Normal Forms and Bifurcation of Planar Vector Fields 1st Edition Shui-Nee Chow 2024 scribd download
Normal Forms and Bifurcation of Planar Vector Fields 1st Edition Shui-Nee Chow 2024 scribd download
Normal Forms and Bifurcation of Planar Vector Fields 1st Edition Shui-Nee Chow 2024 scribd download
Therapeutic Delivery Solutions 1st Edition Chung Chow Chan
Normal Forms and Bifurcation of Planar Vector Fields
1st Edition Shui-Nee Chow Digital Instant Download
Author(s): Shui-Nee Chow, Chengzhi Li, Duo Wang
ISBN(s): 9780521102230, 0521102235
Edition: 1
File Details: PDF, 3.15 MB
Year: 2009
Language: english
Georgia Institute of Technology
Peking University
Tsinghua University
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, Sao Paulo
Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
Information on this title:
A catalogue record for this publication is available from the British Library
Chow, Shui-Nee.
Normal forms and bifurcation of planar vector fields / Shui-Nee
Chow, Chengzhi Li, Duo Wang.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-521-37226-7
1. Bifurcation theory. 2. Vector fields. 3. Normal forms
(Mathematics) I. Li, Chengzhi. II. Wang, Duo. III. Title.
QA372.C548 1994
515'.35-dc20 93-26510 CIP
vi Contents
Chapter 3 Codimension One Bifurcations 191
3.1 Definitions and Jet Transversality Theorem 192
3.2 Bifurcation of Equilibria 197
3.3 Bifurcation of Homoclinic Orbits 213
3.4 Bibliographical Notes 226
Chapter 4 Codimension Two Bifurcations 228
4.1 Double Zero Eigenvalue 229
4.2 Double Zero Eigenvalue with Symmetry
of Order 2 259
4.3 Double Zero Eigenvalue with Symmetry
of Order 3 278
4.4 Double Zero Eigenvalue with Symmetry
of Order 4 292
4.5 Double Zero Eigenvalue with Symmetry
of Order >_ 5 328
4.6 A Purely Imaginary Pair of Eigenvalues
and a Simple Zero Eigenvalue 335
4.7 Two Purely Imaginary Pairs of Eigenvalues 353
4.8 Bibliographical Notes 380
Chapter 5 Bifurcations with Codimension Higher
than Two 383
5.1 Hopf Bifurcation of Higher Order 383
5.2 Homoclinic Bifurcation of Higher Order 393
5.3 A Codimension 3 Bifurcation:
Cusp of Order 3 409
5.4 A Codimension 4 Bifurcation:
Cusp of Order 4 430
5.5 Bibliographical Notes 449
Bibliography 452
Index 469
viii Preface
Complete proofs of Poincare and Siegel linearization theorems are
presented. Takens's Theorem gives a relation between diffeomorphisms
near fixed points and the time-one maps of flows of vector fields near
equilibria. We introduce also versal deformations of matrices and of
infinitesimally symplectic matrices and normal forms of vector fields of
codimension one and two.
In Chapters 3, 4, and 5, we discuss bifurcation problems of vector
fields with some degeneracies. We assume that the problems to be
considered are restricted to local center manifolds and are in their
normal forms up to some order. In Chapter 3, we introduce the
concepts of versal deformations and the codimension of a bifurcation of
vector fields. Bifurcations of codimension one near singularities and
homoclinic orbits are considered. In Chapter 4, we deal with bifurca-
tions of codimension two. For vector fields whose linear parts have
double zero eigenvalues, we consider a nonsymmetrical case and the
cases with 1: q symmetrices (q = 2, 3, 4 and q >_ 5). The case of 1: 4
symmetry is the most difficult and is far from being solved completely.
For the cases in which the linear parts have one zero and one pair of
purely imaginary eigenvalues, or two pairs of purely imaginary eigenval-
ues, we reduce them to planar systems and then give complete bifurca-
tion diagrams. In Chapter 5, we discuss higher-codimension bifurcation
problems, including Hopf and homoclinic bifurcations with any codi-
mension and cusp bifurcations with codimension three and four.
In the last section of each chapter we give briefly the history and
literature of material covered in the chapter. We have tried to make
our references as complete as possible. However, we are sure that many
are missing.
We would like to express our special acknowledgment to Max
Ashkenazi, Freddy Dumortier, Jibin Li, Kening Lu, Robert Roussarie,
Christiane Rousseau, Lan Wen, and Henryk Zoladek. They read all or
part of the original manuscript and made many helpful suggestions
which enabled us to correct some mistakes and make improvements.
