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1 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
It is important that you read and understand this manual prior to using this
firearm. This manual explains the func on and handling of your pistol; failure
to read this manual and/or follow the instruc ons in it may result in serious
personal injury or death to you or to others. It is good prac ce to keep this
manual alongside your pistol for reference and it should be transferred with
the pistol upon change of ownership.

Be sure you understand all instruc ons and hazards associated with firearms
before using this pistol. This manual contains several signal words, as defined
by ANSI Z535.6 and Z535.4 standards, that are designed to draw your a en-
on to a par cular subject ma er with the intent of illumina ng crucial safety
informa on.


WARNING! indicates a hazardous situa on which, if

not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION! indicates a hazardous situa on which, if

not avoided, could result in minor or moderate inju-

NOTICE: is used to address prac ces not related to

NOTICE physical injury.

2 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.

Firearm Features .......................................... 4

Safety ........................................................... 5-9

Ammuni on ................................................. 10

Locking Device.............................................. 11-12

General Opera on ....................................... 13-16

Disassembly ................................................. 17-18

Assembly ...................................................... 19-20

Func on Check ............................................. 21-22

Maintenance ................................................ 23-29

Exploded View.............................................. 30-31

Warranty ...................................................... 32-33

3 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.

4 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.

Please visit Palme ostatearmory.com/shootresponsibly to learn

more about being a responsible gun owner.

For more information on how to be a responsible gun owner, please

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health or is
considering harming themselves or someone else, please call the
National Suicide Prevention Hotline by dialing 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or
by dialing 988. This toll free number will allow you to speak to someone
confidentially and is available 24/7

5 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
! WARNING! When a firearm discharges, the projec le can strike a person,
resul ng in serious bodily injury or even death.

The four primary rules to safely handling firearms are:





! WARNING! It is impera ve to familiarize yourself with your surroundings

while shoo ng at a target. Projec les can penetrate targets and con nue to
travel, poten ally injuring someone or damaging something. Even small cali-
ber ammuni on is capable of traveling upwards of a mile in distance.

! WARNING! Always wear eye protec on when using a firearm. As a firearm

discharges, it expels hot gases and par cles traveling at high speeds. This can
harm your eyes and cause vision impairment. When choosing eyewear, be
sure to look for ANSI Z87.1-2003 cer fied eyewear for op mal protec on.

6 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
! WARNING! Always wear hearing protec on when using a firearm. Every
firearm has the poten al to cause temporary and/or permanent hearing loss.
That poten al is amplified when a firearm is discharged indoors. Make sure
your hearing protec on has an adequate decibel ra ng to ensure proper
noise reduc on. It is always recommended to supplement the protec on with
addi onal ear plugs.

! WARNING! Do not handle firearms while under the influence of drugs or

alcohol. Never use your firearm if you are taking any medica on which im-
pairs, even slightly, your mental or physical ability. Not only is it illegal to use
a firearm while under the influence, but it is simply unwise to do so.

! WARNING! Unauthorized modifica ons can be dangerous. Mechanical

modifica ons, such as polishing internal parts or installing a ermarket parts,
can cause a firearm to perform in ways different than intended. Some modifi-
ca ons can be considered illegal. Be sure to have repairs executed by a quali-
fied gunsmith or by a factory-authorized repair site.

! WARNING! Damaged firearms can be dangerous. Physical damage, such

as corrosion or deforma on, can cause a firearm to malfunc on which can
lead to personal injury or death. Be sure to have repairs executed by a quali-
fied gunsmith or by a factory-authorized repair site.

! WARNING! Never a empt to disassemble or clean a loaded firearm. Acci-

dental discharges happen all too o en while disassembling loaded firearms.
Be sure to properly unload the firearm and “clear” it for safety.

! WARNING! You, the owner, are the most important safety device when it
comes to the use of your firearm. Relying on your discipline and the infor-
ma on found in this manual is the greatest safety feature of all.

7 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
! WARNING! This pistol does not come
equipped with a magazine disconnect safety.
There may s ll be a cartridge in the chamber
even when the magazine is removed. A car-
tridge in the chamber will discharge if the trig-
ger is pulled, even in the absence of an inserted
magazine. 1

! WARNING! If the trigger is forward, there

may s ll be a cartridge loaded inside the cham-

Follow these steps in their en rety to safely

unload and clear your pistol:

! WARNING! Remember to keep the muzzle

pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the

1. Remove the magazine by depressing the

magazine catch bu on found on the le
side of the grip [Figure 1].

