YÖKDİL Çıkmış Sorular
YÖKDİL Çıkmış Sorular
YÖKDİL Çıkmış Sorular
(Sonbahar Dönemi)
3 KASIM 2019
Bu testlerin her hakkı saklıdır. Hangi amaçla olursa olsun, testlerin tamamının veya bir kısmının Merkezimizin yazılı izni olmadan kopya edilmesi,
fotoğrafının çekilmesi, herhangi bir yolla çoğaltılması, yayımlanması ya da kullanılması yasaktır. Bu yasağa uymayanlar gerekli cezai sorumluluğu ve
testlerin hazırlanmasındaki mali külfeti peşinen kabullenmiş sayılır.
C) facilities D) attitudes
E) implications
C) opportunity D) reception
E) appeal
C) vague D) current
E) descriptive
7. The Amish ---- from a relatively small founding 10. The tension in Britain ---- modernism and the
population, and each major settlement ---- largely bourgeois theatre that had surfaced before the First
genetically isolated from both other Amish World War was not resolved ---- after the Second.
settlements and the surrounding U.S. populations A) between / until B) among / by
for over 200 years.
A) originate / will remain C) from / over D) towards / with
C) at / around D) in / beyond
8. A popular social networking site says if everything
---- as planned, they ---- a new privacy-protected E) with / off
messaging service by the end of 2020.
A) has gone / start B) is going / will be starting
13. Philosophy occurs in all cultures and daily life, ---- 16. In some groups the bonds among members
only in Western philosophy is there a distinct way of are strong and enduring due to harmony achieved
thinking that consists of hypotheses and through close relationships, ---- in other groups
generalisations about the natural and human members are loosely linked and lack a sense of
worlds. ‘groupness’.
A) since B) so that C) provided that A) as if B) whereas C) since
14. When a young child says 'mouses' instead of 'mice,' 17. The ancient Egyptians’ fascination with science and
this is good evidence that the child is learning the new technology resulted in inventions ---- the
regular forms of the language and knows how to calendar and door lock, which are still used today.
make plurals ---- he or she has not yet learned the A) in contrast with B) in spite of
irregular forms.
A) once B) whether C) even if C) such as D) regardless of
D) just as E) as if E) in terms of
15. Egyptians built irrigation canals to carry water and 18. Tokyo is one of the wealthiest, safest, cleanest, and
created a calendar that predicted the annual most creative cities in the world ---- being partly
flooding of the Nile ---- they could maximise food destroyed and rebuilt twice in the past hundred
production. years.
A) in case B) so that C) even if A) despite B) due to
E) unlike
C) as / as D) either / or
E) so / that
C) who D) which
E) that
C) focused D) to focus
E) having focused
A) along B) about C) in
D) with E) from
D) although E) once
D) preventively E) prematurely
26. 30.
D) unlike E) in spite of
C) Slaves in Athens are thought to have outnumbered E) they work to use familiar sources in new ways as
those in any other Greek community much as possible
D) Slavery was an integral part of the ancient Greek life
for centuries
35. Although Gae Aulenti is considered Italy’s most 37. In hunter-gatherer societies, many social
famous female architect, ----. arrangements, such as cross-group marriage, do
A) she experiments with relations among materials, not eliminate serious conflicts, ----.
distances and measurements A) therefore they are respected by all societies
B) her well-deserved reputation is due to her outstanding B) but they channel them into the ways that prevent
architectural designs for theatre and museums killing
C) she has had little influence on practice and theory in C) while they may lead to more complex situations
the architecture schools
D) yet they may eventually cause the breakdown of both
D) her museum designs always take into account viewing
objects from different perspectives
E) since many people do not participate in such
E) her best-known project is the design of the famous
museum Musée d’Orsay
B) today’s methods for controlling rivers are remarkably B) Although human language is regarded to be highly
different from those employed in the past sophisticated
C) unique climatic and geographic conditions determine a C) While 'human' is placed within a classification of
river’s annual discharge regime animals
D) rivers contain only a minuscule portion of the total D) As chimpanzees are closest to humans in
water on earth problem-solving
E) they will pose serious threats to most of the rivers in E) Because culture sets humanity radically apart from
the world animals
39. ----, new shipping routes are becoming navigable. 41. Hot yoga, which typically involves going through 26
tough poses in a warm and humid room, may just be
A) Though sailors have to learn to operate vehicles in
a waste of effort, ----.
Arctic conditions
A) leading improvements in the blood vessels of the
B) Even if the Arctic is attracting new interest from participants
B) making people sweat intensely, which is seen as a
C) As the Arctic Circle warms and large masses of ice good sign of health
C) offering little benefit compared to yoga at a normal
D) Although Britain has deployed its military forces in the temperature
D) reducing the percentage of yoga groups’ body fat of 2
E) If the Arctic becomes vulnerable to new environmental percent
E) creating a slight but still meaningful impact on muscle
44. French chemist Antoine Lavoisier sought to 45. Being untouched and untamed, the Norwegian
modernise chemistry by giving it new theoretical Lofoten Islands, far above the Arctic Circle, are
foundations, and though some of his ideas were everything an adventurer could wish for and more.
misunderstood, on the whole he was enormously A) El değmemiş ve değiştirilmemiş hâliyle, Kuzey Kutup
successful. Dairesi’nin oldukça yukarısında olan Norveç Lofoten
A) Bazı fikirlerinin yanlış anlaşılmasına rağmen, Fransız Adaları, bir maceraperestin isteyebileceği her şey ve
kimyager Antoine Lavoisier kimyayı yeni teorik daha fazlasıdır.
temellere dayandırarak çağdaşlaştırmada genelde çok
başarılıydı. B) Kuzey Kutup Dairesi’nin oldukça yukarısında
olan Norveç Lofoten Adaları'nda bir maceraperestin el
B) Fransız kimyager Antoine Lavoisier kimyayı yeni teorik değmemiş ve değiştirilmemiş olarak isteyebileceği her
temellere dayandırıp çağdaşlaştırmaya çalıştı ve şey fazlasıyla mevcuttur.
genelde çok başarılı oldu ancak bazı fikirleri yanlış
anlaşıldı. C) Kuzey Kutup Dairesi’nin ötesini arzulayan bir
maceraperestin isteyebileceği her şey ve fazlası, el
C) Fransız kimyager Antoine Lavoisier kimyayı yeni teorik değmemiş ve değiştirilmemiş olarak Norveç Lofoten
temellere dayandırarak çağdaşlaştırmaya çalıştı ve Adaları'nda bulunur.
bazı fikirlerinin yanlış anlaşılmasına rağmen genelde
çok başarılı oldu. D) Bir maceraperestin Norveç Lofoten Adaları'nda el
değmemiş ve değiştirilmemiş hâliyle bulunmasını
D) Kimyayı yeni teorik temellere dayandırarak isteyebileceği her şey ve daha fazlası Kuzey Kutup
çağdaşlaştırmanın yollarını arayan Fransız Dairesi’nin oldukça ilerisindedir.
kimyager Antoine Lavoisier genelde çok başarılı oldu
ancak bazı fikirleri yanlış anlaşıldı. E) El değmemiş ve değiştirilmemiş şeyler peşinde olan
bir maceraperest, Kuzey Kutup Dairesi’nin oldukça
E) Kimyayı yeni teorik temellere dayandırarak yukarısında bulunan Norveç Lofoten Adaları'nda
çağdaşlaştırması bazıları tarafından yanlış anlaşılsa istediğini fazlasıyla bulur.
da Fransız kimyager Antoine Lavoisier’in fikirleri
genelde çok başarılı oldu.
49. Bir çalışmaya göre, deneyim ve zekânın satranç 51. Dünyanın her yerinden milyonlarca insan ülkenin
becerileri ile bağlantılı olmasına karşın, en yüksek güzel manzarasını ve büyüleyici mirasını görmeye
korelasyonu çocukların bir günde oyunu oynayarak geldiğinden, turizmin İngiltere’nin en büyük
geçirdikleri saat sayısı vermiştir. endüstrilerinden biri olduğu söylenir.
A) According to a study, although experience and A) Britain is said to be visited by millions of people from
intelligence were related to chess skills, the highest around the world who want to see its beautiful scenery
correlation was with the number of hours a day and amazing heritage, thus tourism is the biggest
children spent playing the game. industry in the country.
B) According to a study, despite the number of hours a B) Tourism is said to be the biggest industry in Britain
day children spent playing the game, the highest because millions of people from around the globe go
correlation with chess skills was produced by to the country to see not only its beautiful scenery but
experience and intelligence. also its amazing heritage.
C) A study found that chess skills were somewhat related C) It is said that one of Britain’s biggest industries is
to experience and intelligence, but a stronger tourism since millions of people from around the world
correlation was with the number of hours a day visit the country in the hope of seeing its beautiful
children spent playing the game. scenery and amazing heritage.
D) A study found that even though the number of hours a D) Tourism is said to be one of Britain’s biggest
day children spent playing the game had the highest industries, as millions of people from around the globe
correlation with chess skills, experience and arrive to see the country’s beautiful scenery and
intelligence were also important. amazing heritage.
E) It was found by a study that no matter how high a E) Millions of people from around the world are said to
child's experience or intelligence were, the highest visit Britain for its beautiful scenery and amazing
correlation with chess skills was with the number of heritage, which makes tourism one of the biggest
hours a day children spent playing the game. industries in the country.
D) Despite being often associated with anger and B) A few key factors combined to produce this new phase
aggression, red is a colour that you can use to of urbanisation.
boost your motivation as studies show.
C) Urban influences affected many rural areas both
E) Even though red is a colour that is often associated culturally and economically.
with anger and aggression, studies show that using
it can boost your motivation. D) The rise of a merchant capitalist economy provided
new levels of urban capital.
56. Ludwig van Beethoven is one of the most important 58. Advances in communication and information
figures in Western music. ---- For example, he had technologies are changing the ways we interact with
hearing problems from a very early age. While still a each other. For some, these changes have opened
boy, he supported his family as a traveling up new venues and opportunities. ---- For others,
performer. At the age of 17 he impressed Mozart in these same changes have been associated with
Vienna, Austria, and moved there to study with loss: the loss of traditions, or jobs, or significant
Haydn. He amazed many people in high social relationships. But whatever form these changes
circles with his piano playing. The musical visions take, few realise the magnitude, intensity, and long
expressed in his many works were often far ahead term implications of these transformations.
of their time. A) While societies live under a multitude of conditions,
A) He composed some of the most astonishing music they are not immune to these changes.
ever written, but had a troubled life.
B) Distant places are increasingly accessible, and work
B) There is evidence that Beethoven lived in more than and learning can occur from any location that has an
60 different places during his 35 years in Vienna. Internet connection.
C) During his early years, Beethoven was always C) In some areas we are witnessing extremely rapid
exploring new directions to transform music. societal transformation, and in other places only
certain groups are affected.
D) Among his most famous early works are two piano
D) Yet, there has been little attention focused on the
sonatas: the Pathétique and Moonlight sonatas.
social side of globalisation.
E) His work marked the crossover between the Classical
E) Thus, we have been gradually losing our critical
and Romantic periods in the history of music.
thinking skills.
C) It became more influential after being incorporated into D) This is because people record things in some way to
orchestras. remember them.
D) It evolved from a variety of other stringed instruments. E) History is written by those who play a major part in it.
2019 - YÖKDİL
1. A 48. B
2. B 49. A
3. A 50. A
4. C 51. D
5. C 52. C
6. A 53. C
7. B 54. E
8. E 55. D
9. D 56. A
10. A 57. D
11. C 58. B
12. C 59. D
13. D 60. C
14. C 61. A
15. B 62. D
16. B 63. D
17. C 64. B
18. A 65. B
19. D 66. E
20. B 67. C
21. A 68. C
22. C 69. A
23. E 70. D
24. D 71. B
25. C 72. E
26. B 73. A
27. C 74. D
28. C 75. D
29. D 76. C
30. B 77. B
31. A 78. C
32. C 79. D
33. D 80. B
34. D
35. C
36. E
37. B
38. B
39. C
40. A
41. C
42. D
43. B
44. C
45. A
46. C
47. A
T.C. Ölçme, Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi
1 MART 2020
Bu testlerin her hakkı saklıdır. Hangi amaçla olursa olsun, testlerin tamamının veya bir kısmının Merkezimizin yazılı izni olmadan kopya edilmesi,
fotoğrafının çekilmesi, herhangi bir yolla çoğaltılması, yayımlanması ya da kullanılması yasaktır. Bu yasağa uymayanlar gerekli cezai sorumluluğu ve
testlerin hazırlanmasındaki mali külfeti peşinen kabullenmiş sayılır.
E) rejection
E) destruction
E) vague
7. Most sociologists ---- that over the past decades, the 10. The Enlightenment was a period characterised by a
concept of family ---- significant and rapid changes. decline ---- religious authority and the replacement
A) should agree / would undergo of the medieval focus on the next world by a greater
emphasis ---- mankind’s place in this world.
B) agree / has undergone A) off / to B) for / at
D) is / has retained
E) was / retains
C) for / on D) from / at
E) along / beyond
13. ---- access to technology resources was previously 16. ---- the ancient Greeks did not invent the style of
cited as the most challenging obstacle for teachers, sandals, they created many types of them such
the lack of time to learn new programmes and to as leather ones.
infuse them in their teaching is currently seen as a A) As B) Even though
major challenge.
A) Since B) Whereas C) If D) Once
E) Whenever
C) otherwise D) so E) as a result of
E) but
C) so / that D) either / or
E) such / that
D) how E) what
Water is essential for life, not only in terms of its B) would have been treated
biological utility, but also for its social, economic, health,
technical, financial, and political dimensions. (21)----, C) must be treated
historically, the availability of a domestic water supply
has been a significant factor in the development of D) is able to be treated
civilisations. If naturally occurring freshwater is polluted
as a result of human activities, various processes are E) could have been treated
(22)---- to convert the raw water to a quality fit for a
particular use, such as drinking. In most cases, because
of high levels of pollution by humans, water (23)---- before
and after its use. The behaviour of humans (24)---- their
consumption of water also has historical, geographical,
and cultural dimensions. Water has various uses,
including agricultural, recreational, industrial, and
domestic. (25)---- a limited amount of usable water, there
is competition, sometimes tension, among various water
users. Both market-oriented and hierarchy-based rules
are used to distribute water among its various
consumers. A) prior to B) regarding
E) except for
A) However B) Even so
E) In contrast
A) Towards B) Into
C) From D) Above
E) With
A) required B) reversed
C) received D) disrupted
E) eliminated
E) only if
A) having been shared B) sharing
C) against D) at
E) among
A) except for B) despite
E) as opposed to
B) many scholars view them as a great invention of US C) Most private universities depend heavily on student
higher education tuition as the major source of revenue
C) they have made post-secondary education accessible D) The objectives of public colleges and universities differ
to many Americans from those of commercial enterprises
D) they have been accepting students from all around the E) The primary sources of revenue vary depending on
world for master's degree whether an institution is public or private
35. Whereas fantasy deals with the impossible, ----. 37. The long tradition of Greek bronze sculpture started
A) social and political arguments in science fiction have during the third millennium BC, ----.
been emphasised even more since the 1900s A) but bronze was easier to cast and stronger than pure
B) the beginnings of science fiction go back to prehistoric
myths and tales of fantastic voyages and adventures B) when the advantages of using bronze in sculpture
became evident
C) science fiction stories may be set in the future as well
as in the past or even in the present day C) since bronze was an alloy made of 90 percent copper
and 10 percent tin
D) science fiction describes events that could actually
occur according to accepted theories D) supposing that early Greek bronze statues were rather
simple designs
E) science fiction is thought to have reached its most
characteristic modern form by the late 1800s E) as sculptors employed various techniques depending
on the type of the material
39. Many studies report an increased tendency to bully 41. The first Americans were mainly hunters ----.
in today’s society ----. A) though their prey were mostly large herbivores such as
A) so that the Internet makes it easier for bullies to project bison and mammoths
their own feelings of inadequacy onto complete
strangers B) if the wooded environment had not provided them with
a diverse range of foods
B) because in our competitive world, people will do
anything to inflate their fragile status, including pulling C) although occasional finds of plant material show that
others down they had a varied diet
C) although more and more people commit online hate D) as they obtained food by cultivating a number of local
crime against other users based on their race, religion plants
or gender
E) because this way of life survived until the appearance
of European settlers
D) given that school administrators around the globe have
developed a growing awareness of the impact of
45. Archaeology, which combines the accumulated 46. International organisations count countries and
knowledge of centuries of investigation, gives us the states as their members, and these organisations
story of the human past on our planet. have some official role in the international system,
A) İnsanlığın gezegenimizdeki geçmişinin hikâyesini most notably as providers of collective security.
sunan arkeoloji, yüzyıllar boyunca süren araştırmaların A) Uluslararası kuruluşların, ülkeleri ve devletleri üyeleri
sonucunda biriken bilgiyi bir araya getirmektedir. olarak kabul etmesinin sebebi, bu kuruluşların özellikle
müşterek güvenlik sağlayıcısı olarak uluslararası
B) Arkeoloji, yüzyıllardır devam eden araştırmalar sistemde resmi bir rol yüklenmiş olmalarıdır.
sonucunda biriken bilgiyi bir araya getirmekte ve
insanlığın gezegenimizdeki geçmişinin hikâyesini B) Özellikle ülkeleri ve devletleri üye olarak kabul eden
sunmaktadır. uluslararası kuruluşlar müşterek güvenlik sağlayıcısı
olarak uluslararası sistemde resmi bir rol
C) Arkeoloji, bizlere insanlığın gezegenimizdeki oynamaktadır.
geçmişinin hikâyesini sunarken, yüzyıllardır devam
eden araştırmalar sonucu birikmiş olan bilgiyi bir araya C) Uluslararası kuruluşlar, ülkeleri ve devletleri üyeleri
getirmektedir. olarak görmektedir ve bu kuruluşların özellikle
müşterek güvenlik sağlayıcısı olarak uluslararası
D) Yüzyıllardır devam eden araştırmalar sonucunda sistemde resmi bir rolü vardır.
birikmiş olan bilgiyi bir araya getiren arkeoloji, bizlere
insanlığın gezegenimizdeki geçmişinin hikâyesini D) Ülkeleri ve devletleri üyeleri olarak kabul eden
sunmaktadır. uluslararası kuruluşlar, özellikle müşterek güvenlik
sağlayıcısı olarak uluslararası sistemde resmi bir rol
E) Yüzyıllar boyunca yapılan araştırmalar sonucu biriken yüklenmiştir.
bilgi, arkeoloji tarafından bir araya getirilerek bizlere
insanlığın gezegenimizdeki geçmişinin hikâyesi E) Özellikle müşterek güvenlik sağlayıcısı olarak
sunulmaktadır. uluslararası sistemde resmi bir role sahip olan
uluslararası kuruluşlar, ülkeleri ve devletleri üyeleri
olarak saymaktadır.
49. Renkler, ne yediğimizden ne giydiğimize kadar 51. On bin yıldan daha uzun bir süre önceki tesadüfi
günlük kararlarımızın çoğunu bilinçli veya bilinçsiz keşfinden bu yana çay, dünya üzerinde su dışında
olarak etkiler. en çok tüketilen sıvı hâline gelmiştir.
A) Colours influence many of our daily decisions such as A) Tea was accidentally discovered more than ten
what we eat and what we wear consciously or thousand years ago, and except water, it has become
unconsciously. the most consumed liquid on Earth.
B) Consciously or unconsciously, colours have an B) Since its accidental discovery over ten thousand years
influence on our daily decisions as to what we eat or ago, tea has become the most consumed liquid on
what we wear. Earth, apart from water.
C) Colours influence many of our daily decisions C) Ever since it was discovered accidentally over ten
consciously or unconsciously from what we eat to what thousand years ago, tea has been the most frequently
we wear. consumed liquid together with water.
D) Many of our daily decisions like what we eat and wear
D) From the time it was accidentally discovered, which
are influenced consciously or unconsciously by
was over ten thousand years ago, tea has become the
second most consumed liquid on Earth after water.
E) Like many of our daily decisions, colours influence
what we eat and what we wear consciously or E) The reason why tea has become the most frequently
unconsciously. consumed liquid on Earth after water is that it has been
more than ten thousand years since its discovery.
52. Tarih boyunca deniz kabuğundan sigaraya kadar 53. Gazetelerin televizyon yayıncılığına göreceli olarak
çeşitli nesneler ödeme araçları olarak kullanılmıştır, başarılı bir biçimde uyum sağlamasına rağmen,
ancak MÖ 8. yüzyılda altın ve gümüş baskın hâle televizyon öncesi dönem muhtemelen gazetelerin en
gelmiştir. parlak dönemi olarak kabul edilmektedir.
A) Various items ranging from seashells to cigarettes A) Even after the relatively successful adaptation of
were used as means of payment throughout history, newspapers to television broadcasting, the
but gold and silver became predominant in the 8th pretelevision era is accepted to be the heyday of
century BC. newspapers.
B) Gold and silver predominated as means of payment in B) Even though the pretelevision era is likely to be seen
the 8th century BC, but a number of items from as the heyday of newspapers, the adaptation of
seashells to cigarettes were used throughout history. newspapers to television broadcasting was relatively
C) Not only silver and gold, which predominated in the 8th
century BC, but also various items such as seashells C) The pretelevision era is most probably considered the
and cigarettes were employed throughout history as heyday of newspapers, but their adaptation to
means of payment. television broadcasting was regarded as relatively
D) Throughout history, a wide range of items including
seashells and cigarettes were in use as means of D) Though newspapers were adapted to television
payment, but nothing compares to gold and silver, broadcasting with relative success, it is likely that the
which became predominant in the 8th century BC. pretelevision era is considered to be the heyday of
E) Although gold and silver became predominant as
means of payment in the 8th century BC, a variety of E) Despite the relatively successful adaptation of
items such as seashells and cigarettes were used newspapers to television broadcasting, the
throughout history. pretelevision era is likely to be regarded as the heyday
of newspapers.