The second and the third authors would also like to thank Professor
Zhifen Zhang and Professor Tongren Ding for many helpful discus-
sions. They would also like to thank the Department of Mathematics at
Michigan State University and the Center for Dynamical Systems and
Nonlinear Studies and the School of Mathematics at the Georgia
Institute of Technology for their kind hospitality, since most of the book
was written while they were visiting there.
This work was partially supported by grants from DARPA and NSF
(USA) and from the National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Center Manifolds
x = Ax + f(x), (A)f
where x E R", A E Y(W , EW ), f E Ck(W, R") for some k >_ 1, f(0) _
0, and Df (0) = 0.
We write the spectrum Q(A) of A as
o(A) =c Uc U r,
2 Center Manifolds
v,, and o , respectively. Then we have
with corresponding projections
x = Ax. (A)0
Since x(t) = e`9tx(0) is the solution of (A)0 and a, = 0, any nonzero
solution in E, (or E") tends to the equilibrium x = 0 exponentially as
t -* + oo (or t -' - co). Therefore, the structure of flow in fl is simple;
it is also stable with respect to any small perturbation on the right-hand
side of equation (A)0. See Hartman [1], for example.
However, if o,, 0, then the situation will be different from the
above in two aspects. First, the topological structure for (A) f is not, in
general, the same as for (A)0 any more; this will be shown in a lot of
examples in Chapters 3-5. Second, more complicated structure of the
flow for (A) f may exist on an invariant manifold W `(f ), and the
dimension of W '(f) is equal to the dimension of E,
In fact, if f = 0, then all bounded solutions of (A)0, including all
equilibria and periodic orbits, are contained in the subspace E, which
is invariant under (A)o. So we take W'(0) = E, We will prove that the
aforementioned W `(f) exists for f * 0, it is tangent to E, at x = 0,
and W'(f) contains all solutions of (A)f that stay in fl for all t E If81.
In particular, WC(f) contains all sufficiently small equilibria, periodic
orbits, and homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits. And if a" = 0, then all
solutions of (A)f (in ft) will converge exponentially to some solutions
on WV ) as t -' + c. Therefore, instead of the n-dimensional equa-
tion (A)f, we can consider a lower-dimensional equation on W '(f) for a
bifurcation problem, and WC(f) is called a center manifold. The precise
definition will be given subsequently in Section 1.1.
We will prove the existence, uniqueness, and smoothness of global
center manifolds in Sections 1.1-1.2 under a quite strong condition
which says the Lipschitz constant of f is globally small. In Section 1.3
the cut-off technique is used to get the local center manifolds from the
Existence, Uniqueness of Global Center Manifolds 3
global theory, and the above Lipschitz condition will be satisfied auto-
matically since f (O) = 0 and Df (0) = 0. But a new problem arises: The
local center manifold is not unique. In fact, different cut-off functions
can give different local center manifolds. Hence, it is needed to show
the equivalence (in some sense) between different local center mani-
folds concerning the bifurcation problems. Finally, in Section 1.4 we
discuss the center-stable and center-unstable manifolds, give the asymp-
totic behavior of any solution of (1.1) in R", and describe the invariant
foliation structure.
IIDkw(x) - Dkw(y)II
Cb'1(X,Y) = r w E Cb(X,Y) sup 00,
IIx - yllx <
x,y EX,x 0 y
4 Center Manifolds
with norm
II Dkw(x) - Dkw(x)ll
11W11-k,1 = IIwII ck + sun x,yEX,x#y.
IIx - yllx
W`={xc+ii(x,)IxcEEj. (1.3)
MO := {xc+4)(xc)IxcEEj (1.4)
Lemma 1.5. For any integer k > 0, there are constants K > 1, a > 0,
and /3 > 0 such that ka < /3, and
leAt,rrcl <Ke"I`I, t E 18,
Proof. Let
where a and a are sufficiently small. Thus, the existence of K is
obvious by the properties of eAt. 0
Let y satisfy
a<y</3. (1.6)
y(t) = eAt?rcx + f0
We have
Ilf llcO I,
I1rTx(t, x)I < Key1tllxl + KII f IIco f tey(t-T)dr s Keyltl(IxI +
0 y
It follows from (1.11) and (1.13) that x E W`, and this implies W` c W c.
