Growing Leaders Certificate
Growing Leaders Certificate
Growing Leaders Certificate
Directors Message
Programme Goal:
The training programme in Leadership and Management aims at developing transformative
leaders from among the graduating Kenyatta University students in line with the vision and
mission of the University.
Programme Vision:
To be innovative in producing transformational leaders among all graduating students of
Kenyatta University
Programme Mission:
To create a critical mass of young leaders who will inspire, bring positive change and introduce a
paradigm shift by offering new ways of addressing social, economic and political challenges
facing our nation
Expected Course Outcomes:
Mode of Delivery
This course will use e-learning methods – which include asynchronous and synchronous methods
such as chats, discussion forums, online assignments and quizzes.
Course Requirements:
Given the Covid restrictions, this course will be taught online, with no face to face instructions
with the facilitator. However, this is bound to be reviewed in accordance to the University
regulations. The learning materials and instructions will be given online and the lessons will be
guided by the lecturer online. The course requires 30 instructional hours, thus you shall
undertake five instructional hours per week. These five hours will be used for e-contact with
your facilitator and for online activities otherwise referred to as e-tivities in the lessons. You will
be required to participate and interact online with your peers and the e-moderator who in this
case is your lecturer. Guidelines for the online activities (which we shall keep referring to as e-
tivities) will be provided whenever there is an e-tivity. Please note that since the online e-tivities
are part of the learning process, they may be graded at the discretion of your e-moderator. Such
grading will however be communicated in the e-tivity guidelines and feedback given as soon as
possible after the e-tivity. The e-tivities will include but will not be limited to online assessment
quizzes, assignments and discussions. There are also assessment questions that you can attempt
at the end of every lesson to test your understanding of the lesson. The answers to all the
assessment questions are at the end of the module. All the resource that have been used in this
module in form of books are available under the resources section after the answers to the
Course Assessment
Students will undertake:
1. Formative assessment contributing to 40%
2. Summative assessment that will be scored out of 60%;
3. Pass mark will be 50% consisting of both formative and summative assessments
Week Topic
Table of Contents
MODE OF DELIVERY...............................................................................................................II
MODULE ONE..............................................................................................................................1
FOUNDATIONS OF LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT.................................................1
1.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................1
1.2 SESSION LEARNING OUTCOMES.............................................................................................1
1.2.1 Definition of Leadership and Management....................................................................1
1.2.2 Distinction between Leadership and Management.........................................................3
1.2.3: Essential skills/Qualities of Effective leaders and managers........................................4
1.2.4: Sources of Power for Leaders and Managers................................................................5
1.3 ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS.......................................................................................................6
1.4 REFERENCES...........................................................................................................................7
SESSION TWO : TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP...................................................7
2.1: INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................8
2.2 SESSION LEARNING OUTCOMES.............................................................................................8
2.2.1 Definition of Transformational Leadership....................................................................8
2.2.2: Distinction between Transformational and Transactional Leadership..........................9
2.2.3: Components (4I’s) of Transformational Leadership...................................................11
2.3 ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS.....................................................................................................12
2.4: REFERENCES........................................................................................................................13
SESSION THREE : LEADERSHIP THEORIES....................................................................14
3.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................14
3.2 LEARNING OUTCOMES..........................................................................................................14
3.3 ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS......................................................................................................16
3.4 E-REFERENCES.....................................................................................................................17
4.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................19
4.2 SESSION LEARNING OUTCOMES...........................................................................................19
4.2.1. Differences between Managers and Leaders...............................................................19
4.2.2. Organized Sets of Behaviors by Managers..................................................................20
4.2.3. Principal Skills that Managers Need to Develop.........................................................21
4.3. ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS....................................................................................................22
4.4. REFERENCES........................................................................................................................23
MODULE TWO...........................................................................................................................24
LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT PRACTICE...............................................................24
SESSION 5: LEADERSHIP AND TEAM PERFORMANCE................................................24
5.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................24
5.2 LESSON LEARNING OUTCOMES............................................................................................24
5.2.1 Characteristics of a highly effective team leader..........................................................24
5.2.2 Teams and Team Performance.....................................................................................25
5.2.3 Strategies of Building Strong Teams............................................................................26
5.3 ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS.....................................................................................................27
5.4 E-REFERENCES.....................................................................................................................28
SESSION SIX: EFFECTIVE TIME MANAGEMENT...........................................................29
6.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................29
6.2 LESSON LEARNING OUTCOMES............................................................................................29
6.3 THE CONCEPT OF TIME MANAGEMENT................................................................................29
6.4 PLANNING FOR EFFECTIVE USE OF TIME..............................................................................29
6.5 BENEFITS OF EFFECTIVE TIME MANAGEMENT....................................................................30
6.6 LESSON SUMMARY...............................................................................................................30
6.7 LESSON ASSIGNMENT...........................................................................................................31
6.8 E- REFERENCES....................................................................................................................31
SESSION SEVEN: ATTITUDES AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT...................................32
7.1: INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................32
7.2 LESSON LEARNING OUTCOMES............................................................................................32
7.2.1. Defining Key Terms....................................................................................................32
7.2.2. Reasons for different attitudes towards change...........................................................33
7.3. LESSON ASSIGNMENT..........................................................................................................34
7.4. E-REFERENCES....................................................................................................................35
8.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................36
8.2 LESSON LEARNING OUTCOMES............................................................................................36
8.2.1 Basic steps in problem solving.....................................................................................36
8.2.2 The Skills of Problem Solving..................................................................................38
8.2.3 Problem Solving Analytical tools..............................................................................39
8.2.4 Problem Tree and Solution tree.................................................................................40
8.3 ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS.....................................................................................................41
8.4. E-REFERENCES....................................................................................................................42
MODULE THREE......................................................................................................................43
9.1 INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................43
9.2 LESSON LEARNING OUTCOMES............................................................................................43
9.2.1 The Concepts of Mentoring and Coaching in leadership and management.................43
9.2.2 Analyze the importance of mentoring and coaching in leadership and management. .45
9.2.3 Distinguish between mentoring and coaching in leadership and management............46
9.2.4 Best practices in mentoring and coaching, in leadership and management..................47
9.3 QUESTIONS...........................................................................................................................49
9.4 REFERENCES.........................................................................................................................50
SESSION 10.................................................................................................................................51
10.2 LESSON LEARNING OUTCOMES..........................................................................................51
10.2.1 Definition of the terms skills and techniques of counselling in leadership and
10.2.2 Classification of skills and techniques of counselling in leadership and management
10.2.3 Application of the skills and techniques of counselling in leadership and management
10.3 ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS...................................................................................................58
10.4 REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................58
11.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................59
11.2 EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES.......................................................................................59
11.2.1. Causes of Stress.....................................................................................................59
11.2.2. Identification of Sources of Stress.........................................................................60
11.2.3. Symptoms of Distress................................................................................................61
11.2.4. Skills, Intervention and Stress Management Techniques......................................63
11.2.4 Stress Management Techniques............................................................................63
11.3 ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS...................................................................................................65
11.4 REFERENCES......................................................................................................................66
MODULE FOUR.........................................................................................................................68
LEADERSHIP, NATIONAL UNITY AND DEVELOPMENT..............................................68
UNITY AND DEVELOPMENT)...............................................................................................68
12.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................68
12.2 LESSON LEARNING OUTCOMES...........................................................................................68
12.2.1 Different Cultures One People (Leadership, National Unity and Development).......68
12.2.2 Embracing Cultural Diversity.....................................................................................69
12.3 ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS....................................................................................................71
12.4 REFERENCES...................................................................................................................71
13.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................73
13.2 LESSON LEARNING OUTCOMES..........................................................................................73
13.2.1 Ethical Principles applicable in Leadership................................................................73
13.2.2 Integrating Ethical Principles into Leadership...........................................................75
13.2.3 Building and maintaining Ethical Principles in Leadership.......................................76
13.2.4 Summary.....................................................................................................................77
13.2.5 Activity.......................................................................................................................77
13.3 ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS:..................................................................................................77
13.4 REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................78
SESSION 14: CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND PEACE BUILDING.................................80
14.1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................80
14.2. EXPECTED LEARNING OUTCOMES....................................................................................80
14.2.1. Definition of Terms...................................................................................................80
14.2.2 Conflict Resolution.....................................................................................................81
14.2.3. The Role of Leaders and Youth in Conflict Resolution............................................82
14.3. ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS..................................................................................................83
14.4 REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................84
15.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................85
15.2 LESSON LEARNING OBJECTIVES........................................................................................85
15.2.1 Perception of women as leaders in the society...........................................................86
15.2.2 Gender Differences in Leadership Styles...................................................................87
15.3 SUMMARY..........................................................................................................................89
15.4 ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS:..................................................................................................90
16.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................92
MODULE FIVE...........................................................................................................................94
LIFE SKILLS...............................................................................................................................94
LESSON 17: PUBLIC RELATIONS.........................................................................................94
17.1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................94
17.2 LESSON LEARNING OUTCOMES..........................................................................................94
17.2.1. Public Relations.........................................................................................................94
17.2.2. Interpersonal Relations..............................................................................................96
17.3 ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS...................................................................................................99
17.4 REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................99
LESSON 18: COMMUNICATION SKILLS..........................................................................101
18.1 COMMUNICATION SKILLS AT THE WORKPLACE..............................................................101
18.3 ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS.................................................................................................104
18.4 E-REFERENCES...............................................................................................................106
LESSON 19: PERSONAL BRANDING..................................................................................107
DEFINITIONS AND CONCEPTS IN PERSONAL BRANDING.......................................107
19.1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................107
19.2 LESSON LEARNING OUTCOMES........................................................................................107
19.2.1 THE CONCEPT OF PERSONAL BRANDING........................................................................107
19.2.2 WRITING AN EFFECTIVE CURRICULUM VITAE (CV).....................................................107 Importance of a good Curriculum Vitae................................................................108 Possible contents of a good Curriculum Vitae......................................................108 Structure of a Curriculum Vitae............................................................................108 Common Curriculum Vitae mistakes....................................................................110
19.3 WRITING AN EFFECTIVE COVER LETTER.........................................................................111
19.3.1 Types of Cover Letters.............................................................................................112
19.3.2 Parts of a Cover Letter..............................................................................................112
19.3.3 Attributes of a good cover letter...............................................................................113
19.4 ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS..................................................................................................115
19.5 E-REFERENCES.................................................................................................................116
LESSON 20: SUCCESSFUL INTERVIEW SKILLS............................................................117
20.1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................117
20.2 LESSON LEARNING OUTCOMES.........................................................................................117
20.2.1 Concept of a Job Interview.......................................................................................117
20.2.2 Job Interview skills...................................................................................................117
20.2.3 Dos and Don’ts during the above stages of the interview process...........................119
20.3 JOB SEARCHING TECHNIQUES..........................................................................................120
20.4 ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS..................................................................................................121
20.5 E-REFERENCES.................................................................................................................123
The concepts of leadership and management have often been mistaken as the same thing but in
principle, they are very different although they complement each other. For any organization or
business to succeed it needs people that can plan, organize and coordinate its staff, while also
inspiring and motivating them to perform to the best of their ability. In this first session we are
going to discuss the meaning of leadership and management; distinguish between leadership and
management; distinguish the different roles played by leaders and managers; discuss the
characteristics of leaders and managers and finally, describe the different skills leaders and
managers must develop and the set of behaviours thy have to depict.
