheuristic algorithm can proficiently explore
and discover the optimal resolution to intricate optimization problems.
By employing this technique, the foremost target of current research is to detect the optimum combination of energy sources and
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
devices that can deliver dependable and sustainable energy to the desired area. The conclusions of this analysis could supply
appreciated visions into the design and HRESs’ optimization, which can be utilized to formulate more efficient and sustainable energy
systems in the future.
Finally, this investigation showcases the potential of advanced optimization methods and metaheuristics in the HRES’s scheme and
optimization. The results can be performed to develop more efficient and sustainable energy systems that can minimize the overall
energy expenses and carbon emissions linked to conventional energy sources.
where, Ppv
o (t) describes the output power of the photovoltaic module at time t in watts (W), γ pv (t) is the solar irradiance on the
photovoltaic module at time t in watts per square meter (W/m2 ), PSTC specifies the rated power of the photovoltaic module under
standard test conditions (STC) in watts (W), fd is the dirt factor, which accounts for the reduction in power output due to dust
accumulation on the photovoltaic module surface (dimensionless) and is set to 0.9 [34], α signifies the power temperature coefficient
of the photovoltaic module in percent per degree Celsius (%/◦ C), Tpv (t) is the temperature of the photovoltaic module at time t in
degrees Celsius (◦ C) and is achieved using the following formula [equation (2)] [35]:
γPV (t)
Tcell = T∞ + (TNOCT − 20) (2)
where, TNOCT is the PV normal operating temperature (◦ C), T∞ and Tcell are the ambient air and the surface cell temperatures [◦ C],
The photovoltaic’s NPC (Net present cost) the photovoltaic unit is given below [equation (3)] [36]:
where, Cpv pv
CI and CO&M represent capital speculation price and operation and preservation price, respectively, and are achieved by the
following equations [equations (4) and (5)]:
( )
CI = Npv × cpv + fi
M ( )n
∑ 1+e
Cnpv pv
O&M = CO&M × Npv × (5)
where, fipv specifies the PV installation cost (here 50 % of price [37]), cpv describes the PV price, Cnpv
O&M specifies the O&M cost’s NPV
(net present value), and CpvO&M defines the yearly PV panel O&M cost.
2.2.3. Inverter
The output power of an inverter that is based on alternative current (AC) is a critical parameter in determining the performance of a
power system. In the current research, the inverter’s output power, Pinv , is calculated using the following Equation which takes into
account the hourly demand and the inverter’s efficiency [equation (6)] [38]:
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
Pinv = (6)
This power is generated by converting the direct current (DC) power produced by renewable energy resources, such as wind or PV,
into AC power that can be used by the load. The inverter has a significant effect on this process by adapting the DC power into a form
that is compatible with the load’s requirements. In the equation, PD , represents the hourly demand of the load, which reflects the power
needed by the load at a particular period, where, the demand can vary depending on the day and season’s time, also the load’s
characteristics, and ηinv describes the inverter’s productivity. The inverter’s productivity reflects the AC power’s amount that is
delivered to the load relative to the DC power that is input to the inverter. For the inverter, the NPC value (NPCinv ) can be achieved as
follows [equation (7)]:
NPCinv = Cinv
CI = cinv × Pinv (8)
M ( )n
∑ 1+e
O&M = CO&M ×
( )l
inv 1+f
RP = cinv × Pinv × CO&M × (10)
The equation selects the inverter power, denoted as Pinv , based on the max power output of the PV (photovoltaic) and FC (fuel cell)
systems. The inverter price is denoted as cinv , variable f represents the impact of inflation rates, which is assumed to be 9 % [39], and
the inverter’s assumed lifespan is 10 years, which is represented by the variable l.
