This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
French word "omelette", as a representation of a The basis of DWT transformation relies on analyzing
small wave [6]. A wavelet can be defined as a small a signal into a range of small waves that have limited
oscillatory function that is well localized in both time duration and inequalities frequency. Then by
and frequency domains. Nowadays, wavelets are applying the IDWT (Inverse Discrete Wavelet
considered a mathematical tool to present many Transform) technique to the comprised signal, the
image applications because a wavelet is a versatile original signal will be fully reconstructed depending
tool with wide fields of applications [7]. The first on the wavelet transform coefficients [11]. The DWT
utilization of discrete waves was for seismology to will analyse the original image into sub-images [12],
give a time estimation to seismic spectroscopy, which one sub-band (LL) is for image zoom, and the other
results in steady information, but on the other side, three sub-bands (LH, HL and HH) for highlighting
it is considered not accurate approach to give the image edges. As shown in (figure 1) [13] where:
Information with activities that are largely LL (Approximation sub-band): has low-
unexpected from previous information. The use of frequencies within the level and vertical
discrete wavelets in the seismology field came after directions. It represents the coarser
the failure of the Fourier transform examination to approximation of the original image and retains
give the desired results [8]. As well as seismology, the the significant features and energy of the image.
researchers used discrete wavelet transform in other LH (Horizontal detail sub-band): has low-
wide applications such as signal and image frequencies within the even heading and high-
processing, communications, the field of quantum frequencies within the vertical direction. It
mechanics and mathematical applications [9]. highlights the vertical edges and details of the
However, computer imaging and animation are not original image.
the exclusive application areas for discrete wavelet HL (Vertical detail sub-band): has high-
transformations. The biorthogonal wavelet bior4_4 frequencies within the level direction and low
(FBI) can encrypt about one million of fingerprints frequencies within the vertical direction. It
depending on the saved database. Other wavelet highlights the horizontal edges and details of the
types were used in medical fields like breast cancer original image [12].
diagnosis examination, DNA analysis, pressure of HH (Diagonal detail sub-band): has high-
blood, EEG and heart rate. Other field applications frequencies in both the horizontal and vertical
were for weather forecasts, verifying fingerprints, directions. It highlights the diagonal edges and
internet traffic descriptions, speech recognition, fine details of the image. All the sub-bands have
computer graphics, etc [10]. M N
Size = × . (For an image size (M×N) [13].
2 2
The sub-band LL is the most important and racy one estimation for it. The high-frequency sub-bands (LH,
because it contains most of the image with an HL, and HH) can include watermarks because of
their lesser sensitivity to human vision. By symmetry, compactness, degree of smoothness and
increasing the number of level sub-bands, the regularity [19]. In addition, orthogonality is
watermark force will be increased with no effects on considered an important aspect in the context of
image quality. For each decay level in the DWT signal processing because it is an easy way to build
process, the first level will be executed within the controls and data structures in languages [20]. Due
vertical direction and then in the level course. In to its simple nature, it has many orthogonal designs
deterioration, the first level will give four sub-bands with lower expectations [21]. Orthogonality always
or ranges: LL1, LH1, HL1, and HH1. As a sequential reflects right angles, that is, 90°. The orthogonal
process, the LL sub-band from the olden level will be wavelet is related to the wavelet transform and they
the input for each next decay level and it will be are orthogonal to each other [22]. Orthogonality has
divided into another four sub-bands to process the the advantage of avoiding interference so that the
coarse wavelength coefficients [14]. Sequentially, error-free output can be obtained. Because of this
these operation steps will be repeated many times feature, it is mostly a preferable method in signal
depending on the specific image application [15]. processing. The orthogonal wavelets are considered
as the wavelet transform’s adjoints. But when this
b. The discrete wavelet transform function condition fails, they result in biorthogonal wavelets.
A wavelet function is a mathematical function used At this point, biorthogonal wavelets are formed, and
in wavelet transforms to decompose a signal into a the orthogonality of wavelets get vanishes. In other
set of basic functions consisting of contractions, words, an orthogonal wavelet means using a single
expansions, and translations of a mother function wavelet with a single-scaling function. While the
[16]. The integral value of the mathematical wavelet biorthogonal wavelet means generating one wavelet
function is always zero in the interval (∞, -∞) [1], and and one scaling function for the image decomposition
the wavelet basis or orthonormal basis or can be process and an additional one wavelet with one
defined as the equations below depending on scaling function for image reconstruction process.
