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PQS Gas questions

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Marine Inspection and Investigation School

Training Center Yorktown

Revision Date: 11 February 2014


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Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner

Performance and Qualification Standard

Competency Code: FGCE

(a) U.S. Coast Guard Sector Organization Manual, COMDTINST M5401.6 (series)
(b) Marine Safety Manual, COMDTINST M16000 (series)
(c) Performance, Training & Education Manual, COMDTINST M1500.10C
(d) Safety and Environmental Health Manual, COMDTINST 5100.47

This Performance and Qualification Standard (PQS) workbook is your On the Job
Training (OJT) performance checklist for certification as a Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner
(FGCE). It is your responsibility to document all completed unit training items and keep
track of all examinations completed during this process by filling out the Port State
Control (PSC) Examination Log located in appendix C of this workbook.

The FGCE competency is one of five “specific cargo/vessel related” Port State Control
Officer (PSCO) competencies. This qualification is not restricted to any particular rank
or rate. Civilian GS employees are also eligible.

The following is a brief overview of how this PQS workbook works. On each task card
you will find:

1. Job: the formal title of the qualification.

Example: “Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner”
2. Job Accomplishment: the main deliverable for the qualification.
Example: “Certificate of Compliance”
3. Major Accomplishment: the valuable products of a job or specialty which
collectively make up the job accomplishment.
Example: “Certificates and Documents (CD)”
4. Vessel types: the specific type of vessels within the formal title of the qualification
that the task is associated with.
Example: “Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LPG)”
5. Task: action to be performed on the job. A unit of behavior which has value for
producing major accomplishments/output; has a definite beginning (stimulus); is
made up of two or more steps; and results in a measurable output.
6. Condition: specifies assistance, aids or constraints the trainee will be given. It
states the condition(s)/limit(s) under which the task will be performed.
7. Standard: specifications of the levels of accuracy and quality necessary for
success, i.e. how well a trainee must carry out the desired performance to
complete the task.
8. Steps: the sequence of actions required to complete the task.

Those individuals that are assigned to Sectors/MSUs or MSDs that conduct

examinations on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) carriers that are authorized to carry
flammable and/or chemical gases must complete all of the tasks that are identified by
the vessel types “Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)” and “Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier
(LPG)”. Those individuals that are assigned to Sectors/MSUs or MSDs that conduct
examinations on liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers must complete all of the tasks that
are identified by the vessel type “Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)”and “Foreign
Liquefied Gas Carrier (LNG)”.

All tasks and steps must be validated by a designated Verifying Officer (VO). The VO
shall observe the successful performance of each task and document such with
signatures in the specific task card. VOs must enter their title, name and initials in the
Record of Verifying Officer’s section before making entries in your PQS workbook.

Ideally, all steps and tasks within the PQS workbook shall be required to be completed
prior to obtaining the FGCE competency. With the exception of the training prerequisites
listed on page (I), the Sector Commander or designee may defer PQS items as
authorized by references (a) and (d). The deferment of tasks should only be done when
all reasonable attempts have been exhausted that would allow the apprentice the
opportunity to demonstrate proficiency with a particular task. If a task is deferred, the
reason for deferment must be clearly articulated in both the PQS workbook and the
certification letter for record keeping and accountability.

The Sector Commander or designee may also defer the following prerequisites listed on
page (I) with conditions:

1. A.4: The Gas Carrier Inspector Course may be deferred for up to 12 months
contingent on the member successfully completing an exam administered by the

2. C.2: The completion of one Port State Control Officer competency or one
Domestic Marine Inspector competency may be waived by the Sector
Commander if the Sector’s Prevention leadership (CID and/or MITO) recognize
that the Apprentice Marine Inspector has the maturity, capacity and initiative to
successfully pursue an FGCE qualification.

Prior to any task being deferred for an individual seeking certification as a Foreign Gas
Carrier Examiner (FGCE), that individual’s Chief, Inspections Division (CID), Port State
Control Branch Chief or Marine Inspection Training Officer (MITO) shall notify the
Liquefied Gas Carrier National Center of Expertise (LGCNCOE). The LGCNCOE will
work with the individual and his/her unit to identify an opportunity for the individual to
demonstrate proficiency with the task. If an opportunity cannot be identified, the
LGCNCOE shall notify the individual’s unit via e-mail. A copy of the e-mail from the
LGCNCOE shall be attached to the individual’s FGCE PQS workbook until proficiency
with the task has been demonstrated.

A Certification Board should only be completed after all tasks and steps are signed by a
VO. Upon satisfactory completion of the board, a Letter of Certification/Designation will
be issued and the Unit Training Coordinator should enter the certification in the
Training Management Tool (TMT).

A. List of Additional References
B. Glossary
C. Port State Control Examination Log

1. Liquefied Gas Industry Indoctrination Guide

PQS Verifying Officer Signature Verification Log



Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner PQS

Training Coordinator’s
Training Prerequisites Date
A. Assign FGCE competency in TMT

B. Completion of the following resident courses:

1. Port State Control Officer Course

(501864); or
2. MST A-School (only if completed after
January 2010); or
3. Marine Inspector Course (only if completed
before March 2006)
4. Gas Carrier Inspector Course (351263)

C. Liquefied Gas Industry Indoctrination Guide

(meets Industry Specific Orientation
Indoctrination requirement)
D. Completion of:

1. Port State Control Examiner (PSCE)

competency; and
2. Completion of one Port State Control
Officer competency or one Domestic
Marine Inspector competency
E. Completion of this PQS Workbook
F. Successful completion of final assessment
under the observation of the Verifying Officer
G. Successful completion of the final board by
FGCECB Members Present for Board:

H. Certification/Designation Letter submitted for

I. Once Certification/Designation Letter is
signed make appropriate entries in TMT



Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner PQS

Task Number Task Description Date Completed

FGCE-PE01 Prepare a Certificate of Compliance for Issuance
FGCE-PE02 Conduct a safety meeting
Examine the International Pollution Prevention
FGCE-CD01 Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances
in Bulk (LPG Carriers Only)
Examine the International Certificate of Fitness for the
Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
Examine the Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (GC Code)
Examine the Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (EGC Code)
Verify that the information required to be provided to the
master concerning allowable loading limits and
maximum loading reference temperatures for each
product carried is onboard
Examine documentation applicable to the changing and
setting of cargo tank pressure relief valves
FGCE CD07 Examine crew training documentation
FGCE-CD08 Examine the Subchapter “O” endorsement
FGCE-CD09 Examine Certificate of Inhibition (LPG Carriers Only)
FGCE-LM01 Examine the Cargo Record Book (LPG Carriers Only)
Examine the Procedures & Arrangement (P&A) Manual
(LPG Carriers Only)
Examine the Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency
FGCE-LM03 Plan (SMPEP) for Noxious Liquid Substances (LPG
Carriers Only)
Verify that required cargo information is onboard (Cargo
Operations Manual)
Verify that the ship has a loading and stability
information booklet
FGCE-IE01 Examine fixed gas detection system
FGCE-IE02 Examine portable gas detection equipment
FGCE-IE03 Examine temperature indicating devices
FGCE-IE04 Examine pressure monitoring devices
FGCE-IE05 Examine overflow control system
FGCE-GH01 Examine decontamination showers (LPG Carriers Only)
FGCE-GH02 Examine eye wash stations (LPG Carriers Only)
Examine respiratory and eye protection [provided for
emergency escape purposes] (LPG Carriers Only)
FGCE-GH04 Examine personnel safety equipment