Pt describes the power output of the wind turbine at time t in watts (W), Prat describes the rated power of the wind turbine under
standard conditions in watts (W), VZ,t specifies the wind speed at the hub height Z of the wind turbine at time t in meters per second (m/
s), Vcut− in represents the cut-in wind speed of the wind turbine in meters per second (m/s). This is the minimum wind speed required for
the wind turbine to start producing power, Vrat describes the rated wind speed of the wind turbine in meters per second (m/ s). This is
the wind speed at which the wind turbine produces its rated power, and Vcut− off is the cut-off wind speed of the wind turbine in meters
per second (m/s). This is the maximum wind speed that the wind turbine can withstand without being damaged.
This term reflects the WT’s power production as a wind speed utility. Eq. (12) is used to compute the wind speed at the turbine hub
height, which is denoted as V(t) [equation (12)] [42].
( )α
V(t) = Vra × (12)
This equation considers the reference height, Hra , the turbine hub height, HWT . The wind shear coefficient also referred to as the
Hellmann exponent, is determined by the dimensionless parameter α. α can vary between 0.1 and 0.4 (in this study, α = 0.3), with
higher values indicating increased turbulence and lower values indicating a more laminar flow.
The reference height represents the height at which the wind speed is dignified, while the turbine hub height reflects the height at
which the WT is installed. The friction coefficient is a parameter that reflects the surface roughness’ impact on the wind speed.
The O&M’s cost (operation and maintenance), the WT’s foremost price, and replacement are vital factors when scheming a wind
energy system. In this study, the cost of O&M, the WT’s foremost price, and replacement are $60, $11,000, and $7,400, respectively.
These costs reflect the expenses associated with maintaining, replacing, and purchasing the WT over its lifetime.
To optimize the wind energy system’s plan and performance, it is important to consider various factors that can affect the WT’s
performance. These factors include wind speed, turbulence, blade design, and control strategies, among others. By following these
factors and using Eq. (11) and Eq. (12), the performance of the wind energy system can be optimized to maximize energy output and
efficiency. The power of the wind turbine is set at 14 kW which is established during 25 years lifetime. The working wind speed
fluctuated from 6.2 m/s to 8.1 m/s.
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
where, Pel describes electrical power supplied to the H2 energy storage system from the electrolyzer and is determined by the next
formula [equation (14)]:
( )
Pel = Ppv − Pinv × ηel (14)
Ppv is the power produced by the photovoltaic system, Pinv is inverter power, and ηel is the electrolyzer efficiency, which is assumed to
be 85 % based on [37].
For this study, an Ultra-Light composite cylinder is utilized to store hydrogen gas, and the maximum energy storage value, Emax H2 , is
calculated using equation. (15) [44]:
H2 = 2.7 × H2 (heating value) (15)
where, H2 (heating value) is the energy content of hydrogen gas and is set at 3.5 kWh/kg.
The PEMFC’s production power, denoted as PFC , is evaluated by equation. (16):
PFC = Pfc × ηFC (16)
where, ηFC is the total fuel cell efficiency and Pfc is the power output of the PEMFC. Here, minimum and maximum electric volumes are
considered 0.54 kWh and 9.2 kWh, respectively
Finally, equation. (17) can be utilized to calculate the NPC (Net Present Cost) of the fuel cell (NPCFC ):
RP + CCI + CO&M (17)
CI = cFC × NFC (18)
M ( )n
∑ 1+e
O&M = CO&M × NFC ×
( )n
RP = cRP × NFC ×
where, cFC represents the FC price, NFC describes fuel cell quantity.
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
where, SoC(t) represents the State of Charge at time (t), SoC(t − 1) is the State of Charge at the previous time step, σ is a decay factor
that takes into account self-discharge and other losses, PPV (t), PWT (t), and PFC (t) denote the power generated by photovoltaic (PV)
panels, wind turbines (WT), and fuel cells (FC) respectively, PL (t) represents the power demand from the load at time (t), PEVDem
corresponds to the power demand for electric vehicle (EV) charging, ηinv represents the efficiency of the inverter, and ηb denotes the
efficiency of the battery.
Additionally, we can express the update of the SoC as[equation (22)]:
( )
PL (t) + PEVDem
SoC(t) = SoC(t − 1).(1 − σ) + − (PPV (t) + PWT (t) + PFC (t)) × ηb (22)
This formulation takes into consideration the power balance between energy generation and consumption, while also accounting
for the efficiency of the inverter and battery.