Existence, Uniqueness of Global Center Manifolds 7
(b) Suppose now x E If/', that is, x) E C,. From (1.10) we have
< KePt-(P
x) 117 -* 0 as to - +00,
+ f teA(t-T)f(y(T))dT
= eAtyo + f teA(t-T)f(y(T))dr.
Hence y(t) is the solution of (1.1) with initial value y(0) = y0. Using
(1.5) and (1.8), it follows that
1ir5Y(t)I - a Ilfiico < 00,
since f E Cb(R'). Hence ITrhy(t)I < oo. Thus yo E W`'. This implies
W`c W`.
+ f l eA(t-T)TrSY(T)dT. (1.18)
IGG(f(Y1(.)) - f(y2(.)))(t)l
<KLip(f)I foealt TIIYl(T) -Y2(T)IdT
<KLip(f)I f
e-vITIIy1(T) -Y2(T)I)dT
y-a KLip(f)IIY1 -Y21I,. (1.21)
Similarly, we have
IGu(f(y1(.)))(t) - Gu(f(Y2(.)))(t)I < - yK Lip(f )11Y1 - Y211-1,
IGS(f(y1(.)))(t) - GS(f(y2(.)))(t)I - R- yK Lip(f)11Y1 - Y2II,..
< KI 1 + )Lip(f )IIY1 - Y2111-
-y -a /3-y
We choose
K1 a +
I( llII
10 Center Manifolds
If Lip(f) < So then
Ky 1
+ y)Lip(f) < 1, (1.24)
IIG(f(Y1(-))) - G(f(y2(.)))Ill s 3IIY1 -Y21I,.. (1.25)
Y1) - J(4, Y2)117 s 31IY1 - Y2IIY1 (1.26)
Lemma 1.8. If Lip(f) < So, then there exists a unique Lipschitz function
41 E Cb(EC, Eh) such that
Proof. By Lemmas 1.7 and 1.6, (1.8) has a unique solution x*(t,
x(t, x*(O, a)), for any E E,. By Lemma 1.6,
W` = {x*(0, 6) I lj E Ej.
Note that
440 = f`e-ATTruf(x*(T, f o
e-aT,r5f(x*(T, 6))dT.
l'0e-ATVuf(x*(T,6))dTl =I
f E Cb (III"). Similarly,
f° e-AT <00. (1.29)
Hence Vi is bounded.
In (1.22) and (1.23), we take yl(t) = x*(t, ) and y2(t) = x*(t, ),
i E E, and then using the condition (1.24) and letting t = 0, we
Ix*(t,) -x*(t,)I
_IJ(,x*(',))(t) -J(,x*(',))(t)I
-I F(6 - )(t)I +I G(f(x*(',e)))(t) - G(f(x*(',)))(t)I
Using (1.5) and (1.25), respectively, we have
11x*(.,) -x*(.,4)I1,
',) -x*(',)IIY,
I+G() -
I -I for 6, 4 E E,. (1.32)
Proof of Theorem 1.1. Since x(t1, i(t2, x)) = z(t1 + t2, x), the set W`
defined by (1.2) is invariant under (1.1). The remaining conclusions in
(i) are proved in Lemma 1.8.
Now we prove the uniqueness of ¢ in (ii). Suppose 0 E Cb(EC, Eh)
and M. defined by (1.4) is invariant under (1.1). Then z(t, xc +
4(xc)) E M. for all t E P and any xc E Ec. By the definition of M., it
follows that
Theorem 2.1. Suppose f E Cb (R") for some k >- 1, f (O) = 0 and Df (0)
= 0. Then there is a number Sk > 0 such that if II Df II < Sk, the unique
global center manifold W` is of class Ck, that is, 4 E Cb(EC, Eh), where
a, is given by (1.27) and is related to W` by (1.3). Moreover, Lip(r(i) <
1, qr(0) = 0 and D+/(0) = 0. Furthermore, if x e W` and ic(t)
arrx(t, x), then zc(t) satisfies the following equation
Lemma 2.2. Suppose that f E Cb(18"), II Df II < So. Then there exists a
number o > 0 such that the map from Ec to C,,+o, is
Proof. Let
N(u(., (2.6)
3IIu(-,6,4) Ill.
This implies the norm of L, as an operator from C,, to C.Y satisfies
IILII <- 3
NS, (2.12)
Smoothness of Global Center Manifolds 15
N, = ,))(t),
N. =Gulf*( ,))(t), (2.13)
NS = Gs(f*(',))(t).
We will find an estimate only for N, since it is similar for Na and N.