assuming (x) as the mother wavelets or basic Both scaling functions are responsible for generating
wavelets: different multi-resolution analyses. Generally, the
biorthogonal wavelet is more advanced than the
j orthogonal wavelet [23]. However, it requires extra
Ψ(j,k) (x) = 2 ⁄2 Ψ(2j x − k) … (1)
time-consuming and effort to accomplish the
computation process. The basic difference between
and the scaling function is given as
the orthogonal and the biorthogonal wavelets is the
j variation in the wavelet’s length during the analysis
(j,k) (x) = 2 ⁄2 (2j x − k) … (2) and the synthesis process. In orthogonal wavelets,
where: the same length filters are used and in the
Ψ represents the wavelet function, j and k are biorthogonal wavelet, different lengths filters are
the integers that represent the wavelet basis used [24]. The most common types of orthogonal
scaling and dilation. The factor “j‟ represents the wavelet families are (Haar, Daubechies (dbxx),
width scale index, and the factor “k‟ represents Coiflets (coifx), and Symmlets (symx)), while the
the position. In terms of coefficients, the wavelet biorthogonal wavelets families are (Biorthogonal
equation can be written as follows: (biorx_x)), where x indicates the order of the wavelet.
first (x) number represents the number of
decomposition filters’ vanishing moments, and the
Ψ (x) = ∑ g k (√2 (2x − k) … (3)
k second (x) number represents the number of
where g0 and g1: are the high pass wavelet reconstruction filters’ vanishing moments [25].
coefficients that represent the time series
changing at a specific certain resolution [17]. D. Wavelet-based applications in image processing
Recently, the DWT has played a main role in image
c. The DWT families processing field because of providing powerful tools
There are two basic different properties of wavelet for compression, denoising, edge detection, and
families, the orthogonal and bi-orthogonal wavelets. watermarking [26]. The scientific researchers keep
In general, orthogonality eliminates transform on enhancing its capabilities through new wavelet
coefficients by minimizing redundancy. Symmetry bases, adaptive methods, wavelet packets, and
provides linear phase and minimizes edge artifacts integration with deep learning [27]. The DWT
[18]. The other important properties of wavelet applications in image processing can be summarized
functions in image compression applications are in:
ratios changed according to the pixel classification. including noise and weight reduction. Wavelength
The obtained results showed the evaluated noise reduction attempts to eliminate noise within
compression ratios and capacities of the various the signal while protecting the properties of the
wavelets that achieved calculating the compression signal, however, from repeating material. The
ratio (CR), cruel square error, bits per pixel (BPP) and initially proposing of wavelet thresholding was by
PSNR (Peak signal-to-noise ratio) for different Taujuddin et al. [42], who used signal estimation
wavelets [10]. Sahnoun and Benabadji [45] in their method (that misuses wavelet shifting capabilities)
search paper used discrete wavelet shift noise to reduce the noise of a signal. It gets rid of the noise
suppression to compress the fake images. They by killing insignificant exchanges within some
proposed an image compression strategy based on the limits. Analysts have devised various ways of
evidential hypothesis and k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) choosing turbulence minimization parameters.
to calculate the compression parameters. Moreover, Raghavendra et al. [48] presented a workable
they used a distinct compression method using the variation of wavelet space noise filtering strategy
Fourier transform and Huffman coding method. Also, that preserves edges and decimates noise. Noise is
Memane and Ruikar [46] used shifting of a wavelet in removed from changeable wave information in
their work. The implementation analyses are based certain scale by making an information compassion,
on using various wavelets using partisanship by correlating information at that scale with
compressed image. Susilo and Bretschneider [47] information at larger scales. Features are
Depict the image compression strategy for X-sat distinguished and retained because they are
images by using hardware-based arranging to unambiguously related across the extension during
perform loss levels of image compression. the changeable wavelet field. The noise will be
identified and then removed because of its weak
b. Applications of image de-noising correlated cross-band during the changeable wavelet
Image processing, which covers a palatial range of field.