Management is the coordination and administration of tasks to achieve a goal. It is the act of
getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources
efficiently and effectively. The different resource types within management are human, financial,
technological or natural) human, financial, technological or natural. Management operates
through five basic functions: planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding, and controlling
for the purpose of accomplishing a goal.
Interaction begins a) Post the key themes that are common in the
definition leadership and management.
b) Provide positive and constructive feedback on
the team learners views and ideas. Do this on the
discussion forum 1.2.1
E-moderator interventions 1 Ensure that learners are focused on the
contents and context of discussion.
2 Stimulate further learning and generation of
new ideas.
3 Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4. Close the e-tivity
Schedule and time This task should take 1 hour
Next Distinction between leadership and management
1.2.2 Distinction between Leadership and Management
Is a good manager automatically a good leader? What is the difference between leadership
and management?
The words leadership and management are among the most commonly used words in
organizations and are often used interchangeably, but they have different meanings. The primary
difference between management and leadership is that leaders don’t necessarily hold or occupy a
management position. Simply put, a leader doesn’t have to be an authority figure in the
organization; a leader can be anyone. More so, leaders have people who follow them while
managers have people who work for them. Thus, leadership is about getting people to understand
and believe in your vision and to work with you to achieve your goals while managing is more
about administering and making sure the day-to-day things are happening as they should. In this
lesson we shall look at the differences between leadership and management.
E-tivity 1.2.2. Distinction between Leadership and Management
E-moderator interventions 1. Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and
context of discussion.
2. Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3. Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4. Close the e-tivity
Schedule and time This activity takes one hour
Next Skills and behaviours that leaders and managers need to
Individual task Describe 7 essential qualities of great leaders and
managers and five skills that leaders and managers
must develop.
Interaction begins Provide positive and constructive feedback on the
team learners’ views and ideas. Do this on the
discussion forum 1.2.3
E-moderator interventions 1. Ensure that learners are focused on the contents
and context of discussion.
2. Stimulate further learning and generation of
new ideas.
3. Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4. Close the e-tivity
Schedule and time This activity takes one hour
Next Sources of Power for Leaders and Managers
Power refers to the possession of authority and influence over others. Power is the ability to
cause or prevent an action, make things happen; the discretion to act or not act. It is the capacity
or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. It is the capacity
that A has to influence the behavior of B so that B acts following A’s wishes.” Depending on
who has power and how that power is used, both positive and negative outcomes can result from
the use (or abuse) of power. The more power you have, the more carefully it needs to be
exercised. But in general, we all want more power: it gives us a bigger say in decision-making
and more control over our environment. Sociologists John French and Bertram Raven (1959)
identified five types of social power namely, legitimate, reward, coercive, referent, and expert
power. In this session we will discuss where does power come from and what is it that gives an
individual or a group influence over others?
E-tivity 1.2.4: Sources of Power for Leaders and Managers
Individual task In your own words define the term power and
describe the 5 sources of power giving relevant
Interaction begins Provide positive and constructive feedback on the
team learners’ views and ideas. Do this on the
discussion forum 1.2.4
E-moderator interventions 1. Ensure that learners are focused on the contents
and context of discussion.
2. Stimulate further learning and generation of
new ideas.
3. Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4. Close the e-tivity
Schedule and time This activity takes one hour
Next Application of leadership and Management skills
(c) In modern organizations managers and leaders are not used interchangeably.
4. Which of the following describes the three sources of power available to a leaders?
a) Referent, reward, coercive power
b) Reward, coercive, diligent power
c) Referent, Submissive, Reward power
d) Reward, diligent, Referent power
1.4 References
EasyMBA (2018, April 16). Definition, concept & importance of management. Retrieved from
Project Management Videos (2018, October 8). Leadership vs Management, What's the
Difference? Retrieved from
Tutorials Point (India) Ltd. (2017, February 7). Soft Skills - Leadership Vs Management.
Retrieved from
Leadership & Management 101—Defining and Applying the Principles. Retrieved from
Brian Tracy (2013, October 4). 7 Essential Qualities of All Great Leaders. Retrieved from
"Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior
(John D. Rockefeller)
Thus, Transformational leaders are those who stimulate and inspire followers to both achieve
extraordinary outcomes and, in the process, develop their own leadership capacity. A
transformational leader must have a strong and positive vision that he/she intends to achieve,
which must be clearly communicated to followers for them to buy into it.
Different organizations have adopted either transformational or transactional leadership style,
while others apply both leadership styles depending on need, context or situation, in achieving
their objectives. However, studies have shown that organizations that adopt transformational
leadership style are more effective and successful since employees are intrinsically motivated.
Transformational leadership inspires and motivates followers, whereas transactional leadership is
based more on reinforcement and exchanges. In this lesson we will discuss the differences
between transactional and transformational leadership.
1. Individualized Consideration
This refers to the extent to which a leader attends to each follower’s needs by being a mentor,
coach or guide to the follower. They listen to the concerns and needs of each follower and
provides support and empathy of each person’ situation. They are also aware of the unique
talents of each follower and support them in developing and demonstrating these key skills and
behaviors, which aspires followers to develop further.
2. Intellectual Stimulation
Transformational leaders challenge assumptions, take risks and solicit followers’ ideas. The
leader challenges followers to be innovative and creative and encourages them to think
independently so that they become autonomous.
3. Inspirational Motivation
This is where the leader articulates an appealing vision that inspires and motivates others to
perform beyond expectations. They believe in their followers’ ability to meet their goals which
encourages them to invest more effort in their tasks and to be optimistic.
4. Idealized Influence
Transformational leaders are role models for their followers because they engage in high
standards of ethical behavior. Followers identify with these leaders, and want to emulate them.
They are deeply respected by followers, who usually place a great deal of trust in them.
Numbering, pacing and sequencing 2.2.3
Leadership Theories
c) Dictating to followers what they are supposed to do
d) Motivating followers to achieve the vision
2. Transformational leadership is premised on four main components. Which one is not?
a) Inspirational motivation
b) Internalized consideration
c) Idealized Influence
d) Intellectual stimulation
2.4: References
Audiopedia (2017, February, 1). What Is Transformational Leadership? What Does
Transformational Leadership Mean? Retrieved From
Richtopia (2016, June 20). Transactional vs. Transformational Leadership Definition. Retrieved
David Burkus (2020, March 3). Which Leader Are You?: Transformational Leadership vs
Transactional Leadership Retrieved from
3.1 Introduction
We are going to introduce you to leadership theories. There are several theories that explain the
concept of leadership. You will learn different types of leadership theories to gain valuable
insights about leadership. You will also learn reasons why these leadership theories are
License information
Individual task Listen to the video carefully and make notes on various theories of
leadership in your own words
Interaction begins Post your definition of motivation in the discussion forum 3.2.1
Read two of your colleague’s posts and comment on their
E-moderator Ensure learners keep focus on contents of subject under discussion
interventions Guide the interaction on the discussion forum
Provide feedback on learning progress
Close the E-Tivity
Schedule and time The task will take 30 minutes
Next Ancient and contemporary leadership theories
License information
Individual task Explain various ancient and contemporaries theories on leadership.
Explain what is leadership?
Interaction begins Post your definition of motivation in the discussion forum 3.2.2
Read two of your colleague’s posts and comment on their
E-moderator Ensure learners keep focus on contents of subject under discussion
interventions Guide the interaction on the discussion forum
Provide feedback on learning progress
Close the E-Tivity
Schedule and time The task will take 30 minutes
Next Transformation and Transactional leadership styles
3.2.3 E-Tivity Distinguish between transformation and transactional leadership styles
License information
Individual task Listen and make notes to explain how to apply theories of leader
giving examples
Interaction begins Post your definition of motivation in the discussion forum 3.2.3
Read two of your colleague’s posts and comment on their
E-moderator Ensure learners keep focus on contents of subject under discussion
interventions Guide the interaction on the discussion forum
Provide feedback on learning progress
Close the E-Tivity
Schedule and time The task will take 30 minutes
Next Leadership and Team performance
3. 3 key Leadership Styles Approaches are;
a) Autocratic; democratic and laissez faire leadership styles.
b) Benevolence; democratic and laissez faire leadership styles
3.4 E-References
Ten leadership theories
Leadership styles
Democratic leadership
Leadership and management
Watch videos on 5 leadership theories
Watch video on 10 leadership theories
Watch video on transactional leadership
Watch video on transformational leadership
Watch video on transformational leadership theory
watch video on Contemporary leadership theories
v=6XSx_uGVe5g or
leadership styles
4.1 Introduction
There are as many definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define the
concept. Drucker P. sums it up by defining a leader as someone who has followers while
management, on the other hand is a process that is used to accomplish/achieve organizational
goals through various functions; planning organizing, staffing and controlling. To gain followers,
one requires influence and integrity (Yukl, 1989).
Individual task Listen and make notes to explain the difference between a leader
and a manager.
Interaction begins Post your submission on the difference between a leader and a
manager in the discussion forum 3.2.1.
Read two of your colleague’s posts and comment on their
E-moderator Ensure learners keep focus on contents of subject under discussion
interventions Guide the interaction on the discussion forum
Provide feedback on learning progress
Close the E-Tivity
Schedule and time The task will take 30 minutes
Next Sets of behaviors exhibited by managers.
Interpersonal Roles: - They interact with people inside and outside their work units. These
notes include being a figurehead, leader and liaison officer.
Informational Roles: - This is the most important part of a managers’ job since accurate
information is vital for making intelligent decisions. Managers receive and communicate
information with people inside and outside the organization. These roles include being a monitor,
disseminator and a spokesperson.
Decisional Roles: - Managers use information to make decisions to solve problems or take
advantage of opportunities. These roles include being an entrepreneur, disturbance handler,
resource allocator and negotiator
more on management and the sets of behaviors exhibited by the
Brief summary of - Watch and listen to video one
overall task - Make brief summary on the video
Individual task Listen and make notes to explain the role and behaviors of a
Interaction begins Post your submission on the kind of behavior a manager should
exhibit in discussion forum 3.2.2.
Read two of your colleague’s posts and comment on their
E-moderator Ensure learners keep focus on contents of subject under discussion
interventions Guide the interaction on the discussion forum
Provide feedback on learning progress
Close the E-Tivity
Schedule and time The task will take 30 minutes
Next Principal skills of managers
Technical skills: The ability to perform well in a specialized field (specific job) within the
organization. Having requisite technical skills seems important at lower levels of management
(first-line managers) who spend much of their working time with operating employees. This is
important since they need to supervise them effectively.
Conceptual skills: This is the ability to think analytically, visualize an organization as a whole
and understand how the parts work together. They are particularly important for top managers,
who must deal with problems that are ambiguous and with far- reaching consequences.
Human skills: The ability to interact well in cooperation with other people to get things done
through others. They are equally important at all levels and are thought of as soft skills. They
include the ability to motivate, inspire trust and to communicate with others.
