The need for mobility is a necessity for human as resources are naturally not
concentrated in one place. This makes transportation a derived-demand; that
is people do not just travel for travel’s sake. Rather, they make trip in order
to satisfy their desires relating to many aspects of life. Each trip is therefore
made for a particular purpose. From the times immemorial, people travel
either for food or leisure. A closely associated need is the transport of raw
materials to manufacturing units or finished goods to consumption locations.
Hence, transportation fulfils many basic needs of humanity. It also plays a
key role in the development of the human civilization. Transportation
engineering comprises of various disciplines as outlined and briefly discussed
as follows:
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impacts and to develop strategies for the mitigation and reduction of the
impact due to both construction and operation. The primary impacts are fuel
consumption, air pollution, and noise pollution.
• Fixed facilities,
• Flow elements,
• Control system
These three elements are essential to allow for the move people and goods
from one location to another efficiently in order to achieve some desired
(a) The fixed facilities are the physical components of the transportation
system that are fixed spatially. The constitute the network of links
(roadway segments, railway track, pipes, etc) and nodes (intersections,
interchanges, terminals, harbours, airports, etc) of the transportation
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(b) Flow elements are the units that traverse the fixed facilities, which include
vehicles, container units, railroad cars, etc. for the highway system, the
fixed facilities are expected to accommodate ranges vehicle categories;
ranging from motorcycle (at times bicycles) to large vehicles combinations
such as trucks and trailers.
(c) The control system consists of vehicular control and flow control.
• The flow control system consists of the means that allows for efficient and
smooth operation of vehicles’ streams and minimizing the conflicts among
the interacting vehicles. This system includes various types of signing,
marking, and signal systems and the related regulations governing the
Generally, there are six basic modes of transportation system. These are
highways, railways, waterways, airways, pipelines, and conveyors. To move
people or goods from one location to another, each of these transportation
modes requires some essential components to accomplish the movement.
There are four essential components associated with each mode of
transportation. These include; way, vehicle (or carrying unit), terminal, and
control. The relationship among these components and each of the
transportation modes is discussed as follows.
For instance, for people and goods to b e moved from one point to another,
a path (or way) is usually required. It is on this path that the vehicle or
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carrying unit will move along to accomplish the movement. In the course of
transporting people or goods, there is need for loading and unloading
activities. These couple of processes are performed at designated locations
referred to as terminals. In transportation process, number of vehicles or
carrying units are operated which require some form of control and guidance.
Hence, the way, vehicle, terminal, and control are essential components for
each mode of transportation.
In terms of the way component, for highways, the roadway is provided based
on specified standard which serves as the way for the highway mode of
transportation. The highway facilitates for simultaneous longitudinal and
lateral movement of the vehicles, allowing for some flexibility in vehicular
movement. The technology used in effecting the movement for highways
involves the use of rubber-tyre wheel on a smooth firm roadway.
However, for railway mode, the way is simply the rail track resting on sleepers
which is laid on ballast. The railway can be described to some extent as rigid
system as it does not allow for concurrent longitudinal and lateral movement
of the vehicles. It usually operates longitudinally, which requires some other
system to enable lateral movement. Flanged-wheel on rail track is the
technology utilized in effecting the movement.
With regard to the vehicle (or carrying unit) component of the transportation
modes, for the highway mode; the carrying unit is the vehicle itself. The
vehicle has broad ranges of type as well as varying dynamic and static
characteristics. For instance, the vehicle includes passenger car, trucks,
buses, tricycle, motorcycle, and so forth. Interestingly, the way is capable of
accommodating all the different categories of vehicles. This is due to the
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flexibility nature of highway mode. Conversely, this is not the case with the
railway system, where the vehicle is characterized by a fixed configuration
depending on the gauge of the rail track. The vehicle in this case is the coach.
For the waterways, the vehicle could be boat, ship, or vessel. These vehicles
vary in size, shape and their dynamic characteristics; ranging from small size
boats utilized for inland waterways transportation to large vessels used for
ocean transportation. Movement of people and goods in waterways mode is
reasonably flexible as the vehicles can move in both longitudinal and lateral
directions. More so, for submarines, the vehicle can move longitudinally,
laterally and vertically. For airways transportation, the vehicles vary in size
and configuration as well as its dynamic and static characteristics. The
vehicle can be helicopter, small plane or large aircraft capable of carrying
many passengers and large cargo tonnage. For the pipeline, the pipe or tube
serves as both the way and the vehicle while in the case of conveyor, the
vehicle is the conveyor belt or lift cab.
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also contributes in the control aspect. For pipelines and conveyors, the
pumping and driving mechanisms serve as the control systems, respectively.
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and Conveyor
Paved and unpaved artificial belts,
Rail track Air space Pipe and tubes
Way roads channels, ropeways,
bodies of rollers
Motor vehicles, propelled
Coaches, Aircraft, Conveyor belt,
buses, lorries, vessels, Pipe and tubes
Vehicle wagons helicopter trams, lift cab
motorcycles, etc. ships &
Street and off-street Railway Harbours such as sea Stockpiles and
Terminal parking, garages station and ports ports, industrial baggage hold
plants, homes
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Transport of granular bulks where total and daily High initial cost of belting or roping, loan
Conveyors volumes are of maximum and continuity of delivery Same as for pipelines route and cargo flexibility need to
is required duplicate flights for two-way movement
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2.1 Introduction
The following sections discuss the vehicle and driver characteristics as they
affect the design and operation of highway facilities.
Although the vehicle has lesser variable characteristics than the driver,
their features are usually controlled within defined limits by legislation by
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In order for a vehicle to remain in motion on a level road (or along segment
with different geometric features), the following resistances (forces) need
to be overcome; rolling, air, grade, curve, inertia and mechanical friction
resistances. The sum of all these resistances is the value of the tractive
resistance or total resistance to traction (or power).
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the vehicle (including the underside), and the partial vacuum behind the
vehicle. Air resistance varies approximately in proportion to the square of
vehicle’s speed. Under standard air condition, the resistance is given by
Equation 2.1.
AV 2
Ra = Cd ( ) (kg) (2.1)
Rg = Wsin (2.2)
The relationship between the minimum stopping sight distance and the
variables upon which it depends is given by Equation 2.4.
SSD = PV +
2 g ( f i) (2.4)
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The width of vehicle affects the width of lanes, shoulders and parking
facility. The capacity of the road will also decrease if the vehicle’s width
exceeds the design values. The height of the vehicle affects the clearance
height of structures like under-pass structures, tunnels, electric and other
utility lines, and also placing of signs and signals. Another important factor
is the length of the vehicle which affects the extra width of pavement,
minimum turning radius, safe overtaking distance, capacity and the
parking facility. The rear overhang control is mainly important when the
vehicle takes a right/left turn from a stationary point.