processes like digitization, duplication, transmission,
visualization etc. Unfortunately, this processing In general, Highlights will remain distortion-free
spoils the overall image quality by covering up many because of their right places in space during the
types of noise. So, to reconstruct the basic structure changeable wavelet field. Then, these image edges
of the image, unwanted embedded noise must be will remain steep after the process of sifting. Choi
decoded and removed. In image processing, noise and Jeng [25] described Bisov spheres (a set of
suppression is implemented by using of filter-based curved images in which Bissoff parameters are
noise reduction approaches. Wavelet transforms limited to radii) during many wavelets regions and
support many small operators and a small number of predicted their crossable point using Projection on
large ones. The basic stages for denoising methods Curved Mass Calculation (POCS). This method
based on using wavelet transform are: resulted in an amazing advance over the known
wavelength drag calculation method, depending on
i. Calculating the WT of the selected noisy signal. the single wavelength domain to give a strong edge
ii. Changing the nuisance wavelet parameters within it. Yoon and Vaidyanathan [50] introduced a
depending on basic denoise rules. typical threshold scheme which outperformed
iii. Calculating the inverse wavelet transform traditional robust and accurate histograms. Boudiaf
using modified operators [48]. et al. [39] used multivariate deflation to develop
traditional and olden wavelet strategies to several
The subsequent write-up talks about noise reduction variation coefficients. Initially, a simple second-
using wavelet changes has many explanation steps, order orthogonal prefilter was used to give many
like using many different thresholding concepts for higher frequencies waves (while maintaining a pre-
a palatial range of the testing images [49]. orthogonal channel to another). So, the edge
Remembering that t he image is often damaged by selections will be considered by using an unbiased
disturbance when it is captured and moved. Image Stein estimator for each resolution point. Gilman et
noise reduction is used to remove embedded noise al. [51]presented a proposed method on a novel
while protecting as many important signal technique for resampling a non-uniformly sampled
highlights as possible [48]. Shifting a wavelet will image onto a uniform grid that can be used for fusion
reduce noise within an image. Because of its of translated input images that implemented as a
remarkable localization feature, wavelet changes finite impulse response filter of low order (10th order
are quickly becoming an important tool for signal results in good performance). The technique is based
and image preparation for a variety of applications,
on optimizing the resampling filter coefficients using optimization field, graph equalization is one of these
a simple image model in a least squares fashion. useful strategies. its benefits based on images with
impoverished spike distribution [60]. Another way to
After discrete wavelet shift (DWT) based denoising make the image understandable is to upgrade image
obstacle analysis, using coupled complex wavelet edges, one great way to upgrade image
shift (DTCWT) [39] to extract SPN from the image, discrimination [10]. Gupta [54] produced other works
which can obtain better SPN quality within the in the development of wavelet-based images, which
region around hard edges [52]. Otherwise, we point integrate the work of stoschek and hegerle on noise
out that the extension of conventional iodinated reduction of electronic ct entertainment [32].
boundaries is the source of the poor quality of SPN
besides image boundaries [53]. Then, symmetric Abdulazeez et al. [61] appeared that wavelets were
boundary expansion is introduced in SPN extraction, used to separately update and merge ct
which can fundamentally improve the quality of SPN mammography extraction. the scientific researchers,
with image boundaries. Extensive tests show that the madhankumar et al. [62] provided an updated
proposed strategy leads to better SCI implementation discrete method for useful images using wavelet-
compared to the case of verbatim methods, like the based multi-scale in representation the image edge
strategies based on DWT [54]. depending on the image edge detection and the
wavelet classification features. The test images were
c. Applications of image enhancement based using different imaging modalities. for the
Image enhancement is considered as the most scaling medical applications, urooj and singh, [63], image
problem in high-quality image devices like HDTV edge detection was a characteristic application for
and digital cameras. There are many issues based on monitoring the heart wall thickness in the middle of
image sharpness and clarity that requires the the cardiac cycle. for security fields applications,
control, these issues like lighting, weather stromvig and ren [64] fingerprint images are
conditions, incorrect camera exposure or wrong compressed using the dwt (discrete wavelet
aperture settings, etc., these may result in an unclear transform) biorthogonal wavelet bior4.4 and
image [55] and obtaining the most accurate details of orthogonal wavelet haar at different levels of
an image with useful data, especially data for the transformation. The experiment is recognized
darker images [56]. To solve these problems, many through python and is divided into two parts:
techniques were developed to produce basic image transformation testing and spiht (set partitioning in
information. These techniques focus on improving hierarchical trees) algorithm compression. rong et al.
color images, like discrepancy, histogram enhancing [65], used the histogram equalization technique on
formats, smooth filtration, single-band and multi- colored image to improve the contrast of the color
band retinex, and multi-band width. As known, the heritage image and try to give the dramatic
colored- images give more visual perception data improvement in image and its structural details.
than grayscale- images [57]. There is not much improvement that has been made
to different images.