Diagnostic Skills: These are skills used to define and understand situations. They are most
important to top managers and moderately important to the middle level and first line managers.
Purpose The purpose of this E-tivity is to enable the learners to understand the
principal skills by managers.
Brief summary of - Watch and listen to video one
overall task - Make brief summary on the video
Individual task Listen and make notes to explain the skills of a manager.
Interaction begins Post your submission on the skills necessary for an effective
manager in discussion forum 3.2.3.
Read two of your colleague’s posts and comment on their
E-moderator Ensure learners keep focus on contents of subject under discussion
interventions Guide the interaction on the discussion forum
Provide feedback on learning progress
Close the E-Tivity
Schedule and time The task will take 30 minutes
Next Leadership and Management practice
2. Discuss any three roles that an effective manager should play in his/her organization.
3. Critically discuss any three principal skills that managers should be competent in.
4.4. References
Bass, B. M. &Arolis, B.J. (Eds). (1994). Improving organizational effectiveness through
transformational leadership. Thousand Oaks, C.A. Sage Publications.
Bass, B. M. &Riggio, R. E. (2008).Transformational Leadership. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Bass, B. M. (1998).Transformational leadership: Industrial, militancy and educational impact,
Mahwah, NJ: Eribaum.
Burns, J. M. (1978) Leadership. NY: Hoper and Row N.
Leadership beyond the leader. Retrieved at:
Management Skills. Retrieved at:
McShane, Sl& Von Glinow, M. A. (2000).Organizational behaviour. Boston Irwins: McGraw
Northouse, P. G. (2001). Leadership theory and practise. CA: Sage Publications
What it means to be a manager, Retrieved at:
5.1 Introduction
Welcome to lesson five. You have now learned what leadership and management are all about.
In this lesson, we introduce you to the topic of leadership and team performance in the team
context. A leader’s effectiveness is measured by his/her impact upon team members. Providing
leadership that improves team success includes not only the ability to articulate and convey a
vision and adjust to various circumstances but also the ability to listen, respond to feedback, and
even delegate responsibility where appropriate.
As explained earlier, Leadership is a multidisciplinary concept whose definition and use varies.
It has been variously defined as the process of influencing followers to do things that they would
have not ordinarily done. These followers form teams that must be directed to produce intended
results. A leader who can’t define and communicate a vision properly will not produce intended
team results.
In this lesson, we shall explore effective leadership in team performance. It is hoped that you will
be inspired towards modeling the right leadership for organizational team effectiveness.
Leaders and especially in the 21st century are faced with changes in technology, market
uncertainties, and emerging crisis such as the COVID-19. These require leaders and teams to be
innovative and operate at breakneck speed. Leaders have therefore to have the courage to break
new grounds and reinvent alternative ways of doing things. This does not only instruct and
delegate tasks but to lead teams to navigate challenging situations. Such will call for leadership
skills that leaders must adopt. A leader should have Self-Awareness (knowledge of one’s
strengths and weaknesses), Awareness of others (Strengths and weaknesses, individual
emotions and culture), and Self-Direction (ability to direct oneself effectively) and dedication
to a vision.
Title Characteristics of highly effective team leaders
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to explain
the various characteristics of highly effective team
Brief summary of overall Watch videos on these links
task Read the attached material on leadership and highlight
of 15 characteristics of a good leader.
Read this extract attached
Listen to the video provided on team leadership
Individual task (a) Using bullet points, outline five qualities of a good
(b) In a sentence, develop your own definition of a
good leaders
Interaction begins a) Post two reasons why it is not easy to define leadership
b) Differentiate a leader from team leader
c) Post five qualities of a good leader
d) Post five characteristics of a good team leader
Post all your responses to Discussion forum 5.2.1.
E-moderator interventions Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and
context of discussion.
Stimulate further learning and generation of new
Provide feedback on the learning progress.
Round-up the e-tivity
Schedule and time This task should take 1hour
Next Team and Team Performance
5.2.3 Strategies of Building Strong Teams
E-tivity 5.2.3 _ Theories of Entrepreneurship
Numbering, pacing and 5.2.3
Title Building strong teams
Individual task Look at the spark and identify two things the insects are doing as
a team
Interaction begins a) Identify three ways a leader can make a team strong
b) Identify three habits of a leader that make teams strong
E-moderator interventions 1. Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and context of
2. Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
3. Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4. Round-up the e-tivity
Schedule and time This task should take 1 hour
5.3 Assessment Questions
1. Which word best describes leadership
a) Motivation
b) Influence
c) Satisfaction
d) Forward
3. In the book seven habits of effective managers, synergy has been defined as
a) Ability to demonstrate innovative problem-solving skills
b) Ability to make all team members to contribute
c) Ability to eliminate energy and time-wasting tendencies
d) Ability to develop outcome-oriented mindset
4. In times of team disintegration, a leader should have all of the following except
a) Self-awareness
b) Cultural awareness
c) Emotional awareness
d) Economic awareness
5.4 E-References
1 Covey, S. (1989). Seven habits of effective people. Retrieved from
2 Salas, E. Stagl G. Burke, C.and Goodwin, G.F. (2007) Fostering team effectiveness in
organisations: Towards interactive Theoretical Framework. Retrieved from
3 Tu Delft open course ware. Retrieved from
6.1 Introduction
In this lesson, we will discuss time management, planning for effective time management,
strategies and accruing benefits. I hope the lesson will enable you understand the fundamentals
of time management especially at this prime time of your career.
Better planning- identify time wasters (visitors, procrastination, inability to say NO, Transport,
phone calls, Television, radio, social media, not getting started, burn outs, and meetings etc.
Prioritizing- make a list of things to do in a specific time starting with most important
Delegating tasks to avoid getting overwhelmed and give others a chance to learn and take pride
Exercising control over your environment to avoid being swept off by crisis
Understanding oneself or organizations' habits, mastering routines and attitudes that require to
Note; you don’t have as many days as the calendar has; you only have as many as you can make
use of this you can only achieve through self-discipline.
6.5 Benefits of Effective Time Management
Once you are able to manage your time you are bound to realize the following benefits:
Individual task (a) Using bullet points outline four practices for
effective time management.
(b) In a sentence, develop your own definition of time
that can be accessed by your facilitator if required.
6.7 Lesson Assignment
1. Time can be best managed by
a. Planning
b. Entertaining visitors
c. Ensure you do things yourself
d. Starting with easy tasks
2.Which of the following of the following is false about time in management
a. Managers manage their subordinates time
b. Its equal to all
c. Managing time helps to avoid crisis
d. Effective delegation can save time
3.Which of the following of the following is false about time in management
a. Managers manage their subordinates time
b. Its equal to all
c. Managing time helps to avoid crisis
d. Effective delegation can save time
4. Which of the following is not a benefit of effective time management?
(a) Making key decisions
(b) Job Satisfaction
(c) Improved performance
(d) Anxiety
6.8 E- References
Time Management Skills: Definition and Examples,
7.1: Introduction
In the world we are living in today, change is inevitable and seems to be the order of the day.
Attitudes will determine how we react to change and consequently how we manage the change.
Attitudes help us to plan, organize and respond to change, and control the consequences of
7.2 Lesson Learning Outcomes
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
In this section we will examine the various types of change we are likely to experience:
Evolutionally change usually occurs gradually and most of the times it is expected. It evolves
naturally like marrying and having children.
Revolutionally change; is usually radical, major and may be expected or not expected. For
example becoming expectant when a student is a first year in the university after attending a
welcome bash and the student does not even know the father of the baby.
Planned Vs Unplanned change; Planned change is where the change is predictable, expected
and carefully analyzed. The outcomes are known and their timing. Unplanned change happen by
chance may be due an occurrence of a certain event. One of the tools for planning is The Three
Stage Change Process:
(a) Where are you now (present situation)?
(b) Where would you like to be (desired future)?
(c) How do you get there (process)?
This tool helps to demystify change by having a breakdown of the importance of change.
Punitive Vs Reward oriented change; punitive change is where change is implemented to
punish an individual or a given stakeholders.
Formal Vs informal change; Formal change is intended, known, discussed and accepted by
stakeholders while informal change is where change occurs without plans.
Forced Vs Voluntary change; Forced change is where one is coerced by forces beyond ones
control, forced by circumstances.
Voluntary change is where one chooses to change after observing environmental dynamics.
There are various sources of attitudes varying from one person to another. Attitudes are based
on perceptions. A person acquires attitudes and if continuously reinforced, they form part of the
Individual’s behavior. Attitudes may come from the following sources:
Direct experience with the objects or stimulus; interaction with a drunkard parent may develop
in you a negative attitudes towards drinking.
Sociocultural background- for example; a certain tribe may like or dislike certain things.
Positive attitudes can be developed by having different views towards change and getting
sufficient information about a certain occurrence, expectation, prediction or a future. Need to
appreciate change as part of life. Looking at the future benefits of change and comparing with
the current benefits. Identifying people with positive attitudes also help to develop positive
attitudes. Positive attitudes make you an indispensable in life, people want to be close to you and
be part of your life, and the opposite happens when one has negative attitudes.
Lesson summary
It is important to understand that as long as you are alive, change is inevitable. As an individual,
as an organization or as a society or the world at large, change is a continuous phenomenon. If
there is no change in a given individual, he /she will become obsolete. If there is no change in a
given society, that society becomes extinct. If an organization does not change, it will eventually
die. To avoid or reduce stress in life, it is important to develop positive attitudes towards change
and this will help to manage different changes in life.
Brief summary of overall task Read these Material and Summarize the tips on how to change
your attitude gradually
Interaction begins 1. Post four reasons for negative attitude among youth in
modern society in forum 6.2.2.
2. Provide suggestions on what you have planned to do to
develop positive attitude to life after campus in forum
Schedule and time This task should take two hours
7.3. Lesson Assignment
1. Attitudes help to control the consequences of change
(a) True
(b) False
2. Voluntary change is developed through affiliations
a) True
b) False
a) True
b) False
a) True
b) False
7.4. E-References
Attitude Change: Persuasion and Social Influence,
8.1 Introduction
In this lesson, we look at good problem-solving skills which are fundamentally important for
success in your life and career. Thus, this lesson will expose you to a systematic approach that
can help you improve your problem-solving skills.
v. Getting feedback.
for ideas and solutions. Learn as much as you can about the problem. Avoid selecting one
solution until several alternatives have been proposed.
Individual task (a) Using bullet points, outline the key steps in problem
solving in each of the two videos.
(b) Identify the steps that are common in the two
videos and share via this link
Interaction begins e) Read two responses from your colleagues and comment
on them
f) Post any new insight you have got on problem solving
steps and share on discussion forum 8.2.1
Schedule and time This task should take one 30 minutes
Next The Skills of Problem Solving
Brief summary of overall task Watch videos 1 and read this slide
And note down the key steps in analytical problem solving
Individual task (c) Using bullet points, outline how the fish diagram
relates the effect and the causes of a given problem.