Choose T > 0 so large that
3K2 E
IIDf Ile aT < - (2.14)
y-a 6
-Df(x*(r,))(x*(r,S) -x*(T,S))Jdr
f teA(t-`)Tr,1 f 1[Df(Ax*(T, ) + (1 -
0 0
3K 2 e«It'I4
- o
3K 2 foTfo'
< eyltll
- I
(1 - A)x*(T,
-Df(x*(r,2))IdAd-r. (2.15)
16 Center Manifolds
Since f E C'(R) and the last integral is taken over a compact region
[0, TI x [0, 1] c R2, there exists a /.tj > 0 such that if
I4 - 41 < i then
N(i) =
f eA(t-T).c{'*(T,4, )dT, N(2) = fTeA(t-T)Tfcf*(Te )dT.
teA(t-')?rc f*(T,
6, )dr
s 2 eYTI -I (2.18)
3K 2 e
sup e-(y+Q)ItIIN(2)) <
IIDf II e-aTl t -I <
I -I. (2.19)
Smoothness of Global Center Manifolds 17
I - El.
Similarly, we can find µu and µs such that
IINull1+Q <
I - 4I when I: - EI < µu,
IINSIIy+Q< 31 - I when
The following lemma gives a more general result which will be used
repeatedly in the rest of this section.
Lemma 2.3. Suppose that E is a Euclidean space with norm II ' HE and,
for each y E E, the map y H y) from E to CP for some p E (a,,6)
(i) g(t, y) is continuous in (t, y) E Il8 X E;
(ii) Iig(', y)IIP < M for some constant M > 0, where M is independent
of Y.
Then for any E (p,,6) and yo E E, we have
We have proved that under the hypothesis of Lemma 2.2, x*(-, 6), as
a mapping from E, to C'Y+Q, is differentiable.
It is known that
Lemma 2.4. Suppose that f 'E=- C'(l ) and II Df II < So. Then the map
ti E, -+2'(E,, CY+2Q) satisfies the following integral equa-
g(r A) = (2.22)
h(t, A)
f(x*(t,6+Ai7)) -f(x
A)Ily+v <- A) 11, <- 50 2 1771.
(Dfx*(.'6) -DDx*(."))7711,+3,,,
Similarly to obtaining the estimate (1.25) (it comes from (1.21), (1.22),
20 Center Manifolds
and (1.23)), we can find 31 > 0, 31 < 8°, such that if II Df II < 51, then
G[Df(x*( 6))(Dx*(., ) - DDx*(., jjy+3o
3 II
(Dgx*(', 6)
- DIx*(', ))'1, Iy+3,' (2.25)
we can use the same argument as in Lemmas 2.2 and 2.3 to find µ > 0
such that if 16 - I < µ then
which implies
-D,x*( ,2)IY(Ec,cy+3o)<
if l -I < µ.
K e(y+3Q)171I
I DDx*(T, S )771 < 2 <
nI, d , 'q E Ec, T E R.
Smoothness of Global Center Manifolds 21
This inequality and (1.5) imply that for each r] E E, and all E E,
f°e-Ar7r.D f(x*
(T, f)) Dfx* (T, f) ldT
1 I"]I
-° e[P-(y+3-)]Tdr
2(13 - (y + 3o,))
f° e-AT,r5Df(x*(T,6))Dfx*(T,6)?7dT
Hence, we can take the derivative under the integral sign with respect
to 6 E E, on the right-hand side of (1.27). This gives for each 77 E E,
D*(f)rl = f
f° e-ArTSDf(x*(T, (2.29)
e E E,,
and this is equation (2.1).
Proof of Theorem 2.1. The conclusions for the case k = 1 have been
proved in Lemma 2.6. The case k >- 2 is slightly different from the case
k = 1, although the basic arguments are eventually the same. We will
prove the case k = 2; the general case can be obtained by an induction
on k. In the following we assume a < y < ky < 0 and o, > 0 is
sufficiently small.
Suppose that f e Cb(D'). Then by Lemma 2.5, Dex*(t, ) E
C°(E,,.(E,, Cy+3o)). We prove first that H as a map-
ping from E, to 2°(E,, Cuy+3a>+,-), is differentiable. We will use the
same idea as in the proof of Lemma 2.2 and consider equation (2.21)
instead of (2.2). Let
e, , 71 E EC, t E R,
L(v) = 2,,q)).
S(t, 71)
= [f'D2f(ox*(t,) + (1 -
X Dx*(t, (1 - 0)4)d01( - ))
and ( , ) denotes the action of the bilinear map D 2f. We define the
following bilinear form:
X (D x*(t, a, f 1D6x*(t, 0 + (1
- b ).
