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2024-12-05 St. Mary's County

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St. Mary's
County Times


More Free Laptops

to Be Distributed

Work Underway on
Millison Plaza

Commissioners Want
More Bus Shelters


2 Flat Iron Farm Southern
St. Mary’sMaryland
County Times Auction Company
Thursday, December 5, 2024

Fall Heavy Truck, Construction & AG Equipment Auction

December 11th, 2024 starting at 8:30 AM
45840 Flat Iron Road, Great Mills, MD 20634
Proxibid.com, Equipmentfacts.com & live at site.
Consignments accepted up until December 9th, 2024.

Volvo L70d Frontend Loader Komatsu Pc138 Massey Ferguson1533 W/ Dl120

2017 Freightliner Cascadia 113 Hitachi 160lc Excavator 2003 Mack Tri-Axle truck
W/ Extra Buckets

10 200 and 160 size excavators 10 generators 2 cat paddle pans 615 and 613
Volvo 30 ton end dump 2 air compressors 185 2 55 ton detachable equipment trailers
25 pickup trucks 8 new trailers 1 35 ton detachable trailer with ramp
3 stake body utilities 8 used tag along trailers Finn straw blower w/diesel engine
5 day cab road tractors 3 band box trailers (tractor trailer type) 10 Trench boxes with and without
3 tri axle dump trucks 4 mini excavators certification
RD rolloff can truck 6 skid steers track and rubber tire 10 Sea containers 20s and 40s
Granite Mack tri-axle roll off truck 2 John Deere 4wd cab backhoes 2 sheds
10 roll off cans 2 shooting boom forklifts
500 gallon Finn hydroseeder 4 rubber tire loaders

Buyer's Premium 10% in person, 12% on-line.

We now auction for St. Mary's County
local government and SMECO

Thursday, December 5, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times 3

Now, more than ever, St. Mary’s County needs
trustworthy reporting—but good journalism isn’t free.

Please support The County Times by making a


Two easy ways to show your support:

· Call us at 301-373-4125 to pay by credit card
LOCAL5 · Mail your check to:
Navy reminds on UAS restrictions My County Times
PO Box 250
Hollywood, MD 20636


Commissioners get update on Pax River Hollywood native goes to outer space
Village Center


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4 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, December 5, 2024


FRIDAY, 12/6 @ 7 P.M. SATURDAY, 12/7 @ 3 P.M. SUNDAY, 12/15 @ 7 P.M.

SMCM Symphony Orchestra, The St. Mary’s Singers, Christmas with the Annie
under the direction of Jeff directed by Brittany Johnson, Moses Band, signature and
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Free Event Handel’s Messiah. Tickets on Sale Now
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Thursday, December 5, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 5

Base Command Warns Give the
Over Private Drone Use




Come visit us!

By Guy Leonard Commissioner Eric Colvin put the crux of FOR YOUR LOVED ONE.
Staff Writer the Navy’s position succinctly: “You can’t
fly a drone [without authorization] south of
Private aerial drone use for work and play St. Andrews Church Road.” OPEN DAILY IN WILDEWOOD
are a part of everyday life, but in St. Mary’s “I don’t know how they enforce that,” SHOPPING CENTER
County the Navy wants to remind residents Colvin said.
that their use within a certain distance of Drones are prohibited over national secu-
Patuxent River Naval Air Station is prohib- rity facilities and where they are allowed
ited without prior authorization. cannot go above a ceiling of 400 feet.
During a joint meeting between base “Out on Great Mills Road that road lines
command staff and the Commissioners of up directly with our runways and when
St. Mary’s County this week, the Navy we have drones go up in that area it shuts
reiterated that their pilots’ operations are down our flight operations,” said Lt. Cmdr.
endangered by drones as they are not eas- Samuel Hughes. “The reason that was done
ily detected. was the safety of the aircraft.”
According to the Navy, pilots can only Despite being military in nature, aircraft 240-237-8023 | 240-237-8448 | 23415 THREE NOTCH RD | UNIT 2039 | CALIFORNIA, MD
detect drones about 30 percent of the time such as those stationed at Patuxent River
when they are sharing the airspace; the Navy Naval Air Station are still threatened by
says drones are more difficult to spot when damage that could be caused by even small
they are stationary as they more easily blend drones, much the same way one can be dam- Before After
into the background. aged by a wayward bird strike.
At that point the success rate for spotting
a drone drops to about 10 percent, according guyleonard@countytimes.net
to the Navy.

School System
Curbing Renovation
By Guy Leonard for 15 roofs and 16 HVACs right now.”
Staff Writer It was the product of much time and hard
use of buildings, she said.
For the past several years the St. Mary’s “The fleet is aging,” said Howe. “We are
County Board of Education has focused on closely monitoring what the governor [Wes
repairing and renovating its current stock Moore] does with his budget.”
of school buildings rather than considering Howe said all of the combing through
asking for money to build any new ones the budget meant she and others in the cap-
since their student enrollment has remained ital improvement section were trying to
flat or declined. find ways to ensure the system had enough
But Kimberly Howe, the school sys- money to finish the project currently under-
tem’s chief capital development planner way at Chopticon High School in Clements.
says that their efforts are still behind where “I am excited to see Chopticon get refur- PAVING THE WAY FOR 3 GENERATIONS
they should be for keeping up with all the bished,” said newly sworn in at-large school
demands of maintenance on aging buildings. board member Josh Guy “And I’m not just Family Owned & Operated • Commercial & Residential
“According to the state’s records we have saying that because I went there.” Grading • Paving • Asphalt Repair • Sealcoating
eight roof projects and 12 projects for [heat- The school board voted unanimously to
ing, ventilation and air conditioning] that approve the capital budget plan for review
we have put in [for funding consideration],”
Howe told the school board at their Dec. 4
by the county commissioners.
business meeting. “But we should be asking guyleonard@countytimes.net 240-346-0024 | brotherspavingllc.com
MHIC #147247
St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, December 5, 2024

Join the St. Mary’s County Department of Aging & Human Services
SHIP counselors for an informational seminar to learn about
Medicare. This presentation is designed to inform you of your rights
and responsibilities regarding Medicare, what Medicare covers, how
it works with other insurance, what Medicare costs and how to save
money on your Medicare expenses.

DECEMBER 18, 2024

6:00 P.M.

CALL: 301-475-4200, EXT. 1050
Thursday, December 5, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 7

County to Distribute
More Laptops
By Guy Leonard events, though, as the event is open to qual-
Staff Writer ified residents from throughout Southern
Maryland, not just St. Mary’s and qualified
Starting this month, the county government residents can still get a laptop even if some-
will be able to provide free Hewlett Packard one else in their household has received one
Chromebook laptop computers to qualified as well.
county residents; mirroring two prior events Residents must still provide proof of iden-
where several thousand of the computers tification and eligibility and proof of address.
were given away gratis. Applicants must meet one or more of
The next event is set for Dec. 14 at the the following qualifications: a household
sheriff’s office’s District 4 station on Great income at or below 200% of the federal
MIlls Road in Lexington Park from 10a.m poverty standard or participation in one
to 4 p.m, according to a release from the of the following programs: Supplemental
county government. Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP),
The distribution of free laptops over the Medicaid , Special Supplemental Nutrition
past two years has been made possible by Program for Women, Infants, and Children
grant funding from the Maryland Office of (WIC), Supplemental Security Income
Statewide Broadband. (SSI), Federal Public Housing Assistance
The program is focused on providing the (FPHA) as well as veterans pension with
tools for personal internet access to those survivors benefits, participation in Free and
whom it is otherwise unavailable, including Reduced Price Meals for school students
the elderly and economically disadvantaged and Pell Grant recipients.
but also veterans and some who are disabled.
The program has changed from prior guyleonard@countytimes.net

First Phase of Millison

Plaza Redevelopment

By Guy Leonard Ross told Navy command staff and county

Staff Writer commissioners.
“Phase 1 is a $45 million endeavor,” Ross
The shopping center at the heart of said. “It’s reorganizing some of the retail
Lexington Park better known as Millison uses in the center.
Plaza for decades but now operating at Pax “It’s to make it more pedestrian friendly
River Village Center has been experiencing and to create some green space area around
much change in the past few months. the property.”
Several buildings have been demolished, The second of two new properties at the
said Atlantic Realty President David Ross to site to be constructed, Ross said, is a mil-
the joint meeting of the Commissioners of itary-themed Starbucks coffee shop, while
St. Mary’s County and the command staff there are plans to turn one of the older build-
of the Patuxent River Naval Air Station Dec. ings there to a different use.
3, and the first phase of the redevelopment, “AMC Theaters has elected to close their
which includes a new grocery store, is theater there,” Ross said of the property
expected to be completed by May of 2025. located on FDR Boulevard. “We’ve filed
The shopping center was first constructed an application with the county to pursue a
back in the mid-1970s and has operated as daycare facility.”
one of the county’s main commercial hubs The entire facility is over 200,000 square
until recently with interest having declined feet.
in the center along with the physical con- “We’re taking something that is 50 years
dition of many of the buildings and their old and reinventing it for the next few
commercial spaces. decades,” Ross said.
The first phase will result in the con-
struction of a new Aldi’s grocery store, guyleonard@countytimes.net
8 LOCAL NEWS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, December 5, 2024
Thursday, December 5, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 9

St. Mary’s Man Heads to Space

By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer

The Karman Line is the widely regarded

defining line between the Earth’s atmo-
sphere and outer space, existing at about
62 miles above the Earth’s surface.
James D. Russell, a Hollywood native
and business entrepreneur with deep roots
in St. Mary’s County, became the 670th per-
son last week to break that line when he
and a group of fellow travelers climbed on
board the New Shepherd sub-orbital rocket
Nov. 22 and took off for a brief, 10-minute,
mission into space.
“It’s an amazing experience,” Russell told
The County Times of his trip into space. “In Russell, back right, with the rest of the flight’s crew Russell in the capsule New Shepherd taking off
the next few decades there will be hundreds,
even thousands more people making the trip and resilience of our community. It’s an by Blue Origin and uses a capsule sent up High School and the Dr. James A. Forrest
into space. honor to contribute to both science and the out of the atmosphere on top of a rocket that Career and Technology Center; he went
“The costs will come down significantly.” preservation of Historic Sotterley,” Russell, separates once it reaches the desired height on to a career in law enforcement before
He had to go through a brief but intensive 40, said. “I’m looking forward to getting and loiters for approximately 10 minutes becoming an entrepreneur.
training program before taking the flight, those back to Sotterley.” while the booster module falls back to Earth In the business world he has started his
which he reached out to Blue Origins in The seeds he took with him were sun- before reigniting and making a controlled own company called InfoHOA, a mail pro-
order to become a part of. flower seeds and he is keen to replant them landing at the launch site. cessing center and flagship operation for
“You don’t see any stars, it’s completely and reap more of the them to help raise funds The capsule containing the crew — the his technology-based community manage-
black,” Russell said. “The geographical for the place he used to work as a volunteer. capsule has no pilots — then makes reentry ment companies.
boundaries between countries don’t exist. Preserving the Earth is something that into the atmosphere and comes back to Earth Beyond his entrepreneurial success and
“There was a real sense of quiet, a real sense took on more meaning for him as he watched lofted by three parachutes slowing its descent. historic spaceflight, Russell’s other pas-
of calm.” it from close orbit. The capsule and booster take off ver- sion is in his philanthropy. He founded the
Russell carried seeds harvested from the “You can see how fragile our world is,” tically from Blue Origin’s launch site in Victoria Russell Foundation in honor of his
grounds of Historic Sotterley Plantation. Russell said. “It makes you want to take care West Texas. The capsule separates from the late daughter, dedicating the organization to
The seeds are part of an experiment to study of our planet more.” booster around 250,000 feet and continues children’s education and supporting the fam-
the effects of space travel on plant growth. The reason Russell went to space was on to space to reach an apogee of 350,000 ilies of first responders. The foundation part-
Upon his return, the seeds will be replanted simple; he had always wanted to go. feet The booster autonomously makes its ners with Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library,
at Sotterley, connecting his mission to the “Everyone wants to go to space at least way back to Earth for a pinpoint landing on a program that fosters a love of reading by
preservation of local heritage and advancing once in their life,” Russell said. “When I the pad about two miles (3.22 km) north of gifting books free of charge to children.
agricultural science. saw the chance I took it.” where the vehicle lifted off.
“This experiment symbolizes the growth The mode of travel used is manufactured Russell is a graduate of Leonardtown guyleonard@countytimes.net

Leonardtown Celebrates Christmas on the Square

Photos by Ron Bailey, courtesy of Leonardtown Main Street

10 LOCAL NEWS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, December 5, 2024

oin us for Holly Days

at the Lexington Park Library: 21677 FDR Blvd

2 Free

for info

Saturday, December 7 ree

6:30 - 7:30 p.m.
FREE HOT CHOCOLATE! L i g h t i n g
sponsored by Lexington Park Rotary Club

olly Days Extravaganza

Sunday, December 8
1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
• Craft fun for children
• St. Maries Choral Arts carolers

wi a! • Games for kids of all ages

• SMC Sheriff’s Office children’s
coat collection


• crochet items • kids’ play kits • pillows
• cocoa bombs • key chains • clothing
• holiday decor • leather goods • jewelry
• ornaments • tumblers • AND MORE!