C) Migration may boost economic productivity by using C) But however famous the portrait is, the true inspiration
labour in a more efficient manner. behind that half-smile has never been truly discovered.
D) Contrary to the common view, migration may also D) It has remained on permanent display at the Louvre
produce opportunities as well as challenges. Museum in Paris since 1797 where it continues to
attract huge crowds.
E) Migration is categorised in many ways to better
describe the characteristics of these movements. E) A 500-year-old note by one of da Vinci’s friends, which
stated that the artist was working on the portrait, was
recently discovered.
56. The principal source of revenue in Afghanistan 57. Ancient Rome had no police force, at least not in the
traditionally came from the agricultural sector. For a way that we tend to think of it today. This was not
long time, the country was capable of producing not unusual or unique, since the police force in its
only enough food to feed its entire population but modern sense did not develop until the 18th and
surplus food to export abroad. ---- Given that the 19th centuries. ---- Up until recently, none of these
country could grow crops only to live on, not to sell, was perceived to be the particular responsibility or
the decline in income levels increased poverty, duty of the state. Rome did possess a legal system,
dramatically causing various economic difficulties at but this system was only applied to cases that were,
the same time. on the whole, brought to the court by private
A) Moreover, the private sector played a major role in the
country’s traditional economic activities in 2000. A) The job of the modern police is to prevent crime,
investigate crimes that have been committed, and
B) Besides, the country had many economic relations with catch criminals.
the former Soviet Union in the past.
B) During the republic, it was strictly forbidden to have
C) However, it was in 2001 that the country was no longer military forces within the pomerium, the sacred
able to produce enough food. boundary of the city.
D) Similarly, the agricultural sector has never produced at C) The city streets were considered to be particularly
full capacity for decades in Pakistan. dangerous at night due to robberies.
E) In addition, the telecommunications infrastructure has D) Interpersonal violence seems to have been permitted
improved vastly since 1999. or at least ignored and was seen as a way of settling
58. Students’ fundamental motor skills are already 59. Ecotourism organisations play a major role in
developing when they begin kindergarten, but are researching the viability of ecotourism as a
not yet perfectly coordinated. Five-year-olds can sustainable development tool. Universities provide
generally walk satisfactorily for most school-related funding and facilities for this research, and also
purposes. For some at this age, running still looks a function as a forum for related debate. ---- A good
bit like a hurried walk, but usually it becomes more recent example is the Canadian public agency
coordinated within a year or two. Similarly with Canadian Tourism Commission’s efforts to
jumping, throwing, and catching. ---- Whoever is document Canadian ecotourism practices in the
responsible, it is important to notice if a child does publication Catalogue of Exemplary Practices in
not keep more-or-less to the usual developmental Adventure Travel and Ecotourism. This document
timetable. will serve as a learning tool for other ecotourism
A) From kindergarten to the end of high school, students entrepreneurs.
improve basic motor skills, double their height and A) However, they have not established the basic
triple their weight. standards for the sector.
B) Students who are clumsy are aware of how it could B) Some government agencies also play a major role in
negatively affect their status among their peers. this effort.
C) Even if physical skills are not a special focus of a C) Ecotourism provides important benefits especially for
classroom teacher, they can be quite important to the areas affected by climate change.
students themselves.
D) Public universities should take more active roles in the
D) Failure in developing necessary motor skills generally development of ecotourism.
results in poor self-esteem and traumatic experiences.
E) There is a need for guiding certification programmes in
E) Assisting such developments is usually the job either of ecotourism.
physical education teachers, or of classroom teachers.
63. (I) Many people who struggle with insomnia already know
the basics of 'sleep hygiene': make sure your bedroom is
dark, keep a regular bedtime, only use the bed for sleep,
etc. (II) However, they have probably also found those
tips to be insufficient. (III) Insomnia is a disaster that will
ruin the following day as well. (IV) That is because sleep
gets sabotaged by what psychologists call an 'ironic
61. (I) Egyptology as a discipline did not fully develop until effect': the harder you try to fall asleep, the more difficult
Jean-François Champollion’s decipherment of ancient it gets. (V) To avoid this, you need to reduce your
Egyptian in 1822. (II) Since then, it has dealt with all emphasis on sleep.
aspects of ancient Egypt, including language and A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
literature, architecture, archaeology, art, and overall
historical developments. (III) Major finds, such as the
tomb of Tutankhamun, the workmen’s village at Giza,
and, more recently, the origins of the alphabet have
fuelled public interest in Egyptology and the field as a
whole. (IV) Ancient Egyptian civilisation lasted from
approximately 3000 BC until the date of the last known
hieroglyphic inscription in 395 AD. (V) With
archaeologists and historians making great discoveries
every year, the perceptions of key issues in ancient
Egyptian civilisation continue to change. 64. (I) Mycenaean society was greatly influenced by the
Minoans who had developed on the island of Crete.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V (II) Although the Minoan culture had faded at the time the
Mycenaeans came to Crete, the Mycenaeans adopted
much of the Minoan culture. (III) For example, in the
early years their hairstyles were similar to the Minoans
but much more carefully styled in long curls held in place
by richly decorated crowns. (IV) Later, Mycenaean men
cut their hair short or bound it closely to their head and
grew beards. (V) After the fall of the Minoan and
Mycenaean civilisations in about 1200 BC, Greek society
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
E) optimistic
72. It is clearly stated in the passage that ----. D) Achebe suggested Africans distrust Western societies
in Things Fall Apart
A) Achebe has changed the way Western people think of
African culture E) Achebe faced fierce criticism in the Western world
B) Things Fall Apart is Achebe’s first and most famous
Freud felt that our memories and how they are arranged B) Both nice and disturbing ideas we have
in our minds are vital parts of our personalities. He
proposed that there are three basic divisions of memory C) Our deep and dark secrets
that are differentiated by how aware or conscious each
of us is of the material in those divisions: the conscious, D) Types and awareness of memories
the preconscious and the unconscious. The unconscious
is the most famous of the three. It contains the memories E) Unfiltered and true feelings about ourselves
and experiences that we are not aware of. They are
deep inside our minds and difficult to access. Actually,
Freud thought that our unconscious is filled with all our
memories, thoughts, and ideas that are troubling,
disturbing, and horrible to keep in our conscious
awareness. This is where we keep our truest feelings,
unfiltered and unedited by the niceties of everyday life.
Our unconscious is where our deepest and most basic
desires and conflicts reside, it is the realm of secrets so 80. According to the passage, which could be an
dark that we are not even aware of them ourselves. example of an unconscious memory?
Depending on what kind of memories we have and how
aware we are of them, we may have a completely A) Jealous feelings directed towards a close friend
different personality than we do now. Our conscious,
preconscious and unconscious memories help make us B) Hearing how your colleagues appreciate you
unique, giving us that special little personality that
everyone loves. C) Remembering simple tasks like riding a bike
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2020 - YÖKDİL/1
1. C 48. E
2. A 49. C
3. D 50. B
4. C 51. B
5. A 52. A
6. D 53. E
7. B 54. B
8. E 55. C
9. B 56. C
10. E 57. A
11. D 58. E
12. B 59. B
13. B 60. B
14. E 61. D
15. B 62. B
16. B 63. C
17. E 64. E
18. E 65. C
19. C 66. D
20. A 67. B
21. D 68. E
22. A 69. B
23. C 70. D
24. B 71. A
25. E 72. A
26. B 73. A
27. D 74. A
28. C 75. D
29. A 76. D
30. E 77. D
31. A 78. C
32. E 79. D
33. C 80. A
34. B
35. D
36. E
37. B
38. D
39. B
40. E
41. C
42. A
43. E
44. E
45. D
46. C
47. A
T.C. Ölçme, Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi
1 MART 2020
Bu testlerin her hakkı saklıdır. Hangi amaçla olursa olsun, testlerin tamamının veya bir kısmının Merkezimizin yazılı izni olmadan kopya edilmesi,
fotoğrafının çekilmesi, herhangi bir yolla çoğaltılması, yayımlanması ya da kullanılması yasaktır. Bu yasağa uymayanlar gerekli cezai sorumluluğu ve
testlerin hazırlanmasındaki mali külfeti peşinen kabullenmiş sayılır.
C) threat D) advance
E) decline
C) profits D) intentions
E) causes
C) distinct D) virtual
E) consistent
7. At the end of the 17th century, Isaac Newton ---- his 10. The boiling point of a liquid substance is the
laws of motion and gravity, making science more temperature ---- which the vapour pressure of the
precise and mathematical than it ---- before. liquid equals the external pressure ---- the liquid.
A) had set down / would have been A) of / by B) among / off
C) On behalf of D) Because of
E) Similar to
9. The Enlightenment period saw astronomical
observatories grow ---- size and number, ---- a
growing emphasis on the housing of larger
A) by / over B) for / through
C) beyond / to D) from / at
E) in / with
13. It takes up to five years ---- a cocoa tree bears fruit, 16. The solid core inside the Moon is similar to that of
and it then produces around 1,000 beans a year, but Earth; ----, the Moon’s core is gradually cooling,
that is only enough for one kilogramme of which creates cracks on the surface, in contrast to
chocolate. the Earth’s warming core.
A) because B) unless A) however B) eventually
E) as soon as E) in brief
14. ---- continental islands are part of their nearby 17. Atmosphere observation includes such well-known
continental land mass, oceanic islands are the instruments as the thermometer and barometer
result of undersea volcanoes or tectonic plate ---- less familiar devices such as the radiosonde.
activity pushing up the sea floor. A) according to B) in terms of
A) Unless B) After
C) with the purpose of D) owing to
C) While D) Because
E) as well as
E) As long as
C) but D) so E) in pursuit of
E) since
E) as / as
D) whom E) what
D) could drive
C) until D) although
E) just as
A) Such as B) Regardless of
C) Contrary to D) Instead of
E) In addition to
A) into B) from
C) without D) at
E) for
E) to be seen
A) despite B) owing to
E) as a result of 30.
A) with B) between
C) to D) from
E) for
A) in case B) as long as
C) because D) although
E) so that
B) the dragonfly’s menu also features mosquitoes, flies C) it became possible to transport gas over thousands of
and butterflies miles
C) the dragonfly is often seen over water in the wild D) it was initially inconvenient to store in large amounts
D) the dragonfly has hardly changed, proving itself to be E) it was believed to have been first discovered and used
the champion of adaptation by the Chinese
35. Although traditional recruitment sources such as 37. Fossils may be the body parts or direct traces of
newspaper advertisements are still used to recruit activities left behind by animals, plants, fungi, and
job applicants, ----. microorganisms; ----.
A) people also argue that the Internet may pose potential A) thus, they might include a mammalian tooth, a clam
threats to personal privacy shell, a leaf or the entire skeleton of a dinosaur
B) use of Internet is less likely to reduce the time B) on the other hand, fossils are real and truly the
associated with traditional recruitment methods remains of long-dead organisms
C) most people seeking jobs are still looking at C) by comparison, they are usually formed as dead
newspaper advertisements instead of using the organisms become buried by layers of sediment
D) however, some people have historically studied fossils
D) the Internet has changed the way in which many as an interest
organisations announce job opportunities
E) for example, ancient people used fossils to make
E) the Internet recruiting poses challenges for necklaces and to exchange in trade
organisations that use online recruiting programmes
B) that period is known as the Chalcolithic Age B) as it is essential to understand populations and their
reproductive capacity
C) metallurgical developments originated in mountainous
regions C) thus some feed on living plants, others on decaying
plants, and still others on animals
D) the emergence of rock-melting process started the
Copper Age D) given that some species that coexist in an area and
interact with each other form an ecological community
E) most of the larger metal artefacts were produced in the
Middle East E) but all insects undergo the basic stages of
development from an egg to a reproductive adult
39. Insect-pollinated flowers are usually brightly 41. Chestnut wood can be worked easily to manufacture
coloured and sugary-smelling ----. fine furniture and musical instruments; ----.
A) although birds or bats use these colourful flowers as A) on the other hand, chestnuts are species of trees in
landing pads the genus Castanea
B) while hummingbirds are the only pollinating birds that B) moreover, it is also used for its durability in roof
fly as they feed materials and construction timber
C) because insects are attracted by vivid colours and C) for example, true chestnut seeds could be confused
sweet scents with horse chestnuts
D) only when some plants try to shed their shiny pollen D) thus, in 1999, the global crop of sweet chestnut was
into the air harvested from about 630,000 acres
E) as some flower heads have much larger flowers, E) similarly, they are species of temperate hardwood
spaced much further apart forests found in the northern hemisphere
B) Asansör, çok katlı binaların kullanımının yolunu C) Güvenli aygıtlar yapmak, Sanayi Devrimi’nin
açarak pek çok modern şehrin karakteristik kentsel başlangıcında mühendislerin kârlı bir şekilde çalışan
coğrafyasının oluşmasında belirleyici bir rol aygıtlar yapmak kadar önem verdikleri bir konu değildi.
D) Kârlı bir şekilde işleyen aygıtlar üretme çabaları,
C) Çok katlı binaların kullanımının yolunu açan asansör, Sanayi Devrimi’nin başlangıcında, mühendislerin
pek çok modern şehrin karakteristik kentsel güvenli aygıtların üretilmesine pek önem
coğrafyasının oluşmasında belirleyici bir rol vermemelerine neden oldu.
E) Sanayi Devrimi’nin başlangıcında mühendisler
D) Asansör çok katlı binaların kullanımının yolunu açtığı kendilerini tamamen kârlı bir şekilde çalışan aygıtlar
için pek çok modern şehrin karakteristik kentsel yapmaya adadılar, fakat güvenliğine hiç önem
coğrafyasının oluşumunda belirleyici bir rol oynamıştır. vermediler.
44. In 725, Chinese engineer Liang Ling-Zan and 45. Early farmers quickly learned that a supply of water
Buddhist monk Yi-Xing invented a water clock was essential to farming; thus, the primary fields of
which displayed various astronomical events rather grain were processed alongside the great rivers of
than the time. the Middle East.
A) Zamanı ve çeşitli astronomik olayları gösteren su A) İlk çiftçiler su tedarikinin çiftçilik için önemli olduğunu
saati, Çinli mühendis Liang Ling-Zan ve Budist rahip çabucak öğrendiler, bu yüzden başlıca tahıl arazileri
Yi-Xing tarafından 725 yılında icat edilmiştir. Orta Doğu’nun büyük nehirleri boyunca işlendi.
B) 725 yılında, Çinli mühendis Liang Ling-Zan ve Budist B) İlk çiftçiler su tedarikinin çiftçilik açısından önemli
rahip Yi-Xing, zamanı ve çeşitli astronomik olayları olduğunu çabucak öğrenmelerinden dolayı başlıca
gösteren su saatini icat ettiler. tahıl arazilerini Orta Doğu’nun büyük nehirleri boyunca
C) 725 yılında, Çinli mühendis Liang Ling-Zan ve Budist
rahip Yi-Xing tarafından icat edilen su saati, zamanı C) Su tedarikinin çiftçilik için önemli olduğunu çabuk
göstermek yerine çeşitli astronomik olayları öğrenen ilk çiftçiler başlıca tahıl arazilerini Orta
gösteriyordu. Doğu’daki büyük nehirler boyunca işlediler.
D) 725 yılında, Çinli mühendis Liang Ling-Zan ve Budist D) Başlıca tahıl arazilerinin Orta Doğu’daki büyük nehirler
rahip Yi-Xing, zamandan ziyade çeşitli astronomik boyunca işlenmesinin sebebi, ilk çiftçilerin su
olayları gösteren bir su saati icat ettiler. tedarikinin çiftçilik açısından önemli olduğunu
çabucak kavramalarıdır.
E) Zamandan çok çeşitli astronomik olayları gösteren su
saati, Çinli mühendis Liang Ling-Zan’ın yardımıyla E) İlk çiftçiler su tedarikinin önemli bir çiftçilik meselesi
Budist rahip Yi-Xing tarafından 725 yılında icat olduğunu çabuk öğrendiler ve başlıca tahıl arazilerini
edilmiştir. Orta Doğu’nun büyük nehirleri boyunca işlediler.
49. 1862 yılında, Louis Pasteur, süt 70 dereceye kadar 50. Nörologlar tarafından yeni geliştirilen bir çip, beynin
ısıtılırsa içindeki bakterilerin öleceğini ve bu nedenle anatomik yapılarını kopyalamaya çalışmak yerine,
sütün daha uzun süre muhafaza edilebileceğini insan zihninin bilişsel becerilerini taklit etmeyi
kanıtladı. amaçlamaktadır.
A) 1862 was the year when Louis Pasteur proved that if A) The aim of the chip recently developed by neurologists
milk was heated up to 70 ºC, the bacteria in it would is to mimic the cognitive abilities of the human mind
be killed, and therefore it could be kept longer. rather than replicating the anatomical structures of the
B) What Louis Pasteur proved in 1862 was that if milk
was heated up to 70 ºC, this would kill the bacteria it B) A chip recently developed by neurologists aims to
contained, and thus the milk could be kept longer. mimic the cognitive abilities of the human mind instead
of trying to replicate the anatomical structures of the
C) In 1862, Louis Pasteur proved that if milk was heated brain.
up to 70 ºC, the bacteria in it would die, and therefore
the milk could be kept longer. C) A chip recently developed by neurologists not only
tries to replicate the anatomical structures of the brain,
D) Demonstrating that the bacteria milk contained would but also aims to mimic the cognitive abilities of the
die if it was heated up to 70 ºC, Louis Pasteur, in human mind.
1862, proved that the milk could be kept longer.
D) Trying to replicate the anatomical structures of the
E) In 1862, Louis Pasteur proved that milk would be kept
brain, a chip recently developed by neurologists aims
longer provided that it was heated up to 70 ºC to kill
to mimic the cognitive abilities of the human mind.
the bacteria it contained.
E) A chip that aims to mimic the cognitive abilities of the
human mind instead of trying to replicate the
anatomical structures of the brain has been recently
developed by neurologists.
55. The sun’s heat energy passes easily through glass 57. Species have evolved throughout the course of
and warms the room beyond, which means windows natural history, and the fossil record is filled with
make ideal solar collectors. For maximum capture of evidence of extinctions, some of which have been
solar energy, a house needs large south-facing sudden and catastrophic. Ecologists believe that we
windows. ---- Even if it cannot be oriented precisely are in such an era of rapid species extinctions
north-south, it is still possible to harness a good today. ---- For example, the spotted owl is
percentage of the sun’s energy. Also, to adapt an endangered by overharvesting of old-growth forests
existing house, there are several options. For in the United Kingdom, and the bald eagle has been
instance, bigger windows on southfacing walls nearly rendered extinct in the United States outside
could be installed. of Alaska due to poisoning with pesticides.
A) The type of glass in your windows determines how A) Species biodiversity has a number of health benefits
efficiently solar energy is captured. for humans.
B) In new construction, this is easy to achieve by siting B) Enacted in 1973, the Endangered Species Act
the house accordingly. emerged to protect wildlife in the United States.
C) The idea is to store heat and to radiate it back after C) Using fossil records to determine which species
the sun has gone down. became extinct is a well-established method.
D) The most efficient way to do this is with a heat D) The most prominent current cause is human activity,
recovery ventilation system. which brings about loss of habitat for species and also
causes pollution.
E) The sun is a fantastic source of costless heat that can
be harnessed very simply. E) The protection of endangered species is a very
complex and challenging task.
58. Cold storage through refrigeration or freezing 59. Flash floods are floods that occur extremely
makes it possible to extend both the seasons of quickly, usually within several minutes or hours.
harvest and the geographic area in which a product They cause streams and rivers to rise rapidly and
is available. ---- But now, modern cold storage wash over the land, destroying almost everything in
technology makes virtually any product available their path. Their destructiveness is based on several
year-round on a global basis. Other technologies factors, including rainfall intensity, duration, surface
have been combined with refrigeration to further conditions, and slope of the area. ---- Mountain
improve this availability, such as a sealed room regions are also prone to flash flooding, and even
where the air is modified to increase its nitrogen deserts and arid regions are vulnerable to flash
content to keep food fresh. floods, since many dry regions are known for
A) Time and temperature are the key factors that intense thunderstorms which can produce a lot of
determine how well foods can retain their properties. rainwater in a short time.
A) Flash floods are very unpredictable and can occur at
B) The next step in the cold storage food chain is any time of the year.
transport by railroad cars, trucks, airplanes, or boats.
B) Floodwaters can carry a great deal of sediment and
C) Refrigerated warehouses maintain the temperatures debris, coating the inside and outside of a building.
required to assure maintenance of quality.
C) Flash flooding is considered to be the main reason for
D) Food that is placed in cold storage is protected from deaths associated with thunderstorms, especially
the degradation that is caused by microorganisms. when they occur at night.