In general, the two main categories of image
enhancement methods are: spatial and frequency D. Applications of image watermarking
domain methods. The spatial strategies are based on Watermarking emerged in the middle of the 1990s
image pixels [58]. The values of these pixels must be within the broad scope in the information education
controlled in order to achieve the desired upscaling. field, presenting special ways to secure a digital
in iteration space strategies, an image is initially image from any theft. It involves implanting a
interchanged in the iteration space [59] i.e. any watermark within an advanced image at a certain
Fourier changes of the image will be calculated time point or during its distribution. The features of
initially to perform all the Fourier transform this strategy depend on its ability to achieve three
optimization of the image, and then an inverse basic preconditions: security, power and
Fourier transform is performed to obtain the intangibility [35]. The general viewing of a
resulting image. Sometimes certain image features watermark consists of two parts: firstly, looking at
are difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, we the watermark and then detecting it, as shown in
often must change the recently viewed images. There figure 2.
are many efficient strategies in differentiating
In the watermarking Embedded Stage, the and state-of-the-art bit substitution based on
watermark might be encoded with the cover image pseudo-uniform clustering. The strategy includes a
using a specific key for more security levels. This hard and precise watermark within the tough part
will result in a watermarked image to be moved to and the sensitive part of coefficients, to avoid
the recipient. Then, in the extraction (detection) overlapping of the two watermarks. The
stage, the watermark will be removed from the recommendation of Jie et al. [69] was to use
attacked cover signal. Hina Lala [11] proposed a 2D watermark plotting to obtain dazzling images
DWT handled by the cover image which based on wavelet tree metric evaluation. To get
decomposes this image into four sub-bands, watermark bits a comparison is made based on
including the estimation sub-band for low- values of the largest variance and the average
frequencies, corner to corner sub-bands for high- value of the expanded variance with the most final
frequencies and sub-band for vertical flat low- evaluated variance coefficients. Kaibou et al. [70]
frequencies. Furthermore, 2D DWT will be contrast the implementation of several chaos-based
performed on the watermark image that needs to digital image watermarking techniques in terms of
be embedded in the cover image by using wavelet imperceptibility, robustness, security and
radiation. Abdulkareem et al. [66] proposed a complexity. Most spatial and transform domain
stepwise watermark depending on using discrete methods have been used namely Least Significant
wavelets based on pixels blocking. It is based on Bit (LSB), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT),
compatible properties of HVS watermark. So, Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). Locally, a
adaptively this watermark will be embedded with wavelet will be shifted, and a watermark will be
further possible details and its effect can be implanted depending on a chaotic computable
calculated depending on HVS screen information. scheme [71]-[72]. Tuncer and Kaya [73] proposed a
Hamid and Jamel [67] proposed a system of hiding method to obtain a strong watermark. For this, the
a text in a digital grayscale image by using the watermark will be included in the selected image
algorithm system with adopted two transforms low-frequency sub-bands. The first step is encoding
Integer Wavelet transform and Discrete Cosine the selected image based on Arnold transform; then
transformed. They used (PSNR) to measure the logistic maps will be used for scrambling and as a
effect of embedding text in the watermarked image. known process, the decomposing of the selected
Quazi [58] made an accommodative wavelength image will be achieved using DWT [74]. Based on
watermarking plot scheme. Insertion is achieved Arnold transform, the watermarked image will be
during the higher sub-bands of the changeable mixed and then embedded within discrete wavelet
wavelet, although this will obviously change the domain low-frequency coefficients to give the final
image definition. To avoid tactile weakness of the watermarked image with a perfect optical quality
image, the watermark is carefully included while [61]. Also, the saturation of colors during hue-
using HVS. Jabade and Gengaje [68] established preserving color image enhancement can be
an efficient off-the-shelf computation of dual micro- improved without the gamut problem [75]. Many
watermarks using advanced pixel blocking screen searches regarding soft threshold method are used
to distinguish the useful information and noise of physics, and informatics [77]. Table 1 lists the
image [76]. Beside to 1D and 2D, the 3D images overview study on some published review and
processing constitutes a challenging topic in many articles related works.
scientific fields such as medicine, computational
Table 1. Overview study on some published review and articles related works
Author Name
SN The Technique The work’s Objective The output Results
and Year
To examine an appropriate The depiction of square-
family of square-integrable integrable coefficients
Grossmann and L2 -theory Mathematical wavelets with a constant associated with an irreducible
Morlet, 1984, [6] equations shape, which can be derived representation of the
through shifts and dilations nonunimodular group formed
from a singular prototype. by the transformation ax +b
The foundational principles for
the construction of the Wavelet
Element Method (WEM) are
articulated for one-dimensional,
To develop multiresolution
two-dimensional, and three-
Canuto et.al., Wavelet Element Method frameworks and biorthogonal
2 dimensional scenarios,
2000, [4] (WEM) wavelet functions defined on
incorporating additional
arbitrary domains.
characteristics such as
symmetry, vanishing moments,
and the minimal support of
wavelet functions.
