Complete Download Earth Science Geology the Environment and the Universe Mcgraw-Hill Education PDF All Chapters
Complete Download Earth Science Geology the Environment and the Universe Mcgraw-Hill Education PDF All Chapters
Complete Download Earth Science Geology the Environment and the Universe Mcgraw-Hill Education PDF All Chapters
Science Module B From Bacteria to Plants 2nd Edition
Glencoe Mcgraw-Hill
Earth Science
arth science is a blend of many different sciences,
E including geology, meteorology, oceanography, and
astronomy. Earth scientists in these different specialties
study and model the processes that change our planet.
Some of these changes take place in a matter of seconds;
others take millions of years to occur. The rocks and struc-
tures shown here formed millions of years ago as a result
of many interactions among some of Earth’s systems. In
this unit, you’ll learn about some of the methods used by
Earth scientists, how various parts of Earth interact to
produce changes, and how our planet can be represented
by models known as maps.
Unit Contents
1 The Nature of Science
2 Mapping Our World
Sunset Arch, Grand Staircase
Escalante Wilderness, Utah
1 The Nature
What You’ll Learn
• How Earth science is
a blend of sciences.
of Science
• How Earth’s four major
systems interact.
• What is involved in
carrying out scientific
• Why it is important to
communicate scientific
methods and results
Discovery Lab Scientific Communication
Have you ever explained some- 3. Give your partner the description
thing to someone only to later find and allow him or her a few min-
out that what you thought was a utes to try to determine what your
crystal-clear explanation was confus- object is.
ing, misleading, or even incorrect?
4. Now use your partner’s description
Communication is a very important
to determine what his or her
skill both in everyday life and in sci-
object is.
ence. In this activity, you will work
with a partner to describe objects Communicate Work together
provided by your teacher. to rewrite each description in
your science journals to make
1. Obtain an object from your teacher. them as succinct as possible.
Don’t show it to your partner. Trade the new descriptions with
2. Write only one sentence that accu- another pair of students. Did this
rately describes the object in detail pair of students have an easier time at
without actually saying what the determining the objects than you and
object is. your partner did? Why or why not?
As you can see, there are many different areas of Earth science. This
broad field can be broken into four major areas of specialization:
astronomy, meteorology, geology, and oceanography.
Geology The study of the materials that make up Earth and the
processes that form and change these materials is the branch of Earth
science known as geology. Geologists identify rocks, study glacial
movements, interpret clues to Earth’s 4.6 billion-year history, and
determine how forces change our planet, among many other things.
Scientists who study Earth have identified four main Earth systems:
the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, and the biosphere.
Each system is unique, yet each interacts with the others. None of
Earth’s systems is independent of the others, nor of the global system
of Earth itself.
1. Name and briefly describe the four 6. Thinking Critically What kinds of interac-
branches of Earth science. tions do you think occur between Earth’s
2. What does a geologist study? hydrosphere and atmosphere?
Conclude Analyze
help prevent injury to you and others in the lab as well as make you
aware of possible hazards in a science lab. Refer to Appendix B for
additional safety information and a table of symbols that will alert
you to potential hazards.
object, unlike weight, does not change with an object’s posi-
tion. Mass can be measured with a balance like the one shown
in Figure 1-9.
Time Time is the interval between two events and is usually mea-
sured with a watch or clock. The clock shown in Figure 1-10 is an
Figure 1-10 Atomic clocks
atomic clock, which provides the most precise measure of time. The provide much more precise
SI unit of time is the second (s). In the activities in this book, you will measures of time than ordi-
generally measure time in seconds or minutes. nary clocks.
Gas volume (cm3)
Problem Objectives
Measure various properties of rocks and In this GeoLab, you will:
use the measurements to explain the • Measure the area, volume, mass, and
relationships among the properties. weight of several rock samples.
• Calculate the density of each sample.
Materials • Explain the relationships among the
water quantities.