The weight of the vehicle provides a useful information for the estimation
of traffic load being an important in pavement’s structural design. The
weight of the vehicle is transferred to the pavement through the axles;
hence, the design parameters are fixed on the basis of the number of
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2.2.6 Visibility
For safe driving, it is necessary that the body of a vehicle does not block
or obstruct the view of the driver, especially at or close to junctions. In
order to overtake without causing any accident, rear view mirrors are
provided in front of the driver inside the vehicle and at the sides of the
vehicle to enable the driver to see vehicles behind. Vehicles seats are
usually fitted with adjusters for varying the horizontal position while
adjusters are also provided for reclining the back rests in order to maintain
a proper eye position for a wide visual field.
2.2.7 Lighting
For safe driving during night hours, lights are provided on vehicles as
headlights and taillights. Lights are also provided on the streets as street
lights (mostly in urban areas).
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Inclement weather conditions may occur such as in the early morning and
late night during rainy and harmattan seasons, which may negate the
purpose for which lights are provided. In many vehicles, this is usually
taken care of by the development of some specialized lighting accessories
purposely built for seeing through fogs.
Likewise, street lights are used in urban areas to improve visibility at night
period. However, for street lights to be effective, they should be closely
spaced as to adequately light the roadway such that driving may be carried
out with parking lights only, in order to reduce glare and save vehicle
battery energy. In poorly light areas or those without street lights, it
behoves that the road user to put on the vehicle’s headlights if accidents
are to be avoided. The incidence of glare should also be guarded against
by the judicious use of the headlights at the upper beam and dipped (lower
beam) conditions.
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The most complex problem while dealing with human characteristics is its
variability. The human characteristics like ability to react to situations,
vision and hearing, and other factors vary among the individuals, and
depends on age, fatigue, nature of situations (or stimuli), effect of drugs,
alcohol, and other stimulants. The influence of these factors and the
corresponding variability cannot be accounted when a facility is designed.
So, a standardized value is often used as the design value. The 85th
percentile value of different characteristics is taken as a standard for
design purpose. It represents a characteristic that 85 per percent of the
population can meet or exceed.
Vision is one of the essential factors that affects most aspects of highway
facility design and safe operation. The human eye is the sensory organ
that enables one to see and evaluate the size, shape, and colour of objects
as well as estimate the distances and speeds of the objects. The light rays
from an object get refracted through the eye lens and subsequently
brought to focus on the retina. The image formed on the retina is then
transmitted to the brain through the optic nerve which perceives the
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The basic characteristics of visual sense (eye) are visual acuity, peripheral
vision, glare vision and recovery, colour vision, and depth perception.
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Hearing is an aid to the driver which can at times be very essential. The
ear receives sound stimulus, which is essential to the drivers for warning,
mostly alerted by emergency vehicles (ambulance, fire service vehicles,
and their likes) to inform other drivers to get out of their way.
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2.3.3 Vibration
This simply refers to the process through which a driver evaluates and
reacts to a stimulus. In the course of driving task, a driver is subjected to
a series of stimuli both expected and unexpected. The time taken to
perform an action in response to the stimulus involves a series of stages
as follows: Perception
Perception is the process of perceiving the sensations received through the
sense organs, nerves and brains. It is actually the recognition that a
stimulus on which a reaction is required exists. An instance is as follows: Intellection
This refers to the identification and understanding of stimulus.
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At this stage, the driver decides what action to take in response to the
• The driver then decides that the best course of action is to swerve
with the hope that he/she can avoid the dog. For the same situation,
another motorist could decide to speed up to avoid the hazard.
• The driver swerves and fortunately enough he/she avoided the dog.
• Old drivers:
o Could perceive something as a hazard but may not act quickly
o Have difficulty in seeing, hearing, and reaction.
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o Drive slower.
• Young drivers:
o Have ability to act quickly but do not have experience to
identify things as a hazard or decide what to do.
o Drive faster.
2.4.1 Fatigue
This is referred to as the tiredness or weakness of human body or parts of
it caused by use. Fatigue and could be mental, physical or operational.
The mental fatigue is due to the over working of the brain before or while
driving. Physical fatigue can often be attributed to lack of sleep or rest;
incorrect posture induced by cramped conditions and impaired muscular
movement, drowsiness brought on by overheated vehicles, recurring
vibrations, glare and inability of the eye to accommodate different levels
of light. Operational fatigue is simply due to lack of driving skill.
Any of these forms of fatigue can cause mistakes and consequent loss of
vehicle control. Commonly, a fatigued driver is seen to perform the right
action in the wrong sequence. Little can be done about fatigue once
driving. However, one can avoid likely accidents by avoiding driving in this
2.4.3 Illness
This causes disturbances in the normal emotional and physical state of the
person affected. These result in impaired performance. Persons so affected
should see a medical practitioner for treatment before performing the
driving task.
2.4.4 Weather Conditions
Situations such as excessive heat from the sun, heavy rainfall, cold dry air
in the harmattan period, and foggy conditions, usually render driving
uninteresting, uncomfortable, inconvenient and difficult, especially on
poorly maintained roads that may not even have adequate traffic facilities.
Vehicle designs incorporating appropriate accessories may however take
care of some of these adverse weather conditions.
2.4.5 Posture
Different persons of different heights as well as different trunk/height
ratios will have different eye levels when seated in a vehicle as the drivers.
Roads’ layouts and positioning of traffic devices should be such that a
driver gets full view of these facilities. For very short persons, cushions
placed on the seats (with the seat shifted forward) will enhance visibility
by increasing the view angles in all directions as a result of increased
height of eye level.
2.5 Factors Affecting Driver’s Behaviour
Factors that affect the behaviour pattern or activity of drivers are
motivation, environmental influence, and education.
2.5.1 Motivation
This factor simply referred to as the trip purpose. A driver on a leisure trip
would certainly behave and drive differently (at low speed, carefully, and
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in a more relaxed manner) from one who drives for to beat time for an
important event. Other drivers may as well drive with different emotional
feelings; such as anger, fear, anxiety, and so forth. Hence, for safe and
comfortable movement of persons and goods, the engineer must take into
consideration those characteristics induced by the different motives in the
design and planning of highway facilities.
2.5.2 Environmental Influence
This follows from the motivation factor. A driver just entering a traffic
stream sooner or later finds himself driving in the manner of the other
drivers. However, there are some other aspects of the environment which
influence the driver’s behaviour. A driver will obviously be at ease in a less
noisy atmosphere as well as one free of other atmospheric pollutants, such
as the individual’s vehicle exhaust fumes from exhaust of other vehicles
on the road. Effective control of the types of vehicles that are fit to ply the
roads will guard against these undesirable effects.
