The Practice of Shiatsu 1e 1 Pap/DVD Edition Sandra K.
Anderson Ba Lmt Abt Nctmb
Cone Beam Computed Tomography in
Berlin, Chicago, Tokyo, Barcelona, Bucharest, Istanbul, London, Milan, Moscow, New Delhi, Paris, Beijing, Prague, Riyadh, São
Paulo, Seoul, Singapore, Warsaw and Zagreb
A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library.
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Index: Indexing Specialists (UK) Ltd
Printed and bound in Germany
To our families
Jackie Brown, Marta Varela, Eric Whaites and Georgina Harvey for their invaluable
Simon Harvey
JA Baart, Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, and JA Castelijns, Head and Neck Radiology,
of the VU Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Hagay Shemesh
Eilis Lynch at Ennis Periodontology and Implant Clinic, and my colleagues at Riverpoint
Specialist Dental Clinic, Limerick.
Conor Durack
The primary objectives of Restorative Dentistry are to relieve pain, prevent tooth loss and
restore lost oral and dental tissues to meet the aesthetic, psychological and functional needs of
patients. These key objectives often require the coordination of multi-professional teams,
which in the context of this book include Endodontists.
The use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in dentistry, and specifically
endodontics, is controversial, and although several position statements and guidance
documents have been published in recent years, there remains a lack of knowledge and a
degree of misunderstanding about the benefits and risks associated with this diagnostic tool.
Without doubt, there has been a need for a comprehensive and authoritative textbook that
covers all the elements of this subject in relation to diseases of the pulp and periapical region.
Thus, this new book on CBCT and endodontics is timely, and provides a rich resource for
specialists in Endodontology and Maxillofacial Radiology. It is also an excellent reference
book for general dentists, trainees on clinical training pathways, as well as students on
specialist postgraduate programmes and undergraduates using CBCT.
The book is user-friendly and is divided into two sections. The initial chapters (1–4) cover
the important and essential aspects of radiology in relation to CBCT, which is an area that is
often underemphasised and misunderstood. The remaining chapters (5–11) are dedicated to the
various applications of CBCT in endodontics. An essential focus running throughout the book
is the understanding that, as CBCT is associated with a higher effective patient radiation dose,
the ALARA principles are paramount.
Each chapter is written by subject specialists who have a wealth of research and clinical
experience. The book is extensively illustrated with conventional radiographic and CBCT
images, all with comprehensive legends.
CBCT is a relatively modern imaging method that provides a substantial amount of
clinically relevant information. The book provides an excellent review of the subject,
emphasises case selection and is supported by key references to provide an evidence-based
approach and a framework for the use of CBCT in endodontics.
October 2015
Endodontics relies on radiographic imaging for diagnosis, treatment planning and the
assessment of healing. However, conventional radiographic imaging has several well-
documented limitations, which can result in an impaired diagnostic yield, and potentially
influence treatment planning.
In recent years, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) has become much more widely
available and utilised in all aspects of dentistry, including endodontics. CBCT overcomes
many of the limitations of conventional radiography and has been shown to be essential for the
diagnosis and management of complex endodontic problems.
The editors of Cone Beam Computed Tomography in Endodontics are all experienced users
of CBCT. In their clinical practice and academic/teaching roles, they recognised the need for a
guide to illustrate the applications of CBCT in endodontics using the latest evidence and
The aim of the book is two-fold; firstly, to give the reader a thorough account of the
radiological aspects of CBCT; and secondly, to comprehensively illustrate the applications of
CBCT in endodontics. The book emphasises the fact that, inherent in the responsible use of
CBCT is the understanding that, as CBCT is associated with a higher effective patient
radiation dose than conventional radiographic imaging, the prescription of CBCT must be
justified, and the associated radiation exposure be kept as low as reasonably achievable.
This book gives the reader a sound foundation on small field of view, high resolution CBCT
and its applications in endodontics. However, one cannot overemphasise the fact that dental
radiology is continuously evolving. As such, it is essential that CBCT users keep abreast of
developments in dental radiology and maintain a contemporaneous core knowledge of both
dental radiology and of CBCT, specifically.
Shanon Patel
Simon C Harvey
Hagay Shemesh
Conor Durack
Limitations of conventional radiographic imaging
Superimposition of three-dimensional anatomy
Geometric distortion
Anatomical noise
Follow-up radiographs
Advanced radiographic techniques for endodontic diagnosis
Magnetic resonance imaging
Tuned aperture computed tomography
Computed tomography
Cone beam computed tomography
The electromagnetic wave
Individual photons or continuous waves?
