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A Financial Warmup 1
Your Savings Fitness Dream 3
How’s Your Financial Fitness? 6
Boost Your Financial Performance 9
Avoiding Financial Setbacks 11
Strengthening Your Fitness Plan 13
Personal Financial Fitness 15
Maximizing Your Workout Potential 17
Employer Fitness Program 19
Financial Fitness For the Self-Employed 23
A Lifetime of Financial Growth 27
Staying on Track 30
A Workout Worth Doing 32
Resources 33
Worksheets 35
Perhaps you’ve never thought of “buying” your its inception, Social Security has provided a
retirement. Yet that is exactly what you do when minimum foundation of protection. A comfortable
you put money into a retirement nest egg. You retirement usually requires Social Security,
are paying today for the cost of your retirement employer-based retirement plan benefits, personal
tomorrow. savings, and investments.
The cost of those future years is getting more In short, paying for the retirement you truly desire
expensive for most Americans, for two reasons. is ultimately your responsibility. You must take
First, we live longer after we retire – with many charge. You are the architect of your financial
of us spending 15, 25, even 30 years in retirement future.
– and we are more active.
That may sound like an impossible task. Many
Second, you may have to shoulder a greater of us live paycheck to paycheck, barely making
chunk of the cost of your retirement because ends meet. You may have more pressing financial
fewer companies are providing traditional needs and goals than “buying” something so far
pension plans. Many retirement plans today, in the future. Or perhaps you’ve waited until
such as the popular 401(k), are paid for primarily close to retirement before starting to save. Yet
by the employee, not the employer. You may you still may be able to afford to buy the kind
not have a retirement plan available at work of retirement you want. Whether you are 18 or
or you may be self-employed. This puts the 58, you can take steps toward a better, more
responsibility of choosing retirement investments secure future.
squarely on your shoulders.
Unfortunately, just about 54 percent of all
workers are earning retirement benefits at work,
and many are not familiar with the basics of
investing. Many people mistakenly believe
that Social Security will pay for all or most
of their retirement needs. The fact is, since
The worksheets in the back of the booklet
can help you begin your savings fitness plan.
A comfortable Interactive versions of the worksheets are
also available online at
retirement usually SavingsFitness/Worksheets.
requires Social Yes, retirement is a big purchase. The biggest
Security, employer- one you may ever make. Yet you can afford it —
with determination, hard work, a sound savings
based retirement habit, the right knowledge, and a well-designed
plan benefits, financial plan.
personal savings,
and investments.
Besides trying to pay for daily living expenses, Write down on Worksheet 1 what you need to
you may need to buy a car, pay off debts, save for do to accomplish each goal: When do you want
your children’s education, take a vacation, or buy to accomplish it, what will it cost (we’ll tell you
a home. You may have aging parents to support. more about that later), what money have you set
You may be going through a major event in your aside already, and what you are willing to do to
life such as starting a new job, getting married or reach the goal.
divorced, raising children, or coping with a death
in the family. Look again at the order of priority. How hard
are you willing to work and save to achieve a
How do you manage all these financial particular goal? Would you work extra hours, for
challenges and at the same time try to “buy” example? How realistic is a goal when compared
a secure retirement? How do you turn your with other goals? Reorganize their priority if
dreams into reality? necessary. Put those goals that are unrealistic into
your wish list. Maybe you can turn them into
Start by writing down each of your goals in reality too.
Worksheet 1 – Goals and Priorities in the back
of this booklet. You may want to have family Beginning Your Savings
members come up with ideas. Don’t leave Fitness Plan
something out at this stage because you don’t
think you can afford it. This is your “wish list.” Now let’s look at your current financial resources.
This is important because, as you will learn later
Organize them into goals you want to accomplish in this booklet, your financial resources affect
within the next 5 years or less, and goals that will not only your ability to reach your goals, but also
take longer than 5 years. It’s important to separate your ability to protect those goals from potential
them because, as you’ll see later, you save for financial crises. These are also the resources
short-term and long-term goals differently. you will draw on to meet various life events.
Worksheet 2 – Financial Documents Checklist in
Next, organize your goals in order of priority.
the back of this booklet can help you get organized.
