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Reading material 2 human andmachines

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International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering

Volume 6, Issue (5) Sept., NCRTCST-2015, ISSN 2249–071X

3rd National Conference on Research Trends in Computer Science & Technology NCRTCST-2015

Human Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence: Survey

Dr. R. K. Mohanthy Dr. G. Narsimha
HOD IT & Professor, KMIT D. Shanthi
Assistant Professor, JNTUCEJ
ramakanta5a@gmail.com Assistant Professor, CMRIT narsimha06@gmail.com
nervous system.
Abstract – Research in AIA neural network is an artificial Facts about human brain:
representation of the human brain that tries to simulate its
∙ It weighs about 3.3 pounds (1.5 kilograms). ∙ The brain
learning process. An artificial neural network (ANN) is often
called a "Neural Network” or simply Neural Net (NN). In this makes up about 2 percent of a human's body weight
paper I provide the survey which I found more interesting ∙ The cerebrum makes up 85 percent of the brain's weight. ∙
facts in my research. That is 1.The brief study of human It contains about 86 billion nerve cells (neurons), the "gray
brain and nervous system 2. What actually an intelligence matter".
3.how this artificial intelligence is differing from human ∙ It contains billions of nerve fibers (axons and dendrites),
intellectual. the "white matter".
∙ These neurons are connected by trillions of connections,
Keywords – Intelligence, Cognitive Functions, Nervous
or synapses
System, Artificial Intelligence, Dendritic Geometry, Neuro
Modulators, Axonal Branches. ∙ Our brain uses 20% of oxygen and blood from our body. ∙
60% of our brain is fat.
I. INTRODUCTION ∙ When we learn something new the structure of brain
In any field, either profession or education, intelligence The largest part of the human brain is the cerebrum,
is more important. We must have heard the words like which is divided into two hemispheres. Bottom of the brain
Artificial Intelligence in contrast with human intelligence. consist of the brainstem, and trailing that sits the
Technology is emerging day by day, scientists are more cerebellum. The outermost layer of the cerebrum is the
and more interested in making something innovative. As cerebral cortex, which consists of four lobes: the frontal
Artificial intelligence and robots are not as such joined, lobe, the parietal lobe, the temporal lobe and the occipital
computers and machines are created that are synonymous lobe.
to both humans and animals by efforts employed together. As all vertebrate brains, the human brain consists of
By default robots are coined as “intelligent” as the three logical sections known as the forebrain, midbrain and
application for its movement is used, and intelligent robots hindbrain. In these three sections contains fluid-filled
can be developed by employing Artificial Intelligence (AI). cavities called ventricles. The forebrain establishes into the
It major function is to add some human like qualities in cerebrum and hidden structures; the midbrain becomes part
robotics. We can find this analogy in many things like toys, of the brainstem; and the hindbrain extends its regions up
such as robotic pets. There are other forces that are in to brainstem and the cerebellum.
favoring of combining these two sources in order to have The human brain with its complexity acts like a storage
complete product. To know the difference between device which always stores safely a person‟s most
Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence, let‟s dig out memorable memories whenever he want recollect those
the roots!Intelligence can be described as a general mental memories he can. A survey of WHO referred that a baby
ability for reasoning, problem solving, and learning. loses about half their neurons before they are born and also
Because of its nature, intelligence amalgamates cognitive said that when mothers going on speaking with their
functions such as perception, attention, memory, language, infants, those children can learn about 300 more words by
or planning. By the definition, intelligence can be the age two when comparing with the children whose
accurately deliberated by regulated tests with obtained mothers quite often spoke to them. Here if we measuring
scores predicting several broad social outcomes such as of brain activity it show that during the 6th month of baby,
educational achievement, job performance, health, and the prefrontal cortex, the seat of forethought and logic,
longevity. In this paper we getting a brief idea of human forms synapses at huge rate that it consumes double the
brain, nervous system, energy as an adult brain. That furious pace continues for
1. Human brain: the child's first decade of life. Birdsong and human speech
have similar characteristics. Birds, like humans, learn their
complex vocalizations early in life and imitate their adult
counterparts to acquire these skills. These two species have
evolved a complex hierarchy of specialized forebrain areas
where motor and auditory areas interact continuously

The human brain is the command center for the human

All copyrights Reserved by NCRTCST-2015, Departments of CSE
CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Kandlakoya (V), Medchal Road, Hyderabad, India.
Published by IJECCE (www.ijecce.org) 30
International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering
Volume 6, Issue (5) Sept., NCRTCST-2015, ISSN 2249–071X