X-ray production
Characteristic radiation
Spectrum profile
Altering the mA or kV
Interaction with matter
Absorbed X-rays
Scattered X-rays
Transmitted X-rays
Further reading
The differences and similarities between multidetector computed tomography and cone beam
computed tomography
Multidetector computed tomography
Detector types
Image intensifier
Indirect digital flat panels
Direct digital flat panels
Comparing the three detector types
Detective quantum efficiency
Image reconstruction methods
Filtered back projection
Problems with filtered back projection and iteration
Image quality
Contrast resolution
Spatial resolution
Testing contrast and spatial resolution
Ideal machine characteristics
Further reading
Dose and risk
Ionising biological tissue
Stochastic risk
Measuring dose
UK background dose
Age and risk
Estimating risk
Dose-reducing measures
Ensure patient is set up correctly
Raise kV and reduce mA
Dose-reduction feature
Larger voxels
Low mA
Correct filtering
mA modulation
Physical collimation
180-degree views
Pulsed beam
Average dose for CBCT scanners
Artefacts in CBCT
Extinction artefacts
Beam-hardening artefacts
Partial volume effect
Aliasing artefacts
Ring artefacts
Motion artefacts
Summary of artefacts
Viewing and storing images
Viewing monitor
Lighting conditions
Storage of images
Training requirements
CBCT-specific regulations
Assessment of images
Further reading
The anatomy of the maxilla and palatine bone
The anatomy of the nose and nasal cavity
The anatomy of the maxillary sinus
The anatomy of the alveolar bone
The anatomy of the maxillary teeth
The anatomy of the mandible
The anatomy of the mandibular canal
The anatomy of the mental foramen
The mandibular alveolar bone
Complex anatomy
Incisor and canine teeth
Premolar teeth
Molar teeth
Anomalous tooth forms
Dens invaginatus
Fused teeth
Pulp chamber parameters
Root length and curvature
Limitations of conventional periapical radiography
Detection of apical periodontitis
Assessment of the outcome of endodontic treatment
Radiographic appearance of apical periodontitis
Conventional radiography
Cone beam computed tomography
Chapter 8 Non-surgical and Surgical Re-treatment
Non-surgical endodontic re-treatment
Presence of a periapical lesion
Quality of existing root canal treatment
Missed root canals and anatomical features
Surgical endodontic re-treatment
Radiographic assessment of TDI
Radiographic assessment of specific TDI
Radiographic follow-up of TDI
External root resorption
Internal root resorption
External root resorption
External surface resorption
External inflammatory resorption
External replacement resorption
External cervical resorption
Internal root resorption
Chapter 11 Vertical Root Fractures
Conventional radiography
Cone beam computed tomography
Ex vivo studies
In vivo studies
Chapter 1
The Limitations of Conventional
Radiography and Adjunct Imaging
Shanon Patel, Bhavin Bhuva, Eric Whaites
Radiographic assessment is essential in every aspect of endodontics, from diagnosis to the
management and assessment of treatment outcome (Forsberg, 1987a, b; Patel et al, 2015).
Intraoral periapical radiography has historically been accepted as the most appropriate
imaging system in endodontics. However, conventional periapical images yield limited
information, which can potentially have an impact on diagnosis and treatment planning.
The purpose of this chapter is to describe the limitations of conventional periapical
radiography, and to discuss the relative advantages and disadvantages of alternative imaging
Fig 1-1 Horizontal parallax. The right radiograph has a 10-degree shift to aid visualisation of the two separate canals, which
allows the quality of the root canal fillings to be assessed more accurately in the mandibular central incisors.
Fig 1-2 Vertical parallax. A vertical beam shift (change in inclination) has caused the periapical lesions (red arrows)
associated with all three roots of this maxillary right first molar to disappear with the change of angulation in the right
radiograph. Note that the defective distal margin on the left radiograph (yellow arrow) is also no longer visible on the right
Geometric distortion
Intraoral periapical radiographic images should ideally be taken with a paralleling technique.
The use of a biteblock to ensure the tooth and image receptor are parallel with one another, as
well as the use of a beam aiming device to ensure the X-ray beam meets the tooth and image
receptor at right angles, has been proven effective at creating a geometrically accurate image
(Forsberg, 1987a, b, c).
An accurate image is obtained when the image receptor (X-ray film or digital sensor) is
parallel to the long axis of the tooth, and the X-ray beam is perpendicular to both the image
receptor and the tooth undergoing examination (Fig 1-3). This may be readily achievable in
certain regions of the oral cavity, but may not be possible in some patients with e.g. small
mouths or pronounced gag reflexes, and/or where the image receptor is poorly tolerated.
Anatomical limitations, such as a shallow palatal vault, prevent the ideal positioning of the
intraoral image receptor, causing incorrect long-axis orientation—which in turn results in
geometric distortion (poor projection geometry) of the radiographic image (Figs 1-3 and 1-4).
The ideal positioning of solid-state digital sensors may be even more challenging due to their
size and rigidity, compared with conventional radiographic films and phosphor plate digital
sensors (Patel et al, 2009a; Whaites and Drage, 2013a).
Ideal positioning of the image receptor may be possible when, firstly, the roots being imaged
are relatively straight and, secondly, when there is sufficient space to position the image
receptor correctly. If these objectives are not achieved (Fig 1-5), there will be a degree of
geometric distortion and magnification. This may be particularly relevant in the posterior
maxilla (Lofthag-Hansen et al, 2007). Over- or underangulated radiographs may reduce or
increase the ‘apparent’ radiographic root length of the tooth under investigation (White and
Pharaoh, 2014), and increase or decrease the size, or even result in the disappearance, of
periapical lesions (Bender and Seltzer, 1961a, b; Huumonen and Ørstavik, 2002). A minimum
5% magnification of the imaged structures will occur, even when a ‘textbook’ paralleling
technique has been employed (Vande Voorde and Bjorndahl, 1969).