Thursday, December 5, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 11

Look to Add More Traditional Christmas
Bus Shelters Fresh Green’s, Wreath’s & Trees Arriving Daily
By Guy Leonard ing” on a Charles County contract to build
Staff Writer bus shelters without lights or solar power
generating capacity.
In approving the acceptance of state grant Gotsch said Charles County is looking
funding for the St. Mary’s Transit System to modify their contract to eventually bring FRESH CUT CHRISTMAS TREES LIVE GREENS, SWAGS & ROPING FRESH LIVE WREATHS

Wentworth Locally Grown Poinsettias

(STS) bus service, the Commissioners of St. on those amenities to bus shelters, but the
Mary’s County are also hoping to improve county could go its own way and build them
the waiting situation for people who use the now without.
bus system regularly by having more bus “We could do it today,” Gotsch said.
shelters for riders to use in inclement weather. “I’d just like to see us build them,” Hewitt
Commissioners approved $626,619 in said. “I’ve been on this for years.”
capital construction funding and $3.1 mil- Gotsch estimated that the county, using
lion in operating funds for the STS bus its own resources, could put out six shelters
system this week at their Dec. 3 business now to aid waiting passengers.
meeting in Leonardtown. Commissioner Eric Colvin asked what it Large selection of colors to choose from!

Wentworth Holiday Gift & Decor

Public works chief Jim Gotsch said the cap- would take to go a stop-only system away
ital funding would go to replacing one medi- from the current flag system where riders
um-sized bus and three small-sized buses. would flag down a bus.
Bate Family Farm Goat Adornment Round Door
“What about bus stops?” asked Commis- Alison Swint, Gotsch’s deputy, said it Wreath Made in USA
sioner Mike Hewitt. “Are we ever going to would take a major educational campaign
get more bus stops?” but said she did not believe the flag system
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Gotsch replied in the affirmative. would ever completely fade away. Owned Bedrock
“So we have 91 of the 119 bus stops “In our more rural areas… it would not
2 oz Frasier
already approved,” said Gotsch. “If you be reasonable to want someone to walk five Fir Candle
drive up Route 235 and Great Mills Road miles to the bus stop,” Swint said. Fir Fragrance
you will already see signs in place.”
Gotsch said the county was “piggy-back- guyleonard@countytimes.net
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12 IN OUR COMMUNITY St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, December 5, 2024

Come see the Clydesdales

on the Square in Leonardtown
on Friday, December 13th from
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Suttler’s Post Farm will be hosting the Budweiser Clydesdales

for the Holiday Open House Fundraiser for Hospice
December 14th & 15th from 11 am - 4 pm
They will be on display starting at 11:00 and in action
each day, showcasing their impressive beauty and power.
Come out and enjoy a weekend of exciting events!
Thursday, December 5, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times LOCAL NEWS 13

Murderer’s Life Identity Needed for

Sentence to Endure Theft Suspect
State’s Attorney Jaymi Sterling announced
today that a convicted murderer’s sentence
of life without the possibility of parole will
stand. Earlier this year, Dana Collins, 63,
asked the Court to reconsider his sentence
stemming from a 1995 murder. The State
argued against Collins’s motion. The Court
agreed with the State, denied Collins’s
motion, and kept his sentence intact as life
without the possibility of parole.
In 1995, Collins lured a man outside of
his home in California, Maryland, before
fatally shooting him with a crossbow.
Collins then dismembered the victim’s
body and disposed of his remains in a
dumpster at a nearby school.
In July 1996, Collins entered a plea of
guilty to First-Degree Murder and was Dana Collins
sentenced to life without the possibil-
ity of parole by the Honorable Marvin S. During the October 2024 hearing, the
Kaminetz. After multiple post-conviction State maintained that Collins has exhausted
motions filed by Collins, in March 2002 all legal avenues for reconsideration. The The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office Tipsters can also call Crime Solvers 24/7
the Court of Special Appeals (now the State successfully argued that there was requests help to identify and locate the at 301-475-3333 or text Crime Solvers
Appellate Court of Maryland) vacated the no legal basis for granting Collins another individual shown in this series of residen- at 274637. In the message block, type
original judgment and ordered a new trial. reconsideration. The Court agreed with the tial video screenshots. The subject entered “Tip239” and select SEND. After you get
In 2003, at the new trial, Collins entered State and denied Collins’s motion, requir- a residence in Clements and was seen on a response, continue your conversation.
a plea of “not criminally responsible.” ing Collins to continue to serve his life video stealing checks and cash. Note: Tip239 is case-sensitive and must
On September 12, 2003, a jury found without the possibility of parole sentence. If you recognize this individual or have be typed in the message block as shown.
Collins criminally responsibly and guilty Collectively, on behalf of the citizens of information about this incident, please With Crime Solvers, you never have to give
of first-degree murder. In February 2004, St. Mary’s County, Senior Assistant State’s contact Deputy Myles Chase-Johnson at your name, and you may be eligible for a
Collins was again sentenced to life without Attorneys Fran Longwell and Lisa Ridge Myles.ChaseJohnson@stmaryscountymd. cash reward if your information leads to
the possibility of parole. handled the 2024 matters, while former gov or 301-475-4200, ext. 8175. Please ref- an arrest.
Since his 2003 trial, Collins has filed 15 State’s Attorney Richard Fritz prosecuted erence case number 2024-62712.
motions, petitions, and appeals for relief. the case in 2003.
His most recent motion, filed in January
2024, was scheduled for a hearing in
The Honorable Brooke Murdock pre-
sided over the 2024 hearing. Southern Maryland
October of this year.
Farm & Country Christmas Auction
Home Invasion Suspect
Arrested in Great Mills Saturday, December 7, 2024 - 9 AM
St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office Deputies (Registration beginning at 7:45 am)
MF Utility Tractor w/
arrested Robert Eric Hyatt Jr., 38, of Fort Loader (200 hours) Westfield Farm
Washington, following a 911 report of a home
invasion on Friday, November 29, 2024.
Locally-Made, Live Arena & Auction Barn
Deputies from the Patrol Division Evergreen Wreaths & 26689 Laurel Grove Rd –
responded to the 45000 block of Military Centerpieces Mechanicsville, MD
Lane after receiving a call from the victim, Locally-Grown
who reported that a male suspect was attempt- Poinsettias New this Year – Selling in Two Rings!
ing to enter his residence forcibly. During the New Tools/Items Ring One: Evergreens, Quilts, Furniture, Crafts
911 call, a loud disturbance was heard as the New Toys Ring Two: Tools, Camping/Sporting Items, & More
suspect forced his way into the home.
Handcrafted Quilts More New Tools/Items this Year!
Upon arrival, deputies entered the resi- Consignments of New, Quality Items Accepted
dence, where the suspect surrendered with- Furniture & Crafts
out incident. A search revealed that Hyatt Lawn/Garden Items A local community auction
was carrying a 9mm handgun, brass knuck- New Household Items supporting local
les, and a large knife, and he was wearing Camping/Sporting craftsmen & producers.
body armor. Items Thank you for your support.
The victim was found on the balcony of the Robert Eric Hyatt, Jr.
residence, suffering from a laceration to the Live, In-Person Auction Event. Auction Preview & Early
head and a gunshot wound to the shoulder. He was transported to the St. Mary’s Food by Anna Stoltzfus & Family Registration Friday - 3 to 7 pm.
He was transported to an area hospital by the County Detention and Rehabilitation
Maryland State Police Aviation Command. Center in Leonardtown. Absentee Bidding Available: If you are unable to attend
Hyatt faces ten charges, including The case is now being handled by the the auction on Saturday, stop by Friday evening to preview
attempted first- and second-degree murder, Criminal Investigations Division, with items and leave absentee bids. A member of our staff will
first- and second-degree assault, use of a Detective Benjamin Raley serving as the lead assist you with the absentee bidding process.
firearm in the commission of a felony, wear- investigator. Anyone with additional infor- Terms: Cash, Good Check Credit Cards Accepted (w/ 3.5% fee).
ing bulletproof armor in the commission mation is asked to contact Detective Raley 10% buyer’s premium, MD Sales Tax.
of a violent crime, concealing a dangerous at 301-475-4200, ext. 8076, or via email at
weapon, and related burglary offenses. Benjamin.Raley@stmaryscountymd.gov. www.FarrellAuctionService.com 301-904-3402
14 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, December 5, 2024

Holiday Exhibit at Piney Point

Dec. 1 – Jan. 5
Weekend Specials
This month’s special at the Good Earth Natural Food
t to Know

(Closed 12/24 & 12/25) Store is the Candy Cane Forest Smoothie is a sweet
10AM – 5PM daily holiday blend of zucchini, banana, peppermint,
301-994-1471 cocoa, and date syrup in a base of almond milk.
Specials and sales at Shepherd’s Old Field Market
St. Clement’s Island Christmas Le
o n a r dto w n
Doll & Train Exhibit
Dec. 1 – Jan. 5
(Closed 12/24 & 12/25)
Friday, December 6
10AM – 5PM daily 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. Visit the Old Jail Museum & Leonardtown Visitor
301-769-2222 Center for FREE tours and extended hours for First Friday
Facebook.com/SCI Museum
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Movie night featuring The Polar Express at
Unique Gifts at the Museum Stores or Town Market. Bring a chair and blanket
Online at friendsmuseumstore.square.site
6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Gift Cards and Cider at the Escape Rooms
Southern Maryland.
St. Mary’s 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Tiny Art Show – Opening Reception at the St.
Nursing & Rehabilitation
Mary’s County Arts Council curated by Elsewise Art and featuring the
work of local artists. Free gift wrapping
21585 Peabody Street
Leonardtown, MD 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Live music with Doc Lohn at St. Mary’s County
• Long-term care
Arts Council
• Rehabilitation
services Do you want to advertise on this page?
Contact Jen Stotler: 301-247-7611 or jen@countytimes.net
• Respite care
Thank You to Our
Wonderful Sponsors:
To schedule a tour or
speak to admissions,
please call


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Thursday, December 5, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times IN OUR COMMUNITY 15

Naval Air Station Patuxent River News

Santa Claus Visits Southern Maryland Dec. 10
Good boys and girls of all ages across School
Southern Maryland should keep their eyes • Chesapeake Charter Public School
on the skies as Adm. Saint Nicholas con- • Little Flower School
ducts pre-deployment mission planning over • Bay Montessori School
parts of Southern Maryland on Dec. 10 from • Park Hall Elementary School
11:00 to 1:00 p.m. ET. • Spring Ridge Middle School
Regional residents looking up might • Naval Air Station Patuxent River Child
spot Nicholas, known by his festive call Development Center
sign “Claus,” as he soars through the skies
aboard a U.S. Navy MH-60S Knighthawk Children are advised to be on their best behav-
helicopter with his trusty elves and holi- ior as Claus finalizes his naughty list ahead
day helpers from NAWCAD’s Air Test and of upcoming operations on Christmas Eve.
Evaluation Squadron (HX) 21. As Rudolph rests up with the rein-
“Delivering toys to children around the deer crew ahead of the holiday, inclement
world takes careful planning and strategic weather may delay Santa’s mission to Dec.
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnais- 11 or Dec. 12, at the same time. Stay up-to-
sance,” said Claus during a pre-flight brief date on Santa Over Southern Maryland
with HX-21 rotary pilots and aircrew. “The Adm. Santa Claus conducts pre-deployment planning near the Patuxent River in Southern Maryland during a on the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft
aviation pros at NAWCAD make prepping reconnaissance mission ahead of Christmas Eve. Division’s Facebook page.
for the big night a little easier.” HX-21 is a component of Naval Test Wing
Claus and the HX-21 crew will spread • Solomons Island Pier 12:00 – 12:30 p.m. Atlantic, the test wing for Naval Air Warfare
holiday cheer over the following regional • Leonardtown Middle School Center Aircraft Division. Nicknamed the
locations: 11:30 – 12:00 p.m. • Evergreen Elementary School “Blackjacks,” the squadron provides devel-
• Hollywood Elementary School • Town Creek Elementary School opmental flight test and evaluation for all
11:00 – 11:30 a.m. • Saint John’s Catholic School • Green Holly Elementary School U.S. Navy and Marine Corps rotary-wing
• Naval Air Station Patuxent River • Captain Walter Francis Duke • Greenview Knolls Elementary School and tilt-rotor aircraft. The Blackjacks are
Beach House Elementary School • Lexington Park Elementary School personal favorites of Claus, who tries to
• Driftwood Beach • Leonardtown Elementary School visit his HX-21 friends every year. Naval
• Patuxent Appeal Elementary School • Leonardtown Wharf 12:30 – 1:00 p.m. Air Station Patuxent River has been home
• Dowell Elementary School • George Washington Carver Elementary to HX-21 since 1949.