(I - L)(v) =
4)1712) 02(y+3a)+a
1 + 1
< sup e-(2(y+3a)+a)ltlIl f IIc2
t(=R 2(y + 3v) - a 6 - (2y + 6o,
Thus, (i) holds. On the other hand, for any '171,772 E E, we consider
4) - 4, 4N02) as a mapping from C2(-,+3,) to
C,,+3,)+,, and can prove that
by completely the same way as in the proof of Lemma 2.3. Hence (ii)
Similarly to Lemma 2.4, we can obtain an equation satisfied by
E, -Y(Ec,C2(y+3a)+2a)
In fact, if we let
9(t, A) = (2.32)
h(t, A) = A [Df(x*(t, + A772))D x*(t, + AT12)r11
[Df(x*(t, 6 + A712))
Using Lemma 2.3 and taking limits on both sides of (2.32), we obtain
D2 )(711712) = G(Df(x*(., ))D2x*(., )711712
.\ l
D2+f( 0771772
f 0 e-Armu(Df(x*(T,
))D2x*(T, 6) 771772 + H1(T, 6))dT
(2) There exists a number Sj < Sj_ such that if II Df II < Sj, then
.fP(x) =f(x)X(p l
Vx E l ". (3.1)
.z=Ax+ff(x). (3.2)
IIDfpll s sup IDf(x)I + - IIDxII sup If(x)I. (3.4)
IxI52p P IxI52p
sup l f(x)I < sup IxI( sup IDf(x)l) < 2p sup lDf(x)l.
IxI52p IxI52p IxI52p IxI52p
The desired result (3.3) follows from the above estimate and the
condition Df (0) = 0.
Theorem 3.2. Suppose that f E Ck(I!") for some k >_ 1, and f(0) = 0,
Df(0) = 0. Then there exists Vi E Cb(EC, Eh) and an open neighborhood
fl of x = 0 in F" such that
(i) the manifold
where At, x) is the flow of (1.1) with x(0, x) = x, and JJ(x) is the
maximal interval of existence of the solution x) with respect to fl;
(ii) 0(0) = 0 and Da/r(0) = 0;
(iii) if x E fl and J0(x) = R, then x E Mk.
Proof. Suppose that such an f2c exists and (3.6) holds. For each
xc (=- flc, let zi(t) be the solution of the following initial value problem
and let z(t) = xc(t) + 4)(zJt)). It is obvious that x,(t) E f.l, if Iti is
30 Center Manifolds
sufficiently small. Then by (3.6) we have
Trhx(t) = 4 rcx(t)).
x = x2, Y = -y.
= -4(x), 0(0) = 0'(0) = 0.
Local Center Manifolds 31
In fact, if Ixj < 2p < d, then 71h f(X,) = 0 by (3.8); if I xj > 2p, then
X(x,/p) = 0. Lemma 3.4 and (3.9) give the invariance of E, under
(3.7). By Lemma 3.1, we can choose p so small that I I Df I I < S. On the
other hand, since f E=- C6 (R") and II Df II < S < So, it follows from
Theorem 1.1 that (3.7) has a unique global center manifold Mo. Hence,
M o = E, We define r/i(x,) ° 0 and fl R' Hence,
41 E Cb +1(E,, Eh) and the conclusions (i)-(iii) are satisfied.
Part (II): the general case. Let .0 E Ck+'(E,, Eh), and M. is a local
center manifold of (1.1). By Lemma 3.4, we can find some do > 0 such
that (3.6) holds for I x,I < do and x, E E, Let d E (0, do) and define
E CGk+ l(Ec Eh) by
We make a transformation
Since E, is a local center manifold of (3.12) (see the property (a)), the
results in Part (I) imply that there exist some g E Cb (P.') and some
neighborhood fl of the origin in V1" such that
Furthermore, IIDgII can be smaller than any given positive number. Now
if we take the inverse transformation x = 'I'1(y) = y + a f (7r y ), (3.15)
becomes an equation of the form (3.7), where
Proof. We use Theorem 3.6 with S = So, and assume that f found by
Theorem 3.6 is bounded (otherwise, just shrink it to a bounded one).
Suppose that x e H and Jn(x) = fk, which means Z(t, x) E fZ for all
t E 1k, where i(t, x) is the solution of (1.1) with 1(0, x) = x. By the
conclusion (i) of Theorem 3.6, X(t, x) is a solution of (3.7), and it is
globally bounded. By the conclusion (ii), we can use Theorem 1.1, and
hence x E M,,. By the conclusion (iii), x e Mo.