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner PQS

Task Number Task Description Date Completed

FGCE-GH05 Examine First Aid equipment
FGCE-GH06 Examine air locks
FGCE-CS01 Examine the Emergency Shutdown (ESD) system
FGCE-CS02 Examine cargo tank pressure relief valves
FGCE-CS03 Examine cargo piping
FGCE-CS04 Examine cargo system valves
FGCE-CS05 Examine cargo machinery room equipment
FGCE-CE01 Examine the Inert Gas System (IGS)
FGCE-CE02 Examine the Nitrogen Gas Generating System
FGCE-CE03 Examine Inert Gas/Nitrogen storage tanks
FGCE-LS01 Examine lifeboats
Examine electrical installations in the cargo machinery
Examine electrical installations in gas dangerous zones
FGCE-ES02 on open decks and in spaces other than cargo
machinery rooms
FGCE-CV01 Examine cargo machinery motor room ventilation system
FGCE-CV02 Examine cargo machinery room ventilation system
FGCE-GF01 Examine the master gas valve (LNG Carriers Only)
Examine ventilation within the ventilation hood or casing
(LNG Carriers Only)
Examine the gas detection system used for the
protection of the cargo fuel system (LNG Carriers Only)
FGCE-GF04 Examine the gas utilization unit(s) (LNG Carriers Only)
Examine gas fuel piping (double wall piping system)
(LNG Carriers Only)
Examine gas fuel piping (ventilated pipe or duct system)
(LNG Carriers Only)
Examine the Gas Combustion Unit (GCU) (LNG
Carriers Only)
FGCE-FF01 Examine fire water main equipment
FGCE-FF02 Examine the deck water spray system
FGCE-FF03 Examine chemical powder fire-extinguishing system
Examine cargo machinery room fixed fire-extinguishing


Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner PQS

Task Number Task Description Date Completed

Examine cargo motor machinery room fixed fire-
extinguishing system
FGCE-FF06 Examine firemen’s outfits
FGCE-FU01 Complete MISLE Activity


Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Pre-Exam (PE) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-PE01 Prepare a Certificate of Compliance for issuance

Condition: During preparation for examination

Standard: In accordance with current policies, procedures and processes

References: 1. Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations Part 154 Safety Standards for Self-
Propelled Vessels Carrying Bulk Liquefied Gases
2. COMDTINST M16000.7B Marine Safety Manual Volume II Material Inspection
3. MPS-PR-SEC-04 Preparing for Inspections and Examinations
Steps References Initials
PE01.1 Prepare Certificate of Compliance MPS-PR-SEC-04
PE01.2 Attach the most recent Subchapter "O" 46 CFR 154.1802(a)(1)
Endorsement to the certificate
PE01.3 Forward the Certificate of Compliance with MSM II/D.6.E
Subchapter "O" Endorsement to the OCMI or
designated representative for signature

Verifying Officer Guidance: 01.2: The most recent SOE can be located in the documents section of
vessel's MISLE file.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

1 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Pre-Exam (PE) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-PE02 Conduct a safety meeting

Condition: During preparation for examination

Standard: In accordance with current policies, procedures and processes

References: 1. COMDTINST M16000.6 Marine Safety Manual Volume I Administration &

2. COMDTINST M16000.7B Marine Safety Manual Volume II Material Inspection
3. CG-543 191819Z MAR 10 Safety Alert - Cargo Compressor Room Entries During
Port State Control Exams & Law Enforcement Boardings of Liquefied Petroleum
Gas (LPG) Carriers
4. International Chamber of Shipping Tanker Safety Guide Liquefied Gas
Steps References Initials
PE02.1 Verify examination team is outfitted with the MSM I/10.D.5.A
appropriate basic PPE MSM I/ 8.A.3
PE02.2 Verify examination team is outfitted with MSM I/10.D.5.B
operational Atmospheric Monitors
PE02.3 Verify examination team is outfitted with an MSM I/10.D.5.D
appropriate Emergency Escape Breathing
Device (EEBD)
PE02.4 Determine if a marine chemist is required to MSM II/D.6.C.1.f
certify the cargo machinery room as gas safe CG-543 Safety Alert
PE02.5 Ensure examination team is aware of the MSM I/10.C.1.A.1.A
safety hazards associated with the cargo(s) Tanker Safety Guide
being carried

Verifying Officer Guidance: 02.1: ie, long sleeve coveralls, gloves, safety toe shoes, safety hat, etc.
02.2: ie, multi gas meters. PE02.4: If a Marine Chemist Certificate is required to enter a cargo
machinery room, follow your unit's local procedures.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

2 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Certificates and Documents (CD) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LPG)

Task: FGCE-CD01 Examine the International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the
Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk

Condition: While validating certificates and documents

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)
1973, as modified
Steps References Initials
CD01.1 Verify certificate is valid MARPOL II/5.3.2 & 10
CD01.2 Verify certificate is issued by the administration MARPOL II/5.3.2 & 9.2
or a recognized organization
CD01.3 Verify NLS cargo being carried is authorized MARPOL II/5.3.2
on the certificate MARPOL II/Appendix III
CD01.4 Verify that the intermediate survey has been MARPOL II/5.3.2 & 8.1.3
carried out (when applicable)
CD01.5 Verify that the annual survey has been carried MARPOL II/5.3.2 & 8.1.4
out (when applicable)

Verifying Officer Guidance: This task applies to vessels authorized to carry Annex II cargoes
covered by the IBC Code. These cargoes will be identified by "*" after their name in the table located
within Chapter 19 of the IGC Code. 01.4: The intermediate survey conducted 3 months before/after
the certificate's 2nd/3rd anniversary date. 01.5: The annual survey shall be conducted 3 months
before/after the certificate's anniversary date.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

3 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Certificates and Documents (CD) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CD02 Examine the International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)

Condition: While validating certificates and documents

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
Steps References Initials
CD02.1 Verify the certificate references Resolution IGC
MSC.5(48) as ammended by Resolution IGC Appendix
CD02.2 Verify the certificate is valid IGC
CD02.3 Verify that the certificate is issued by the IGC 1.5.5
administration or a recognized organization
CD02.4 Verify that the cargoes being carried are IGC 18.2.1
authorized on the certificate
CD02.5 Verify that any alternative arrangements or IGC 1.4, & 2.8.2
equivalencies are identified (when applicable) IGC Appendix
CD02.6 Verify that the intermediate survey has been IGC
carried out (when applicable)
CD02.7 Verify that the annual survey has been carried IGC
out (when applicable)

Verifying Officer Guidance: This task applies to vessels with a keel laid 1July86 or later. 02.6: The
intermediate survey shall be carried out not more than 6 months before or 6 months after the half way
date of the certificate's issue date. 02.7: The annual survey shall be carried out not more than 3
months before or 3 months after the anniversary date of when the certificate was issued.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

4 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Certificates and Documents (CD) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CD03 Examine the Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied
Gases in Bulk (GC Code)

Condition: While validating certificates and documents

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
CD03.1 Verify the certificate references Resolution GC 1.6.3(a)
MSC A.328(IX) GC Appendix
CD03.2 Verify the certificate is valid GC 1.6.5
CD03.3 Verify that the certificate is issued by the GC 1.6.4
administration or a recognized organization
CD03.4 Verify that the cargoes being carried are GC 18.2.1
authorized on the certificate
CD03.5 Verify that any alternative arrangements or GC 1.5, 1.6.3(a) & 2.7.2
equivalencies are identified, if applicable GC Appendix
CD03.6 Verify that the intermediate survey has been GC 1.6.1(c)
carried out, if applicable
CD03.7 Verify that the annual survey has been carried GC 1.6.1(d)
out, if applicable

Verifying Officer Guidance: This task applies to vessels with a keel laid 31Dec76 - 1July86. 03.6:
The intermediate survey shall be carried out not more than 6 months before or 6 months after the half
way date of the certificate's issue date. 03.7: The annual survey shall be carried out not more than 3
months before or 3 months after the anniversary date of when the certificate was issued.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

5 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Certificates and Documents (CD) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CD04 Examine the Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied
Gases in Bulk (Existing Gas Carrier Code)