2.5.3 Education or Awareness on the Use of Traffic Facilities
It is obvious that one acquires knowledge through education. Lack of
knowledge on the use of traffic facilities have often led to serious hazards
on road sections. Commonly, drivers who do not know the purpose of lane
markings overtake at restricted areas. An indirect result of shallow
education or lack of education is impatience. Drivers are to be noticed
moving ahead unto a signalized intersection immediately the amber light
comes on, without regard for traffic that is still in the intersection. A part
from the traffic engineer and others directly involved in traffic operations
and management; the mass media outlets could as well be utilized to
educate the public on regulations governing a safe operation on highways.
In conclusion, for an efficient design and operation of transportation and
traffic facilities, the Engineer must have road user characteristics as one
of the foremost considerations. He must provide for adequate traffic
control devices (warning, information, direction signs, etc) to be located
at appropriate positions within the road in order to forestall the
consequences of higher operating speeds and poor visibility.
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3.1 Introduction
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Traffic flow can be divided into two major classes. Understanding what
type of flow occurs under a particular condition assists an analyst to decide
on the most appropriate analysis techniques and descriptions.
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q= (3.1)
80 60
q= = 320 veh / h
For those 15 minutes interval of time, the vehicles were crossing the
designated point at a rate of 320 vehicles per hour.
Volume is simply the number of vehicles that pass over a given point or
section of a lane or roadway during a specified time, T, usually 1 hour. It
is expressed as vehicles. If 80 vehicles are observed in 15 minutes, as in
the earlier case, the volume is;
Q = 80 vehicles in 15 mins.
An hour volume is the actual count of vehicles for a full hour duration.
Unlike a flow rate, volume cannot be based on an expanded count.
K= (3.2)
Where, n = No. of vehicles on the road section, and L = length of the road
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20 veh
Therefore, K (lane) = = 80 veh / km / lane
1 km
20 veh 3lanes
K (roadway) = = 240 veh / km
1 km − lane
However, if different number of vehicles are observed on each lane, then the
density for each lane is determined separately and their summation taken
as the density for the roadway.
The time between two successive vehicles as they pass a point on the
roadway, measured from the same common feature of both vehicles (e.g.,
the front axle or the front bumper). It is usually expressed in seconds.
This is the average of all time headways, ht, in a roadway. This is so since
the definition in section 3.3.4 is for two vehicles and the time headway for
other successive vehicles will generally be different. It is the mean of the
time intervals between successive pairs of vehicles and it is measured over
a period of time at a particular location. It is expressed as seconds per
vehicle (sec/veh). It is closely approximated by the reciprocal of the flow
rate or volume over the time measured as expressed in Equation 3.3.
T 1
ht = =
Q q
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Thus, using Equation 3.3, the average time headway can be determined
from the volume as follows:
T 5 min 60 sec
ht = = = 3.75 sec/ veh
Q 80 veh 1 min
Likewise, the average time headway can be deduced from the flow rate
(as the reciprocal of q) as follows:
1 1 hr 3600 sec
ht = = = 3.75 sec/ veh
q 960 veh 1h
This is also referred to as spacing and defined as the distance between two
successive vehicles on a traffic lane, measured from the same common
feature of the vehicles (e.g., front bumper, front axle, rear axle). It is
measured over space or distance at a point in time (i.e., distance varying).
It is expressed in metres.
hd =
The two are precisely equal if the distance used for the density
measurement defines the locations of the fronts of two vehicles at the
moment of the measurement, provided only one of these two end vehicles
is counted in the calculation. It relates to the average time headway, ht,
and speed, V, by Equation 3.5.
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hd = hV
t s
1 n
Vt = Vi
n i =1
n nl
Vs = = n (3.7)
( ) ti
i =1 Vi i =1
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q = Vs K (3.8)
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The descriptions of the relationships among each pair of flow, density, and
speed are presented in sections 3.4.1 to 3.4.3.
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When flow is very low, there is little interaction among vehicles; therefore,
drivers are free to travel at maximum possible speed. The absolute
maximum speed (mean free-flow speed, Vf) is obtained as the flow tends
to zero. Continuous increase in flow will result in a continuous decrease in
speed. A point will be reached when further addition of vehicles will result
in the reduction in the actual number of vehicles that pass a point on the
highway (reduction of flow). At this point, congestion is reached and
eventually both speed and flow become zero. Non-congested flow is
represented by the upper-half of this curve. It is represented by the left-
half of the curve for the flow-density relationship, i.e., for the regions
defined by;
The relationship between speed and density is linear which suggests that
when there are no vehicles on the highway, the density is zero. When
density approaches zero there will be little or no interaction among
vehicles, therefore drivers are free to travel at maximum possible speed.
Further continuous increase in density will then result in continuous
reduction of speed, which will be zero when density is equal to the jam
The linear form of the relationship between speed and density is defined
by Equation 3.9. This equation is referred to as Greenshields model which
was developed after a study carried out on the relationship between speed
and density.
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Vs = V f − K (3.9)
Where, Vs is the space-mean speed, Vf is the free flow speed, Kj is the jam
density, and K is the density corresponding to Vs.
The corresponding relationships for flow – density and speed – flow can
be derived as follows:
By substituting Vs = in Equation 3.9, the flow-density relationship is
derived as shown in Equation 3.10.
q = Vf K − K2 (3.10)
Likewise, by substituting K= in Equation 3.9, the speed-flow
Vs = V f Vs − (3.11)
Equations 3.10 and 3.11 indicate that if a linear relationship in the form of
Equation 3.9 is assumed for speed and density, then parabolic
relationships are obtained for flow – density and speed – flow. The shape
of the curves in Figure 3.1 would therefore be as illustrated.
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dq 2V f K
= Vf − =0
dK Kj
2V f K = V f K j
K = (3.12)
Vs 2 K j
q = Vs K j −
For maximum flow, =0
dq 2Vs K j
= Kj − =0
dVs Vf
2Vs K j = V f K j
Vs = (3.13)
It is important at this point to note that Equations 3.12 and 3.13 imply
that maximum flow (qmax) occurs at half jam density (Kj) and half free-
flow speed (Vf). Hence, the resulting relationship for the determination of
Kj Vf K jV f
qmax = = (3.14)
2 2 4
3.5 Examples
Example 3.5.1
The spot speeds of five vehicles were observed to be 23, 18, 15, 32 and
28 m/s, respectively. Compute the time mean and the space mean speeds.