Make retirement a priority! This needs to be
among your goals regardless of your age. Some Calculate your net worth
goals you may be able to borrow for, such as This isn’t as difficult as it might sound. Your net
college, but you can’t borrow for retirement. worth is simply the total value of what you own
the outlook for your health? Do you expect your
family to take care of you if you are unable to
care for yourself? Do you want to enter this stage
You are not so much of your life earlier than normal retirement age or
retiring from work
The answers to these questions are crucial when
as you are moving determining how much money you will need for
into another stage the retirement you desire – and how much you’ll
need to save between now and then. Let’s say
of your life. you plan to retire early, with no plans to work
even part time. You’ll need to build a larger nest
egg than if you retire later because you’ll have to
depend on it far longer.
n Reduce expenses. Funnel the savings n Make use of your home. Rent out a
into your nest egg. room or move to a less expensive
home and save the profits.
n Take a second job or work extra
hours. n Sell assets that are not producing
much income or growth, such as
n Make sure your investments are undeveloped land or a vacation
part of the solution, not part of the home, and invest in income-
problem. To boost your returns, producing assets.
There’s one simple trick for saving for any goal: car insurance or self-employment taxes. Review
spend less than you earn. That’s not easy if you your checkbook, credit and debit card records,
have trouble making ends meet or if you find and receipts to estimate expenses. You will
it difficult to resist spending whatever money probably need to track how you spend cash for
you have in hand. Even people who make high a month or two. Most of us are surprised to find
incomes often have difficulty saving. But we’ve out where and how much cash “disappears” each
got some ideas that may help you. month.
Let’s start with a “spending plan” – a guide for Include savings as an expense
how we want to spend our money. Some people
Better yet, put it at the top of your expense list.
call this a budget, but since we’re thinking of
Here’s where you add in the total of the amounts
retirement as something to buy, a spending plan
you need to save each month to accomplish the
seems more appropriate.
goals you wrote down earlier in Worksheet 1.
A spending plan is simple to set up. Consider
the following steps as a guide as you fill in Subtract expenses from income
the information in Worksheet 5 – Cash Flow What if you have more expenses (including
Spending Plan in the back of this booklet. savings) than you have income? Not an
uncommon problem. You have three choices:
Income cut expenses, increase income, or both.
Add up your monthly income: wages, average
tips or bonuses, alimony payments, investment Cut expenses
income, and so on. Don’t include anything you There are hundreds of ways to reduce expenses,
can’t count on, such as lottery winnings or a from clipping grocery coupons and bargain
bonus that’s not definite. hunting to comparison shopping for insurance
Add up monthly expenses: mortgage or rent, car
payments, average food bills, medical expenses,
Make saving a habit.
It’s not difficult once
entertainment, and so on. Determine an average
for expenses that vary each month, such as
clothing, or that don’t occur every month, such as
you start.
and buying new cars less often. The section that Increase income
follows on debt and credit card problems will Take a second job, improve your job skills or
help. You also can find lots of expense-cutting education to get a raise or a better paying job,
ideas in books, magazine articles, and financial make money from a hobby, or jointly decide that
newsletters. another family member will work.
How much debt is too much debt? Do you have debt problems?
Debt isn’t necessarily bad, but too much debt Here are some warning signs:
is. Add up what you pay monthly in car loans,
student loans, credit card and charge card loans, n Borrowing to pay off other loans.
personal loans – everything but your mortgage. n Creditors calling for payment.
Divide that total by the money you bring home
each month. The result is your “debt ratio.” Try n Paying only the minimum on credit cards.
to keep that ratio to 10 percent or less. Total
n Maxing out credit cards.
mortgage and nonmortgage debt payments should
be no more than 36 percent of your take-home n Borrowing to pay regular bills.
n Being turned down for credit.