The advancement of wavelet
methodologies for the
The advancement of principles
numerical resolution of
adaptive wavelet scheme for Fourier-free construction
Dahmen, 2001, operator equations focuses
3 for elliptic self-adjoint and the establishment of
[3] particularly on two key
problems criteria for assessing the
aspects: adaptive solution
validity of norm equivalences.
strategies and complex domain
Demonstrating the implications
The emphasis lies on the core of boundary effects serves to
Usevitch, 2001, Wavelet coding principles of wavelet coding to justify the application of
[18] techniques enhance comprehension of the biorthogonal wavelets, while
JPEG 2000 standard. concurrently presenting the
symmetric wavelet transform.
The efficacy of additive white
product of two To eliminate unwanted
Gaussian noise exceeds that of
independent random artifacts from digital images, a
previously documented
Portilla et al., variables: a Gaussian statistical model of the
5 methodologies, demonstrating
2003, [32] vector and a hidden coefficients derived from an
superior results both visually
positive scalar overcomplete multiscale
and in terms of mean squared
multiplier. oriented basis is employed.
A novel coding
To decrease the bit rate
methodology is suggested
Brifcani and Al- associated with transmission
that integrates discrete Increasing the compression
6 Bamerny, 2010, or data storage while
wavelet transform ratio
[7] preserving an acceptable level
(DWT), multistage vector
of fidelity or image quality.
quantization (MSVQ),
and Huffman coding.
The examination of the efficacy
of orthogonal and biorthogonal The efficacy of biorthogonal
Kumari and Image compression
7 wavelet filters in the context of wavelets surpasses that of their
Vijay, 2011, [19] algorithms
image compression is the focus orthogonal counterparts.
of this analysis.
wavelet multiscale
High-quality watermarked
A careful application of a
Two-Way Arnold images were utilized, and upon
comprehensive framework in
Venkateswarlu, Transformation (TWAT) the application of various
25 the field of watermark-based
2018, [72] and 2-D Wavelet attacks, the extracted
secure transmission of medical
Transformation (WT) watermarks exhibited minimal
Attaining a success rate of
Zeebaree et al., reducing false positive cases
26 breast ROI extraction approximately 95.4% in the
2019, [12] (FP)
extraction of breast contours.
To mitigate speckle noise while Achieving effective removal of
simultaneously preserving speckle noise while preserving
Choi and Jeong, SRAD filtering
27 edge information within edge details and ensuring
2019, [25] Algorithm
synthetic aperture radar (SAR) minimal computational
imagery. complexity is essential.
Image compression
techniques can be
categorized into two
primary classifications:
methods, which include
the Discrete Cosine
Raghavendra et Transform (DCT), Joint
al., 2019, [48] Photographic Experts Effective transmission and
Reducing the dimensions of an
28 Group (JPEG), Fast retention of visual
Fourier Transform representations.
(FFT), and wavelet
transforms; and non-
transform methods,
which encompass Pulse
Code Modulation (PCM)
and Differential Pulse
Code Modulation
In order to apply image fusion
within the context of medical Enhancing performance metrics
Hybrid combination of diagnosis, various imaging such as Entropy, Peak Signal-
Latha et al.,
29 Discrete Wavelet and modalities, including X-ray, to-Noise Ratio, and Mean
2019, [56]
Contourlet computed tomography (CT), Squared Error in relation to
and magnetic resonance established methodologies.
imaging (MRI), are utilized.
The application of various
facilitating the adoption of
The predominant chaos-based digital image
optimal methodologies for
methods within both watermarking methodologies
Kaibou et al., specific applications, contingent
30 spatial and transform is analyzed with respect to
2019, [70] upon the utilization of a
domains are LSB, DCT, their imperceptibility,
sufficient number of test
DWT, and RDWT. robustness, security, and
This study introduces an
innovative watermarking
technique that integrates
Center-Symmetric Local
Central-Symmetric Local A semi-fragile watermarking
Tuncer and Binary Patterns
31 Binary Patterns (CSLBP), technique characterized by
Kaya, 2019, [73] (CSLBP) in integer
Advanced Encryption superior visual quality.
wavelet domain
Standard (AES), chaotic maps,
and the Manhattan distance
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