European Granite 50% O






16 IN OUR COMMUNITY St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, December 5, 2024

Storytime with
of the
Santa at the USCT
Interpretive Center
“No such thing as a bad dog.” Experience the magic of the season with our Manor Passive Park, in Lexington Park, MD.
Nutrition • Training • Grooming • Daycare • Walking Museum Division! Families are invited to don This free event is brought to you by St.
their coziest Christmas jammies or festive Mary’s County Government’s Museum
Temporarily located inside Well Pet Clinic
holiday outfits and head to the U.S. Colored Division and the Friends of St. Clement’s
21800 N Shangri La Dr, Unit 16 • Lexington Park
Troops Interpretive Center on Sunday, Island & Piney Point Museums. Mark your
Call/Text: 240-431-7834
December 15, 2024, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., calendars and join us for this heartwarming
for a joyful holiday Open House you won’t celebration filled with holiday spirit, family

 want to miss! This special event will feature:

Two Polar Express Storytimes: Gather
‘round for two special readings of the
fun, and a little Santa magic!
Our amazing museums offer holiday fun
and local shopping all season long! Learn
 
beloved holiday classic, The Polar Express more: https://www.stmaryscountymd.gov/
      at 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Children and par- pio/docs/2024-198NewsReleaseMuseum-
­€‚ƒ„ ‚„†‡€ ents alike are encouraged to wear their paja- HolidayEvents.pdf.
  ˆ‰‚‚Š ‚„‹Œ mas to truly capture the spirit of the story! For more information on hours of oper-
‡„ŽŽŠƒ‚ ‚‘’  € Santa & Mrs. Claus: Meet the jolliest duo ation, programs, events, admission prices,
 † „‹     of the season – don’t forget to smile and and more, following our museums on
“   “€ capture the perfect holiday card moment. Facebook at:
 ” •€– Holiday Treats: Enjoy delicious cookies • St. Clement’s Island Museum:
­‰—‚ ‹†˜‚™ Œ­  and refreshments. Facebook.com/SCIMuseum
•— šš› ‘š – Festive Fun for All Ages: Holiday color- • Old Jail Museum & Visitor Center:
  ­Š ‚‘‘  Œ ing activities will be provided, and guests Facebook.com/TheOldJailMuseum
are encouraged to explore the fascinating • Piney Point Lighthouse Museum:
œ‚ „ ‚„Š‡­‚„‘‚ ††‘‚‚Œ
exhibits at the interpretive center while there. Facebook.com/1836Light
„„ ‘†­‹‹†„‡†­‹ € Œ
The open house will take place at the U.S. • U.S. Colored Troops Interpretive
‹ ž     Ÿ¡ Colored Troops (USCT) Interpretive Center, Center: Facebook.com/USCTCenter
— ¢   „        located at 21675 S. Coral Drive in Lexington
 £¤¤     ¤  ¤    ¤

Pianist Brian Ganz to



8,400- 34,000 SQUARE FEET

St. Mary’s College of MD Musician-in- ment to offer! And as it comes right after the
Residence Brian Ganz will perform his Beethoven on the program, one hears the
only full-length evening piano recital of latter’s influence on the young Chopin, who
the semester on Thursday, December 5 at 7 was only a teenager when he composed this
pm in the Main Concert Hall of the Dodge first of his sonatas. I can promise listeners an
PRIME COMMERCIAL OFFICE SUITES FOR Performing Arts Center on the college amazing discovery of a work that deserves to
LEASE, LOCATED BETWEEN GATES 1 & 2. campus. The free program will feature two be much better known than it is.”
WITH A CORPORATE CAMPUS FEEL, THE great piano sonatas, Beethoven’s beloved Ganz has appeared as soloist with such
“Appassionata” Sonata and Chopin’s vir- orchestras as the St. Petersburg Philharmonic,
tually unknown Sonata No. 1 in C minor. the National Philharmonic, the Baltimore and
CONFIGURATIONS AND RECENT Rounding out the program will be four pop- the National Symphonies, the City of London
IMPROVEMENTS. SELECT SUITES FEATURE A ular mazurkas of Chopin. For more infor- Sinfonia, and L’Orchestre Philharmonique
SCIF, AN 80-PERSON CONFERENCE ROOM mation call (240) 895-4498 or visit bit. de Monte Carlo. He has performed in many
AND MORE. LISTED BELOW MARKET RATES ly/3C69OnR of the world’s major concert halls and has
Owner Representation
WITH IMMEDIATE AVAILABILITY. THESE “I am thrilled to be playing these two sona- played under the baton of such conductors
Nick Stellway, CCIM tas back to back,” pianist Ganz said recently. as Leonard Slatkin, Mstislav Rostropovich,
PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SUITES ARE IDEAL Direct 240-298-8986 “The Beethoven is perhaps the greatest Pinchas Zukerman, Jerzy Semkow and Yoel
FOR DEFENSE CONTRACTORS OR sonata ever composed for piano. It is univer- Levi. A critic for La Libre Belgique wrote
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES. O’Brien Realty Commercial sally revered as a masterpiece. The Chopin, of Ganz’s work: “We don’t have the words
22894 Three Notch Road,
on the other hand, is so rarely played it can to speak of this fabulous musician who lives
California MD 20619 honestly be considered unknown. Yet it has music with a generous urgency and brings his
so much beauty, so much richness and excite- public into a state of intense joy.”
Thursday, December St. Mary’s County Times
USDA Inspected, Bone-In 5, 2024 Springer Mountain Farms
USDA Inspected, Bone-In Springer Mountain Farms
Assorted Chicken Thighs OF THE HOLIDAYS
Assorted Chicken Thighs
Pork Chops Or
Or Drumsticks

1.68 1.48
Chops Drumsticks

USDA Inspected, Bone-In
USDA Inspected, Bone-In
USDA Inspected, Bone-In Springer Mountain Farms Country
Country Style
Lb. Lb. Pork
Pork Ribs

Assorted Lb. Lb.
Chicken Thighs Ribs
Pork Chops Or Drumsticks

1.68 1.48
USDA Inspected, Bone-In
Country StyleLb.
Lb. Lb. Pork Ribs

USDA Inspected, Bone-In Springer Mountain Farms
Assorted Chicken Thighs
Pork Chops Or Drumsticks

1.68 1.48
USDA Inspected, Bone-In
USDA Inspected, Bone-In Butcher’s Best Certified Angus Beef Certified Angus Beef 16-Oz., Selected Country Style
12-Oz. Reg. Or Thick
USDA Center
CutBone-In Lb. Butcher’s
Boneless Best Certified Angus Beef
T-Bone Lb. Certified
Boneless Angus Beef
Sirloin 16-Oz.,
Jimmy Selected
Dean Pork Ribs
12-Oz. Reg. Or Thick

Center Cut Boneless T-Bone Boneless Sirloin Jimmy Dean Sugardale

2.98 5.98 11.98 5.98 4.98

Pork Chops Beef Stew Steaks Tip Roast Roll Sausage Sliced Bacon
Pork Chops Beef Stew Steaks Tip Roast Roll Sausage Sliced Bacon

Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb.

Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb.
USDA Inspected, Bone-In Butcher’s Best Certified Angus Beef Certified Angus Beef 16-Oz., Selected 12-Oz. Reg. Or Thick
Center Cut
16-Oz. Boneless
Frozen T-Bone 1-Lb. Boneless Sirloin 26 To 30-Ct. Jimmy Dean Delicious! Sugardale

2.98 5.98 11.98 5.98 4.98 2.98

Pork Chops BeefFrozen
Stew Steaks 1-Lb. Tip Roast 26 To 30-Ct. Roll Sausage Delicious! Sliced Bacon
Nature’s Best Lobster Claw Texas Gulf Sea
Nature’s Best
Tilapia Fillets Lobster
Tails Claw
Crabmeat Texas
ShrimpGulf Sea
Tilapia Fillets Tails Crabmeat Shrimp Scallops

4.98 5.98 9.98 6.98 15.98

Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb.

16-Oz. Frozen 1-Lb. 26 To 30-Ct. Lb. Delicious! Lb.

Nature’s Best Bone-In Lobster Claw Texas Gulf
Lb. Sea Lb.
USDA Inspected, Butcher’s Best Certified Angus Beef Certified Angus Beef 16-Oz., Selected 12-Oz. Reg. Or Thick
FilletsCut Tails
Boneless Crabmeat
T-Bone Boneless Sirloin Shrimp Jimmy Dean Scallops Sugardale

4.98 5.98 11.98FAR

9.98 M
2.98 5.98 to 5.986.98 4.98 15.98 2.98
Pork Chops Beef Stew Steaks Tip Roast Roll Sausage Sliced Bacon
1 Pint, Fresh
Creamy Ripe 1 Pint, Fresh
3-Lb., Eastern Grown Plump Sweet
Creamy Ripe
Hass 3-Lb., Eastern Grown
Sweet Plump Sweet
Hass Blueberries

TABLE 2/$499
Lb. Avocados Lb. Lb. Lb. Lb. SweetApples Blueberries




Honeycrisp Apples

Farm To Table FARM FAR M

16-Oz. Frozen 1-Lb. 26 To 30-Ct. Delicious!
Nature’s Best Lobster Claw Texas Gulf Sea
1 Pint, Fresh
Tilapia Fillets Tails
Creamy Ripe Crabmeat Shrimp Scallops
3-Lb., Eastern Grown Plump Sweet
4.98 5.98 9.98
TABLE 6.98 15.98
Hass Sweet Blueberries

Avocados 3-Lb. Bag 6-Oz.

.88 3.98 /$ 99
3-Lb. Bag Honeycrisp Apples

3-Lb. Bag, All Purpose California 6-Oz.
Sweet Plump

Farm To Table
3-Lb. Bag, All Purpose
Medium Yellow California
Navel Oranges Sweet Plump
Fresh Blackberries Lb.

Medium Yellow Navel Oranges Fresh Blackberries Lb.



FARM M Creamy Ripe
3-Lb. Bag 6-Oz. 1 Pint, Fresh

3-Lb. Bag, All Purpose California 3-Lb., Eastern Grown Plump Sweet
to Hass Sweet Plump
Medium Yellow Navel Oranges Sweet Blueberries

3.98 T
A BLE 2/$6 2 4
Avocados Fresh Blackberries

.88 /$ 99
Onions Honeycrisp Apples

Farm To Table
Hunt’s 1.98
9 To 16-Oz., Selected
9 To 16-Oz.,
3-Pk., Selected
Act II
18 To 19-Oz., Selected
18 ToProgresso
19-Oz., Selected
10.75-Oz. Chicken Noodle Or
10.75-Oz. Chicken Noodle Or
40.5-Oz. Great Northern Or
Great Northern Or
Food Club
7-Oz. Ready Pasta Or 12 To 16-Oz. Selected
7-Oz. Ready Pasta Or 12 To 16-Oz. Selected

2.28 3.48 4/$

/$5 2/$
/$5 7.98 2/$ /$3
Ketchup Crackers Microwave Popcorn Soup Tomato Soup Kidney Beans Vegetable Oil Pasta

Ketchup Crackers Microwave Popcorn Soup Tomato Soup Kidney Beans Vegetable Oil Pasta
3-Lb. Bag 6-Oz.
3-Lb. Bag, All Purpose California Sweet Plump
Medium Yellow Navel Oranges

Fresh Blackberries

6 /$

32-Oz. 9 To 16-Oz., Selected 3-Pk., Selected 18 To 19-Oz., Selected 10.75-Oz. Chicken Noodle Or 40.5-Oz. Great Northern Or 128-Oz. 7-Oz. Ready Pasta Or 12 To 16-Oz. Selected
Hunt’s Premium Act II Progresso Campbell’s Hanover Food Club Barilla

2.28 3.48 4 5 2 5 7.98 2/$3

Ketchup Crackers Microwave Popcorn Soup Tomato Soup Kidney Beans Vegetable Oil Pasta

8 To 10-Ct., Selected
8 ToFood
Food Club
5 To 13.54-Oz. Selected Poppers, Bites Or
5 To 13.54-Oz. Selected Poppers, Bites Or
Pop Tarts
Pop Tarts
8.4 To 14.1-Oz., Selected
8.4 To 14.1-Oz.,
30-Oz., Regular Or Light
30-Oz., Regular
Food Club
Food Club
Or Light
24-Oz, Selected
24-Oz, Selected
6-Pk., Selected
6-Pk., Selected
13.5 To 18.2-Oz., Selected
13.5 ToCheerios
18.2-Oz., Selected

2 6 2.28 3.78 3.78 4 5 2 6 /$

Cocoa Mix Pastries Corn Starch Instant Oatmeal Mayonnaise Pasta Sauce Apple Sauce Cereals

/$ /$ /$
32-Oz.Mix Pastries
9 To 16-Oz., Selected Corn Starch
3-Pk., Selected Instant
18 Oatmeal
To 19-Oz., Selected Mayonnaise
10.75-Oz. Chicken Noodle Or Pasta
40.5-Oz. GreatSauce
Northern Or Apple Sauce
128-Oz. Cereals
7-Oz. Ready Pasta Or 12 To 16-Oz. Selected

/$ /$ /$
Hunt’s Premium Act II Progresso Campbell’s Hanover Food Club Barilla

2.28 3.48 4/$5 2 5 7.98 2 3

Ketchup Crackers Microwave Popcorn Soup Tomato Soup Kidney Beans Vegetable Oil Pasta

12-Pk., Chocolate
To 10-Ct.,
12-Oz. Cans, Selected
5 To 13.54-Oz.
12-Oz.Selected Poppers, Bites Or
Cans, Selected
Pop Tarts
12-Ct., Selected
10.68 To 19.1-Oz., Selected
8.4 ToTo14.1-Oz.,
10.68 19.1-Oz.,Selected
Oreo Selected
30-Oz., Regular Or Light
Food Club
24-Oz, Selected
6-Pk., Selected
13.5 To 18.2-Oz., Selected
Yoo-Hoo 12-Pack Food Club Oreo

6.98 5.78
2/$6 2.28 4.48
Drink Arizona Tea K-Cup Coffee Cookies

3.78 3.78 4/$5 2/$6

DrinkMix PastriesTea
Arizona Corn Starch
K-Cup Coffee Instant Oatmeal
Cookies Mayonnaise Pasta Sauce Apple Sauce Cereals

12-Pk., Chocolate 12-Oz. Cans, Selected 12-Ct., Selected 10.68 To 19.1-Oz., Selected
Yoo-Hoo 12-Pack Food Club Oreo

6.98 5.78 4.48

Drink Arizona Tea K-Cup Coffee Cookies
8 To 10-Ct., Selected 5 To 13.54-Oz. Selected Poppers, Bites Or 16-Oz. 8.4 To 14.1-Oz., Selected 30-Oz., Regular Or Light 24-Oz, Selected 6-Pk., Selected 13.5 To 18.2-Oz., Selected
Food Club Pop Tarts Argo Quaker Food Club Hunt’s Mott’s
COUPON - 12/8/24 Cheerios

2/$6 2.28 3.78 3.78 4/$5 2LOAD

Cocoa Mix Pastries Corn Starch Instant Oatmeal Mayonnaise Pasta Sauce *LIMIT ONE Apple Sauce
12/6/24 - 12/8/24

10-Ct. 8.5 To 9-Oz., Selected 30-Ct., Wild Cherry 18-Ct., Selected 3-Oz., Hot Or 6 To 10.8-Oz., Selected
1 FREE 25-Ct. Halls Elderberry Cough & Throat Relief
Mountain 8.5 To 9-Oz.,
FritosSelected 30-Ct., Wild Cherry
Luden’s 18-Ct., Selected
Fritos 3-Oz.,Capp’s
Andy Hot Or 6 To 10.8-Oz.,
Or 1 FREE 25-Ct. Halls Elderberry Cough & Throat Relief
K-CupMountain Fritos Luden’s Fritos Andy Capp’s Doritos Or Download your DIGITAL COUPON for a FREE ITEM.