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The time mean speed is the arithmetic average of the spot speeds and is
computed as follows:
1 n 23 + 18 + 15 + 32 + 28
Vt =
n i =1
Vi =
= 23.20 m / s
On the other hand, the space mean speed is the harmonic average:
n 5
Vs = = = 21.49 m / s
1 1 1 1 1 1
( ) ( + + + + )
i =1 Vi 23 18 15 32 28
Example 3.5.2
K jV f
q max =
4q max
→ Vf =
1 1
Kj = = 1000 = 80 veh / km
hd 12.50
4qmax 4 1700
Vf = = = 85 km / h
Kj 80
Example 3.5.3
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Vf K 59.5K
Vs = V f − = 59.5 − = 59.5 − 0.33K
Kj 180
= 59.5 − 0.66 K = 0
K = 90.15 or K = = 90 veh / km = K m = half of jam density (K at max flow
59.5(90) Vf
Vm = 59.5 − = 29.75 km/h = = half of free flow speed (V at
180 2
maximum flow condition)
Example 3.5.4
Vs = 92.5(1 − 0.008 K )
ii. Derive the equations describing flow versus speed and flow versus
iii. Determine the capacity of the studied site and speed at the
Vs = 92.5 − 0.74 K
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Notice that the equation (i) above is linear with respect to space mean
speed and density as well as similar to Greenshields Equation’s functional
Recall: Vs = V f − ( )K
To calculate jam density: = 0.74
K j = 125 veh / km
q = Vs K
0.74 K = 92.5 − Vs
92.5 − Vs V
K= = 125 − s
0.74 0.74
Vs 2
q = 125Vs − veh / hr (Note that it is a quadratic in Vs)
q = 92.5K − 0.74 K 2
= 92.5 − 2(0.74) K = 0
K = = 62.5 63 veh / km = K m = Km = density at maximum flow
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Example 3.5.5
Table 3.1 presents the data obtained during a field measurement of spot
speed over a trap of 30 metres. Use the information in Table3.1 to
estimate time-mean and space-mean speeds in km/hr. What would be
the density of the traffic stream if the mean headway of the observed
sample of vehicles is 3.00 sec/veh?
Table 3.1
Time (seconds) 1.80 1.40 1.10 0.95 2.10 1.85 2.00 1.56 1.25 1.05
No. of Observations 4 8 12 6 10 6 8 2 3 1
Vt =
1 4 30 8 30 12 30 6 30 10 30 6 30 8 30 2 30 3 30 1 30
= + + + + + + + + +
60 1.80 1.40 1.10 0.95 2.10 1.85 2.00 1.56 1.25 1.05
Vt = 41.80 = 20.90 m / s = 75.24 km / h
Space-mean speed:
Vs =
60 30
4(1.80) + 8(1.40) + 12(1.10) + 6(0.95) + 10(2.10) + 6(1.85) + 8(2.00) + 2(1.56) + 3(1.25) + 1(1.05)
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60 30
Vs = = 19.29 m / s = 69.44 km / hr
The density is
1 1
K= = 1000 = 15.95 16 veh / km
hd 62.70
Example 3.5.6
Table 3.2
Speed (km/hr) 68 64 60 55 45 41 36 31 24 14
K= 1000
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Likewise, the corresponding flows (q) are computed using the relation; q
= KVs. These values are also shown in Table 3.3.
Table 3.3
Speed, Vs (km/h) 68 64 60 55 45 41 36 31 24 14
Flow, q (veh/h) 680 1023 1420 1760 2157 2251 2271 2211 1981 1373
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. ..
Figure 3.3: Scatter Diagram
For instance, the two variables may represent the speed and density of a
traffic stream, the strain and stress of a steel sample, etc. Because of the
experimental and other errors of measurements, the points shown on the
scatter diagram will not fall precisely on a smooth curve. For this reason,
the tasks of the analyst (or the traffic engineer in this case) include:
The method of least squares (or regression analysis) is the technique that
yields the best fitting of a postulated form to a set of data. For example,
Equations 3.15 and 3.16 are two possible forms that may be postulated in
the case of a relationship involving two variables X and Y:
Y = aX + b (3.15)
Y = aX 2 + bX + c (3.16)
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Vs = aK + b (3.17)
V s = a K + nb (3.18)
V K = a K
+ b K (3.19)
The values of ‘a’ and ‘b’ in Equation 3.17 can be determined by solving
Equations 3.18 and 3.19 simultaneously using tabular computations.
Alternatively, ‘a’ and ‘b’ can be computed from Equations 3.20 and 3.21,
KV s − nK Vs
K 2
− nK 2
b = Vs − aK (3.21)
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− Vs )
= (3.22)
2 si
(V si − Vs ) 2
Example 3.6.1
Table 3.4
Speed, Vs (km/h) 68 64 60 55 45 41 36 31 24 14
Density, K 63 71 83 100
10 16 24 32 48 56
Using the normal Equations 3.18 and 3.19 and the computations in Table
3.5, the model is calibrated as follows:
V s = a K + nb
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V K = a K
+ b K
Table 3.5
S/N K Vs KVs K2
1 10 68 680 100
2 16 64 1,024 256
3 24 60 1,440 576
4 32 55 1,760 1,024
5 48 45 2,160 2,304
6 56 41 2,296 3,136
7 63 36 2,268 3,969
8 71 31 2,201 5,041
9 83 24 1,992 6,889
Mean 50 44
Vs = 74.07 − 0.60K
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− Vs )
= =0.9996
2 si
(Vsi − Vs ) 2
Example 3.6.2
Table 3.5
No. of vehicles
observed in 5 97 108 104 100 113 116 116 110 115 91
Speed (km/h) 27.0 25.4 30.7 25.6 34.8 41.4 30.2 40.4 39.7 51.2
From the data in Table 3.5, develop speed – density, speed – flow, and
flow – density relationships proposed by Greenshields.
V f
The equation proposed by Greenshields is given as Vs = V f − K
K j
V f
V = nV f − K
K j
V f
V K = V f K − K
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Table 3.6
No. of vehicles
Vs q K K2 VsK
observed in 5 mins.
Substituting the summations in Table 3.6 into Equations (3.23) and (3.24)
V f
346.4 = 10V f − 389.2 (3.25)
K j
V f
12840 = 389.2V f − 15815 .9 (3.26)
K j
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V f = 72.03 km/hr and f = 0.96, hence the resulting relationship are:
K j
V f
Vs = V f − K Vs = 72.03 − 0.96 K (3.27)
K j
Substituting K = in equation (3.27), gives
Vs (72.03 − Vs )
Or: q = = 1.04Vs(72.03 − Vs ) (3.29)
Substituting Vs = in equation (3.27), gives
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4.1 Introduction
Highway facilities offer a lot of benefits in terms of mobility needs as well
as contribute to human’s living standard. On the other hand, the highway
mode of transportation is also associated with some problems. These
problems could among others include; congestion, delay, traffic accidents,
inadequate parking facility supply, traffic noise, air pollution, and so forth.