Anatomical noise
Anatomical features within or superimposed over the roots being examined may obscure the
area of interest, thereby preventing a thorough assessment of the imaged region (Gröndahl and
Huumonen, 2004). These anatomical structures vary in radiodensity, and may be radiopaque or
radiolucent. This phenomenon is sometimes referred to as ‘anatomical noise’ (Fig 1-6). The
more complex the anatomical noise, the greater the reduction in contrast within the area of
interest. The resulting radiographic image may be more difficult to interpret.
Fig 1-3 Geometric distortion. Although it may be possible to position the image sensor holder (and image sensor) parallel
with the long axis of the crown and mid-third of the root, it is not possible to obtain a parallel relationship of the long axis of
the entire tooth and root with the image sensor. The sagittal reconstructed CBCT image shows a parallel (and accurate)
relationship of the mid-third root (green line) and the image sensor, and perpendicular X-ray beam (blue arrow). However,
the apical third (red line) is not parallel to the image sensor or perpendicular to the X-ray beam, resulting in geometric
distortion of the apical third of the root canal.
Fig 1-4 Geometric distortion. A distolingual canal (yellow arrow) can be seen on the intraoral radiograph (left). A coronal
reconstructed CBCT image (right) clearly demonstrates how the distolingual root cannot be accurately assessed in the
radiographic image. Neither the coronal (red line) nor apical (green line) halves of this root canal are parallel to the image
sensor (yellow arrow), or perpendicular to the X-ray beam (blue arrow). This results in significant geometric distortion in this
region of the image.
Fig 1-5 Geometric distortion. It may not be possible to position the image sensor in the ideal position, resulting in distortion of
the resulting image. When imaging these maxillary left premolar teeth, the anatomical constraints of a shallow palate have
prevented a paralleled image from being obtained.
Fig 1-6 Anatomical noise. (a) A periapical radiolucency is clearly seen, and is associated with the maxillary left incisor
(yellow arrow). (b) A second radiograph taken at a 10-degree horizontal shift reveals an additional periapical radiolucency
(red arrow) associated with the maxillary left incisor. This ‘new’ radiolucency is the incisive foramen, which in this case
creates radiolucent anatomical noise mimicking a periapical lesion.
Fig 1-7 Anatomical noise. The superimposition of anatomical structures prevents complete and accurate assessment of the
imaged teeth. As demonstrated in these parallax periapical radiographs, the maxillary sinus and zygomatic buttress may often
create anatomical noise, which prevents visualisation of the periapical regions of the maxillary premolar and molar teeth.
Brynolf (1967, 1970a, b) demonstrated that superimposition of the incisive canal over the
apices of the maxillary central incisors may complicate radiographic interpretation, i.e. the
incisive foramen (anatomical noise) mimicked periapical lesions in healthy teeth.
Several studies have shown that periapical lesions confined to the cancellous bone may not
be detected with conventional radiographic imaging (Bender and Seltzer, 1961a, b). It has been
suggested that periapical lesions may be successfully detected when confined to cancellous
bone, provided the cortical bone is thin and the anatomical noise minimal. Such lesions may go
undetected beneath a thicker cortex. Anatomical noise also accounts for some underestimation
of periapical lesion size in radiographic images (Shoha et al, 1974; Marmary et al, 1999;
Scarfe et al, 1999).
The maxillary molar region is a complex anatomical region with a number of closely related
structures, which include the maxillary sinus and zygomatic buttress (Fig 1-7).
Anatomical noise is dependent on several factors that may include: overlying anatomy; the
thickness of the cancellous bone and cortical plate; and the relationship of the root apices to
the cortical plate. Brynolf (1967) compared the radiographic and histological appearance of
292 maxillary incisor teeth to assess whether there was a relationship between the
radiographic and histological features of the periapical lesions. Overall, there was a high
correlation between radiographic and histological findings; this conclusion may have been
related to the lack of anatomical noise in the specific area being assessed. The root apices of
maxillary incisors lie very close to the adjacent cortical plate, and therefore erosion of this
cortex may often occur soon after periapical inflammation ensues. In other areas of the jaws
with increased anatomical noise, e.g. the posterior mandible with its thicker cortical plate, the
correlation between histological findings and radiographic appearance may be less
interrelated (Patel et al, 2009b).
Follow-up radiographs
Sequential radiographic images, taken over a period of time, are required when determining
endodontic treatment outcomes (European Society of Endodontology, 2006). An accurate
comparison can only be made when these images have been standardised with respect to
radiation geometry, density, and contrast. Poorly standardised radiographs may lead to
misinterpretation of the disease status (Bender et al, 1961a, b).
The use of customised bite blocks may be helpful in obtaining standardised images, but even
then, no two images will be identical.
Fig 1-8 (a) The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique involves the formation of a magnetic field around the area
being imaged. The protons within the magnetic field and body then become aligned along the long axis. (b) A pulsed beam of
radio waves is transmitted perpendicular to the long axis of the magnetic field, causing the protons to be disrupted, and
altering their axis of rotation. (c) The disrupted protons spin synchronously with one another, producing a faint radio signal,
which in turn is sent back to a receiver. A computer processes the resulting signal and the image is produced.