What’s the difference between “good
debt” and “bad debt”? Avoid high-interest rate loans
Yes, there is such a thing as good debt. That’s debt Loan solicitations that come in the mail, pawning
that can provide a financial pay off. Borrowing items for cash, or “payday” loans in which people
to buy or remodel a home, pay for a child’s write postdated checks to check-cashing services
education, advance your own career skills, or buy are usually extremely expensive. For example,
a car for getting to work can provide long-term rolling over a payday loan every 2 weeks for
financial benefits. a year can run up interest charges of over 600
percent! While the Truth-in-Lending Act requires
Bad debt is when you borrow for things that don’t lenders to disclose the cost of your loan expressed
provide financial benefits or that don’t last as long as an annual percentage rate (APR), it is up to
as the loan. This includes borrowing for vacations, you to read the fine print telling you exactly what
clothing, furniture, or dining out. the details of your loan and its costs are.
The key to recognizing just how expensive these
loans can be is to focus on the total cost of the
loan – principal and interest. Don’t just look at
the monthly payment, which may be small, but
adds up over time.
The differences in the average annual returns
of various types of investments over time are big dollars later.
dramatic. Over the past 50 years, the compound
annual rate of return of short-term U.S. Treasury
bills, which roughly equals the return of other
cash equivalents such as savings accounts, has Many financial experts feel it is important to save
been 4.8 percent. The compound annual rate of at least a portion of your retirement money in
return of long-term government bonds over the higher risk – but potentially higher returning –
same period has been 6.7 percent. Large-company assets. These higher risk assets can help you stay
stocks, on the other hand, while riskier, have ahead of inflation, which eats away at your nest
averaged an annual return of 10.1 percent. egg over time.
Let’s put that into dollars. If you had invested Which assets you want to invest in, of course, is
$1 in Treasury bills 50 years ago, it would have your decision. Never invest in anything you don’t
grown to approximately $10 today. However, thoroughly understand or don’t feel comfortable
inflation, at an annual average of 4.1 percent, about.
would have eaten about $9 of that gain, leaving
$1 as the return. If the $1 had been invested in
government bonds, it would have grown to about
$26, with $3 left after inflation. If the $1 had
been invested in large-company stocks, it would
have grown to nearly $123, with about $17 left
after inflation. None of these rates of return is
guaranteed in the future, but they clearly show the
relationship between risk and potential reward.
you to make logical, not emotional, investment
For instance, instead of selling investments
in a sector that is declining, you would sell The familiar
an investment that has made gains and, with adage “Don’t
that money, purchase more in the declining
investment sector. This way, you rebalance put all your eggs
your portfolio mix, lessen your risk of loss, and in one basket”
increase your chance for greater returns in the
definitely applies
long run.
to investing.
Compounding investment earnings is what can Also notice that when you double your rate of
make even small investments become larger return from 4 percent to 8 percent, the end result
given enough time. after 30 years is over three times what you would
have accumulated with a 4 percent return. That’s
You’re probably already familiar with the the power of compounding!
principle of compounding. Money you put into
a savings account earns interest. Then you earn The real power of compounding comes with time.
interest on the money you originally put in, plus The earlier you start saving, the more your money
on the interest you’ve accumulated. As the size can work for you.
of your savings account grows, you earn interest
on a bigger and bigger pool of money. Look at it another way. For every 10 years you
delay before starting to save for retirement, you
The chart below provides an example of how will need to save three times as much each month
an investment grows at different annual rates of to catch up. That’s why no matter how young you
return over different time periods. Notice how the are, the sooner you begin saving for retirement,
amount of gain gets bigger each 10-year period. the better.
That’s because money is being earned on a bigger
and bigger pool of money.
Power of compounding
The value of $1,000 compounded at various
rates of return over time is as follows:
Years 4% 6% 8% 10%
10 $1,481 $1,791 $2,159 $2,594
retirement a habit.
or an IRA.
Employer-based plans come in one of two In the past 20 years, defined contribution plans
varieties (some employers provide both): defined have become more common than traditional
benefit and defined contribution. defined benefit retirement plans. Employers
fund most types of defined contribution plans,
Defined Benefit Plans though the amount of their contributions is not
These plans pay a lump sum upon retirement necessarily guaranteed.
or a guaranteed monthly benefit. The amount
Workers with a retirement plan are more likely
of payout is typically based on a set formula,
to be covered by a defined contribution plan,
such as the number of years you have worked
usually a 401(k) plan, rather than the traditional
for the employer times a percentage of your
defined benefit plan. In many defined contribution
highest earnings on the job. Usually the employer
plans, you are offered a choice of investment
funds the plan – commonly called a traditional
options, and you must decide where to invest
pension plan – though in some plans workers also
your contributions. This shifts much of the
contribute. Most defined benefit plans are insured
responsibility for retirement planning to workers.
by the federal government.
