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ANTHRO PYQs 1985-2024

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(1985 – 2024)

Telegram: @ anthroguru




1.1 Meaning, Scope and development of Anthropology.

1.2 Relationships with other disciplines : Social Sciences, behavioural Sciences, Life
Sciences, Medical Sciences, Earth Sciences and Humanities.
1.3 Main branches of Anthropology, their scope and relevance : (a) Social-cultural
Anthropology. (b) Biological Anthropology. (c) Archaeological Anthropology. (d) Linguistic
1.4 Human Evolution and emergence of Man : (a) Biological and Cultural factors in
human evolution. (b) Theories of Organic Evolution (Pre-Darwinian, Darwinian and Post-
(c) Synthetic theory of evolution; Brief outline of terms and concepts of evolutionary biology
(Doll’s rule, Cope’s rule, Gause’s rule, parallelism, convergence, adaptive radiation, and
mosaic evolution).
1.5 Characteristics of Primates; Evolutionary Trend and Primate Taxonomy; Primate
Adaptations; (Arboreal and Terrestrial) Primate Taxonomy; Primate Behaviour; Tertiary and
Quaternary fossil primates; Living Major Primates; Comparative Anatomy of Man and Apes;
Skeletal changes due to erect posture and its implications.
1.6 Phylogenetic status, characteristics and geographical distribution of the following :
(a) Plio-preleistocene hominids in South and East Africa—Australopithecines. (b) Homo
erectus : Africa (Paranthropus), Europe (Homo erectus (heidelbergensis), Asia (Homo erectus
javanicus, Homo erectus pekinensis. (c) Neanderthal man—La-chapelle-aux-saints (Classical
type), Mt. Carmel (Progressive type). (d) Rhodesian man. (e) Homo saoiens—Cromagnon,
Grimaldi and Chancelede.
1.7 The biological basis of Life : The Cell, DNA structure and replication, Protein
Synthesis, Gene, Mutation, Chromosomes, and Cell Division.
1.8 (a) Principles of Prehistoric Archaeology. Chronology : Relative and Absolute Dating
methods. (b) Cultural Evolution—Broad Outlines of Prehistoric cultures : (i) Paleolithic (ii)
Mesolithic (iii) Neolithic (iv) Chalcolithic (v) Copper-Bronze Age (vi) Iron Age
2.1 The Nature of Culture : The concept and Characteristics of culture and civilization;
Ethnocentrism vis-a-vis cultural Relativism.
2.2 The Nature of Society : Concept of Society; Society and Culture; Social Institution;
Social groups; and Social stratification.




2.3 Marriage : Definition and universality; Laws of marriage (endogamy, exogamy,

hypergamy, hypogamy, incest taboo); Type of marriage (monogamy, polygamy, polyandry,
group marriage). Functions of marriage; Marriage regulations (preferential, prescriptive and
proscriptive); Marriage payments (bride wealth and dowry).
2.4 Family : Definition and universality; Family, household and domestic groups; functions
of family; Types of family (from the perspectives of structure, blood relation, marriage,
residence and succession); Impact of urbanization, industrialization and feminist movements
on family.
2.5 Kinship : Consanguinity and Affinity; Principles and types of descent (Unilineal, Double,
Bilateral Ambilineal); Forms of descent groups (lineage, clan, phratry, moiety and kindred);
Kinship terminology (descriptive and classificatory); Descent, Filiation and Complimentary
Filiation;Decent and Alliance.
3. Economic Organization: Meaning, scope and relevance of economic anthropology;
Formalist and Substantivist debate; Principles governing production, distribution and
exchange (reciprocity, redistribution and market), in communities, subsisting on hunting and
gathering, fishing, swiddening, pastoralism, horticulture, and agriculture; globalization and
indigenous economic systems.
4. Political Organization and Social Control : Band, tribe, chiefdom, kingdom and state;
concepts of power, authority and legitimacy; social control, law and justice in simple
5. Religion : Anthropological approaches to the study of religion (evolutionary,
psychological and functional); monotheism and polytheism; sacred and profane; myths and
rituals; forms of religion in tribal and peasant Societies (animism, animatism, fetishism,
naturism and totemism); religion, magic and science distinguished; magico-religious
functionaries (priest, shaman, medicine man, sorcerer and witch).
6. Anthropological theories :
(a) Classical evolutionism (Tylor, Morgan and Frazer)
(b) Historical particularism (Boas) Diffusionism (British, German and American)
(c) Functionalism (Malinowski); Structural—Functionlism (Radcliffe-Brown)
(d) Structuralism (L’evi-Strauss and E. Leach)
(e) Culture and personality (Benedict, Mead, Linton, Kardiner and Cora-du Bois)
(f) Neo—evolutionism (Childe, White, Steward, Sahlins and Service)
(g) Cultural materialism (Harris)
(h) Symbolic and interpretive theories (Turner, Schneider and Geertz)
(i) Cognitive theories (Tyler, Conklin)
(j) Post-modernism in anthropology.
7. Culture, Language and Communication : Nature, origin and characteristics of language;




verbal and non-verbal communication; social contex of language use.




8. Research methods in Anthropology : (a) Fieldwork tradition in anthropology (b)

Distinction between technique, method and methodology (c) Tools of data collection :
observation, interview, schedules, questionnaire, case study, genealogy, life-history, oral
history, secondary sources of information, participatory methods. (d) Analysis, interpretation
and presentation of data.
9.1 Human Genetics : Methods and Application : Methods for study of genetic principles in
man-family study (pedigree analysis, twin study, foster child, co-twin method, cytogenetic
method, chromosomal and karyo-type analysis), biochemical methods, immunological
methods, D.N.A. technology and recombinant technologies.
9.2 Mendelian genetics in man-family study, single factor, multifactor, lethal, sub-lethal and
polygenic inheritance in man.
9.3 Concept of genetic polymorphism and selection, Mendelian population, Hardy-
Weinberg law; causes and changes which bring down frequency-mutation, isolation,
migration, selection, inbreeding and genetic drift. Consanguineous and non-consanguineous
mating, genetic load, genetic effect of consanguineous and cousin marriages.
9.4 Chromosomes and chromosomal aberrations in man, methodology.
(a) Numerical and structural aberrations (disorders).
(b) Sex chromosomal aberration- Klinefelter (XXY), Turner (XO), Super female (XXX),
intersex and other syndromic disorders.
(c) Autosomal aberrations- Down syndrome, Patau, Edward and Cri-du-chat syndromes.
(d) Genetic imprints in human disease, genetic screening, genetic counseling, human DNA
profiling, gene mapping and genome study.
9.5 Race and racism, biological basis of morphological variation of non-metric and
characters. Racial criteria, racial traits in relation to heredity and environment; biological
basis of racial classification, racial differentiation and race crossing in man.
9.6 Age, sex and population variation as genetic marker :ABO, Rh blood groups, HLA
Hp, transferring, Gm, blood enzymes. Physiological characteristics-Hb level, body fat, pulse
rate, respiratory functions and sensory perceptions in different cultural and socio-ecomomic
9.7 Concepts and methods of Ecological Anthropology : Bio-cultural Adaptations—
Genetic and Non-genetic factors. Man’s physiological responses to environmental stresses:
hot desert, cold, high altitude climate.
9.8 Epidemiological Anthropology : Health and disease. Infectious and non-infectious
diseases, Nutritional deficiency related diseases.
10. Concept of human growth and Development : Stages of growth—pre-natal, natal,
infant, childhood, adolescence, maturity, senescence. —Factors affecting growth and
development genetic, environmental, biochemical, nutritional, cultural and socio-economic.
—Ageing and senescence. Theories and observations —Biological and chronological
longevity. Human physique and somatotypes. Methodologies for growth studies.




11.1 Relevance of menarche, menopause and other bioevents to fertility. Fertility patterns
and differentials.
11.2 Demographic theories-biological, social and cultural.
11.3 Biological and socio-ecological factors influencing fecundity, fertility, natality and
12. Applications of Anthropology : Anthropology of sports, Nutritional anthropology,
Anthroplogy in designing of defence and other equipments, Forensic Anthroplogy, Methods
and principles of personal identification and reconstruction, Applied human genetics—
Paternity diagnosis, genetic counselling and eugenics, DNA technology in diseases and
medicine, serogenetics and cytogenetics in reproductive biology.

1.1 Evolution of the Indian Culture and Civilization—Prehistoric (Palaeolithic,
Mesolithic, Neolithic and Neolithic-Chalcolithic), Protohistoric (Indus Civilization). Pre-
Harappan, Harappan and post-Harappan cultures. Contributions of the tribal cultures to Indian
1.2 Palaeo—Anthropological evidences from India with special reference to Siwaliks and
Narmada basin (Ramapithecus, Sivapithecus and Narmada Man).
1.3. Ethno‐archaeology in India: The concept of ethno-archaeology; Survivals and Parallels
among the hunting, foraging, fishing, pastoral and peasant communities including arts and
crafts producing communities.
2. Demographic profile of India—Ethnic and linguistic elements in the Indian population
and their distribution. Indian population—factors influencing its structure and growth.
3.1 The structure and nature of traditional Indian social system—Varnashram,
Purushartha, Karma, Rina and Rebirth.
3.2 Caste system in India— Structure and characteristics Varna and caste, Theories of origin
of caste system, Dominant caste, Caste mobility, Future of caste system, Jajmani system.
Tribe- case continuum.
3.3 Sacred Complex and Nature-Man-Spirit Complex.
3.4. Impact of Buddhism, Jainism, Islam and Christianity of Indian society.
4. Emergence, growth and development in India—Contributions of the 18th, 19th and
early 20th Century scholar-administrators. Contributions of Indian anthropologists to tribal
and caste studies.
5.1 Indian Village—Significane of village study in India; Indian village as a social system;
Traditional and changing patterns of settlement and inter-caste relations; Agrarian relations in
Indian villages; Impact of globalization on Indian villages.
5.2 Linguistic and religious minorities and their social, political and economic status.




5.3 Indigenous and exogenous processes of socio-cultural change in Indian society:

Sanskritization, Westernization, Modernization; Inter-play of little and great traditions;
Panchayati Raj and social change; Media and Social change.
6.1 Tribal situation in India—Bio-genetic variability, linguistic and socio-economic
characteristics of the tribal populations and their distribution.
6.2 Problems of the tribal Communities—Land alienation, poverty, indebtedness, low
literacy, poor educational facilities, unemployment, under- employment, health and nutrition.
6.3 Developmental projects and their impact on tribal displacement and problems of
rehabilitation. Development of forest policy and tribals. Impact of urbanisation and
industrialization on tribal populations.
7.1 Problems of exploitation and deprivation of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and
Other Backward Classes. Constitutional safeguards for Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled
7.2 Social change and contemporary tribal societies : Impact of modern democratic
institutions, development programmes and welfare measures on tribals and weaker sections.
7.3 The concept of ethnicity; Ethnic conflicts and political developments; Unrest among
tribal communities; Regionalism and demand for autonomy; Pseudo-tribalism. Social change
among the tribes during colonial and post-Independent India.
8.1 Impact of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and other religions on tribal
8.2 Tribe and nation state—a comparative study of tribal communities in India and other
9.1 History of administration of tribal areas, tribal policies, plans, programmes of tribal
development and their implementation. The concept of PTGs (Primitive Tribal Groups), their
distribution, special programmes for their development. Role of N.G.O.s in tribal
9.2 Role of anthropology in tribal and rural development.
9.3 Contributions of anthropology to the understanding of regionalism, communalism and
ethnic and political movements.






 There are 8 questions divided in 2 sections

 Candidate has to attempt 5 questions in all
 Questions no.1 and 5 are compulsory and out of the remaining, any THREE are to be
attempted choosing at least ONE question from each section.



12 years marks wise analysis

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

1.1 Meaning, 10 10 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 20 10
Scope and
15 20

1.2, 1.3

20 15 15 20 10 15
1.4 Human 15 20 15

1.5 10 15 15 15 20 10 10 15
of Primates

1.6 10 20 10 15 15 20 20 15 20 20

1.7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
The biological
basis of Life

15 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
1.8 10 15 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10
(a) Principles of
20 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
Archaeology 15 10 10 15
20 10

20 15 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 10 10
2.1 The Nature 15 15 20 15 15 15 20
of Culture
2.2 The Nature
of Society



15 15 10 15 10 20
2.3 Marriage: 15 20
20 20 15 10 15
2.4 Family 15
10 10 10 10 10 15 10 20 10
2.5 Kinship 20 15 10 15

15 20 15 15 10 15 10 10 15 10
3. Economic 10 10
20 15 15 20 20 10
4. Political 10

10 20 15 10 10 10 15 10 10 10 15 15
5. Religion 15 20
20 10 15 10 20 10 15 20
6. 15 20 10 10 20 10 20 15 15 20 20
20 15 15 15 15 20
15 15
10 10 15 10 15
7. 10 20 10

20 20 15 10 20 10 15
8. Research 20 15 10 20 15 15 15 20 15
15 15

10 15 20 10 20
9.1 Human 10

15 10 10
9.2 Mendelian 10 15

15 15 10 20 10
9.3 Concept of 20 15 10 20 10 15 20 15

15 10 20 15 15 10 15
9.4 15 15 10

15 15 10 10 20 10 10 10
9.5 Race and



15 10 15 10
9.6 Age, sex and 15

15 10 15 20 15 15 15 15 20 10
9.7 Ecological 15 20

15 20 20 15 15 15 15
9.8 10 15

10 10 10 20 15 10 10 10 10 20 10
10. growth and 10 20 20 15 15 20 15 10
20 20

11.1 Relevance 15 10 15 10
of menarche,

10 10 15 15 15 20

10 10 10 20 10 10 15 15 15 15
12. Applications 15 15 10 15 15 15 15
of Anthropology
20 15




12 years marks wise analysis

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
Evolution of 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 10 10 10 10 10
the Indian
15 20 15 15 15 20 15 15 20 20 10 20
Culture and
Civilization 15 20 15 15 15 20
10 10 15

1.2 10 15 15 15 15 15 10 10 15 15 10
20 15
Ethno‐ 15 10 10 10 10 15
archaeology 15
2. 10 20 10 10 10 10 10 15 15 15
15 15 20 15 15 10 10
c profile of

3.1 The
structure of 10 10 10 10 10 10
traditional 10 10
Indian social
3.2 10 10 20 10 15 10 10 15 10
Caste system
15 10 15 20 15 20 10 15
in India
15 15 15 20 20
20 10
Sacred 15 15 10 10 20 20
Complex &

Impact of 10 15 10 10 20 20 15 20 15 10
Islam and


4. 20
Emergence, 20 20 15 20 20 15 20 10 15 20 20 15
growth and
15 15 15 10 20 15 15
of anthro in 15 15
India 10

5.1 25 20 15 20 15 20 20 10 15 10
15 15 20 15 15 15 15 20 20
15 10

Linguistic 15 15 10 10 15 10 10
and religious

5.3 10 10 15 15 10 10 10 15 10 20 15
20 15 10 15 10
exogenous 20
of socio-
6.1 10 10 10 10 15 10 10 20 10
10 10 20 10 10
situation in
India 20 10
6.2 10 15 15 10 10 15 15 10 20
Problems of
20 20 15 10 10
the tribal
Communitie 15 15 15

6.3 10 10 15 10 15 15 20 15
15 15 15 20
tal projects
and their 15 15

7.1 15 20 15 20 15 15 15 10 10 10 10
Problems of
10 20 10 15 15 15
of sc, st


7.2 15 20 10 15 15 15
change and
y tribal

7.3 10 15 10 10 10 15 10 10 15 20 15
The concept
15 20
of ethnicity

Impact of 10 15 15 10 15 15 15
Islam on

Tribe and
nation state

9.1 10 10 10 15 10 15 15 15 20 20 20
History of
20 15 15 15 15 15 20 15
n of tribal 20 15 20 15 15 15
areas, 15 20

25 20 15 15 15 20 20 15 15
Role of

9.3 20 10 10 20 10 15
s of
anthropolog 15






1) Scope and relevance of Social and Cultural Anthropology. (10M -2023)

2) “Anthropology is the systematic, objective and holistic study of human kind in all times and
places”. Elaborate the argument. (20M—2022)
3) Elaborate the scope of anthropology and elucidate its uniqueness in the field of other social
sciences (20 Marks, 2021)
4) “The biocultural approach is the hallmark of Biocultural anthropology”. Explain (10 Marks,
5) How can synergising the core branches of anthropology reinvigorate the holistic spirit of the
discipline. 20 M (2020)
6) Give an account of the field methods used in the study of Archaeological Anthropology. (15
marks 2018)
7) Define Anthropology. Describe the major branches of Anthropology elaborating on any one
branch. (5+20=20M-2017)
8) Critically examine the role of anthropology in Contemporary India. (15Marks 2014)
9) The Relevance of Anthropology (2018 -10 M)
10) Major subdivisions of Anthropology (10Marks 2014)
11) How do you situate Anthropology in Social Sciences? (10Marks 2013)
12) Write notes on the following in about 150 words each. (10 Marks)
a) Differences between Social Anthropology and Sociology. 10 M (2016)
b) Archaeological Anthropology (10Marks 2015,1992)
c) Linguistic Anthropology (10Marks 2013 ,1990)
d) Social & Cultural Anthropology (10Marks 1994)
e) Applied Anthropology (1990)
f) Theme of Linguistic Anthropology (1989)
g) New Physical Anthropology (1989)