One of the limitations of the conventional MRI technique is that the densely calcified dental
tissues cause deterioration of the MRI signal before digitisation is achieved, which results in
weakened or absent MRI signals. Thus, the majority of MRI studies in relation to dentistry
have been on the dental soft tissues, including the pulp and periodontal ligament.
In addition to the limitations previously described, coil MRI lacks the ease of use of other
imaging techniques. Furthermore, the costs involved with coil MRI are significant. As a result,
access to suitable coil MRI scanning equipment is limited.
Fig 1-9 Ultrasound. An extraoral transducer probe emits and detects the ultrasound (US) signal. The US signal is created
using the piezoelectric effect.
Fig 1-10 Ultrasound (US). (a) This patient presented with a large, fluctuant swelling palatal to the maxillary right anterior
teeth. (b) Periapical radiographs demonstrated a large radiolucency encompassing the apices of the root-treated maxillary
right central incisor, lateral incisor and canine teeth. Two-dimensional radiographs (b to d) fail to provide information on the
depth of the lesion and the location of resorption of the respective buccal and palatal cortical plates. (e) A US scan of the
area was conducted by placing a probe extraorally over the region of interest. The resultant scan images the relative
hyperechoic and hypoechoic regions, demonstrating the buccolingual extent of the periapical lesion, as well as the locations
where the cortical plates have been resorbed.
The ultrasound (US) technique is based on the reflection (echoes) of US waves at the interface
between tissues that have different acoustic properties (Gundappa et al, 2006). Ultrasonic
waves are created using the piezoelectric effect via a transducer (probe). The beam of US
energy is emitted and reflected back to the same probe (i.e. the probe acts as both emitter and
detector). A transducer detects the echoes and converts them into an electrical signal (Fig 1-9).
The resulting real-time image is composed of black, white, and shades of grey. As the probe is
traversed across the area of interest, new images are generated in real time. The intensity or
strength of the detected echoes is dependent on the difference between the acoustic impedance
of two adjacent tissues. The greater the difference between the tissues, the greater the
distinction in the reflected US energy, resulting in higher echo intensity. Tissue interfaces that
generate high echo intensity are described as hyperechoic (e.g. bone and teeth). Anechoic
tissues (e.g. fluid-filled cysts) are those that do not reflect US energy (Fig 1-10). Images
consisting of varying degrees of hyperechoic and anechoic usually have a heterogeneous
profile. The Doppler effect (the change of sound frequency reflected from a moving source)
can be used to assess arterial and venous blood flow (Whaites and Drage, 2013b).
Fig 1-11 Tuned aperture computed tomography (TACT). With this technique, 8 to 10 digital radiographic images are taken
at different defined projection geometries. The images are reconstructed to provide 3D data, which may be viewed slice by
US has been used to diagnose the full nature of periapical lesions (Cotti et al, 2003). In this
study, 11 periapical lesions of endodontic origin were assessed with US imaging. Provisional
diagnoses were made according to the echo images (hyperechoic and hypoechoic). The
evidence of vascularity within the lesions was determined using the colour laser Doppler
effect. The provisional diagnoses (seven cysts, four granulomas) were successfully confirmed
by histology in all 11 cases. A similar study also concluded that US was a reliable diagnostic
technique for determining the pathological nature (granulomas versus cysts) of periapical
lesions (Gundappa et al, 2006). However, in both of these studies the apical biopsies were not
removed together with the root apices, therefore making it impossible to confirm whether the
assessed lesions were true or pocket cysts. Furthermore, the lesions were not serially
sectioned, making accurate histological diagnosis unreliable (Nair et al, 1996). Therefore, the
ability of US to assess the true nature of periapical lesions is questionable.
Doppler flowmetry has also been used to assess the outcome of orthograde root canal
treatment in maxillary anterior teeth (Maity et al, 2011). It was demonstrated that healing could
be established earlier with the Doppler technique when compared with conventional
radiographs. Evidence of healing was apparent in the majority of cases after just 6 weeks when
assessed with Doppler flowmetry.
US energy is unable to penetrate bone effectively and is therefore only useful when
assessing periapical lesions with little or no overlying cortical bone. While US may be used
with relative ease in the anterior region of the mouth, the positioning of the probe is more
difficult against the buccal mucosa of posterior teeth. In addition, the interpretation of US
images is limited to radiologists who have received relevant training.
Fig 1-12 Computed tomography (CT). (a) A large periapical radiolucency associated with the maxillary left lateral incisor
and canine teeth is revealed following periapical radiographic examination. (b) The gantry of the CT scanner contains the X-
ray source and the imaging detectors. The patient is advanced through a circular aperture in the centre of the scanner. The
patient is thereby scanned ‘slice by slice’ while being advanced through the scanner. (c) The reconstructed slices can then
be observed individually in the imaged plane. In this case, the width and depth of the periapical radiolucency can be assessed
at each of the axial sections (red arrows).
