Bioinformatics in MicroRNA Research 1st Edition Coll. download pdf
Bioinformatics in MicroRNA Research 1st Edition Coll. download pdf
Bioinformatics in MicroRNA Research 1st Edition Coll. download pdf
Canada 13th Edition Coll.
Bioinformatics in MicroRNA Research 1st Edition Coll.
Digital Instant Download
Author(s): coll.
ISBN(s): 9781493970445, 1493970445
Edition: 1st
File Details: PDF, 5.13 MB
Year: 2017
Language: english
Methods in
Molecular Biology 1617
in MicroRNA
Methods in Molecular Biology
Series Editor:
John M. Walker
School of Life and Medical Sciences
University of Hertfordshire
Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9AB, UK
Jingshan Huang
School of Computing, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, USA
Glen M. Borchert
Department of Pharmacology, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, USA;
Department of Biology, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, USA
Dejing Dou
Department of Computer and Information Science, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA
Wenjun Lan
School of Bio-Engineering, Qilu University of Technology, Jinan, Shandong, China
Ming Tan
Mitchel Cancer Institute, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL, USA
Bin Wu
Department of Endocrinology, First Affiliated Hospital, Kunming Medical University, Kunming, Yunnan, China
Jingshan Huang Glen M. Borchert
School of Computing Department of Pharmacology
University of South Alabama University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL, USA Mobile, AL, USA
Department of Biology
Dejing Dou
University of South Alabama
Department of Computer
Mobile, AL, USA
and Information Science
University of Oregon
Jun (Luke) Huan
Eugene, OR, USA
Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science
Wenjun Lan
University of Kansas
School of Bioengineering
Lawrence, KS, USA
Qilu University of Technology
Jinan, Shandong, China
Ming Tan
Mitchel Cancer Institute
Bin Wu
University of South Alabama
Department of Endocrinology
Mobile, AL, USA
First Affiliated Hospital
Kunming Medical University
Kunming, Yunnan, China
As a special class of noncoding RNAs, microRNAs (miRNAs or miRs for short) have been
reported to perform important roles in various biological and pathological processes by
regulating respective target genes. To completely understand and fully delineate miR func-
tions, besides performing biological experiments and querying PubMed and TarBase for
biologically validated miR targets, biologists can also query various miR target prediction
databases/websites for computationally predicted targets. More often than not, biologists
need to extract additional information for each and every miR target, either validated or
putative, with regard to its related information such as protein functions and affiliated sig-
naling pathways. In short, biologists are facing significant barriers in fully delineating miR
functions and the following effective bio-curation. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a
comprehensive book focusing on miR target genes, miR regulation mechanisms, miR func-
tions performed in various human diseases, and miR databases/knowledge bases.
This book is intended to give an in-depth introduction to and discussion of miRs and
their targets, miR functions, and computational techniques applied in miR research. The
primary audience includes, but is not limited to, computational biologists, computer scien-
tists, bioinformaticians, bench biologists, and clinical investigators. No prior knowledge of
computer science, databases, semantic technologies, or molecular biology is assumed. But we
do assume that readers have some biology background knowledge at the high-school level.
A brief overview of the book structure is as follows. Chapter 1 introduces the concepts of
miRs and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) as well as some recent advances in miR/lncRNA
biology. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 discuss protein participants in miR regulation; viral microRNAs,
host miRs regulating viruses, and bacterial miR-like RNAs; and biomarkers, diagnostics, and
therapeutics aspects of miRs, respectively. Chapter 5 introduces basic concepts of relational
databases and biomedical big data. Chapter 6 provides an overview of semantic technologies
and bio-ontologies. Chapter 7 discusses genome-wide analysis of miR-regulated transcripts.
Chapters 8 and 9 describe in detail computational prediction of miR target genes, regulatory
interactions between miRs and their targets, as well as an introduction of various miR target
prediction databases and relevant Web resources. Chapter 10 discusses some limitations of
existing approaches that aim to improve miR target prediction accuracy. Chapters 11 and 12
introduce genomic regulation of miR expression in disease development and next generation
sequencing for miR expression profile. Chapters 13 through 16 discuss advanced topics in
computational/bioinformatics approaches in miR research, including the handling of high-
dimension data, identification and removal of noisy data, logical reasoning, and machine
learning techniques. Finally, Chapters 17–19 introduce some advances of miR research in
three human diseases: diabetes, obesity, and thyroid carcinoma.