To minimize the adverse impact of highways, it is essential to adequately
collect relevant information that describe the extent of the problems and
identify their locations. Such information is commonly generated by
conducting traffic studies. This part of the course presents and discusses
some the various traffic engineering studies that are conducted to collect
information or data on traffic. Traffic studies can be broadly categorized
into three; inventory, administrative, and dynamic studies.
Traffic studies involve the collection and analysis of data relating to traffic
and its characteristics. For the fact that traffic studies comprise of
measurements of various variables which could not be fully explored in
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this course, this lecture notes would focus on studies relating to traffic
volume, speed, travel time and delay, and parking.
However, another important unit of traffic volume passenger car unit per
hour (PCU/h), PCU/day or PCU/yr. Usually, vehicular traffic comprises of
different categories of vehicles with varying characteristics in terms of
sizes, performance, and so forth. These different categories of vehicles can
be converted into a uniform category using equivalent passenger car unit
(PCU). This conversion is essential for consistency in interpreting
operational performance, traffic analysis and design of various highway
facilities. Traffic composition is equally important for further evaluation of
whether there is any disparity between peak hours of equal traffic volume
in terms of veh/h as compared to when the volume is expressed in PCU/h.
There are several methods used for collection of traffic volume data. Some
of the methods include the use of; classified manual count, automatic
traffic recording (ATR), video recording, etc.
and evening commuter rush or peak hours. The single hour of the day
that has the highest hourly volume is referred to as the peak hour. The
traffic volume within this hour is of greatest interest to traffic engineers
for design and operational analysis application. The peak-hour volume is
generally stated as a directional volume (i.e., each direction of flow is
counted separately). Hourly volume is useful for many purposes including
the following:
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AADT = = 12,234 veh / day
(b) Running Speed: This is the average speed of vehicle while moving
or the average speed maintained over a particular course while in
motion. It is the length of the course divided by the time the vehicle
is in motion.
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journey, where the time includes stopped time due to traffic delays.
Journey speed study is usually carried out as part of a “before” and
“after” study in which the benefits of an improvement scheme are
being assessed.
Spot speed varies between zero and any maximum value. At maximum
value, it is the highest of the three speeds. Journey speed is slower than
running speed except when there are no delays. High running speeds and
low journey speeds indicate stop-go condition, which is undesirable
because of infrequent deceleration and acceleration.
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The basic assumption made in determining the minimum sample size for
speed studies is that the normal distribution describes the speed
distribution over a given section of highway. The normal distribution is
given by Equation 4.1.
f ( x) = e − ( x − ) /2 for − x
2 2
μ = True mean
σ2 = True variance
The properties of the normal distribution are then used to determine the
minimum sample size for an acceptable error ‘d’ of the estimated speed.
For example, if it can be assumed that the true mean of the speeds in a
section of highway is 70 km/h and the true standard deviation is 8.5 km/h,
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N = (4.2)
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For the manual approach the spot speed is usually estimated in the field
by noting a short distance traversed by vehicle at a location and the time
to traverse the distance. The distance should be as short as will not allow
variation in speed to occur while the time measurement is being made. A
distance or trap in the range of 10 – 30 m is commonly used. The trap
size (distance) should not be confused with “section of highway” used in
the explanation of space mean speed. The trap distance is rather too short
to be regarded as a highway section. Figure 4.1 illustrates the sketch of
the process. The lines AB defined the trap length with ‘A’ as the starting
(reference) point. The distance between lines A and B divided by the time
interval taken to traverse the distance gives the spot speed.
For the automatic category, there are various techniques used for
conducting the study. Included are; Radar Speed Meter (Radar gun), Road
Detectors, and Electronic Detectors.
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Radar speed meter measures the speed of a vehicle by wave incidence and
reflection. Wave is transmitted from the speed meter to the vehicle and
then reflected back at altered wavelength depending on the speed of the
vehicle. The meter is calibrated such that it gives the spot speed of the
vehicle without further calculations. The measured speed is shown on the
meter’s display screen as depicted in Figure 4.2.
Road detectors are classified into two general categories: pneumatic road
tubes and induction loops. These devices can be used to collect data on
spot speeds at the same time as volume data are being collected.
Pneumatic road tubes are laid across the lane in which data are to be
collected. When a moving vehicle passes over the tube, an air impulse is
transmitted through the tube to the detector. When used for speed
measurements, two tubes are placed across the lane, usually about 1.0 m
apart. An impulse is recorded when the front wheels of a moving vehicle
pass over the first tube; shortly afterward a second impulse is recorded
when the front wheels pass over the second tube. The time elapsed
between the two impulses and the distance between the tubes are used to
compute the speed of the vehicle. Figure 4.3 shows a typical automatic
traffic counter (ATC) or recorder (ATR) which uses pneumatic tubes.
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Regarding the analysis, spot speed data are analyzed to obtain some
important parameters that are used to describe the speed characteristics.
These include:
fx i i
x = Arithmetic mean of speed
N = Number of observations
x i
N = Number of observations
Note that Equation 4.3 is used for grouped data while Equation 4.4 is for
ungrouped data.
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(c) Modal Speed: is the speed value that occurs most frequently in a
sample of observed spot speeds.
(d) Percentile Speed: is the spot speed value below which a particular
percent of the vehicles travels with. For instance, 85th spot speed is
the speed below which 85 percent of the observed vehicles travel and
above which 15 percent of the vehicles travel. It denotes the upper
speed limit for safe traffic movement and equally useful for establishing
posted speed limit and determination of overtaking sight distances.
Another important value is 15th percentile which is regarded as the
minimum speed limit for non-interference traffic movement.
(e) Pace: is the speed range for some nominal increment of speed
(usually 20 km/h) around the modal speed which gives the speed range
that contains most vehicles. For instance, if a set of speed data
comprises values between 40 and 100 km/h, the speed intervals will be
40 to 60 km/h, 60 to 80 km/h, and 80 to 100 km/h, assuming an
increment of 20 km/h. The pace is 60 to 80 km/h if this range of speed
has the highest number of observations.
f (x − x )
= i i
N −1
= standard deviation
xi = Mid-class spot speed
N = Number of observations
(x − x )
= i
N −1
Note that Equations 4.5 and 4.6 are used for grouped and ungrouped data,
Example 1
Table 4.2 presents the summary of a pilot spot speed study data collected
on a two-lane rural highway. Analyze and present the data in both
frequency histogram and frequency distribution curve. Determine the
mean speed, median speed, modal speed, pace, standard deviation, and
the 98th, 85th, 50th, and 15th percentile speeds of the distribution. Based
on the results from the pilot study, what would be the required sample size
be if the confidence interval is to be limited to ±1.80 km/h at a confidence
level of 95%?