(d) Explain the similarities between the Fish diagram
and the 5 Whys and share via this link
Interaction begins g) Read two responses from your colleagues and comment
on them
h) Think of a problem and use the Fish diagram to analyze
its effect and causes hare on discussion forum 8.2.3
i) Read one response from your colleagues and give your
Schedule and time This task should take one 45 minutes
Next The Problem Tree and Solution tree
Individual task Identify the key differences between a problem tree and a
solution tree and share your responses via this link
Interaction begins j) Read two responses from your colleagues and comment
on them
k) Think of a problem, develop its problem and solution
trees and share on discussion forum 8.2.4
l) Read one response from your colleagues and give your
E-moderator interventions 5 Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and
context of discussion.
6 Stimulate further learning and generation of new
7 Provide feedback on the learning progress.
8 Close the e-tivity
Schedule and time This task should take one 30 minutes
3. How many types of mental skills are required for problem solving?
a) Two
b) Three
c) Four
d) Five
4. When using the Fish bone tool to analyse a problem, the “Effect’ comes before the ‘Cause’.
a) True
b) False
8.4. E-References
CE&GS, N. (2018, October 05). Concept and Theories of Entrepreneurship.
TolaData (2019). Step 1: Identifying the focal issue with ‘Problem Tree Analysis’ technique.
9.1 Introduction
Leadership and management in any institutional setting is manifested through influential
relationship with the led/followers who look forward to changes and outcomes that reflect their
shared purposes, based on institutional vision and mission. In this context the leader is a person
who guides, directs, and influences mentoring others to bring about the desired changes in the
institution. For this to happen, the leader must focuses on the satisfaction, motivation and the
general well-being of the led/followers. Such leaders are said to be relationship-oriented as they
focus on supporting, motivating and developing the people they lead as well as the relationships
within them. This style of leadership encourages good skills development, teamwork, positive
relationships, good communication and a healthy working environment. There are many areas
that a good leader can focus on in order to ensure that the people being led develop their career
and also are able to perform effectively in line with the institutional vision and mission. Session
nine focuses on mentoring and coaching
9.2.2 Analyze the importance of mentoring and coaching in leadership and management
Many organizations are adopting mentoring and coaching as a vital part of their professional and
institutional development plans, with tangible benefits such as faster, more effective integration
of new employees; retention of quality professionals; increased transfer of skills from one
generation to another; gains in productivity and performance; increased learning from
professional development activities; enhanced communication, commitment, and motivation; and
a stabilizing factor in times of change. Many successful leaders are mentors/coaches even as they
themselves still undergo mentorship, while still being mentored, making the process a continuous
journey of career development in leadership.
Brief summary of overall task Read material provided here and here to learn the
importance of mentoring and coaching in leadership and
Interaction begins 1. Post three reasons that make mentoring and coaching
2. Provide positive and constructive feedback on the
team learners the importance of mentoring and
mediation Do this on the discussion forum 9.2.2
E-moderator interventions 1. Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and
context of discussion.
2. Stimulate further learning and generation of new
3. Provide feedback on the learning progress.
4. Closing the e-tivity
Schedule and time This task should take two hours
Next Difference between mentoring and coaching leadership
and management
a. Seeks to provide a safe environment where the mentee shares whatever issues
affect his or her professional and personal success
b. Requires time in which both partners can learn about one another, build a climate
of trust and an environment in which the mentee can feel secure in sharing the
real issues that impact his or her success.
c. Is development driven: The purpose is to develop the individual not only for the
current job, but also for the future.
Coaching is
a. Task - oriented: The focus is on concrete skills, such as managing more effectively,
speaking more articulately, and learning how to think strategically.
b. Short term: coaching lasts for as long as is needed; may be even just a few sessions
depending on the purpose of the coaching relationship and the skills at hand.
Brief summary of overall task Watch this video and read the material provided here to
gain more understanding.
Individual task Using bullets state the difference between mentoring and
There is an agreed partnership between two people (more experienced and less experienced)
with shared experiences and interests.
There is a helpful relationship based upon mutual trust and respect.
A mentor and coach act as a guide who is willing to help the mentee/coachee to find the right
direction and develop solutions to leadership issues.
Mentors and coaches empathize with the mentee/coachee and take time to understand their
issues while providing guidance and encouragement.
Mentors/coaches provide the mentee/coaches with the opportunity to discover their potential
and decide where they want to be, depending on the reality on the ground.
A mentor/coach helps the mentee/coachee to believe in self, boost their confidence and to
explore new ideas in confidence.
A mentor should ask questions and challenge the status quo.
In addition mentor leaders can inculcate healthy relationships with their followers through
Mentoring and Coaching in the following ways:
Brief summary of overall task Read content provide here and here to learn more
9.3 Questions
1. Tick T/F
(a) Demonstrating to the followers how well you can perform tasks
(b) Teaching followers how to focuses on concrete tasks
(c) Helps people improve on their job performance
(d) Lasts as long as the learner needs it
4. One of the following is not one of the best practices in mentoring and coaching
9.4 References
Alexa Michael and Technical Information Service , August 2008
10.2.1 Definition of the terms skills and techniques of counselling in leadership and
Skills and techniques refer to the ability to do something well. It is an art that is learned.
Counseling skills and techniques are used by a counselor to facilitate the helping/counseling
process. Skills and techniques are an extension of the counselor’s humanity. Skills and
techniques are used simultaneously and interchangeably.
E-tivity 10.2.1: Definition of the terms skills and techniques of counselling in leadership
and management
Structuring is the interactive process between counsellor and client in which they arrive at
similar goals or perceptions. Structuring is a skill and technique done at the beginning of the
counselling process, usually referred to as contracting.
b. Attending Skills
S- Sitting Squarely
0-Open Posture
L-Leaning Forward
E- Eye Contact
R- Relaxed
Soler lays the basis for responding to facilitate exploration. Soler facilitates the attending skills in
that the counsellor/leader is there fully for the clients in all aspects i.e. physically, emotionally,
behaviourally and psychologically.
c. Observation Skills
This is the ability to see the clients’ behaviour and pick up his or her non- verbal messages, in
order to understand the way he or she experiences the world.
d. Responding Skills
This includes
i. Listening
This is ‘listening to’ and understanding the clients’ verbal messages and observing as well as
reading the clients’ non-verbal behaviour.
A counsellor listens to;
-Feelings or affection
-Content or experiences
-Behaviour and what is not being said
ii. Empathy
This means putting oneself in the shoes of someone else. Empathy is not only a skill but it is an
attitude. It is the ability of the counsellor/leader to get into the client’s world/experience as if
they were the client. Empathy communicates the counsellors/leaders understanding of the client
and this fact alone may increase the clients’ self esteem
e. Genuineness
This is the ‘state of being’ of the counsellor/leader when his or her outward response to his or her
client genuinely and consistently mirrors the inner feelings and sensations, he or she has in
relation to the client.
This is the ability of the counsellor/leader to suspend all judgment on the client and to help him
or her despite what he or she has done.
g. Paraphrasing
This is a restatement of the content of the clients’ communication. It is an attempt to convey
understanding either by simple repetition or by rephrasing the words.
h. Reflection of Feelings
This is an attempt to understand the clients’ point of view and communicate this understanding.
It helps the clients to think of their feelings as part of themselves. Reflection of feelings needs to
be done in a non-threatening way. It helps not only to surface clients’ feels and attitudes but also
helps to bring problems into awareness without making the individual feel they are being pushed
by the counselor.
i. Immediacy
The counsellor’s/leader’s ability to discuss with the client where they stand, how the relationship
has developed and it is standing in the way of development. Immediacy is used when a session is
directionless and there is no progress; when there is tension between counsellor and client and
when trust seems to be flawed. Immediacy makes it possible for both counsellor/leader and client
see what is going on and helps the client to look at the interaction in the relationship.
j. Self Disclosure
This is purposeful sharing of the counsellor’s/ leader’s personal experiences. The client feels that
the counsellor/leader is human like him or her. The purpose of self disclosure is to manifest
solidarity in the human struggle. In self disclosure, the counsellor/leader shows genuineness. Self
disclosure is useful only when it keeps the client on target and does not distract or become a
burden on the client. Self disclosure should not be done too often.
k. Summarization
This is used to tie together all that has been talked about during part or of a whole of the
counselling session. It attempts to tie together the main threads of what the client has said. It
takes away confusion from the client’s mind when he or she has spoken a lot.
i). Summarization is used when a counsellor/leader realizes he or she cannot store or take in
any more information.
ii). When the client speaks much and seems lost in the story
1. To check with the client whether what he or she has said is what the counsellor/leader
2. To move a session forward or to begin a session
l. Confrontation
It is a special effort made by the counsellor/leader to help a client look at him or herself, as well
as his or her behaviour and the consequences. It is an invitation to a client to examine his or her
behaviour and become aware of some of his or her actions and consequences and do something
about it.
Confrontation focuses on negative thoughts, behaviours, games and discrepancies. Confrontation
challenges the client to provide accurate information and the counsellor to offer his or her
professional perspectives. Confrontation helps develop new perspectives and new challenges.
m. Concreteness
Concreteness means getting the clients’ to be specific in what they are saying. Clients are able to
pin point exactly what the issues are that need to be dealt with. Concreteness avoids
generalizations that lump together all things, leaving both the client and counsellor confused.
n. Focusing
This is getting a client to prioritize or explore in depth one issue at a time.
o. Minimal Prompts
These are encouraging gestures to the clients to enable them to talk about their issues.
p. Questioning
This refers to probing so as to get an answer. Questions asked by the counsellor should be open
ended. Counsellors should avoid ‘why’ questions.
q. Silence
Silence is a technique that gives clients space and encouragement to get more in touch with their
thoughts and feelings.
E-tivity – 10.2.2 Classification of skills and techniques of counselling in leadership and
10.2.3 Application of the skills and techniques of counselling in leadership and
Skills and techniques include:
1. Attending Skills
S- Sitting Squarely
0-Open Posture
L-Leaning Forward
E- Eye Contact
R- Relaxed
2. Active listening
3. Questioning
4. Summarising
5. Paraphrasing
6. Reflection to feelings
E-tivity 10.2.3 – Application of the skills and techniques of counselling in leadership and
Numbering, pacing and 10.2.3
2. Give constructive feedback on the team learn on
the difference between mentoring and mediation
Do this on the discussion forum 10.2.3
E-moderator interventions Ensure that learners are focused on the contents and
context of discussion.
Stimulate further learning and generation of new
Provide feedback on the learning progress.
Closing the e-tivity
Schedule and time This task should take two hours
10.4 References
April 2020
Kevin J. Drab, M.Ed., M.A., LPC,CAC Diplomate
11.1 Introduction
Stress is the way human beings react both physically and mentally to changes, events, and
situations in their lives. People experience stress in different ways and for different reasons. The
reaction is based on your perception of an event or situation. Stress can be divided into two
categories distress and eustress. Distress happens when an individual views a situation negatively
is likely to experience the following feelings: being overwhelmed, oppressed or out of control.