Condition: While validating certificates and documents

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
2. Code for Existing Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (EGC Code)
3. COMDTINST M16000.7B Marine Safety Manual Volume II Material Inspection
Steps References Initials
CD04.1 Verify the certificate references IMO GC 1.6.3(a)
Resolution A.329(IX) GC Appendix
CD04.2 Verify the certificate is currently valid GC 1.6.5
CD04.3 Verify that the certificate is issued by the GC 1.6.4
administration or a recognized organization
CD04.4 Verify that the cargoes being carried are GC 18.2.1
authorized on the certificate
CD04.5 Verify that any alternative arrangements or GC 1.5, 1.6.3(a) & 2.7.2
equivalencies are identified (when applicable) GC Appendix
CD04.6 Verify that the intermediate survey has been GC 1.6.1(c)
carried out (when applicable)
CD04.7 Verify that the annual survey has been carried GC 1.6.1(d)
out (when applicable)
CD04.8 Identify the aspects of the vessel that do not EGC 1.2.3(b)
comply with IMO Resolution A.328(IX)(Gas MSM II/F.4.C
Carrier Code)

Verifying Officer Guidance: This task applies to vessels with a keel laid before 31Dec76. 04.6: The
intermediate survey shall be carried out not more than 6 months before or 6 months after the half way
date of the certificate's issue date. 04.7: The annual survey shall be carried out not more than 3
months before or 3 months after the anniversary date of when the certificate was issued. 04.8: Gas
Carriers built prior to 31Dec1976 are required to comply with the Gas Carrier Code, IMO Resolution
A.328(IX) to the extent that they can. When aspects of a particular vessel cannot be brought into
compliance with the Gas Carrier Code, those aspects shall be identified on the COF.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

6 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Certificates and Documents (CD) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CD05 Verify the information required to be provided to the master

concerning allowable loading limits and maximum loading reference
temperatures for each product carried is onboard

Condition: While validating certificates and documents

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
CD05.1 Verify that the information is approved by the IGC 15.2
administration GC 15.2
CD05.2 Verify that information concerning the IGC 15.2
Maximum Allowable Relief Valve Settings of GC 15.2
pressure relief valves is included

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

7 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Certificates and Documents (CD) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CD06 Examine documentation applicable to the changing and setting of

cargo tank pressure relief valves

Condition: While validating certificates and documents

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
3. Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations Part 154 Safety Standards for Self-
Propelled Vessels Carrying Bulk Liquefied Gases
Steps References Initials
CD06.1 Examine documentation from an IGC 8.2.5
"administration accepted" competent authority GC 8.2.5
attesting to the proper setting of cargo tank
pressure relief valves
CD06.2 Verify that procedures for changing cargo tank IGC 8.2.7
pressure relief valves are approved by the GC 8.2.7
administration (LPG only)
CD06.3 Verify that all changes to cargo tank pressure IGC 8.2.7
relief valves are recorded in the ship's log GC 8.2.7
(LPG only) 46 CFR 154.1846(b)

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

8 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Certificates and Documents (CD) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CD07 Examine crew training documentation

Condition: While validating certificates, documents & manuals

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations, and standards

References: 1. International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping

(STCW) 1978, as amended
Steps References Initials
CD07.1 Verify each officer and rated individual with STCW V/1-2.1
specific duties and responsibilities related to
cargo or cargo equipment holds a certificate in
basic training for liquefied gas tanker cargo
CD07.2 Verify the Master, Chief Engineer, Chief Mate, STCW V/1-2.3
Second Engineer and any person with
immediate responsibility for cargo related
operations holds a certificate in advanced
training for liquefied gas tanker cargo
CD07.3 Verify crew holds certificates of proficiency STCW V/1-2.5
from the Administration demonstrating
compliance with either STCW V/1-2.2 or
STCW V/1-2.4

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

9 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Certificates and Documents (CD) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CD08 Examine the Subchapter "O" endorsement

Condition: While validating certificates and documents

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations Part 154 Safety Standards for Self-
Propelled Vessels Carrying Bulk Liquefied Gases
2. CG-ENG Policy Letter 04-12 Alternate Pressure Relief Valve Settings on Vessels
Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk in Independednt Type B & Type C Tanks
3. Marine Safety Center (MSC) C1-43 Guidelines for Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier
COC Endorsement
Steps References Initials
CD08.1 Verify that the IMO International Gas Code 46 CFR 154.1802(1)
COF referenced matches the International Gas MSC Guidelines C1-43
Code COF issued to the vessel
CD08.2 Verify that the cargo containment system(s) 46 CFR 154.1802(1)
onboard the vessel is accurately identified on MSC Guidelines C1-43
the SOE
CD08.3 Verify that the safety relief valves (MARVS) 46 CFR 154.1802(1)
are set no higher than the values indicated on MSC Guidelines C1-43
the SOE CG-ENG Policy Ltr 04-12
CD08.4 Verify cargo(s) authorized for carriage are also 46 CFR 154.1802(1)
authorized on the International Gas Code COF MSC Guidelines C1-43
CD08.5 Verify that any special restrictions noted are 46 CFR 154.1808
being complied with MSC Guidelines C1-43

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

10 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Certificates and Documents (CD) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LPG)

Task: FGCE-CD09 Examine Certificate of Inhibition

Condition: While validating certificates and documents

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
3. Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations Part 154 Safety Standards for Self-
Propelled Vessels Carrying Bulk Liquefied Gases
Steps References Initials
CD09.1 Verify that the name of Inhibitor is indicated IGC 17.8.1
GC 17.10 (a)
46 CFR 154.1818(b)(1)
CD09.2 Verify that the amount of the inhibitor that was IGC 17.8.1
added to the cargo(es) is indicated GC 17.10 (a)
46 CFR 154.1818(b)(1)
CD09.3 Verify the date that the inhibitor was added is IGC 17.8.2
indicated GC 17.10 (b)
46 CFR 154.1818(b)(2)
CD09.4 Verify that the normal expected duration of the IGC 17.8.2
inhibitor's effective lifetime is indicated GC 17.10 (b)
46 CFR154.1818(b)(3)
CD09.5 If the inhibitor has any temperature limitations IGC 17.8
that may effect it's effectiveness, verify that GC 17.10 (c)
those limitations are indicated 46 CFR154.1818(b)(4)
CD09.6 Verify that any actions that are required to be IGC 17.8
taken when that the length of the voyage GC 17.10 (d)
exceeds the effective lifetime of the inhibitor 46 CFR 154.1818(b)(5)
are indicated

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

11 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Logs and Manuals Examination (LM) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LPG)

Task: FGCE-LM01 Examine the Cargo Record Book

Condition: While validating logs and manuals

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)
1973, as modified
Steps References Initials
LM01.1 Verify that the Cargo Record Book is properly MARPOL II/15
formatted MARPOL II/Appendix II
LM01.2 Verify each entry is signed by the officer in MARPOL II/15.4
charge of the operation
LM01.3 Verify each page is signed by the master MARPOL II/15.4

Verifying Officer Guidance: This task applies to vessels authorized to carry Annex II cargoes
covered by the IBC Code. These cargoes will be identified by "*" after their name in the table located
within Chapter 19 of the IGC Code.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

12 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Logs and Manuals Examination (LM) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LPG)

Task: FGCE-LM02 Examine the Procedures & Arrangement (P&A) Manual

Condition: While validating logs and manuals

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)
1973, as modified
Steps References Initials
LM02.1 Verify that the manual is approved by the MARPOL II/14.1
LM02.2 Verify that the manual is in the standard format MARPOL II/14.1

Verifying Officer Guidance: This task applies to vessels authorized to carry Annex II cargoes
covered by the IBC Code. These cargoes will be identified by "*" after their name in the table located
within Chapter 19 of the IGC Code.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

13 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Logs and Manuals Examination (LM) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LPG)