E) Food products were previously grown locally and had D) The destructive potential of flood currents is
to be marketed within a short period of time. tremendous as they can cause massive amounts of
The science behind growing meat without animals is B) are composed of various cells that have different
fairly simple. Growing the cells that form cultured meat functions
is not hugely different from other ‘cell culture’ methods
that biologists have used to study cells since the early C) have the ability to transform into different cells in a
1900s. The process starts with a few ‘satellite’ cells, muscle
which can be obtained from a small sample of muscle
taken from a live animal. These are stem cells that can D) need to be attached to other cells to form living tissues
turn into the different cells found in muscle. Just one cell
could, in theory, be used to grow an infinite amount of E) decrease in number at the end of the production
meat. When fed a nutrient-rich serum, the cells turn into process
muscle cells and proliferate, doubling in number roughly
every few days. After the cells have multiplied, they are
encouraged to form strips, much like how muscle cells
form fibres in living tissue. These fibres are attached to
a sponge-like scaffold that floods the fibres with
nutrients and mechanically stretches them, ‘exercising’
the muscle cells to increase their size and protein
content. The resulting tissue can then be harvested,
seasoned, cooked and consumed as boneless 71. The passage is mainly about ----.
processed meat. A) the advances in human cell production under scientific
B) studying cells is a relatively new concept in the current E) some steps followed by scientists to cure animal
decade diseases by producing cells
River systems are completely changed when dams are B) it has a negative impact on the currents in the
built. The main reason is obvious: dams block the Mediterranean Sea
channels, altering the water's direction by decreasing or
increasing the amount of water that flows through the C) it is reducing the size of the Nile delta
channel – the defined pathway the water follows. In turn,
this modifies or completely changes the river's erosional D) the people in the Nile region are still facing problems
and depositional characteristics, thus changing the with irrigation
channel's landscape and affecting the local
environment. Although there are good reasons for dams E) sediment is flooding in from the Mediterranean Sea
(mainly to stop flooding in populated areas), there are
often just as many potential problems. One in particular
is the erosion that occurs just below the main structure
holding back the water. Because sediment is no longer
transported within the water (the load is dropped in the
reservoir), the water from the spillway often erodes the
channel immediately below. Another problem can also
arise from the fact that because there is less sediment
load, there is also less of a delta being formed at the 74. The underlined word in the passage 'replenish' is
mouth of a river. For example, the Aswan High Dam closest in meaning to ----.
along the Nile River in Egypt was finished in 1966,
primarily to provide electricity and irrigation. But the A) reduce B) ruin C) renew
water is dammed up in a lake about 280 kilometers
long, and this is starving the Nile delta of sediments. D) resist E) restrict
Because of this, the currents in the Mediterranean Sea
are carrying away more sediment than the river can
replenish and causing the delta to slowly erode away.
C) Doubtful D) Neutral
2020 - YÖKDİL/1
1. D 48. C
2. B 49. C
3. C 50. B
4. A 51. E
5. D 52. D
6. A 53. D
7. C 54. D
8. A 55. B
9. E 56. C
10. C 57. D
11. D 58. E
12. D 59. E
13. C 60. C
14. C 61. B
15. C 62. C
16. A 63. E
17. E 64. B
18. C 65. D
19. D 66. A
20. A 67. C
21. C 68. C
22. B 69. E
23. E 70. C
24. D 71. D
25. E 72. C
26. C 73. C
27. C 74. C
28. E 75. B
29. A 76. D
30. A 77. B
31. B 78. B
32. A 79. E
33. A 80. A
34. C
35. D
36. A
37. A
38. E
39. C
40. A
41. B
42. B
43. A
44. D
45. A
46. A
47. C
T.C. Ölçme, Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi
1 MART 2020
Bu testlerin her hakkı saklıdır. Hangi amaçla olursa olsun, testlerin tamamının veya bir kısmının Merkezimizin yazılı izni olmadan kopya edilmesi,
fotoğrafının çekilmesi, herhangi bir yolla çoğaltılması, yayımlanması ya da kullanılması yasaktır. Bu yasağa uymayanlar gerekli cezai sorumluluğu ve
testlerin hazırlanmasındaki mali külfeti peşinen kabullenmiş sayılır.
C) regret D) relief
E) complaint
C) admiration D) limitation
E) convenience
C) disastrous D) preventive
E) offensive
7. You ---- stretching many times, but you ---- of it as a 10. If salt consumption is high, the body retains water to
key part of your workout, as stretching for 10-15 dilute the high concentrations of sodium, which in
minutes post-workout relieves sore muscles. turn increases the volume of blood ---- the
A) must have skipped / could have thought bloodstream and puts more pressure ---- the heart
and blood vessels.
B) should have skipped / have to think A) over / by B) in / on
E) from / towards
13. ---- body cells come in many different shapes and 16. According to many dieticians, the diet or light
sizes, they all share the same basic parts. yogurts should be avoided ---- they are sweetened
A) As long as B) Provided that with aspartame, a chemical whose safety in food is
C) Although D) Because A) so that B) even if
E) until
E) on behalf of
E) no sooner / than
C) where D) which
E) why
At some point in the future, Italian neurosurgeon Sergio C) rather than D) prior to
Canavero and a team of 100 surgeons hope to graft the
head of patient Valery Spiridonov onto the body of a E) in addition to
brain-dead donor in the world’s first head transplant
operation. The surgery has already been planned in
(21)---- detail. Some steps have already been individually
tested, like the cooling of organs and body tissues,
(22)---- others represent a new challenge for the doctors.
The patient will not be conscious during the operation:
after being placed under general anaesthetic, the head
is cooled (23)---- a cooling cap to 10°C. This puts brain
activity on hold. It is only reactivated when the warm
blood (24)---- the donor’s body begins to flow through to
the donor’s brain. The lymphatic system will also be
connected to the new body. The patient will have to take A) among B) off
immunosuppressant drugs after the operation (25)---- the
risk of rejection. Canavero’s trickiest task will be to C) above D) from
cleanly separate the backbone and spinal cord before
connecting it to the spine of the donor body so that the E) against
nerve fibres can be fused together.
A) faulty B) tough 25.
A) to lower
C) precise D) protective
B) having been lowered
E) trivial
C) to have lowered
D) to be lowered
E) being lowered
A) as though B) given that
C) once D) in case
E) while
B) had to be eliminated
C) used to be eliminated
C) entirely D) previously
E) vividly
A) in terms of B) similar to
C) such as D) thanks to
E) as well as
A) similarly B) however
E) for instance
32. ----, but this glimpse into the gut is one of the most B) Although some believe that the war against measles
powerful existing weapons against colon cancer. was won long ago
A) A family history of colon cancer always calls for early C) If measles were not a big threat for people in
screening developing countries
B) Doctors are well aware that no one looks forward to D) As long as scientists continue their studies to
having colonoscopy eradicate measles
C) Men with no history of colon cancer should start being E) Because those infected with measles have small red
checked before 45 spots on their bodies
D) Both genetics and habits are held responsible for
colon cancer
35. Although Henry Maudsley, in the late 1800s, was the 37. Women suffer from Alzheimer’s disease more than
first psychiatrist to focus on very young children men ----.
with autism, ----. A) because they live longer and it gets more common
A) many families with an autistic child also had one or with age
more neurotypical children
B) since it prevents the brain from functioning normally
B) he believed that parents of these children were
emotionally cold and distant C) although this stressful condition affects women’s
quality of life
C) it was Leo Kanner who coined the phrase ‘early
infantile autism’ in 1943 D) while it attacks and gradually destroys parts of the
D) he claimed that parental personality played a powerful
role in their development E) as long as they respond to some medication differently
39. ----, avocados, in fact, contain naturally good fats, 41. Support systems for people with developmental
such as monounsaturated fat. disabilities are often based on the idea of helping
A) Although a diet enriched with avocados actually lowers them to attain the greatest level of independence
bad LDL cholesterol possible ----.
A) since many adults with developmental disabilities live
B) While it is true that fat makes up 75 percent of the with family members or roommates who can provide
calories in the fruit assistance
C) Once they increase levels of the good HDL cholesterol B) so that they can maintain quality of life and make
by 11 percent positive contributions to the society in which they live
D) If people eat half an avocado for their lunch on a daily C) although recent research has shown that early
basis intervention has a positive effect for many disabilities
E) Supposing that avocados show no sign of elevating a D) even if the support programme of one with a
person’s blood sugar developmental disability is at the appropriate level for
him or her
45. The traditional Mediterranean diet, which is rich in 46. Manufacturers guarantee that their products are
vegies, fish and olive oil, falls short of your daily safe only until the expiration date, but a study
calcium requirements, so you should add dairy to showed that more than 100 drugs are still safe and
your meals to strengthen your bones. effective at least one year afterward.
A) Geleneksel Akdeniz beslenme tarzı sebze, balık ve A) Üreticiler sadece son kullanma tarihine kadar
zeytinyağı bakımından zengindir, ancak günlük ürünlerinin güvenli olduğunu garanti ederler, ancak bir
kalsiyum ihtiyacınızı karşılayamadığından, araştırma 100’den fazla ilacın, en az bir yıl sonra da
kemiklerinizi güçlendirmek için öğünlerinize süt hâlâ güvenli ve etkili olduğunu göstermiştir.
ürünlerini eklemelisiniz.
B) 100’den fazla ilacın en az bir yıl sonraya kadar hâlâ
B) Sebze, balık ve zeytinyağı bakımından zengin güvenli ve etkili olduğunu gösteren bir çalışma
olmasına rağmen günlük kalsiyum ihtiyacınızı bulunsa da, üreticiler ürünlerinin sadece son kullanma
karşılayamayan geleneksel Akdeniz beslenme tarzı, tarihine kadar güvenli olduğunu garanti etmektedir.
kemiklerinizi güçlendirmek için öğünlerinize süt
ürünlerini eklemenizi gerektirebilir. C) Üreticiler tarafından ürünlerinin sadece son kullanma
tarihine kadar güvenli olduğu garanti edilse de, bir
C) Sebze, balık ve zeytinyağı bakımından zengin olan araştırma 100’den fazla ilacın, en az bir yıl sonra da
geleneksel Akdeniz beslenme tarzı, günlük kalsiyum hâlâ güvenli ve etkili olduğunu göstermiştir.
ihtiyacınızı karşılamamaktadır; bu nedenle
kemiklerinizi güçlendirmek için öğünlerinize süt D) Üreticiler yalnızca son kullanma tarihine kadar
ürünlerini eklemelisiniz. ilaçlarının güvenli olduğunu garanti etmektedir, ancak
bir araştırma tarafından 100’den fazla ilacın en az bir
D) Sebze, balık ve zeytinyağı bakımından zengin olan yıl sonra bile hâlâ güvenli ve etkili olduğu ortaya
geleneksel Akdeniz beslenme tarzında kemiklerinizi konmuştur.
güçlendirmek için öğünlerinize süt ürünlerini eklemeniz
gerekmektedir, çünkü bu beslenme tarzı günlük E) Bir araştırmada 100’den fazla ilacın en az bir yıl
kalsiyum ihtiyacınızı karşılamamaktadır. sonrasına kadar hâlâ güvenli ve etkili olduğu ispat
edilmiş olmasına rağmen, üreticiler sadece son
E) Geleneksel Akdeniz beslenme tarzı sebze, balık ve kullanma tarihine kadar ürünlerinin güvenli olduğunu
zeytinyağı bakımından zengin olsa da günlük kalsiyum garanti ederler.
ihtiyacınızı karşılamaz; bu yüzden öğünlerinize
kemiklerinizi güçlendirecek süt ürünleri eklemeniz
50. İlk yardımda öncelik, yardım çağırmadan önce 51. Problemleri veya hastalıkları saptama sanatı olan
müdahaleye başlanması gereken kalp krizi durumları 'teşhis', doktorlarla ilişkilendirilmiş olsa da, bu terim
hariç, acil yardım servisini arayarak tıbbi yardım avukatlar ve öğretmenler gibi diğer mesleklerin
almaktır. üyeleri tarafından da kullanılmaktadır.
A) In first aid, the priority is to get medical assistance by A) 'Diagnosis', the art of identifying problems or illnesses,
calling emergency medical care, except in cases is used by members of different professions, such as
of cardiac arrest in which treatment should be started lawyers and teachers; however, this term is more
before calling for help. associated with physicians.
B) First aid gives priority to cases of cardiac arrest as B) 'Diagnosis', the art of identifying problems or illnesses,
they need to be treated immediately, but except those has been linked with physicians even though this
cases, one should first get medical help by calling term is also used by members of other professions,
emergency medical care. such as lawyers and teachers.
C) In first aid, except for cardiac arrest cases which C) Although 'diagnosis', the art of identifying problems or
need to be dealt with before calling for help, the first illnesses, has been linked with physicians, this term is
thing we need to do is to call emergency medical care also used by members of other professions, such as
for medical help. lawyers and teachers.
D) In first aid, it is crucial to get help first by calling D) 'Diagnosis', the art of identifying problems or illnesses,
emergency medical care as long as it is not a case of is linked with physicians, but members of other
cardiac arrest where treatment should be started professions, such as lawyers and teachers, use this
before calling for help. term as well.
E) Unlike the cases of cardiac arrest which require E) While 'diagnosis', the art of identifying problems or
immediate care before calling for help, the first thing illnesses, has been associated with physicians,
to do in first aid is to call emergency medical care and members of other professions, such as lawyers and
get medical assistance. teachers, often use this term.
52. Gereğinden fazla beslenen çocuklar aşırı kilolu veya 53. Beyniniz yeterli dinlenmeden yoksunsa, fazladan
obez olabilirler ve bu da sağlık sorunlarına ve uyusanız bile bu kaybı telafi edemeyebilirsiniz,
depresyona yol açabilir. çünkü uzun süren uyku yoksunluğu beyin
A) Children who are overnourished may become hücrelerinin kaybına neden olabilir.
overweight or obese, and this may lead to health A) When your brain is deprived of adequate rest, getting
problems and depression. extra sleep may not compensate for the loss, as
extended sleep deprivation can result in the loss of
B) Health problems and depression may develop in brain cells.
children who are overnourished and thus have
become overweight or obese. B) If your brain is deprived of adequate rest, you may not
be able to compensate for the loss by getting extra
C) Overnourishing can make children overweight or sleep since extended sleep deprivation causes the
obese, and this is likely to result in health problems loss of brain cells.
and depression.
C) If your brain is deprived of adequate rest, you may not
D) Overnourished children may end up developing health be able to compensate for the loss no matter how
problems and depression as they have become much extra sleep you get because extended sleep
overweight or obese. deprivation results in the loss of brain cells.
E) When overnourished, children may develop health D) Once your brain is deprived of adequate rest, you may
problems and depression as a consequence of not be able to compensate for the loss despite the
becoming overweight or obese. extra sleep you get, and the result is the loss of brain
cells, which is caused by extended sleep deprivation.
56. Because the psychological manifestations of 57. Marie Curie, probably the world’s best-known
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are woman scientist, was a pioneer in the field of
multifaceted, it is necessary to implement radiation and chemotherapy. She was the first
comprehensive treatment interventions. One woman awarded a Nobel Prize, in 1903, for her
intervention should be related to the proper research on radioactivity. Sharing the prize were her
arrangement of the surroundings for children with husband, Pierre Curie, and Henri Becquerel, who
ADHD. Structuring the environment so that the child had discovered radioactivity in uranium. She was
is not easily distracted can be a viable solution. In also awarded a Nobel Prize in 1911 for the
the home, this entails minimising distracting previous discovery of polonium and radium and for
stimulation from radio or television, especially while the isolation of pure radium. ---- Cancer treatment,
the child is doing homework. ---- In this way, the for example, is among the practices where it is
teacher can ensure that the child is on task, is not widely employed.
distracted by other students, or has no opportunity A) She won her second Nobel Prize, this time in the field
to be disruptive. of chemistry.
A) Informing parents and school personnel about the
causes of ADHD can assist children, teachers and B) The Curies spent four years in a laboratory to isolate
parents themselves. polonium and radium.
B) Coordinated effort should be made to promote a C) She went beyond the study of the element radium to
healthy lifestyle, including scheduled regulation of discover a few of its medical uses.
D) She became the first woman professor at Sorbonne
C) Behaviour-modification strategies are effective for University, where she conducted meticulous scientific
training the child to control impulses, and they help studies.
both the child and their parents.
E) In the same year, Lord William Thomson Kelvin
D) In the classroom, on the other hand, consideration claimed radium was not an element after all.
should be given to the child’s seat location to enable
the teacher to observe the child closely.
58. ---- However, allergy skin testing may be used for 59. Everyone experiences occasional forgetfulness,
detection, although an allergic skin response does most commonly with respect to recent information.
not always mean that the allergen being tested is Such forgetfulness may range from the names of
causing the asthma. Also, the body’s immune newly introduced people to where the car keys are.
system produces antibody to fight off the allergen, Many researchers believe such forgetfulness
and the amount of antibody can be measured by a represents an incompletion in the brain’s processes
blood test. This will show how sensitive the patient for establishing neuronal pathways. ---- That is, the
is to a particular allergen. more frequently a person encounters the same
A) Nedocromil is an anti-inflammatory drug that is often information, the more complete the neuronal
used for asthma. connections among the various regions of the brain
that store the information.
B) Today, asthma is viewed as a chronic inflammatory A) Therefore, amnesia is the inability to recall past
disease of the airways. information or to remember information relevant to the
C) It is often difficult to determine what is triggering
asthma attacks. B) Only when information becomes repetitious does the
brain create connections among neurons to
D) More than half of affected children stop having asthma accommodate it.
attacks after a certain age.
C) Similarly, the quality of memory, particularly short-term
E) Most patients with asthma respond well when the best memory, normally diminishes with the advanced age.
drug is found.
D) Even if patients experience memory impairment, they
are still able to remember the names of close family
2020 - YÖKDİL/1
1. D 48. B
2. A 49. B
3. B 50. A
4. E 51. C
5. D 52. A
6. A 53. E
7. D 54. C
8. B 55. A
9. D 56. D
10. B 57. C
11. E 58. C
12. E 59. B
13. C 60. C
14. A 61. D
15. C 62. C
16. C 63. D
17. A 64. A
18. E 65. B
19. C 66. C
20. B 67. A
21. C 68. B
22. E 69. B
23. B 70. E
24. D 71. E
25. A 72. D
26. C 73. E
27. B 74. A
28. D 75. A
29. E 76. C
30. D 77. A
31. C 78. C
32. B 79. D
33. B 80. E
34. B
35. C
36. C
37. A
38. D
39. B
40. C
41. B
42. D
43. D
44. A
45. C
46. A
47. A
T.C. Ölçme, Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi
28 MART 2021
Bu testlerin her hakkı saklıdır. Hangi amaçla olursa olsun, testlerin tamamının veya bir kısmının Merkezimizin yazılı izni olmadan kopya edilmesi,
fotoğrafının çekilmesi, herhangi bir yolla çoğaltılması, yayımlanması ya da kullanılması yasaktır. Bu yasağa uymayanlar gerekli cezai sorumluluğu ve
testlerin hazırlanmasındaki mali külfeti peşinen kabullenmiş sayılır.
E) punishments
E) validation
7. Native American tribes and nations ---- their own 10. With around 1.5 billion people living ---- its borders,
religions and political views long before Europeans China is currently the most populous land ---- the
---- their lands. globe.
A) had been developing / had been invading A) from / around B) into / under
11. The search ---- gold and silver and the control of
their sources have had a significant influence ----
human history as a motivation for exploration, trade,
and conflicts.
8. London ---- the oldest and most comprehensive A) at / during B) for / on
subway system in the world today, and all of the
city’s train stations ---- by subway. C) about / beyond D) in / through
A) had / might be reached
E) towards / around
B) has had / could have been reached
9. Our brains are the most flexible when we are young E) Provided that
children, as it is ---- this time that we learn the most
---- our environment.
A) before / for B) behind / without
E) against / from
13. ---- attention is a process that is so widely 16. They are some of the oldest monuments in the
distributed throughout the brain, different systems world, ---- much about Egypt’s pyramids remains a
have been proposed to explain the varying types of mystery.
attention. A) but B) otherwise
A) Unless B) Once
C) as D) supposed that
C) After D) Because
E) once
E) As soon as
15. Computers and the Internet have greatly increased 18. ---- disagreements over the definition, meaning and
the amount and range of information available to value of privacy, most philosophers defend the
students ---- their benefits are often exaggerated in unique and fundamental value of privacy protection.
media reports. A) Such as B) In spite of
A) until B) even if
C) By means of D) Similar to
C) in order that D) in case
E) In the hope of
E) unless
C) both / and D) as / as
C) what D) whom
E) which
A) to assist
B) assisting
A) beyond B) over
C) to be assisted
C) below D) at
D) being assisted
E) through
E) having assisted
A) Otherwise B) By comparison
C) In addition D) Instead
E) On the contrary
C) despite D) due to
A) survived B) demanded
C) exemplified D) destroyed
E) diminished
A) along B) without
C) for D) over
E) in
A) however B) moreover
E) eventually
35. Although only the well-to-do could afford to have 37. ----, water has been a dominant factor in determining
their own carriage in Victorian England, ----. the location and distribution of human settlement in
A) electric trams were introduced at the end of the Afghanistan.
19th century A) Although many of the historically important towns are
located near rivers and streams
B) ordinary people could hire a private coach by making
arrangements in advance B) Since much of the country is covered by deserts and
receives little rain
C) the nobles often avoided using a public cab for
door-to-door transportation in town C) Whereas the country’s capital lies on the well-watered
plains of a river
D) the cabs for private use were too expensive for most
people’s ordinary daily use D) Despite the fact that 80 percent of the country’s
population is rural, utilising water sources on a large
E) the underground revolutionised the speed and cost of scale
urban transportation
E) Even if humid air from the Persian Gulf produces
summer showers in the southwest
39. The earliest examples of plant and animal 41. Very few researchers have an interest in studying
domestication date back hundreds of thousands whistled languages ----.
of years, ----. A) whereas their intelligibility does not always match that
A) as domestication changed the natural behaviour and of spoken languages
characteristics of the plants and animals
B) although the populations that use them are located in
B) although the domestication of their environment was a isolated areas
great survival technique of the human population
C) so that they are most ideally used in areas with high
C) instead, the domestication of plants and animals took noise concentrations
place in a single limited area
D) if users could detect an entire sentence from long
D) whereas domestication was one of the most distances
fundamental changes in human history
E) even though such speech has been around since
E) but the environmental effects of those lifestyle ancient times
changes are still apparent today
44. Some scholars argue that most European cultures 45. As coffee spread from its native Africa to the Middle
stem from ancient Celts, who migrated from what is East, then to Europe and other parts of the world, it
now Eastern Europe to the British Isles in the was transformed from the drink of a select few to a
9th century BCE. product consumed by the masses.