8 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
2. Firmly hold the grip with your firing hand
and use your support hand to grip the rear
of the slide. Pull rearward on the slide, us-
ing the serra ons for addi onal grip, and
lock the slide rearward on the slide stop
lever by manually pushing the slide stop
lever up into the recessed cut of the slide 2
[Figure 2]. If a round was already cham-
bered, this will eject the live round from
the firearm.

3. With the slide held open by the slide stop

lever, visually [Figure 3] and physically feel
[Figure 4] to make sure the pistol chamber
is empty of a cartridge.

9 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
! CAUTION! The majority of firearm ammuni on contains lead in the pro-
jec le. Firing your pistol in poorly ven lated areas as well as handling ammu-
ni on can increase your chances of lead exposure. Be sure to wash your
hands a er handling ammuni on and a er performing maintenance on your
firearm to help reduce lead absorp on.

! WARNING! Loading and firing your pistol with incorrect caliber ammuni-
on will result in firearm malfunc on and/or damage, as well as serious bodily
injury to the user.

! WARNING! Use only high quality, commercial ammuni on that has been
kept clean and dry, and is in good condi on. Old, damaged or wet ammuni-
on may provide improper discharge pressures that can damage your pistol.
Do not oil cartridges. It is not recommend to use remanufactured or hand-
loaded ammuni on due to the risk of improper loading, which can damage
the pistol and injure you or others.

! WARNING! Listen for irregular sounds when firing firearms, as any irregu-
lari es in combus on can lead to greater problems. If you hear an irregular
discharge, stop firing immediately. Proceed with removing the magazine and
clearing the pistol of any rounds in the chamber. Con nue to disassemble the
pistol in accordance with the procedures listed in this manual. Once the barrel
is removed from the slide, look down the bore to ensure there is a clear and
visible path; this will ensure there is no projec le stuck in the barrel. If the
barrel’s bore is obstructed, do not fire the pistol again and contact the Pal-
me o State Armory customer service department immediately.

10 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
This pistol is supplied with a cable lock from the
factory. It is important to use the locking de-
vice for your pistol. Follow these steps to safely
lock your pistol:

! WARNING! Remember to keep the muzzle 5

pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the

1. Remove the magazine from the pistol

[Figure 5].

2. Pull and lock the slide back to the rear

[Figure 6].

3. Visually and physically feel to make sure

the pistol chamber is empty of a cartridge.

4. Insert the lock through the ejec on port of

the slide and down the magazine well of
the grip [Figure 7].

5. Insert the loose end of the cable into the 7

lock with the key turned all the way clock-
wise. Turn the key counterclockwise to
engage the lock and remove the key.

6. Give the cable a pull to ensure proper con-

nec on of the lock and cable.

11 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
! WARNING! Never leave the keys inserted in
the lock or store the keys in the same loca on
as the locked firearm [Figure 8].

! WARNING! Store your unloaded and locked

firearm in a secure loca on away from children
and ammuni on. 8

! WARNING! Do not install lock through the

trigger guard of the pistol.

12 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
! WARNING! Always wear hearing and eye
protec on when opera ng a firearm.

Step 1: Load the magazine. To begin using your fire-

arm, start by loading a magazine. In order to do so,
insert each cartridge into the magazine from the top.
Press down on the front of the follower with the
cartridge rim, compressing the spring, and then slide
the cartridge rearward under the magazine lips while
keeping the follower depressed [Figure 9]. Repeat
un l the magazine holds the desired number of car-
tridges or reaches the design capacity limit [Figure

Step 2: Inser ng the magazine. Insert the magazine

into the magazine well, with cartridges facing for-
ward. Apply upward force un l the magazine catch
engages the magazine [Figure 11]. This is usually
indicated by a tac le and audible “click”. 10

No ce: A fully loaded magazine can some mes re-

quire more force to load into a firearm with its slide
in the forward posi on due to the addi onal pres-
sure required to compress the spring, which is al-
ready near max compression.