Task: FGCE-LM03 Examine the Shipboard Marine Pollution Emergency Plan

(SMPEP) for Noxious Liquid Substances

Condition: While validating logs and manuals

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)
1973, as modified
Steps References Initials
LM03.1 Verify that the plan is approved by the MARPOL II/17.1
LM03.2 Verify that a list of authorities or persons to be MARPOL II/17.2.2
contacted in the event of an incident are

Verifying Officer Guidance: This task applies to vessels authorized to carry Annex II cargoes
covered by the IBC Code. These cargoes will be identified by "*" after their name in the table located
within Chapter 19 of the IGC Code.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

14 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Logs and Manuals Examination (LM) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-LM04 Verify that the required cargo information (Cargo Operations
Manual) is onboard

Condition: While validating logs and manuals

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
3. Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations Part 154 Safety Standards for Self-
Propelled Vessels Carrying Bulk Liquefied Gases
Steps References Initials
LM04.1 Verify that a full description of the physical and IGC 18.1.1
chemical properties necessary for the safe GC 18.1(a)
containment of cargo exists 46 CFR 154.1810 (a)(5)
LM04.2 Verify that information concerning action to be IGC 18.1.2
taken in the event of spills or leaks exists GC 18.1(b)
46 CFR 154.1810 (a)(3)
LM04.3 Verify that information concerning counter IGC 18.1.3
measures against accidental personal contact GC 18.1(c)
exists 46 CFR 154.1810 (a)(1)
LM04.4 Verify that information concerning fire fighting IGC 18.1.4
procedures and fire fighting media to be used GC 18.1(d)
exists 46 CFR 154.1810 (a)(4)
LM04.5 Verify that procedures for cargo transfer, gas IGC 18.1.5
freeing, ballasting, tank cleaning and changing GC 18.1(e)
cargoes exists 46 CFR 154.1810 (a)(10),(11)
& (12)
LM04.6 Verify that information concerning any special IGC 18.1.6
equipment needed for the safe handling of a GC 18.1(f)
particular cargo exists 46 CFR 154.1810 (a)(16)
LM04.7 Verify that information concerning the IGC 18.1.7
minimum allowable inner hull steel GC 18.1(g)
temperatures exists 46 CFR 154.1810 (a)(5)
LM04.8 Verify that informantion concerning emergency IGC 18.1.8
procedures exists GC 18.1(h)
46 CFR 154.1810 (a)(15)

Verifying Officer Guidance: Some vessels may be keeping this information in the ship's computer.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

15 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Logs and Manuals Examination (LM) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-LM05 Verify that the ship has a loading and stability information booklet

Condition: While validating logs and manuals

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
3. Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations Part 154 Safety Standards for Self-
Propelled Vessels Carrying Bulk Liquefied Gases
4. Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations Part 170 Stability Requirements for All
Inspected Vessels
Steps References Initials
LM05.1 Verify the booklet contains details of typical IGC 2.2.5
service conditions, to include loading, GC 2.2.3
unloading and ballast conditions 46 CFR 154.1809(b)(1)
LM05.2 Verify the booklet contains a summary of the IGC 2.2.5
ship's survival capabilities GC 2.2.3
46 CFR 154.1809(b)(2) &

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

16 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Instrumentation Examination (IE) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-IE01 Examine fixed gas detection system

Condition: During instrumentation exam

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
3. Vessel's Cargo Operations Manual
4. Vessel's Gas Detection Operator's Manual
Steps References Initials
IE01.1 Witness a satisfactory calibration of the fixed IGC 13.6.10
gas detection system GC 13.6.10
Gas Detection Operator's
IE01.2 Verify that sampling points are installed in the IGC 13.6.7
required spaces GC 13.6.7
Cargo Operations Manual
IE01.3 Verify the location of sampling points relative IGC 13.6.2
to authorized cargo types (ie, Top or Bottom of GC 13.6.2
IE01.4 Verify the integrity of gas detection sampling IGC 13.6.8
pipe system GC 13.6.8

Verifying Officer Guidance: 01.1: The calibration of the fixed gas detection system shall be IAW the
gas detection system's operating manual. 01.3: Relative density is the ratio of the density of one
substance to another. For gasses, the relative density is the ratio of the density of the gas to that of
air. For liquefied gas cargoes with a relative density less than 1.0, the gas will rise if a leak occurs.
For gases with a realtive density of more than 1.0, the gas will fall if a leak occurs. The relative
density of the cargoes must be taken into account when locating the gas detection sampling points
within a space.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

17 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Instrumentation Examination (IE) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-IE02 Examine portable gas detection equipment

Condition: During instrumentation exam

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
3. Portable Gas Detection Operator's Manual
Steps References Initials
IE02.1 Witness a satisfactory calibration of the IGC 13.6.13
portable gas detection equipment GC 13.6.13
Gas Detection Operator's
IE02.2 Verify that two sets of operational portable gas IGC 13.6.13
detection equipment are onboard GC 13.6.13
IE02.3 Verify that the portable gas detection IGC 13.6.13
equipment is suitable for the products being GC 13.6.13

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

18 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Instrumentation Examination (IE) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-IE03 Examine temperature indicating devices

Condition: During instrumentation exam

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
IE03.1 Verify that at least two temperature indicating IGC 13.5.1 & 13.5.4
devices are installed in each cargo tank, one GC 13.5.1 & 13.5.4
near the top and one at the bottom of the tank
IE03.2 Verify that the temperature indicating devices IGC 13.5.1 & 13.5.4
are marked to show the lowest temperature for GC 13.5.1 & 13.5.4
which the cargo tank has been approved by
the Administration
IE03.3 When cargo is carried at less than -55C, verify IGC 13.5.2, 13.5.4
temperature indicating devices are located GC 13.5.2 & 13.5.4
within the insulation or on the hull with a
secondary barrier

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

19 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Instrumentation Examination (IE) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-IE04 Examine pressure monitoring devices

Condition: During instrumentation exam

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
IE04.1 Verify that each cargo tank vapor space has a IGC 13.4.1
pressure gauge with an indicator in the control GC 13.4.1
IE04.2 Verify that the maximum allowable pressure is IGC 13.4.1
marked on the cargo tank pressure gauge GC 13.4.1
IE04.3 Verify that the minimum allowable pressure is IGC 13.4.1
marked on the cargo tank pressure gauge GC 13.4.1
IE04.4 Verify that each cargo tank vapor space has a IGC 13.4.1
high pressure alarm GC 13.4.1
IE04.5 Verify the operation of the cargo tank vapor IGC 13.4.1
space high pressure alarms GC 13.4.1
IE04.6 Verify that each cargo tank vapor space has a IGC 13.4.1
low pressure alarm (when vacuum protection GC 13.4.1
is required)
IE04.7 Verify the operation of the cargo tank vapor IGC 13.4.1
space low pressure alarms (when applicable) GC 13.4.1
IE04.8 Verify that each manifold cargo line is fitted IGC 13.4.2
with at least one pressure gauge GC 13.4.2
IE04.9 Verify that hold/interbarrier spaces without IGC 13.4.4
open communication to the atmosphere are GC 13.4.4
provided with operational pressure gauges

Verifying Officer Guidance: 04.1: If the loading/unloading of a ship is performed by the use of
remotely controlled valves & pumps, all controls and indicators associated with a given cargo tank
should be concentrated in one control position. On larger ships this position may be a cargo control
room located within the accommodation space and on smaller ships the control position may be
located on deck within the cargo area.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

20 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Instrumentation Examination (IE) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-IE05 Examine overflow control system

Condition: During instrumentation exam

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
IE05.1 Verify that the high level alarm provides an IGC 13.3.1
audible warning GC 13.3.1
IE05.2 Verify that the high level alarm provides a IGC 13.3.1
visual warning GC 13.3.1
IE05.3 Verifiy that an automatic shutoff valve is IGC 13.3.1
installed that prevents the tanks from GC 13.3.1
becoming liquid full