3rd National Conference on Research Trends in Computer Science & Technology NCRTCST-2015
Visual Perception is the ability interprets the
in order to produce detailed vocalizations. surrounding environment by processing information that
Human Intelligence: present in visible light. Lehar says that the visual
experience can be holistic, and at the same time the
heaviness of visual perception may be less deception,
sensory data may access the brain states that feature is very
important project of perceptual institution. Like this
functional representation would be very useful, smooth the
way for information retrieval from visual and auditory
cortex, present in attractor neural networks after
termination of direct sensory inputs (Amit 1994).
Human intelligence depends on 4 various stages, that is 1. Pertinacious brain activity may be responsible for visual
Memory and learning 2. Visual perception 3. Auxiliary imagery, filling in, subjective contours and other such
perception 4. Retrieval ability. All these 4 stages are nested circumstances. This internal representation, of the brain
with one another. Memory and learning is what we being a physical state,is interpreted and focused by another
remembered and from which what we learned. Basically brain area, getting it to the working memory and clear the
memories are two types‟ a. Short term memory and b. long way for conscious perception.
term memory. Short term memories will not be 3. Auditory Perception:
remembered long time example actions of our childhood; Auditory perception refers to how the brain interprets
but the actions were present in unconscious mode and that what we hear. This may include speech sounds as well as
was linked with the task which we will do in our future. environmental sounds. Auditory perception fits under the
Sometimes when we are doing some task are when we broad umbrella of CENTRAL AUDITORY PROCESSING
seen a people then we are started thinking that like same SKILLS. According to the various surveys auditory based
task or the person which we have done or seen previously. learning and visual based learning are most effective
Coming to long term memory means we won‟t forget the learning, we can learn easily based onthese perceptions
data for long time I.e., our parents, our names, our friends, brain can easily grasp information and easily remember it.
and the actions which we are doing regularly. Every action Because the nerves present at ear will sends the signals to
which we are doing now is learned from somewhere else the brain and it is easy to the brain to maintain the same
i.e. it may be from our own experiences or from imitating information in it. Auditory based learning having a great
the others. impact on the brain.
1. Memory and Learning:
Learning and memory is the thing starts from the
sensory inputs( what we hear, see, feel, and smell), these
sensory inputs enters into our body and within a fraction of
seconds we may lose the received information. And if it is
sent to the working memory, it will process the information
which you received from the sensory memory, their it
retrieve what you already know and checks whether the
new information matches or not, then it will encode the
whole information which means you learned it, now you
have learned the new thing and it stores into the long term
memory, it is available here and when the next time you
faced the same thing then the process starts or if you
learned a new thing also the same
2. Visual Perception: In general we have 10 major differences to explain the
differences between human intelligence and artificial
1: Brains are analog; computers are digital In general
neurons catch any signal from sensory systems then they
fire on the other neurons and that neuron firing on the other
neuron this process continues till they reaches the
information to the brain. Whereas the coming to artificial
intelligence similarity to digital “1‟s and 0‟s” belies a
wide variety of continuous and non-linear processes that
directly influence neuronal processing, and stored in the
whatever the information format of
All copyrights Reserved by NCRTCST-2015, Departments of CSE
CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Kandlakoya (V), Medchal Road, Hyderabad, India.
Published by IJECCE (www.ijecce.org) 31
International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering
Volume 6, Issue (5) Sept., NCRTCST-2015, ISSN 2249–071X