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
viii Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
x Contributors
Majority of the human genome is transcribed into RNAs with absent or limited protein-coding potential.
microRNAs (miRNAs) and long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are two major families of the non-protein-
coding transcripts. miRNAs and lncRNAs can regulate fundamental cellular processes via diverse mecha-
nisms. The expression and function of miRNAs and lncRNAs are tightly regulated in development and
physiological homeostasis. Dysregulation of miRNAs and lncRNAs is critical to pathogenesis of human
disease. Moreover, recent evidence indicates a cross talk between miRNAs and lncRNAs. Herein we
review recent advances in the biology of miRNAs and lncRNAs with respect to the above aspects. We
focus on their roles in cancer, respiratory disease, and neurodegenerative disease. The complexity, flexibil-
ity, and versatility of the structures and functions of miRNAs and lncRNAs demand integration of experi-
mental and bioinformatics tools to acquire sufficient knowledge for applications of these noncoding
RNAs in clinical care.
1 Introduction
Jingshan Huang et al. (eds.), Bioinformatics in MicroRNA Research, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1617,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-7046-9_1, © Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017
2 Min Xue et al.
2.1 Biogenesis miRNAs are ~22-nucleotide long single stranded RNAs that regu-
of miRNAs late gene expression via diverse mechanisms [2]. Since discovery of
the first miRNA lin-4 in Caenorhabditis elegans in 1993, 35,828
mature miRNAs have been catalogued in 223 species in the latest
release of miRBase ( [3, 4]. Biogenesis of miR-
NAs starts with transcription from a miRNA-hosting gene, which
yields a long primary transcript named primary miRNA (pri-
miRNA) [5]. Then the pri-miRNA is cleaved by the ribonulease
III-type protein Drosha in the nucleus to produce a ~70-nucleotide
long hairpin structure named precursor miRNA (pre-miRNA) [6].
The pre-miRNA is exported to the cytoplasm by exportin-5 and
subsequently cleaved by another ribonulease III-type protein Dicer
to generate a miRNA:miRNA* duplex of ~22 nucleodtides [7].
The miRNA:miRNA* duplex binds to an argonaute (AGO) pro-
tein to form an effector RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC)
complex. A mature miRNA is produced when miRNA* is peeled
off from the duplex. It is noteworthy that a miRNA* is not simply
a nonfunctional byproduct of miRNA biogenesis but rather a func-
tional miRNA on many occasions [8].
Besides their canonical destination in the cytoplasm miRNAs
exist and function in the nucleus and secretary microvesicles called
exosomes [9, 10]. Exosomes are small extracellular membrane ves-
icles with sizes of 30–100 nm in diameter and secreted by various
types of cells in the body [11–14]. miRNAs packaged in exosomes
can be taken up by neighboring cells or distant recipient cells via
transportation in body fluids and function in their recipient cells,
which serve as an important tool for proximal and distant intercel-
lular communications [15–18].
Biogenesis of miRNAs can be regulated at every step of their
production by physiological and pathological signals. For instance
the miRNA-200 family is transcriptionally suppressed by ZEB1
during epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) [19]. In another
example type I collagen posttranscriptionally upregulates the
expression of miR-21 by promoting maturation of pre-miR-21 to
miR-21 without alteration in the amount of pri-miRNA-21 and
pre-miR-21 [20].
2.2 Functions The classic mode of a miRNA’s action is to inhibit gene expression
of miRNA via binding to its complementary sequences (6–8 nucleotides)
within the 3′ untranslated region (3′ UTR) of its target mRNAs.
This partial complementarity causes inhibition of expression of a
miRNA’s target via degradation or repression of translation of the
bound mRNAs [21]. Because of the need of only a 6–8 nucleotide
complementarity a miRNA can potentially targets hundreds of
mRNAs and most mammalian mRNAs are conserved targets of
MicroRNAs, Long Noncoding RNAs, and Their Functions in Human Disease 3
2.3 miRNAs miRNAs govern fundamental biological processes, such as cell pro-
and Human Disease liferation, death, differentiation, and development [43]. As a
feedback tool with profound effects on gene expression miRNAs
are the main tool to fine-tune gene expression and biological
homeostasis. Dysregulation of miRNAs contributes to pathogen-
esis of a wide variety of human disease. In this section we review
actions of miRNAs in cancer, respiratory disease, and neurodegen-
erative disease.