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

21 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

General Health & Safety Examination (GH) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LPG)

Task: FGCE-GH01 Examine decontamination showers

Condition: During general health and safety examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
Steps References Initials
GH01.1 Verify that decontamination showers are IGC 14.4.3
suitably marked
GH01.2 Verify that decontamination showers are IGC 14.4.3
capable of operating in all ambient conditions
GH01.3 Verify that decontamination showers are IGC 14.4.3
located on deck and in convienient locations

Verifying Officer Guidance: This task is only applicable to vessels authorized to carry cargoes that
have 14.4.3 identified in column "i" of the table located in Chapter 19 of the IGC Code.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

22 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

General Health & Safety Examination (GH) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LPG)

Task: FGCE-GH02 Examine eye wash stations

Condition: During general health and safety examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
Steps References Initials
GH02.1 Verify that eye wash stations are suitably IGC 14.4.3
GH02.2 Verify that eye wash stations are capable of IGC 14.4.3
operating in all ambient conditions
GH02.3 Verify that eye wash stations are located on IGC 14.4.3
deck and in convienient locations

Verifying Officer Guidance: This task is only applicable to vessels authorized to carry cargoes that
have 14.4.3 identified in column "i" of the table located in Chapter 19 of the IGC code.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

23 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

General Health & Safety Examination (GH) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LPG)

Task: FGCE-GH03 Examine respiratory and eye protection (provided for emergency
escape purposes)

Condition: During general health and safety examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
Steps References Initials
GH03.1 Verify that each person onboard is provided IGC 14.4.2
with suitable respiratory and eye protection
GH03.2 Verify that filter type respiratory protection is IGC
not being used for this purpose
GH03.3 Verify that SCBAs have a duration of service of IGC
at least 15 minutes
GH03.4 Verify that emergency escape respiratory IGC
equipment is identified as not to be used for
cargo handling or fire fighting purposes
GH03.5 Verify that two additional sets of respiratory IGC
and eye protection are permanently located on
the bridge

Verifying Officer Guidance: This task is only applicable to vessels authorized to carry cargoes that
have 14.4.2 identified in column "i" of the table located in Chapter 19 of the IGC Code.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

24 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

General Health & Safety Examination (GH) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-GH04 Examine personnel safety equipment

Condition: During general health and safety examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
3. Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations Part 154 Safety Standards for Self-
Propelled Vessels Carrying Bulk Liquefied Gases
Steps References Initials
GH04.1 Verify at least two sets of safety equipment IGC 14.2.1
equipment onboard in addition to the firemen's GC 14.3
outfits required by IGC 11.6.1 & GC 11.6.1
GH04.2 Verify that each set of personnel safety IGC 14.2.2
equipment contains the required equipment GC 14.4
GH04.3 Verify that an adequate supply of compressed IGC & .2
air is available IGC 14.2.4
GC 14.5(a)(i), (a)(ii), & GC
GH04.4 Verify that compressed air used for safety IGC 14.2.6
equipment is inspected once a month by a GC 14.7
responsible officer 46 CFR 154.1846(a)
GH04.5 Verify that compressed air used for safety IGC 14.2.6
equipment is inspected once a year by an GC 14.7
GH04.6 When 14.4.2 is identified in the table in chap IGC 14.4.4
19 & the vsl has a cargo capacity of >2,000
m3, verify two additional sets of safety equip
are provided with at least three spare charged
air bottles for each additional set

Verifying Officer Guidance: 04.1: IGC/GC 11.6.1 requires 4 firemen's outfits for vessels with a cargo
capacity of 5,000 m3 and below, and 5 outfits with a capacity of more than 5,000 m3. 04.2: Each set
contains 1 SCBA with at least 1,200 l of air; protective clothing, boots, gloves and goggles; steel cored
rescue line with belt; explosion proof lamp. 04.5: An expert typically is an individual, not part of the
vessel's crew, who works ashore at a facility that conducts servicing and inspections on compressed
air equipment used for breathing purposes.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

25 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

General Health & Safety Examination (GH) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-GH05 Examine First Aid equipment

Condition: During general health and safety examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
3. International Medical Guide for Ships
4. Medical First Aid Guide (MFAG)
Steps References Initials
GH05.1 Verify that a stretcher, that is suitable for IGC 14.3.1 & GC 14.8
hoisting an injured person from a below space,
is available in a readily accessible location
GH05.2 Verify that first aid equipment is available IGC 14.3.2 & GC 14.9
International Medical Guide for
Medical First Aid Guide
GH05.3 Verify that oxygen resuscitation equipment is IGC 14.3.2 & GC 14.9
onboard International Medical Guide for
Medical First Aid Guide
GH05.4 Verify that antidotes are onboard (when IGC 14.3.2 & GC 14.9
required for a specific cargo) Medical First Aid Guide

Verifying Officer Guidance: 05.1: These stretchers will be outfitted with belts for securing an injured
person and straps that can be used to hoist the strtecher from a lower location.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

26 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Air Lock Examination (AL) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-AL01 Examine air locks

Condition: During general health and safety examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
AL01.1 Verify that the air lock doors are self closing IGC 3.6.2
GC 3.6.2
AL01.2 Verify the operation of the audible alarm IGC 3.6.3
system indicating if more than one door is not GC 3.6.3
in the closed position
AL01.3 Verify the operation of the visual alarm IGC 3.6.3
indicating if more than one door is not in the GC 3.6.3
closed position
AL01.4 Verify that no hold back arrangements for the IGC 3.6.2
doors are in place GC 3.6.2

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

27 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Cargo Systems Examination (CS) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CS01 Examine the Emergency Shutdown (ESD) system

Condition: During cargo systems examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
CS01.1 Verify that the (ESD) system can be activated IGC 5.6.4
in at least two remote locations GC 5.3.4(a)
CS01.2 Verify that the fusible elements are located at IGC 5.6.4
the tank domes and at the loading stations GC 5.3.4(a)
CS01.3 Verify that the fusible elements are not painted IGC 5.6.4
over GC 5.3.4(a)
CS01.4 Verify that the emergency shutdown valves IGC 5.6.4
fully close in less than 30 seconds from GC 5.3.4(b)
CS01.5 Verify that cargo pumps and compressors IGC
shutdown GC 5.3.1(c)

Verifying Officer Guidance: 01.5: An operational test to demonstrate this step may not always be
possible. Factors that may preclude an examiner from witnessing a shutdown of cargo pumps and
compressors may include loading/discharging operations that are underway, pressure of cargo tanks
and the amount of time that may be required to put the equipment back on line. Coordination
between the examiner and chief mate/master should take place prior to witnessing the shutdown of
pumps and compressors.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

28 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Cargo Systems Examination (CS) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CS02 Examine cargo tank pressure relief valves

Condition: During cargo systems examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
3. Title 46, Code of Federal Regulations Part 154 Safety Standards for Self-
Propelled Vessels Carrying Bulk Liquefied Gases
Steps References Initials
CS02.1 Verify that cargo tanks with a volume IGC 8.2.1
exceeding 20 m3 are fitted with at least two GC 8.2.1
pressure relief valves
CS02.2 Verify that pressure relief valves have been IGC 8.2.5
sealed after being set and approved by the GC 8.2.5
classification society
CS02.3 Where pressure relief valve settings are IGC 8.2.7
capable of being changed onboard, verify that GC 8.2.7
the relief valve setting is stated at each 46 CFR 154.1846(c)(2)
pressure relief valve
CS02.4 Verify that suitable protection screens are fitted IGC 8.2.14
on vent outlets GC 8.2.14

Verifying Officer Guidance: 02.3: Only applicable to LPG carriers.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

29 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Cargo Systems Examination (CS) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CS03 Examine cargo piping