250-mL beaker
graph paper
pieces of string
spring scale
rock samples
1. Compare the area of each of your 3. Compare the weight and mass of
samples with the areas determined by each of your samples with the values
other students for the same samples. for these quantities determined by
Explain any differences. other students. Again, explain
2. Compare the volume of each of your any differences.
samples with the volumes deter- 4. Use your measurements to calculate
mined by other students for the same the density of each sample using this
samples. Explain any differences. formula: density = mass/volume.
Record these values in your data table.
GeoLab 21
Willo, Sue, and Technology, Too
Paleontology, the area of Earth science that studies ancient life
forms, has long been associated with hands-on work—digging, clean-
ing, and handling fossils. However, technology is playing an increasing
role in this area. Technologies borrowed from medicine, manufactur-
ing, and the aerospace industry are leading to new discoveries about
dinosaurs—especially Willo and Sue.
Willo, the fossil remains of a 66-million year gist Sue Hendrickson in the South Dakota Bad-
old Thescelosaurus, and Sue, the nearly com- lands in 1990. The skull of Sue was sent for CT
plete skeleton of a 66-million year old scanning to a company that makes jet airplane
Tyrannosaurus rex, were both studied using com- engines because medical scanners couldn’t
puterized tomographic scanning, or CT scans. A accommodate the skull’s 1.6-meter length! The
CT scan is a type of scan in which X rays move scan, which is shown above and is on display
through a specimen at different rates depending with a cast of the skull, revealed that the fero-
on the density of the tissues encountered. A CT cious carnivore had a much more acute sense
scan produces a picture of a very thin slice of a of smell than had been expected. The scan of
portion of a specimen. A computer is used to Sue’s skull showed olfactory bulbs the size of
record and process the rates to produce an grapefruits! The discovery of these scent-sens-
image on the screen. Multiple CT slices can be ing organs would never have been made without
stacked to generate a three-dimensional image the use of CT technology.
of the complete specimen. Technology is changing how discoveries are
made in Earth science, but also how they are
A Dinosaur with Heart shared. The images from CT scans are digital.
Willo was found by paleontologist Michael They can be e-mailed and downloaded by scien-
Hammer in Harding County, South Dakota, in tists and students all over the world. The ease
1993. Willo was a plant-eater about the size of of access to important data will, in turn, lead to
a pony. A CT scan of a dark mass of rock found more exciting discoveries.
in Willo’s chest cavity revealed a structure that
appears to be a heart—a four-chambered heart. Internet
A four-chambered heart would strongly support
a relatively new hypothesis that dinosaurs were For more information on the use of CT scans
warm-blooded rather than cold-blooded animals. in the area of paleontology, visit the Earth
Science Web Site at Compare
Sue’s Sniffer and contrast scanned skulls of meat-eating
Sue, the most complete skeleton of a T. rex dinosaurs with those of plant-eating dino-
ever recovered, was put on display at the Field saurs. Present your findings in a table.
Museum in Chicago, Illinois, in May 2000. Sue
was found and excavated by amateur paleontolo-
chooses 50 patients who have the particular Reaction Distance vs. Speed
cancer to take part in the study. She gives 25 50
patients the new drug and the other 25 patients 40
a placebo, which is a substance that contains no 20
active ingredients. What is the purpose of this 10
second group in the doctor’s study?
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
Speed (m/s)
Thinking Critically
3. The distance a car travels between the time
the driver decides to stop the car and the
23. Suppose you want to find out whether doubling
time the driver puts on the brakes is called
the amount of potassium in a soil will increase
the reaction distance. How does the reaction
the yield of tomato plants. Describe how you
distance change with speed?
would test this hypothesis. What would be your
a. Reaction distance decreases with speed.
variables? What would you use as a control?
b. Reaction distance is the same as speed.
24. How might elements in Earth’s hydrosphere c. Reaction distance increases with speed.
interact with Earth’s lithosphere? d. You cannot tell from this graph.