13 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
Step 3: Chamber a cartridge. There are two methods
for chambering a cartridge, which depend on the
posi on of the slide at the me of chambering.
3A: Slide forward. If the slide is in the forward
posi on, you must manually cycle the firearm.
To do this, first ensure that your trigger finger is
off the trigger and outside of the trigger guard
area. Next, firmly hold the grip with your firing
hand and use your support hand to grip the rear 12
of the slide. Pull rearward on the slide, using the
serra ons for addi onal grip [Figure 12]. Next,
release the slide at its rearmost posi on, allow-
ing the slide to travel forward under its own
spring force.

Note: Do NOT “ride the slide” forward with

your support hand, as this will cause the
firearm to jam due to the addi onal drag
caused by your hand pressure. 13

3B: Slide locked rearward. If the slide is locked

in the rearward posi on, first begin by ensuring
your trigger finger is off the trigger and outside
of the trigger guard area. Next, you may choose
one of two methods to chamber the cartridge.
One method is to grip the rear of the slide and
pull rearward, then release the slide and allow it
to travel forward on its own [Figure 12]. An al-
ternate method is to press downward on the
slide catch lever [Figure 13]. This will release the
slide and allow it to travel forward under its own
spring pressure. Both methods will result in the
slide travelling to the forward posi on.

! WARNING! A cartridge is now chambered

and the firearm is ready to be fired.

14 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
Step 4: Firing. The firearm is now ready to be fired.
Ensure that all rules of firearm safety are followed, as
defined in “Firearm Safety” Page 5. Confirm your
target and all that is beyond it. If clear to fire, point
the firearm at the target. Ensure that your grip does
not interfere with the rearward cycling ac on of the

! CAUTION! When you fire, the slide will

travel very quickly and forcefully rearward. If
your finger, thumb, hand or any other body
part is in its path, injury may occur and/or the
firearm may be jammed by obstruc ng its abil-
ity to cycle.

Next confirm your point of aim by aligning the front

and rear sights with your target. Once your target
and sight picture are acquired, gently pull the trigger
rearward. Be sure not to jerk the trigger, as this mo-
on may cause your muzzle to dri right or le be-
fore the trigger is fully rearward. Also, be sure to
have a firm grip and proper control of the firearm
throughout the firing cycle. If the firearm is allowed
to recoil excessively due to a loose grip (known as
“limp wris ng”), it may jam due to the slide not be-
ing able to travel far enough rearward rela ve to the
frame. Upon firing, the spent case will be ejected
forcefully from the ejec on port as the slide travels
rearward. The slide will then feed a new round from
the magazine and chamber it as it returns forward.
The firearm is now ready to be fired again. This pro-
cess can be repeated un l the last round is fired.
Upon firing the last round, the spent case will be
ejected and the slide catch will be ac vated by the
follower of the now-empty magazine. The slide stop
lever will do just as its name implies and will “stop”
the slide and hold it in the rearward (open) posi on
[Figure 14]. 14

15 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
Step 5: Reload. To reload the firearm, depress the
magazine catch bu on found on the le side of the
grip [Figure 15]. This will allow the empty magazine
to fall free. Following the procedure described in
Step 2 above, reload a new magazine into the fire-
arm. Then, following Step 3 above, a new round can
be chambered and you may resume firing opera on.

Step 6: Unload. Follow direc ons from “FIREARM 15

SAFETY - Unloading and clearing your pistol” - Page 7

16 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
! WARNING! Always wear eye protec on
every me before handling your firearm for
cleaning and maintenance.
! WARNING! Always ensure the firearm is
unloaded before handling your firearm for
cleaning and maintenance.

Step 1: Clear the firearm. Begin by confirming the 16

firearm is clear, as described in “FIREARM SAFETY -
Unloading and clearing your pistol” - Page 7-8.

Step 2: Depress trigger. With the firearm empty and

pointed in a safe direc on, fully pull the trigger rear-

Step 3: Remove slide. To remove the slide, complete

the following procedure in this order.
Step 3A: Place your hand around the firearm as 17
shown in Figure 16.
Step 3B: Squeeze your thumb and fingers to-
gether, while applying rearward pressure on the
rear sight with your index finger. You will feel
the slide unlock and begin to move rearward.
Allow it to travel rearward un l approximately 3
-4mm of the slide hang over the rear of the
frame. (Note: Do not allow it to move much
more than this distance rearward, as it will reset
the trigger and you will have to start the process 18
over from the beginning.) Hold it in this posi on
[Figure 17].
Step 3C: Using your support hand, pull the slide
lock fully downward on both sides [Figure 18].
Step 3D: Release pressure with your firing hand,
allowing the slide to move forward. Con nue
moving the slide straight forward un l it is clear
of the frame [Figure 19].

