Essay writing tips.docx
Essay writing tips.docx
Essay writing tips.docx
As you move into your senior years of schooling you will be required to complete formal
essays (depending on your choice of subjects of course), that will lead to you obtaining your
SACE certificate. It is therefore imperative that you develop your essay writing skills so you
have the skills required to succeed in years 11 and 12. These skills will also help you in your
future studies at TAFE or University if you choose to take that career path as essays play a
major role in formal assessment.
Key Tips:
The most important aspect of any essay is whether or not you have effectively addressed
and answered the question being asked of you. Highlight the key words or phrases present
in the essay question and make sure that every paragraph used in your essay relates back to
the question being asked. This not only demonstrates you have considered and understand
the question, but it makes it easier to mark for your teacher.
The most engaging and powerful essays are those that are written in a concise and ‘to the
point’ fashion. Make every word and sentence count. All sentences should serve a purpose
and not be there to pad out a word count. The short, factual and well structured paragraph
will always read better than a long and confusing one. The more concise your essay is, the
more engaging it is for the reader.
1. Sign Post/Opening statement- Your first sentence serves two purposes. Firstly, it
should grab the reader’s attention and engage them. Secondly, it should provide a
concise argument that attempts to the answer the essay question. The reader should
be able to recognise the argument of that paragraph in the opening line and be able
to link it back to the arguments outlined in your introduction (hence the term ‘sign
2. Explanatory sentence(s)/- In the next sentence or two you will need to explain your
argument, and establish its relevance for the reader. Why do you think this argument
helps answer the question? What is your justification? This is where your authentic
‘voice’ as the author is really established.
3. Evidence- In this portion of the paragraph you need to provide evidence that
supports your argument. This is where you demonstrate the research you have done
on the topic and add validity to your argument. It is also where you identify any
counter arguments that may exist to the point/argument you just made.
4. Closing Sentence(s)- In one or two lines you need to provide a summary of your
argument and link the paragraph back to the question being asked. The beginning
and ending of each paragraph should really focus on the essay question. It is also
important to use the closing sentence as a means of linking paragraphs together.
Each paragraph should flow seamlessly to the next, and make your argument clear
for the reader.
Essays are made up of three sections (introduction, body and conclusion). All three of these
sections are as equally important as the other.
In the introduction you should provide a concise summary of the arguments you will present
in your essay, and also provide an engaging background to the topic that captures the
reader’s attention.
The body is where you present your arguments and direct responses to the question. Each
paragraph should link with the next and provide a new argument, or perspective, in
response to the essay question.
The conclusion is often the most neglected part of the essay because it is the last
component completed. It is important that you spend time considering your conclusion, as it
is the last thing the reader or marker takes in, and if it’s poorly written it will have an impact
on the grade you obtain.
Your conclusion should be concise (not overly long), and summarise your arguments
presented. It should also make it clear to the reader what your stance on the
issues/question was and how your arguments support this view point.
The higher quality essays and paragraphs are the ones written primarily in an active voice.
They are easier to read and are much better at capturing the reader’s attention.
A sentence is written in active voice when the subject of the sentence performs the action
in the sentence. e.g. The girl was washing the dog.
A sentence is written in passive voice when the subject of the sentence has an action done
to it by someone or something else e.g. The dog was being washed by the girl.
Appropriate Language-
With a formal essay the language you use is very important. Generally they are written in
the first person, and the language you use should be relevant to the subject being studied.
Each subject area has its own implicit key terms, phrases and language, which you will have
to use in order to gain a higher grade.
When writing an essay you have to strike a balance between displaying the research you
have undertaken, and demonstrating your own point of view on a topic. Many writers fall
into the trap of thinking that by including quote after quote from an academic resource will
result in a well written essay. Although it is important to support your viewpoints with
research undertaken, try to avoid using direct quotations as much as possible in the body of
your essay. Try paraphrasing arguments present in your research instead. This means taking
another author’s argument and re-wording it in a way that makes it your own. This makes
your unique writer’s ‘voice’ standout to the reader. If you paraphrase another author’s
argument you must still reference it as you would a direct quotation.
This might seem like a lot to consider when writing an essay (because it is), but the earlier
you start thinking about these things and practising them, the quicker they will become
second nature to you (like riding a bike). Once you develop these skills, essay writing
becomes easier and easier.
Happy writing!!!!!