25. Explain your dependence on each of Earth’s
four systems. 4. What is the reaction distance of a driver
traveling 20 m/s?
26. When air or helium is added to a balloon, the
a. 3 m c. 20 m
balloon expands. Suggest a model that could
b. 15 m d. 28 m
be used to explain why this happens. Assessment 25
2 Mapping
What You’ll Learn
• How latitude and longi-
tude are used to locate
places on Earth.
• How maps are made,
and what types of
maps are best suited to
particular purposes.
• What technology is
used to map Earth
from space.
Discovery Lab Make and Use a Map
Have you ever been asked for 3. Have your classmate also give you
directions? If so, you know that it’s a description of where his or her
important to include as much detail home is located in relation to your
as possible so that the person asking school. Your classmate should then
for directions will not get lost. You draw a map to his or her home for
also may have realized that it helps you to examine.
to draw a detailed map of the desti- Observe Which did
nation in question. you find more helpful,
1. Give verbal directions from your the verbal directions or
school to your home to a classmate the map? Explain your
who does not know where you live. answer. What kind of
Include as much detail as possible information did you
in your description. include in your map?
With your classmate,
2. Use a sheet of graph paper and col-
discuss how you could
ored pencils to draw a map from
improve your maps.
your school to your home. Include
What details would
landmarks and other details. Share
you add?
this map with your classmate.
A 90° S 90° S B
Line of
Prime Prime
Figure 2-2 The reference meridian 0° meridian 0°
line for longitude is the
prime meridian (A). The
degree value of each line of Equator Equator
longitude is determined by
measuring the imaginary Longitude Longitude
angle created between the °W °E
prime meridian, the center
of Earth, and the line of
longitude (B). A B
Iceland Asia
British Europe
International Date Line
Islands Africa Phillipines
Prime Meridian
Argentina zones
No zone
11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
P.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
Source: Time Almanac 2001
Calendar Dates Each day ends and the next day begins at the
stroke of midnight. Every time zone experiences this transition from
one day to the next, with the calendar advancing to the next day at
midnight. Each time you travel through a time zone, you gain or lose
time until, at some point, you gain or lose an entire day. The
International Date Line, or 180° meridian, serves as the transition
line for calendar days. If you were traveling west across the
International Date Line, you would advance your calendar one day. If
you were traveling east, you would move your calendar back one day.
A conic projection is made by projecting points and lines from a
globe onto a cone, as shown in Figure 2-7. The cone touches the
globe at a particular line of latitude. There is very little distortion in
the areas or shapes of landmasses that fall along this line of latitude.
Distortion is evident, however, near the top and bottom of the pro-
jection. Because conic projections have a high degree of accuracy for
limited areas, they are excellent for mapping small areas. Hence, they
are used to make road maps and weather maps.
Detailed maps showing the hills and valleys of an area are
called topographic maps. Topographic maps show changes in
elevation of Earth’s surface. They also show mountains, rivers,
forests, and bridges, among other features. Topographic maps
use lines, symbols, and colors to represent changes in elevation
and features on Earth’s surface.
Figure 2-7 In a conic pro-
Contour Lines Elevation on a topographic map is represented by jection, points and lines on
a contour line. A contour line connects points of equal elevation. a globe are projected onto
a cone-shaped paper. Along
Elevation refers to the distance of a location above or below sea level.
the line of latitude touched
Because contour lines connect points of equal elevation, they never by the paper, there is little
cross. If they did, it would mean that the point where they crossed distortion.
had two different elevations, which would be impossible.
solid red lines for highways, and small black squares and rectangles Railroad
for buildings. A map legend, such as the one shown in Figure 2-11,
explains what the symbols represent. For more information about
the symbols in map legends, see Appendix D. School, church
Calculating Gradients
Analyze changes in elevation C
Gradient refers to the steepness of a slope.
To measure gradient, divide the change in
elevation between two points on a map by
the distance between the points. Use the A
map to answer the questions; convert
your answers to SI.