1.4 Human Evolution and emergence of Man: (a) Biological and Cultural factors in
human evolution. (b) Theories of Organic Evolution (Pre Darwinian, Darwinian and
Post-Darwinian). (c) Synthetic theory of evolution; Brief outline of terms and concepts
of evolutionary biology (Doll’s rule, Cope’s rule, Gause’s rule, parallelism, convergence,
adaptive radiation, and mosaic evolution).
1) Critically discuss the synergistic effect of biological and cultural factors in human evolution.
2) What is hominization process? Discuss the major trends in human evolution with the help of
suitable examples and illustrations. (20M—2023)
3) Explain the genetic mechanisms of micro and macro evolution. (15 Marks, 2021)
4) Elucidate how Darwin and post-Darwin theories of evolution resulted in the development of
Synthetic theory of evolution. (15 M -2020)
5) Explain the biological changes that made human beings capable of making cultures. (20
marks- 2018)
6) Critically examine the Darwin’s theory of evolution in understanding Evolution. (15Marks



7) Biological Evolution of early man (1997)

8) How Darwinism differs from the synthetic theory of organic evolution? (1994)
9) What is Synthetic Theory of Evolution? Discuss how this theory helps us in understanding the
evolutionary mechanism. (1993)
10) Synthetic theory of evolution (1992)
11) What is organic evolution? Give evidences for human evolution. (1992)
12) What is Organic Evolution? Describe the theories of organic evolution. (1991)
13) Theory of organic evolution (1985)
14) “Evolution is biological & socio-cultural” – Discuss (1990)
15) Micro evolution (1990)
16) Elucidate the theory of Evolution as put forward by Lamark.
17) Give a critical account of the processes of organic evolution and explain how they contribute
to speciation. (1988)
18) Biological evolution and concept of new Physical Anthropology (1986)
19) Lamarckism & Darwinism (1986)

1.5 Characteristics of Primates; Evolutionary Trend and Primate Taxonomy; Primate

Adaptations; (Arboreal and Terrestrial) Primate Taxonomy; Primate Behaviour;
Tertiary and Quaternary fossil primates; Living Major Primates; Comparative
Anatomy of Man and Apes; Skeletal changes due to erect posture and its implications.
1. Discuss different forms of primate social organisation. (15 Marks, 2022)
2. The losses and gains of erect posture (10 Marks, 2021)
3. Jane Goodall’s contributions in studying primate behaviour. 10 M (2020)
4. Illustrate with examples the various types of locomotion pattern among non-human primates.
15 M (2020)
5. Adaptive primate radiation (2019- 10 marks), (1995)
6. Discuss the evolutionary significance of bipedalism and erect posture. 20 marks (2019)
7. Bring out the comparative anatomical features of man and apes. Discuss their evolutionary
significance. (2017)
8. Explain the skeletal changes due to erect posture and their implications. (2016)
9. Elucidate the skeletal differences between humans and chimpanzees. (15Marks 2014)
10. Role of Primatology in Anthropological studies. (10Marks 2013)
11. Discuss the anatomical changes that occurred in Man due to erect posture. (1998)
12. Discuss primate locomotion with special reference to adaptation to arboreal life. (1996)
13. Primate (1994)
14. Narrate with reasons man’s place in primate order (1994)
15. Discuss the similarities and differences between Chimpanzee & Man in salient physical and
anatomical characteristics. (1993)
16. Anthropoid Apes (1992, 1987)
17. What are the characteristic physical features of the primates?
18. Show the position of man among the other primates in a tabular form. (1992)
19. Why is Man a primate? Describe the place of Man in the animal kingdom. (1991)
20. Why is man included in the Primate Order? Discuss in detail. (1989)
21. Characters of Primates (1988)
22. Discuss the evolution of primates with special reference to dentition – (1986)
23. Discuss critically the contribution of these primates to human origin? (1986)
24. Give a brief account of the distribution and physical features of the Asiatic Anthropoid apes.



1.6 Phylogenetic status, characteristics and geographical distribution of the following:

(a) Plio-pleistocene hominids in South and East Africa - Australopithecines. (b) Homo
erectus: Africa (Paranthropus), Europe (Homo erectus heidelbergensis), Asia (Homo
erectus javanicus, Homo erectus pekinensis). (c) Neanderthal Man- La-Chapelle-
auxsaints (Classical type), Mt. Carmel (Progressive type). (d) Rhodesian man. (e) Homo
sapiens — Cromagnon, Grimaldi and Chancelede.
1) Discuss the geographical distribution of Homo erectus. Taking into account its physical
features, where does it fit in human evolutionary line? (20M--- 2024)
2) Discuss major species of Australopithecus discovered from South and East Africa. Describe
the discovery, physicil features and significance of Taung baby. (20M--- 2023)
3) Should we still distinguish between ‘classic’ and ‘progressive’ Neanderthals? Discuss the
controversy surrounding Neanderthal’s position in human evolution. (15M—2022)
4) What are the physical and cultural characteristics of Homo erectus? Discuss its phylogenetic
status? (20 Marks, 2021)
5) Critically evaluate the contesting theories of the emergence and dispersal of modern Homo
sapiens. (20 M, 2020)
6) Europeans are closer to Neanderthals’. Critically discuss in view of the African origin of
human kind. (2019)
7) Describe the culture related to homo erectus. 15marks (2018)
8) Write short notes on Rhodesian Man (2016 - 10 M)
9) Describe the Salient characteristics & Geographical distribution of Homo erectus. (2015)
10) Asian Homo erectus (10Marks 2014)
11) Comment briefly on the phylogenetic position of Australopithecines (10Marks 2012)
12) Neanderthal Man (15 Marks – 2011)
13) Describe major skeletal similarities & differences between Home Erectus & Homo Sapiens
(30 Marks – 2011)
14) Culture of Homo erectus (15 Marks – 2010)
15) Homo Habilis (20 Marks – 2009)
16) Distinguish between major categories of Australopithecines. How are Australopithecines
different from Apes? (30 Marks – 2009)
17) Discuss the single source Vs multiple sources of the origin of Homo sapiens. Which one of
the two hypotheses do you think is more tenable? Give reasons in support of your answer
18) Homo erectus finds from Africa. (1995,1986)
19) Homo sapiens – Neanderthalensis (1994)
20) Compare the fossil remains of progressive and ‘classic’ Neanderthal men for anatomical
characteristics and spatial distribution. Examine Their phylogenetic position in human
evolution. (1993)
21) Discuss the origin of Australopithecines. Describe their spatial distribution and physical
features. (1990)
22) Morphological characters of Homo erectus (1989)
23) Write what you know about Homo sapiens and Neanderthalensis. (1989)
24) Discuss the spatial distribution, physical features, cultural status and origin of
Australopithecines (1987)
25) What do you understand by the term Homo sapiens? Give an account of the distribution and
physical features of the earliest fossil homo sapiens. (1985)
26) Homo sapiens sapiens. (1996)
27) Discuss the geographic distribution and taxonomic issues concerning early hominids.
Elucidate evidence in support of alternative positions. (1996)



1.7 The biological basis of life: The Cell, DNA structure and replication, Protein
Synthesis, Gene, Mutation, Chromosomes, and Cell Division.
1. Gene expression. (10M-2023)
2. Write a short note on protein synthesis (2008)

1.8 (a) Principles of Prehistoric Archaeology. Chronology: Relative and Absolute Dating
(b) Cultural Evolution- Broad Outlines of Prehistoric cultures: (i) Paleolithic (ii)
Mesolithic (iii) Neolithic (iv) Chalcolithic (v) Copper-Bronze Age (vi) Iron Age
1) Harappan maritime trade (10M—2024)
2) Chronometric dating (10M—2024)
3) Discuss the Acheulian and Oldowan traditions of Indian Paleolithic cultures with suitable
illustrations. (15M—2024)
4) Describe the evidences of food production and domestication of animals with spegi reference
to Mehrgarh. Throw light on its significance. (15M—2024)
5) Identify the major Mesolithic sites and describe the typo-technological features with special
reference to India. (15M---2023)
6) Discuss the Paleolithic environment, in light of available evidences with special reference to
India. (15M-2023)
7) Prehistoric significance of Rakhigarhi. (10M—2023)
8) Cultural impact of Iron Age. (10M -2023)
9) Mesolithic rock art in Indian subcontinent. (10M ---2022)
10) Discuss with suitable examples the typo-technological problems in Indian palaeolithic
industry with reference to environmental hypotheses. (15M—2022)
11) Enumerate the evidence of animal domestication in Indian microlithic industry. (15M—2022)
12) Thermoluminescence (TL) dating (10 Marks, 2021)
13) Describe the features of early farming cultures and Neolithic of the Near East. (15 Marks, 2021)
14) Discuss the salient features of different traditions of European Mesolithic (15 Marks, 2021)
15) Natufian culture. 10 M (2020)
16) Differentiate between lower palaeolithic and middle palaeolithic culture with suitable
examples. 15 M (2020)
17) Discuss with examples the megalithic culture of India in the archaeological context. (2019)
18) Olduvai gorge. 10 marks (2019)
19) Elucidate Mesolithic culture and associated rock art with examples from India. 15 marks (2019)
20) Relative dating methods. (2019) 10 marks
21) Discuss briefly the major traditions in the Upper Paleolithic cultures of Europe. 15 marks
22) Town planning of Harappan culture. 10 marks (2018)
23) Give an account of the consequences of food production of Neolithic culture. 15 (2018)
24) What are dating methods? Discuss one absolute method and one relative methods in detail.
25) Salient features of Mesolithic culture (2017)
26) Short notes on Neolithic Cultures of India (2016)
27) Delineate the salient features of Chalcoloithic cultures. (2016)
28) Paleolithic Culture (10Marks 2015)



29) Describe the Neolithic culture of India. (15Marks 2014)

30) Describe the absolute dating methods in Archaeology, Highlighting the importance of each
method. (15Marks 2014)
31) Carbon-14 method of dating (10Marks 2013)
32) Problems of dating in Prehistoric Archaeology (1997)
33) Radiometric methods of dating fossils (1996)
34) Chronometric dating methods (1995)
35) Why is the Neolithic phase of culture ‘in Europe called revolution? Describe its distinctive
features. (1995)

2.1 The Nature of Culture: The concept and characteristics of culture and civilization;
Ethnocentrism vis-àvis cultural Relativism.
1) Attributes of culture. (10M---2024)
2) ‘William Ogburn and Cultural lag. (10M---2023)
3) Critically examine Arjun Appadurai’s conceptualization of global cultural economy. (20M-
4) Discuss the historical and cultural contexts that led to superseding ethnocentrism with cultural
relativism in anthropology. (15M—2022)
5) Human rights and cultural relativism. (10 M -2020)
6) Short notes on Cultural Relativism (10 M --2019,2016,1995, 1987)
7) Is culture unique to human beings? Critically examine. (15Marks 2014)
8) Why the concept of Culture Relativism been so dear to Anthropologists? (20Marks 2013)
9) Bring out the distinguishing features of culture and civilization. (15Marks 2013)
10) Cultural relativism and subsequent violation of Human rights? (15 Marks — 2010),
11) Components of culture vast and varied”. Explain this statement. (2002)
12) Acculturation and Contra – acculturation (1997)
13) Culture trait and culture complex (1999)
14) Culture as construct or reality (1989)
15) Super organic view of culture (1998)
16) Pattern of culture (1998)
17) What do you understand by cultural relativistic approach & ethnocentric approach in the
study of culture” Discuss the logical premises of cultural relativistic approach. (1997)
18) How does culture differ from civilization? Describe the attributes of Culture? (1987)

2.2 The Nature of Society: Concept of Society; Society and Culture; Social Institutions;
Social groups; and Social stratification.
1) Examine critically the concept of social stratification as a basis for sustaining social
inequality. (20M---2024)
2) Radcliffe-Brown’s ideas on status, role and institution. (10M---2023)
3) Critically evaluate different types of social stratification with suitable examples (20 Marks,
4) Discuss Erving Goffman’s concept of total institutions and it’s relevance in contemporary
society. (15 M -2020)
5) Discuss Social stratification according to any three major approaches. (20M-2019)
6) Society and culture (10Marks 2015)
7) Define Status & Role. Distinguish between Ascribed and Achieved Status. (15Marks 2014,17)
8) What is the basis of social stratification? Discuss with examples (20Marks 2012)
9) Explain the concept of status and role in anthropology (20Marks 2012)



10) Write a detailed note on polyandrous societies, citing Indian examples (30 Marks-2009)
11) Social stratification (2000)
12) Social structure (1999)

2.3 Marriage: Definition and universality; Laws of marriage (endogamy, exogamy,

hypergamy, hypogamy, incest taboo); Types of marriage (monogamy, polygamy,
polyandry, group marriage). Functions of marriage; Marriage regulations (preferential,
prescriptive and proscriptive); Marriage payments (bride wealth and dowry).
1) Discuss the role of marriage regulations in traditional societies in India for strengthening
social solidarity. (20M ---2023)
2) Marriage Regulations and Alliance Theory (10 Marks, 2021)
3) Ways of acquiring mate in Tribal society. 10 M (2018)
4) Discuss the Different forms of preferential marriage with suitable examples from tribal
societies in India. 15 M (2017)
5) Define marriage & describe the various types of marriages in human societies. (15Marks 2014)
6) Where do you situate ‘live-in relationship’ within the institution of marriage? (15Marks 2013)
7) Ways of acquiring a spouse in simpler societies (12Marks 2012)
8) How does taboo serve as a means of social control? (15Marks 2013)
9) Incest Taboo (2006)
10) Describe various ways of getting mate in Primitive Society. Give examples from Indian
context. (1994)
11) Matrilineal society (1991)
12) Describe the problems of Universal definition of marriage. (1991)
13) Describe the different forms of marriage among the tribal people of India. (1991)
14) Define Marriage. Describe its different forms with suitable examples as prevalent among the
tribal people of India. Point out the Functions of marriage. (1989)
15) What are incest regulations? Bring out their socio-cultural functions in the context of stability
in the institutions of marriage, family and kinship. (1988)
16) What are various forms of preferential mating? Explain with Indian examples. (1985)

2.4 Family: Definition and universality; Family, household and domestic groups;
functions of family; Types of family (from the perspectives of structure, blood relation,
marriage, residence and succession); Impact of urbanization, industrialization and
feminist movements on family.
1) Define urbanization and discuss its impact on family in India with examples. (15M—2024)
2) Household and domestic group. (10M—2022)
3) Critically evaluate Lewis Morgans’s classification of family (15 Marks, 2021)
4) Explain the impact of feminist movement on universality of marriage and family structure.
(15 M -2020)
5) Discuss the impact of urbanization and feminist movements on family in India. (20M-2016)
6) Define family and critically examine Universality of Family. (15Marks 2015)
7) Discuss the impact of urbanization and feminist movement on family. (20Marks 2013)
8) Is family a social institution? (12Marks 2012)
9) What do you understand by Feminist movements? Discuss their impact on family. (2002)
10) Critically comment on the forces and factors that have brought about changes in the family
structure in recent times (1999)
11) Do you agree with the view that family is a ‘universal association’? Critically examine the
above statement. (1998)



12) Examine family both as a social group and as an institution. Describe the functions of family
and household, Indicating there in the recent changes. (1996)
13) Is family a Universal Social group? Critically examine this with examples. (1993)
14) Give a comparative account of different types of family in the tribes of India. Illustrate your
answer with suitable examples. (1990)
15) Universality of family (1988)
16) Give a comparative account of different types of family in tribal & non-tribal societies of
India. (1987)
17) What are the major functions of the family? Indicate the recent changes that have taken place
in its types and functions with special reference to India. (1985)

2.5 Kinship: Consanguinity and Affinity; Principles and types of descent (Unilineal,
Double, Bilateral, Ambilineal); Forms of descent groups (lineage, clan, phratry, moiety
and kindred); Kinship terminology (descriptive and classificatory); Descent, Filiation
and Complimentary Filiation; Descent and Alliance.
1) Critical perspective on avoidance and joking relationship. (10M—2024)
2) Critically discuss A.L.Kroeber’s contributions to kinship studies. (15M---2023)
3) Discuss how the rules of descent contradict the principles of residence in matrilineal society,
mentioning suitable examples? (20M—2022)
4) Descent Groups (10 Marks, 2021)
5) Explain the structural analysis of Kinship as proposed by Levi-Strauss (15 Marks, 2021)
6) How did Radcliffe-Brown and Lewis-Strauss study kinship in terms of social structure.
(2019) 15marks
7) Kinship Terminology (10 M -2018)
8) Elucidate the determinants of kinship terminology. (15 M -2017)
9) Bilineal and bilateral descents. (10 M -2017)
10) Short notes on Lineage and Clan. (10M -2016)
11) Describes the cardinal points of descent and alliance theories. (20 M -2016)
12) Double Descent (10Marks 2014)
13) Various types of descent (10Marks 2013,2008)
14) Describe types of kinship groups formed on the basis of different principles. (20Marks 2012)
15) What factors are responsible for bringing about variation in residence of different societies?
Explain how kinship influences man’s social life. (30 Marks — 2010)
16) Segmentary lineage and territoriality (15 Marks – 2010)
17) Explain the salient features of Descent and Alliance theories. Discuss their relevance to the
analysis and understanding of social structure (2001)
18) Discuss the distinguishing features of unilineal, bilineal and bilateral kin groups with Suitable
examples in support of your answer. (1997)
19) What is Kinship System? Describe the changing roles of the system in the context of
westernization in India. (1995)
20) Kinship terms and Kinship behavior (1994)
21) What is kinship system? Discuss its relevance in understanding the social structure of society.
22) Difference between clan and lineage in primitive society (1986)
23) Define kinship & throw light on ‘functional importance’ of kinship in Anthropology (2003)