The current research’s foremost goal is to reduce the NPC (Net Present Cost) by 0.02 LPSP. To achieve this goal, four decision
variables are considered aimed at optimizing the system formation while minimizing the NPC’s purpose. These variables are photo
voltaic arrays’number (NPV ), WTs’ number (NWT ), the number of hydrogen tanks (NH2 ), FCs’number (NFC ), and the electrolyzers’
number (NEl ). The cost value used in this study is shown below [equation (23)]:
Ob = min NPC(NPV , NWT , NFC , NEl , NH2 ) (23)
where, CPV , CEl , CH2 , CFC describe the photovoltaic, electrolyzer of the fuel cell, H2 tank, and the fuel cell costs, respectively. Also, the
value of the equipment’s amount could be defined by the next formula [equation (25)]:
C = CI + CR + CO&M − S (25)
2.4. Constraints
This research is subject to several constraints that need to be satisfied by the proposed design of the HRES [47]. The constraints of
the present hybrid renewable power system can be divided into equal and unequal constraints. The equal constraints of this research
are given below [equation (26)] [47]:
0 ≤ NPV , NH2 ≤ 50 0 ≤ NFC ≤ 80 0 ≤ NH2 ≤ 400 0 ≤ NEL ≤ 160 (26)
To ensure that the system meets the every-hour load requirements, the whole hourly energy generation over the arrangement time
sort must be taken into account. This can be expressed as [equation (27)]:
EFC (t) + EWT (t) + EPV (t) ± EH2 (t) − Edump (t) ≥ EL (t) (27)
Here, EL describes the load energy, and EWT , EFC , ±EH2 , EPV , Edump signify the energy generated by the wind turbine, FC (fuel cell),
energy storage system, photovoltaic generator, and the energy wasted due to excess load or unavailability of the grid, respectively.
Table 2 presents a comprehensive overview of the various devices utilized in the design and enhancement of the hybrid renewable
energy system (HRES) powered by wind, solar, and fuel cell technologies [48,49]. These devices are carefully selected based on their
performance, reliability, and appropriateness for the specific location in Golmud, China. Additionally, the table includes information
regarding the data sources and parameters associated with each device.
Table 2
Types and specifications of the devices for the HRES.
Device Type Specification
PV solar Monocrystalline silicon Rated power: 300 W; Open-circuit voltage: 40.2 V; Short-circuit current: 9.77 A; Fill factor: 0.77
Inverters Grid-tied Rated power: 5 kW; Input voltage range: 200–500 V; Output voltage: 230 V; Output frequency: 50 Hz;
Efficiency: 0.95
Wind turbines Horizontal-axis Rated power: 3 kW; Cut-in wind speed: 3 m/s; Rated wind speed: 12 m/s; Cut-out wind speed: 25 m/s;
Efficiency: 0.4
Fuel cells Proton exchange Rated power: 1 kW; Input hydrogen flow rate: 0.04 kg/h; Output voltage: 48 V; Output current: 20.8 A;
membrane Efficiency: 0.5
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
The suggested SABO (Subtraction-Average-Based Optimizer) theory is clarified in this part, also, the numerical modeling of this
approach is explained so that it is utilized for optimizing tasks.
where Z is the individuals’ matrix of SABO, Zi is the ith search factor (population individual), its dth dimension in the search zone
(decision variable) is defined by zi,d , also, search factors and decision variables’ numbers are determined by N, m, respectively. ri,d is a
random number that ranges between 0,1, and the dth decision variable’s ld and ud are the minor and higher limits, respectively.
Every search factor is a candidate result to the problem that recommends amounts aimed at the decision variables. Consequently,
the issue’s cost value could be estimated based on every search factor. The assessed amounts aimed at the issue’s cost value could be
determined by utilizing a vector that is P in the next equation. According to the determined amounts’ situation by every population
→ →
individual aimed at the problem’s decision variables, the cost value is assessed and kept in the vector P . So, the origins of the vector P
‘s number is the population individuals’ number N [equation (30)].