Eustress results from a ‘positive’ view of an event or situation. This can also be known as ‘good
stresses’. Eustress helps you rise to a challenge and can be an antidote to boredom because it
engages on focused energy that can easily turn to distress and cause you to view the situation as
unmanageable or out of control. Many people regard public speaking or airplane flights as very
stressful—causing physical reactions such as an increased heart rate and a loss of appetite—
while others look forward to the event. It is often a question of perception: A positive stressor for
one person can be a negative stressor for another
The most frequent reasons for “stressing out” fall into three main categories:
i. The unsettling effects of change.
ii. The feeling that an outside force is challenging or threatening you.
iii. The loss of personal control.
Life events such as marriage, changing jobs, divorce, or the death of a relative or friend are the
most common causes of stress. Although life-threatening events are less common, they can be
the most physiologically and psychologically acute. As a college student, you may find that the
demands of college life can create stressful situations. The National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH) notes some of the more common stressors for college students:
Increased academic demands
Being on your own in a new environment
Changes in family relations
Financial responsibilities
Changes in your social life
Exposure to new people, ideas, and temptations
Awareness of your sexual identity and orientation
Preparing for life after graduation
title Sources of stress
Purpose This section will help the student in assessing the various sources
of stress.
Spark Watch video 1.
Brief summary of Watch video 2 on sources of stress.
overall task Read chapter 2 from pages 21 to 112 on sources of stress.
Individual Watch video 2 and highlight the main sources of stress and share
contribution with your colleagues through the discussion forum 11.2
After reading the chapter summarise the main sources of stress.
Share with your friends through the discussion forum number 11.2
the main sources of stress in the workplace.
Interaction begins Interactions begin immediately the activity is uploaded on the
KUSOMA platform.
Symptoms of stress fall into three general, but interrelated categories—physical, mental and
emotional. If an individual finds themselves frequently experiencing these symptoms indicate
that they are most distressed
Gastrointestinal problems
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Heart problems, such as palpitations
Inability to focus/lack of concentration
Sleep disturbances
Sweating palms/shaking hands
Sexual problems.
Stress can cause or contribute to serious physical disorders. It increases hormones such as
adrenaline and corticosterone, which affect your metabolism, immune reactions, and other stress
responses. That can lead to increases in your heart rate, respiration, blood pressure, and physical
demands on your internal organs.
Behavioural changes are also expressions of stress. They can include:
Disruptive eating patterns (overeating or under eating)
Harsh treatment of others
Increased smoking or alcohol consumption
E- Activity 11.2.3. : Symptoms of distress in leadership
E-moderator The role of the E- moderators include opening the discussion forums, providing
interventions directions, feedback and summaries, and closing the forums.
11.2.4. Skills, Intervention and Stress Management Techniques
Stressors are part of our everyday life. How we deal and manage them is an important aspect to
living a healthy positive life. The following are examples of things to do in order to prevent
Avoid controllable stressors
Plan major lifestyle changes
Set limits
Improve communication
Eat and Sleep well
E-activity 11.2.4. Skills, Interventions and Stress Management Techniques
Numbering, pacing and 11.2.4.
Purpose This activity will enable the student to identify and evaluate the skills that
can be applied in management of stress in leadership positions.
Individual contribution Read the two documents and using the discussion forum 10.2.4. highlight
the main skills that can be used in stress management.
Interaction begins Interactions begin immediately the activity is uploaded on the KUSOMA
E-moderator interventions The role of the e-moderator will include opening of the forum, providing
feedback, summaries and closing of the activity once students are through.
11.3 Assessment Questions
Q1. Which of the following statements is true
a) In small quantities, stress is good
b) Too much stress is harmful
c) All stress is bad
d) Only “a’ & ‘b’ are right
11.4 References
Reddy K. J, Menon K. R, Thattil A. Academic Stress and its Sources Among University
Students. Biomed Pharmacol J 2018; 11(1).
Lian S. (2018) 18 most common Causes of Stress in Students retrieved on 15th September 2020
American Psychological Association (2020) Stress management for Leaders responding to a
crisis Retrieved on 16th September 2020 from
Holman, D., Johnson, S., & O'Connor, E. (2018). Stress management interventions: Improving
subjective psychological well-being in the workplace. In E. Diener, S. Oishi, & L. Tay (Eds.),
Handbook of well-being. Salt Lake City, UT: DEF Publishers.
Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre (No date) Stress management Resources for Children,
Youth and Families Retrieved on 16th September 2020 from
Chinaveh M. (2013) “The effectiveness of multiple stress management interventions on the level
of stress, and coping Responses among Iranian students” in Journal of Procedia- Social and
Behavioral Sciences 84, pages 593-600.
Lesson 9
Q1 a) – T , b) – F, c) – F, d) – T
Q2) d
Q3) a
Q4) b
Lesson 10
Q1) d
Q2) Empathy means putting oneself in the shoes of the client while sympathy means feeling
sorry for the client and thus making them feel sorry for themselves
Q3) Skills and techniques in Counseling in leadership and management extension of the
counselor’s humanity.
12.1 Introduction
Cultural diversity affects the way leaders go about defining their roles and applying themselves
to the responsibilities of leadership. It is important to understand that what people do and say in a
particular culture, whether it is yours or that of your host, are not arbitrary and spontaneous, but
are consistent with what people in that culture value and believe in. By knowing people’s values
and beliefs, one can come to expect and predict their behaviour. Leaders must therefore
understand their people and their cultural orientations for meaningful and productive interactions
to occur.
12.2.1 Different Cultures One People (Leadership, National Unity and Development)
In this lesson we will deal with the definition of Culture including the fact that culture is the sum
total of the learned behaviour of a group of people that are generally considered to be the
tradition of that people and are transmitted from generation to generation. We will also look at
the link between values and behavior. The values prescribed by a given culture therefore greatly
influence the behaviour of the people in that society.
E-tivity- 12.2.1 Different Cultures One People (Leadership, National Unity and
pacing and 12.2.1
Title Different Cultures One People (Leadership, National Unity and
Purpose This lesson will enable you understand culture, the link between values
and behavior and how to live and work with people from different
Brief summary of Watch videos on these links:
overall task Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Purpose This lesson will enable you to demonstrate an understanding of the need for
appreciation of cultural diversity.
Brief summary
of overall task Watch videos on the links:
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
12.4 References
i. Bass, B. (1990). From transactional to transformational leadership: Learning to share the
Organizational Dynamics, 18, (3), Winter, 1990, 19-31.
ii. Bass, B. M. (1996). A new paradigm of leadership: An inquiry into transformational
Alexandria, VA: U. S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences.
iii. Commission for Investigation of Post-Election Violence (CIPEV) or Waki Report
Source: http//
iv. Independent Review Commission (IREC) or Kriegler Report
v. Kouzes, J. M. & Posner, Barry Z. (1987).The leadership challenge. San Francisco:
UNESCO, Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage,
vi. Uraia Trust (2017). National Values Booklet. Embassy of Sweden and Diakonia –
vii. Attorney-General (2012). National Cohesion and Integration Act. National Council of
13.1 Introduction
“Leaders don't create followers; they create more leaders”, Tom Peters
Ethics is at the heart of all human relationships and hence at the heart of the relationship between
leaders and followers. Leadership is essentially an influence process. Leaders have more power
and control than followers and thus more responsibility for how they use power and influence.
For that reason, the conduct and character of the leader has an impact on the organization’s
integrity and ethics.
The following are basic concepts that you need to understand that relate to Ethics and Integrity.
Values: Core beliefs or desires that guide and motivate attitudes and actions. Values are
“constructs representing generalized behaviours or states of affairs that are considered by the
individual to be important. “In other words, these are representations of our behaviour based on
what we see as important. Values play a fairly central role in one’s overall psychological makeup
and can affect behaviour in a variety of situations.
Morals: Customs and personal beliefs of individuals about what is right and wrong.
Ethics: Standards of conduct that indicate how one should behave based on principles about
right and wrong.
Integrity: Integrity has to do with your own personal moral code or ethics. Everyone has a
standard of what is moral or right. Some of these standards are personal ones that we hold for
ourselves, and some are imposed by society. For example, you personally may not think it is
wrong to cheat on your taxes, because you feel the government takes too much to begin with.
However, external forces (the law) state that it is ethically wrong to do so, regardless of how you
personally feel. Integrity is the adherence to the moral code whatever the source is. Loosely
defined it would mean that you are willing to 'do the right thing'.
Numbering, 13.2.1
Pacing and
Title Ethical Principles applicable in Leadership
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to identify the ethical
principles applicable in leadership.
Brief Summary Follow these links and watch the video to identify the ethical principles
of Overall Task applicable in leadership:
Individual Task Using bullet points, highlight the ethical principles applicable in
Interaction a) Mention the key aspects and invite the students to give details.
Begins b) Provide positive and constructive feedback on the learners’ views and
ideas. Do this on the Discussion Forum 13.2.1.
E-Moderator a) Ensure that learners are focused on the content and context of
Interventions discussion.
b) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
c) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
d) Close the e-tivity.
Schedule & This task should take 20 minutes
Next Integrating Ethical Principles into Leadership
13.2.2 Integrating Ethical Principles into Leadership
Values often influence how leaders define problems, their perceptions of individual and
organizational successes as well as the manner in which these successes are achieved. They also
help leaders choose right from wrong, and between ethical and unethical behaviour. It has been
noted that leaders tend to like followers with similar values and dislike those with dissimilar
values. As such, it is important for leaders to surround themselves with followers who possess
divergent values. Leaders are motivated to act in ways consistent with their values, and they
typically spend most of their time engaged in activities that are consistent with the values they
believe in.
Numbering, 13.2.2
Pacing and
Title Integrating Ethical Principles into Leadership
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to demonstrate how ethical
principles can be integrated into leadership.
Brief Summary Follow these links and demonstrate how ethical principles can be
of Overall Task integrated into leadership:
Individual Task Using continous prose, demonstrate how ethical principles can be
integrated into leadership.
Interaction a) Invite the students to give their ideas.
Begins b) Provide positive and constructive feedback on the learners’ views and
ideas. Do this on the Discussion Forum 13.2.2.
E-Moderator a) Ensure that learners are focused on the content and context of
Interventions discussion.
b) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
c) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
d) Close the e-tivity.
Schedule & This task should take 20 minutes
Next Building and maintaining Ethical Principles in Leadership
Organizational values represent the principles by which employees get work done and treat other
employees, customers, and vendors. The top leadership’s collective values play a significant role
in determining organizational values and culture. Research has shown that employees with
values similar to those of the organizations are more satisfied and likely to stay; those with
dissimilar values are likely to leave. It is therefore vital for a leader to set a personal example of
value-based leadership to make sure that clear values guide everyone’s behaviour in the
organization. If there is indifference or hypocrisy toward values at the highest levels, then it is
fairly unlikely that principled behaviour will be considered important by others throughout the
People with strong value systems tend to behave more ethically, unless situations are highly
competitive and unsupervised or there is no formal ethics policy governing behavior ur. Leaders
with a strong sense of values and moral reasoning will be more effective.
Numbering, 13.2.3
Pacing and
Title Building and maintaining Ethical Principles in Leadership
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to discuss how to build and
maintain ethical principles in leadership.
Brief Summary Follow this link and discuss how to build and maintain ethical principles
of Overall Task in leadership:
Individual Task Using continous prose, discuss how to build and maintain ethical
principles in leadership.