3. Economic organization: Meaning, scope and relevance of economic anthropology;

Formalist and Substantivist debate; Principles governing production, distribution and
exchange (reciprocity, redistribution and market), in communities, subsisting on
hunting and gathering, fishing, swiddening, pastoralism, horticulture, and agriculture;
globalization and indigenous economic systems.
1) Cultural relevance of the Kula (10M—2024)
2) Discuss the impact of globalisation on the economic systems of indigenous communities.
(15M--- 2023)
3) Debate between formalist and substantivist approaches. (10M—2022)
4) Critically examine various anthropological interpretations about the Kula Ring. (15M-2022)
5) Modes of subsistence (10 Marks, 2021)
6) Pastoralism in India (10 marks (2019)
7) Write the characteristics of hunting and gathering economy. (15 marks (2018)
8) With the help of appropriate example, explain the various forms of exchange system. (15 M-
9) Discuss the principles governing production, distribution and exchange in simple societies.
(20 M-2016)
10) Horticulture (10Marks 2015)
11) Critically examine the Formalists & Substantivists views on the applicability of Economic
laws in the study of Primitive societies. (20Marks 2015)
12) Discuss the impact of globalization on tribal economy (20Marks 2013)
13) Differentiate between Economics and Economic Anthropology (10Marks 2013)
14) Discuss different modes of Exchanges in simple societies with examples (30Marks 2011)
15) Critically examine the debate between Formalists & Substantivists (30Marks 2011)
16) What stage is known as incipient stage of food production? Point out major features of this
cultural stage. Illustrate your answer with suitable examples from a specific area in the old
world. (30 Marks 2010)
17) Trade & barter (2005)
18) Critically discuss the formalist and substantivist approaches in the context of economic
anthropology. (2005)
19) Ceremonial Exchange (.2004)
20) Kula Ring (2003)
21) Primitive economic organization has several peculiar features relating to the production,
consumption, distribution and exchange.” Discuss above statement by providing appropriate
illustrations. (2003)
22) Delineate the meaning and scope of economic anthropology and discuss the principles that
govern production, distribution and consumption in hunting and gathering communities.
23) Define market. Discuss the nature and role of markets in tribal communities. (1992)
24) Discuss the meaning & scope of ‘economic anthropology’. (1990)
25) Discuss the role of reciprocity & redistribution in tribal economy with examples. (1988)

4. Political organization and Social Control: Band, tribe, chiefdom, kingdom and state;
concepts of power, authority and legitimacy; social control, law and justice in simple
1) Authority and forms of political organization (10M-2024)
2) Discuss the mechanism of social control in different kinds of political systems. (20M-2022)
3) How do political organizations of simple societies establish power, authority and legitimacy?
(20 Marks, 2021)



4) How is the construction of power linked to the notion of conspicuous consumption and it’s
impact on distributive justice. (15 M -2020)
5) How does customary law function in the tribal society? Discuss its different sources. (15 marks
6) Mention the characteristics features of band with suitable examples. (15 M -2017)
7) Discuss different social control mechanisms in simple societies. (15 M -2016)
8) Differentiate between State and Stateless Societies. (10Marks 2014)
9) Discuss the nature of Law and Justice in simple societies citing suitable examples. (20Marks
10) Band and tribal societies (12Marks 2012)
11) Chiefdom in tribal society (20 Marks — 2009)
12) Discuss mechanisms of social control in simple societies citing suitable examples. (2007)
13) Describe the evolution of Political Systems (2006)
14) ‘Primitive Society is governed by the traditional customary law’. Do you agree with this
statement? Explain. (1998)
15) Differentiate between centralized political systems and stateless political Systems and state
how law & justice are administered in stateless societies. (1996)
16) Differentiate between state & stateless political systems. Do you think that a stateless
political system can function in modern societies? (1994)
17) Describe the means of social control in simpler societies and compare the legal system of
simple and complex societies. (1993)
18) Explain the meaning and scope of political anthropology. Describe how law and justice are
maintained in simpler societies. (1991)
19) Law & Justice in simple societies. (1987)
20) How is law administered in primitive societies? Give suitable examples. (1985)
21) Explain the meaning & scope of political anthropology. Describe how law and order are
being maintained in the so-called preliterate societies. (1989)

5. Religion: Anthropological approaches to the study of religion (evolutionary,

psychological and functional); monotheism and polytheism; sacred and profane; myths
and rituals; forms of religion in tribal and peasant societies (animism, animatism,
fetishism, naturism and totemism); religion, magic and science distinguished;
magicoreligious functionaries (priest, shaman, medicine man, sorcerer and witch).
1) How does Lévi-Strauss look at the Tsimshian myth of Asdiwal? Critically discuss Lévi-
Strauss’ theory of structuralism in the light of his study of mythologies. (15M—2024)
2) How did Clifford Geertz look at religion? Differentiate between anthropological and
psychological approaches to the study of religion. (15M—2023)
3) Shaman, sorcerer and medicine man. (10M—2022)
4) Animism and Deep Ecology (10 Marks, 2021)
5) Critically explain the anthropological approaches to religion (15 marks -2019)
6) Discuss the different traditional forms of religion in tribal societies. (20 M -2017)
7) Difference between science and magic. (10 M -2018)
8) Short notes on Totemism (10 M -2016)
9) Critically examine different Anthropological approaches to Religion. (15 M -2016)
10) How do you relate the concepts of ‘Sacred’ and ‘Profane’ in Durkheim’s theory of Religion
with a focus on the role of Totem? (15Marks 2015)
11) Totemism (10Marks 2013)
12) Distinguish between religion, magic and science (20Marks 2013)
13) Explain various Anthropological approaches to study Religion (30Marks 2011)



14) How anthropologists define Religion? Describe various forms of religion with examples.
15) Shamanism (2007)
16) “Witchcraft accusation is the result of strained interpersonal relations” – Explain (2005)
17) Distinguish between magic and religion. Give suitable examples. (2004)
18) Discuss some of the characteristic features of tribal religions in India and state how far they
have changed in recent times. (1999)
19) Witchcraft and Sorcery (1998)
20) Why have religion and magic become stable features of a society? What role do the religious
functionaries play in simple and non- literate societies? (1996)
21) Discuss the role of totemism in primitive religion, according to Durkheim. (1994)
22) Highlight the significance of religious practices in Tribal communities of India. (1993)
23) Religion and Magic (1992)
24) What is religion? Discuss Tylor’s Theory of Origin of religion. (1991)
25) Describe the Origin of religion. Distinguish between religion and magic. (1990)
26) What do you mean by Totemism? Discuss the role of totemism in the tribal life of India. (1989)
27) Distinguish between religion and magic. Critically examine the different theories of religion
and comment on their relevance today. (1987)
28) Differences between primitive religion and world religion (1986)
29) How do you explain the origin and evolution of religion? How does religion continue to
function in human society? (1985)
6. Anthropological theories:
(a) Classical evolutionism (Tylor, Morgan and Frazer)
1) How did Morgan explain the Evolution of Marriage, Family and Socio-Political organization
& how did other Evolutionists disagree with his explanation? (20Marks 2015)
2) How do Diffusionism & Evolutionism differ as explanations of Culture change? (15Marks
3) Point out the differences in the concepts of Classical Evolutionism and neo-evolutionism in
socio-cultural anthropology. Which stage of Prehistoric culture is known as cultural evolution
and why? (30 Marks — 2010)
4) Universal Culture Evolution (2002)
5) Classical evolutionism (1997)
6) How do the approaches of the 19th century Evolutionists differ from those of the Neo-
Evolutionists? Discuss (1993)
7) 19th Century evolutionism (1988)
8) Contributions of Morgan and Tylor in the history and linguistics? (1985)
(b) Historical particularism (Boas); Diffusionism (British, German and American)
1) Discuss historical particularism as a critical development to the classical evolutionism. (20
Marks, 2024)
2) Historical Particularism and Franz Boas (10 Marks, 2021) (10Marks 2015)
3) How do Diffusionism & Evolutionism differ as explanations of Culture change? (15Marks
4) Culture area & Age area (Diffusionism) (2000)
5) Define ‘culture area’. How did it help American diffusionists to understand diffusion of
culture? (1998)
6) Critically examine the Historical Particularistic approach of Franz Boas to the study of
culture. (1997)



7) What was Boas’ approach of studying primitive cultures? Delineate the role of Field work and
history in anthropological study (1995)
8) Franz Boas (1991,1988)
(c) Functionalism (Malinowski); Structural-functionlism (Radcliffe-Brown)
1) Basic tenets of structural-functionalism. (10M -2017)
2) Short notes on Functionalism (2016-10M)
3) What is functionalism? Discuss the functional approach to the understanding of Religion.
(20Marks 2014)
4) In what ways is Functionalism different from Structural Functionalism? (20Marks 2013)
5) Structural-functionalism (2008)
6) Describe the structural features of social life as suggested by Radcliffe Brown in his theory of
social structure. (2003)
7) Discuss the approaches of Radcliffe – Brown and Evans Pritchard to Comparative Methods in
Anthropological Research. (2001)
8) What is meant by functionalism? Discuss the basic tenets of Malinowski’s functionalism?
9) To Radcliffe-Brown function was the contribution an institution makes to the maintenance of
social structure’. Elucidate in the light of R.C. Brown’s contributions to structural functional
theory. (1998)
10) A.R. Radcliffe-Brown (1994)
11) Discuss Malinowski’s contributions to functionalism in social anthropology. (1990) Evaluate
Malinowski’s contributions to functionalism (1987)
12) Re-examine the views of R.C. Brown in connection with structure & function in
Anthropology? (1989)
13) Examine Malinowski’s theory of needs and state its merits. (1986)
14) Write an essay on ‘Structure – function’ theory of Radcliffe – Brown. (1986)
(d) Structuralism (L’evi - Strauss and E.Leach)
1) How do the concepts of binary opposites and exchange figure in Levi-Strauss’ structural
analysis of kinship? (15 M -2016)
2) What are the major criticisms of the theory of “Structuralism” as propounded by Claude Levi-
Strauss? (30 Marks-2009)
3) Edmond R. Leach (1993)
(e) Culture and personality (Benedict, Mead, Linton, Kardiner and Cora –du Bois).
1) Critically discuss the characteristics of the psychological types in the cultures of the
American South-West as observed by Ruth Benedict. (20M---2024)
2) Discuss studies. political and methodological aspects of national character Elucidate the
contemporary relevance of such studies. (15M---2023)
3) Critically discuss the controversies related to fieldwork of Bronislaw Malinowski and
Margaret Mead. (20M---2023)
4) Discuss various anthropological approaches to the study of personality and culture. (20 M
5) What do you understand by the National character Study? Illustrate. (15 M -2018)
6) Explain Ruth Benedict’s patterns of culture. (20 M -2017)
7) Discuss the relationship between culture and personality. (2008)
8) Critically discuss the contributions of Ruth Benedict to the study of culture. (2004)
9) Discuss the contributions of Margaret Mead and Ralph Linton to the analysis of the
relationship between culture and personality. (2001)



10) Discuss the contribution of Ralph Linton, Cora-Du-Bois and Abraham Kardiner in the
study of personality. (1999)
11) Culture- Personality (1996)
12) Model Personality (Cultural personality school) (1992)
(f) Neo - evolutionism (Childe, White, Steward, Sahlins and Service)
1) Discuss the approaches of Leslie White, Julian Steward and Marshall Sahlins in the light of
cultural evolution. (15M—2022)
2) Explain the theory of ‘Neo-Evolutionism’ (60 Marks — 2009)
3) Neo-evolutionism (1997)
4) What do you understand by Neo-evolutionism? Evaluate how Leslie A White’s approach is
helpful in understanding cultural revolution. (2000)
5) What do you mean by cultural ecology’? Evaluate how Julian Steward’s particularistic
Approach is helpful in understanding multilineal evolution. (1998)
6) How do the approaches of the 19th century Evolutionists differ from those of the Neo-
Evolutionists? Discuss (1993)
7) Write an essay on neo-evolutionism and cultural ecology. (1989)
(g) Cultural materialism (Harris)
1.Cultural Materialism (15 Marks 2011, 2003,2019)
(h) Symbolic and interpretive theories (Turner, Schneider and Geertz)
1) Elucidate the concept of “thick description” of Clifford Geertz with a suitable example. (15
Marks, 2021)
2) Victor Turner and liminality. 10 M (2020)
3) Critically examine the contribution of Victor Turner and Clifford Geertz in anthropology. 20
marks (2019)
4) According to Geertz, how does the cock-fight reveal aspects of Balinese culture? 15 M (2016)
5) What made Geertz’s Interpretative Anthropology distinct from Turner’s Symbolic
Anthropology? What does each of them mean by the terms Symbol & Symbolic? (20Marks
6) Bring out the contribution of Turner and Geertz in symbolic and interpretive theories in
Anthropology (15Marks 2013)
7) Critically examine the contribution of anthropologists in the interpretation of Symbols
(30Marks 2011)
8) Symbolism (2007), (1999)
9) Symbolic Anthropology (2001)
(i) Cognitive theories (Tyler, Conklin)
1) Cognitive Anthropology (2002)
2) What is cognitive approach? Critically examine its implications in Socio-cultural
Anthropology. (1996)
(j) Post- modernism in anthropology
1) Critically explain the notion of ‘deconstruction’ in the light of the postmodern works of
Jacques Derrida. (20Marks 2024)
2) Explain the basic features of ‘Postmodernism’ in Anthropology. (20Marks 2015)
3) Post-modernism in anthropology (12Marks 2012)



7. Culture, language and communication: Nature, origin and characteristics of language; verbal
and nonverbal communication; social context of language use.
1) Glottochronology. (10M---2023)
2) Mention the major branches of linguistic anthropology and discuss language use in social and
cultural settings (15 Marks, 2021)
3) Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. (10 M -2020)
4) Explain how variations in language usage related to social inequality. (20 M -2020)
5) Explain the difference between ‘Emic’ & ‘Etic’ and how does the difference derive from the
study of language? (10M-2015)
6) The relationship between Linguistics and Social-cultural Anthropology. (10 M -2019)
7) Critically examine that the structure and content of language are influenced by culture. (15 M
8) Short notes on Non-verbal communication. (10 M -2017)
9) State the theories regarding the origin of spoken languages in human societies both from
Biological and cultural points of view. (30 Marks —2010)

8. Research methods in anthropology:

(a) Fieldwork tradition in anthropology (b) Distinction between technique, method and
methodology (c) Tools of data collection: observation, interview, schedules,
questionnaire, Case study, genealogy, lifehistory, oral history, secondary sources of
information, participatory methods. (d) Analysis, interpretation and presentation of
1) Discuss the contemporary challenges in fieldwork method in anthropological research. (15M--
2) Discuss the applicability of various sampling techniques in selecting the study group. (15M---
3) Describe various methods of qualitative data analysis. Highlight some popular computer
softwares used in qualitative analysis. (20M---2023)
4) Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Participatory Learning and Action (PLA). (10M-
5) Write the historical development of field work tradition in anthropology till recent times.
6) Discuss various tools of data collection in conducting anthropological research. (20 Marks,
7) Experimental ethnography. (10 M -2020)
8) How have interpretation and presentation of data changed from classical to contemporary
writing in anthropological texts? (15 M -2020)
9) Discuss phenomenology as a research method in anthropological studies. 15 marks (2019)
10) Evaluate participant observation in producing anthropological knowledge. 15 marks (2019)
11) Define ethnography and present a brief history of ethnography studies. 20 marks (2018)
12) How is case study method helpful in understanding a social phenomena? Explain with
suitable example. 20 marks (2018)
13) Elucidate the basic characteristics of anthropological fieldwork methods. 15 M (2017)
14) Describe the evolution of Fieldwork tradition in Anthropology. 15 M (2016)
15) Field work tradition in Anthropology (10Marks 2014) (15Marks 2011) (1987,1985)
16) Discuss the different fieldwork traditions in anthropological research. (1988)
17) Genealogical Method (10Marks 2014), (1994)
18) Discuss the relevance of Case Study method of data collection. (20marks 2013)



19) What are the tools of data collection? Discuss the advantages and limitations of participant –
observations as a technique of data collection (20Marks 2012)
20) What do you understand by the following terms? (30 Marks — 2010) (i) Systematic sampling.
(ii) Stratified sampling. (iii) Multistage sampling.
21) Schedule and ‘Questionnaire’ in research methodology (20 Marks — 2009)
22) Discuss the importance of field work in anthropology and describe various tools of data
collection (2008)
23) Critically examine the contribution of Positivist and Non- Positivist approaches in Social
Science Research (2007)
24) Participatory Rapid Assessment (PRA) (2004)
25) Discuss the contributions of field work in the development of anthropological concepts and
theories. (1999)
26) Trace the genesis and development of fieldwork in anthropological research. Assess its
importance in the development of Anthropology. (1998)
27) Examine the importance of observation as a field work technique in Anthropology.
Differentiate between participant & non- participant Observation and analyze the problem of
objectivity in participant observation. (1996)
28) What are questionnaires & schedule techniques of field study? Assess their relative
usefulness in anthropological studies. (1995)
29) Discuss the nature and logic of anthropological field work methods. How these differ from
those of other social sciences? Discuss. (1994)
30) Method and Methodology (1993)
31) Discuss the nature and method of Anthropological Fieldwork and explain its uniqueness. (1993)
32) Discuss the nature and logic of anthropological field work methods. (1991)
33) Discuss the difference between the technique, method and methodology as employed in
anthropological studies. (1990)
34) Participant observation in Anthropological Fieldwork. (1989)
35) How does fieldworker strike a balance between the theoretical requirements and real field
situations? Describe with suitable examples. (1989)
36) Distinguish between technique, method and methodology. Examine their role in
anthropological studies. (1987)
37) Explain the significant role of an informant in anthropological fieldwork. (1986)