Computed tomography
Computed tomography (CT) is an imaging technique that produces 3D radiographic images
using a series of 2D sectional X-ray images. Essentially, CT scanners consist of a gantry that
contains the rotating X-ray tube head and reciprocal detectors. In the centre of the gantry is a
circular aperture through which the patient is advanced. The tube head and reciprocal detectors
within the gantry either rotate synchronously around the patient, or the detectors take the form
of a continuous ring around the patient and only the X-ray source moves within the detector
ring (Fig 1-12a and b). The data from the detectors produces an attenuation profile of the
particular slice of the body being examined. The patient is then moved slightly further into the
gantry for the next slice of data to be acquired. The process is repeated until the area of interest
has been fully scanned.
Fig 1-13 Multislice computed tomography (MSCT). To overcome the limitations of CT, the CT beam width is widened, and
detectors are arranged in multiple rows, enabling the entire fan beam to be captured at any one time.
Early generation CT scanners acquired ‘data’ in the axial plane by scanning the patient
‘slice by slice’, using a narrow collimated fan-shaped X-ray beam passing through the patient
to a single array of reciprocal detectors. The detectors measured the intensity of X-rays
emerging from the patient.
Over the past three decades, there have been considerable advances in CT technology (Yu et
al, 2009; Runge et al, 2015). To overcome the problems of conventional (single slice) medical
CT imaging, which results in relatively poor image quality, the technique of multislice
computed tomography (MSCT) was developed. Here, the CT beam is widened in the z-
direction (beam width), and instead of a single detector, multiple detectors are arranged in
parallel rows, so that a number of slices can be obtained by capturing the entire fan beam at
any one time (Fig 1-13). This reduces the number of rotations of the X-ray tube and therefore
the radiation dose. The number of detectors on MSCT scanners has increased, facilitating a
greater number of simultaneously acquired images.
A number of researchers have evaluated MSCT and compared it to cone beam computed
tomography (CBCT). One autopsy study demonstrated that the quality of small-volume CBCT
scans might be better or at least equal to MSCT in assessing delicate anatomical structures,
such as the periodontal ligament and bone trabeculae.
In addition to providing multiplanar 3D images, CT has several other advantages over
conventional radiography. These include the elimination of anatomical noise and high contrast
resolution, allowing differentiation of tissues with less than 1% physical density difference,
compared with the 10% variation in physical difference that is required with conventional
radiography (White and Pharaoh, 2014).
A number of studies have used CT imaging to manage endodontic problems (Velvart et al,
2001; Huumonen et al, 2006). These were able to obtain additional information on the root
canal anatomy when compared with plain film radiographs (Tachibana and Matsumoto, 1990).
Valuable information on the relationship of the root apices with important anatomical
structures, such as the maxillary sinus, was obtained using reconstructed axial slices and 3D
reconstruction of the CT data. The information derived from CT scans has been compared with
that obtained from periapical radiographs when planning periapical surgery (Velvart et al,
2001). Of the 50 mandibular molar teeth assessed, CT imaging detected the presence of a
periapical lesion and the location of the inferior alveolar nerve in every case, compared with
only 78% and 39%, respectively, with periapical radiographs. Furthermore, the buccolingual
thickness of the cortical and cancellous bone, as well as the position and angulation of the root
within the mandible, could only be assessed by CT. It was concluded that ‘CT should be
considered before the surgical treatment of mandibular premolars and molars when the
mandibular canal is not detectable or appears in close proximity to the periapical lesion or
root with conventional radiographic techniques’.
Fig 1-14 Small volume CBCT imaging. The cone-shaped X-ray beam synchronously rotates around the patient, together
with the imaging detector.
The diagnostic value of CT and parallax periapical radiographs has been compared when
assessing maxillary molar teeth for endodontic re-treatment (Huumonen et al, 2006). Periapical
lesions were more reliably detected with CT when compared with periapical radiographs. In
addition, the distance between the palatal and buccal cortical plates and the adjacent root
apices could only be determined with CT. The authors of this study concluded that ‘the
information obtained from CT was essential for decision making in surgical re-treatment’.
However, one should bear in mind that a high radiation dose is required to achieve an adequate
resolution for assessing root canal anatomy.
The assessment of the ‘third dimension’ with CT imaging also allows the number of roots
and root canals to be determined, as well as their anatomy in all three planes. The additional
information may be extremely useful when diagnosing and managing persistent endodontic
disease, which may remain undetected with conventional radiography. For example, CT has
been used to detect the high incidence of unfilled second mesiobuccal canals in root-treated
maxillary molars (Huumonen et al, 2006). Correspondingly, the majority of roots with unfilled
canals had associated periapical lesions.
The uptake of CT in endodontics has been limited. This is primarily due to the high effective
dose and relatively low resolution of the imaging technique. Other disadvantages of CT
include the high costs of the scans, scatter due to metallic objects, poor resolution compared
with conventional radiographs, and the limited availability of the scanners (e.g. hospital
radiography units). Access for dentists in practice is therefore limited. CT technology has now
been superseded by CBCT technology in the management of endodontic problems.
Images acquired using conventional intraoral radiographic techniques reveal information in
two dimensions only (height and width). Valuable and relevant information in the third
dimension (depth) is limited.