The computations of the required parameters are shown in Table 4.3. The
speed classes and mid-class (xi) speed values are shown in columns 1 and
2, respectively. Figure 4.4 shows the frequency histogram for the data
shown in Table 4.2. The values in columns 2 and 3 are used to plot the
frequency histogram.
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Figure 4.5 depicts the frequency distribution curve for the speed data. This
curve shows the percentage of observations against speed which is drawn
by plotting the values in column 4 of Table 4.3 against the corresponding
values in column 2. Figure 4.6 depicts the cumulative frequency
distribution curve for the speed data. The cumulative percentages in
column 5 of Table 4.3 are plotted against the corresponding mid-class
speed values in column 2. This curve is used to establish required
percentile speed values (i.e., the percentages of vehicles that are traveling
at or below a particular speed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Speed Class fi Cumulative
(km/h) xi fi (%) f i (%) fi xi ( xi − x ) ( xi − x )2 f i ( xi − x )2
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Frequency, fi 40
35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125
Speed (km/h)
Percentage of Frequency, fi (%)
20 Pace
35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125
Speed (km/h)
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35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125
Speed (km/hr)
• Mean speed = x =
fx i i
= 72.1 km/h
f i 187
f ( x − x )
i i 44240.67
• Standard deviation = = = = 15.42 km / h
N −1 186
The values of the 98th, 85th, 50th, and 15th percentiles speeds are 104,
82, 66, and 54 km/h, respectively, as approximated from Figure 4.6.
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d = Confidence interval
1.96 15.42
(x + y ) 60 (veh/h) (4.7)
(t w + t a )
t = t w − 60 (min.) (4.8)
v = 60 (km/h) (4.9)
In addition to flow and journey speed, the moving observer method can
also be used for the measurement of running speed and delay. The
stopped delay times recorded by the journey observer can be deducted
from the mean journey time to give an estimate of the mean running time
and hence the mean running speed.
Example 2
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The mean values of flow, speed and density for each traffic direction are
determined as follows:
H – J – Direction
J – H - Direction
The mean flow, journey speed and density for H to J traffic direction are
determined as follows:
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q 892
iii. q = kVs , k = = 13 veh / km
Vs 69.36
q 1060
q = kVs , k = = 18 veh / km
Vs 60.61
Example 3
(i) Determine the flow and mean speed of the traffic stream.
(ii) How many vehicles travelling at 100 km/h pass the test vehicle, while
it travels with the traffic stream?
(i) The flow of the traffic stream is obtained from the relation:
( x + y ) , the times of travel t and t are both equals to 4.5 km
a w
(t + t )
w a
72 km / h
157 + 13
q= = 1,360 veh / h
4.5 4.5
72 72
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y 4.5 13
The mean stream journey time, t = tw − = 72 − 1360 = 0.053 h
4.5 km
The mean speed of the stream, V = = 84.91 km / h
0.053 hr
(ii) From the relation, t = t w −
q1 (t w − t1 ) = y1 (for a particular traffic stream or direction)
q1 is the flow of vehicles with speed of 100 km/h (40% of total traffic). In
t w is the travel time of observer = = 0.0625 hr
t1 is travel time of vehicles traveling at 100 km/h = = 0.045 h
y1 is the number of vehicles travelling at 100 km/h that overtake the
Thus, the number of vehicles travelling at a speed of 100 km that pass the
observer is
544 ( 0.0625 − 0.045) = y1 = 9.52 10 vehicles
Example 4
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8 km 60 min
• Running Speed = = 48 km / h
10 min 1 hr
Since the journey speed is much lower than the running speed, it
implies that drivers experienced excessive delays due to the
presence of the Police check points.
Parking load
Average parking duration = (4.10)
Parking volume
vi. Parking turnover: is the rate of use of a parking space. It the ratio
of the number of vehicles parked over a duration to the number of
parking spaces available. It is obtained by dividing the parking
volume for a specified period by the number of parking spaces using
Equation 4.11.
Parking volume
Parking turnover = (4.11)
No. of parking spaces
Parking load
PI = 100 (4.12)
Parking lot capacity
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The interviewer must also note the location of the parking facility, times
of arrival and departure, and the vehicle type.
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Example 1
T (mins) In Out
0 – 5th 3 2
5th – 10th 2 4
10th – 15th 4 2
15th – 20th 5 4
20th – 25th 7 3
25th – 30th 8 2
30th – 35th 2 7
35th – 40th 4 2
40th – 45th 6 4
45th – 50th 4 1
50th – 55th 3 3
55th – 60th 2 5
T = Time interval
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The solution is presented with the aid of some computations (in Table 4.6)
as follows:
• Accumulation for each interval can be found out as initial count plus
number of vehicles that entered the parking lot during the interval
minus the number of vehicles exited for that particular time interval.
Hence, for the first-time interval of 5 minutes, accumulation can be
found out as 25 + 3 – 2 = 26. The computation for each interval is
shown in column 4.
Table 4.7 presents a parking survey data collected from a parking lot using
license plate method. From the information presented in the Table,
determine the accumulation, occupancy, turnover, parking volume,
average duration, total parking load, and efficiency of the parking lot.
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The parking status in every space is coded first. A space occupied by a vehicle
is coded as 1, otherwise, it is 0. This is shown in columns 6, 7, 8 and 9 of
Table 4.8 corresponding to the time intervals of 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes,
o For the first 15 minutes interval = No. of Vehicles parked over this
initial interval = sum of column 6
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Sumof turnover 27
o AverageTurnover = = = 2.25 vehicles / space
Total number of spaces 12
• Parking volume = Total number of vehicles parked in the study lot during
the study period = sum of turnover for all spaces = 27 vehicles.
• Average parking duration = average time for which the parking lot was
utilized by the vehicles, computed as follows:
• Total parking load = (Total number of vehicles occupying the lot) x (time
interval) = (accumulation) x (time interval) = (10+11+9+11) x 15 = 615
vehicles-minutes = 10.25 vehicles – hours.
• Efficiency of the parking lot:
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5.1 Introduction
Traffic signal is a device used to warn, control and direct at least a traffic
stream movement at an intersection or junction. It is well known that
connection of different roads to one another results in formation of road
network, which constitutes of links (segments) and nodes (intersections). At
the intersection, different types of manoeuvres occur. These lead to conflicts
among vehicles from different approaches of the intersection as well as with
pedestrians. Occurrence of these conflicts necessitates the need for some
form of control in order to allow for reasonable safety within the intersection
area. The use of traffic signal is one of the ways employed to regulate
vehicular movements as well as minimize such conflicts at the intersections.
Traffic signal is a device used to warn, control or direct at least one traffic
movement at an intersection. A traffic signal has three indications; Red (R),
Amber (A), and Green (G) as shown in Figure 5.1.
