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Global Politics
Topic - Political Dimension of Globalization.
Is state sovereignty now an outdated concept ?
State sovereignty which is also recognised as external
sovereignty is the concept that a state is in complete control of the people and property within their territory as they are an independent and autonomous entity on the world stage. State sovereignty also involves the idea that all states are equal, which means that despite different population sizes and financial abilities ,they are equal on an international level. ((Globalization has widely been seen to be certain state sovereignty, creating a post sovereignty government)).In particular, economic sovereignty has been compromised by transborder trading, capital and other flows. Some believe that such development has transformed the nature of the state giving rights to ,(( competition state, the market state and the post modern state)).
State and Globalization
The rise of globalization has stimulated a major debate about the power and significance of states in a globalized world. Three contrasting positions can be identified :
1. Some theorists have proclaimed the emergence of ((post
sovereignty government )) ,suggesting the rise of globalization is inevitably marked by the decline of the state as a meaningful actor. 2. Realists on the other hand tend to deny that globalization has altered the core feature of world politics, as in earlier eras, sovereignty states are the primary determinant of what goes on within their borders and remain the principal actors in the world stage. 3. Between these two views, however, is a third position which acknowledges that globalization has brought about qualitative changes in the role and significance of the state, and in the nature of sovereignty, but emphasizes that these have transformed the state rather than simplified, reduced and increased its power …
One of the central features of economic globalization is the rise
of ((supraterritoriality reflected in declining importance of territorial location, geographical distance and state borders)) and increasing range of economic activity taking place within a borderless world. Globalization furthermore is closely associated with the trend towards regionalization. Reflected in a growing prominence of regional trading blocs such as the Eu and North American free trade union .
Political dimensions of globalisation
Globalization has led to a decline in the power of national governments to direct and influence their economies (especially with regard to macroeconomic management); and to determine their political structures. The most dominant of the global organizations that had emerged was the League of Nations and now succeeded by the United Nations. At the regional levels, the African Union, European Union, Organization of American States, the Arab League, etc exist. The impact of these organizations is to create a process of institution-building, where the organizations are able to determine and dictate what happens in the governance of member states. This is the trend of political globalization.
With the establishment of the United Nations and related IGOs
(including the International Monetary Fund, World Bank Group, International Labour Organization, and World Health Organization), a global governance framework emerged. It has fostered the creation of thousands of intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations that generate a network of international association . The European Union (EU) that liberalizes trade and creates common policies among nations within negotiated geographical boundaries. The EU has progressed furthest toward the creation of a regional market and government, as it has allowed the free movement of people across borders, eliminated barriers to trade, created a supranational court, and established supranational policies. According to David Held, one of the chief proponents of this view, the cosmopolitan democracy of the future would contain the following political features: 1. A global parliament connected to regions, states, and localities; 2. A new charter of rights and duties locked into different domains of political, social, and economic power; 3. The formal separation of political and economic interests; 4. An interconnected global legal system with mechanisms of enforcement from the local to the global.A number of less optimistic commentators have challenged the idea that political globalization is moving in the direction of cosmopolitan democracy.
State sovereignty now an outdated concept ?
State sovereignty can be recognised as an outdated concept
for a variety of reasons including globalisation, rise of non-state actors and permeable borders but there are also some views which reject that state sovereignty is now an outdated concept .
The most prominent proponents of the view states in the era of
globalization (( Kenichi Ohmae)) have been rendered irrelevant in his two books ((The Borderless World and The End of the Nation States)). He has argued that economic integration of the world and its technological spread in the form of webs of information and communication technologies are making the boundaries between countries and continents blurred although on the political maps such boundaries exist.
Non-state actors are able to exercise power and provide a
method of cooperation between countries. Most non-state actors aim to influence outside borders on an international level rather than being restricted within the borders of the state itself. Non governmental organisations such as Amnesty International which is a pressure group, more than 7 million members worldwide who aim to combat injustices which are faced all over the world. The actions of MultiNational Corporations (MNC’s) by using pressure. For example, the Citizens’ Clearing-house for Hazardous Waste (CCHW) , which is a non-state actor, led a three year public awareness campaign focused on McDonald’s using the material Styrofoam which is hazardous and toxic to the environment to ban its use. By 1990, McDonald’s stopped its use of Styrofoam packaging as over 46 counties and cities chose to ban it.
However, Realists would argue that states are able to act as
in their self interest as rational autonomous entities with aims of pursuing security, sovereignty and survival. States are able to act in their self interest in taking action on what will benefit them. For example, the USA and Saudi Arabia are ideologically opposed but the USA have to work with them because they are dependent on them for oil.
According to Edkins and Zehfuss , globalization has
challenged the idea of self contained territorial states with suggestions that flow of information, goods and energy around the world now transcend state boundaries. This has therefore led to the belief that globalization can be understood in terms of deterritorialization which means that territory is no longer fixed and phases of interaction can no longer be contained within the borders of the states.
Hyper-globalists would argue that globalisation has meant
that the traditional definition of the state is no longer important as they once were. Globalisation has meant that it has become increasingly easy for knowledge and information to pass through borders via the internet. This ultimately means that states do not have ultimate sovereignty as they are not able to prevent unwanted information coming into the borders as well as information being leaked out of their borders.
Due to globalisation ,many states are losing sovereignty in
order to maintain relationships with other states. China is a state which has recently increased its dependence on America for trade in order to boost their economy and maintain a surplus. Although states such as China are able to influence other states through soft power by promoting their culture by broadcasting programmes in different languages, globalisation has meant that they are beginning to lose their cultural identities . Anthony Giddens has felt that Nations have lost the sovereignty they once had and politicians have lost their capacity to influence events, implying that such roles and powers have been appropriated by forces that are neither nations nor states .
However, Realists such as Viotti and Kauppi denied that state
sovereignty is changed as they remain the dominant actor on the world stage for taking important decisions.
Moreover, the acceptance of Humanitarian Intervention by
Liberalists suggests that state sovereignty is in decline on the belief that the rights of an individual are morally superior to the states. For example - If an individual feel that the state is not protecting the rights of citizens, humanitarian intervention can take place without the permission of the state which suggests the decline in the power of states.It has been argued by Reisman (1990) that ‘sovereignty of a state does not stand higher than the human rights of its inhabitants.’ Conclusion
Andrew Heywood said that the changed relationship between
the market and States may not simply mean a reduced role for the state but rather a different role for the state. The process of economic Global globalisation required a political legal Framework that can only be provided by the state that state cannot be written of is clear from the the balance of the American banks and financial institution by the For example - American government when they were hit by a financial crisis in 2008 to 2009 does it is only the state which has unique capacity to maintain domestic order and protect citizens from external attacks.
Constellations Volume 15 issue 4 2008 [doi 10.1111%2Fj.1467-8675.2008.00510.x] Jürgen Habermas -- The Constitutionalization of International Law and the Legitimation Problems of a Constitution for Wor.pdf
Constellations Volume 15 issue 4 2008 [doi 10.1111%2Fj.1467-8675.2008.00510.x] Jürgen Habermas -- The Constitutionalization of International Law and the Legitimation Problems of a Constitution for Wor.pdf