1. Compare and contrast Mercator and 5. Thinking Critically The equator is the only
gnomonic projections. What are these line of latitude that is a great circle. Why?
projections most commonly used for?
2. How is a conic projection made? Why is
this type of projection best suited for 6. Interpreting Scientific Illustrations Use
mapping small areas? Appendix D to draw symbols in their
appropriate colors for the following
3. What is a contour line? How are areas
features: barn, school, church, orchard,
of depression represented on a topo-
woods, perennial stream, marsh, and
graphic map?
primary highway. For more help, refer
4. A topographic map has a fractional scale to the Skill Handbook.
of 1:80 000. The units are in centimeters.
If two cities are 3 km apart, how far apart
would they be on the map?
103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1010 1011 1012 1013 1
Figure 2-14 In the electromagnetic spectrum, the waves with the longest
wavelengths have the lowest frequencies.
Other satellites, such as the Topex/Poseidon satellite, shown in Figure
2-16, use radar to map features on the ocean floor. Topex stands for
“topography experiment.” Radar uses high-frequency signals that are
transmitted from the satellite to the surface of the ocean. A receiving
device then picks up the returning echo as it is reflected off the water.
The distance to the water’s surface is calculated using the known speed
of light and the time it takes for the signal to be reflected. Variations
in time indicate the presence of certain features on the ocean floor.
For instance, ocean water bulges over seafloor mountains and
forms depressions over seafloor valleys. These changes are reflected in
satellite-to-sea measurements. Based on these data, computers create
maps of ocean-floor features. The Topex/Poseidon satellite also has
been used to study tidal changes and global ocean currents.
Sea Beam technology is similar to the Topex/Poseidon satellite in that
it is used to map the ocean floor. However, Sea Beam is located on a
ship rather than on a satellite. To map ocean-floor features, Sea Beam
relies on sonar, which is the use of sound waves to detect and mea-
sure objects underwater. First, a sound wave is sent from a ship
toward the ocean floor, as shown in Figure 2-18. A receiving device
then picks up the returning echo when it bounces off the seafloor.
Computers on the ship calculate the distance to the ocean bottom
using the speed of sound in water and the time it takes for the sound
to be reflected. A ship equipped with Sea Beam has more than a
dozen sonar devices aimed at different parts of the sea. Sea Beam
technology is used by fishing fleets, deep-sea drilling operations, and
scientists such as oceanographers, volcanologists, and archaeologists.
Problem Materials
How can you use a topographic map to ruler string
interpret information about an area? pencil
1. Use the map to answer the following curves, and then measure the
questions. Be sure to check the distance by laying the string along
map’s scale. the ruler.
2. Use the string to measure distances 3. Remember that elevations on United
between two points that are not in a States Geological Survey maps are
straight line. Lay the string along the given in feet.
1. What is the contour interval? would be your change in elevation?
2. Calculate the stream gradient of Big 4. If you started at the bench mark
Wildhorse Creek from the Gravel Pit (BM) on the jeep trail and hiked
in section 21 to where the creek along the trail and the road to the
crosses the road in section 34. Gravel Pit in section 21, how far
3. What is the highest elevation of the would you have hiked?
jeep trail? If you followed the jeep trail 5. What is the straight line distance
from the highest point to where it between the two points in question 4?
intersects an unimproved road, what What is the change in elevation?
Traveling Bears
Polar bears can swim for an average of
approximately 96.5 km without stopping for a
rest. They have been tracked on land traveling
30 km a day for several days in a row. A polar
bear’s home range—the area in which it hunts, To find out more about polar bears, visit
mates, and cares for its young—may be around the Earth Science Web Site at
259 000 km2. The home ranges of polar bears
10° transition line for calendar days. The calendar advances to the prime meridian
next day in each time zone at midnight. (p. 29)
Thinking Critically 10°
20° Assessment 47
For a preview of Earth science, study this GeoDigest before you read the chapters.