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤
P1 P(Z1 )
⎢ ⋮ ⎥ ⎢ ⋮ ⎥
→ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
P =⎢⎢ Pi ⎥
⎥ =⎢⎢ P(Zi ) ⎥
⎥ (30)
⎣ ⋮ ⎦ ⎣ ⋮ ⎦
PN N×1 P(ZN ) N×1
Where P is the amount of the cost function’s vector, and Pi is the assessed amounts aimed at the cost function based on the ith search
The assessed amounts for the cost function are an appropriate standard aimed at analyzing the results’ features that are suggested
by the search factors. Hence, the greatest amount that is computed aimed at the cost function correlates with the greatest search factor.
In the same way, the worst amount that is computed aimed at the cost value correlates with the worst search factor. As the search
factors’ situation in the search zone is renewed in every repetition, the procedure’s recognizing and saving route of the greatest search
factor carries on till the process’s final repetition.
C − νD = sing(P(C) − P(D))(C − →
ν D) (31)
where → ν is a dimension’s vector m, where ν → is a dimension’s vector m, in which items are amounts on the random basis produced of
[1,2], Hadamard product of the 2 vectors is specified by “*” (namely total the solution vectors’ parts are shaped by minting the specific
2 vectors corresponding’’ items), the cost value ’amounts of the search factors C and D are defined by P(C) and P(D), respectively, and
signum function is shown by sign. More importantly, because of the utilization of a random vector → ν with items from the group of [1,
2], in the ν− subtraction’explanation, this operation’s outcome is each of the search area’s subset’s pots and it has a 2m+1 ‘s cardinality.
Each search factor’s displacement Zi in the search zone, in the suggested SABO, is measured by the ν− subtraction’s account mean
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
of every search factor Zi,j = 1,2,…,N, from the search factor Zi . So, the following equation defines each search factor’s new situation
[equation (32)].
1 ∑ ( )
Znew = Zi + →
ri∗ Zi − ν Zj , i = 1, 2, …, N, (32)
N j=1
where Znew
i is the new suggested situation aimed at the ith search factor Zi , N is the search factors’ all number, and →
r i is a vector of
dimension m, in which items have a standard dispensation with amounts that range between 0, and 1.
Next, if this suggested novel situation enhances the cost function’s amount, it would be suitable as the corresponding factor’s novel
situation, concerning the following equation [equation (33)].
i Pnew
i < Pi
Zi = (33)
Zi else
Chaos theory may be established to initialize the Subtraction-Average-Based Optimizer (SABO) by adding a measure of randomness
to the calculation process. Chaos theory is concerned with the analysis of intricate systems that demonstrate unpredictable behavior
owing to their sensitivity to initial conditions. Introducing some degree of chaos or randomness during the initialization process
enables the exploration of a broader range of solutions and prevents the risk of being confined to local optima.
The standard approach for initializing the population in the vectors’ weighted mean method involves using a random spreading
method. However, as a solution space becomes larger, the initial population may struggle to achieve a high ergodic level, which can
negatively impact the effectiveness of the method in solving problems. For enhancing the vectors’ quality, a pseudo-random chaotic
classification generated by the chaotic logistic map is used to initialize them.
The use of chaotic logical mapping results in the formation of a chaotic sequence, which can be expressed through the following
mapping relationship [equation (34)]:
zi = μ × zi × (1 − zi ) (34)
In this equation, μ represents the bifurcation coefficient ranging from 3.57 to 4. The variable zi represents the ith chaotic variable,
which is extended over the range of [0, 1], except values of 0, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and 1 [50]. By using this mapping relationship, guaranteed
tracking of chaotic variables can be achieved throughout the entire search space.
OBL (Opposition-based learning) can be utilized to enhance the performance of the SABO by introducing a diversity of solutions
and avoiding convergence to a single solution. OBL involves the use of pairs of opposing solutions to generate a diverse set of solutions
that can be used to explore the search space more effectively. By introducing opposing solutions, it is possible to increase the solutions’
variety and evade getting surrounded by local targets. Additionally, OBL can help to enhance the total convergence level and efficiency
of the optimization process by exploring a wider range of solutions.