Condition: During cargo systems examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
CS03.1 Verify that low temperature piping is thermally IGC
isolated from the adjacent hull structure GC 5.2.2
CS03.2 Verify that protection for the hull is present in IGC
areas where low temperature piping can be GC 5.2.2
regularly dismantled or where leakage may be
CS03.3 Verify that all gasketed pipe joints are IGC
electrically bonded GC 5.2.3
CS03.4 Verify that cargo piping which may be isolated IGC
in a liquid full condition are provided with relief GC 5.2.5(a)
CS03.5 Verify that the piping is in good condition, free IGC & 1.5.3
of cracks and excessive corrosion GC 5.2.6(d)(i) & 1.6.2

Verifying Officer Guidance: 03.2: The water curtain protecting the hull under manifolds on an LNG
carrier satisfies this requirement.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

30 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Cargo Systems Examination (CS) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CS04 Examine cargo system valves

Condition: During cargo systems examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
CS04.1 On cargo tanks with MARVS not exceeding 0.7 IGC
bar gauge, verify the presence of shut off GC 5.3.1 (a)
valves on liquid lines that are capable of
manual operation
CS04.2 On cargo tanks with MARVS not exceeding 0.7 IGC
bar gauge, verify the presence of shut off GC 5.3.1 (a)
valves on vapor lines that are capable of
manual operation
CS04.3 On cargo tanks with MARVS exceeding 0.7 IGC
bar gauge, verify the presence of a manually GC 5.3.1 (b)
operated stop valve on liquid lines
CS04.4 On cargo tanks with MARVS exceeding 0.7 IGC
bar gauge, verify the presence of a manually GC 5.3.1 (b)
operated stop valve on vapor lines
CS04.5 On cargo tanks with MARVS exceeding 0.7 IGC
bar gauge, verify the presence of a remotely GC 5.3.1 (b)
controlled emergency shutdown valve on liquid
CS04.6 On cargo tanks with MARVS exceeding 0.7 IGC
bar gauge, verify the presence of a remotely GC 5.3.1 (b)
controlled emergency shutdown valve on
vapor lines

Verifying Officer Guidance: 04.3 - 04.6: Only Type C independent tanks are authorized to have
MARVS exceeding 0.7 bar guage. A single valve may be substituted for the two separate valves
provided the valve complies with IGC 5.6.4/GC 5.3.4, is capable of local manual operation and
provides full closure of the line.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

31 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Cargo Systems Examination (CS) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CS05 Examine cargo machinery room equipment

Condition: During cargo systems examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
3. COMDTINST M16000.7B Marine Safety Manual Volume II Material Inspection
Steps References Initials
CS05.1 Verify that cargo compressors are free of leaks IGC 3.3 & 1.5.3
and are in good order GC 3.3 & 1.6.2
MSM II/D.1.G.1.c(2)
CS05.2 Verify that cargo vaporizors are free of leaks IGC 3.3 & 1.5.3
and are in good order GC 3.3 & 1.6.2
MSM II/D.1.G.1.c(2)
CS05.3 Verify that gas tight seals on compressor IGC 3.3.2 & 1.5.3
shafts passing through decks and/or GC 3.3.2 & 1.6.2
bulkheads are well lubricated and are in good MSM II/D.1.G.1.c(2)
CS05.4 Verify that reliquefaction system equipment is IGC 7.2 & 1.5.3
free of leaks and is in good order GC 7.2 & 1.6.2
MSM II/D.1.G.1.c(2)

Verifying Officer Guidance: The FGCE shall determine that the Cargo Machinery Room equipment
is in good order by obtaining a general impression through visual observation that a good standard of
maintenance exists and that the equipment appears to be functional.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

32 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Cargo Environmental Control Examination (CE) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CE01 Examine the Inert Gas System (IGS)

Condition: During cargo environmental control examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
CE01.1 Verify the system has an operational oxygen IGC 9.5.1
content meter GC 9.5.1
CE01.2 Verify the system has an operational alarm IGC 9.5.1
that indicates if the oxygen content of the inert GC 9.5.1
gas reaches a level higher than 5%
CE01.3 Verify that a means to prevent the backflow of IGC 9.5.2
cargo gas is provided GC 9.5.2

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

33 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Cargo Environmental Control Examination (CE) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CE02 Examine the Nitrogen Gas Generating System

Condition: During cargo environmental control examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
CE02.1 Verify the system has an operational oxygen IGC 9.5.1
content meter GC 9.5.1
CE02.2 Verify the system has an operational alarm IGC 9.5.1
that indicates if the oxygen content of the inert GC 9.5.1
gas reaches a level higher than 5%
CE02.3 Verify that a means to prevent the backflow of IGC 9.5.2
cargo gas is provided GC 9.5.2

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

34 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Cargo Environmental Control Examination (CE) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CE03 Examine Inert Gas/Nitrogen storage tanks

Condition: During cargo environmental control examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
CE03.1 Verify that storage is sufficient for normal IGC 9.2.1 &
consumption of at least 30 days GC 9.2.1 & 9.2.2(a)
CE03.2 Verify that inert gas stored for cargo related IGC 9.4.2
services is not used for fire fighting GC 9.4.2

Verifying Officer Guidance: 03.1: Amount of Liquid N2 storage x 696 = Total N2 capacity. Compare
total N2 capacity to the amount of normal N2 usage for a 30 day period.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

35 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Lifesaving Equipment Examination (LS) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-LS01 Examine lifeboats

Condition: During lifesaving equipment examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, as amended
2. Lifesaving Appliances including LSA Code, 2010
Steps References Initials
LS01.1 Verify the satisfactory condition of the self SOLAS 09 III/31.1.6
contained air support system LSA 4.8
LS01.2 Verify the satisfactory condition of air supply SOLAS 09 III/31.1.6
system pressure visual indicators LSA 4.8
LS01.3 Verify the operation of the lifeboat water spray SOLAS 09 III/31.1.7
system protection system LSA 4.8

Verifying Officer Guidance: 01.3: LPG carriers authorized to carry only toxic cargoes are not
required to have a water spray system protection system. This task can only be accomplished when
the lifeboat is waterborne.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

36 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Electrical Systems Examination (ES) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-ES01 Examine electrical installations in the cargo machinery room

Condition: During electrical systems examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
ES01.1 Verify that lighting fixtures are pressurized or IGC
flameproof GC 10.2.5(a)
ES01.2 Verify that general alarm audible indicators IGC
have flameproof enclosures GC 10.2.5 (d)
ES01.3 Verify wiring is in good condition IGC 10.1.2
GC 10.1.2

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

37 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Electrical Systems Examination (ES) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-ES02 Examine electrical Installations in gas dangerous zones on open

decks and in spaces other than cargo machinery rooms

Condition: During electrical systems examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
ES02.1 Verify that certified safe type equipment is IGC
used GC 10.2.6(a)
ES02.2 Verify that through runs of cables are used IGC &
GC 10.2.6(b) & 10.2.7(b)
ES02.3 Verify that lighting fixtures are pressurized or IGC
flameproof GC10.2.7(a)
ES02.4 Verify that equipment used in spaces protected IGC & 3.6.4
by airlocks that are not certified safe GC 10.2.9 & 3.6.4
deenergize upon loss of overpressure in the
ES02.5 Verify wiring is in good condition IGC 10.1.2 &
GC 10.1.2 & 1.6.2(a)

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

38 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Cargo Area Ventilation System Examination (CV) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CV01 Examine cargo machinery motor room ventilation system

Condition: During Cargo Area Ventilation System Examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations, and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
CV01.1 Verify system can be controlled from outside of IGC 12.1.1
the space GC 12.1.1
CV01.2 Verify that motor room has a positive IGC 12.1.4
ventilation system installed GC 12.1.4
CV01.3 Verify that any adjacent air locks have IGC 3.6.5
mechanical ventilation and are maintained at GC 3.6.5
an overpressure
CV01.4 Verify that ventilation duct openings have IGC 12.1.11
protection screens installed GC 12.1.11
CV01.5 Verify that a warning notice is posted outside IGC 12.1.1
of the space (requiring the use of ventilation GC 12.1.1
when entering the space)