Thus, it is critical that you choose to contribute to
Defined Contribution Plans the plan once you become eligible (usually after
working full time for a minimum period) and,
The popular 401(k) plan is one type of defined
even if you are automatically enrolled in the plan,
contribution plan. Unlike a defined benefit
to contribute as much as possible. Invest wisely
plan, this type of savings arrangement does not
– review your plan investment options and revisit
guarantee a specified amount for retirement.
your choices at least once a year.
Instead, the amount you have available in the
plan to help fund your retirement will depend
Tax Breaks
on how long you participate in the plan, how
Even though you may be responsible for funding
much is invested, and how well the investments
a defined contribution plan, you receive important
do over the years. The federal government does
tax breaks. The money you invest in the plan and
not guarantee how much you accumulate in your
the earnings on those contributions are deferred
account, but it does protect the account assets
from income tax until you withdraw the money
from misuse by the employer.
(hopefully not until retirement). Why is that
important? Because postponing taxes on what
you earn allows your nest egg to grow faster.
month and that the rate you pay on income taxes
is 15 percent. If you don’t put that $100 into a
retirement plan, you’ll pay $15 in taxes on it. If
once a year.
you put in $100, you postpone the taxes. Thus,
your $100 retirement plan contribution would
actually reduce your take-home pay by only $85. Be aware of the vesting rules in your employer’s
If you’re in the 25 percent tax bracket, the cost plan.
of the $100 contribution is only $75. This is like
buying your retirement at a discount. Make sure you know when you’re vested.
Changing jobs too quickly can mean losing part
Vesting Rules or all of your retirement benefits or, at the very
Any money you put into a retirement plan out of least, your employer’s matching contributions.
your pay, and earnings on those contributions,
always belong to you. However, contrary to Retirement Plan Rights
popular belief, employees don’t always have The federal government regulates and monitors
immediate access to the money their employer company retirement plans. The vast majority of
puts into their pension fund or their defined employers does an excellent job in complying
contribution plan. Under some plans, such as a with federal law. Unfortunately, a small fraction
401(k) or a traditional pension plan, you have doesn’t. For warning signs that your 401(k)
to work for a certain number of years – say, 3 contributions are being misused and other
– before you become “vested” and can receive information on protecting your retirement
benefits. Some plans vest in stages. Other benefits, visit EBSA’s Website at
defined contribution plans, such as the SEP and agencies/ebsa or call EBSA’s toll-free number
the SIMPLE IRA, vest immediately. You have at 1-866-444-3272 and request the booklet What
access to the employer’s contributions the day the You Should Know About Your Retirement Plan.
money is deposited. No employer can require you
to work longer than 7 years before you become
vested in your retirement benefit.
n Join as soon as you become eligible. n Plan fees and expenses reduce the
amount of retirement benefits you
n Put in the maximum amount allowed. ultimately receive from plans where
you direct the investments. It’s in your
n If you can’t afford the maximum, try
interest to learn as much as you can
to contribute enough to maximize any
about your plan’s administrative fees,
employer matching funds. This is free
investment fees, and service fees.
Read the plan documents carefully.
n Study carefully the menu of For more information on fees, call
investment choices. Some plans EBSA’s toll-free line at 1-866-444-
offer only a few choices, others may 3272 or visit and
offer hundreds. The more you know request the booklet A Look at 401(k)
about the choices, investing, and your Plan Fees.
Fortunately, there are steps you can still take to Consider an annuity
build your retirement strength. An annuity is an agreement with an insurance
company in which you pay money in return for
Take a job with a plan its paying either a regular fixed amount when
If two jobs offer similar pay and working you retire or an amount based on how much your
conditions, the job that offers retirement benefits investment earns. There is no limit on how much
may be the better choice. you can invest in a private annuity, and earnings
aren’t taxed until you withdraw them.