A) Çoğu Avrupa kültürünün antik Keltlerden geldiğine A) Kahve, ana vatanı Afrika’dan Orta Doğu’ya, oradan da
inanan bazı araştırmacılar, Keltlerin MÖ 9. yüzyılda Avrupa ve dünyanın diğer bölgelerine yayıldıkça
günümüzde Doğu Avrupa olarak bilinen bölgeden seçkin bir azınlığın içeceğinden kitlelerin tükettiği bir
Britanya Adaları’na göç ettiğini öne sürmektedir. ürüne dönüşmüştür.
B) Bazı araştırmacılara göre, MÖ 9. yüzyılda günümüzde B) Ana vatanı Afrika’dan Orta Doğu’ya, oradan da Avrupa
Doğu Avrupa olarak bilinen bölgeden Britanya ve dünyanın diğer bölgelerine yayılan kahve, önceleri
Adaları’na göç eden antik Keltler, çoğu Avrupa seçkin bir azınlığın içeceğiyken kitlelerin tükettiği bir
kültürünün temelini teşkil etmektedir. ürün hâline gelmiştir.
C) MÖ 9. yüzyılda Doğu Avrupa’dan Britanya Adaları’na C) Kahve, ana vatanı Afrika’da seçkin bir azınlığın
göç eden antik Keltlerin bugünkü çoğu Avrupa içeceğiyken Orta Doğu’ya, oradan da Avrupa ve
kültürünün kökenini oluşturduğu, bazı araştırmacılar dünyanın diğer bölgelerine yayıldıkça kitlelerin
tarafından iddia edilmektedir. tükettiği bir ürüne dönüşmüştür.
D) Bazı araştırmacılar, çoğu Avrupa kültürünün MÖ D) Kahveyi seçkin bir azınlığın içeceği olmaktan çıkarıp
9. yüzyılda günümüzde Doğu Avrupa olarak bilinen kitlelerin tükettiği bir ürüne dönüştüren şey, ana vatanı
bölgeden Britanya Adaları’na göç eden antik Afrika’dan Orta Doğu’ya, oradan da Avrupa ve
Keltlerden geldiğini öne sürmektedir. dünyanın diğer bölgelerine yayılması olmuştur.
E) Günümüzdeki çoğu Avrupa kültürünün MÖ 9. yüzyılda E) İlk zamanlarında seçkin bir azınlığın içeceği olarak
Doğu Avrupa’dan Britanya Adaları’na göç eden antik bilinen kahve, ana vatanı Afrika’dan Orta Doğu’ya,
Keltlerden geldiğini öne süren bazı araştırmacılar oradan da Avrupa ve dünyanın diğer bölgelerine
vardır. yayılması sonucunda kitlelerin tükettiği bir ürüne
46. Although cities provide the optimum context for 47. Despite advances in understanding of the anatomy
social activities, daily life conditions in cities are and physiology of pain and the development of
becoming increasingly more difficult. treatments based on sophisticated technology,
A) Şehirlerdeki günlük yaşam koşulları gittikçe daha zor chronic pain continues to be a prevalent and costly
bir hâle gelse bile şehirler sosyal aktiviteler için en problem.
uygun ortamlardır. A) Ağrının anatomisinin ve fizyolojisinin anlaşılmasındaki
ilerlemelere ve üst düzey teknolojiye dayalı tedavilerin
B) Şehirlerdeki günlük yaşam koşulları gittikçe daha zor geliştirilmesine rağmen, kronik ağrı yaygın ve maliyetli
bir hâl almaktadır, ancak şehirler sosyal aktiviteler için bir sorun olmaya devam etmektedir.
en uygun ortamı sunar.
B) Ağrının anatomisi ve fizyolojisi konusunda ilerlemeler
C) Sosyal aktiviteler için en uygun ortamı sağlayan kaydedilmiş ve üst düzey teknolojiye bağlı tedaviler
şehirlerdeki günlük yaşam koşulları gittikçe daha zor geliştirilmiştir, ancak kronik ağrı yaygın ve maliyetli bir
bir hâl almaktadır. sorun olmaya hâlâ devam etmektedir.
D) Şehirler sosyal aktiviteler için en uygun ortamı sağlasa C) Kronik ağrı, anatomisinin ve fizyolojisinin
da şehirlerdeki günlük yaşam koşulları gittikçe daha anlaşılmasındaki ilerlemelere ve üst düzey teknolojik
zor bir hâle gelmektedir. tedavilerin geliştirilmesine rağmen, yaygın bir sorun
olmaya devam etmektedir ve tedavisi maliyetlidir.
E) Sosyal aktiviteler için en uygun ortam şehirlerde
D) Hâlâ yaygın ve maliyetli bir sorun olan kronik ağrıya
bulunmasına rağmen şehirlerdeki günlük yaşam
karşı üst düzey teknolojik tedavilerin geliştirilmesi,
koşulları gittikçe daha zor bir hâl almaktadır.
ağrının anatomisinin ve fizyolojisinin anlaşılmasındaki
ilerlemeler sayesinde olmuştur.
B) The reason why Immanuel Kant has been more C) The Amazon rainforest has been introduced as a
influential than any other Enlightenment philosopher place unsuitable for the presence of human societies;
since the 19th century is that he contributed to the however, several ancient societies have been reported
emergence of empiricism and the natural sciences by new studies to practice agriculture in the region.
with the system of reason he developed.
D) Although the Amazon rainforest has been introduced
C) Thanks to his contributions to the emergence of as a place unsuitable for the presence of human
societies, new studies have revealed that some
empiricism and the natural sciences through a system
ancient societies practiced agriculture in the region.
of reason he constructed, Immanuel Kant has been
more influential than any other Enlightenment
E) The Amazon rainforest has been introduced as a
philosopher since the 19th century.
place unsuitable for the presence of human societies,
but new studies suggest that various ancient societies
D) Immanuel Kant has been more influential than any
practiced agriculture in the region.
other Enlightenment philosopher since the 19th
century because he constructed a system of reason
which contributed to the emergence of empiricism and
the natural sciences.
50. Klasik koşullanma, davranışçılık olarak bilinen 51. İlk medeniyetlerdeki nüfuslar yoğunlaştıkça ve
psikoloji ekolünde önemli bir kavramdır ve davranış kasabalar şehirleştikçe bazı insan toplulukları bir
terapisinde kullanılan bazı tekniklerin temelini dizi yeni özelliklere sahip olmaya başladılar.
oluşturmaktadır. A) A series of new features emerged in some human
A) Providing the basis for some of the techniques used societies when populations grew in density and towns
in behaviour therapy, classical conditioning is an turned into cities in early civilisations.
important concept in the school of psychology known
as behaviourism. B) A range of new characteristics were developed in
some human societies in early civilisations as
B) Classical conditioning, which is a key concept in the populations became denser and towns transformed
school of psychology known as behaviourism, lays the into cities.
foundation for some of the techniques used in
behaviour therapy. C) In early civilisations, some human societies began to
demonstrate a series of new characteristics as a result
C) Classical conditioning is an important concept in the of populations increasing in density and towns growing
school of psychology known as behaviourism, and it into cities.
forms the basis for some of the techniques used in
behaviour therapy. D) With populations becoming denser and towns turning
into cities in early civilisations, it was possible for
D) The school of psychology known as behaviourism some human societies to develop a group of new
sees classical conditioning as an important concept, features.
and some of the techniques used in behaviour therapy
are based on it. E) As populations increased in density and towns grew
into cities in early civilisations, some human societies
E) Classical conditioning is a fundamental concept in the began to take on a set of new characteristics.
school of psychology known as behaviourism, and
some of the techniques used in behaviour therapy
have originated from it.
52. Kıtlıkların hâlâ meydana geliyor olması küresel 53. Roma, MÖ 509 yılında bir cumhuriyet hâline
ölçekli gıda eksikliğinin değil, gıdanın yerel geldiğinde, karar alma gücü bulunan bir grup yaşlı
dağıtımıyla ilgili olanlar da dâhil olmak üzere siyasi devlet adamından oluşan Senato dâhil olmak üzere,
ve sosyal sorunların bir sonucudur. eski monarşik düzenin bazı unsurlarını korumuştur.
A) A global food shortage is not responsible for the fact A) The Senate, a group of elder statesmen with
that famines still occur, which is rather caused by decision-making powers, was preserved even after
political and social problems such as those linked to Rome became a republic in 509 BCE as some
local distribution of food. elements of the old monarchical system were to be
B) Famines that still occur are a consequence of not only
a global food shortage but also political and social B) When Rome became a republic in 509 BCE, it
problems associated with local distribution of food. retained some of the elements of the old monarchical
system, including the Senate comprised of a group of
C) Although there is not a global food shortage, famines elder statesmen with decision-making powers.
still occur due to political and social problems such as
those resulting from local distribution of food. C) Rome became a republic in 509 BCE; however,
certain elements of the old monarchical system such
D) The fact that famines still occur is not a consequence as the Senate, consisting of a group of elder
of a global food shortage, but of political and social statesmen having decision-making powers, was
problems, including those associated with local maintained.
distribution of food.
D) Although Rome became a republic in 509 BCE, it
E) Political and social problems, including those related maintained some of the elements of the old
to local distribution of food, are contributing to the fact monarchical system, including the Senate, a group of
that famines do still occur, along with a global food elder statesmen with decision-making powers.
E) Preserving certain elements of the old monarchical
system such as the Senate, which included a group of
elder statesmen having decision-making powers,
Rome became a republic in 509 BCE.
56. The purpose of a library, whether paper or digital, is 57. The world’s longest river, stretching for about
to facilitate communication across space and time 6,400 km from the African tropics to the
by selecting, preserving, organising, and making Mediterranean Sea, the Nile was a great source of
accessible documents of all kinds. ---- For example, life flowing through the heart of ancient Egypt. With
technological methods of information retrieval make much of the country covered in inhospitable desert,
it possible to index books at the level of chapters, or civilisation grew up along the river’s banks. ----
even at the level of sections and paragraphs. The Egyptians relied on it for transportation and
However, just as a paper library can provide too entertainment, and to plant their crops on its
many books, digital libraries can provide an even nutrient-rich banks.
greater overabundance of documents, chapters, and A) Ancient people living along the Nile wore jewellery to
passages. honour their gods.
A) Some digital library collections contain images created
with human effort. B) High rainfall near the Nile’s source would cause the
waters to rise rapidly.
B) Like all professions, librarianship offers specialties and
subspecialties. C) The farming year in ancient Egypt began following the
annual flooding of the Nile.
C) Digital libraries provide many opportunities to improve
upon paper libraries. D) Pharaohs would ride on large ceremonial boats on
important occasions along the Nile.
D) A library must have a collection of materials that carry
information. E) Every aspect of ancient Egyptian daily life depended
on the Nile.
E) People tend to associate the word ‘librarian’ with
anyone who works in a paper library.
58. North America was an arena of conflict between 59. In 1925, Le Corbusier, the Swiss-French architect
British and French colonialism in the mid-18th suggested demolishing the homes, statues, and
century. The British victory in the French and Indian streets of much of Paris’s Right Bank. In their place,
War of 1754-63 settled this issue in Britain’s favour, he proposed erecting 18 glass towers, divided by
but disagreements between Britain and its thirteen lawns for pedestrians and elevated highways for
North American colonies arose in the aftermath of cars. ---- A quote attributed to him leaves no doubt
the war. ---- Escalating conflict led them to unite in as to which side he was on: “Progress is achieved
declaring independence in 1776 and, with French through experimentation; the decision will be
help, they defeated British efforts to suppress the awarded on the field of battle of the new.’’
rebellion, which led to the establishment of the A) Le Corbusier contended that lovers of antique
United States of America. architecture and progressive thinkers were at war
A) Most colonists who had remained loyal to Britain left about how humans should live.
the country, many moving to Canada, which remained
in British hands. B) Based on the need for security and housing, or other
facilities, most people preferred to move to a new
B) Born of an uprising against the British rule in 1776, the neighbourhood.
United States of America was a new kind of state
embodying the principles of democracy. C) High-rise buildings similar to those envisioned by
Le Corbusier have recently been dotting various urban
C) The new United States had an initial population of districts across China.
around 4 million, similar in size to the population of
Ireland at that time. D) Le Corbusier was one of the pioneers of modernism in
architecture and insisted on this extraordinary
D) The war was followed by a burst of economic growth
that radically changed the nature of the United States
of America. E) Some leaders suggested that we should live in dense
urban areas with public transit and walkable facilities.
E) Colonists disputing the right of the British Parliament
to impose taxes and duties on them staged rebellious
acts that provoked a repressive response.
B) offers several different pastries made with pistachio E) the city suffered from serious political conflicts caused
by the Arabs
C) is known worldwide for its pistachio baklava
C) possess D) substitute
E) approve
2021 - YÖKDİL/1
1. A 48. D
2. D 49. E
3. D 50. C
4. D 51. E
5. A 52. D
6. B 53. B
7. E 54. E
8. C 55. B
9. D 56. C
10. D 57. E
11. B 58. E
12. C 59. A
13. D 60. D
14. B 61. E
15. B 62. B
16. A 63. D
17. D 64. C
18. B 65. C
19. C 66. C
20. B 67. A
21. A 68. C
22. C 69. D
23. A 70. A
24. B 71. B
25. E 72. B
26. C 73. E
27. A 74. B
28. D 75. D
29. C 76. B
30. D 77. D
31. E 78. D
32. E 79. D
33. D 80. E
34. C
35. B
36. B
37. B
38. A
39. E
40. B
41. E
42. B
43. B
44. D
45. A
46. D
47. A
T.C. Ölçme, Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi
29 AĞUSTOS 2021
Bu testlerin her hakkı saklıdır. Hangi amaçla olursa olsun, testlerin tamamının veya bir kısmının Merkezimizin yazılı izni olmadan kopya edilmesi,
fotoğrafının çekilmesi, herhangi bir yolla çoğaltılması, yayımlanması ya da kullanılması yasaktır. Bu yasağa uymayanlar gerekli cezai sorumluluğu ve
testlerin hazırlanmasındaki mali külfeti peşinen kabullenmiş sayılır.
C) negotiation D) enslavement
E) correspondence
C) quarrel D) interact
2. Cambodia is one of the world’s poorest economies,
and thus economic development is its highest ----.
E) speculate
A) reflection B) triumph
C) structure D) priority
E) sanction
C) devoted D) vulnerable
E) harmful
7. By the 20th century, photography ---- so 10. As Minoans established settlements ---- the
advanced that sports ---- and illustrated in daily Mediterranean world along an extensive trade route
newspapers. with Egypt, Syria, the Aegean islands, and mainland
A) had become / were being photographed Greece, they brought their culture ---- them.
A) from / against B) below / on
B) has become / are being photographed
C) throughout / with D) for / about
C) became / had been photographed
E) at / over
D) would have become / were photographed
12. ---- science fiction texts are too difficult to film, very
few have ever been successfully adapted.
A) Unless B) In order that
C) Once D) Before
C) on / to D) along / over
E) by / from
13. ---- fire played an important part in Greek 16. According to experts, most national policies are
philosopher Anaximander’s cosmogony, it would be likely to fail ---- they are complemented and
wrong to think that he regarded it as the ultimate supported by parallel policies at the global level.
constituent of the world, like Thales’ water. A) so that B) just as
A) Though B) As if
C) unless D) since
C) In case D) Since
E) now that
E) Until
E) As though
D) so / that E) whether / or
D) that E) of whom
C) Due to D) On behalf of
A) why B) which C) how
E) Similar to
D) where E) when
A) occurred B) deteriorated
C) lasted D) recovered
E) appeared
A) despite B) such as
A) should have started B) had started
C) with the purpose of D) in case of
C) must start D) used to start
E) contrary to
E) has started
D) Upon E) From
D) the unconscious was not seriously taken up by E) families tend to get closer as grandparents become
science until the 19th century involved with the new family
35. Despite its economic difficulties such as trade 37. ----, the aging process would continue persistently,
imbalance and high unemployment, ----. making the saved population ever more susceptible
A) Jamaica is the largest English-speaking island in the to a new set of diseases.
Caribbean Sea A) Because aging makes us ever more vulnerable to the
common fatal diseases
B) Jamaica is largely perceived by the outside world as
economically successful B) Before aging contributed to a wide variety of non-fatal
diseases and disorders
C) the economy of Jamaica has suffered extensively from
persistent job losses C) Although authorities underestimated the speed with
which mortality was declining
D) the majority of the Jamaican population is primarily of
African descent D) Even if medical interventions were to eliminate all the
existing major killer diseases
E) Jamaica’s government follows the British
parliamentary model E) Once scientific forecasts of the survival of individuals
began with the work of life insurance companies
39. Whereas some commercial photographers accept a 41. In ancient Greece, winning in the Olympic Games
wide range of assignments, including brought glory not only to the individual, but also to
photographing small products, automobiles and the city that the athlete represented; ----.
food, ----. A) however, athletes in these competitions were highly
A) they typically take photographs of commercial motivated to win
products for advertisements
B) hence, some types of games taught the practitioners
B) others focus on a more specialised area, such as about the art of war
photographing only furniture
C) likewise, a losing competitor reflected poorly on his
C) they have the freedom to glorify products and create city
an exaggerated appearance
D) yet, competition among the city-states during the
D) their photographs should create a favourable Games was fierce
impression on the viewer
E) even so, they did not want to shame their city with a
E) some studios use a number of photographers who poor performance
specialise in different areas
44. Because animals make up an important part of 45. René Descartes, often called the father of modern
nature and some research cannot be conducted philosophy, attempted to break with the
using humans, animals are unfortunately also philosophical traditions of his day and start
participants in psychological research. philosophy anew.
A) Hayvanlar doğanın önemli bir parçasını oluşturduğu ve A) Kendi zamanının felsefi gelenekleri ile ilişkisini
bazı araştırmalar insanlar kullanılarak koparan René Descartes felsefeyi yeniden başlatmak
yürütülemeyeceği için hayvanlar ne yazık ki psikolojik istemiştir ve bu yüzden sıklıkla modern felsefenin
araştırmaların da katılımcılarıdır. babası olarak anılmaktadır.
B) Doğanın önemli bir parçasını oluşturan hayvanlar, ne B) Sıklıkla modern felsefenin babası olarak anılan René
yazık ki insanlar kullanılarak yürütülemeyen bazı Descartes kendi zamanının felsefi gelenekleri ile
psikolojik araştırmaların da katılımcılarıdır. bağını koparıp felsefeyi yeniden başlatmaya
C) Hayvanların doğanın önemli bir parçası olması ve bazı
araştırmaların insanlar kullanılarak yürütülememesi, C) Felsefeyi yeniden başlatan René Descartes’tan sık sık
ne yazık ki hayvanları psikolojik araştırmaların da felsefenin babası olarak bahsedilmektedir çünkü o
katılımcısı hâline getirmiştir. kendi zamanındaki felsefi geleneklerle bağlarını
koparmayı denemiştir.
D) Hayvanların da psikolojik araştırmalara dâhil olması,
doğanın önemli bir parçasını oluşturmaları ve ne yazık D) René Descartes sık sık modern felsefenin babası
ki bazı araştırmaların insanlar kullanılarak olarak anılmaktadır, bunun sebebi ise kendi
yürütülememesinden kaynaklanmaktadır. zamanının felsefi geleneklerinden kopuş yaşaması ve
yeni bir felsefe başlatma çabasıdır.
E) Doğanın önemli bir parçasını oluştursalar da bazı
araştırmaların insanlar kullanılarak E) René Descartes’a sıklıkla modern felsefenin babası
yürütülememesi nedeniyle hayvanlar ne yazık denmesinin sebebi, kendi zamanındaki felsefi
ki psikolojik araştırmaların da katılımcılarıdır. geleneklerden koparak yeni bir felsefe başlatma
49. Portekizlilerin Orta Afrika’da bulunan Kongo 51. Rönesans’ın temelini teşkil eden yeni teknolojiler
Krallığı’na olan ilgisi, 1493 yılında bakır ile başlamış esas işlevi un üretmek olan yel değirmenleri ve su
ancak kısa bir süre içinde köle ticaretine değirmenlerini de içermekteydi.
dönüşmüştür. A) Were it not for the new technologies such as windmills
A) What made Portuguese turn their attention to the and watermills which mainly function to produce flour,
central African Kingdom of Congo in 1493 was copper, the foundations for the Renaissance may not have
but this interest turned to slave trade. been laid.
B) Portuguese interest in the central African Kingdom of B) The foundations for the Renaissance were laid by
Congo began in 1493 with copper, but soon turned to such new technologies as windmills and watermills,
slave trade. whose main function to make flour.
C) The Portuguese started to be attracted to the central C) Windmills and watermills, despite having a primary
African Kingdom of Congo in 1493 by copper, which function of producing flour, were among the new
initiated slave trade there. technologies that laid the foundations for the
D) Copper started Portuguese interest in the central
African Kingdom of Congo in 1493, but this interest D) The new technologies that laid the foundations for the
shortly became slave trade. Renaissance included windmills and watermills, whose
primary function was to make flour.
E) Although the Portuguese began to pay attention to the
central African Kingdom of Congo in 1493 with copper, E) Among the new technologies that laid the foundation
they soon started slave trade there. for the Renaissance were primarily windmills and
watermills, which were used to make flour.