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

39 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Cargo Area Ventilation System Examination (CV) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-CV02 Examine cargo machinery room ventilation system

Condition: During cargo area ventilation system examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
CV02.1 Verify that system can be controlled from IGC 12.1.1
outside of the space GC 12.1.1
CV02.2 Verify that the cargo machinery room has a IGC 12.1.5
negative ventilation system installed GC 12.1.5
CV02.3 Verify that ventilation extraction can be IGC 12.1.3
accomplished from either the upper or lower GC 12.1.3
parts of the space, or both, depending on the
cargoes carried
CV02.4 Verify that ventilation duct openings have IGC 12.1.11
protection screens installed GC 12.1.11
CV02.5 Verify that a warning notice is posted outside IGC 12.1.1
of the space (requiring the use of ventilation GC 12.1.1
when entering the space)

Verifying Officer Guidance: 02.3: Relative density is the ratio of the density of one substance to
another. For gasses, the relative density is the ratio of the density of the gas to that of air. For
liquefied gas cargoes with a relative density less than 1.0, the gas will rise if a leak occurs. For gases
with a relative density of more than 1.0, the gas will fall if a leak occurs. The relative density of the
cargoes must be taken into account when locating the ventilation extraction points within a space.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

40 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Gas Fuel Supply System Examination (GF) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LNG)

Task: FGCE-GF01 Examine the master gas valve

Condition: During gas fuel supply system examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
GF01.1 Verify the closing of the master gas valve in IGC 16.3.7
the event of a loss of ventilation in the GC 16.7
ventilation hood or casing
GF01.2 Verify the closing of the master gas valve in IGC 16.3.7
the event of a loss of pressurization in the GC 16.7
double wall gas fuel piping

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

41 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Gas Fuel Supply System Examination (GF) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LNG)

Task: FGCE-GF02 Examine ventilation within the ventilation hood or casing

Condition: During gas fuel supply system examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
GF02.1 Verify that ventilation air is capable of IGC 16.3.4
sweeping across the Gas Utilization Unit(s) GC 16.5
GF02.2 Verify that ventilating air is exhausted at the IGC 16.3.4
top of the Ventilation Hood or Casing GC 16.5

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

42 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Gas Fuel Supply System Examination (GF) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LNG)

Task: FGCE-GF03 Examine the gas detection system used for the protection of the
cargo fuel system

Condition: During gas fuel supply system examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
GF03.1 Verify that an alarm is activated when gas IGC 16.3.10
concentrations reach 30% LEL GC 16.10
GF03.2 Verify that the master gas valve closes when IGC 16.3.4 & 16.3.10
gas concentrations reach 60% LEL GC 16.5 & 16.10

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

43 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Gas Fuel Supply System Examination (GF) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LNG)

Task: FGCE-GF04 Examine the gas utilization unit(s)

Condition: During gas fuel supply system examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
GF04.1 Verify that each Gas Utilization Unit has two IGC 16.3.6
valves in series located in the gas fuel pipe GC 16.6
leading to the consuming unit
GF04.2 Verify that each Gas Utilization Unit has one IGC 16.3.6
valve located between the two valves that are GC 16.6
in series and that it vents to a safe location

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

44 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Gas Fuel Supply System Examination (GF) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LNG)

Task: FGCE-GF05 Examine gas fuel piping (double wall piping system)

Condition: During gas fuel supply system examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
GF05.1 Verify that the space between the concentric IGC
pipes is pressurized, with inert gas, at a GC 16.2(a)
pressure greater than the gas fuel pressure
GF05.2 Verify the activation of suitable alarms to IGC
indicate a loss of inert gas pressure between GC 16.2(a)
the concentric pipes

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

45 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Gas Fuel Supply System Examination (GF) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LNG)

Task: FGCE-GF06 Examine gas fuel piping (ventilated pipe or duct system)

Condition: During gas fuel supply system examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
GF06.1 Verify the proper operation of mechanical IGC
exhaust ventilation between the gas fuel piping GC 16.2(b)
and inner wall of the pipe or duct
GF06.2 Verify that continuous gas detection is IGC
provided GC 16.2(b)

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

46 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Gas Fuel Supply System Examination (GF) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (LNG)

Task: FGCE-GF07 Examine the Gas Combustion Unit (GCU)

Condition: During gas fuel supply system examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
Steps References Initials
GF07.1 Verify that the Gas Combustion Unit is in an IGC 16.6, 1.5.3 &
operational condition
GF07.2 Verify that alarms are operational IAW the Gas IGC 16.6, 1.5.3 &
Combustion Unit Operations Manual

Verifying Officer Guidance: No specific regulations or standards currently exist for GCUs. This task
must be completed by visual assessment and/or the review of maintenance and operations records.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

47 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Firefighting Systems Examination (FF) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-FF01 Examine fire water main equipment

Condition: During firefighting equipment examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
FF01.1 Verify the satisfactory operation of the fire IGC 11.2.1
main system GC 11.2.1
FF01.2 Verify that fire hydrants are located such that IGC 11.2.2
at least two jets of water can reach any part of GC 11.2.2
the cargo area
FF01.3 Verify all firefighting nozzles are an approved IGC 11.2.4
dual-purpose type GC 11.2.4
FF01.4 Verify all firefighting systems pipes, valves IGC 11.2.4
nozzles and other fittings are resistant to GC 11.2.4
corrosion by seawater
FF01.5 Verify remote starting from the navigation IGC 11.2.5
bridge or control station outside the cargo area GC 11.2.5
if ship's engine room is unattended

Verifying Officer Guidance: 01.1: The fire pump must be capable of attaining a pressure of at least
5.0 bars. 01.4: This is a visual verification where the examiner will be looking for obvious signs of
corrosion, wastage, etc.

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

48 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Firefighting Systems Examination (FF) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-FF02 Examine the deck water spray system

Condition: During firefighting equipment examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
Steps References Initials
FF02.1 Verify the system protects the areas required IGC 11.3.1
by IGC11.3.1/GC11.3.1 GC 11.3.1
FF02.2 Witness an operational test of the system IGC 11.3.2
GC 11.3.2
FF02.3 When the carriage of Propylene Oxide and IGC 17.20.17
Ethylene Oxide is authorized, verify that the GC 17.12.8(r)
system is capable of local operation
FF02.4 Verify deck water spray pumps can be started IGC 11.3.6
remotely outside of the cargo area
FF02.5 When the fire pump is also used to supply the IGC 11.3.3
deck water spray system, verify its capacity GC 11.3.3
has been increased to cover all areas required
to be covered by the deck water spray system

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

49 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Firefighting Systems Examination (FF) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-FF03 Examine chemical powder fire-extinguishing system

Condition: During firefighting equipment examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
3. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, as amended
4. IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1432 Guidelines for the Maintenance and Inspection of Fire
Protection Systems & Appliances
Steps References Initials
FF03.1 Verify required periodic system servicing has SOLAS 09 II-2/14.2.2
been completed IMO MSC.1/Circ.1432
FF03.2 Verify the condition of the independent self- IGC11.4.3 & CG11.4.3
contained dry chemical powder units (1,000m3
or less only require one)
FF03.3 Verifiy the condition of the inert gas storage IGC 11.4.2 & GC 11.4.2
pressure vessels
FF03.4 Verifiy the condition of on deck hoses and IGC 11.4.5 & GC 11.4.5
FF03.5 Verifiy the arrangement of deck monitors to IGC 11.4.2 & GC 11.4.2
protect the cargo loading and discharge
maniflod areas
FF03.6 Verify an additional dry chemical powder unit IGC 11.4.7 & CG 11.4.7
for ships fitted with bow or stern loading and
discharge arrangements