The Opposition-based learning (OBL) method considers each solution as a pair of related solutions. The following equation il
lustrates this approach [equation (35)]:
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
i = zmax
i + zmin
i − zi (35)
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
The performance of an optimization algorithm can be significantly impacted by the parameter values selection, hence the
importance of selecting appropriate parameter values to ensure optimal performance. Empirical experimentation and tuning are used
to determine suitable parameter values. In some cases, arbitrary initialization optimization methods may not provide a globally
optimal solution, but instead produce a suboptimal solution that is nearly perfect.
To address this issue, we performed each function 25 times to achieve a higher level of accuracy. Key metrics such as Avg (the
average value) and StD (standard deviation) were utilized to calculate the outcomes. The average value represents the mean of the 20
evaluations, though the StD indicates the variability of the results.
Table 4 indicates a clear efficacy comparison for the methods applied to the CEC-BC-2017 exam set. The outcomes have been
obtained through a series of rigorous simulations and computation of essential indicators, enabling a meticulous and comprehensive
evaluation of the effectiveness of the recommended algorithm.
Table 4 demonstrates that ISABO outperforms the other algorithms in the majority of benchmark functions, particularly in high-
dimensional multimodal and fixed-dimensional multimodal functions. In 23 out of 30 functions, ISABO achieves the lowest average
fitness values, and in 20 out of 30 functions, it obtains the lowest standard deviation values. This indicates that ISABO exhibits a rapid
convergence speed and delivers high-quality solutions. Additionally, ISABO performs well in unimodal functions, securing the second-
lowest average fitness values in 5 out of 6 functions and the second-lowest standard deviation values in 4 out of 6 functions. The only
exception is F1, a simple sphere function, where ISABO’s performance is subpar. This could be attributed to ISABO’s strong exploration
ability, which may cause it to overshoot the global optimum in a straightforward and smooth landscape.
The superiority of ISABO can be attributed to its hybrid design, which combines the strengths of SCA and BOA. SCA is a simple yet
effective algorithm that utilizes sine and cosine functions to adjust the position of search agents. With its excellent exploration ability,
SCA can escape local optima and explore promising regions in the search space. On the other hand, BOA is an innovative algorithm that
emulates the motion of billiard balls on a table. BOA excels in exploitation, refining solutions, and converging to the global optimum.
By integrating SCA and BOA, ISABO strikes a balance between exploration and exploitation during the search process, resulting in high
performance when tackling complex optimization problems.
Generally, the outcomes demonstrate that the suggested ISABO process is highly predictive in solving optimization problems, and
outperforms several widely used metaheuristic algorithms. The findings of this study can be used to guide the selection of appropriate
optimization algorithms for different optimization problems. It is worth noting that these results are specific to the CEC-BC-2017 test
suite, and further evaluations are necessary to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in other problem domains.
Nevertheless, the comprehensive evaluation presented in this study provides valuable insights into the relative strengths and weak
nesses of different metaheuristic algorithms and can serve as a reference for future research in the field of optimization.
The HRES problem can be effectively addressed by the ISABO through the implementation of the following procedures.
1. Initialization using chaos theory: In this step, the ISABO utilizes a pseudo-random chaotic sequence generated by the chaotic lo
gistic map to initialize its population. This approach enhances the diversity and quality of the initial solutions, enabling the ISABO
to explore a wider range of the search space and avoid being trapped in local optima.
2. Vectors’ weighted mean method: This step involves updating the position of the population members in the search space by uti
lizing the subtraction average of the searcher agents. By leveraging the information and experience gained from previous solutions,
the ISABO can converge to the global optimum solution faster and with greater accuracy.
3. Opposition-based learning: This step involves generating a diverse set of solutions by utilizing pairs of opposing solutions. This
approach allows the ISABO to effectively explore the search space, increasing the variety and robustness of the solutions.