Interaction a) Invite the students to give their ideas.
Begins b) Provide positive and constructive feedback on the learners’ views and
ideas. Do this on the Discussion Forum 13.2.3.
E-Moderator a) Ensure that learners are focused on the content and context of
Interventions discussion.
b) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
c) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
d) Close the e-tivity.
Schedule & This task should take 30 minutes
Next Conflict Resolution and Peace Building
13.2.4 Summary
Leadership practitioners should expect to face a variety of challenges to their own system of
ethics, values, or attitudes during their careers. Interacting with individuals and groups holding
divergent and conflicting values is inevitable. Therefore, Leaders in particular have a
responsibility not to let their own personal values interfere with professional leader-subordinate
13.2.5 Activity
As a leader, how can you better support ethical behavior among your colleagues, team members,
and others in your organization?
1. B
2. C
3. A
13.4 References
Brincat C. A. and Wike, V.S.(2000)Morality and the professional life: Values at work. Prentice
Hall Inc., (2000). The ideas in this book were very helpful in the preparation of this article.
Barker, R. A. (1997).How can we train leaders if we do not know what leadership is?,Human
Hopkins, B. (2009). Cultural differences and improving performance: How values & beliefs
Wheatley, Margaret J. (1999) Leadership and the New Science. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler
The Practice of Ethical Leadership:
14.1. Introduction
“Peace is the only battle worth waging” - Albert Camus
A closer look indicates that the parties in dispute will not cease their actions until there is some
movement on the issues which sparked the dispute. The issue refers to incompatible positions or
goals taken by the parties, motivating their actions. When parties in conflict adjust their demands
or when the incompatible positions or goals are transformed to be compatible, the conflict then
disappears. This is what conflict resolution means.
14.2.1. Demonstrate a clear understanding of the concepts of peace and conflict and conflict
The word conflict has often been used interchangeably with the word dispute. While conflict is a
natural and inevitable human experience, it becomes a problem and a threat to development
when it degenerates into violence, be it physical, psychological or structural. Physical and
psychological forms of conflict are most common and usually occur between individuals or
families while structural violence may be brought about by the very nature of a system or
structure of an organization, institution or a government.
14.2.2 Conflict Resolution
Conflict resolution is a range of methods for alleviating or eliminating sources of conflict. The
term “conflict resolution” is sometimes used interchangeably with the term dispute resolution or
alternative dispute resolution. The method or approach adopted depends on the nature and
magnitude of the conflict. Processes of conflict resolution generally include negotiation,
mediation and diplomacy. Successful conflict resolution usually involves fostering
communication among disputants, problem solving and drafting agreements that meet their
underlying needs. In these situations, it is widely accepted worldwide today that conflict
resolution involves finding a win-win formula or mutually satisfying scenario for everyone
involved. To arrive at this, there must be reconciliation.
Reconciliation has been defined as a process which includes the search for truth, justice, an over-
arching forgiveness and healing (IDEA, 2003). It means finding a way to live alongside former
adversaries (not necessarily to love them or forget the past in any way), to co-exist with them to
develop the degree of cooperation necessary in a society in which all have better lives than they
had separately. Effective reconciliation is the best guarantee that the violence or disagreements
of the past will not recur.
Numbering, 14.2.2.
Pacing and
Title Conflict Resolution
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to understand the conflict
cycle and the mitigation strategies.
Brief Summary Do watch this video and this TED talk video which will enable you
of Overall Task understand Conflict more better.
Individual Task Using bullet points, highlight the key aspects about Conflict as learnt
from the two Videos.
Interaction a) Invite the students to give suggestions.
Begins b) Provide positive and constructive feedback on the learners’ views and
ideas. Do this on the Discussion Forum 14.2.2.
E-Moderator a) Ensure that learners are focused on the content and context of
Interventions discussion.
b) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
c) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
d) Close the e-tivity.
Schedule & This task should take 30minutes
Next Role of Leaders in Conflict Resolution
Role of Leaders
Leaders may need to approach conflict resolution in such a way that when a conflict involves a
controversial or unpopular decision, they should resist the temptation to ignore or avoid it. By
defining the root cause of the problem, encouraging active listening, negotiating a resolution and
reminding participants to forgive each other once the conflict is over, you can foster a productive
team. However, effective leaders also recognize that delegating conflict resolution to a third
party, such a facilitator or mediator can be effective in a situation where emotions remain high
even after lengthy discussion.
One important role which the youth can play in peace and conflict resolution is for them to be
the change they want. They can do this by changing their attitudes towards people, traditions,
religion and beliefs. They should learn to combine their enthusiasm with patience, realizing the
importance of living together, and should be ready to defend the frontiers of peace and non-
violence. The youth should equally develop their leadership capacity by educating themselves in
community leadership and development programmes, especially in rural areas because lack of
knowledge about basic decision making impedes progress and therefore results in conflicts. In
addition, the youth should learn new skills to deal with conflict in non-violent ways and create a
community that lives by a credo of non-violence and multicultural interaction, appreciation and
14.2.3. E-tivity on role stakeholders play in conflict resolution
Numbering, 14.2.3.
Pacing and
Title Role of Stakeholders in Conflict resolution
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to examine the various ways
leaders, youths and other stakeholders get involved in Peace building.
Brief Summary Watch this video and this video which will enable you understand how
of Overall Task the youths and youth leaders can participate in peace building.
Individual Task Using bullet points highlight the main aspects you have picked on how
young people can get involved in peace building initiatives at the local
and even international level.
Interaction a) Invite the students to give suggestions.
Begins b) Provide positive and constructive feedback on the learners’ views and
ideas. Do this on the Discussion Forum 14.2.3.
E-Moderator a) Ensure that learners are focused on the content and context of
Interventions discussion.
b) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
c) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
d) Close the e-tivity.
Schedule & This task should take 30 minutes
Next Gender Dynamics in management and leadership
14.4 References
Conflict Resolution, Retrieved at:
How do you define peace?
Johan Galtung (1990) Cultural Violence. Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 27, No. 3, 291-
Johan Galtung's negative and positive peace.
John Paul Lederach (2003) The Little Book of Conflict Transformation. Good Books.
Ramsbotham, Oliver, Hugh Miall, and Tom Woodhouse (2006). Contemporary Conflict
Resolution. (Cambridge, UK, Polity), pp: 78-105.
Restorative practices to resolve conflict/build relationships.
The Beauty of Conflict, Retrieved at:
Youth Leader Lourd Hanna on her initiative in Iraq, Retrieved in:
Youth Led Peacebuilding: Participatory Action research, Retrieved in:
15.1 Introduction
The topic of gender equity in leadership has in recent years become of great interest to
researchers in the fields of psychology, management, and sociology, as women have increasingly
assumed more leadership positions. For instance, the field of politics has globally seen a change
in gender roles as more women are running for political offices. Organizations are now faced
with the need for reconsidering gender expectations in leadership. This creates the need for
redefining effective leadership in terms of gender, stereotyping and role expectations.
The central concern of research and discourse in gender equity in leadership have been about
whether indeed there are any inherent differences in the way men and women function as
leaders and, if so, whether these differences are gender based. To begin with, it is notable that
even though women have become an increasingly large proportion of the work force, they still
do not hold a proportionate share of the top administrative positions of most countries’
workforces, which points to barriers that hinder women from climbing the organizational
ladder(s). The issue has been whether the continued comparative women disadvantage is related
to gender differences in leadership style. Consequently, research has examined the personality
characteristics and behaviour patterns of women as possible explanations for their lower status in
higher echelons of the work force.
a) Gender: A collection of qualities labelled as man or woman and which are created culturally
b) Gender Roles: The social and behavioural norms that are generally considered appropriate
for either a man or a woman in a social or interpersonal relationship
c) Management: The act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals. Management
includes planning, organizing, resourcing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a
group of one or more people) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal.
d) Leadership: The process of influencing people while operating to meet organizational
requirements and improving the organization through change. A leader is therefore understood as
a change agent who guides his followers into new heights while, along the way, they develop and
grow their followers.
15.2.1 Perception of women as leaders in the society
Although more women are assuming leadership roles today than before, the notion of a woman
as a leader is still foreign to many individuals, male and female alike. In most societies, leaders
have customarily been males. Consequently, the assumption that leadership equates with
maleness is deeply embedded in both our thinking and language. Leaders are often described
with adjectives such as “competitive,” “aggressive,” or “dominant,” which are typically
associated with masculinity. A female leader is frequently regarded as an aberration and “women
who become leaders are often offered the presumed label of acting like men” (Hearn & Parkin,
1986-87, p. 38).
These stereotypes still exert a powerful influence and are at least partially to blame both for
women’s difficulty in attaining leadership positions and for society’s struggle to accept them.
Because women do not fit the stereotypical leader mold, those who want to be leaders usually
need to be extremely well qualified, have proven records of accomplishments, and be over-
prepared for their positions. Once these positions are attained, women are often expected to
“behave just like their male counterparts rather than enhancing their roles with the new and
varied talents and fresh perspectives they might bring” (Shavlik &Touchton, 1988, p. 101).
E-tivity 15.2.1- Perception of women as leaders in the society
Numbering, 15.2.1
Pacing and
Title Perception of women as leaders in the society
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to enable you to examine ways in which
women have been viewed as leaders and managers in the society.
Brief Summary Follow these links and watch the video to examine ways in which women
of Overall Task have been viewed as leaders and managers in the society:
Individual Task Using bullet points, highlight the perceptions people have on women
leadership in different cultural contexts.
Interaction a) Invite the students to give suggestions.
Begins b) Provide positive and constructive feedback on the learners’ views and
ideas. Do this on the Discussion Forum 15.2.1.
E-Moderator a) Ensure that learners are focused on the content and context of
Interventions discussion.
b) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
c) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
d) Close the e-tivity.
Schedule & This task should take 25 minutes
Next Gender Differences in Leadership Styles
controlling employees through rational or economic means. Using contingent rewards,
transactional leaders focus their attention on exchange or trade relationships providing tangible
or intangible support and resources to followers in exchange for their efforts and performance
and sanctioning undesired behaviours or unattained performance levels. To deal with unexpected
surprises or non - routine events, transactional leaders may also rely on management by
exception, revising and updating standards and monitoring deviations from these standards. In
the passive version of management by exception, leaders take an inactive approach, intervening
only when problems become serious. Active management by exception characterizes enhanced
monitoring activities by transactional managers who initiate corrective actions and intensely
evaluate progress toward achieving desired performance levels.
Numbering, 15.2.2
Pacing and
Title Gender Differences in Leadership Styles
Purpose The purpose of this e-tivity is to evaluate explanations for gender
differences in management and leadership styles.
Brief Summary Follow these links and evaluate explanations for gender differences in
of Overall Task management and leadership styles:
Individual Task Using continuous prose examine the different leadership styles exhibited
by both men and women.
Interaction a) Invite the students to give suggestions.
Begins b) Provide positive and constructive feedback on the learners’ views and
ideas. Do this on the Discussion Forum 15.2.2.
E-Moderator a) Ensure that learners are focused on the content and context of
Interventions discussion.
b) Stimulate further learning and generation of new ideas.
c) Provide feedback on the learning progress.
d) Close the e-tivity.