55. The first coffee trees in Rwanda were planted in 56. How many languages are spoken in the world? The
1904, and export began around 1917. The high truthful answer is that we do not have an exact
altitudes and steady rainfalls mean the potential for count, although we are able to make an educated
quality is very high. About half of the country’s guess. There are two primary reasons why counting
export revenue now comes from the coffee industry, up languages is tricky. One is that linguists have not
so coffee has recently become a vehicle for the identified all the languages of the world yet. There
government to improve socio-economic conditions. are still speech (and sign-language) communities
---- However, a combination of high altitudes and that follow their traditional ways of life and who
rich soil ensures that Rwandan beans are still some have had little interaction with the outside world or
of the best on the market. researchers. ---- However, there is also a more
A) One of the challenges for Rwandan coffee is the fundamental problem in counting languages, which
‘potato defect’, a bacteria that can cause the is that it is difficult to decide which speech varieties
occasional bean to smell and taste like raw potato. should be counted as languages and which should
be counted as dialects of a single language.
B) The coffee beans from Rwanda are often some of the A) Mutual intelligibility refers to the idea of people
softest, sweetest, and most floral of East African understanding one another.
B) So, some linguists claim to have figured out the exact
C) The districts along Lake Kivu are home to some of the
number of world languages.
most famed washing stations in Rwanda.
D) The citrus, stone fruit, and caramel tones of the coffee C) The languages of these groups are still undescribed.
beans make Rwandan coffee balanced and sweet.
D) Irregularities in language usually result from language
E) It should be noted that an economy dependent on change.
exporting only coffee products usually tends to be a
very fragile one. E) Communities are not usually positioned near each
57. After the initial conquest by Europeans in 1521, the 58. Shinto is the name for the religious beliefs and
Aztec population was devastated by one of the practices that are believed to have developed in
biggest pandemics in history. According to Japan prior to the importation of foreign religious
historical records, an infection killed off as much as traditions from the Asian continent, beginning in the
80 percent of the indigenous population. The sixth century CE. With rare historical exceptions, the
identity of this pest remained a mystery. ---- Japanese have not attempted to spread Shinto
Historians were not clear if the disease was of local outside of Japan, believing that it was the
origin or was imported by the Spanish, but in recent foundation of their cultural heritage and identity. ----
years the culprit was discovered to be a Salmonella Shinto deeply influenced Japan’s interactions with
organism. other cultures. Moreover, it continues to serve as
A) At this time an environmental misfortune in the one of the major religious and cultural institutions in
Americas helped the microbes spread. the world.
A) The practices of Shinto were confined mostly to the
B) Guesses ranged from haemorrhagic influenza to social and political elites of the clans.
malaria to typhoid to smallpox.
B) One might conclude that the impact of Shinto in world
C) Unfortunately, food shortages left people unable to history has been minor, but this is not the case.
withstand the Salmonella invaders.
C) According to historians, the institutional and doctrinal
D) In any event, the conquistadores probably carried character of Shinto during the early period lacked
contaminated foodstuffs on their vessels. coherence.
E) Vulnerabilities to novel diseases have not changed: D) Between 1600 to 1870, scholars who wanted to purge
spreading via global trade and travel. Shinto of all foreign influences created a new field of
Shinto scholarship.
61. (I) There are various causes and types of dementia, but
they have certain characteristics in common.
(II) People with dementia often have problems with
short-term memory, such as forgetting names and
recent events. (III) They may have trouble with
visuospatial processing, such as getting lost in familiar
places. (IV) The affected people may have difficulty with
activities of daily living, such as balancing
the checkbook or forgetting to turn off the stove when
cooking. (V) There are many other causes of dementia,
including trauma, metabolic imbalances, hereditary
illness, drugs, toxins, and infections.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
62. (I) Comparing student achievement between countries 64. (I) Forensic anthropologists are experts who analyse
has several goals for different stakeholders. (II) PISA is skeletal remains for legal purposes. (II) Forensic
another example of international comparison of student anthropologists commonly work closely with forensic
achievement. (III) To policymakers, country-to-country archaeologists. (III) Law enforcement authorities call
comparisons of student performance help indicate upon these anthropologists to use skeletal remains to
whether their educational system is performing as well identify murder victims, missing persons, or people who
as it could. (IV) To a researcher of education issues, the have died in disasters, such as plane crashes.
studies provide a basis for hypothesising whether some (IV) They have also contributed substantially to the
policies and practices in education are necessary or investigation of human rights abuses in all parts of the
sufficient for high student performance. (V) To teachers world by identifying victims and documenting the cause
and school administrators, international studies provide of their death. (V) Among the best-known ones is Clyde
examples of behaviour that may be a source of new C. Snow, who has been practising in this field for over
forms of practice and self-evaluation. forty years.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
63. (I) The papyrus plant, which grew only in the Egyptian 65. (I) Although pastoral nomadic societies can still be
Nile delta, contained a substance that, when cut into found throughout their traditional ranges, they no longer
strips, could be arranged and pressed so as to create a have the influence they once did. (II) The most powerful
page of paperlike material. (II) These pages would then nomadic empire to emerge on the world stage was that
be glued together to form a continuous sheet, normally of the Mongols. (III) The military power that nomads
30-35 feet in length. (III) When two wooden pins were possessed as mounted archers or desert warriors
fastened to the ends of the sheet, the result was a disappeared centuries ago. (IV) Similarly their ability to
scroll, which could be rolled back and forth around the remain autonomous disappeared with the emergence
pins. (IV) Animal skin was used by Greeks for writing of motorised vehicles and airplanes. (V) As the world’s
before papyrus became widely available by the 600s population has expanded, they have lost pasture areas
BCE. (V) The papyrus scroll was the ancient Greeks’ to farmers who have attempted to cultivate land that is
‘book’ (biblion), the primary tool for reading and writing. only marginally fit for agriculture.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
2021 - YÖKDİL/2
1. D 48. B
2. D 49. B
3. C 50. E
4. E 51. D
5. D 52. A
6. A 53. B
7. A 54. B
8. A 55. A
9. B 56. C
10. C 57. B
11. E 58. B
12. E 59. B
13. A 60. C
14. C 61. E
15. C 62. B
16. C 63. D
17. A 64. B
18. D 65. B
19. D 66. E
20. C 67. D
21. E 68. C
22. C 69. D
23. B 70. C
24. E 71. B
25. D 72. B
26. B 73. C
27. C 74. C
28. D 75. C
29. C 76. D
30. B 77. C
31. D 78. D
32. D 79. C
33. C 80. A
34. C
35. B
36. A
37. D
38. B
39. B
40. C
41. C
42. A
43. C
44. A
45. B
46. B
47. D
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
1-20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 4. Governing the area ----- known as the Middle
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. East, the Assyrian Empire was at its peak for
about three hundred years from the ninth to
sixth centuries BCE.
1. It has long been known that children’s
cognitive and intellectual ----- adversely affect A) severely
early academic achievement and long-term
educational success. B) presently
A) deficits C) instinctively
B) horizons D) deliberately
C) commands E) reasonably
D) findings
E) correlations
5. In England, the animal rights movement had
its origins in an 1822 law intended to ----- cruelty
to farm animals such as cattles and sheep.
D) absorption
E) spiritual
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
7. Research, conducted lately, on the 10. The emergence of many independent states
components of human intelligence ----- that from European colonial rule was more
although children generally become faster in significant ----- a large portion of the world’s
information processing with age, not all population than the Cold War, yet this
components ----- more rapidly with age. decolonisation has received less attention -----
A) shows / were executed
A) around / by
B) showed / have been executed
B) at / over
C) had shown / were being executed
C) to / from
D) has shown / are executed
D) about / on
E) is showing / would be executed
E) along / with
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
13. Italian Baroque music composer Domenico 16. No educational strategy will be effective in
Scarlatti’s greatest contribution was his single- improving student achievement ----- the teacher
movement keyboard sonatas, ----- only a small implements it accurately and consistently.
number were published in his lifetime.
A) just as
A) yet
B) whenever
B) so
C) unless
C) likewise
D) so that
D) otherwise
E) because
E) that is
E) Even if
E) Except for
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
19. The Great Rift along the western part of 20. Adaptation has a diversity of meanings, even
Nicaragua is ----- near sea level -----, until the within areas ----- it is widely used, such as
construction of the Panama Canal, it was anthropology, biology, and the humanities.
considered the most likely site for joining the
A) when
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
B) in which
A) either / or
C) to which
B) so / that
D) whom
C) both / and
E) whose
D) such / that
E) as / as
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
B) moreover
Beginning in the mid-600s BCE, Lydia became C) for instance
involved in wars and alliances with other ancient
peoples. This involvement came to a climax D) hence
during the reign of Lydia’s last king, Croesus. He
E) likewise
conquered Ephesus and other Greek cities (21) ---
-- the coast of Asia Minor. Despite these
conquests, Croesus admired Greek culture and
wanted to remain on good terms with the people
of Greece. His hospitality to Greek visitors was
famous as were his (22) ----- gifts to Greek
temples, spreading the story that he was
enormously rich. Alarmed by the rising power of
the Persian Empire under its leader, Cyrus the
Great, Croesus urged Babylon, Egypt, and the 24.
Greek city-state of Sparta to form an alliance
with him against the Persians. Before the alliance A) In terms of
formed, (23) ----- Croesus and Cyrus found
B) Prior to
themselves at war. (24) ----- legend, the oracle at
Delphi told Croesus that if he made war on C) According to
Persia, a mighty kingdom would fall. The oracle
did not tell him that the fallen kingdom (25) ----- D) Apart from
his own. However, in the end, Cyrus's forces E) Regardless of
soundly defeated the Lydians.
A) for
B) on
C) among
A) used to be
D) below
B) may be
E) about
C) will be
D) must be
E) would be
A) generous
B) ambiguous
C) negligent
D) plausible
E) affordable
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
B) thanks to
During the Islamic Golden Age, prominent C) rather than
scholars from the Islamic world contributed
enormously to science, engineering, technology D) such as
and medicine. One such scholar was al-Razi, also
E) in terms of
(26) ----- to Europeans by his Latinised name of
Rhazes. He was one of the most influential
Islamic physicians of the pre-modern era. As a
young man he cultivated talents in music and
philosophy, (27) -----, as he grew older, he turned
his attention to the study of medicine. Razi’s
contributions to medicine have been favourably
compared to those of early physicians and
scientists (28) ----- Hippocrates, Galen, Ibn Sina,
and Vesalius. Razi’s works were widely used (29) 29.
----- medieval and Renaissance Europe. His
translations and original works (30) ----- a critical A) towards
link among ancient Greek, Persian, and Indian
B) throughout
medical traditions and the later works of
medieval and Renaissance physicians in Europe. C) at
D) into
26. E) about
A) knowing
B) known
C) know
D) to know
A) underestimated
B) eliminated
27. C) distributed
B) in short E) provided
C) in other words
D) so
E) but
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
31-41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun 33. As it has been scientifically proven that
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. there is little correlation between intelligence
and creativity, -----.
31. -----, it does not resolve a lot of lesser A) one should not necessarily expect a highly
problems faced by minority Americans in the US intelligent individual to come up with original
health care system. ideas
A) While ethnic minorities in the United States B) many creative people have an exceptionally
have less access to health care deep and broad awareness of themselves
B) Regardless of the limited supply of health C) the link between the two has always been a
resources in poor, ethnic communities subject of scholarly investigation
C) Given that limited funding is the biggest D) creativity is seen more as a curse than a gift by
obstacle to providing health care access to those who possess it
E) the richness and originality of thinking may
D) Whereas limited language proficiency can sometimes be misunderstood or exaggerated
cause the misdiagnosis of symptoms
C) Artists are recommended to step outside of E) the private ones have to limit their numbers of
their comfort zone and integrate something shareholders
completely new into their painting habits
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
35. Even though many researchers have 37. In adult language courses it is common to
described what happens during the course of find learners who soon drop out -----.
language development, -----.
A) given that language teachers frequently use
A) there is much debate over just how children the term 'motivation' when they describe
are able to acquire such a complex system in successful or unsuccessful learners
such a short time
B) although there are other factors such as
B) children begin to acquire some aspects of their attitudes and environmental support that impact
native language during their first few months of their attendance rates
C) because they realise that they cannot cope
C) all human languages share a number of with the day-to-day demands of attending the
systematic features that the young learner must classes and completing the assignments
master to be competent
D) even if they are pressed for time or
D) comprehension of utterances precedes the overwhelmed by stressors such as heavy
production of speech sounds, developing in line workload and financial issues
with the improvement in infants' communicative
E) so that they can realise language learning
means far more than simply learning a system of
E) human language is a remarkable symbolic rules
means of communication enabling individuals to
convey their thoughts to others
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
39. Contrary to how it seems people never see 41. -----, the phenomenon to which it refers, the
the world as it really is -----. principle of avoiding behaviour that may offend
particular groups of people, is millennia old.
A) while overestimating the accuracy of their
views leads people to make bad decisions based A) Although political correctness may also mean
on incorrect information ideological conformity with those in power
B) even though most people have extreme B) Given that political correctness has not always
difficulty separating their interpretations of been a popular political movement
reality from reality itself
C) As long as the current form of American
C) so that people can pretend to see things political correctness is such an elitist concept
clearly, and they claim their reactions are
D) As political correctness is based on the belief
responses to actual events
that the language we use affects the way we
D) because their perceptions are always some think
blend of objective reality and personal
E) While the term political correctness entered
interpretations of it
common use only in the mid-1990s
E) even if they cannot fully escape the tendency
to see reality through the filter of their own self-
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
42-47. sorularda, verilen İngilizce 43. Like many other urban centres in the
cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi People’s Republic of China, Beijing has also
bulunuz. struggled with managing the growing amounts
of waste materials produced by its populace.
42. Environmental determinism is the doctrine A) Halkının üretmiş olduğu artan miktardaki atık
arguing that individual human actions, beliefs, maddeler, Pekin gibi Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti'ndeki
and values are controlled or determined by diğer pek çok kent merkezini zor duruma
environment. sokmaktadır.
A) Bireysel insan eylemlerinin, inançlarının ve B) Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti’ndeki diğer pek çok kent
değerlerinin çevre tarafından kontrol edildiğini merkezi gibi, Pekin de halkı tarafından üretilen
veya belirlendiğini savunan öğreti çevresel artan miktardaki atık maddelerle başa çıkmakta
determinizm olarak anılır. zorlanmaktadır.
B) Çevresel determinizm, bireysel insan C) Pekin de dâhil olmak üzere Çin Halk
eylemlerinin, inançlarının ve değerlerinin çevre Cumhuriyeti'ndeki pek çok kent merkezi, halkının
tarafından kontrol edildiği veya belirlendiği üretmiş olduğu atık maddelerin giderek artması
öğretisini savunur. nedeniyle zor duruma düşmektedir.
C) Çevresel determinizm, bireysel insan D) Pekin gibi Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti'ndeki diğer
eylemlerinin, inançlarının ve değerlerinin çevre pek çok kent merkezi, halkının ürettiği atık
tarafından kontrol edildiğini veya belirlendiğini maddeler giderek arttığı için bunlarla başa
savunan öğretidir. çıkarken zorlanmaktadır.
D) Çevresel determinizmi savunan öğretiye göre E) Halkının ürettiği atık maddelerin giderek
bireysel insan eylemleri, inançları ve değerleri artması, Pekin gibi Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti’ndeki
çevre tarafından kontrol edilerek belirlenir. diğer pek çok kent merkezini bunlarla başa çıkma
konusunda zorlanmaktadır.
E) Çevresel determinizm öğretisine göre, bireysel
insan eylemleri, inançları ve değerleri çevre
tarafından kontrol edilir veya belirlenir.
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
44. Humanitarian relief projects are undertaken 45. In the late 1950s and early 1960s many
by governments, intergovernmental studies were conducted to determine whether
organisations and nongovernmental people’s rank in birth order among their siblings
organisations in order to prevent starvation, was correlated to the later development of
diseases, and other hardships. schizophrenia.
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
46. Although both are increasingly popularised 47. Hammurabi, who reigned 1792-1750 BCE
versions of running where speed and endurance according to the widely accepted chronology of
are of great importance, marathon is only run ancient Mesopotamia, was the sixth and most
for competition, while long-distance running can prominent king of the First Dynasty of Babylon.
be done for recreation.
A) Yaygın şekilde kabul gören eski Mezopotamya
A) Uzun mesafe koşusu eğlence için yapılabilirken kronolojisine göre M.Ö. 1792-1750 yıllarında
maraton sadece yarışma için koşulur, ancak her hüküm süren Hammurabi, Birinci Babil
ikisi de hız ve dayanıklılığın oldukça önemli Hanedanlığının altıncı ve en önemli kralıydı.
olduğu koşunun gittikçe yaygınlaşan türleridir.
B) Birinci Babil Hanedanlığının altıncı ve en
B) Her ikisi de hız ve dayanıklılığın büyük önem önemli kralı olan Hammurabi, yaygın şekilde
taşıdığı koşunun gittikçe yaygınlaşan türleri olsa kabul gören antik Mezopotamya kronolojisine
da uzun mesafe koşusu eğlence için yapılabilirken göre M.Ö. 1792-1750 yıllarında hüküm
maraton sadece yarışma için koşulur. sürmüştür.
C) Hem uzun mesafe koşusu hem de maraton, hız C) Hammurabi, yaygın şekilde kabul gören eski
ve dayanıklılığın büyük önem taşıdığı koşunun Mezopotamya kronolojisine göre M.Ö. 1792-
gittikçe yaygınlaşan türleridir, ancak birisi eğlence 1750 yıllarında hüküm sürmüştür ve Birinci Babil
için yapılabilirken diğeri sadece yarışma için Hanedanlığının altıncı ve en önemli kralıdır.
D) Yaygın şekilde kabul görmüş olan eski
D) Her ikisi de hız ve dayanıklılığın son derece Mezopotamya kronolojisine göre M.Ö. 1792-
önemli olduğu koşunun gittikçe yaygınlaşan 1750 yıllarında hüküm süren Hammurabi, Birinci
türleri olmasına rağmen, uzun mesafe koşusu Babil Hanedanlığının altıncı ve en önemli kralı
eğlence için, maraton ise sadece yarışma için olarak bilinir.
E) Yaygın şekilde kabul gören eski Mezopotamya
E) Uzun mesafe koşusu eğlence için yapılırken kronolojisine göre M.Ö. 1792-1750 yıllarında
maraton sadece yarışma için koşulur ve koşunun hüküm süren ve Birinci Babil Hanedanlığının
gittikçe yaygınlaşan bu iki türünde hız ve altıncı ve en önemli kralı Hammurabi'dir.
dayanıklılık büyük önem taşır.
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
50. Çoğu öğrenci, hem sınıf arkadaşları hem de 51. Fazlasıyla hassas ve yetersiz duygusal
öğretmenleri ile olan ilişkilerine önem verir ve kontrole sahip olan küçük çocuklar, sosyal
genellikle bu ilişkilerden büyük destek görür. olsalar bile, olumlu sosyal etkileşimlere
girmekte ve ilişkileri sürdürmekte
A) Their relationships with both classmates and
teachers are valued by most students, and great
support is often provided to them by these A) As they are highly sensitive and have
relationships. insufficient emotional control, toddlers have
problems in having positive social interactions
B) Relationships with classmates as well as with
and maintaining relationships even if they are
teachers are valuable for most students in that
they are usually supported by these relationships
to a great extent. B) Even the sociable toddlers have a hard time
entering into positive social interactions and
C) A great deal of support most students get from
maintaining their relationships if they are highly
relationships with classmates and teachers is why
sensitive and do not have much emotional
they usually value these relationships.
D) Most students value their relationships with
C) Even if they are sociable, some toddlers have a
both their classmates and teachers, and often
hard time engaging in positive social interactions
they get a good deal of support from these
and maintaining their relationships as they are
too sensitive and have little emotional control.
E) Through valuing their relationships not only
D) Even though some toddlers are sociable, they
with classmates but also with teachers, most
may have a hard time having positive social
students often enjoy tremendous support from
interactions and maintaining relationships when
these relationships.
they act too sensitively and have insufficient
control over their emotions.
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
52. Sanayileşmenin iki yüzyıllık bir dönem 53. Araştırmalar, antidepresan ilaçlarının
boyunca sürdüğü büyük Batı şehirlerinin aksine, yetişkinlerdeki depresyon için etkili tedavi
Dubai bu tür bir dönüşümü sadece 50 yıl yöntemleri olabileceğini açıkça gösterse de,
içerisinde yaşadı. çocuklar için antidepresan ilaç kullanımı
A) Different from major Western cities whose
industrialisation lasted for a period of two A) Although research clearly demonstrates that
centuries, Dubai needed only 50 years to go antidepressant medications can be effective
through such kind of transformation. treatment methods for depression in adults, the
use of antidepressant medication for children has
B) Although the industrialisation of major
been controversial.
Western cities took place over a period of two
centuries, such kind of transformation was B) Despite the obvious presence of the research
experienced in only 50 years in Dubai. demonstrating that antidepressant medications
can be effective treatment methods for
C) In contrast to major Western cities where
depression in adults, the use of antidepressant
industrialisation lasted for a period of two
medication for children is open to discussion.
centuries, Dubai experienced such kind of
transformation in only 50 years. C) Using antidepressant medications for children
is a controversial issue, yet research evidently
D) While major Western cities underwent
shows that antidepressant medications can be
industrialisation over a period of two centuries,
effective treatment methods for depression in
Dubai completed such kind of transformation in
only 50 years.
D) No matter how effective antidepressant
E) Contrary to major Western cities which went
medications could be for depression in adults, it
through industrialisation over a period of two
is clear from research that using antidepressant
centuries, it took only 50 years for Dubai to
medications with children could be controversial.
undergo such kind of transformation.