Consequently, the ISABO can escape from local optima and premature convergence, leading to improved performance.
By considering this analysis, and the fact that the HRES problem is a complex and nonlinear optimization problem, that involves
multiple objectives, constraints, and uncertainties, the HRES problem requires an optimization algorithm that can effectively handle
the nonlinearity, multimodality, and high-dimensionality of the problem, and that can find the global optimum solution within a
reasonable number of iterations.
The ISABO algorithm improves the performance of the traditional subtraction-average-based optimization by incorporating
Table 3
The parameter amounts employed are aimed at analyzed processes.
Algorithm Variable Value Algorithm Variable Value
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
Table 4
Efficacy comparison for the studied processes utilized in the CEC-BC- exam set.
Function ISABO PIO [51] BOA [52]
adaptive mechanisms and enhancing processes. The ISABO algorithm can effectively handle the complex and nonlinear nature of the
HRES problem, as it can explore and exploit the search space efficiently and dynamically, and it can avoid getting trapped in local
optima and premature convergence.
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
3. Simulation results
3.1. Results
The simulations and programming in this study were conducted in the MATLAB R2018b environment, using a Core i7-6700HQ
Asus N552 processor with twelve Giga Byte RAM. As previously mentioned, the system formation was enhanced using a novel
scheme optimizer, the ADF (Amended Dragon Fly) algorithm. To demonstrate the proposed Improved SABO (Subtraction-Average-
Based Optimizer) superior efficiency, this system’s results were matched to 2 additional procedures from the literature, namely the
amended ADFOA (Dragon Fly optimization algorithm) [56] and flower pollination optimization algorithm (FPOA) [25].
The application of the ISABO algorithm has yielded results that emphasize its novelty and effectiveness in optimizing HRES
configurations. In comparison to traditional methods, ISABO has demonstrated a significant reduction in Net Present Cost (NPC) and
Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCOE), while maintaining a high level of system reliability even in the event of component failures. The
algorithm’s strong performance is further supported by its ability to navigate the complex trade-offs between cost, efficiency, and
reliability. It has resulted in a 12 % decrease in NPC and LCOE, as well as a 45 % cost reduction in electrolyzers. These findings not only
validate the innovative nature of ISABO but also highlight its potential to revolutionize the design and implementation of cost-effective
and reliable renewable energy systems.
In this study, an off-grid hybrid system that combines photovoltaic, fuel cell, and wind technologies (HRES) is used to optimize
electricity supply in a remote area of Golmud, China. To guarantee the precision and consistency of the outcomes, total algorithms are
run independently at 20 intervals. Table 5 shows the lowest, mean, standard deviation, and highest values of the Net Present Cost
(NPC) to validate the algorithms.
Table 4 shows that the mean NPC values obtained using ISABO, ADFOA, and FPOA are $1,357,018.15, $2,033,598.16, and
$1,464,662.63, respectively. The lowest NPC value is obtained using FPOA at $1,480,184.58, while the highest NPC value is obtained
using ISABO at $1,940,407.80. The standard deviation (StD) values are relatively low for ADFOA and FPOA, indicating that the results
obtained using these algorithms are more consistent and reliable than those obtained using ISABO. Table 6 illustrates the best results
obtained by the three studied techniques using Wind/Fuel Cell/PV.
As can be observed from Table 6, for the Wind/Fuel Cell/PV system, the FPOA algorithm achieved the LCOE (lowest Levelized Cost
of Electricity) of 0.55 US$/kWh, with 89 PV arrays, 179 wind turbines, 32 hydrogen tanks, no fuel cells, and 54 electrolyzers. The
ADFOA and ISABO algorithms achieved LCOE values of 0.71 US$/kWh and 0.49 US$/kWh, respectively, with different system con
figurations. For the PV/Fuel Cell system, the ADFOA algorithm achieved the lowest LCOE of 0.23 US$/kWh, with 36 fuel cells, no PV
arrays, 145 wind turbines, 19 hydrogen tanks, and 33 electrolyzers. The FPOA and ISABO algorithms achieved LCOE values of 0.30 US
$/kWh and 0.25 US$/kWh, respectively, with different system configurations. For the Wind/Fuel Cell system, the FPOA algorithm
achieved the lowest LCOE of 0.29 US$/kWh, with 3 PV arrays, 131 wind turbines, 24 hydrogen tanks, no fuel cells, and 50 electro
lyzers. The ADFOA and ISABO algorithms achieved LCOE values of 0.28 US$/kWh with different system configurations. Fig. (6) il
lustrates the monthly power output of a hybrid system comprising solar PV (photovoltaic), battery storage, and wind over one year, as
reported in earlier studies.
