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INSTRUCTIONS: There are 11 Gordon's Functional Health Patterns.

Research for possible

questions you might ask the patient, 1 pattern should have 5-10 questions for a
comprehensive assessment of your patients.

1. Health Perception
2. Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern
3. Elimination Pattern
4. Activity-Exercise Pattern
5. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern
6. Sleep-Rest Pattern
7. Self-perception - Self-concept Pattern
8. Role-Relationship Pattern
9. Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern
10. Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern
11. Value-Belief Pattern

1. Do you think of yourself as healthy? What does "healthy" mean to you?
2. Which medications, including prescription and over-the-counter, do you take?
3. Do you go to the doctor on a regular basis or just once a year?
4. Are you a smoker? Are you an alcoholic? Do you now use or have you ever used any
illicit substances? How frequently do you do this (for medical purposes alone) if the
client engages in any of these activities? What would you think your average
consumption is?
5. What is the first thing you do when you feel ill or when there is something wrong with
your body? You ask for support from whom and where?
6. Any medical conditions that could impact overall health?
7. Have you had any colds in the previous 12 months?
8. Has following advice from a doctor or nurse always been simple?
9. What is the most crucial thing you do for your well-being?
10. Have you ever utilized folk or home remedies?

1. How do you eat? (Keto, Vegan, Vegetarian, Omnivore, etc.)
2. What is your usual method of food preparation? (Baked, steamed, grilled, baked,
uncooked, etc.)
3. What is your daily water consumption? What is your daily water intake?
4. Do you consume any dietary supplements or vitamins?
5. Are you allergic to any foods?
6. Do you have a strict dietary plan?
7. Who makes the meals for you?
8. Do you experience any pain while you chew, swallow, or drink?
9. Do you have any digestive or stomach issues? or an issue related to metabolism?
10. Struggling with a lack of appetite?
1. Have you noticed any bowel changes?
2. Do you feel pain or discomfort when you defecate or excrete?
3. What color does your urine/pee typically have?
4. In a day, how many times do you urinate?
5. Have the color or texture of your skin changed in any concerning ways?
6. Do you suffer from excessive perspiration? Could it be a bit too much?
7. Have you lately detected any unsettling smells coming from yourself?
8. How long does it usually take you to feel the need to pass gas in your bowel
9. Could you tell me how many times a day you take bowel movements?
10. Have you used any laxatives to aid with the passage of your bowel motion?

1. Give a brief description of your typical day's activities, encompassing personal
grooming, cooking, grocery shopping, dining, house and yard maintenance, and
other self-care pursuits.
2. In what way do you find these activities satisfying?
3. Are any of these self-care practices difficult for you? Describe.
4. Do any of these activities—such as breathing difficulties, palpitations, chest pain,
soreness, stiffness, or weakness—have an impact on your physical well-being right
now? Describe.
5. Has your health interfered with your ability to relax and have fun? Describe.
6. Do you engage in any activities that you consider to be an exercise regimen?
7. Has your health made it difficult for you to exercise?
8. Do you get pale when you work out?
9. How often can you perform this kind of training?
10. How is your ability to work affected by your health?

1. What senses do you have? Taste, smell, feel, and hear?
2. Do you experience any problems with your senses of hearing, seeing, or feeling?
3. Do you experience any hearing problems?
4. What about in your household? Is there anyone who has trouble hearing?
5. Do you face any vision-related difficulties?
6. Are you getting regular eye exams? How recently was your checkup?
7. Do you have any headaches? Suffering? How are you able to do it?
8. When does it happen? How frequently? How long does it last, too?
9. When you experience this kind of anguish, what else do you feel?
10. If so, how do you relieve yourself?

1. How long does it take you to fall back asleep if you were awakened?
2. Do you take any medicine to aid in your sleep?
3. What do you do if you don't get to sleep? (For instance, reading books)
4. What would you say about the caliber of your slumber? 10, the highest number
5. Do you think you can carry out your everyday tasks and are normally well-rested?
6. How about staying in bed?
7. Do you ever wake up feeling exhausted from sleep?
8. Has the state of your health changed the way you usually sleep? Describe.
9. Do you feel refreshed and prepared to face the day when you get up?
10. Do you think your present health condition is a result of your sleeping habits?


1. Have you ever felt like giving up? Lacking control over life's circumstances?
2. What aids in your victory against it?
3. Do you feel good about yourself most of the time?
4. What impression do you have of yourself?
5. Have your physical attributes or abilities changed in any way? Do you find these to
be problematic?
6. Identify the things that irritate you regularly. Angry? Scared? Worried? Sad? What is
7. Do you feel good with the way you look?
8. Are you fond of grooming?
9. Since the beginning of your sickness, have your thoughts about your body or yourself
changed in any way?
10. Do you have any unique qualities?

1. With whom do you live? Are you with family, friends, or by yourself?
2. What kind of a family did you grow up in?
3. Do you have any family issues? Something you find challenging to manage (nuclear
or extended)?
4. How do family members often resolve conflicts?
5. Participate in social groups? close companions? Frequency of loneliness?
6. Do things at work go nicely for you most of the time? School? Is income sufficient to
meet demands, if applicable?
7. Feel a part of your neighborhood or alone in it where you live?
8. Your family looks to you for support? How do you handle things?
9. How do relatives and other people feel about your illness and hospital stay, if
10. If applicable, issues involving kids? challenging to handle?

1. Are you having sex lately?
2. What would you say about your intimate bond? Fulfilling? Modifications?
3. Are you one of those people who uses contraception?
4. Have you become pregnant yet? How many kids do you currently have?
5. Have you ever lost a pregnancy? What time was it?
6. When did women's menstruation begin? When was your last period? Menstrual
issues? Para? Gravida?
7. How satisfied are you with your current or past sexual relationship(s)? A score of 10
indicates that you are very satisfied.
8. Do you run into any issues?
9. Explain any pain or discomfort you have when having sex.
10. Have you encountered any problems becoming pregnant? Describe.


1. What causes you stress? How can you identify stress in day-to-day living?
2. What physical symptoms do you experience when under stress?
3. Are you easily agitated? Did you take any action to control this? How do you let go of
your rage?
4. Are you treated for emotional distress in any way?
5. How frequently do you receive the necessary emotional support? Who or what is the
6. To whom may you confide your worries regarding stress?
7. Are there any hobbies or pastimes that you enjoy?
8. What aspect of your life causes you to be very sensitive and experience intense
9. Have you taken any medication for mental or emotional problems?
10. Feel like you can't control your feelings? When things don't go as planned, how do
you handle it?

1. Do you believe that taking herbal or alternative medications has an effect on your
body? When and where did you first learn about these complementary and herbal
2. Are there any limitations that I/we should be aware of that might go against your
3. Which religion do you follow, or where do you find comfort, hope, strength, and
4. Are there any particular aspects of your religion, culture, or rituals that I should be
aware of?
5. Has the way you take care of yourself been influenced by your beliefs?
6. Are there any limitations on your medical aid? such as a blood transfusion
7. Do you think there is a meaning or purpose to your life?
8. Do you feel distressed spiritually?
9. Do you feel like your hope and faith are being compromised?
10. Do you have any beliefs that you feel you should share with us that might have an
impact on the medical care you receive from us?

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