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• All red interval: A time interval during which red light indication is
turned on for all the intersection approaches to allow vehicles and
pedestrians to clear from the intersection area.
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• Lost time per phase (li): Time interval between the green indication
and commencement of vehicles movement. It is denoted by li.
• Peak Hour Factor (PHF): It is the ratio of peak hour volume and peak
15 minutes flow rate within the peak hour. It is a measure of traffic
demand fluctuation within the peak hour.
When the vehicles (Vi) are given right-of-way, they will cross the intersection
with different headways (hi) as shown in Figure 5.5.
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Headway (sec)
V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10
Vehicles in Queue
S= (5.1)
Where, S and h denote the saturation flow rate and saturation headway,
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groups using phase i, yi = .
Where, g e = Effective green time per phase, g a = actual green time per
phase, li = lost time per phase, and ' a ' is amber interval. The relevant
ge = Co − li = Co − L (5.3)
The terms used in Equations 5.3 through 5.5 are as defined earlier.
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Si =
vi. Determine the ratios of approach flow to saturation flow rates for lane
groups using phase ‘i' as;
yi = (choose the highest ratio for each lane group to
determine Y)
Y = yi
viii. Compute total lost time L (based on design criteria with respect to lost
time and amber intervals) as;
L = li
ix. Compute optimum cycle length, total effective green time for all
phases, effective green time for each phase, and actual green time for
each phase using Equations 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, and 5.5, respectively.
5.6.3 Example
In an attempt to improve the performance of an existing at-grade
intersection with four approaches, a traffic signal control system is
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LG = Lane Group, qi = flow on lane groups having a right-of-way during phase i, and Si
= Saturation flow on lane group i.
From the data in Table 5.1 and using Webster method, determine the
actual green times for each of the phases. Assume an amber interval and
lost time per phase of 3.0 and 3.5 seconds, respectively.
The values of the ratio of approach flow to saturation flow rates are
determined from the information given in Table 5.1 and presented in Table
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From Table 5.2, the maximum ratios for each phase are the circled figures.
Y = 0.278+0.194+0.060+0.259 = 0.791
1.5L + 5 1.5(14) + 5
• Optimum cycle length, Co = = = 124sec
1− Y 1 − 0.791
ge = Co − L = 124 − 14 = 110sec
• gei = g
Y e
o For Phase P: geP = 110 = 39sec
o For Phase Q: geQ = 110 = 27sec
o For Phase R: geR = 110 = 8sec
o For Phase S: geS = 110 = 36sec
The actual green time for each phase is computed as follows:
6.1 Introduction
The movement of soil or rock (usually unformed rocks) from one location to
another for construction purposes is referred to as earthwork. It is one of the
major works involved in roadways construction. Basically, earthwork for an
intended road is performed for the purpose of reconfiguring the topography
of a site to achieve the road alignment’s design levels. The process involves
both cutting and filling activities in order to achieve the required alignment’s
• Site Clearance: This involves the removal of trees, bushes, stubs, and
other objectionable materials within the limit of the designated area, not
necessarily within the entire right-of-way.
• Grubbing: This is the removal of roots, shrubs, and other obstructions to
a nominal shallow depth to be decided by the engineer’s judgement based
on field conditions.
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This involves cutting and filling operations that are required for excavation
and embankment constructions.
6.2.1 Excavation
This refers to the removal of soil in its various forms from its natural resting
place and for various purposes. Excavation could be:
In terms of cost, the rock excavation is more expensive than the common
excavation because of greater difficulty and technicalities involved. It is
advisable for a contractor bidding for a particular project that involves
excavation job to visit the project site so as to be able to have a reasonable
estimate on the relative proportion of rock (if any) that may be required.
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This refers to the filling processes required to raise the grade line of a roadway
to some desired height above the level of the existing ground surface in order
to maintain allowable design standards. It involves the filling in a relatively
thin layers and rolling each layer to a specific maximum dry density in the
field. In-situ density checks at suitable intervals are performed to confirm
that the desired compaction level is attained.
These include such items as the trimming of shoulders, side slopes, ditches,
and the fine-grading operations to bring the sub-grade to the desired finished
level. It also involves the compaction and stabilization of cut sections by
means of spraying with bituminous materials, planting vegetation or
concreting to prevent materials from falling back.
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B Sd Sd
S:1 d S:1 d
S:1 S:1
Sd Sd B
= Bd + 2( Sd d ) = Bd + Sd 2
S:1 is the ratio of the slopes as horizontal: vertical. For 1 vertical, horizontal
is S, and for d vertical, horizontal is Sd.
Quantity = ( Bd + Sd ) L
When the ground is in longitudinal slope, the height of the bank or depth of
cutting will be different at the two ends of the section, and mean height or depth
may be taken for ‘d’ and sectional area at mid-section is taken out for mean
height. Alternatively, sectional area at the two ends may be calculated and the
mean of the two sectional areas is taken out. Sectional area at the mid-section
or the mean sectional area, multiplied by the length gives the quantity. Figure 2
shows a situation where the ground is in longitudinal slope.
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The mean height of the two end areas in Figure 2 is given as follows:
d1 + d 2
Mean height =
Where d1 and d2 are the heights or depths at the two ends of the section
under consideration
A1 + A2
The mean sectional area Am =
A1 + A2
Quantity of Earthwork, Q = L = Am L
S:1 dm S:1
Sdm Sdm
With reference to the Figure 3, the mean height of end areas is;
d1 + d 2
dm =
1 1
= Bd m + Sd m + Sd m = Bd m + Sd m
2 2 2
2 2
Quantity of earthwork = ( Bd m + Sd m ) L
Q = ( Bd + Sd 2 ) L
Mean Quantity =
Height Area of Total
height Area of Length (Bdm+Sdm2)*L
Chainage or central sectional
or sides, between
(m) Depth portion, area
depth, Sdm 2 chainages Embankment Cutting
'd' Bdm Bdm+Sdm2
Quantity = ( A1 + A2 + 4 Am )
Where A1 and A2 are the cross-sectional areas at the two ends of a portion of
embankment of a road of length L, and Am is the mid-sectional area.
Let d1 and d2 be the heights of bank at the two ends, and dm be the mean
height at the mid-section, B be the formation width and S : 1 be the side
A1 = Bd1 + Sd12
A2 = Bd2 + Sd22
For sectional area at the middle, we need to find the height at the middle i.e
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d1 + d 2
dm =
d + d2 d1 + d 2
Am = Bd m + Sd m = B 1 + S
2 2
Quantity = ( A1 + A2 + 4 Am )
Example 1
Estimate the quantity of earthwork for 125 metres length for a portion of a
road with heights of banks at the two ends being 1.00 m and 1.60 m. The
formation width is 10 m and side slopes 2 : 1 (horizontal : vertical).