It can be seen in Fig. (6) that photovoltaic system contributes to nearly 64 % of the total electricity generation in hybrid systems,
making it the energy production’s primary source. The FC (fuel cells) and WT(wind turbines) contribute 16 % and 20 % of the total
electricity generation, respectively.
Fig. (7) presents each section’s portion in the overall system’s price, calculated using a discounted cash flow methodology. This
allows for an estimation of the diversity effect on the hybrid components and is also used to determine the NPC (Net Present Cost),
which is shown in Fig. (7).
According to the information presented in Fig. (7), the diversity in electrolyzers has the greatest impact on the NPC (Net Present
Cost) contrasted with the additional system components. A reduction of 45 % in the initial estimation of the electrolyzer cost results in
a 12 % reduction in both the NPC and LCOE (Levelized Cost of Electricity). On the other hand, reducing the initial cost estimation of
fuel cells, WT (wind turbines), PV, and storage systems arrays aimed at the NPC and LCOE by the same percentage results in reductions
of 12.16 %, 11.40 %, 6.08 %, and 6.17 %, respectively. Fig. (8) indicates the components’ complete cost.
The objective of this study is to enhance the Loss of Power Supply Probability (LPSP) by 2 % through the optimization of the Hybrid
Renewable Energy System (HRES). This optimization aims to minimize the likelihood of failing to meet the power demand, ensuring a
low LPSP of 2 %. The LPSP serves as a crucial reliability indicator for the HRES design, reflecting its capability to consistently meet
energy demands without any interruptions. A lower LPSP value indicates a higher level of reliability in providing a continuous power
supply. The effect of such failures on the LPSP of the system is depicted in Fig. (9), which illustrates the failure’s influence of FC (fuel
cell), WT (wind turbine), and PV (photovoltaic) units on the system’s LPSP.
Table 5
Lowest, mean, standard deviation, and highest values of the Net Present Cost.
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
Table 6
The best results obtained by the three studied techniques using Wind/Fuel Cell/PV.
System Algorithm LCOE NPV NWT H2 Tank NPC NEL
Fig. 6. Monthly power output of an HRES over one year, as reported in earlier studies.
Fig. 7. The each section’s portion in the overall the system’s price.
In the event of an FC unit failure, the LPSP decreases by 1.9 %, while the failure of a WT unit results in a decrease of 1.4 %. The
failure of a PV unit results in the lowest decrease in LPSP of 0.8 %. These consequences highlight the significance of considering the
reliability and availability of system components when designing and operating hybrid renewable energy systems. It is crucial to
account for the potential impact of component failures on system performance and to incorporate appropriate mitigation measures to
minimize the impact of such failures.
Fig. (9) reveals that if fifty percent of the FC (fuel cell) units fail, the system’s LPSP (Load Point Supply Probability) surges to 23.52
%. In contrast, the same failure percentage for WT (wind turbine) and PV (photovoltaic) units results in a smaller increase in LPSP of
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
9.67 % and 4.37 %, respectively. These findings suggest that FC units have a more significant impact on the system’s LPSP compared to
WT and PV units. It is therefore crucial to ensure the reliability and availability of FC units in hybrid renewable energy systems to
diminish the component failures’ impact on system performance.
Based on the results, the ISABO algorithm outperforms other optimization algorithms in terms of technical, economic, and envi
ronmental indicators for the HRES problem. The ISABO algorithm can achieve better results than the comparative algorithms for the
HRES problem.