4 Min Xue et al.
2.3.1 miRNAs in Cancer The first documented association between miRNAs and cancer is
frequent deletion and downregulation of miR-15 and miR-16 at
13q14 in chronic lymphocytic leukemia [44]. Since then, thou-
sands of miRNAs have been reported to act as either oncogenes or
tumor suppressors depending on a miRNA’s targets in a particular
biological context. miRNAs have been linked to each hallmark of
cancer that is established by Hanahan and Weinberg [45].
Representative miRNAs associated with each hallmark of cancer
are listed in Table 1 [46–62].
Genetic alterations are a common cause of dysregulation of
miRNAs in cancer. More than 50% of miRNA genes are located in
cancer associated genomic regions or in fragile sites [63]. One
prime example is amplification of the oncogenic miR-17~92 clus-
ter and its consequent overexpression in small cell lung cancer
[47]. Deletion and loss of expression of miRNAs in cancer are
exemplified in frequent deletion of the miR-15a and miR-16a
Table 1
Association between miRNA and hallmarks of cancer
2.3.2 miRNAs miRNAs have emerged as critical regulators in the control of nervous
in Neurodegenerative system-specific gene expression during development, aging, and dis-
Disease ease. We review the role of miRNAs in two devastating neurodegen-
erative diseases, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
Parkinson’s disease is a chronic and progressive movement dis-
order that is caused by a gradual loss of midbrain dopaminergic
neurons [91]. Investigation of miRNAs has shed light on patho-
genesis of Parkinson’s disease. miR-133b is specifically expressed in
the midbrain dopaminergic neurons and regulates maturation and
function of the midbrain dopaminergic neurons as a node of a neg-
ative feedback circuit by targeting the paired-like homeodomain
transcription factor Pitx3 [92]. Importantly, miR-133b is deficient
in the midbrain tissues from patients with Parkinson’s disease [92].
Gain-of-function mutations in leucine-rich repeat kinase-2
(LRRK2) cause familial and sporadic Parkinson’s disease. The
pathogenic LRRK2 associate with RISC to interfere the miRNA
pathway and such interference leads to overproduction of E2F1/DP,
a target of let-7 and miR-184* [93]. Moreover, antagomiR-
mediated blockage of let-7 or miR-184* can recapitulate the toxic
effects of the pathogenic LRRK2 and conversely forced expression
of let-7 or miR-184* can attenuate the toxic effects of the patho-
genic LRRK2 [93].
MicroRNAs, Long Noncoding RNAs, and Their Functions in Human Disease 7
2.3.3 miRNAs As in many other tissues miRNAs mediate cell differentiation and
in Respiratory Disease maintain homeostasis in differentiated cells in the respiratory sys-
tem [102]. miRNA expression undergoes profound changes dur-
ing lung development and the Dicer null mice are not viable due
to impaired lung growth that is caused by deficiency in production
of mature miRNAs globally due to deletion of Dicer [103, 104].
Moreover, expression of the miR-17~92 cluster progressively
declines during lung development and forced expression of the
cluster results in abnormal lung development that was character-
ized by continued proliferation and impaired differentiation of epi-
thelial cells [105].
Profound alteration in miRNA expression profile has been
observed in asthma and asthma undergoing steroid therapy [106,
107]. More importantly the altered miRNA expression profile
observed in asthma appears to be largely driven by IL-13, a key
pathogenic cytokine in asthma because the miRNA profile in
asthma can be recapitulated by exposing lung epithelial cells to
IL-13 [107]. T cells are important orchestrators of the chronic
inflammatory response in asthma. In the circulating CD4+ and
CD8+ T cells collected from the patients with severe asthma the
expression of miR-146a and miR-146b are substantially downreg-
ulated and such downregulation potentially contributes to greater
T-cell activation in severe asthma because these two miRNAs
inhibit the immune response [108, 109].
8 Min Xue et al.
into various isoforms although they tend to have fewer exons than
mRNAs [1].
The importance of lncRNA genes are revealed by their prox-
imity to developmental regulators in the genome, enrichment of
tissue-specific and developmental stage-specific expression pat-
terns, and frequent association with genetic traits [121]. lncRNAs
regulate a myriad of molecular and cellular processes, such as
chromatin remodeling and RNA splicing [122–126]. In the fol-
lowing sections we discuss the functions of lncRNAs and their role
in human disease.