9.1 Human Genetics: Methods and Application: Methods for study of genetic principles
in man-family study (pedigree analysis, twin study, foster child, co-twin method,
cytogenetic method, chromosomal and karyo-type analysis), biochemical methods,
immunological methods, D.N.A. technology and recombinant technologies.
1) Heritability and its estimation (10M---2024)
2) What is meant by karyotype? How does its analysis help in diagnosis of the chromosomal
aberrations in man? (20M—2024)
3) Pedigree analysis in genetic counselling. (10M---2022)
4) Briefly describe the various methods used in the genetic study of man. (20 M -2017)
5) Twin method in human genetics (10Marks 2013)
6) What do you understand by Immunogenetics? Explain with suitable examples. (15Marks 2015)
7) Anthropological relevance of population genetics (20 Marks — 2009)
8) Thrifty genotype (20 Marks — 2009)
9) Pedigree Analysis (2007)
10) Genome Study (2007)
11) Discuss the areas in which the knowledge of human genetics can be applied. (2004)



12) Discuss the role of twins in nature – nurture problems and illustrate your answer with suitable
examples (1999)
13) Define twins. Describe the methods of diagnosis of twins. In what way are twins useful in the
study of human genetics? (1998)
9.2 Mendelian genetics in man-family study, single factor, multifactor, lethal, sublethal and
polygenic inheritance in man.
1) Lethal and sublethal genes (10M---2024)
2) What is a multifactorial trait? Illustrate your answer with suitable human examples. (15M---
3) Polygenic Inheritance. (10M---2023)
4) Categorize Genes that influence Human Survival. (10 M -2018)
5) Critically discuss the Mendelian principles and their application to human populations. (15 M
6) What are the legal and sub-lethal genes? Explain (20Marks 2012)
7) Discuss monogenetic & polygenetic inheritance in man with suitable examples (30Marks 2011)
8) What are the contributions of Gregor Mendel to the field of Genetics? Discuss with suitable
examples how Mendel’s laws of inheritance are applicable to Man? (1993)
9) What are Mendel’s laws of inheritance? Describe the recent advances in human genetics. (1992)
10) Describe Mendel’s laws of inheritance. What are the recent advances in human genetics and
human cytogenetics? (1990)
11) Laws of heredity as propounded by Mendel. (1989)
12) Discuss how laws of heredity propounded by Mendel can be understood in the context of
meiotic Cell division and their applications to Man. (1987)
13) Discuss the laws of inheritance propounded by Mendel on the basis of his classic
experiments. Explain how these laws are applied in the study of human genetics (1986)

9.3 Concept of genetic polymorphism and selection, Mendelian population, Hardy

Weinberg law; causes and changes which bring down frequency – mutation, isolation,
migration, selection, inbreeding and genetic drift. Consanguineous and non-
consanguineous mating, genetic load, genetic effect of consanguineous and cousin
1. What assumptions must be met for a population to be in genetic equilibrium? Explain the
importance of genetic equilibrium. (15M---2023)
2. Balanced and transient genetic polymorphism. (10M—2022)
3. Discuss the role of evolutionary forces in creating human diversity. (20M—2022)
4. Genetic drift. (10 M -2020)
5. How do marriage rules impact the gene pool of populations? (15 M -2020)
6. Differentiate between transient and balanced genetic polymorphisms. Illustrate your answer
with suitable examples from human populations. (15 marks (2019)
7. Implications of mutation in evolution (10 M -2019)
8. Hardy-Weinberg Law. (10 M -2017)
9. Define Genetic polymorphism. Give details of its types with suitable examples. (15Marks 2015)
10. Discuss the factors affecting gene frequencies among human populations. (20Marks 2014)
11. What do you understand by 'Genetic Load' in a population? How is it measured and what are
the important factors that can influence it? (15Marks 2013)
12. What are the genetic effects of Consanguinity? Give examples? (20Marks 2012)
13. Genetic Polymorphism (15Marks 2011) (S.N -2006)
14. Conditions necessary for the operation of hardy – Weinberg law (15Marks 2011)



15. What is Balanced Genetic Polymorphism? How is it maintained in a population? (30 Marks—
16. What is genetic load’ and what factors influence it? (30 Marks — 2009)
17. Inbreeding (S.N - 2008)
18. What do you understand by Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium? Discuss the factors that produce
and redistribute variations. (L.Q - 2008)
19. Problems of Inbreeding (S. N - 2005)
20. Genetic polymorphism and selection (S.N - 2003)
21. Describe the major causes of change in gene frequency of a population (L.Q - 2003)
22. What are the statistical methods used in Physical Anthropology? (L.Q - 2001)
23. Mutation (S.N - 1998)
24. Discuss the concept of Mendelian Population’ and its application in the study of
anthropogenetic variations in India. (L.Q - 1997)
25. Discuss the concepts of balanced po1ymorphism & relaxed selection with special reference to
malaria dependent polymorphism in Man. (S.N -1994)
26. Inbreeding and cross breeding (S.N -1993)
27. Is inbreeding different from consanguinity? Give an account of inbreeding studies in India
and comment on their social relevance. (L.Q - 1987)
28. Discuss role of genetic drift, mutation and migration as the causes of variation. (L.Q -1985)

9.4 Chromosomes and chromosomal aberrations in man, methodology.

(a) Numerical and structural aberrations (disorders). (b) Sex chromosomal aberrations
– Klinefelter (XXY), Turner (XO), Super female (XXX), intersex and other syndromic
disorders. (c) Autosomal aberrations – Down syndrome, Patau, Edward and Cri-du-
chat syndromes. (d) Genetic imprints in human disease, genetic screening, genetic
counseling, human DNA profiling, gene mapping and genome study.
1. Single-gene mutation disorders in man (10M—2024)
2. What is genetic counselling? Briefly discuss various steps involved in it. (15M—2024)
3. Describe the causes of structural abnormalities of chromosomes with suitable examples.
4. Genetic imprinting in human diseases. (10M---2022)
5. “Chromosomal aberrations can play havoc with the human body and mind.” Explain with
suitable examples. (15 Marks, 2021)
6. How many numerical aberrations in sex chromosomes lead to genetic disorders? (15 M -2020)
7. Describe the mechanism for structural anomalies of autosomes with diagrams. (20 marks -
8. Explain the significance of screening and counselling for genetic disorders. (15M-2016)
9. Down’s syndrome (10Marks 2015)
10. Discuss chromosomal aberrations in man illustrating with examples. (15Marks 2015)
11. Describe Turner and Kline filter Syndromes (15Marks 2014)
12. Genetic Counselling (10Marks 2014) (12Marks 2012)
13. Discuss the chromosomal aberrations and manifestations of Klinefelter and Turner syndromes
(20Marks 2013)
14. Chromosomal deletions and numerical fluctuations may lead to gross abnormalities in man.
Discuss with the help of suitable example. (30 Marks — 2010)
15. Discuss different types of sex chromosomal aberrations. (L.Q -2007)
16. What is Genetic Counselling? Discuss its relevance in the present day context. (L.Q - 2006)
17. Klinefelter Syndrome (S.N - 2003)



18. Genetic counselling (S.N - 2002)

19. Discuss the relevance of human DNA profiling and Gene Mapping in the prevention and cure
of diseases. (L.Q -2001)
20. Genetic Counselling (S.N - 1998)
21. Gene therapy (S.N - 1995)
22. Discuss genetic and clinical aspects of the anomalies of sex chromosomes in man with
Special reference to the associated mosaic constitutions (L.Q - 1995)

9.5 Race and racism, biological basis of morphological variation of non-metric and
metric characters. Racial criteria, racial traits in relation to heredity and environment;
biological basis of racial classification, racial differentiation and race crossing in man.
1. Race and Ethnicity. (10M-2023)
2. Is race a valid and biologically meaningful concept? (10 Marks, 2021)
3. Racism and Eugenics. (10 M -2020)
4. with reference to the somatoscopic and morphometric characteristics commonly used
for racial classification, make critical comments as to whether’ Race’ is a valid
concept. (20 marks -2019)
5. Race is a Myth. Justify its Present day Relevance. (10 M -2018)
6. Concept of race. (10 M -2017)
7. Explain the role of heredity and environment in the formation of races. (15 M -2016)
8. Differentiate between Race and Racism. What are three major races of the world?
Give important biological criteria used frequently for such a classification. (15Marks
9. Discuss race Crossing in humans with suitable examples (20Marks 2012)
10. Is Race a valid concept? Critically assess the relevance of racial classification in the
Indian Context. (30 Marks — 2010)
11. Racial Criteria (S.N-2006)
12. Race & Racism (S.N - 2004)
13. What is ‘race? Enumerate and discuss the factors responsible for the formation of
races. (S.N 1998)
14. Controversies of race (S.N - 1996)
15. Discuss the role of heredity and environment in formation of race. (L.Q - 1994)
16. Racial types of India (S.N - 1993)
17. Discuss the main processes involved in the formation of races. (L.Q - 1992)
18. What is race? Describe the criteria employed for the classification of human races. (L.Q
- 1991)
19. Causes of human variation (S.N - 1990)
20. How are the races formed? Describe the physical characteristics and distribution of
different racial types in India (L.Q - 1990)
21. Examine critically the bases of racial classification in the light of modern
developments in Physical Anthropology (L.Q - 1989)
22. Define race as a biological concept and discuss the various criteria of racial
classification (L.Q - 1988)
23. Racism (S.N - 1987)
24. Factors involved in race formation in man. (S.N - 1985)



9.6 Age, sex and population variation as genetic marker- ABO, Rh blood groups, HLA
Hp, transferring, Gm, blood enzymes. Physiological characteristics-Hb level, body fat,
pulse rate, respiratory functions and sensory perceptions in different cultural and
socioeconomic groups.
1) Hemoglobin in health and disease (10M—2024)
2) Describe the genetics and inheritance patterns of the ABO and Rh blood groups in man. (15M
— 2024)
3) What do you understand by blood group systems? How is HLA system different from those
based on red cell antigens? (15M—2022)
4) RH-blood group (2016 10M)
5) What are genetic markers and what is their usefulness? Why are blood groups considered as
good genetic markers? Illustrate with examples. (15Marks 2013)
6) Discuss the role of ABO blood group system in resolving cases of disputed paternity
(20Marks 2012)
7) Give a competitive account of the variations in haemoglobin levels and respiratory functions
among the populations Living under different environmental stresses (30Marks 2012)
8) Genetics of HLA and organ transplantation (30 Marks — 2009)
9) Respiratory Functions (15Marks 2011)
10) ABO and Rh blood group distribution in human populations (SN - 2008)
11) Evaluate genetic heterogeneity of ABC, Rh and Gm antigens. Discuss how the principal
Human groups can be distinguished on the basis of their blood antigen characteristics (L.Q -

9.7 Concepts and methods of Ecological Anthropology. Bio-cultural Adaptations –

Genetic and Non- genetic factors. Man’s physiological responses to environmental
stresses: hot desert, cold, high altitude climate.
1) Customary laws and Environmental conservation. (10M-2023)
2) What is acclimatization? Discuss adaptive responses to high altitude and cold climate. (20
Marks, 2021)
3) Describe the biocultural responses to extreme climatic events. (15 M -2020)
4) ‘Human adaptations are always bio-cultural in nature’. Discuss with reference to human
adaptation to high-altitude climate. (20 marks -2019)
5) Distinguish between adaptation, adaptability and acclimatization with examples. (20 M -2018)
6) Discuss the responses and acclimatization to high altitude stresses. (15 M -2017)
7) Discuss the genetic and non-genetic factors in the bio-cultural adaptations of human beings to
different environments. (20 M -2016)
8) Critically examine the physiological responses and Acclimatization to cold climate in man.
(15Marks 2015)
9) What are the stresses at high altitudes? How do better cardiorespiratory functions help the
native highlanders in combating low environmental pressure? (15Marks 2014)
10) Ecological Anthropology (10Marks 2014) (S.N -2001)
11) Elaborate upon major human adaptations to heat and cold. (15Marks 2013)
12) Give a competitive account of the variations in haemoglobin levels and respiratory functions
among the populations Living under different environmental stresses (30Marks 2012)
13) How does improved aerobic fitness increase exercise tolerance in warm humid climates? Give
suitable examples in support of your answer. (20Marks 2012)
14) Native Highlanders are well adapted to the high altitude environment. Discuss (30Marks 2011)
15) Define adaptability. What bio-cultural adjustments do humans show in coping up with stress
at high altitude? (L.Q - 2008)



16) Examine adaptive significance of Human Variations in Tropical and Arctic Climatic Zones.
(L.Q - 2007)
17) Biological adaptation (2002)
18) Genetic Adaptation (S.N - 2000)
19) Define ecosystem. Explain with examples, how biocultural adaptive qualities have helped
Human survival in stressful eco-conditions. (L.Q - 2000)
20) Discuss the mechanism by which the human body adapts to altitudinal changes and other
geographical stresses. (L.Q - 1999)
21) How are body size and shape related to climatic adaptation? Discuss the ecological rules with
examples from human situations. (1997)
22) Define adaptability. Compare the adaptive responses in man to stresses at high altitudes and
in a hot desert environment. (1995)

9.8 Epidemiological Anthropology: Health and disease. Infectious and non-infectious

diseases. Nutritional deficiency related diseases.
1) Critically comment on the lifestyle diseases and their impact on human health. (15M—2024)
2) Elucidate the different forms of malnutrition. Describe protein-calorie Malnutrition with
suitable examples. (15M—2023)
3) What is meant by health? Is the burden of life style diseases on the rise? Justify your answer
with suitable examples. (15M –2022)
4) Describe the impact of infectious diseases on indigenous populations. (15 M -2020)
5) Critically examine the demographic and epidemiological consequences with rise in food
production and sedentism. (15 M -2020)
6) Narrate evolution of disease and major causes of ill health in human populations. (15 marks
7) Describe the scope of Epidemiological Anthropology in the study of infectious and non-
infectious diseases. (20M-2016)
8) Epidemiological Anthropology (10Marks 2014)
9) Discuss the role of anthropology in the understanding of health and disease. What specific
understanding is available with respect to infectious and noninfectious diseases? (20Marks
10) What is meant by epidemiological transition? Elaborate upon its causes and consequences
highlighting major health problems of our adult population today. (15Marks 2013)
11) Epidemiological anthropology (12Marks 2012)
12) Briefly discuss the important causes for the variations in occurrence and Intensity of parasitic
disease among different populations (20Marks 2012)
13) Social concept of disease & Nutritional Anthropology
14) Nutritional ecology (1996)

10. Concept of human growth and development: stages of growth - pre-natal, natal,
infant, childhood, adolescence, maturity, senescence. - Factors affecting growth and
development genetic, environmental, biochemical, nutritional, cultural and socio-
economic. - Ageing and senescence. Theories and observations - biological and
chronological longevity. Human physique and somatotypes. Methodologies for growth
1) What is mixed—longitudinal method of studying human growth? Discuss its merits and
demerits. (15M 2023)
2) Why Heath and Carter used anthropometric measurements instead of photographs of an
individual to assess the somatotype? Elaborate their method. (20M---2022)
3) Stages of human pre-natal development. (10M---2022)



4) Human adolescent growth spurt (10 marks, 2021)

5) Discuss the physiological and evolutionary theories of aging (15 Marks, 2021)
6) Secular trend in human growth can be positive negative or neutral. Illustrate with examples.
(20 M -2020)
7) Senescence. (10 M -2020)
8) Genetico-environmental factors affecting human growth (15M-2019)
9) Discuss the methods of studying human growth with their merits and demerits. (15 marks
10) Issues of Elderly and Senescence in Developing and Developed Countries (10M-2018)
11) Discuss Sheldon’s method of somatotyping. (15M-2017)
12) Describe the various methods of studying growth highlighting their merits and demerits.
(15M- 2017)
13) Discuss different factors affecting growth and development in human beings. (20M-2016)
14) What is an Anthropometric Somatotype? Describe Heath & Carter’s method of
Somatotyping. (20Marks 2015)
15) What are the different stages of Growth? Describe any one of them in detail. (20Marks 2014)
16) Discuss Ageing and Senescence. Describe either the biological or social theories of Ageing.
(20Marks 2014)
17) Longitudinal method of studying growth (10Marks 2015)
18) Justify "Though human growth is under tight genetic control but it is influenced by various
environmental factors." (15Marks 2013)
19) Differentiation between Child Growth and Development. (10Marks 2013)
20) Cross-sectional methods of studying human growth (10Marks 2014)
21) Ageing and Senescence (10Marks 2013)
22) Explain any to biological theories of ageing based on purposeful events. (20Markers 2012)
23) Describe different methods of studying human growth (30Marks 2011)
24) Define Somatotype. Describe the salient features of Somatotype (30Marks 2011)
25) Senescence and socio-economics in contemporary times (15 Marks — 2010)
26) Distinguish between ‘chronological age’ and ‘biological age’ (20 Marks — 2009)
27) Discuss the theories of ‘Ageing’ (40 Marks — 2009)
28) Describe various methods of studying human growth, specifying merits & demerits.
(L.Q2006) 29) Life table (S.N -2006) (S.N - 2005)
30) Methods of study of human growth. (S.N - 2002)
31) Differentiate between ‘growth’ and ‘development’. List the factors affecting human growth
and development. (30 Marks — 2009)
32) Critically examine the role of nutritional, socio-economic & cultural factors on human growth
and development (L.Q - 2004)
33) Differentiate between human growth & development and describe the — various stages of
human growth. (L.Q - 2003)
34) Critically discuss the factors affecting human growth & development. (L.Q - 2005)
35) Define growth & maturation and discuss the different factors affecting them. (L.Q-2001)
36) Differentiate between human growth & development and describe the — various stages of
human growth. (L.Q – 2003)
37) Describe the stages of human physical growth and development and discuss. The effect of
nutrition and inbreeding on growth and development. (L.Q -1991)
38) Discuss the effect of nutrition and inbreeding on growth & development. (L.Q -1991)
39) Describe the patterns of human growth and development from birth to maturity. (L.Q -1995)
40) What is meant by physical growth norms? How are these made and how do they depict and
growth status of a population? (L.Q - 1999)
41) Growth Curves (S.N -1998)
42) Senescence (S.N - 1995)