(a) Using Mean-sectional Area Method:
A1 + A2 12 + 21.12
Mean-sectional area = = = 16.56 m2
2 2
d1 + d 2
dm = = 1.30m
Quantity = ( A1 + A2 + 4 Am )
A1 = Bd1 + Sd12 = 10 1 + 2 12 = 12 m 2
Table Q2
Ch. (m) 0+000 0+025 0+050 0+075 0+100 0+125 0+150 0+175 0+200 0+225 0+250 0+275 0+300
h (m) 1.25 1.15 1.05 0.96 1.23 1.33 1.52 1.39 1.06 1.46 1.18 0.98 1.32
The computation of the earthwork quantity is as presented in Table Q2*
Table Q2*
Total Length Quantity =
Mean Area of Area of
Chainage Height or sectional between (Bdm+Sdm2)*L
height or central sides,
(m) Depth (m) area, chainages
depth, dm portion, Bdm Sdm2
Bdm+Sdm2 (m) Embankment
0+000 1.25 * * * * * *
0+025 1.15 1.20 22.32 2.88 25.20 25.00 630.00
0+050 1.05 1.10 20.46 2.42 22.88 25.00 572.00
0+075 0.96 1.01 18.69 2.04 20.73 25.00 518.25
0+100 1.23 1.10 20.37 2.42 22.79 25.00 569.75
0+125 1.33 1.28 23.81 3.28 27.08 25.00 677.00
0+150 1.52 1.43 26.51 4.09 30.60 25.00 765.00
0+175 1.39 1.46 27.06 4.26 31.32 25.00 783.00
Use the information in Example 2 to compute the total volume of earthwork
executed using mean area method. Compare the estimated earthwork’s quantity
from the two methods.
• Evaluating the properties of the native soil along the selected road
• To bear and distribute wheel loads over an area so that the bearing
capacity of the subgrade is not exceeded.
Design Methods
The two basic features affecting pavement thickness requirements are the
bearing capacity of subgrade and pavement materials, and the future traffic
loads. The soil bearing properties are obtained from the soil tests on the
existing materials along the proposed road’s alignment and from burrow pit.
The traffic load is usually estimated from the records of AADT values if
available or a traffic count instituted to generate the data directly.
For areas that are not developed and do not attract sufficient traffic to justify
a traffic count to estimate the vehicular loads required for the pavement
design, the traffic characteristics of the neighbouring areas could be used as
a basis. In a situation where the neighbouring communities do not have
existing traffic, the basis for the design will therefore be the functional
classification of the road when completed. Road note 6 “A guide to geometric
design of highways” classified roads based on their functions as follows:
i. Arterial roads: These are the main routes connecting national and
international centres. Traffic on them is derived from those generated at
the urban centres and from the inter-urban areas through the collector
and access road systems. Trip lengths are likely to be relatively long and
levels of traffic flow and speeds relatively high.
ii. Collector roads: These have the function of linking traffic to and from rural
areas, either direct to adjacent urban centres, or to the arterial road
network. Traffic flow and trip lengths are of intermediate level.
iii. Access roads: These are the lowest level in the network hierarchy. They
are usually streets or roads mainly for access to residences, business
areas, or other abutting property. Vehicular flow for this class of roads is
very light and is aggregated in the collector road network.
The earlier mentioned three classes of roads are further classified into six
design classes; A through F. These classes have associated bands of traffic
flow as shown in Table 2. The range of flows extends from less than 20 to
15,000 or more motorized vehicles per day, excluding motorcycles.
After selecting the appropriate design class and its corresponding traffic
(AADT) from Table 2, the design AADT for the road can then be determined
based on the proportion of commercial vehicles that are likely to use the
facility. The summary of the design steps are as follows:
i. Select the appropriate design class of the road and its associated ADT on
the basis of its function.
ii. Establish the design AADT based on the proportion of commercial traffic.
(1 + r ) − 1
Tn = 365Fo
0.35 0.26 1
D= − Fo
0.93 + 0.082 0.92 + 0.082 1550
t t
vii Design the pavement structure using Road note 31 (A guide to the
structural design of bitumen-surfaced roads).
The design criterion for Road note 31 is based on the following categories of
traffic (in terms of esa) and subgrade strength (CBR).
T1 = 0.3 S1 = 2
T2 = 0.3 – 0.7 S2 = 3 – 4
T3 = 0.7 – 1.5 S3 = 5 – 7
T4 = 1.5 – 3.0 S4 = 8 – 14
T5 = 3.0 – 6.0 S5 = 15 – 29
T6 = 6.0 – 10 S6 = 30+
T7 = 10.0 – 17.0
T8 = 17.0 – 30.0
Once the cumulative number of equivalence standard axles and subgrade CBR
are estimated, the thicknesses of the various pavement layers are then
obtained from the appropriate Road Note 31 design charts. The charts are
designed on the basis of type of construction materials with three different
classes of surfacing namely; surface dressing, semi-structural and structural
Example 1
Based on the AADT value and function of the road, the road is to be designed
as collector class “C”.
(1 + r )n − 1
Tn = 365 Fo
(1 + 0.04 )15 − 1
Tn = 365 80 = 584,689 Commercial vehicles
0.35 0.26 1
D= − Fo
0.93 + 0.082 0.92 + 0.082 1550
t t
0.35 0.26 1
D= −
80 = 1.1839 1.184
0.93 + 0.082 0.92 + 0.082 1550
77 77
From chart 1 of Road Note 31, for traffic category of T2 and subgrade strength
of S3, and using granular material as sub-base and road base courses, the
appropriate pavement layers thicknesses are:
(b) What would have been the design thicknesses of the pavement layers if
the road is to be designed with a structural surface and a subgrade CBR of
(a) Based on the current AADT value, the road is to be designed as arterial
class “B”.
(1 + r )n − 1
Tn = 365 Fo
(1 + 0.04 ) − 1
Tn = 365 450 = 4,891,049 Commercial vehicles
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0.35 0.26 1
D= − Fo
0.93 + 0.082 0.92 + 0.082 1550
t t
0.35 0.26 1
D= −
450 = 1.997 2.00
0.93 + 0.082 0.92 + 0.082 1550
78 78
From chart 3 of Road note 31, for traffic category of T6 and subgrade strength
of S5, and using granular material as sub-base and road base courses, the
recommended pavement layers thicknesses are:
(b) If the subgrade CBR is 8%, the design will now be based on S4 subgrade
strength class and T6 traffic class. From chart 5 of Road Note 31, the design
thicknesses of the pavement layers would be:
S/No. Description of Work Item Qty Unit Rate (N:K) Amount (N:K)
Box Culverts
303 Drains
503 Kerbs
S/N (N:K)
Add 5% Contingency
Add 5% VAT