Due to the inherent problems of positioning intraoral image receptors in the correct position
in relation to the anatomical area of interest, it may not be possible to obtain an accurate,
undistorted view of the area of interest.
The detection and assessment of the true nature of endodontic lesions and other relevant
features may be impaired by adjacent anatomical noise. The effect of this anatomical noise
is unique for each patient and is dependent on the degree of bone demineralisation, size of
the endodontic lesion, and physical nature of the anatomical noise (i.e. its thickness, shape,
and the density of the overlying anatomy).
Serial radiographs taken with the paralleling technique are not consistently reproducible.
This may result in misinterpretation of the healing process or failure of the endodontic
This chapter has been adapted from: Patel S, Dawood A, Whaites E, Pitt Ford T. New
dimensions in endodontic imaging: part 1. Conventional and alternative radiographic systems.
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Chapter 2
Radiation Physics
Simon C Harvey
The aim of this chapter is, firstly, to explain what X-ray radiation is and, secondly, to describe
the production and interaction of X-ray radiation.
Fig 2-1 The electromagnetic wave.
Fig 2-3 A rotating anode X-ray tube.
It is noticeable that visible light only makes up a narrow band in the spectrum. Waves with
frequencies below 4 × 1014 Hz are not visible to the human eye, and frequencies above 8 ×
1014 Hz are equally invisible. Above a certain energy level, the waves can become ionising
and cause damage to biological tissues. Higher-energy ultraviolet waves, X-rays, and gamma
rays all have enough energy to damage human cells.
X-ray production
X-rays are high-energy electromagnetic waves or photons. They occur naturally and are
emitted from some radioactive atoms; however, this is not amenable to everyday imaging, as
the radioactive source would deplete, and be constantly irradiating, and the amount and energy
of the radiation could not be easily controlled. Therefore, an artificial production method is
An X-ray tube contains several essential components, as illustrated in Figure 2-3 and listed
in Table 2-1, with a description of their purpose.
An incoming electron emitted from the Tungsten filament is accelerated through a vacuum
towards the Tungsten anode. As it strikes and passes through the anode, it may be attracted to
the positive nucleus of an individual Tungsten atom. This attraction will simultaneously deflect
the trajectory of the fast-moving electron and cause it to slow down rapidly. This rapid
deceleration and change of path results in energy loss, which is emitted as an X-ray photon.
The greater the deflection and slowing of the electron, the greater the resultant X-ray photon
energy. As each interaction between an individual electron and a nucleus of the Tungsten atom
in the anode is different and the energy loss is dissimilar, the energy profile of the X-rays
produced (the spectrum) is over a wide range.
The majority of X-rays—approximately 80%—from an X-ray tube are produced in this
method. It should be noted that the interaction here is between an incoming electron released
by the filament and the nucleus of the Tungsten atoms in the target (Fig 2-4).
Characteristic radiation
If the incoming electron passes close to the nucleus and has enough energy, it can knock out a
tightly bound inner shell electron (K shell) from the Tungsten atom. This leaves a vacant inner
shell, which is filled quickly by an outer shell (L or M shell) electron from the same atom. As
the outer shell electron ‘jumps down’ energy shells, it loses energy in the form of X-ray
radiation. In this case, the energy the outer electron needs to lose when ‘jumping’ to the inner
shell is a known amount for each different atom; so, the X-ray produced has exactly that amount
of energy. The outer shell electron may come from an L or M shell, so the energy will differ
slightly between the two. This is known as characteristic radiation—it is characteristic of that
particular atom (Fig 2-5). For Tungsten, the values for characteristic radiation are 58 keV and
68 keV.
It should be noted that for characteristic radiation to be produced, the incoming electron
must have enough energy to knock out the inner K shell Tungsten electron. The inner Tungsten
electron needs 70 keV of energy to be knocked out; so only electrons with this amount of
energy or more have the chance to produce characteristic radiation with a Tungsten target. This
means that X-ray tubes operating below 70 kV will have no chance of producing characteristic
radiation. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) sets generally use 80 to 120 kV, which is
enough for characteristic radiation production with a Tungsten target.
The two interactions described above result in X-ray production; however, this is not the fate
of every electron released by the cathode that strikes the anode in the X-ray tube. About 99%
of energy is converted to heat, so only 1% of energy results in X-ray production. Therefore, X-
ray tubes are very inefficient at X-ray production. This large amount of heat energy is the
reason for heat removing devices such as the rotating anode (see motor in Fig 2-3) and outer
cooling oil.
Table 2-1 X-ray tube components and their purpose.
Fig 2-7 Bremsstrahlung plus characteristic radiation.
Fig 2-8 Filtered profile; note the lower-energy photons to the left have been removed.
Spectrum profile
Bremsstrahlung radiation is produced over a wide range of energies up to the maximum tube
potential, as depicted in Figure 2-6.
If we use a tube operating at over 70 kV, then we also have characteristic X-rays, which are
at specific values (see Fig 2-7).