43) Describe methods of studying growth and physical development of children. (L.Q-1 990)
44) Give a short account of the present - day growth studies in India. (L.Q - 1985)
45) Discuss the role of hormonal & nutritional factors on human growth & development. (L.Q-1

11.1 Relevance of menarche, menopause and other bioevents to fertility. Fertility patterns and
1) Menopausal symptoms. (10M- - -2023)
2) Critically evaluate the reasons of reduction in age at menarche in human females over the
successive generations. (15M—2022)
3) Age at menarche. (10 M -2017)
4) Menopause and its impact (10Marks 2015)
5) Discuss the relevance of menarche, menopause & other bio events to fertility. (15Marks 2014)
6) Bioevents of fertility. (2008)
7) Menarche and Menopause (2001)
11.2 Demographic theories- biological, social and cultural.
1) Discuss the contemporary population problems in the light of various socio-cultural
demographic theories. (20M—2022)
2) Demographic transition (10Marks 2013,2007)

11.3 Biological and socio-ecological factors influencing fecundity, fertility, natality and mortality.
1) Discuss the bio-social determinants of fertility and fecundity (15 Marks, 2021)
2) Discuss the biological factors influencing fertility in light of the relationship between
fecundity and fertility. (15 marks -2019)
3) Describe the biological and socio-ecological factors affecting fertility and mortality. (15 M -
4) Define fecundity and explain major factors affecting fecundity in Indian populations. (15
5) Fertility and Fecundity (10Marks 2014)
6) Distinguish between the terms fecundity’ and fertility’. Are the factors influencing them
distinguishable? Discuss. (30 Marks — 2010)
7) Discuss the biological and socio-ecological factors influencing fertility and mortality. (2005)

12. Applications of Anthropology: Anthropology of sports, Nutritional anthropology,

Anthropology in designing of defence and other equipments, Forensic Anthropology,
Methods and principles of personal identification and reconstruction, Applied human
genetics – Paternity diagnosis, genetic counseling and eugenics, DNA technology in
diseases and medicine, serogenetics and cytogenetics in reproductive biology.
1) Discuss the applications of forensic anthropology with suitable examples. (15M—2024)
2) Describe the practical applications of DNA technology in the current scenario. (15M—2023)
3) Discuss various methods of personal identification based on skeletal remains. (15M- -2023)
4) Discuss how anthropological knowledge of the human body may be used in designing
equipments and articles of human use. (15M—2022)
5) How are the cases of disputed paternity solved? Discuss the recent techniques (15 Marks, 2021)
6) What is Anthropometry? Discuss its role in assessing and the nutritional status and sports
capability of a person (15 Marks, 2021)



7) What are the applications of human genomic research in human welfare? (15 M -2020)
8) Ethics and Genetic Engineering. (10 M -2020)
9) Anthropological inputs in facial reconstruction (2019- 10 M)
10) ‘Applied human genetics has come to touch every sphere of human life’. Discuss in light of
recent advances in molecular anthropology. (2019-15M)
11) Describe the role of Anthropology in designing defence and other equipment. (15M-2016)
12) What are the methods of personal identifications? Critically examine how personal
identification helps in criminal investigations. (20M-2017)
13) Write short notes on Forensic Anthropology (10M-2016 ,2007 ,2003,1997)
14) DNA Technology in Medicine (10Marks 2015)
15) Elucidate the role of Anthropology in selecting and monitoring of Sports persons. (15Marks
16) Forensic Science can help in Criminal Investigations. Discuss. (20Marks 2015)
17) Application of anthropometry in designing (12 Marks 2012)
18) Briefly discuss the applications of the knowledge of Human Osteology in forensic
investigations. (20Marks 2012)
19) Personal Identification (15Marks 2011)
20) Discuss the application of anthropological knowledge in designing equipment. (30Marks 2011)
21) Explain the Anthropological knowledge in genetic counseling, forensic science, sports,
nutrition. (30Marks 2011)
22) Role of forensic anthropology in the field of personal identification. (15 Marks —2010)
23) Analyse the various applications of anthropological knowledge to solve Medico-legal
problems and in the reconstruction of evidence. (60 Marks — 2009)
24) Discuss the role of anthropology n designing defence and other equipment’s. (2008)
25) Briefly describe various applications of Physical Anthropology (2007)
26) Personal identification (2006)
27) Nutritional Anthropology (2005)
28) Discuss the areas in which the knowledge of human genetics can be applied. (2004)
29) Anthropology of sports (2004 ,1997)
30) Eugenics (2003)
31) What do you understand by Applied Physical Anthropology? Discuss The applications of
anthropometry in designing defence and other equipment’s. (2003)
32) Evaluate the role of Serogenetics & Cytogenetics in reproductive biology. (2001)
33) Discuss the relevance of human DNA Profiling and Gene Mapping in the prevention and cure
of diseases. (2001)
34) Discuss the application of human genetics in the field of forensic science and diagnosis and
treatment of genetic disorders. (1999)
35) Discuss the recent developments in genetic techniques and c6mment upon their potential
social significance. (1997)
36) Discuss the concepts of eugenics and euphemics and their potential applications to human
welfare (1996)






1.1 Evolution of the Indian Culture and Civilization — Prehistoric (Palaeolithic,

Mesolithic, Neolithic and Neolithic Chalcolithic). Protohistoric (Indus Civilization): Pre-
Harappan, Harappan and post-Harappan cultures. Contributions of tribal cultures to
Indian civilization.
1. Origin of State Societies (10M---2024)
2. Critically describe evidences from Rakhi Garhi and its linkages to Harappan civilization. (20M-
3. Describe the important Paleolithic sites from South India with suitable examples. What is the
significance of South Indian Paleolithic cultures? (20M---2024)
4. Prehistoric rock art from Uttarakhand. (10M---2023)
5. Material culture and archaeology. (10M---2023)
6. Was Mesolithic culture the first step towards sedentary way of life? Illustrate your answer by
citing suitable examples. (15M—2023)
7. Indus valley was the first settlement of the big civilization. Comment critically. (15M—2023)
8. Pit-dwellers of Kashmir. (10M---2022)
9. Make a critical appraisal of Megalithic tradition in India with special reference to North-East
India. (20M---2022)
10. Describe briefly the proto-history of Gujarat. Discuss the significance of Gujarat proto-history
in international trade. (15M---2022)
11. Harappan Seals (10 Marks, 2021)
12. Cultural diversity and multi-culturalism (10 Marks, 2021)
13. Give the distribution and characteristic features of Upper Paleo-lithic culture in India (15
Marks, 2021)
14. Critically discuss the origin of Indus Valley Civilization. Mention the evidences of its
endogenous origin from the pre-Harappan sites (20 Marks, 2021)
15. Discuss the characteristic features of Neolithic-culture in India. 20 M (2020)
16. Discuss the Contributions of V.N. Misra to archaeological anthropology in India. 15 M (2020)
17. Contributions of Robert Bruce Foote to Indian archaeology. 10 M (2020)
18. Debates on Aryan invasion. 10 M (2020)
19. Distribution of neolithic sites in India. (10 marks -2019)
20. Describe the palaeolithic culture with special reference to Soanian tradition. Indicate the
problems of describe the Indian palaeolithic (15+5=20 M 2019)
21. What has been the contributions of tribal people to the Indian independence movement. (15
marks 2019)
22. What kind of society may be reconstructed from the archaeological evidences of Harappan
culture. (20 Marks 2019)
23. Examine the regional variations of Mesolithic cultures of India. (20 marks (2018)
24. Explain the contribution of tribal cultures to Indian civilization. (20 marks (2018)
25. Neolithic cultures of south India. (10m -2017)
26. Describe the salient features of chalcolithic cultures of the deccan. (15m - 2017)
27. Describe various aspects of trade and religion of Harappan civilization.15m (2017)
28. Give the detail appraisal of skeletal remains from chalcolithic culture of undivided Punjab.
29. Short notes on Mesolithic findings from Belan valley. (10 M -2016)
30. South Indian paleoliths (10Marks 2015)
31. Prehistoric Rock art of central India. (10Marks 2015)
32. Discuss the significance of Harappan civilization sites from India. (15Marks 2015)
33. Neolithic cultures of NE India (10Marks 2014)
34. Describe what is known of Harappan Religion. Have some of its elements continued into later
Hinduism? Discuss. (20Marks 2014)



35. Discuss salient features of Mesolithic culture in India with special reference to western India.
(10Marks - 2013)
36. Indian Paleolithic culture can neither be conceived chronologically homogenous nor as a
uniform cultural phase. Discuss. (15Marks - 2013)
37. Discuss the significance of study of religious centres to the understanding of Indian
civilization. (20Marks - 2013)
38. Soan culture. (12Marks - 2012) (30Marks - 2011)
39. Paleolithic Art. (12Marks - 2012)
40. Compare the salient features and distribution of the Middle Paleolithic and Upper Paleolithic
cultures in India. Add a note on the tool traditions of the Upper Paleolithic period. (30Marks -
41. Iron age in Gangetic region (15Marks - 2011)
42. Describe the characteristic feature of Mesolithic cultures in India? (30Marks - 2011)
43. Neolithic Culture in India (15 Marks - 2010) (S.N - 2007) (L.Q - 1992)
44. Proto Neolithic (S.N - 1999)
45. Urban Planning in Harappan Culture (15 Marks - 2010)
46. Comment in detail on the socio-cultural life of the people of the Indus Valley Civilization (30
Marks- 2010)
47. Examine Gorden Childe’s statement ‘Neolithic_Culture is a Revolution (15 Marks -2010)
48. Examine the contribution of Mesolithic culture to the rise of Neolithic culture (10 Marks —
49. ‘Langhnaj’ (S.N-2008)
50. Burzahom (S.N - 2006) Mesolithic culture is India (S.N - 2005)
51. Discuss the economic basis of Indus Valley Civilization. What were the factors of its decline?
(LQ - 2005) (L.Q - 2000) (S.N - 1994)
52. Typo-technology of Indian Paleolithic culture (S.N - 2004)
53. Critically examine the contributions of tribal cultures to the development of Vedic Culture.
(L.Q -2003)
54. Name a few Chalcolithic sites in India and describe their most salient features. (LQ - 2002)
55. Ecological adaptation during Mesolithic. (S.N - 2001)
56. Critically examine evidence of Upper Paleolithic in India, Discuss its characteristics. (L.Q -
57. Critically examine various sources of India’s Culture & Civilization; also distinguish between
primary and secondary civilizations (L.Q 1999)
58. Sohanian Tradition (S.N - 1998)
59. Describe the socio Cultural characteristics of the Neolithic period in India with suitable
examples (L.Q - 1998)
60. Discuss the Cultural characteristics of upper Paleolithic period. Indicate its genesis and
development in Indian context pointing to Distribution and chronology (L.Q-1996)
61. Genesis of Urbanization in India (S.N - 1995)
62. Point out the salient features of middle Paleolithic industries and their markers. Illustrate your
answer with examples from India.(L.Q.1994)
63. What are the important features of Indus valley civilization? Examine the conditions that may
have led to urbanization in the lndus Region. (L.Q - 1990)
64. Indus Valley Civilization is regarded as the beginning of urban life in India. Discuss (S.N -



1.2 Palaeo – Anthropological evidences from India with special reference to Siwaliks and
Narmada basin (Ramapithecus, Sivapithecus & Narmada Man).
1. Ramapithecus-Sivapithecus debate. (10M---2023)
2. Siwalik deposits shows a variety of Neogene fossil primates. Critically examine. (15M—2023).
3. What are the arguments for excluding Narmada Man from Homo erectus category? (10M-
4. Discuss the morphological features and phylogenetic position of Ramapithecus (15 Marks,
2021) (10M- 2019)
5. Narmada man. (10 M -2020)
6. Describe the salient features of Sivapithecus. (15 marks -2018)
7. Discuss the salient features of Ramapithecus. (15m -2017)
8. Delineate the salient characteristics of ‘Narmada man’ and examine its phylogentic
significance. (15M-2016)
9. Describe the Paleoanthropological fossil finds from Siwalik Hills. Examine the contribution
of Siwalik fossils to paleoanthropological knowledge. (15Marks 2015)
10. Describe the evolutionary significance of the fossil finds of the Narmada Basin. (15Marks
11. Examine the debates related to Ramapithecus. (10Marks - 2013)
12. Narmada Man. (12Marks - 2012)
13. Sivapithecus (15 Marks - 2010)
14. Importance of Siwaliks in Anthropology (20 Marks — 2009)
15. Paleoanthroplogical significance of Narmada Man (S.N - 2008)
16. Home erectus narmadensis (S.N - 1993)
1.3 Ethno-archaeology in India: The concept of ethno-archaeology; Survivals and Parallels
among the hunting, foraging, fishing, pastoral & peasant communities Including arts and crafts
producing communities.
1) Discuss the importance of ethnoarchaeology in reconstructing the past citing Indian examples.
(15 M -2020)
2) Ethno-archaeological analysis of hunting activities of contemporary tribal communities.
(10M- (2019)
3) Ethno-archaeology as a research strategy. (10 M -2018)
4) Write short notes on Ethno-archaeology. (10M-2017)
5) Discuss the relevance of art and craft traditions in the understanding of Indian archaeology.
(15m -2017)
6) Ethno-archaeological evidences for the survival of hunting-gathering traditions. (10M-2016)
7) Discuss the importance of the ethno-archaeological approach to the study of indigenous craft
in India. (15Marks 2014)
8) Colonial Ethnography. (12Marks - 2012)
9) New Archaeology (20 Marks — 2009)
10) Concept Ethno-archaeology (S.N - 2008)
2. Demographic profile of India: Ethnic and linguistic elements in the Indian population and
their distribution. Indian population – factors influencing its structure & growth.
1. What are the demographic challenges of India’s changing population dynamics in the next 50
years? (15 M 2024)
2. Dravidian languages and their subgroups. (10 M (2020)
3. Critically compare Risley's and Sarkar's approaches to the classification of peoples of India.