Start your own plan
If you can’t join a company plan, you can save However, annuities present complex issues
on your own. You can’t put away as much as regarding taxes, fees, and withdrawal strategies
on a tax-deferred basis and you won’t have an that may not make them the best investment
employer match. Still, you can build a healthy choice for you. Consider discussing this type of
nest egg if you work at it. investment first with a financial planner.
Many people today work for themselves, either
than you.
full time or in addition to their regular job. They
have several tax-deferred options from which to
choose. SIMPLE IRA
Described earlier under employer-based
retirement plans, a SIMPLE IRA can be used by
This is the same type of SEP described earlier the self-employed. However, generally you can’t
under employer-based retirement plans. Only save as much as you can with a SEP or “Keogh”.
here, you’re the employer and you fund the SEP
from your earnings. You can easily set up a SEP IRA
through a bank, mutual fund, or other financial Usually you are better off funding a SEP or a
institution. “Keogh” unless your self-employment income is
“Keoghs” are more complicated to set up and Annuities
maintain, but they offer more advantages than See annuities under the section on “What to Do
a SEP. For one thing, they come in several if You Can’t Join an Employer-Based Plan.”
varieties. Some of the varieties allow you to
sock away more money — sometimes a lot more
money — than a SEP.
prevent you from keeping on target.
Such financial emergencies can derail your efforts (Worker’s compensation only helps if the
to save for retirement or other goals. Here are disability is work-related.) In addition, your
some strategies for managing financial crises. employer may offer some disability coverage,
but you may need to supplement it with
Establish an emergency fund private coverage.
This can lessen the need to dip into retirement
n Renters. Homeowners usually are insured
savings for a financial emergency. Building an
against hazards such as fire, theft, and liability,
emergency fund is tough if income is tight, but
but the majority of renters aren’t. Renter’s
every few dollars help. Fund it with pay from
insurance is inexpensive.
extra working hours or a temporary job, a tax
refund, or a raise. Put the money into a low-risk, n Automobile. Don’t drive “bare.” It’s usually
accessible account such as a savings account or a against the law to drive without auto coverage,
money market fund. to say nothing of being costly if you are in an
Insure yourself
Insurance protects your financial assets, such as n Umbrella. This provides additional liability
your retirement funds, by helping to take care of coverage, usually through your home or auto
the really big financial disasters. Here’s a list of insurance policies, in the event you face a
insurance coverage you should consider buying: lawsuit.
n Health. If you and your family aren’t n Life. Having life insurance can help you or
covered under an employer’s policy, consider your spouse continue to save if either one of
a health plan through the Health Insurance you dies before retirement. Social Security
Marketplace. At least try to buy catastrophic may be able to pay benefits to your spouse
medical coverage on your own. and/or minor children. On the other hand, you
may not need life insurance if no one depends
n Disability. Did you know you are more financially on you. There are many types
likely before age 67 to miss work because of life insurance, with a variety of fees and
of a disability than to die? Social Security commissions attached.
Disability Insurance can pay you and your
family benefits if you are severely disabled and
are expected to be so for at least 12 months.
Go back to Worksheet 5 – Cash Flow Spending Think of this booklet as a starting point. Continue
Plan and complete the last two columns to help to educate yourself about managing your money
you track your progress. and investing. Consider professional resources as
well, such as your benefits department, financial
n Periodically review your spending plan. planners, and other financial experts who can
n Monitor the performance of investments. help you not only with your financial questions,
Make adjustments if necessary. but, more importantly, can help motivate you into
n Make sure you contribute more toward your
retirement as you earn more. Finally, there is only one real key to “buying”
that retirement you’ve dreamed of. It doesn’t
n Update your various insurance safety nets matter whether you are still young or whether
to reflect changes in income or personal retirement is just around the corner. It doesn’t
circumstances. matter whether you’re in your first job, trying
to save for a home, or putting a child through
n Keep your finances in order.
Where To Go From Here All that matters is that you start!