6.98 2/$
/$5 2/$
/$3 9.99 .98 2/$
Coffee Can Dips Throat Drops Snack Packs Cheddar Fries Ruffles Chips
12-Pk., Coffee
Chocolate Can
12-Oz. Cans,Dips
Selected Throat Drops
12-Ct., Selected 10.68Snack Packs
To 19.1-Oz., Selected Cheddar Fries Ruffles Chips Download your DIGITAL COUPON for a FREE ITEM.
Yoo-Hoo 12-Pack Food Club Oreo
12/6/24 - 12/8/24

6.98 5.78 4.48

Drink Arizona Tea K-Cup Coffee Cookies
Load Friday 12/6/24 ONLY and redeem by Sunday 12/8/24
Load Friday 12/6/24 ONLY and redeem by Sunday 12/8/24

Mountain FRI SAT SUNFritosMON
8.5 To 9-Oz., Selected
30-Ct., Wild Cherry
Luden’s Fritos WE
18-Ct., Selected 3-Oz., Hot Or
Andy Capp’s Doritos Or
6 To 10.8-Oz., Selected
23860 25-Ct. Halls Elderberry
Hollywood Road,Cough & Throat Relief
4K-Cup Coffee
6 7
8 Dips9 10 23860 Hollywood
Download Road,

6.98 2/$5 2/$3 9.99 .98 2 7

Can Throat Drops Snack Packs Cheddar Fries Ruffles Chips
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hollywood,
Hollywood, MD
MD 20636
20636 • • 301-475-2531
PRICES GOOD FROM 301-475-2531
Dec. 4 THRU Dec. 10, 2023 Monday - SaturdayLoad
7am Friday
9 pmONLY and redeem8byam
• SUNDAY Sunday
7 pm
Dec. 4 THRU Dec. 10, 2023 Monday - SaturdayCOUPON
7am to 9 pm • SUNDAY 8 am to 7 pm
12/6/24 - 12/8/24

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10-Ct. 8.5 To 9-Oz., Selected 30-Ct., Wild Cherry 18-Ct., Selected 3-Oz., Hot Or Hollywood,
6 To 10.8-Oz., Selected MD 20636 • 301-475-2531
18 COLUMNISTS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, December 5, 2024


Consider these year- of a Aimless Mind by Shelby Oppermann
end financial moves Beautiful Distractions
As we enter the holiday season, your life may well become busier. Still, you
might want to take the time to consider some financial moves before we turn When things get crazy, I try to notice
the calendar to 2025. and appreciate all the simple things
Here are a few suggestions: in life like all the animals and nature
• Review your investment portfolio. As you look at your portfolio, ask these around us. Right this minute for
questions: Has its performance met my expectations this year? Does it still instance, Mindy is hopping around
reflect my goals, risk tolerance and time horizon? Do I need to rebalance? wanting to go outside with my hus-
You might find that working with a financial professional can help you band. He said, “Mindy’s following
answer these and other questions you may have about your investments. me around just like a puppy”. I said,
• Add to your 401(k) and HSA. If you can afford it, and your employer “Mindy do you want your jacket?”.
allows it, consider putting more money into your 401(k) before the year Then she really started getting excited.
ends — including “catch-up” contributions if you’re 50 or older. You Two weeks ago, we bought Mindy
might also want to add to your health savings account (HSA) by the a pink quilted fleece lined jacket at
tax-filing deadline in April. Lowes. It was only $20, so I figured
• Use your FSA dollars. Unlike an HSA, a flexible spending account (FSA) if she didn’t like it that somebody in
works on a “use-it-or-lose-it” basis, meaning you lose any unspent funds the neighborhood might buy it. I put it
at the end of the year. So, if you still have funds left in your account, try on her one chilly night when we were
to use them up in 2024. (Employers may grant a 2½ month extension, sitting outside and she loved it! In fact, it was hard to get it off of her because
so check with your human resources area to see if this is the case where she would lay down and look at me with a look that said “No, I am not tak-
you work.) ing this off!”. Now, all I have to do is pick it up and show it to her, and she is
• Contribute to a 529 plan. If you haven’t opened a 529 education savings wiggling her body and wagging her tail for met to put it on her. I really didn’t
plan for your children, think about doing so this year. With a 529 plan, think she would be a clothes loving dog.
your earnings can grow tax deferred, and your withdrawals are federally Maybe it will help keep some of Mindy’s joints warm since now she doesn’t
tax free when used for qualified education expenses — tuition, fees, books really hop around its actually more like hobbling around. Her arthritis seems to
and so on. And if you invest in your own state’s 529 plan, you might be be making it harder for her to get up and walk well. And we are now thinking
able to deduct your contributions from your state income tax or receive about the recent injection for dogs called Librela. Mindy’s Vet has recom-
a state tax credit. mended it at the last two visits and says it has made a big difference in some
• Build your emergency fund. It’s generally a good idea to keep up to six of her canine patients’ quality of life. This is what the Caninearthritis.org states
months’ worth of living expenses in an emergency fund, with the money about Librela, “It is a monoclonal antibody (mAb) that targets nerve growth
held in a liquid, low-risk account. Without such a fund in place, you might factor (NGF) and is used to control pain in dogs with osteoarthritis (OA)”. My
be forced to dip into your retirement funds to pay for short-term needs, husband asked if maybe I could switch to that injection too. I guess Mindy
such as a major car or home repair. and I would both be barking at doorbells on TV, and anything and everything
• Review your estate plans. If you’ve experienced any changes in your that makes a sound.
family situation this year, such as marriage, remarriage or the birth of a Yesterday we had to go back to Lowes to pick out our new basement doors
child, you may want to update your estate-planning documents to reflect which really need to be replaced after 30 or more years. They were the neigh-
your new situation. It’s also important to look at the beneficiary designa- bors doors before they were put in this house. An estimator had already been
tions on your investment accounts, retirement plans, IRAs and insurance to the house to take accurate measurements for the installation. Naturally, we
policies, as these designations can sometimes even supersede the instruc- walked around the store after that and bought things we didn’t know we needed.
tions you’ve left in your will. And if you haven’t started estate planning, When we got to the bird seed bags for our bird feeders, I was mesmerized
there’s no time like the present. with the number of birds who were living, chirping, and feeding in that area. I
• Take your RMDs. If you’re 73 or older, you will likely need to take with- imagine they were bossy house wrens. At times there would be 5 or more birds
drawals — called required minimum distributions, or RMDs — from eating the seeds that were all around the bags; bags that I am sure they pecked
some of your retirement accounts, such as your traditional IRA. If you until they reached the good stuff. I took some photos, but they were so fast with
don’t take these withdrawals each year, you could be subject to penalties. their swooping from the food to the rafters that the pictures were a bit blurry.
These aren’t the only moves you can make, but they may prove helpful not As to nature, just in the last few days, we have noticed that all of the beautiful
only for 2024 but in the years to come. Red Maples that we, and our neighbors have, have lost their leaves in one fell
swoop. Each tree has a bright red puddle of leaves underneath them. All the
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward other types of trees in our yard still have many leaves hanging on for dear life,
Jones Financial Advisor. though that will change later this week with the high winds that are expected.
Edward Jones, Member SIPC My husband has been trying to keep up with blowing leaves every day, but even
Contributed by David McDonough he said this morning that he will wait until the last leaves are down.
Financial Advisor at Edward Jones I always worry about how the squirrels are able to keep in their nests (dreys)
Office located at 41680 Miss Bessie Dr. Suite 302 high in the trees on windy days. Squirrels must be great builders. The squirrels
Leonardtown, MD 20650 also have plenty of hollow holes in the trees where they can hide too. Lately
301 997 1707 I have been a bit upset with a few squirrels who have turned one of my bird
houses upside down so they can sit on it and eat the corn left on the cornstalks.
I don’t begrudge them the corn, its more of how they mess up the houses. My
husband had one screw in the center of the house which apparently was perfect
for the squirrels to turn it upside down. The next husband Honey-Do task is
a second screw in that birdhouse. Last year they ate most of a birdhouse my
son made for me. I do love to watch their antics though, just as I do with the
birds or Mindy. You can’t worry about life, or the world, if you have nature
and animals as such beautiful distractions. I hope you have lots of beautiful
distractions in the coming hectic weeks.
To each new day’s adventure, Shelby
Please send your comments or ideas to: shelbys.wanderings@yahoo.com
or find me on Facebook.
7 To 8-Oz., Selected
16-Oz., Quarters 20-Oz., Selected 16-Oz. 46 To 48-Oz. Selected
Imperial Simply Borden Shredded Cheese Blue Bunny

1.48 2 5 3.78 2 254 3.98

Spread Potatoes American Singles Ice Cream

/$ 2/$5
/$ /$

Thursday, December 5, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times

Cool/$Savings 19

6-Ct., Novelties 12.7-Oz. French Toast Sticks 10.5 To 11.25-Oz., Selected 5.25 To 12.75-Oz., Selected Lean Cuisine Or 8-Oz.
Or 10.75 To 12.3-Oz., Selected
Mayfield Eggo Frozen Hostess Stouffer’s Entrees
OFF TWO Sugardale

2/$5 1.98 3 96 2.98

Ice Cream Novelties Waffles Donuts FINAL PRICE
Sliced Pepperoni




Bakery & Deli Fresh


12.7-Oz. French Toast Sticks 7 To 8-Oz., Selected

6-Ct., Novelties 16-Oz., Quarters 10.5 To 11.25-Oz., Selected
20-Oz., Selected 5.25 To 12.75-Oz., Selected Lean Cuisine Or
16-Oz. 8-Oz.
Or 10.75 To 12.3-Oz., Selected Sargento
Mayfield Imperial
Eggo Frozen HostessSimply Stouffer’s Entrees
Borden Sugardale
Shredded Cheese

5 1.98
2 5 33.78
96 Rolls 2.98
2 254
Ice Cream Novelties Spread
Waffles Donuts
Potatoes American Singles
Sliced Pepperoni

/$ /$ 3Hawaiian

/$ 3/$9
/$ /$


Original Or Honey Sliced To Order

Kretschmar Kretschmar 3.00 King’s


Bakery & Deli Fresh

Ham Off The Bone Provolone Cheese

Original Or Honey
Ham Off The Bone
6-Ct., Novelties
Sliced To Order
Kretschmar12.7-Oz. French Toast Sticks
Or 10.75 To 12.3-Oz., Selected
Provolone Cheese Eggo Frozen
2 3 /$
4-Ct., Original
10.5 To 11.25-Oz., Selected
Hawaiian Rolls
5.25 To 12.75-Oz., Selected Lean Cuisine Or
Stouffer’s Entrees

2 5 1.98/$ 3 396
Ice Cream Novelties Donuts
52-Oz. 11-Oz., Selected
Waffles 16-Oz., Plain FINAL PRICE

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2 3Fresh
/$ 3/$9

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Cake Mini Donuts Cheesecake 3.00


11.98 52-Oz.
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Donut Time
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New York
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16-Oz., Plain
4-Ct., Original

Wine, Liquor and Beer

Ham Off The Bone Provolone Cheese Hawaiian Rol

11.98 5.982.48 5.985.98 2/$3

12-Oz. Bottles 12-Oz. Bottles 12-Oz. Cans 12-Oz. Cans 12-Oz., Cans

Wine, Liquor and14.99

Beer 28.99
18-Pack 18-Pack 12-Pack 18-Pack 30-Pack

24.99 15.99 18.99

Corona Extra Coors Light Great Lakes Holiday Bud Light Michelob Ultra
52-Oz. 11-Oz., Selected 16-Oz., Plain
Red Velvet Donut Time New York
Cake Mini Donuts Cheesecake