4. Describe the methods adopted by Sir Herbert Hope Risley in classifying Indian populations.
What are the criticisms against Risley’s classification? (15M—2022)
5. Austroasiatic languages. (10M—2022)
6. Delineate the factors influencing fertility in Indian population (15 Marks, 2021)
7. Dravidian languages. (10 M -2020)
8. Distribution of Tibeto-Burman group of languages in India. (10 M 2019)
9. What are the various factors influencing population growth in India? Discuss. (15 marks (2018)
10. Write a shrort notes on Endangered Languages. (10 M -2018)
11. Write short notes on Austro-Asiatic linguistic groups in India. (10m -2017)
12. Give your assessment of the reason for the imbalance in the sex-ratio in India. (20m -2017)
13. Short notes on linguistic elements in Indian population. (10 M -2016)
14. Briefly describe the classical model of ethnic and linguistic classifications of Indian
population. Discuss its relevance today. (15Marks 2015)
15. Major linguistic divisions of India (10Marks 2014)
16. Contribution of H. H. Risley to the ‘Aryan’ debate (10Marks 2014)
17. Negrito Elements in India (S.N - 2000)
18. Describe the linguistic elements in Indian population? (15Marks - 2011)
19. Critically examine the factors responsible for the high population growth in India and suggest
suitable measures for population Control. (30 + 15 Marks —2010)
20. Discuss the relevance of Guha’s racial classification in the context of India’s ethnic groups.
(15 Marks — 2010) (S.N - 1991)
21. Mediterranean element in Indian Population (S.N - 2008)
22. The distribution of Indo-Aryan Languages (S.N - 2008)
23. Is Risley’s Racial Classification of Indian Population valid? Critically discuss with the help of
suitable examples. (L.Q - 2008)
24. Describe Ethnic elements in the Indian Population focusing either on Risley’s or Guha’s
classification. (L.Q - 2007)
25. Write in brief about the population growth of India, indicating its causes and measures of its
control. (L.Q - 2006)
26. Demographic transition in India (SN - 2004)
27. Bring out the inter relationship between population growth and development in the Indian
context. (L.Q - 2004)
28. Age specific and sex specific mortality rates and dependant factors. (S.N 2002)
29. Outline the distribution of Dravidian languages in India and describe their cultural
significance. (15Marks 2014) (S.N - 1990)
30. Controversy over the existence of Negrito racial strain in Indian population. (S.N - 1992)
31. Discuss the major linguistic divisions in the India population. Also point out the role of
language in ethno-political movements (S.N – 1996)
32. Social implications of sex ratio in Indian population (SN 1995)
33. What are the major linguistic families in India? Identify such families showing the
geographical distribution and the population Groups under different families. (L.Q - 1993)
34. Distribution of Austric family of languages in India. (S.N -1989)
3.1 The structure and nature of traditional Indian Social System: Varnashram, Purushartha,
Karma, Rina & Rebirth.
1) Karma and Rebirth. (10M---2023)
2) Interface between Purushartha and Ashrama. (10M---2023)
3) Varna and Buddhism. (10M---2022)
4) Dharma versus Religion. (10M---2022)
5) Purushartha and righteous living today (10 Marks, 2021)
6) Use of karma and rebirth in justifying the varna system. (10 M 2019)



7) Philosophy behind Purusharthas. (10 M -2018)

8) Write short notes on varnashram and concept of rina. (10m 2018)
9) Philosophy behind Purushartha (15Marks - 2011)
10) Purusharthas (S.N 2007)
11) Significance of Purushartha (SN - 2003) Karma (S.N - 2006)
12) Concept of Karma in relation to caste (S.N -2000)
13) Importance of Karma in Hindu Social System (S.N - 1996)
14) Varnashrama (S.N - 2005)
15) Concept of Rina and Rebirth (S.N - 2002) (S.N - 1997)
16) Explain the concept of ‘Rina’ according to the Hindu scriptures. What were the mechanisms
Suggested by the scholars to repay the ‘Rina’? (L.Q-1995)
17) Social significance of Grihasta ashram. (S.N - 1994)
18) Describe the major purusharthas according to Hindu Scriptures and discuss the social
significance of harmonious management of ‘Trivarga’ (L.Q 1994)
19) Describe salient features of traditional joint family system in India. Trace causes for its
disintegration in recent decades. (L.Q - 1999)
20) Discuss the basis of Indian Social System. Do you find any change today? (LQ-1998)
21) Structure and functions of joint family (S.N - 1989) (S.N - 1992)
22) Examine joint family role in Hindu Social System & its impact on caste system. (L.Q - 1997)

3.2 Caste system in India- structure and characteristics, Varna and caste, Theories of
origin of caste system, Dominant caste, Caste mobility, Future of caste system, Jajmani
system, Tribe- caste continuum.
1) Discuss the theories on origin of caste system and its criticism in India. Differentiate between
caste, class and race. (15M---2024)
2) Is annihilation of caste possible? Discuss the future of caste system in the light of various
proactive measures taken by the Indian state. (20M---2023)
3) Is caste mobility a recent phenomenon? Discuss in the light of Indological and Empirical
context. (15M---2023)
4) Jajmani system: continuity and change. (10M---2023)
5) Critically describe Dr. B. R. Ambedkar’s argument on the origin of Indian caste system.
6) Relevance of tribe-caste continuum (10 Marks, 2021)
7) Caste and social capital (10 Marks, 2021)
8) Concept of dominant caste. (10 M (2020)
9) Explain the reasons of caste violence in India with suitable examples. (20 M (2020)
10) Discuss the characteristics of caste system in India. (20 M (2020)
11) The jajmani system and contemporary market economy. (10M 2019)
12) Explain the significance of tribe-caste continuum in the present context. (15 marks -2018)
13) Discuss the view that caste is not social stratification, but a system of hierarchy. (15 marks -
14) Based on historical and contemporary evidences discuss the future of caste system in India.
(15 marks-2018)
15) Discuss the impact of market economy on the Jajmani system. (20m -2017)
16) Examine the structural and cultural cultural theories of caste system in India. (2016-20M)
17) Relevance of caste in contemporary Indian politics. (10 m -2016)
18) What do you understand by the dynamics of Caste mobility? How did the concept of
Sanskritization contribute to its functionality? (20Marks 2015)
19) Critically examine the concept of Tribe – Caste continuum and its relevance in contemporary
India. (15Marks 2015)



20) Define the concept ‘Dominant Caste’ and examine its relevance in the contemporary Indian
village with suitable examples. (20Marks 2014) (15Marks - 2011) (S.N - 1999)
21) Do you think caste persists in contemporary India? Critically discuss. (15Marks 2014)
22) Tribe Caste continuum (10Marks 2014)
23) Discuss how Louis Dumont explained caste system. (10Marks - 2013)
24) What is Jajmani system? Examine the views on Jajmani system as an egalitarian as well as
exploitative system. Give reasons for its decline. (25Marks - 2013)
25) Examine the criticisms on the concept of dominant caste. (15Marks - 2013)
26) Critically examine the prevalence of caste ideology among religious minorities in the Indian
context. (30Marks - 2012)
27) Critically examine the ‘book view’ and the ‘field view’ of social reality. (20Marks - 2012)
28) Gender and Customary Law. (10Marks - 2012)
29) Gender and Caste. (10Marks - 2012)
30) Critically examine the theories of Origin of Castes. (15Marks - 2011)
31) Examine the role of the caste system in the present political context. (15 Marks — 2010)
32) Is the present political System strengthening the caste system? Discuss. (15 Marks — 2010)
33) Discuss the salient features of the prevalent hypotheses on the future of the caste system in
India (30 Marks — 2009)
34) Bring out the various features and the importance of the "Dominant Caste" Concept (20 Marks
— 2009)
35) Is Tribe-Caste Continuum a reality or myth? Discuss. (L.Q - 2008)
36) Tribe Caste continuum. (S.N - 2004) Jajmani System (S.N - 2007) (S.N - 1998)
37) Caste as a pattern of social stratification (S.N - 2003) (L.Q. 1989)
38) Define the Jajmani system. Analyze the changes in the relationship between caste and
occupation in contemporary Rural Society (LQ- 2000)
39) Significance of Varna and Caste (S.N - 1997)
40) Distinguish between Varna and Caste (S.N 1995)
41) Caste bound occupations Vis-a-Vis Urban professions (S.N - 1993)
42) Concept of caste as a hierarchical system based on the opposition between "pure and impure".
(S.N - 1991)
43) Discuss the essential features of the caste system in India. Critically examine its role in the
changing social context in contemporary times. (L.Q - 1990)
44) Concept of purity and caste system (S.N - 1989)
3.3 Sacred Complex & Nature- Man- Spirit Complex:
1) Explain the impact of the concept of nature man-spirit complex on sustainable use of natural
resources with suitable examples (20 marks, 2021)
2) Critically examine the contributions of Makhan Jha and B. N. Saraswati to the study of sacred
complexes in India. (20 marks -2018)
3) Write short notes on Nature- Man- Spirit Complex. (10m (2017)
4) Sacred complex as a dimension of Indian civilization (10Marks 2015)
5) Describe the concept of ‘Sacred Complex’ with an ethnographic example. (15Marks 2014)
6) Examine Nature-man-spirit complex as an ecological concept. (15Marks - 2013)
7) Sacred Geography. (12Marks - 2012)
8) Nature-Man-Spirit Complex (20 Marks — 2009)
9) Sacred Complex (S.N - 2005) Trace the broad unifying features of traditional Hindu Society
in the anthropological perspective (L.Q - 2004)
10) Maler's perception of the habitat. (S.N -1996)



3.4 Impact of - Buddhism, Jainism, Islam and Christianity on Indian society.

1) Religious pluralism and social solidarity. (10M---2023)
2) Discuss the basic tenets of Jainism and it’s impact on Indian society. (15M—2023)
3) Critically examine ‘Indigenisation of Christianity’ in India. (15M---2022)
4) Discuss the impact of Islam on Indian society. (20 M -2020)
5) Explain the impact of Buddhism and Jainism on Indian society. (20 marks -2018)
6) Discuss the social, political and economic status of Muslims in India.(15m (2017)
7) Explain how Buddhism influenced the economic and cultural transformations of Indian
society. (20m (2017)
8) Impact of Jainism on Indian society. (10 M -2016)
9) Islam and Matriliny. (10Marks 2015)
10) Discuss the contribution of Islam to the composite culture of India. (15Marks 2014)
11) Describe what is known of Harappan Religion. Have some of its elements continued into later
Hinduism? Discuss. (20Marks 2014)
12) Sufi tradition of Islam. (10Marks - 2013)
13) Impact of Islam on Indian Society. (S.N - 2005)
14) Evaluate the impact of Buddhism Jainism, Islam and Christianity on Indian Society and
culture in anthropological terms. (L.Q - 2003)
15) Account for the emergence of new religions in India in the 6th century B.C. (LQ - 1998)
4. Emergence and growth of anthropology in India: Contributions of the 18th, 19th and early
20th Century scholar-administrators. Contributions of Indian anthropologists to tribal and
caste studies.
1) Deconstruct the colonial history of Indian Anthropology highlighting the critical role played
by the Indian Anthropologists in sustaining its autonomy. (15M---2024)
2) Discuss the contribution of P.K. Bhowmick in decriminalising the status of the Lodha tribe.
3) What are the ethical concerns in biological and socio-cultural anthropology because of recent
advances in AT and genetic research? (20M---2024)
4) Write an essay on the life history of tribal activist and freedom fighter Birsa Munda. What
was the impact of his sacrifice on tribal society? (15M---2024)
5) B.K. Roy Burman’s concept of ‘Buffer Zone’(10 M -2024)
6) Tribes are backward Hindus. Critically comment with reference to the contributions of
G.S.Ghurye. (20M---2023)
7) Critically evaluate the contributions of S. C. Roy to Indian anthropology. (15M—2023)
8) Illustrate the contribution of Irawati Karve to Indian Anthropology. Make a special mention
of her literary contribution. (20M—2022)
9) Assess the contributions of S. C. Dube in Indian village studies. (15M---2022)
10) Examine the contributions of S. C. Roy in highlighting the role of customary laws in tribal life
(15 Marks, 2021)
11) Discuss the contributions of N. K. Bose in understanding tribal communities and their place
in Indian civilization (20 Marks, 2021)
12) Contributions of K.S.Singh to Indian anthropology. (10 M -2020)
13) Write about the role of colonial administration in the development of anthropology in India.
(15M -2019)
14) Give an account of the contributions of Iravati Karve and B.S.Guha to the analysis of caste
and race in India. (10+10=20M 2019)
15) Discuss the contribution of S. C Roy in the study of tribal cultures in India. (15 marks -2018)
16) Compare and contrast the economic typology of tribes given by different anthropologists. (20
marks -2018)



17) Discuss the contribution of Nirmal Kumar Bose to the understanding of Indian society. (20m -
18) Discuss the contribution of L.P Vidyarthi and D.N.Majumdar to the study of Indian tribes. (15
marks -2016)
19) Discuss the contribution of MN Srinivas to the study of Indian society. Examine the influence
of British social anthropologists on his ideas. (15Marks 2015)
20) Discuss the contributions of S. C. Roy to understanding the tribes of India. (20Marks 2014)
21) Examine the anthropological contributions dealing with tribes and Indian civilization. (20
Marks - 2013)
22) Discuss the contributions of H. D. Sankalia to prehistoric anthropology in India. (20Marks -
23) Assess the contributions of early 20th century ethnographic tradition to Indian anthropology.
(15Marks - 2013)
24) Trace the trajectory of encyclopedic works on tribes and castes of South India with special
Reference to Ananthakrishna Iyer’s contribution. (20Marks - 2012)
25) Compare the contributions of S.C. Roy and Verrier Elwin to tribal ethnographies in India.
(20Marks - 2012)
26) Evaluate the contribution of American anthropologists to Indian anthropology. (30Marks -
27) Assess the contribution of Varrier Elwin to Indian anthropology. (15Marks - 2011)
28) Assess the contributions of M.N. Srinivas towards Indian Anthropology in general. Add a
note on his understanding in the context of studying social mobility in India, (20+10 Marks —
29) Write a brief note on the contributions of Prof., LP. Vidyarthi in the field of anthropology. (20
Marks — 2009)
30) Highlight the Contributions of Indian Anthropologists in the understanding of tribal life. (L.Q
- 2007)
31) N.K.Bose’s contributions to Indian Anthropology (S.N - 2006)
32) Initial period of tribal studies in India (S.N - 2006)
33) Briefly discuss the contributions of Indian Anthropologists during 20th Century to
Anthropology. (L.Q - 2006)
34) Give an account of the contributions of Indian scholars in the growth and development of
Anthropology in India in early 20th century. (L.Q - 2005)
35) Tribe and peasant similarities and differences (S..N - 2003)
36) Critically examine the contributions of some of the British Scholar administrators to Indian
Anthropology. (LQ-2002)
37) Action Anthropology (S.N -2001)
38) V.EIwin and his contributions (S.N - 1998)
39) Assess the growth and development of Anthropology in India. Illustrate the contribution of
early 20th century Anthropologists in Tribal Caste studies. (L.Q - 1997)
40) Estimate the contributions of S.C. Roy in the field of Ethnography and his influence on the
growth of Anthropology in India. (L.Q – 1996)
41) Discuss the major contributions of Von.Furer Haimendorf to Indian Anthropology. (L.Q -



5.1 Indian Village: Significance of village study in India; Indian village as a social system;
Traditional and changing patterns of settlement and inter-caste relations; Agrarian relations in
Indian villages; Impact of globalization on Indian villages.
1) Digitisation of rural economy. (10M---2024)
2) Village as little republic. (10M---2023)
3) “Globalisation, on one hand has provided opportunities and on the other hand thrown
challenges to Indian villages.” Elucidate. (20M---2022)
4) Functionalism and Politics in rural India (10 Marks, 2021)
5) Explain how structural transformation in economy is affecting traditional social relationships
in agrarian society (20 Marks, 2021)
6) Describe the different settlement patterns in rural India. (20 M -2020)
7) Discuss the impact of globalization on Indian villages. (15 M -2020)
8) Identify the theoretical concepts that have emerged out of village studies in India. (20 M -2019)
9) Panchayati raj as a facilitator of social change in rural society. (15 M -2019)
10) Discuss the impact of media on the social life of Indian villages. (15M- 2019)
11) Describe the impact of industrialization on the economic and social aspects of India’s
villages. (15M 2019
12) Discuss the impact of market economy on rural villages. (15 marks -2018)
13) Agrarian social structure. (10 M 2018)
14) Examine the colonial administrators’ view that Indian villages can be considered as ‘little
republics. (15 marks -2018)
15) Give a critical evaluation of any one anthropological village study in india.(15m -2017)
16) Examine nature of interplay of little and great traditions in the context of globalization.
(2016)15m )
17) Explain Indian village as a social system with example. (2016-20m)
18) Describe the traditional patterns of settlement of Indian villages. (2016-20M)
19) Examine the contribution of village studies towards the understanding of Indian social
system. (20Marks 2015)
20) Discuss the impact of Globalization on Village economy in India. (15Marks 2015)
21) Examine the impacts of green revolution on rural poor. (15Marks - 2013)
22) Indian farmers are not slow to react to economic opportunities. Discuss this statement.
(15Marks - 2013)
23) How has globalization impacted agrarian relations in the last two decades? (20Marks - 2012)
24) Indegenous knowledge. (12Marks - 2012)
25) Discuss contributions of S.C. Dube towards understanding of the Indian village. (15 Marks —
26) Participatory Rural Appraisal. (12Marks - 2012)
27) Describe the significant contributions of village studies in India to the understanding of social
transformations. (60 Marks — 2009)
28) Globalization and Indian Peasantry (S.N - 2OO4)
29) Analyze how the village Studies contributed in understanding the Indian social system. (L.Q
30) Green Revolution and its economic and ecological dimensions? (L.Q - 2002)
31) Village Studies in India. (S.N - 2002)
32) Explain criteria for dominant caste. How far is this concept still crucial to our understanding
of India’s villages after implementation of Reservation in democratic institutions? Discuss.
- 2001)
33) Village Studies are crucial to the understanding of Indian life and culture. Who were the
pioneer anthropologists to undertake such Studies? Give a comprehensive Picture of any one
of them. (L.Q - 1998)



34) Child mortality in rural areas (S.N - 1996)

35) Forms of labour bondage in Indian Agriculture (S.N - 1991)
36) What is the notion of folk urban continuum in the study of peasant society? Is it applicable to
Indian conditions? (L.Q - 1991)
37) Discuss the major concepts and approaches employed by the anthropologists in the study of
peasant society in India. (L.Q -1990)
38) Peasant Society (S.N - 1985)
5.2 Linguistic and Religious minorities and their Social, Political & Economic status:
1) Syro-Malabar Christians. (10M---2024)
2) Safeguards for linguistic minorities in India. (10M---2022)
3) Discuss the constitutional safeguards for religious minorities in India (15 Marks, 2021)
4) What are the social and political problems of religious minorities in India. (20 M -2020)
5) Linguistic minorities in India. (10 M -2020)
6) Discuss the problems faced by religious minorities in India. (15Marks 2015)
7) What are the issues and socio-economic problems arising out of being a religious minority?
Discuss. (L.Q - 2007)
8) Linguistic distribution of Indian population. (S.N. 2006)
9) “Linguistic and religious minorities are particularly vulnerable to political manipulation”.
Comment. (L.Q - 2005)
10) Discuss the socio-economic status of religious minorities in India. Identify their role in
politics. (L.Q - 2003)
11) Distinguish between characteristics and problems of linguistic and religious minorities in
India. Give examples of conflicts generated by such considerations and steps to resolve them.
(L.Q - 2000)
12) Special provisions for minorities (S.N - 1993)
13) State should protect the personal laws of religious minorities. Discuss with reference to the
problem of national integration. (L.Q 1991)