3.1.2 Regulation of RNA Besides regulation of epigenetic codes a large number of lncRNAs
Splicing regulate RNA splicing. For instance the lncRNA metastasis-
associated lung adenocarcinoma transcript 1 (MALAT1) regulates
alternative splicing through its interaction with the serine/arginine-
rich (SR) family of nuclear phosphoproteins, a key component of
the splicing machinery [141, 142]. MALAT1 is required for appro-
priate splicing because depletion of MALAT1 results in increase of
mislocalized and unphosphorylated SR proteins as well as increase
of exon inclusion events [142]. It is proposed that MALAT1 serves
as a structural docking site for accumulation and assembly of spe-
cific splicing factors, such as phosphorylated SR proteins and this
process is essential for efficient splicing [141].
3.1.3 Regulation Another step of a RNA life cycle regulated by lncRNAs is mRNA
of mRNA Decay decay as illustrated in staufen-1-mediated mRNA degradation
[143]. Staufen-1 binds to translationally active mRNAs via imper-
fect base-pairing between one Alu element in the 3′ UTR of a
staufen-1 target and another Alu element in a cytoplasmic, polyad-
enylated long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) [143]. Formation of the
mRNA-lncRNA-staufen-1 hetero triplex leads to degradation of
the staufen-1-targeted mRNAs [143]. It is noteworthy that this
process assigns a novel function to Alu, an ancient DNA repetitive
element, which is echoed in a novel function of another repetitive
element SINEB2 as discussed below.
3.1.4 Regulation lncRNAs can regulate the final step of an mRNA life cycle, transla-
of mRNA Translation tion, through base-pairing with the targeted mRNAs and forma-
tion of this RNA-RNA duplex that in turn modulates the interaction
between the translated mRNAs and ribosomes [144, 145]. The
antisense lncRNAs that complement the targeted mRNAs at the 5′
end promote association of polysomes with the targeted mRNAs.
A nuclear-enriched lncRNA antisense to mouse ubiquitin carboxy-
terminal hydrolase L1 (Uchl1) can increase UCHL1 mRNA trans-
lation, which requires the presence of a 5′ overlapping sequence
and an embedded inverted SINEB2 element [145]. On the con-
trary, lincRNA-p21 can associate with JUNB mRNA and selec-
tively reduce its translation when lincRNA-p21 is released from
HuR, a RNA-binding protein that binds to and limits the avail-
ability of lincRNA-p21 for targeting JUNB [144].
3.1.5 Molecular Scaffold lncRNAs can serve as molecular scaffolds for assembly and posi-
for Structural/Functional tioning of structural or functional complexes so that the lncRNA
Complexes containing complexes can function in an appropriate spatial and
MicroRNAs, Long Noncoding RNAs, and Their Functions in Human Disease 11
3.2.1 lncRNAs in Cancer lncRNAs have emerged as novel master regulators of initiation,
progression, and response to therapy in a wide variety of solid
tumors and hematological malignancies [155]. Hundreds of
IncRNAs are differentially expressed between tumor tissues and
paired adjacent nontumor tissues in various types of cancer [156–
164]. lncRNAs can act as oncogenes or tumor suppressors to regu-
late cancer biology via diverse molecular mechanisms [141, 158,
159, 165–167].
One of the classical and versatile cancer-associated lncRNAs is
MALAT1. Elevated expression of MALAT1 has been reported in a
broad range of cancers, including lung cancer and breast cancer
[168–184]. Moreover, genetic alterations in MALAT1, such as
multiple mutations and deletions within the SRSF1-binding sites
are associated with poor patient outcome in breast cancer [185].
In colorectal cancer and osteosarcoma, MALAT1 promotes tumor
growth and metastasis by binding to a multifunctional RNA-
binding protein, PSF via a motif in its 3′region [186, 187].
Depletion of MALAT1 results in defective alternative splicing of a
subset of transcripts that are involved in cancer such as tissue factor
and endoglin [188]. Besides regulation of splicing of the cancer-
associated genes MALAT1 regulates expression of the cancer asso-
ciated genes via epigenetic mechanisms. For example, MALAT1
binds to polycomb group proteins to facilitate assembly of multiple
corepressors/coactivators and thereby mediates activation of the
growth-control gene program for proliferation [189]. MALAT1
also associates with PRC2 and alters the expression of N-cadherin
and E-cadherin to promote EMT in bladder cancer cells [175].