Only the higher-energy photons that have the potential to pass through the patient and record at
the receptor are useful for imaging. The lower-energy photons are absorbed by the patient and
only contribute to dose. This is discussed again later on. Filtering is the process whereby
lower-energy photons are removed. The X-ray tube itself does some filtering by its inherent
properties; the rest is added, usually in the form of aluminium. It is normal to have about 2.5
mm aluminium-equivalent filtration.
The spectrum of a tube operating at 120 kV with filtration then looks like Figure 2-8, with
the lower-energy photons removed.
Altering the mA or kV
Changing the mA will result in more electrons being released from the cathode and accelerated
into the anode; however, the maximum energy of these electrons is still the same. Therefore, an
increase in mA causes an increase in the number of X-rays. The same effect is observed if the
exposure time is increased (Fig 2-9).
Changing the kV has two effects; firstly, the maximum energy of the electrons increases, so
higher-energy X-rays can be produced; secondly the anode pulls more electrons from the
filament, so the number of X-rays increases (Fig 2-10).
Double mA = double the number of X-rays
Double time = double the number of X-rays
Double kV = double the maximum X-ray energy and double the number of X-rays
For this reason, you may need to reduce the mA if you increase the kV.
Absorbed X-rays
All the energy of the X-ray is deposited into the patient and the photon disappears completely.
This is called photoelectric absorption. This process occurs when the photon hits a tightly
bound inner electron of an atom in the patient. If the photon has more energy than the binding
energy of the inner shell electron, the electron can be knocked free and shoots off. This then
becomes a photoelectron (an electron with kinetic energy from the photon), and the photon
ceases to exist. An outer shell, electron from that atom will ‘jump down’ to fill the inner shell,
releasing a very small amount of energy (as a low-energy photon), which is deposited in the
tissue. The photoelectron will also deposit energy throughout the body tissues.
Fig 2-9 Double mA graph.
This interaction does not add to the image directly; however, in the areas where photons are
absorbed the most (e.g. bone), there will be a lower signal, which will contribute to the image
contrast (Fig 2-11a).
Scattered X-rays
There are two forms of scatter—Compton scattering and Rayleigh scattering. Rayleigh
scattering has little or no effect during diagnostic radiography, so we will discuss Compton
scattering only.
In this process, consider only the outermost electrons of the atoms in the patient; the ones
that are so far from the nucleus that they are very weakly bound. The incoming photon hits one
of these loosely bound electrons and gives up some energy to the electron. Thus, the electron
heads off in a new direction with the extra energy. The initial X-ray photon is deflected in this
collision, depending on the initial energy of the photon and how much energy it gives the
Scatter adds X-ray dose to the patient, as the scattered electron has enough energy to ionise
other cells and cause damage. The scattered X-ray photons also degrade the image as they have
an altered course (Fig 2-11b).
Transmitted X-rays
The X-ray photons pass straight through the patient and hit the image receptor. These photons
contribute directly towards the image (Fig 2-11c).
The chance of each process occurring depends on the energy of the incoming photon, the
physical density of the tissue through which the X-ray passes, the atomic number of the tissue,
and the electron density of the tissue.
Bone will attenuate X-rays more than soft tissue because it has a higher physical density, a
higher average atomic number, and a higher electron density. This means that an incoming X-
ray photon is more likely to be scattered in bone than in soft tissue, as there are more electrons
to hit. It will also absorb more, as the atomic number of bone is higher, which means there is
more likely to be photoelectric absorption (Table 2-2).
Table 2-2 X-ray and its various effects.
Fig 2-11 (a) Photoelectric absorption; (b) Compton scatter; (c) transmitted radiation.
Further reading
Ionising Radiation Regulations (1999): www.hse.gov.uk/radiation/ionising/legalbase.htm
Nemtoi A, Czink C, Haba D, Gahleitner A. Cone beam CT: a current overview of devices. Dentomaxillofac Radiol
Chapter 3
Cone Beam Computed Tomography
Simon C Harvey, Shanon Patel
Fig 3-1 (a) CT scanner; note the fan-shaped X-ray beam and the rotating X-ray source. (b) Helical CT scanner.
Exploring the Variety of Random
Documents with Different Content
England, but also tyranny and repression wherever they operate.
The indictment of George III, which at times approaches sublimity, is
in reality directed against the entire reactionary policy of
contemporary European statesmen and rulers. The doctrines of the
revolutionary Byron, already familiar to us in Don Juan, are to be
found in the ironic stanzas upon the sumptuous funeral of the king,
a passage admired by Goethe; respect for monarchy itself had died
out in a nobleman who could say of George’s entombment:
With all its broad humor, the satire is aflame with indignation. In this
respect the poem performed an important public service. In place of
stupid content with things as they were, it offered critical comment
on existing conditions, comment somewhat biassed, it is true, but
nevertheless in refreshing contrast to the conventional submission of
the great majority of the British public.
