02 SD-22
02 SD-22
02 SD-22
Date: __________
Date: __________
Dear Sir,
Dear Sir,
Please find enclosed Statement of Account
pertaining to your account which reveals as under 1. I/We state that we have received the
Statement of Accounts dated ________ from
the Branch and that we have reconciled the
1. Your ____________ account showed a figures with our accounts and have satisfied
debit balance of Rs.____________(Rupees ourselves with the balance as shown in the said
Statement of Account.
__________ only) as on __________(This 2. I/We confirm the correctness of the balance of
does not include interest due but not Rs.__________ (Rupees
charged from ___________)
______________only) appearing to the debit
of my/our with you on_____________.(This
2. It may be noted that the rate of interest balance does not include interest due but not
applicable in the Account is @ _______ charged from __________)
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