17 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
Step 4: Remove the recoil spring assembly. Remove
the assembly by pressing the rear of the assembly
toward the muzzle roughly 3-4mm, then rota ng it
upward to clear the lugs on the bo om of the barrel .
Release the pressure and remove the en re assem-
bly from the slide [Figure 20].

Step 5: Remove the barrel. Begin by holding the slide

in an inverted orienta on. Remove the barrel by 20
gripping the locking lugs on its underside, then li ing
and applying forward pressure. Do so un l the barrel
protrudes from the slide (at the muzzle) roughly 6-
8mm. Con nue to li the rear while also sliding the
barrel rearward and upward along its current bore
axis un l it is clear of the slide [Figure 21].

The pistol is now in the “field stripped” condi on

[Figure 22].


18 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
! WARNING! Always wear eye protec on
every me before handling your firearm for
cleaning and maintenance.
! WARNING! Always ensure the firearm is
unloaded before handling your firearm for
cleaning and maintenance.

Step 1: Insert the barrel into the slide. While holding
the slide in an inverted orienta on and the barrel
with its locking lugs facing upward, insert the muzzle
end of the barrel through the hole at the front of the
slide [Figure 23]. Push it forward un l roughly 6-8mm
of barrel protrudes from the slide. Next, lower the
rear (chamber) end of the barrel into the slide. Then
slide it rearward un l it seats fully into the slide.

Step 2: Insert the recoil assembly into the slide.

Begin by inser ng the forward end of the recoil as- 24
sembly into the smaller hole at the front of the slide.
Apply forward pressure to the rear of the assembly,
compressing it enough to clear the lugs on the
bo om of the barrel (roughly 3-4mm). Rotate it
downward un l it seats into the rounded pocket on
the front side of the barrel lug. Release pressure
from the rear, allowing it to lock rearward against
the barrel lug [Figure 24].

19 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
Step 3: Install the slide onto the frame. Begin by
holding the frame with your firing hand, while ensur-
ing that your trigger finger is off the trigger and out-
side of the trigger guard area. Pick up the slide with
your support hand and align its rail slots with the
rails at the front of the frame [Figure 25]. With these
aligned, pull the slide rearward, as if you were cycling
the firearm [Figure 26]. You should hear an audible
“click” as the slide lock reengages the barrel. Con n- 25
ue to pull it fully rearward un l it reaches the maxi-
mum range of travel, ensuring you maintain align-
ment between slide and frame throughout the com-
plete cycle.

The firearm is now fully reassembled and ready to be

checked for func on before firing [Figure 27], as
described in “Func on Check” - Page 21-22.


20 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
! WARNING! Always wear eye protec on
while handling your firearm for cleaning and
! WARNING! Always ensure the firearm is
unloaded before handling your firearm for
cleaning and maintenance.

It is strongly recommended that a er reassembly, 28

you perform the following func on checks to ensure
everything went back together correctly and is work-
ing properly.

Step 1: Clear the firearm. Begin by confirming the

firearm is clear, as described in “FIREARM SAFETY -
Unloading and clearing your pistol” - Page 7-8.

Step 2: Check trigger reset. This check will ensure

your trigger is properly releasing the striker and re- 29
se ng. With the muzzle of the firearm pointed in a
safe direc on, pull the trigger rearward [Figure 28].
You will hear a “click” as the firing pin is released.
Now, while holding the firearm firmly with your firing
hand and keeping the trigger depressed, grip the
slide serra ons with your support hand and cycle the
slide rearward [Figure 29]. Once it reaches its maxi-
mum rearward travel, release it and allow it to return
home under its own spring power. Slowly release
pressure from the trigger un l a “click” is felt and 30
heard [Figure 30]. This is the trigger rese ng. Per-
form this test several mes to ensure proper func-
on. If your trigger does not reset, it is recommend-
ed that you consult a cer fied armorer for inspec-

21 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
Step 3: Check slide catch func on. This check will
ensure that your magazine will properly ac vate the
slide catch. Insert an empty magazine into the fire-
arm [Figure 31]. Ensure that your trigger finger is off
the trigger and outside of the trigger guard area.
Next, firmly hold the grip with your firing hand and
use your support hand to grip the rear of the slide.
Pull rearward on the slide, using the serra ons for
addi onal grip. Next, release the slide at its rearmost 31
posi on, allowing the slide to travel forward under
its own spring force [Figure 32]. The slide should not
return home, but instead should lock open on the
slide catch [Figure 33]. If your slide catch does not
catch the slide, it is recommended that you consult a
cer fied armorer for inspec on.