You now realize that saving for your own
retirement is critical and that it is primarily your
responsibility. You may get help along the way,
but most of the work is going to rest on your
shoulders. No one will work harder or care more
about your retirement and your other financial
goals than you.
Look back at your goals outlined in Worksheet
1. Perhaps they seem more realistic now. Even if
you can’t do as much as you would like to right
away, you can do something.
Use these worksheets to help you manage your
financial life and begin your savings fitness plan.
Take your time.
You may want to fill out one or two worksheets You may want to make a copy of the worksheets
and then spend some time gathering the before you get started, or print out an extra copy
information you need for the rest. Don’t get online. That way you can come back at a later
stuck on the details. Guessing is okay and you date – in six months or a year – to update the
can always come back later with more accurate worksheets and track your progress. This will
or up-to-date numbers and information. If you help you start saving for a secure retirement, and
are married, remember to include your spouse’s other goals you may have. Interactive versions of
information when filling out the worksheets. the worksheets are also available online at to
help with the calculations.
4. Retirement Savings
6. Debt Reduction
Write down your goals, listing both short-term you have set aside already, and what you are
and long-term goals. Then number them in order willing to do to reach the goal. Remember to
of priority. Think about what you need to do to make saving for retirement a priority!
accomplish each goal, including cost, how much
What money do
How much What are you
Priority What is your goal? By when? you have saved
will it cost? willing to do?
for this goal?
% of pre-
Example: retirement some savings in sign up for
1 tax pay (see
a secure retirement age an IRA workplace plan
worksheet 4)
Use this balance sheet to calculate your net worth, accounts, investments, and property, such
which is the total value of what you own (assets) as your home (if you own it). Then add up
minus what you owe (liabilities). Your goal is to your liabilities (debts), including any amounts
have a positive net worth that grows each year. you currently owe on a home mortgage, auto
or student loans, credit card debt, and other
First, add up the approximate value of your outstanding amounts owed. Finally, subtract your
assets, including your checking and savings liabilities from your assets to get your net worth.
(Total Assets minus Total Liabilities)
Worksheet 4 can help you figure out how much If you are filling this out and are married,
you need to save each year towards your goal consider whether only one spouse is working
of a secure retirement. It estimates how much (either now and/or in the future) and what
you should save as a percentage of your current happens to your Social Security and retirement
annual salary to give you a savings goal. You can benefits if your spouse dies or you divorce? Use a
save through a retirement savings plan at work, longer estimate for years in retirement since one
on your own, or both. While the worksheet does spouse is likely to outlive the other. If you and
not take into account your unique circumstances, your spouse are both working, but are not close
it will give you an idea of how much to save in age, consider filling out separate worksheets
each year and a clearer picture of your retirement with the period of time each spouse has to save.
goals. The sooner you start saving, the longer
your savings have to grow. The worksheet breaks the calculations into four
steps. A 7 percent rate of return is used to keep
As you fill out the worksheet, think about your it simple: remember investing involves risk, so
plans including when you might retire, what investment returns, even assuming a diversified
savings you have, and how many years you hope mix of stocks and bonds, go up and down and
to enjoy in retirement. Of course, your plans cannot be guaranteed. The worksheet, which uses
and circumstances may change, so update this a 3 percent inflation rate, increases your salary 3
worksheet periodically to reflect any changes. percent each year but does not include any other
Step 1 estimates what your annual salary will be at retirement as a result of inflation and how
much savings you will need in addition to Social Security for the first year of retirement. (The next
three steps will help you determine how much to save to have enough savings to last through your
To start, enter the number of years until you expect to retire on line 1. Next, enter your current annual
salary – this is your total pay before taxes or other deductions. You can probably get this from your
pay statement. Multiply your current annual salary by a projected salary growth factor from the box
below the worksheet and enter the result on line 4. Select the factor that corresponds most closely to
the number of years until you plan to retire. Multiply the amount on line 4 by 40 percent to estimate
the annual income you will need for your first year of retirement.