E) Despite the controversy over the use of
antidepressant medication for children,
antidepressant medications could provide
effective treatment methods for depression in
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
54-59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada 55. Whenever we hear music, it sets off a series
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için of reactions that could have several effects on
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. our minds and bodies. For a start, music can
trigger our memories. When we play a tune that
we have listened to before, our brain may call
54. Attachments are emotional bonds that unite
up what we were doing and how we were
people across time and space. Attachments
feeling when you heard it last. ----- Second,
form beginning in infancy, where they
hearing mellow music might help the body dial
contribute to human survival by bringing
down the production of stress hormones, like
infants, who are dependent on the care of an
cortisol or epinephrine. Calming tunes, like you
adult, ant their caregivers together. ----- Forming
would hear at a beauty spa, might also prompt a
attachments to parents or caregivers through
slowing of your heart rate or a deepening of
such mutual exchange is seen as a hallmark of
your breathing.
socioemotional development in the first year of
life. A) Music tastes can change throughout one's
entire lifetime.
A) Behaviours such as crying and clinging on the
part of infants and protection and comforting of B) There is a powerful connection between an
caregivers result in physical and emotional individual's personality and music tastes.
C) Not all patients with psychological disorders
B) Attachments can change over time, but these respond positively to music therapy.
changes are only likely to result from very
significant changes in the caregiving D) To understand the complexity of music, we
environment. need to use the brain's centre for executive
C) Sometimes, however, infants develop
attachments that reflect uncertainty or distrust in E) For instance, when we are not feeling very
the responsiveness of the caregiver. well, we could listen to a tune from a happier
time to feel better.
D) Essential to the concept of attachment is the
belief that differences in caregiving yield
different attachment patterns.
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
56. On September 1, 1830, the 28-year-old poet 57. The goal of the communication process is
Victor Hugo sat down to write Chapter 1 of a mutual understanding — sharing the rope
book called Notre Dame de Paris. His wife together and maintaining its strength. When
recalled: “He bought himself a bottle of ink and this goal is achieved, participants hear each
a huge grey knitted shawl, which covered him other out and easily understand what they want
from head to foot; locked away his formal to convey. ----- Instead, they communicate in a
clothes, so that he would not be tempted to go collaborative fashion — a conversation
out; and entered his novel as if it were a characterised by respect and sincerity. They may
prison.” By the middle of January 1831 the book have their differences, but differences are not
was, astonishingly, finished, and Hugo had an excuse to contradict; rather, differences are
written nearly 180,000 words in four and a half issues to work through to reach the desired
months. ----- The English edition was called The outcome.
Hunchback of Notre Dame, a title at once more
A) When their goals differ from each other,
vulgar and more alluring, and Hugo became
interpersonal conflicts may arise, disrupting the
world famous.
communication process.
A) Hugo's huge novel begins with a passage in
B) For many people, one of the biggest
which he imagines a fire at the Cathedral of
challenges at the workplace is to communicate
Notre Dame.
with others successfully.
B) Colourful and violent, it has many vivid scenes,
C) During the communication process,
including a dramatic midnight attack on the
participants take turns being senders and
Cathedral of Notre Dame.
C) It got poor reviews but the public loved it, and
D) They do not battle as competitors, nor do they
it was quickly translated into other languages.
create obstacles to their interaction.
D) When Victor Hugo began writing the novel,
E) Listening actively and expressing their
the Cathedral of Notre Dame was in danger of
messages to each other in a clear way help them
communicate effectively.
E) Hugo, the central figure of the Romantic
movement in France, wrote a number of other
novels besides Notre Dame de Paris.
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
58. Humans are not the only tool-users and tool- 59. On 24 August 79 AD, the volcano of Mount
makers. ----- Tool-use and tool-making are found Vesuvius, which was thought to be extinct,
in such diverse groups of vertebrates that tool reawakened and blew up, spewing a
behaviour carries no implications for the mushroom-shaped cloud into the air to the
relatedness of species and is in most cases amazement and terror of the onlookers. When
simply an opportunistic solution to a local the eruption was over, the cities of Pompeii,
adaptive problem. For example, gorillas shake Herculaneum, and Stabiae had been sealed in
and drop vegetation to discourage intrusion. ash and lava. ----- The lava preserved the wall
While floating on their backs, sea otters balance decorations of the houses and the mosaics on
stones on their chests to crack open mussels. their floors for modern excavators to discover.
Overall, the mere presence of tool-use or tool- While wall-paintings from other sites are only
making does not make humans unique. isolated finds, the art from Pompeii and
Herculaneum show the changes in Roman taste
A) It is important to be clear as to what we mean
over three centuries.
by tool-making, which is a human-specific
behaviour. A) The eruption would claim the total destruction
of official records that were the major sources
B) Many mammals and birds also modify and use
for information about Roman art.
objects to assist them with nesting, feeding,
defence, and so on. B) Pompeii and Herculaneum were covered with
ash, leaving no living creature behind.
C) Human tool behaviour is special than that of
animals which use objects in their environment. C) While the eruption was a terrible tragedy in
the ancient world, it was a blessing for modern
D) There are, definitely, considerable differences
art historians.
between human tool-use and animal tool-use.
D) Pompeii and Stabiae, directly beneath the
E) Of all the animals that use tools in a
volcano, were only covered in easily removable
sophisticated way, the chimpanzee is the most
ash and pumice.
remarkable example.
E) However, it was in Pompeii where the first
examples of Roman amphitheatres were
constructed in 80 BCE.
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
60-65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla 62. (I) Born in Illinois, Ronald Reagan, 40th
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü President of the United States of America,
bozan cümleyi bulunuz achieved fame as an actor in Hollywood movies
and television before turning to politics. (II) In
1966, Reagan was elected governor of California,
60. (I) The knowledge that native speakers have
owing in part to a wave of voter reaction to a
is mostly unconscious knowledge. (II) They
student rebellion at the University of California at
‘know’ how to use their language, but they
Berkeley, and served until 1975. (III) He narrowly
usually cannot explain how or why they say what
missed the Republican Party nomination for
they say. (III) Speakers must know the meanings
president in 1976 before succeeding in 1980 and
of the words they use. (IV) The scientific
going on to win the presidency. (IV) In foreign
description and explanation of this knowledge, as
policy, President Reagan sought a more
possessed by a language's native users, is known
aggressive role for the nation. (V) Known as the
broadly as descriptive grammar. (V) In its folk
‘Great Communicator’ for his mastery of
sense, however, grammar often refers to
television, Reagan won re-election in 1984.
prescriptive rules of use that are, in fact, social
rules rather than linguistic rules. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
64. (I) When colonial powers invade other 65. (I) Across its fairly short history, psychology
countries, their languages often become has had several major theoretical movements.
dominant. (II) For example, countries such as (II) Perhaps the most important are
Britain, France, and Spain have generally Behaviourism, Gestalt Theory, Psychoanalytic
imposed their languages along with their rule. and Psychodynamic Theory, Humanistic Theories,
(III) However, this has not always resulted in Attachment Theory, Socio-biology,
language shift or death because it might not be Neurobiological Theories, and Cognitive Science.
possible for a single alien and imported language (III) Behaviourism is the school of psychology that
to displace or eradicate hundreds of indigenous considers observable behaviour to be the only
languages. (IV) Multilingualism, for instance, has worthwhile object of study. (IV) Some of these
been well-established as normal in former movements were natural outgrowths of earlier
colonial countries like India and Papua New ones, and others were reactions against earlier
Guinea. (V) Most Aboriginal people in Australia approaches. (V) These movements have shaped
and many American Indian people in the USA psychology’s history and most contemporary
have similarly lost their languages over four or psychologists do not limit themselves to any one
five generations of colonial rule. theoretical view.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
66-68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. What was Meltzoff’s main reason for using a
cevaplayınız. very young participant in his research?
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
69-71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 70. According to the passage, the Indian
cevaplayınız. independence movement ------.
Whereas colonisation is generally defined as the
occupation and control of one territory by A) was greatly supported by the European
another, generally by the European empires, powers as it was a relatively peaceful movement
decolonisation technically refers to the break-up B) was unusual compared to other independence
of empires and the formal independence of the movements as it was less violent
former colonies. World systems theorists argue
that the opportunities for states on the global C) was triggered by the guerrilla conflicts inside
periphery to fight against colonial powers are the country
best when the core (the controlling power) is in
D) was different from other movements given
crisis. Thus, the Napoleonic Wars of the early
that it included people from various walks of life
19th century afforded Latin America the
opportunity to break away fairly early. Similarly, E) was led especially by Western-educated
World Wars I and II proved to be the remarkable intellectuals, who introduced the term
moments when the Western control over much ‘decolonisation’
of Africa and Asia was finally broken. The shift
toward decolonisation during the post-World
War II era was complex. Often independence
movements were composed of broad coalitions
of nationalists, students, the intelligentsia, and
peasants, frequently led by Western-educated
intellectuals (e.g., Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam,
Mohandas Gandhi in India). The struggle for
independence was violent, involving prolonged
guerrilla conflicts and wars, extending over a
period of years, and sometimes decades. The
relatively peaceful independence movement in
India was the exception, although the division of
South Asia into India and Pakistan involved
extensive civil conflict and the deaths of millions.
71. What is the primary purpose of the author?
69. According to world systems theorists, ------.
A) To describe the characteristics of the
A) the division of the world into core states and
decolonisation process after World War II
periphery states should be objected by all
nations B) To compare the Indian independence
movement with other movements
B) the decolonisation process of Asia and Africa
was initiated by the European empires after C) To explain how the Western control over Asia
World Wars I and II and Africa first started
C) decolonisation of a territory is most likely to D) To inform the reader on decolonisation by
occur when colonisers are going through giving examples from history
extremely difficult times
E) To show the differences between Latin
D) the Napoleonic Wars had a more profound America and Asia based on their decolonisation
effect on decolonisation compared to World process
Wars I and II
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
72-74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 73. According to the passage what makes
cevaplayınız. forensic science a unique field of study?
D) has evolved into a distinct discipline, which E) The reasons why forensic science can be
has a number of techniques particularly described as a scientific discipline
developed for forensic purposes
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
Road books, showing the main towns, features 76. It is clear from the passage that Leonardo da
and crossroads and the distances between them Vinci -----.
had existed as early as Roman times, the A) inspired John Ogilvy for his illustrations to
Itinerarium Antoninus being compiled about AD design a sophisticated ‘waywiser’ in 1675
200. The Romans probably measured distances in
paces, not the most reliable method. Leonardo B) updated the road books compiled in Roman
da Vinci illustrated in his notebook a form of times through his precise map illustrations
‘perambulator’ or odometer, in which a pebble
C) illustrated his ‘perambulator’, but the device
fell into a box every time the wheel revolved but,
might not have been produced at all
like so many of the inventions that he sketched,
it is doubtful if it was ever made. An illustration D) was able to meet the growing need for
in John Ogilvy’s Britannia, published in 1675, accurate road books with his invention
shows a waywiser, for measuring road distances,
rolling along a roadway with a more E) was doubtful of earlier maps for their lack of
sophisticated form of gearing to count the accuracy in measuring distances
rotations of its wheel. Waywisers became quite
common by the mid-eighteenth century and,
with more people travelling, there was a growing
demand for road books showing distances. All
maps were originally printed by engraving
processes as they were successively developed.
Today we can rely on precise and accurate maps,
and the techniques of computer aided design and
other advanced printing methods as applied to
cartography, allow a high degree of accuracy and
frequent updating.
75. According to the passage, the Itinerarium 77. Which of the following can be the best title
Antoninus -----. for this passage?
A) was more reliable compared to Leonardo da A) The Need for Accurate Maps in Earlier Ages
Vinci's perambulator
B) The Leading Role of the Romans in Writing
B) could be accepted as an earlier form of road Road Books
C) The Current Techniques Used for Printing Road
C) included the same town names as those in Books
John Ogilvy's Britannia
D) A Brief History of Measuring Road Distances
D) lacked certain features compared to other
E) The Role of Computers in the Art of
similar books of the period
E) could be printed only after the invention of
engraving processes
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
78-80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. It is clearly stated in the passage that feeling
cevaplayınız. sad -----.
A) can differ but this feeling may refer to a need D) focus more on positive feelings
to change
E) try to develop skills like rational thinking
B) depends on what we expect from life: success
in work or social life
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
1-20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 4. Bleeding gums is an inflammatory response to
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. bacterial plaque, so if you brush -----, your gums
will not bleed.
D) progression
E) maintenance
E) conformity
E) redundant
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
7. Low-fat, flavoured yogurt ----- very high in 10. If you do not have an hour that you can
added sugar and thickeners, so it ----- better to dedicate ----- exercise, work on incorporating
choose plain, whole-milk yogurt and blend it more activity ----- your daily routine, such as
with fresh fruit or honey to get natural taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
A) with / through
A) may be / has to be
B) on / within
B) should be / had to be
C) at / beneath
C) would be / must be
D) for / across
D) used to be / could be
E) to / into
E) can be / might be
E) off / within
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
13. Animals can also have reactions to pollen 16. Discovering what babies can see has been a
and other environmental allergens ----- they formidable challenge, ------ research methods
have different symptoms than we do and should now provide an objective picture of their
be treated differently as well. surprising visual abilities.
A) when A) for
B) though B) nor
C) since C) otherwise
D) so D) but
E) just as E) similarly
14. ----- you consume only the juice of fruits and 17. ----- the recent technological developments,
vegetables by squeezing them as in detox diets, orthopaedic surgeons can now repair limbs that
you miss out on the fibre, protein, vitamins and would have been routinely amputated.
minerals they provide, so it is better to eat them
A) Thanks to
as a whole.
B) As opposed to
A) Whether
C) Prior to
B) If
D) Regardless of
C) Although
E) Despite
D) Until
E) As though
E) Though
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
19. While buying fish, we need to make 20. If there is a breach of your body’s defences,
decisions ----- about what kind of fish we might your body increases blood supply to the
enjoy eating ----- about the nutritional, affected site, ----- brings in elements of your
toxicological and environmental dilemmas. immune system and raises your temperature.
A) so / that A) when
C) as / as C) where
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
A) demonstrated
The exact cause of acne is mostly unknown. B) would have demonstrated
Sometimes, when acne in women is (21)-----
excess male hormone production, it is diagnosed C) had demonstrated
by an onset of the condition in adulthood. This
D) will demonstrate
can take different forms such as excessive growth
of hair, especially in places not usual (22)----- a E) is demonstrating
female, called hirsutism; irregular menstrual
cycles; and premenstrual flare-ups of acne. A
study conducted in 2001 (23)----- that menstrual
cycle does affect acne. Surprisingly, the study
(24)----- that 53 per cent of women over age 33 24.
experienced a higher premenstrual acne rate
A) resumed
than women under age 20. Many practitioners
believe the interaction between the body’s B) suspended
hormones, skin protein, skin secretions, and
bacteria determines the course of acne; (25)-----, C) undertook
several other factors have been shown to affect
D) substituted
the condition.
E) indicated
A) on behalf of
B) due to
A) also
C) according to
B) at first
D) prior to
C) otherwise
E) such as
D) for example
E) in short
A) on
B) along
C) from
D) by
E) at
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
B) ambiguous
Sleep is one of the body’s most basic needs for C) harsh
health, yet with today’s busy lifestyles, sleep
deprivation has become all too common. (26)----- D) fragile
, nearly half of all adults report having difficulty
E) provincial
sleeping. There are five stages of sleep defined
by brain wave activity, muscle tone, and eye
movement. Stage one, or what we know as
drowsy sleep, (27)----- the onset of sleep. During
stage two, conscious awareness of the (28)-----
environment disappears as we do not know what
is going on around us. During stages three and 29.
four, the body goes into a deeper sleep, and the
A) as to
brain produces what are called delta waves. It is
during this time that the body’s major organs and B) such as
regulatory systems are busy working on repair
and regeneration and certain hormones, (29)----- C) irrespective of
growth hormone, are secreted. Stage five, known
D) compared to
as REM (rapid eye movement), is the stage during
which we dream. The exact amount of sleep E) in need of
needed varies (30)----- individuals, but is thought
to be between seven and nine hours.
A) Nonetheless
B) Afterwards 30.
C) Eventually A) along
D) By comparison B) from
E) For example C) on
D) around
27. E) among
A) will represent
B) represented
C) represents
D) had represented
E) has represented
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
31-41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun 33. Although advances are made in medicine,
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. -----.
A) patients recovering from heart disease often B) universal access to healthcare is still regarded
experience a variety of psychological reactions as the single largest unmet medical need
that include depression and anxiety
C) healthcare access challenges are largely
B) an accumulating body of evidence points to overcome in both developed and developing
certain risk factors including advancing age, countries
diabetes and family history of heart disease
D) digital technologies to transform healthcare
C) echocardiography uses ultrasound waves to and revolutionising processes offered great relief
create an image of the heart muscle
E) the trust in medicinal treatments has risen
D) the cardiovascular system refers to an dramatically in the last decade
integrated organ system consisting of heart and
blood vessels
E) cardiac rehabilitation programmes aim to help 34. -----, but they may trigger allergy-related
patients stop smoking and adhere to a prescribed disorders or less severe reactions in susceptible
medication regimen individuals.
A) people with anxiety tend to bite their lips C) Most people are able to withstand the effects
more frequently leading to micro tears of the toxins of environmental factors
B) herpes simplex is a virus which affects other D) Some doctors claim that common foods may
body parts along with the lips cause hidden or delayed reactions
C) painful chapped lips can annoyingly occur E) A practitioner asks questions about the
particularly in the winter season patient’s medical history, typical diet, and
D) one of the early signs of chronic
hypervitaminosis is dryness of the lips and
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
35. When acne is severe and the lesions are 37. Currently, no public health policies in Europe
deep, -----. prescribe an annual liver health check, -----.
B) oral antibiotics may be taken daily to reduce B) because it is difficult for any person to know
the spread of bacteria that he or she has a liver disease due to the lack
of clear symptoms
C) individuals with a family history of acne have
greater susceptibility to the condition C) if one’s physical health worsens when liver
failure is the case
D) treatment for mild acne consists of reducing
the formation of new comedones D) so doctors do not routinely screen for liver
disease unless patients make some complaints
E) teenagers are more likely than anyone to
that signal problems
develop acne
E) as patients feel tired or nauseous after being
diagnosed with a liver disease
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39. -----, they are highly popular and routinely 41. The sleep-wake cycle is normally
recommended by natural health care synchronised with the physiological activity of
practitioners. various organ systems; -----.
A) Unless the purpose of doing detox A) however, the primary regulatory mechanisms
programmes is to enhance the body's elimination and the key functions of sleep relate to the brain
of wastes
B) for this reason, studies on sleep-related
B) Though detox programmes have been used for mechanisms reveal that sleep is integrated
thousands of years to treat a variety of health throughout the brain
C) that is, normal sleep involves significant
C) Even if most people who do detox changes throughout the brainstem and cerebral
programmes notice that they have more energy cortex
D) While detox programmes are not widely D) therefore, sleep can be seen as resupplying
embraced by mainstream medicine brain energy constituents depleted during
E) Since the length of time people follow certain
detox programmes will depend on their existing E) likewise, most amino acids and other brain
health conditions substances vary in relation to different sleep
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
42-47. sorularda, verilen İngilizce 43. The ability to transform skin cells into
cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi 'induced stem cells’ has been a revolutionary
bulunuz. step, which also holds promise for
understanding psychiatric disorders.
42. Aromatherapy is a holistic treatment based A) Devrim niteliğinde bir gelişme olan deri
on the external use of essential aromatic plant hücrelerinden uyarılmış kök hücre oluşturma
oils to promote physical and spiritual well- yetisi, psikiyatrik rahatsızlıkların anlaşılmasında
being. da umut vaat eder.
A) Aromaterapi, aromatik bitki öz yağlarının harici B) Deri hücrelerini uyarılmış kök hücrelere
kullanımına dayanan bütüncül bir tedavi olmakla dönüştürme yetisi, psikiyatrik rahatsızlıkları
birlikte fiziksel ve ruhsal sağlığı destekler. anlamak için de umut vaat eden, devrim
niteliğinde bir adım olmuştur.
B) Aromatik bitki öz yağlarının harici kullanımına
dayalı bütüncül bir tedavi yöntemi olan C) Deri hücrelerini uyarılmış kök hücrelere
aromaterapi, fiziksel ve ruhsal sağlığı dönüştürmeye yönelik atılacak olan ve umut vaat
desteklemeyi amaçlar. eden devrimsel adım, psikiyatrik rahatsızlıkları
C) Aromaterapi, fiziksel ve ruhsal sağlığı
desteklemek için aromatik bitki öz yağlarının D) Uyarılmış kök hücrelerini deri hücrelerine
harici kullanımına dayanan bütüncül bir tedavidir. dönüştürme yetisi, devrim yaratmasının yanı sıra
psikiyatrik rahatsızlıkları anlamaya dair de umut
D) Fiziksel ve ruhsal sağlığı desteklemeyi
vaat etmektedir.
amaçlayan aromaterapi, aromatik bitki öz
yağlarının harici kullanımına dayanan bütüncül E) Deri hücrelerini uyarılmış kök hücrelere
bir tedavidir. dönüştürme yetisi, psikiyatrik rahatsızlıkları
anlamada umut vaat ederken aynı zamanda
E) Aromaterapi, bitki öz yağlarının harici
devrim niteliğinde bir adım olmuştur.
kullanımına dayalı bütüncül bir tedavi olmakla
birlikte fiziksel ve ruhsal sağlığı desteklemeyi
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
44. While there is scientific evidence that both 45. The prevalence of obesity, which has been
environmental and genetic factors play a role in linked both to decline in physical activity and to
most types of cancer, only 10 per cent of all increased calorie intake has grown dramatically
cancers are classified as hereditary. since 1990 in the USA.