11.9818.99 2.48 5.98

1.75L Bottles
12-Oz. 1.75L Bottles
12-Oz. 1.75L Cans
12-Oz. 1-Liter Cans
12-Oz. 1.75L Cans
18-Pack Captain Morgan
18-Pack Kahlua Rum &
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24.99 27.49
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14.99 20.99
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Bud Single Malt
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19.49 36.99
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42.99 64.99 39.99
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Spiced Rum VSOP Cognac
Coffee Liquer 9-Year
12 YearBourbon
Single Malt Tequila Reposado

12-Oz. Bottles 12-Oz. Bottles 12-Oz. Cans 12-Oz. Cans 12-O

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24.99 15.99 18.99 14.99 2

Corona Extra Coors Light Great Lakes Holiday Bud Light Mic

1.75L 750 mL, Private Select

1.75L 750mL 750mL, All Flavors
1.75L 750mL
Jim Beam
Seagrams Robert Mondavi
Tanqueray Meiomi
Hennessy AndreCreek
Knob Minuty

18.99 9.99
36.99 17.99
60.99 8.49
64.99 21.99
VO WiskeyBourbon Pinto
Gin Grigio Bright Pinot Noir
VSOP Cognac Wine
Bourbon Rose
Tequila Reposado

1.75L 1.75L 1.75L 1-Liter 1.75L

Smirnoff Captain Morgan Kahlua Rum & Glenfiddich Fire

19.49 27.49 42.99 64.99 2

Vodka Spiced Rum Coffee Liquer 12 Year Single Malt Whi

750mL 750mL
of the
1.75L 750 mL, Private Select 750mL 750mL, All Flavors 750mL
Jim BeamMerlot Seaglass
Robert Mondavi Francis Coppola
Meiomi Andre Minuty

29.99 11.49
9.99 15.99
17.99 8.49 21.99
Straight Reserve Cabernet
Pinto Sauvignon
Grigio Diamond
Bright Zinfandel
Pinot Noir Wine Cocktails Rose

1.75L 1.75L 750mL

750mL 1.75L 1.75L

Wine Month
Seagrams Tanqueray Hennessy Knob Creek Hor

18.99 36.99 60.99 64.99 3

VO Wiskey Gin Cognac 9-Year Bourbon Teq

Pinot Noir
750mLHorse 750mL 750mL 750mL 750mL 750mL
of the
Deloach Sterling Seaglass Rodney Strong Francis Coppola
Gloria Ferrer

7.99 11.49 10.99 15.99
10.99 21.99
Heritage Reserve SauvignonCabernet
Blanc Sauvignon Chardonnay Diamond Zinfandel
Sonoma Brut

1.75L 750 mL, Private Select 750mL

750mL 750mL, All Flavors 750m
Jim Beam Robert Mondavi Meiomi Andre Min
Straight Bourbon Pinto Grigio Line
Pinot Noir Wine Cocktails Ros
Pinot Noir
20 OBITUARIES St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, December 5, 2024

In Remembrance To schedule an obituary in the County Times, submit text and picture to
aldailey@countytimes.net by noon on Tuesdays for publication on Thursdays.
Any submissions received after this deadline may run in the following week’s edition.

Tony Beakes, 82 He enjoyed cooking, work projects Tuesday December 3, 2024, from 12 noon Hospital, ALSAC/St. Jude Children’s
around his home, working on his computer to 2PM with a service (video link on web- Research Hospital, 501 St. Jude Place,
Francis “Tony” and loved football. He was an avid Dallas site) in the Brinsfield Funeral home from 2-3 Memphis, TN 38105.
Cleveland Beakes Cowboy fan and yes, he did live in Texas PM officiated by Father John Ball. Burial Condolences may be made to the family
Jr, 82, of Lexington for a time as a child where his love of the for his cremains will be private, attended at www.mgfh.com.
Park, MD, passed Cowboys began. by his family. Arrangements provided by the Mattingley-
away on November He and Cindy moved to St. Mary’s Condolences to the family may be made Gardiner Funeral Home and Cremation
20, 2024. Born on County, MD in 2006, enjoying all that at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com. Services, P.A., Leonardtown, MD.
September 10, 1942, this beautiful area had to offer. They both Arrangements by Brinsfield Funeral
in Hackensack, NJ, became Hospice Volunteers, Tony cooking Home, P.A. George Lathroum, 71
he was the son of the at the St. Mary’s Hospice House, and help-
late Francis Cleveland Beakes Sr, and the ing with administrative tasks. Cindy work- Tracey Weeks, 49 George Wallace
late Eleanor Eagle Beakes. ing as a Hospice patient care volunteer. L a t h r o u m , J r. ,
Tony was the greatest, and most loving He is survived by his children Tony Tracey Michelle “ Te e n i e B o y ” ,
husband of Cindy Lou McKnew Beakes Beakes, III (Kimberly) of the Outer Banks, Frazier Weeks, 49, passed away on
whom he married on April 30, 1988, in NC and Matthew McKnew (Lara) of of Hollywood, MD, November 23, 2024,
Fairfax County, VA. Frederick County, MD; three grandchil- passed away on i n Wa s h i n g t o n ,
Tony’s father was a career Army man dren, Zachary Beakes, Nathan McKnew, November 21, 2024, D.C., surrounded by
which offered him the opportunity to live in and Morgan McKnew. Many nieces and i n Wa s h i n g t o n , his loving children.
many locations. His favorites were Japan and nephews. He is also survived by his cousins, DC. Born on Born on September
Hawaii. While he lived in Hawaii he became Deming Cowles (Gail) of Florida and Louisa March 20, 1975, in 6, 1953, in Leonardtown, MD, he was the
an avid surfer. His parents sent him stateside Cowles of PA, Henry Eagle (Shelby) GA, Leonardtown, MD, son of the late George Wallace and Violet
to attend school. He attended high school and Ronald Eagle of VA, brothers-in-law Harry she was the daughter of the late Katherine Elizabeth Lathroum, Sr.
graduated from Staunton Military Academy, Pool (Deb) of St. Mary’s County and Ed Fayrene Mattingly Frazier and the late Terry Teenie Boy is survived by his chil-
later obtaining his BS in Administration of Carneal of Laurel, MD, Dan Franklin (Anne) Windell Frazier. Tracey is survived by her dren, Deb Lathroum-Bacon (Steve) of
Justice and MA in Special Studies. of CA. In addition to his parents Tony was husband, Kelly Weeks, her son, David Tall Timbers, MD and Kevin Lathroum
In 1966 he became and Arlington preceded in death by his son, Steven Arthur Alexander Mattingly of Leonardtown, MD (Beth) of Leonardtown, MD, grandchil-
County Virginia Police Officer, retiring in Beakes, and brother David Curtis Beakes, and her brother, Jeffrey Scott Frazier of dren Kylie Duncan, Kennedy Bacon, and
1990 as a Lieutenant A second career led Aunt, Mary Cowles of Fla, cousin Ronald Piney Point, MD. In addition to her parents, Lilly Lathroum, siblings Bubba Lathroum
him to Computer Programing for Police, Eagle, Va. and his first wife Barbara Beakes she was preceded in death by her brother, of Hollywood, MD, David Lee Lathroum
Fire, Court and Jail systems, employed by (mother of his boys) of Virginia. Terry Paul Frazier. (Paula) of Leonardtown, MD, Glen
Tiburon, based in the bay area of California. The family will receive friends on Tracey was a lifelong St. Mary’s Lathroum of Clements, MD, Judy Adams
County, MD resident and graduated from (Brett) of Leonardtown, MD, and Sharon
Leonardtown High School in 1993. She then Woodburn (Bernie) of Leonardtown, MD,
went on to earn her Master’s Degree from and bonus grandchildren Jaliya, Corinne and
Charles County College in 1997. Tracey DJ Fuller. In addition to his parents, Teenie
was a Budget Finance Manager (BFM- Boy was preceded in death by his siblings,
GOV/CIV/CONT) at Patuxent River and Donna Woods and Johnny Lathroum.
Navy Yard, DC for 30 years, retiring on A lifelong resident of St. Mary’s County,
September 1, 2024. MD, Teenie Boy worked as an Equipment
Tracey enjoyed sewing, quilting, crab- Operator for Chalk Point Power Plant until
bing, and the outdoors. retiring in 2000. After his retirement, Teenie
The family will receive friends on Boy worked as a mechanic in his home body
Wednesday, December 4, 2024, from 5:00 shop. He enjoyed spending time with fam-
PM to 8:00 PM, with prayers recited at 7:00 ily, dirt track racing at Potomac Speedway,
PM in the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral watching NASCAR, and cheering on the
Home, Leonardtown, MD, where a funeral Dallas Cowboys.
service will be held in the funeral home The family will receive friends on
chapel on Thursday, December 5, 2024, at Monday, December 2, 2024, from 5:00 PM
10:00 AM with Father Joseph Cwik offi- to 8:00 PM, with prayers recited at 7:00
ciating. Inurnment will follow at Charles PM, in the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral
Memorial Gardens, Leonardtown, MD. Home, Leonardtown, MD, where a funeral
Serving as pallbearers will be John Andrew service will be held on Tuesday, December
Mattingly, Jr., Jim Robrecht, Kyle Robrecht, 3, 2024, at 10:00 AM in the funeral home
and Max Wrenn. chapel with Mary Dryden officiating.
In lieu of flowers, contributions may Interment will follow at Charles Memorial
be made to St. Jude Children’s Research Gardens, Leonardtown, MD. Serving as

A Tribute to the Loved One Whose Memory

Lives On Forever in Your Heart
Honor the memory of your cherished one by sharing the story of their life
with friends, neighbors and associates here in the community.
For details and to place your notice of remembrance, call 301-373-4125

Thursday, December 5, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times OBITUARIES 21

In Remembrance
pallbearers will be DJ Lathroum, Corey hiking, home remodeling, fine furniture December 13, 2024, from 11:00 AM to noon in say he was a simple carpenter, despite start-
Woodburn, Steve Knott, Brett Adams, making, gardening, metal detecting, coin the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, 41590 ing a construction company, night vision
Bernie Woodburn, and Gene Wathen. and arrowhead collecting, and card play- Fenwick Street, Leonardtown MD, where a company, and dabbling in real estate invest-
In lieu of flowers, contributions may be ing. He was also a singer/songwriter from funeral service will be held at noon in the ments throughout his life. In his spare time,
made to the Leonardtown Volunteer Rescue a young age and favored mostly backwoods funeral home chapel with Deacon Joe Lloyd he enjoyed hunting, fishing, golfing, televi-
Squad, P.O. Box 299, Leonardtown, MD bluegrass music. He played multiple instru- officiating. Interment will follow at Charles sion, and in the last year of his life, getting
20650 and/or Hospice of St. Mary’s, P.O. ments and loved singing old country and Memorial Gardens, Leonardtown, MD. the opportunity to be a fantastic grandpa to
Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650. bluegrass music at local nursing homes and Condolences may be made to the family his two adored grandkids.
Condolences may be made to the family other venues around Southern Maryland at www.mgfh.com. All services will be private.
at www.mgfh.com. with the love of his life, Ella Mae. In his 80s Arrangements provided by the Mattingley- Condolences may be made to the family
Arrangements provided by the Mattingley- and 90s he shied away from Seniors Citizen Gardiner Funeral Home and Cremation at www.mgfh.com.
Gardiner Funeral Home and Cremation Centers because he thought those places Services, P.A., Leonardtown, MD. Arrangements provided by the Mattingley-
Services, P.A., Leonardtown, MD. were for old people. His gentle demeanor Gardiner Funeral Home and Cremation
and happy smile will be greatly missed, and Douglas Treat, 73 Services, P.A., Leonardtown, MD.
William Kernozek, 94 he will be loved forever.
The family will receive friends on Douglas Veeder Charles Shorter, 91
William Michael Wednesday, December 4, 2024, from Tr e a t , 7 3 , o f
Kernozek, 94, of 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM in the Mattingley- Hollywood, MD, Charles Kenneth
Lusby, MD, passed Gardiner Funeral Home, Leonardtown, MD, formerly of Pine Shorter of Broomes
away peacefully where a funeral service will be held at 10:00 Top, AZ, passed Island, MD passed
at his home on AM in the funeral home chapel. Interment away on November away December 1,
November 26, 2024. will follow at Charles Memorial Gardens, 21, 2024, in 2024 at his home
Born on August 16, Leonardtown, MD. Washington, DC. surrounded by his
1930, in Springfield, Condolences may be made to the family Born on September family. Services will
MA, he was the son at www.mgfh.com. 25, 1951, in Scottsdale, AZ, he was the son be on December 10,
of William and Mary Bohnak Kernozek of Arrangements provided by the Mattingley- of the late Patricia Spidell and the stepson 2024 from 5-7pm
Groton, CT. William was the loving hus- Gardiner Funeral Home and Cremation of the late Frank Spidell. Douglas is sur- at Brinsfield Funeral Home with a Funeral
band of his second wife, Ella Mae Pruitt Services, P.A., Leonardtown, MD. vived by his children, his son Tyler Treat and Service on 12/11/2024 at 11am at St. George
Kernozek, whom he married on September daughter-in-law Sarah Treat of Hollywood, Episcopal Church in Valley Lee, MD, with
3, 2003, and who preceded him in death on Jim Williams, 65 MD, and his two grandchildren. interment to follow in the church cemetery.
December 6, 2020. William was also pre- Douglas graduated from Camp Verde Arrangements by Brinsfield Funeral Home:
ceded in death by his first wife, Magaret J a m e s Wi l l i a m High School in 1968. Douglas would always www.brinsfieldfuneral.com.
Mahoney Kernozek, son Michael Kernozek, Williams, Jr., “Jim”,
stepson, Selby Pruitt, stepdaughter, Debrah 65, passed away on
Ann Pruitt, and his brother, Frederick December 2, 2024, at
Kernozek. He is survived by his children, MedStar Washington
Deborah Anne Lamontagne and William Hospital Center,
Raymond Kernozek, stepchildren, William Washington, D.C.
Pruitt, Frances (Connie) Putt, and Kelvin
Pruitt, as well as five grandchildren,
Danielle, Hannah Lynn, William Michael,
Born on September
1, 1959, he was the
son of Eleanor Williams and the late James