22 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
! CAUTION! To maintain a firearm in its safe
opera ng condi on, it is important to keep a
firearm clean and lubricated. Regularly check
the firearm for dirt build up and proper lubrica-
! WARNING! Always wear eye protec on
while handling your firearm for cleaning and
maintenance. 34

! WARNING! Always ensure the firearm is

unloaded before handling your firearm for
cleaning and maintenance.

Cleaning recommenda ons:

x A er each use or 500 rounds, whichever comes
x Once a year, if stored for long periods of me
x If exposed to nontypical elements, such as wa-
ter, sand/mud, etc.
x For every 1,000 rounds, the slide should be
completely stripped down for a deep cleaning
(Page 26-27)

Step 1: Clear the firearm. Begin by confirming the

firearm is clear, as described in “FIREARM SAFETY -
Unloading and clearing your pistol” - Page 7-8.

Step 2: Field strip the firearm. Disassemble the fire-

arm, as described in “Disassembly” - Page 17-18
[Figure 34].

23 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
Step 3: Clean the barrel. Using a cleaning rod, pass a
patch soaked in bore cleaner through the barrel sev-
eral mes star ng from the chamber end. Next, pass
a cleaning brush through the barrel several mes
with more bore cleaner to remove any copper foul-
ing and powder residue. Follow up with another
patch and bore cleaning to ensure all residue is
cleaned from the bore - if the patch is not clean,
repeat cleaning with the brush un l a clean patch
exits the barrel. Once the barrel is clean, pass a
patch coated in gun oil through it once more to help
preserve the barrel bore and rifling. Clean the out-
side of the barrel with a nylon brush and cleaner-
lubricant and then wipe clean.

Step 4: Clean the slide. While holding the muzzle end

of the slide downward, clean the inside of the slide
with a nylon brush and cleaner-lubricant, making
sure to clean the following loca ons thoroughly:

a. Breech Face
b. Extractor Claw
c. Slide Rails

Wipe down the slide and inspect for cleanliness.

Note: It is important to keep the removed foul-

ing and excess cleaner from the striker area.
Excess cleaner-lubricant around the striker can
result in excessive residue build up during firing
which can impair the trigger pull and/or cause
failures to fire.

24 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
Step 5: Clean the frame. Clean the inside of the
frame with a nylon brush and cleaner-lubricant mak-
ing sure to clean the following loca ons thoroughly:

x Slide Rails
x Locking Block
x Fire-control and Trigger Bar

Wipe down the frame and inspect for cleanliness.

Step 6: Cleaning the recoil spring. Clean the recoil

spring with a nylon brush and cleaner-lubricant.
Wipe down the recoil spring and inspect for cleanli-

Note: Follow proper lubrica on steps as described in

“Lubrica on” - Page 28-29 before reassembling the
firearm per “Assembly” - Page 19-20.

Note: Be sure to func on check the firearm as

described in “Func on Tes ng” - Page 21-22
before firing.

25 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
Deep clean the slide assembly. It is recommended to
deep clean the slide assembly a er every 1,000
rounds fired. In order to do so, the slide must be
fully disassembled:

Step 1: Use a punch to pull the striker reward un l it

rest behind the striker block - this is usually signaled
by an audible “click” sound from the striker block
[Figure 37]. 37

Step 2: Use a punch to push the striker sleeve for-

ward (located just in front of the striker face) and
then apply pressure downward on the rear slide cov-
er to remove it [Figure 38].

! CAUTION! The extractor spring components

are compressed under the rear slide cover.
Wear eye protec on.
Step 3: Remove the striker assembly by pulling on
the striker lug.

Step 4: Remove the extractor depressor plunger,

spring and bearing.

Step 5: Press down on the striker block allowing the

extractor to drop free. The striker block will also
drop free once the extractor is removed.
Step 6: Clean all components with a nylon brush and
cleaner-lubricant. Wipe down all components and
inspect for cleanliness.

26 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
Step 7: Once everything is wiped clean, reassemble
the slide by reversing the disassembly steps 1-5.