Theorem 3.9. Suppose that f E Ck(1") for some k >_ 1, f(0) = 0 and
Df(0) = 0, and M., and Mo2 are two Ck+1 local center manifolds of
(1.1). Then we have
Proof. We use Theorem 3.6 for 01 and c62 with S = Sk 5 So, where So
and Sk are defined in Theorems 1.1 and 2.1, respectively, and they
depend only on A E £9(OR",1k") in (1.1). Then there exist corresponding
t., f, E Cb(OR"), and i/r, E Cbk+'(Ec, Eh) satisfying the conclusions
(i)-(iii) for i = 1 and 2, respectively. Let ft = H1 n 512; then we have
Asymptotic Behavior and Invariant Foliations 35
From (1.27) and the proof of Theorem 2.1 we know that D'ii1(0)
(1 < j < k) is completely determined by A and f(x) for x in a
sufficiently small neighborhood of the origin. Hence, by (a) and (b),
Di4i1(0) = DNi2(0), 1 < j < k, and then by (c), D'¢1(0) = D42(0), 1 <
Remark 3.10. The conclusions in Theorem 3.7 and Theorem 3.9 give
partial uniqueness of local center manifolds. At the end of the next
section we will introduce a new result by Burchard, Deng, and Lu [1]
which says that the flows on any two Ck+1 local center manifolds of
(1.1) are locally Ck conjugate. Hence, we can choose any local center
manifold to study the bifurcation phenomena.
E,"=E,®E", E,,.=E,®E5.
We now introduce the center-unstable manifold for which the proof of
results is completely similar to that in Sections 1.1 and 1.2. Suppose
36 Center Manifolds
that the positive numbers a, /3 are determined in Lemma 1.5, and
Theorem 4.1. (i) There is a positive number S,u such that if f E Cb' 1(Rn)
and Lip(f) < Scu, then the set
We fix y such that a < y < k y < /3, where k is the positive integer in
Theorem 4.2. Suppose that x(t,1), i(t, x) are the two solutions of (1.1)
satisfying the initial conditions 1(0,1) =.i and 1(0, x) = x, x, x E n".
Asymptotic Behavior and Invariant Foliations 37
Theorem 4.3. Suppose f E C°' 1(Rn) and Lip(f) < S, Then there exists
a uniformly continuous mapping J,: l X E, - Ec" such that for each
x E C$" the following conclusions hold:
(i) M,(x) = (x, + J,(x, x) I xs E Es) is a Lipschitz manifold;
(ii) Ms(x) has a unique intersection point with W`";
(iii) there is a stable foliation of l":
Lemma 4.4. Suppose f E Cb.1(Rn), Lip(f) < 8c", and z(t) E C,. For
x E R", x) + z is a solution of (1.1) if and only if there exists some
xs E Es such that
+ f teA(t-T)1rcuf( r; x, z(T))dr,
i=Az+f(t;x,z). (4.8)
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Documents with Different Content
The mention of Carson Davenport’s name made all the boys look
“Has that fellow made another demand?” questioned Jack quickly.
“Not directly,” answered his father. “But I have heard in an indirect
way, through a detective working for one of the local agencies, that
he is watching us very carefully. He has been seen in the vicinity of
our offices several times, and you have seen him twice in the vicinity
of Colby Hall and Clearwater Hall. That’s enough for me to realize
that the scoundrel means business.”
“You forgot to mention one thing, Dick,” came from Fred’s father.
“Another one of the detectives from that agency saw Davenport in
this vicinity less than three weeks ago.”
“What do you mean? Here at the houses?” questioned Randy.
“Yes. He was out on the Drive, skulking up and down looking at all
the doors and windows. And he asked one of the tradesmen who
lived here, evidently to make sure that he had the right place.”
“Why don’t they arrest him?” questioned Andy impatiently.
“That’s what we’re going to do as soon as we can get any real
evidence against him,” answered his Uncle Dick. “I’d like to catch
him red-handed at something.”
“I’ve got a scheme!” exclaimed Randy. “Jack, you’d be the fellow
to put it through because you’re Uncle Dick’s son and it’s Uncle Dick
that Davenport is sore on.”
“What’s the idea?” questioned his cousin.
“Lay a trap for Davenport by placing yourself in such a position
that he can get at you. Then, when he thinks he’s got you, let the