A) Tüm kanser türlerinin sadece yüzde 10'u A) Obezite, ABD'de 1990'dan itibaren yaygınlığı
kalıtsal olarak sınıflandırılır ve çoğu kanser belirgin bir şekilde artan bir hastalıktır ve hem
türünde hem çevresel hem de genetik etkenlerin fiziksel aktivitede azalma hem de artan kalori
rol oynadığına dair bilimsel kanıt mevcuttur. alımıyla ilişkilendirilmektedir.
B) Hem çevresel hem de genetik etkenler çoğu B) Obezite, hem fiziksel aktivitede azalma hem de
kanser türünde rol oynasa da tüm kanserlerin artan kalori alımı ile bağlantılıdır ve yaygınlığı
sadece yüzde 10'unun kalıtsal olarak ABD'de 1990’dan itibaren belirgin bir şekilde
sınıflandırıldığına dair bilimsel kanıt mevcuttur. artmıştır.
C) Çoğu kanser türünde hem çevresel hem de C) ABD'de 1990’dan itibaren yaygınlığı belirgin bir
genetik etkenlerin rol oynadığına dair bilimsel şekilde artan obezite, hem fiziksel aktivitede
kanıt bulunsa da tüm kanserlerin sadece yüzde azalma hem de artan kalori alımı ile
10'u kalıtsal olarak sınıflandırılır. ilişkilendirilmektedir.
D) Yalnızca çevresel etkenlerin değil genetik D) Gerek fiziksel aktivitelerin azalması gerekse
etkenlerin de çoğu kanser türünde rol oynadığına artan kalori alımı ile bağlantılı olduğu bilinen
ilişkin bilimsel kanıt bulunmasına rağmen tüm obezitenin ABD'deki yaygınlığında 1990'dan
kanserlerin sadece yüzde 10'u kalıtsal olarak itibaren belirgin bir artış olmuştur.
E) Hem fiziksel aktivitede azalma hem de artan
E) Tüm kanser türlerinin sadece yüzde 10’u kalori alımı ile ilişkilendirilen obezitenin
kalıtsal olarak sınıflandırılır ama çoğu kanserde yaygınlığı, ABD’de 1990’dan itibaren belirgin bir
çevresel etkenler kadar genetik etkenlerin de rol şekilde artmıştır.
oynadığını gösteren bilimsel kanıt mevcuttur.
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
46. When a food makes people sick, they are 47. People living in higher-traffic urban areas
inclined to blame it on a food allergy but the have more pronounced wrinkles compared to
reason could be food intolerance – a condition those in more rural environments as pollution
in which the body has trouble digesting the leads to excessive generation of free radicals.
problem food.
A) Trafiğin yoğun olduğu kentsel alanlarda
A) Bir yiyecek insanları rahatsız ettiğinde, insanlar yaşayan insanların, kırsal çevrelerde yaşayanlara
suçu besin alerjisine atma eğilimindedirler ancak kıyasla daha belirgin kırışıklıklarının olmasının
rahatsızlığın nedeni, vücudun sorunlu yiyeceği nedeni kirliliğin, serbest radikallerin aşırı
sindirmede güçlük çektiği bir durum olan gıda üretimine neden olmasıdır.
intoleransı olabilir.
B) Kirlilik serbest radikallerin aşırı üretimine
B) Bir yiyecek insanları rahatsız ediyorsa, suçu neden olmaktadır ve trafiğin yoğun olduğu
besin alerjisine atma eğilimi vardır ancak kentsel alanlarda yaşayan insanların kırsal
vücudun sorunlu yiyeceği sindirmede güçlük çevrelerde yaşayanlara kıyasla daha belirgin
çektiği bir durum olan gıda intoleransı da bunun kırışıklıkları vardır.
nedeni olabilir.
C) Trafiğin yoğun olduğu kentsel alanlarda
C) İnsanlar, bir yiyecek kendilerini rahatsız yaşayan insanların kırsal çevrelerde yaşayanlara
ettiğinde suçu besin alerjisine atma eğiliminde kıyasla daha belirgin kırışıklıkları vardır çünkü
olsalar da, vücudun sorunlu yiyeceği güçlükle kirlilik, serbest radikallerin aşırı üretimine neden
sindirdiği bir durum olan gıda intoleransı da olmaktadır.
bunun nedeni olabilir.
D) Kırsal çevrelerde yaşayanlarla kıyaslandığında
D) Bir yiyecek insanları rahatsız edince genel trafiğin yoğun olduğu kentsel alanlarda yaşayan
eğilim suçu besin alerjisine atmak olsa da, insanların daha belirgin kırışıklıklarının olmasının
vücudun sorunlu yiyeceği sindirmede güçlük nedeni kirliliktir çünkü kirlilik, serbest radikallerin
çektiği gıda intoleransı bu durumun nedeni aşırı üretimine neden olmaktadır.
E) Kirlilik serbest radikallerin aşırı üretimine
E) İnsanlar, bir yiyeceği yedikten sonra rahatsız neden olur ve bu sebeple trafiğin yoğun olduğu
hissediyorsa, suçu besin alerjisine atma kentsel alanlarda yaşayan insanların kırsal
eğilimindedirler, fakat gıda intoleransı, yani çevrelerde yaşayanlara kıyasla daha belirgin
vücudun sorunlu yiyeceği sindirmede güçlük kırışıklıkları vardır.
çekmesi, bu durumun nedeni olabilir.
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28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
50. Günümüzde dünyanın en ünlü ilaçlarından 51. D vitamini, cilt güneş ışığına maruz
biri olan aspirin, kalp krizi geçiren insanlara, kaldığında üretilebilir ya da beslenme yoluyla
onları başka bir kriz geçirmekten korumak için alınabilir, ancak D vitamini çok az yiyecekte ve
düşük dozlarda düzenli olarak verilir. düşük miktarlarda bulunduğu için, çoğu insan
için takviye önerilir.
A) Aspirin, which is routinely prescribed in low
doses to protect people who had a heart attack A) Vitamin D, which can be produced when the
from having another attack, is one of the most skin is exposed to sunlight or could be obtained
famous pills of today’s world. from the diet, is found in few foods and at low
amounts, so a supplement is recommended for
B) Aspirin is now one of the most famous pills in
most people.
the world, and routinely prescribed in low doses
to people who had a heart attack so that they B) Most people are recommended to take
will not have another attack. vitamin D supplements as few foods contain
vitamin D and at low amounts, even though it
C) Today, aspirin is one of the most famous pills
can be produced through the exposure to
in the world, as it is routinely prescribed in low
sunlight or through the diet.
doses to people who had a heart attack to
protect them from having another attack C) Vitamin D can be produced when the skin is
exposed to sunlight or could be obtained from
D) Aspirin, one of the world's most famous pills
the diet, but since vitamin D is found in few foods
today, is routinely prescribed in low doses to
and at low amounts, a supplement is
people who had a heart attack to protect them
recommended for most people.
from having another attack.
D) Although vitamin D, which is produced when
E) Low doses of aspirin, one of the world's most
the skin is exposed to sunlight can also be
famous pills today, are routinely used by people
obtained from the diet, most people are
who had a heart attack to prevent the risk of
recommended a supplement because vitamin D
having another attack.
is found at low amounts in too few foods.
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
52. İnsanlarla yapılan çalışmalar, beslenme 53. Milyonlarca sinir ucu, anlık olarak sinir
değişiklikleri olsun ya da olmasın, orta seviyede sistemine aktardıkları ısı, nem, hareket ve temas
egzersizin kolesterolü makul seviyelere ile ilgili verileri toplamak için deri altında
getirdiğini göstermiştir. bulunur.
A) Studies with humans revealed that the A) Millions of nerve endings reside within the
benefits of moderate levels of exercise with or skin to gather data about temperature, humidity,
without dietary changes could lead to motion, and contact, which they instantly
satisfactory levels of cholesterol. transmit to the nervous system.
B) Moderate levels of exercise, with or without B) In order to gather data about temperature,
dietary changes, contribute to satisfactory levels humidity, motion, and contact, millions of nerve
of cholesterol, as revealed by studies with endings reside within the skin and then they
humans. transmit them to the nervous system.
C) Satisfactory levels of cholesterol are achieved C) Millions of nerve endings reside within the
through moderate levels of exercise, with or skin, gathering data about temperature,
without dietary changes, as revealed by studies humidity, motion, and contact, which they
with humans. transmit to the nervous system.
D) Studies with humans have revealed that D) Before millions of nerve endings transmit data
moderate levels of exercise, with or without about temperature, humidity, motion, and
dietary changes, bring cholesterol to satisfactory contact to our nervous system, they process each
levels. of them instantly.
E) Moderate levels of exercise result in dietary E) Millions of nerve endings, residing within the
changes and satisfactory levels of cholesterol, as skin, gather data about temperature, humidity,
shown by studies with humans. and contact, then they transmit them to the
nervous system.
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
54-59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada 55. Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için disorder found primarily in children and
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. adolescents. It is characterised by negative,
disobedient, or defiant behaviour that is worse
than the normal ‘testing’ behaviour most
54. Agnosia is a neuropsychological disorder
children display from time to time. ----- These
characterised by the inability to recognise
difficult periods are part of the normal
common objects, persons, or sounds. The
developmental process of gaining a stronger
disorder can affect visual, auditory or tactile
sense of individuality and separating from
object recognition, but visual agnosia is the
parents. ODD, however, is defiant behaviour
most common form of the condition, and most
that lasts longer and is more severe than normal
often expressed as an inability to recognise
individuation behaviour, but is not so extreme
people. ----- The condition may also arise
that it involves violation of social rules or the
following head trauma or stroke, or following
rights of others.
carbon monoxide poisoning or anoxia.
A) It is usual for children with ODD to not
A) Patients are often uncomfortable in social
perceive themselves as being difficult and to
situations, although many learn to recognise
blame all their problems on others.
people using other visual cues.
B) Very young children with the disorder will
B) Tactile agnosia, also called astereognosis, is
throw temper tantrums that last for 30 minutes
often difficult to recognise as we rarely identify
or longer, over seemingly trivial matters.
objects solely by feel.
C) ODD is thought to occur in about 6 per cent of
C) Agnosics can see, but they lack higher level
all children and is more common in families of
visual perception, which interferes with object
lower socioeconomic status.
information gathering.
D) Most children go through phases of being
D) Agnosia is caused by lesions to the parietal
difficult, particularly during the period from 18
and temporal lobes of the brain, regions involved
months to three years, and later during
in storing memories.
E) In addition to being the most common form of
E) Treatment is usually a long-term commitment
agnosia, visual agnosias are also the best
and may take a year or more for some noticeable
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
56. Antisocial personality disorder (APD) is 57. There are many simple ways to be nicer to
highly unresponsive to any form of treatment, people, and we like to believe that all that
in part because persons with APD rarely seek kindness and consideration will be appreciated.
treatment voluntarily. If they do seek help, it is However, being nice may not do us any favours.
usually in an attempt to find relief from According to a study, people who are nice -
depression or other forms of emotional distress. defined as sensitive to unfairness or inequity -
Although there are medications that are are more likely to show symptoms of depression
effective in treating some of the symptoms of than people who tend to be selfish and
the disorder, non-compliance with medication egotistical. Researchers started by giving nearly
regimens or abuse of the drugs prevents the 350 people a personality test to determine
widespread use of these medications. ----- In whether they were more ‘pro-social’ or
other words, if a person diagnosed with APD is ‘individualist’. ----- What they found was the
placed in an environment in which they cannot brain images were quite different between the
victimise others, their behaviour may improve. two types of people, and that nicer people are
It is unlikely, however, that they would maintain more vulnerable to depression because they
good behaviour if they left the disciplined experience extreme empathy, guilt and stress.
A) Then, they used an imaging technique to see
A) If some form of individual psychotherapy is which areas of the brain were activated during
provided, the therapist's primary task is to specific situations.
establish a relationship with the patient.
B) Overall, they usually aim at measuring
B) Measures intended to prevent antisocial people’s desire to share financial resources with
personality disorder must begin with those less fortunate.
interventions in early childhood.
C) Whether the pattern of thinking that was
C) The most successful treatment programmes considered 'pro-social' was linked with
for APD are long-term structured residential depression was an area of previous research.
settings in which the patient systematically
D) In other words, people are encouraged to be
modifies behaviour.
nice, but it turns out this positive quality can
D) The impulsiveness that characterises the have a very real negative outcome.
disorder often leads to a jail sentence or an early
E) On the other hand, it is still not certain which
death through suicide.
types of people are more prone to depression.
E) The patients can hardly establish positive
relationships with people around them, even
with the closest ones.
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
58. The placebo effect occurs when a person 59. Self-control strategies are cognitive and
takes a placebo (a substance that has no effect) behavioural skills used by individuals to
and feels better. If you regularly take sleeping maintain self-motivation and achieve personal
pills, you probably do not realise that you have goals. They are based primarily on the social
experienced the placebo effect. Sleeping pills cognitive theory of Albert Bandura. According to
lose their effectiveness after six weeks of Bandura, one's behaviour is influenced by a
regular use. Therefore, if you have been taking variety of factors, including one’s own thoughts
sleeping pills for more than a few months and and beliefs, and elements in the environment.
they still put you to sleep, it is the placebo Most people who decide to use self-control
effect working, not the pill. ----- However it strategies are dissatisfied with a certain aspect
works, the very power of the placebo effect of their lives. For example, they may feel they
demonstrates that by maximising your belief in smoke too much, exercise too little, or have
sleep improvement techniques, you can sleep difficulty controlling anger. ----- Self-control
better. programmes may also be designed without the
help of a professional, especially if the problem
A) Although we do not know the exact
being addressed is not severe.
mechanism underlying the placebo effect, it is
probably due to the effects our thoughts have on A) Environmental self-control strategies involve
our brain. changing times, places, or situations where one
experiences problematic behaviour.
B) In fact, about one third of pain patients will
respond as well to a placebo as they will to B) Self-control strategies are often taught in
morphine. treatment centres, group or individual therapies,
schools, or vocational settings.
C) Negative thoughts about sleep can have a
profoundly adverse effect on the duration and C) The individual is responsible for using self-
quality of one's sleep. control strategies in real-life situations to
produce the desired changes.
D) Stress occurs almost automatically, so you are
not always aware of it and its negative impact on D) Self-control strategies help individuals to
your sleep. become aware of their own patterns of
behaviour and to alter them so that the
E) About 20 per cent of a population sleeps six or
behaviour will be more or less likely to occur.
fewer hours per night.
E) Individuals achieve self-control through
continuous monitoring, evaluating, and
reinforcement of their own behaviour.
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
60. (I) The variation in milliseconds between your 62. (I) Insomnia exists only in comparison with
heartbeats is known as your heart rate variability what one considers to be normal sleep. (II) With
(HRV). (II) These small differences in heart rate insomnia, sleep falls short of the expectation of
are normal - in fact, the more variation the how it should be experienced. (III) A variety of
better. (III) This irregularity should not be physiological changes occur throughout the body
confused with cardiac arrhythmia, which involves during sleep. (IV) People assess their sleep
our heart rate, or pulse, which is measured in against a standard, but normal sleep is relative.
beats per minute. (IV) Other diseases of the (V) Various criteria and standards may be used to
autonomic nervous system can be detected and describe sleep as normal or abnormal.
monitored using HRV, such as autonomic
neuropathy - damage to the nerves that control A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
everyday functions. (V) In fact, cardiac
arrhythmia is a serious condition that involves
the heart beating too fast or too slowly, or
throwing in extra, irregular beats.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
64. (I) Dementia is a condition characterised by a 65. (I) Blood banks are a vital part of any health
chronic decline in cognitive functions contrasted service, giving doctors rapid access to this life-
with a person’s usual state of functioning. (II) It is giving fluid. (II) But blood is notoriously hard to
seen most often in people sixty-five years and store. (III) Left to itself, it clots and loses vital
older, and the incidence increases with age. (III) components like platelets. (IV) As it is also
Although aging results in mild slowing for some delicate, red blood cells rupture if badly handled,
cognitive functions, normal aging does not cause any contamination can make it potentially lethal.
significant memory loss. (IV) There are various (V) Plasma is the liquid component of blood, and
causes and types of dementia, but most types could be given to anyone, regardless of blood
have certain characteristics in common. (V) group.
Persons with dementia often have problems with
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
short-term memory, such as forgetting names
and recent events.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
66-68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. Which of the following is the main purpose
cevaplayınız. of the author?
66. Which of the following is a factor or variable 68. Which of the following best describes the
that modern research methods cannot screen author's tone?
A) supportive
A) Structural differences caused by sex
chromosomes B) critical
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
69-71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 70. It is stated in the passage that -----.
A) the first known pandemic emerged in Middle
Age London
A pandemic is an outbreak of an infectious
disease that spreads across a large region, a B) the bubonic plague was transmitted by the
continent, or even the world. According to the infected people who travelled around the world
World Health Organization (WHO), a pandemic C) the bubonic plague was mistakenly thought to
can start when three conditions have been met: be non-infectious
the emergence of a disease new to the
population, a disease that infects humans, D) the plague is believed to have arrived in
causing serious illness, and one that spreads Europe through the grains from Egypt
easily and persists among humans. A disease is
E) the plague of Justinian, first seen in Britain,
not a pandemic because it is widespread or kills a
was the starting point for the Black Death
large number of people. It must also be
infectious. For example, cancer is responsible for
a large number of deaths but is not considered a
pandemic. The plague of Justinian in the sixth
century that devastated the eastern capital of
the Roman Empire in Constantinople was the
first well-known pandemic in Europe. It also
marks the first detailed record of the bubonic
plague that later would be known in London as
the Black Death. In Constantinople, while
Justinian was the Roman Emperor, large
quantities of grain were shipped from Egypt and
it is thought that the disease was brought into
Europe via rat and flea populations in the grain.
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
72-74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 73. One can understand from the passage that
cevaplayınız. symptoms of rabies -----.
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
75-77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 76. Despite their current prevalence, soft drinks
cevaplayınız. -----.
A) sweets were a rare commodity exclusive to D) fast food materialised in the 20th century with
those who could afford it the growth of multinational food companies
B) fast food consumption was directly correlated E) eating fast food shows the relatively low value
with increasing income many Americans place on the food
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
78-80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. It is clear from the passage that, if your
cevaplayınız. parents suffer from anxiety disorders, -----.
28 Ağustos 2022 Sonbahar YÖKDİL Sağlık Sınavı
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
1-20. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere 4. Most southern European countries have
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. shifted from being ---- emigrant sending
societies to immigrant receiving ones over the
past 30 years.
1. Just as some animals like bees and ants are
predisposed to live in colonies, humans have a A) suddenly
natural ---- to form social units.
B) primarily
A) restriction
C) fortunately
B) tendency
D) doubtfully
C) avoidance
E) eventually
D) endurance
E) exception
5. Children can be assisted to perform well at
school if it is ---- that their parents play a causal
role in producing cooperative, attentive
2. Population ageing, a direct ---- of the ongoing
behaviour and are included in the educational
global fertility decline and of mortality decline
among people of older ages, is among the most
prominent global demographic trends of the A) ensured
21st century.
B) complained
A) precaution
C) resisted
B) opportunity
D) neglected
C) instruction
E) concealed
D) consequence
E) adjustment
6. Like the ancient people of Sumer, Egypt, and
the Indus Valley, early Chinese farmers ---- the
country's rivers for transportation and water to
3. Some scholars doubt that when the Italian
grow their crops.
instrument maker Bartolomeo Cristofori devised
his first piano in approximately 1700, he A) brought about
foresaw the ---- acceptance it eventually
achieved. B) relied on
D) widespread
E) threatening
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
7. Although B. F. Skinner's radical behaviourism 10. Slang, which is part of casual, informal styles
---- out of fashion for several decades, many of of language use, serves as a mark of
his core ideas ----, offering important insights membership and unity ---- a given social group,
into a broad range of behaviour. and speakers show enormous creativity ---- their
use of slang.
A) has been / survive
A) for / to
B) is / will survive
B) about / by
C) was / had survived
C) toward / at
D) will be / have survived
D) within / in
E) had been / would have survived
E) against / on
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
13. Animals in fast-flowing streams have to 16. ---- games and simulations both foster
protect themselves from being swept away, ---- maximum student involvement in learning, they
those in the still waters of a pond have to cope differ in purpose, participant responsibilities,
with low levels of oxygen and the hazard of and the nature of the interaction.
water freezing over in winter.
A) As long as
A) at least
B) Even though
B) while
C) Because
C) as
D) Once
D) so
E) Provided that
E) only if
15. ---- Spanish is the official language of 18. The civilisation of ancient Egypt was
Argentina, many other languages are spoken, significant for its size and longevity because it
ranging from Welsh to Basque, reflecting the retained a strong continuity of culture ----
varied origins of Argentina’s many settlers. several periods of turmoil.
A) Once A) similar to
B) Although B) by means of
C) Given that C) due to
D) Just as D) with the aim of
E) If E) despite
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
B) destruction
In a world filled with complexity and C) foundation
communication overload, it can be very
challenging to focus upon the necessary D) confrontation
information in order to set and meet objectives.
E) fluctuation
The management process tries to make sense of
information and assemble it (21)---- objectives
can be achieved. (22)---- being often identified
with business, good management can also be
used in a much wider array of applications. There
are four areas that have long been considered
the (23)---- of effective management. These
areas are planning, organising, leading, and
controlling. Planning refers to setting goals,
organising requires us to think about how we will A) toward
manage our resources, leading helps us when
undertaking activities with teams or large groups, B) by
and controlling involves monitoring progress
C) off
(24)---- our goals and checking to see if we will be
able to attain them as planned. Many forms of D) at
management focus upon one area in particular;
however, it is not necessary for all four areas E) against
(25)---- with the same intensity in order for the
process involved to be considered management.