Besides its potential as a biomarker, MALAT1 is an appealing
12 Min Xue et al.
5 Conclusions
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Chapter 2
MiRNAs are ~20 nt small RNAs that regulate networks of proteins using a seed region of nucleotides 2–8
to complement the 3′ UTR of target mRNAs. The biogenesis and function of miRNAs as translational
repressors is facilitated by protein counterparts that process primary and precursor miRNAs to maturity
(Drosha/DCGR8 and Dicer/TRBP respectively) and incorporate miRNAs into the protein complex
RISC to recognize and repress target mRNAs (RISC proteins: Ago/TRBP1/TRBP2/DICER). Similarly,
siRNAs through comparable mechanisms are loaded into the protein complex RITS to heterochromatin
formation of DNA and suppress transcription of particular genes. MiRNAs are also regulated themselves
through many different pathways including transcriptional regulation, post-transcriptional RNA editing,
and RNA tailing. Dysregulation of miRNAs and the protein participants that mature them are implicated
in the development of a number of diseases, tumorigenesis, and arrested development of embryonic cells.
In this chapter, we will explore the biosynthesis, function, and regulation of miRNAs.
Jingshan Huang et al. (eds.), Bioinformatics in MicroRNA Research, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1617,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-7046-9_2, © Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017
28 Valeria M. King and Glen M. Borchert
1.1 MiRNA MiRNAs are transcribed from the genome by RNA Polymerase II
Processing (Pol II) or Pol III [1]. Transcription results in an initial transcript
(called a primary miRNA or pri-miRNA) of variable length con-
taining an unprocessed hairpin [8]. The pri-miRNA is next pro-
cessed by a ribonuclease protein complex including DROSHA,
which targets and cleaves the flanking ends of the hairpin, and
DCGR8 that stabilizes the complex on the pri-miRNA. DROSHA
processing yields an ~70–100 nt long stem loop called a precursor
miRNA or pre-miRNA [9].
Following excision, the pre-miRNA stem loop is transported
out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm via the transport protein
exportin-5 using an active transport mechanism with GTP. Once
in the cytoplasm, the pre-miRNA is targeted by another ribonucle-
ase, DICER, which cleaves the molecule further by removing the
loop portion of the hairpin and leaving an intermediate duplex
which consists of the mature miRNA and a semi-complementary
sequence referred to as the passenger strand. The intermediate
duplex, which is ~22 base pairs in length, is then loaded into an
Argonaute (Ago) protein, and the passenger strand discarded [1]
(see Fig. 1).
1.2 Genomic Loci MiRNAs can be separated into two broad categories depending on
their position in the genome: canonical and noncanonical [1].
Canonical miRNAs are those that are found in intergenic regions
and are cleaved by Drosha/DCGR1 to form the precursor miRNA
(pre-miRNA) [1, 2]. Noncanonical miRNAs are mitrons or pre-
miRNAs that are cleaved from intron sequences using splicing
instead of Drosha.
While the evolutionary origin of miRNAs is still largely
unknown, significant evidence suggests that miRNAs and their
regulatory networks arose from the insertion of transposable ele-
ments in the genome [10]. Importantly, the ability of miRNAs to
regulate multiple distinct genes may have directly arisen as a conse-
quence of transposons inserting themselves into the UTRs of pro-
tein coding genes. Since miRNAs target mRNAs through sequence
complementarity, the ability of a miRNA to identify and target a
specific mRNA may well be due to a common molecular origin
shared by a miRNA locus and its mRNA target sites [10–12] (see
Fig. 2).