Aubrianna, and Gregory, and numerous William Williams Sr., and the brother of the
Immediately after his birth, his family
moved to Groton, CT, where the depression
late Gary Edward Williams.
Jim was the proud owner of Cream of the
Crop Plant Nursery in Charlotte Hall, MD
forced him out of school at the 5th grade to for over a decade, where his love for nature
help the family survive. He took a job with
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals at age 16, married
and vast knowledge of plants inspired count-
less customers. His green thumb was leg- HOUSE
Margaret Anne Mahoney, and purchased a endary, but his warm, uplifting spirit is what
home in Quaker Hill, CT, near the Thames truly set him apart. In honor of Jim, Cream
River. They raised three children, Deborah
Anne and twin boys, William Raymond
of the Crop will continue to whole-heart-
edly serve the needs of the public. Beyond
and Michael Thomas. Pfizer was the only his love for plants, Jim was a devoted dog
employment he would ever know. After ris-
ing in the ranks to foreman, William retired
from Pfizer after 37 years of service while
owner to two German Shepherds, Dakota
and Gracie. They were his loyal companions
and a constant source of joy. Jim loved time
December 7 – 11 to 2
missing only six days. After retirement he spent on the water, fishing in solitude along-

Visit Santa !!
moved to Lusby, MD on waterfront property side his son, Seth. He also had an undeniable
and, after the passing of his first wife, he love for classic rock, which could often be
met and married Ella Mae Pruitt when he heard blaring through his box truck while
was 73. They enjoyed 17 years of a relaxed, he spent his days down at his nursery.
loving marriage until Ella’s passing in 2020.
William spent his remaining days in his
Jim’s infectious personality, good spirit,
and upbeat energy made him a joy to be Enjoy making Christmas Crafts,
home with assistance from Ella’s daughter, around. He had a knack for uplifting others
Connie, and son-in-law, Ed, whom he con- with his humor. He will be remembered as Hot Cider, Christmas Cookies & Snacks,
sidered his close family and who supported a hardworking man who was loved deeply
him through the very end. He was a very and lived his life to the fullest. Cozy Hayrides
strong individual and overcame a subdural Jim leaves behind his mom, Eleanor
hematoma, cataracts, and prostate cancer Williams, his sons, Seth and Richard, his Suggested Donation of $10 per Family
late in life, but succumbed recently to a hip dogs, Dakota and Gracie, as well as count-
fracture complicated by late-stage dementia. less customers and friends who will forever House & Grounds fully decorated for your holiday pleasure!
William was completely self-taught, with hold him in their hearts. Summerseat Farm, 26655 Three Notch Rd, Mechanicsville MD 20659
his interests ranging from sailing, camping, The family will receive friends on Friday,
22 CALENDARS St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, December 5, 2024

St. Mary's Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email timescalendar@countytimes.net with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

Thu, Dec 5 Fri, Dec 6 Locally-made, Live Evergreen Wreaths and Get your picture with Santa.
Centerpieces; Locally-Grown Poinsettias;
American Legion Post 221 Meeting 3rd Annual Christmas Tree Lighting New Tools; New Toys; Handcrafted Quilts;
American Legion Post 221 Second District Volunteer Fire
Furniture & Crafts; Lawn/Garden Items; Mon, Dec 9
New Camping/Sporting Items and More.
21690 Colton Point Rd., Avenue Department Social Hall
Selling in two Auction Rings. Auction Pax River Quilters Guild Meeting
7 p.m. to 8 p.m. 45245 Drayden Rd., Valley Lee
begins on Saturday, December 7 2024 at
5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Good Samaritan Lutheran Church
American Legion Post 221 invites all active 9 am with registration beginning at 7:45
20850 Langley Rd., Lexington Park
duty personnel and veterans to join us for am. Auction Preview and Early Bidder
6 p.m.
our monthly meeting on the first Thursday Registration will be on Friday, December
of each month at 7:00pm. E-mail us at Sat, Dec 7 6, 2024 from 3 pm to 7 pm. A public auction Meetings are the second Monday of every
alpost221@aol.com or call 301*481*6625 event that supports our local craftsmen and month and feature guest speakers, show
for more information. Tell them you saw Holiday Bazaar producers. No fee to enter or to register for a and tells, and other fun activities. Pax River
the announcement on the SoMD Internet bidder number. Payment terms for purchases Quilters Guild is a non-profit organization
Margaret Brent Middle School
Calendar. are Cash, Good Check, and Credit Cards devoted to philanthropic quilting projects
29675 Point Lookout Rd., Mechanicsville
(credit cards incur an additional 3.5 percent and promoting the skill of quilting. New
9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical fee). Ten percent buyer’s premium on all members of all skill levels are welcome. For
Our annual Holiday Bazaar is held in our purchases, MD Sales Tax as applicable. questions, email: prqgsomd@gmail.com
Three Notch Theatre
cafeteria and gym. Come shop with some For more information go to: farrellauc-
21744 South Coral Dr., Lexington Park
amazingly talented crafters and vendors. tionservice.com/
8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Admissions are $2/per person. All proceeds Upcoming
Inspired by the twisted genius of Roald from admissions, concessions, and rented
Dahl, the Tony Award-winning Roald Dahl’s table space benefits the 6th grade team and Sun, Dec 8 Breakfast With Santa
Matilda The Musical is the captivating their activities. Questions can be sent to
Mt. Zion United Methodist Church
masterpiece from the Royal Shakespeare Mrs. Kamp jmkamp@smcps.org Breakfast with Santa
27108 Mt. Zion Church Rd.,
Company that revels in the anarchy of
St. Mary’s County Elks Lodge Mechanicsville
childhood, the power of imagination and So. Md. Farm & Country Christmas
22649 FDR BLVD, Great Mills Sun, Dec 15
the inspiring story of a girl who dreams of Auction
9 a.m. 9am to 11am
a better life. With book by Dennis Kelly and
Westfield Farm Arena & Auction Barn
original songs by Tim Minchin, Matilda has All you can eat breakfast buffet includes: Breakfast is a FREE WILL offering. Photo
26689 Laurel Grove Rd., Mechanicsville
won 47 international awards and contin- omelets to order, scrambled eggs, waffles, with Santa for a fee. Fun crafts for the kids
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
ues to thrill sold-out audiences of all ages sausage, bacon, fried potatoes, biscuits & and fellowship. Event sponsored by Mt.
around the world. Southern Maryland Farm & Country gravy, creamed chipped beef, fruit, juice, Zion’s Youth Group. For more information
Christmas Auction is a large community, and coffee.Mimosas & Bloody Mary’s contact Amy Howell at 410-610-1828
live, in-person auction event that will offer available for an additional charge.

portunity to connect and converse with computer to write letters or other

others. During this monthly program, we types of documents? Join us at Leon-
will gather in the meeting room to ei- ardtown Library on Saturday, Decem-
ther create artwork or play a game. For ber 14 from 10 - 11:30 a.m. for this intro-
the month of December, our art activity ductory class to learn how to use Mic-
will be paper snowflakes. Our game will rosoft Word. We’ll get you started with
be Uno. This event is intended for adults Word and cover the basics of creating
with intellectual or developmental dis- documents. This class does not result
UPCOMING EVENTS abilities as well as their friends, family, in Microsoft certification. Computer
and caregivers. Connect and Converse Skills needed for this class: Advanced
St. Mary’s County Library (CBC) has been held for well over a cen- usually meets on the second Monday of mouse and keyboard abilities. Regis-
Closed for Staff Training tury and is conducted by National Audu- the month. Register on www.stmalib.org. ter on www.stmalib.org.
All locations of the St. Mary’s County bon Society with help from thousands of
Library will closed on Friday, Decem- volunteers. Lexington Park Library, Sat- Using Google Lens Jólabókaflód
ber 6 for staff training. All locations will urday, December 7 from 10 - 11:30 a.m. for Holiday Shopping (The Yule Book Flood)
be open on Saturday, December 7. Molly Moore, President of the Southern Find exactly what you’re looking for with Celebrate the Icelandic holiday of
Maryland Audubon Society, Charles Google Lens! Join Maria Barga, Tech Jólabókaflód, the Yule Book Flood,
Wayne Karlin Presents “The County Master Gardener, and MD Mas- Educator for the University of Maryland with us at Leonardtown Library on
Genizah” : Local Author Talk ter Naturalist will teach participants how Extension, in this interactive class that Friday, December 20 from 2 – 4 p.m.
Wayne Karlin will present his latest to contribute to the data collected be- introduces Google Lens - Google’s soft- Take a book and leave a book in our
novel, “The Genizah,” and discuss the tween December 14 and January 5 for ware to “search what you see.” Lexington community book exchange, plus enjoy
Holocaust backgrounds of the novel this long-running wildlife census to as- Park Library on Tuesday, December 10 reading, snacks, and relaxing activities
at Lexington Park Library on Saturday, sess the health of bird populations, and from 2 - 3:30 p.m. Learn all the fun and in our cozy space. The Jólabókaflód
December 7 from 2 – 4 p.m. Wayne will to help guide conservation actions. Reg- unique ways to use this visual search en- tradition started during World War II,
reveal the process of turning family his- ister on www.stmalib.org. gine, including using Google Lens for on- when paper was one of the few com-
tory into fiction for The Genizah. Karlin line shopping ideas! To get the most out modities not rationed during the war.
is the author of nine novels, a short Connect and Converse of this workshop, please plan to bring a Icelanders exchanged books around
story collection, and three non-fiction Do you enjoy arts and crafts? Do you smartphone if you have one. Individuals the holidays, as gifts and other materi-
books. Register on www.stmalib.org. enjoy games? Do you want to make without smartphones will still be able to als were hard to come by. For more in-
new friends? Connect and Converse participate. Register on www.stmalib.org. formation on this tradition, take a look
SOMD Audubon Society: might just be the event for you! Join us at the Jólabókaflód website!
The Christmas Bird Count at the Charlotte Hall Library on Monday, Introduction to Microsoft Word
The annual Christmas Bird Count December 9 from 12 – 1 p.m. for an op- Would you like to know how to use the
Thursday, December 5, 2024 St. Mary’s County Times 23


1. Bar bills 1. Yearly tonnage (abbr.)
5. Recipe measurement (abbr.) 2. Genus of clams
8. Swiss river 3. Remark
11. Czech Republic capital 4. Actor LaBeouf
13. “Officially known as” 5. Ohio town
14. A French abbot 6. Olympic sport
15. Having a strong sharp smell or taste 7. Cure
16. Local area network 8. Behave in a way that belittles
17. Data transmission speed measure 9. Shares a boundary with
18. Embarrass 10. Give advice
20. When you hope to get there 12. Promotional materials
21. This (Spanish) 14. Assist or encourage, usually in some
22. Gives up wrongdoing
25. Churchgoer 19. “Agatha All Along” actress Kathryn
30. Current 23. Small piece
31. Slang for gun 24. King of Camelot
32. Small drum 25. Parts per thousand (abbr.)
33. Vanished union bigwig 26. Small Milky Way constellation
38. Rocker’s tool of the trade 27. One who challenges authority (abbr.)
41. Dearth 28. Equal (prefix)
43. 2024 Olympics host 29. Shawl
45. Excess blood in the vessels 34. S. American wood sorrel relative
48. Afrikaans 35. The end
49. Agreement between provider and 36. Supervises interstate commerce
customer 37. Yes vote
50. Spiritual leader of a Jewish 39. Officer of high rank
congregation 40. Church office
55. Ancient Syrian city 41. Tire pressure measurement
56. Witch 42. From a distance
57. Celebrations 44. Photographs
59. Long period of time 45. Industrial process
60. A team’s best pitcher 46. Nobel Prize-winning physicist
61. Current unit 47. Map out
62. One-time aerospace company 48. Mammary gland part of female
63. French/Belgian river mammal
64. Swedish rock group 51. Honorable title (Turkish)
52. Spongelike cake leavened with yeast
53. Speak incessantly
54. Poetry term
58. Relaxing space

24 St. Mary’s County Times Thursday, December 5, 2024


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Thursday, December 5, 2024 Calvert County Times CALENDARS 8

Calvert Community Calendar

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email timescalendar@countytimes.net with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