Note: It is important to remove all fouling and

excess cleaner from the striker area. Excess
cleaner-lubricant around the striker can result
in excessive residue build up during firing which
can impair the trigger pull and/or cause failures
to fire.

Note: Do not oil individual components before

reassembly. Follow proper lubrica on step as
described in “Lubrica on” - Page 28-29 before
reassembling the firearm per “Assembly” - Page

27 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
! CAUTION! To maintain a firearm in its safe
opera ng condi on, it is important to keep a
firearm clean and lubricated. Regularly check
the firearm for dirt build up and proper lubri-
ca on.
! WARNING! Always wear eye protec on
every me before handling your firearm for
cleaning and maintenance. 40

! WARNING! Always ensure the firearm is

unloaded before handling your firearm for
cleaning and maintenance.

Lubrica on. It is recommended to lubricate your

pistol every 250 rounds or a er a cleaning interval.
Lubricate the firearm as follows:

Note: This firearm requires a minimal amount of

lubricant. Over lubrica ng the firearm will cause
extra buildup of debris causing improper func on-

Step 1: Clear the firearm. Begin by confirming the

firearm is clear, as described in “FIREARM SAFETY -
Unloading and clearing your pistol” - Page 7-8.

Step 2: Field strip the firearm. Disassemble the

firearm, as described in “Disassembly” - Page 17-18.

Step 3: Lubricate the barrel. Lightly lubricate all

external surfaces on the barrel making sure to cover
the lugs, lockup surface and contact areas with the
slide. 41

28 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
Step 4: Lubricate the slide. Lightly lubricate the in-
side surfaces of the slide where it contacts the barrel
and inside the length of rail slots [Figure 42].

Step 5: Lubricate the frame. Lightly lubricate the

rails, locking block and trigger bar where it contacts
the connector [Figure 43].



29 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
11 SLIDE 1
22 CUP-POINT SET SCREW 6-32 x 1/8" 1



30 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.

31 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
Palme o State Armory firearms are warranted to be free from defects in materials and
cra smanship. Palme o State Armory will remedy any such defects of which Palme o
State Armory is given wri en no ce. The liability of Palme o State Armory under this
warranty shall be limited solely to the obliga on to repair or replace the firearm/part
or defect at its discre on, and to pay transporta on and insurance charges for return
of the firearm to the owner for a righ ul warranty claim. This warranty is transferable
for the serviceable life me of the firearm or part. Modifica on of firearm will void this
warranty. This warranty does not cover normal wear or any damage resul ng from
careless handling, neglect, repairs and adjustments, corrosion, improper, substandard
or defec ve ammuni on.

To ini ate a warranty claim, call Palme o State Armory Customer Service at 803-724-
6950, Monday through Friday, 9am - 6pm EST -or- email us at
Info@palme ostatearmory.com. Warranty claims need to state (in wri ng) the model
and serial number of the firearm concerned and a descrip on of the difficulty experi-
enced. Palme o State Armory will issue an RMA number to allow for the return of the
firearm or part. Warranty claims must have this RMA filled out, and included in
the box with the firearm or part. Palme o State Armory will pay shipping and in-
surance charges for the return of a firearm or part to its owner or FFL holder, if the
related claim is a proper claim for warranty work. The firearm or part concerned
must be shipped using the prepaid label our representa ve emails to you. If
Palme o State Armory is unable to fix the original serial number, a new one will be
sent out, but must go to an FFL holder for transfer back to the customer. Another
background check will be completed at the me of transfer. Palme o State Armory is
not responsible for transfer fees at the FFL holder.

32 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
Under no circumstances shall Palme o State Armory be responsible for incidental or
consequen al damages with respect to economic loss or injury to property, whether
as a result of express or implied warranty, negligence or otherwise. Some states do not
allow the exclusion or limita on of incidental or consequen al damages, so the above
limita on may not apply to you. Palme o State Armory will not be responsible for the
results of careless handling, unauthorized adjustments, defec ve, low-quality, reload-
ed, or improper ammuni on, modifica ons, corrosion, neglect, ordinary wear and
tear, or unreasonable use.

33 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.

34 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.

35 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.
2121 Old Dunbar Rd
West Columbia, SC 29172


OWNER’S MANUAL - P45-0001-00
Please visit Palme ostatearmory.com/shootresponsibly to learn more about
being a responsible gun owner

36 Always keep muzzle pointed in a safe direc on and finger off the trigger.

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