The word comes from Latin "litteratura," meaning “writing with letters.” There
are numbers of definition such as: Literature is any written work, and some
definitions also include spoken or sung texts. More strictly, it refers to writing
with artistic quality. The meaning of Literature different things to different
people. It uses words creatively to express human experiences. Moreover, it
reflects social realities, like a mirror.
Literature started in ancient Egypt and Sumeria around 4000 BC. It included
both written and spoken stories. Before writing, people shared stories out loud,
which helped shape early literature like the Epic of Gilgamesh. Talking and
writing have always been connected.
Relationship Between Language and Literature
Language and literature are closely linked.
language, no literature
Types of Literature\ There are two main types of literature:
1. Oral/Old Literature
o This is shared by word of mouth from one generation to another.
2. Written/Modern Literature
o This is expressed through writing and began with the invention of
o It is called a secondary source because it came after oral literature.
o Setting
o Characters
o Conflict
o Message
o Lesson
Form: This is how a work of art is arranged.
Plot: This shows how events are organized in a story. It includes conflicts,
Flashback: This is when the author tells events from the past before
5. Hyperbole: Exaggeration.
o Example: "I have a million toys!"
Climax: The most intense or exciting part of the story, where the conflict
Crisis: A turning point where the conflict escalates and must be resolved.
Philosophy: The author's beliefs or views expressed in the work.