A) so that
B) since
C) after
A) to be applied
D) once
B) to apply
E) although
C) having been applied
D) to have applied
E) applying
A) With the aim of
B) In spite of
C) Thanks to
D) By means of
E) In terms of
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
B) provide
Student-centred models of learning shift some of C) facilitate
the responsibility for directing and organising
learning from the teacher to the student. D) comprehend
(26)----, being student-centred does not mean
E) reject
that a teacher gives up organisational
responsibilities completely. It only means a
relative shift in the teacher’s role, toward one
with more emphasis (27)---- guiding students’
self-chosen directions. Teacher-directed
strategies do not take over responsibility for
students' learning completely; no matter how
much a teacher structures or directs learning,
students still have responsibility for working and
making an effort to (28)---- the new material. For A) being handed
the same reasons, student-centred models of
learning do not mean (29)---- over all B) to be handed
organisational work or instruction to students.
C) to have handed
The teacher is still the most knowledgeable
member of the class, and still has the opportunity D) to be handing
(30)---- the responsibility to guide learning in
directions that are productive. E) handing
A) However
B) in addition
C) Instead 30.
E) Otherwise B) despite
C) as well as
27. D) regardless of
A) with E) similar to
B) in
C) on
D) at
E) by
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
31-41. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun 33. Although the power of conventional
şekilde tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz. television is widely recognised, ----.
32. ----, they are more efficient than any other A) given that the first step of an advertiser is to
form of land transportation. attract the attention of the consumers
A) Unless rail systems can cover long distances, B) because they recognise that the purpose of
such as the Trans-Siberian Railway the advertiser is not to provide facts, but to
B) Although railways are expensive to build and
may require a considerable amount of time to be C) although it is not very easy for an advertiser to
constructed make an advertising message convincing
C) While modern electrified rail systems reach D) as advertisements with celebrities who are the
speeds that cannot be matched on the road spokespersons for the product are more
D) In order that rapid transit systems can move
hundreds of people quickly to distant places E) while governments can use advertisements to
discourage particular habits, such as smoking
E) Even if rail networks are considered vital for
the delivery of food, fuel, and other supplies
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
35. Although the Albanians, as a people, have 37. ----; however, by the first century CE, its
been known since the 2nd century AD, ----. frontiers stretched from Spain in the west to
Syria in the east.
A) present-day Albanian may be categorised as a
partly synthetic, partly analytic language A) The Roman Empire was held together by a
strong and efficient system of provincial
B) the languages of the Balkans have come to
share certain linguistic features
B) The Roman Empire grew slowly at first - it took
C) the earliest surviving records of the Albanian
500 years for small city of Rome to conquer the
language date only from the 15th century
whole of Italy
D) Albanian is spoken today in a considerable
C) During the reign of Augustus, only a tenth of
number of linguistic pockets in the Balkans
the empire's population were full citizens
E) scattered communities of Albanian speakers
D) The Romans had hundreds of gods and
are to be found in southern Italy and Sicily
goddesses associated with every aspect of life
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
39. ----, the same type of unity does not exist 41. All spices played a role in world history, ----.
regarding the definition and how to address the
A) although in the ancient world spice trading
needs of these students.
around the known world was a daily occurrence
A) Since the principles of the cognitive learning
B) so for centuries the West knew little of the
theory are compatible with the characteristics of
spices that flowed east and west through Asia
gifted and talented students
C) yet by the 19th century the Dutch had settled
B) When the nature versus nurture debate reigns
into maintaining their spice empire in the East
and colours efforts to design programmes for
gifted and talented students
D) but the spices that had the most significant
C) While the relationship between giftedness and
effect on global trade were chilli peppers, black
intelligence has had a major impact on how such
pepper, and cinnamon
students are viewed
E) as the Romans were the first in the Western
D) Although there appears to be consensus
World to use the spices of the East for culinary
concerning the notion that there are students
and medical purposes
who are both gifted and talented
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
42-47. sorularda, verilen İngilizce 43. People who fundamentally enjoy what they
cümleye anlamca en yakın Türkçe cümleyi do in the workplace often perform more
bulunuz. efficiently than those who focus especially on
extrinsic factors like money.
42. The novels of Charles Dickens, which mostly A) Kişilerin iş yerinde yaptıkları şeyden gerçekten
describe the living conditions of the poor and keyif alması, onların özellikle para gibi dış
the working class in Victorian England, are still etkenlere odaklanan kişilerden çoğu zaman daha
among the best-sellers today. verimli çalışmasını sağlar.
A) Bugün hâlâ çok satanlar arasında yer alan B) İş yerinde yaptıkları şeyden gerçekten keyif
Charles Dickens’ın romanlarında, çoğunlukla alan kişiler, özellikle para gibi dış etkenlere
Viktorya dönemi İngilteresi’ndeki fakirlerin ve işçi odaklanan kişilerden çoğu zaman daha verimli
sınıfının yaşam koşulları tasvir edilir. çalışmaktadır.
B) Çoğunlukla Viktorya dönemi İngilteresi’ndeki C) Çoğu zaman daha verimli çalışanlar, özellikle
fakirlerin ve işçi sınıfının yaşam koşullarını tasvir para gibi dış etkenlere odaklanan kişilerden
eden Charles Dickens’ın romanları, bugün hâlâ ziyade, iş yerinde yaptıkları şeyden gerçekten
çok satanlar arasında yer alır. keyif alan kişilerdir.
C) Bugün hâlâ çok satanlar arasında yer alan D) Özellikle para gibi dış etkenlere odaklanan
Charles Dickens’ın romanları, çoğunlukla Viktorya kişilere kıyasla, iş yerinde yaptıkları şeyden
dönemi İngilteresi’ndeki fakirlerin ve işçi sınıfının gerçekten keyif alan kişiler çoğu zaman daha
yaşam koşullarını tasvir eder. verimli çalışmaktadır.
D) Charles Dickens'ın romanları çoğunlukla E) Kişilerin iş yerinde yaptıkları şeyden gerçekten
Viktorya dönemi İngilteresi’ndeki fakirlerin ve işçi keyif almasının nedeni, özellikle para gibi dış
sınıfının yaşam koşullarını tasvir eder ve bugün etkenlere odaklanan kişilerden çoğu zaman daha
hâlâ çok satanlar arasında yer alır. verimli çalışmalarıdır.
E) Bugün hâlâ çok satanlar arasında yer alan
Charles Dickens’ın romanlarında çoğunlukla tasvir
edilen şey, Viktorya dönemi İngilteresi’ndeki
fakirlerin ve işçi sınıfının yaşam koşullarıdır.
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
44. Satiric comedy highlights the deviations 45. A study done recently has shown that when
from social order by ridiculing the violators of we feel lonely, our tendency to mimic other
moral principles. people’s smiles declines.
A) Ahlak kurallarını ihlal edenleri gülünç hâle A) Yakın zamanda yapılan bir çalışma, kendimizi
getiren eleştirel komedi, toplumsal düzenden yalnız hissettiğimizde diğer insanların
sapmalara dikkat çeker. gülümsemesini taklit etme eğilimimizin azaldığını
B) Eleştirel komedi, ahlak kurallarını ihlal edenleri
gülünç hâle getirerek toplumsal düzenden B) Yakın zamanda yürütülen bir çalışmanın
sapmalara dikkat çeker. gösterdiği gibi, kendimizi yalnız hissettiğimiz
zaman diğer insanların gülümsemesini taklit etme
C) Eleştirel komedi, ahlak kurallarını ihlal edenleri
eğilimimiz azalır.
gülünç hâle getirmekle beraber toplumsal
düzenden sapmalara dikkat çeker. C) Yakın zamanda yapılan bir çalışmada,
kendimizi yalnız hissettiğimizde başkalarının
D) Eleştirel komedi, ahlak kurallarını ihlal
gülümsemesini taklit etme eğilimimizin azaldığı
edenlerin gülünç hâle geldiği toplumsal düzenden
sapmalara dikkat çeker.
D) Yakın zamanda yapılan bir çalışma, kendimizi
E) Eleştirel komedide ahlak kurallarını ihlal
yalnız hissetmenin başka insanların
edenler gülünç hâle getirilip toplumsal düzenden
gülümsemesini taklit etme eğilimimizi azalttığını
sapmalara dikkat çekilir.
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
46. Linguists question whether the 47. The Treaty of Union, passed by the
communication systems used by other species Parliaments of England and Scotland in 1707,
resemble human language, which has very symbolised the birth of Great Britain by
specific properties like creativity. officially uniting two separate kingdoms.
A) Dil bilimciler, diğer türler tarafından kullanılan A) İngiltere ve İskoçya Parlamentoları tarafından
iletişim sistemlerinin insan diline benzeyip 1707 yılında onaylanan Birlik Antlaşması, iki ayrı
benzemediğini ve insan dilindeki yaratıcılık gibi krallığı resmî olarak birleştirerek Büyük
oldukça özel niteliklere sahip olup olmadığını Britanya'nın doğuşunu simgelemiştir.
B) Birlik Antlaşması İngiltere ve İskoçya
B) Dil bilimciler, diğer türler tarafından kullanılan Parlamentoları tarafından 1707 yılında
iletişim sistemlerinin, yaratıcılık gibi oldukça özel onaylandığında Büyük Britanya'nın doğuşunun bir
niteliklere sahip olan insan diline benzeyip simgesi olarak iki ayrı krallığı resmî olarak
benzemediğini sorgulamaktadır. birleştirmiştir.
C) Dil bilimcilerin sorguladıkları şey, diğer türler C) Büyük Britanya’nın doğuşunu simgeleyerek iki
tarafından kullanılan iletişim sistemlerinin, ayrı krallığı resmî olarak birleştiren Birlik
yaratıcılık gibi oldukça özel niteliklere sahip olan Antlaşması, İngiltere ve İskoçya Parlamentoları
insan diline benzeyip benzemediğidir. tarafından 1707 yılında onaylanmıştır.
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
50. Müşterinin markayla olan görsel deneyimini 51. Padişahlar ve aileleri için tasarlanan kıymetli
daha hatırlanır kılmak için pek çok marka bir ya eşyaların yanı sıra resimli kitaplar da Topkapı
da daha fazla duyuya hitap eden kavramlara Sarayı’nın hazinesinde muhafaza edilirdi.
dayalı pazarlama kampanyaları yürütür.
A) Among the precious objects designed for the
A) A number of brands run marketing campaigns sultans and their families and kept in the treasury
based on concepts that make the customer's of the Topkapı Palace were illustrated books.
visual experience with the brand more
B) Along with precious objects designed for the
memorable by addressing one or more of the
sultans and their families, illustrated books were
also preserved in the treasury of the Topkapı
B) To address one or more of the senses, a Palace.
number of brands conduct marketing campaigns
C) Precious objects designed for the sultans and
based on concepts that make the customer’s
their families, such as illustrated books, were
visual experience with the brand more
kept in the treasury of the Topkapı Palace.
D) Not only precious objects designed for the
C) By running marketing campaigns based on
sultans and their families but also illustrated
concepts that address one or more of the senses,
books were preserved in the treasury of the
a number of brands make the customer’s visual
Topkapı Palace.
experience with their brand more memorable.
E) Precious objects designed for the sultans and
D) In order to make the customer’s visual
their families were kept in the treasury of the
experience with the brand more memorable, a
Topkapı Palace, and besides them, there were
number of brands run marketing campaigns
also illustrated books.
based on concepts that address one or more of
the senses.
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
52. Ebeveyn olma rolüne ilişkin yoğun bir 53. Bazı tarihçiler tarihin şekillenmesinde, tüm
yorgunluk ve ilgisizlik durumu olarak tanımlanan karmaşıklığı ve çelişkileriyle insan duygularının
ebeveyn tükenmişliğinin, etkisizlik hissi ve rolünün ekonomi gibi daha rasyonel güçlerinki
çocuklardan uzaklaşma gibi tipik belirtileri kadar önemli olduğunu ileri sürüyor.
A) Some historians suggest that the role of
A) Parental burnout, defined as a state of intense human emotions, although they are complex and
fatigue and apathy with characteristic symptoms contradictory, in shaping history is as important
like a feeling of ineffectiveness and detachment as that of economics, which is one of the more
from children, is related to the role of being a rational forces.
B) Some historians argue that in shaping history,
B) Parental burnout, which has characteristic human emotions, with all their complexities and
symptoms like a feeling of ineffectiveness and contradictions, play a significant role that is
detachment from children, is defined as a state similar to the role of more rational forces like
of intense fatigue and apathy related to the role economics.
of being a parent.
C) Some historians argue that the role of human
C) A feeling of ineffectiveness and detachment emotions, with all their complexities and
from children are characteristic symptoms of contradictions, is as significant in shaping history
parental burnout, which is defined as a state of as that of more rational forces like economics.
intense fatigue and apathy related to the role of
D) Some historians suggest that human
being a parent.
emotions, however complex and contradictory
D) Parental burnout is defined as a state of they are, play an important role in shaping
intense fatigue and apathy that is related to the history like economics, which is one of the more
role of being a parent and has characteristic rational forces.
symptoms like a feeling of ineffectiveness and
Some historians argue that, even when they bear
detachment from children.
complexities and contradictions, the role of
E) Parental burnout, which is defined as a state of human emotions in shaping history is as
intense fatigue and apathy related to the role of significant as the role of more rational forces
being a parent, has characteristic symptoms like such as economics.
a feeling of ineffectiveness and detachment from
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
54-59. sorularda, boş bırakılan yere, parçada 55. Non-verbal communication is an area of
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için study that includes many disciplines - sociology,
getirilebilecek cümleyi bulunuz. psychology, anthropology, communication, and
even art and criminal justice. ---- For example,
psychology might focus on the non-verbal
54. The animal story has not always been the
expression of emotions; anthropology might
preserve of the nursery. Indeed, like the fairy
focus on the use of interpersonal space in
tale, it was an adult genre that gradually
different cultures; and communication might
entered the children’s domain when the
focus on the content of the message. However,
boundaries between literature for children and
there is more overlap among these fields than
literature for adults were being redrawn. There
is a long cross-cultural tradition of
anthropomorphic animal stories, or ‘beast A) It appears that all cultures have written or oral
fables’, in which animals are given human traditions expressing the importance of non-
speech and reason, that stretches back in verbal communication.
Greece at least to that legendary figure, Aesop
(c. 550 BCE) and, in India, to the stories of the B) People assume that the vast majority of non-
Panchatantra. ---- In the stories attributed to verbal communication is intentional.
Aesop, for example, various ideas about C) Non-verbal communication serves a number of
industry, perseverance, gratitude, moderation functions such as providing a definition for
and prudence are being taught. communication.
A) The issue of whether animal stories are for D) Each of these fields tends to address a slightly
children or adults brings about much criticism of different aspect of non-verbal communication.
the genre.
E) Non-verbal communication can also regulate
B) The beast fable provided the perfect vehicle verbal communication in several ways.
for a satire, because the animal disguises gave
the satirists immunity from censure.
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
56. In many cultures, older members of the 57. Film and television directors work with
community are revered - they are considered actors to block the action, establishing
wise and knowledgeable teachers and leaders. movements that change their physical
In other societies, largely those in which the relationships with other actors and with the
nuclear family has displaced the extended camera. Directors’ careful positioning of the
family, this is often not the case. ---- Their actors produces meaning. ---- They may assume
elderly people are generally treated as relatively a greater narrative significance as well. Figures
worthless and powerless members of the who tower over other characters, for example,
community. Countries such as Britain, the may dominate them in some way in the film,
Netherlands, Australia and the United States fall whereas characters who meet each other on the
into this latter category. same physical level may exhibit a more
equitable relationship.
A) The main issue of this ageism, discrimination
against the elderly, is how the elderly are treated A) A visual analysis of the opening scene of some
in terms of rights. films explains the ongoing struggle of the film's
central character.
B) There are a range of stereotypes of the
elderly, including the perfect grandparent: always B) Characters who occupy the foreground gain
wise, kind and happy. importance through their apparent physical
closeness to the viewer.
C) An interesting observation is that in almost
most societies those who are extremely old tend C) Costumes display an understanding of time
to be awarded a great deal of respect and and place, but more importantly, a character's
affection. social status and personality traits.
D) Social psychologists have only recently begun D) Make-up and prosthetics can alter an actor's
to systematically investigate ageism and its appearance so that he or she resembles a
psychological drawbacks. historical figure.
E) In these societies, the qualities of youth are E) Figure placement may be significantly
highly valued, and elderly people attract enhanced by cinematography.
unfavourable stereotypes.
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
58. No one person can claim to have invented 59. Career progress of various groups is one of
rock and roll. ---- But if one were to narrow the central concerns in organisations,
down the birth of rock and roll to a specific time occupations, and work. People choose careers
and place, the most logical choice would be the for different reasons. ---- People are constantly
informal recording session that took place on making conscious decisions on career progress
the evening of July 5, 1954, in the modest studio in light of their own interests and
of Sun Records on 706 Union Avenue in circumstances. At the same time, multiple
Memphis, Tennessee. It was there that Elvis factors shape a person’s career aspirations and
Presley merged disparate strands of blues, career trajectory.
country and gospel into a fiercely dynamic
A) The factors leading to the career success of
sound that ignited a musical and cultural
men may be different from those for women.
explosion whose impact is still being felt today.
The track that Presley cut that night, “That’s All B) Occupational prestige, rewards, and prospects
Right, Mama,” would quickly emerge as the for advancement are chief among them.
cornerstone of a musical revolution.
C) Employers may hold the belief that personal
A) Many early pioneers of blues had personal and attributes are related to a person's performance.
professional roots in the swing era of the 1930s,
including Aaron Walker and Charles Brown. D) Successful people tend to have the ability to
build long-lasting relationships with their work.
B) The view of rock and roll as a matter of whites
co-opting and diluting black music is simplistic E) Being plugged into different channels is a
and inaccurate. crucial ingredient of career success for educated
C) The genre arose from a cross-pollination of
black and white musical styles, which had already
begun long before the term 'rock and roll' was
ever applied to music.
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
60-65. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla 62. (I) Ancient Egyptians invented a calendar,
okunduğunda parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü created a form of hieroglyphic writing, and
bozan cümleyi bulunuz developed papyrus. (Il) During the last centuries
of ancient Egypt, the kingdom increasingly came
under foreign domination, which weakened it to
60. (I) Although Plato is perhaps the most
the point that Alexander the Great was able to
influential philosopher in the Western tradition,
claim it without struggle. (Ill) Situated along the
little is known about his life with certainty.
Nile and south of the Mediterranean Sea,
(Il) Plato's major contribution to philosophy was
Egyptians also produced early seagoing vessels.
his metaphysical theory of forms, and his forms
(IV) But it is their buildings for which this ancient
were divine objects, known by the mind through
group is renowned. (V) In addition to the Great
thought. (Ill) This is partly because there was a
Pyramids at Giza, the impressive relics that have
convention in Plato’s time that philosophers
been discovered include those at Abu Simbel and
writing about their contemporaries not mention
temples and other buildings at Luxor.
them by name. (IV) However, there is agreement
on some broad facts about Plato's life. (V) Plato, A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
for instance, was present at Socrates' trial and
began his own philosophical works about 15 or
20 years later.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
64. (I) Almost everything that we do in our 65. (I) People have always been curious about
everyday lives depends on language. (Il) In fact, it sociological matters - how we get along with
is hard to even imagine what our world would be others, what we do for a living, and things like
like without language. (Ill) So much of what that. (Il) Philosophers and religious authorities of
keeps people and societies together depends ancient and medieval societies made countless
crucially on language. (IV) We need language to observations about human behaviour.
make and enforce laws, get and distribute valued (Ill) Several of these early philosophers correctly
resources, create and maintain personal and predicted that a systematic study of human
public relationships, and so on. (V) To sum up, behaviour would emerge one day. (IV) Beginning
children do not wake up one morning with a fully in the 19th century, important European
formed grammar in their heads - in moving from theorists made pioneering contributions to the
first words to adult competence, children pass development of a science of human behaviour -
through linguistic stages. sociology. (V) Although their professional careers
coincided, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber, two
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
of the most influential European sociologists,
never met and probably were unaware of each
other’s existence, let alone ideas.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
66-68. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 67. It is pointed out in the passage that the
cevaplayınız. Doric temples ----.
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
69-71. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 70. Which can be concluded from the passage
cevaplayınız. about the Iliad and the Odyssey?
A) is a famous literary figure whose existence in A) To clarify whether the Iliad or the Odyssey was
the past as a real person is still being doubted composed first
B) had a hard time convincing people that he B) To highlight the contribution of the ancient
himself wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey Greeks to Homer's popularity
D) was regarded as a great poet in later antiquity D) To give brief information about Homer,
although his artistic skills were not initially focusing on his works the Iliad and the Odyssey
recognised on a large scale E) To explain how Homer influenced poems who
E) accounted the Trojan War in the Iliad, putting imitated him in the following centuries
special emphasis on the role of the ancient
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
72-74. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 73. It is pointed out in the passage that the
cevaplayınız. Phoenicians ----.
72. According to the passage, domestic cats A) the number of domesticated cats found in
were almost entirely exclusive to Egypt for a Britain was too low
long time because ----. B) cats were not seen as prestigious gifts by the
A) they were not admired in other parts of the Egyptians
world until the Middle Ages C) cats were not highly favoured throughout
B) they were not allowed to be transferred to Western Europe
other countries as they were greatly adored D) British people did not consider cats to be a
C) the Egyptians controlled their independent precious commodity like the Egyptians did
nature so that they could not move to other E) cats became popular in a large area thanks to
regions the advance of the Roman Empire
D) no other nation of seafarers than the
Egyptians considered them as valuable
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
75-77. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 76. According to the passage, the Hundred
cevaplayınız. Years' War ----.
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
78-80. soruları aşağıdaki parçaya göre 79. According to today’s psychologists, the
cevaplayınız. campaign ----.
26 Mart 2023 İlkbahar YÖKDİL Sosyal Sınavı
26 mart 2023 yökdil fen