Fri, Dec 6 985-2407 for more information. Join us for a FREE family day of holiday fun contact Nancy W. Zinn, 410-586-0682.
on the historic grounds of Linden, home to
Home for the Holidays: Tree Lighting Pancakes with Santa Calvert County’s Historical Society. You’ll Holiday Wreathmaking Party!
and Holiday Market find live music, activities for all ages, food
Calvert Career and Technology Academy Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center
trucks, vendors, a visit and reading with
Downtown Prince Frederick 330 Dorsey Road, Prince Frederick 13470 Dowell Road, Solomons
Santa and closing the day with a tree lighting!
Main Street and at the Courthouse 8 a.m.-1 p.m. 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Holiday market from 4-8 p.m Cost: $55/participant
Join us for a delicious pancake breakfast A Magical Christmas Parade
Tree lighting ceremony at 6 p.m.
prepared by our culinary students, crafts, Join us for our popular outdoor wreathmak-
Bay Avenue from 1st St. to 7th St.,
Enjoy supporting local vendors, food trucks, fun, and of course photos with Santa! See ing extravaganza ! Learn how to create a
North Beach
live music and more! event for ticket purchase link. Advance tick- wreath from an assortment of local greens
12 p.m.
ets: $10/adult, $8/child At the door: $15/ and fun festive decorative elements from the
adult, $10/child This annual event will bring the streets to artLAB! Enjoy music, a cash bar, assorted
Sat, Dec 7 life with holiday spirit, festive floats, and treats and good company. Coffee and hot
Daytime Holiday Market of course, a special appearance from Santa drinks will be available from the Beanery.
Annual Christmas Concert Claus! 301-855-6681 410-326-4640
Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center
Waters Memorial UMC 13470 Dowell Road, Solomons
COSMIC Symphony Presents: The
5400 Mackall Rd., St Leonard
6 p.m.
9 a.m.-2 p.m.
More, The Merrier Mon, Dec 9
Browse a festive display or unique gifts and
Chesapeake Church
Featuring: The Unclouded Day & Guest wares - handmade, homemade or home- No Spend January
6201 Solomons Island Rd., Huntingtown
Performers—Refreshments after the con- grown with love! Enjoy live music, holiday
3-5 p.m. Calvert Library Prince Frederick
cert (FREE) exhibits, holiday gift show and Ornament
850 Costley Way
Show & Sale as well. Food and drink will Join COSMIC Symphony as we celebrate
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Breakfast with Santa and Vendor be available for purchase. Market is rain or the holiday season with our concert titled,
Shopping shine. 410-326-4640 “The More, The Merrier,” hosted by David Learn from Women’s Commissioner
W. Cook. This afternoon will be filled with all Brandy Curtis Richards how to have a suc-
Patuxent High School
Spirit of Calvert Christmas Market of your favorite Christmas classics, and plenty cessful “No Spend Month!” Refreshments
12485 Southern Connector Blvd., Lusby
of surprises for the whole family to enjoy. will be provided! This event is sponsored
8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Calvert County Fairgrounds
in partnership with Calvert Library, C4,
140 Calvert Fair Dr., Prince Frederick
The NJROTC Boosters invite you to a Crab Pot & Buoy Tree Lighting and the Calvert County Commission for
9 a.m.-5 p.m.
delicious full breakfast with beverages Ceremony Women.410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862.
before or after your visits with Santa and We will have craft vendors, food vendors https://CalvertLibrary.info.
J.C. Lore Oyster House
the Vendors. Have your picture taken with and much more.
Santa. Bring your wish list or write a letter
to Santa at one of the craft tables. ACLT Annual Wreath and Greens Sale
6:30 p.m.
Wed, Dec 11
Adults $10, Kids (3-12 years) $5 and Bring the family and check out the Crab Pot
American Chestnut Land Trust
under 3 free. Max $40 per family. Price & Buoy Tree, a new Calvert County tradi- Veteran Services Program
South Side Trailhead
includes breakfast, photo, Santa letters, tion! 301-672-3509
1985 Scientist’s Cliffs Rd., Port Republic Southern Pines Senior Center
games and crafts. VENDOR Table Rental
11 a.m.-1 p.m. 20 Appeal Lane, Lusby
$25 (25 tables available). Call Chief
Fairbourn at 541-556-9812 or email: fair- Stop by the southside trail head to purchase Sun, Dec 8 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
bournt@calvertnet.k12.md.us your holiday wreath, greens, and other good- Are you a veteran or close family mem-
ies! Get there early as they sell out quickly! Christmas Caroling ber looking for assistance? The Calvert
Christmas Town in Lusby 410-414-3400 County Office on Aging is partnering with
St. Leonard Polling House
ServingTogether to provide support twice
East-John Youth Center 5095 St. Leonard Road, St. Leonard
Old-Fashioned Christmas: Light Up a month, every second Wednesday and
11835 Mill Bridge Road, Lusby 4:30 pm
Linden fourth Friday (but not on 12/27). Walk-ins
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Join in the Spirit of the Season with Cookies, are encouraged. No appointment is neces-
Linden House
Holiday fun for the whole family! Santa, Cocoa, and Song. Santa will make a special sary. Visit https://servingtogetherproject.
70 Church Street, Prince Frederick
hayrides, vendors, music, food, silent auc- appearance at 5 pm! This 23rd annual event org/calvert for more information.
11 a.m.-4 p.m.
tion, and more! Free admission. Call 443- is sponsored by the SLVG. For questions,

Publisher Thomas McKay The County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the residents of St. Mary’s
Associate Publisher Eric McKay and Calvert County. The County Times will be available on newsstands every Thursday. The paper is
published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company, which is responsible for the form, content, and
General Manager
policies of the newspaper. The County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product
Al Dailey aldailey@countytimes.net
or service in its news coverage.
To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the writer’s full
Jen Stotler jen@countytimes.net
name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by 4 p.m. on the Monday prior
Staff Writers to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week. After that deadline, the County Times will
Dick Myers dickmyers@countytimes.net make every attempt possible to publish late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/
Guy Leonard guyleonard@countytimes.net

Contributing Writers
Tim Flaherty, Ron Guy, Ken Lamb,
edited for clarity, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material
submitted to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the County Times
and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We are unable to acknowledge
County Times
receipt of letters. The County Times cannot guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be pub-
Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
lished, due to time or space constraints.
7 COPS & COURTS Calvert County Times Thursday, December 5, 2024


POLICE BLOTTER Operator Convicted of
During the week of November 18, 2024 roadway on Cox
Animal Cruelty
– November 24, 2024, Calvert County Road, with the On December 2, 2024, Marliana Zahedi- Ms. Zahedi-Mullis was sentenced to 150
Sheriff’s Office Deputies responded to driver’s door open. Mullis of Chesapeake Beach was convicted days incarceration, which was suspended,
2,055 calls for service throughout the com- A male passen- of animal cruelty in the District Court for and placed on three years of probation. As
munity including, but not limited to: ger from Young’s Calvert County. a condition of her probation, Ms. Zahedi-
• Check Welfare / Mental Health 55 vehicle, later iden- An investigation conducted by Calvert Mullis is prohibited from engaging in ani-
• Disorderly 16 Domestics 38 tified as Jamil County Animal Control in May of 2024 mal rescue operations at her residence and
• Motor Vehicle Crashes 57 Joseph Neal, 22 revealed that Ms. Zahedi-Mullis was is subject to routine inspection by Calvert
• Patrol Checks / School Checks 888 of Temple Hills, operating “3 Acres Rescue” out of her County Animal Control.
• Suspicious Persons / Vehicles 29 Jamil Joseph Neal was seen walking residence at 3910 Breezy Point Road. A The case was prosecuted by Senior
• Traffic Complaints 64 along the road- search warrant was executed with assistance Assistant State’s Attorney Christopher
• Traffic Stops 455 side and searching through bushes. Upon from the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office Monte. State’s Attorney Harvey wishes to
• 911 Hang Ups 45 noticing deputies, Neal fled into the woods. during which time 73 dogs were located commend the members of Calvert County
• ARRESTS 58 K9 units conducted an article search of within the residence. The dogs were housed Animal Control for their efforts in investi-
the area, locating a Glock 19 handgun in cages covered in urine and feces. Many gating and securing a conviction in this case.
Damaged Property: 24-90148 On in the flower bed of a nearby residence. of the dogs lacked clean food and water.
November 21, 2024, DFC Grierson Additional parts of the handgun and live Several of the dogs were found lacking nec- Press Release from Calvert County
responded to the Ball Road Convenience- ammunition were discovered in the front essary veterinary care. State’s Attorney
Compactor Site, located at 1045 Ball Road yard. Neal was detained and transported

Calvert Deputies
in St. Leonard, for the report of damaged to the Calvert County Detention Center
property. The complainant reported that an and charged with Loaded Handgun on a
unknown suspect cut the perimeter fence to Person, Illegal Possession of Ammunition,

Gifted Guardian Angel

gain access to the compactor site and stole Obstructing and Hindering, and Resisting/
items from the electronic waste bin. The Interfering with Arrest.
estimated value of the damaged fence is

Safety Devices
$800. The estimated value of stolen prop- Theft: 24-89332
erty is unknown at this time. On November
18, 2024, Deputy
Disorderly: Newton responded
24-90881 On to the Walmart
November 23, located at 10600
2024, Deputy To w n C e n t e r
Tunnell responded Blvd. in Dunkirk,
to Calvert Library, for the report of a
located at 850 Brian Michael Bellosi theft. Investigation
Costley Way in revealed Brian
Prince Frederick, Michael Bellosi, 54 of Dunkirk, was
Louis Edward Harrod for a report of observed placing merchandise into his
trespassing. Upon pockets and into his mouth. Bellosi origi-
arrival, Louis Edward Harrod, 30 of nally provided deputies with a false name.
Prince Frederick, was identified as the sus- Bellosi was placed into custody and trans-
pect. Harrod had been trespassed from the ported to the Calvert County Detention
library the previous day. When informed Center. During a search incident to arrest,
he was under arrest for trespassing, Harrod additional stolen merchandise to include
became aggressive and resisted. A brief Tick Removers and a strip of Suboxone
struggle ensued in a grassy area observed were located. Bellosi was charged with On November 25 and 27, 2024, eighty Deputies to help ensure that each of them
by several bystanders. Harrod was eventu- Obstructing and Hindering and Theft: Less patrol deputies and district supervisors completes his or her shift and arrives home
ally placed into custody and transported to than $100. within the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office safely.”
the Calvert County Detention Center. While (CCSO) Patrol Division were presented Sheriff Ricky Cox expressed his grati-
en route, Harrod spit inside Deputy Lewis’s Theft: 24-90892 On November 23, 2024, with Guardian Angel Safety Devices by tude, saying, “We are incredibly thankful
patrol vehicle, leaving saliva that temporar- Deputy DeSantis responded to the 600 Honor the Blue, a Calvert County-based to Chaplain Mohler and Honor The Blue
ily defaced government property. Harrod block of Grenada Lane in Lusby, for the non-profit corporation. for their generosity and continued support
was charged with Trespassing: Private report of a theft. The complainant advised The Guardian Angel, a wearable elec- of our deputies. These Guardian Angel
Property, Resisting Arrest, Disorderly his Diamondback Carbon Bicycle had been tronic device, has several safety features devices are a thoughtful gift that enhances
Conduct, Malicious Destruction of Property, stolen. The bicycle is described as gray with for Patrol deputies, including a bright red the safety of our team. Our deputies are
Obstructing/Hindering, and Failure to Obey full suspension, Fox 32 RCL Fork Control. and blue LED strobe light visible from up the best around, and they work tirelessly
a Lawful Order. The estimated value of stolen property is to three miles away, day or night. It also to protect and serve our community. It’s
$5,000. has a runtime of up to 60 hours before heartening to see their efforts recognized
Weapons Violation: 24-91019 On the unit may be quickly recharged using in such a meaningful way.”
November 24, 2024, Deputy Fleenor Editor’s Note: The above arrests are not an a USB-C cable. The units are distributed Honor The Blue exists to support, encour-
responded to assist deputies with a traf- indication of guilt or innocence as the cases by SafeWear, Inc., a nationally recognized age, and celebrate the dedicated men and
fic stop in the 3400 block of Cox Road in have not been adjudicated. provider of safety gear for first responders. women who serve as police officers. For
Huntingtown. The stop involved a vehi- CCSO Chaplain Dave Mohler, founder, more information about how Honor The
cle operating without front or rear lights Anyone with information about these inci- and Executive Director of Honor the Blue, Blue supports, encourages, and celebrates
and eluding deputies. The driver, Jessica dents is asked to call the Sheriff’s Office stated, “These safety devices are given to our CCSO deputies, Correctional Deputies,
Camile Young, 21, of Capitol Heights, at (410) 535-2800 and reference the case CCSO Patrol Deputies and supervisors and Maryland State Troopers, and to learn
was arrested for DUI. The passengers were number provided. Citizens may remain at Thanksgiving because we are indeed how you may become a supporting partner
released from the scene. During the inves- anonymous thru the ‘Submit a Tip’ fea- thankful for the men and women within our of Honor The Blue, please visit honorthe-
tigation, deputies learned that a handgun ture on the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office community who stand upon the Thin Blue blue.us. #SafeWear #CalvertCountySheriff
may have been discarded from the vehicle mobile app. To download, visit https://apps. Line. We hope and pray that the Guardian #HonorTheBlue #guardianangel
during the initial pursuit. Young’s vehicle myocv.com/share/a39520678 . Tipsters may Angel devices will provide another layer
was observed stopped in the middle of the also email ccsotips@calvertcountymd.gov of protection to our law enforcement Patrol Press Release from CCSO
Thursday, December 5, 2024 Calvert County Times LOCAL NEWS 6

