Computer sample paper
Computer sample paper
Computer sample paper
Class 10
Subject- Computer
Time: Three Hours 15 Minutes (M.M.-70)
Note: The first 15 minutes are allotted for the candidates to read the question paper.
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) This question paper has two sections, Section A and Section B.
(3) Section A has 20 multiple choice questions of 1 mark each, the answers to which are to be given on the
OMR answer sheet.
(4) Read the instructions of each question in Section A and answer only on the provided OMR answer sheet.
After giving answers on OMR answer sheet, do not cut it or use eraser or whitener.
(5) Marks allotted to question are indicated against them.
(6) Section-B has descriptive questions of 50 marks.
(7) Answer all the questions in Section B together.
(8) Start from the first question and continue till the last question. Don't waste time on questions you are
unable to solve.
Section A
Objective Questions- 20x1=20
Question. 1. The credit for developing C language goes to-
a. To Dennis Richie b. To Bill gates c. To Pascal d. None of these.
Question 2. Types of built-in-data types are-
a. int b. char c. float d. All of the above.
Question 3. What is the maximum number of characters that can be measured in a variable?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 7 d. 8
Question.4. What will be the value of n for n=strlen("BASERA_PRG")
a. 6 b. 3 c. 9 d. 10
Question.5. Which of the following languages is suitable for Artificial Intelligence (AI) -
Question.6. Through which medium of e-commerce can a person send and sell his old laptop on OLX?
a. B2B b. B2C c. C2C d. None of these.
Question. 7. In the context of Cloud Computing, the full form of Paas is-
a. Payment as a service b. Platform as a service
c. Performance as a service d. Protocol as a service
Question. 8. How many types of identification are there in Al?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 5
Question.9. By which of the following names is cryptocurrency also known?
a. digital currency b. fims currency c. Paper currency d. None of these.
Question. 10. Print f() function writes the data of which output device?
a. monitor b. printer c. Plotter d. None of these.
Question. 11. A major feature of cyber security is –
a. compliance b. defense against internal threats
c. Prevention of danger d. All of the above.
Question. 12. When was the first drone invented?
a. 1849 b. 1898 c. 1915 d. 1925
Question. 13. What is the full name of UAS
a. Unmanned Aerial System b. Unstructured Airborne System
c. Undermined Authorization System d. None of these.
Question. 14. Which of the following descriptions is appropriate for e-governance?
a. To engage, mobilize and empower citizens b. To provide citizens with fair and impartial
c. Providing technology driven governance d. None of these.
Question. 15. One of the most popular automated tools for unethical hacking is –
a. Automated apps b. Database Software c. Malware d. Worms
Question 16. How many letters does a CVV security code consist of??
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d.4
Question. 17. Which of the following is developed by National payment system –
a. UPI b. IDBI c. ICICI d. SBI
Question 18. Which of the following is necessary for e-commerce?
a. bZ-Money Transfer Method b. e-commerce website
c. Internet d. All of the above.
Question. 19. Which of the following is not an application of AI-
a. Robotb. b.FTP c. self rearing d. CAD
Question 20. The process of finding an element in a data list is called-
1. Searching 2. Sorting 3. Merging 4. None of these.
Section B
Answer the following questions in brief: 10x1=10
1. When and by whom was C-language developed?
2. What is character set?
3. What is the key of Strcat()?
4. Give an example of library function.
5. Write the type of crypto currency.
6. What are the basic components of expert system?
7. What is hacking?
8. Write the full name of UAV.
9. What is sequential file?
10. In which areas is drone technology being used?
11. Short answer questions -
11- Answer the following questions. 5x2=10
(a) What are the arithmatic operators? Give examples.
(b) Write two string functions and their uses.
(c) What is a pointer? Define.
(d) What is file handling? Give examples.
(e) What is drone technology? Mention two of its applications.
12. Answer all the questions- 5x2=10
(a) Define AI.
(b) What is the role of Internet in e-commerce?
(c) What do you mean by chat bots?
(d) Give a brief introduction of e-governance.
(e) What is cyber crime? What are its main types?
13. Answer the following questions- 3x4=12
(a) What do you mean by cyber security? Explain its main elements.
(b) What is searching or sorting? Explain their types with examples.
(c) What things should a merchant and a customer keep in mind under e-commerce
14. What are control statements of C-language? Explain their types with examples. 8
What is array? What are their main types? How is an array declared or defined? Explain with examples. 8
What do you mean by artificial intelligence? Write about their main features and applications. 8