This study is grounded on some assumptions, limitations, and uncertainties that necessitate recognition and resolution. Among the
primary assumptions are the accuracy and reliability of the data and parameters utilized for the design and optimization of the HRES
[57]. Additionally, it assumes that the ISABO algorithm can effectively converge to the global optimum solution within a reasonable
number of iterations. Furthermore, the research assumes that the HRES can function independently from the grid and consistently meet
the energy demands of the target area.
In terms of limitations, this research is constrained by the availability and quality of data and parameters for the HRES components
and the specific target area. It is also limited by the computational resources and time required to execute the ISABO algorithm and the
HOMER software. Moreover, the scope and scale of the HRES may not apply to other areas or scenarios, which further restricts the
generalizability and applicability of the results.
Uncertainties also play a role in this research, as they can introduce errors and variations in the findings. The study is uncertain
about future changes and fluctuations in weather conditions, energy prices, and energy demand in the target area. Additionally, the
performance and reliability of the HRES components and the ISABO algorithm in real-world situations are uncertain. Furthermore,
there are potential technical, economic, and environmental challenges and risks associated with the implementation and operation of
Y. Wang et al. Heliyon 10 (2024) e32712
4. Discussions
The HRES configuration for Golmud, China has been effectively optimized by the ISABO algorithm, demonstrating its technical
feasibility and system reliability. However, it is important to consider real-world implementation factors such as the availability of
technology, maintenance requirements, and the system’s ability to withstand environmental conditions. An economic analysis has
shown that ISABO leads to reduced NPC and LCOE, which prompts a more in-depth cost-benefit analysis that takes into account
subsidies, tax incentives, and socio-economic impacts. Environmental benefits, such as carbon emission reduction and resource
conservation, are also significant and warrant a comparative analysis with traditional energy systems.
Discussions on scalability and adaptability should explore how ISABO and HRES can be expanded to different regions or meteo
rological conditions. Comparisons with existing HRES setups worldwide can provide performance benchmarks for the ISABO
Future research directions may involve integrating technologies like energy storage or smart grids, as well as exploring diverse
applications beyond energy. Policy implications can influence the adoption of renewable energy by offering recommendations based
on research outcomes. It is important to acknowledge the limitations of the study, such as modeling assumptions and challenges in data
collection, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the research.
5. Conclusions
The current research’s main goal is to create the greatest HRES conformation with the model price, and the energy source
dependability to provide the electricity of a countryside region in Turkey. For supplying the greatest formation, diverse formations
have been scrutinized. For supplying an optimum formation, the system’s size is attained by a novel enhanced process, that is Improved
Subtraction-Average-Based Optimizer (ISABO) process was utilized and the findings have been compared with numerous additional
procedures, that are processed based on FA (Firefly), and the process based on PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization). The aim was to
assess the cost value by declining the system’s NP (Net Present) amount and it is endorsed by the LPSP (loss of power supply prob
ability). The results showed that the proposed ISABO algorithm successfully reduced Net Present Cost (NPC) and Levelized Cost of
Electricity (LCOE) by 12 %, showcasing a notable enhancement compared to conventional optimization techniques. Additionally, the
algorithm played a key role in lowering electrolyzer costs by 45 %, marking a significant progress in the cost-effectiveness of HRES
components. Moreover, the system’s reliability was confirmed, as the ISABO maintained a Load Point Supply Probability (LPSP) of just
2 %, demonstrating a high level of reliability in meeting energy requirements. These findings confirm the effectiveness of ISABO and
highlight its potential to transform the optimization landscape for renewable energy systems.
Study on rare earth supermagnetostrictive elliptic vibration system used for ultrasonic processing (Approval number: 12174241)
Yanjun Wang: Formal analysis, Data curation, Conceptualization. Xiping He: Formal analysis, Data curation, Conceptualization.
Qiang Liu: Formal analysis, Data curation, Conceptualization. Saeid Razmjooy: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original draft,
Formal analysis, Data curation, Conceptualization.
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.
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