Zoning Ordinance Update Nears

the Homestretch
Densities ‘Reduced’ or ‘Equivalent’
By Dick Myers by whether that parcel is inside or outside significant reduction in density compared to systems, servers, appliances, and other asso-
Staff Writer of the one-mile radius from town centers.” what can be done under current regulations.” ciated components related to digital data
He further explained, “So, under current Hager also clarified some of the provi- operations.”
With a Nov. 20 planning commission public regulations, the rural community district sions of the new Heavy Industrial Zone (I-2) Hager added, “So in regards to the
hearing completed and a Jan. 7 county com- areas outside of the one-mile radius are per- in the Lusby area, in part eyeing the possibil- November 2024 draft, data center is a con-
missioners’ public hearing scheduled, the mitted a density of one dwelling unit per ity of data centers there. He said the zone “is ditional use in the I-2 district and no lon-
county is nearing adoption of a revised zon- four acres with the purchase of TDRs. And intended to provide for a variety of energy ger requires special exception. Approval
ing ordinance after several years of staff work. within the on-mile radius, they’re permit- production and associated uses as well as and conditions for data centers have been
That revision reflects lower or equal ted a density of one dwelling unit per acre light manufacturing, fabricating, processing, revised as well in the November draft. The
growth projected in the various parts of the with the purchase of TDRs. In the draft, the distributing and warehousing uses.” conditions now read as follows: ‘The data
ordinance, according to staff at the planning one-mile radius polity has been removed Hager added, “And so, in regard to what center shall be set back 200 feet from a
commission public hearing. and in its place is the new rural neighbor- the vision is for these areas, zoned Heavy property lines and 400 feet from any lot or
Planner III/Zoning Will Hager told the hood district surrounding the town centers Industrial, the intent is to provide flexibil- parcel with a residential building or active
planners, “Broadly speaking in terms of of Dunkirk, Owings, Huntingtown, and St. ity for appropriate industrial businesses residential building permit except for adja-
permitted density with the provision of Leonard, and a reconfigured residen- that generate little traffic, create high pay- cent properties. under comment, ownership.
TDRs, every zoning district in the draft tial district surrounding the town centers ing jobs, and substantially contribute to Primary building facades shall include at
either reduces permitted residential den- of Prince Frederick, Lusby, Solomons and the county tax base with minimal, if any, least two of the following treatments: fen-
sity as compared with current regulations Chesapeake Beach.’ impact to residential and commercial uses. estration recesses in the building facade and
or equivalent.” Hager observed, “This isn’t a dramatic So, we’re not talking about uses that you broken plain or changes in building material
Hager noted, “One thing that remains is change. What’s being changed is we’re might traditionally associate with a heavy pattern text or color or accent materials. Any
a clear hierarchy where the highest permit- removing a flawed policy, the one-mile industrial area, like heavy manufacturing, noise generated by the dentist data center,
ted densities are found in the town centers, radius policy that…dissects parcels rather asphalt plants, fossil fuel refineries, etc. including any accessory mechanical equip-
the next highest in the areas immediately arbitrarily and replacing it with zoning dis- But we are talking about data centers…”an ment, must comply with chapter 80 of the
surrounding town centers and then lower tricts that follow parcel boundaries.” establishment, facility, building or series of noise control ordinance of the county code.”
densities once you get out into the rural Town center densities, based on a com- buildings which are part of a unified devel- The only testimony at the public hearing
community and farm and forest districts.” missioner vote, have been reduced to four opment and arranged in campus setting, was on the proposed Community Benefit
He explained, “In current regulations, units per acre. That and some subdivision engaging in the storage, management, pro- Agreements (see separate story).
how much density is permitted on a parcel regulation changes have led Hager to con- cessing or transmission of digital data and
in the rural community district is determined clude, “What we’re looking at is a rather housing, computer or network equipment dickmyers@countytimes.net

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5 LOCAL NEWS Calvert County Times Thursday, December 5, 2024

Commissioner Terms
By Dick Myers
Staff Writer

When the new Chesapeake Beach mayor

and town council are sworn in later this
month, all the faces will be new. Although
Bruce Wahl has served before as mayor and
on the council, and Eric Reinhardt has pre-
viously served on the council, the rest of the
members will be new to the job.
That situation prompted Calvert County
Board of County Commissioners President
Buddy Hance to comment at their Dec. 3
Hance presented a proclamation to outgo-
ing Chesapeake Beach Mayor Pat Mahoney
at the town’s Nov. 21 meeting, the outgoing
council’s final regular session.
Hance told his board on Dec. 3, “Based
on the recent election, they have an entirely
new council. Mahoney stepped down. Commissioner President Buddy Hance
Mayor Mahoney worked in public service
for over 30 years. So, we want to thank tricts, but they are voted on by all county res-
Mayor Mahoney for all this time. And as I idents. The other two are at-large positions.
said that night to the new incoming coun- Hance said at the Nov. 21 town coun-
cil, it’s not as easy as it looks. You have to cil meeting, “Tonight is the mayor’s last
make tough decisions, and you get a lot of meeting. And my last four years I’ve
questions and calls and people want what spent as president of the Board of County
they want and don’t understand why they Commissioners, and I’m here tonight to
can’t get it. recognize the mayor for the great work-
“So, I want to wish them all the best and ing relationship that we’ve had. We’ve had
certainly want to thank Mayor Mahoney and great open communications, and I can tell
the outgoing counsel for their work.” all the mayor always had the best interest of
Hance said the situation reiterated for Chesapeake Beach, always.”
him some earlier discussion about stag- In the proclamation, Hance said,
gered terms. “Throughout his tenure, he championed
“We did talk about staggered terms local causes, enriched community life, and
because Mayor Wall is the new incoming worked tirelessly to ensure a brighter future
mayor of Chesapeake Beach. I want to wish for all. Known as a strong advocate for open
him all the best. But Mayor Wall did serve space programs and recreation, he priori-
on the council, was a previous mayor, but tized accessible, vibrant outdoor spaces that
when you have a whole new board coming residents and visitors alike could enjoy. His
in, as I think that our new members will legacy includes numerous achievements
attest to, it’s quite a learning curve. And it from bolstering downtown development to
could be a shock to have five brand new enhancing public services. And his unwav-
commissioners that have never served come ering dedication has left a lasting impact on
in all at one time. So maybe we will talk Chesapeake Beach.’
more about in the future how we might stag- During the town meeting, the council
ger terms on the board just to keep some finalized the naming of the baseball field at
continuity moving forward.” Kellam’s Field after Mahoney.
The commissioners did reject a proposal The current mayor and council did have
from J.C. Hooker to have three of the five a special meeting scheduled for Dec. 4 to
commissioners be voted on just by residents approve a budget amendment for repairs to
of their commissioner district. Currently the tennis courts at Beach Elementary School.
there is only a residency requirement for
those three commissioners representing dis- dickmyers@countytimes.net


Thursday, December 5, 2024 Calvert County Times LOCAL NEWS 4

Development Flexibility Raises Concerns

Part of Zoning Ordinance Update
By Dick Myers Commissioner Mike Hart pressed staff process to favor commercial, industrial,
Staff Writer as to what could happen with a CBA. He and institutional development in the name
wanted to know if they could circumvent of supposed tax revenue contradicts the
A proposal to create “Community Benefit the property’s zoning. reasoning for the data centers. Any process
Agreements” (CBAs) has raised concerns Director of Planning and Zoning Mary such as the proposed CBA process which
from community groups and individuals. Beth Cook noted, “If a development wanted circumvent existing processes in the revised
The proposal is one of the changes proposed to exceed the size limitation of a building, zoning ordinance, could be abused in ways
for the update of the county’s zoning ordi- say in a town center, it’s set at hypotheti- not currently understood and which would
nance. During the Nov. 20 planning com- cally a hundred thousand square feet and not respect the will of the people.”
mission public hearing on the update, all they wanted to do 120, they could enter into David Bury of Breezy Point sad, “I ask
four of the persons who spoke addressed a CBA offering, providing some public ben- that the planning commission defer on
the CBAs. Based on the concerns, the com- efit to kind of offset that.” whether to include CBAs in the new zon-
mission kept the hearing record open until Commissioner President Buddy Hance ing ordinance until the public has a much
Dec. 20. The county commissioners have said, “They could make sure if they wanted better understanding of the implications for
a public hearing on the zoning ordinance to go above the size limit that’s currently the county.”
update scheduled for Jan. 7. required, (for) that exemption we could say Myra Gowans of Calvert Citizens United,
At the Dec. 3 commissioner meeting, as in return for that, we want a public park in said, “CBAs have a place, they do have
he had done at the planning commission pub- this vicinity that would serve those residents place because they are good for business
lic hearing, Planner III/Zoning Will Hager that live near this development.” and tax income.” But she added, “There is a
explained what a CBA is. “A Community Hart insisted, “I just don’t want to be board when you have a CBA. You have rules
Benefit Agreement or CBA is a planning labeled of enabling more density.” and regulations and they’re mandated by an Director of Planning and Zoning Mary Beth Cook
tool for commercial, industrial, and institu- Hager explained the CBA process. He authority. You have to be sure the authority
tional developments to provide flexibility said, “Prior to submittal, the applicant shall is making these decisions for our very tiny development becomes large to the problems,
in design elements. The CBA is like other hold a public meeting with affected prop- fragile county.” they don’t scale. It’s a little bit like rocket
land use development projects, but requires erty owners, county staff, representatives “A CBA takes a long time to come to fru- fuel or bombs. Each class of them, they do
planning commission and Board of County of business and community organizations ition,” she added. “There’s a lot of discus- not scale from small to big. You have to con-
Commissioner approval to achieve substan- to discuss the CBA project’s potential con- sion, like three, four years of discussion, sider them on their own. And the same is
tially higher quality development. That pro- cerns and/or site design alternatives. The and then that wouldn’t even help the county true with environmental issues.”
vides a public benefit that would otherwise purpose of the public meeting is to gener- to have that happen and get stayed in the The concept will be considered as part
not be obtained. CBA permits creative and ate ideas and provide assistance. Decisions process.” of the county commissioners hearing on the
innovative approaches to the development are non-binding and cannot overrule the Bob Estes said he was concerned about zoning ordinance updates on Jan. 7.
of commercial, industrial, and institutional provisions of the ordinance or town center the effect on the environment. “A small
uses and in growth areas encourages mixed ordinances and submission requirements for environmental issue, in a small plot of dickmyers@countytimes.net
development patterns. To avoid monotony CBA proposal shall include an explanation land, maybe you could ignore, but when the
in large developments allows the developer of how the project meets the CBA criteria, a
to take advantage of special site character- statement of benefit to the community, and Before After
istics, locations, or land uses. a statement outlining how the CBA process
“It provides for relief from the strict is superior in this instance to base zoning.”
application of land use standards, develop- The proposal appears to be aimed at
ment regulations and performance standards the possibility of luring data centers to the
found in the base zoning districts, decreases county. But speakers at the planning com-
the burden created by new development on mission public hearing were skeptical.
utilities and other infrastructure systems, Susan Dzurec, speaking for Keep Calvert
provides a mechanism for increasing devel- Country, said more time was needed for
opment in growth areas without adversely review. “While we are pleased to see it does
affecting traffic, circulation, infrastructure not include residential development, it is
and public services or existing or planned completely unacceptable to introduce such
adjacent development.” a new concept at this late date. It was our
Hager said the CBA’s had to be consis- understanding that if the county does move
tent with the zoning ordinance. They require forward with two data centers to be located
county commissioner’s approval after a rec- in Lusby, citizens were told the county won’t
ommendation from the planning commission. need to worry about tax increases. However,
Hager explained that CBAs could not b the strong argument for, as Commissioner
used for residential development. Hart stated, the need for circumventing the


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3 Calvert County Times Thursday, December 5, 2024






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· Call us at 301-373-4125 to pay by credit card LOCAL5
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Zoning update coming to a close Calvert celebrates the holiday season


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Thursday, December 5, 2024 Calvert County Times 2

Loves bike rides with Mom.

Can’t wait to do it more.

Knows it’s time to make a change. Has carried extra weight for years.
And CalvertHealth has a plan. Now, she’s ready to let it go.

Personalized Plans
Become Your Best Self for Every Patient
Our team will work with you to
Carrying excess weight can feel overwhelming, design a personalized plan
but it doesn’t have to define your life. that may include:

With CalvertHealth’s Non-Surgical Weight Management, • Lifestyle Guidance: Sustainable

you’ll have an expert-led team guiding you every step habits for long-term success

of the way. • Fitness Plans: Activities tailored

Now treating patients in Prince Frederick. to your abilities and goals

Coming soon to Waldorf!

• Dietary Support: Nutritional
advice to fuel your journey

• Medical Solutions: Weight-loss

medications to jump-start
your transformation

Start your journey to better health today! CalvertHealthMedicine.org/BestSelf

Repairs & Installation • Commercial & Residential
Garage Doors • Broken Springs • Panel Replacement • Garage Door Openers • Annual Maintenance Agreements
Service on All
101 Skipjack Road • Suite 2 • Prince Frederick, MD Makes & Models

County Times


Community Benefit
Agreements Cause Concern

Zoning Ordinance Updates

Nearing Completion

Commissioners Consider
Staggered Terms


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