Much of what has already been pointed out with regard to the
sources and inspiration of Don Juan may be applied without
alteration to The Vision of Judgment, which is, as Byron told Moore,
written “in the Pulci style, which the fools in England think was
invented by Whistlecraft—it is as old as the hills in Italy.” The
Vision, being shorter and more unified, contains few digressions
which do not bear directly upon the plot; but it has the same
colloquial and conversational style, the same occasional rise into true
imaginative poetry with the inevitable following drop into the
commonplace, the same fondness for realism, and the same broad
burlesque. Hampered as it is by the necessity of keeping the
story well-knit, Byron’s personality has ample opportunity for
It is probable that Byron’s description of Saint Peter and the
angels owes much to his reading of Pulci. In at least one
instance there is a palpable imitation. Saint Peter in the Vision, who
was so terrified by the approach of Lucifer that,
suffered as did the same saint in the Morgante Maggiore who was
weary with the duty of opening the celestial gate for slaughtered
Especially painful to Byron was the report that Marie Louise (1791–
1849), Napoleon’s widow, who had been secretly married to her
chamberlain, Adam de Neipperg, had attended the Congress, and
had become reconciled to her first husband’s captors. One section of
the satire paints a picture of her leaning on the arm of the Duke of
Wellington, “yet red from Waterloo,” before her husband’s ashes
have had time to chill.
The most bitter, and, at the same time, the most just satire in
the poem is directed at the English landed gentry:
The rise in prices due to the long-continued war had fattened the
purses of the farmers and land-holders in England, and led them to
wish secretly for the continuance of the struggle. Byron attacks
severely their grudging assent to proposals of peace, and, in a
succession of rhymes on the word “rent,” points out the selfishness
of their position. The diatribe contains some of Byron’s most
passionate lines:
and ending,
“For his merits, would you know ’em?
Once he wrote a pretty Poem,”
In the Dramatis Personæ of Absalom and Achitophel only two
women appear, and they are spoken of in the poem in a
complimentary way.
Byron particularly emphasizes the correctness and moral tone
of Pope: he is “the most perfect of our poets and the purest of
our moralists” (Letters, v., 559); “his moral is as pure as his
poetry is glorious” (Letters, v., 555); “he is the only poet that
never shocks” (Letters, v., 560).
Gay’s Alexander Pope, his safe Return from Troy (1720) is
interesting as being one of the rare examples of the use of the
English octave stanza between Lycidas and Beppo.
Letters, v., 252.
In speaking of the art of rhyming to Trelawney, Byron said:
—“If you are curious in these matters, look in Swift. I will send
you a volume; he beats us all hollow, his rhymes are
Cf. Swift’s The Puppet Show with Byron’s Inscription on the
Monument of a Newfoundland Dog.
For a contemporary characterization of the unscrupulous
satirists of the period see Cowper’s Charity, 501–532, in the
passage beginning,
“Most satirists are indeed a public scourge.”
Examples are The Thimble (1743) by William Hawkins (1722–
1801) and the Scribleriad (1752) by Richard Owen Cambridge
State Dunces (1733) and The Gymnasiad (1738) by Paul
Whitehead (1710–1744); The Toast (1736) by William King
(1685–1763); and a succession of anonymous poems, The
Battle of the Briefs (1752), Patriotism (1765), The Battle of the
Wigs (1763), The Triumph of Dulness (1781), The Rape of the
Faro-Bank (1797), and The Battle of the Bards (1799).
The most important is Churchill’s Rosciad (1761), with the
numerous replies which it elicited: the Churchilliad (1761), the
Smithfield Rosciad (1761), the Anti-Rosciad (1761), by Thomas
Morell (1703–1784), and The Rosciad of Covent Garden
(1761) by H. J. Pye (1745–1813). Among other satires of the
same class may be mentioned the Smartiad (1752) by Dr. John
Hill (1710–1775), with its answer, the severe and effective
Hilliad (1752) by Christopher Smart (1722–1771); the
Meretriciad (1764) by Arthur Murphy (1727–1806); the
Consuliad (1770), a fragment by Chatterton; the Diaboliad
(1777), with its sequel, the Diabolady (1777) by William
Combe (1741–1823); and finally the Criticisms on the Rolliad,
Gifford’s Baviad and Mæviad, the Simpliciad, and the
Alexandriad (1805).
The Scandalizade (1750); The Pasquinade (1752) by William
Kenrick (1725–1779); The Quackade (1752); The Booksellers
(1766); The Art of Rising in the Church (1763) by James Scott
(1733–1814); The Senators (1772); and The Tribunal (1787).
A few typical controversial satires of this decade are: The Race
(1762) by Cuthbert Shaw (1739–1771); The Tower (1763);
The Demagogue (1764) by William Falconer (1732–1769); The
Scourge (1765); and The Politician (1766) by E. B. Greene
Some characteristic examples are the Epistle to Cornbury
(1745) by Earl Nugent (1702–1788); the Epistle to William
Chambers (1773) and the Epistle to Dr. Shebbeare (1777) by
William Mason (1724–1797); and the Epistle to Dr. Randolph
(1796), as well as numerous other epistles, by T. J. Mathias.
See Macaulay’s Essay on Horace Walpole, page 35.
An Essay on the Different Styles of Poetry (1713) by Thomas
Parnell (1679–1718); The Danger of Writing Verse (1741) by
William Whitehead (1715–1785); A Prospect of Poetry (1733);
The Perils of Poetry (1766); and The Wreath of Fashion (1780)
by Richard Tickell (1751–1793).