After you have studied the unit, you can use the GeoDigest to review.
Earth Science
The Nature of Science Methods and Communication Most sci-
Earth Science Earth science is divided into entific methods include defining the problem, stating
four areas of specialization. Astronomy studies a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, analyzing the
objects beyond Earth’s atmosphere. Meteorology results of the test, and drawing conclusions. In the
studies the atmosphere. Geology studies the mater- testing step, variables are factors in an experiment
ials of Earth and the processes that form them. that change. A dependent variable changes in
Oceanography studies the oceans. The application response to the independent variable. A control is a
of scientific discoveries is technology. Earth is made standard for comparison. Scientists use standard
up of interacting systems. The lithosphere includes units of SI—liter, meter, second, kilogram, Newton,
the rocks that make up the crust and upper mantle. and degree Celsius. Scientists also use scientific nota-
The atmosphere is the gas layer that surrounds tion, in which a number is expressed as a multiplier
Earth. The hydrosphere is Earth’s water. The bio- and a power of ten. Scientists communicate in
sphere is all of the life and habitats on Earth. reports and papers, and use tables, graphs, and mod-
els. A scientific theory is an explanation based on
observations from repeated experiments. It is valid
only if it is consistent with observations, leads to
testable predictions, and is the simplest explanation.
Scientific theories are changed if they are found to
be incorrect. A scientific law is a basic fact that
describes the behavior of a natural phenomenon.
Science Teacher
Science teachers often provide a
student’s first exposure to science
and may spark a life-long interest
in a particular topic. High school
science teachers must have at
least a bachelor’s degree, often
from a five-year program, with an
emphasis in their area of interest,
such as Earth science.
48 UNIT 1
Earth Science
Mapping Our World Earth from far above is called remote sensing.
Latitude, Longitude, and Maps Examples of remote-sensing devices include
Cartographers use a grid system of latitude and Landsat satellites, the Topex-Poseidon satellite, and
longitude to locate exact positions on Earth. the Global Positioning System. These different types
Latitude refers to distances north and south of the of technology can be used to map Earth’s surface
equator. Longitude refers to distances east and west and oceans, and to locate places on Earth.
of the prime meridian. Earth is divided into 24 time
zones, with each zone representing a different hour. Vital Statistics
The International Date Line, or the 180° meridian, is
the transition line for calendar days. Maps are flat Earth’s Land Area
Continent Area in km2
models of Earth’s round surface, thus all maps con-
Asia, Middle East 44 579 000
tain some sort of distortion. Maps are made by Africa 30 065 000
transferring points and lines on a globe onto paper. North America 24 256 000
A map legend explains map symbols. A map scale South America, 17 819 000
shows how distances on a map and actual dis- Central America,
tances on Earth are related. Mercator and gno- and Caribbean
Antarctica 13 209 000
monic projections are used for aircraft and ship
Europe 9 938 000
navigation. Conic projections are suited to mapping Australia and Oceania 7 687 000
small areas. Topographic maps show changes in ele- Earth Total 148 429 000
vation of Earth’s surface. Gathering data about
GeoDigest 49
of Earth
n the setting Sun, the giant monolith called Uluru by the
I Aborigines of the Northern Territory of Australia glows
a fiery red. Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is 2.5 km
long, 1.6 km wide, and oval in shape. This rock is a con-
glomerate, a type of sedimentary rock composed of large,
rounded chunks of rocks and minerals. Uluru is a solitary
rock that rises nearly 350 m above the surrounding desert
plain. How did such a huge sedimentary rock form in a
desert? In this unit, you will explore the geologic forces
that formed Uluru and also shape rocks and minerals.
Unit Contents
3 Matter and Atomic Structure
4 Minerals
5 Igneous Rocks
6 Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks
Ayers Rock, Australia
Exploring the Variety of Random
Documents with Different Content
Taistelun jälkiä näkyi kaikkialla. Repeytyneitä telttoja oli tykkien
alla. Ruumiskasoja makasi varsinkin telttojen välissä. Kaatuneet
olivat vain puoleksi pukimissa, kauhun ilme avoimissa silmissä.