Where does this 40 percent come from? On average, people need to replace about 80 percent of pre-
retirement income for living in retirement. According to the Social Security Administration, Social
Security retirement benefits replace about 40 percent of an average wage earner’s income after
retiring. This leaves approximately 40 percent to be replaced by retirement savings. However, keep in
mind that this is an estimate. You may need more or less depending on your individual circumstances,
such as whether you are married, will have dependents while in retirement, or have other sources of
retirement income.
Years 20 25 30 35 40 45
Growth Factors 1.8061 2.0938 2.4273 2.8139 3.2620 3.7816
For example, if you are now 30 years old, plan to retire in 35 years at age 65, and earn $50,000 a year, the
calculation for Step 1 would look like this:
Step 2
1. Income goal for the first year of retirement (from Step 1 line 6)
2. Number of years in retirement
3. Projected income factor
4. Savings needed at retirement (multiply line 1 X line 3)
Years 20 25 30 35 40
Income Factors 14.2649 16.4305 18.2204 19.6999 20.9228
If, for example, you are planning for 30 years in retirement, multiply the result from Step 1 by the
projected income factor for 30 years in retirement.
Step 3
1. Current savings
2. Number of years until retirement (from Step 1 line 1)
3. Projected value factor
4. Value of current savings at retirement (multiply line 1 X line 3)
Years 20 25 30 35 40 45
Value Factors 3.8697 5.4274 7.6123 10.6766 14.9745 21.0025
If, for example, you have $2,000 in retirement savings and plan to retire in 35 years you would make
this calculation:
Years 20 25 30 35 40 45
Value Factors 55.2006 89.1753 138.6986 210.3277 313.3072 460.6579
This step pulls together results from the previous steps and gives you a target saving rate.
Use the first two columns of Worksheet 5 to Return to this worksheet at the end of the year
create a budget, sometimes called a cash flow to see how you did in following your budget.
spending plan or a guide for how you expect to Use the last two columns to track your actual
spend your money. Don’t worry if you don’t spending and see how it is different from what
have all of the information. You can make a you planned to spend. If what you spent is more
guess now and fill in more specific information than you planned, enter it with a plus sign and if
later. it was less, enter it with a minus sign. This will
make it easier for you to add up the differences
Start with your monthly income. If you know for the year and find ways to spend less, if you
your annual gross income, divide it by 12 to get need to. Each year you can review your cash flow
the monthly amount. Most pay statements or plan and make changes for the next year’s budget
pay stubs list your total (or gross) income and to help you reach your financial goals.
your deductions, along with your net take-home
pay. You can find your net take-home pay by Add up your total retirement savings, both at
subtracting your deductions from your gross work and on your own. If your employer also
income. List all taxes, including federal, state, contributes money to your retirement savings
and local income taxes, plus Social Security and plan, in a 401(k) for example, enter that amount
Medicare taxes. in the row labeled employer match and add it to
Next, enter all of your monthly expenses. You your retirement savings to get the total retirement
can find an average for expenses that are different savings. Divide the total retirement savings by
or don’t occur each month, such as heating or car gross income (the first line in the worksheet) to
insurance, by adding up the bills for the year and get your current retirement savings rate. You can
dividing by 12. Once you know your monthly compare it to the results from Worksheet 4,
income and expenses, multiply it times 12 to get which is your target saving rate.
an annual cash flow spending plan or budget. If
you are spending more than you earn, page 10
of the booklet has ideas on how to cut expenses,
increase income, or both.
Mortgage (including condo fees)
Employer match
Total Retirement Savings
This worksheet will help you organize your debt debts you will pay off first, second, and so on.
so that you can plan how you will pay down each Generally, you may want to pay off the debts
debt and track your progress. Money that goes with the highest interest rates first. However, if
to pay interest, late fees, and old bills could be you have a debt with a small balance, you may
saved and invested to earn more for retirement want to pay it off to get it off your list.
and other goals.
The Resources section provides Websites and
In Worksheet 6, list your home mortgage first, if publications on how to get a copy of your credit
you have one. Then list your auto loans, student report, repair your credit, calculate how long it
loans, any credit card debts, or other money that will take to pay off credit card debt, and other
you owe. In the final column, write down which information.
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% $ $ $
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% $ $ $
TOTAL $ $ $
September 2017