3rd National Conference on Research Trends in Computer Science & Technology NCRTCST-2015
functions. Similarly, one could imagine there being a
Artificial intelligence is an digital format. In Minksy & “language module” in the brain, as there might be in
Papert‟s are described about that in their publication in computers with natural language processing programs.
detail, For example, one of the primary mechanisms of Cognitive psychologists even claimed to have found this
information transmission appears to be the rate at which module, based on patients with damage to a region of the
neurons fire – an essentially continuous variable. Similarly, brain known as Broca‟s area. More recent evidence has
networks of neurons can fire in relative synchrony or in shown that language too is computed by widely distributed
relative disarray; this coherence affects the strength of the and domain-general neural circuits, and Broca‟s area may
signals received by downstream neurons. Finally, inside also be involved in other computations
each and every neuron is a leaky integrator circuit, 4: Processing speed is not fixed in the brain; there is
composed of a variety of ion channels and continuously no system clock.
fluctuating membrane potentials. Failure to recognize these The speed of neural information processing is subject to
important subtleties may have contributed to Minksy & a variety of constraints, including the time for
Papert‟s infamous mischaracterization of perceptions, a electrochemical signals to traverse axons and dendrites,
neural network without an intermediate layer between axonal myelination, the diffusion time of neurotransmitters
input and output. In linear networks, any function across the synaptic cleft, differences in synaptic efficacy,
computed by a 3-layer network can also be computed by a the coherence of neural firing, the current availability of
suitably rearranged 2- layer network. In other words, neurotransmitters, and the prior history of neuronal firing.
combinations of multiple linear functions can be modeled Although there are individual differences in something
precisely by just a single linear function. Since their simple psychometricians call “processing speed,” this does not
2-layer networks could not solve many important reflect a monolithic or unitary construct, and certainly
problems, Minksy & Papert reasoned that those larger nothing as concrete as the speed of a microprocessor.
networks also could not. In contrast, the computations Instead, psychometric “processing speed” probably
performed by more realistic (i.e., nonlinear) networks are indexes a heterogeneous combination of all the speed
highly dependent on the number of layers – thus, constraints mentioned above. Similarly, there does not
“perceptions” grossly underestimate the computational appear to be any central clock in the brain, and there is
power of neural networks. debate as to how clock-like the brain‟s time-keeping
2: The brain uses content-addressable memory devices actually are. To use just one example, the
Computer access the data or information through its cerebellum is often thought to calculate information
precise memory address, it also called as byte-addressable involving precise timing, as required for delicate motor
memory. But whereas the brain uses content memory movements; however, recent evidence suggests that time
addressable memory because it access the memory through keeping in the brain bears more similarity to ripples on a
spreading activation from closely related things I.e., if you pond than to a standard digital clock.
are thinking about an “apple” then the activation starts in 5 : Short-term memory is not like RAM
memory about the color the shape and the taste. Finally the Although the apparent similarities between RAM and
human brain is just like a Google search by giving a few short-term or “working” memory emboldened many early
key-words or clues are enough to retrieve the total cognitive psychologists, a closer examination reveals
information on that particular object. Although this may strikingly important differences. Although RAM and
seem like a rather minor difference between computers and short-term memory both seem to require power (sustained
brains, it has profound effects on neural computation. For neuronal firing in the case of short-term memory, and
example, a lasting debate in cognitive psychology electricity in the case of RAM), short-term memory seems
concerned whether information is lost from memory to hold only “pointers” to long term memory whereas
because of simply decay or because of interference from RAM holds data that is isomorphic to that being held on
other information. In retrospect, this debate is partially the hard disk. Unlike RAM, the capacity limit of short term
based on the false assumption that these two possibilities memory is not fixed; the capacity of short-term memory
are dissociable, as they can be in computers. Many are now seems to fluctuate with differences in “processing speed”
realizing that this debate represents a false dichotomy. (see Difference #4) as well as with expertise and
3: The brain is a massively parallel machine; familiarity.
computers are modular and serial 6: No hardware/software distinction can be made
An unfortunate legacy of the brain-computer metaphor is with respect to the brain or mind
the tendency for cognitive psychologists to seek out For years it was tempting to imagine that the brain was
modularity in the brain. For example, the idea that the hardware on which a “mind program” or “mind
computers require “memory area,” memory has led some software” is executing. This gave rise to a variety of
to seek for. One consequence of this over-simplification is abstract program-like models of cognition, in which the
that we are only now learning that “memory” regions(such details of how the brain actually executed those programs
as the hippocampus) are also important for imagination, was considered irrelevant, in the same way that a Java
there presentation, spatial navigation, and other diverse
All copyrights Reserved by NCRTCST-2015, Departments of CSE
CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Kandlakoya (V), Medchal Road, Hyderabad, India.
Published by IJECCE (www.ijecce.org) 32
International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering
Volume 6, Issue (5) Sept., NCRTCST-2015, ISSN 2249–071X