5.3 Indigenous and exogenous processes of socio-cultural change in Indian society:

Sanskritization, Westernization, Modernization; Inter-play of little and great traditions;
Panchayati raj and social change; Media and social change.
1) Compare and contrast the approaches of M.N.Srinivas and L.P. Vidyarthi to social change in
village India. (15M-2024)
2) Sanskritization is a culturally bound concept. Critically comment to assess the strength and
limitation of this concept in developing a theoretical framework to study social change. (20M-
3) Westernisation and Modernisation. (10M---2022)
4) Ethnic media and social awareness (10 Marks, 2021)
5) Discuss the role of Panchayat Raj Institutions in transforming traditional power hierarchy in
rural India (15 Marks, 2021)
6) Concept of Sanskritization. (10 M -2020)
7) Khap panchayat. (10 M -2020)
8) Discuss how the elements of little and great traditions combine in the emergence of
social/political/religious movements giving any one example to illustrate the issue. (20M
9) Impact of Panchayati raj institutions in rural areas. (10 M- 2018)
10) Modernization (10 M -2018)
11) Describe the media as an instrument for social change. (15m -2017)
12) Discuss the impact of Panchayati raj institution on the empowerment of rural women in India.
(15m -2017)



13) How is process of tribe caste continuum different from Sanskritization. (2016-15M)
14) What do you understand by the dynamics of Caste mobility? How did the concept of
Sanskritization contribute to its functionality? (20Marks 2015)
15) Panchayatiraj institutions and social change (10Marks 2015)
16) Examine the Social implications of media & communication technology (20Marks 2015)
17) Great tradition and little tradition (10Marks 2014) (S.N - 1996) (S.N - 1987)
18) Critique of the concept of Great and Little Tradition. (15Marks – 2011)
19) Modernity has entered Indian character and society, but it has done so through assimilation,
not replacement.” Discuss. (30Marks - 2011)
20) Universalization and Parochialization (15 Marks — 2010) (S.N - 1997) (S.N - 1985)
21) Sanskritization as a mode of social change (20 Marks — 2009) (S.N - 1992)
22) What are the various exogenous processes of socio-cultural changes in Indian Society? (20
Marks — 2009)
23) Critically examine concepts of little & Great Traditions for understanding Indian Villages.
(L.Q 2008)
24) Critically review the process of social changes the contemporary Indian society is undergoing.
(L.Q - 2006)
25) Sanskritization and westernization. (S.N - 2002)
26) Great Traditions (S.N - 1999)
27) Distinguish between Sanskritization and de - sanskritization. Critically examine the impact of
Sanskritization on Social Mobility in India (LQ -1999)
28) Do you think that the process of Sanskritization leads to any structural changes in the society?
Discuss with reference to the Modern Indian Society. (L.Q - 1994)
29) Discuss in what way the study of great tradition and little tradition is essential for
understanding the cultural processes of Indian Civilization. (L.Q -1992).
30) Relationship between Sanskritizatjon and Westernization as process of socio-cultural change.
(S.N- 1991)
31) Sanskritization as a factor o social change among the scheduled castes of India. (S.N - 1990)
32) ‘Tradition is a single unbroken chain’. Discuss this statement throwing light on the relevance
of the use of the terms Great tradition and Little tradition in India in the fields of (a) religion
(b) kinship and (C) Agriculture. (L.Q - 1987)
33) Discuss how the concepts of sanskritization & westernization explain the process of change in
Indian Society &Culture. (L.Q – 1986)
6.1 Tribal situation in India: Bio-genetic variability, Linguistic & Socio-economic
characteristics of tribal populations & their distribution.
1) Artisan tribes of Jharkhand. (10M---2024)
2) Describe ILO’s Convention No. 169 (1989) on Indigenous and Tribal people. Is India a
signatory to it? (10M---2024)
3) Agricultural practices of the Apatani (10M---2024)
4) Discuss the distribution of tribes in different geographical regions of India. Identify the
distinct institutional features of tribal societies of these regions. (20M---2023)
5) How can a balance be struck between livelihood concern and environmental degradation in
the context of shifting cultivation? (15M---2022)
6) Concept of tribe and Indian census (10 Marks, 2021)
7) Elucidate the linguistic classification of Indian tribes. (15 M -2020)
8) What are the salient issues faced by pastoral communities in India? Discuss with suitable
examples. (15M -2019)
9) Distinctive cultural features of tribes of Andaman Islands. (10 M -2018)
10) Tribe and Scheduled Tribe (10 M- 2018)
11) Youth dormitory as an institution. (10 M -2018)



12) Compare and contrast the economic typology of tribes given by different anthropologists. (20
m- 2018)
13) Bio-genetic variability of Indian tribes (2016)10M )
14) Tribe as a colonial construct (2016-10m)
15) Socioeconomic characteristics of Shifting cultivators. (10Marks 2015)
16) Biogenetic variations of Indian tribes (10Marks 2014)
17) Social and economic marginalization of tribal people (10Marks 2014)
18) Threat to tribal languages in India. (10Marks - 2013)
19) Linguistic classification of Indian tribes. (10Marks - 2013)
20) Discuss the concept of ‘indigenous people’ as per the relevant UN convention. Are tribals of
India indigenous people? Comment. (20Marks - 2012)
21) Discuss the linkages between language, territoriality and kinship among the tribes of North-
East India. (30Marks - 2012)
22) Discuss the distinctive features of tribes in North east India. (30Marks - 2011)
23) “Tribes in India are not homogeneous group.” Discuss. (30Marks - 2011)
24) Future of Hunting and Gathering Tribes (15Marks - 2011)
25) Discuss the relevance of traditional wisdom and knowledge of the tribes with reference to
health in the present-day context. (20 Marks — 2010)
26) Do you think that Indian tribes have rich biogenetic variability? Discuss. (L.Q-2007)
27) Key characteristics of STs in India (S.N - 2006)
28) Discuss the biomorphic variations of Tribes of North Eastern India (L.Q - 2006)
29) Genetic diversity among Indian Tribes (S.N - 2005)
30) Biogenetic variability in tribal populations. (S.N - 2003)
31) Linguistic diversity among the tribes of Chota Nagpur. (S.N - 2002)
32) Discuss the anthropological approach to the understanding of the tribal ethos and comment on
the major socio-economic problem of Indian Tribes. (L.Q - 1990)
33) Describe the racial, linguistic and socio-economic characteristics of a tribe of Central India or
of South India. (L.Q - 1985)
34) Briefly describe the linguistic and socio-economic characteristics of the tribal peoples either
(a) Of central India including the Chota Nagpur plateau or (b) of North East India. (L.Q -
35) Languages spoken by the scheduled tribes (S.N - 1986)
36) Hunting and food gathering tribes of India (S.N - 1986)
6.2 Problems of the tribal Communities: Land alienation, Poverty, Indebtedness, Low literacy,
Poor educational facilities, Unemployment, Underemployment, Health and nutrition.
1) Causes of stunting and wasting among tribal children. (10M—2024)
2) Custodians of natural resources are the tribals, but they are the most deprived. Critically
examine how climate change will impact their survival in future. (20M—2024)
3) Critically examine existing paradigms of holistic health for the marginalised sections of
society drawing inferences from COVID-19 pandemic. (20M—2024)
4) Major problems of nomadic and semi-nomadic groups. (10M—2022)
5) Issues of tribal agricultural labourers. (10M---2022 )
6) Elucidate the problems and challenges in educational attainment of the Scheduled Tribes (15
Marks, 2021)
7) Examine the factors responsible for malnutrition in tribal India and suggest interventions
required to overcome the problem (15 Marks, 2021)
8) Elucidate the problems of land alienation among tribals of India. (15 M -2020)
9) Issues related to tribal education. (10 M -2019)
10) Write a short note on indebtedness among tribal communities. (10m -2017)
11) Describe the impact of displacement on the health and nutritional status of the tribal
communities. (20m -2017)



12) Discuss how constitutional provisions in India have built in mechanisms for dealing with the
problem of land alienation in tribal areas. (20Marks 2015)
13) Discuss the Sociocultural, Economic and Psychological constraints responsible for low
literacy in Tribal areas. (15Marks 2015)
14) Discuss the impact of land alienation on the tribes of Central India. (15Marks 2014)
15) Left-wing extremism and Tribals in India. (15Marks - 2011)
16) Discuss alternatives for shifting cultivators in the context of ecological costs and humanistic
concerns. (20Marks - 2013)
17) Education and health among tribal Women. (15 Marks — 2010)
18) The problem of bonded Labour among Indian tribes. (15 Marks — 2010)
19) Land and forest are the twin problems of the tribes. Explain. (40 Marks — 2010)
20) Critically examine the various structural constraints in the education development of
Scheduled Tribes. (30 Marks-2010)
21) Write a brief note on the linguistic diversity among Indian tribes. (20 Marks — 2009)
22) Indebtedness in Tribal Communities (20 Marks — 2009)
23) Land Alienation (S.N - 2007)
24) Discuss the factors related to low literacy rate among the tribal’s of India. Write in brief the
measures taken by the government in different five years plans to eradicate it. (L.Q - 2005)
25) Land alienation among the tribal’s (S.N - 2003)
26) Constraints of educational development among the tribal’s. (S.N -2003)
27) Do you think that exploitation emanates from clash of self-interest between groups? Discuss
in the context of tribal’s and non tribals. (L.Q - 2002)
28) The problems of de-notified groups (S.N - 2000)
29) Tribal education in the context of development (S.N - 2000)
30) Land Alienation in Tribal India (S.N - 1999)
31) Bring out with suitable examples the constraints of educational development of tribal
communities in India. Suggest remedial Measures in this context. (L.Q - 1999)
32) Discuss the health and nutritional status of tribal and rural children in India. How far has the
government policy been effective? (L.Q - 1998)
33) Shifting cultivation, its merits and demerits (S.N - 1997) (S.N - 1991)
34) Describe the Socio-cultural factors related to the poor health Conditions of the Indian tribal
population. Suggest measures for improving these conditions. (L.Q - 1995)
35) Factors responsible for tribal migration and its consequences. (S.N -1994)
36) Shifting cultivation in the context of land use pattern (S.N - 1993)
37) Tribal education (S.N - 1993)
38) Indebtedness and land alienation among Indian tribes (S.N - 1992) (S.N - 1986)
39) Land and forest are basic needs of tribal’s (S.N - 1992)
40) What are the major problems of the tribals in India? Evaluate the measures adopted by the
central and state governments in India to solve these problems. (L.Q - 1992)
41) Discuss some major problems of the tribes of India. Make a critical evaluation of the
measures adopted by the central and state Governments in India to solve these problems and
account for their limited Success. (LQ - 1989)



6.3 Developmental projects and their impact on tribal Displacement and problems of
Rehabilitation: Development of forest policy and Tribals. Impact of Urbanization and
Industrialization on tribal populations.
1) Examine the impact of Forest Policies from 1878 to 2006 on land alienation and deprivation
of rights of tribal communities in India. (15M---2024)
2) Critically examine how the displacement of tribal communities due to hydroelectric river dam
projects has affected the women in local context. Elucidate with suitable ethnographic
examples. (15M---2023)
3) Urbanization and tribal Institutions (10 Marks, 2021)
4) Discuss the impact of Forest Rights Act (2006) on the livelihood and culture of tribal people
in India (20 Marks, 2021)
5) Discuss the problems involved in rehabilitation and resettlement of tribals displaced due to
development projects in India (15 Marks, 2021)
6) Explain the impact of development induced displacement among tribal people in India with
examples. (20 M -2020)
7) What has been the impact of development projects on the environment and livelihood of
forest dwelling tribes? (15M 2019)
8) Discuss the significance and implementation of ‘Recognition of Forest Right’s Act 2006’.
(15marks 2018)
9) Examine the advancement made in the land acquisition and rehabilitation Act of 2013 over
the land acquisition Act of 1894. (15 marks -2018)
10) Impact of industrialization on schedule tribe population of Jharkhand. (2016-10M )
11) Explain the difficulties experienced by schedule tribes with regard to implementation of
’recognition of forest rights act 2006. (2016-15M)
12) Discuss the impact of Globalization on the livelihood of the tribal populations. (20Marks 2014)
13) Forest policy and tribes (10Marks 2014)
14) Impacts of sanctuaries and national parks on tribal populations. (10Marks - 2013)
15) Commodification of Tribal Art. (12Marks - 2012)
16) Critically examine the National Policy on Rehabilitation and Resettlement substantiating it
with experiences from different parts of India. (30Marks - 2012)
17) Forest Rights Act—2006. (15Marks - 2011)
18) Discuss the problem of displaced tribal communities with the help of recent examples.
(30Marks - 2011)
19) The impact of Urbanization and Industrialization on tribal women. (15Marks - 2011)
20) Tribal displacement. (15 Marks — 2010)
21) Critically examine the evaluation of Forest Policy in India since the British period. Discuss its
impact on tribals. (60 Marks -2009)
22) Discuss the health problems faced by tribal populations in India. Suggest some corrective
measures. (L.Q - 2008)
23) Impact of Industrialization on Tribes. (S.N - 2007)
24) Joint Forest Management (S.N - 2006)
25) Examine the impact of urbanization and industrialization on tribal economy in India. (L.Q -
26) Sustainable Development of Tribes (S.N - 2004)
27) Discuss the context, process and consequences of involuntary displacement among tribal
communities in India and analyse the Problems of rehabilitation.(L.Q - 2004)
28) Discuss how forest is related to the tribal life. Critically examine how a change in forest
policy and forest degradation has affected Tribal economy. (L.Q - 2003)



29) Indicate the main thrust of anthropological studies on development induced displacement and
rehabilitation. Suggest a worthwhile rehabilitation package for displaced tribal’s to retain
their sense of community belonging. (L.Q -2001)
30) Critically examine the forest policy in India right since the British period. Discuss its impact
on tribal people. (L.Q - 1999)
31) Discuss the problem of tribal displacement in India. To what extent are development policies
responsible for such displacement? Also explain the role of NGOs in providing the remedial
measures to the affected people. (LQ - 1999)
32) Social forestry (S.N - 1998)
33) Point out the favourable and detrimental impacts of industrialization on rural population
living in the vicinity areas. What are your Proposals for achieving a balance without harmful
effects? (L.Q - 1993)
34) Effects of governmental policy regarding forests on Indian tribes (S.N-1991)
35) Large scale development and distress in tribal regions (S.N - 1988)
36) Rapid industrialization may lead to Psychological frustrations. Discuss. (S.N - 1987)
37) The impact of industrialization on the tribes of India created for them many problems.
Discuss with suitable examples. (L.Q - 1986)

7.1 Problems of Exploitation and Deprivation of S.C’s, S.T’s and O.B.C’s: Constitutional
safeguards for S.C’s and S.T’s.
1) Constitutional Safeguards for Backward Classes (10M---2024)
2) Status of Sixth Schedule Areas. (10M—2024)
3) Scheduled areas. (10M---2023)
4) How are other backward classes identified? Enumerating the important features, elucidate the
recent changes in their social and economic life. (15M—2023)
5) Role of the Governor in the Fifth Schedule areas. (10M—2022)
6) Discuss the issues and solutions related to the Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tribe
populations in India. (15M---2022)
7) Politics of recognition and deprivation (10 Marks, 2021)
8) Critically evaluate the state of implementation of constitutional safeguards for the scheduled
castes. (15 M -2020)
9) Describe the provisions under VI th schedule of Indian constitution. (15 M -2020)
10) What are the Constitutional safeguards to protect the interests of Indian tribes. (15M -2019)
11) What has been the impact of non-hindu religionson the emancipation of scheduled castes in
India. (15M -2019)
12) OBCs among non-Hindu communities (10M-2018)
13) Discuss the constitutional safeguards for the schedule caste. (15m -2017)
14) Write short notes on other backward class. (10 m (2017)
15) Give a critical appraisal of any one tribal development programme during XII th five year
plan. Give suggestion for any improvement in the programme. (15m (2017)
16) Write in detail various provisions provided by the constitution of India for the schedule tribes
under V and VI schedules. (2016-20M )
17) Examine the factors responsible for exploitation of schedule caste in India. (2016-20M)
18) Critically compare ‘Affirmative Action’ of USA and ‘Protective discrimination’ for
scheduled tribes in India. (15Marks 2015)
19) Critically examine the constitutional provisions for safeguarding the interests of Scheduled
Tribes in India. (20Marks 2014)
20) Role of Governor in Fifth Schedule areas. (10Marks 2015)
21) Discuss the Social disabilities suffered by scheduled castes. (15Marks – 2013)



22) Panchayati Raj and the tribes (15 Marks — 2010)