Ilmeisesti nämä miehet oli kaikki yllätetty keskellä syvää unta.
Mutta Horn oli vielä elossa. Kauhea viikatteen isku oli tunkeutunut
syvälle rintaan. Haavoittunut oli kuitenkin tajussaan. Nähtyään
Müllerin esikuntineen hän hymyili ja yritti puhua, mutta sanojen
asemesta kohosi huulille vain veristä vaahtoa, hänen silmänsä
alkoivat mulkoilla ja hän pyörtyi.
Ja niin häntä viehätti tämä ajatus ja niin hän siihen syventyi, että ei
huomannutkaan, kuinka tytöt poistuessaan puhelivat toisilleen:
— Ihana ritari hän on, mutta auttamattoman jörö mies, eikä hän
näy muusta välittävän kuin sodasta.
Kun hän oli lopettanut pitkän puheensa, olivat sekä aateliset että
munkit vaiti. Epäröinti valtasi heidät kaikki, ja sydämet tunsivat
ahdistusta, joka lähenteli epätoivoa.
Enteitä oli jo näkynyt. Müller tiesi sen ja tunsi, mihin hän oli
antautunut, mikä ankara edesvastuu oli hänen hartioillaan. Hän tiesi,
että häntä odotti joko kuninkaan suosio, marsalkan sauva,
kunniavirat ja arvonimet tahi lopullinen lankeemus. Kun hän nyt itse
huomasi ottaneensa liian kovan pähkinän purtavakseen, niin hän otti
munkit vastaan niin kohteliaasti kuin he olisivat olleet keisarin tahi
sulttaanin lähettiläitä. Hän piti heille kemut, esitti itse heidän
maljansa ja myös priorin maljan, lahjoitti heille kalaa luostariin
vietäväksi ja myönsi lopuksi niin edulliset antautumisehdot, että hän
ei hetkeäkään epäillyt niiden tulevan ilomielin hyväksytyiksi. Isät
kiittivät nöyrästi niinkuin munkkien sopi, ottivat paperin ja poistuivat.
Müller tiedoitti leirille, että seuraavana aamuna portit avattaisiin.
Kuvaamaton ilo vallitsi ruotsalaisten leirissä. Sotamiehet poistuivat
valleilta ja juoksuhaudoista, lähestyivät muureja ja ryhtyivät
keskustelemaan piiritettyjen kanssa.
Vaikka Müller oli vanha, kokenut soturi, joka oli käynyt monet
neuvottelut, niin kuitenkin hänen sydämensä löi levottomasti, kun
hän seuraavana päivänä näki kahden valkopukuisen munkin
lähestyvän leiriä.
Ne eivät olleet samoja isiä kuin viime kerralla. Edellä kulki isä
Maciej Bleszyński, filosofian lehtori, kantaen sinetöityä kirjettä.
Hänen jäljessään asteli isä Zacharyasz Malachowski kädet ristissä
rinnalla, pää alas painettuna ja hieman kalvennein kasvoin.
— Vahti tänne!
Kmicic, jota ei, kuten hän oli pyytänyt, oltu pantu kahleisiin, ei
todellakaan jaksanut enää sietää tätä menoa. Hän laukaisi äkkiä
tykin tähdäten suurimpaan joukkoon niin hyvällä menestyksellä, että
kaikki etumaisina kulkevat sotamiehet syöksyivät kuolleina alas. Se
oli kuin merkkinä, sillä heti käskemättä ja vastoin kieltojakin alkoivat
kaikki tykit jylistä ja musketit paukahdella.
Mutta tuskin hän oli sen sanonut, kun torvi törähti portin edustalla
ja uusi Müllerin sanantuoja saapui sisälle luostariin.