3rd National Conference on Research Trends in Computer Science & Technology NCRTCST-2015
cannot be so straightforward. Similar problems underlie
program can accomplish the same function as a C++ work on developmental disorders and the emerging field
program. Unfortunately, this appealing hardware/software of “cognitive genetics”, in which the consequences of
distinction obscures an important fact: the mind emerges neural self-organization are frequently neglected . 10:
directly from the brain, and changes in the mind are always Brains have bodies
accompanied by changes in the brain. Any abstract This is not as trivial as it might seem: it turns out that the
information processing account of cognition will always brain takes surprising advantage of the fact that it has a
need to specify how neuronal architecture can implement body at its disposal. For example, despite your intuitive
those processes – otherwise, cognitive modeling is grossly feeling that you could close your eyes and know the
under constrained. Some blame this misunderstanding for locations of objects around you, a series of experiments in
the infamous failure of “ symbolic AI.” the field of change blindness has shown that our visual
7: Synapses are highly complex compared to memories are actually quite sparse. In this case, the brain
electrical logic gates is “offloading” its memory requirements to the
Another pernicious feature of the brain-computer environment in which it exists: why bother remembering
metaphor is that brains operate on the basis of electrical the location of objects when a quick glance will suffice? A
signals (action potentials) traveling along individual logical surprising set of experiments by „Jeremy Wolfe‟ has
gates. Unfortunately, this is only half true. The signals shown that even after being asked hundreds of times which
which are propagated along axons are actually simple geometrical shapes are displayed on a computer
electrochemical in nature, i.e. they travel much more screen, human subjects continue to answer those questions
slowly than electrical signals in a computer, and that they by gaze rather than rote memory. A wide variety of
can be modulated in myriad ways. For example, signal evidence from other domains suggests that we are only
transmission is dependent not only on the putative “logical beginning to understand the importance of embodiment in
gates” of synaptic architecture but also on the variety of information processing.
chemicals in the synaptic cleft, the relative distance 11: The brain is much, much bigger
between synapse and dendrites, and many other factors. Accurate biological models of the brain has around
This adds to the complexity of the processing taking place 225,000,000,000,000,000 (225 million billion) interactions
at each synapse – and it is therefore profoundly wrong to between cell types, neurotransmitters, neuro modulators,
think that neurons function merely as transistors. axonal branches and dendritic spines, and it doesn‟t
8: Unlike computers, processing and memory are include the influences of dendritic geometry, or the
performed by the same components in the brain approximately 1 trillion glial cells which may or may not
Computers process information from memory using CPUs, be important for neural information processing. Because
and then write the processed results back to memory. But the brain is nonlinear, and because it is so much larger than
there is no such distinction exists in the brain. As all current computers, it seems likely that it functions in a
neurons process information they modify their synapses – completely different fashion. (The brain-computer
which are themselves the substrate of memory. As a result, metaphor obscures this important, though perhaps obvious,
retrieval from memory slightly alters those memories difference in raw computational power.
9: The brain is a self-organizing system
This point follows naturally from the previous point – II. CONCLUSION
experience profoundly and directly shapes the nature of
neural information processing in a way that simply does I have discussed in this paper about human brain
not happen in traditional microprocessors. For example, nervous system and about human brain, facts of human
the brain is a self-repairing circuit – something known as brain, difference between human intelligence and Artificial
“trauma-induced plasticity” kicks in after injury. This can intelligence. Based on Artificial Intelligence ordinary
lead to a variety of interesting changes, such as it people can improve their own human intelligence. So that
sometimes seems to unlock unused potential in the brain common man can express his thoughts more clearly and
(known as acquired savantism), and others that result in coherently, and it can help them to select better choices. I
profound cognitive dysfunction (as is unfortunately far believe that the application of such techniques is a fruitful
more typical in traumatic brain injury and developmental direction of research for the future, and a promising area
disorders). for collaboration between researchers in AI and
One consequence of failing to recognize this difference has researchers in more humanistic disciplines.
been in the field of neuropsychology, where the cognitive
performance of brain-damaged patients is examined to ACKNOWLEDGMENT
determine the computational function of the damaged
region. Unfortunately, because of the poorly Many thanks to Dr.G. Narsimha and Dr.R.K.Mohanthy,
understood nature of trauma-induced plasticity, the logic for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper.
All copyrights Reserved by NCRTCST-2015, Departments of CSE
CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Kandlakoya (V), Medchal Road, Hyderabad, India.
Published by IJECCE (www.ijecce.org) 33
International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering
Volume 6, Issue (5) Sept., NCRTCST-2015, ISSN 2249–071X

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CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Kandlakoya (V), Medchal Road, Hyderabad, India.
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