Schedule & This task should take 30 minutes
Next Youth Leadership in National Development and Related Challenges
15.3 Summary
In the foregoing session, it has been observed that the under-representation of women in certain
levels of leadership is based on the kinds of the attitudes we hold regarding the abilities of
women and leadership, many of which have no scientific basis. The session ends up advocating
some form of transformational leadership in which those women who demonstrate the ability to
get subordinates to transform their own self-interest into the interest of the larger group should
be encouraged to take up such leadership positions.
15.4 Assessment Questions:
15.4.1 What is your understanding of the term Gender?
a) Being male or female in terms of orientation
b) One’s sex as evidenced by physical attributes
c) Culturally created qualities and expectations of both man and woman
d) Issues in society that majorly touch on women
1. C
2. D
15.5 References
Steven, H. A.,Lynda, A. and Joanne, C.(2003).Miller Gender and leadership? Leadership and
Appelbaum, S.H. and Shapiro, B.T. (1993), Why can’t men lead like women?,Leadership&
Hearn, J., & Parkin, P. W. (1986-87). Women, men, and leadership: A critical review of
practices and change in the industrialized nations. International Studies of Management and
Organization, 16(3-4).33-60.
Shavlik, D. L., &Touchton, J. G. (1988). Women as leaders.In M. F. Green (Ed.), Leaders for a
new era(pp. 98-117). New York: American Council on Education and Macmillan Publishing Co.
Rosener, J. B. (1990). Ways women lead. Harvard Business Review, 68(6), 119-125
Nahavandi, A. (2009). The Art and Science of Leadership (5th Ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Bono, J.E. & Judge, T.A. (2004). Personality Transformational and Transactional Leadership: A
Meta-Analysis, Journal of Applied Psychology, 89 (5), 901-910.
16.1 Introduction
The active engagement of youth in sustainable development efforts is central to achieving
sustainable, inclusive and stable societies by the target date, and to averting the worst threats and
challenges to sustainable development, including the impacts of climate change, unemployment,
poverty, gender inequality, conflict, and migration. Young people have aspirations that are far
broader and that need to be valued and supported. Approaches that focus on prioritizing youth
participation, respecting youth rights, and addressing youth aspirations are key. Rather than
rating the success of programmes on narrow measures of educational or employment attainment,
it is crucial that institutional, programme and policy evaluations be more firmly grounded in
young people’s own accounts of what they value for their human development and for the
sustainable development of their communities and this shared planet. Although past decades
have seen advances in terms of policy commitments to youth development, both nationally and
regionally, such gains have not always been matched by actions on the ground. Far too many
young people are still jobless, and struggle to access public resources and quality social services.
They are barely involved in policy formulation and programme design as their participation in
politics and decision-making is limited and often ad hoc. Youth leadership is part of the youth
development process and supports the young person in developing leadership abilities necessary
to guide or direct others on a course of action, influence the opinions and behaviours of others,
and serve as a role model. In this regard, youth leadership has always sought to enable youth
leaders to envision and execute strategic leadership processes and to apply effective management
techniques. Accordingly, promoting youth leadership development is a crucial way of promoting
national development.
To have this session complete, you are expected to review the learning resources presented in
sub-sections A-B and then share your reflections and analysis in forum C.
A. Required Readings
4. UN (2018) Youth and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. New York: UN
1. The Role of Youth in Achieving the SDGs - 2019 ECOSOC Youth Forum
2. High-Level Event “Youth 2030"
Based on the readings, the session introduction and the films, please share your reflections on:
1. What leadership role can youth take towards achievement of sustainable development
2. What do you think are obstacles hindering youth from attaining their aspirations and full
3. Potential solutions to overcome the obstacles you have mentioned above?
17.1. Introduction
In this lesson, you will describe three important life skills that are of crucial importance in an
organization. These are: Public relation Skills, Communication Skills , and skills of Personal
Branding. The focus of this lesson is to inculcate and develop these skills so as to become a
transformational leader in your society.
Publics in PR are those groups of people, internally and externally with whom an organization
communicates. That is, any group that has an actual or potential interest in an organization’s
ability to achieve its objectives. Each public will have a different communication requirement
although the information given to each must not conflict.
In PR, Publics are not static groups that exist all the time; rather they are created by specific
situations and problems. It is important to note that PR is never directed to the general public but
at specific groups in explicit and different ways.
Other broad publics include: The community (local Publics); Potential employees; Suppliers;
Distributors; Consumers; opinion leaders; and Media.
Understanding human relations is therefore important because it makes it easier for us to get
along and to humanly relate. This becomes possible when people accept others as they are and
they are in turn accepted leading to a positive stable relationship. People decide to relate either
voluntarily by association or deliberately.
A Psychologist called Carl Jung divided human beings into two groups: the introverts and
extroverts. The introverts were further divided into two more groups namely, phlegmatic and
melancholic, who are supposed to be conservative, quiet and reserved.
The extroverts were also divided into two groups further namely, sanguine and choleric who are
more outgoing. These groups of people will behave differently but are supposed to complement
each other so that their strengths are used to the maximum and their weaknesses are covered and
work becomes enjoyable and efficiency is achieved.
Some of the errors we should avoid in interpersonal relationships include but not limited to the
One of the critical skills in the development of interpersonal skills is understanding how not to
cause animosity or conflict with others. The following are some of the skills you need to practice
so that you can grow healthy relationships with others.
The following are some of the factors that influence interpersonal relationships:
1. Effective Communication: The receiver and the sender of any message must be able
to understand one another effectively. The sender must encode the message and the
receiver has to decode the same message the sender intended it to be.
2. Organizing Skills: Well organized such that the office routines are reliable and
produce effective results at all times.
3. Discretion initiative: Capable of working in one’s own initiative and using discretion
without having to wait for instructions from seniors.
4. Tact and Diplomacy: Tact, Confidentiality and diplomacy in handling all types of
workers and visitors.
5. Punctuality: Particularly to the submission of works, attendance at meetings
6. Loyalty and commitment to the job essential qualities in establishing the ideal
relationship with employers
7. Personality:
- Pleasant and approachable manner in dealing with situations
- Be able to identify situations and acting skillfully, think quickly as situations
demand and make decisions.
8. Courtesy: A courteous and sympathetic manner gathers approved and cooperation of
9. Adaptability and Willingness:
- A willingness to be helpful at all times and especially in times of stress and
- Adaptable to change concerning the nature of work
10. Anticipation
- The ability to anticipate the needs of the organizations and especially so with
one immediate supervisor
- Impartiality
- Must be able to treat all subordinates impartially to win their respect and
- Stimulate further learning and
17.4 References
Fitzgerald, C. (2015) Interpersonal Communication in the future world. Retrieved at: TEDxCarletonUniversity
Hirshon, Jonathan (2017). Don’t Exxagerate. Don’t Bullshit. Do not Lie. Retrieved at: SLUSH
Heath, R., Coombs, T. (2006). Todays Public Relations: An introduction. Retrieved at:
Bambacas, M. & Patrickson, M. (2008). Interpersonal Communication Skills that enhance
original commitment. Retrieved at:
3. Which are the various dimensions of personality which are important for leaders to
a. Introverts - Phlegmatic and Melancholic
b. Extroverts - Sanguine and Choleric
4. Which four obvious errors do people make in interpersonal relations?
a. Halo error-package – glory around idolized persons.
b. Stereotyping – unduly fixed mental impressions
c. Prejudices – preconceived opinions and bias.
d. Logical error
e. Job error/status.
f. Regency – from recent = not long established
g. Naïve paternalism – innocent, unaffected, unconsciously and amusingly
simple, thereby limiting the freedom of the subject.
h. Gender
i. Culture
5. Discuss any focus factors influencing interpersonal relationships.
a. Punctuality
b. Personality
c. Courtesy: A courteous and sympathetic manner gathers approved and
cooperation of all
d. Adaptability and Willingness
e. Anticipation
There are two main types of communication skills: Verbal and non-verbal cues of
communication. Verbal communication involves all forms of writing and spoken language. Non-
verbal communication involves “Oral and non-oral messages expressed by other than
linguistic means.” There are seven types of non-verbal communication. These are:
1. Proxemics
2. Haptics
3. Chronemics
4. Kinesics
5. Artifacts
6. Vocalics or Paralanguage
7. Environment
b. "...the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle
interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically (Oxford Dictionary).
There is perhaps no known causative connection between someone’s Intelligent Quotient ( IQ )
and Emotional Intelligence( EI). EI falls under two main categories of competencies: personal
competence and social competence.
As a leader, one should ensure that they communicate effectively by overcoming any barriers of
communication. These barriers are also regarded as noise and they include the following:
Brief summary of overall Watch this video on the distinction between verbal and non-
task verbal communication
Watch this video and make notes on different barriers of
18.3 Assessment Questions
1. Explain the different types of barriers of communication’ (20 Marks)
Types of Noise
This includes those factors outside the receiver and the communicator that makes it difficult
to communicate or hear and any other distractions. They include;
- loud music
- Echoes
- Singing birds
- Uncomfortable seats
2) Physiological Barriers
They involve biological factors in the receiver or communicator that interfere with accurate
reception of information. They include; - Sickness or illness
- Fatigue
- Poor hearing
3) Psychological barriers.
Refers to forces within the receiver or communicater that interfere with the ability to express
or understand a message accurately. Mental issues include;
- Superiority complex
- Inferiority complex
Example: A football player exaggerating the number of goals he scored in order to convince
that he is a good player. Such a person either suffers from inferiority or superiority complex
4) Semantic/Connotative barriers.
(a) Denotative meaning which is the dictionary meaning for a word. Every word has
denotative meaning
- Connotative meaning arouses qualitative judgments and personal reactions which could be
favorable or unfavorable.
Example; The words noble, honest, cowardly could elicit favourable or unfavourable
5)Stored Experience.
This occurs when the receiver interprets the message in terms of his frame of reference.
Each person has stored experience consisting in part of his individual ego related beliefs and
values in part of the beliefs and values of groups to which he belongs. These groups could
Peer group
Church etc.
A message which challenges these beliefs and values may be rejected, distorted or
18.4 E-References
1. Oxford Dictionaries. (2015). Emotional intelligence.
3. U.S Department of Labor's ODEP. (nd). Skills to pay the bills: Mastering soft skills for
workplace success.
5. Teaching English (2020) What are the barriers to communication? | Oral Communication in
Retrieved From:
19.1 Introduction
In this lesson we will delve into a major domain in life skills known as personal branding.
Personal branding can be defined as the practice of people marketing themselves and their
careers as brands. It is essentially the ongoing process of establishing a prescribed image or
impression in the mind of others about an individual, group, or organization. A personal brand
can be what you are known for and how people experience you; your brand is your reputation,
either in person, on paper and online.
In this and the next lesson, to help you the learner better understand the concept of personal
branding, we will seek to familiarize ourselves with three key activities closely related to
personal branding. These are, C.V writing, Cover letter writing and job interview skills.
In today’s marketplace, it’s tough to stand out. Good grades and lots of extra-curricular activities
won’t guarantee that you’ll land the job of your dreams, or that you’ll even land an interview.