1.3 Translational The mature miRNA in conjunction with the Ago protein is called
Repression and Signal an RNA-induced silencing complex or RISC. MiRNAs function as
Degradation protein level regulators by binding target mRNAs and inducing
transcriptional repression and in some instances complete signal
MicroRNA Expression: Protein Participants in MicroRNA Regulation 29
Fig. 1 Canonical and noncanonical miRNA maturation pathways. Cartoon illustrating the transcription of a
canonical miRNA, Drosha/DGCR8 processing of the primary hairpin, and the export of the resulting hairpin to
the cytoplasm mediated by exportin-5 and GTP. Once in the cytoplasm, the hairpin is recognized and bound by
DICER which cleaves the loop off of the stem loop and leaves a double-stranded intermediate duplex. The
mature strand bound to the passenger strand is then loaded into an Ago protein complex called RISC. RISC
transports the miRNA to a prospective mRNA target which the miRNA recognizes and binds. Once the RISC
complex is bound to an mRNA, translation of the mRNA cannot occur and is repressed
Fig. 2 MiRNA regulatory networks arising from transposable elements. Cartoon depicting transposable line
elements being transcribed and inserted into the genome in multiple locations including in the untranslated
region of a protein-coding gene. To produce a miRNA hairpin, two line elements are inserted in the genome
juxtaposed to each other on different strands. MiRNAs are able to recognize target mRNA seed matches
because they each share part of a line element sequence
Fig. 3 Translational regulation through seed matching. Cartoon showing the seed region of a mature miRNA
incorporated into RISC recognizing and binding to the seed match region of an mRNA. RISC takes the mRNA to
the p-body region where it represses translation or cleaves the mRNA for degradation
1.5 SiRNAs and RITS SiRNAs, or small interfering RNAs, are noncoding RNAs with
comparable size and function to miRNAs. SiRNAs differ from
miRNAs in several aspects including the pathways from transcrip-
tion to maturity, and in that while miRNAs generally regulate
mRNA networks, siRNAs typically regulate a specific target gene
[17]. RITS, or RNA-induced initiation of transcriptional silencing,
is a complex of proteins in conjunction with a mature siRNA that
inhibits the transcription of specific genes by triggering hetero-
chromatin assembly in centromeric regions.
SiRNA and RITS complexes have been experimentally charac-
terized in fission yeast. In fission yeast the RITS complex consists
of Ago1; Chp1, which is a hetero-chromatin-associated protein;
and Tas3, a novel protein that is necessary for H3-K9 methylation
[20]. This protein complex, in conjunction with a mature siRNA,
targets specific regions of DNA and silences them using methyla-
tion and heterochromatin biogenesis [21]. Upon being loaded
32 Valeria M. King and Glen M. Borchert
Fig. 4 DNA methylation facilitated by RITS and siRNA is a cartoon depicting dsRNA or double-stranded RNA
being cleaved by Dicer and matured into an siRNA or small interfering RNA. RITS is composed of at least three
protein components including Ago1, Chp1, and Tas3. The RITS protein complex, in conjunction with the siRNA,
binds to a centromeric region of DNA specified by the siRNA and enables methylation of the H3 histone by Clr4,
an H3 methyltransferase
2 MiRNA Regulation
2.2 Single Nucleotide Single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs are areas in the genome
Polymorphisms where a single nucleotide can differ between individuals due to
typically benign mutations in the DNA sequence [31]. That said,
SNPs can drastically alter miRNA activity in the cell. A SNP in the
seed sequence of a miRNA can significantly alter its targets and
allow a certain protein to go uninhibited while another protein
becomes more stringently regulated. This can cause issues when
oncogenes, for example, are no longer being targeted to be a par-
ticular miRNA, or if tumor suppressor proteins are severely
repressed following the introduction of an SNP in a miRNA that
does not normally regulate the tumor suppressor gene [23]. SNPs
34 Valeria M. King and Glen M. Borchert
2.3 RNA Editing MiRNAs can also be regulated through RNA editing. A protein
called ADAR1 can convert adenosine molecules into inosines that
preferentially form base pairs with cytosines [33]. RNA editing may
affect pri-miRNAs, pre-miRNAs, and mature miRNA sequences,
and like SNPs, these edits can alter gene targets or decrease the
affinity for Drosha or DICER affecting miRNA processing [34].
Importantly, it is estimated that 16% of human pri-miRNAs are
edited by ADAR1 [23], suggesting that ADAR editing may well
provide a largely underappreciated layer of complexity in miRNA
biogenesis. Although miRNA editing can allow the production of
several unique miRNAs with differing targets to be produced from
a single genomic locus, the effects of miRNA editing remain largely
2.5 MiRNA Mature miRNA degradation has been observed in several different
Degradation systems. Though it is unclear how nucleases specify targets, numer-
ous nucleases are suspected of actively degrading miRNAs in
humans [18], C. elegans [40], and mice [41]. The first reported
instance in which miRNAs were rapidly degraded was observed in
Arabidopsis thaliana, in which mature miRNAs were cleaved and
removed by an association of 3′–5′ exonucleases called small-RNA-
degrading nuclease [42].
MicroRNA Expression: Protein Participants in MicroRNA Regulation 35
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