23) Fifth Schedule of the Constitution. (20 Marks — 2009)
24) Constitutional safeguards for SCs. (S.N - 2007) (S.N - 1996)
25) National Commission for SCs and STs (S.N - 2004)
26) Critically examine the merits and demerits of reservation policy for the STs, SCs and Other
Backward Castes. (L.Q - 2002)
27) Do you think that exploitation emanates from clash of self-interest between groups? Discuss
in the context of tribal’s and non-tribals. (L.Q - 2002)
28) Scheduled Area (S.N-2001)
29) Distinguish between exploitation and deprivation of SCs (S.N - 1995)
30) Constitutional safeguards for STs (S.N - 1994) (S.N - 1987)
31) Describe the efficiency of the Legislative measures adopted by the government to tackle the
socio economic problems of SCs. What Other measures would you suggest to tackle these
problems? (L.Q - 1994)
32) What are the major socio economic problems faced by the SCs? Point out the criteria for
diagnosis and suggest the remedial Measures (L.Q - 1993)
33) Evaluate the extent to which existing reservation for SCs and STs have led to social mobility
among them. What suggestions would you make for implementing the policy of adding
economic criteria in extending reservation to the so called forward castes? (L.Q –1991)
34) Discuss the provisions and significance of the protective discrimination policy towards
scheduled castes. Assess its impact on their Social mobility. (L.Q - 1990)
35) Assertion of ethnic identity and ethnic solidarity has been a pervasive process in India after
independence. Analyze this in relation to Constitutional safeguards and emerging national
integration. (LQ - 1988)
36) Define untouchability and point out whether the problem of its removal should be treated as a
matter of social reform rather than as a part of administrative and legal measures. (L.Q -
37) Identify the main problems of the SCs and discuss the measures adopted to solve them. (L.Q -
7.2 Social Change and Contemporary Tribal societies; Impact of modern democratic
institutions; Development programmes and welfare measures on Tribals and weaker sections.
1. Discuss the economic, social and developmental impacts on tribal communities with special
reference to mining. (15M ---2024)
2. Critically examine the impact of modern democratic institutions on contemporary tribal
societies. Illustrate with suitable ethnographic examples. (15M ---2023)
3. Discuss the impact of successive Land Acquisition Acts on tribal social organization (20
Marks, 2021)
4. Describe the functions of tribal research institutes in India. (15 M -2020)
5. Discuss the effect of job reservations in alleviating unemployment among tribal people of
India. (15 M -2020)
6. Critically assess the existing plans and programmes meant for tribal welfare. (15 M 2019)
7. Discuss the nature of social change in Tribal India under the impact of Developmental
programmes. (15Marks 2015)
8. Discuss the various tribal development programs and plans have impacted the process of
social transformation among tribes. (2016) 15m )
9. Tribes as Indigenous Culture (S.N - 2008)
10. How have modern democratic institutions influenced the Indian tribal societies? Assess. (L.Q
- 2008)
11. Illustrate with suitable examples) the impact of Developmental Programmes on tribes and
weaker sections. (L.Q - 2007)
12. Tribal Sub plan (S.N - 2005)



13. Panchayati Raj (S.N - 2005)

14. Implications of recent Presidential orders relating to Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes.
(S.N - 2003)
15. What do you understand by the integrated tribal and rural developmental programmes? How
would you evaluate the success or Failure of these programmes? (L.Q - 2002)
16. Mention various developmental programmes implemented for the socio-economic wellbeing
of SCs? Do these programmes fulfil their aspirations? Discuss. (L.Q -2001)
17. MADA, LAMPS, TRIFED (S.N - 2000)
18. Tribal Sub Plan (S.N - 1999)
19. ITDA (S.N - 1998)
20. Discuss the impact of modernization on tribal and rural people in India. (L.Q -1998)
21. Estimate the role of democratic institutions / Organizations for the development of weaker
sections and the welfare measures Adopted by them. (L.Q - 1997)
22. Peoples participation in Tribal development (S.N - 1995)
23. Positive and Negative responses of the tribals to governmental measures (S.N 1994)
24. Direction of Tribal change (S.N - 1993)
25. Discuss the socio economic and political characteristics of revitalization movements in Tribal
India. How are they affected by culture? Contact with outsiders? (L.Q - 1991)
26. Impact of urbanization on tribal societies (S.N - 1990)
27. Discuss the peoples’ response and participation in developmental programmes in tribal areas.
(L.Q - 1988)
28. Advantages of Ashram Schools in tribal areas (S.N -1986)
29. Analyze the programmes for tribal welfare undertaken by the governments in terms of
relevant Constitutional and statutory Provisions. (L.Q -1986)
30. What are the various policies that have been suggested for bringing the tribals into the
mainstream of national life? In the interest of the tribals which of these policies do you
consider suitable? (L.Q - 1985)

7.3 The Concept of Ethnicity: Ethnic conflicts and political developments; Unrest
among tribal communities; Regionalism and demand for autonomy; Pseudo-tribalism;
Social change among the tribes during colonial and post-Independent India.
1. Distinguish between ethnic identity and ethnicity, discuss the factors responsible for ethnic
conflict in tribal areas. (15M---2023)
2. Identify the causes of tribal unrest with special reference to North-East India (15 Marks, 2021)
3. Concept of ethnicity. (10 M -2020)
4. Discuss the various factors resulting in tribal unrest in various parts of India. (15 marks (2018)
5. Write short notes on ethnicity and regionalism. (10m (2017)
6. Short notes on the role of regionalism plays in demand for autonomy among Indian tribes.
7. Rights over resources and Tribal unrest (10Marks 2015)
8. Discuss the rise of ethno-nationalism among Indian tribes with specific example. (15Marks
9. What are the significant factors responsible for tribal unrest? (15Marks 2014)
10. Ethnic movements in India. (10Marks - 2013)
11. Examine the impact of non-tribal contact on socio-cultural institutions of tribal people with
suitable examples. (15Marks - 2013)
12. Compare the approach adopted towards tribal communities during Colonial and post-
independence periods. (30Marks - 2011)
13. Discuss and compare the approaches towards the tribes during colonial and post independent
India. (30 Marks — 2010)



14. Do you find any significant change in the approaches towards the tribes during colonial and
post independent India? Assess. (15 Marks — 2010)
15. Tribal unrest in Central India (20 Marks — 2009)
16. Concept of Ethnicity (S.N - 2008)
17. Discuss the Anthropological understanding of rising ethnicity among Indian Tribes in the
context of Nation Building. (L.Q - 2007)
18. Critically review Tana Bhagat Movement) its causes and effects. (L.Q - 2006)
19. Discuss the features affecting ethnic boundaries”, giving Indian examples. (L.Q - 2006)
20. Discuss the relationship of ethnicity and nation-state. (L.Q - 2005)
21. Detribalization (S.N - 2004) (S.N - 2001)
22. Evaluate Fredrick Barth’s concept of ethnic boundaries. Explain its distinction from cultural
content. (L.Q - 2004)
23. Ethnic conflict (S.N - 2004)
24. Classify the tribal movements in contemporary India in a regional perspective and analyze the
contributive factors. (L.Q - 2004)
25. Identify the causes and consequences of major tribal movements in India. (L.Q - 2003)
26. What is ethnicity? Does ethnicity add to conflicts and tensions in the society? Illustrate. (L.Q -
27. Birsa movement (S.N - 2001)
28. Ethnic Boundaries (S.N - 2000)
29. Assess the political and economic role of tribal and rural movements in the creation of the
new states of Uttaranchal, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. (L.Q - 2000)
30. To what extent ethnicity is responsible for the tribal movements in India? Elaborate with
Suitable examples. (L.Q - 1995)
31. Tribal movements - pros and cons (S.N - 1994)
32. Ethnicity (S.N - 1993)
33. Discuss the role of socio political movements in the emergence of tribal identity in the Indian
context. (L.Q - 1990)
34. Define the concept of ‘ethnic identity’. Discuss how it is emerging in the context of tribal
unrest in some regions of the country (L.Q – 1989)
35. Assertion of ethnic identity and ethnic solidarity has been a pervasive process in India after
independence. Analyze this in relation to Constitutional safeguards and emerging national
integration. (LQ - 1988)
8.1 Impact of Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and other religions on tribal societies:
1. Explain the social and religious consequences of contact between tribal and non-tribal
populations. (15M---2022)
2. Critically assess the impact of Christianity on tribal culture and identity (15 Marks, 2021)
3. Explain the impact of Hinduism on tribal people of India. (15 M -2020)
4. Describe the impact of Buddhism on tribal population of India. (15 M 2019)
5. Impact of Christianity on Indian tribes. (10 m -2017)
6. Discuss the impact of Islam on schedule tribes of India. (2016-15m)
7. Islam and Matriliny. (10Marks 2015 )
8. Discuss the impact of Hinduism on the status of Tribal women in Central India (15Marks 2015)
9. Impact of Christianity on tribes (10Marks 2014)
10. Using ethnographic examples highlight the processes of religious conversions in Tribal India.
(20Marks - 2012)
11. Discus the impact of Hindu Society on tribal population in India. (30Marks - 2011)
12. Analyze the impact of Christianity on tribal communities with special reference to North-East
India (60 Marks — 2009)
13. Buddhism, Christianity and Scheduled Castes (S.N - 2004)



14. Impact of Christianity on tribal societies (S.N - 2000)

15. Define religion in anthropological perspective. Bring out the impact of Christianity on the
converted and non-converted tribal group of India. (L.Q -1996)

8.2 Tribe & Nation state-comparative study of tribal communities in India & other countries.

1. Discuss with appropriate examples how tribal unrest may be understood as emerging out of
an incompatibility between tribes and nation-state. (20 M 2019)
2. Critically evaluate the term tribe, as compared to term indigenous in some other countries. (20m
3. Critically examine the relationship between tribal communities and the Nation-State on issues
of governance. (20Marks - 2012)
4. Nation State (S.N - 2002)
5. What do you know by tribe and nations? How do states carved for tribals in India differ from
tribal-nation states in Africa? Discuss (L.Q - 2001)
6. Discuss the divisive factors which disrupt national integration in India. What would you
Suggest to Counteract the divisive forces? (L.Q - 1992)
7. Cultural pluralism and national integration (S.N - 1990) What are the major issues of National
Integration in India? Discuss how it has been corded in the recent years. What remedial
Measures would you suggest for National Integration? (L.Q - 1989)
8. Regional disparity and National Integration (S.N - 1988)
9. What suggestions would you like to make as an anthropologist for bringing the tribal peoples
in the national mainstream? Without obliterating their separate identity? (L.Q - 1987)
10. Examine the advantages and disadvantages of linguistic states in India in the context of
national integration. (L.Q - 1987)
11. Issues relating to National integration. (S.N - 1986)

9.1 History of administration of tribal areas: Tribal policies, plans, Programmes of

tribal development and their implementation. The concept of Primitive Tribal Groups,
their distribution, special programmes for their development. Role of N.G.O.s in tribal
1. How is PESA Act empowering local self-governance and impacting women’s political
participation? (15M—2024)
2. Critically discuss the recent welfare measures initiated by the Government for the Particularly
Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs). Comment why PVTGs were erroneously called Primitive
Tribal Groups (PTGs). (20M—2024)
3. Elucidate the shifting terrains of India’s tribal policies in colonial post-colonial periods. (20M
4. Elucidate the problems faced by Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups and the major
challenges in the formulation of special programmes for their development. (20M—2023)
5. Discuss the objectives of Integrated Tribal Development Projects (ITDPs). How far have
these objectives been achieved? ( 20M---2022)
6. Compare the functioning of traditional ‘Tribal Council’ with that of ‘Gram Sabha’ under
PESA. (15M---2022)
7. Explain how British policies impacted the major resources of the tribals. (15M---2022)
8. Discuss the views of G. S. Ghurye and Verrier Elwin on the approach towards tribal
populations. What are the policies of the Government of India towards Indian tribal
populations? (20M---2022)



9. Discuss the intervention of Non-Governmental Organizations for empowering tribal women

(15 Marks, 2021)
10. Critically discuss the role of N.G.O.s in tribal development. (15 M 2019)
11. Discuss the salient features of PESA Act of 1996 and attempt a comparison with the features
of the VI Schedule. 15 marks (2018)
12. Write short notes on particularly vulnerable tribal groups (PTG). 10M (2017)
13. Discuss the emergence, salient features and limitations of tribal sub-plan (15m -2017)
14. Critically examine the role of NGOs and missionaries in transformation of schedule tribes in
central India. (2016-15m)
15. Identify some special programmes for PVTGs. (15 M-2016)
16. Elwin-Ghurye debate on Tribes. (10Marks 2015)
17. Relevance of tribal Panchsheel today. (10Marks 2015)
18. Recently NGO’s have been critiqued for interfering with developmental process inn Tribal
heartland. Critically comment. (20Marks 2015)
19. Critically examine the role of NGOs in promoting health & Education in tribal areas.
(15Marks 2014)
20. Describe the history administration in the colonial period. (15Marks 2014)
21. Critically evaluate the National Tribal Policy. (15Marks 2014)
22. The concept of PTG (10Marks 2014)
23. Government Action towards Left Wing Extremism. (10Marks - 2013)
24. Role of Gramasabha under PESA. (10Marks - 2013)
25. Fifth Schedule and Sixth Schedule of the constitution are built on the foundations laid by the
colonial Government. Discuss. (20Marks - 2013)
26. Discuss the Significance of cultural and administrative factors in tribal development. (15Marks
- 2013)
27. Discuss the criticism levelled against anthropology in the context of ‘Isolation, and
assimilation debate’ on tribal populations. (20Marks - 2013)
28. Discuss how British policies dispossessed tribal’s of their communal properties and
agricultural lands. (15Marks - 2013)
29. Examine the relevance of Tribal Panchsheel by Jawaharlal Nehru in the light of emerging
Development practices. (20Marks - 2012)
30. Using suitable examples bring out the historical processes of the social exclusion of de-
notified tribes. (20Marks – 2012)
31. Tribal Panchsheel. (15Marks - 2011)
32. NGOs and tribal development (20 Marks - 2009) (S.N - 2007) (S.N - 2002)
33. What are the special problems of the Primitive Tribal Groups? How far have the
developmental programmes of the government able to address these? (L.Q - 2008)
34. Programmes of Tribal Development (S.N - 2006)
35. Elucidate the nature of changes in administration of tribal areas from colonial period to post-
independence era in India. (L.Q - 2005)
36. Give an account of Joint Forest Management Programmes. What is the role of NGOs in such
programmes? (L.Q - 2000)
37. Outline the historical background of tribal administration during the colonial period. Evaluate
post-independence administrative policies with special reference to states under either the
fifth schedule or sixth schedule of the Constitution of India. (L.Q - 2000)
38. Plans and programmes of Tribal development (S.N - 1997)
39. Role of NGQs in literacy programmes (S.N - 1996)
40. Critically evaluate various approaches to set the tribal’s within the mainstream of Indian
civilization. In your opinion which approach is relevant in the modern context. (L.Q - 1995)



9.2 Role of Anthropology in Tribal and Rural Development.

1. Elucidate the role of anthropology in nation building. Illustrate with suitable examples. (15M
— 2023)
2. Briefly describe the anthropological perspective on development. How have anthropologists
contributed in India’s rural development? (15M---2022)
3. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of anthropology in the context of its role in tribal and
rural development. (20 marks -2018)
4. Discuss the role of anthropology in understanding the loss of livelihood of tribal communities
due to economic and ecological factors. (15m -2017)
5. Describe how anthropological knowledge and methods are useful in rural development.
(2016- 15m )
6. Examine in detail the role of Anthropology in planning for Tribal development. (15Marks 2015)
7. Critically assess the role of anthropologists in rural development. (20Marks 2014) (S.N - 1997)
8. Using examples, comment on how anthropology can be utilized in policy making. (20Marks -
9. Discuss the role of Anthropology’ in Tribal Development. (L.Q - 2006) (S.N - 1994) (S.N -
10. Role of anthropologists in rural development (L.Q - 2005)
11. Anthropologists are better equipped to play an effective role in rural and tribal development.
Discuss (L.Q - 2004)
12. Anthropological approach in Tribal development (S.N- 1987)
13. Discuss the role of Anthropology in planning and executing development programmes among
the tribal communities. (L.Q - 1985)

9.3 Contributions of Anthropology to the Understanding of Regionalism,

Communalism, & Ethnic and Political Movements.
1. Elucidate the difference between secularism, religiosity, religious fundamentalism and
spiritualism from an anthropological perspective. (15M -2024)
2. Distinguish a “Theocratic State’ from a secular, liberal, democratic state. " Illustrate your
answer with examples from tribal and contemporary societies. (15M -2024)
3. Elucidate the resurgence of ethno-nationalism from an anthropological lens. (15M -2024)
4. Regionalism as an opportunity and threat to national integration. (10M—2022)
5. Compare the nature of tribal movements between North-East and Central India. Briefly
mention the current status of existing tribal movements in these areas. (20M—2022)
6. Discuss the regionalism and demand for autonomy in India from anthropological perspective
with respect to Kashmir/Nagaland/Bodoland/Gorkhaland agitation. (20 M -2020)
7. Anthropological understanding of communalism. (10 M 2019)
8. Ethnicity and regionalism. (10 M 2019)
9. Anthropological interpretation of ethnic and political movements. (2016)10M)
10. Critically examine the concept of communalism and its relevance for multi-religious and
multi- ethnic polity of India. (20Marks 2015)
11. Factors contributing to communalism. (15Marks - 2011)
12. Analyse the factors influencing tribal regionalism, citing Indian examples. (30 Marks — 2010)
13. In what ways has anthropology contributed to the understanding of ethnic and political
movements in India? (60 Marks — 2009)
14. Revivalistic Movements. (S.N - 2008)
15. What is regionalism? Evaluate how regionalism has stimulated political movements in India.
(L.Q 2003)
16. Discuss the significance of the regionalism and communalism in Indian context and its role in
ethno-political movements in the Present political system. (L.Q - 1997)


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