Verifying Officer Guidance: This task is only applicable to vessels authorized to carry flammable

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

50 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Firefighting Systems Examination (FF) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-FF04 Examine cargo machinery room fixed fire-extinguishing system

Condition: During firefighting equipment examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
3. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, as amended
4. International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code), 2007
5. IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1318 Guidelines for the Maintenance and Inspection of Fixed
Carbon Dioxide Fire-Extinguishing Systems
Steps References Initials
FF04.1 Verify required periodic system servicing has SOLAS 09 II-2/14.2.2
been completed IMO MSC.1/Circ.1318
FF04.2 Verify condition of agent storage bottles SOLAS 09 II-2/14.2.1
FF04.3 Verify that all openings into the space are IGC 11.5.1 & GC 11.5.1
capable of being secured FSS Code Ch 5
FF04.4 Verify system is properly marked IGC 11.5.1 & GC 11.5.1
FSS Code Ch 5

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

51 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Firefighting Systems Examination (FF) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-FF05 Examine cargo machinery motor room fixed fire-extinguishing


Condition: During firefighting equipment examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
3. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, as amended
4. International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code), 2007
5. IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1318 Guidelines for the Maintenance and Inspection of Fixed
Carbon Dioxide Fire-Extinguishing Systems
Steps References Initials
FF05.1 Verify required periodic servicing has been SOLAS 09 II-2/14.2.2
completed IMO MSC.1/Circ.1318
FF05.2 Verify condition of agent storage bottles SOLAS 09 II-2/
FF05.3 Verify that all openings into the space are IGC 11.5.1 & GC 11.5.1
capable of being secured FSS Code Ch 5
FF05.4 Verify system is properly marked IGC 11.5.1 & GC 11.5.1
FSS Code Ch 5

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

52 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Firefighting Systems Examination (FF) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-FF06 Examine firemen's outfits

Condition: During firefighting equipment examination

Standard: In compliance with applicable policies, laws, regulations and standards

References: 1. International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)
2. Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in
Bulk (GC Code)
3. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, as amended
4. International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code), 2007
Steps References Initials
FF06.1 Verify required amount are onboard IGC 11.6.1
GC 11.6.1
FF06.2 Verify the satisfactory condition of required SOLAS 09 II-2/10.10.1
equipment FSS Code Ch 3
FF06.3 Verify the satisfactory condition of firemen's SOLAS 09 II-2/
outfits SOLAS 09 II-2/
FF06.4 Verify proper stowage SOLAS 09 II-2/10.3

Verifying Officer Guidance: 06.1: <5,000 m3 = 4 outfits, >5,000 m3 = 5 outfits

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

53 of 54

Foreign Gas Carrier Examiner (FGCE) Certificate of Compliance

Follow Up Actions (FU) Foreign Liquefied Gas Carrier (All)

Task: FGCE-FU01 Complete MISLE Activity

Condition: Upon completion of the examination

Standard: In accordance with current policies, procedures and processes

References: 1. Mission Management System (MMS) Work Instruction - MISLE Data Entry
Requirements for Foreign Vessels
Steps References Initials
FU01.1 Ensure the COC status is changed from "In Work Instruction 5.e.1
Process" to "Valid"
FU01.2 Scan COC into MISLE documents for Intial Work Instruction 8
and Renewal examinations
FU01.3 Change SOE status from "In Process" to Work Instruction 5.e.1
"Valid" on the MSC issued certificate
FU01.4 Modify the SOE Issued and Expiration dates to Work Instruction 5.e.1
reflect the latest examination

Verifying Officer Guidance:

Inspector’s Name: (Last, First, Initial) EMPLID:

Verifying Officer’s Signature: Date:

54 of 54

Appendix A

List of Additional References:

Procedures for Port State Control 2011, 2012 Edition

International Safety Management Code and Guidelines on Implementation of the ISM
Code, 2010 Ed
IMO Resolution A.788(19) – Guidelines on Implementation of the International Safety
Management (ISM) Code by Administrations
Liquefied Gas Handling Principles on Ships and in Terminal, Third Edition (SIGTTO)
An Introduction to the Design and Maintenance of Cargo System Pressure Relief Valves
on Board Gas Carriers (SIGTTO)
Gas Concentrations in the Insulation Spaces of membrane LNG Carriers, March 2007
A Guide to Contingency Planning for Marine Terminals Handling Liquefied Gases in
Bulk, Second Edition 2001 (SIGTTO)
A Contingency Planning and Crew Response Guide for Gas Carrier Damage at Sea and
in Port Approaches, Third Edition 1999 (SIGTTO)
Tanker Jetty Safety; Management of the Ship/Shore Interface (Witherby, 2007)
LNG Operational Practice (Witherby, 2006)
LNG Shipping Competency Standards; Guidance and Suggested Best Practice for the
LNG Industry in the 21st Century (Witherby, 2006)
DNV Classification Notes 61.2, LNG Boil-Off Re-Liquefaction Plants and Gas
Combustion Units, May 2006
Natural Gas By Sea; The Development of a New Technology (Witherby, 1993)
Liquefied Gases; Marine Transportation and Storage (Witherby, 2000)
LNG Shipping Knowledge; Underpinning Knowledge to the SIGTTO Standards
(Witherby, 2011)


Appendix B

Glossary: The following terms are used in this workbook and should be reviewed in
order to better understand its contents:

Advise: to counsel or recommend

Assign: to give responsibility, to place under the control of a task

Amend (Modify): to make minor changes in/to

Brief: to give information or final precise instructions

Change: to make different in some particular way

Check: to inspect for satisfactory condition, accuracy, safety or performance

Compare: to examine (two or more objects, ideas, people, etc.) in order to note
similarities and/or differences

Communicate: to convey knowledge of or information about: make known

Confirm: to validate, establish the truth, accuracy or genuineness of something

Create: to cause to happen; bring about; arrange, as by intention or design

Discuss: to verbally present a topic in detail for examination or consideration

Determine: to settle or decide by choice of alternatives or possibilities. “Decide” refers

to arriving at a conclusion and to pronounce that decision. “Determine” is to settle or
decide by choice of alternatives or possibilities and to fix precisely

Endorse: to approve, support or sustain; to sign one’s name on a document or other


Ensure: to make certain, to guarantee

Enter: to make a record of; record or register

Evaluate: to determine the significance or worth of, usually by careful appraisal and

Examine: to look at or consider a thing carefully and in detail in order to discover

something about it

Identify: to determine critical or necessary conditions or other factors; to determine the

specific model of an item; to ascertain the origin, nature or definitive characteristics of; to
recognize or establish as being a particular person or thing

Inspect: to examine officially; to look carefully at or over; view closely and critically

Issue: to serve legally binding federal documentation, notices or declarations to an

individual, business or other distinctive entity


Appendix B

Locate: to determine or set the position of; to find

Make: to create or cause to happen

Modify (Amend): to make minor changes in/to

Observe (Witness): to watch carefully

Obtain: to gain or attain

Open: to set in action, begin, start or commence

Prepare: plan, gather and assemble information to produce a document (i.e. COI); to put
together, to combine elements and produce a product, to make ready

Provide: to supply or make available

Review: to go over for the purpose of determining correctness or currency; to examine a

document or process for accuracy in content and/or format and report errors or updates
to the author or controlling authority

Schedule: to appoint, assign, or designate for a fixed time

Update: to bring up to date or make current

Validate: to substantiate accuracy or truth of by comparison or investigation

Verify: to confirm or establish the accuracy or truth of something

Witness (Observe): to watch carefully


Appendix C
Port State Control Examination Log




Appendix C
Port State Control Examination Log




Appendix C
Port State Control Examination Log




Performance Qualification Standard and Job Aid Change

Recommendation Form

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Revision Date: 02/13 DCN: MPS-FM-TCY-01(A)

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