There are many qualified candidates out there. The secret to standing out is to impress recruiters
with the unique and authentic you in person, on paper, and online.
Your personal brand matters. Your brand is your reputation. It’s your calling card. It’s what you
are known for and how people experience you. It’s about bringing who you are to what you do
and how you do it. Delivering your brand clearly and consistently will create a memorable
experience in the minds of those you interact with and can open doors to new opportunities. As a
job seeker, the competition to get jobs is intimidating; thousands of graduates are awarded
bachelors or master’s degrees every year and they enter the job market. How you brand yourself
as expressed in your resume/Curriculum Vitae (CV) determines whether you get that job
opportunity or you miss out. To enhance your personal brand, it is important to know how to
write effective CV’s, cover letters and how to prepare for successful employment interviews.
A curriculum vitae is a written summary of personal, educational, working experience and
qualifications intended to demonstrate an applicant’s fitness for a particular position.
They are an opportunity to show an employer why you are an ideal candidate for the job.
A good CV will:
Stand out from the crowd.
Draw attention to your relevant skills, experience, achievements and potential.
Create an impression on the employer, such that they will not turn you down for the
There is no single way to write a CV. It is your document, and can be structured and
presented as you wish within a basic framework.
The important thing to remember is that this is the first impression an employer will have of
you. It is your marketing brochure through which you are trying to sell yourself. Importance of a good Curriculum Vitae
CV provides serious intent to seek work and a willingness to do a little bit extra,
both of which are desirable characteristics in an employee.
Its major purpose is to obtain a job interview in the first place.
Because a CV is a personal advertisement that creates a first impression for the
client, it is important enough to spend time creating it.
When writing a CV it is important to attend not only to the content i.e. your
qualifications and experiences but also design and format.
A CV which is not pleasant to look at and easy to read is likely to receive scanty
attention from employers and therefore fail in its purpose. Possible contents of a good Curriculum Vitae.
a) Personal Detail
Telephone number.
Nationality.( Optional)
Date of Birth.( Optional)
Gender.( Optional)
Photograph. ( Optional)
b) Personal profile
Might also be called ‘career objective’ or ‘summary’.
Purpose is to highlight key points that you want an employer to know about you(eg,
skills, experience and career objective.
Less is more. One to three sentences, with a maximum of four.
Strong, positive language.
Avoid a list of superlatives.
c) Education
Should be in reverse chronological order i.e. most recent first.
For oversees qualifications, show the name of the qualification and indicate a Kenyan
Get school names correct.
d) Work experience
Include fulltime, part time and voluntary work and work placements.
Generally list in reverse chronological order (most recent first).
Show dates you were there and your job title.
Show the employer organization name, broad location and if helpful, the nature of their
Avoid giving a list of mundane duties e.g. tidying floor, photocopying. Focus on the
skills you used and your achievements.
Use positive language.
If you have had several similar jobs, you can group this together to avoid repetition of
Consider using bullet points rather than lengthy paragraphs.
e) Skills profile
Include skills which are relevant and of interest to the job/employer/sector.
Always provide evidence for skills.
Make links between your skills and the job- show how you are a good match with the job
You can identify relevant skills through the job description, the person specification, the job
advert, the organizations website, occupational research and sector research.
f) Interests and achievements
Optional. Don’t include this section on your CV for the sake of it. Think about what the
information adds to your CV. What are you trying to get across? How will it help to
persuade the employer to interview me?
Avoid using the heading ‘hobbies’.
Avoid a simple list.
Only include things which you are happy to be questions about in an interview.
Convey your skills, attributes and/or personal development.
g) References
They are often used in the final stages of the selection.
Provide the contact details of your references. ( name, address, job title, telephone no.
mail address) Rather than a standard reference letter.
It is usual to provide two referees- one academic and the other preferably work related.
Out of courtesy, always check with the referees first.
If you prefer not to include details on your CV, you can say ‘References available on
E-tivity 19.2.1- The concept of personal branding
Individual task 3. What are the do’s and don’ts in the making
of an effective Curriculum Vitae?
4. Prepare a CV for your dream job in your
area of specialization.
Interaction begins 1 Post your opinions on how long a good
Curriculum Vitae should be, giving reasons.
2 Provide positive and constructive feedback on
the learners ‘views and ideas’. Do this on the
discussion 19.2.1
E-moderator interventions 1. Ensure the learners are focused on the
new ideas.
Schedule and time
Next Writing an effective cover letter.
A cover letter is a self-marketing device that gives the employer a 1st impression of the job
seekers and usually accompanies a CV.
It highlights a few specific points in the job seekers experience and skills that march or
exceed the requirements of the job.
Its purpose is to entice the employer to read your CV. Each cover letter should be
individually tailored to the particular situation and should be addressed to a particular
It should be brief and to the point.
It should not go beyond one page.
The cover letter highlights your key skills and suitability for the job clearly, concisely and
positively. It is targeted at the job/sector you are applying for and complements and develops the
information in the CV rather than duplicating it.
interested in, on what basis (e.g. work placement, full time) and when you are
Middle paragraphs.
Include details on why you prefer to be employed in that organization and why that
job\industry? Justify why you think you are the most qualifies candidate for the job.
Why should they hire you? What key strengths/skills can you offer? Support you
statements/assertions with evidence.
Closing paragraph.
Always remember to have a polite ending by conveying interest and enthusiasm in
the role. Indicate any times available/not available for the interview. For speculative
approaches, say that you will follow up your letter with a telephone call within a
certain period e.g. within a week.
Individual task 1. What are the do’s and don’ts in the making
of an effective cover letter?
2. What are the differences between a CV and
a Resume?
3. Prepare a cover letter to complement your
CV for your dream job in your area of
Interaction begins 1. Post your opinions on the role played by
a cover letter, giving reasons.
2. Provide positive and constructive
feedback on the learners ‘views and
ideas’. Do this on the discussion 1.3.
E-moderator interventions 1. Ensure the learners are focused on the
new ideas.
c. Interpersonal skills.
d. None of the above.
5. Yours Faithfully is used in the signing off section of a cover letter when
a. When you know who the letter is addressed to.
b. When you do not know who the letter is addressed to.
c. When the one addressed in the letter is a close relative or friend.
d. When the one addressed in the letter is younger than you are.
19.5 E-References
20.1 Introduction
In this lesson, a continuation of our very interesting and crucial study of personal branding, we
will now look at Interview skills. It is crucial to remember, that Interview skills are an important
aspect of Personal Branding just as a Curriculum Vitae and a Cover Letter are, as seen in the
previous lesson.
This lesson will help you, the learner, get acquainted with the required skills to see you ace any
interview you are called to. As such, it is expected that you, the learner, will understand and
internalize the skills learnt and the most appropriate ways to go through the interview process.
By the end of this lesson you, the learner, will be able to:
2.2.1 Understand how to prepare for successful job interviews.
2.3 Acquaint yourself with various job search skills.
An interview is a meeting with an objective. The employers’ objective is to find the best person
for the job. The employer reviews the candidates experience and abilities:
Can you do the job? (Skills, abilities, qualifications).
Will you do the job? (Interest, attitude and motivation).
How will you fit into the organization? (Personality).
Your objective as the interviewee is to impress the employer and asses the position on offer. You
need to determine:
What does this position offer me?
How does it fit with my career plans?
You must therefore seek to prove that you are the most suitable candidate for this position.
For better understanding of job interview skills, we will divide the interview process and the
skills required into three stages as followed:
Pre-Interview – Before the actual interview.
Interview – The actual interview.
Post- Interview- After the interview. Pre-Interview stage
Preparation is the key to success. The onus is therefore on you to ensure that you get everything
during the pre-interview stage in order.
The following are important points to note at this stage.
Research the potential employer and acquaint yourself with the organization.
Note the exact time of the interview and the route you will take to get to the interview,
noting down a generous estimation of the maximum time it will take to get there.
Review the job description and be able to match your experience and education with the
duties of the position.
Prepare a one to two minute script of yourself.
Make sure you have the appropriate interview attire.
Tips regarding attire (Men).
o If possible, wear a suit to the interview.
o Belt and shoes should be the same color.
o Avoid ties with elaborate patterns or too many colors.
o A wedding ring and/or watch is generally the only jewelry that should be
o Head to toe: Hair should be well groomed and shoes should be polished.
Tips regarding attire (Women).
o A suit or dress is preferable.
o Skirts should meet at the top of the knee or longer.
o The amount of jewelry should be minimized.
o Make up should be light.
o Avoid perfumes and scented powders.
a) Right before the interview stage, the following should be done and noted.
Arrive to the interview ten to fifteen minutes prior to its start.
Bring along a pen and paper.
Bring along two or more copies of your resume.
Remember to bring all your relevant original certificates.
b) During the interview stage, the following are key points to note.
Walk into the office briskly and greet the interviewer by name.
Take your cue from the interviewer; if the interviewer moves to shake hands, do so, but
not unless he or she makes the first gesture wait until you are offered a chair before you
sit down.
Your hand shake should be firm and dry. Make sure your right hand is free.
From time to time look the interviewer in the eye rather than stare at the floor, at the
ceiling or in the middle distance.
Smile at appropriate times, it makes you look friendly and confident.
20.2.3 Dos and Don’ts during the above stages of the interview process
Be confident
Arrange your documents well and neatly
Listen to the questions well
Be calm
Ask questions to be repeated when not clear
Ask for time to organize your answers when necessary
Be honest and consistent in your answers
Look prepared throughout the session
Be neat and tidy
Never take anyone with you to the interview.
Don’t try to be funny, and don’t chew gum or smoke even if the interviewer invites you
Don’t pile your belongings on the interviewer’s desk or move the chair around when you
sit down.
Don’t say “I’ll do anything” or ask someone to employ you because you need a job.
Never make a slighting reference about a former employer, professor, acquaintance or
anyone else.
Don’t volunteer negative information about yourself.
Avoid discussing topics unrelated to the job
Avoid showing strong feelings.
Don’t argue with the interviewer
Stay informed about the economic trends, labor market, political situation, government
policy e.g. devolved government, affirmative action.
Form youth groups to benefit from loans for business startups from government, banks
and other institutions.
Join your profession association e.g. ACCA
new ideas.
a. 2-3 feet away
b. 4-5 feet away
c. 6-7 feet away
d. 8-9 feet away
7. Men should wear?
a. Tie
b. Shorts
c. Tennis Shoes
d. Lots of aftershave
8. Women should ware?
a. Skirt above the knee
b. Skirt below the knee
c. Lots of jewelry
d. Plenty of perfume
9. The interviewers’ first impression will determine?
a. If they like you
b. If you are knowledgeable
c. If you can do the job
d. If you look professional
10. A person’s poor posture can make you seem?
a. Lazy
b. Smart
c. Capable
d. Important
20.5 E-References
Lesson X.
1: A, 2: C, 3: D, 4: A, 5: B, 6: A, 7: B, 8: D, 9: C, 10: B
Lesson Y.
1: B, 2: C, 3: D, 4: A, 5: D, 6: C, 7: A, 8: A, 9: D, 10: A